division 26 june news letter

Region 10, Division 26 - May 2014 Newsletter

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This is the official newsletter for Division 26, Region 10 for the month of June.


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Region 10, Division 26 - May 2014 Newsletter

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In this issue...

7. Governor's Project

9. Important Dates

5. District Project

11. What has Key Club Given ! ! you?

10. Matthewʼs Message

12. Contact Information

4. Dues and Due Dates

1. Why Reporting is Important

2. Article of the Month

3. Staying Connected

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Division 26 in Action

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Why Reporting is Important!

Your club did an awesome service filled project? Thats awesome! Will you get credit for it if you donʼt send in reports? No! The

only way for people to know what youʼve been up to and for you to get credit for what youʼve

done is by sending reports to the district board!

" " Your club secretary is the person who is supposed to send reports to " the district secretary that tells what all your club has done that way you can " receive credit! If you do not send in reports there is no way that you can receive the " recognition from the district board that you deserve! This is such a vital role to your " Key Club it can not be stressed enough. With out an active club secretary clubs will " not receive any credit for what they do.

Not only are secretaries supposed to send in stuff to the district board but your club editor is as well! As club editor you are supposed to create 1 monthly news letter that helps inform your club what is going on within your club and the division/ district. Along with sending in a monthly newsletter to the district editor your club editor can also send in up to 20 articles. An article is a Key Club related topic that you write about that contains 400+ words, a picture, your school name, a title, and who wrote it. Each newsletter can get you up to 50 points and each article can give you up to a maximum of 5 points, and if published an additional 10 points.

When sending in reports/articles/pictures/newsletters please send me a copy as well.

If you would like a power point explaining the duties of any club position please email me and ask for them and I will get you those power points as soon as I can.

If you have any questions about how to send in reports please ask.

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" On May 5th and 6th Bullard Key Club went to Trinity Mother Francis Hospital in Tyler, Texas to volunteer at the Phone-A-Thon. I signed up for the first night we went and I was slightly nervous because I have never done this before, I didnʼt want to mess up or ruin the chances of getting a donation.The group that went with me the first night was about five people, so it was small but we still did a good job. Once we got to the hospital we went to the room where the Phone-A-Thon was going to happen. An older lady and gentleman welcomed us to this and gave us food before we started making phone calls. After we were done eating, the people running it explained what we are supposed to do, we even got a script so we knew what to say. About the first 10 or so minutes we started, it was slightly awkward due to the fact that nobody wanted to be the first to start. I was slightly nervous to start in all honestly because I wanted Childrenʼs Miracle Network to get the largest amount of money from donations as possible. When I started calling I got into my own rhythm, as did everyone else so any trace of awkwardness was gone. Unfortunately I didnʼt get very many donations over the phone, but the people I would call asked for information about it and they were going to donate the money once they received the information. Still, I did get some donations over the phone which felt good to know that I was a part in helping Childrenʼs Miracle Network out. Everyone else that was working it received donations too and someone even got to call our band director, he thankfully donated. We continued the phone calls for around and hour and half, the time flew by because it only seemed like we were making phone calls for twenty minutes maybe, not over an hour. When we were through, the runners of the Phone-A-Thon decided to count up the total we made on donations that night and it came to almost $3700. It was really surprising to find out that we could raise that amount of money calling people in that short amount of time. Iʼm not too sure how much the other group made the next night, but they had more people so I am sure they raised the same amount and probably more than we did. The Phone-A-Thon was a lot of fun and I think more Key Clubbers should try to get involved in it. This is a easy way to get donations to people who desperately need it.

Article of the Month!CMN Phone-A-Thon

--- Bullard High School Editor, Caitlin Adams


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How to Stay Connected!


" Staying connected is super important, and actually very easy to do! By staying connected you are always in the loop and know what is going on! This is very important to do over the summer because some clubs become slightly less active over the summer. School might take a break but Key Club just keeps on keeping on!

" There are many ways for a club to keep in contact! The easiest in my opinion and the most popular way is through Facebook. My home club does this and we also have a divisional Facebook page (“T-O Key Club Division 26”). By using Facebook you can post when events are coming up and plan events by posting a thread on that Facebook page.

