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Pure Food—Oriental Show-You Sauce Dr. Lewis B. Allyn, food editor of Mc-

C'lure Westfield Laboratories wrote the fol-lowing :

"Examination of Oriental Sh.ow-You Sauce shows it to be free from any adultera-tion and to correspond to the Westfield Standard for Pure Food." Oriental Show-You Sauce is a good table

and chop-suey sauce. It can be used in hundreds of American dishes, for it gives zest and pleasing flavor to all kinds of foods —hot or cold.

Food Value of Bean Sprouts The popularity of Bean Sprouts is nation wide. Many hospitals and dietetic schools are encouraging its use. The delicious taste and mild flavor are satisfactory to the dis-criminating connoisseur. An analysis shows Bean Sprout is rich in essential food value—health giving vita-mine. Try our Chow-Mein Noodles and Bean Sprouts. They are ready to use. Ask your grocers to get them for you.

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The desire for bet ter and pleasing foods has greatly changed the ar t of cooking. Many new dishes are constantly added to American homes. Of the varieties, which have been introduced recently, chop-suey and other or iental dishes are most popular among the American housewives. In their p repara t ions a good oriental sauce is indispensable. This sauce is called "Shoyu" in the orient f rom which our t r ade name, omental Show-You is derived for the phonetic reason. In addit ion to Show-You sauce we are marke t -ing canned Bean Sprouts, Chow-Mein Noodles ( f r ied) , and Mixed Vegetables.

Oriental Showi-You Bean Sprouts Are careful ly cul tured f rom the choicest Mung beans with scientific methods at our own nursery where we can supply the pures t water f rom a deep well. We aim to pack them when the sprouts are at the bes t—the t ime they contain the highest percentage of nour i shment . Oriental Show-You Mixed Vegetables

(Chinese Wa te r Chestnuts , Bamboo Sprouts, Bean Sprouts) These th ree vegetables are packed together

for convenience. Oriental Chow-Mein Noodles

Are made f rom the best egg noodles. They are fr ied and packed in vacuum cans. They are ready to use. Our products are endorsed by pure food ex-perts and are used in many American homes, by leading hotels, r e s t au ran t s , and domestic science classes of schools. ORIENTAL SHOW-YOU COMPANY

Columbia City, Indiana

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Hints for Cooking Chop-Suey MEATS—Pork , beef, veal, chicken, duck or tu rkey may be used in chop-suey. Meats must be sliced to the thickness of sliced bacon, and cut into half inch squares. Large chunks like stewing meat would not do for chop-suey. In using a fowl, remove the bones and use the meat only. Slice it as you would pork, beef, etc. If fowl is too tough, parboil it first. CELERY and ONIONS—When cut t ing celery and onions, do not cut them into the shape of dice; but slice them thin. It is desirable to shred celery, for it gives a be t te r tas te and ap-pearance. When celery is hard to get, use cab-bage instead, or use onions and Bean Sprouts. Or still bet ter , make Japanese Chop-Suey, which requi res beef and onions only.

Chop-Suey Sauce No ma t t e r how ski l l fu l your def t f ingers may be, you cannot make good chop-suey and other Oriental dishes wi th infer ior sauce. It is abso-lutely necessary to use the best chop-suey sauce, soy to get the t ang of the orient . "The re are two or th ree qual i t ies of soy, but the Japanese soy is reckoned as the bes t ." The Century Dic-t ionary and Cyclopedia. Or ienta l Show-You Sauce, being the pures t Japanese soy, is con-sidered to be the most sa t is factory sauce by the thousands of people who have used it.

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Use Oriental Show-You Sauce.

Plain Chop-Suey 1 lb. fresh pork or veal. 3 tablespoonfuls of

y2 lb. rice. Slice the lean meat into thin, small pieces, and

fry it in a well greased pan till nearly done; add celery, onions, a cup of water or meat stock, (taken from boiling the bones), sugar and Oriental Show-You Sauce to suit your taste. If you desire, you may add Show-You Bead Molasses for sweetening and coloring. Cook them all together for a few minutes, keeping the vegetables half done. At the last moment add Show-You Bean Sprouts. Thicken slightly with flour or corn starch.

Serve it with hot rice. This will make a de-licious dish for four persons. If you desire, you may use beef instead. When celery is hard to get, use cabbage. You may, also, add sliced green peppers or celery cabbage, but do not cook for more than three minutes.

The Way Rice Is Cooked in Japan Use an enameled pan with tight cover. Never

use double boiler. Put the rice into a pan and wash it thorough-

ly, rubbing between palms. Change water sev-eral times. Then, add fresh water, allowing about an inch over the surface of rice. Cook over a good fire until water boils over. Keep it boiling for three or four minutes; then turn the fire very low. Steep over the slow fire for twen-ty minutes or longer until the rice is cooked. You must not open the cover or stir it while cooking. After the rice is done, remove the pan from the stove; and set it in cold water for two minutes in order to prevent rice from sticking to the bottom of the pan. Remove rice with a wet spoon.

