do you know mesa? buckhorn baths

Hidden Mesa: Rediscovering the West Art from the Buckhorn Baths Collection Alice and Ted Sliger’s Buckhorn Baths and Wildlife Museum is important to the history of Mesa for many reasons. e Baths, a 10-acre property at Main Street and Recker Road, is the best-preserved hot mineral-water springs resort in Arizona. In its heyday, the Buckhorn’s bathhouse contained twenty-five hot tubs, several massage rooms, a café, and a beauty parlor. • e Baths also attracted numbers of well-known visitors to Mesa who came for their health. • Amateur taxidermist Ted Sliger filled its public rooms, floor to ceiling, with Arizona-wildlife specimens. • Most famously, e Baths played a huge role in attracting the Cactus League to Arizona. In 1947 the New York Giants made it its spring training base camp so players could soak their aching bodies in the hot mineral water, and other teams soon followed. • Alice and Ted Sliger also collected the work of Western artists—most notably that of George Frederick and Arnold Krug, both of whom were living at the Buckhorn Baths up to the time of their deaths. Hidden Mesa offers a representative, never-before-exhibited selection of their artwork.

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Buckhorn Baths exhibit by the Mesa Historical Museum (was up in Mesa Public Libraries)


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Hidden Mesa: Rediscovering the WestArt from the Buckhorn Baths Collection

Alice and Ted Sliger’s Buckhorn Baths and Wildlife Museum is important to the history of Mesa for many reasons. • The Baths, a 10-acre property at Main Street and Recker Road, is the best-preserved hot mineral-water springs resort in Arizona. In its

heyday, the Buckhorn’s bathhouse contained twenty-five hot tubs, several massage rooms, a café, and a beauty parlor.

• TheBathsalsoattractednumbersofwell-knownvisitorstoMesawhocamefortheirhealth.

• AmateurtaxidermistTedSligerfilleditspublicrooms,floortoceiling,withArizona-wildlifespecimens.

• Mostfamously,TheBathsplayedahugeroleinattractingtheCactusLeaguetoArizona.In1947theNewYorkGiantsmadeititsspring training base camp so players could soak their aching bodies in the hot mineral water, and other teams soon followed.

• AliceandTedSligeralsocollectedtheworkofWesternartists—mostnotablythatofGeorgeFrederickandArnoldKrug,bothofwhomwerelivingattheBuckhornBathsuptothetimeoftheirdeaths.HiddenMesaoffersarepresentative,never-before-exhibitedselectionof their artwork.

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Alice Annette O’Barr Sliger

Alice Annette O’Barr Sliger lived her whole long and eventful life in Mesa, attending Old Alma School, Mesa High School, and working her way through Tempe State Teacher’s College,laterASU.Inthelate1920s,shetaughtalleightgradesataschoolinSasabe,AZ.WhenAlicereturnedtoMesa,shetaughtatOldAlmaSchoolfrom1930to1935.

AlicemarriedTedSligerin1935,andin1939theirBuckhornBathsadventurebeganwiththeir discovery of the hot mineral springs. The Sligers had two children, Marilyn Alice andTheodoreNewton.Activeinherchurch,AlicewasalsoafoundingmemberoftheSoroptimist International of Mesa Club, and, all through her life, she admired and nurtured artists.AliceO’BarrSligerdiedattheageof103onNovember9,2010.

Ted Sliger and Alice Annette O’Barr SligerPhoto courtesy of the Theodore W. and Alice O’Barr Sliger Collection

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Alice Sliger



Theodore W. and Alice O’Barr Sliger Collection

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Marilyn Sliger



Theodore W. and Alice O’Barr Sliger Collection

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“The Tiger”TeddySliger0.1875in



Theodore W. and Alice O’Barr Sliger Collection

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Theodore William “Ted” Sliger

TheodoreWilliam“Ted”SligerwasborninTexas,butwasraisedinNewMexico.HemovedwithhisfamilytoArizonain1923wherehehomesteadedandbuilttheDesertWellsgasstationontheApacheTrailin1926thatincludedasmalltaxidermistbusiness.In1935TedandAlicemovedtothesite of what was to become the Buckhorn Baths and Wildlife Museum.TedSligeralsoranaGreyhoundbusdepotatBuckhorn and was postmaster of the Buckhorn Post Office. Listedin“Who’swhoinArizona,”TedwasamemberofboththeMesaandPhoenixChambersofCommerceandoneofthe founders of the Mesa Host Association. Ted Sliger died on November9,1984.

New York Giants players Davey Williams and Hoyt Wilhelm, Alice Sliger, Ted Sliger, and Giants Manager Bill Rigney, February 1957.Photo courtesy of the Theodore W. and Alice O’Barr Sliger Collection

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Theodore “Ted” W. Sliger



Theodore W. and Alice O’Barr Sliger Collection

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Ted Sliger’s braided leather lariat, spurs and boots

Photograph: Ted and Alice Sliger

Theodore W. and Alice O’Barr Sliger Collection

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Arnold Otto Krug

Arnold Otto Krug Courtesy of JoAnn King

ArnoldOttoKrugwasbornJune7,1896,inForest,FondduLac,Wisconsin.Krug’s1917WWIdraft-registrationcardgiveshisresidenceasForest,Wisconsin,anddescribeshimasblue-eyedandbrown-haired.In1920,hewasstilllivingathomewithhisparentsandsiblings,listedinthecensusasalaborer.In1930ArnoldKruglivedinaMilwaukeeboardinghouse, working as an auto mechanic. Shortly afterward, he came to Arizona to follow his passion for painting. A self-taught, but disciplined artist, he would go into the desert at the same time every day to paint, and the Superstition Mountain range became one of his favoritesubjects.Atvarioustimesfrom1927to1942,helivedinArizonaandCalifornia,butwaslivingattheBuckhornBathsatthetimeofhisdeathonMay8,1942.ArnoldOttoKrugisburiedattheRienzicemeteryinFondDuLac,Wisconsin.

