division 18 november newsletter - periwinkle paper

The Periwinkle Paper Division 18 November 2014| Vol. 1| Issue 2

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The Periwinkle Paper

Division 18

November 2014| Vol. 1| Issue 2

Hello Division 18!

It has been a pleasure serving and

working with you all for the duration of

my term Meeting the majority of you has

repeatedly showed me why Division 18

contains the most passionate and spirited

Key Clubbers in the Pac8fic Northwest.

We are in the midst of dues season

and I urge you all to pay your dues and en-

courage fellow members to pay as well.

Thank you all for making Trick or Treat

for UNICEF such a big success in our di-

vision! This year, I hope to have an excel-

lent showing as a division at DCON 2015

and I would encourage you all to plan and

begin fundraising as soon as you deem fit.

I truly feel blessed for being apart of

Division 18 and I hope to continue to

work with you all this coming year.

In Caring and Service,

Pranav Arya

Division 11/18c Lieutenant Governor

Key Club International

[email protected]

(604) 300-1997

Greetings from your LTG!

Table of Contents

DCM………….. Pg.1






Contact Info…Pg.9


Things to


Date: Sunday 23 Nov

Time: 5:30 - 8:30pm

Bring: Warm clothes

and around $8!

This month, Division 18 will be

going skating at ARC on Sunday

November 23rd from 5:30 to

8:30! We will be playing icebreak-

ers and will be having contests! I

hope to spend the evening with

all of you, see you then!

Hey Key Club Treasurers! This is Aneesh Pappu, your district treasurer. I hope you are all having a wonderful and productive school year and, for all you seniors, I hope that college ap-plications are going well!

We are currently in the midst of my favorite time of the year – dues season! Dues season runs until December 1st and is the time frame in which all clubs must submit dues in order to be a part of Key Club International. Although there are many service organizations aside from Key Club that do not require payments to join, there is no group that provides you with the same level of opportunities as we do. When you pay dues to join, you’re joining an international or-ganization with ties and projects all over the world. Your dues provide you with the opportuni-ty to fundraise for projects such as the Eliminate Project in order to cure deadly diseases around the world. The benefits don’t stop there however; joining Key Club provides you and your club with resources to succeed. As a paid member, you and your club immediately re-ceive the benefits of district support ranging from the help of your Lieutenant Governor and District Executive Officers to the aid of the adult Kiwanians who support us in each and every endeavor we undertake.

As we enter October a very important deadline for dues submission is arriving – Early Bird dues are due November 1st. Although it is not required to meet this deadline, submitting your club’s dues by this time comes with a myriad of benefits, including priority seating at DCON and an Early Bird patch for your club’s banner. In order to meet this deadline, each club must submit $12.50 per member for at least 15 members through the Membership Update Center (MUC), which can be found at

www.keyclub.org/MUC. If you have not logged into the MUC this school year yet, it is crucial that you sit down with your adviser, login, and begin the registration process. If you have any issues with login credentials, be sure to email [email protected] and include me as well ([email protected]).

After the Early Bird deadline, the final deadline for dues submission is December 1st. Unfor-tunately, clubs who do not submit their dues by this date will be placed on delinquent status, which can eventually translate into suspended and even inactive statuses for clubs. In order to avoid this, I highly recommend that you finish the dues process as soon as possible! I am also always available to assist if you have any issues, so don’t hesitate to shoot me an email or Fa-cebook message if you ever need to!

Happy Dues Season!

In Caring & Service,

Aneesh Pappu

Pacific Northwest District Treasurer Key Club International

[email protected]


The Eliminate Project

Credit: Brian Le

Contact me if you

are interested in

buying merchandise!







MARCH 13 - 15 / 2015

Garabaldi Key Club

This month, the Garibaldi Key Club has worked on recruitment of members. On October

10, we had a pizza party/ introduction session for new members, in which we explained what

Key Club was all about and what each member would get out of it. This event was very suc-

cessful, lots of new members came and enjoyed themselves learning about what each execu-

tive did, the benefits of being a Key Club member and how we help not just our community

but communities around the world. After that, we saw many more members at our meetings

who are in all grades and motivated to help others. Over the next few weeks, we worked on

the bake sale that would happen on October 29 and 30, October 29 being a Teacher Appreci-

ation day in which all teachers got free baked goods. The club decided that the proceeds

would go towards Project Eliminate and 10 people volunteered to bake something to sell. We

had pretzels, cupcakes, cookies, lemon squares, apple bread, coconut pudding and macaroons

and we raised $66.90 for Project Eliminate. This was a good beginning event for the club see-

ing as it was a fairly simple event that all the members could participated in and it also was a

good opportunity to show members how a group of students can help change the world. We

have also started planning for the Christmas party in December which is one of the most

challenging yet gratifying events of the year. For November we have a bottle drive planned

and will be discussing and preparing for that at this week's meeting.

