do now 4.24

Do Now 4.24 Objectives: 1.Describe the causes, effects, and solutions to global climate change. 2. Define greenhouse effect, and describe how humans are increasing it on Earth. Task: What do you think? What is global climate change (aka global warming) and what is it caused by?

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Do Now 4.24. Objectives: 1.Describe the causes, effects, and solutions to global climate change. 2. Define greenhouse effect, and describe how humans are increasing it on Earth. Task: What do you think? What is global climate change (aka global warming) and what is it caused by?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Do Now 4.24

Objectives:1.Describe the causes, effects, and solutions to global

climate change.2. Define greenhouse effect, and describe how

humans are increasing it on Earth.Task:

What do you think? What is global climate change (aka global warming) and what is it caused by?

Global Climate Change (GCC): What it is• The Earth is warming, and there are many

associated changes occurring in Earth’s systems.– Note: climate = long term weather patterns (15+ years)

Causes of Global Climate Change• Global climate change is

caused by an increase in the greenhouse effect.

Greenhouse Effect: Goldilocks Earth

• Without any greenhouse effect, Earth would be VERY cold, like Mars.

• Too much greenhouse effect can cause temperatures to rise.

Mars Earth Venus

So What’s Increasing the Greenhouse Effect?

• CO2 Emissions from combustion of fossil fuels are the largest factor

CO2 Molecules Absorb Heat

CO2 Is Produced by Burning Fossil Fuels

• Methane and nitrous oxides are also greenhouse gasses produced by industrial processes.

RECAP: Causes of Global Climate Change

• Earth’s climate (long-term weather pattern) is changing. Global average temperatures are going up.

• Carbon dioxide (CO2) is produced by burning fossil fuels.

• CO2 and other greenhouse gasses absorb heat radiated by Earth.

Effects of Global Climate Change (GCC)

• As we watch the film, make a list of all of the effects of global climate change that are mentioned.

Effects on Populations and Ecosystems

• How will the effects described affect organisms on Earth?

Effects Here In Charm City

• You have two minutes to work with a partner sitting next to you.– What effect do you think will hit Baltimore City the

hardest?– What can Baltimore do to adapt to that problem?

Solutions: The Future Is Ours

• Americans have more ability to reduce emissions than anyone else! We each have an important responsibility.

Solutions: What Can YOU do?

• Watch the video and record anything you can do TODAY.

• Your homework? Syllabus change: DO SOMETHING that cuts CO2 emissions – anything – then write a brief paragraph:– What you did– How it cut CO2 emissions– If you can keep it up / why.

The Greenhouse Effect


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