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Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank Replacement State Project No. 0171-0428, Assignment No. 218-5996 ii


1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1

1.1 BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE ............................................................................................. 1

2.0 LOCAL ENVIRONMENT AND RECEPTORS ................................................................. 3

2.1 SURFICIAL GEOLOGY .......................................................................................................... 3 2.2 BEDROCK GEOLOGY ........................................................................................................... 3 2.3 GROUNDWATER .................................................................................................................. 3 2.4 SURFACE WATER ................................................................................................................ 3

3.0 SUBSURFACE SITE INVESTIGATION .......................................................................... 4

3.1 SOIL SAMPLE COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS........................................................................ 4 3.2 GROUNDWATER SAMPLE COLLECTION & ANALYSES ........................................................ 5 3.3 PROJECT QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL PRACTICES ...................................... 5

4.0 REGULATORY CRITERIA .............................................................................................. 7

5.0 SUMMARY AND EVALUATION OF ANALYTICAL DATA ............................................10

5.1 SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS ............................................................................... 10 5.2 GROUNDWATER SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS ............................................................ 11 5.3 FIELD QA/QC SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS ................................................................ 12

6.0 DATA QUALITY ANALYSIS / DATA USABILITY EVALUATION ..................................13

7.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ..............................................................14

8.0 LIMITATIONS ................................................................................................................16

9.0 REFERENCES ...............................................................................................................17


Table 1 – Results of Soil Sample Analysis Table 2 – Results of Groundwater Grab Sample Analysis Table 3 – Results of QA/QC Sample Analysis


Figure 1 Site Location Map…………………………………………………………………………….2 Figure 2 Task 210 Subsurface Site Investigation Report – Soil Boring Location Plan


Appendix A – Soil Boring Logs Appendix B – Laboratory Reports Appendix C – DQA and DUE Worksheets

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Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank Replacement State Project No. 0171-0428, Assignment No. 218-5996 1


On behalf of the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT), Diversified Technology

Consultants, Inc. (DTC), has prepared the following Task 210 Subsurface Site Investigation

Report (SSIR) in support of State Project No. 0171-0428, Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

Replacement in Wolcott, Connecticut.

1.1 Background and Purpose

The proposed project is at the CTDOT Maintenance Facility (“Site”) which is located at

1010 Wolcott Road, Wolcott, Connecticut and consists of the removal of the existing motor

fueling facility. The proposed work includes the removal of an existing fuel island, 4,000-

gallon diesel fuel underground storage tank (UST), 2,000-gallon fuel oil UST, 3,000-gallon

waste water holding UST, and all associated piping, appurtenances and concrete. The

fuel oil UST will be replaced with an above ground storage tank (AST) and the waste water

holding tank will be replaced with a new waste water holding UST.

The Task 210 SSIR was conducted to verify the absence or presence and location of

subsurface contamination, and to assess the potential pollutant impacts to be encountered

during construction for the proposed project. It is anticipated that Task 310 Plans,

Specifications and Estimate will subsequently be prepared to assess construction related

activities (i.e. proper storage, classification, transport and disposal of contaminate

materials), in relationship to the environmental conditions prevalent at the Site, as well as

specify remedial work to be included in the Contract Bid Documents.

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The purpose of this project is to remove the existing motor fuel island, 4,000-gallon diesel fuel

underground storage tank (UST), 2,000-gallon fuel oil UST and associated piping, 3,000-gallon

waste water UST and all associated concrete.

This Task 210 SSIR was conducted in the areas of anticipated construction activities for the

proposed project. The site area and sample locations are depicted on Figure 2 – Subsurface

Site Investigation, Soil Boring Location Plan included at the end of this report.

2.1 Surficial Geology

According to CT Environmental Conditions Online (CT ECO), the surficial geology for the

Site is described as till.

2.2 Bedrock Geology

According to CT ECO, bedrock at the Site is the Straights Schist, described as a silvery to

gray coarse-grained schist.

2.3 Groundwater

According to CT ECO, groundwater at the Site is designated as “GA”. “GA” classified

groundwater is considered by the CT DEEP to be located within the area of existing

private drinking water supply wells or an area with the potential to provide water to public

or private water supply wells. The CT DEEP presumes that groundwater within a “GA”

area is suitable for human consumption without treatment.

2.4 Surface Water

An unnamed watercourse associated with Pellegrini Pond is located approximately 500

feet south of the Site, which also connects to the Mad River. Both watercourses are

designated as Class A. Surface waters of this designation are considered by the CT

DEEP as potential public supply and for habitat for fish and other aquatic life and wildlife,

recreation, navigation, and/or a water supply for industry or agriculture.

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Based upon the anticipated construction activities and the existing surrounding land use, DTC

conducted a comprehensive sampling program within the project limits. The subsurface site

investigation was conducted in accordance with our task assignment and the approved Work

Plan dated June 2019. The following subsections detail the investigation which was conducted

within the project limits on June 25 and 26, 2019.

3.1 Soil Sample Collection and Analysis

Sixteen (16) borings, B1 through B16, were advanced within the project limits at the

locations shown on the attached Soil Boring Location Plan, Figure 2. The borings were

advanced to a depth of 15 feet below ground surface within the project limits, utilizing a

Geoprobe direct push unit. The boring locations were marked in the field and cleared by

a private utility and ground penetrating radar company, and the driller notified “Call Before

You Dig” prior to conducting intrusive activities.

The soil samples were visually inspected in the field for staining and soil boring logs were

generated by the licensed driller. In addition, the soil samples were screened in the field

for total volatile organic compounds utilizing a photoionization detector (PID).

Based upon field screening results and visual observations, one (1) soil sample from each

boring was collected, placed in laboratory-supplied glassware and stored in an ice-filled

cooler. If visual screening did not indicate contamination, the soil sample representing the

approximate bottom of the tank, 8 to 10-feet below grade, was collected for laboratory

analyses. All collected soil samples were analyzed for the following parameters:

• Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) - EPA Method 8260

• Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs) - EPA Method 8270

• Extractable Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (ETPH) - Connecticut ETPH Method

• Total and SPLP RCRA 8 Metals – EPA Method SW846/6010

Field sampling protocols were performed in accordance with the DEEP’s Guidance for

Collecting & Preserving Soil & Sediment Samples for Laboratory Determination of Volatile

Organic Compounds document dated March 1, 2006. All boring locations were back-filled

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upon completion and all down-hole sampling equipment was decontaminated in the field

between each use.

3.2 Groundwater Sample Collection & Analyses

Groundwater was encountered from three (3) to ten (10) feet below grade during the

advancement of the Geoprobe borings and confirmed by measuring the groundwater

level of existing monitoring wells. Existing groundwater monitoring wells located adjacent

to the USTs were sampled to evaluate groundwater quality at the Site. Three (3)

groundwater samples were collected from the existing monitoring well utilizing low-flow

sampling techniques. The groundwater samples were collected by inserting polyethylene

tubing into each well and the groundwater sample was drawn through the tubing using a

low-flow peristaltic pump.

The groundwater samples were submitted for laboratory analysis for VOCs (EPA Method

8260), SVOCs (EPA Method 8270), ETPH (CT-ETPH Method), and Total and Dissolved

RCRA 8 metals. The groundwater samples collected for Dissolved RCRA metals were

field filtered using a 0.45-µm membrane filter prior to acidification. The groundwater

samples were placed in laboratory-supplied glassware and stored in an ice-filled cooler.

3.3 Project Quality Assurance/Quality Control Practices

The DEEP’s Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) Guidance was used to

ensure that the analytical results generated during the investigation are of known and

appropriate quality. Specifically, the Laboratory Quality Assurance Control Reasonable

Confidence Protocols (RCPs) was utilized for all laboratory analytical methods. The

Laboratory Quality Assurance and Quality Control, Data Quality Assessment and Data

Usability Evaluation (DQA/DUE) Guidance was utilized to ensure that the analytical data

used is of known and sufficient level of quality for the intended purpose.

To assess the collection of samples in the field in terms of the sampling techniques and

decontamination procedures followed, quality control and quality assurance samples were

collected and analyzed.

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Laboratory prepared trip blanks (soil and groundwater) accompanied the samples

obtained during field sampling activities. The soil trip blanks consisted of one (1) methanol

and two (2) de-ionized 40 ml vials. The groundwater trip blank consisted of two (2), 40 ml

vials containing laboratory grade de-ionized water. The trip blanks were placed in the

sample cooler with the daily samples until delivery to the laboratory for analysis of EPA

Method 8260 volatile organic compounds. The data from the trip and field blanks was

included in the laboratory report and was used to assess the effectiveness of the

decontamination procedures used in the field. Data that may have resulted from cross-

contamination due to poor field decontamination and sample storage practices was

qualified so that data users are aware of the potential origins of the contaminants.

All samples collected in the field were stored in a manner that preserves the integrity of

the sample chemistry. Samples intended for organic analyses were stored in an ice-filled

cooler until delivery to the laboratory. Chain-of-Custody (COC) forms were filled out and

accompanied all the samples collected as a legal record of possession of the samples.

The COC is initiated in the field and accompanies the containers during sample collection,

transportation to the lab, analysis, and final disposal of the samples.

All sampling equipment was either dedicated to a specific sample or was decontaminated

prior to and between each use. Sampling equipment were not placed near solvents,

gasoline, or other materials that may impact the integrity of the sampler.

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The soil analytical results were compared to the numeric criteria listed in the Connecticut

Remediation Standard Regulations (RSRs), Sections 22a-133k-1 through 22a-133k-3 of the

Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies (RCSA), revised June 27, 2013.

The RSRs were developed by the DEEP to define the remediation performance standards for

soil and groundwater, specific numeric cleanup criteria, and processes for establishing

alternative site-specific standards. The RSRs apply to any action which is required pursuant to

Chapters 445, 446k, or Section 22a-208a(c)(2) of the General Statutes, including but not limited

to any such action required to be taken or verified by a licensed environmental professional. The

Regulations also outline the processes for establishing alternative site-specific numerical

standards for certain sites and criterion for additional polluting substances not specified in the

RSRs, upon approval from DEEP. The RSR criteria are based on the property usage

(industrial/commercial or residential) and the DEEP groundwater quality designation (“GA” or

“GB”). Based on our review of the state groundwater quality maps, the Site is located in an area

designated as “GA” quality groundwater, therefore the more stringent criteria apply.

The numeric criteria in the RSRs was utilized as guidelines to evaluate the data and to make

conclusions regarding concentrations of regulated compounds detected in soil and groundwater.

The following summarizes the soil and groundwater criteria utilized during this Task 210 SSIR.

4.1 Soil Criteria

The RSRs contain two sets of soil criteria; the Direct Exposure Criteria (DEC) and the

Pollutant Mobility Criteria (PMC), as summarized below.

Direct Exposure Criteria

The DEC are designed to protect human health from risks associated with exposure to

pollutants in contaminated soil within fifteen (15 feet) of the ground surface. Different DEC

apply to a property depending on land use, either “residential” or “industrial/commercial”,

as defined by the RSRs.

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The less stringent Industrial/Commercial (IDEC) cannot be used unless an Environmental

Land Use Restriction (ELUR) has been recorded on the property deed restricting the site to

industrial/commercial uses.

The DEC for substances other than PCBs do not apply to “inaccessible” soil at a release

area provided that such soil is less than 15-feet from the ground surface and

Environmental Land Use Restriction (ELUR) is in effect with respect to the subject parcel

or to the portion of such parcel containing such release area.

The DEC do not apply to metals, petroleum hydrocarbons or semi-volatile substances in

soil provided such pollution is the results of an incidental release due to the normal

operation of motor vehicles, not including refueling, repair or maintenance of a motor

vehicle; or normal paving maintenance of a consolidated bituminous concrete surface

provided such bituminous concrete surface has been maintained for its intended purpose.

Pollutant Mobility Criteria

The PMC are designed to protect groundwater quality by reducing or eliminating the

potential for migration of pollutants to the groundwater from contaminated soil. Different

PMC apply to a property depending on the groundwater quality at the site, as designated

by DEEP. In a “GA” groundwater classification area the PMC apply to soil located above

the seasonal low water table and in a “GB” groundwater classification area the PMC apply

to soil located above the seasonal high-water table. The PMC do not apply to

“environmentally isolated” soil at a release area provided that an Environmental Land Use

Restriction (ELUR) is in effect with respect to the subject parcel or to the portion of such

parcel containing such release area. The PMC do not apply to polluted fill on a parcel if

the fill meets the requirements of section 22a-133k-2(c)(4)(B)(i) through (vi). The PMC do

not apply to substances, other than volatile substances, in soil at a release area provided

the release area meets the requirements of section 22a-133k-2(c)(4)(C)(i) through (v).

The PMC do not apply to metals, petroleum hydrocarbons or semi-volatile substances in

soil provided such pollution is the result of: an incidental release due to normal operation of

motor vehicles, not including refueling, repair or maintenance of a motor vehicle; or normal

paving and maintenance of a consolidated bituminous concrete surface provided such

bituminous concrete surface has been maintained for its intended purpose.

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Since the site is located in a “GA” groundwater quality area, the GA PMC was used for

comparison to the analytical results. Groundwater was not encountered at the soil boring

locations. However, the depth to water from the existing groundwater monitoring was

measured at 24 feet below grade.

4.2 Groundwater Criteria

Under the DEEP RSRs contaminants in the groundwater are compared either to

background quality or the Ground Water Protection Criteria (GWPC), the Volatilization

Criteria (VC), as well as the Surface Water Protection Criteria (SWPC). However, CTDOT

has had numerous discussions with DEEP staff with regard to groundwater encountered

during “Construction Projects” and the applicability of the RSRs to these situations. Based

on the guidance provided by DEEP, groundwater samples collected are to be compared to

the effluent limits for the “General Permit for the Discharge of Groundwater Remediation

Wastewater” to determine if Groundwater Areas of Environmental Concern (GW-AOECs)

for construction dewatering exist within the project limits that would require special


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5.1 Soil Sample Analytical Results

Soil analytical results for this Task 210 are summarized in the attached Table 1, including

the applicable regulatory criteria, and are discussed further below. The soil analytical

laboratory reports are included in Appendix B.


A total of sixteen (16) soil samples were analyzed for ETPH. ETPH was not detected

above the laboratory detection limits in any of the soil samples analyzed.


A total of sixteen (16) soil samples were analyzed for VOCs by EPA Method 8260. VOC

compounds were not detected above laboratory reporting limits in any of the soil samples



A total of sixteen (16) soil samples were analyzed for SVOCs by EPA Method 8270.

SVOCs were detected above analytical detection limits in two (2), B1_8-10’ and B2_8-10’,

of the sixteen (16) soil samples analyzed, but at concentrations below the applicable RSR


SVOCs were not detected above the laboratory detection limits in the remaining soil

samples analyzed.


A total of sixteen (16) soil samples were analyzed total RCRA 8 metals. One or more of

the following total RCRA 8 metals, arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, mercury, lead,

selenium and silver, were detected in the soil samples analyzed at concentrations above

analytical detection limits but below the applicable RSR criteria.

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All soil samples collected were also analyzed for leachable RCRA 8 metals by the

Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Procedure (SPLP). No soil samples collected and

analyzed contained leachable metals at concentrations exceeding the applicable RSR


5.2 Groundwater Sample Analytical Results

Groundwater analytical results for this Task 210 are summarized in Table 2. The

groundwater analytical laboratory reports are included in Appendix B.


ETPH was not detected above laboratory detection limits in the groundwater samples

(MW2, MW4, and MW5) collected from the existing monitoring wells within the project



VOCs were not detected above laboratory detection limits in the groundwater samples

(MW2, MW4, and MW5) collected from the existing monitoring wells within the project



SVOC were not detected above laboratory detection limits in the groundwater samples

(MW2, MW4, and MW5) collected from the existing monitoring wells within the project


Total and Dissolved Metals

Total and dissolved barium were detected in the groundwater samples MW2, MW4, and

MW5 at concentrations below the DEEP effluent limits for surface water discharge and

POTW effluent limits. Total and dissolved chromium was detected in groundwater

sample MW5 at concentrations below the DEEP surface water and POTW effluent limits.

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5.3 Field QA/QC Sample Analytical Results

Two (2) soil and one (1) groundwater trip blank samples were analyzed for full VOCs to

evaluate the potential for cross-contamination of the samples during transport. The trip

blank samples accompanied the sample jars from the laboratory, to the field, and back to

the laboratory. VOCs were not detected in the trip blank samples at concentrations above

analytical detection limits.

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Sixteen (16) soil samples, three (3) groundwater samples, two (2) soil trip blanks, and one (1)

groundwater trip blank were collected as part of this environmental investigation and submitted

to a state-certified analytical laboratory for analyses using the DEEP Reasonable Confidence

Protocols (RCPs) established for VOCs, SVOCs, ETPH, and metals. The samples were

collected to verify the absence or presence and location of subsurface contamination, and to

assess the potential pollutant impacts to be encountered within the project limits during

construction of the proposed intersection improvements.

A data quality assessment and data usability evaluation were performed for the data generated

in accordance with DEEP guidance and noted the following quality control non-conformances.

Copies of the DQA and DUE worksheets are included in Appendix C.

Non-conformances related to Laboratory Control Sample/Laboratory Control Sample Duplicates

(LCS/LCSDs), LCS, LCS/LCSD RPD, Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicates (MS/MSDs), and

quality control responses do not have a significant bearing on the accuracy and usability of the

data for its intended uses. In all cases the non-conformances had no impact on the data

usability and the data is of sufficient quality and precision for its intended use based on multiple

lines of evidence.

Based on the above findings from the DQA and DUE, the analytical data is of adequate quality

and of sufficient accuracy, precision and sensitivity to confirm contaminant of concern are

present in the soil at detectable concentrations below the DEEP RSRs and within groundwater

at concentrations below the permit effluent limits. Task 310 Plans, Specifications and Estimate

will be required for the removal of the underground storage tanks (USTs), worker health &

safety, and management of controlled (soil and groundwater) materials which may be

encountered during tank removal activities to be included in the Contract Bid Documents.

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DTC conducted a Task 210 SSIR within the project limits in support of State Project No.

0171-0428, Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank Replacement in Wolcott, Connecticut. The

results of the environmental investigation indicated that contaminants of concern (COCs) exist

in soil within the project limits at concentrations below the applicable RSR criteria and within

groundwater at concentrations below the general permit effluent limits. The presence of these

COCs within the project limits may require controlled material management and disposal should

contamination be detected below the USTs during tank removal operations. Dewatering fluids

should be managed in accordance with the DEEP General Permit for Construction Dewatering,

however, should contamination be detected treatment and permitting of the discharge may be

required in accordance with DEEP General Permit for the Discharge of Groundwater

Remediation Wastewater. Pursuant to Section 22a-449(d)-107 of the RCSA, sampling of soil

and groundwater (if encountered in the tank grave) is required for UST closure. In addition,

specifications for the implementation of worker health and safety procedures during construction

should be included in the contract documents. The following summarizes the results of the

Task 210 SSIR:

• The results of the laboratory analyses indicated that soil from borings (B1 and B2)

within the project limits has been impacted with SVOCs above laboratory detection

limits but below the applicable RSR criteria.

• Metals were detected above laboratory detection limits but below the applicable RSR

criteria in soils throughout the project limits.

• Groundwater samples collected from the three (3) existing monitoring well locations,

contained substances at concentrations below both the effluent limits for discharge to

surface water and the POTW discharge limits.

• Based on the results of this Task 210 SSIR and proposed project activities, DTC

recommends that Task 310 – Plans, Specifications, and Estimate be prepared for the

proper management and disposal of contaminated materials that may be excavated,

handled, transported, or disposed during construction activities, DEEP closure

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procedures and required sampling for the USTs and fuel island, and for the

establishment/implementation of appropriate worker health and safety protocols.

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All work products and reports provided in connection with the performance of this

Task 210 SSIR are subject to the following limitations.

Where visual observations have been provided in this report, they represent conditions at the

time of observation and may not be indicative of past or future conditions.

DTC’s work presented herein was performed in accordance with generally accepted practices of

other consultants undertaking similar studies at the same time and in the same geographical

area. DTC observed a degree of care and skill generally exercised by other consultants under

similar circumstances and conditions. DTC’s findings and conclusions must be considered not

as scientific certainties, but as our professional opinion concerning the significance of the limited

data gathered during the course of the investigation. Specifically, DTC does not and cannot

represent that the site contains no hazardous material, oil, or other latent condition beyond that

observed by DTC during the investigation.

In completing this investigation, DTC has relied upon information and/or data provided by other

environmental consultants, drillers, analytical laboratories, municipal agencies, and State

agencies. DTC provides no warranty regarding the accuracy of the data provided by these


No specific attempt was made to check the compliance of the owners/operators of the site with

Federal, State, or local laws and regulations, environmental or otherwise.

This report was prepared for the exclusive use of the CTDOT. No other party may rely on this

report without written consent of these parties.

If conditions or activities on or near the site change, the conclusions in this report may no longer

be valid. DTC should be made aware of such changes so that the conclusions presented in this

report may be modified (if necessary).

The conclusions and recommendations contained in this report are based upon data obtained

from a limited number of soil samples obtained from locations selected by DTC and others. The

nature and extent of variations between these sample locations may not be evident from the

data obtained.

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1. “Remediation Standard Regulations”, DEEP, Sections 22a-133k-1 through –3 of the

Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, effective June 27, 2013.

2. “Request for Approval of Criteria for Additional Polluting Substances and Certain Alternative

Criteria”, DEEP, dated October 12, 2018.

3. “Site Characterization Guidance Document”, DEEP, dated September 2007 (revised

December 2010).

4. “Laboratory Quality Assurance & Quality Control, Data Quality Assessment & Data Usability

Evaluation Guidance Document”, DEEP, dated May 2009.

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Soil Analytical ResultsTask 210 SSI

Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank Replacement

1010 Wolcott Road

Wolcott, Connecticut

6/25/19 6/25/19 6/25/19 6/25/19 6/25/19 6/25/19 6/25/19 6/25/19 6/25/19 6/25/19 6/25/19 6/25/19 6/26/19 6/26/19 6/26/19 6/29/19

RSR Criteria


Petroleum Hydrocarbons (mg/Kg)

ETPH 500 2,500 500 <56 <57 <56 <56 <56 <56 <58 <55 <57 <58 <59 <55 <57 <56 <56 <58

Volatile Organic Compounds (mg/Kg) Various Various Various <0.23 <0.26 <0.22 <0.28 <0.3 <0.29 <0.28 <0.26 <0.25 <0.29 <0.25 <0.29 <0.35 <0.27 <0.27 <0.25

Semi-Volatile Organic Compunds (mg/Kg)

Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 8.4 78 1 0.75 0.37 <0.26 <0.26 <0.26 <0.26 <0.27 <0.25 <0.27 <0.27 <0.28 <0.26 <0.27 <0.26 <0.26 <0.27

Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 1 1 1 0.78 0.33 <0.26 <0.26 <0.26 <0.26 <0.27 <0.25 <0.27 <0.27 <0.28 <0.26 <0.27 <0.26 <0.26 <0.27

Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1 7.8 1 0.70 0.3 <0.26 <0.26 <0.26 <0.26 <0.27 <0.25 <0.27 <0.27 <0.28 <0.26 <0.27 <0.26 <0.26 <0.27

Metals (mg/Kg)

Arsenic 10 10 NA 3.15 3.3 2.26 2.43 2.95 3.58 2.84 3.1 2.84 3.35 2.91 3.38 2.65 2.86 3.12 3.22

Barium 4,700 140,000 NA 60.3 63.9 41.4 62.1 54.1 61.5 65.8 60.6 56.8 62.5 51 62.1 56.7 69.9 66.5 65.7

Cadmium 34 1,000 NA <0.35 <0.4 <0.4 <0.37 <0.35 <0.37 <0.38 <0.4 <0.39 <0.35 <0.43 <0.35 <0.4 <0.35 <0.38 <0.4

Chromium 100* NE NA 18.9 18.7 13.5 20.5 14.3 20 21.1 16.3 14.7 17.8 16.9 17.9 21.6 23.1 22.1 21.4

Mercury 20 160 NA <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 0.05 0.04 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03

Lead 400 1,000 NA 6.02 6.17 4.03 5.8 5.61 6.73 8.06 5.42 5.3 6.41 7.08 5.76 5.97 7.05 7.43 6.9

Selenium 340 10,000 NA <1.4 <1.6 <1.6 <1.5 <1.4 <1.5 <1.5 <1.6 <1.6 <1.4 <1.7 <1.4 <1.6 <1.4 <1.5 <1.6

Silver 340 10,000 NA <0.35 <0.4 <0.4 <0.37 <0.35 <0.37 <0.38 <0.4 <0.39 <0.35 <0.43 <0.35 <0.4 <0.35 <0.38 <0.4

SPLP Metals (mg/L)

Arsenic NA NA 0.05 <0.004 <0.004 <0.004 <0.004 <0.004 <0.004 <0.004 <0.004 <0.004 <0.004 <0.004 <0.004 <0.004 <0.004 <0.004 <0.004

Barium NA NA 1 <0.01 0.016 0.052 0.021 0.041 0.011 0.025 <0.01 <0.01 0.03 0.059 0.014 0.027 0.038 0.039 0.026

Cadmium NA NA 0.005 <0.35 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005

Chromium NA NA 0.05 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.014

Mercury NA NA 0.002 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005

Lead NA NA 0.015 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

Selenium NA NA 0.05 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02

Silver NA NA 0.036 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

% Solids NA NA NA 88 87 88 88 88 88 85 89 86 85 82 89 86 88 88 86


Bolded and Shaded concentrations exceed the RDEC and/or IC DEC

Bolded and underlined concentrations exceed the GA PMC

* Criteria is for hexavalent chromium

ND = Not Detected at the indicated detection limit

NE = None Established

NA = Not Analyzed or Not Applicable

RSR = Remediation Standard Regulations

RDEC = Residential Direct Exposure Criteria

PMC = Pollutant Mobility Criteria

ETPH = Extractable Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons

B13_8-10' B14_8-10' B15_8-10' B16_8-10'B8_8-10' B9_8-10' B10_8-10' B11_8-10' B12_8-10'B3_8-10' B4_9-10' B5_8-10' B6_8-10' B7_14-15'



B1_8-10'Sample ID & Depth B2_8-10'

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Page 23: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank


Soil Analytical ResultsTask 210 SSI

Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank Replacement

1010 Wolcott Road

Wolcott, Connecticut

RSR Criteria


Petroleum Hydrocarbons (mg/Kg)

ETPH 500 2,500 500

Volatile Organic Compounds (mg/Kg) Various Various Various

Semi-Volatile Organic Compunds (mg/Kg)

Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 8.4 78 1

Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 1 1 1

Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1 7.8 1

Metals (mg/Kg)

Arsenic 10 10 NA

Barium 4,700 140,000 NA

Cadmium 34 1,000 NA

Chromium 100* NE NA

Mercury 20 160 NA

Lead 400 1,000 NA

Selenium 340 10,000 NA

Silver 340 10,000 NA

SPLP Metals (mg/L)

Arsenic NA NA 0.05

Barium NA NA 1

Cadmium NA NA 0.005

Chromium NA NA 0.05

Mercury NA NA 0.002

Lead NA NA 0.015

Selenium NA NA 0.05

Silver NA NA 0.036

% Solids NA NA NA


Bolded and Shaded concentrations exceed the RDEC and/or IC DEC

Bolded and underlined concentrations exceed the GA PMC

* Criteria is for hexavalent chromium

ND = Not Detected at the indicated detection limit

NE = None Established

NA = Not Analyzed or Not Applicable

RSR = Remediation Standard Regulations

RDEC = Residential Direct Exposure Criteria

PMC = Pollutant Mobility Criteria

ETPH = Extractable Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons



Sample ID & Depth

DTC Project No.: 17-141-15E Page 2 of 2

Page 24: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

TABLE 2Groundwater Analytical Results

Task 210 SSIR

Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank Replacement

1010 Wolcott Road

Wolcott, Connecticut


Parameters"A" Surface Water

LimitPOTW Limit 6/26/19 6/26/19 6/26/19

ETPH by the CT DPH Approved Method (mg/L)

Extractable Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 5 100 <0.068 <0.071 <0.069

Volatile Organic Compounds (µg/L) ND ND ND

Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (µg/L) ND ND ND

Total Metals per EPA 6010/200.7 (µg/L)

Arsenic 0.021 100 <0.004 <0.004 <0.004

Barium NE 5,000 0.005 0.003 0.065

Cadmium 10 100 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001

Chromium 342 1,000 <0.001 <0.001 0.001

Lead 9.8 100 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002

Mercury ND ND <0.0002 <0.0002 <0.0002

Selenium 40 1,000 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

Silver 5 100 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003

Dissolved Metals per EPA 6010/200.7 (µg/L)

Arsenic 0.021 100 <0.004 <0.004 <0.004

Barium NE 5,000 0.002 0.003 0.062

Cadmium 10 100 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001

Chromium 342 1,000 <0.001 <0.001 0.001

Lead 9.8 100 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002

Mercury ND ND <0.0002 <0.0002 <0.0002

Selenium 40 1,000 <0.011 <0.011 <0.011

Silver 5 100 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001


NA = not analyzed for this parameter / not applicable.