Presidents’ Reports

GW Graham Key Club

This past month our club held several fundraisers for the ELIMINATE project. We sold Hal-

loween candy bags at our school, participated in Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF, and held our sec-

ond annual Teacher Beep Test. As a club, we assembled 255 candy bags, and then sold them

for $2 each the week of Halloween. 10 of our members participated in Trick-or-Treat for

UNICEF, and altogether we raised $300. Several members also participated in the Kiwanis

Thanksgiving Soup Kitchen on October 10th and 11th, helping set-up, prepare and serve

food. During the month of October, our club raised approximately $700 for project ELIMI-


Yale Key Club

This month, Yale helped out with the annual Harvest Dance held at the Legacy Building. We cooked hamburgers and hot dogs and served it to the disabled people in our community that came out that evening. After dinner, we danced with them and I'm sure that everyone had an amazing time! On Halloween, during school, seven of our members helped going class to class Trick-or-Treating for UNICEF. We talked to the classes briefly explaining ELIMINATE pro-ject, and many generous students and teachers donated their spare change towards it. In just one block, we were able to raise $244! In the evening we went around the houses near Yale, and also up Eagle Mountain. There were over 30 members that helped in the evening and the grand total we raised on Halloween came to $852! I am so thankful for all the teachers, stu-dents, and neighbours that contributed in making this amazing success! On November 2nd, a few of the members got together and went shopping for toys to put in shoe boxes for Opera-tion Christmas Child. Many members also brought donations to the meeting on Tuesday, No-vember 4th, where we packed the shoe boxes. Together, we were able to put together 26 boxes! On top of all this, our Key Club has reached a record of having one hundred members paid and registered! I'm looking forward to making this an amazing year with all our wonderful members and executives. Thanks everybody!

Bateman Key Club

The month of October has been a slow, yet productive month for Bateman's Key Club. We

have so far have collected dues from over 20 members to meet the minimum club requirement

of 15 members; in the coming weeks, we expect to finalize any late dues. On the final day of

October, Bateman Key Club members participated in the annual Halloween for Hunger food

drive for the Abbotsford Food Bank. The executive team is thankful for everyone who partici-

pated this year and helped us exceed the amount of non-perishable food items collected from

last year. Earlier in the day, Bateman members also sold some baked goods for Project ELIMI-

NATE as well as reached out to two elementary schools to participate in the cause. We expect

to collect ELIMINATE donations from the two schools by the end of the week and eventually

send them off to Kiwanis International Headquarters. For the month of November, our club is

primarily focussing on Operation Christmas Child however, we have scheduled three volunteer

activities outside of school and numerous others inside. By providing our members with a vari-

ety of volunteer activities, we hope this will maintain and increase club activity and participa-

tion from last year.


Hey everyone!

These last few weeks have been quite busy at the ATSS Key Club. We have been getting the club in full swing, are collecting dues and promoting the club. Some of the events we had done this past month included having a Samosa Day and also the Trick or Treat for Unicef. The Samosa Day had gone quite well as we broke into multiple committees and even had grade 9ers in charge of a committee. We had a group of people at a lunch time who had sold the samosas, and there was great involvement through all grades. For Trick or Treat for Unicef we had beat our club goal of $150 and had a good turnout of people who participated. We actually ended up having 400 boxes in by accident as some people know so it was fun meeting the other presidents when we were giving them to the other clubs. All in all, we are getting the club going in full swing and are ready for the great upcoming year!

Contact Information

Lieutenant Governor

Pranav Arya

(604) 300-1997

[email protected]

Convention Chair

Cleo Tsang


[email protected]

Assistant Administrator

Tom Saunders

[email protected]

District Governor

Lisa Antonio


District Secretary

Ik Hoon Jung

[email protected]

District Treasurer

Aneesh Pappu

[email protected]

District Editor

Jenny Zhang

[email protected]

District Administrator

John Jay

[email protected]

Finance Administrator

Kevin Buyer


[email protected]
