
Although DNA is composed of the same four nucleotides in all organisms, the sequence of nucleotides is different for each species. DNA in Saliva with Oragene The Oragene self-collection kit for DNA from saliva from DNA Genotek, Inc. provides an all-in-one system for the collection, stabilization, and transportation of DNA from saliva. Blood samples are invasive to collect, as well as complex and costly to ship, store and process. Buccal swabs provide a low quality and quantity of DNA. Eliminate these challenges by collecting superior samples with the Oragene sample collection product line. Easy collection, transportation and processing Painless, non-invasive collection of high-quality, high-quantity DNA DNA is stable for years at ambient temperature Proven on downstream applications What is the number of white blood cells in a cubic millimeter of blood?

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Post on 08-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Dna

Although DNA is composed of the same four nucleotides in all organisms, the sequence of nucleotides is different for each species.

DNA in Saliva with Oragene The Oragene self-collection kit for DNA from saliva from DNA Genotek, Inc. provides an all-in-one system for the collection, stabilization, and transportation of DNA from saliva. Blood samples are invasive to collect, as well as complex and costly to ship, store and process. Buccal swabs provide a low quality and quantity of DNA.

Eliminate these challenges by collecting superior samples with the Oragene sample collection product line.

Easy collection, transportation and processing Painless, non-invasive collection of high-quality, high-quantity DNA DNA is stable for years at ambient temperature Proven on downstream applications

What is the number of white blood cells in a cubic millimeter of blood?