ND = not detected above laboratory detection limits

NE = no criteria established.

General Permit for the Discharge of

Groundwater Remediation Wastewater

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TABLE 3QA/QC Analytical Results

Task 210 SSIR

Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank Replacement

1010 Wolcott Road

Wolcott, Connecticut

Trip Blank Trip Blank

6/25/19 6/26/19

Volatile Organic Compounds (µg/L) ND ND

Trip Blank


Volatile Organic Compounds (µg/L) ND


ND = not detected

NA = not analyzed for this parameter / not applicable.



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Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank Replacement State Project No. 0171-0428, Assignment No. 218-5996


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SCALE 1"=20'

20 400













...\Facilities\Civil\Design.dgnPlotted Date:
















































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Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank Replacement State Project No. 0171-0428, Assignment No. 218-5996


Soil Boring Logs

Page 29: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

Soil Sampling Log     ~¥

3。。 。nd能3R,.L,N。75 Commerce ClrCle

Durham, CT O6422

Phone 860-349-0397

Diversified TechnoIogy Consultants

232 1 Whitney Avenue

Hamden Center H

Hamden, CT O6518

Field ldentifica0On Of Solls


G「avel and trap 「ock

Light brown to grey sand, SOme till, traCe Silt

Llght brown very fine sand, SOme刷and gravel, traCe Sllt

Page 30: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

Soil Sampling Log     _、

。而辞令-し」,N。75 Commerce Circle

Durham, CT O6422

Pho11e. 860-349-0397

Diversified TechnoIogy

2321 Whitney Avenue

Hamden Center II


Total Footage

Earth BoringFt 15 O

Rock Cormg

Page 31: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

・ -・・・嵩韓

Soil Sampling Log     へ

。」蜜!.LIN。75 Commerce ClrCle

Durham, CT O6422

Phone 860-349-0397

Diversified TechnoIogy Consultants

2321 Whitney Avenue

Hamden Center H

Hamden, CT O65 18




Page 32: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

Soil Sampling Log     へ

。.Ad辞令i L.,N。75 Comme「ce ClrCle

Durham, CT O6422

Phone・ 860-349-0397

Diversified TechnoIogy Consultants

2321 Whitney Avenue

Hamden Center II

Hamden, CT O6518

Driller. Lave=e Tatum

Assistant Samuel Taylor

蛙旦gineer: Pat「iCk Paule竺

Tolal Footage.

Ea血BormgFt 15O

Rock Co血g

Page 33: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank


Soil Sampling Log     -`¥

。.誼辞令,..1N。75 Commerce Circle

Durham, CT O6422

Phone・ 860-349-0397

Divers描ed TechnoIogy Consultants

2321 Whitney Avenue

Hamden Center H

Hamden, CT O6518


B a「re l

Page 34: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

Soil Sampling Log    ’へ¥

。」櫛1..,N。75 Commerce ClrCle

Durham, CT O6422

Phone・ 860-349-0397

Diversified TechnoIogy Consultants

2321 Whitney Avenue

Hamden Center II

Hamden, CT O6518

Gravel and trap rock

Brown silty sand, SOme Ve「y fine sand, SOme graVel

Brown slrty Sand, SOme graVel and t紺with cobbles

Page 35: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

Soil Sampling Log     へ

。.nd能爺,.。N。75 Commerce Cl「Cle

Durham, CT O6422

Pholle. 860-349-0397

Diversified TechnoIogy Consultants

2321 Whitney Avenue

Hamden Center II

Hamden, CT O6518

No recovery

Trap rock and grave上SOme brown fine sand, traCe brown sllty sand

Page 36: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

Soil Sampling Log    ’へ¥

。帥rd諦念,..,N。75 Commerce ClrCle

Durham, CT O6422

Ph0ne 860-349-0397

Divers描ed TechaoIogy Consultants

2321 Whitney Avenue

Hamden Center II

Hamden, CT O6518

F)eld Identificat10n Of Solls

Brown sand and s時SOme graVel and grey t時trace dark to light grey

Ve「y fi'1e Sand

Brown sandy silt and g「avel, brown tl= a-1d very fine sand a11d cobbles

Brown sandy sllt, traCe Sllt and刷(damp)

Page 37: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

Soil Sampling Log   ,へ

。.誼能3k1.。N。75 Commerce ClrCle

Durham, CT O6422

Ph0ne・ 860-349-0397

Diversified TechnoIogy Consultants

2321 Whitney Avenue

Hamden Center H

Hamden, CT O6518

Browll Ver)′ fine sand, SOme S11t

Light grey fine to medlum Sand, SOme grey Silty Sand

Light grey sand, SOme brown silty sand` SOme SChlSt,帥and cobble

Page 38: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

Soil Sampling Log    ,へ

。.誼節食1.」-N。75 Commerce ClrCle

Durham, CT O6422

Phone. 860-349-0397

Diversified TechnoIogy Consultants

2321 Whitney Avenue

Hamden Center H

Hamden, CT O6518

Brown very fine sand, SOme Silt

Gray sa11dy sllt, SOme tlll and very fine sand

Gray silty sand, Very fine to coarse gray sand (damp)

Page 39: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

Soil Sampling Log     一、¥

。血衛3R,L.,N。75 Commerce ClrCle

Durham, CT O6422

Phone. 860-349-0397

Diversified TechnoIogy Consultants

2321 Whitney Avenue

Hamden Center H

Hamden, CT O6518

Fleld IdentlficatlOn Of Solls


Brown sand and some sllt wIth cobbles (damp)

Gray sllty sand, llght grey very fine sand (damp)

Brown silty sand, SOme tlll with cobbles

Page 40: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

Soil Sampling Log     へ

。血辞令!」」!N。75 Commerce Circle

Durham, CT O6422

Phone. 860-349-0397

Diversified TechnoIogy Consultants

2321 Whitney Avenue

Hamden Center II

Hamden, CT O6518

Gravel and trap 「ock, SOme Silty sand, SOme light brown very fine sand

Gravel and sllt)′ Salld, Very′ fine to medlum Sand, traCe COarSe Sand

Sllty sand, SOme brown剛, Ve「y fine sand wlth cobbles

Page 41: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

Soil Sampling Log

e軸鯖節㌫, 」」-N。75 Commerce ClrCle

Durham, CT O6422

Phone: 860-349-0397

Divers誼ed Techno獲ogy Consultants

2321 Whitney Avenue

Hamden Center H

Hamden, CT O6518

Page 42: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

Soil Sampling Log    ,へ

。.Ad能爺I LL-N。75 Commerce ClrCle

Durham, CT O6422

Phone 860-349-0397

Diversified TechnoIogy Consultants

2321 Whitney Avenue

Hamden Center II

Hamden, CT O6518

Page 43: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

Soil Sanpling Log   ,〈、

。軸rd能金一.。N。75 Commerce Circle

Durham, CT O6422

Phone: 860-349-0397

Divers誼ed TechnoIogy Consultants

2321 Whitney Avenue

Hamden Center II

Hamden, CT O6518

Page 44: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

Soil Sampling Log    〈

。.nd能謙一..1N。75 Commerce Circle

Durham, CT O6422

Phone 860-349-0397

Divers靖ed TechnoIogy Consultants

2321 Whitney Avenue

Hamden Center H

Hamden, CT O6518



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Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank Replacement State Project No. 0171-0428, Assignment No. 218-5996


Laboratory Reports

Page 46: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

CD45785 - CD45802, CD46034 - CD46035

Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Sample ID#s:

Attn: Ms. Jane WitherellDiversified Tech. Consultants2321 Whitney Avenue 3rd floorHamden Center IIHamden CT 06518


Sincerely yours,

Laboratory DirectorPhyllis Shiller

If you are the client above and have any questions concerning this testing, please do not hesitate to contact Phoenix Client Services at ext.200. The contents of this report cannot be discussed with anyone other than the client listed above without their written consent.

NELAC - #NY11301CT Lab Registration #PH-0618MA Lab Registration #M-CT007ME Lab Registration #CT-007NH Lab Registration #213693-A,B

NJ Lab Registration #CT-003NY Lab Registration #11301PA Lab Registration #68-03530RI Lab Registration #63UT Lab Registration #CT00007VT Lab Registration #VT11301

This laboratory is in compliance with the NELAC requirements of procedures used except where indicated.

This report contains results for the parameters tested, under the sampling conditions described on the Chain Of Custody, as received by the laboratory. This report is incomplete unless all pages indicated in the pagination at the bottom of the page are included.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

A scanned version of the COC form accompanies the analytical report and is an exact duplicate of the original.

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O. Box 370, Manchester, CT 06040Telephone (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

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Sample Id Cross ReferenceJuly 03, 2019

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GCD45785

Client Id Lab Id Matrix


B1_8-10` CD45785 SOILB2_8-10` CD45786 SOILB3_8-10` CD45787 SOILB4_9-10` CD45788 SOILB5_8-10` CD45789 SOILB6_8-10` CD45790 SOILB7_14-15` CD45791 SOILB8_8-10` CD45792 SOILB9_8-10` CD45793 SOILB10_8-10` CD45794 SOILB11_8-10` CD45795 SOILB12_8-10` CD45796 SOILTRIP BLANK CD45797 SOILB13_8-10` CD45798 SOILB14_8-10` CD45799 SOILB15_8-10` CD45800 SOILB16_8-10` CD45801 SOILTRIP BLANK CD45802 SOILTRIP BLANK HIGH CD46034 SOILTRIP BLANK HIGH CD46035 SOIL

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Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:

SOILDTECHDAS72 HourDTC #17-141-15E

06/25/19LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: CD45785



Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Attn: Ms. Jane WitherellDiversified Tech. Consultants2321 Whitney Avenue 3rd floorHamden Center IIHamden CT 06518

Analysis ReportJuly 03, 2019

Date Time

SDG ID: GCD45785

Client ID:Project ID: WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428


587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

< 0.35Silver 0.35 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 13.15Arsenic 0.69 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 160.3Barium 0.35 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.35Cadmium 0.35 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 118.9Chromium 0.35 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.03Mercury 0.03 06/28/19 MGH SW7471Bmg/Kg 26.02Lead 0.35 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1< 1.4Selenium 1.4 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.010SPLP Silver 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.004SPLP Arsenic 0.004 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.010SPLP Barium 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.005SPLP Cadmium 0.005 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.010SPLP Chromium 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.0005SPLP Mercury 0.0005 06/28/19 MGH SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.010SPLP Lead 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.020SPLP Selenium 0.020 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1

CompletedSPLP Metals Digestion 06/28/19 LS/I SW3010A88Percent Solid 06/27/19 ML SW846-%Solid%

CompletedSoil Extraction for SVOA 06/27/19 NT/L SW3545ACompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 06/27/19 MM/L SW3545ACompletedMercury Digestion 06/28/19 LS/LS SW7471BCompletedSPLP Digestion Mercury 06/28/19 I/LS/LS SW1312/SW7470ACompletedSPLP Extraction for Metals 06/27/19 I SW1312CompletedTotal Metals Digest 06/27/19 B/AG/BF SW3050B

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)NDExt. Petroleum H.C. (C9-C36) 56 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1NDIdentification 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1

Ver 1

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B1_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45785

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

QA/QC Surrogates81% n-Pentacosane 06/28/19 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 2.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Hexanone 23 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 23 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcetone 230 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcrylonitrile 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBenzene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromobenzene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromochloromethane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromodichloromethane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromoform 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromomethane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon Disulfide 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChlorobenzene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroethane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroform 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloromethane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromochloromethane 2.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromomethane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDEthylbenzene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

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B1_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45785

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDHexachlorobutadiene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDIsopropylbenzene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDm&p-Xylene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl Ethyl Ketone 27 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 9.1 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethylene chloride 9.1 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Butylbenzene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Propylbenzene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDo-Xylene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDStyrene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrachloroethene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 9.1 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDToluene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTotal Xylenes 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 9.1 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichloroethene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 9.1 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDVinyl chloride 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates100% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 195% Bromofluorobenzene 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

101% Dibromofluoromethane 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 199% Toluene-d8 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 100 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylnaphthalene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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B1_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45785

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND2-Nitrophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloroaniline 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitrophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthylene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcetophenone 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAniline 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAnthracene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenz(a)anthracene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzidine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(a)pyrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(b)fluoranthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1750Benzo(ghi)perylene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(k)fluoranthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzoic acid 740 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDCarbazole 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDChrysene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1780Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenzofuran 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDiethyl phthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDimethylphthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluoranthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluorene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachloroethane 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1700Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIsophorone 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNitrobenzene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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B1_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45785

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDPentachloronitrobenzene 140 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachlorophenol 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenanthrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyridine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates75% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 163% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 161% 2-Fluorophenol 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 177% Nitrobenzene-d5 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 171% Phenol-d5 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 157% Terphenyl-d14 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 1

CompletedField Extraction 06/25/19 SW5035A


Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorJuly 03, 2019

If you are the client above and have any questions concerning this testing, please do not hesitate to contact Phoenix Client Services at ext.200. The contents of this report cannot be discussed with anyone other than the client listed above without their written consent.

Reviewed and Released by: Rashmi Makol, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

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Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:

SOILDTECHDAS72 HourDTC #17-141-15E

06/25/19LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: CD45786



Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Attn: Ms. Jane WitherellDiversified Tech. Consultants2321 Whitney Avenue 3rd floorHamden Center IIHamden CT 06518

Analysis ReportJuly 03, 2019

Date Time

SDG ID: GCD45785

Client ID:Project ID: WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428


587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

< 0.40Silver 0.40 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 13.30Arsenic 0.81 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 163.9Barium 0.40 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.40Cadmium 0.40 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 118.7Chromium 0.40 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.03Mercury 0.03 06/28/19 MGH SW7471Bmg/Kg 26.17Lead 0.40 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1< 1.6Selenium 1.6 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.010SPLP Silver 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.004SPLP Arsenic 0.004 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 10.016SPLP Barium 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1

< 0.005SPLP Cadmium 0.005 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.010SPLP Chromium 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.0005SPLP Mercury 0.0005 06/28/19 MGH SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.010SPLP Lead 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.020SPLP Selenium 0.020 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1

CompletedSPLP Metals Digestion 06/28/19 LS/I SW3010A87Percent Solid 06/27/19 ML SW846-%Solid%

CompletedSoil Extraction for SVOA 06/27/19 NT/L SW3545ACompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 06/27/19 CM/L SW3545ACompletedMercury Digestion 06/28/19 LS/LS SW7471BCompletedSPLP Digestion Mercury 06/28/19 I/LS/LS SW1312/SW7470ACompletedSPLP Extraction for Metals 06/27/19 I SW1312CompletedTotal Metals Digest 06/27/19 B/AG/BF SW3050B

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)NDExt. Petroleum H.C. (C9-C36) 57 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1NDIdentification 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1

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B2_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45786

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

QA/QC Surrogates67% n-Pentacosane 06/28/19 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 3.1 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 5.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Hexanone 26 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 26 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcetone 260 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcrylonitrile 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBenzene 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromobenzene 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromochloromethane 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromodichloromethane 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromoform 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromomethane 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon Disulfide 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChlorobenzene 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroethane 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroform 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloromethane 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromochloromethane 3.1 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromomethane 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDEthylbenzene 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

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B2_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45786

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDHexachlorobutadiene 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDIsopropylbenzene 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDm&p-Xylene 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl Ethyl Ketone 31 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 10 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethylene chloride 10 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Butylbenzene 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Propylbenzene 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDo-Xylene 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDStyrene 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrachloroethene 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 10 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDToluene 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTotal Xylenes 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 10 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichloroethene 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 10 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDVinyl chloride 5.2 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates98% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 194% Bromofluorobenzene 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 198% Dibromofluoromethane 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

100% Toluene-d8 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 100 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylnaphthalene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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B2_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45786

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND2-Nitrophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloroaniline 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitrophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthylene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcetophenone 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAniline 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAnthracene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenz(a)anthracene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzidine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(a)pyrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(b)fluoranthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1370Benzo(ghi)perylene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(k)fluoranthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzoic acid 750 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDCarbazole 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDChrysene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1330Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenzofuran 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDiethyl phthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDimethylphthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluoranthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluorene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachloroethane 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1300Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIsophorone 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNitrobenzene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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B2_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45786

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDPentachloronitrobenzene 140 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachlorophenol 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenanthrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyridine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates68% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 154% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 152% 2-Fluorophenol 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 162% Nitrobenzene-d5 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 159% Phenol-d5 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 148% Terphenyl-d14 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 1

CompletedField Extraction 06/25/19 SW5035A


Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorJuly 03, 2019

If you are the client above and have any questions concerning this testing, please do not hesitate to contact Phoenix Client Services at ext.200. The contents of this report cannot be discussed with anyone other than the client listed above without their written consent.

Reviewed and Released by: Rashmi Makol, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

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Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:

SOILDTECHDAS72 HourDTC #17-141-15E

06/25/19LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: CD45787



Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Attn: Ms. Jane WitherellDiversified Tech. Consultants2321 Whitney Avenue 3rd floorHamden Center IIHamden CT 06518

Analysis ReportJuly 03, 2019

Date Time

SDG ID: GCD45785

Client ID:Project ID: WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428


587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

< 0.40Silver 0.40 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 12.26Arsenic 0.80 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 141.4Barium 0.40 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.40Cadmium 0.40 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 113.5Chromium 0.40 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.03Mercury 0.03 07/01/19 RS SW7471Bmg/Kg 24.03Lead 0.40 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1< 1.6Selenium 1.6 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.010SPLP Silver 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.004SPLP Arsenic 0.004 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 10.052SPLP Barium 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1

< 0.005SPLP Cadmium 0.005 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.010SPLP Chromium 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.0005SPLP Mercury 0.0005 06/28/19 MGH SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.010SPLP Lead 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.020SPLP Selenium 0.020 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1

CompletedSPLP Metals Digestion 06/28/19 LS/I SW3010A88Percent Solid 06/27/19 ML SW846-%Solid%

CompletedSoil Extraction for SVOA 06/27/19 NT/L SW3545ACompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 06/27/19 CM/L SW3545ACompletedMercury Digestion 07/01/19 LS/LS SW7471BCompletedSPLP Digestion Mercury 06/28/19 I/LS/LS SW1312/SW7470ACompletedSPLP Extraction for Metals 06/27/19 I SW1312CompletedTotal Metals Digest 06/27/19 B/AG/BF SW3050B

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)NDExt. Petroleum H.C. (C9-C36) 56 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1NDIdentification 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1

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B3_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45787

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

QA/QC Surrogates75% n-Pentacosane 06/28/19 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 2.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Hexanone 22 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 22 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcetone 220 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcrylonitrile 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBenzene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromobenzene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromochloromethane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromodichloromethane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromoform 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromomethane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon Disulfide 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChlorobenzene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroethane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroform 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloromethane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromochloromethane 2.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromomethane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDEthylbenzene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

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B3_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45787

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDHexachlorobutadiene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDIsopropylbenzene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDm&p-Xylene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl Ethyl Ketone 27 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 9.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethylene chloride 9.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Butylbenzene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Propylbenzene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDo-Xylene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDStyrene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrachloroethene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 9.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDToluene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTotal Xylenes 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 9.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichloroethene 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 9.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDVinyl chloride 4.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates98% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 193% Bromofluorobenzene 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 198% Dibromofluoromethane 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

100% Toluene-d8 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 100 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylnaphthalene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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B3_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45787

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND2-Nitrophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloroaniline 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitrophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthylene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcetophenone 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAniline 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAnthracene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenz(a)anthracene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzidine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(a)pyrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(b)fluoranthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(ghi)perylene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(k)fluoranthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzoic acid 750 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDCarbazole 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDChrysene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenz(a,h)anthracene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenzofuran 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDiethyl phthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDimethylphthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluoranthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluorene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachloroethane 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIsophorone 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNitrobenzene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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B3_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45787

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDPentachloronitrobenzene 140 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachlorophenol 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenanthrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyridine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates77% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 162% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 161% 2-Fluorophenol 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 174% Nitrobenzene-d5 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 169% Phenol-d5 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 156% Terphenyl-d14 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 1

CompletedField Extraction 06/25/19 SW5035A


Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorJuly 03, 2019

If you are the client above and have any questions concerning this testing, please do not hesitate to contact Phoenix Client Services at ext.200. The contents of this report cannot be discussed with anyone other than the client listed above without their written consent.

Reviewed and Released by: Rashmi Makol, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

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Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:

SOILDTECHDAS72 HourDTC #17-141-15E

06/25/19LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: CD45788


Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Attn: Ms. Jane WitherellDiversified Tech. Consultants2321 Whitney Avenue 3rd floorHamden Center IIHamden CT 06518

Analysis ReportJuly 03, 2019

Date Time

SDG ID: GCD45785

Client ID:Project ID: WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428


587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

< 0.37Silver 0.37 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 12.43Arsenic 0.75 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 162.1Barium 0.37 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.37Cadmium 0.37 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 120.5Chromium 0.37 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.03Mercury 0.03 07/01/19 RS SW7471Bmg/Kg 25.78Lead 0.37 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1< 1.5Selenium 1.5 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.010SPLP Silver 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.004SPLP Arsenic 0.004 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 10.021SPLP Barium 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1

< 0.005SPLP Cadmium 0.005 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.010SPLP Chromium 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.0005SPLP Mercury 0.0005 06/28/19 MGH SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.010SPLP Lead 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.020SPLP Selenium 0.020 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1

CompletedSPLP Metals Digestion 06/28/19 LS/I SW3010A88Percent Solid 06/27/19 ML SW846-%Solid%

CompletedSoil Extraction for SVOA 06/27/19 NT/L SW3545ACompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 06/27/19 CM/L SW3545ACompletedMercury Digestion 07/01/19 LS/LS SW7471BCompletedSPLP Digestion Mercury 06/28/19 I/LS/LS SW1312/SW7470ACompletedSPLP Extraction for Metals 06/27/19 I SW1312CompletedTotal Metals Digest 06/27/19 B/AG/BF SW3050B

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)NDExt. Petroleum H.C. (C9-C36) 56 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1NDIdentification 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1

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Page 64: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

B4_9-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45788

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

QA/QC Surrogates77% n-Pentacosane 06/28/19 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 3.3 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 5.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Hexanone 28 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 28 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcetone 280 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcrylonitrile 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBenzene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromobenzene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromochloromethane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromodichloromethane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromoform 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromomethane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon Disulfide 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChlorobenzene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroethane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroform 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloromethane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromochloromethane 3.3 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromomethane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDEthylbenzene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

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Page 65: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

B4_9-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45788

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDHexachlorobutadiene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDIsopropylbenzene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDm&p-Xylene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl Ethyl Ketone 33 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 11 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethylene chloride 11 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Butylbenzene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Propylbenzene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDo-Xylene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDStyrene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrachloroethene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 11 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDToluene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTotal Xylenes 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 11 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichloroethene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 11 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDVinyl chloride 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates100% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 193% Bromofluorobenzene 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 195% Dibromofluoromethane 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 198% Toluene-d8 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 100 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylnaphthalene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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B4_9-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45788

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND2-Nitrophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloroaniline 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitrophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthylene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcetophenone 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAniline 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAnthracene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenz(a)anthracene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzidine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(a)pyrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(b)fluoranthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(ghi)perylene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(k)fluoranthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzoic acid 740 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDCarbazole 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDChrysene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenz(a,h)anthracene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenzofuran 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDiethyl phthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDimethylphthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluoranthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluorene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachloroethane 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIsophorone 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNitrobenzene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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B4_9-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45788

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDPentachloronitrobenzene 140 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachlorophenol 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenanthrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyridine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates73% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 155% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 155% 2-Fluorophenol 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 163% Nitrobenzene-d5 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 164% Phenol-d5 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 155% Terphenyl-d14 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 1

CompletedField Extraction 06/25/19 SW5035A


Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorJuly 03, 2019

If you are the client above and have any questions concerning this testing, please do not hesitate to contact Phoenix Client Services at ext.200. The contents of this report cannot be discussed with anyone other than the client listed above without their written consent.

Reviewed and Released by: Rashmi Makol, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

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Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:

SOILDTECHDAS72 HourDTC #17-141-15E

06/25/19LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: CD45789


Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Attn: Ms. Jane WitherellDiversified Tech. Consultants2321 Whitney Avenue 3rd floorHamden Center IIHamden CT 06518

Analysis ReportJuly 03, 2019

Date Time

SDG ID: GCD45785

Client ID:Project ID: WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428


587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

< 0.35Silver 0.35 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 12.95Arsenic 0.70 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 154.1Barium 0.35 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.35Cadmium 0.35 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 114.3Chromium 0.35 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.03Mercury 0.03 07/01/19 RS SW7471Bmg/Kg 25.61Lead 0.35 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1< 1.4Selenium 1.4 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.010SPLP Silver 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.004SPLP Arsenic 0.004 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 10.041SPLP Barium 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1

< 0.005SPLP Cadmium 0.005 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.010SPLP Chromium 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.0005SPLP Mercury 0.0005 06/28/19 MGH SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.010SPLP Lead 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.020SPLP Selenium 0.020 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1

CompletedSPLP Metals Digestion 06/28/19 LS/I SW3010A88Percent Solid 06/27/19 ML SW846-%Solid%

CompletedSoil Extraction for SVOA 06/27/19 NT/L SW3545ACompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 06/27/19 CM/L SW3545ACompletedMercury Digestion 07/01/19 LS/LS SW7471BCompletedSPLP Digestion Mercury 06/28/19 I/LS/LS SW1312/SW7470ACompletedSPLP Extraction for Metals 06/27/19 I SW1312CompletedTotal Metals Digest 06/27/19 B/AG/BF SW3050B

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)NDExt. Petroleum H.C. (C9-C36) 56 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1NDIdentification 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1

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Page 69: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

B5_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45789

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

QA/QC Surrogates72% n-Pentacosane 06/28/19 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 3.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 5.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Hexanone 30 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 30 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcetone 300 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcrylonitrile 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBenzene 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromobenzene 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromochloromethane 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromodichloromethane 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromoform 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromomethane 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon Disulfide 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChlorobenzene 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroethane 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroform 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloromethane 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromochloromethane 3.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromomethane 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDEthylbenzene 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

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Page 70: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

B5_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45789

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDHexachlorobutadiene 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDIsopropylbenzene 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDm&p-Xylene 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl Ethyl Ketone 36 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 12 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethylene chloride 12 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Butylbenzene 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Propylbenzene 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDo-Xylene 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDStyrene 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrachloroethene 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 12 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDToluene 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTotal Xylenes 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 12 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichloroethene 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 12 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDVinyl chloride 6.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates100% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 194% Bromofluorobenzene 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

101% Dibromofluoromethane 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 199% Toluene-d8 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 100 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylnaphthalene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND2-Nitrophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloroaniline 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitrophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthylene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcetophenone 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAniline 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAnthracene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenz(a)anthracene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzidine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(a)pyrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(b)fluoranthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(ghi)perylene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(k)fluoranthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzoic acid 740 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDCarbazole 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDChrysene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenz(a,h)anthracene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenzofuran 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDiethyl phthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDimethylphthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluoranthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluorene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachloroethane 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIsophorone 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNitrobenzene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDPentachloronitrobenzene 140 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachlorophenol 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenanthrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyridine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates72% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 159% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 157% 2-Fluorophenol 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 166% Nitrobenzene-d5 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 165% Phenol-d5 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 158% Terphenyl-d14 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 1

CompletedField Extraction 06/25/19 SW5035A


Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorJuly 03, 2019

If you are the client above and have any questions concerning this testing, please do not hesitate to contact Phoenix Client Services at ext.200. The contents of this report cannot be discussed with anyone other than the client listed above without their written consent.

