distribution ofchlorophyll-aconcentration in the transition ... · 2009. 2. 20. · subarctic...


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Page 1: Distribution ofchlorophyll-aconcentration in the Transition ... · 2009. 2. 20. · Subarctic Boundary, defined by the vertical 34.0 isohaline at approximately 42°N, and divides

Plankton Biol. Ecol. 46 (1): 30-36, 1999

planktonbiology & ecology

«* The Plankton Society of Japan I<W>

Distribution of chlorophyll-a concentration in the

Transition Domain and adjacent regions of the central

North Pacific in summer

Akihiro Shiomoto1, Yukimasa Ishida2, Kazuya Nagasawa1, Kazuaki Tadokoro2,

motoko takahashi3 & koji monaka4

'National Research Institute ofFar Seas Fisheries, 7-1 Orido 5-chome. Shimizu 424S633, Japan

2Hokkaido National Fisheries Research Institute, 116 Katsura-koi, Kushiro 085-0802, Japan

3Tokyo University ofFisheries, 4-5-7 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8477, Japan

4Kagawa University, 2393 Ikenobe, Miki-cho, Kida-gun, Kagawa 761-0795, Japan

Received 27 August 1998; accepted 4 December 1998

Abstract: Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentrations and phytoplankton productivities, as well as physical

and chemical environmental factors, were measured in the Transition Domain (TD) and its adjacent

regions to the south and north in the central North Pacific during the summers of 1991 to 1996. The

Chl-a concentrations in the surface layer in the TD were not intermediate between those in the south

ern and northern regions. The concentration seems to be rather constant and low in the TD com

pared to the adjacent regions. In contrast, temperature and nutrient levels were found to be interme

diate in the TD compared to regions to the north and south. Chl-a-specific phytoplankton productivity

(an index of phytoplankton growth rate) of the <2, 2-10 and 10-200/im fractions in the TD did not

substantially differ from that in the adjacent regions. Phytoplankton growth rate is therefore unlikely

to be responsible for the low Chl-a concentration in the TD. The standing stock of copepods tended to

be largest in the TD. From these results and the previous information about zooplankton in and

around the TD, we suggest that heavy grazing by zooplankton in the TD reduced the phytoplankton

standing stock and, therefore, the concentration of Chi a in the area.

Key words: chlorophyll a. Transition Domain, central North Pacific, summer, grazing


The Transition Domain (TD) is located just north of the

Subarctic Boundary, defined by the vertical 34.0 isohaline

at approximately 42°N, and divides the North Pacific into

subtropical and subarctic regions (Dodimead et al. 1963;

Favorite et al. 1976). The northern boundary of the TD is

defined as the location where the 4°C isotherm descends

below 100 m (Favorite et al. 1976).

Saury, spotlined sardine, Pacific pomfret, chub mackerel,

blue shark, neon flying squid, etc. migrate into the TD and

the subarctic North Pacific in summer, whereas salmon mi

grate into the TD and subtropical North Pacific (Mishima

1981; Pearcy 1991). The TD is thus an important feeding

ground for pelagic fish and cephalopods. Consequently, it is

Corresponding author: Akihiro Shiomoto; e-mail, shiomoto@enyo.


important to reveal the distribution pattern of phytoplank

ton standing stock in and around the TD.

The TD has the character of a frontal zone in which there

are rapid changes in physical, chemical and biological fac

tors. Temperature and nutrient concentrations in the surface

layer of the TD are intermediate between those in the sub

tropical and subarctic regions in spring and summer

(Dodimead et al. 1963; Sagi 1970; Kawarada & Sano 1972;

McGowan & Williams 1973; Favorite et al. 1976; Maita &

Toya 1986; Matsunaga et al. 1986; Odate & Maita 1988/89;

Shiomoto & Maita 1990; Odate 1994; Shiga 1994; Takagi

et al. 1997). Some spring and summer studies indicated that

the biological features in the surface layer are also interme

diate in the TD, including the associations of planktonic di

atom species (Venrick 1971), chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concen

trations (McGowan & Williams 1973; Odate & Maita

1988/89), and daily and annual phytoplankton productivi

ties (Taniguchi 1981). However, there are several summer

Page 2: Distribution ofchlorophyll-aconcentration in the Transition ... · 2009. 2. 20. · Subarctic Boundary, defined by the vertical 34.0 isohaline at approximately 42°N, and divides