1 cup celery, shredded. 1 cup onions, sliced. 1 tablespoonful sugar.

Oriental Show-You Sauce. 2 cups Oriental Show-You

Bean Sprouts.

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Use Oriental Show-You Bean Sprouts.

Chinese Chop-Suey Chinese Chop-Suey is prepared same as Plain

Chop-Suey with a slight variation in making the gravy. Boil down the gravy till almost dry.

Tomato Chop-Suey (Chop-Sisey Without Onion)

This chop-suey is prepared same as Plain Chop-Suey with the exception of onions. Add one large tomato or one-half cupful of canned tomato. If you desire, you may add green pep-pers, sliced in strips.

Japanese Chop-Suey 1 lb. of tender steak. 3 tablespoon-fills of 2 cups onions, sliced. Oriental Show-You Sauce.

Slice the meat into thin, small pieces. Place a little beef suet in a hot skillet or chafing dish. Fry the meat a few minutes; then add onion and fry again about five minutes. Add a cup of water or meat stock and a tablespoonful of white sugar. After mixing them well, add Oriental Show-You Sauce to suit your taste. Cook them about ten minutes. If needed, add more water. Serve with hot rice.

If you like green onions, cut into lengths of one inch and cook together with dried onions.

If you happen to have left-over rice and Japanese Chop-Suey, put them into a pan and heat well, mixing the material together to avoid burning. Serve on toast, or as they are.

Mushroom Chop-Suey Follow the directions for Plain Chop-Suey;

add mushrooms and cook all together. Japanese dried mushrooms are inexpensive

and best. Soak a cupful of them in cold water for twenty minutes. When they are soft, cut off the stems. Then boil for ten minutes and slice into narrow strips. Canned mushrooms may be used, but they are rather expensive.

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Use Show-You Mixed Vegetables Chicken Chop-Suey

1 cup chicken, sliced. 1 tablespoonful of sugar. LA cup celery shredded. 3 tablespoonfuls of >4 cup onions , s l iced. Oriental Show-You Sauce. 1 cup mushrooms. 2 cups Oriental Show-You Bean Sprouts.

Remove the bones f rom the chicken. Cut and slice the meat into thin, small pieces. In the meantime, boil the bones to get the broth for gravy. Follow the recipe on Plain Chop-Suey.

Yur Gor Mein—Noodles 1 package of noodles. 2 hard boiled eggs. 3 cups chicken broth. Oriental Show-YTou Sauce. Boil dried fine noodles and r inse them in cold water. Heat the chicken broth . Season it with Oriental Show-You Sauce. Add the noodles and boil them for a few minutes . Serve it in a deep bowl, garnishing wi th boiled eggs—cut in halves—and roasted chicken or pork sliced if you have any; spr inkle chopped parsley and green onion (shredded) over it.

Wor Mein (Noodles) This is made in the same way as Yur Gor Mein. Have plenty of noodles wi th very l i t t le soup. Thicken slightly wi th corn s tarch. Heap the noodles in individual bowls; add a l i t t le chop-suey on top of it, and garnish it with parsley and shredded green onions.

Asparagus Chop-Suey This is prepared same as Pla in Chop-Suey. Add a l i t t le asparagus .

Sardine and Rice. 1 can of large sardines . 2 tablespoonful Show-You in tomato sauce. Sauce. 1 teaspoon sugar.

Open a can of large sardines in toma to sauce. Empty the contents in a ski l le t ; add sugar and Show-You Sauce; and heat . Serve wi th hot rice.

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Demand Oriental Show-You Brand. Chicken Chow Mein

Make chop-suey, following the recipe on Chicken Chop-Suey. Add more corn s tarch to make chop-suey heavier. Get a can of Oriental Show-You Chow-Mein Noodles, which are a l ready f r ied and ready to serve. Place the Chow-Mein Noodles in a plat-te r ; pour chop-suey over them; garnish with str ips of white meat of roasted chicken or Japanese roast pork and shredded green onion. Or decorate with ha rd boiled eggs, parsley, and a few str ips of bacon, f r ied. Serve it with plain boiled rice as a side dish. If you wish, make your own noodles accord-ing to the recipe below.

How to Make Chow-Mein Noodles 1 cup flour. 2 eggs.

