diversity project 2013. racial and ethnic diversity race is defined by physical characteristics that...


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Page 1: DIVERSITY PROJECT 2013. RACIAL AND ETHNIC DIVERSITY Race is defined by physical characteristics that set people apart. Ethnicity is different from race,


Page 2: DIVERSITY PROJECT 2013. RACIAL AND ETHNIC DIVERSITY Race is defined by physical characteristics that set people apart. Ethnicity is different from race,

RACIAL AND ETHNIC DIVERSITYRace is defined by physical characteristics that set people apart. Ethnicity is different from race, because it is a group set apart based on cultural differences and nation of origin.

In the terms of race and ethnicity, the U.S. is not very diverse. In 2010, the percentage of White, non-Hispanic people was 63.9%. It is projected that in 2050, this percentage will decrease significantly to an estimate 46%, with an increase of Hispanic and Asian population. The African-American population remained the same in this estimate, at 12.8%.

• This chart shows the population statistics for Woodlawn, Maryland in 2010.

• The information shown suggest that minorities are the majority in my city. 98% of the total population is one race.

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• All humans (no matter their race) share 99% of the same genes

“Genetically speaking, races don’t exist.” The documentary “The Human Family tree” discusses information about the human species, the

development of mankind, and our ancestry. It’s hard to imagine that one group of people populated the entire world, and is responsible to the physical

characteristics that identify us a different races. The film serves as clarification. It explained how people changed in appearance over the thousands of

years due to climate change and environment. Enjoy traveling with the first people from their start in Africa, to the Middle East, and finally in upper

Asia before branching off and creating even more different characteristics for us today. Note that some people decided to go left, and become today’s

Europeans, while others went right, and populated China, and eventually North and South America. Perhaps people with bias and prejudice feelings

can come across this documentary. After watching this film, most people will change their negative views about other races and come to understand

we are not that much different at all. “The Human Family Tree” was an absolutely inspiring piece of work and I look forward to studying the subject

more in my free time.

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• “Race as a social construct” means that the categories of race are created, or constructed, by society. Last

week, we learned that scientifically speaking, races do not exist. They were created by society to identify

others. An example of constructing race is given in chapter 5. Of our text book. “Sometimes we come to

define race in a clear-cut manner. A descendant of a Pilgrim is White, for example. But sometimes race is

more ambiguous: People who are the children of an African American and Vietnamese American union are

biracial or “mixed,” or whatever they come to be seen by others. Our recognition that race is socially

constructed has sparked a renewed interest in what it means to be White in the United States” (Richard T.

Schaefer 2012). Basically this is saying that the race “white” was created by social implications.

Page 5: DIVERSITY PROJECT 2013. RACIAL AND ETHNIC DIVERSITY Race is defined by physical characteristics that set people apart. Ethnicity is different from race,

• Dr. Seuss's “Sneetches” is an example of how race is socially constructed. It

began with one dominating group of people, who were different based on

slight physical characteristics, discriminating against the others. This slight

difference is what they built their “race” on. Society constructed this barrier

between the Sneetches. It was thought that having a star on your belly was

the best way to be. And all the ones that had no star were not as good as the

others. Creating a dominate race and subordinate race. The subordinate race

was left out of activities, ridiculed, and excluded. They were avoided at all cost

as if they had a disease. When the chance arose for these “bare belly

Sneetches” to get a star, and therefore fit in with the other group, everyone

did it. By the end of the story, everyone was switching back and forth from

star or no star, specifically based on what society deemed as the best.

Eventually, everyone forgot which way they were “supposed” to look. Without

knowing which “race” was best, (star or no star) it was impossible to identify

each other as a different “race”. The races that the Sneetches socially

constructed for themselves was totally diminished.

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Another socially-significant sources of diversity in our society is religion.

In 2012, 28 year old Muslim Imane Boudlal worked in a café in Disneyland. She is suing Walt Disney Co for harassment and religious discrimination. She wanted to wear her head scarf to work. She was given permission to do so, but when she did, she was moved to an area in the back, were no one would see her. The also made here wear a hat over top of the scarf, in an effort to hide it. When she refused, she was fired. She is a U.S. citizen and was subject to racial slurs. She was called “terrorist” and “camel” by her co-workers. She reported these incidents to her manager, but her complaints were ignored.

Here is a link to the video.


