district office of info and km - proposed - by joel magnussen - 2004


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Presentation by Joel Magnussen in support of D7 KM initiative.


Page 1: District Office of Info and KM - Proposed - by Joel Magnussen - 2004
Page 2: District Office of Info and KM - Proposed - by Joel Magnussen - 2004

What If…

… everyone knew everything


… imagine what we could do…!?

and information wasn’t lost …

… or hard to find …

…and lessons learned were really learned

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D7’s Information Journey




Budget in the sunshine

D7 Portal – “What if Everyone Knew Everything?”

D7 Business Branch

CO conference speech – Launched unit web pages

D7 University – concept born

PMT Charter - Performance Measurement Team

Innovation Management Board

MHLS - information management becomes paramount

D7 University: launched 7/1/02, 200 users by 10/1/02.

Office of Information & Knowledge Management

Transition – DOT to DHS





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What Do You Know?:

Relatively meaningless standing alone

Crystal clear picture if painted properly

Difficult to capture, but powerful over time




Focus on the INFORMATION

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Orientation Chart

Strategy Performance Content

Quality & Performance Learning & Innovation



Project Portfolio

Policy & Guidance

Risk Management

Info Management


Forecasting & Trends

Quality Assurance

Business Intelligence

Change Management

ROI measurement

Performance & Process Improvement

Case Management

D7 Portal

D7 University



Emerging Technologies

Statistical Analysis

ESU Liaison


Mobile Devices



Voice Technologies



“Influence Strategy & Resource Allocation”

“Do better at what matters most”

“Automate Knowing & Learning”

“Deliver using best technology affordable”

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Elevator Pitch

•We manage our universe of Information and Knowledge - knowing everything we can about the most important business of the Seventh District.

•We do this using an Information & Knowledge Management framework. Some call us cause-and-effect experts.

•We try to answer questions you might not even ask.

•We will build it, manage it and grow it using our Information Network.

•We make information widely available, easy to use, and always updated…to anyone, anywhere, at any time. Doing so uncovers issues, suggests insight, and enables people to contribute more and make better decisions, more easily.

•It can work. Right now. Today.”

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Know What Matters

Where will the next SAR case occur?

Should we look at cost or ROI?

Who does not know what they need?

What needs our attention right now and why?

How-where should D7 spend its next dollar?

What is opportunity cost of a broken asset?

With better information, we’d get good answers to great questions we might never ask…

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Meaningful Ratios

Meaningful RATIOS mean more than single data points:

Return on Investment (Revenue/Investment)

Return on Assets (Net Income/Assets)The return on assets ratio measures how well a company's management team is doing its job. The ROA ratio reveals how much production management has been able to squeeze from each dollar's worth of a company's assets. This ratio is used to evaluate a company's leadership.

What ratios matter most to D7? What is our EPS? Stock Price?Do we have red flag mechanisms in place?

A few corporate examples -

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Director of Information service offering:

From Data to Action

Use Good Data

Understand Context

Build Meaningful Ratios

Paint Information Picture

Know full story, Take better action

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Our Premise

1. Meaningful ratios tell more than single data points

2. Data is plentiful, but Information is valuable

3. Everyone should be able to know anything,

anytime, anywhere they need it

4. We can improve operational performance more by

helping grow Intellectual competence than by

enhancing operational or capital infrastructure. We

do this by removing friction from the flow of


5. Information Management is very different than

Knowledge Management – both can add value

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Information Impacts Us All

Front Office

“I need an improved basis for strategic decision-making”

Division “I need a greater understanding of the impact of my resource allocation decisions”

Branch “I need to more clearly understand and influence performance results”

“I should be able to find information more quickly, with less effort, anytime I need it”


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Business Case

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D7 Information Work List

•Risk Management•D7 University – Knowledge Management•Automated briefing system – “Friday Brief Review”•Performance Measurement•Regional Strategic Assessments•Command Center cases online•Geographic Information System (GIS)•Lessons Learned online•Forms & Manuals online•Skills profiles directory online•Port call matrix online•Policy & Guidance database•University & corporate outreach / internships•Caribbean Internet Alliance•Intelligent & Mobile Devices•Innovation Portfolio Management•Personalization•Voice technologies•Peer to Peer (“P2P”) exploration…and many more


“Build and manage a framework enabling any employee to know anything from any source, about any CG topic, whenever they need it.”

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Summary Trend VectorWhere Information Management might lead:





D7 Summary Trend



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Managed Information Flow




Office of Information& Knowledge Management



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Products & Services


Strategic Level 3 Information

Integrated measures given in context, with relevance, meaning and causal factors.

Level 2 Information

Ratios offering comparative analysis, trends and forecasts.

Level 1 Information

Single data points depicting point in time understanding – but no long term analysis.

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Knowledge & Learning

The Knowledge Sharing Problem

Any company suffers when the right organizational knowledge is not applied to actions that determine the company's success.

The underutilization of human capital is compromising businesses everywhere.

According to IDC, the inability to provide the right knowledge to the right people at the right time is expected to cost Fortune 500 companies over $57 billion over the next two years. 

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“Time To Get Serious About Collaboration”

Collaboration has a certain aura usually reserved for religious ideology…but market realities dictate we become better at working with…partners.

A company can no longer afford to be the sole proprietor of its own…[information] supply chain.

Companies have to identify ways to manage…communities…with the appropriate mix of organizational and technical tools.

