diversity different in living things.characteristics

Diversity • Different in living things. characteri stics

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Post on 22-Dec-2015




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Diversity • Different in living things. characteristics

• Scientist older than Darwin that believed that if organisms acquired a characteristic during their lifetime, it could be passed on to future generations.


= Living





Theory developed by

explaining how the characteristics of a species can change over many generations so it is better suited to its environment.

Natural Selection

Charles Darwin

• Scientist who supported Darwin’s theory by experimenting with peppered moths.


• that enable organisms to

• In order for organisms to survive they must be able to:


Inherited featuressurvive

and produce offspring.

Hide from predators

Find prey

Reproduce and pass on suitable genes

Adaptations of Cranes

Camouflageadaptation that enables an organism to blend in with its environment.

• an adaptation in which one organism gains protection by

organism that predators avoid because of its undesirable smell, taste or sting.

Blister beetle larvae in the Mojave desert cluster into a shape that vaguely resemble a bee and -- possibly with the use of pheromones -- attract a male. They cling to him to be taken to the female, who takes them into her nests, where they feed

on her eggs and young.


looking like another type of


• protruding parts of an organisms body.

Endangered Species

• A species that is near extinction and may not survive in the wild unless it is protected.

Extinction • Dying out of a species.

Vertebrate • an animal with a backbone:

• Birds

• Fish

• Reptiles

• Amphibians

• Mammals


• an animal without a backbone

Carolus Linnaeus

• Swedish scientist

• Devised the scientific system

for classifying living things

according to their structure

and anatomy.

How do you properly write a scientific name?


Homo sapiens = human (words mean Wise Man)

• Rana pipiens = frog • A scientific name is made up of two words: Genus and Species  • Genus – example: Homo • (first letter is ALWAYS capitalized in first word) • Species- example: sapiens• ( first letter is ALWAYS lowercase in second word)• Both words are either underlined separately or
