dna alignment at cationic lipid monolayers at the air/water interface

DNA Alignment at Cationic Lipid Monolayers at the Air/Water Interface Christian Symietz, Marc Schneider, Gerald Brezesinski,* and Helmuth Mo 1 hwald Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, D-14424 Potsdam, Germany Received June 20, 2003; Revised Manuscript Received March 10, 2004 ABSTRACT: The interaction of DNA with other DNA and with charged interfaces is of utmost importance for understanding nonviral transfection and DNA diagnostics with optimized chips. This can be studied in detail using Langmuir monolayers of cationic lipids as soft surface of a DNA containing subphase. The positional order of the lipid and the DNA sublattices can be studied by synchrotron X-ray diffraction under continuous variation of parameters such as molecular density or surface pressure. It is shown that DNA binding condenses the membrane surface, and the resulting structure is determined by the interplay of DNA-lipid and DNA-DNA interactions. Introduction Research on DNA-lipid interactions is motivated predominantly by two medical applications: (i) There are many expectations on nonviral gene transfer, and DNA complexes with cationic lipids seem to be highly promising candidates. 1-8 (ii) Many diagnostic applica- tions with detection of specific base pairing (lab on the chip) require DNA adsorbed on a surface in a suitable way to be exposed to either complement and/or polymer- ase. 9-11 Compared with biological methods of gene transfer (like virus application), the use of lipid-DNA complexes is potentially less harmful to the organism. 12 At present, already one-fifth of the clinical trials are performed with these artificially designed complexes, and successful applications are reported not only for cancer and neurological diseases but also for a number of other impairments. 5,13 Yet their cytotoxicity remains to be a problem. 14-16 Moreover, the whole concept depends on overcoming several barriers that signifi- cantly limit the efficiency of these new vectors: they have to be able to attach on the target cell, cross the membrane, and release the DNA into the cytoplasm to allow for an entry into the nucleus. The DNA carrier system has to shield the nucleic acid from nuclease or other disintegrating systems. In the cell nucleus, though, the DNA has to be released completely from the sur- rounding lipids. No gene expression can be observed if one injects lipid-DNA complexes (lipoplexes) directly into the nucleus. 17 Both in vitro and in vivo it was found that positively charged lipoplexes have an increased efficiency for transfection compared to neutral ones. This must be seen in context with the physical stability that depends directly on the lipid composition and the lipid-to-DNA ratio. 5,13 The consciousness for the neces- sity to design more intricate carrier systems in order to achieve successful transfection is increasing at present. 18 Along these lines there have been many beautiful experiments illuminating also many exciting general, biophysical, and polymer-physical aspects. Mesoscopic lamellar and hexagonal superlattices of lipids and DNA have been observed by X-ray diffraction with mechanical properties such as smectic alloys. 19-25 A study of liquid- crystalline DNA gel underlined the importance of entropy and an hydration layer (about 3 Å, close to the dimension of one water molecule) in the directly mea- sured interhelical forces. 26 These structures may become interesting materials, but they may probably be too rigid for efficient transfection. However, it may still be interesting to measure their interaction with cell sur- faces and membranes to trace their passage into the cell nucleus and their unfolding. Predominantly by scanning force microscopy (AFM), the arrangement of DNA adsorbed to lipid bilayers, which are bound to atomically flat and hard surfaces (mica), has been investigated. 27,28 Parallel arrangement of the polymer strands was ob- served, but the order extends over merely a few polymer diameters. One reason for this may be that the charge densities of polymer and lipid surfaces do not match at all and that the rigidity of the surface inhibits rear- rangements necessary for annealing. Even the binding force of individual DNA molecules to a mica surface could be measured directly with AFM tips. 29 It is possible to confine DNA to artificial microchannels. 30,31 A further exploitation of these promising applications is hampered by the fact that the interaction of DNA with lipids and with charged interfaces is not well under- stood. Progress in this direction can be expected by studying a Langmuir monolayer of phospholipids as a model surface in contact with DNA dissolved in the subphase. With this system, the molecular density and thus also the charge density can be varied in a prede- termined and continuous way, and the energetics and phase transitions can be studied. This is not possible with DNA coupled to supported bilayers or directly to solid support. The Langmuir monolayer interface is soft, even fluid; i.e., it yields to forces exerted by polyelec- trolyte adsorption, which may enable an optimized arrangement. On the other hand, measuring the struc- tural changes effected by adsorption also sheds light into these interactions. The significance of the presented study lies in the technical possibility to change surface properties with purely mechanical means (the barrier of the film balance) and in the chance to study the adsorbed layer in a wide range of pressure and density. Materials and Methods Methyltrioctadecylammonium bromide (TODAB), purity >98%, and dimethyldioctadecylammonium bromide (DODAB) were purchased from Fluka (Germany). Both compounds are well soluble in chloroform (Merck, Germany) and were spread with a microliter syringe as 0.5 mM solutions on the subphase. The subphase water was purified with a Millipore filter to a specific resistance of 18.2 MΩ cm. Sodium chloride for the DNA solutions was heated to 600 °C to reduce the content of potential organic impurities. 3865 Macromolecules 2004, 37, 3865-3873 10.1021/ma0348425 CCC: $27.50 © 2004 American Chemical Society Published on Web 04/22/2004

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DNA Alignment at Cationic Lipid Monolayers at the Air/WaterInterface

Christian Symietz, Marc Schneider, Gerald Brezesinski,* and Helmuth Mo1hwaldMax Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, D-14424 Potsdam, Germany

Received June 20, 2003; Revised Manuscript Received March 10, 2004

ABSTRACT: The interaction of DNA with other DNA and with charged interfaces is of utmost importancefor understanding nonviral transfection and DNA diagnostics with optimized chips. This can be studiedin detail using Langmuir monolayers of cationic lipids as soft surface of a DNA containing subphase.The positional order of the lipid and the DNA sublattices can be studied by synchrotron X-ray diffractionunder continuous variation of parameters such as molecular density or surface pressure. It is shownthat DNA binding condenses the membrane surface, and the resulting structure is determined by theinterplay of DNA-lipid and DNA-DNA interactions.