" Also by using any social media anything you post counts as a bulletin! You know what that means? More Bulletins = More Points!

" Not only can you use Facebook but you can use Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Remind101, or anything else your heart desires! All that matters is that you and your club are able to keep in constant contact with each other. "

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Dues and Due Dates!November 1st: Early Bird

Before/ on November 31st is the Dead Line

On/ After December 1st is the Late Dead Line.


Clubs will be suspended if they have not payed by February 1st. Clubs will be suspended until they pay their dues. They may not attend DCON/ICON, have someone from their club run for LTG/D. Staff, until

they have payed their dues and become unsuspended.

If a club become inactive they will no longer be considered a club by Key Club International and will

have to pay a reactivation fee of $100 to be recognized as a club again, on top of their dues from

the previous year.

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As of 5/11/14 Total funds raised Members Totals as of October 1, 2013

Per-Member Average as of

October 1, 2013Aktion Club US$75,788.79 11,149 US$19,012.35 US$1.71

Builders Club US$148,377.87 46,000 US$41,611.45 US$0.90Circle K International US$223,322.70 13,773 US$65,211.87 US$4.73

Key Club International

US$2,317,659.81 267,384 US$757,684.35 US$2.83

K-Kids US$125,854.36 36,000 US$35,858.49 US$1.00TOTAL US$2,891,003.53 374,306 US$919,378.51 US$2.46


The District Project - The Eliminate Project

The Eliminate Project has again been picked to serve as our District Project. Here is a quick update on what has been accomplished as of 5/11/14.

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The Governors Project- CMN

The Governors Project for the 2014 - 2015 Key Club Year

! As decided by our newly elected Governor, Kaityln Wilson, our Governors Project for the 2014 - 2015 Key Club year will be Children's Miracle Network (CMN). Childrenʼs Miracle Network has been up and running since 1983 and has a whopping number of 170 hospitals spread throughout the United States and Canada! Through out its years CMN has raised more than 4.7 billion dollars, and most of it 1 dollar at a time! All donations made to CMN support research and training, help purchase equipment, and pay for uncompensated care. This is all in support of the mission to save and improve the lives of as many children as possible! " For each minute you spend reading this article, or spend doing any activity, 62 children are entered into a Childrenʼs Miracle Network Hospital for treatment. Thats 1 child per second! Childrenʼs Miracle Network doesnʼt only just help certain kids with certain problems they help all kinds of kids with different kinds of problems. Some of the kids they help are battling cancer, suffering from a traumatic injury, and others require constant care because they were born with a genetic disease or were just born to early. " Contributions to Childrenʼs Miracle Network benefit an array of programs and services and it impacts young lives battling virtually every type of childhood illness and injury. Wether investing in the life of a premature baby whose weight is measured in grams rather than ounces, or preserving the dreams of a teenagers whose life is being controlled by a disease, CMN is still dedicated to the health and happiness of children. ! ! This year alone Childrenʼs Miracle Network Hospitals will provide care to so many people that the cost to provide the care adds up billions of dollars. This is why CMN depends on the community to support them and help them fund their vital services to the community and people that need it. ! Although CMN has raised 4.7 billion dollars, they havenʼt done it all

alone. They need the help and support of other organizations and individuals to be able to accomplish the amazing things they do. Even the smallest thing or project can make a difference! With the support of about 80,000 Key Club members from the

mighty Texas - Oklahoma district who knows what we, as one, will be able to accomplish?

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Activity Boxes – Not all patients are able to visit the playroom to do crafts or special projects. So, help us bring the playroom to them! Decorate and fill a large bag with art supplies and instructions for a particular project. Remember we see patients from age 0- 18, so prepare projects with varying levels of difficulty.

New Book/DVD Drive – We provide DVDs on every inpatient unit for kids and families to check out. Books practically fly off the tables in our clinic waiting rooms. If this is an area of interest for your organization, we will provide you with more information about what titles and types of books/DVDs are most favored.

Toiletry Bags – Our patient families often come unprepared to spend the night. Assemble small bags of personal items including shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, hairbrush and more. We’ll provide you with a complete list of needed items if this is an area of interest.

