do what you love genetic brain profiling smart living guide...

1. Genetic Learning Potential & Curriculum : Limited - Focused Learning : The learning pace of this group of learners is normal and their short term memory is good. They are suitable for focus learning and should become expert in certain areas of their interest rather than multitasking and learning too many things at one point of time. Parents should provide them with adequate amount of quality learning materials and enhance their interest in learning to help them develop their potential and become high achievers. Help them in organizing their time and focus on one thing at a time Be patient and systematic with these children, especially when starting something new, start small and make the learning a step-by-step process. Some quick wins and the feeling of success from the start can really motivate them to put in their best. Not suitable for complex and multiple tasks and dealing with too many assignments. Their preferred learning styles should be used to accelerate learning. Good - Multi-disciplinary Learning: They have potential for multi-disciplinary learning can engage themselves in extracurricular activities / multiple courses. These learners will do well in challenging, competitive and stimulating environments. They need to learn to be more attentive and focused in order to excel in certain area of specialization. Encourage them to join activities that they are interested. Divide the learning contents in different parts and then study for short intervals with frequent breaks. Let them switch over to variety of subjects after short duration as they may find it difficult to focus on one subject for a long time. Excellent - Accelerated Learning : They have potential for very high multi-disciplinary and accelerated learning if proper training and stimulating environment is provided. These learners can engage themselves in advanced courses and extracurricular activities to avoid mundane learning. They are more suitable for complex and challenging jobs than routine activities. Their energies should be channelized in constructive and varied activities. Provide challenging stretching work, projects, career development, responsibilities, or else these people are likely to lose interest. Give appropriately stretched coaching & mentoring. Unlimited - Challenging Learning : These children have the characteristics of unlimited Self learning potential and their talents should be channelized by giving them proper training and education."... children who by virtue of outstanding abilities are capable of high performance. Explore ways to utilize and develop identified potential via fitting tasks and responsibilities, linked with and perhaps dependent GENETIC BRAIN PROFILING GUIDELINES FOR INTERPRETATION on performance improvement. encourage leadership and role-model opportunities, to set & raise standards for such children. 2.Lobewise Capability & Flexibility: There are estimated to be more than 100 Billion neurons in our brain that has the potential to form 20,000 connections at any given time. They are distributed in various lobes of the brain. Capability (Energy) is an indicator of its ability to perform its functions efficiently (Nature) whereas the Flexibility indicate the Moldability (Nurture). Bar chart Indicate the extent of inborn Lobewise Capability & Flexibility. Taller Capability bar indicates the lobe is more dense with Neurons & developed better by birth than other lobes. Taller flexibility bars suggest their adoptability for different learning stimulus (Neuroplasticity). Using appropriate learning methods every lobe can be developed to perform its maximum potential. More efforts will be needed to make the lobe with less capability to perform well. Talents associated with these lobes will be limited if not nurtured at the earliest. 3. Genetic Learning Orientation: Education: We can learn mental skills, develop our attitudes and acquire new physical skills as we perform the activities of our daily living. There are 3 stages in our formal learning namely Primary, Secondary and the Tertiary (University) education. The Learning tools, teaching methodologies and the way assessments are done differ according to the curriculum and age. Percentages indicate the comfort level of respective stages of education. Lower % indicate need for more efforts or right methodologies to improve the performance or results. Domains: There are three main domains of learning and all teachers should know about them and use them to construct lessons. These domains are Cognitive (Learns best by Understanding), Affective (Learns best by Motivation) and Reflective (Learns best by Repetition). Presence of multiple domains indicate complex thinking processes and learning would need a strategy that is more personalized. Memory: Memory is our ability to encode, store, retain and subsequently recall information and past experiences in the human brain. It is the ability to remember past experiences, and the power or process of recalling to mind previously learned facts, experiences, impressions, skills and habits. It is the store of things learned and retained from our activity or experience, as evidenced by modification of structure or behaviour, or by recall and recognition. Explore and 1 DO WHAT YOU LOVE Living Smart

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Page 1: DO WHAT YOU LOVE GENETIC BRAIN PROFILING Smart Living GUIDE 2018 MAIL.pdf · experiences in the human brain. It is the ability to remember

1. Genetic Learning Potential & Curriculum :

Limited - Focused Learning : The learning pace of this group of learners is normal and their short term memory is good. They are suitable for focus learning and should become expert in certain areas of their interest rather than multitasking and learning too many things at one point of time. Parents should provide them with adequate amount of quality learning materials and enhance their interest in learning to help them develop their potential and become high achievers. Help them in organizing their time and focus on one thing at a time Be patient and systematic with these children, especially when starting something new, start small and make the learning a step-by-step process. Some quick wins and the feeling of success from the start can really motivate them to put in their best. Not suitable for complex and multiple tasks and dealing with too many assignments. Their preferred learning styles should be used to accelerate learning.

Good - Multi-disciplinary Learning: They have potential for multi-disciplinary learning can engage themselves in extracurricular activities / multiple courses. These learners will do well in challenging, competitive and stimulating environments. They need to learn to be more attentive and focused in order to excel in certain area of specialization. Encourage them to join activities that they are interested. Divide the learning contents in different parts and then study for short intervals with frequent breaks. Let them switch over to variety of subjects after short duration as they may find it difficult to focus on one subject for a long time.

Excellent - Accelerated Learning : They have potential for very high multi-disciplinary and accelerated learning if proper training and stimulating environment is provided. These learners can engage themselves in advanced courses and extracurricular activities to avoid mundane learning. They are more suitable for complex and challenging jobs than routine activities. Their energies should be channelized in constructive and varied activities. Provide challenging stretching work, projects, career development, responsibilities, or else these people are likely to lose interest. Give appropriately stretched coaching & mentoring.

Unlimited - Challenging Learning : These children have the characteristics of unlimited Self learning potential and their talents should be channelized by giving them proper training and education."... children who by virtue of outstanding abilities are capable of high performance. Explore ways to utilize and develop identified potential via fitting tasks and responsibilities, linked with and perhaps dependent


on performance improvement. encourage leadership and role-model opportunities, to set & raise standards for such children.2.Lobewise Capability & Flexibility:

There are estimated to be more than 100 Billion neurons in our brain that has the potential to form 20,000 connections at any given time. They are distributed in various lobes of the brain. Capability (Energy) is an indicator of its ability to perform its functions efficiently (Nature) whereas the Flexibility indicate the Moldability (Nurture). Bar chart Indicate the extent of inborn Lobewise Capability & Flexibility. Taller Capability bar indicates the lobe is more dense with Neurons & developed better by birth than other lobes. Taller flexibility bars suggest their adoptability for different learning stimulus (Neuroplasticity). Using appropriate learning methods every lobe can be developed to perform its maximum potential. More efforts will be needed to make the lobe with less capability to perform well. Talents associated with these lobes will be limited if not nurtured at the earliest.

