
Upload: lia-damayanti-egc

Post on 10-Jan-2016




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Diuretika1. In 24 hours, urine are consist of1) 1 1,5L water

2) 4 -20gr ion K3) 6 9gr ion chloride

4) 2,5 3,5gr Na

2. The groups of drugs that can increase renal blood flow & velocity of glomeruli filtration are

1) Derivat Xantine

2) glikosid of ren3) Dopamin

4) Clortalidon3. To inhibit active reabsorbtion of tubuler, what kinds of drugs could be used 1) Bendroflumetiazid

2) Acetazolamide3) Bumetanid

4) Spironolakton4. This drugs would be used to inhibit reabsorbtion of NaCl in tubulus contortus distal is.1) HCT

2) Clortalidon 3) Bendroflumetiazid 4) Bumetamid5. What kinds of drugs that couldnt used to inhibit transportation within Na+ / K+ / Cl- on Henle Ascendena) Diuretika Loop

b) Torsemid

c) As. Etakrinat

d) HCT6. In tubulus Kontortus proksimal, to inhibit karbonat anhidrase that can inhibit reabsobtion of HCO3- isa) Tiazid

b) Asetazolamidc) Amilorid

d) Furosemid7. In ductus colectivus, this drugs use full to make water outa) Tiazid

b) Antagonis ADHc) Amilorid

d) Osmotik drugs8. This statements is true about Derivat Tiazid area) some drugs could inhibit carbonic enzyme

b) decrease reabsorbtion of carbonat

c) works by inhibite reabsorbtion NaCl

d) not effective if GFR