Make noodles wi th one cup of flour and two eggs wi th a pinch of salt . Spread them on a board. Dry about two hours ; then cut them in-to fine strips. Ins tead of boiling the noodles f ry them in a deep oil l ike doughnuts . If oil is hot, they will f r y in a minu te or two. Do not put too many noodles into the pan, for the oil boils up as soon as noodles a re added.

Chop sparer ibs in length of one to two inches, and separa te each r ib ; f ry in skillet unt i l it gets t ender ; dra in off the grease; then add Orienta l Show-You Sauce, sugar , pineapple, and i ts juice. Boil under cover unt i l the liquid becomes al-most dry. Now mix green pepper and cook about fou r minutes . Serve th i s wi th hot rice.

(For four persons)

Mandarin Sparerib 1 y2 lbs. spareribs. 1 cup pineapple. y 2 cup pineapple juice.

1 teaspoonful sugar . 1 green pepper, sliced. 3 tablespoonfuls of Oriental Show-You Sauce.

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Because it is a good article. Egg Foo-Yong

% cup fresh pork, veal or chicken, sliced fine. xk cup onion, sliced.

Vz cup celery, shredded.

4 eggs. Oriental Show-You Sauce. 2 cups Oriental Show-You

B e a n Sprouts . Slice the meat into very thin, small pieces and

boil for about ten minutes in a pan with a little water. Put the onion and celery into the same pan; season with Oriental Show-You Sauce to suit your taste; then cook them all together for several minutes. Drain the liquid into a bowl and save it for gravy. Cool off the in-gredient in a large bowl. When it becomes cold, add beaten eggs and a teaspoonful of corn starch; then mix all together, adding the Bean Sprouts.

Now heat two tablespoonfuls of lard or olive oil in a skillet. Fry the mixture as you would three pan cakes. Brown both sides.

In making a gravy take the liquid you saved; add Oriental Show-You Sauce and sugar; thick-en slightly with flour.

Serve this with hot rice or bread. Should you desire, you may add boiled noodles in the mix-ture, instead of celery, or use both.

Japanese Soup 2 cups of chicken broth 3 leaves of lettuce.

or meat stock. Oriental Show-You Sauce.

Add about two cups of water to the broth, and cook lettuce in it about five minutes. Add a little Oriental ShoAv-You Sauce to make light brown color. Add V2 teaspoonful of sugar. Take out the lettuce or strain the soup. Sprinkle chopped parsley and serve.

For Gravies and Soups Add a little Oriental Show-You Sauce to all

kinds of soups and gravies. It improves the flavor and taste, and fu r the rmore gives excel-lent color.

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Chops and Steaks Show-You Sauce is excellent on pork chops and steaks, f r ied or broiled.

Braised Steak Get a thick round s teak and cut into size of small chops. Pound in all the flour it will take. Fry in a greased pan till b rown; pour over one cup of catsup or one and one-half cupfuls of to-matoes ; s immer about two hours, adding water as needed. This may be cooked in oven if you desire. In making a gravy, season it wi th Oriental Show-You Sauce.

For Broiling Meats Steaks, Spr ing Chickens, Chops, Fish, F r o g Legs and Lobster

Broiling meats over a hot fire or under a gas flame gives bet ter flavor. Use very l i t t le salt , and a few minutes before they are done, bas te wi th Oriental Show-You Sauce. This will pre-serve the sweetness of the meats and enr ich the color. In broil ing spring chicken under a gas flame, if you keep a l i t t le water in the pan on which the chicken is placed, the meat will be tender and juicy.

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Use Oriental Show-You Bean Sprouts. For Roast Meats

In roas t ing any meat , use less salt t han usual . About eight minutes before the meat is done, baste it with Orienta l Show-You Sauce. It gives the richest brown color and improves its flavor. Fried Chicken

In making gravy, add a l i t t le Show-You Sauce and a pinch of sugar . It improves the flavor and taste. Serve chicken, hot or cold, with Show-You Sauce. Braisied Rabbit

Cut a rabbi t as you would for frying, roll in flour, and f ry in a well greased pan till golden brown. Pour in two cups of water and one-third cup of Oriental Show-You Sauce. Cover and let it boil about two hours. Add water as needed to keep f rom burning. The rabbi t cooked in th is way has almost no gamy taste . Turkey or Chicken Hash

In prepar ing tu rkey or chicken hash, a few drops of Oriental Show-You Sauce improves the flavor and taste .

How to Use Left-Over Meats Grind or chop up left-over meats with pota-toes, cold or raw. Cook them in gravy or soup. Add litt le chopped onion. Season with Orienta l Show-You Sauce, a pinch of sugar and salt . Thicken sl ightly wi th flour, and serve it on toasts. If you desire, you may add Orienta l Show-You Bean Sprouts .

Fried Potatoes Try Show-You Sauce on French f r ied or Ger-man f r ied potatoes.