Chlorophyll a in the Transition Domain 31

studies indicating that Chl-a concentrations in the surface

layer are not intermediate in the TD (Kawarada & Sano

1972; Shiomoto & Maita 1990; Odate 1994; Shiga 1994;

Sugimoto & Tadokoro 1997; Takagi et al. 1997). Hence, we

have attempted to clarify whether or not Chl-a concentra

tion is intermediate in the TD with the help of six sets of

cruise data from the TD and adjacent regions of the central

North Pacific in the summers of 1991 to 1996. In this paper,

we show that some physical and chemical features are inter

mediate in the TD compared to the north and south, how

ever, Chl-a concentration seems to be rather lower in the

TD than in adjacent regions, and we discuss factors that

contribute to the low Chl-a concentration.

Materials and Methods

Water sampling and incubation experiments were con

ducted during the cruises of the R/V Wakatake Mam,

owned by the Education Bureau of Hokkaido, in June and

July of 1991 to 1996 (e.g. Ishida et al. 1997). Stations were

located every 1° between 38°30'N and 50°30'N along

179°30'W (Fig. 1A). Surface and subsurface seawater sam

ples were collected around noon using an acid-cleaned

plastic bucket and an acid-cleaned 10-liter PVC Niskin or

Go-Flo sampler. These samples were sieved through a 200-

fim mesh screen to remove large zooplankton. The samples

were then used to determine Chl-a concentration and phy-

toplankton productivity, and to measure physical and chem

ical environmental factors.

Every year, Chl-a concentration at the surface was mea

sured, and in 1993 and 1994 Chl-a concentrations were

measured at 0, 10, 20, 30, 50, 75 and 100 m. A Whatman

GF/F filter was used to determine the surface and subsur

face Chl-a concentrations. In 1992 and 1993, surface sea-

water samples were filtered separately through Nuclepore

filters with pore sizes of 10 (>10-jUm fraction) and 2jJm

(>2-/im fraction), and a Whatman GF/F (about 0.7-jUm

pore size; total), in order to determine the Chl-a concentra

tion of the 10-200, 2-10 and <2-fim fractions. Samples

collected onto Nuclepore filters with a pore size of 10/xm

were used to determine Chl-a concentrations of the

10-200 jum fraction. Chl-a concentration of the 2-10//m

fraction was obtained from the difference between the >2

and >10-jUm fractions. The concentration of the <2-jUm

fraction was obtained from the difference between the total

and the >2-//m fraction. The filters were stored frozen at

—20°C until analysis ashore. Chl-a concentration was mea

sured by in vitro fluorometry using a Hitachi F-2000 fluo-

rometer calibrated by standards derived from commercially

prepared Chi a (Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd.,

Tokyo), according to Parsons et al. (1984).

In 1992 and 1993, surface seawater samples were used to

determine size-fractionated (10-200, 2-10 and <2-jUm

fractions) phytoplankton productivity. The productivity ex

periments were started within 1 h of sample collection. The

samples (1 liter) were dispensed into six acid-cleaned 1-liter



3 B

'"5 50

160E 170° 180°






/• • •



1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996


Fig. 1. A. Location of sampling stations in the Transition Do

main (TD) and adjacent regions of the North Pacific in the sum

mers of 1991 to 1996, and schematic diagram indicating extent of

the TD in the North Pacific. Dotted area indicates the TD. SB, the

Subarctic Boundary; STNP, the subtropical North Pacific located

south of the TD; SANP, the subarctic North Pacific located north

of the TD. B. Interannual changes in the locations of STNP, TD

and SANP. Solid circles indicate the position of sampling stations.

