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Docker Certification Training 1 | P a g e

Docker Certification Training

Docker Certification Training 2 | P a g e

Table of Contents

1. About the Program

2. About Intellipaat

3. Key Features

4. Career Support

5. Why take up this course?

6. Who should take up this course?

7. Program Curriculum

8. Project Work

9. Certification

10. Intellipaat Success Stories

11. Contact Us

Docker Certification Training 3 | P a g e

About the Program

This Docker training online course will help you learn Docker containerization, running

Docker containers, Docker image creation, Dockerfile, Docker orchestration, security best

practices, and more through hands-on projects and case studies.

About Intellipaat

Intellipaat is one of the leading e-learning training providers with more than 600,000

learners across 55+ countries. We are on a mission to democratize education as we

believe that everyone has the right to quality education.

Our courses are delivered by subject matter experts from top MNCs, and our world-class

pedagogy enables learners to quickly learn difficult topics in no time. Our 24/7 technical

support and career services will help them jump-start their careers in their dream


Docker Certification Training 4 | P a g e

Key Features












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Career Support


Attend sessions from top industry experts and get guidance on how to boost

your career growth


Mock interviews to make you prepare for cracking interviews by top employers


Get interviewed by our 400+ hiring partners


Get assistance in creating a world-class resume from our career services team

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Why take up this course? Docker is an extremely important aspect of the software development process today. It lets

you ship all the dependencies of a software, including its libraries, services, and other

aspects, thus decoupling the dependency on infrastructure from the application

environment. Almost every digital organization today is deploying Docker. Intellipaat’s

Docker training will help you get up and running in this top technology, and upon the

completion of the training, you can apply for the best jobs.

Who should take up this course?

IT Professionals, System Admins, Software Testers, Solutions Architects, and Security


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Program Curriculum

Docker Course Content

Introduction to Docker

o Need for Containerization

o VM vs Container

o Why Docker?

o Introduction to Docker

o Docker Installation

o Common Docker Operations

o Saving Changes to Docker

o Components of the Docker Ecosystem

o Docker Engine and the Dockerfile

o Docker Architecture

Hands-on Exercise: Common Docker commands, saving changes to Docker,

pushing a container to Docker Hub, and creating an image using a Dockerfile

Storing Data in Docker

o Why do we use Docker Storage?

o Types of Docker Storage

o Volumes

o Volume Drivers

o Backing up and Restoring the Volume

o Bind Mounts

o Bind Propagation

o Tmpfs Mounts

o Storage Drivers

Hands-on Exercise: Working with volumes, volume driver, volume backup and

restore, bind mount, and tmpfs mount commands

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Docker Compose

o What are Microservices?

o What is Docker Compose?

o Installing Docker Compose

o What are YAML files?

o Creating a Docker File Using YAML

o Versioning

o Deploying Django Using Docker Compose

o CLI Environment Variables

o Environment File

o Environment Variables in Compose

o Commands for Docker Management

o Linking Docker Containers

o Extending Services in Compose

o Networking in Compose

o How to use Compose in production?

Hands-on Exercise: Deploying a Django Server using Docker Compose

Container Orchestration

o What is Container Orchestration?

o What is a Docker Swarm?

o Building a Docker Swarm

o Docker Swarm Services

o Deployments in Swarm

o Scaling a Service in Swarm

o Rolling Updates in Swarm

o Draining a Node in Swarm

o Connecting to a Network in Swarm

o Giving Storage Access in Swarm

o Controlling Service Placement

Hands-on Exercise: Docker Swarm common commands, Docker Swarm service

commands, deploying to a Docker Swarm and other operations, and controlling

service placement

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Networking in Docker

o What is Docker Networking?

o Types of Docker Networks

o Bridge Network

o Bridge Network Demo

o Default Bridge Network

o Overlay Network

o Overlay Network Demo

o Macvlan Network

o Host and None Network

Hands-on Exercise: Bridge network commands, bridge network demo, overlay

network commands, overlay network demo, host network, and none network

Docker Monitoring

o System D

o Enabling HTTP/HTTPS Proxy

o Prometheus and Grafana

o Collecting Docker Metrics Demo

o ECR and ECS

o ECR and ECS Demo

o Docker Best Practices

Hands-on Exercise: Docker Systemd – Enabling HTTP/HTTPS proxy, Docker

monitoring using Prometheus and Grafana, and using ECR and ECS

Introduction to Kubernetes

o Brief History of the Deployment Era

o Features of Containers

o Introduction to Kubernetes

o Working of Kubernetes (Overview)

o Installation of Kubernetes

Hands-on Exercise: Installing a 2-node Kubernetes cluster

Kubernetes Architecture

o Understanding Kubernetes Architecture

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o What are Kubernetes objects?