Reviewed and Released by: Rashmi Makol, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

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Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:

SOILDTECHDAS72 HourDTC #17-141-15E

06/25/19LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: CD45790


Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Attn: Ms. Jane WitherellDiversified Tech. Consultants2321 Whitney Avenue 3rd floorHamden Center IIHamden CT 06518

Analysis ReportJuly 03, 2019

Date Time

SDG ID: GCD45785

Client ID:Project ID: WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428


587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

< 0.37Silver 0.37 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 13.58Arsenic 0.74 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 161.5Barium 0.37 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.37Cadmium 0.37 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 120.0Chromium 0.37 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.03Mercury 0.03 07/01/19 RS SW7471Bmg/Kg 26.73Lead 0.37 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1< 1.5Selenium 1.5 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.010SPLP Silver 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.004SPLP Arsenic 0.004 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 10.011SPLP Barium 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1

< 0.005SPLP Cadmium 0.005 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.010SPLP Chromium 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.0005SPLP Mercury 0.0005 06/28/19 MGH SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.010SPLP Lead 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.020SPLP Selenium 0.020 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1

CompletedSPLP Metals Digestion 06/28/19 LS/I SW3010A88Percent Solid 06/27/19 ML SW846-%Solid%

CompletedSoil Extraction for SVOA 06/27/19 NT/L SW3545ACompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 06/27/19 CM/L SW3545ACompletedMercury Digestion 07/01/19 LS/LS SW7471BCompletedSPLP Digestion Mercury 06/28/19 I/LS/LS SW1312/SW7470ACompletedSPLP Extraction for Metals 06/27/19 I SW1312CompletedTotal Metals Digest 06/27/19 B/AG/BF SW3050B

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)NDExt. Petroleum H.C. (C9-C36) 56 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1NDIdentification 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1

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Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

QA/QC Surrogates79% n-Pentacosane 06/28/19 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 3.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 5.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Hexanone 29 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 29 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcetone 290 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcrylonitrile 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBenzene 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromobenzene 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromochloromethane 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromodichloromethane 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromoform 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromomethane 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon Disulfide 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChlorobenzene 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroethane 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroform 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloromethane 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromochloromethane 3.5 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromomethane 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDEthylbenzene 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

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Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDHexachlorobutadiene 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDIsopropylbenzene 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDm&p-Xylene 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl Ethyl Ketone 35 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 12 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethylene chloride 12 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Butylbenzene 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Propylbenzene 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDo-Xylene 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDStyrene 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrachloroethene 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 12 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDToluene 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTotal Xylenes 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 12 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichloroethene 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 12 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDVinyl chloride 5.8 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates100% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 193% Bromofluorobenzene 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 199% Dibromofluoromethane 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 198% Toluene-d8 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 100 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylnaphthalene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND2-Nitrophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloroaniline 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitrophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthylene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcetophenone 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAniline 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAnthracene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenz(a)anthracene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzidine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(a)pyrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(b)fluoranthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(ghi)perylene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(k)fluoranthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzoic acid 740 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDCarbazole 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDChrysene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenz(a,h)anthracene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenzofuran 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDiethyl phthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDimethylphthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluoranthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluorene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachloroethane 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIsophorone 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNitrobenzene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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B6_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45790

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDPentachloronitrobenzene 140 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachlorophenol 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenanthrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyridine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates77% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 163% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 162% 2-Fluorophenol 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 172% Nitrobenzene-d5 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 172% Phenol-d5 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 160% Terphenyl-d14 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 1

CompletedField Extraction 06/25/19 SW5035A


Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorJuly 03, 2019

If you are the client above and have any questions concerning this testing, please do not hesitate to contact Phoenix Client Services at ext.200. The contents of this report cannot be discussed with anyone other than the client listed above without their written consent.

Reviewed and Released by: Rashmi Makol, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

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Page 78: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:

SOILDTECHDAS72 HourDTC #17-141-15E

06/25/19LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: CD45791


Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Attn: Ms. Jane WitherellDiversified Tech. Consultants2321 Whitney Avenue 3rd floorHamden Center IIHamden CT 06518

Analysis ReportJuly 03, 2019

Date Time

SDG ID: GCD45785

Client ID:Project ID: WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428


587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

< 0.38Silver 0.38 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 12.84Arsenic 0.76 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 165.8Barium 0.38 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.38Cadmium 0.38 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 121.1Chromium 0.38 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.03Mercury 0.03 07/01/19 RS SW7471Bmg/Kg 28.06Lead 0.38 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1< 1.5Selenium 1.5 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.010SPLP Silver 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.004SPLP Arsenic 0.004 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 10.025SPLP Barium 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1

< 0.005SPLP Cadmium 0.005 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.010SPLP Chromium 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.0005SPLP Mercury 0.0005 06/28/19 MGH SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.010SPLP Lead 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.020SPLP Selenium 0.020 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1

CompletedSPLP Metals Digestion 06/28/19 LS/I SW3010A85Percent Solid 06/27/19 ML SW846-%Solid%

CompletedSoil Extraction for SVOA 06/27/19 NT/L SW3545ACompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 06/27/19 CM/L SW3545ACompletedMercury Digestion 07/01/19 LS/LS SW7471BCompletedSPLP Digestion Mercury 06/28/19 I/LS/LS SW1312/SW7470ACompletedSPLP Extraction for Metals 06/27/19 I SW1312CompletedTotal Metals Digest 06/27/19 B/AG/BF SW3050B

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)NDExt. Petroleum H.C. (C9-C36) 58 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1NDIdentification 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1

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Page 79: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

B7_14-15`Phoenix I.D.: CD45791

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

QA/QC Surrogates77% n-Pentacosane 06/28/19 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 3.4 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 5.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Hexanone 28 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 28 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcetone 280 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcrylonitrile 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBenzene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromobenzene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromochloromethane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromodichloromethane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromoform 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromomethane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon Disulfide 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChlorobenzene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroethane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroform 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloromethane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromochloromethane 3.4 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromomethane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDEthylbenzene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

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Page 80: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

B7_14-15`Phoenix I.D.: CD45791

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDHexachlorobutadiene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDIsopropylbenzene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDm&p-Xylene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl Ethyl Ketone 34 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 11 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethylene chloride 11 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Butylbenzene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Propylbenzene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDo-Xylene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDStyrene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrachloroethene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 11 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDToluene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTotal Xylenes 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 11 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichloroethene 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 11 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDVinyl chloride 5.6 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates99% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 194% Bromofluorobenzene 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 197% Dibromofluoromethane 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

100% Toluene-d8 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 100 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorophenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylnaphthalene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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Page 81: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

B7_14-15`Phoenix I.D.: CD45791

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND2-Nitrophenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 380 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 380 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloroaniline 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitrophenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthylene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcetophenone 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAniline 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAnthracene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenz(a)anthracene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzidine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(a)pyrene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(b)fluoranthene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(ghi)perylene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(k)fluoranthene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzoic acid 760 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 380 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDCarbazole 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDChrysene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenz(a,h)anthracene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenzofuran 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDiethyl phthalate 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDimethylphthalate 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 380 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluoranthene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluorene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobenzene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachloroethane 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIsophorone 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNitrobenzene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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Page 82: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

B7_14-15`Phoenix I.D.: CD45791

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDPentachloronitrobenzene 140 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachlorophenol 380 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenanthrene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyrene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyridine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates70% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 157% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 161% 2-Fluorophenol 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 170% Nitrobenzene-d5 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 168% Phenol-d5 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 156% Terphenyl-d14 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 1

CompletedField Extraction 06/25/19 SW5035A


Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorJuly 03, 2019

If you are the client above and have any questions concerning this testing, please do not hesitate to contact Phoenix Client Services at ext.200. The contents of this report cannot be discussed with anyone other than the client listed above without their written consent.

Reviewed and Released by: Rashmi Makol, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

Ver 1

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Page 83: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:

SOILDTECHDAS72 HourDTC #17-141-15E

06/25/19LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: CD45792


Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Attn: Ms. Jane WitherellDiversified Tech. Consultants2321 Whitney Avenue 3rd floorHamden Center IIHamden CT 06518

Analysis ReportJuly 03, 2019

Date Time

SDG ID: GCD45785

Client ID:Project ID: WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428


587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

< 0.40Silver 0.40 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 13.10Arsenic 0.79 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 160.6Barium 0.40 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.40Cadmium 0.40 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 116.3Chromium 0.40 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.03Mercury 0.03 07/01/19 RS SW7471Bmg/Kg 25.42Lead 0.40 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1< 1.6Selenium 1.6 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.010SPLP Silver 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.004SPLP Arsenic 0.004 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.010SPLP Barium 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.005SPLP Cadmium 0.005 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.010SPLP Chromium 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.0005SPLP Mercury 0.0005 06/28/19 MGH SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.010SPLP Lead 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.020SPLP Selenium 0.020 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1

CompletedSPLP Metals Digestion 06/28/19 LS/I SW3010A89Percent Solid 06/27/19 ML SW846-%Solid%

CompletedSoil Extraction for SVOA 06/27/19 NT/L SW3545ACompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 06/27/19 CM/L SW3545ACompletedMercury Digestion 07/01/19 LS/LS SW7471BCompletedSPLP Digestion Mercury 06/28/19 I/LS/LS SW1312/SW7470ACompletedSPLP Extraction for Metals 06/27/19 I SW1312CompletedTotal Metals Digest 06/27/19 B/AG/BF SW3050B

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)NDExt. Petroleum H.C. (C9-C36) 55 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1NDIdentification 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1

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Page 84: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

B8_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45792

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

QA/QC Surrogates83% n-Pentacosane 06/28/19 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 3.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 5.0 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Hexanone 26 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 26 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcetone 260 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcrylonitrile 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBenzene 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromobenzene 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromochloromethane 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromodichloromethane 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromoform 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromomethane 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon Disulfide 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChlorobenzene 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroethane 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroform 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloromethane 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromochloromethane 3.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromomethane 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDEthylbenzene 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

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B8_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45792

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDHexachlorobutadiene 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDIsopropylbenzene 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDm&p-Xylene 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl Ethyl Ketone 31 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 10 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethylene chloride 10 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Butylbenzene 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Propylbenzene 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDo-Xylene 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDStyrene 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrachloroethene 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 10 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDToluene 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTotal Xylenes 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 10 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichloroethene 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 10 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDVinyl chloride 5.1 07/01/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates98% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 07/01/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 193% Bromofluorobenzene 07/01/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

103% Dibromofluoromethane 07/01/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 199% Toluene-d8 07/01/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 100 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorophenol 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylnaphthalene 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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B8_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45792

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND2-Nitrophenol 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 360 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 360 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloroaniline 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitrophenol 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthene 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthylene 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcetophenone 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAniline 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAnthracene 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenz(a)anthracene 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzidine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(a)pyrene 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(b)fluoranthene 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(ghi)perylene 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(k)fluoranthene 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzoic acid 730 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 360 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDCarbazole 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDChrysene 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenz(a,h)anthracene 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenzofuran 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDiethyl phthalate 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDimethylphthalate 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 360 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluoranthene 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluorene 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobenzene 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachloroethane 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIsophorone 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNitrobenzene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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B8_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45792

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDPentachloronitrobenzene 140 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachlorophenol 360 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenanthrene 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenol 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyrene 250 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyridine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates82% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 165% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 161% 2-Fluorophenol 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 166% Nitrobenzene-d5 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 166% Phenol-d5 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 163% Terphenyl-d14 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 1

CompletedField Extraction 06/25/19 SW5035A


Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorJuly 03, 2019

If you are the client above and have any questions concerning this testing, please do not hesitate to contact Phoenix Client Services at ext.200. The contents of this report cannot be discussed with anyone other than the client listed above without their written consent.

Reviewed and Released by: Rashmi Makol, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

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Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:

SOILDTECHDAS72 HourDTC #17-141-15E

06/25/19LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: CD45793


Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Attn: Ms. Jane WitherellDiversified Tech. Consultants2321 Whitney Avenue 3rd floorHamden Center IIHamden CT 06518

Analysis ReportJuly 03, 2019

Date Time

SDG ID: GCD45785

Client ID:Project ID: WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428


587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

< 0.39Silver 0.39 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 12.84Arsenic 0.78 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 156.8Barium 0.39 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.39Cadmium 0.39 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 114.7Chromium 0.39 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.03Mercury 0.03 07/01/19 RS SW7471Bmg/Kg 25.30Lead 0.39 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1< 1.6Selenium 1.6 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.010SPLP Silver 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.004SPLP Arsenic 0.004 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.010SPLP Barium 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.005SPLP Cadmium 0.005 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.010SPLP Chromium 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.0005SPLP Mercury 0.0005 06/28/19 MGH SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.010SPLP Lead 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.020SPLP Selenium 0.020 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1

CompletedSPLP Metals Digestion 06/28/19 LS/I SW3010A86Percent Solid 06/27/19 ML SW846-%Solid%

CompletedSoil Extraction for SVOA 06/27/19 NT/L SW3545ACompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 06/27/19 CM/L SW3545ACompletedMercury Digestion 07/01/19 LS/LS SW7471BCompletedSPLP Digestion Mercury 06/28/19 I/LS/LS SW1312/SW7470ACompletedSPLP Extraction for Metals 06/27/19 I SW1312CompletedTotal Metals Digest 06/27/19 B/AG/BF SW3050B

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)NDExt. Petroleum H.C. (C9-C36) 57 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1NDIdentification 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1

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B9_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45793

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

QA/QC Surrogates76% n-Pentacosane 06/28/19 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 3.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Hexanone 25 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 25 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcetone 250 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcrylonitrile 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBenzene 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromobenzene 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromochloromethane 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromodichloromethane 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromoform 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromomethane 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon Disulfide 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChlorobenzene 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroethane 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroform 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloromethane 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromochloromethane 3.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromomethane 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDEthylbenzene 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

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B9_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45793

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDHexachlorobutadiene 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDIsopropylbenzene 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDm&p-Xylene 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl Ethyl Ketone 30 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 9.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethylene chloride 9.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Butylbenzene 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Propylbenzene 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDo-Xylene 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDStyrene 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrachloroethene 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 9.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDToluene 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTotal Xylenes 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 9.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichloroethene 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 9.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDVinyl chloride 4.9 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates99% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 193% Bromofluorobenzene 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

103% Dibromofluoromethane 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 199% Toluene-d8 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 100 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorophenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylnaphthalene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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B9_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45793

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND2-Nitrophenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 380 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 380 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloroaniline 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitrophenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthylene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcetophenone 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAniline 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAnthracene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenz(a)anthracene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzidine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(a)pyrene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(b)fluoranthene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(ghi)perylene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(k)fluoranthene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzoic acid 760 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 380 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDCarbazole 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDChrysene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenz(a,h)anthracene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenzofuran 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDiethyl phthalate 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDimethylphthalate 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 380 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluoranthene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluorene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobenzene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachloroethane 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIsophorone 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNitrobenzene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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B9_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45793

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDPentachloronitrobenzene 140 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachlorophenol 380 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenanthrene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyrene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyridine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates84% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 160% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 156% 2-Fluorophenol 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 162% Nitrobenzene-d5 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 160% Phenol-d5 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 160% Terphenyl-d14 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 1

CompletedField Extraction 06/25/19 SW5035A


Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorJuly 03, 2019

If you are the client above and have any questions concerning this testing, please do not hesitate to contact Phoenix Client Services at ext.200. The contents of this report cannot be discussed with anyone other than the client listed above without their written consent.

Reviewed and Released by: Rashmi Makol, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

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Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:

SOILDTECHDAS72 HourDTC #17-141-15E

06/25/19LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: CD45794


Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Attn: Ms. Jane WitherellDiversified Tech. Consultants2321 Whitney Avenue 3rd floorHamden Center IIHamden CT 06518

Analysis ReportJuly 03, 2019

Date Time

SDG ID: GCD45785

Client ID:Project ID: WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428


587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

< 0.35Silver 0.35 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 13.35Arsenic 0.69 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 162.5Barium 0.35 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.35Cadmium 0.35 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 117.8Chromium 0.35 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 10.05Mercury 0.03 07/01/19 RS SW7471Bmg/Kg 26.41Lead 0.35 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1< 1.4Selenium 1.4 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.010SPLP Silver 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.004SPLP Arsenic 0.004 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 10.030SPLP Barium 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1

< 0.005SPLP Cadmium 0.005 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.010SPLP Chromium 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.0005SPLP Mercury 0.0005 06/28/19 MGH SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.010SPLP Lead 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.020SPLP Selenium 0.020 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1

CompletedSPLP Metals Digestion 06/28/19 LS/I SW3010A85Percent Solid 06/27/19 ML SW846-%Solid%

CompletedSoil Extraction for SVOA 06/27/19 NT/L SW3545ACompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 06/27/19 CM/L SW3545ACompletedMercury Digestion 07/01/19 LS/LS SW7471BCompletedSPLP Digestion Mercury 06/28/19 I/LS/LS SW1312/SW7470ACompletedSPLP Extraction for Metals 06/27/19 I SW1312CompletedTotal Metals Digest 06/27/19 B/AG/BF SW3050B

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)NDExt. Petroleum H.C. (C9-C36) 58 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1NDIdentification 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1

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B10_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45794

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

QA/QC Surrogates80% n-Pentacosane 06/28/19 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 3.4 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 5.0 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Hexanone 29 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 29 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcetone 290 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcrylonitrile 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBenzene 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromobenzene 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromochloromethane 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromodichloromethane 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromoform 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromomethane 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon Disulfide 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChlorobenzene 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroethane 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroform 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloromethane 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromochloromethane 3.4 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromomethane 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDEthylbenzene 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

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B10_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45794

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDHexachlorobutadiene 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDIsopropylbenzene 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDm&p-Xylene 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl Ethyl Ketone 34 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 11 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethylene chloride 11 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Butylbenzene 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Propylbenzene 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDo-Xylene 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDStyrene 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrachloroethene 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 11 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDToluene 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTotal Xylenes 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 11 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichloroethene 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 11 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDVinyl chloride 5.7 06/29/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates99% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 192% Bromofluorobenzene 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

100% Dibromofluoromethane 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 198% Toluene-d8 06/29/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 100 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorophenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylnaphthalene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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B10_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45794

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND2-Nitrophenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 390 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 390 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloroaniline 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitrophenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthylene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcetophenone 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAniline 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAnthracene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenz(a)anthracene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzidine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(a)pyrene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(b)fluoranthene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(ghi)perylene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(k)fluoranthene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzoic acid 780 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 390 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDCarbazole 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDChrysene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenz(a,h)anthracene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenzofuran 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDiethyl phthalate 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDimethylphthalate 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 390 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluoranthene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluorene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobenzene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachloroethane 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIsophorone 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNitrobenzene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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B10_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45794

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDPentachloronitrobenzene 140 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachlorophenol 390 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenanthrene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyrene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyridine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates84% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 162% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 165% 2-Fluorophenol 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 159% Nitrobenzene-d5 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 172% Phenol-d5 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 158% Terphenyl-d14 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 1

CompletedField Extraction 06/25/19 SW5035A


Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorJuly 03, 2019

If you are the client above and have any questions concerning this testing, please do not hesitate to contact Phoenix Client Services at ext.200. The contents of this report cannot be discussed with anyone other than the client listed above without their written consent.

Reviewed and Released by: Rashmi Makol, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

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Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:

SOILDTECHDAS72 HourDTC #17-141-15E

06/25/19LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: CD45795


Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Attn: Ms. Jane WitherellDiversified Tech. Consultants2321 Whitney Avenue 3rd floorHamden Center IIHamden CT 06518

Analysis ReportJuly 03, 2019

Date Time

SDG ID: GCD45785

Client ID:Project ID: WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428


587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

< 0.43Silver 0.43 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 12.91Arsenic 0.86 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 151.0Barium 0.43 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.43Cadmium 0.43 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 116.9Chromium 0.43 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 10.04Mercury 0.03 07/01/19 RS SW7471Bmg/Kg 27.08Lead 0.43 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1< 1.7Selenium 1.7 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.010SPLP Silver 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.004SPLP Arsenic 0.004 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 10.059SPLP Barium 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1

< 0.005SPLP Cadmium 0.005 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 10.010SPLP Chromium 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1

< 0.0005SPLP Mercury 0.0005 06/28/19 MGH SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.010SPLP Lead 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.020SPLP Selenium 0.020 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1

CompletedSPLP Metals Digestion 06/28/19 LS/I SW3010A82Percent Solid 06/27/19 ML SW846-%Solid%

CompletedSoil Extraction for SVOA 06/27/19 NT/L SW3545ACompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 06/27/19 CM/L SW3545ACompletedMercury Digestion 07/01/19 LS/LS SW7471BCompletedSPLP Digestion Mercury 06/28/19 I/LS/LS SW1312/SW7470ACompletedSPLP Extraction for Metals 06/27/19 I SW1312CompletedTotal Metals Digest 06/27/19 B/AG/BF SW3050B

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)NDExt. Petroleum H.C. (C9-C36) 59 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1NDIdentification 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1

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Page 99: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

B11_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45795

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

QA/QC Surrogates76% n-Pentacosane 06/28/19 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 3.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Hexanone 25 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 25 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcetone 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcrylonitrile 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromobenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromochloromethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromodichloromethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromoform 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromomethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon Disulfide 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChlorobenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroform 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloromethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromochloromethane 3.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromomethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDEthylbenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

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Page 100: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

B11_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45795

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDHexachlorobutadiene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDIsopropylbenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDm&p-Xylene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl Ethyl Ketone 30 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 10 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethylene chloride 10 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Butylbenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Propylbenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDo-Xylene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDStyrene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrachloroethene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 10 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDToluene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTotal Xylenes 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 10 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichloroethene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 10 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDVinyl chloride 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates100% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 194% Bromofluorobenzene 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

104% Dibromofluoromethane 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 198% Toluene-d8 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 100 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorophenol 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylnaphthalene 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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B11_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45795

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND2-Nitrophenol 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 390 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 390 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloroaniline 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitrophenol 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthene 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthylene 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcetophenone 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAniline 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAnthracene 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenz(a)anthracene 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzidine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(a)pyrene 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(b)fluoranthene 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(ghi)perylene 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(k)fluoranthene 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzoic acid 790 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 390 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDCarbazole 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDChrysene 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenz(a,h)anthracene 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenzofuran 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDiethyl phthalate 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDimethylphthalate 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 390 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluoranthene 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluorene 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobenzene 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachloroethane 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIsophorone 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNitrobenzene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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B11_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45795

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDPentachloronitrobenzene 140 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachlorophenol 390 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenanthrene 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenol 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyrene 280 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyridine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates85% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 158% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 157% 2-Fluorophenol 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 144% Nitrobenzene-d5 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 162% Phenol-d5 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 162% Terphenyl-d14 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 1

CompletedField Extraction 06/25/19 SW5035A


Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorJuly 03, 2019

If you are the client above and have any questions concerning this testing, please do not hesitate to contact Phoenix Client Services at ext.200. The contents of this report cannot be discussed with anyone other than the client listed above without their written consent.

Reviewed and Released by: Rashmi Makol, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

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Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:

SOILDTECHDAS72 HourDTC #17-141-15E

06/25/19LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: CD45796


Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Attn: Ms. Jane WitherellDiversified Tech. Consultants2321 Whitney Avenue 3rd floorHamden Center IIHamden CT 06518

Analysis ReportJuly 03, 2019

Date Time

SDG ID: GCD45785

Client ID:Project ID: WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428


587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

< 0.35Silver 0.35 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 13.38Arsenic 0.69 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 162.1Barium 0.35 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.35Cadmium 0.35 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 117.9Chromium 0.35 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.03Mercury 0.03 07/01/19 RS SW7471Bmg/Kg 25.76Lead 0.35 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1< 1.4Selenium 1.4 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.010SPLP Silver 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.004SPLP Arsenic 0.004 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 10.014SPLP Barium 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1

< 0.005SPLP Cadmium 0.005 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.010SPLP Chromium 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.0005SPLP Mercury 0.0005 06/28/19 MGH SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.010SPLP Lead 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.020SPLP Selenium 0.020 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1

CompletedSPLP Metals Digestion 06/28/19 LS/I SW3010A89Percent Solid 06/27/19 ML SW846-%Solid%

CompletedSoil Extraction for SVOA 06/27/19 NT/L SW3545ACompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 06/27/19 CM/L SW3545ACompletedMercury Digestion 07/01/19 LS/LS SW7471BCompletedSPLP Digestion Mercury 06/28/19 I/LS/LS SW1312/SW7470ACompletedSPLP Extraction for Metals 06/27/19 I SW1312CompletedTotal Metals Digest 06/27/19 B/AG/BF SW3050B

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)NDExt. Petroleum H.C. (C9-C36) 55 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1NDIdentification 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1

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Page 104: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

B12_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45796

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

QA/QC Surrogates77% n-Pentacosane 06/28/19 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 3.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Hexanone 29 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 29 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcetone 290 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcrylonitrile 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBenzene 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromobenzene 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromochloromethane 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromodichloromethane 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromoform 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromomethane 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon Disulfide 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChlorobenzene 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroethane 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroform 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloromethane 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromochloromethane 3.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromomethane 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDEthylbenzene 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

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Page 105: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

B12_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45796

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDHexachlorobutadiene 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDIsopropylbenzene 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDm&p-Xylene 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl Ethyl Ketone 34 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 11 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethylene chloride 11 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Butylbenzene 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Propylbenzene 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDo-Xylene 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDStyrene 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrachloroethene 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 11 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDToluene 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTotal Xylenes 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 11 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichloroethene 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 11 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDVinyl chloride 5.7 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates100% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 195% Bromofluorobenzene 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

104% Dibromofluoromethane 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 199% Toluene-d8 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 100 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylnaphthalene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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B12_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45796

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND2-Nitrophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloroaniline 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitrophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthylene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcetophenone 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAniline 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAnthracene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenz(a)anthracene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzidine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(a)pyrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(b)fluoranthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(ghi)perylene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(k)fluoranthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzoic acid 750 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDCarbazole 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDChrysene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenz(a,h)anthracene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenzofuran 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDiethyl phthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDimethylphthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluoranthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluorene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachloroethane 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIsophorone 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNitrobenzene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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B12_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45796

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDPentachloronitrobenzene 140 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachlorophenol 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenanthrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyridine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates76% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 161% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 161% 2-Fluorophenol 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 169% Nitrobenzene-d5 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 168% Phenol-d5 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 162% Terphenyl-d14 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 1

CompletedField Extraction 06/25/19 SW5035A


Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorJuly 03, 2019

If you are the client above and have any questions concerning this testing, please do not hesitate to contact Phoenix Client Services at ext.200. The contents of this report cannot be discussed with anyone other than the client listed above without their written consent.

Reviewed and Released by: Rashmi Makol, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

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Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:

SOILDTECHDAS72 HourDTC #17-141-15E

06/25/19LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: CD45797

06/27/19 11:20

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Attn: Ms. Jane WitherellDiversified Tech. Consultants2321 Whitney Avenue 3rd floorHamden Center IIHamden CT 06518

Analysis ReportJuly 03, 2019

Date Time

SDG ID: GCD45785

Client ID:Project ID: WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428


587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 3.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Hexanone 25 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 25 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

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TRIP BLANKPhoenix I.D.: CD45797

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDAcetone 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcrylonitrile 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromobenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromochloromethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromodichloromethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromoform 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromomethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon Disulfide 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChlorobenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroform 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloromethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromochloromethane 3.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromomethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDEthylbenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDIsopropylbenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDm&p-Xylene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl Ethyl Ketone 30 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 10 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethylene chloride 10 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Butylbenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Propylbenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDo-Xylene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDStyrene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrachloroethene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 10 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDToluene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTotal Xylenes 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 10 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichloroethene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 10 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDVinyl chloride 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates100% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 196% Bromofluorobenzene 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

103% Dibromofluoromethane 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

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TRIP BLANKPhoenix I.D.: CD45797

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

98% Toluene-d8 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1



Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

Results are reported on an ``as received`` basis, and are not corrected for dry weight.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorJuly 03, 2019

If you are the client above and have any questions concerning this testing, please do not hesitate to contact Phoenix Client Services at ext.200. The contents of this report cannot be discussed with anyone other than the client listed above without their written consent.