3. Genetic Learning Orientation:

Education: We can learn mental skills, develop our attitudes and acquire new physical skills as we perform the activities of our daily living. There are 3 stages in our formal learning namely Primary, Secondary and the Tertiary (University) education. The Learning tools, teaching methodologies and the way assessments are done differ according to the curriculum and age. Percentages indicate the comfort level of respective stages of education. Lower % indicate need for more efforts or right methodologies to improve the performance or results.

Domains: There are three main domains of learning and all teachers should know about them and use them to construct lessons. These domains are Cognitive (Learns best by Understanding), Affective (Learns best by Motivation) and Reflective (Learns best by Repetition). Presence of multiple domains indicate complex thinking processes and learning would need a strategy that is more personalized.

Memory: Memory is our ability to encode, store, retain and subsequently recall information and past experiences in the human brain. It is the ability to remember past experiences, and the power or process of recalling to mind previously learned facts, experiences, impressions, skills and habits. It is the store of things learned and retained from our activity or experience, as evidenced by modification of structure or behaviour, or by recall and recognition.

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Page 2: DO WHAT YOU LOVE GENETIC BRAIN PROFILING Smart Living GUIDE 2018 MAIL.pdf · experiences in the human brain. It is the ability to remember

The different types of memory each have their own particular mode of operation, but they all cooperate in the process of memorization, and can be seen as three necessary steps in forming a lasting memory.

Sensory memory is the shortest-term element of memory. It is the ability to retain impressions of sensory information after the original stimuli have ended. It acts as a kind of buffer for stimuli received through the five senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch, which are retained accurately, but very briefly. Unlike other types of memory, the sensory memory cannot be prolonged via rehearsal. Sensory memory is an ultra-short-term memory and decays or degrades very quickly, it lasts for such a short time that it is often considered part of the process of perception, but it nevertheless represents an essential step for storing information in short-term memory. Information is passed from the sensory memory into short-term memory via the process of attention (the cognitive process of selectively concentrating on one aspect of the environment while ignoring other things), which effectively filters the stimuli to only those which are of interest at any given time.

Short-term memory (Working Memory) acts as a

kind of “scratch-pad” for temporary recall of the

information which is being processed at any point in time, and has been refered to as "the brain's Post-it note". It can be thought of as the ability to remember and process information at the same time. The transfer of information from short term memory to long-term memory for more permanent storage can be facilitated or improved by mental repetition of the information or, even more effectively, by giving it a meaning and associating it with other previously acquired knowledge. Motivation is also a consideration, in that information relating to a subject of strong interest to a person, is more likely to be retained in long-term memory.

Long-term memory is, obviously enough, intended for storage of information over a long period of time. Despite our everyday impressions of forgetting, it seems likely that long-term memory actually decays very little over time, and can store a seemingly unlimited amount of information almost indefinitely. Short-term memories can become long-term memory through the process of consolidation, involving rehearsal and meaningful association.

4. Primary Sensory Learning Styles:When we speak of learning styles in the sensory

learning (concrete), we are referring to people who feel most comfortable using their physical senses- sight, touch, hearing, smell and taste. Although we use all or most our senses when learning, many of us have a strong preference than the another. Style is the order of preference for learning and Time is the duration the preference lasts in a classroom setup.

Kinesthetic Style: Kinesthetic learners do best while touching and moving. It has two sub channels: Practical (movement) and Practice (tactile). They tend to lose concentration if there is little or no external stimulation or movements. When listening to lectures they may want to take notes. When reading, they like to scan the material first, and then focus in on the details. They typically use color highlighters and take notes by drawing pictures, diagrams, or doodling.

Auditory Style: Auditory learners have two sub-channels: the verbal style involves spoken word & the aural style-sound and music. Auditory learners usually talk to themselves or like to hear a lot. They also may move their lips and read out loud. They often do better talking to a colleague or a recorder and hearing what was said repeatedly.

Visual Style: Visual learners have two sub-channels: Written Text (Observation) and Images (Pictorial). Learners who are visual linguistic like to learn through written language, such as reading and writing tasks. They remember what has been written down, even if they do not read it more than once. They like to writing down directions and pay attention to lectures if they watch them. Learners who are pictorial have difficulty with language and do better with charts, demonstration, video and other visual materials.

The Bar Chart indicates the extent of the learners Interest (Concentration) and Duration (Study Time) to get engaged in a particular learning style. If interest bar is not adequate for a given continuous motivation, follow-up and an ambience that encourages longer duration of learning by reducing the distraction. Incases of poor (<30 minutes) duration for a learning style shorter studying time (Time Table) , in between right relaxation methods or combining the learning styles with higher Duration can help the learner to get maximum results for the effort put in. If This bar chart is very useful to design the studying time table.

5. Higher Educational Stream Selector:

The first most important decision which you would be taking in your career is choice of streams in which you would further pursue a career. This graph is to help you understand your inclination towards a particular stream and identify best stream on basis of your aptitude, ability and interest that can be pursued after class 10th. Whatever stream you may select, you should put in your best efforts, which would surely lead to path of success. The graph represents the potential of an individual. It has been expressed in terms of Interest and Aptitude of the student. Once students know their potential it will be easy for them to take decisions related to subjects. The aptitude of an individual is neither the knowledge nor understanding level but the inherent capacity, talent or ability to perform a given task.


Page 3: DO WHAT YOU LOVE GENETIC BRAIN PROFILING Smart Living GUIDE 2018 MAIL.pdf · experiences in the human brain. It is the ability to remember

Having a high aptitude for a field means you are naturally good at doing that. Interest is defined as a state of curiosity or inclination and is closely related to emotions. If we have interest in a particular process or work, we tend to have strong emotions for it, which enhances the probability of success as we are willing to give our hundred percent. Considering only aptitude and no interest means that the person will be able to do the task but not for a prolonged period of time and considering only interest means that the person may or may not have the skills and abilities to the task properly for which he or she is interested.