Research on DNA-lipid interactions is motivatedpredominantly by two medical applications: (i) Thereare many expectations on nonviral gene transfer, andDNA complexes with cationic lipids seem to be highlypromising candidates.1-8 (ii) Many diagnostic applica-tions with detection of specific base pairing (lab on thechip) require DNA adsorbed on a surface in a suitableway to be exposed to either complement and/or polymer-ase.9-11 Compared with biological methods of genetransfer (like virus application), the use of lipid-DNAcomplexes is potentially less harmful to the organism.12

At present, already one-fifth of the clinical trials areperformed with these artificially designed complexes,and successful applications are reported not only forcancer and neurological diseases but also for a numberof other impairments.5,13 Yet their cytotoxicity remainsto be a problem.14-16 Moreover, the whole conceptdepends on overcoming several barriers that signifi-cantly limit the efficiency of these new vectors: theyhave to be able to attach on the target cell, cross themembrane, and release the DNA into the cytoplasm toallow for an entry into the nucleus. The DNA carriersystem has to shield the nucleic acid from nuclease orother disintegrating systems. In the cell nucleus, though,the DNA has to be released completely from the sur-rounding lipids. No gene expression can be observed ifone injects lipid-DNA complexes (lipoplexes) directlyinto the nucleus.17 Both in vitro and in vivo it was foundthat positively charged lipoplexes have an increasedefficiency for transfection compared to neutral ones.This must be seen in context with the physical stabilitythat depends directly on the lipid composition and thelipid-to-DNA ratio.5,13 The consciousness for the neces-sity to design more intricate carrier systems in order toachieve successful transfection is increasing at present.18

Along these lines there have been many beautifulexperiments illuminating also many exciting general,biophysical, and polymer-physical aspects. Mesoscopiclamellar and hexagonal superlattices of lipids and DNAhave been observed by X-ray diffraction with mechanicalproperties such as smectic alloys.19-25 A study of liquid-crystalline DNA gel underlined the importance ofentropy and an hydration layer (about 3 Å, close to thedimension of one water molecule) in the directly mea-sured interhelical forces.26 These structures may becomeinteresting materials, but they may probably be too rigid

for efficient transfection. However, it may still beinteresting to measure their interaction with cell sur-faces and membranes to trace their passage into the cellnucleus and their unfolding. Predominantly by scanningforce microscopy (AFM), the arrangement of DNAadsorbed to lipid bilayers, which are bound to atomicallyflat and hard surfaces (mica), has been investigated.27,28

Parallel arrangement of the polymer strands was ob-served, but the order extends over merely a few polymerdiameters. One reason for this may be that the chargedensities of polymer and lipid surfaces do not match atall and that the rigidity of the surface inhibits rear-rangements necessary for annealing. Even the bindingforce of individual DNA molecules to a mica surfacecould be measured directly with AFM tips.29 It ispossible to confine DNA to artificial microchannels.30,31

A further exploitation of these promising applicationsis hampered by the fact that the interaction of DNA withlipids and with charged interfaces is not well under-stood. Progress in this direction can be expected bystudying a Langmuir monolayer of phospholipids as amodel surface in contact with DNA dissolved in thesubphase. With this system, the molecular density andthus also the charge density can be varied in a prede-termined and continuous way, and the energetics andphase transitions can be studied. This is not possiblewith DNA coupled to supported bilayers or directly tosolid support. The Langmuir monolayer interface is soft,even fluid; i.e., it yields to forces exerted by polyelec-trolyte adsorption, which may enable an optimizedarrangement. On the other hand, measuring the struc-tural changes effected by adsorption also sheds light intothese interactions. The significance of the presentedstudy lies in the technical possibility to change surfaceproperties with purely mechanical means (the barrierof the film balance) and in the chance to study theadsorbed layer in a wide range of pressure and density.

Materials and MethodsMethyltrioctadecylammonium bromide (TODAB), purity

>98%, and dimethyldioctadecylammonium bromide (DODAB)were purchased from Fluka (Germany). Both compounds arewell soluble in chloroform (Merck, Germany) and were spreadwith a microliter syringe as 0.5 mM solutions on the subphase.The subphase water was purified with a Millipore filter to aspecific resistance of 18.2 MΩ cm. Sodium chloride for the DNAsolutions was heated to 600 °C to reduce the content ofpotential organic impurities.

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10.1021/ma0348425 CCC: $27.50 © 2004 American Chemical SocietyPublished on Web 04/22/2004

The double-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), pur-chased from Sigma (Taufkirchen, Germany), is a highlypolymerized natural product originating from calf thymus. Thepreparation (Lowry) yields a DNA sodium salt in the form ofa white fibrous substance containing less than 3% of protein.A molecular weight for this Sigma product is reported32 to be4.5 × 106 g/mol, which yields an average size per molecule of6500 base pairs, equal to a length of 2.21 µm. This samplewas used without further purification. The experiments do notgive rise to suspicion of monolayer damage or disturbancesdue to protein or other possible impurities. To minimize thedanger of DNA denaturation, all experiments have beenperformed at 20 °C, and only fresh solutions of DNA were usedthat contained 1 mM NaCl. The salt solution was preparedbefore the DNA was added to the flask. After 2 h of using amagnetic stirrer at 20 °C, the DNA was completely dissolved.

The pressure/area isotherms were measured with a Wil-helmy system in a Langmuir trough (Riegler & Kirstein,Germany). A thermostate kept the temperature at 20 °C, andthe surface pressure was recorded during the monolayercompression.

If the lipid density varies at the water surface and areaswith different refractive indices form, one can detect theseinhomogeneities with a Brewster angle microscope (BAM). Theintensity of the reflected polarized light depends on therefractive index of the reflecting material. Domains of highermolecular densities can be seen as brighter areas comparedto the dark background when observing the water surfaceunder the Brewster angle. The light of a diode laser is detectedwith a CCD camera, both being parts of a commercialmicroscope (BAM2, Nanofilm Technology Ltd., Gottingen,Germany) mounted on a Teflon trough for film characteriza-tion. The images are recorded on videotape, analyzed withsoftware, and corrected for the perspective of observationunder an oblique angle. The spatial resolution is about 2 µm.

Another method of direct and video-based observation of amonolayer at the air/water interface is fluorescence micro-scopy. The resolution (∼1 µm) of the images is typically betterthan with Brewster angle microscopy. Contrast in the picturesoriginates from the different solubilities of added fluorescentdye in coexisting phases of the monolayer. Not more than 2mol % of a dye should be used. We added 2 mol % of 2-(12-(7-N-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl)amino)dodecanoyl-1-hexade-canoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (NBD-C12-HPC) to the chlo-roform solution of TODAB. This did not change the pressure-area isotherm compared to the measurements without the dye.A microscope (Zeiss, Axiotron) was mounted above a transla-tional xy stage that could move the trough (Riegler & Kirstein,Germany) horizontally below the microscope objective. A 50W Hg lamp combined with optical filters illuminated thesample in a wavelength region around the absorption maxi-mum of the dye. Another filter allowed the fluorescence lightto pass through the microscope into a highly sensitive SITcamera (Hamamatsu C2400). The picture could simultaneouslybe observed on a monitor during the experiment.