Dotted lines indicate the southern and northern limits of the TD.

polycarbonate bottles and enriched by the addition of

NaH13CO3 (99 atom% 13C; Shoko Co. Ltd. Tokyo) to about

10% of the total inorganic carbon in ambient water. Incuba

tions were conducted under sunlight, being cooled with

near-surface seawater, for 2-3 h. Fractionation of samples

into size classes was done after incubation. Immediately

following incubation, two of six samples were filtered

through precombusted (450°C for 4h) 47-mm Whatman

GF/F filters (total). Two of the remaining four samples were

filtered through Nuclepore filters with a pore size of 2 jim

and the other two with a pore size of 10 fim. The latter four

filtrates were refiltered through 47-mm Whatman GF/F fil

ters (<2 or <10-jUm fraction). The paniculate matter on

Page 3: Distribution ofchlorophyll-aconcentration in the Transition ... · 2009. 2. 20. · Subarctic Boundary, defined by the vertical 34.0 isohaline at approximately 42°N, and divides

32 A. Shiomoto, Y. Ishida, K. Nagasawa, K. Tadokoro, M. Takahashi & K. Monaka







C^' 10—^> 15

c "— 10 ~

>" ■









1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996


Fig. 2. Latitudinal and interannual changes of temperature (°C)

(A), nitrite+nitrate concentration (fiM) (B) and chlorophyll-o

concentration (fig I"1) (C) at the surface during the summers of

1991 to 1996. Abbreviations and symbols as in Fig. 1.

the Whatman GF/F filters was rinsed with prefiltered sea-

water and the filters were stored frozen at —20°C until iso

tope analysis ashore. They were treated with HC1 fumes for

4h to remove inorganic carbon, and thoroughly dried in a

vacuum desiccator. The isotopic ratios of I3C to 12C and

paniculate organic carbon were determined through in

frared absorption spectrometry using a JASCO EX-13OS

13CO2 analyzer (cf. Satoh et al. 1985). Total inorganic car

bon in the water was measured with a Shimadzu TOC 5000

infrared analyzer. Phytoplankton productivity was calcu

lated according to the equation described by Hama et al.

(1983). The productivity of the 10-200/im fraction was ob

tained from the difference between the total and the <10-

fim fraction. The productivity of the 2-10jUm fraction was

obtained from the difference between the <10 and <2-jum


Surface temperature and salinity were measured with a

thermometer and an Auto-Lab salinometer. Subsurface

temperature and salinity were recorded at 1-m intervals

down to 600m using an Alec memory STD sensor. Surface

water samples for nutrient determinations were stored

Table 1. Mean±standard deviation (<Tn_j) of total chlorophyll-cr

concentration (flgl~l) at the surface in the subtropical Narth Pa

cific (STNP), Transition Domain (TD) and subarctic North Pacific

(SANP), 1991-1996. The number of data is given in parentheses.


1991 0.21 (2)

1992 0.49±0.23 (4)

1993 0.84±0.28(5)

1994 0.43 ±0.11(4)

1995 0.40±0.16(4)

1996 l.00±0.57(3)

0.26±0.25 (6)

0.20±0.07 (4)


0.32±0.07 (4)

0.41 ±0.19 (5)


0.62±0.40 (5)

0.20±0.00 (5)

0.98±0.45 (5)


0.98 ±0.45 (4)

0.54±0.25 (4)

frozen at -20°C and analysed using a Bran & Luebbe



According to the definition (see above) of Favorite et al.

(1976), we determined the location of the TD based on the

prevailing temperature and salinity (Fig. IB). The stations

were thus divided into three regional groups in the TD, the

subtropical North Pacific (STNP), located south of the TD

and the subarctic North Pacific (SANP), located north of

the TD.

From 1991 to 1996, surface seawater temperature was

generally 12-15°C in the STNP, 8-12°C in the TD and

6-8°C in the SANP (Fig. 2A). Surface nitrite+nitrate con

centrations were generally less than 8fiM in the STNP,

8-15 /iM in the TD and 10-20/iM in the SANP (Fig. 2B).

Surface Chl-o concentrations fluctuated latitudinally and

interannually in the STNP and SANP, within the range of

0.1 and \.6fig P1 and 0.1 and 1.4^g I"1 (Fig. 2C). Values

exceeding 1 pig I"1 were occasionally observed in the

SANP. In the TD, the Chl-a concentrations ranged from 0.1

to 1.1 fig I"1 and were generally within the range of 0.2 and

0.5 fig I"1. High concentrations of more than 0.5 fig I"1

were found at Stn 3 in 1991 (0.76//g I"1), Stn 6 in 1995

(0.73 jig I"1) and Stns 5 and 6 in 1996 (1.09 and 0.52ng

I"1). The high concentrations were not limited to any one

year. The share of the concentration of 0.2-0.5 fig I"1 was

82% in the TD, whereas the share was 45% in the STNP

and 57% in the SANP. The Chl-a concentration was con

stant both latitudinally and interannually in the TD com

pared to in the STNP and SANP. Mean concentration was

highest every year in either the STNP or SANP (Table 1).

