docker festival - dreaming about docker

Docker Festival Dreaming about Docker Lucas van Lierop Matthias Noback @lucasvanlierop @matthiasnoback #dockerfestival

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Page 1: Docker Festival - Dreaming about Docker

Docker FestivalDreaming about Docker

Lucas van Lierop Matthias Noback@lucasvanlierop @matthiasnoback


Page 2: Docker Festival - Dreaming about Docker

Program for today

09:30 Introduction

10:00 Workshop

12:45 Lunch

13:45 Best Practices

14:15 Workshop

16:15 Share results

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The container revolution; why is it so good?

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Self-contained deployable units

Application code, configuration and dependencies, all-in-one

Instead of:

● (Manually) pre-configured server● Pulling code changes

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Image-based deployments

No build steps on the production server

Instead of:

● Building the software on the production server● Non-deterministic builds

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Limited abilities

Containers run in isolated environments

Instead of:

● Processes that implicitly have access to everything on the machine

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Built-in resource management, rebalancing, scaling (even within one host)

Instead of:

● Custom tooling (Marathon, DC/OS, Consul)

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What the container revolution encourages

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Single Responsibility Principle

Focus on limited responsibilities per container/service.

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Open/Closed Principle

Modify the behavior of a container by configuration through environment variables and secrets.

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Architecture considerations

Focus on clear specifications for how the service is connected to its surroundings.

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Focus on "everything in a box"

Self-contained, explicit, no loose ends.

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No attachment to servers

● No manual actions on the server● Provisioning fully automated● Pets vs kettle● Destroyable and recreatable infrastructure

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What the container revolution enables

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Continuous delivery

Container image: an actual build artifact

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Polyglot programming

● Code● Persistence

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Scaling of software units

Number of instances (horizontal scaling) versus the power of one instance (vertical scaling)

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Scaling for organizational units

Number of teams, number of projects (horizontal scaling)

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Monolithic and service-oriented development side-to-side

Containers encapsulate internal technologies; combine multiple programming models and paradigms in one system.

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What it requires

What it requires

What it enables

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Operations skills

Configuration, server management, monitoring, emergencies, recovery

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About technologies used

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Shared responsibility

Writing the code, and make it run in production (and keep it running).

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Long story short: DevOps culture

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UX, Design

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Let’s get started

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In the morning: two options

- Docker Introduction (Docker Engine, Compose, Machine, Swarm)- Your Next Step

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Different stages of using Docker

1. Side project2. Development environment (e.g. instead of Vagrant)3. For Continuous Integration (CI) (stable CI environment)4. Deployment to a staging and/or production environment5. Images as build artefacts in a pipeline for Continuous Delivery6. Improve resilience of containers in a production environment

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Use this day to take the next step

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Time flies Pick small tasks, create issues

Check every half hour: am I still on track?

Share useful snippets, articles, etc.

Celebrate and share success