do pictures always tell the truth? are any of these pictures changed?


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Post on 17-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Do pictures always tell the truth? Are any of these pictures changed?
Page 2: Do pictures always tell the truth? Are any of these pictures changed?

Do pictures always tell the truth? Are any of

these pictures changed?

Page 3: Do pictures always tell the truth? Are any of these pictures changed?

The Power of Image

• What information can a picture give?• How should images be used in online and

mobile communication?• Can publishing an image be hurtful?

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Traditional Images (vs.) Digital Images

• Take photo• Take to shop to develop• Send photo to newspaper

/ magazine / publisher• If you’re lucky it will be

published• Time taken – days or

weeks• Very hard to re-publish

• Take photo• Download to computer• Upload to internet site,

blog, Social Networking site

• It WILL be published as YOU are the publisher

• Time taken – seconds or minutes

• Easy to re-publish

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Let’s view the steps to the digital version of publishing images.

1. Take the picture with a digital camera.

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2. Next Download to a computer

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3. Upload to internet site/blog etc. Now how easy was that?

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Can these images ever hurt?

• Well yes they can, sometimes you see naked people on the internet or happy slapping!

• Some people do this because they think it’s absolutely hilarious but it is not!

• YOU – remember – never put an image on the internet without permission

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Students from ACE in Lexington, Kentucky along with students from Semley Primary School in England

have learned a lot by collaborating on the topic of being safe while viewing

and posting images to the Internet. The following projects were created to teach their peers about how powerful internet

images can be.

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Page 11: Do pictures always tell the truth? Are any of these pictures changed?

Benefits and Risks

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Page 15: Do pictures always tell the truth? Are any of these pictures changed?
Page 16: Do pictures always tell the truth? Are any of these pictures changed?

Always remember…

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Joshua suggests on How to be safe and happy while viewing the internet/computer.




Page 18: Do pictures always tell the truth? Are any of these pictures changed?

•You should always have a password on your computer so no one can look at your email!•don’t ever put your address on the internet or any picture that might have your address in plain view on it •don’t give age, team’s name, your church, School name, or your whole name.•Make sure you have permission to put the picture on the internet from the people in the picture of them on the internet from the people in the pictureDon’t ever put violent or inappropriate pictures or videos on the internet ( happy-slapping)•Do not every cyber bully any one / don’t put mean pictures on the internet.

Madeline and Morgan say,

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Madyson says,Being Safe On the Internet/ComputerIf you are a kid , Never go on to the

Internet alone!!!!! Don’t ever post a picture on the

internet that you know should not be there.

When you do take a picture of someone ask their permission first before posting. And when they say

NO then don’t even think about posting it on the Internet.

Never go on to an inappropriate internet site that you know you should

not be on.

Don’t go on the computer alone!

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Safety ideas from Grace

• Happy slapping is very bad also. When kids are on the internet they might run into some happy slapping. Happy slapping is something very inappropriate for kids. Happy slapping is very bad so don’t try it or watch it. Happy slapping can also be pictures.

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Ross says to BE SAFE• Personal Safety Don’t ever put your

address on the internet or any picture that might have your address in plain view on it, don’t give age, team’s name, your church’s, School’s name, or your whole name.

• Make sure you have permission to put the picture on the internet from the people in the picture of them on the internet

• Don’t ever put violent or inappropriate pictures or videos on the internet ( happy-slapping)

• Do not every cyber bully any one / don’t put mean pictures on the


No Happy


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Bradley says,

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Dylan’s advice is also,

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Grace created a poster to help her peers learn about internet

safety, and how powerful internet images can be. Some

of her messages are:

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• Digital photographs on the internet can be very dangerous and can hurt other people’s feelings. Digital pictures can be changed to make people look fat or skinny.

• Another thing is happy slapping. Happy slapping is when someone tapes a video of something dangerous or inappropriate. They put it on the internet and the person that it is about doesn’t know about it.

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• NEVER post your picture on the internet or let anyone post your picture on the internet. Everyone in the world can see your picture once it is on the internet. They can tell specific characteristics just from a picture. Like where you go to school, what you look like, and where you live. So NEVER do that. Also don’t enter your first and last name because other people know more things about you

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• If you post your picture on the internet then somebody could know where you live and could take you away. They could also make you look fat or skinny and make fun of you if it was digital. This is just an example of what could really happen if you put your picture on the web.

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Lauren wrote a skit to show her peers how there is possible

danger on the internet, and how the pictures you see are not

always display the truth.

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The Chat Room Play

Isabella: Sound effects:

Lily: Jake:

Narrator: Director:

Narrator and Isabella: enter stage left• Isabella: Maybe I’ll look for a date. I have been wanting a date!

Narrator: Somebody started to knock on her door. 

Sound effects: Knock Knock• Isabella: Who is it?• Lily: Guess who!• Isabella: Lily? • Lily: Correct!• Isabella: Come on in.

Lily: enter stage left• Lily: ok

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Narrator: Lily walked into where her desk was. Her black lap top was sitting on her lap.

• Isabella: Lily what was that website called where you could find yourself a match?

• Lily: It’s URL is There are no spaces.

• Isabella: Ok. Thanks because I’ve have been wanting a date.

• Lily: Oh!

Narrator: They typed in the URL and started looking for guys their age. They kept looking and looking for guys around sixteen, that’s how old Isabella is, but everybody was older than her, or there was something about them she didn’t like.

• Isabella: Hey look at this guy he’s my age, he seems very nice.

• Lily: Actually he does.

Narrator: They kept studying the boy. They had many questions.

• Isabella: Hey look Lily! You can meet the guy on his chat room.

• Lily: Wow! I never knew you could do that! Wow I like that.

• Isabella: Do you want to chat with him?

• Lily: It’s worth a try!

Narrator: So the girls went on the boy’s chat room and started to ask him questions.

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• Lily: Wow I can’t believe he’s your age and he’s so nice! • Isabella: I know isn’t amazing?

Narrator: The boy said in the chat room let’s meet at the mall in the food court at 6 o clock. Isabella answered by saying why not tomorrow? He said ok oh and bring pictures of your self so I can hang them up on my wall. The next day she headed to the food court and waited for the boy. 

Lily: Exit stage right

Jake: enter stage left. • Jake: Hey Isabella! What’s up?•  Isabella: Are you Jake?•  Jake: yes.•  Isabella: Wow you look very different in the picture.•  Jake: I know but let’s eat lunch.

Narrator: The couple went to eat lunch. After they ate lunch Isabella gave Jake the pictures and headed home.

The next day Jake called and said to come over. So Isabella went to his house and headed up in his room.

• Isabella: Jake! Hi! How are you? •  Jake: good

Narrator: Then suddenly the phone rang.

Sound effects: Ring! Ring!

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•  Jake: I’ll go get that. Wait here.•  Isabella: ok!

Narrator: Isabella sat down on his computer chair and accidentally hit the computer mouse. Pictures came up on the computer that had her name under them. They looked completely different from the way she looked. Then she heard Jake on the phone saying I am turning 21 in February. Jake went back up stairs.


•  Jake: NO! WAIT!

Narrator: Isabella ran home and never saw him again.

Jake and Isabella: exit stage right

The end!

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• Narrator: The writer of this play just wanted to say Never give out personal information and……..

• Isabella: Never ever in your whole life give pictures to a person you just met! 

• Jake: Just so you know people can change pictures and put them on a website page! 

• Lily: People on the internet might not be truthful • Everyone: So on the internet BE SAFE!

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Our students not only learned a

great deal about how powerful

digital images are, but are now

teaching others to be discreet and

safe with the internet.