do does 150 exercises

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  • 8/13/2019 Do Does 150 Exercises


    PRACTICESTUDENTS NAME: _________________________________________:


    I. Complete the blanks using the correct form of the verb to be or the simple present tense.

    1. Dr. Dominguez________________ a very comfortable house.(have)

    2. _______ you an English student? (be)3. ________ you and your sister __________ lie baseball?

    (lie)!. "he teacher usually ________________the dialog aloud in class#

    (read)$. _______%r. "hom&son a teacher? (be)'. ________ you often ______________ to the football game on aturday?

    (go). %y boss _______________his English at his office everyday.. (&ractice)

    *. __________+eorge and ,arry Engineers? (be)-. __________ oberto and aul /o&ez al0ays ________________ come to class on the bus?

    (go)1. %y mother al0ays _______________ breafast very early.

    (fi)11. __________ your boo on the table?

    (be)12. ____________ the cotts _____________ "?

    (lie)13. %s. eyes sometimes __________________ her noteboo to class.

    (bring)1!. ________________ my blue &en in that dra0er?

    (be)1$. _______________ you and your family _________________ to a concert everyday?

    (go)1'. %y sister ________________ 4iology and 5hemistry.

    (study)1. ________ your boos on the des?

    (be)1*. _____________ you usually ___________ to bed early?

    (go)1-. _________ 6ablo al0ays ___________ his home0or at home?

    (do)2. ________%r. and %rs. 7ones at the football game?

    (be)21. 8 ____________ early every day.

    (get u&)22. %r. "hom&son __________ out of to0n 0ith his fa#ily every aturday.

    (go)23. 9ho ___________ that 0oman?

    (be)2!. 8 _____________________ 0or at ! o:cloc everyday.

    (get off)2$. %aria _________________ her class at night.


  • 8/13/2019 Do Does 150 Exercises


    2'. 9hat ________ that?(be)

    2. "he /aras _________ to 5hosica almost every 0eeend. (go)

    2*. "hat bus ________________; near my office.(go)

    2-. 9ho ___________ those boys?(be)

    3. 8 al0ays _____________ in my room. (study)

    31. ______ your father usually _____________ in the afternoon?(read)

    32. ________ %r. %arshall a tall man?(be)

    33. 8 never _____________ in my boos. (0rite)

    3!. %rs. %arshall al0ays ____________ do0nto0n on the bus.(go)

    3$. _________ the 0indo0s o&en?

    (be)3'. "he +omez children often _____________ to the &ar in the afternoon.(go)

    3. _________ your little sister ___________ to chool on the shool bus?(go)

    3*. __________ you siteen years old?(be)

    3-. _________ you ____________________ 0or late every afternoon?(get off)

    !. ,arry ______________ to 5hurch every unday.(go)

    !1. 5armen _________ in her seat.

    (be)!2. _________ they usually _____________________ their English teacher?

    (understand)!3. 9hat ________

  • 8/13/2019 Do Does 150 Exercises


    (be)!. 8 al0ays _________________ to 0or at * o:cloc in the morning.

    (go)$. %y uncle never ______________________ on aturday.

    (0or)'. _________ lberto and 5armen in the same English class?

    be). _________ you ____________________ your Englsih 0ith your friends?

    (&ractice)*. _______ your cousin 7uan _________________ la0?

    (study)-. ______ this a ne0 boo? (be)1. 8 _______ to 0or on the bus three days a 0ee.

    (go)11. __________your sister ________________her English 0ith her boss?

    (&ractice)12. _____________ these sentences very long?


    13. "he students in my class often _____________aloud. (read)1!. ________________ your father al0ays _________________ the radio at night? (listen to)1$. ___________ those sentences right?

    (be)1'. "he 4ro0ns ___________ a son and t0o daughters.

    (have)1. %r. /o&ez _______________ at night.

    (0or)1*. ,arry and his sister Dorothy ________ in 5hicago.


    1-. "he "oledos _____________a &retty house in %iraflores.(have)

    2. %r 5lar al0ays _____________ early on %onday. (get u&)

    21. ___________ your boos on my des? (be)

    22. %y brother and 8 _____________ to the movies almost every aturday. (go)

    23. %r. Elliot _____________lunch at home four times a 0ee. (have)2!. 9here ________ 5hicago?


    2$. _______________ your brother and his 0ife _______________ in /ima ? (live)

    2'. Eduardo ________________ an eam at the university every month. (have)

    2. __________ %r. odriguez your boss?(be)

    2*. _____________ 7orge and his sister ___________ to class in their car every @riday?(come)

    2-. %r. %orales ________________ a vacation t0ice a year. (have)

    3. __________;your boss usually at the office oon aturday? (be)31. "he ndersons never _______________ the radio on aturday afternoon.