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Use Oriental Show-You Sauce. Baked Beans

In cooking baked beans, add a l i t t le Oriental Sliow-You Sauce. It improves the tas te and color.

An addit ion of Orienta l Show-You Sauce to canned baked beans improves thei r taste .

Fried Rice Bacon. Oriental Show-You Sauce. Rice.

Cook the rice first. Let it s tand for half an hour before f rying. If you have left-over rice, use it. Chop up a few slices of bacon in small pieces; f ry in a pan till it becomes brown. Then take out the bacon, leaving the grease in the pan. F ry the rice in this, and add bacon to the rice, mixing them well. F ry all together for a few minutes . Serve it wi th Oriental Show-You Sauce. If you have any left-over rice, it is more desirable for th is purpose than newly cooked rice.

It makes a delicious b reakfas t dish. Tuna Fish with Rice

1 s m a l l can of t u n a fish. y 2 lb. r ice. Cook the rice first. Before opening the can of t u n a fish, place it in boiling water and heat . Heap up the hot rice in the center of a p la t ter . Removing the fish f rom the can, place it a round the rice. Garnish it wi th a few sprigs of pars-ley. Serve it wi th Orienta l Show-You Sauce. If you desire, you may serve t u n a fish in a separa te plate or bowl. Cold t u n a fish on hot rice is also good wi th Or ienta l Show-You Sauce. Fried Fish Fry t h e fish wi th very l i t t le salt , garn ish with

sliced lemon, and serve it with Oriental Show-You Sauce.

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Baked Fish W i t h Tomato Sauce Open a can of tomatoes and s t ra in th rough a sieve to remove the seeds and the skins. Pour the pulp on the fish. You may add l i t t le water if needed. Add a piece of onion. Bake the fish as usual . About fifteen minutes before the fish is done, season the tomato sauce with Oriental Show-You Sauce and a pinch of sugar and salt. Bake it again. This is delicious.

Creamed Crab Meat on Toast Open a small can of crab meat and t ake out the fine bones. F r y the meat in a well bu t te red skillet for a few minutes , add y 2 pint of milk, a pinch of salt, one teaspoonful of white sugar , and one small tablespoonful of Oriental Show-You Sauce. Thicken slightly wi th flour. Serve it on toast . An egg may be added in the flour. Garnish it wi th parsley and slices of lemon.

Oyster Cocktail Sauce 1 tablespoonful tomato I tablespoonful of ca t sup . Oriental Show-You Sauce. y 2 teaspoonful lemon juice. A gra t ing of horseradish.

Mix the above ingredients , and chill thorough-ly on ice. Serve on r aw oysters. Boiled crab and lobster may be used same way.

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Use Show-You Chow-Mein Noodles. La Tempura No. 1

( F r i t t e r s ) 1 parsnip. 1 carrot. 1 sweet potato. % cup water. A pinch of salt.

1 cup flour. 1 teaspoonful sugar. 2 eggs, beaten. % teaspoonful baking

For Bat ter :

powder. Clean the parsnip and the car ro t ; slice them lengthwise into small s tr ips like young str ing beans. Peel the pota to and slice crosswise into thick-ness of % inch. Wash the vegetables and dry them on a towel for a few minutes . , In the meant ime, heat plenty of oil in a deep pan jus t as you would for f ry ing doughnuts . For bat ter , mix the eggs, flour, water , sugar, salt, and baking powder all together in a large bowl; then beat well. You are now ready to f ry . Dip the potatoes into the ba t te r and drop them into the hot oil one by one. F ry them unti l thoroughly done. Pu t all the parsnips into the bat ter , and drop about six s t r ips together into the oil. F ry the car ro ts in the same manner . This dish is al-ways served wi th La Tempura sauce, the recipe of which you find in th is book. Oriental Show-You Sauce is good on this dish. Serve hot rice as a side dish. If you desire, you may use one kind of vege-table only. Young s t r ing beans and eggplant may be used likewise.

Oriental Show-You Sauce. 1 t a b l e s p o o n f u l s u g a r . Pour Oriental Show-You Sauce, water , and sugar all toge ther into a small pan ; then heat it to the boiling point. You are now ready to use it. If you have mea t stock, use it in place of water .

La Tempura Sauce 3 tablespoonfuls of 6 tablespoonfuls water.

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La Tempura No. 2 Get one pound of green sh r imps—they must be strictly f resh . Peel off the skin or shells, but leave the tails. Wi th a small par ing kni fe split the back ha l fway th rough . Remove the ent ra i l s and sand. Wash well; lay on a towel and wipe off all the water . Prepare ba t te r as shown in the recipe for La Tempura No. 1, and drop them one by one in hot oil and f ry unt i l they are thoroughly done. If you f ry them too long, they will become tough and tasteless. Shrimps and vegetables may be served to-gether. Lay them on a large pla t ter and garnish with sprays of parsley. Serve hot rice as a side dish. Use La Tempura Sauce or Oriental Show-You Sauce for seasoning.

