diy doughnuts

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  • 8/8/2019 Diy Doughnuts


    BY Jolia Sidona Allen RECIPES BY Lauren Ulm

    Devil's FoodDoughnutwith rainbowsprinkles, p. 75

    Vegans delight ithe ultimathomemade trea3oughnuts

    "M y boyfriend and I once w e n t to Krispy Kreme on Valentines Day mo rning and had a doughnut withred, white, and pink sprinkles," recalls Kristen Kuroski, a 27-year-old law student w ho w ent vegan a year ago."I haven't had a dou ghn ut since," she remarks. "I've been missing out."

    Ask any vegan about the last time the y had a doughnut and you'll likely get a similar response. That'swhy we at VT saw it as our duty to solve the vegan doug hnu t crisis once and for all.

    For this pho to shoot, we rounded up four Los Angeles-area vegans from various walks of life and fed themlip-smacking doughnuts developed by VeganYumYum blogger Lauren Ulm, DIY do ughn ut diva and Inteme tcelebrity chef who's dazzled the palates of both Martha Stewart and Ellen DeGeneres.

    You can tell by our vegan subjects' expressions how much they dug the do ugh nuts , but you d on 't haveto be a vegan to appreciate these more healthful versions of the anytime-of-day treat.

    ^ ^ F OO D ST YL IN G L ie sI M a g g o i r e

  • 8/8/2019 Diy Doughnuts


    Chris Lightfo otAge: 20Occupa t ion :

    I was inspired to go vegan because o fth eeffects the m eat industries have on theplanet, and by vegetarian heroes of m inesuch as Prince and Paul McCartney." S

  • 8/8/2019 Diy Doughnuts


    Kristen Kuroski37

    Law 5tuden t

    Miniature jellyDoughnuts




    Miniature JellyDoughnutsMAKES 25 MINI DOUGHNUTS | VEGANThese are classic yeast-raiseddoug hnuts , deep-fried, rollein sugar, and filled with jamA pastry bag fttted with around tip makes it easy tofill them with jam, but youcan also cut them in halfand spoon the filling intothe center.

    1 0.25-oz. pkg. activedry yeast

    w cup plus 1 tsp. sugar,divided

    2^ cups ail-purpose flour1 tsp. saltW tsp. baking powderVi tsp. ground nutmeg3 Tbs. nonhydrogenated

    vegan margarine, melted2 cups canola or vegetable

    oil, for frying^ cup superfine sugari cup plus 1 tsp. seedless

    raspberry ja m1. Mix yeast and I tsp. sugarwith 1 cup warm water (llO'in measuring cup. Let stand5 minutes, or until mixturefoams a nd smells yeasty.2. Whisk together flour,remaining 'Acup sugar, salt,baking powder, and nutmegin large bow!. Grease separatlarge bowl witb oil.3. Stir yeast mixture into floumixture witb wooden spoonuntil sticky dough forms. Addup to % cup warm water toinake smooth dough. Stir inmelted margarine. Turn dougout onto well-floured worksurface, and knead 6 to 8minutes, or until smooth, sofelastic dough forms. Add flouwhile kneading, if necessary.Transfer to oiled bowl, coverwirh towel, and let rise inwarm place I'/i hours.

  • 8/8/2019 Diy Doughnuts


    David LyellA g e : 40O c c u p a t i o n :Elementary SchoolSubst i tute Teacher/Actor

    4. Dusr baking sheetwith flour. Roll doughout to '/t-inch-thick roundon well-floured worksurface. Cut 25 circles fromdough with 2-inch roundcutter. Transfer rounds toprepared baking sheet,and cover loosely w ithplastic wrap. Let rest15 m inutes.

    5. Heat oil in large skilletor Dutch oven to 370F,or until hot but not smok-ing. Fry doughnuts in oil3 to 5 minutes, or untildeep golden brown,turning two or threetimes. Drain on paper-towel-lined plate; then roll insuperfine sugar while stillwarm. Cool.

    6. Poke small hole in side ofeach doughnut with tooth-pick or wooden dow el. Usepastry bag fitted with smallround tip to fill eachdoughnut with 1 tsp. .raspberry jam.PER DOUGHNUT 119 CAL: 1G PROT;4 GTOTAL FAT (1G SAT FAT); 20 G CARB.0 MG CHOU 119 MG SOD;

  • 8/8/2019 Diy Doughnuts


    Eleanor KotsoA ge : 65O c c u p a t i o n :RetiredVegan for 2 years

    o French ToastDoughnuts

    ) # "When I was growingup, my mother wentto the grocery storeevery morning andbought doughnuts.I'm from a family ofeight children, so youhad to be up early toget the chocolate one.

    W I N ! Register at for a chance to wina copy of Lauren Ulm's brand-new cookbook, Vegan Yum Yum.

    French Toast D oughnutMAKES IS MINI DOUGK^UTS ) VEGANA welcome twist on plaindoughnuts, these littletreats aremade with spicecake, topped with maple glazand cinnamon sugar, or yourfavorite vegan sprinkles, ifdesired. (One to try: Let'sDo...Organic Sprinklez.)DOUGHNUTSl'A cup all-purpose flour

    ^ cup sugar1V4 tsp. baking powderV> tsp. saltW tsp. ground cinnamonW tsp. ground nutmeg^A cup plain soymilk4 Tbs . nonhydro gena ted

    vegan margarineVi tsp. apple cider vinegar

    VA t s p . egg replacer,such as Ener-G

    1 tsp . vanilla extrac tMAPLE GLAZE

    2 Tbs. plain soymilk2 Tbs. maple syrup1 cup confectioners' sugar% tsp. salt'fy tsp. vanilla extract

    CINNAM ON SUGAR2 Tbs. sugarVi tsp. ground cinnamon

    1. To make Doughnuts:Preheat oven to 350F.Coa t doughnut panwithcooking spray.2 . Whisk together flour,sugar, baking powder, salt,c innamon, and n u tme g inlarge bowl.3- Combine soymilk, marga-rine, and vinegar in saucepan,and heat over low heat untilmargarine is melted. Cool.W hisk egg replacer with2 Tbs. water in small bow l;whisk this mixture andvanillaextract into soymilk m ixture.Stir soymilk mixture intoflour mixture.

  • 8/8/2019 Diy Doughnuts


    4- Fill each doughnut moldhalf full with batter. Bake12 min utes, or until toothpickinserted in doughnut comesout c lean. Unmold dough-nuts on wire rack to cool, andrepeat with remaining batter.5 . To make Maple Glaze;Combine soymilk, maplesyrup, sugar, and salt insaucepan, and bring to asimmer, whisking constantly.Remove from heat, and cool5 to 10 minutes, o r un tilthickened. Stir in vanillaextract.6. To make Cinnam on Sugar:Whisk together sugar andcinnamon in small bowl.7. Dip each dou ghnu t intoMaple Glaze and sprinklewith Cinnamon Sugar. Letglaze set before serving.PER DOUGHNUT: 121 CAU 1 G PROT;3 G TOTAL FAT (

  • 8/8/2019 Diy Doughnuts