    (listen to)32. %r. ,ernandez ____________ radios.

  • 8/13/2019 Do Does 150 Exercises


    (fi)33. ____________ your house near the 8nstitute? (be)3!. ________;you ________________ "?

    (lie)3$. _____________ the teacher often ________________eam&les on the blacboard?

    (0rite)3'. "hose buses _______________ usually cro0ded.

    (be)3. %y cousin and 8 _____________ to our English class at 3o:cloc in the afternoon.

    (go)3*. %y brother usually ______________ breafast early on aturday morning.

    (eat)3-. "hat chair ___________ comfortable.

    (be)!. >ur teacher never _________________ class early.

    (leave)!1. ,elen ________________ her ne0 shoes.


    !2. Dr. AuBiga ___________ usually at the hos&ital on %onday# "uesday and 9ednesday. (be)!3. %y mother usually ________________ breafast early on unday morning.

    (eat)!!. 6edro _____________ early five days a 0ee.

    (get u&)!$. "0o students _________ at the blacboard no0.

    (be)!'. _______ %r. /o&ez _____________ to concerts very often?

    (go)!. _____________ %rs. %endez ____________ su&&er about o:cloc every night?


    !*. 5onsuelo _________________@rench and English very 0ell.(s&ea)

    !-. ___________ %aria usually ___________ her home0or in the afternoon?(do)

    $. rturo _______________ his English 0ith ,arry everyday.(&ractice)

    I. Complete the blanks using the correct form of the verb to be or the simple present tense.

    1. "hat boo _________ ne0. (be)

    2. 8 usually _____________ on aturday.(0or)

    3. ______%r. "hom&son _____________ in a ban?(0or)

    !. "he sentence ___________ interesting.(be)

    $. 8 al0ays _________ to 0or early in the morning.(go)

    '. _______________ your father usually _____________ to 0or at - o:cloc? (go)

    . "he ans0er _________ right.

    (be)*. 8 ________________ a brother. (have)

  • 8/13/2019 Do Does 150 Exercises


    -. _________ your father ___________ English?(s&ea)

    1. 4etty __________; ha&&y.(be)

    11. 6e&e and 5armen ____________________ English at 856C.(study)

    12. _____________ your mother often _______________ letters in English?(0rite)

    13. Dr. cott __________ busy. (be)

    1!. 9e ____________;to our class on %onday 9ednesday and @riday. (come)

    1$. ________ %s. 7imenez _______________ to the 8nstitute every other day? (come)

    1'. %rs. 4ro0n ________________ attractive.(be)

    1. %y &arents ____________________ in /ima.(live)

    1*. Dolores ___________________ her class four times a day.

    (have)1-. _____________ ndrea an interesting girl?(be)

    2. "he 5lars ________________ %r. and %rs %ora.(no0)

    21. %r. /o&ez ________________ &o& music a lot.(lie)

    22. ___________ your family busy no0?(be)

    23. _______ you and your sister often ___________ to the movies on unday?(go)

    2!. ____________ %rs Diaz _________________ a large family?

    (have)2$. __________your secretary efficient?

    (be)2'. 8 _______________ movies very much

    (notlie)2. %y brother _____________ medicine.

    (study)2*. ________________ %ary a &retty little girl?

    (be)2-. ________________ your classroom________________a ma&?

    (have)3. ___________ the red busses __________ do0nto0n?

    (go)31. ________________ %s. 7ohnson a friendly nurse?

    (be)32. ________________ you _________________ %r. AuBiga?

    (no0)33. %y boo ________________ a blue cover.

    (have)3!. ____________ this an easy lesson?

    (be)3$. +abriela and her sister __________ their English class at * o:cloc?

    (have)3'. %s. mith __________________ in 5hicago.

    (0or)3. ou ______ a good businessman.


  • 8/13/2019 Do Does 150 Exercises


    3*. "he students al0ays ______________ the dialog. (no0)

    3-. ___________ innie anchez ______________ "om ,ans? (no0)

    !. "he children _________ in the garden. (be)!1. 8 ___________ t0o brothers and three sisters.

    (have)!2. %y sister __________________ all day. (0or)!3. lberto and 8 _________ students.

    (be)!!. ________ he ____________ my English teacher? (no0)!$. @ran __________________ @rench very 0ell no0.

    (s&ea)!'. nthony and 5hristian ______________ oldiers.

    (be)!. "he miths _____________________ a ne0 car.

    (have)!*. ___________%s. +onzales ______________ do0nto0n? (0or)

    !-. "ime and /ife ____________ magazines.(be)

    $. %y boss and his 0ife ______________ to the movies. (go)