By John FontanellaFebruary 1, 2002


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“Our philosophy from the forefront is that [information] by itself has minimal value, but when it’s part of an overall enterprise strategy…then I have … frictionless business processes that allow everyone to participate.”

John Wurfl, SAP Communications Director

February 4, 2002

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What If…?


What if we were able to build an intellectual capital framework that enables our people to think beyond traditional boundaries?

What potential lies untapped because we haven’t done that yet?

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The “Magic Quadrant”

Gartner’s Magic Quadrant

The Goal of Top Companies in their Industry

Completeness of Vision

Ability to


Niche Player Visionary



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Looking Ahead


“The criticality of information exploitation in business and government means that intellectual assets, collaboration and knowledge management are moving to the forefront of investment in 2002.”

– Gartner, Jan. 2002

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IT Budget Growth Rates

Shrinking IT budgets are now common!

All of industry must quickly rethink how to proceed.

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Integrated Information Strategy




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Mission Matrix Issues




Marine Safety





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Information’s New Impact


How much do we really know?Should we know more?

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Old - Cumbersome, time-consuming, inadequate, limited post-event learning

New - Frictionless, immediate feedback, complete awareness, continual learning

Information Supply Chain



Alert Respond Feedback Adjust Respond

Feedback Adjust Respond Feedback Debrief

Message Database

Alert Respond

Info system alerts all parties, eliminates briefs, enables archived online discussion.

Rapid response enabled due to business rules & knowledgebase capabilities.


Feedback continuous to all parties, adjusting response as needed.


Event closed. Auto data archive satisfies system and enables instant learning.

Limited learning, time consuming, duplicate effort, information void, poor decision-making, lack of fix causes repeat of same inefficiencies.

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Need examples? Look at municipalities already moving ahead:

Ideas to act on now:•New Briefing System•Integrated Command Center (ICC) as Call Center?•D7 University

Information Supply Chain

CountiesMiami-DadeBrowardPalm Beach

CitiesJacksonville, FLPlantation, FLMiami, FLDallas, TXAustin, TXCharlotte, NCLexington, KY

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Future Customer Contact







1997 2003

Percent of customer interaction by contact method


Data: Forrester Research & InformationWeek

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Market Example - FEDEX

Our very latest feature, dubbed Insight, adds a set of proactive notification capabilities that will alert customers to key logistics events.

For instance, if a package runs into trouble at customs, FedEx will message a customer--via e-mail, cell phone, pager, whatever--about the problem and offer some advice on how to work around the situation, Carter said.

"We're going to continue to raise the information bar like that and give customers visibility into their shipping processes," he said.

CIO, FEDEX, July 2001, InternetWeek.com

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Market Research

Bound by bureaucracy, the government is traditionally three to five years behind any technological advance, as it was with fax machines, PCs and local area networks. Using that rationale, the federal government is due to start talking about XML and CRM software any day now.

Add those historical precedents to the government's glaring need to become more efficient because of budgetary constraints and concerns about cybersecurity…

Meanwhile, citizens are likely to demand easier access to information and better service…analysts said.

--CNET, Feb 4, 2002

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Trend: E-mail

Gartner Research (Maureen Grey):

Through 2004, enterprise mailbox volume is expected to increase 40 percent per year.

Users spend 1.5 hours each day on mailbox management tasks; by next year they'll spend an average of 2.5 hours per day maintaining their mailboxes.

By 2002, 60 percent of enterprises will augment their messaging applications with a mechanism to manage must-keep e-mail.

"As much as 75 percent of the enterprise's high quality insight is contained in their e-mail," asserts Kathy Harris, vice president and research area director at Gartner. "Enterprises are extending the use of e-mail to managing and coordinating business-to-business shared processes and work, and to some direct customer communication and collaboration."

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Trend: Knowledge Management



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Federal Support

The Bush administration's proposed 2003 federal budget includes an 11 percent spending increase on information technology.

The budget would give the U.S. federal government--already the world's biggest IT spender--a $50 billion IT budget next year if approved by Congress. Federal IT spending grew from $32.9 billion in 1999 to $45 billion in 2002, according to the Office of Management and Budget.

Increasing IT expenditures would support the nation's war on terrorism, its homeland security efforts and an ongoing attempt to streamline government operations, according to the proposal.

- CNET, Feb 4, 2002

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Business Intelligence (BI)

  Data: Centralize data from multiple sources into a data warehouse

  Insight: BI tools analyze the data to help better understand the  business

     Action: Act on the insight provided by BI tools by reallocating resources

Director of Information would employ full toolkit of emerging technologies – one example is Business Intelligence (BI):

MISLE, CGINFO, and planned CG Portal will not do this.

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Information Focus Points

Here’s an example:

The Coast Guard expends 65% of its budget on personnel salaries.

More efficiency is potentially gained by attacking information improvements of this 65% than the will be gained attacking the 35% spent on operations.

Therefore, improvement efforts need to focus on personal productivity - the processes our people undertake, the information they consume, and their ability to contribute more in better ways.

That focus is on Information & Knowledge Management.

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Analysts estimate that 53 percent of the general federal workforce and 60 percent of senior executives will be eligible to retire by 2004.

Attracting talented people, especially those with technological expertise, will be tough without competitive pay, they say.

Hire a strong candidate and pay them well.

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CG Information Network







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