La Tempura No. 3 (F i sh or Scallop F r i t t e r s ) Remove the bones of a fish and cut it in pieces of suitable size. Scallops should be washed and dried on cloth. If they are large size, split them. Fry one by one in ba t te r in the same manner as described for La Tempura No. 1.

Steak Smothered in Chow-Mein Noodles After s teak is broiled or f r ied and gravy made as usual, lay the s teak on a p la t ter . Garnish with Chow-Mein Noodles and pour the gravy over the Noodles. This is delicious. Smoked Herrings in Show-You Sauce.

y 2 lb. smoked herrings. y 2 cup Show-You Sauce. 1 tablespoon sugar. Soak the her r ings in cold water about twenty minutes. W a s h thoroughly . P u t Show-You Sauce and sugar in skillet, and heat . When the sauce begins to foam add the her r ings and cook ten minutes . This is excellent wi th hot rice, and may be served as entree .

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Demand Oriental Show-You Brand. Sunday Lunch

Strips of chicken breast . % cup Oriental Show-You 2 tablespoons sugar . Sauce. Remove the bones f rom the breas t ; soak and

roas t the white meat following the recipe on Japanese Roast Pork . This makes an excellent J cold lunch.

For Spaghetti or Macaroni Season them with Oriental Show-You Sauce.

This will add excellent flavor and color besides enriching the taste .

Mandarin Chicken Dress and clean young broil ing chicken; sepa-ra te jo ints ; chop them (with bones) in length of a half inch. Cook same way as Mandar in Spare-rib.

Bean Sprout Omelet (j slices bacon, chopped. % cup green onion chop-5 eggs. ped. 2 c u p s Oriental Show-You Bean Sprouts. Fry the bacon and cool off. Beat the eggs a few t imes with fo rk ; add all the ingredients ; and mix them well. F ry the mixture in the bacon grease like pan cakes. Serve it with Oriental Show-You Sauce. An addit ion of green pepper will improve the omelet.

Pork Chops ( J a p a n Style)

6 pork chops. % cupful of c u p f u l w a t e r . Oriental Show-You Sauce. 1 tablespoonfiil sugar. P u t above ingredients except chops in a skil-let and br ing to boil. Cook chops in the liquid unt i l it becomes almost dry. If you can obtain sher ry wine, use it instead of water . Wine will give bet ter flavor and mea t will be tender .

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Use Oriental Show-You Bean Sprouts. Spanish Rice

2 cups rice. 1 cup tomatoes. 1 cup tomato juice. % cu p water.

y 2 cup chopped onion. % cup chopped green pep-per. V2 cup bacon, chopped. 1 tablespoonful of Oriental Show-You Sauce. Fry bacon, onion and green pepper unti l they g< t brown. In the meant ime wash rice. Pu t all the ingredients including a half of the bacon grease in a deep pan with cover. Boil it about five minutes on a hot fire; then lower the gas flame as low as you can make, or leave on slow fire about twenty-five minutes or more. Mix well and serve with Oriental Show-You Sauce.

Fried Cabbage Serve f r ied cabbage with Oriental Show-You Sauce. It is excellent.

Lima Beans and Navy Beans Prepare beans in your favor i te way, and serve

with Oriental Show-You Sauce.

You'll find the t ang and zest supplied by Oriental Show-You Sauce will give a new rel ish to your b reakfas t of bacon and eggs. F ry your eggs without salt, and serve with Orienta l Show-You Sauce.

Boil a small piece of soup meat or bones; add a pinch of salt and sugar ; and put in enough Oriental Show-You Sauce to make a l ight am-ber color. This is delicious and has more nour-ishment t han prepared beef tea.

Fried Bacon and Eggs

Fresh Beef Tea

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Use Oriental Show-You Sauce. Squab in Nest

Clean squabs, stuff dressing in, and roast them like chicken.

Make noodles with one cup of flour and two eggs with a pinch of salt . Spread them on a board or paper. Dry about two hours ; then cut them into fine strips. Ins tead of boiling the noodles f ry them in deep oil like doughnuts . I t ' s be t ter to use a deep pan about six inches in diameter . Throw in the noodles. Use a large spoon to push them down in the middle so tha t they resemble a nest . If oil is hot, they will f ry in a minute or two. Do not put too many noodles into the pan, for the oil boils up as soon as noodles are added.