With a scanning force microscope (D3000, Digital Instru-ments, Santa Barbara, CA) we mapped the hydrophilic surfaceof TODAB/DNA monolayers. The coupled layer of TODAB andDNA was compressed to 25 or 42 mN/m. A silicon wafer wasmade hydrophobic with a surface layer of OTS (octadecyl-trichlorsilane, CH3(CH2)17SiCl3) and was lowered with a motordriven dipping device to touch the monolayer surface. Thewafer was oriented parallel to the water surface, a methodcalled the Schaefer technique. As soon as it was completelywetted on its lower side, the sample was lifted up again,remaining wet. This gives rise to the assumption that it hasbeen completely covered with the TODAB hydrocarbon chainsattached to the wafer and the DNA molecules remaining atthe now hydrophilic surface. It was immediately immersed intoa self-made Teflon fluid cell filled with pure water. Thescanning was done in water with rectangular SiO2 AFMcantilevers (Silicon-MDT, Russia) with typical force constantsof approximately 0.6 N/m. The pictures were recorded usingthe tapping mode.

X-ray diffraction was performed at HASYLAB, DESY inHamburg, Germany. The undulator beamline BW133 of thesynchrotron is equipped with a liquid surface diffractometer,allowing grazing incidence diffraction (GID) on monolayers atthe air-water interface.34 A monochromatic beam (λ ) 1.304Å) from a beryllium crystal strikes the water surface at anangle of 0.11°, equal to 85% of the critical angle of totalexternal reflection of water for this X-ray wavelength. The areaof the monolayer illuminated by the incoming beam is closeto one square centimeter (2 × 50 mm2). This size allows acomparison of the X-ray data with the optical microscopyresults because it includes and averages over all inhomoge-neities, which are visible with microscopical techniques (onthe order of micrometers). A linear position-sensitive detector(PSD) (Braun, Garching, Germany) measures the verticalintensity distribution of the scattered signal. A Soller collima-tor made of vertically oriented parallel plates positioned infront of the PSD defines the resolution in the horizontaldirection 2θ.

The scattering vector Q can be decomposed into a horizontalcomponent Qxy ≈ (4π/λ) sin(2θ/2) and a vertical component Qz

≈ (2π/λ) sin(Rf), with Rf being the vertical scattering angle. Theaccumulated position-resolved counts were corrected for po-larization, effective area, and Lorentz factor. Model peakstaken as a Lorentzian in the in-plane direction and a Gaussianin the out-of-plane direction were least-squares fitted to themeasured intensities. In general, lipid monolayers can betreated as 2D powders, namely, 2D crystals oriented in randomdirections in the monolayer plane. From the peak positions ofthe horizontal (in-plane) diffraction data, the lattice spacingcan be determined as d ) 2π/Qxy, where Qxy is the maximumof the Lorentz curve. From this, the lattice parameters a, b,and γ can be calculated, giving the unit cell area Axy. For thehydrocarbon chains of the lipids this is the projection of thechain cross-section area A0 ) Axy cos(t) onto the horizontalplane. The tilt angle t is the angle between the normal of thewater surface and the symmetry axis of the hydrocarbon chain.It is zero (untilted chains) if there are diffraction peaks onlyat zero Qz. An undistorted hexagonal lattice exhibits a singlediffraction peak. Two diffraction maxima occur for a centeredrectangular lattice where the chain tilt may be directed towardthe nearest neighbor (NN) or the next-nearest neighbor (NNN).Three nondegenerate diffraction peaks originate from anoblique chain lattice with three different spacings.

The peak profile in Qxy direction allows the calculation ofthe positional correlation length ê, giving an estimation forthe size of the laterally ordered crystallites in the monolayer.If the correlation at their edges decays exponentially, theresolution corrected full width at half-maximum (fwhm) ∆Qxy

gives ê ) 2/∆Qxy. This is the case for diffraction peaks with aLorentz profile that could be applied to all measurements withour samples. In the case of Gaussian profiles, the crystalliteswould be perfectly ordered up to the edge and the Scherrerequation would hold: ê ) 5.53/∆Qxy.

Results and Discussion

Experiments were performed using the triple-chainlipid TODAB and the double-chain lipid DODAB. Themore outstanding results, presented here, were obtainedwith TODAB, whereas data on the other system areused for comparison.

A concentration of 0.1 mM was used for the DNAsolutions in most experiments. If it was 10 times higheror lower, no different results were obtained for theisotherms or X-ray diffraction measurements. In thediagrams we present data of the more pronounced X-raypeaks of experiments with 1 mM DNA solutions. Theconcentration refers to a DNA monomer ) nucleic acid+ helix element (sugar phosphate backbone) containingone charge or counterion after dissociation in water. Thedominating force for the DNA binding to the lipid iselectrostatic attraction. To estimate the amount neces-

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sary to obtain a close DNA packing at the interface, theamount of a purely hypothetical parallel alignment withan interhelical distance of 20 Å was calculated. Thiscorresponds to 20 possible DNA layers per millimeterdepth of the 0.1 mM solution (or 200 layers/mm for 1mM). Time-dependent measurements of the surfacepressure were conducted after spreading TODAB ontothe DNA solution to reach a starting pressure of 8 mN/m. Adsorption of DNA from the subphase leads to a finalpressure of 12 mN/m after only a few minutes, showingthat 20 min is enough time for an adsorption layer toform at the surface. The concentration of DNA in thesolutions was high enough to assume a time interval ofthe order of seconds that ensures the diffusion of enoughDNA for charge compensation to bind to the lipid layer.Already 30 min after spreading the lipid layer onto theDNA solution, we found intense X-ray scattering sig-nals: The DNA had not only adsorbed but also arrangedparallel to the surface, even before any layer compres-sion has been started. The liquidlike compressibility ofthe coupled TODAB/DNA layers and the stable profileof the X-ray peaks make us believe that all measure-ments were performed close to equilibrium. Any long-term changes are likely to be of minor significance andwere no subject of the presented study.

