do search engines trust your site? how to perform an seo site audit


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Post on 02-Jul-2015




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Learn how Google sees your site and what to look for when auditing your own content, links, and on-site practices. Is your site trustworthy? Find out in this #StateofSearch Site Audit presentation from auditor Casey Markee.


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Who is this Casey guy?

• Head of Online Support for Planet Ocean

• Lead SEO Consultant w/ Search Engine News

• President & Owner of SEO Firm Media Wyse

• Author of 200+ Search Engine News Articles

• 12+ Years actual Working SEO Experience

• Klout score of 65! (1000’s of SMO subscribers)

• Dozens of Link Bait Pieces at the Top of Google

• Head of Online Support for Planet Ocean

• Lead SEO Consultant w/

• Owner of SEO Consultancy Media Wyse

• Author of 400+ SEO & SMO articles

• 15+ years actual working SEO Experience

• Has conducted 300+ site audits!

• Trained SEO teams on five continents

• Co-Author of the “Unfair Advantage Guide to Winning the Search Engine Wars”

• Contributor to “The Web Untangled: The Handbook for Building an Online Business”

• Rabid KU Jayhawks fan. Rock Chalk!

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

1. How does Google Grade a Page?“Quality Rater Guidelines”

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Google Quality Rater Guidelines – Finding Trust

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

1. Rater Guidelines are 160 pages. They guide “Quality Raters” (which are private

citizens hired by Google) on how to “rate and provide feedback on websites.”

2. Rater Guidelines are based on user intent and utility. Raters can use five

different scales to classify the average page:

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Google Quality Rater Guidelines – Finding Trust

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

1. Does the website LOOK trustworthy?

2. Does the content appear “expertly” written?

3. Does the website content fulfill a need?

4. Does the website content match the query result which brought you to the page?

5. Do navigational and outbound links work?

6. Does it looks like the site is regularly maintained? Is the information current?

7. Is the site or page user-friendly? (loads fast, little ads, good content, etc.)

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@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

2. Why Should you do your own Audit?“Hint: It’s MUCH cheaper!”

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@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

3. What does a Site Audit Cover?“More than you think.”

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@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

Possible Site Audit Issues & Focus Areas:

Backlink Analysis

Blog Marketing

Site ArchitectureAccessibility

Internal Linking

Keyword Research


On-Site Optimization

Structured Data

Heatmap Analysis

Pay-Per-Click Review

Reputation Management

Public Relations

Social Media Outreach


EcommerceAudio & Video

Business Strategy

Page Speed




Social Engagement

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@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

How to Conduct a Site Audit = KISS Method

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@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

How to Conduct a Site Audit = KISS Method

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@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

4. Audit Tools and Data Pulls“Where to look is half the battle!”

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Audit Tools/Data – Google Webmaster Tools

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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Audit Tools/Data – Google Analytics

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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Audit Tools/Data – Screaming Frog

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Audit Tools/Data – Moz Site Crawl

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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Audit Tools/Data – Toolbar Plugins

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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Audit Tools/Data – Toolbar Plugins

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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Audit Tools/Data – Free Auditing Tools!

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

5. Keyword Research“That data is still out there, find it!”

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Keyword Research – Solving “Not Provided”

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Keyword Research – SEMRush

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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Keyword Research – Google Webmaster Tools

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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Keyword Research – Google Adwords Keyword Planner

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

6. On-Site Optimization“How does your site look to Google?”

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On-Site Optimization: Relevance

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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On-Site Optimization: Relevance

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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On-Site Optimization: Meta Tags/Data

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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On-Site Optimization: Meta Tags/Data

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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On-Site Optimization: Meta Tags/Data

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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On-Site Optimization: Image Optimization

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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On-Site Optimization: Meta Tags/Data

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

1. Title Tags are THE most important SEO Metric: 60-65 Characters Max. Is that Target Keyword in the Page Title? Why not?

2. Fill-out a Custom 155 Max META Description (or use a SERP pixel tool) . Describe your blog post or article. Write for the user, not the search engine!

3. Fill-out both the Alt Tags and Title Tags on all your post images.

4. Each page should have ONE H1 tag. You can have as many H2-H5 tags as you like. But only ONE H1 tag!

5. Keep images below 80KB in size, use to optimize before load-in.

6. Automate on-page Blogging SEO with the Yoast SEO plugin.

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On-Site Optimization: Site Appearance

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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On-Site Optimization: Site Appearance

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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On-Site Optimization: Site Appearance

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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On-Site Optimization: Site Appearance

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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On-Site Optimization: Site Appearance

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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On-Site Optimization: Structured Data

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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+ Casey Markee

On-Site Optimization: Structured Data


Detailed CHEAT SHEET from Ann Smarty!

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@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

On-Site Optimization: Page Speed

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On-Site Optimization: Page Speed

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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On-Site Optimization: Page Speed

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

Google Page Speed Tool: Go check your Site right now!

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On-Site Optimization: Mobile Design

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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On-Site Optimization: Mobile Design

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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On-Site Optimization: Mobile Design

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On-Site Optimization: Mobile Design

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

7. Content Auditing“Content is the Queen of good rankings!”

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Content Auditing

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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Content Auditing: Export and Grade

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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Content Auditing: On-Site Duplicate Content

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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Content Auditing: Off-Site Duplicate Content

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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Content Auditing: What about “Bad” Content?

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

8. Backlink Review“Backlinks remain the KING of rankings!”

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Backlink Review: Popularity

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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Backlink Review: Google Webmaster Tools

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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Backlink Review: Majestic SEO

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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Backlink Review: Link Toxicity

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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Remove Disavow Nofollow Noindex

Backlink Review: What about “Bad” Links?

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

Google Link Building Targets & Victims:

Directory Submissions

Blog Comments

Mass Guest PostingArticle Directories


Reciprocal Links

Social Bookmarking

Widget Links

Spun Content

Paid Links

Anchor Text Rich Links

Design by Links

Press Releases

Web 2.0 Links


Forum Signatures Blogrolls

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@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

Google Link Building Targets & Victims:

Directory Submissions

Blog Comments

Mass Guest PostingArticle Directories


Reciprocal Links

Social Bookmarking

Widget Links

Spun Content

Paid Links

Anchor Text Rich Links

Design by Links

Press Releases

Web 2.0 Links


Forum Signatures Blogrolls

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Backlinks Review: Google?

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

The 4 Tenants of Google-Friendly Links:

1. Does the link provide clear value to the user?

2. Is the link niche-relevant and worthy of Google consideration?

3. Does the link actually get clicked and send some measureable form of trackable analytics traffic?

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@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

The 4 Tenants of Google-Friendly Links:

And most importantly….

4. Was the link given or “earned” freely?

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Some Final Thoughts

Save Money & Time by doing your own Audit!

Understand E-A-T & Quality Ratings

Start your Audit w/Google Webmaster Tools.

Page Speed + Mobile SEO = Awesome!

Links are still KING. Implement Google-Friendly Link Building!

Regular Site Reviews Keep you Focused!

Use SiteLiner and Copyscape to Monitor your Content!

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And Remember this about Site Auditing…

@MediaWyse + Casey Markee

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