Science (Bio): Biology is the study of anything that has life. It is a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms including their structure, function, growth and evolution. It teaches how living things survive and why different organisms have evolved to behave in certain way. Gives knowledge that can be utilised for the betterment of health facilities and preventive measures for diseases and health issues. Huge scope of scientific research even promoted by government and private sectors. The pattern characterizes the need to pay more concentration to things and avoiding distractions during studies to excel in the subject. Increase patience would help become global learner.

Science (Maths): The bar represent technology and scientific/logical thinking. Ability to work alone and solve complex problems comes easily. However, it is recommended to understand and learn more about the scope of the subject as interest factors change greatly from year to year as knowledge and experience grows. This stream involves the systematic study and investigation by employing va r ious methods such as observa t ion , experimentation etc. The major subjects which are taught in this stream are Computer Science, physics, chemistry and maths. Sound foundation in the subject gives opportunity to discover and invent new technologies. Helps to understand how natural processes and phenomena occur by formulation of hypothesis and conducting experiments.


Vocational training often refers to education and training that focuses more on practical skills and being able to perform tasks related to working in a particular industry. Technical training is similar in nature, but the focus is on technology and developments made in computers and digital information. While both types of training are less academic and more practical, vocational training often focuses on manufacturing and construction while technical training is more computer-oriented.

Vocational/ technical programs are shorter, more focused training and educational programs that prepare their students for immediate employment. Although both types of schools are considered trade or career schools, they do vary a bit in their focus.

Commerce: Commerce as subject can be defined as study of business activities and trade. The main subjects taught in the streams are economics, accountancy and business studies. Research is not the common path and therefore not desirable for students who want to stay with academics. It helps understand how business activities influence the society and the economy directly and indirectly. Inculcates art of recording, classifying and interpretations of financial records and money transactions. A high interest profile for the subject suggests you can become the leaders of tomorrow, developing a keen sense of observation and acuteness is a must. It is a skill that can be developed by practice. The crux of the technique lies in simply keeping your eyes and ears open at all times and never failing to register what you see or hear.

Humanities: Humanities/Arts are best described as the study of 'Human Condition'. It helps to know more about human society, ideologies, beliefs and how it expresses itself in terms of art and architecture, religions etc. Few of the subjects to study in humanities are: History, Geography, Political Science, Psychology etc. It helps to develop power of analysis and expression Abi l i ty to work independently. Scope of research work in fields like sociology, psychology etc.

6. Genetic Processing Styles (Thinking Preferences):

Concrete(Sensory): Sensory Learners rely too much on sensory inputs (Doing, Hearing and seeing), tend to prefer what is familiar, and concentrate on facts they know instead of being innovative and adapting to new situations. They should seek out opportunities to learn theoretical information and then bring in facts to support or negate these theories.

Abstract (Intuitive) : These learners use their memory by Recalling, Repetition, Reciting and Remembering the information already received and stored in their Hippocampus. They also learn by intuition (Abstract and Random Thinking). But if you rely too much on intuition you risk missing important details, which can lead to poor decision-making and problem solving. Force yourself to learn facts or memorize data that will help you defend or criticize a theory or procedure you are working with. You may need to slow down and look at detail you would otherwise typically skim.

Concrete Sequential Thinkers need a structured approach to learning. Specific schedules and stated course requirements will be important them. Clear expectations of performance are needed and they will appreciate a step-bystep approach to learning with continual validation along the way. The majority of present day educational institutions approach learning in a concrete sequential manner.


Page 4: DO WHAT YOU LOVE GENETIC BRAIN PROFILING Smart Living GUIDE 2018 MAIL.pdf · experiences in the human brain. It is the ability to remember

Abstract Sequential Thinkers work best on their own. They are able to formulate theory, and are expert at doing research and learning from books. Structured learning is helpful, but these learners do not depend on direction and reinforcement from an instructor to the extent that concrete sequential learners do. They are especially suited to academic environments and often succeed exceptionally well at university.

Concrete Random Thinkers need concrete experiences to reinforce their learning. They are divergent thinkers that is, they excel at brainstorming, problem-solving and being innovative. Experiential or "hands-on" learning is essential for them to grasp ideas and formulate opinions. These learners can work equally well in groups or on their own. These learners are often least accommodated in educational institutions since they need open-ended and experiential learning experiences.

Abstract Random Thinkers work best in groups. Clarifying their thinking through discussion with others is the way they learn best. They enjoy interacting with others and will often work hard to obtain an instructor's approval. Relationships are key to efective learning for these learners. Academically, they may struggle in a class room without some positive encouragement from and interaction with their instructor(s).

7. Genetic Smartness (MI) Profile:Every Human born in this planet has an ability to maximize his or her Brain functioning ability in 9 different ways or styles. It is the way the genetic preferences are if not modified with suitable efforts. No style is superior or inferior to other but our comfortable way to execute our thoughts into actions.

Logic Smart: Logical-mathematical intelligence is the ability to calculate, quantify, consider propositions and hypotheses, and carry out complete mathematical operations. It enables us to perceive relationships and connections and to use abstract, symbolic thought; sequential reasoning skills; and inductive and deductive thinking patterns. Logical intell igence is usually well developed in mathematicians, scientists, and detectives. Young adults with lots of logical intelligence are interested in patterns, categories, and relationships. They are drawn to arithmetic problems, strategy games and experiments.

Word Smart: Linguistic intelligence is the ability to think in words and to use language to express and appreciate complex meanings. Linguistic intelligence allows us to understand the order and meaning of words and to apply meta-linguistic skills to reflect on our use of language. Linguistic intelligence is the most widely shared human competence and is evident in poets, novelists, journalists, and effective public speakers.

Young adults with this kind of intelligence enjoy

writing, reading, telling stories or doing crossword


Self Smart: Intra-personal intelligence is the capacity

to understand oneself and one's thoughts and

feelings, and to use such knowledge in planning and

directioning one's life. Intra-personal intelligence

involves not only an appreciation of the self, but also

of the human condition. It is evident in psychologist,

spiritual leaders, and philosophers. These young

adults may be shy. They are very aware of their own

feelings and are self-motivated.

People Smart : Interpersonal intelligence is the

ability to understand and interact effectively with

others. It involves effective verbal and nonverbal

communication, the ability to note distinctions among

others, sensitivity to the moods and temperaments of

others, and the ability to entertain multiple

perspectives. Teachers, social workers, actors, and

politicians all exhibit interpersonal intelligence.