Reviewed and Released by: Rashmi Makol, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

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Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:

SOILDTECHDAS72 HourDTC #17-141-15E

06/25/19LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: CD45798


Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Attn: Ms. Jane WitherellDiversified Tech. Consultants2321 Whitney Avenue 3rd floorHamden Center IIHamden CT 06518

Analysis ReportJuly 03, 2019

Date Time

SDG ID: GCD45785

Client ID:Project ID: WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428


587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

< 0.40Silver 0.40 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 12.65Arsenic 0.80 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 156.7Barium 0.40 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.40Cadmium 0.40 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 121.6Chromium 0.40 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.03Mercury 0.03 07/01/19 RS SW7471Bmg/Kg 25.97Lead 0.40 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1< 1.6Selenium 1.6 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.010SPLP Silver 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.004SPLP Arsenic 0.004 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 10.027SPLP Barium 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1

< 0.005SPLP Cadmium 0.005 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.010SPLP Chromium 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.0004SPLP Mercury 0.0004 07/01/19 RS SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.010SPLP Lead 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.020SPLP Selenium 0.020 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1

CompletedSPLP Metals Digestion 06/28/19 LS/I SW3010A86Percent Solid 06/27/19 ML SW846-%Solid%

CompletedSoil Extraction for SVOA 06/27/19 NT/L SW3545ACompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 06/27/19 CM/L SW3545ACompletedMercury Digestion 07/01/19 LS/LS SW7471BCompletedSPLP Digestion Mercury 07/01/19 LS/W SW1312/SW7470ACompletedSPLP Extraction for Metals 06/27/19 I SW1312CompletedTotal Metals Digest 06/27/19 B/AG/BF SW3050B

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)NDExt. Petroleum H.C. (C9-C36) 57 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1NDIdentification 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1

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B13_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45798

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

QA/QC Surrogates84% n-Pentacosane 06/28/19 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 4.2 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Hexanone 35 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 35 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcetone 350 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcrylonitrile 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBenzene 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromobenzene 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromochloromethane 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromodichloromethane 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromoform 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromomethane 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon Disulfide 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChlorobenzene 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroethane 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroform 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloromethane 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromochloromethane 4.2 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromomethane 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDEthylbenzene 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

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B13_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45798

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDHexachlorobutadiene 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDIsopropylbenzene 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDm&p-Xylene 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl Ethyl Ketone 42 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 14 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethylene chloride 14 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Butylbenzene 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Propylbenzene 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDo-Xylene 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDStyrene 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrachloroethene 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 14 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDToluene 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTotal Xylenes 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 14 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichloroethene 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 14 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDVinyl chloride 7.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates99% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 195% Bromofluorobenzene 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

106% Dibromofluoromethane 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 198% Toluene-d8 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 100 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorophenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylnaphthalene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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B13_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45798

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND2-Nitrophenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 380 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 380 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloroaniline 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitrophenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthylene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcetophenone 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAniline 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAnthracene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenz(a)anthracene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzidine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(a)pyrene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(b)fluoranthene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(ghi)perylene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(k)fluoranthene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzoic acid 760 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 380 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDCarbazole 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDChrysene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenz(a,h)anthracene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenzofuran 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDiethyl phthalate 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDimethylphthalate 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 380 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluoranthene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluorene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobenzene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachloroethane 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIsophorone 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNitrobenzene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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B13_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45798

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDPentachloronitrobenzene 140 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachlorophenol 380 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenanthrene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyrene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyridine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates79% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 164% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 162% 2-Fluorophenol 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 169% Nitrobenzene-d5 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 170% Phenol-d5 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 162% Terphenyl-d14 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 1

CompletedField Extraction 06/25/19 SW5035A


Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorJuly 03, 2019

If you are the client above and have any questions concerning this testing, please do not hesitate to contact Phoenix Client Services at ext.200. The contents of this report cannot be discussed with anyone other than the client listed above without their written consent.

Reviewed and Released by: Rashmi Makol, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

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Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:

SOILDTECHDAS72 HourDTC #17-141-15E

06/25/19LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: CD45799


Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Attn: Ms. Jane WitherellDiversified Tech. Consultants2321 Whitney Avenue 3rd floorHamden Center IIHamden CT 06518

Analysis ReportJuly 03, 2019

Date Time

SDG ID: GCD45785

Client ID:Project ID: WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428


587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

< 0.35Silver 0.35 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 12.86Arsenic 0.70 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 169.9Barium 0.35 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.35Cadmium 0.35 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 123.1Chromium 0.35 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.03Mercury 0.03 07/01/19 RS SW7471Bmg/Kg 27.05Lead 0.35 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1< 1.4Selenium 1.4 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.010SPLP Silver 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.004SPLP Arsenic 0.004 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 10.038SPLP Barium 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1

< 0.005SPLP Cadmium 0.005 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.010SPLP Chromium 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.0004SPLP Mercury 0.0004 07/01/19 RS SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.010SPLP Lead 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.020SPLP Selenium 0.020 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1

CompletedSPLP Metals Digestion 06/28/19 LS/I SW3010A88Percent Solid 06/27/19 ML SW846-%Solid%

CompletedSoil Extraction for SVOA 06/27/19 NT/L SW3545ACompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 06/27/19 CM/L SW3545ACompletedMercury Digestion 07/01/19 LS/LS SW7471BCompletedSPLP Digestion Mercury 07/01/19 LS/W SW1312/SW7470ACompletedSPLP Extraction for Metals 06/27/19 I SW1312CompletedTotal Metals Digest 06/27/19 B/AG/BF SW3050B

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)NDExt. Petroleum H.C. (C9-C36) 56 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1NDIdentification 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1

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B14_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45799

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

QA/QC Surrogates83% n-Pentacosane 06/28/19 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 3.2 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Hexanone 27 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 27 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcetone 270 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcrylonitrile 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBenzene 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromobenzene 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromochloromethane 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromodichloromethane 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromoform 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromomethane 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon Disulfide 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChlorobenzene 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroethane 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroform 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloromethane 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromochloromethane 3.2 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromomethane 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDEthylbenzene 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

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B14_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45799

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDHexachlorobutadiene 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDIsopropylbenzene 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDm&p-Xylene 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl Ethyl Ketone 32 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 11 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethylene chloride 11 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Butylbenzene 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Propylbenzene 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDo-Xylene 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDStyrene 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrachloroethene 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 11 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDToluene 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTotal Xylenes 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 11 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichloroethene 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 11 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDVinyl chloride 5.3 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates101% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 195% Bromofluorobenzene 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

101% Dibromofluoromethane 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 198% Toluene-d8 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 100 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylnaphthalene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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B14_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45799

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND2-Nitrophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 380 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 380 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloroaniline 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitrophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthylene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcetophenone 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAniline 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAnthracene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenz(a)anthracene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzidine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(a)pyrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(b)fluoranthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(ghi)perylene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(k)fluoranthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzoic acid 760 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 380 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDCarbazole 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDChrysene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenz(a,h)anthracene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenzofuran 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDiethyl phthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDimethylphthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 380 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluoranthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluorene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachloroethane 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIsophorone 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNitrobenzene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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B14_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45799

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDPentachloronitrobenzene 140 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachlorophenol 380 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenanthrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyridine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates67% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 159% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 156% 2-Fluorophenol 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 166% Nitrobenzene-d5 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 162% Phenol-d5 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 156% Terphenyl-d14 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 1

CompletedField Extraction 06/25/19 SW5035A


Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorJuly 03, 2019

If you are the client above and have any questions concerning this testing, please do not hesitate to contact Phoenix Client Services at ext.200. The contents of this report cannot be discussed with anyone other than the client listed above without their written consent.

Reviewed and Released by: Rashmi Makol, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

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Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:

SOILDTECHDAS72 HourDTC #17-141-15E

06/25/19LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: CD45800


Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Attn: Ms. Jane WitherellDiversified Tech. Consultants2321 Whitney Avenue 3rd floorHamden Center IIHamden CT 06518

Analysis ReportJuly 03, 2019

Date Time

SDG ID: GCD45785

Client ID:Project ID: WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428


587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

< 0.38Silver 0.38 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 13.12Arsenic 0.76 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 166.5Barium 0.38 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.38Cadmium 0.38 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 122.1Chromium 0.38 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.03Mercury 0.03 07/01/19 RS SW7471Bmg/Kg 27.43Lead 0.38 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1< 1.5Selenium 1.5 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.010SPLP Silver 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.004SPLP Arsenic 0.004 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 10.039SPLP Barium 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1

< 0.005SPLP Cadmium 0.005 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.010SPLP Chromium 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.0004SPLP Mercury 0.0004 07/01/19 RS SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.010SPLP Lead 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.020SPLP Selenium 0.020 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1

CompletedSPLP Metals Digestion 06/28/19 LS/I SW3010A88Percent Solid 06/27/19 ML SW846-%Solid%

CompletedSoil Extraction for SVOA 06/27/19 NT/L SW3545ACompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 06/27/19 CM/L SW3545ACompletedMercury Digestion 07/01/19 LS/LS SW7471BCompletedSPLP Digestion Mercury 07/01/19 LS/W SW1312/SW7470ACompletedSPLP Extraction for Metals 06/27/19 I SW1312CompletedTotal Metals Digest 06/27/19 B/AG/BF SW3050B

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)NDExt. Petroleum H.C. (C9-C36) 56 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1NDIdentification 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1

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B15_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45800

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

QA/QC Surrogates76% n-Pentacosane 06/28/19 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 3.2 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Hexanone 27 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 27 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcetone 270 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcrylonitrile 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBenzene 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromobenzene 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromochloromethane 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromodichloromethane 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromoform 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromomethane 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon Disulfide 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChlorobenzene 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroethane 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroform 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloromethane 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromochloromethane 3.2 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromomethane 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDEthylbenzene 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

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B15_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45800

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDHexachlorobutadiene 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDIsopropylbenzene 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDm&p-Xylene 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl Ethyl Ketone 32 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 11 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethylene chloride 11 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Butylbenzene 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Propylbenzene 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDo-Xylene 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDStyrene 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrachloroethene 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 11 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDToluene 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTotal Xylenes 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 11 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichloroethene 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 11 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDVinyl chloride 5.4 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates99% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 195% Bromofluorobenzene 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

100% Dibromofluoromethane 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 199% Toluene-d8 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 100 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylnaphthalene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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B15_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45800

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND2-Nitrophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloroaniline 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitrophenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthylene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcetophenone 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAniline 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAnthracene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenz(a)anthracene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzidine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(a)pyrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(b)fluoranthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(ghi)perylene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(k)fluoranthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzoic acid 730 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDCarbazole 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDChrysene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenz(a,h)anthracene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenzofuran 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDiethyl phthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDimethylphthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluoranthene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluorene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobenzene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachloroethane 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIsophorone 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNitrobenzene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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B15_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45800

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDPentachloronitrobenzene 140 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachlorophenol 370 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenanthrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenol 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyrene 260 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyridine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates82% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 165% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 166% 2-Fluorophenol 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 173% Nitrobenzene-d5 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 172% Phenol-d5 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 159% Terphenyl-d14 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 1

CompletedField Extraction 06/25/19 SW5035A


Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorJuly 03, 2019

If you are the client above and have any questions concerning this testing, please do not hesitate to contact Phoenix Client Services at ext.200. The contents of this report cannot be discussed with anyone other than the client listed above without their written consent.

Reviewed and Released by: Rashmi Makol, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

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Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:

SOILDTECHDAS72 HourDTC #17-141-15E

06/25/19LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: CD45801


Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Attn: Ms. Jane WitherellDiversified Tech. Consultants2321 Whitney Avenue 3rd floorHamden Center IIHamden CT 06518

Analysis ReportJuly 03, 2019

Date Time

SDG ID: GCD45785

Client ID:Project ID: WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428


587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

< 0.40Silver 0.40 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 13.22Arsenic 0.81 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 165.7Barium 0.40 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.40Cadmium 0.40 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 121.4Chromium 0.40 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.03Mercury 0.03 07/01/19 RS SW7471Bmg/Kg 26.90Lead 0.40 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1< 1.6Selenium 1.6 06/29/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/Kg 1

< 0.010SPLP Silver 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.004SPLP Arsenic 0.004 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 10.026SPLP Barium 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1

< 0.005SPLP Cadmium 0.005 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 10.014SPLP Chromium 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1

< 0.0004SPLP Mercury 0.0004 07/01/19 RS SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.010SPLP Lead 0.010 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.020SPLP Selenium 0.020 06/28/19 CPP SW6010Dmg/L 1

CompletedSPLP Metals Digestion 06/28/19 LS/I SW3010A86Percent Solid 06/27/19 ML SW846-%Solid%

CompletedSoil Extraction for SVOA 06/27/19 NT/L SW3545ACompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 06/27/19 CM/L SW3545ACompletedMercury Digestion 07/01/19 LS/LS SW7471BCompletedSPLP Digestion Mercury 07/01/19 LS/W SW1312/SW7470ACompletedSPLP Extraction for Metals 06/27/19 I SW1312CompletedTotal Metals Digest 06/27/19 B/AG/BF SW3050B

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)NDExt. Petroleum H.C. (C9-C36) 58 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1NDIdentification 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/Kg 1

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Page 127: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

B16_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45801

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

QA/QC Surrogates78% n-Pentacosane 06/28/19 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 3.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Hexanone 25 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 25 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcetone 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcrylonitrile 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBenzene 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromobenzene 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromochloromethane 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromodichloromethane 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromoform 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromomethane 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon Disulfide 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChlorobenzene 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroethane 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroform 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloromethane 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromochloromethane 3.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromomethane 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDEthylbenzene 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

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Page 128: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

B16_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45801

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDHexachlorobutadiene 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDIsopropylbenzene 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDm&p-Xylene 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl Ethyl Ketone 30 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 10 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethylene chloride 10 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Butylbenzene 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Propylbenzene 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDo-Xylene 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDStyrene 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrachloroethene 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 10 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDToluene 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTotal Xylenes 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 10 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichloroethene 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 10 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDVinyl chloride 5.1 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates101% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 194% Bromofluorobenzene 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

105% Dibromofluoromethane 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 199% Toluene-d8 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 100 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorophenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylnaphthalene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND2-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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B16_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45801

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND2-Nitrophenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 380 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND3-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 380 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chloroaniline 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitroaniline 300 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1ND4-Nitrophenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcenaphthylene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAcetophenone 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAniline 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDAnthracene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenz(a)anthracene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzidine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(a)pyrene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(b)fluoranthene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(ghi)perylene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzo(k)fluoranthene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzoic acid 770 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 380 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDCarbazole 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDChrysene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenz(a,h)anthracene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDibenzofuran 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDiethyl phthalate 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDimethylphthalate 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 380 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluoranthene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDFluorene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobenzene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDHexachloroethane 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDIsophorone 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDNitrobenzene 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

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B16_8-10`Phoenix I.D.: CD45801

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDPentachloronitrobenzene 140 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPentachlorophenol 380 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenanthrene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPhenol 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyrene 270 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1NDPyridine 200 06/28/19 AW SW8270Dug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates74% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 159% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 159% 2-Fluorophenol 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 167% Nitrobenzene-d5 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 167% Phenol-d5 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 158% Terphenyl-d14 06/28/19 AW 30 - 130 %% 1

CompletedField Extraction 06/25/19 SW5035A


Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorJuly 03, 2019

If you are the client above and have any questions concerning this testing, please do not hesitate to contact Phoenix Client Services at ext.200. The contents of this report cannot be discussed with anyone other than the client listed above without their written consent.

Reviewed and Released by: Rashmi Makol, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

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Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:

SOILDTECHDAS72 HourDTC #17-141-15E

06/25/19LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: CD45802

06/27/19 11:20

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Attn: Ms. Jane WitherellDiversified Tech. Consultants2321 Whitney Avenue 3rd floorHamden Center IIHamden CT 06518

Analysis ReportJuly 03, 2019

Date Time

SDG ID: GCD45785

Client ID:Project ID: WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428


587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 3.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Hexanone 25 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 25 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

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TRIP BLANKPhoenix I.D.: CD45802

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDAcetone 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDAcrylonitrile 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromobenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromochloromethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromodichloromethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromoform 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDBromomethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon Disulfide 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChlorobenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloroform 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDChloromethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromochloromethane 3.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDibromomethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDEthylbenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDIsopropylbenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDm&p-Xylene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl Ethyl Ketone 30 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 10 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDMethylene chloride 10 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDNaphthalene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Butylbenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDn-Propylbenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDo-Xylene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDStyrene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrachloroethene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 10 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDToluene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTotal Xylenes 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 10 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichloroethene 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 10 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1NDVinyl chloride 5.0 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 1

QA/QC Surrogates100% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 194% Bromofluorobenzene 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

102% Dibromofluoromethane 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1

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TRIP BLANKPhoenix I.D.: CD45802

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

98% Toluene-d8 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 1



Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

Results are reported on an ``as received`` basis, and are not corrected for dry weight.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorJuly 03, 2019

If you are the client above and have any questions concerning this testing, please do not hesitate to contact Phoenix Client Services at ext.200. The contents of this report cannot be discussed with anyone other than the client listed above without their written consent.

Reviewed and Released by: Rashmi Makol, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

Ver 1

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Page 134: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:

SOILDTECHDAS72 HourDTC #17-141-15E

06/27/19LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: CD46034

06/27/19 11:20

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Attn: Ms. Jane WitherellDiversified Tech. Consultants2321 Whitney Avenue 3rd floorHamden Center IIHamden CT 06518

Analysis ReportJuly 03, 2019

Date Time

SDG ID: GCD45785

Client ID:Project ID: WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428


587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,1-Dichloroethane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,1-Dichloroethene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,1-Dichloropropene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2-Dibromoethane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2-Dichloroethane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2-Dichloropropane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,3-Dichloropropane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND2,2-Dichloropropane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND2-Chlorotoluene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND2-Hexanone 1300 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND2-Isopropyltoluene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND4-Chlorotoluene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 1300 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50

Ver 1

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Page 135: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

TRIP BLANK HIGHPhoenix I.D.: CD46034

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDAcetone 5000 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDAcrylonitrile 500 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDBenzene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDBromobenzene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDBromochloromethane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDBromodichloromethane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDBromoform 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDBromomethane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDCarbon Disulfide 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDCarbon tetrachloride 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDChlorobenzene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDChloroethane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDChloroform 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDChloromethane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDDibromochloromethane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDDibromomethane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDDichlorodifluoromethane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDEthylbenzene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDHexachlorobutadiene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDIsopropylbenzene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDm&p-Xylene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDMethyl Ethyl Ketone 3000 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDMethylene chloride 500 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDNaphthalene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDn-Butylbenzene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDn-Propylbenzene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDo-Xylene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDp-Isopropyltoluene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDsec-Butylbenzene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDStyrene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDtert-Butylbenzene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDTetrachloroethene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 500 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDToluene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDTotal Xylenes 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 500 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDTrichloroethene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDTrichlorofluoromethane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDVinyl chloride 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50

QA/QC Surrogates99% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 (50x) 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 5096% Bromofluorobenzene (50x) 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 50

102% Dibromofluoromethane (50x) 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 50

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TRIP BLANK HIGHPhoenix I.D.: CD46034

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

97% Toluene-d8 (50x) 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 50CompletedField Extraction 06/27/19 SW5035A



Results are reported on an ``as received`` basis, and are not corrected for dry weight.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorJuly 03, 2019

If you are the client above and have any questions concerning this testing, please do not hesitate to contact Phoenix Client Services at ext.200. The contents of this report cannot be discussed with anyone other than the client listed above without their written consent.

Reviewed and Released by: Rashmi Makol, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

Ver 1

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Page 137: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:

SOILDTECHDAS72 HourDTC #17-141-15E

06/27/19LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: CD46035

06/27/19 11:20

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Attn: Ms. Jane WitherellDiversified Tech. Consultants2321 Whitney Avenue 3rd floorHamden Center IIHamden CT 06518

Analysis ReportJuly 03, 2019

Date Time

SDG ID: GCD45785

Client ID:Project ID: WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428


587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,1-Dichloroethane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,1-Dichloroethene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,1-Dichloropropene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2-Dibromoethane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2-Dichloroethane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,2-Dichloropropane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,3-Dichloropropane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND2,2-Dichloropropane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND2-Chlorotoluene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND2-Hexanone 1300 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND2-Isopropyltoluene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND4-Chlorotoluene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 1300 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50

Ver 1

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Page 138: Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019...Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank

TRIP BLANK HIGHPhoenix I.D.: CD46035

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDAcetone 5000 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDAcrylonitrile 500 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDBenzene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDBromobenzene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDBromochloromethane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDBromodichloromethane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDBromoform 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDBromomethane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDCarbon Disulfide 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDCarbon tetrachloride 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDChlorobenzene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDChloroethane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDChloroform 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDChloromethane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDDibromochloromethane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDDibromomethane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDDichlorodifluoromethane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDEthylbenzene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDHexachlorobutadiene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDIsopropylbenzene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDm&p-Xylene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDMethyl Ethyl Ketone 3000 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDMethylene chloride 500 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDNaphthalene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDn-Butylbenzene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDn-Propylbenzene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDo-Xylene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDp-Isopropyltoluene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDsec-Butylbenzene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDStyrene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDtert-Butylbenzene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDTetrachloroethene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 500 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDToluene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDTotal Xylenes 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 500 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDTrichloroethene 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDTrichlorofluoromethane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50NDVinyl chloride 250 06/30/19 JLI SW8260Cug/Kg 50

QA/QC Surrogates99% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 (50x) 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 5095% Bromofluorobenzene (50x) 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 50

101% Dibromofluoromethane (50x) 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 50

Ver 1

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TRIP BLANK HIGHPhoenix I.D.: CD46035

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

99% Toluene-d8 (50x) 06/30/19 JLI 70 - 130 %% 50CompletedField Extraction 06/27/19 SW5035A



Results are reported on an ``as received`` basis, and are not corrected for dry weight.

All soils, solids and sludges are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted in the sample comments.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorJuly 03, 2019

If you are the client above and have any questions concerning this testing, please do not hesitate to contact Phoenix Client Services at ext.200. The contents of this report cannot be discussed with anyone other than the client listed above without their written consent.

Reviewed and Released by: Rashmi Makol, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

Ver 1

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QA/QC Data

Parameter BlkBlank RL




QA/QC ReportJuly 03, 2019

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GCD45785










QA/QC Batch 485501 (mg/L), QC Sample No: CD45785 (CD45785, CD45786, CD45787, CD45788, CD45789, CD45790, CD45791, CD45792, CD45793, CD45794, CD45795, CD45796)Mercury - Water 76.9BRL 78.8NC l80 - 120 20<0.0002 <0.00020.0002

Additional Mercury criteria: LCS acceptance range for waters is 80-120% and for soils is 70-130%. MS acceptance range is 75-125%.


QA/QC Batch 485503 (mg/L), QC Sample No: CD45798 (CD45798, CD45799, CD45800, CD45801)Mercury - Water 95.8BRL 102NC 80 - 120 20<0.0002 <0.00020.0002

Additional Mercury criteria: LCS acceptance range for waters is 80-120% and for soils is 70-130%. MS acceptance range is 75-125%.


QA/QC Batch 485496 (mg/kg), QC Sample No: CD46201 2X (CD45785, CD45786)Mercury - Soil 72.8 77.2BRL 5.988.7NC 80.6 9.6 m70 - 130 30<0.03 <0.030.03

Additional Mercury criteria: LCS acceptance range for waters is 80-120% and for soils is 70-130%. MS acceptance range is 75-125%.


QA/QC Batch 485497 (mg/kg), QC Sample No: CD46203 2X (CD45787, CD45788, CD45789, CD45790, CD45791, CD45792, CD45793, CD45794, CD45795, CD45796, CD45798, CD45799, CD45800, CD45801)Mercury - Soil 96.1 102BRL 6.0109NC 109 0.0 70 - 130 30<0.03 <0.030.03

Additional Mercury criteria: LCS acceptance range for waters is 80-120% and for soils is 70-130%. MS acceptance range is 75-125%.


QA/QC Batch 485466 (mg/kg), QC Sample No: CD45785 (CD45785, CD45786, CD45787, CD45788, CD45789, CD45790, CD45791, CD45792, CD45793, CD45794, CD45795, CD45796, CD45798, CD45799, CD45800, CD45801)

ICP Metals - SoilArsenic 85.6BRL 87.1NC 96.0 9.7 75 - 125 303.15 2.770.67

Barium 97.0BRL 90.60.20 94.9 4.6 75 - 125 3060.3 60.20.33

Cadmium 87.2BRL 88.1NC 88.6 0.6 75 - 125 30<0.35 <0.390.33

Chromium 88.8BRL 86.84.30 92.3 6.1 75 - 125 3018.9 18.10.33

Lead 88.0BRL 86.95.00 94.8 8.7 75 - 125 306.02 6.330.33

Selenium 75.8BRL 77.7NC 84.5 8.4 75 - 125 30<1.4 <1.61.3

Silver 87.4BRL 83.5NC 90.8 8.4 75 - 125 30<0.35 <0.390.33

QA/QC Batch 485510 (mg/L), QC Sample No: CD45786 (CD45785, CD45786, CD45787, CD45788, CD45789, CD45790, CD45791, CD45792, CD45793, CD45794, CD45795, CD45796, CD45798, CD45799, CD45800, CD45801)

ICP Metals - SPLP ExtractionArsenic 98.2BRL 100NC 99.6 0.4 75 - 125 20<0.004 <0.0040.004

Barium 102BRL 102NC 103 1.0 75 - 125 200.016 0.0150.010

Cadmium 97.6BRL 101NC 102 1.0 75 - 125 20<0.005 <0.0050.005

Chromium 97.9BRL 100NC 101 1.0 75 - 125 20<0.010 <0.0100.010

Lead 99.1BRL 101NC 101 0.0 75 - 125 20<0.010 <0.0100.010

Selenium 101BRL 102NC 102 0.0 75 - 125 20<0.020 <0.0200.020

Silver 99.5BRL 99.9NC 100 0.1 75 - 125 20<0.010 <0.0100.010

l = This parameter is outside laboratory LCS/LCSD specified recovery limits.m = This parameter is outside laboratory MS/MSD specified recovery limits.

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QA/QC Data

Parameter BlkBlank RL




QA/QC ReportJuly 03, 2019

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GCD45785








QA/QC Batch 485356 (mg/Kg), QC Sample No: CD45785 (CD45785, CD45786, CD45787, CD45788, CD45789, CD45790, CD45791, CD45792, CD45793, CD45794, CD45795, CD45796, CD45798, CD45799, CD45800, CD45801)

TPH by GC (Extractable Products) - SoilExt. Petroleum H.C. (C9-C36) 81 85ND 4.878 80 2.5 60 - 120 3050

% n-Pentacosane 82 8473 2.477 79 2.6 50 - 150 30%

Additional surrogate criteria: LCS acceptance range is 60-120% MS acceptance range 50-150%. The ETPH/DRO LCS has been normalized based on the alkane calibration.


