distributed systems1 chapter 2: concepts and architectures cpu memory i/o disk(s) traditional...

Distributed Systems 1 Chapter 2: Concepts and Architectures CPU Memory I/O Disk(s ) Traditional Computer Architecture

Post on 18-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Distributed Systems1 Chapter 2: Concepts and Architectures CPU Memory I/O Disk(s) Traditional Computer Architecture

Distributed Systems 1

Chapter 2: Concepts and Architectures





Traditional Computer Architecture

Page 2: Distributed Systems1 Chapter 2: Concepts and Architectures CPU Memory I/O Disk(s) Traditional Computer Architecture

Distributed Systems 2

Computer System Architectures

Flynn, 1966+1972 classification of computer systems in terms of instruction and data stream organizations

Based on Von-Neumann model (separate processor and memory units

4 machine organizations SISD - Single Instruction, Single Data SIMD - Single Instruction, Multiple Data MISD - Multiple Instruction, Single Data MIMD - Multiple Instruction, Multiple Data

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Distributed Systems 3

Flynn Architectures (1)

Array Processor

Serial ProcessorCU PUI







CU – control unitPU – processor unitI – instruction streamD – data stream



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Distributed Systems 4

Flynn Architectures (2)CU1 PU1

I1 D1

CUn PUnIn Dn









No real examples- possibly some pipeline architectures

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Distributed Systems 5

Processor-Memory Interconnection Network

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Distributed Systems 6

Crossbar switch

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Multiple stage switch

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Distributed Systems 8

Homogeneous Multicomputer Systems – Processor Arrays

Grid Hypercube

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Distributed Systems 9

Loosely coupled multi-computer systems

Distributed Memory Multi-computer IPC by message passing Typically PC or workstation clusters Physically distributed components Characterized by longer message delays

and limited bandwidth

M P M P M Pnetwork

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Distributed Systems 10

Closely coupled multi-computer systems

Shared Memory Multiprocessor Processors connected via common bus or fast

network Characterized by short message delays, high bandwidth IPC via Shared Memory



Shared Memory

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Distributed Systems 11

Network based Systems

Network size: number of nodes N Node: ni, 1 i N Distance: d(ni, nj): number of links between ni and

nj Network distance: D = max(d(ni, nj)) Degree: degree(ni): number of links from/to ni Network topology is an abstract graph to represent

the architecture of a network

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Distributed Systems 12

Desired Properties:

(1) When network size grows arbitrarily, the network distance increases very slowly: lim D/N = 0

N (2) There exists a constant k, such that degree(ni) k (3) Routing algorithm is easy to implement and indepe

ndent of network size (4) When some nodes or links are failed, the network is

still connected (with lower performance) (5) Trafic loads are evenly distributed over the network

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Distributed Systems 13

Typical network topologies:

star ring B-tree

complete regular arbitrary

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Distributed Systems 14

Evaluation of network topologies:

star ring B-treecomplet



lim D/N=0 N

yesD = 2

NoD = N-1

YesD=2log N

YesD = 1

YesD =√N

Do not know


no YesK = 2

YesK = 3

No YesK = 4

Do not know

Routing easy easy easy easy easy hard


bad bad Not good

best good Do not know

Even trafic

no yes no yes yes Do not know

Page 15: Distributed Systems1 Chapter 2: Concepts and Architectures CPU Memory I/O Disk(s) Traditional Computer Architecture

Distributed Systems 15

Software Concepts

DOS (Distributed Operating Systems) NOS (Network Operating Systems) Middleware

System Description Main Goal


Tightly-coupled operating system for multi-processors and homogeneous multicomputers

Hide and manage hardware resources


Loosely-coupled operating system for heterogeneous multicomputers (LAN and WAN)

Offer local services to remote clients


Additional layer atop of NOS implementing general-purpose services

Provide distribution transparency

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Distributed Systems 16

Uniprocessor Operating System

Separating applications from operating system code through a microkernel.