Young adults with this kind of intelligence are leaders

among their peers, are good at communicating, and

seem to understand others' feelings and motives.

Body Smart: Bodily kinesthetic intelligence is the

capacity to manipulate objects and use a variety of

physical skills. This intelligence also involves a

sense of timing and the perfection of skills through

mind–body union. Athletes, dancers, surgeons, and

craftspeople exhibit well-developed bodily

kinesthetic intelligence.

Nature Smart: Designates the human ability to

discriminate among living things (plants, animals) as

well as sensitivity to other features of the natural

world (clouds, rock configurations). This ability was

clearly of value in our evolutionary past as hunters,

gatherers, and farmers; it continues to be central in

such roles as botanist or chef. It is also speculated

that much of our consumer society exploits the

naturalist intelligences, which can be mobilized in the

discrimination among cars, sneakers, kinds of

makeup, and the like.

Music (Symphony) Smart: Musical intelligence is

the capacity to discern pitch, rhythm, timbre, and

tone. This intelligence enables us to recognize,

create, reproduce, and reflect on music, as

demonstrated by composers, conductors, musicians,

vocalist, and sensitive listeners. Interestingly, there is

often an affective connection between music and the

emotions; and mathematical and musical

intelligences may share common thinking processes.

Young adults with this kind of intelligence are usually

singing or drumming to themselves. They are usually

quite aware of sounds others may miss.


Page 5: DO WHAT YOU LOVE GENETIC BRAIN PROFILING Smart Living GUIDE 2018 MAIL.pdf · experiences in the human brain. It is the ability to remember

Picture Smart: Visual Spatial intelligence is the

ability to think in three dimensions. Core capacities

include mental imagery, spatial reasoning, image

manipulation, graphic and artistic skills, and an active

imagination. Sailors, pilots, sculptors, painters, and

architects all exhibit spatial intelligence. Young

adults with this kind of intelligence may be fascinated

with mazes or jigsaw puzzles, or spend free time

drawing or daydreaming..

Cosmic (Spiritual) Smart: Existential Intelligence is

a measure of our confidence, Curiosity and

Foreseeing ability. Sensitivity and capacity to tackle

deep questions about human existence, such as the

meaning of life, why do we die, and how did we get

here. They express a sense of belonging to a global

community and like to get involved with social and

political causes.

Adult Learning Domains :

These three domains are meant to align the NINE

intelligences with familiar learner attributes teachers

routinely observe in the classroom in Adult learning

environment. The intelligences can be categorized

into three instructional domains that empower

teachers to target instruction by specific clusters of


Analytic Domain - prefers targeting the processing

and application of information: the logical, Musical

and naturalist intelligences. Enjoys Lab or

investigative Environment where hypothesis and

concepts can be verified with experiments.

Interactive Domain - focusing on interaction with

others and with the environment: the Word , Body and

people smarts in concert. Enjoys Teaching ,

discussing and Activi t ies based learning


The Introspective Domain - promoting the affective

components of learning and working: the Picture, Self

and Cosmic smarts in concert. Enjoys Introspection,

Self Analysis and reflecting on Global Issues.

Adult Genetic Quotients:

IQ (intellectual Quotient): According to Mainstream

psychology, IQ constributes only about 20 percent to

the factors that determine life success, which leaves

80 % to other forces. Solving logical or strategic

problems involves the use of rational intelligence and

is termed as “ intellectual Quotient (IQ)” initially only

verbal and mathematical logical capabilities were

considered intelligence. People with high IQ Exhibits

the following Characteristics: Logical and analytical

ability, Inquisitiveness, Problem-solving skills, Interst

in reading & using language effectively, Extraordinary

memory with numbers and words, Long attention


EQ (Emotional Quotient) : EQ is knowledge about knowing our self, sensitivity to feel change in our environment and also to estimate time, empathy, communication skill (with voice and also with gesture, either with heart), courageous to confess our mistakes, respect diversity, etc. Who gonna be successful leader should develop these more than others! but keep your life in balance. People with high EQ exhibits and express their feelings clearly and directly. Thery are not dominated by negative emotions such as fear, worry, guild, shame, embarrassment, obligation, disappointment and hopelessness. They are able to read non-verbal communication. They balance feelings with reason, logic and reality. They are independent, self reliant and morally autonomous who can work and thirve with interdependence very effectively. They are internally self-motivated. They are not motivated by power, wealth, but are more influence by fame, relationship and approval by other. They are always people and group smart who work well in groups, teams and best in making relationship and maintain them. They are emotionally expressive yet resilient.

AQ ( Adversity Quotient): Adversity Quotient, AQ, is the science of human resilience. It is a combine strength of Body smart & Nature Smart. It entails remaining stable and maintaining healthy levels of physical and psychological functions, even in the face of chaos like stress, adversity, trauma or tragedy. It entails remaining stable and maintaining our cool, equanimous, stable, harmonious yet human composure. It means maintaining healthy level of physical and psychological functions even in the face of chaos. It indicates the capacity to work through situation through your body and understanding of the way the nature cycles work.

CQ (Creativity Quotient ) : Creativity Quotient consists of Picture Smart & Symphony Smart. Ability to creatively solve Problems related to Human Resources as well as non Human resources . People with creativity are fluent thinker, able to generate possibilities, consequneces, or relate ideas. They are flexible thinkers, to use many different alternatives and approaches to the problem solving. They are original as thinkers, seeking new, unusual or unconventional associations and combinations among items of information. They often display intellectual playfulness and like to fantasize and imagine. They are sensitive to beauty and are attracted to aesthetic values. They are versatile in use their multiple senses and harmonize them into unique synthesis and solutions.

SQ (Spiritual Quotient): SQ is the foundation from 4 quotients above. It's helping us to stack our principles, values, and connect our soul with our believes, our purposes in life. People with high SQ exhibit the following characteristics:


Page 6: DO WHAT YOU LOVE GENETIC BRAIN PROFILING Smart Living GUIDE 2018 MAIL.pdf · experiences in the human brain. It is the ability to remember

Flexibility, Tolerance, Self-awareness, Broad inclusive approach, The ability to go through all challenges with poise and equanimity, The ability to understand both human, social as well as natural situation easily and able to handle them well. The ability to inspire by a vision, An ability to see connections between diverse things and see all holistically and wholistically, A desire and capacity to cause as little harm as possible and promote well-being harmony for all, A tendency to probe and ask fundamental question about everything, An ability to go against conventions.