QA/QC Batch 485348 (ug/kg), QC Sample No: CD45785 (CD45785, CD45786, CD45787, CD45788, CD45789, CD45790, CD45791, CD45792, CD45793, CD45794, CD45795, CD45796, CD45798, CD45799, CD45800, CD45801)

Semivolatiles - Soil1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 68 57ND 17.663 61 3.2 30 - 130 30230

1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 64 51ND 22.656 56 0.0 30 - 130 30230

1,2-Dichlorobenzene 60 47ND 24.352 54 3.8 30 - 130 30180

1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 74 70ND 5.664 63 1.6 30 - 130 30230

1,3-Dichlorobenzene 57 43ND 28.048 50 4.1 30 - 130 30230

1,4-Dichlorobenzene 58 45ND 25.250 49 2.0 30 - 130 30230

2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 76 71ND 6.863 65 3.1 30 - 130 30230

2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 76 67ND 12.664 67 4.6 30 - 130 30130

2,4-Dichlorophenol 77 70ND 9.572 71 1.4 30 - 130 30130

2,4-Dimethylphenol 71 56ND 23.673 73 0.0 30 - 130 30230

2,4-Dinitrophenol 61 53ND 14.055 46 17.8 30 - 130 30230

2,4-Dinitrotoluene 79 76ND 3.960 67 11.0 30 - 130 30130

2,6-Dinitrotoluene 77 76ND 1.357 64 11.6 30 - 130 30130

2-Chloronaphthalene 66 58ND 12.956 56 0.0 30 - 130 30230

2-Chlorophenol 70 56ND 22.263 68 7.6 30 - 130 30230

2-Methylnaphthalene 67 57ND 16.163 61 3.2 30 - 130 30230

2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 71 61ND 15.269 72 4.3 30 - 130 30230

2-Nitroaniline 107 100ND 6.845 56 21.8 30 - 130 30330

2-Nitrophenol 96 76ND 23.366 80 19.2 30 - 130 30230

3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 79 68ND 15.078 78 0.0 30 - 130 30230

3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 35 41ND 15.8<10 <10 NC l30 - 130 30130

3-Nitroaniline 91 87ND 4.539 47 18.6 30 - 130 30330

4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 82 74ND 10.365 58 11.4 30 - 130 30230

4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 72 68ND 5.760 60 0.0 30 - 130 30230

4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 85 80ND 6.186 79 8.5 30 - 130 30230

4-Chloroaniline 75 63ND 17.439 43 9.8 30 - 130 30230

4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 74 67ND 9.961 61 0.0 30 - 130 30230

4-Nitroaniline 77 73ND 5.358 66 12.9 30 - 130 30230

4-Nitrophenol 78 75ND 3.961 62 1.6 30 - 130 30230

Acenaphthene 70 64ND 9.060 60 0.0 30 - 130 30230

Acenaphthylene 68 60ND 12.557 56 1.8 30 - 130 30130

Acetophenone 67 54ND 21.562 65 4.7 30 - 130 30230

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QA/QC Data

Parameter BlkBlank RL




SDG I.D.: GCD45785








Aniline 59 44ND 29.165 64 1.6 30 - 130 30330

Anthracene 69 66ND 4.457 57 0.0 30 - 130 30230

Benz(a)anthracene 67 66ND 1.557 55 3.6 30 - 130 30230

Benzidine <10 <10ND NC<10 <10 NC l,m30 - 130 30330

Benzo(a)pyrene 61 64ND 4.859 56 5.2 30 - 130 30130

Benzo(b)fluoranthene 70 68ND 2.964 64 0.0 30 - 130 30160

Benzo(ghi)perylene 30 42ND 33.337 43 15.0 r30 - 130 30230

Benzo(k)fluoranthene 75 80ND 6.572 67 7.2 30 - 130 30230

Benzoic Acid 34 50ND 38.191 96 5.3 r30 - 130 30330

Benzyl butyl phthalate 76 75ND 1.362 62 0.0 30 - 130 30230

Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 66 57ND 14.659 61 3.3 30 - 130 30230

Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 65 51ND 24.153 57 7.3 30 - 130 30130

Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 57 46ND 21.449 51 4.0 30 - 130 30230

Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 75 73ND 2.763 64 1.6 30 - 130 30230

Carbazole 66 63ND 4.753 52 1.9 30 - 130 30230

Chrysene 70 68ND 2.960 59 1.7 30 - 130 30230

Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 35 47ND 29.344 48 8.7 30 - 130 30130

Dibenzofuran 69 63ND 9.160 60 0.0 30 - 130 30230

Diethyl phthalate 77 73ND 5.366 64 3.1 30 - 130 30230

Dimethylphthalate 75 68ND 9.862 61 1.6 30 - 130 30230

Di-n-butylphthalate 73 70ND 4.260 61 1.7 30 - 130 30670

Di-n-octylphthalate 70 72ND 2.859 58 1.7 30 - 130 30230

Fluoranthene 64 63ND 1.654 52 3.8 30 - 130 30230

Fluorene 74 68ND 8.564 63 1.6 30 - 130 30230

Hexachlorobenzene 68 68ND 0.060 62 3.3 30 - 130 30130

Hexachlorobutadiene 63 50ND 23.052 52 0.0 30 - 130 30230

Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 11 11ND 0.020 <10 NC l,m30 - 130 30230

Hexachloroethane 50 39ND 24.748 42 13.3 30 - 130 30130

Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 34 46ND 30.042 46 9.1 30 - 130 30230

Isophorone 63 54ND 15.457 57 0.0 30 - 130 30130

Naphthalene 63 51ND 21.156 56 0.0 30 - 130 30230

Nitrobenzene 84 68ND 21.170 76 8.2 30 - 130 30130

N-Nitrosodimethylamine 54 38ND 34.847 44 6.6 r30 - 130 30230

N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 76 62ND 20.368 72 5.7 30 - 130 30130

N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 72 68ND 5.764 64 0.0 30 - 130 30130

Pentachloronitrobenzene 70 67ND 4.454 59 8.8 30 - 130 30230

Pentachlorophenol 73 71ND 2.866 66 0.0 30 - 130 30230

Phenanthrene 69 66ND 4.460 58 3.4 30 - 130 30130

Phenol 77 64ND 18.470 74 5.6 30 - 130 30230

Pyrene 64 62ND 3.253 51 3.8 30 - 130 30230

Pyridine 40 28ND 35.331 34 9.2 m,r30 - 130 30230

% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 73 7148 2.865 67 3.0 30 - 130 30%

% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 58 5248 10.949 51 4.0 30 - 130 30%

% 2-Fluorophenol 62 4846 25.555 56 1.8 30 - 130 30%

% Nitrobenzene-d5 73 5944 21.257 69 19.0 30 - 130 30%

% Phenol-d5 71 5851 20.266 67 1.5 30 - 130 30%

% Terphenyl-d14 54 5252 3.844 44 0.0 30 - 130 30%

Additional 8270 criteria: 20% of compounds can be outside of acceptance criteria as long as recovery is at least 10%. (Acid surrogates acceptance range for aqueous samples: 15-110%, for soils 30-130%)


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QA/QC Data

Parameter BlkBlank RL




SDG I.D.: GCD45785








QA/QC Batch 485820 (ug/kg), QC Sample No: CD45789 (CD45785, CD45786, CD45787, CD45788, CD45789, CD45790, CD45791, CD45793, CD45794)

Volatiles - Soil (Low Level)1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 83 87ND 4.7100 96 4.1 70 - 130 305.0

1,1,1-Trichloroethane 77 78ND 1.393 83 11.4 70 - 130 305.0

1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 85 91ND 6.8110 104 5.6 70 - 130 303.0

1,1,2-Trichloroethane 87 88ND 1.1104 99 4.9 70 - 130 305.0

1,1-Dichloroethane 87 87ND 0.0102 94 8.2 70 - 130 305.0

1,1-Dichloroethene 90 90ND 0.0101 93 8.2 70 - 130 305.0

1,1-Dichloropropene 82 85ND 3.697 90 7.5 70 - 130 305.0

1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 75 78ND 3.9105 99 5.9 70 - 130 305.0

1,2,3-Trichloropropane 76 79ND 3.997 91 6.4 70 - 130 305.0

1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 75 76ND 1.3105 96 9.0 70 - 130 305.0

1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 80 82ND 2.5103 94 9.1 70 - 130 301.0

1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 77 84ND 8.7104 94 10.1 70 - 130 305.0

1,2-Dibromoethane 85 90ND 5.7103 97 6.0 70 - 130 305.0

1,2-Dichlorobenzene 82 82ND 0.0105 97 7.9 70 - 130 305.0

1,2-Dichloroethane 75 76ND 1.387 81 7.1 70 - 130 305.0

1,2-Dichloropropane 94 93ND 1.1110 106 3.7 70 - 130 305.0

1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 81 84ND 3.6104 96 8.0 70 - 130 301.0

1,3-Dichlorobenzene 82 85ND 3.6106 96 9.9 70 - 130 305.0

1,3-Dichloropropane 82 86ND 4.8100 94 6.2 70 - 130 305.0

1,4-Dichlorobenzene 80 82ND 2.5104 95 9.0 70 - 130 305.0

2,2-Dichloropropane 74 72ND 2.788 85 3.5 70 - 130 305.0

2-Chlorotoluene 83 85ND 2.4103 95 8.1 70 - 130 305.0

2-Hexanone 79 86ND 8.5102 96 6.1 70 - 130 3025

2-Isopropyltoluene 87 87ND 0.0109 100 8.6 70 - 130 305.0

4-Chlorotoluene 79 83ND 4.9104 94 10.1 70 - 130 305.0

4-Methyl-2-pentanone 91 93ND 2.2111 104 6.5 70 - 130 3025

Acetone 77 84ND 8.795 86 9.9 70 - 130 3010

Acrylonitrile 89 91ND 2.2109 101 7.6 70 - 130 305.0

Benzene 89 90ND 1.1104 96 8.0 70 - 130 301.0

Bromobenzene 83 86ND 3.6102 98 4.0 70 - 130 305.0

Bromochloromethane 85 85ND 0.097 94 3.1 70 - 130 305.0

Bromodichloromethane 82 82ND 0.098 92 6.3 70 - 130 305.0

Bromoform 84 90ND 6.9109 104 4.7 70 - 130 305.0

Bromomethane 71 71ND 0.084 75 11.3 70 - 130 305.0

Carbon Disulfide 89 88ND 1.1101 93 8.2 70 - 130 305.0

Carbon tetrachloride 76 77ND 1.390 83 8.1 70 - 130 305.0

Chlorobenzene 85 89ND 4.6105 97 7.9 70 - 130 305.0

Chloroethane 79 78ND 1.387 80 8.4 70 - 130 305.0

Chloroform 81 81ND 0.094 89 5.5 70 - 130 305.0

Chloromethane 72 71ND 1.482 75 8.9 70 - 130 305.0

cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 90 90ND 0.0104 96 8.0 70 - 130 305.0

cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 85 85ND 0.0103 97 6.0 70 - 130 305.0

Dibromochloromethane 86 88ND 2.3104 99 4.9 70 - 130 303.0

Dibromomethane 83 85ND 2.498 94 4.2 70 - 130 305.0

Dichlorodifluoromethane 62 59ND 5.066 60 9.5 l,m70 - 130 305.0

Ethylbenzene 84 89ND 5.8104 96 8.0 70 - 130 301.0

Hexachlorobutadiene 81 80ND 1.2107 98 8.8 70 - 130 305.0

Isopropylbenzene 82 85ND 3.6103 94 9.1 70 - 130 301.0

m&p-Xylene 84 87ND 3.5102 95 7.1 70 - 130 302.0

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SDG I.D.: GCD45785








Methyl ethyl ketone 81 86ND 6.0102 91 11.4 70 - 130 305.0

Methyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 95 94ND 1.1109 104 4.7 70 - 130 301.0

Methylene chloride 71 70ND 1.478 73 6.6 70 - 130 305.0

Naphthalene 73 77ND 5.3105 97 7.9 70 - 130 305.0

n-Butylbenzene 79 80ND 1.3103 92 11.3 70 - 130 301.0

n-Propylbenzene 82 82ND 0.0104 94 10.1 70 - 130 301.0

o-Xylene 85 89ND 4.6103 96 7.0 70 - 130 302.0

p-Isopropyltoluene 82 83ND 1.2105 96 9.0 70 - 130 301.0

sec-Butylbenzene 86 87ND 1.2109 99 9.6 70 - 130 301.0

Styrene 82 86ND 4.8101 96 5.1 70 - 130 305.0

tert-Butylbenzene 81 84ND 3.6102 94 8.2 70 - 130 301.0

Tetrachloroethene 90 93ND 3.3107 101 5.8 70 - 130 305.0

Tetrahydrofuran (THF) 86 93ND 7.8107 98 8.8 70 - 130 305.0

Toluene 88 90ND 2.2103 97 6.0 70 - 130 301.0

trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 89 92ND 3.3105 94 11.1 70 - 130 305.0

trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 81 82ND 1.296 92 4.3 70 - 130 305.0

trans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 83 87ND 4.7112 103 8.4 70 - 130 305.0

Trichloroethene 88 91ND 3.4103 96 7.0 70 - 130 305.0

Trichlorofluoromethane 67 67ND 0.077 69 11.0 l,m70 - 130 305.0

Trichlorotrifluoroethane 90 88ND 2.2103 93 10.2 70 - 130 305.0

Vinyl chloride 77 77ND 0.087 79 9.6 70 - 130 305.0

% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 100 100102 0.0101 100 1.0 70 - 130 30%

% Bromofluorobenzene 96 9694 0.095 95 0.0 70 - 130 30%

% Dibromofluoromethane 107 100101 6.8104 102 1.9 70 - 130 30%

% Toluene-d8 103 100100 3.098 100 2.0 70 - 130 30%

Additional 8260 criteria: 10% of LCS/LCSD compounds can be outside of acceptance criteria as long as recovery is 40-160%, 25-160% for Chloroethane-HL and Trichlorofluoromethane-HL.


QA/QC Batch 486016 (ug/kg), QC Sample No: CD46229 (CD45792)

Volatiles - Soil (Low Level)1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 87ND 94 91 3.2 70 - 130 305.0

1,1,1-Trichloroethane 82ND 84 80 4.9 70 - 130 305.0

1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 83ND 103 95 8.1 70 - 130 303.0

1,1,2-Trichloroethane 86ND 98 94 4.2 70 - 130 305.0

1,1-Dichloroethane 92ND 94 92 2.2 70 - 130 305.0

1,1-Dichloroethene 97ND 93 91 2.2 70 - 130 305.0

1,1-Dichloropropene 83ND 90 84 6.9 70 - 130 305.0

1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 45ND 101 99 2.0 m70 - 130 305.0

1,2,3-Trichloropropane 77ND 89 82 8.2 70 - 130 305.0

1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 48ND 102 97 5.0 m70 - 130 305.0

1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 76ND 92 89 3.3 70 - 130 301.0

1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 72ND 96 89 7.6 70 - 130 305.0

1,2-Dibromoethane 82ND 98 94 4.2 70 - 130 305.0

1,2-Dichlorobenzene 69ND 97 94 3.1 m70 - 130 305.0

1,2-Dichloroethane 75ND 83 80 3.7 70 - 130 305.0

1,2-Dichloropropane 94ND 100 97 3.0 70 - 130 305.0

1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 80ND 95 90 5.4 70 - 130 301.0

1,3-Dichlorobenzene 71ND 97 94 3.1 70 - 130 305.0

1,3-Dichloropropane 84ND 95 91 4.3 70 - 130 305.0

1,4-Dichlorobenzene 68ND 97 92 5.3 m70 - 130 305.0

2,2-Dichloropropane 78ND 83 79 4.9 70 - 130 305.0

2-Chlorotoluene 80ND 95 91 4.3 70 - 130 305.0

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SDG I.D.: GCD45785








2-Hexanone 71ND 105 100 4.9 70 - 130 3025

2-Isopropyltoluene 84ND 106 100 5.8 70 - 130 305.0

4-Chlorotoluene 77ND 96 91 5.3 70 - 130 305.0

4-Methyl-2-pentanone 89ND 115 105 9.1 70 - 130 3025

Acetone 87ND 86 87 1.2 70 - 130 3010

Acrylonitrile 87ND 106 102 3.8 70 - 130 305.0

Benzene 91ND 96 92 4.3 70 - 130 301.0

Bromobenzene 78ND 96 93 3.2 70 - 130 305.0

Bromochloromethane 88ND 94 90 4.3 70 - 130 305.0

Bromodichloromethane 83ND 91 87 4.5 70 - 130 305.0

Bromoform 80ND 102 98 4.0 70 - 130 305.0

Bromomethane 95ND 97 93 4.2 70 - 130 305.0

Carbon Disulfide 98ND 103 98 5.0 70 - 130 305.0

Carbon tetrachloride 79ND 84 81 3.6 70 - 130 305.0

Chlorobenzene 81ND 96 94 2.1 70 - 130 305.0

Chloroethane 98ND 93 91 2.2 70 - 130 305.0

Chloroform 84ND 88 86 2.3 70 - 130 305.0

Chloromethane 113ND 111 105 5.6 70 - 130 305.0

cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 91ND 95 95 0.0 70 - 130 305.0

cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 82ND 96 92 4.3 70 - 130 305.0

Dibromochloromethane 86ND 98 97 1.0 70 - 130 303.0

Dibromomethane 81ND 93 89 4.4 70 - 130 305.0

Dichlorodifluoromethane 103ND 91 87 4.5 70 - 130 305.0

Ethylbenzene 84ND 95 91 4.3 70 - 130 301.0

Hexachlorobutadiene 58ND 103 98 5.0 m70 - 130 305.0

Isopropylbenzene 83ND 94 89 5.5 70 - 130 301.0

m&p-Xylene 83ND 95 92 3.2 70 - 130 302.0

Methyl ethyl ketone 84ND 103 94 9.1 70 - 130 305.0

Methyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 99ND 101 99 2.0 70 - 130 301.0

Methylene chloride 75ND 70 69 1.4 l70 - 130 305.0

Naphthalene 51ND 99 92 7.3 m70 - 130 305.0

n-Butylbenzene 69ND 97 91 6.4 m70 - 130 301.0

n-Propylbenzene 80ND 96 88 8.7 70 - 130 301.0

o-Xylene 83ND 95 92 3.2 70 - 130 302.0

p-Isopropyltoluene 74ND 97 90 7.5 70 - 130 301.0

sec-Butylbenzene 80ND 99 93 6.3 70 - 130 301.0

Styrene 76ND 93 92 1.1 70 - 130 305.0

tert-Butylbenzene 78ND 93 87 6.7 70 - 130 301.0

Tetrachloroethene 89ND 103 97 6.0 70 - 130 305.0

Tetrahydrofuran (THF) 94ND 109 105 3.7 70 - 130 305.0

Toluene 87ND 97 92 5.3 70 - 130 301.0

trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 91ND 95 91 4.3 70 - 130 305.0

trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 72ND 90 88 2.2 70 - 130 305.0

trans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 81ND 113 103 9.3 70 - 130 305.0

Trichloroethene 90ND 95 91 4.3 70 - 130 305.0

Trichlorofluoromethane 84ND 83 79 4.9 70 - 130 305.0

Trichlorotrifluoroethane 104ND 104 101 2.9 70 - 130 305.0

Vinyl chloride 109ND 105 100 4.9 70 - 130 305.0

% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 99100 101 99 2.0 70 - 130 30%

% Bromofluorobenzene 9496 96 97 1.0 70 - 130 30%

% Dibromofluoromethane 102102 103 106 2.9 70 - 130 30%

% Toluene-d8 99101 100 100 0.0 70 - 130 30%

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SDG I.D.: GCD45785








The MSD is not reported for this LL soil batch.

Additional 8260 criteria: 10% of LCS/LCSD compounds can be outside of acceptance criteria as long as recovery is 40-160%, 25-160% for Chloroethane-HL and Trichlorofluoromethane-HL.


QA/QC Batch 485853 (ug/kg), QC Sample No: CD46412 (CD45795, CD45796, CD45797, CD45798, CD45799, CD45800, CD45801, CD45802)

Volatiles - Soil (Low Level)1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 97 83ND 15.696 96 0.0 70 - 130 305.0

1,1,1-Trichloroethane 101 96ND 5.1104 100 3.9 70 - 130 305.0

1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 99 81ND 20.0101 98 3.0 70 - 130 303.0

1,1,2-Trichloroethane 95 84ND 12.398 97 1.0 70 - 130 305.0

1,1-Dichloroethane 102 95ND 7.1105 102 2.9 70 - 130 305.0

1,1-Dichloroethene 99 91ND 8.4113 105 7.3 70 - 130 305.0

1,1-Dichloropropene 100 94ND 6.2104 101 2.9 70 - 130 305.0

1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 68 53ND 24.8117 109 7.1 m70 - 130 305.0

1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98 84ND 15.491 92 1.1 70 - 130 305.0

1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 67 53ND 23.3116 111 4.4 m70 - 130 305.0

1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 102 85ND 18.2112 107 4.6 70 - 130 301.0

1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 92 81ND 12.7105 100 4.9 70 - 130 305.0

1,2-Dibromoethane 99 83ND 17.6102 99 3.0 70 - 130 305.0

1,2-Dichlorobenzene 87 69ND 23.1102 98 4.0 m70 - 130 305.0

1,2-Dichloroethane 100 88ND 12.8102 100 2.0 70 - 130 305.0

1,2-Dichloropropane 102 88ND 14.7103 102 1.0 70 - 130 305.0

1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 105 88ND 17.6111 105 5.6 70 - 130 301.0

1,3-Dichlorobenzene 88 71ND 21.4106 99 6.8 70 - 130 305.0

1,3-Dichloropropane 100 84ND 17.4100 99 1.0 70 - 130 305.0

1,4-Dichlorobenzene 84 67ND 22.5102 96 6.1 m70 - 130 305.0

2,2-Dichloropropane 102 97ND 5.0111 107 3.7 70 - 130 305.0

2-Chlorotoluene 105 82ND 24.6108 104 3.8 70 - 130 305.0

2-Hexanone 83 73ND 12.895 99 4.1 70 - 130 3025

2-Isopropyltoluene 105 87ND 18.8114 109 4.5 70 - 130 305.0

4-Chlorotoluene 97 79ND 20.5110 103 6.6 70 - 130 305.0

4-Methyl-2-pentanone 97 87ND 10.9100 101 1.0 70 - 130 3025

Acetone 75 71ND 5.578 72 8.0 70 - 130 3010

Acrylonitrile 101 92ND 9.3103 101 2.0 70 - 130 305.0

Benzene 99 90ND 9.5101 99 2.0 70 - 130 301.0

Bromobenzene 94 75ND 22.5102 96 6.1 70 - 130 305.0

Bromochloromethane 97 83ND 15.699 98 1.0 70 - 130 305.0

Bromodichloromethane 100 88ND 12.8103 100 3.0 70 - 130 305.0

Bromoform 93 79ND 16.398 97 1.0 70 - 130 305.0

Bromomethane 116 104ND 10.9127 122 4.0 70 - 130 305.0

Carbon Disulfide 98 90ND 8.5115 108 6.3 70 - 130 305.0

Carbon tetrachloride 101 93ND 8.2101 100 1.0 70 - 130 305.0

Chlorobenzene 95 82ND 14.7101 99 2.0 70 - 130 305.0

Chloroethane 102 92ND 10.3120 110 8.7 70 - 130 305.0

Chloroform 100 89ND 11.699 97 2.0 70 - 130 305.0

Chloromethane 115 103ND 11.0113 108 4.5 70 - 130 305.0

cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 100 89ND 11.6103 104 1.0 70 - 130 305.0

cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 91 81ND 11.6106 104 1.9 70 - 130 305.0

Dibromochloromethane 98 83ND 16.6101 102 1.0 70 - 130 303.0

Dibromomethane 96 81ND 16.9100 100 0.0 70 - 130 305.0

Dichlorodifluoromethane 127 119ND 6.5125 120 4.1 70 - 130 305.0

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QA/QC Data

Parameter BlkBlank RL




SDG I.D.: GCD45785








Ethylbenzene 99 88ND 11.8105 101 3.9 70 - 130 301.0

Hexachlorobutadiene 73 63ND 14.7106 99 6.8 m70 - 130 305.0

Isopropylbenzene 109 91ND 18.0111 105 5.6 70 - 130 301.0

m&p-Xylene 99 87ND 12.9107 102 4.8 70 - 130 302.0

Methyl ethyl ketone 92 83ND 10.3101 98 3.0 70 - 130 305.0

Methyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 100 88ND 12.8116 114 1.7 70 - 130 301.0

Methylene chloride 87 73ND 17.589 87 2.3 70 - 130 305.0

Naphthalene 69 57ND 19.0120 117 2.5 m70 - 130 305.0

n-Butylbenzene 96 80ND 18.2119 112 6.1 70 - 130 301.0

n-Propylbenzene 103 87ND 16.8109 103 5.7 70 - 130 301.0

o-Xylene 104 91ND 13.3110 108 1.8 70 - 130 302.0

p-Isopropyltoluene 99 84ND 16.4114 108 5.4 70 - 130 301.0

sec-Butylbenzene 107 91ND 16.2117 111 5.3 70 - 130 301.0

Styrene 96 84ND 13.3108 104 3.8 70 - 130 305.0

tert-Butylbenzene 107 89ND 18.4111 107 3.7 70 - 130 301.0

Tetrachloroethene 96 87ND 9.8102 99 3.0 70 - 130 305.0

Tetrahydrofuran (THF) 105 91ND 14.3101 98 3.0 70 - 130 305.0

Toluene 99 89ND 10.6100 98 2.0 70 - 130 301.0

trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 100 92ND 8.3115 111 3.5 70 - 130 305.0

trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 91 78ND 15.4105 104 1.0 70 - 130 305.0

trans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 96 79ND 19.4114 111 2.7 70 - 130 305.0

Trichloroethene 102 93ND 9.2102 100 2.0 70 - 130 305.0

Trichlorofluoromethane 94 88ND 6.6101 95 6.1 70 - 130 305.0

Trichlorotrifluoroethane 107 103ND 3.8117 111 5.3 70 - 130 305.0

Vinyl chloride 114 110ND 3.6123 116 5.9 70 - 130 305.0

% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 99 10298 3.0101 99 2.0 70 - 130 30%

% Bromofluorobenzene 98 10298 4.0100 101 1.0 70 - 130 30%

% Dibromofluoromethane 97 99104 2.097 102 5.0 70 - 130 30%

% Toluene-d8 100 10198 1.0101 102 1.0 70 - 130 30%

Additional 8260 criteria: 10% of LCS/LCSD compounds can be outside of acceptance criteria as long as recovery is 40-160%, 25-160% for Chloroethane-HL and Trichlorofluoromethane-HL.


QA/QC Batch 485853H (ug/kg), QC Sample No: CD46412 50X (CD46034 (50X) , CD46035 (50X) )

Volatiles - Soil (High Level)1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 96 98ND 2.197 97 0.0 70 - 130 30250

1,1,1-Trichloroethane 97 96ND 1.096 94 2.1 70 - 130 30250

1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 99 100ND 1.098 99 1.0 70 - 130 30150

1,1,2-Trichloroethane 97 100ND 3.098 99 1.0 70 - 130 30250

1,1-Dichloroethane 100 100ND 0.099 98 1.0 70 - 130 30250

1,1-Dichloroethene 92 94ND 2.291 84 8.0 70 - 130 30250

1,1-Dichloropropene 100 100ND 0.0103 102 1.0 70 - 130 30250

1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 100 110ND 9.5116 120 3.4 70 - 130 30250

1,2,3-Trichloropropane 94 92ND 2.289 95 6.5 70 - 130 30250

1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 99 110ND 10.5118 123 4.1 70 - 130 30250

1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 110 110ND 0.0113 113 0.0 70 - 130 3050

1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 98 97ND 1.099 102 3.0 70 - 130 30250

1,2-Dibromoethane 100 100ND 0.098 101 3.0 70 - 130 30250

1,2-Dichlorobenzene 98 99ND 1.0102 102 0.0 70 - 130 30250

1,2-Dichloroethane 100 100ND 0.0101 99 2.0 70 - 130 30250

1,2-Dichloropropane 99 100ND 1.0104 104 0.0 70 - 130 30250

1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 110 110ND 0.0110 111 0.9 70 - 130 3050

1,3-Dichlorobenzene 99 100ND 1.0106 105 0.9 70 - 130 30250

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1,3-Dichloropropane 99 98ND 1.098 103 5.0 70 - 130 30250

1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95 96ND 1.0101 103 2.0 70 - 130 30250

2,2-Dichloropropane 96 91ND 5.3104 102 1.9 70 - 130 30250

2-Chlorotoluene 100 110ND 9.5109 111 1.8 70 - 130 30250

2-Hexanone 91 89ND 2.292 99 7.3 70 - 130 301300

2-Isopropyltoluene 110 110ND 0.0113 114 0.9 70 - 130 30250

4-Chlorotoluene 110 110ND 0.0107 107 0.0 70 - 130 30250

4-Methyl-2-pentanone 97 98ND 1.095 100 5.1 70 - 130 301300

Acetone 57 57ND 0.053 57 7.3 l,m70 - 130 30500

Acrylonitrile 100 100ND 0.095 100 5.1 70 - 130 30250

Benzene 99 100ND 1.0100 102 2.0 70 - 130 3050

Bromobenzene 96 100ND 4.1100 101 1.0 70 - 130 30250

Bromochloromethane 98 98ND 0.097 98 1.0 70 - 130 30250

Bromodichloromethane 99 100ND 1.099 101 2.0 70 - 130 30250

Bromoform 93 95ND 2.194 97 3.1 70 - 130 30250

Bromomethane 90 86ND 4.589 88 1.1 70 - 130 30250

Carbon Disulfide 95 94ND 1.192 87 5.6 70 - 130 30250

Carbon tetrachloride 92 92ND 0.092 91 1.1 70 - 130 30250

Chlorobenzene 100 100ND 0.0101 102 1.0 70 - 130 30250

Chloroethane 28 28ND 0.026 25 3.9 l,m70 - 130 30250

Chloroform 97 97ND 0.093 94 1.1 70 - 130 30250

Chloromethane 100 110ND 9.5104 108 3.8 70 - 130 30250

cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 98 100ND 2.0101 99 2.0 70 - 130 30250

cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 96 100ND 4.1105 106 0.9 70 - 130 30250

Dibromochloromethane 98 99ND 1.0100 101 1.0 70 - 130 30150

Dibromomethane 98 99ND 1.098 100 2.0 70 - 130 30250

Dichlorodifluoromethane 110 110ND 0.0110 111 0.9 70 - 130 30250

Ethylbenzene 100 100ND 0.0103 105 1.9 70 - 130 3050

Hexachlorobutadiene 100 100ND 0.0108 109 0.9 70 - 130 30250

Isopropylbenzene 110 110ND 0.0111 111 0.0 70 - 130 3050

m&p-Xylene 100 100ND 0.0106 106 0.0 70 - 130 30100

Methyl ethyl ketone 89 86ND 3.487 95 8.8 70 - 130 30250

Methyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 88 93ND 5.598 99 1.0 70 - 130 3050

Methylene chloride 78 79ND 1.376 73 4.0 70 - 130 30250

Naphthalene 110 120ND 8.7119 125 4.9 70 - 130 30250

n-Butylbenzene 110 110ND 0.0116 117 0.9 70 - 130 3050

n-Propylbenzene 110 110ND 0.0107 109 1.9 70 - 130 3050

o-Xylene 110 110ND 0.0113 113 0.0 70 - 130 30100

p-Isopropyltoluene 110 110ND 0.0114 114 0.0 70 - 130 3050

sec-Butylbenzene 110 110ND 0.0116 115 0.9 70 - 130 3050

Styrene 110 110ND 0.0109 110 0.9 70 - 130 30250

tert-Butylbenzene 110 110ND 0.0110 110 0.0 70 - 130 3050

Tetrachloroethene 100 100ND 0.0103 106 2.9 70 - 130 30250

Tetrahydrofuran (THF) 97 94ND 3.196 94 2.1 70 - 130 30250

Toluene 99 100ND 1.0101 103 2.0 70 - 130 3050

trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 99 98ND 1.094 90 4.3 70 - 130 30250

trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 94 98ND 4.2102 103 1.0 70 - 130 30250

trans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 97 100ND 3.0108 109 0.9 70 - 130 30250

Trichloroethene 98 100ND 2.0101 102 1.0 70 - 130 30250

Trichlorofluoromethane 21 20ND 4.919 18 5.4 l,m70 - 130 30250

Trichlorotrifluoroethane 100 100ND 0.098 92 6.3 70 - 130 30250

Vinyl chloride 110 110ND 0.0110 107 2.8 70 - 130 30250

% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 98 9999 1.097 100 3.0 70 - 130 30%

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QA/QC Data

Parameter BlkBlank RL




SDG I.D.: GCD45785








% Bromofluorobenzene 98 9996 1.0100 101 1.0 70 - 130 30%

% Dibromofluoromethane 95 93101 2.195 98 3.1 70 - 130 30%

% Toluene-d8 100 10098 0.0101 102 1.0 70 - 130 30%

Additional 8260 criteria: 10% of LCS/LCSD compounds can be outside of acceptance criteria as long as recovery is 40-160%, 25-160% for Chloroethane-HL and Trichlorofluoromethane-HL.


l = This parameter is outside laboratory LCS/LCSD specified recovery limits.m = This parameter is outside laboratory MS/MSD specified recovery limits.r = This parameter is outside laboratory RPD specified recovery limits.