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Distributed Systems 17

Distributed Operating System

Tightly-coupled operating system for multi-

processors and homogeneous multi-computers. Strong transparency.

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Distributed Systems 18

DOS: characteristics (1)

Distributed Operating Systems Allows a multiprocessor or multicomputer network

resources to be integrated as a single system image Hide and manage hardware and software resources provides transparency support provide heterogeneity support control network in most effective way consists of low level commands + local operating sy

stems + distributed features Inter-process communication (IPC)

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Distributed Systems 19

DOS: characteristics (2)

remote file and device access global addressing and naming trading and naming services synchronization and deadlock avoidance resource allocation and protection global resource sharing deadlock avoidance communication security no examples in general use but many research system

s: Amoeba, Chorus etc. see Google “distributed systems research”

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Distributed Systems 20

Network Operating System

Loosely-coupled operating system for heterogeneous multi-computers (LAN and WAN). Weak transparency.

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Distributed Systems 21

NOS: characteristics

Network Operating System extension of centralized operating systems offer local services to remote clients each processor has own operating system user owns a machine, but can access others (e.

g. rlogin, telnet) no global naming of resources system has little fault tolerance e.g. UNIX, Windows NT, 2000

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Middleware System

Additional layer on the top of NOS implementing general-purpose services. Better transparency.

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Distributed Systems 23

Middleware Examples Examples: Sun RPC, CORBA, DCOM, Java RMI (distributed object t

echnology) Built on top of transport layer in the ISO/OSI 7 layer reference mode

l: application (protocol), presentation (semantic), session (dialogue), transport (e.g. TCP or UDP), network (IP, ATM etc), data link (frames, checksum), physical (bits and bytes)

Most are implemented over the internet protocols Masks heterogeneity of underlying networks, hardware, operating

system and programming languages – so provides a uniform programming model with standard services

3 types of middleware: transaction oriented (for distributed database applications) message oriented (for reliable asynchronous communication) remote procedure calls (RPC) – the original OO middleware

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Distributed Systems 24

Types of communication

Message passing is the general basis of communication in a distributed system: transferring a set of data from a sender to a receiver.

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Distributed Systems 25

Point-to-point Message passing

sender calls send primitive to pass message to sender’s buffer communication module transmits the message to the destination destination communication module puts the message to

receiver’s buffer receiver calls receive primitive to get the message

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Distributed Systems 26

Distributed Shared Memory

Pages of address space distributed among four machines

Situation after CPU 1 references page 10

Situation if page 10 is read only and replication is used

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Distributed Systems 27

ItemDistributed OS

Network OS

Middleware-based OSMultipro


Degree of transparency

Very High High Low High

Same OS on all nodes

Yes Yes No No

Number of copies of OS

1 N N N

Basis for communication

Shared memory

Messages FilesModel specific

Resource management

Global, central

Global, distributed

Per node Per node

Scalability No Moderately Yes Varies

Openness Closed Closed Open Open

Comparison between Systems

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Distributed Systems 28

Client-Server Model

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Timing interaction between client and server

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Distributed Systems 30

An Example Client and Server (1) header.h

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An Example Client and Server (2) server.c

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An Example Client and Server (3) client.c

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Distributed Systems 33

Multi-tiered (client-server) Architectures

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Comparison of different models(1)

terminal Interface-level



user computer

(a) Traditional terminal/machine

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Distributed Systems 35

Comparison of different models(2)


Client browser

WEB serverProcessing




Data server





client server

(b) two-tiers

(c) three-tiers

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Distributed Systems 36

Internet search engine into three different layers:

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Distributed Systems 37

Alternative client-server organizations

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Distributed Systems 38

Enterprise(J2EE) Application Model

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Distributed Systems 39

A Modern Architecture

An example of horizontal distribution of a Web service.

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Distributed Systems 40

Advantages of Multi-tiered Architectures

flexibility of selecting different hardware components

easy to maintain and manage the system easy to update or re-organize the system easy to enforce different security

policies at different levels easy to implement software modules

with clearly defined interfaces