8. Genetic Brain Orientation :

Hemispheric Strength: "Most people in modern world operate as left-brain people due to the education system in school which focuses on left brain training...". Theories suggest that left-brain people respond in sequential, logical ways and this group of people are strong in math and science, and can answer questions quickly. On the contrary, right-brain people are dreamers who are led by intuition and creativity. Right brainers think deeply and may have high level of intelligence. Right brainers make great students of arts and social science. Besides being more spontaneous tha the conservative left-brainers, right brainers are intuitive and prefer to follow their own gut feelings when it comes to decision making. The right hemisphere is involved when you are making a map or giving directions on how to get to your home from the bus station. The right hemisphere can only produce rudimentary words and phrases, but contributes emotional context to language. Without the help from the right hemisphere, you would be able to read a word for instance,but you wouldn't be able to imagine what it is. If your left brain is the dominant part of your brain you may have problems thinking in a creative way or in being intuitive while if your right brain was the dominant part you may have problems planning your life or thinking logically. By learning how to use both sides of your brain you will have the advantages of both sides while each side will eliminate the disadvantages of the other side.

Genetic Thinking Strengths: Creative Thinking and Critical Thinking are two expressions that show the difference between them when it comes to their inner meanings. Creative Thinking is going beyond the limitations and being original and fresh in one's ideas. Critical Thinking, on the other hand, is more evaluative in nature and analyses a particular thing. Hence, one can conclude that while Creative thinking is generative in purpose, Critical Thinking is analytical in purpose. This is one of the main differences between creative thinking and critical thinking. In schools and even in universities the students are asked to be creative in their .

If a person is continuously paying attention to the

limitations and boundaries, it is quite difficult to be

creative. Creative thinking is non-judgmental and

expansive. It allows the person to break away from

the usual barriers and imagine the unimaginable.

Also, Creative thinking is not selective. The mind is

free to think anything creative in the case of creative

thinking. Creative thinking is employed in areas such

as poetry, novel writing, short story writing and fiction

writing. On the other hand, critical thinking is

employed in organizations, business areas and the

like. Critical thinking is aimed at improving the quality

of products produced by a company, customer care

service, and the like. It analyses the factors governing

the process of running a company. One can claim that

when being critical, a person is employed in a process

of assessing rather than imagining. He would be

analytical and break down a particular concept into

various parts and analyze them. This includes paying

attention to the plus and minus, the pros and cons,

when thinking critically. As human beings, we need to

have some ability for both creative and critical


Brain Processing Speed:

This reflects the degree and speed of coordination

between the nervous muscular system, reflecting

one's efficiency. It reflects the degree and speed of

coordination between the neuro-muscular system,

reflecting one's confidence, capability and efficiency.

In simple terms, how fast one carry out the thoughts

into actions. Left Side Speed denotes the speed at

which the task will be handled (Analytical) and Right

Speed denotes the confidence to deal with Creativity.

Fast : Fast in putting thoughts and ideas into action,

high sensory and reflex actions, high nervous-

muscular sensitivity, tend to multi-task, ability to seize

opportunity and fully employing strengths in the

dominant intelligence. Always challenging own

potential. May add undue stress and pressure for


Normal: Average pace in carrying out thoughts and

ideas. Average sensory and reflex actions, average

nervous-muscular sensitivity, step-by-step approach

in learning. See the dominant intelligence area(s) to

complement the other intelligences in learning.

Reasonable concentration span. Preferred among

the three types of Learning Sensitivity.

Moderate : Slow in carrying out thoughts, tasks and

ideas. Slow in action does not mean slow learner but

lower reflex and sensitivity, long decision-making

process. To allow self-paced learning environment.

Poor concentration span. Need more "push" and set



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Personality Types & Adaptiveness:

Personality type is our behaviour in learning, communication & execution. We live in a century of diversity and the manner in which we interact with other people can be a turning point in accomplishing the things we desire: money, power, happiness, fulfilled relationships, happy family etc. The forgiveness comes from understanding the environment in which we live and accept it as it is. The fights we carry on a social level, with the sole purpose of imposing our point of view to others, transforms us in rigid human beings, always in eternal conflicts. We do not feel good about ourselves anymore, because we are under the stress of doing things that have no importance to us. Only because they are imposed to us. We do not feel appreciated for who we are, but we feel criticized when make important decisions for us and our lives. The moment we understand how we function as humans, as well as how other people around us function, the moment we find the strength to accept and forgive ourselves and start to communicate with people who are different than us, that is the moment when we will feel freedom. Something in you will change, new ideas and new concepts about the world will cross your mind. What will you do with them, it is entirely up to you. We have a choice to either Sleep or to do something. To be at sleep means to let life pass by. To be sleeping means to become the product of what life has planned for you. It is much simple to let life carry on every day, in the same manner, than taking responsibility for whatever happens to you. It takes a great deal of courage to wake up and take charge of your life. The message is simple: You can become whoever you want to become, you can do whatever you set your mind to, you can go wherever you dream of going to. Man is the result of his own actions. Do the actions you need to do, in order to achieve your goals.

Cognitive (Adamant Type): Autonomous, very strong-willed, independent, likes to lead others. Tend to analyse, classify, test, apply & research. Enjoy debate and research, and get into explaining the theory of a matter. Hence the courage to pursue goals, keep promises, pursue fairness and justice. Concerned about self-image, enjoy winning, lack indepth communication. Unable to adapt in an environment of high stress.

Integrative (Diplomatic Type): Easily integrate resources and information. Can have multi-perspective thinking. Sometimes, their ideas do not follow normal procedures, thus going out of context or making others unable to understand. Adaptable to new things, ideas and concepts easily in order to achieve goals. Excellent resilience, adaptable to difficult environments. Plan new things with goal-orientation, sometimes with more than one goal or idea. At times poor execution ability could lead to loss of focus and a sense of lack of achievement.

Affective (Flexible Type): Emphasize on feeling, empathetic, highly adaptable and good at imitation. Enjoy group activities & tend to listen to others opinions. Easily affected by own emotions, or people and situations around them. Set their standards based upon emotions or impressions. Not dominant, comply with the rules of the game and go with the flow. Enjoys being at ease and dislike being restricted. Easy going way of life, lack of driving force, weak control of goals. Resents working hard alone for a long period.