MS - Matrix SpikePhyllis Shiller, Laboratory Director

If there are any questions regarding this data, please call Phoenix Client Services at extension 200.

July 03, 2019MS Dup - Matrix Spike Duplicate

RPD - Relative Percent DifferenceLCS - Laboratory Control Sample

LCSD - Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate

NC - No CriteriaIntf - Interference

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Sample Criteria Exceedances ReportWednesday, July 03, 2019

Acode Phoenix Analyte CriteriaResult RLSampNoAnalysis


GCD45785 - DTECHDASCriteria: CT: GAM, RC


State: CT

#Error*** No Data to Display ***

Phoenix Laboratories does not assume responsibility for the data contained in this exceedance report. It is provided as an additional tool to identify requested criteria exceedences. All efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of the data (obtained from appropriate agencies). A lack of exceedence information does not necessarily suggest conformance to the criteria. It is ultimately the site professional's responsibility to determine appropriate compliance.

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Phoenix Environmental Labs, Inc.

Rashmi Makol

Project Manager

YesWere all samples received by the laboratory in a condition consistent with that described on the associated Chain-of-Custody document(s)?

For each analytical method referenced in this laboratory report package, were all specified QA/QC performance criteria followed, including the requirement to explain any criteria falling outside of acceptable guidelines, as specified in the CT DEP method-specific Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents?


Were all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents acheived? See Sections: Mercury Narration, SVOA Narration, VOA Narration.

For each analytical method referenced in this laboratory report package, were results reported for all constituents identified in the method-specific analyte lists presented in the Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents?

I, the undersigned, attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, to the best of my knowledge and belief and based upon my personal inquiry of those responsible for providing the information contained in this analytical report, such information is accurate and complete.





Wednesday, July 03, 2019Date:

Notes: For all questions to which the response was "No" (with the exception of question #7), additional information must be provided in an attached narrative. If the answer to question #1, #1A or 1B is "No", the data package does not meet the requirements for "Reasonable Confidence".This form may not be altered and all questions must be answered.

Authorized Signature:

Client: Diversified Tech. Consultants

Project Number:

Phoenix Environmental Labs, Inc.Laboratory Name:

Project Location:

CD46034, CD46035



Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Laboratory Sample ID(s): Sampling Date(s): 6/25/2019, 6/27/2019

Were samples received at an appropriate temperature (< 6 Degrees C)? 3 Yes No

Yes No

Are project-specific matrix spikes and laboratory duplicates included in the data set? 7 Yes No

Printed Name:


List RCP Methods Used (e.g., 8260, 8270, et cetera)

YesWere the method specified preservation and holding time requirements met? No 1A

Was the VPH or EPH method conducted without significant modifications (see section 11.3 of respective RCP methods)

1B Yes NoNA

a) Were reporting limits specified or referenced on the chain-of-custody?

b) Were these reporting limits met?

5 Yes No


CTDEP RCP Laboratory Analysis QA/QC Certification Form - November 2007Laboratory Quality Assurance and Quality Control Guidance Reasonable Confidence Protocols



1311/1312, 6010, 7470/7471, 8260, 8270, ETPH

VPH and EPH methods only:

Name of Laboratory

This certification form is to be used for RCP methods only.

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RCP Certification ReportJuly 03, 2019

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GCD45785

SDG CommentsMetals Analysis:The client requested a shorter list of elements than the 6010 RCP list. Only the RCRA 8 Metals are reported as requested on the chain of custody.

ETPH NarrationWere all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents achieved? Yes.


CD45785, CD45786, CD45787, CD45788, CD45789, CD45790, CD45791, CD45792, CD45793, CD45794, CD45795AU-FID21 06/28/19-1 Jeff Bucko, Chemist 06/28/19

The initial calibration (ETPH429I) RSD for the compound list was less than 30% except for the following compounds: None.As per section 7.2.3, a discrimination check standard was run (628A003_1) and contained the following outliers: None.The continuing calibration %D for the compound list was less than 30% except for the following compounds:None.

CD45796, CD45798, CD45799, CD45800, CD45801AU-XL2 06/28/19-1 Jeff Bucko, Chemist 06/28/19

The initial calibration (ETPH429I) RSD for the compound list was less than 30% except for the following compounds: None.As per section 7.2.3, a discrimination check standard was run (628A003_1) and contained the following outliers: None.The continuing calibration %D for the compound list was less than 30% except for the following compounds:None.

QC (Site Specific):

CD45785, CD45786, CD45787, CD45788, CD45789, CD45790, CD45791, CD45792, CD45793, CD45794, CD45795, CD45796, CD45798, CD45799, CD45800, CD45801

Batch 485356 (CD45785)

All LCS recoveries were within 60 - 120 with the following exceptions: None.All LCSD recoveries were within 60 - 120 with the following exceptions: None.All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 30% with the following exceptions: None.All MS recoveries were within 50 - 150 with the following exceptions: None.All MSD recoveries were within 50 - 150 with the following exceptions: None.All MS/MSD RPDs were less than 30% with the following exceptions: None.Additional surrogate criteria: LCS acceptance range is 60-120% MS acceptance range 50-150%. The ETPH/DRO LCS has been normalized based on the alkane calibration.

Mercury NarrationWere all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the analytical method achieved? No. QC Batch 485501 (Samples: CD45785, CD45786, CD45787, CD45788, CD45789, CD45790, CD45791, CD45792, CD45793, CD45794, CD45795, CD45796): -----

The LCS and/or the LCSD recovery is below the method criteria. All of the other QC is acceptable, therefore no significant bias is suspected. (Mercury)


CD45785, CD45786, CD45787, CD45788, CD45789, CD45790, CD45791, CD45792, CD45793, CD45794, CD45795, CD45796MERLIN 06/28/19 08:05 Mike Hornak, Rick Schweitzer, Chemist 06/28/19

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Certification ReportJuly 03, 2019

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GCD45785

Mercury NarrationThe method preparation blank contains all of the acids and reagents as the samples; the instrument blanks do not.The initial calibration met all criteria including a standard run at or below the reporting level.All calibration verification standards (ICV, CCV) met criteria. All calibration blank verification standards (ICB, CCB) met criteria. The matrix spike sample is used to identify spectral interference for each batch of samples, if within 85-115%, no interference is observed and no further action is taken.The following Initial Calibration Verification (ICV) compounds did not meet criteria: None.The following Continuing Calibration Verification (CCV) compounds did not meet criteria: None.

CD45787, CD45788, CD45789, CD45790, CD45791, CD45792, CD45793, CD45794, CD45795, CD45796, CD45798, CD45799, CD45800, CD45801

MERLIN 07/01/19 07:47 Mike Hornak, Rick Schweitzer, Chemist 07/01/19

The method preparation blank contains all of the acids and reagents as the samples; the instrument blanks do not.The initial calibration met all criteria including a standard run at or below the reporting level.All calibration verification standards (ICV, CCV) met criteria. All calibration blank verification standards (ICB, CCB) met criteria. The matrix spike sample is used to identify spectral interference for each batch of samples, if within 85-115%, no interference is observed and no further action is taken.The following Initial Calibration Verification (ICV) compounds did not meet criteria: None.The following Continuing Calibration Verification (CCV) compounds did not meet criteria: None.

QC (Batch Specific):

CD45785, CD45786Batch 485496 (CD46201)

All LCS recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: None.All LCSD recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: None.All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 30% with the following exceptions: None.Additional Mercury criteria: LCS acceptance range for waters is 80-120% and for soils is 70-130%. MS acceptance range is 75-125%.

CD45787, CD45788, CD45789, CD45790, CD45791, CD45792, CD45793, CD45794, CD45795, CD45796, CD45798, CD45799, CD45800, CD45801

Batch 485497 (CD46203)

All LCS recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: None.All LCSD recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: None.All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 30% with the following exceptions: None.Additional Mercury criteria: LCS acceptance range for waters is 80-120% and for soils is 70-130%. MS acceptance range is 75-125%.

QC (Site Specific):

CD45785, CD45786, CD45787, CD45788, CD45789, CD45790, CD45791, CD45792, CD45793, CD45794, CD45795, CD45796Batch 485501 (CD45785)

All LCS recoveries were within 80 - 120 with the following exceptions: Mercury(78.8%)All MS recoveries were within 75 - 125 with the following exceptions: None.Additional Mercury criteria: LCS acceptance range for waters is 80-120% and for soils is 70-130%. MS acceptance range is 75-125%.

Batch 485503 (CD45798)

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Certification ReportJuly 03, 2019

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GCD45785

Mercury NarrationCD45798, CD45799, CD45800, CD45801All LCS recoveries were within 80 - 120 with the following exceptions: None.All MS recoveries were within 75 - 125 with the following exceptions: None.Additional Mercury criteria: LCS acceptance range for waters is 80-120% and for soils is 70-130%. MS acceptance range is 75-125%.

ICP Metals NarrationWere all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the analytical method achieved? Yes.


CD45785, CD45786, CD45787, CD45788, CD45789, CD45790, CD45791, CD45792, CD45793, CD45794, CD45795, CD45796, CD45798, CD45799, CD45800, CD45801

ARCOS 06/28/19 07:59 Cindy Pearce, Chemist 06/28/19

Additional criteria for CCV and ICSAB:Sodium and Potassium are poor performing elements, the laboratory's in-house limits are 85-115% (CCV) and 70-130% (ICSAB).The linear range is defined daily by the calibration range.The following Initial Calibration Verification (ICV) compounds did not meet criteria: None.The following Continuing Calibration Verification (CCV) compounds did not meet criteria: None.The following ICP Interference Check (ICSAB) compounds did not meet criteria: None.

CD45785, CD45786, CD45787, CD45788, CD45789, CD45790, CD45791, CD45792, CD45793, CD45794, CD45795, CD45796, CD45798, CD45799, CD45800, CD45801

BLUE 06/28/19 08:18 Cindy Pearce, Chemist 06/28/19

The initial calibration met criteria. The continuing calibration standards met criteria for all the elements reported. The linear range is defined daily by the calibration range. The continuing calibration blanks were less than the reporting level for the elements reported.The ICSA and ICSAB were analyzed at the beginning and end of the run and were within criteria.The linear range is defined daily by the calibration range.The following Initial Calibration Verification (ICV) compounds did not meet criteria: None.The following Continuing Calibration Verification (CCV) compounds did not meet criteria: None.The following ICP Interference Check (ICSAB) compounds did not meet criteria: None.

QC (Site Specific):

CD45785, CD45786, CD45787, CD45788, CD45789, CD45790, CD45791, CD45792, CD45793, CD45794, CD45795, CD45796, CD45798, CD45799, CD45800, CD45801

Batch 485466 (CD45785)

All LCS recoveries were within 75 - 125 with the following exceptions: None.All LCSD recoveries were within 75 - 125 with the following exceptions: None.All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 30% with the following exceptions: None.All MS recoveries were within 75 - 125 with the following exceptions: None.

CD45785, CD45786, CD45787, CD45788, CD45789, CD45790, CD45791, CD45792, CD45793, CD45794, CD45795, CD45796, CD45798, CD45799, CD45800, CD45801

Batch 485510 (CD45786)

All LCS recoveries were within 75 - 125 with the following exceptions: None.All LCSD recoveries were within 75 - 125 with the following exceptions: None.

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Certification ReportJuly 03, 2019

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GCD45785

ICP Metals NarrationAll LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 20% with the following exceptions: None.All MS recoveries were within 75 - 125 with the following exceptions: None.

SVOA NarrationWere all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents achieved? No. QC Batch 485348 (Samples: CD45785, CD45786, CD45787, CD45788, CD45789, CD45790, CD45791, CD45792, CD45793, CD45794, CD45795, CD45796, CD45798, CD45799, CD45800, CD45801): -----

One or more analytes is below the method criteria. A low bias for these analytes is possible. (3,3''-Dichlorobenzidine)

The LCS/LCSD recovery is acceptable. One or more analytes in the site specific matrix spike recovery is below the method criteria, therefore a low bias is likely. (Pyridine)

The MS/MSD RPD exceeds the method criteria for one or more analytes, therefore there may be variability in the reported result. (Benzo(ghi)perylene, Benzoic Acid, N-Nitrosodimethylamine, Pyridine)

The QC recoveries for one or more analytes is below the method criteria. A slight low bias is likely. (Benzidine, Hexachlorocyclopentadiene)


CD45785, CD45786, CD45787, CD45788, CD45789, CD45790, CD45791, CD45792, CD45793, CD45794, CD45795, CD45796, CD45798, CD45799, CD45800, CD45801

CHEM29 06/27/19-2 Matt Richard, Chemist 06/27/19

For 8270 full list, the DDT breakdown and pentachlorophenol & benzidine peak tailing were evaluated in the DFTPP tune and were found to be in control. For 8270 BN list, benzidine peak tailing was evaluated in the DFTPP tune and was found to be in control.

Initial Calibration Evaluation (CHEM29/29_SPLIT_0626):100% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds had %RSDs >20%: None.The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: 2-Nitrophenol 0.088 (0.1), Hexachlorobenzene 0.095 (0.1)The following compounds did not meet a minimum response factors: None.

Continuing Calibration Verification (CHEM29/0627_36-29_SPLIT_0626):Internal standard areas were within 50 to 200% of the initial calibration with the following exceptions: None.98% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds did not meet % deviation criteria: 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 34%H (30%)The following compounds did not meet maximum % deviations: None.The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: 2-Nitrophenol 0.083 (0.1), Hexachlorobenzene 0.097 (0.1)The following compounds did not meet minimum response factors: None.

QC (Site Specific):Batch 485348 (CD45785)

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RCP Certification ReportJuly 03, 2019

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GCD45785

SVOA NarrationCD45785, CD45786, CD45787, CD45788, CD45789, CD45790, CD45791, CD45792, CD45793, CD45794, CD45795, CD45796, CD45798, CD45799, CD45800, CD45801All LCS recoveries were within 30 - 130 with the following exceptions: 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine(<10%), Benzidine(<10%), Hexachlorocyclopentadiene(20%)All LCSD recoveries were within 30 - 130 with the following exceptions: 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine(<10%), Benzidine(<10%), Hexachlorocyclopentadiene(<10%)All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 30% with the following exceptions: None.All MS recoveries were within 30 - 130 with the following exceptions: Benzidine(<10%), Hexachlorocyclopentadiene(11%)All MSD recoveries were within 30 - 130 with the following exceptions: Benzidine(<10%), Hexachlorocyclopentadiene(11%), Pyridine(28%)All MS/MSD RPDs were less than 30% with the following exceptions: Benzo(ghi)perylene(33.3%), Benzoic Acid(38.1%), N-Nitrosodimethylamine(34.8%), Pyridine(35.3%)A matrix effect is suspected when a MS/MSD recovery is outside of criteria. No further action is required if LCS/LCSD compounds are within criteria.Additional 8270 criteria: 20% of compounds can be outside of acceptance criteria as long as recovery is at least 10%. (Acid surrogates acceptance range for aqueous samples: 15-110%, for soils 30-130%)

VOA NarrationWere all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents achieved? No. QC Batch 485820 (Samples: CD45785, CD45786, CD45787, CD45788, CD45789, CD45790, CD45791, CD45793, CD45794): -----

The QC recoveries for one or more analytes is below the method criteria. A slight low bias is likely. ((Trichlorofluoromethane, Dichlorodifluoromethane)

QC Batch 486016 (Samples: CD45792): -----

The LCS and/or the LCSD recovery is below the method criteria. All of the other QC is acceptable, therefore no significant bias is suspected. (Methylene chloride)

QC Batch 85853H (Samples: CD46034, CD46035): -----

The QC recoveries for one or more analytes is below the method criteria. A slight low bias is likely. (Acetone, Chloroethane, Trichlorofluoromethane)Instrument:

CD45795, CD45796, CD45797, CD45798, CD45799, CD45800, CD45801, CD45802, CD46034, CD46035CHEM14 06/30/19-1 Jane Li, Chemist 06/30/19

Initial Calibration Evaluation (CHEM14/VT062819):95% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds had %RSDs >20%: Acetone 37% (20%), Methylene chloride 34% (20%), Naphthalene 38% (20%)The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: Acetone 0.094 (0.1), Tetrachloroethene 0.150 (0.2), Trichloroethene 0.190 (0.2)The following compounds did not meet a minimum response factors: None.

Continuing Calibration Verification (CHEM14/0630_02-VT062819):Internal standard areas were within 50 to 200% of the initial calibration with the following exceptions: None.

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RCP Certification ReportJuly 03, 2019

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GCD45785

VOA Narration99% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds did not meet % deviation criteria: None.The following compounds did not meet maximum % deviations: None.The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: None.The following compounds did not meet minimum response factors: None.

CD45785, CD45786, CD45787, CD45788, CD45789, CD45790, CD45791, CD45793, CD45794CHEM18 06/29/19-1 Jane Li, Chemist 06/29/19

Initial Calibration Evaluation (CHEM18/VT-M062019):96% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds had %RSDs >20%: Acetone 28% (20%), Methyl Ethyl Ketone 27% (20%), Methylene chloride 30% (20%)The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: None.The following compounds did not meet a minimum response factors: None.

Continuing Calibration Verification (CHEM18/0629M02-VT-M062019):Internal standard areas were within 50 to 200% of the initial calibration with the following exceptions: None.100% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds did not meet % deviation criteria: None.The following compounds did not meet maximum % deviations: None.The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: None.The following compounds did not meet minimum response factors: None.

CD45792CHEM18 07/01/19-1 Jane Li, Chemist 07/01/19

Initial Calibration Evaluation (CHEM18/VT-M062019):96% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds had %RSDs >20%: Acetone 28% (20%), Methyl Ethyl Ketone 27% (20%), Methylene chloride 30% (20%)The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: None.The following compounds did not meet a minimum response factors: None.

Continuing Calibration Verification (CHEM18/0701M02-VT-M062019):Internal standard areas were within 50 to 200% of the initial calibration with the following exceptions: None.100% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds did not meet % deviation criteria: None.The following compounds did not meet maximum % deviations: None.The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: None.The following compounds did not meet minimum response factors: None.

QC (Batch Specific):

CD45795, CD45796, CD45797, CD45798, CD45799, CD45800, CD45801, CD45802Batch 485853 (CD46412)

All LCS recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: None.All LCSD recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: None.All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 30% with the following exceptions: None.Additional 8260 criteria: 10% of LCS/LCSD compounds can be outside of acceptance criteria as long as recovery is 40-160%, 25-160% for Chloroethane-HL and Trichlorofluoromethane-HL.

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RCP Certification ReportJuly 03, 2019

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GCD45785

VOA Narration

CD45792Batch 486016 (CD46229)

All LCS recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: None.All LCSD recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: Methylene chloride(69%)All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 30% with the following exceptions: None.The MSD is not reported for this LL soil batch.Additional 8260 criteria: 10% of LCS/LCSD compounds can be outside of acceptance criteria as long as recovery is 40-160%, 25-160% for Chloroethane-HL and Trichlorofluoromethane-HL.

CD46034, CD46035Batch 85853H (CD46412)

All LCS recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: Acetone(53%), Chloroethane(26%), Trichlorofluoromethane(19%)All LCSD recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: Acetone(57%), Chloroethane(25%), Trichlorofluoromethane(18%)All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 30% with the following exceptions: None.Additional 8260 criteria: 10% of LCS/LCSD compounds can be outside of acceptance criteria as long as recovery is 40-160%, 25-160% for Chloroethane-HL and Trichlorofluoromethane-HL.

QC (Site Specific):

CD45785, CD45786, CD45787, CD45788, CD45789, CD45790, CD45791, CD45793, CD45794Batch 485820 (CD45789)

All LCS recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: Dichlorodifluoromethane(66%)All LCSD recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: Dichlorodifluoromethane(60%), Trichlorofluoromethane(69%)All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 30% with the following exceptions: None.All MS recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: Dichlorodifluoromethane(62%), Trichlorofluoromethane(67%)All MSD recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: Dichlorodifluoromethane(59%), Trichlorofluoromethane(67%)All MS/MSD RPDs were less than 30% with the following exceptions: None.A matrix effect is suspected when a MS/MSD recovery is outside of criteria. No further action is required if LCS/LCSD compounds are within criteria.Additional 8260 criteria: 10% of LCS/LCSD compounds can be outside of acceptance criteria as long as recovery is 40-160%, 25-160% for Chloroethane-HL and Trichlorofluoromethane-HL.

Temperature NarrationThe samples were received at 3.2C with cooling initiated.(Note acceptance criteria for relevant matrices is above freezing up to 6°C)

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CD45781 - CD45784

Monday, July 08, 2019

Sample ID#s:

Attn: Ms. Jane WitherellDiversified Tech. Consultants2321 Whitney Avenue 3rd floorHamden Center IIHamden CT 06518


Sincerely yours,

Laboratory DirectorPhyllis Shiller

If you are the client above and have any questions concerning this testing, please do not hesitate to contact Phoenix Client Services at ext.200. The contents of this report cannot be discussed with anyone other than the client listed above without their written consent.

NELAC - #NY11301CT Lab Registration #PH-0618MA Lab Registration #M-CT007ME Lab Registration #CT-007NH Lab Registration #213693-A,B

NJ Lab Registration #CT-003NY Lab Registration #11301PA Lab Registration #68-03530RI Lab Registration #63UT Lab Registration #CT00007VT Lab Registration #VT11301

This laboratory is in compliance with the NELAC requirements of procedures used except where indicated.

This report contains results for the parameters tested, under the sampling conditions described on the Chain Of Custody, as received by the laboratory. This report is incomplete unless all pages indicated in the pagination at the bottom of the page are included.

A scanned version of the COC form accompanies the analytical report and is an exact duplicate of the original.

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O. Box 370, Manchester, CT 06040Telephone (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

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SDG CommentsJuly 08, 2019

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GCD45781

Volatile 8260 analysis: 1,2-Dibromoethane and 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane do not meet GWP criteria, this compound is analyzed by GC/ECD to achieve this criteria.

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Sample Id Cross ReferenceJuly 08, 2019

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GCD45781

Client Id Lab Id Matrix



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Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:


06/26/19LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: CD45781


Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Attn: Ms. Jane WitherellDiversified Tech. Consultants2321 Whitney Avenue 3rd floorHamden Center IIHamden CT 06518

Analysis ReportJuly 08, 2019

Date Time

SDG ID: GCD45781

Client ID:Project ID: WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428


587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

< 0.003Silver 0.003 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.004Arsenic 0.004 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 10.005Barium 0.002 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 1

< 0.001Cadmium 0.001 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.001Chromium 0.001 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.001Silver (Dissolved) 0.001 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.004Arsenic (Dissolved) 0.004 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 10.002Barium (Dissolved) 0.002 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 1

< 0.001Cadmium (Dissolved) 0.001 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.001Chromium (Dissolved) 0.001 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.0002Mercury (Dissolved) 0.0002 07/01/19 RS SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.002Lead (Dissolved) 0.002 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.011Selenium (Dissolved) 0.011 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.0002Mercury 0.0002 07/01/19 RS SW7470Amg/L B1< 0.002Lead 0.002 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.010Selenium 0.010 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 1

CompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 06/27/19 P/AK SW3510C/SW3520C

CompletedMercury Dissolved Digestion 07/01/19 LS/LS SW7470ACompletedMercury Digestion 07/01/19 LS/LS SW7470ACompletedSemi-Volatile Extraction 06/27/19 P/AK/SB SW3520CCompletedDissolved Metals Preparation 06/27/19 AG SW3005ACompletedTotal Metals Digestion 06/28/19 AG

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)NDExt. Petroleum H.C. (C9-C36) 0.068 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/L 1NDIdentification 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates72% n-Pentacosane 06/28/19 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

Ver 1

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MW2Phoenix I.D.: CD45781

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.50 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.50 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 0.50 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 0.60 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2-Hexanone 5.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 5.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDAcetone 25 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDAcrylonitrile 0.50 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBenzene 0.70 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromobenzene 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromochloromethane 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromodichloromethane 0.50 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromoform 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromomethane 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDCarbon Disulfide 5.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChlorobenzene 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChloroethane 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChloroform 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChloromethane 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.40 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDDibromochloromethane 0.50 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDDibromomethane 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDEthylbenzene 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 0.40 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDIsopropylbenzene 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1

Ver 1

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MW2Phoenix I.D.: CD45781

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDm&p-Xylene 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDMethyl ethyl ketone 5.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDMethylene chloride 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDNaphthalene 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDn-Butylbenzene 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDn-Propylbenzene 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDo-Xylene 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDStyrene 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTetrachloroethene 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 2.5 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDToluene 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTotal Xylenes 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.40 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 5.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTrichloroethene 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDVinyl chloride 1.0 07/02/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates99% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 07/02/19 MH 70 - 130 %% 198% Bromofluorobenzene 07/02/19 MH 70 - 130 %% 197% Dibromofluoromethane 07/02/19 MH 70 - 130 %% 197% Toluene-d8 07/02/19 MH 70 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 3.4 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 2.4 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 2.4 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.4 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Chlorophenol 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Nitroaniline 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Nitrophenol 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 9.7 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1

Ver 1

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MW2Phoenix I.D.: CD45781

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND3-Nitroaniline 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Chloroaniline 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Nitroaniline 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Nitrophenol 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDAcetophenone 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDAniline 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDBenzidine 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDBenzoic acid 49 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDCarbazole 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDDibenzofuran 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDDiethyl phthalate 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDDimethylphthalate 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDHexachloroethane 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDIsophorone 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDPentachloronitrobenzene 2.4 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDPhenol 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates79% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 07/02/19 WB 15 - 110 %% 166% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 07/02/19 WB 30 - 130 %% 144% 2-Fluorophenol 07/02/19 WB 15 - 110 %% 158% Nitrobenzene-d5 07/02/19 WB 30 - 130 %% 149% Phenol-d5 07/02/19 WB 15 - 110 %% 171% Terphenyl-d14 07/02/19 WB 30 - 130 %% 1

Semivolatiles (SIM)ND2-Methylnaphthalene 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDAcenaphthene 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDAcenaphthylene 0.29 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDAnthracene 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenz(a)anthracene 0.05 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenzo(a)pyrene 0.19 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenzo(b)fluoranthene 0.07 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenzo(ghi)perylene 0.47 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenzo(k)fluoranthene 0.29 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDChrysene 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDDibenz(a,h)anthracene 0.10 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1

Ver 1

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MW2Phoenix I.D.: CD45781

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDFluoranthene 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDFluorene 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDHexachlorobenzene 0.06 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.10 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDNaphthalene 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDNitrobenzene 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPentachlorophenol 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPhenanthrene 0.06 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPyrene 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPyridine 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates81% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 07/01/19 WB 15 - 110 %% 171% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 07/01/19 WB 30 - 130 %% 171% 2-Fluorophenol 07/01/19 WB 15 - 110 %% 168% Nitrobenzene-d5 07/01/19 WB 30 - 130 %% 159% Phenol-d5 07/01/19 WB 15 - 110 %% 176% Terphenyl-d14 07/01/19 WB 30 - 130 %% 1


Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

Semi-Volatile Comment:One of the surrogate recoveries was above the upper range due to sample matrix interference. The other surrogates associated with this sample were within QA/QC criteria. No significant bias is suspected.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorJuly 08, 2019

B = Present in blank, no bias suspected.