Figure 1 presents pressure/area isotherms of a TOD-AB monolayer in the absence and in the presence ofDNA in the subphase. In the absence of DNA, oneobserves a change in slope near 35 mN/m, correspondingto a phase transition from a fluid to an ordered phase.In this plateau region one could expect to find aheterogeneous TODAB structure. However, it was notobserved with Brewster angle and fluorescence micro-scopy presumably because the size of condensed do-mains was below the spatial resolution. With DNA inthe subphase, the film is more expanded (DNA adsorbsto and penetrates into the monolayer) and the phasetransition disappears (strong electrostatic coupling oflipids to DNA; no uncoupled lipids, which can undergo

the phase transition observed in the pure lipid film).Yet the liquidlike compressibility of the film does notmean that it corresponds to a completely disorderedstate. On the contrary, we will show below that even atlow pressure (10 mN/m) one observes an ordered lipidphase, but with a density a factor of 2 smaller thangiven by the isotherm. This means that the film isheterogeneous, and only at higher pressure above 20mN/m can one observe these heterogeneities by Brew-ster angle microscopy (BAM) (Figure 1a). The islandscorrespond to an ordered state, the continuous phase(dark background in the BAM pictures) being presum-ably DNA at the interface perhaps with some lipidattached to it. With rising pressure these islands didnot disappear but were visible together with collapsestructures (linear areas of high reflectivity with lengthsin the range of several millimeters) above 50 mN/m(Figure 1b). The brighter domains were at no pressuresurrounded by a completely liquid phase of pure TODABwhich follows from: (a) the lack of a plateau region inthe pressure-area isotherm (coexistence of liquid andcondensed phases with lower compressibility relative tothe neighboring parts of the pressure/area isotherm) and(b) the BAM observation that the domains did not moverelative to each other. Two different kinds of condensedor relatively stiff parts of the monolayer existed thatblended into each other, showing no defined boundariesat the edges of the domains.

It should be mentioned that we observed no DNAadsorption to the water surface in absence of the lipid:There was no X-ray scattering even after more than 1h of waiting time. Nonordered DNA, though, would notresult in a peak, but it would increase the surfacepressure, an effect that has not been observed either.Thus, we believe that some DNA coupled to the lipidlayer and induced the lattice structure of the lipiddescribed below. Another part of the water surfaceconsisted of a lipid/DNA layer that did not result in anX-ray signal and therefore must have been in a disor-dered state for both the lipid and the DNA. This part isrepresented by the darker areas in the BAM pictures.Either only lipid or only DNA existing in the dark partof the surface is extremely unlikely because TODABalone would be fluid and must be compressible, forminga homogeneous layer at least at high pressures. So itshould contain at least some DNA because of thesuppressed fluidity of the film as observed with BAM,and additionally some TODAB must have been presentat the surface because without the lipid the DNA wouldhave remained in solution instead of binding to theinterface.

Fluorescence microscopy shows that the pure TODABlayer looks homogeneous even at 5 °C, where the two-phase coexistence plateau appears at 8 mN/m insteadat 35 mN/m observed at 20 °C. However, in the presenceof DNA, some structures were big enough to appear asdark (molecularly ordered) spots at pressures above 10mN/m (Figure 2). They began to form around centralcores with up to a few hundred micrometers in diameterand were surrounded by other much smaller spotswhose size decreased with increasing distance from thecentral region. They increased in number and size withcompression of the monolayer. In accordance with theBAM measurements, the whole surface seemed to havesuch a high viscosity that no relative movement ofdomains was observed. Immediately after spreadingTODAB onto the DNA-containing subphase, one could

Figure 1. Pressure/area isotherms of TODAB on pure water(left curve) and on a 1 mM solution of DNA (right curve)measured at 20 °C. The area per molecule in both cases refersto the TODAB molecules alone, not including DNA. A smallplateau near 35 mN/m (transition region between the liquidand condensed phases) can be seen on water. The chemicalstructure of TODAB is shown in the ionized form. The BAMpictures (all in the same scale) present an inhomogeneous layerboth below (a) and above (b) the collapse pressure. The collapsestructure (white line) coexists with remaining irregularitiesof the film. Therefore, the darker parts are not purely liquidsurface areas. The lines of changing brightness perpendicularto the collapse structure are interference patterns that do notoriginate from the monolayer.

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observe some long linear features: areas slightly darkerthan the rest of the surface, stretching out over therange of millimeters (Figure 2a). They were not observedwith TODAB on pure water. These hazy areas werevisible at all pressures (Figure 2d,e), seemed to be quitestable, and gave the impression of a limited fluidity,thus allowing the assumption that a fast adsorption ofDNA to the lipid during the process of spreading avoidsthe formation of a completely homogeneous TODABlayer even before the compression. If the lipid layer(TODAB + fluorescent dye) was liquid, one must expectcompletely homogeneous fluorescence intensity. Al-though the reason for the inhomogeneities is not certain,it is an argument in favor of a suppressed or at leastdrastically reduced lateral diffusion of the lipids in thepresence of DNA. It is very likely that DNA adsorbedeverywhere at the surface but condensed together withTODAB only locally, leaving the major part in a lessdense and less ordered state.

To reduce the risk of induced disorder due to a layertransfer onto a solid support, we have performed AFMmeasurements in water, not in air. A hydrophobic siliconwafer touching the monolayer with the flat side (parallelto the water surface) was used, thus ruling out anydefect that could originate from vertical dipping tech-niques (drainage of water). After the flat side of thewafer had contact with the water, it was pulled upimmediately, now being covered completely with a waterlayer, showing that a coupled TODAB/DNA layer wastransferred. To prevent it from drying, it was immersedinto water right after the transfer. Ample care wastaken to keep the sample hydrated. However, some kindof transfer artifact is unavoidable. Analysis of thepictures allowed to identify two main levels of thesamples: an average background and above it a distri-bution of matter that had an average thickness relativeto the background of 40 ( 10 Å. The transition fromthe lower to the higher level was not steep and repre-

sented the true surface with a high probability. TypicalAFM tips with radii of <100 Å easily resolve the surfacein such a slope region. A calculation of the artificialincrease at the edge of sample steps due to the tipgeometry35 shows that only much larger tips with aradius of more than 1000 Å would produce this observedstep profile, which therefore was not a result of limitedresolution. The layer transferred at 25 mN/m gaveimages that showed islands from almost round toelongated shape with a maximum ratio of big to smalldiameter of about two. The smaller one was roughly 700Å. Only few of these features fused partly, leaving thewafer homogeneously covered with spots (between 60and 70% of the surface area). The layer prepared at 42mN/m did not differ in thickness, but the pattern is ofdifferent quality: The islands seemed to have fused somuch as to leave a spongelike distribution of a plateaufilled with holes, still in a similar area ratio of thick tothin as at 25 mN/m. The average distance between theholes in the layer (about 2000 Å) shows that the size ofthe fused material has increased. If or how much thesestructures were induced by the transfer to and thecontact with the hydrophobic wafer is an open question.Nevertheless, it followed from the X-ray diffraction ofthe layer on water (as well as the BAM and fluorescencemicroscopy) that there must have been some kind ofinhomogeneity. This will be shown below. The surfaceof the silanized silicon wafer is a densely packedarrangement of hydrocarbon chains in contact with thehydrocarbon chains of the TODAB molecules. Theattracting van der Waals forces between these twohydrocarbon chain layers are typically sufficient toguarantee a stable film transfer. There is no reason forthe TODAB chains to rearrange at the homogeneousand flat surface of hydrocarbon chains in contrast tomonolayers that are transferred the other way round:charged or polar headgroups are more likely to react tocharge distributions on solid wafers, resulting in rear-ranged layers with sometimes strongly altered densities.So far we can assume that the features observed withAFM do not have their origin in the transfer process.Force microscopy under water did not offer the spatialresolution that would have been necessary to prove thatthe highest level of matter in the pictures was DNA;the molecular ordering was below that resolution andcould not be seen. We assume that the two main levelsrepresent a TODAB layer together with some disorderedDNA as the background and above the DNA in a denselypacked arrangement. The possibility should not be ruledout that the lower background level were just holes inthe transferred layer caused by a lipid concentrationwhich was locally too low for a good film transfer to thewafer, but there is no further experimental evidencesupporting this idea. After the following presentationof the X-ray diffraction results, a discussion will bringmore insight into the ever-present inhomogeneities ofthe TODAB/DNA layer.

The GIXD data are in accordance with the pressure/area isotherm of pure TODAB on water (without DNA).At pressures below the transition around 35 mN/m nodiffraction peak of condensed material was visible, butsome signal was there originating from the hydrocarbonchains of the lipid in the liquidlike state. This halo withlow intensity shows that only very few molecules or evensingle molecules contribute to the X-ray signal (lateralcorrelation length of less than 30 Å). Such a signal oflipid chains in the liquid-expanded phase was not

Figure 2. Fluorescence microscopy pictures of TODAB on a0.1 mM DNA solution at different surface pressures and 20°C: (a) linear structures visible during the spreading processof the lipid, that do not dissolve completely; (b-e) formationof dark, condensed spots during the compression of themonolayer; (d) and (e) show a stable, underlying linearstructure like the one observed during the spreading togetherwith condensed spots; (f) during or after the collapse of thelayer, locally higher concentration of the fluorescent markersurrounded by a still inhomogeneous surface (better visibleby direct observation). The scale is the same for all pictures.

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observed with single- or double-chain molecules. Maybethe three chains attached to the nitrogen of one TODABmolecule are packed densely enough to produce theobserved halo. This opinion was supported by theobservation of an even more prominent halo in theliquid-expanded phase of the four-chain anionic phos-pholipid tetramyristoylcardiolipin (Avanti Polar Lipids).There was no gradual transition from the halo signalof the liquid TODAB to the pronounced peak of thecondensed monolayer. It appeared above the pressureof the phase transition. A detailed analysis of thedistribution of the diffracted intensity (contour plot inFigure 3) indicates a uniform tilt of the aliphatic tailsof t ) 13° at 45 mN/m. The two-dimensional lattice isrectangular, and the chains are tilted in the NNdirection. Comparing the area per molecule, derivedfrom the isotherm (about 60 Å2 per molecule above theplateau region), with the in-plane area per chain (21.3Å2), calculated from the X-ray data, shows that theTODAB layer is homogeneous. This is also in agreementwith both the BAM and the fluorescent microscopypictures that showed only a homogeneous brightnessthroughout the whole picture in every phase of the lipid.

The adsorption of DNA from the subphase to the lipidlayer had a strong influence on its phase behavior andstructure. A tendency was observed toward a condensa-tion of TODAB. Although the results differ slightly inrepeated experiments, the scattering of data was stilllimited enough to distinguish clearly from the measure-ments on pure water. The limited reproducibility mighthave its origin in a possible fast adsorption of DNAduring the spreading of the TODAB solution, in ac-cordance with the fluorescence microscopy measure-ments described above. In presence of DNA, the commonfeature of the diffraction experiments was the observa-tion of NN-tilted TODAB chains at pressures below thephase transition on water and a phase transition intoa nontilted state on compression, which was neverobserved on pure water. At 3 mN/m, a rectangularTODAB chain lattice with a uniform NN tilt of 19° wasobserved due to the coupling of DNA. The area perTODAB molecule, derived from the pressure/area iso-therm, amounts to 150 Å2. This area is more than twiceas big as tightly packed TODAB molecules required:The GID data resulted in 21.4 Å2 for each hydrocarbonchain (about 64 Å2 per molecule). With compression, thetilt angle was reduced to 14° (at 10 mN/m) and finallyto 0° at 20 mN/m (with 60.3 Å2 per molecule) (Figure

3). The in-plane correlation lengths, derived from thefwhm of the diffraction peaks, were around 70 Å in theabsence of DNA. In the presence of DNA they wereincreased to 180 Å and again reduced at high pressure(30 Å). This behavior was not observed for lipids in theabsence of polymers in the subphase where compressionleads to a narrowing of diffraction peaks. Both thereduced tilt angle of the hydrocarbon chains and theincreased correlation length of the lipid lattice underlinethe active role of DNA to condense the TODAB mono-layer.

The most exciting and unexpected finding of this workwas the observation of diffraction peaks ascribable toDNA ordering (Figure 4). With compression, these peaksshifted to lower spacings and the half-width decreasedby a factor of 2.5 and passed through a minimum at 30mN/m. Likewise, the integrated intensity increased bya factor of 3, exhibiting a maximum at 30 mN/m. Thus,the packing had an optimum at a pressure much belowthe collapse at 50 mN/m. The lateral ordering of DNAmust be a result of a compromise: The attraction to thelipid (charge compensation) and the opposing repulsionof the DNA chains (electrostatics and thermal energy).The reproducibility of the DNA spacing was limited toan interval of about (4 Å for each pressure. Thisscattering was independent of the DNA concentrationsused (0.01, 0.1, and 1 mM). Nevertheless, the compress-ibility of the different DNA layers was the same forrepeated experiments: Plotting the Q value as a func-tion of lateral pressure (not shown here) gives dQ/dπ )(9 ( 1) × 109 N-1. The absolute value of dDNA for a givensurface pressure depended on some hitherto unknowncondition in the layer preparation or spreading process.