Reflective (Obedient Type) : Simple and like to do familiar work, down-to-earth & realistic. Dislike theories, abstract concepts, over- complicated instructions and matters that serve no practical use. Communicate with a clear goal, such as asking:"what do you want", "how to do," "when to complete". Usually more conservative and have difficulty to express own views, requires immediate feedbacks. Enjoy hands on activities; require demonstrations, training and presence of concrete outcomes. Easily moulded during adolescence, but lack self- study capability. Prefer to do routine and trivial work.

Critical (Challenging Type): Your way of thinking often differs from others, showing a different view point from the mainstream, with an outstanding performance. The main aspiration that drives you is your interest. You like to ask questions, and you are persistent in getting the answers which you will evaluate critically. You are self-centered and prefer to look at things in a different way thus people tend to regard you as eccentric, peculiar, rebellious and remote. You have rather high acuity and as a result you are able to make quick decisions without lengthy considerations.

Working Preferences:

Performance oriented - They focus on the results. Once the goal is set, all actions flow towards the goal. Characteristics are Risk-taker, Bold, Goal- oriented, over Confident, Committed.

Process oriented - These persons prefer to do things in the right way and perfectly. They show the following characteristics in their work: Cautious, Analytical, Meticulous, Moderate Confidence, High Executive Power.

Task oriented - These kinds of people prefer to get the work done first, and they will deal with people issue later. They show the following characteristics: Logical and Analytical ability, Problem-Solving Skills, Interest in Reading, Extraordinary Memory, Perfectionism & Intrapersonal.

People oriented - These individuals prefer to deal with people centric environment than the task oriented works. They Express their feelings clearly and directly, not dominated by negative emotions such as Fear, Worry, Guilt, Shame, Embarrassment,


Page 8: DO WHAT YOU LOVE GENETIC BRAIN PROFILING Smart Living GUIDE 2018 MAIL.pdf · experiences in the human brain. It is the ability to remember

It will save the organization from having to settle employee disputes associated with unclear behavioral guidelines. Ultimately this knowledge will help the enterprise thrive because employees throughout the ranks will know precisely what the behavioral norms and expectations are.

The DISC Profile is a 'how to' course that helps you change and adapt to any situation; giving you the skill sets necessary to achieve excellence; regardless of your desired goals or outcomes. It gives you a method of discovering the behaviors that will propel you toward your goals in a way that will allow you to bring out the very best in yourself and others. You will truly be able to create the results you want while keeping in touch with your value system. The secondary goal is for you to be armed with the knowledge for understanding other people's behavior with a view to adapting yourself in such a way that makes communication and understanding between the parties better. There are four primary Factors or measurement indicators namely D,I,S,C used to assess an individual's personality and behavioral tendencies.

D (Dominance) relates to control, power, and assertiveness. It focuses on an individual's drive and need for authority. Dominance elevated individuals are driven to achieve, love getting results, and are determined to find success. They are compelled to change the status quo. These individuals can help but drive forward and are often described as highly energetic.

I (Influence) is associated with social interactions, as well as the person's persuasiveness. It speaks to influencing flair, or the individual's tendency to be charming during interactions. Influence is also apparent in the person's confidence and a tendency to rely on their communication abilities to shape a situation.

S (Steadiness) denotes patience, persistence and thoughtfulness, as well as the person's need for spending adequate time in paying attention to detail. It is required, for action plans to be fleshed out and goals achieved at an optimum level of forethought.

C (Compliance) sometimes referred to as conscientiousness, correlates to a person's need for structure, order, and organization. It addresses the individual's desire to know and adhere to the policies, procedures, and rules of order governing the situation.

All that the assessment measures is what YOUR preferences are as well as providing insight into your ability to 'flex' or adapt your preference to the circumstances you currently find yourself in. Knowing how you would prefer to make decisions or act, you can learn how to encourage all four of the factors to work cooperatively together for you.

Obligation and Hopelessness. They are able to read non-verbal communication, Balance feelings with reason, logic, and reality.

Indoor Careers: These types of jobs include all work that is done in buildings. It may entail traveling to other offices or buildings and may even include traveling abroad, but it excludes working outside for several hours at a time. The person who is comfortable with working behind a desk, counter, or even just in a building should focus on indoor jobs. A major benefit is the protection against environmental factors such as rain, wind and sunshine.

Outdoor Careers: These types of jobs entail working outside for the larger part of your work shift. Whether you drive a maintenance vehicle, park cars, operate ski lifts or conduct maintenance work, all of them fall in this category. Adventure seekers are drawn to outdoor jobs such as horse training, tour guidance, rescue work etc. A major benefit of working outside is the feeling of freedom that comes with the work. You are however exposed to unpredictable weather conditions and in some cases bugs and wild animals. If you love outdoor jobs then indoor jobs will only frustrate you and visa versa. You should therefore make a list of aspects that you like and dislike of each choice and decide what option is more suitable to your strength.


Discovering what are your strengths, and in what areas can you excel, is what Personality Mapping can offer you. And the secret is that all behavior patterns are the result of certain beliefs and automatisms. You can be who you want to be. With the DISC Profile, managers can learn how to effectively express expectations and how to outline and communicate appropriate behavior guidelines to their employees no matter what situation they face. Nowhere is behavior more important than in decision making. What specifically are the behaviors of a prudent decision maker? Does the decision maker wait until all the information is in, weighing every pro and con, stalling on making the final decision until all each and every part of the entire process is mapped out? Or does the decision maker move ahead self-confidently knowing that they are able to balance uncertainty with an assurance in their abilities to tackle any problems that might arise? The choices in behavior are abundant. The key in running a successful business is training employees to know how to pick the best behavior to get the best results.

Equally important is training management to coach employees in this skill. Knowing how to explain a specific, expected behavior will lower frustrations that might pop up between managers and employees.


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Positive programming is a set order of events, a planned method or a system that is installed to achieve desired results. Corruption results in less than acceptable behavior. How we organize what we see, hear and feel; how we edit and filter information from the outside world; is a major component of behavior training techniques. Each human being is unique and so is their behavior but, because we live together and interact on so many levels, we have indeed been programmed to behave in certain ways. Behavioral tendencies are to a large extent based on the underlying behavioral preferences that people have. These are called behavioral factors. It doesn't take a lot of common sense to understand how important it is to be able to recognize behavior patterns in others, to understand how behavior patterns might emerge, and how it might benefit an individual to be able to have a deep level of understanding about them. Each of these SIX pairs of factors are given a meaningful name to help relate it to some particular style of behaviour. Attributes outside the Ideal values need to be Improved. Adaptiveness of the brain will have to be taken into consideration while trying to balance the deviations.