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Page 8: DIVERSITY PROJECT 2013. RACIAL AND ETHNIC DIVERSITY Race is defined by physical characteristics that set people apart. Ethnicity is different from race,

• . The majority of the people taking the test had a strong preference for European Americans. But, here’s something to think about. If everyone taking the test simply prefers the race that they are over another race, what does that really tell you? Nothing. If the majority of participants in this study are white people, and they feel more comfortable around other white people, then wouldn’t you expect the results to favor white people in general?

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Tim Wise’s speech, “Between Barrack and a Hard Place” was a great piece of work. It was very informative and motivating. He discussed topics including race, racism, social injustice, and white privilege. The key features of the talk were:

The past affects the present.

Supremacy and Oppression based on gender, race, disability, age and sexual orientation.

We have inherited fear and injustice treatment of black and brown people.

White people have an unearned advantage.

Non –Whites have unearned disadvantage.

There were several things I found interesting about this speech. The people in charge of this country have lost 12 trillion dollars. I didn’t know that was true. I also didn’t know that. The net worth of a white family is 11 times greater than that of a black family and 8 times greater than a Hispanic family.

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Cash welfare, or Temporary Cash Assistance, was created for white mothers so they could stay how and take care of their children. Now that other races of people have gained access to this benefit, they want to take it away. It’s referred to as “government dependency”.

It is our cultural responsibility to “clean up” the “mess” created by other people in society. We should take it upon ourselves to fix things, even though we didn’t make them that way. As the people who live in this world now, we are responsible for the actions of the past.

Everyone in society does not have equal power and privilege. Power and privilege is inherited by white people. People of color have gained some power throughout history, but it is not equal to the power of whites.

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Take a moment to reflect on how discrimination has effected you personally.

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• May 20th 2014 an Idaho women filed a discrimination lawsuit. The lawsuit was against her home town of Bonneville County in Idaho Falls. She was fired from her job for being arrested while driving under the influence in 2013. According to the lawsuit, a male worker found guilty of the same crime got to keep his job. This incident is relevant to our course because many women do not receive equal treatment in the work place. This is considered discrimination. Discrimination is unfair treatment to an individual based on culture, age, disability, religion, gender, or nationality.

Page 13: DIVERSITY PROJECT 2013. RACIAL AND ETHNIC DIVERSITY Race is defined by physical characteristics that set people apart. Ethnicity is different from race,

• The United States faces many challenges due to the diversity of its people. The biggest challenge is providing equality to all people. For example, women in particular face a “special” challenge when attempting to achieve equality. The textbook teaches us that “They suffer from greater inequality because they belong to two separate minority groups: a racial or ethnic group plus a subordinate gender group.”

• The benefits of such a diverse society are endless. We can all become more cultured and dignified. There are multiple learning opportunities for us, and we can get different views and input from people who are different.

Page 14: DIVERSITY PROJECT 2013. RACIAL AND ETHNIC DIVERSITY Race is defined by physical characteristics that set people apart. Ethnicity is different from race,

• The media continues to show people in prejudice ways. They do this by way of stereotyping. Anything that ever comes on TV is a perfect example. “Black” shows (Tyler Perry shows and movies for example) always show people behaving the same way. Like “black people”. Commercials for or about the elderly always display them as helpless and hopeless. The media does not properly helps foster the appreciation for diversity. Instead, it makes a joke out of it.

• Claiming to be “colorblind” is not the answer. You cannot simply pretend you don’t see someone for who they are. Ignoring someone’s race is disrespectful to their heritage. This way of thinking only benefits people with “white-privilege” and is not an appropriate answer to diversity and racial problems.

• We can foster a climate of acceptance and cultural pluralism in the United States by teaching our children early on how to behave and how to treat people. This way, when they grow up, they will be prepared for the diverse world the surrounds them. They also have a chance to become more sensitive to other cultures. But if life were that simple, people would be doing it already. This wouldn’t be a problem if people could easily just change who they are. By taking a diversity class,, people can work together better and raise awareness and appreciation.

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• Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition, by Richard T. Schaefer Ch.1-17• Netflix: “The Human Family Tree” • YouTube: “The Sneetches”, and Discrimination Video: http

://youtu.be/gQFzjbcLfq8• Project Implicit: https://

implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/takeatest.html • Tim Wise’s Speech “Between Barack and a Hard Place”• KTVB.Com Idaho News & weather