The mean values in the TD were lower or nearly equal to

the lowest value found in either the STNP or SANP. More

over, Chl-tf concentrations in the upper 100 m were gener

ally in the range of 0.2 and 0.4 fig I"1 in the TD in 1993 and

1994 (Fig. 3). In contrast, Chl-a concentrations exceeding

0.4fig I"1 were frequently observed in the STNP and

SANP, especially in 1993. Consequently, the Chl-a concen

trations in the TD were not intermediate between those in

the STNP and SANP, a pattern which did not follow from

Page 4: Distribution ofchlorophyll-aconcentration in the Transition ... · 2009. 2. 20. · Subarctic Boundary, defined by the vertical 34.0 isohaline at approximately 42°N, and divides

Chlorophyll a in the Transition Domain 33

Latitude (°N)






Fig. 3. Vertical sections of chlorophyll-a concentration (jug I ')

along l79°30'W during the summers of 1993 (A) and 1994 (B).

Abbreviations and symbols as in Fig. 1.

the physical and chemical environmental factors. The Chl-a

concentration seems to be rather constant and low in the

TD compared to the STNP and SANP.

Mean values for surface Chl-a concentrations of the <2

and 2-10^m fractions in the TD and SANP were equal,

and lower than those in the STNP in 1992 (Table 2). The

mean values for the three size fractions were lowest in the

TD in other cases. The mean values for the <2 and

2-10jUm fractions in the TD were 4 times lower at most

than those in other regions, and those for the 10-200 (im

fraction were 2.5 to 9.5 times lower in the TD than in other


Mean values of the surface Chl-a-specific phytoplankton

productivity (figC jUgChl-a"1 h~'), an index of phytoplank

ton growth rate (Lalli & Parsons 1993), for the<2/im frac

tion were intermediate in the TD in 1992 and 1993, and that

for the 10-200/im fraction was highest in the TD in 1993

(Table 3). The mean values were lowest in the TD for the

other cases. However, the Chl-a-specific phytoplankton pro

ductivity of the three size fractions in the TD did not sub-

Table 2. Mean± standard deviation (<rn _,) of size-fractionated

(in ftm) chlorophyll-o concentration (jUgP1) at the surface in the

subtropical Narth Pacific (STNP), Transition Domain (TD) and

subarctic North Pacific (SANP), 1992 and 1993. The number of

data is given in parentheses.










0.21 ±0.09 (4)

0.49±0.23 (4)

0.14±0.11 (4)

0.32±0.O7 (5)

0.23±0.08 (5)



0.20±0.07 (4)

0.02±0.02 (4)



0.04±0.01 (3)


0.20±0.00 (5)

0.05±0.06 (5)

0.43 ±0.17 (5)


0.38±0.24 (5)

Table 3. Mean±standard deviation (<7n_,) of size-fractionated

(in fim) chlorophyll-a-specific phytoplankton productivity (/igC

/igChl-o*"1 h~') at the surface in the subtropical Narth Pacific

(STNP), Transition Domain (TD) and subarctic North Pacific

(SANP), 1992 and 1993. The number of data is given in parenthe













7.52±2.92 (4)

6.40 ±5.91 (4)


2.91 ±0.70 (5)




7.06±3.88 (4)


2.38 (2)

2.28±0.62 (3)

2.02±3.02 (3)

2.90±2.76 (3)



4.97±3.30 (3)

5.43 ±6.49 (4)




stantially differ from that in the STNP and SANP.


The physical and chemical environmental factors in the

TD were intermediate between those in the STNP and

SANP (Fig. 2A, B) and the results were in agreement with

previous results (Dodimead et al. 1963; Sagi 1970;

Kawarada & Sano 1972; McGowan & Williams 1973; Fa

vorite et al. 1976; Maita & Toya 1986; Matsunaga et al.