Clothing Drive – Sometimes a family arrives totally unprepared for a long stay. Social Work frequently receives requests from the ER for cozy clothes including athletic pants, t-shirts and ‘hoodies’ as well as practical items like socks and underwear. From newborn to Adult XXL, a range of sizes is always needed.

Arts and Crafts Drive – Help kids find their inner artist by stocking art closets throughout the hospital with fuse beads, paints, paint brushes, drawing pads, glitter, scissors and everything our little artists will need. For a complete list of needed arts and crafts items, please visit www.childrens.com, click on “Giving to Children’s,” then click “Get Involved” and select “Give Toys.”

Toy Drive – Help stock toy closets throughout the hospital with board games, stickers, small bottles of bubbles, dolls, dinosaurs, video games and more. For a complete list of needed toy items, please visit www.childrens.com, click on “Giving to Children’s,” then click “Get Involved” and select “Give Toys.”

The Governors Project Easy Project Ideas


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Important Dates!

Alexʼs Lemonade StandREPORT-S DUE

The Month of June is Firework’s Safety Month and Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals Month


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Matthew’s Message

Hello everyone! I had so much fun this month getting to know you guys and first come

in contact with you! I really would like to keep in contact with all of you over the summer as well. If you would so kindly go like the

Facebook page “T-O Key Club Division 26” that would help me out so much! I would also like for you guys to give me your email that way I can send

you updates over the summer. You can give it to me by texting me, or commenting it on the Facebook page! One of my goals for this year was to increase communication

amongst division 26. " I have also already planned our FTC (Fall Training Conference). It will be held on July 26th in Mineola, TX. I will send out an email with more information like what time, and exact directions. " Another thing, I really would like to see you guys over the summer and school year!

Keep me up to date on when yʼall are having socials or meetings and Iʼll see if I can come down that way I can see you guys in person!

Question of the Month: What would you guys like to do for this years divisional project? A divisional project is a project that we all do as a

division. Comment your answer on the Facebook page! If you do Iʼll know you read my newsletter and love you


---Yours in Service,

Matthew Riley

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“I know you have given to others while serving with Key Club, but what has Key Club given you?”

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“Key Club has allowed me to see how big world really is. The world is so big that what we can do as an organization, a family, is truly limitless and that each one of our clubs is a small part of the KCI family, each responsible for their share. Key Club has also taught me that service is not the number of hours you serve or the number of projects you do, but it's the number of lives you change. It's the number of hearts you lift up, and that is what makes Key Club International the best organization in the world! Everyday we get to make this huge world a better place!” - Sean Dempsey, Bullard High School Key Club President

“Key Club has given me my best friend and fellow advisor as well as relationships with hundreds of kids whom I also consider friends. I'll always be thankful for that.”- Tabitha Hippler, Past Key Club Sponsor of Bullard High School

“Key Club has taught me how big of an impact one organization can really make. It has inspired me to become a better person and made me want to serve my community. Without Key Club I would have not known the joys of volunteering nor would I have made such wonderful friends. Key Club has really changed my life for the better.”- Caitlin Adams, Bullard High School Editor

“Key has given me relationships with amazing people who love Key Club and serving others, and a chance to impact people who I don't know in places I may never go.”- Mikayla Dublin, Bullard High School Secretary

“Key club has given me the opportunity to make a difference in ways I would never have thought of on my on. Not only does it give that opportunity, but there's always a positive outlook on all of it, which encourages people to be involved even more. It's also given me the chance to befriend people who enjoy giving back the same way I do.”- Katie Gilbert, Bullard High School Treasurer

“Key club has given me the opportunity to serve in many ways which is enjoyable. It also has gave me an opportunity to meet new people and build relationships with friends. Key club has taught me amazing things about people and this world, and I am thankful for it.”- Ashton Dorsey, Bullard High School Vice President

This question was asked on the Facebook page for Division 26. Join the page and join in on the fun! 11

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Kaite WilsonDistrict Governor Mobile: 214 - 236 - [email protected]

Collin Gonzales District Treasurer :[email protected]

Samuel Kinnin District Secretary Mobile: 325 - 988 - [email protected]

Matthew RileyDivision 26 LTGMobile: 903 - 316 - [email protected]

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Contact us if you have any questions!

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