distil networks-api-security-data-sheet


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Due in large part to a rise in API-centric development, APIs are becoming an increasingly integral part of

the digital world. However, many organizations struggle to manage the security of APIs, relying on simple

authentication tokens or basic IP rate limiting to guard critical API attack vectors.

The Distil API Security solution protects all types of APIs including those serving web browsers, mobile

applications, and Internet of Things (IoT) connected devices. Distil API Security defends against developer

errors and automated API scraping, as well as web and mobile API hijacking.

Easy and accurate API security for web, mobile, and machine-to-machine communication.

Key Benefits

● Reduce security risk and downtime across

critical API attack vectors

● Protect API endpoints from runaway scripts and

developer errors

● Ensure users are adhering to API terms of service

● Deploy in minutes without coding, regardless of

where APIs are in their development cycle

Trusted by the world’s most successful websites

“Distil provides API security based on ID Tokens in addition to

IP addresses, which allows me to enforce partner agreements

and the terms of service for my APIs, even if a user tries to

change tokens or dynamically changes IP addresses. This is a

truly unique approach to API security which raises the bar

above what has previously been available to secure APIs.”

Shane Ward

Senior Director of Technology


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Most API security solutions track API usage through

IP addresses. Unfortunately, users or would-be

attackers often change IP addresses, or rotate API

tokens in order to circumvent rate limits. According

to the 2016 Distil Networks Bad Bot Landscape

Report, as much as 73% of automated attackers use

multiple IP addresses in their attacks, with 20% of

those using more than 100 IP addresses.

Unlike competing solutions,

Distil Networks goes beyond

simple IP address tracking, to

includes granular API usage

monitoring via a combination

of both ID tokens and IP

addresses. This granular

approach enables Distil to detect and block

sophisticated attacks like token spamming, token

distribution, and IP cycling which would otherwise

bypass traditional API security controls.


Distil API Security boasts multiple deployment

options including a cloud based CDN and physical

or virtual appliances. Regardless of which type of

deployment best matches your web infrastructure,

all Distil API Security implementations are

compatible with any type of API, regardless of

where they are in the development cycle.


Easy configuration, and multiple deployment

options (Cloud CDN | Appliance | AWS)

● Instant-on for existing Distil Networks customers

● Add to any API in minutes regardless of where

APIs are in the development cycle

● No coding required

Token-based User Tracking

● Seamless compatibility with existing token

names and locations

● Token-specific tracking enables device level

granularity often lost at the IP level

Advanced Rate Limiting

● Multi-tiered rate limiting provides graduated

enforcement options for violations based on

tokens or IP addresses

● Per token and Per IP rate limiting to prevent

token cycling and token distribution, two

common weaknesses to IP-only rate limiting

Dynamic Access Control Lists

● Self-deprecating ACLs and dynamic IP addresses

ensure that whitelists and blacklists are never

stale or affected by IP drift

● Geofencing by country or organization/ISP

Programmatic Control

● Full featured public API access provides

integration of the Distil API Security service with

existing security solutions for on-the-fly rule

changes, event investigation, and ACL updates


Distil Networks is the first easy and accurate way to identify and police malicious website traffic, blocking 99.9% of

bad bots without impacting legitimate users. Distil creates market leading solutions which help protect your web

applications from bots, API abuse, and fraud, including:

Bot Detection & Mitigation

Distil’s self-optimizing protection

leverages machine learning algorithms,

real time device fingerprinting, and

the world’s largest Known Violators

Database to block even the most advanced

persistent bots.

Distil High Touch Service (HTS)

Distil’s experienced security analysts

provide HTS customers with real-

time threat monitoring, analysis,

investigation, as well as post-incident

reports and best practices to ensure a rapid response

to malicious bot attacks.