If you are the client above and have any questions concerning this testing, please do not hesitate to contact Phoenix Client Services at ext.200. The contents of this report cannot be discussed with anyone other than the client listed above without their written consent.

Reviewed and Released by: Rashmi Makol, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

Ver 1

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Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:


06/26/19LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: CD45782


Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Attn: Ms. Jane WitherellDiversified Tech. Consultants2321 Whitney Avenue 3rd floorHamden Center IIHamden CT 06518

Analysis ReportJuly 08, 2019

Date Time

SDG ID: GCD45781

Client ID:Project ID: WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428


587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

< 0.001Silver 0.001 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.004Arsenic 0.004 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 10.003Barium 0.002 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 1

< 0.001Cadmium 0.001 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.001Chromium 0.001 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.001Silver (Dissolved) 0.001 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.004Arsenic (Dissolved) 0.004 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 10.003Barium (Dissolved) 0.002 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 1

< 0.001Cadmium (Dissolved) 0.001 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.001Chromium (Dissolved) 0.001 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.0002Mercury (Dissolved) 0.0002 07/01/19 RS SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.002Lead (Dissolved) 0.002 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.011Selenium (Dissolved) 0.011 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.0002Mercury 0.0002 07/01/19 RS SW7470Amg/L B1< 0.002Lead 0.002 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.010Selenium 0.010 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 1

CompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 06/27/19 P/AK SW3510C/SW3520C

CompletedMercury Dissolved Digestion 07/01/19 LS/LS SW7470ACompletedMercury Digestion 07/01/19 LS/LS SW7470ACompletedSemi-Volatile Extraction 06/27/19 P/AK/SB SW3520CCompletedDissolved Metals Preparation 06/27/19 AG SW3005ACompletedTotal Metals Digestion 06/28/19 AG

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)NDExt. Petroleum H.C. (C9-C36) 0.071 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/L 1NDIdentification 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates74% n-Pentacosane 06/28/19 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

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MW4Phoenix I.D.: CD45782

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.50 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.50 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 0.50 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 0.60 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2-Hexanone 5.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 5.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDAcetone 25 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDAcrylonitrile 0.50 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBenzene 0.70 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromobenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromochloromethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromodichloromethane 0.50 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromoform 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromomethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDCarbon Disulfide 5.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChlorobenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChloroethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChloroform 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChloromethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.40 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDDibromochloromethane 0.50 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDDibromomethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDEthylbenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 0.40 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDIsopropylbenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1

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MW4Phoenix I.D.: CD45782

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDm&p-Xylene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDMethyl ethyl ketone 5.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDMethylene chloride 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDNaphthalene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDn-Butylbenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDn-Propylbenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDo-Xylene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDStyrene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTetrachloroethene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 2.5 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDToluene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTotal Xylenes 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.40 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 5.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTrichloroethene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDVinyl chloride 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates101% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 06/28/19 MH 70 - 130 %% 194% Bromofluorobenzene 06/28/19 MH 70 - 130 %% 1

100% Dibromofluoromethane 06/28/19 MH 70 - 130 %% 197% Toluene-d8 06/28/19 MH 70 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 3.4 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 2.4 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 2.4 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.4 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Chlorophenol 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Nitroaniline 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Nitrophenol 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 9.7 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1

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MW4Phoenix I.D.: CD45782

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND3-Nitroaniline 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Chloroaniline 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Nitroaniline 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Nitrophenol 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDAcetophenone 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDAniline 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDBenzidine 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDBenzoic acid 49 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDCarbazole 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDDibenzofuran 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDDiethyl phthalate 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDDimethylphthalate 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDHexachloroethane 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDIsophorone 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDPentachloronitrobenzene 2.4 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDPhenol 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates90% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 07/02/19 WB 15 - 110 %% 159% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 07/02/19 WB 30 - 130 %% 154% 2-Fluorophenol 07/02/19 WB 15 - 110 %% 154% Nitrobenzene-d5 07/02/19 WB 30 - 130 %% 146% Phenol-d5 07/02/19 WB 15 - 110 %% 157% Terphenyl-d14 07/02/19 WB 30 - 130 %% 1

Semivolatiles (SIM)ND2-Methylnaphthalene 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDAcenaphthene 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDAcenaphthylene 0.29 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDAnthracene 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenz(a)anthracene 0.05 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenzo(a)pyrene 0.19 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenzo(b)fluoranthene 0.07 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenzo(ghi)perylene 0.47 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenzo(k)fluoranthene 0.29 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDChrysene 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDDibenz(a,h)anthracene 0.10 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1

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MW4Phoenix I.D.: CD45782

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDFluoranthene 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDFluorene 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDHexachlorobenzene 0.06 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.10 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDNaphthalene 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDNitrobenzene 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPentachlorophenol 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPhenanthrene 0.06 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPyrene 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPyridine 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates81% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 07/01/19 WB 15 - 110 %% 164% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 07/01/19 WB 30 - 130 %% 169% 2-Fluorophenol 07/01/19 WB 15 - 110 %% 168% Nitrobenzene-d5 07/01/19 WB 30 - 130 %% 167% Phenol-d5 07/01/19 WB 15 - 110 %% 175% Terphenyl-d14 07/01/19 WB 30 - 130 %% 1


Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorJuly 08, 2019

B = Present in blank, no bias suspected.

If you are the client above and have any questions concerning this testing, please do not hesitate to contact Phoenix Client Services at ext.200. The contents of this report cannot be discussed with anyone other than the client listed above without their written consent.

Reviewed and Released by: Rashmi Makol, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

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Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:


06/26/19LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: CD45783


Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Attn: Ms. Jane WitherellDiversified Tech. Consultants2321 Whitney Avenue 3rd floorHamden Center IIHamden CT 06518

Analysis ReportJuly 08, 2019

Date Time

SDG ID: GCD45781

Client ID:Project ID: WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428


587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

< 0.003Silver 0.003 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.004Arsenic 0.004 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 10.065Barium 0.002 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 1

< 0.001Cadmium 0.001 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 10.001Chromium 0.001 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 1

< 0.002Silver (Dissolved) 0.002 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.004Arsenic (Dissolved) 0.004 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 10.062Barium (Dissolved) 0.002 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 1

< 0.001Cadmium (Dissolved) 0.001 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 10.001Chromium (Dissolved) 0.001 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 1

< 0.0002Mercury (Dissolved) 0.0002 07/01/19 RS SW7470Amg/L 1< 0.002Lead (Dissolved) 0.002 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.011Selenium (Dissolved) 0.011 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.0002Mercury 0.0002 07/01/19 RS SW7470Amg/L B1< 0.002Lead 0.002 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 1< 0.010Selenium 0.010 07/01/19 EK SW6010Dmg/L 1

CompletedExtraction of CT ETPH 06/27/19 P/AK SW3510C/SW3520C

CompletedMercury Dissolved Digestion 07/01/19 LS/LS SW7470ACompletedMercury Digestion 07/01/19 LS/LS SW7470ACompletedSemi-Volatile Extraction 06/27/19 P/AK/SB SW3520CCompletedDissolved Metals Preparation 06/27/19 AG SW3005ACompletedTotal Metals Digestion 06/28/19 AG

TPH by GC (Extractable Products)NDExt. Petroleum H.C. (C9-C36) 0.069 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/L 1NDIdentification 06/28/19 JRB CTETPH 8015Dmg/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates73% n-Pentacosane 06/28/19 JRB 50 - 150 %% 1

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MW5Phoenix I.D.: CD45783

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.50 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.50 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 0.50 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 0.60 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2-Hexanone 5.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 5.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDAcetone 25 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDAcrylonitrile 0.50 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBenzene 0.70 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromobenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromochloromethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromodichloromethane 0.50 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromoform 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromomethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDCarbon Disulfide 5.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChlorobenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChloroethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChloroform 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChloromethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.40 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDDibromochloromethane 0.50 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDDibromomethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDEthylbenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 0.40 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDIsopropylbenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1

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MW5Phoenix I.D.: CD45783

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDm&p-Xylene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDMethyl ethyl ketone 5.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDMethylene chloride 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDNaphthalene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDn-Butylbenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDn-Propylbenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDo-Xylene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDStyrene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTetrachloroethene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 2.5 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDToluene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTotal Xylenes 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.40 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 5.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTrichloroethene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDVinyl chloride 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates101% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 06/28/19 MH 70 - 130 %% 195% Bromofluorobenzene 06/28/19 MH 70 - 130 %% 198% Dibromofluoromethane 06/28/19 MH 70 - 130 %% 198% Toluene-d8 06/28/19 MH 70 - 130 %% 1

SemivolatilesND1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 3.4 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 2.4 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 2.4 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.4 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dichlorophenol 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dimethylphenol 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dinitrophenol 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,4-Dinitrotoluene 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2,6-Dinitrotoluene 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Chloronaphthalene 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Chlorophenol 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Nitroaniline 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND2-Nitrophenol 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) 9.7 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1

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MW5Phoenix I.D.: CD45783

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

ND3-Nitroaniline 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Chloroaniline 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Nitroaniline 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1ND4-Nitrophenol 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDAcetophenone 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDAniline 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDBenzidine 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDBenzoic acid 49 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDBenzyl butyl phthalate 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDBis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDBis(2-chloroethyl)ether 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDBis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDCarbazole 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDDibenzofuran 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDDiethyl phthalate 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDDimethylphthalate 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDDi-n-butylphthalate 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDDi-n-octylphthalate 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDHexachloroethane 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDIsophorone 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDN-Nitrosodimethylamine 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDN-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 4.9 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDPentachloronitrobenzene 2.4 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1NDPhenol 0.97 07/02/19 WB SW8270Dug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates96% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 07/02/19 WB 15 - 110 %% 164% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 07/02/19 WB 30 - 130 %% 157% 2-Fluorophenol 07/02/19 WB 15 - 110 %% 163% Nitrobenzene-d5 07/02/19 WB 30 - 130 %% 146% Phenol-d5 07/02/19 WB 15 - 110 %% 162% Terphenyl-d14 07/02/19 WB 30 - 130 %% 1

Semivolatiles (SIM)ND2-Methylnaphthalene 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDAcenaphthene 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDAcenaphthylene 0.29 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDAnthracene 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenz(a)anthracene 0.05 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenzo(a)pyrene 0.19 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenzo(b)fluoranthene 0.07 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenzo(ghi)perylene 0.47 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDBenzo(k)fluoranthene 0.29 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDChrysene 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDDibenz(a,h)anthracene 0.10 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1

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MW5Phoenix I.D.: CD45783

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDFluoranthene 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDFluorene 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDHexachlorobenzene 0.06 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDHexachlorocyclopentadiene 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.10 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDNaphthalene 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDNitrobenzene 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPentachlorophenol 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPhenanthrene 0.06 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPyrene 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1NDPyridine 0.49 07/01/19 WB SW8270D (SIM)ug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates76% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 07/01/19 WB 15 - 110 %% 169% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 07/01/19 WB 30 - 130 %% 166% 2-Fluorophenol 07/01/19 WB 15 - 110 %% 168% Nitrobenzene-d5 07/01/19 WB 30 - 130 %% 158% Phenol-d5 07/01/19 WB 15 - 110 %% 171% Terphenyl-d14 07/01/19 WB 30 - 130 %% 1


Per 1.4.6 of EPA method 8270D, 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and readily converts to Azobenzene. Azobenzene is used for the calibration of 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine.

Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorJuly 08, 2019

B = Present in blank, no bias suspected.

If you are the client above and have any questions concerning this testing, please do not hesitate to contact Phoenix Client Services at ext.200. The contents of this report cannot be discussed with anyone other than the client listed above without their written consent.

Reviewed and Released by: Rashmi Makol, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

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Sample Information Custody InformationMatrix:Location Code:Rush Request:P.O.#:

Collected by:Received by:Analyzed by:


06/26/19LBsee "By" below

Laboratory Data


Phoenix ID: CD45784

06/27/19 11:20

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By Reference

FOR: Attn: Ms. Jane WitherellDiversified Tech. Consultants2321 Whitney Avenue 3rd floorHamden Center IIHamden CT 06518

Analysis ReportJuly 08, 2019

Date Time

SDG ID: GCD45781

Client ID:Project ID: WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428


587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

VolatilesND1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.50 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1-Dichloroethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1-Dichloroethene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,1-Dichloropropene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,3-Trichloropropane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.50 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dibromoethane 0.50 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dichloroethane 0.60 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,2-Dichloropropane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,3-Dichloropropane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2,2-Dichloropropane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2-Chlorotoluene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2-Hexanone 5.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND2-Isopropyltoluene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND4-Chlorotoluene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1ND4-Methyl-2-pentanone 5.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1

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TRIP BLANKPhoenix I.D.: CD45784

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

NDAcetone 25 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDAcrylonitrile 0.50 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBenzene 0.70 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromobenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromochloromethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromodichloromethane 0.50 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromoform 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDBromomethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDCarbon Disulfide 5.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDCarbon tetrachloride 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChlorobenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChloroethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChloroform 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDChloromethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.40 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDDibromochloromethane 0.50 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDDibromomethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDDichlorodifluoromethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDEthylbenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDHexachlorobutadiene 0.40 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDIsopropylbenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDm&p-Xylene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDMethyl ethyl ketone 5.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDMethyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDMethylene chloride 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDNaphthalene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDn-Butylbenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDn-Propylbenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDo-Xylene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDp-Isopropyltoluene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDsec-Butylbenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDStyrene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtert-Butylbenzene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTetrachloroethene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTetrahydrofuran (THF) 2.5 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDToluene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTotal Xylenes 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.40 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDtrans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene 5.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTrichloroethene 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTrichlorofluoromethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDTrichlorotrifluoroethane 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1NDVinyl chloride 1.0 06/28/19 MH SW8260Cug/L 1

QA/QC Surrogates101% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 06/28/19 MH 70 - 130 %% 196% Bromofluorobenzene 06/28/19 MH 70 - 130 %% 1

100% Dibromofluoromethane 06/28/19 MH 70 - 130 %% 1

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TRIP BLANKPhoenix I.D.: CD45784

Client ID:WOLCOTT GARAGE CTDOT #171-428Project ID:

Parameter ResultRL/PQL Units Date/Time By ReferenceDilution

97% Toluene-d8 06/28/19 MH 70 - 130 %% 1



Phyllis Shiller, Laboratory DirectorJuly 08, 2019

If you are the client above and have any questions concerning this testing, please do not hesitate to contact Phoenix Client Services at ext.200. The contents of this report cannot be discussed with anyone other than the client listed above without their written consent.

Reviewed and Released by: Rashmi Makol, Project Manager

RL/PQL=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting LevelQA/QC Surrogates: Surrogates are compounds (preceeded with a %) added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate results(%) listed in the report are not "detected" compounds.

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QA/QC Data

Parameter BlkBlank RL




QA/QC ReportJuly 08, 2019

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GCD45781










QA/QC Batch 485504 (mg/L), QC Sample No: CD46458 (CD45781, CD45782, CD45783)Mercury - Water 1040.0003 101NC 80 - 120 20<0.0002 <0.00020.0002

Additional Mercury criteria: LCS acceptance range for waters is 80-120% and for soils is 70-130%. MS acceptance range is 75-125%.


QA/QC Batch 485507 (mg/L), QC Sample No: CD46849 (CD45781, CD45782, CD45783)Mercury (Dissolved) 110BRL 111NC 80 - 120 20<0.0002 <0.00030.0002

Additional Mercury criteria: LCS acceptance range for waters is 80-120% and for soils is 70-130%. MS acceptance range is 75-125%.


QA/QC Batch 485619 (mg/L), QC Sample No: CD42516 (CD45781, CD45782, CD45783)

ICP Metals - AqueousArsenic 94.5BRL 93.3NC 95.3 2.1 75 - 125 20<0.004 <0.0040.004

Barium 103BRL 1020 104 1.9 75 - 125 200.112 0.1120.002

Cadmium 94.0BRL 94.1NC 96.9 2.9 75 - 125 20<0.001 <0.0010.001

Chromium 97.1BRL 96.5NC 99.5 3.1 75 - 125 20<0.001 <0.0010.001

Lead 96.3BRL 95.4NC 97.8 2.5 75 - 125 20<0.002 <0.0020.002

Selenium 96.1BRL 95.4NC 96.4 1.0 75 - 125 20<0.010 <0.0100.010

Silver 101BRL 99.0NC 101 2.0 75 - 125 20<0.001 <0.0010.001

QA/QC Batch 485477 (mg/L), QC Sample No: CD46085 (CD45781, CD45782, CD45783)

ICP Metals - DissolvedArsenic 86.1BRL 86.9NC 84.8 2.4 75 - 125 20<0.004 <0.0040.004

Barium 92.8BRL 94.1NC 91.8 2.5 75 - 125 200.008 0.0080.002

Cadmium 88.2BRL 89.0NC 87.0 2.3 75 - 125 20<0.001 <0.0010.001

Chromium 89.4BRL 90.3NC 88.4 2.1 75 - 125 20<0.001 <0.0010.001

Lead 88.5BRL 88.5NC 86.7 2.1 75 - 125 20<0.002 <0.0020.002

Selenium 87.8BRL 87.9NC 85.9 2.3 75 - 125 20<0.011 <0.0110.011

Silver 90.1BRL 91.6NC 89.8 2.0 75 - 125 20<0.001 <0.0010.001

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QA/QC Data

Parameter BlkBlank RL




QA/QC ReportJuly 08, 2019

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GCD45781








QA/QC Batch 485412 (mg/L), QC Sample No: CD46044 (CD45781, CD45782, CD45783)

TPH by GC (Extractable Products) - Ground WaterExt. Petroleum H.C. (C9-C36) 66 77ND 15.498 88 10.8 60 - 120 300.10

% n-Pentacosane 63 7775 20.076 70 8.2 50 - 150 20%

Additional surrogate criteria: LCS acceptance range is 60-120% MS acceptance range 50-150%. The ETPH/DRO LCS has been normalized based on the alkane calibration.


QA/QC Batch 485411 (ug/L), QC Sample No: CD45781 (CD45781, CD45782, CD45783)

Semivolatiles - Ground Water1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene ND 78 83 6.2 30 - 130 203.5

1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 81 87 7.1 30 - 130 203.5

1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 69 71 2.9 30 - 130 201.0

1,2-Diphenylhydrazine ND 102 100 2.0 30 - 130 201.6

1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 67 74 9.9 30 - 130 201.0

1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 70 73 4.2 30 - 130 201.0

2,4,5-Trichlorophenol ND 93 98 5.2 30 - 130 201.0

2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 103 101 2.0 30 - 130 201.0

2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 85 94 10.1 30 - 130 201.0

2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 96 99 3.1 30 - 130 201.0

2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 82 81 1.2 30 - 130 201.0

2,4-Dinitrotoluene ND 105 101 3.9 30 - 130 203.5

2,6-Dinitrotoluene ND 104 96 8.0 30 - 130 203.5

2-Chloronaphthalene ND 89 92 3.3 30 - 130 203.5

2-Chlorophenol ND 71 73 2.8 30 - 130 201.0

2-Methylphenol (o-cresol) ND 77 77 0.0 30 - 130 201.0

2-Nitroaniline ND 187 181 3.3 l30 - 130 203.5

2-Nitrophenol ND 115 126 9.1 30 - 130 201.0

3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-cresol) ND 88 86 2.3 30 - 130 201.0

3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 77 68 12.4 30 - 130 205.0

3-Nitroaniline ND 106 100 5.8 30 - 130 205.0

4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol ND 105 107 1.9 30 - 130 201.0

4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 95 101 6.1 30 - 130 203.5

4-Chloro-3-methylphenol ND 97 102 5.0 30 - 130 201.0

4-Chloroaniline ND 92 87 5.6 30 - 130 203.5

4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ND 98 97 1.0 30 - 130 201.0

4-Nitroaniline ND 99 101 2.0 30 - 130 205.0

4-Nitrophenol ND 115 114 0.9 15 - 130 201.0

Acetophenone ND 84 82 2.4 30 - 130 203.5

Aniline ND 62 59 5.0 30 - 130 203.5

Benzidine ND <10 <10 NC l30 - 130 204.5

Benzoic acid ND 43 54 22.7 r30 - 130 2010

Benzyl butyl phthalate ND 106 111 4.6 30 - 130 201.5

Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane ND 77 80 3.8 30 - 130 203.5

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QA/QC Data

Parameter BlkBlank RL




SDG I.D.: GCD45781








Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether ND 64 62 3.2 30 - 130 201.0

Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether ND 60 60 0.0 30 - 130 201.0

Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate ND 114 117 2.6 30 - 130 201.5

Carbazole ND 102 98 4.0 30 - 130 205.0

Dibenzofuran ND 91 91 0.0 30 - 130 203.5

Diethyl phthalate ND 109 108 0.9 30 - 130 201.5

Dimethylphthalate ND 103 101 2.0 30 - 130 201.5

Di-n-butylphthalate ND 115 113 1.8 30 - 130 201.5

Di-n-octylphthalate ND 116 117 0.9 30 - 130 201.5

Hexachloroethane ND 74 81 9.0 30 - 130 203.5

Isophorone ND 82 83 1.2 30 - 130 203.5

N-Nitrosodimethylamine ND 69 71 2.9 30 - 130 201.0

N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine ND 87 87 0.0 30 - 130 203.5

N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ND 85 91 6.8 30 - 130 203.5

Pentachloronitrobenzene ND 114 111 2.7 30 - 130 205.0

Phenol ND 64 68 6.1 15 - 130 201.0

% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 84 133 135 1.5 l15 - 110 20%

% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 63 82 82 0.0 30 - 130 20%

% 2-Fluorophenol 50 54 59 8.8 15 - 110 20%

% Nitrobenzene-d5 64 75 75 0.0 30 - 130 20%

% Phenol-d5 56 60 63 4.9 15 - 110 20%

% Terphenyl-d14 62 92 89 3.3 30 - 130 20%

Additional 8270 criteria: 20% of compounds can be outside of acceptance criteria as long as recovery is at least 10%. (Acid surrogates acceptance range for aqueous samples: 15-110%, for soils 30-130%)


QA/QC Batch 485411 (ug/L), QC Sample No: CD45781 (CD45781, CD45782, CD45783)

Semivolatiles (SIM) - Ground Water2-Methylnaphthalene ND 81 76 6.4 30 - 130 200.50

Acenaphthene ND 74 70 5.6 30 - 130 200.50

Acenaphthylene ND 80 78 2.5 30 - 130 200.50

Anthracene ND 85 82 3.6 30 - 130 200.50

Benz(a)anthracene ND 89 85 4.6 30 - 130 200.50

Benzo(a)pyrene ND 74 74 0.0 30 - 130 200.50

Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 85 84 1.2 30 - 130 200.50

Benzo(ghi)perylene ND 76 75 1.3 30 - 130 200.50

Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 85 81 4.8 30 - 130 200.50

Chrysene ND 81 79 2.5 30 - 130 200.50

Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 89 90 1.1 30 - 130 200.50

Fluoranthene ND 84 84 0.0 30 - 130 200.50

Fluorene ND 84 80 4.9 30 - 130 200.50

Hexachlorobenzene ND 70 74 5.6 30 - 130 200.50

Hexachlorobutadiene ND 61 61 0.0 30 - 130 200.50

Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 30 32 6.5 30 - 130 200.50

Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 84 84 0.0 30 - 130 200.50

Naphthalene ND 58 55 5.3 30 - 130 200.50

Nitrobenzene ND 62 62 0.0 30 - 130 200.50

Pentachlorophenol ND 54 45 18.2 30 - 130 200.50

Phenanthrene ND 74 72 2.7 30 - 130 200.50

Pyrene ND 87 83 4.7 30 - 130 200.50

Pyridine ND 39 44 12.0 30 - 130 200.50

% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 80 80 78 2.5 15 - 110 20%

% 2-Fluorobiphenyl 68 69 65 6.0 30 - 130 20%

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QA/QC Data

Parameter BlkBlank RL




SDG I.D.: GCD45781








% 2-Fluorophenol 78 54 61 12.2 15 - 110 20%

% Nitrobenzene-d5 68 61 63 3.2 30 - 130 20%

% Phenol-d5 66 53 53 0.0 15 - 110 20%

% Terphenyl-d14 80 72 71 1.4 30 - 130 20%

Additional 8270 criteria:20% of compounds can be outside of acceptance criteria as long as recovery is at least 10%. (Acid surrogates acceptance range for aqueous samples: 15-110%, for soils 30-130%)


QA/QC Batch 485792 (ug/L), QC Sample No: CD45784 (CD45782, CD45783, CD45784)

Volatiles - Ground Water1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 98 94 4.2 70 - 130 301.0

1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 92 90 2.2 70 - 130 301.0

1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 97 95 2.1 70 - 130 300.50

1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 94 92 2.2 70 - 130 301.0

1,1-Dichloroethane ND 98 93 5.2 70 - 130 301.0

1,1-Dichloroethene ND 104 98 5.9 70 - 130 301.0

1,1-Dichloropropene ND 96 92 4.3 70 - 130 301.0

1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 94 93 1.1 70 - 130 301.0

1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 95 94 1.1 70 - 130 301.0

1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 94 94 0.0 70 - 130 301.0

1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 87 83 4.7 70 - 130 301.0

1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND 83 83 0.0 70 - 130 301.0

1,2-Dibromoethane ND 95 95 0.0 70 - 130 301.0

1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 97 93 4.2 70 - 130 301.0

1,2-Dichloroethane ND 94 89 5.5 70 - 130 301.0

1,2-Dichloropropane ND 99 96 3.1 70 - 130 301.0

1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 96 92 4.3 70 - 130 301.0

1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 98 94 4.2 70 - 130 301.0

1,3-Dichloropropane ND 95 92 3.2 70 - 130 301.0

1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 97 92 5.3 70 - 130 301.0

2,2-Dichloropropane ND 98 94 4.2 70 - 130 301.0

2-Chlorotoluene ND 98 95 3.1 70 - 130 301.0

2-Hexanone ND 98 95 3.1 70 - 130 305.0

2-Isopropyltoluene ND 100 97 3.0 70 - 130 301.0

4-Chlorotoluene ND 98 95 3.1 70 - 130 301.0

4-Methyl-2-pentanone ND 97 94 3.1 70 - 130 305.0

Acetone ND 91 86 5.6 70 - 130 305.0

Acrylonitrile ND 100 96 4.1 70 - 130 305.0

Benzene ND 90 86 4.5 70 - 130 300.70

Bromobenzene ND 94 94 0.0 70 - 130 301.0

Bromochloromethane ND 98 92 6.3 70 - 130 301.0

Bromodichloromethane ND 97 91 6.4 70 - 130 300.50

Bromoform ND 97 95 2.1 70 - 130 301.0

Bromomethane ND 122 117 4.2 70 - 130 301.0

Carbon Disulfide ND 105 100 4.9 70 - 130 301.0

Carbon tetrachloride ND 96 92 4.3 70 - 130 301.0

Chlorobenzene ND 98 94 4.2 70 - 130 301.0

Chloroethane ND 97 91 6.4 70 - 130 301.0

Chloroform ND 94 90 4.3 70 - 130 301.0

Chloromethane ND 92 83 10.3 70 - 130 301.0

cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 100 95 5.1 70 - 130 301.0

cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 96 93 3.2 70 - 130 300.40

Dibromochloromethane ND 98 97 1.0 70 - 130 300.50

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QA/QC Data

Parameter BlkBlank RL




SDG I.D.: GCD45781








Dibromomethane ND 96 91 5.3 70 - 130 301.0

Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 104 97 7.0 70 - 130 301.0

Ethylbenzene ND 92 87 5.6 70 - 130 301.0

Hexachlorobutadiene ND 100 99 1.0 70 - 130 300.40

Isopropylbenzene ND 96 94 2.1 70 - 130 301.0

m&p-Xylene ND 90 87 3.4 70 - 130 301.0

Methyl ethyl ketone ND 96 92 4.3 70 - 130 305.0

Methyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) ND 105 102 2.9 70 - 130 301.0

Methylene chloride ND 96 89 7.6 70 - 130 301.0

Naphthalene ND 90 91 1.1 70 - 130 301.0

n-Butylbenzene ND 98 93 5.2 70 - 130 301.0

n-Propylbenzene ND 97 95 2.1 70 - 130 301.0

o-Xylene ND 89 85 4.6 70 - 130 301.0

p-Isopropyltoluene ND 97 92 5.3 70 - 130 301.0

sec-Butylbenzene ND 103 99 4.0 70 - 130 301.0

Styrene ND 97 93 4.2 70 - 130 301.0

tert-Butylbenzene ND 96 92 4.3 70 - 130 301.0

Tetrachloroethene ND 98 95 3.1 70 - 130 301.0

Tetrahydrofuran (THF) ND 92 88 4.4 70 - 130 302.5

Toluene ND 90 85 5.7 70 - 130 301.0

trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 104 98 5.9 70 - 130 301.0

trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 93 89 4.4 70 - 130 300.40

trans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene ND 89 90 1.1 70 - 130 305.0

Trichloroethene ND 100 94 6.2 70 - 130 301.0

Trichlorofluoromethane ND 85 81 4.8 70 - 130 301.0

Trichlorotrifluoroethane ND 107 103 3.8 70 - 130 301.0

Vinyl chloride ND 96 92 4.3 70 - 130 301.0

% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 99 100 99 1.0 70 - 130 30%

% Bromofluorobenzene 95 99 98 1.0 70 - 130 30%

% Dibromofluoromethane 101 100 100 0.0 70 - 130 30%

% Toluene-d8 97 99 99 0.0 70 - 130 30%

A LCS and LCS Duplicate were performed instead of a matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate.