Figure 3. Contour plots of the corrected X-ray intensity vsin-plane and out-of-plane scattering vector components Qxy andQz, respectively, of a TODAB monolayer. Qz ) 0 correspondsto the water surface. At π ) 45 mN/m, TODAB on pure water(left) forms a centered rectangular lattice of tilted (t ) 13°)hydrocarbon chains. After coupling of DNA, a condensed chainlattice with t ) 14° appears already at 10 mN/m (middle), andat 20 mN/m (right) the untilted chains are packed in ahexagonal lattice.

Figure 4. Background subtracted diffraction peaks (upperpicture) of aligned DNA. The peak shifts toward larger Qxyvalues during monolayer compression (surface pressure indi-cated next to the peaks). The corresponding lattice spacingbetween the DNA chains dDNA as a function of the surfacepressure π is shown in the diagram below. The round symbol(b) belongs to the peaks in the diagram above, and the otherdata points ([) refer to other measurements showing the samecompression behavior. The dotted line through the data pointsis not a fit but simply to guide the eye.

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The differences between the measurement may arisefrom the fact that the lipid solution was spread ontothe DNA subphase: The dropwise spreading procedurelasts 1-2 min. During this time DNA starts to adsorb,producing an inhomogeneous layer with an alreadydecreased fluidity. Compared to experiments with sup-ported bilayers, the monolayers are in a much moreexpanded state. The observed constant compressibilityshowed that the individual layers had the same char-acteristic structure. In other words, TODAB/DNA layerswith the same DNA spacing do not need to have thesame surface pressure but behave similarly in respectto compression and expansion. Interestingly, the dis-tance between the DNA molecules increased to a valueclose to the original one at low pressures when thebarrier of the film balance moved back to allow a slowexpansion of the monolayer. A second compression leadsagain to decreasing DNA spacing. This reversibilityshows that the coupled layers were quite flexible whichcorresponds well with the fluidlike compressibility(similar to TODAB on water without DNA) even at highpressures.

It is a surprising and remarkable fact that the DNAhelices arranged in a one-dimensional lattice evenwithout compression of the monolayer. After spreadingthe lipid solution and waiting for half an hour, a clearGID signal with low intensity proofs this self-alignmentwith helix distances between 43 and 49 Å. The intensityof the X-ray signal increases during compression para-llel to the portion of ordered DNA, reducing the spacingto about 32 Å at 50 mN/m (Figure 4). In some cases,such clear signals could not be found at low pressure,but the compressed layers always gave very intenseX-ray peaks, though with different DNA spacings. Eventwo separate peaks could be distinguished in some casesclose to the collapse pressure, meaning that two differ-ent DNA lattices could coexist. The maximum of theBragg rod was always at zero Qz. The interpretation ofthe fwhm of the rods remains to be challenging becauseit decreases significantly with compression of the layer.Since the peaks arise only from the ordered areas ofDNA, one must conclude that compression increases thethickness of the adsorbed DNA layer. One possiblecalculation of the thickness T from the fwhm ∆Qz (T )5.53/∆Qz) would result in thickness of DNA layersbetween 30 Å at low pressure up to almost 70 Å at highpressure. Simultaneously, knowing the lateral spacingbetween the DNA helices this gives an adsorbed layerwith more than 3 times the amount of DNA necessaryfor complete lipid charge compensation. There is noobvious reason for such a large amount of DNA, thusthe interpretation of the line profile in the z-directionis still open.

Calculating the two-dimensional charge density σDNA) (20 e-/34 Å dDNA) for DNA with 20 elementary chargesper helical turn over the corresponding length of 34 Åleads to values between 1 e-/83 Å2 at the lowestpressures and 1 e-/54 Å2 for the highest pressure. Thelipid charge density σL of TODAB cannot be higher than1 e-/60.3 Å2 as observed for the hexagonal chain packingof TODAB coupled to DNA. Taking this as a maximumfor the lipid, it could be compensated (σDNA ) σL) byDNA in a lateral repeat distance of dDNA ) 35.5 Å. Thislies between the lowest and highest values observed forDNA. Figure 5 shows this correlation: the area perelementary charge (inverse to the charge density)presented vs the surface pressure. Thus, charge com-

pensation alone does not explain the denser packing ofDNA at high pressure. The charge densities are calcu-lated for the complete double helix. One should bear inmind that the negative charges are close to the surfaceof the molecule, so that a significant part of them is upto 20 Å away from the lipid headgroups. Consequently,the effective charge density of DNA, with an influenceon the lipid arrangement, should be considered to besmaller. This can be an explanation for the apparentcharge overcompensation. The complex interplay ofnormal (DNA-lipid) and lateral (DNA-DNA) interac-tions is also influenced by the presence of counterionsthat possibly shield the charges from each other andallow a small distance between the DNA strands. Nodirect geometric connection could be found between thehexagonal lipid chain packing with its possible chargedistributions and the arrangement of the oppositecharges around the helix of the DNA. The attractionbetween TODAB and DNA might be of unspecific, notpointwise, character; the parallel arrangement of thepolymer is not a direct result of the lipid lattice. Nomatching of charges could be deduced from the calcu-lated lattices. This geometric mismatch can possibly befurther stabilized by the entropic contribution of coun-terion release.

The presence of sodium chloride was necessary toreduce the probability of DNA denaturation. GID wasalso performed without salt for comparison, but theresults did not differ from those with 1 or 10 mM NaCl.So far we have not performed a systematic study aboutthe dependence of the DNA spacing on the salt concen-tration. Theoretically, we should expect a suppressionof DNA adsorption above a critical salt concentra-tion.32,36,37 In accordance with these calculations, weobserved no DNA peak and therefore no ordered ad-sorption with 1 M NaCl in the subphase, not even 4 hafter the TODAB monolayer was prepared. Only slightlyhigher background intensity was found in the angularrange where the DNA signal appeared in the cases oflower salt content. This additional scattering can onlybe explained by the presence of some disordered DNAnear the water surface. It was impossible to induce aparallel alignment of DNA with compression. Thebehavior of the lipid though was almost like on purewater. A rectangular chain lattice appears already at30 mN/m, and the lipid molecules remain tilted even at40 mN/m. This shows that a salt concentration above a

Figure 5. Area per elementary charge (Å2/e) as a function ofsurface pressure π. The TODAB pressure/area isotherm (thickline) underlines the extent of local lipid condensation (inho-mogeneous layer), when being compared with the GID dataof the chain lattice (close to 60 Å2/e). At low pressures, theaverage area from the isotherm is more than twice thecondensed area of TODAB. Two examples of DNA (calculatedarea per phosphate group from the measured DNA spacing)illustrate the discrepancy to the lipid. Version (A) indicatesno match of charges, whereas (B) shows that compression caneven lead to overcompensation of charge densities.