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View of the Superstition Mountains



Theodore W. and Alice O’Barr Sliger Collection

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View of the Superstition MountainsArnoldKrug


Theodore W. and Alice O’Barr Sliger Collection

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Theodore W. and Alice O’Barr Sliger Collection

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View of the Superstition Mountains



Theodore W. and Alice O’Barr Sliger Collection

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George “Smoke Tree” Frederick

George“SmokeTree”FrederickwasborninLeeCounty,Iowa,on9May1889.Attheage of three, he moved with his parents to Europe, attending the Royal Academy of Art

in Munich where he studied interior design. WhilegrowingupinGermany,Frederickoften read about the American West and dreamed of someday becoming a cowboy. In1911,FrederickreturnedtotheUnitedStates and traveled west, eventually arriving inTexaswherehediscoveredthatbeingacowhandwasn’tasexcitingasithadbeendescribed in books and magazines, and soon began painting the people and scenery of theWestinsteadofpunchingcattle.GeorgeFrederick,acolorfulcharacter,oftenwearingenormous sombreros and brightly colored checkedshirts,marriedAlanYantis,awriterofpopularWesternpulpfiction,in1934.FrederickprimarilypaintedlandscapesandportraitsofNativeAmericansand

local cowboys. He was given the nickname “Smoke Tree,” later shortened to “Smokey,” because smoke trees, common to the desert washes of the Southwest, appeared in so manyofhislandscapes.TheFredericksmovedtoArizonaaround1941,livingin Tucson, in Mesa near the Superstition Mountains, and in Wickenburg. In the mid 1950sGeorgeFrederickwasthe“portraitistinresidence”attheGrandLodgeonthenorthrimoftheGrandCanyon.GeorgeFrederickwaslivingattheBuckhornBathsattimeofhisdeathinSeptember1964.

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Left:GeorgeFrederick’spaintkit Theodore W. and Alice O’Barr Sliger Collection

Center:GeorgeandAmeeOlivia“Alan”YantisFrederick PhotocourtesyofL.TomPerrySpecialColleciton,BrighamYoungUniversity

Top:GeorgeFrederickattheGrandLodge,NorthRim,GrandCanyon1953 Photo courtesy of Special Collections, Sherratt Library,SouthernUtahUniversity

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Self Portrait



Theodore W. and Alice O’Barr Sliger Collection

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Paloverde in Bloom


Oil on Board

Theodore W. and Alice O’Barr Sliger Collection

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“The Old Warrior”



Theodore W. and Alice O’Barr Sliger Collection

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Oil sketch on board 1958

Theodore W. and Alice O’Barr Sliger Collection

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“Uncle Billie Crosby”


OilonboardFebruary25,1953Theodore W. and Alice O’Barr Sliger Collection

Billie Crosby was the grandson of Jacob Hamblin:

In the spring of 1879 Jacob Hamblin, the Mormon scout and emissary to the Indian Nations, took up residence in the Milligan Fort (Springerville area) and was appointed to preside over the LDS in the Round Valley area. His stay was short-lived, however, when personal matters called him away the following winter.

Arizona Capitol Times, Dec. 9, 1994

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Untitled GeorgeFrederick Oilonmasonite1956 Theodore W. and Alice O’Barr Sliger Collection

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Oil sketch on board c.1935

Theodore W. and Alice O’Barr Sliger Collection

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“On Apache Trail – Arizona Superstition Afternoon”



Theodore W. and Alice O’Barr Sliger Collection

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“Early Morning – Vermillion Cliffs NorthernArizona”



Theodore W. and Alice O’Barr Sliger Collection

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Theodore W. and Alice O’Barr Sliger Collection

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Sketches from Life & Nature

GeorgeFrederickandhiswifeAlanYantislovedMexico.This1940sketchbook,entitledbyFrederick“SketchesfromLife&Nature,”iswrittenbilinguallyinEnglishandSpanish.Itsnearly200loose-leafpagescontainobservationsonMexicanlifeandculture,atraveloguerecountingtheiradventuresinMexico,biographiesandcommentsonMexicanartistsofnote,philosophicalcommentsaboutartandartmediums--and even Spanish language lessons.


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Theodore W. and Alice O’Barr Sliger Collection

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Buckhorn Mineral Baths and Wildlife Museum

The Mesa Preservation Foundation wishes to preserve and reopen the Buckhorn Baths and its restoration was the second most popular idea posted on the City of Mesa’s idea-gathering website. Everyone whoexperiencestheBathshopesthatitssignificancetoArizonawillbe recognized and rewarded by a rebirth of the Buckhorn Mineral Baths and Wildlife Museum.

The State of Arizona has recognized the Mesa Preservation Foundationasanonprofitcorporation.Tolearnmoreaboutthefateof the Buckhorn Mineral Baths and Wildlife Museum contact:

Mesa Preservation Foundation: P.O.Box539 Mesa,AZ85211-0539 Phone:480.967.4729

Email: [email protected] Website: