dn. biss perfoms the right notes

B Jennifer Brown Staf Reporter  Jonathan Biss brought together modern and old style music during his Tursday night perormance in the Dvorak Concert Hall o the Doudna Fine Arts Center. In the rst hal, he memorized all the songs he perormed, includ- ing the Sonata in C Major by Franz Schubert. “Te modern pieces I tend to use music or,” Biss said. “Te rest o the program I have memorized.” Prior to playing the Sonata , Biss took the time to explain each o the two halves. “Franz Schubert didn’t complete either o these two halves,” he said. “Te rst hal is laid-back, and the second hal is tightly strung.” Biss won the Leonard Barstein  Award in 2005 and has perormed in the International Music Festival o 2007. “I think he plays with a lot o expression,” Derek Maninor, a reshman piano player said. “I’m glad he’s perorming works that are not well-known, such as Selections rom Jatekok.” Biss even brought some Mozart to his concert. “Te Mozart had grace, and the Schubert had powerul climax- es,” said Harrison Cole, a senior music perormance major said. “He played beautiully the entire time.” Nocturne in D fat Major deliv- ered powerul beats and melodies to the audience who attended. Te perormance received Biss a stand- ing ovation. “I really like that Eastern’s start- ing to get this kind o thing,” said Neil Wright, a sophomore psychol- ogy major. “He was phenomenal, and more than I expected.” Te last musical selection o the evening, Ballade No. 4 in minor, Op. 52 composed by Frederic Cho- pin, gave a soothing end to his per- ormance. “Te love or music is what gives me the courage to keep play- ing,” Biss said. “It’s what keeps me going.” Jennier Brown can be reached at 581-7942 or at [email protected]. campus briefs T e DAILY EASTERN NEWS WWW.DENNEWS.COM FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 2009 CAMPUS 3 eDiTor in CHief Kristina Peters [email protected] correction ills Scta Stat svcs t b campus  The Illinois Secretary o State Mobile Services will be on campus rom 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. today in the Bridge Lounge o the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union. State law allows driver’s license renewal up to one year in advance. Proper identifcation is required or new and duplicate driver’s licenses and state ID cards.  The mobile services available today will include driver’s license’s, state ID cards, vehicle sticker sales, collegiate license plates, passen- ger/b-truck license plates, vehicle title and registration, organ tissue donor registration and parking placards or persons with dis- abilities. Pst t gv dmstat kaat  There will be a karate demon- stration at 1 p.m. today in the Ar- cola/Tuscola Room in the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union. Gus Albear will be the presenter. Audts bg Pk Paths Auditions or The EIU Pink Pan- ther Dance Team will take place April 17 to 19 in the Student Rec- reation Center with registration beginning at 4 p.m. in the Lantz main hallway. All incoming resh- men, transer and current Eastern students with jazz, lyrical, kick and hip-hop dance experience are encouraged to audition. More inormation can be ound at eiu.edu/~eiupinks. Anyone with questions can contact Lisa Dallas at [email protected] or at 581-3716. —Complied by News Editor Matt Hop B ss p ms th gh t t s CAmPuS | EvENT “I really like that Eastern’s starting to get this kind o thing.” — Neil Wright, sophomore psychology major Park Place Apartments When location matters on the corner of 7th & Grant next to the Union 1,2,3 Bedroom Apartments for Fall 2009 Free Parking Furnished Central A/C Dishwasher Models open Contact us at parkplacemgmt@aol.com. Stop by our ofce at 715 Grant #101 In Thursday’s edition o The Daily Eastern News, it was incorrectly stated that the Illinois Secretary o State Mobile Services was on campus Thursday. The services are available today. The DEN regrets the error. B rASHiDA LyLeS CowAn Staf Reporter Painul words are hard to orget but releasing these words by painting them on bricks helps an individual overcome that pain. Painting bricks or “Writing on the Wall” is scheduled or 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. uesday through Tursday. Te Residence Hall Association will be spon- soring this event. Students will have the opportunity to write any hurtul word on the bricks that are ull o racism and hate. Te wall will be constructed on April 20 out- side the Martin Luth er King Jr. University Union acing the Booth Library and will stand until  April 23, when it will be torn down to symbolize tearing down barriers between people. RHA President Justin Schuch said they are looking or volunteers to help monitor the wall or vandalism. Te shits that need to be lled are rom 2 to 4 a.m.  Also during the meeting, letters were passed around to ask members to sign in support o building the proposed Renewable Energy Cen- ter. Student Senate members Mark Olendzki and Omar Solomon introduced the letters to RHA. Te Renewable Energy Center would replace the more than 80-year-old coal burning steam plant on campus. Students rely on the steam plant or heating, cooling and other energy needs on campus.  A bill introduced in the Illinois Senate would allow the plant to be constructed. Te energy center project was put on hold in November to consider alternative unding or the $40 million project and or urther consultation  with community members. Te next RHA meeting will be held at 5 p.m. Tursday in Stevenson Hall. RashidaLylesCowancanbereac hedat581-7942or at [email protected]. P b ck e o d o e d e CAmPuS | RHA Erin MathEny | thE Daily EastErn nEws Pianist Jonathan Biss laughs while signing autographs ollowing his perormance Thursday night in the Dvorak Concert Hall o the Doudna Fine Arts Center. Pianist ends concert with ‘Ballade,’ encore

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B Jennifer BrownStaf Reporter

  Jonathan Biss brought togethermodern and old style music duringhis Tursday night perormance inthe Dvorak Concert Hall o theDoudna Fine Arts Center.

In the rst hal, he memorizedall the songs he perormed, includ-ing the Sonata in C Major by FranzSchubert.

“Te modern pieces I tend touse music or,” Biss said. “Te resto the program I have memorized.”

Prior to playing the Sonata, Bisstook the time to explain each o thetwo halves.

“Franz Schubert didn’t completeeither o these two halves,” he said.“Te rst hal is laid-back, and thesecond hal is tightly strung.”

Biss won the Leonard Barstein  Award in 2005 and has perormedin the International Music Festivalo 2007.

“I think he plays with a lot o expression,” Derek Maninor, areshman piano player said. “I’mglad he’s perorming works that arenot well-known, such as Selectionsrom Jatekok.”

Biss even brought some Mozartto his concert.

“Te Mozart had grace, and

the Schubert had powerul climax-es,” said Harrison Cole, a seniormusic perormance major said. “Heplayed beautiully the entire time.”

Nocturne in D fat Major deliv-ered powerul beats and melodiesto the audience who attended. Teperormance received Biss a stand-ing ovation.

“I really like that Eastern’s start-ing to get this kind o thing,” saidNeil Wright, a sophomore psychol-ogy major. “He was phenomenal,and more than I expected.”

Te last musical selection o theevening, Ballade No. 4 in minor,Op. 52 composed by Frederic Cho-pin, gave a soothing end to his per-ormance.

“Te love or music is whatgives me the courage to keep play-ing,” Biss said. “It’s what keeps megoing.”

Jennier Brown can be reached at

581-7942 or at [email protected].

campus briefs


eDiTor in CHiefKristina [email protected]


ills Scta Statsvcs t b campus The Illinois Secretary o State

Mobile Services will be on

campus rom 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

today in the Bridge Lounge o theMartin Luther King Jr. University


State law allows driver’s license

renewal up to one year in

advance. Proper identifcation is

required or new and duplicate

driver’s licenses and state ID cards.

 The mobile services available

today will include driver’s license’s,

state ID cards, vehicle sticker sales,

collegiate license plates, passen-

ger/b-truck license plates, vehicle

title and registration, organ tissue

donor registration and parking

placards or persons with dis-


Pst t gvdmstat kaat There will be a karate demon-

stration at 1 p.m. today in the Ar-

cola/Tuscola Room in the Martin

Luther King Jr. University Union.

Gus Albear will be the presenter.

Audts bg Pk Paths

Auditions or The EIU Pink Pan-

ther Dance Team will take place

April 17 to 19 in the Student Rec-

reation Center with registration

beginning at 4 p.m. in the Lantz

main hallway. All incoming resh-

men, transer and current Eastern

students with jazz, lyrical, kick and

hip-hop dance experience areencouraged to audition.

More inormation can be ound

at eiu.edu/~eiupinks. Anyone

with questions can contact Lisa

Dallas at [email protected] or at


—Complied by News Editor Matt


Bss pms th ght tsCAmPuS | EvENT

“I really like that

Eastern’s starting

to get this kind o 


— Neil Wright,

sophomore psychology


Park Place ApartmentsWhen location matterson the corner of 7th & Grant

next to the Union

Call for info or appointments


1,2,3 Bedroom Apartments

for Fall 2009

Free Parking


Central A/C


Models open

Contact us at [email protected].

Stop by our ofce at 715 Grant #101

Walk In Hours 11-4 M-F

In Thursday’s edition o The Daily 

Eastern News, it was incorrectly

stated that the Illinois Secretary

o State Mobile Services was on

campus Thursday. The services are

available today.

The DEN regrets the error.

B rASHiDA LyLeS CowAnStaf Reporter

Painul words are hard to orget but releasingthese words by painting them on bricks helps anindividual overcome that pain.

Painting bricks or “Writing on the Wall” isscheduled or 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. uesday throughTursday.

Te Residence Hall Association will be spon-soring this event.

Students will have the opportunity to write

any hurtul word on the bricks that are ull o racism and hate.Te wall will be constructed on April 20 out-

side the Martin Luther King Jr. University Unionacing the Booth Library and will stand until

 April 23, when it will be torn down to symbolizetearing down barriers between people.

RHA President Justin Schuch said they arelooking or volunteers to help monitor the wallor vandalism. Te shits that need to be lledare rom 2 to 4 a.m.

  Also during the meeting, letters were passedaround to ask members to sign in support o building the proposed Renewable Energy Cen-ter.

Student Senate members Mark Olendzki andOmar Solomon introduced the letters to RHA.Te Renewable Energy Center would replace

the more than 80-year-old coal burning steamplant on campus.

Students rely on the steam plant or heating,cooling and other energy needs on campus.

 A bill introduced in the Illinois Senate wouldallow the plant to be constructed.

Te energy center project was put on hold inNovember to consider alternative unding or the$40 million project and or urther consultation

 with community members.Te next RHA meeting will be held at 5 p.m.

Tursday in Stevenson Hall.

Rashida Lyles Cowan can be reached at 581-7942 or

at [email protected].

P bck e od o ed eCAmPuS | RHA

Erin MathEny | thE Daily EastErn nEws

Pianist Jonathan Biss laughs while signing autographs ollowing hisperormance Thursday night in the Dvorak Concert Hall o the DoudnaFine Arts Center.

Pianist ends concert

with ‘Ballade,’