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critical value can prevent the formation of a stiff andordered DNA lattice, although some DNA can adsorbirregularly. To prove the relation between the saltcontent and a lack of order, the influence of salt additionto an existing ordered DNA layer was determined. DNAwas coupled to a TODAB monolayer, giving a distinctX-ray signal. After compression to 50 mN/m and fol-lowing expansion to 30 mN/m, 5 mL of sodium chloridesolution (c ) 2 M) was injected under the DNA layernear the footprint area of the X-ray beam. Although thelocal NaCl concentration is unknown, repeated mea-surements of the DNA signal revealed a destruction ofthe two-dimensional lattice or a partial DNA desorption.Two hours after the injection, the DNA peak disap-peared into a broad background signal of increasedintensity, indicating the presence of disordered DNA.Obviously, a reduced DNA/lipid attraction led to a lossof order or even desorption of the DNA. A recompressionof the monolayer to 50 mN/m caused the appearance oftwo low-intensity peaks belonging to DNA spacings of37 and 29 Å. Since the injection resulted in badlydefined and not reproducible conditions concerning thesalt concentration at the surface, no explanation can begiven for the simultaneous existence of two differentDNA lattices. The experiment could only prove that saltstrongly influences the order of adsorbed DNA. Appar-ently, the Coulomb attraction to the surface is reducedand the repulsion of the charged DNA rods can be partlyscreened via additional salt in the solution, allowingtighter packing. So far we have not observed a system-atic reduction of the interhelical distance due to screen-ing effects; more experiments on this topic are inprogress. Fang and Yang28 observed some DNA orderingon supported bilayers even with 1 M NaCl in thesolution. Their results are based on a Fourier transformof AFM pictures, giving an increased value for the inter-DNA distance. We cannot rule out that such a packingalso exists at monolayers, but the DNA molecules maynot be stretched straight enough in the presence of 1 MNaCl to result in a defined X-ray signal. Fang and Yangexplain the increased average DNA distance with acloud of nonlocalized Na+ ions condensed onto the DNArods. These different results cannot be correlated in adirect way since different lipids were used, being indifferent thermodynamic phases and having unequalcharge densities during the adsorption process.

The use of the double-chain lipid DODAB allowed acomparison with the more spacious triple-chain TODAB.A condensed DODAB layer with its higher chargedensity offers the possibility of tighter DNA packing.This expectation was only partly fulfilled. The pressure/area isotherm on water (not shown here) is character-ized by a plateaulike region around 15 mN/m. At thispressure, a weak GID signal indicates the beginning oflipid condensation. At 35 mN/m, the hydrocarbon chainsare still tilted with t ) 39°. An analysis of the GID datayielded a cross section of the chains of A0 ) 19.9 Å2. Itsprojection onto the horizontal plane Axy ) 25.6 Å2 resultsin a two-dimensional lipid charge density of σL ) 1e-/51.2 Å2. The DODAB layer on pure water is homo-geneous because the area per molecule from GID agreeswell with the value from the pressure/area isotherm.With DNA in the subphase, a total charge compensation(σDNA ) σL) could geometrically be achieved for a DNApacking with dDNA ) 30.1 Å. The observed value of 37.2Å (at π ) 40 mN/m) corresponds to σDNA ) 1 e-/63.2 Å2.The DNA layer could not be compressed so far as to

compensate the theoretical lipid charge density. A low-intensity GID signal from the lipid chains coupled toDNA allows the estimation that the charge density ofthe coupled lipid lies near σL ) 1 e-/58 Å2, a valuebetween the one of the lipid on water and the one ofDNA (σL,on water > σL,on DNA > σDNA). Thus, the DODABmonolayer was expanded in the presence of DNA. Thelow density of DNA packing is in contrast to DNAcoupled with TODAB that could be compressed todistances smaller than only charge density argumentswould allow. The pressure/area isotherm of DODABcoupled to DNA is expanded even more (plus 40%relative to DODAB on pure water) than in the case ofTODAB (plus 20%), but both monolayers exhibit afluidlike compressibility and do not show any phasetransitions.

Summarizing the coupling of DNA to both lipids,DODAB forms a layer with DNA that increases its orderduring the compression all the way up to the collapsepressure. It is characterized by a strong increase of thepeak intensity, indicating an increased amount ofaligned DNA. It could not be damaged by monolayercompression, whereas DNA coupled to TODAB exhibitsthe best alignment near 30 mN/m, far from the collapse.Figure 6 shows the spacing dDNA of DNA coupled toTODAB and the lateral correlation length ê of DNA independence on the surface pressure π for two extremeexamples. The calculated values of ê are only anapproximation because the line profile of the scattered

Figure 6. Two extreme examples of DNA coupled with aTODAB monolayer. Each diagram shows the DNA spacingdDNA (b) and the correlation length ê ([) of the lateral orderof DNA chains as a function of surface pressure π. Example(A) begins with large DNA spacing, which remains constantabove 20 mN/m. The corresponding TODAB layer is stronglycondensed (see text). The other example (B) shows a denselypacked DNA lattice with decreasing dDNA until the collapse.TODAB is condensed only at higher pressures. Common toboth examples is a decay of the order of the DNA and TODABlattices above 30 mN/m. For a better comparison, the diagramshave the same scale.