1986; Odate & Maita 1988/89; Shiomoto & Maita 1990;

Odate 1994; Shiga 1994; Takagi et al. 1997). On the con

trary, the Chl-a concentration seems to be rather constant

and low in the TD compared to the STNP and SANP (Figs

2C, 3). Such patterns have been found in other studies

(Kawarada & Sano 1972; Odate 1994; Shiga 1994; Sugi-

moto & Tadokoro 1997; Takagi et al. 1997). In addition, the

Chl-a concentrations of the three size fractions at the sur

face were low in the TD compared to the STNP and SANP,

especially for the 10-200 jum fraction (Table 2). Size com

position of Chl-a concentration at the surface was roughly

representative of the size composition of Chl-a concentra

tion in the water column (0-200 m) in the TD and adjacent

regions (Odate & Maita 1988/89). Low concentrations of

phytoplankton of every size, especially the large ones, con-

Page 5: Distribution ofchlorophyll-aconcentration in the Transition ... · 2009. 2. 20. · Subarctic Boundary, defined by the vertical 34.0 isohaline at approximately 42°N, and divides

34 A. Shiomoto, Y. Ishida, K. Nagasawa, K. Tadokoro, M. Takahashi & K. Monaka






1991 1992 1993 1994


1995 1996

Fig. 4. Latitudinal and interannual changes of depth of surface

mixed layer (m) (A) and vertical gradient of sigma-/ in the pycno-

cline (XlO~3kg m~4) (B) during the summers of 1991 to 1996.

Abbreviations and symbols as in Fig. I.

tribute to the low Chl-a concentration in the TD.

The surface Chl-a-specific phytoplankton productivity of

the three fractions were not substantially lower in the TD

than in the STNP or SANP (Table 3). Phytoplankton

growth rate is thus unlikely to be responsible for the low

Chl-a concentration in the TD. Accordingly, we suggest

that losses in phytoplankton, especially large ones, are

higher in the TD than elsewhere, and thus the Chl-a con

centration is lower in the TD. Possible losses of phytoplank

ton include respiration, sinking and zooplankton grazing.

Below, we discuss whether these three factors can be

thought to contribute to the low Chl-a concentration in the


According to Sverdrup's (1953) critical depth model, net

production of phytoplankton can take place if the critical

depth is deeper than the depth of the surface mixed layer,

and no net production can take place in the opposite case,

because respiration loss exceeds production in the water

column. The depth of the surface mixed layer was defined

as the uppermost steepest vertical gradient of sigma-/.

Every year, the depth of the surface mixed layer was gener

ally within the range of 50 and 100 m in the STNP, TD and

SANP, though depths of 100-150 m and shallower than

50 m were sometimes observed (Fig. 4A). Global monthly

critical depth, according to Sverdrup, was estimated by

Obata et al. (1996). The critical depths are 100-200 m in



I BcS 50 -



1991 1996

Fig. 5. Latitudinal and interannual changes of wet weight (mg

m~3) of copepods (A) and carnivores (amphipods+pteropods+

chaetognaths) (B) obatined by Norpac-net operations from 150 m

to the surface during the summers of 1991 to 1996. Abbreviations

and symbols as in Fig. 1. (Data from Tadokoro et al. 1995, and

Nagasawa & Ishida 1997.)

our study area. Thus, it can be said that water column con

ditions do not account for much greater loss through respi

ration in our study area. Respiratory loss is unlikely to

cause the low Chl-a concentration in the TD.

A small density gradient in the surface layer will reduce

the standing stock of phytoplankton because a small gradi

ent favors a greater loss of cells through their sinking below

the surface layer. Semina & Tarkhova (1972) observed a

positive correlation between the standing stock of phyto

plankton and the density gradient in the main pycnocline.

The density gradient in the pycnocline in the TD was not

substantially different from those in the STNP and SANP

(Fig. 4B). Accordingly, the sinking of phytoplankton is un

likely to cause the low Chl-a concentration in the TD.