o What are YAML files?

o Name, Namespaces, Labels and Selectors, and Annotations

Hands-on Exercise: Creating and configuring YAML files and understanding


Introduction to Pods and Services

o What are Pods?

o What are Replication Controllers?

o What is a Deployment?

o Introduction to Kube Services and Its Types

o Stateful and Demon Sets

o Jobs

Hands-on Exercise: Creating pods, replication controller, deployments, services,

and jobs

Project Work

Docker Projects Covered

Project 1: Deploying a Dynamic Website Using Docker and ECS

Problem Statement: Deploy the front-end, back-end, and the database of a website using

Docker Swarm and ECS

Topics: Dockerfile, Docker Swarm, the ECS cluster, the ECR repository, Deployment, and



Setting up the back-end in an ECS cluster

Managing and initializing Docker Swarm

Setting up the front-end and the MySQL database in Docker Swarm

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Integrating all the components of the website

Containerizing the website

Case Study 1: Creating Custom Containers

Problem Statement: Create a custom container from the base Ubuntu container

Topics: Dockerfile and Docker Hub


Creating a Dockerfile

Creating custom Docker images

Deploying a static website

Pushing the container to Docker Hub

Case Study 2: Managing and Improving Storage Access

Problem Statement: Give storage access to the containers and back them up

Topics: Docker volumes, volume driver, bind mount, and backing up the data


Creating a single dedicated storage location for the containers

Giving host storage access to a container

Backing up the data stored in the containers

Case Study 3: Using Docker Swarm to Deploy a WordPress Site

Problem Statement: Deploy a WordPress site integrated with a database using Docker


Topics: Docker-compose.yml, Docker Compose, deployment, WordPress, Docker

networking, and production modification


Creating a docker-compose.yml file

Deploying the services

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Adding a user-defined network

Case Study 4: Deploying and Performing Operation on Docker Swarm

Problem Statement: Deploy and manage a Redis server on Docker Swarm

Topics: Docker Swarm, replicas, Docker service, draining a node, scaling, and rolling



Deploying a Redis server as a service on Docker Swarm

Performing rolling updates on the service

Scaling up the service

Case Study 5: Setting up and Managing three Services

Problem Statement: Set up and manage three services and connect them using a Docker


Topics: Docker networking, Docker service, and Docker Swarm


Creating two services on two different nodes

Connecting the two services using a Docker network

Checking the communication between the third service and these two

Case Study 6: Monitoring Docker Services

Problem Statement: Deploying and monitoring a WordPress website integrated with a


Topics: Docker swarm, Docker service, monitoring, Prometheus, and Grafana


Initializing the Docker swarm and deploying the WordPress website

Setting up and deploying the monitoring service

Monitoring the deployed services

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Certification After the completion of the course, you will get a certificate from Intellipaat.

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Success Stories

Kevin K Wada

Thank you very much for your top-class service. A special mention

should be made for your patience in listening to my queries and giving

me a solution, which was exactly what I was looking for. I am giving you

a 10 on 10!

Sampson Basoah

The Intellipaat team helped me in selecting the perfect course that suits

my profile. The whole course was practically oriented, and the trainers

were always ready to answer any question. I found this course to be

impactful. Thank you.

Vishal Pentakota

The best part of this course is the series of hands-on demonstrations

that the trainer performed. Not only did he explain each concept

theoretically, but he also implemented all those concepts practically.

Great job! A must go for beginners.

Sugandha Sinha

Intellipaat's course instructors were excellent and well-versed with their

concepts. Support solved all my queries within the promised 24 hours.

They explained all topics and concepts well, and the course material

was updated and included videos, exercises, etc. I would highly

recommend Intellipaat to those who wish to excel in the IT field.

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1219 E. Hillsdale Blvd. Suite 205, Foster City, CA 94404 If you have any further queries or just want to have a conversation with us, then do call us.

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