Remove the noodles very careful ly f rom the oil, and lay them on a wrapping paper to drain. If th is is properly done, the f r ied noodles are in the shape of a nest . Lay the noodles on a plat-t e r ; place roas t squab in each nest. This is our original recipe and is ent irely new.

Demand Oriental Show-You Brand.

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Rice Curry with Lamb. 1 y2 lbs. lamb. 1 large onion. 1 cup carrots, cut in small dice. 1 cup Show-You Bean Sprouts. 1 teaspoon sugar.

2 tablespoons butter . 2 teaspoons curry powder. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon Show-You Sauce. y 2 lb. rice.

Cut the lamb into small square pieces and boil three minutes ; pour off the water and r inse the meat in cold wa te r ; now put the meat into the ket t le and add one quar t of boiling wa te r ; put in the onion and the carrots . Cook slowly until the meat is t ender ; then remove it and strain the liquor into a bowl. Melt the bu t te r in a pan and add l i t t le flour di luted in cold wa-ter; then add curry powder, salt , sugar , Bean Sprouts, and s t ra ined liquor. Cook a few min-utes and add the meat . Heat the ingredients thoroughly. Serve with a border of hot rice.

Rice Curry with Chicken. iy 2 lbs. chicken. 2 teaspoon curry powder. 2 tablespoon butter . 1 teaspoon salt. 1 onion. rice. y2 teaspoon sugar. 1 teaspoon Show-You Sauce.

Clean and remove the bones f r o m chicken, and cut into small pieces. P u t bu t te r in a hot ski l let ; add the mea t and cook ten min-utes; add gizzard, liver and onion; and cook about th i r ty minutes longer. Add curry powder, sugar, and salt . Now add enough boiling water to cover, and s immer unt i l mea t is tender . Strain the l iquor into ano ther pan ; th icken it slightly with flour di luted wi th cold wa te r ; heat it; mix all together . The s t r eng th and flavor of curry varies according to g rade ; so you may add more or less to suit your tas te . Serve wi th a border of hot rice.

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Use Show-You Chow-Mein Noodles. Oyster and Macaroni Croquettes.

y 2 cup macaroni, broken. Few grains of cayenne. 1 pint oysters. Few grains mace. 1 cup white sauce. Few drops of lemon juice. % cup grated cheese. Boil macaroni in salt water unt i l tender , drain in a colander, and pour cold water over macar-oni. Clean and parboil oysters, and cut them in pieces. Mix macaroni and oysters, add sauce and seasoning. Cool the ingredients . Shape, dip in bread crumbs, egg, and bread crumbs again. F ry in deep fa t , and drain. Serve with Orienta l Show-You Sauce.

Salmon Croquettes. 1 y2 cups cold flaked sal- 1 cup white sauce. mon. Few drops lemon juice. Few grains cayenne.

Make white sauce, add salmon and seasonings. Cool the ingredients thoroughly . Shape in bread crumbs, egg and crumbs again. Fry in deep fa t . Serve with Orienta l Show-You Sauce. Japanese Crabmeat Omelet.

1 small can crabmeat 3 green onions, sliced 4 eggs. y2 green pepper, cut in 1 teaspoon sugar. dice. 1 teaspoon Show-You Sauce. P u t a l i t t le chunk of bu t te r in a skillet and heat the onions and the green pepper a few minutes ; and remove f rom the fire. Beat the eggs slightly wi th fork . Add crabmeat , onions, green pepper, sugar , and Show-You Sauce. But-ter an omelet pan; put in one-half the mixture ; cook unt i l egg is set. Turn mixture . Cut the omelet diagonally and serve wi th Oriental Show-You Sauce.

Japanese Lobster Omelet. Follow the above recipe. Use boiled lobster

mea t in place of c rabmeat .

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Creamed Asparagus with Chow-Mein Noodles Prepare creamed asparagus as usual . Lay Chow-Mein Noodles on p la t ter and put the as-paragus over the noodles. Try it. This is ex-cellent.

Japanese Roast Pork 2 pork tenderloins. y 2 cup Oriental Show-You 2 tablespoons sugar . Sauce.

Split the tenderloin into two pieces. Mix half a cup of Oriental Show-You Sauce and two tablespoonfuls of sugar in a deep bowl. Now soak the meat in th is l iquor over night . When you roast it, pour the l iquor and the meat into a roasting pan; then roast it, bast ing f r equen t -ly. This could be served hot or cold. In serv-ing this cold, it is advisable to slice it diagonal-ly, and lay the pieces on a p la t ter , garn ish ing with parsley. This cold roast pork makes ex-cellent garnishing for Chow-Mein. If you wish, use pork shoulder . But the meat must be cut in s t r ips l ike tender loin .