Standing stock (wet weight) of macrozooplankton was

estimated from midnight (2100-0100 h) Norpac-net (335-

/im mesh size) tows from 150 m to the surface conducted at

the same locations as this study in 1991-1996 (Tadokoro et

al. 1995; Nagasawa & Ishida 1997). Copepods represented

most of the standing stock of the macrozooplankton in the

TD, except in 1991 (0-63% in 1991 and 73-96% in

1992-1996). In the TD, the standing stock of copepods

tended to be largest, except in 1991 when the wet weight of

carnivorous macrozooplankton, the sum of the wet weight

Page 6: Distribution ofchlorophyll-aconcentration in the Transition ... · 2009. 2. 20. · Subarctic Boundary, defined by the vertical 34.0 isohaline at approximately 42°N, and divides

Chlorophyll a in the Transition Domain 35

Table 4. Mean±standard deviation (<rn_,) of wet weight of

copepods (mgm3) in the upper 150 m of the water column in the

subtropical Narth Pacific (STNP), Transition Domain (TD) and

subarctic North Pacific (SANP), 1991-1996. The number of data

is given in parentheses. (Re-arranged from Tadokoro et al. 1995,

and Nagasawa & Ishida 1997.)











63 ±43




177 ±266 (4)


69 ±27








281 ±40










351 ±148 (5)



94±72 (4)

102±43 (4)

of amphipods, pteropods and chaetognaths, was high (Fig.

5A, B, Table 4). The small standing stock of copepods in

the TD in 1991 may have been due to the intense grazing

effect of carnivores. Grazing copepods live in the surface

layers (roughly 0 to 150 m) from spring to mid-summer in

the oceanic subarctic Pacific (Miller et al. 1984; Mackas et

al. 1993). Copepod grazing generally has an effect on large

phytoplankton (more than 8-^m cell size; Landry et al.

1993). Moreover, Spearman rank correlation showed a sig

nificant negative relationship between the wet weight of

copepods and the surface Chl-a concentration (Fig. 6). This

implies that copepod grazing was related to variation in the

phytoplankton standing stock. From the discussion above,

heavy grazing by copepods could reduce the large phyto

plankton standing stock in the TD. Heavy grazing by cope

pods in the TD was suggested by Odate (1994) and Shiga

(1994). On the other hand, the standing stock of microzoo-


? 1





100 200 300 400 500 600

Wet weight of copepods (mg nr3)

Fig. 6. Relationship between the wet weight of copepods in the

upper 150 m of the water column and the surface chlorophyll-a

concentration during the summers of 1991 to 1996. ^=-0.23,

n=78,p<0.05 (two-tailed test).

plankton in the TD tended to be intermediate between those

in the southern and northern adjacent regions (Odate &

Maita 1994; Odate 1994). Moreover, Shiga (1994) implied

that tunicates (doliolids and salps) actively graze on phyto

plankton in summertime in the TD. Tunicates are able to

collect large amounts of particulate matter, ranging from

about I mm to less than 1 }im (Madin 1974; Alldredge &

Madin 1982). Heavy grazing on small phytoplankton can

also be expected in the TD. It is possible that this study il

lustrates a case in which zooplankton grazing is responsible

for the low Chl-a concentration in the TD of the central

North Pacific.

Copepods are considered important predators of phyto

plankton and prey for fishes (e.g. Lalli & Parsons 1993).

Hence, high grazing loss by copepods leads us to expect

that energy and materials from primary production flow

rapidly to high trophic levels in the summertime ecosystem

of the TD in the central North Pacific. We thus feel that the

summertime TD in the central North Pacific is a region that

can support a large biomass of fishes. We also feel that zoo-

plankton grazing is the driving force in energy and materi

als flow in the summertime ecosystem of the TD in the cen

tral North Pacific.


We are exceedingly grateful to the captain and crew of

the R/V Wakatake Mam for sample collecting. We express

our gratitude to Ms N. D. Davis, University of Washington,

for correcting the manscript and for her helpful sugges

tions. We are grateful to Dr K. Sasaki, National Research

Institute of Fisheries Science, for his critical reading and

comments on the manuscript. We extend our appreciation

to Dr S. Hashimoto, National Research Institute of Far Seas

Fisheries, for kindly drawing Figs 2, 3,4 and 5.

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