Additional 8260 criteria: 10% of LCS/LCSD compounds can be outside of acceptance criteria as long as recovery is 40-160%, 25-160% for Chloroethane-HL and Trichlorofluoromethane-HL.


QA/QC Batch 486230 (ug/L), QC Sample No: CD47265 (CD45781)

Volatiles - Ground Water1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 95 90 5.4 70 - 130 301.0

1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 98 88 10.8 70 - 130 301.0

1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 84 82 2.4 70 - 130 300.50

1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 85 85 0.0 70 - 130 301.0

1,1-Dichloroethane ND 95 89 6.5 70 - 130 301.0

1,1-Dichloroethene ND 104 91 13.3 70 - 130 301.0

1,1-Dichloropropene ND 95 87 8.8 70 - 130 301.0

1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 82 80 2.5 70 - 130 301.0

1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 87 83 4.7 70 - 130 301.0

1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 85 82 3.6 70 - 130 301.0

1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 81 77 5.1 70 - 130 301.0

1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND 72 75 4.1 70 - 130 301.0

1,2-Dibromoethane ND 88 86 2.3 70 - 130 301.0

1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 88 84 4.7 70 - 130 301.0

1,2-Dichloroethane ND 98 92 6.3 70 - 130 301.0

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QA/QC Data

Parameter BlkBlank RL




SDG I.D.: GCD45781








1,2-Dichloropropane ND 91 87 4.5 70 - 130 301.0

1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 91 86 5.6 70 - 130 301.0

1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 90 86 4.5 70 - 130 301.0

1,3-Dichloropropane ND 88 85 3.5 70 - 130 301.0

1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 89 85 4.6 70 - 130 301.0

2,2-Dichloropropane ND 102 96 6.1 70 - 130 301.0

2-Chlorotoluene ND 90 85 5.7 70 - 130 301.0

2-Hexanone ND 91 85 6.8 70 - 130 305.0

2-Isopropyltoluene ND 100 95 5.1 70 - 130 301.0

4-Chlorotoluene ND 91 86 5.6 70 - 130 301.0

4-Methyl-2-pentanone ND 93 86 7.8 70 - 130 305.0

Acetone ND 88 82 7.1 70 - 130 305.0

Acrylonitrile ND 90 91 1.1 70 - 130 305.0

Benzene ND 86 81 6.0 70 - 130 300.70

Bromobenzene ND 88 84 4.7 70 - 130 301.0

Bromochloromethane ND 91 85 6.8 70 - 130 301.0

Bromodichloromethane ND 97 91 6.4 70 - 130 300.50

Bromoform ND 93 88 5.5 70 - 130 301.0

Bromomethane ND 149 149 0.0 l70 - 130 301.0

Carbon Disulfide ND 108 98 9.7 70 - 130 301.0

Carbon tetrachloride ND 101 92 9.3 70 - 130 301.0

Chlorobenzene ND 92 86 6.7 70 - 130 301.0

Chloroethane ND 104 96 8.0 70 - 130 301.0

Chloroform ND 97 89 8.6 70 - 130 301.0

Chloromethane ND 112 103 8.4 70 - 130 301.0

cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 94 87 7.7 70 - 130 301.0

cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 91 85 6.8 70 - 130 300.40

Dibromochloromethane ND 96 91 5.3 70 - 130 300.50

Dibromomethane ND 90 86 4.5 70 - 130 301.0

Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 124 109 12.9 70 - 130 301.0

Ethylbenzene ND 87 82 5.9 70 - 130 301.0

Hexachlorobutadiene ND 93 91 2.2 70 - 130 300.40

Isopropylbenzene ND 90 83 8.1 70 - 130 301.0

m&p-Xylene ND 86 80 7.2 70 - 130 301.0

Methyl ethyl ketone ND 92 85 7.9 70 - 130 305.0

Methyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) ND 97 92 5.3 70 - 130 301.0

Methylene chloride ND 88 84 4.7 70 - 130 301.0

Naphthalene ND 76 74 2.7 70 - 130 301.0

n-Butylbenzene ND 89 84 5.8 70 - 130 301.0

n-Propylbenzene ND 91 86 5.6 70 - 130 301.0

o-Xylene ND 85 78 8.6 70 - 130 301.0

p-Isopropyltoluene ND 90 84 6.9 70 - 130 301.0

sec-Butylbenzene ND 95 88 7.7 70 - 130 301.0

Styrene ND 92 86 6.7 70 - 130 301.0

tert-Butylbenzene ND 91 84 8.0 70 - 130 301.0

Tetrachloroethene ND 96 88 8.7 70 - 130 301.0

Tetrahydrofuran (THF) ND 86 82 4.8 70 - 130 302.5

Toluene ND 86 80 7.2 70 - 130 301.0

trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 102 92 10.3 70 - 130 301.0

trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 89 84 5.8 70 - 130 300.40

trans-1,4-dichloro-2-butene ND 78 78 0.0 70 - 130 305.0

Trichloroethene ND 96 89 7.6 70 - 130 301.0

Trichlorofluoromethane ND 103 93 10.2 70 - 130 301.0

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QA/QC Data

Parameter BlkBlank RL




SDG I.D.: GCD45781








Trichlorotrifluoroethane ND 115 99 15.0 70 - 130 301.0

Vinyl chloride ND 112 102 9.3 70 - 130 301.0

% 1,2-dichlorobenzene-d4 99 98 98 0.0 70 - 130 30%

% Bromofluorobenzene 97 101 100 1.0 70 - 130 30%

% Dibromofluoromethane 96 98 98 0.0 70 - 130 30%

% Toluene-d8 97 98 98 0.0 70 - 130 30%

A LCS and LCS Duplicate were performed instead of a matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate.

Additional 8260 criteria: 10% of LCS/LCSD compounds can be outside of acceptance criteria as long as recovery is 40-160%, 25-160% for Chloroethane-HL and Trichlorofluoromethane-HL.


l = This parameter is outside laboratory LCS/LCSD specified recovery limits.r = This parameter is outside laboratory RPD specified recovery limits.

MS - Matrix SpikePhyllis Shiller, Laboratory Director

If there are any questions regarding this data, please call Phoenix Client Services at extension 200.

July 08, 2019MS Dup - Matrix Spike Duplicate

RPD - Relative Percent Difference

LCS - Laboratory Control Sample

LCSD - Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate

NC - No Criteria

Intf - Interference

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Sample Criteria Exceedances ReportMonday, July 08, 2019

Acode Phoenix Analyte CriteriaResult RLSampNoAnalysis


GCD45781 - DTECHDASCriteria: CT: GWP, RC, SWP


State: CT

$8260GWR 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.2ND 0.50 ug/LCD45781 CT / RSR GWPC (ug/l) / APS Organics 0.2$8260GWR 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.05ND 0.50 ug/LCD45781 CT / RSR GWPC (ug/l) / Volatiles 0.05

$8260GWR 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.2ND 0.50 ug/LCD45782 CT / RSR GWPC (ug/l) / APS Organics 0.2$8260GWR 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.05ND 0.50 ug/LCD45782 CT / RSR GWPC (ug/l) / Volatiles 0.05

$8260GWR 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.2ND 0.50 ug/LCD45783 CT / RSR GWPC (ug/l) / APS Organics 0.2$8260GWR 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.05ND 0.50 ug/LCD45783 CT / RSR GWPC (ug/l) / Volatiles 0.05

$8260GWR 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.2ND 0.50 ug/LCD45784 CT / RSR GWPC (ug/l) / APS Organics 0.2$8260GWR 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.05ND 0.50 ug/LCD45784 CT / RSR GWPC (ug/l) / Volatiles 0.05

Phoenix Laboratories does not assume responsibility for the data contained in this exceedance report. It is provided as an additional tool to identify requested criteria exceedences. All efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of the data (obtained from appropriate agencies). A lack of exceedence information does not necessarily suggest conformance to the criteria. It is ultimately the site professional's responsibility to determine appropriate compliance.

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Phoenix Environmental Labs, Inc.

Rashmi Makol

Project Manager

YesWere all samples received by the laboratory in a condition consistent with that described on the associated Chain-of-Custody document(s)?

For each analytical method referenced in this laboratory report package, were all specified QA/QC performance criteria followed, including the requirement to explain any criteria falling outside of acceptable guidelines, as specified in the CT DEP method-specific Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents?


Were all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents acheived? See Sections: Mercury Narration, SVOA Narration, VOA Narration.

For each analytical method referenced in this laboratory report package, were results reported for all constituents identified in the method-specific analyte lists presented in the Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents?

I, the undersigned, attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, to the best of my knowledge and belief and based upon my personal inquiry of those responsible for providing the information contained in this analytical report, such information is accurate and complete.





Monday, July 08, 2019Date:

Notes: For all questions to which the response was "No" (with the exception of question #7), additional information must be provided in an attached narrative. If the answer to question #1, #1A or 1B is "No", the data package does not meet the requirements for "Reasonable Confidence".This form may not be altered and all questions must be answered.

Authorized Signature:

Client: Diversified Tech. Consultants

Project Number:

Phoenix Environmental Labs, Inc.Laboratory Name:

Project Location:



Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Laboratory Sample ID(s): Sampling Date(s): 6/26/2019

Were samples received at an appropriate temperature (< 6 Degrees C)? 3 Yes No

Yes No

Are project-specific matrix spikes and laboratory duplicates included in the data set? 7 Yes No

Printed Name:


List RCP Methods Used (e.g., 8260, 8270, et cetera)

YesWere the method specified preservation and holding time requirements met? No 1A

Was the VPH or EPH method conducted without significant modifications (see section 11.3 of respective RCP methods)

1B Yes NoNA

a) Were reporting limits specified or referenced on the chain-of-custody?

b) Were these reporting limits met?

5 Yes No


CTDEP RCP Laboratory Analysis QA/QC Certification Form - November 2007Laboratory Quality Assurance and Quality Control Guidance Reasonable Confidence Protocols



6010, 7470/7471, 8260, 8270, ETPH

VPH and EPH methods only:

Name of Laboratory

This certification form is to be used for RCP methods only.

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RCP Certification ReportJuly 08, 2019

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GCD45781

SDG CommentsMetals Analysis:The client requested a shorter list of elements than the 6010 RCP list. Only the RCRA 8 Metals are reported as requested on the chain of custody.

Volatile 8260 analysis: 1,2-Dibromoethane and 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane do not meet the GWP these compounds are analyzed by GC/ECD to achieve this criteria.

ICP Metals NarrationWere all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the analytical method achieved? Yes.


CD45781, CD45782, CD45783BLUE 07/01/19 08:23 Emily Kolominskaya, Chemist 07/01/19

The linear range is defined daily by the calibration range.The following Initial Calibration Verification (ICV) compounds did not meet criteria: None.The following Continuing Calibration Verification (CCV) compounds did not meet criteria: None.The following ICP Interference Check (ICSAB) compounds did not meet criteria: None.

ETPH NarrationWere all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents achieved? Yes.


CD45781, CD45782, CD45783AU-XL2 06/28/19-1 Jeff Bucko, Chemist 06/28/19

The initial calibration (ETPH429I) RSD for the compound list was less than 30% except for the following compounds: None.As per section 7.2.3, a discrimination check standard was run (628A003_1) and contained the following outliers: None.The continuing calibration %D for the compound list was less than 30% except for the following compounds:None.

QC (Batch Specific):

CD45781, CD45782, CD45783Batch 485412 (CD46044)

All LCS recoveries were within 60 - 120 with the following exceptions: None.All LCSD recoveries were within 60 - 120 with the following exceptions: None.All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 30% with the following exceptions: None.Additional surrogate criteria: LCS acceptance range is 60-120% MS acceptance range 50-150%. The ETPH/DRO LCS has been normalized based on the alkane calibration.

Mercury Narration

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Certification ReportJuly 08, 2019

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GCD45781

Mercury NarrationWere all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the analytical method achieved? No. QC Batch 485504 (Samples: CD45781, CD45782, CD45783): -----

A trace amount of an analyte was found in blank but were not reported in the sample(s), therefore no bias is suspected. (Mercury)


CD45781, CD45782, CD45783MERLIN 07/01/19 07:47 Rick Schweitzer, Chemist 07/01/19

The method preparation blank contains all of the acids and reagents as the samples; the instrument blanks do not.The initial calibration met all criteria including a standard run at or below the reporting level.All calibration verification standards (ICV, CCV) met criteria. All calibration blank verification standards (ICB, CCB) met criteria. The matrix spike sample is used to identify spectral interference for each batch of samples, if within 85-115%, no interference is observed and no further action is taken.The following Initial Calibration Verification (ICV) compounds did not meet criteria: None.The following Continuing Calibration Verification (CCV) compounds did not meet criteria: None.

QC (Batch Specific):

CD45781, CD45782, CD45783Batch 485504 (CD46458)

All LCS recoveries were within 80 - 120 with the following exceptions: None.Additional Mercury criteria: LCS acceptance range for waters is 80-120% and for soils is 70-130%. MS acceptance range is 75-125%.

CD45781, CD45782, CD45783Batch 485507 (CD46849)

All LCS recoveries were within 80 - 120 with the following exceptions: None.Additional Mercury criteria: LCS acceptance range for waters is 80-120% and for soils is 70-130%. MS acceptance range is 75-125%.

ICP Metals NarrationWere all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the analytical method achieved? Yes.


CD45781, CD45782, CD45783BLUE 07/01/19 08:23 Emily Kolominskaya, Chemist 07/01/19

The initial calibration met criteria. The continuing calibration standards met criteria for all the elements reported. The linear range is defined daily by the calibration range. The continuing calibration blanks were less than the reporting level for the elements reported.The ICSA and ICSAB were analyzed at the beginning and end of the run and were within criteria.The linear range is defined daily by the calibration range.The following Initial Calibration Verification (ICV) compounds did not meet criteria: None.The following Continuing Calibration Verification (CCV) compounds did not meet criteria: None.

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Certification ReportJuly 08, 2019

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GCD45781

ICP Metals NarrationThe following ICP Interference Check (ICSAB) compounds did not meet criteria: None.

QC (Batch Specific):

CD45781, CD45782, CD45783Batch 485477 (CD46085)

All LCS recoveries were within 75 - 125 with the following exceptions: None.All LCSD recoveries were within 75 - 125 with the following exceptions: None.All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 20% with the following exceptions: None.

CD45781, CD45782, CD45783Batch 485619 (CD42516)

All LCS recoveries were within 75 - 125 with the following exceptions: None.All LCSD recoveries were within 75 - 125 with the following exceptions: None.All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 20% with the following exceptions: None.

SVOA NarrationWere all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents achieved? No. QC Batch 485411 (Samples: CD45781, CD45782, CD45783): -----

One or more analytes is below the method criteria. A low bias for these analytes is possible. (Benzidine)

One or more surrogates is outside of criteria. (% 2,4,6-Tribromophenol)

The LCS and/or the LCSD recovery is above the upper range for one or more analytes that were not reported in the sample(s), therefore no significant bias is suspected. (2-Nitroaniline)

The LCS/LCSD RPD exceeds the method criteria for one or more analytes, but these analytes were not reported in the sample(s) so no variability is suspected. (Benzoic acid)


CD45781, CD45782, CD45783CHEM06 07/02/19-1 Matt Richard, Chemist 07/02/19

For 8270 full list, the DDT breakdown and pentachlorophenol & benzidine peak tailing were evaluated in the DFTPP tune and were found to be in control. For 8270 BN list, benzidine peak tailing was evaluated in the DFTPP tune and was found to be in control.

Initial Calibration Evaluation (CHEM06/6_SPLIT_0617):100% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds had %RSDs >20%: None.The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: 2-Nitrophenol 0.072 (0.1)The following compounds did not meet a minimum response factors: None.

Continuing Calibration Verification (CHEM06/0702_07-6_SPLIT_0617):Internal standard areas were within 50 to 200% of the initial calibration with the following exceptions: None.98% of target compounds met criteria.

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RCP Certification ReportJuly 08, 2019

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GCD45781

SVOA NarrationThe following compounds did not meet % deviation criteria: % 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 42%H (30%), 2-Nitrophenol 38%H (30%)The following compounds did not meet maximum % deviations: % 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 42%H (40%)The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: 2-Nitrophenol 0.099 (0.1)The following compounds did not meet minimum response factors: None.

QC (Batch Specific):

CD45781, CD45782, CD45783Batch 485411 (CD45781)

All LCS recoveries were within 30 - 130 with the following exceptions: % 2,4,6-Tribromophenol(133%), 2-Nitroaniline(187%), Benzidine(<10%)All LCSD recoveries were within 30 - 130 with the following exceptions: % 2,4,6-Tribromophenol(135%), 2-Nitroaniline(181%), Benzidine(<10%)All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 20% with the following exceptions: Benzoic acid(22.7%)Additional 8270 criteria: 20% of compounds can be outside of acceptance criteria as long as recovery is at least 10%. (Acid surrogates acceptance range for aqueous samples: 15-110%, for soils 30-130%)

SVOASIM NarrationWere all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents achieved? Yes.


CD45781, CD45782, CD45783CHEM27 07/01/19-1 Wes Bryon, Chemist 07/01/19

For 8270 BN list, benzidine peak tailing was evaluated in the DFTPP tune and was found to be in control.

Initial Calibration Evaluation (CHEM27/27_SIM18_0619):100% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds had %RSDs >20%: None.The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: None.The following compounds did not meet a minimum response factors: None.

Continuing Calibration Verification (CHEM27/0701_06-27_SIM18_0619):Internal standard areas were within 50 to 200% of the initial calibration with the following exceptions: None.100% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds did not meet % deviation criteria: None.The following compounds did not meet maximum % deviations: None.The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: None.The following compounds did not meet minimum response factors: None.

QC (Batch Specific):

CD45781, CD45782, CD45783Batch 485411 (CD45781)

All LCS recoveries were within 30 - 130 with the following exceptions: None.All LCSD recoveries were within 30 - 130 with the following exceptions: None.All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 20% with the following exceptions: None.Additional 8270 criteria:20% of compounds can be outside of acceptance criteria as long as recovery is at least 10%. (Acid surrogates acceptance range for aqueous samples: 15-110%, for soils 30-130%)

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RCP Certification ReportJuly 08, 2019

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GCD45781

SVOASIM Narration

VOA NarrationWere all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the Reasonable Confidence Protocol documents achieved? No. QC Batch 486230 (Samples: CD45781): -----

The LCS and/or the LCSD recovery is above the upper range for one or more analytes that were not reported in the sample(s), therefore no significant bias is suspected. (Bromomethane)


CD45782, CD45783, CD45784CHEM02 06/28/19-1 Michael Hahn, Chemist 06/28/19

Initial Calibration Evaluation (CHEM02/VT-P062719):96% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds had %RSDs >20%: Bromoform 24% (20%), Bromomethane 40% (20%)The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.045 (0.05), 2-Hexanone 0.079 (0.1), 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 0.099 (0.1), Acetone 0.038 (0.1), Bromoform 0.082 (0.1), Methyl ethyl ketone 0.066 (0.1), Tetrahydrofuran (THF) 0.047 (0.05)The following compounds did not meet a minimum response factors: None.

Continuing Calibration Verification (CHEM02/0628_02-VT-P062719):Internal standard areas were within 50 to 200% of the initial calibration with the following exceptions: None.100% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds did not meet % deviation criteria: None.The following compounds did not meet maximum % deviations: None.The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.037 (0.05), Acetone 0.034 (0.05), Tetrahydrofuran (THF) 0.042 (0.05)The following compounds did not meet minimum response factors: None.

CD45781CHEM02 07/02/19-1 Michael Hahn, Chemist 07/02/19

Initial Calibration Evaluation (CHEM02/VT-P062719):96% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds had %RSDs >20%: Bromoform 24% (20%), Bromomethane 40% (20%)The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.045 (0.05), 2-Hexanone 0.079 (0.1), 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 0.099 (0.1), Acetone 0.038 (0.1), Bromoform 0.082 (0.1), Methyl ethyl ketone 0.066 (0.1), Tetrahydrofuran (THF) 0.047 (0.05)The following compounds did not meet a minimum response factors: None.

Continuing Calibration Verification (CHEM02/0702_02-VT-P062719):Internal standard areas were within 50 to 200% of the initial calibration with the following exceptions: None.99% of target compounds met criteria. The following compounds did not meet % deviation criteria: Bromomethane 37%H (30%)The following compounds did not meet maximum % deviations: None.The following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.035 (0.05), Acetone 0.032 (0.05), Tetrahydrofuran (THF) 0.040 (0.05)The following compounds did not meet minimum response factors: None.

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RCP Certification ReportJuly 08, 2019

587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370, Manchester, CT 06045 Tel. (860) 645-1102 Fax (860) 645-0823

Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

SDG I.D.: GCD45781

VOA NarrationQC (Batch Specific):

CD45782, CD45783, CD45784Batch 485792 (CD45784)

All LCS recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: None.All LCSD recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: None.All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 30% with the following exceptions: None.A LCS and LCS Duplicate were performed instead of a matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate.Additional 8260 criteria: 10% of LCS/LCSD compounds can be outside of acceptance criteria as long as recovery is 40-160%, 25-160% for Chloroethane-HL and Trichlorofluoromethane-HL.

CD45781Batch 486230 (CD47265)

All LCS recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: Bromomethane(149%)All LCSD recoveries were within 70 - 130 with the following exceptions: Bromomethane(149%)All LCS/LCSD RPDs were less than 30% with the following exceptions: None.A LCS and LCS Duplicate were performed instead of a matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate.Additional 8260 criteria: 10% of LCS/LCSD compounds can be outside of acceptance criteria as long as recovery is 40-160%, 25-160% for Chloroethane-HL and Trichlorofluoromethane-HL.

Temperature NarrationThe samples were received at 3.2C with cooling initiated.(Note acceptance criteria for relevant matrices is above freezing up to 6°C)

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Diversified Technology Consultants, Inc. July 2019 Task 210 – Subsurface Site Investigation Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank Replacement State Project No. 0171-0428, Assignment No. 218-5996

Appendix C

DQA and DUE Worksheets

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Phoenix Environmental Laboratories, Inc.


June 25 and 26, 2019

RCP Certification Form Included: Yes

Lab Case Narrative Included: Yes

Data will be used to verify the absence or presence and location of subsurface contamination and to assess the potential pollutant impacts that may be encountered during construction.

Notes: (See notes at end of DQA)





























































































B8_8-10'6/25/2019 Methylene Chloride LCS/LCSD None Below method criteria

No impact to data usability. Detected concentrations well below


Below method criteriaNo impact to data usability. Detected concentrations well below



Benzidine, Hexachlorocyclopentadiene QC recoveries Low bias

6/25/2019 Trichlorofluoromethane, Dichlorodifluoromethane QC recoveries Low bias

Date Samples Collected:

Project Purpose:



3,3-Dichlorobenzidine Low bias

Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank Replacement, Wolcott, CT


Recovery is below method criteria.No impact to data usability. Detected concentrations well below

criteria.Mercury LCS/LCSD recovery No significant bias6/25/2019



Below method criteriaNo impact to data usability. Detected concentrations well below



Benzo(ghi)perylene, Benzoic Acid, N-

Nitrosodimethylamine, PyridineMS/MSD RPD Variability Exceeds method criteria

No impact to data usability. Detected concentrations well below



Below method criteriaNo impact to data usability. Detected concentrations well below




PyridineSite specific matrix

recoveryLow bias Below method criteria

No impact to data usability. Detected concentrations well below



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Phoenix Environmental Laboratories, Inc.



RCP Certification Form Included: Yes

Lab Case Narrative Included: Yes

Data will be used to verify the absence or presence and location of subsurface contamination and to assess the potential pollutant impacts that may be encountered during construction.

Notes: (See notes at end of DQA)



MW4 QC Batch




MW4 QC Batch




MW4 Surrogates











MW2 6/26/2019 Bromomethane LCS/LCSD None Above upper range No impact to data usability. Compound not detected in samples.

Trace amount foound in blank, but not reported in sample.

6/26/2019 2-Nitroaniline None Above upper range No impact to data usability. Compound not detected in samples.

Project Purpose:

6/26/2019 Benzidine Low Bias Below method criteria

Outside criteria


Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank Replacement, Wolcott, CT



Date Samples Collected:

No impact to data usability. Compound not detected in samples.

6/26/2019 Mercury None

No impact to data usability. Compound not detected in samples.

No impact to data usability. Compound not detected in samples.

6/26/2019 Benzoic acid None Exceeds method criteria No impact to data usability. Compound not detected in samples.

6/26/2019 2,4,6-Tribromophenol

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Project Name: Wolcott Maintenance Facility Tank Replacement

Laboratory: Phoenix Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

Laboratory Report: GCD45785 & GCD45791

Date Samples Collected: June 25 and 26, 2019

Describe the intended use of the data:

Nonconformances DQA Review Elements Briefly Summarize DQA Nonconformances

Standard RCP Deliverables

Data Package Inspection

Reasonable Confidence Evaluation

Chain of Custody Evaluation

Sample Result Evaluation

Reporting limits were above criteria limits for VOC compounds (1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane

and 1,2-dibromoethane).

Sample Preservation and Holding Time


Blank Evaluation

Laboratory Control Samples


Site-Specific Matrix Spikes and Matrix Spike


Tentatively Identified Compounds

Other QC Data



Provide a summary statement describing how the analytical data set relied upon is of adequate quaility and of sufficient accuracy, precision, and sensitivity for the

intended purpose.

To verify the absence or presence and location of subsurface contamination, and to assess the

potential pollutant impacts that may be encountered during construction.

Method exceedance for one or more analytes reported. Compounds not detected in samples.

QC sample was not below reporting limit (GCD45781).

One or more analytes in site specific matrix spike recovery is below method criteria.

Compounds not detected in samples. MSD was not reported for LLVOCs (GCD45785).

The results will be used to verify the absence or presence and location of subsurface contamination, and to assess the potential pollutant impact that may be encountered

during construction.

A data quality assessment and data usability evaluation was performed for the data generated in accordance with the DEEP's "Laboratory Quality Assurance and Quality

Control, Data Quality Assessment and Data Usability Evaluation Guidance Document".

Non-conformances related to LCS, LCSD, LCS/LCSD RPD, MS.MSD RPD and QC Recovery responses do not have significant bearings on the accuracy and usability of the

data for the intended purposes. In all cases the non-conformances have no impact to the data usability and the data is considered of sufficient quality and precision using

multiple lines of evidence.

The data indicates that contaminants are present in the soil at low concentrations below the applicable RSR criteria and in groundwater at concentrations below the DEEP

General Permit discharge limits. Task 310 Plans and Specifications will be prepared to address the underground storage tank removal and closure sampling and worker

health & safety during tank removal operations.

Based on the above findings from the DQA and DUE, the analytical data is of adequate and of sufficient accuracy, precision and sensitivity to identify soil and groundwater in

areas requiring special treatment and/or handling during the construction phase of the project.

For each analytical method referenced in the lab report, not all constituents identified in the

method-specific analyte lists presented in the RCP documents.