Sardine Sandwiches 1 can of sardines. 1 teaspoonfui of 2 yolks of boiled eggs. Oriental Show-You Sauce.

y 2 cup Oriental Show-You Bean Sprouts. Remove skin and bones f rom sardines, and

break them by fork . Chop Bean Sprouts in small pieces. Add yolks of ha rd boiled-eggs rubbed th rough a sieve, and mix all together . Season with Orienta l Show-You Sauce, cayenne pepper, and a few drops of lemon juice; moisten with olive oil or mel ted bu t te r if necessary. Spread mixture between th in slice of bu t t e red bread.

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Use Oriental Show~You Sauce. Creamed Bean Sprouts on Toasts

Open a can of Show-You Bean Sprouts, cream them like asparagus , and serve on toasts. A few drops of Show-You Sauce in the dressing im-prove the flavor. Ham Sandwiches.

Mix Show-You Sauce, lemon juice, and dry mus ta rd ; spread it on boiled or baked ham for sandwiches. Frankfurter Sandwiches

Ei ther boiled or broiled f r a n k f u r t e r s dipped in Show-You Sauce make excellent sandwiches. Try it.

Bean Sprout Sandwiches Follow the recipe of Bean Sprout Omelet. P u t omelet between slices of bread. Use a few drops of Oriental Show-You Sauce for seasoning. Cold omelet could be used as well as hot.

Tomato and Bean Sprout Salad 2 tomatoes, sliced. 2 cups Oriental Show-You Le t tuce . Bean Sprouts.

Lay the le t tuce leaves in a bowl. Place the sliced toma-toes and the Show-You Bean Sprouts in the center . Serve wi th mayonnaise dressing.

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Use Oriental Show-You Bean Sprouts. Bean Sprout Cold Slaw

Use Oriental Show-You Bean Sprouts instead of cabbage. Try this wi th Japanese Creamed Dressing. Tuna Fish and Cucumber Salad

Prepare cucumber same way as Pla in Cu-cumber Salad. Add a l i t t le can of t u n a fish, and serve with Mikado Salad Dressing. Sardines may be used instead of t una fish.

Shrimp Salad 1 can of shrimp, chopped. 2 cups Oriental Sliow-You cup celery, chopped. Bean Sprouts. J/2 green pepper.

Mix shrimp, celery, green pepper and sprouts thoroughly. Add mayonnaise or boiled dress-ing. Garnish with let tuce leaves and parsley.

Stuffed Tomato Salad Prepare tomatoes same as for Tomatoes Stuf-fed with Pineapple. Refill with finely cut cel-ery, apple, sardines, and Orienta l Show-You Bean Sprouts. Serve with mayonnaise, and gar-nish with let tuce.

Plain Cucumber Salad Peal skin; split in two; remove seeds; and

slice in thickness of paper if possible. Wi th a handful of salt squeeze them thoroughly unt i l they become tender . Add l i t t le water and leave it five minutes ; then wash them, pour ing cold water on. Place the cucumber on a cloth; press and drain the water .

Serve this wi th Mikado Salad Dressing on Page 23.

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Use Show-You Chow-Mein Noodles. Lobster and Cucumber Salad

Prepa re cucumber same way as Plain Cucum-ber Salad. Add boiled lobster meat , and serve wi th Mikado Salad Dressing. If you desire, use crab meat or shr imp instead of lobster . This is also delicious.

Fruit Salad B a n a n a . Oriental Show-You Bean Orange. Sprouts. Celery. Cut banana and pulp of orange; chop celery; and add Oriental Show-You Bean Sprouts. Serve it with mayonnaise dressing which is sea-soned with Oriental Show-You Sauce.

Combination Salad 1 cup celery, chopped. y2 cucumber, sliced. 1 cup Oriental Show-You y 2 green pepper, sliced. Bean Sprouts.

Serve it wi th mayonnaise or Japanese Cream-ed Dressing. Japanese Mayonnaise Dressing

Prepa re mayonnaise dressing as usual ; add a few drops of Or ienta l Show-You Sauce. An ad-dition of the sauce to th is prepara t ion will de-stroy the offensive oily tas te .

French Dressing y± teaspoon salt. 4 tablespoons olive oil. 14 teaspoon pepper. 1 tablespoon 1 t a b l e s p o o n v i n e g a r . Oriental Show-You Sauce.

Pu t ingredients in small j a r and shake thor-oughly. If you wish add a few drops of onion juice. F rench Dressing is more easily prepar-ed and largely used t han any other dressing.

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Because it is a good article. Japanese Cream Salad Dressing

M» tablespoonful of 1 tablespoonful of vinegar. Oriental Show-You Sauce. 1 t a b l e s p o o n f u l of mi lk or 1 tablespoonful of sugar. cream. Mix sugar, vinegar, and Orienta l Show-You Sauce first. After s t i r r ing them well, add milk or cream and stir them again. Use a l i t t le pep-per for seasoning if you so desire. Milk or cream must be added last to pre-vent its curdling.