Persistence: Persistent people deal particularly badly with change. Once they have become established in a status quo, they find it very difficult to break out of this and adapt to a new situation. This means that they will do what they can to maintain their current state of affairs, showing great loyalty and resilience in defence of their present environment and social circle.

Sensitivity: People of this kind are extremely aware of their environment and changes taking place within it, to the extent that they often notice subtle points that other people miss or ignore. In itself, this is a positive factor, but it does have the consequence that they have a very low boredom threshold and are very easily distracted.

Self Confidence: Self-confident profiles represent people who rarely experience self-doubt, and feel at ease in almost any social situation. They mix easily with strangers, and are unafraid to initiate social contact. They can at times become over-confident, leading them to act impulsively.

Thoughtfullness: Thoughtful individuals plan their words and actions carefully and never act on impulse. Deadlines and other time constraints are difficult for this type of person to deal with. Their advantage, however, is the reliability and steadiness that they bring to their work.

Self Motivation : Self-motivation appears when Dominance is significantly higher than Steadiness. Action is a key ingredient of this sub-trait. This type of person feels a need to be active all the time, and is impatient with those who are unwilling or unable to keep up with their urgent pace.

By using the customized elevations, an individual can determine how much 'situational flexing' they might have to do. They can also figure out what stress this might cause based on their current skill level at flexing. Reviewing Your Assessment When reviewing your assessment results, it is beneficial to look at the four principal DISC Factors (dominance, influence, steadiness, and compliance) as the regulators of our behavior.

Behavior Profile (DISC Sub-Traits) :The four DISC factors provide a useful way of summarising a profile. For a full interpretation of a profile shape, DISC provides a useful technique for quickly extracting even more useful information from a graph known as Behavior Profile or 'sub-trait analysis'. 'Subtraits' describe the relationships between different pairs of factors within a single profile graph. Because there are twelve possible pairs of DISC factors (D & I, D & S, D & C, and so on), there are twelve corresponding sub-traits. The DISC profile will present you with a comprehensive understanding of the components of behavior as well as how to adjust them in yourself and recognize them in others.

Changing your behavior when you want to make changes in your behavior, you are faced with two choices: 1. Do you simply want to be more adaptable or flexible in the situations you face? We call this situational behavioral flexing. 2. Or will you make the decision to change how you behave in a fundamental way. We call this long term behavioral morphing. Regardless of which of the two options you choose, you must have the knowledge, capacity, and adaptiveness to actually work on the skills associated with changing behavior. If you utilize all three aspects: 1. knowledge, 2. capacity, and 3. Adaptiveness, you will be successful. It is also important to know the steps you will have to take to change behavior.

Determine what the behavior is that you want to emulate. What is your goal? Take a cold hard look at your current behavior and determine precisely what needs adjusting. Understand and utilize the information given to you about precisely what it takes to change behavior to be successful. And finally, you must be willing to make the change (Adaptiveness). Behavioral patterns are predictable ways of how people react and respond. Our behavior is shaped or for want of a better word - programmed - through societal norms, modeling (parents, teachers, peer, etc.), and by being rewarded or punished for our actions. It suggests that our thoughts, feelings, and our actions are simply habitual programs that can be changed by upgrading or corrupting what we call our mental software. Programming refers to the way we organize thoughts and ideas into patterns. These patterns produce results or outcomes which we call actions and behavior.


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10. Holland Types Guided College Majors:

Majors and careers can be clustered into 6 broad interest areas that correspond to 6 different personality types. Because personality, majors, and careers are too complex to be described by a single interest theme, you will see that the lists below have an additional code to more accurately describe majors and careers using a combination of related interests (in order of importance). Stronger Bars can be choosen for Majors and Adjacent Weaker Bars for Identifying Ancillary subjects.

Realistic Type - Majors : Aerospaces Engineering (I), Aviation, Cardio respiratory Technology (I,S), Civil Engineering (I), Computer Engineering (C), Computer Hardware (E), Construction Science (E), Dental Hygiene (S), Electrical Engineering (I), Engineering Physics (I), Environmental Engineering, Environmental Science, Geological Engineering (I), Geophysics, Industrial Engineering, Laboratory Technology (I), Mechanical Engineering (I), Meteorology (I), Petroleum Engineering (I), Radiologic Technology (I,S).

Investigative Type - Majors: Anthropology (A, R), Astronomy (R), Astrophysics (R), Biochemistry (R), Botany (R), Chemical Engineering (R), Chemistry (R), Criminology (S), Geography (R,E), Geosciences (R), Liberal Studies (S), Mathematics (R,E), Math - Education (S,R), Math - Statistics (C,R,E), Medicine (Pre-Med) (S,R), Microbiology (R), Pharmacy (E, R), Physics (R), Psychology (S, E), Science Education (S, R), Sociology (S,E), Veterinary, Med (Pre-Vet)(R), Zoology (R).

Artistic Type - Majors: Architectural [I,R], Art (all programs) [I, S], History [I,S],Classics [I], Dance [R,S], Drama (E,S], English [I], Environmental Studies [I,R], Ethics & Religion [I,S], Interior Design [R,S], International Studies [I,S], Journalism - Writing [I,S], Journalism and Mass Communication, Journalism - Broadcast & Media. Linguistics [I,S], Music (all programs) [I,S], Music Education [I,S], Philosophy [I,S], Religious Studies [S,E],

Social Type - Majors: Clinical Dietetics [E,I], Communication Disorders [I,A],Communication (Speech Ed) [A], Early Childhood Education [A,E], Elementary Education [A,E], Foreign Language Education [A,I], Health & Wellness [R. E], History [E,I], Human Relations, Family Development [A,E], Journalism Education [A,E], Language Arts Education [A,I], Law Enforcement [R,E], Mathematics Education [I], Nursing [I,E], Occupational Therapy [R, E], Physical Therapy [R,E], Science Education, Social Studies Education [I,A,E],Social Work [I,A], Spl. Education [I,A].

Enterprising Type - Majors: Communication [S,A], Energy Mgmt [C,R], Entrepreneurship & Venture Mgmt [S], Human Resource Mgmt [S], Industrial Engineering [I,R], International Business [S], Journalism - Advertising [A,S], Journalism-PR [A,S], Public Relations, Law [A,S], Marketing [S, C], Political Science [I, S],Public Affairs & Admin [S,C], Real Estate [S,C], Supply Chain Mgmt [R].