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signal is close to but not in perfect agreement with aLorentz profile. Salditt et al.22 have made a detailed lineshape analysis of their lamellar system with DNA andconclude that the profile is not Lorentzian. Also, in ourmeasurements the DNA lattice is not limited at theedges in a well-determined way (a soft two-dimensionalnematic), and the correlation lengths only give onepossible answer to the question of domain size. Never-theless, the restriction to only one definition allows adescription of the relative changes of the lattice size,which is directly correlated to the change in line width.Figure 6 illustrates the variability of possible conforma-tions: The properties of the DNA layer and the orderof the coupled TODAB seem to depend on the startingcondition. Example A is described by less dense initialDNA packing at low pressures, when compared withexample B. Above 20 mN/m the spacing remains con-stant. The corresponding TODAB lattice is locallycondensed at low pressure (rectangular lattice of tiltedchains already at 3 mN/m) and forms a hexagonal latticealready at 20 mN/m. Both correlation lengths reach amaximum value: 180 Å for TODAB at 20 mN/m and145 Å for DNA at 30 mN/m. The decrease of thecorrelation lengths and peak intensities point to thedestruction of the lattices with ongoing compression,being even more pronounced for the lipid. Example Bbegins with a considerably smaller DNA spacing, whichdecreases all the way up to the collapse. No lipid latticeis observed at the beginning; an untilted phase suddenlyappears at 30 mN/m with a lipid correlation length of138 Å. This equals exactly the size of the DNA orderingwhich remained constant between 4 and 30 mN/m. Thissize agreement is a good argument for the assumptionthat both ordered phases coexist coupled to each otherand are not laterally separated. Further compressionreduces the DNA correlation length only by 20%,whereas the TODAB domain size shrinks drasticallydown to only 30 Å. Simultaneously, the hexagonal orderis lost and the chains start to tilt. So either lipid or DNAmolecules are well-ordered at the beginning, not bothsimultaneously. Compression improves the packing ofboth components only to medium pressures, and it wasa common feature of the TODAB/DNA layers, also inother measurements, that the size of the ordered DNAdomains could not be increased with compression above30 mN/m. The TODAB lattice reacts even stronger andis destroyed to a higher extent.

Before discussing a model of the lipid/DNA arrange-ment, we have to argue against the notion that theheterogeneity of the film observed optically is due tolaterally segregated lattices of lipid and DNA. This isdone as follows: The lipid lattices in the presence andabsence of DNA were found structurally different.Hence, there is at least some DNA under the lipidlattice. Still this DNA fraction may not diffract, and wemight measure diffraction from DNA in the continuousphase. However, this phase is reduced in area fractionupon compression. In contrast, we observe an increaseof the integrated X-ray intensity by a factor of 3. Makinga rough estimate, assuming all lipids in the orderedphase with, according to X-ray data, a molecular areaof 60 Å2/molecule, which within 5% is independent ofpressure. Compression from a molecular area of 150 to80 Å2/molecule (see isotherm, Figure 1) increases thelipid/area fraction from 2/5 to 3/4, i.e., about a factor of2; the other fraction would decrease by a factor of 2.5.Hence, the majority of the intensity increase may be

ascribed to the increase in area fraction of the lipidphase coupled with DNA, and the remaining deviationcould be the result of a change in Debye-Waller factor.This is especially true for the intensity decrease onincreasing the pressure above 30 mN/m. Since the abovearguments would suggest an intensity increase, we haveto argue in favor of weaker lateral coupling at higherpressures increasing the Debye-Waller factor.

Consequently, the data are consistent with the modelof rodlike DNA forming a one-dimensional lattice undera hexagonal or distorted hexagonal (centered rectangu-lar) lattice although the correlation lengths are only onthe order of 100 Å (Figure 6). A similar size of the DNAdomains (near 10 neighboring chains) was reported bySafinya et al.24,38 for DNA bound in lamellar structures.Our data give no information about the extension oforder in the direction parallel to the DNA strands, butthe persistence length of native DNA of about 600 Å26

allows the assumption that the order can be maintainedover possibly a few hundred angstroms. No informationcan be given about hypothetical effects of the directionof compression to a preferred main direction of DNAalignment. The incoming X-ray beam is in fixed orienta-tion perpendicular to the direction of compression. Boththe lipid and the DNA lattice cannot be correlated toeach other in terms of planar inhomogeneity. Oncompression, the lateral density of condensed lipidincreased by less than 5% whereas the DNA density canincrease by almost 40%. Hence, we cannot expect anymatching of the two lattices in general. Still there mightbe commensurability into one lattice direction if a repeatdistance along the DNA rod (34 Å per helix) was aninteger multiple of a lipid spacing. This cannot be ruledout since 34 Å/7 ) 4.86 Å is close to the lattice spacinga, but the coupling would then be very weak becausethe spacing a changes with pressure. Also, a one-dimensional lattice coupling to a hexagonal one isbreaking its symmetry and thus distorting it in contrastto the finding at 20 mN/m. The latter would also hold ifthere is no commensurability but merely epitaxy. Hence,these influences are too weak, probably due to smearingof charges along the DNA backbone.

It is very difficult to understand the higher compress-ibility of the DNA lattice compared to the lipid lattice,measured by diffraction. This can be explained assum-ing some fraction of disordered areas with highercompressibility in between those ordered domains seenby BAM. Figure 7 pictures the model of this proposedcoexistence, which is the most likely one after takingthe inhomogeneous pictures of BAM and AFM intoaccount. Domains of this kind have also been observedby AFM for polyethylenimine coupled to fatty acidmonolayers.

We should also note that these results are at variancewith measurements on the synthetic (stiff) polyelectro-lyte PDADMAC coupled to oppositely charged phospho-lipid monolayers.39 There, although the polymer-polymer spacings could not be measured, a polymeralignment with commensurability into one directioncould be deduced. The polyelectrolyte coupling enforcedan almost pressure-independent aliphatic chain tilt, andthis may be attributed to the smaller dimension ofPDADMAC enabling denser lateral packing.

In conclusion, we have shown that DNA coupling toan otherwise liquid membrane surface condenses thislocally and itself forms a nematic alignment. DNA andlipid density are interrelated, but not in a straightfor-

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ward way like lattice commensurability. Instead, thereis a delicate interplay of lateral and normal DNAinteractions that are now open for dedicated measure-ments to understand processes like nonviral transfectionand diagnostics.

Acknowledgment. This work was supported by theDeutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. We thank HASY-LAB (DESY, Hamburg, Germany) for providing beam-time and Kristian Kjaer (Risoe, Denmark) for hisexcellent work to keep the liquid surface spectrometerat BW1 running in a very high quality.

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Figure 7. Model of the most likely structure of DNA coupledto a TODAB monolayer, showing two top views of the DNAlayer (without lipid molecules) before and after compression.The increase of the correlation length ê is not due to more DNAmolecules reaching the surface but to formerly disordered DNAstrands that arrange parallel to the ordered domains. Avertical cut in the lower sketch shows the cross section of theDNA arranged in a regular distance dDNA. The order is lost atthe edges of the domains with the correlation length ê. Thehydrocarbon chains of the TODAB molecules are more con-densed when coupled to DNA. The structure of the less orderedgaps in between is not characterized experimentally.

Macromolecules, Vol. 37, No. 10, 2004 DNA Alignment at Cationic Lipid Monolayers 3873