Mikado Salad Dressing l/j tablespoonful of 1 tablespoonful of sugar. Oriental Show-You Sauce. 1 t a b l e s p o o n f u l of v i n e g a r .

1 tablespoonful of water. Stir the above ingredients together . Season it with red or black pepper. This is excellent on lettuce or cold slaw. The RED SUN and "Show-You" on the labels are absolute guaran tee of superior quality.

Recipes given in th is book are not complete by any means; but will suggest many uses of "Show-You" Sauce and "Show-You" Beau Sprouts in American dishes as well as in Orien-tal dishes. If American housewives profit by this booklet, it will accomplish our aim.

The Home of Oriental Show-You Products.

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INDEX CHOP SUEY Hints for Chop-Suey . . 2 Chop-Suey Sauce 2 Plain Chop-Suey 3 Chinese Chop-Suey . . . 4 Tomato Chop-Suey 4 Japanese Chop-Suey . . . 4 Mushroom Chop-Suey . 4 Chicken Chop-Suey . . . 5 A-sparagus Clrop-Suey . 5 Show-You Bean Sprouts 1 Show-You Mixed Vegetables 1

EGGS Egg Foo-Yong 7 Bean Sprouts Omelet 14 Bacon & Eggs 15 E N T R E E S Oyster & Macaroni Croquettes 18 Salmon Croquettes « 18

F I S H Fried Fish 10 Baked Fish 11 Creamed Crab on Toast 11 J a p Crab Omelet 18 J a p Lobster Omelet ..18 Smoked Herr ings 13 F R I T T E R S La Tempura No. 1 12 La Tempura Sauce . . .12 La Tempura No. 2 . . .13 La Tempura No. 3 . . . 13 MEATS Chops & Steaks 8 Braised Steak 8 For Broiling Meats . . 8 Roast Meats 9 Fried Chicken 9 Braised Rabbit 9 Turkey, or Chicken Hash 9 Mandarine Spareribs . . 6 Lef t Over Meats 9 Sunday Lunch 14 Mandarine Chicken 14 Pork Chops 14 Squab in Nest 16 J a p Roast Pork 19 Steak & Chow-Mein Noodles 13

SOUPS & GRAVIES Japanese Soup 7 For Gravy & Soups . . 7 Fresh Beef Tea 15

MISCELLANEOUS Fried Potatoes 9 Fried Cabbage 15 Lima Beans 15 Creamed Sprouts on Toast 20 Baked Beans 10 Oyster Cocktail Sauce 11 NOODLES Chicken Chow-Mein . . 6 To Make Chow-Mein Noodles 6 Yur Gor Mein (noodles) 5 Wor Mein (noodles) . . 5 Show-You Chow Mein Noodles 1 Spaghetti or Macaroni 14 Creamed Asparagus with Chow Mein noodles 19

RICE How to Cook Rice . . . 3 Sardine & Rice 5 Fried Rice 10 Tuna Fish & Rice 10 Spanish Rice 15 Rice Curry with Lamb 17 Rice Curry with Chicken 17 SALADS & D R E S S I N G S Tomato & Bean Sprout Salad 20 Bean Sprouts Cold Slaw 21 Jap . Mayonnaise Dressing 22 Tuna Fish & Cucum-ber Salad 21 Shrimp Salad 21 Stuffed Tomato Salad 21 Plain Cucumber Salad 21 Lobster & Cucumber Salad 22 Fru i t Salad 22 Combination Salad 22 French Dressing 22 J a p Creamed Salad Dressing 23 Mikado Salad Dress-ing 23

S A N D W I C H E S Sardine Sandwiches . . .19 Ham Sandwiches 20 F rankfu r t e r Sand-wiches 20 Bean Sprouts Sand-wiches 20

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Importance of "Show-You" Products You can enjoy your food to the utmost if

you use "Show-You" Sauce, "Show-You" Bean Sprouts and "Show-You" Chow-Mein Noodles, which contain those essential food factors that supply vigor and energy.

Recipes given in this book are not com-plete by any means; but will suggest many uses of "Show-You" Sauce and "Show-You" Bean Sprouts in American dishes as well as in Oriental dishes. If American housewives profit by this booklet, it will accomplish our aim.

The RED SUN and "Show-You" on the labels are absolute guarantee of sup-perior quality.

Try our Chow-Mein Noodles and Bean Sprouts. They are ready to use. Ask your grocer to get them for you.

Page 28: Distributed By Central Grocery

ORIENTAL S H O W - Y O U CO. Columbia City, Indiana.