Conventional Type - Majors : Accounting, Business Statistics [R,E,I], Economics [I,S], Finance [E,I], Information Studies [I], Information Technology [I], Logistics & Materials Mgmt [E,R], Management [E,S], Management Information Systems [E,I].

They react quickly to new developments, but never lose sight of their own goals and ambitions.

Patience: This style of person has little sense of urgency and a slow pace, which means that they are able to work in situations that others would find repetitive or dull. They are submissive in style, and ready to accept that there are some things that they cannot change.

Co-operativeness: This is the classic 'rule-oriented' sub-trait relating to a person who needs to be absolutely sure of their position and prefers to use established regulations and procedures as a framework to support their ideas. Co-operative people are so called because this aspect of their personal style extends to the need for practical support from managers, colleagues and friends, and so they seek to maintain positive working relationships with others.

Independence : Independence appears in a DISC profile when Dominance is significantly higher than Compliance. This type of person feels frustrated by rules and regulations - they prefer to follow their own ideas, and often work alone or in positions of isolated authority. This sub-trait is common, for example, in entrepreneurial styles.

Friendliness: Friendly people love to talk - communication is the strongest element of this style. They are outgoing and extrovert, but they find it far from easy to concentrate on mundane tasks, and are easily distracted from such work by the opportunity for social interaction.

Efficiency: Efficiency appears in a DISC profile when Dominance is significantly higher than Influence. An efficient individual is direct and assertive, but has little or no interest in personal matters. They take an objective, analytical view and drive towards their goals ruthlessly and relentlessly. They need to see results, and are quite willing to compromise quality or detail to get them.

Enthusiasm: This is an outgoing and extrovert sub-trait that has much in common with Friendliness, but with the added dimension of energy and pace. This animated style shows their interest in a topic very strongly, and their effusive nature can act as a motivating factor for others.

Accuracy: This sub-trait is also sometimes referred to as Caution. The type of person to whom it refers hates to make mistakes - they check and recheck their work, and are prone to correct others' errors, whether or not they have been asked to do so. This need for certainty means that they will never take a risk unless absolutely necessary. They are also cautious in communication, rarely revealing more about themselves than a bare minimum.


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Realists who are quick to makepractical decisions.


1. Insurance sale agent

2. Pharmacist

3. Lawyer

4. Project manager

5. Judge

Hard workers who value theirresponsibilities and commitments.


1. Auditor

2. Accountant

3. Chief financial officer

4. Web development engineer

5. Government employee

Gregarious traditionalists motivatedto help others.


1. Sales representative

2. Nurse/Healthcare worker

3. Social worker

4. PR account executive

5. Loan officer

Modest and determined worker

who enjoy helping others.


1. Dentist

2. Elementary school teacher

3. Librarian

4. Franchise owner

5. Customer service representative

Pragmatists who love excitementand excel in a crisis.


1. Detective

2. Banker

3. Investor

4. Entertainment agent

5. Sports coach

Straightforward and honest peoplewho prefer action to conversation.


1. Civil engineer

2. Economist

3. Pilot

4. Data communications analyst

5. Emergency room physician

Lively and playful people who valuecommon sense.


1. Child welfare counselor

2. Primary care physician

3. Actor

4. Interior designer

5. Environmental scientist

Warm and sensitive types who like

to help people in tangible ways.


1. Fashion designer

2. Physical therapist

3. Massage therapist

4. Landscape architect

5. Storekeeper

Natural leaders who are logical,analytical & good strategic planners.


1. Executive

2. Lawyer

3. Market research analyst

4. Management /Business consultant

5. Venture capitalist

Creative perfectionists who prefer todo things their own way.


1. Investment banker

2. Personal financial adviser

3. Software developer

4. Economist

5. Executive

People-lovers who are energetic,articulate. and diplomatic.


1. Advertising executive

2. Public relations specialist

3. Corporate coach/ Trainer

4. Sale manager

5. Employment specialist / HR professional

Thoughtful, creative people driven by

firm principles and personal integrity.


1. Therapist/Mental health counselor

2. Social worker

3. HR diversity manger

4. Organizational development consultant

5. Customer relations manager

Enterprising creative people whoenjoy new challenges.


1. Entrepreneur

2. Real estate developer

3. Advertising creative director

4. Marketing director

5. Politician/Political consultant

Independent and creativeproblem-solvers.


1. Computer programmer/Software designer

2. Financial analyst

3. Architect

4. College professor

5. Economist

Curious and confident creative typeswho see possibilities everywhere.


1. Journalist

2. Advertising creative director

3. Consultant

4. Restaurateur

5. Event planner

Sensitive idealists motivated by

their deeper personal values.


1. Graphic designer

2. Psychologist/Therapist

3. Writer/Editor

4. Physical therapist

5. HR development trainer



INTROVERTSoften like working alone or small groups, prefer a moredeliberate pace, and like tofocus on one task at a time.


EXTROVERTSare energized by people,enjoy a variety of tasks,a quick pace, and aregood at multitasking.



SENSORSare realistic people who liketo focus on the facts anddetails, and apply commonsense and past experienceto come up with practicalsolutions to problems.


INTUITIVESprefer to focus on and the big picture, easily seepatterns, value innovation, andseek creative solutions to problems.



THINKERStend to make decisions logical analysis, objectivelyweigh pros and cons, andvalue honesty. consistency,and fairness.


FEELERStend to be sensitive andcooperative, and decide basedon their own personal valuesand how others will be affectedby their actions.



JUDGERStend to be organized andprepared, like to make andstick to plans, and arecomfortable following most rules.


PERCEIVERSPprefer to keep their optionsopen, like to be able to actspontaneously, and like to beflexible plans made.

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WritingActingMusicLinguisticsCreative designCreative expression








OrganizesAttends to detailsManages timeSets prioritiesPrefers to be accurateDesires to be efficient








Speak publiclySell products & servicesPersuadeManage people & projectsEnjoy adventureLike setting goals









InventsResearchesSolves problemsWorks with ideasHas analytical aptitudeLoves acquiring knowledge









Mechanical aptitudeManual dexterityPhysical coordinationFine motor skillsHands - on learningEnjoys doing








TeachListenServeWork with othersBe co-operative Learn in groups



