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    Candidate Number: 35747

    MSc in China in Comparative Perspectives (Anthropology Department) 2007

    Dissertation in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree

    Foreign Direct Investment in China and India: Development

    Experiences and Determinants in a Comparative Perspective

    Word Count: 9965

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    List of Abbreviations and acronyms

    List of Tables









    2.3SUMMARY 17






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    4.3SOCIETY 41



    4.6LEGAL SYSTEM 46

    4.7SUMMARY 48


    5.1FINDINGS 49





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    I express my deep sense of gratitude to Professor Stephan Feuchtwang for

    his talented suggestions and intellectual stimulus on this dissertation. I

    would also like to thank Dr. Victor Teo and all other staff in the

    Anthropology Department for their tutoring and support throughout the

    year. Special thanks go to the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office and

    the British Council for their generous financial help with my study in the

    London School of Economics and Political Science.

    I am deeply indebted to my daughter, Youyou Hu, for the immense

    sacrifice she has made for bearing my absence, when she needed me most.

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    The analogies between Chinese and Indian economies draw obvious

    comparison. This research seeks to understand the FDI inflows and

    examines the main determinants in the two countries. Since the empirical

    work over the past decades has not produced consensus as to the

    determinants of FDI, Dunnings O-L-I paradigm offers a unified

    framework of the various theories. To identify the differences of

    determinants of FDI inflows in China and India, the changing patterns of

    FDI are closely studied with special reference to the source countries of

    FDI, the sectoral composition and regional distribution. Moreover, this

    study develops a PESTEL framework for analyzing the recent

    experiences and determinants of FDI inflows in China and India. It

    concludes that on the determinants of political and FDI policies,

    economic development, society and business environment, China does

    better than India; whilst India is ahead of China in terms of technology

    and legal system.

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    List of Abbreviations and acronyms

    CJV Contractual Joint Venture

    EJV Equity Joint Venture

    EU European Union

    FDI Foreign Direct Investment

    GBPC Global Business Policy Council

    IPA Investment Promotion Agency

    IT Information Technology

    IPR Intellectual Property Right

    LDC Less Developed Country

    MNC Multinational Corporation

    MNE Multinational Enterprise

    NIE Newly Industrializing Economies

    OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

    SEZ Special Economic Zone

    TNC Transnational Corporation

    UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

    WFOE Wholly Foreign-owned Venture

    WTO World Trade Organization

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    List of tables

    TABLE 3.1 FDI INFLOWS IN CHINA 1979-2005 18




    CHINA, 1979-2005 24


    INDIA, AUG. 1991-2005 26







    INDIA (YEAR 2005) 38



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    Foreign Direct Investment in China and India: Development

    Experiences and Determinants in a Comparative Perspective

    1. IntroductionChina and India enjoy a lot in common: long histories, giant markets,

    huge populations and soaring growth rates. Both countries have an

    ancient and prestigious cultural heritage; both are under the influence of

    the Soviet model and have embraced economic reform and liberalization

    China in the late 1970s and India in the early 1990s. Now both are in

    the process of liberalizing their economies as they open up to foreign

    direct investment (FDI), which is not at the same stage and we shall take

    a closer look at it below.

    FDI has increasingly been considered as a catalyst to market growth

    for the developing countries, particularly in countries such as China and

    India. More importantly, besides supplementing capital, FDI, as a

    principal conduit of technology upgrade, know-how transfer and

    managing skills exchange, heralds the globalisation of host economies

    (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. 2005; UNCTAD


    The global competition for FDI among developing countries is

    increasing and in this context, both China and India are aiming for a high

    share of the FDI pot for they are now getting increasingly integrated with

    the global economy as they open up their markets to international trade

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    and investment inflows.

    The remaining sections of the paper are as follows. The theoretical

    justification for the research propositions is examined in Chapter 2. In

    Chapter 3, a overview of FDI trends and patterns in both countries is

    presented. The changing patterns of FDI are closely studied with special

    reference to the source countries of FDI, the sectoral composition and

    regional distribution, which are used as the background information for

    following chapters. Relevant determinants of FDI inflows into each

    country are discussed and compared in Chapter 4 by using a PESTEL

    analysis format. Finally, the major findings of the paper are summarized

    in Chapter 5. The policy implications are addressed and the limitations of

    the study are highlighted before presenting the future research directions.

    2. Determinants of FDI: A Theoretical Exposition

    The past three decades have witnessed the emergence of a sizable body of

    literature dealing with various dimensions of the determinants and

    motives of FDI flow. A review of these studies is essential to know about

    the different determinants of FDI and to see how far these determinants

    can be applied in the following empirical study on China and India. The

    first section of this chapter seeks to define FDI and the impact and effects

    of FDI. The second section then reviews the existing discussion on FDI

    and shows that FDI is determined by different factors under different

    macro economic conditions.

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    2.1 Foreign Direct Investment Defined

    FDI is an important instrument in the process of globalization and plays a

    crucial role in the development of the economies of the developing

    countries. As defined by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and

    Development (OECD), it reflects the objective of obtaining a lasting

    interest by a resident entity in one country (direct investor) in an entity

    resident in an economy other than that of the investor (direct investment

    enterprise). Krugman and Obstfeld define FDI as international

    capital flows in which a firm in one country creates or expands a

    subsidiary in another (Krugman and Obstfeld 2000: p.159). They go on

    to highlight that the distinct feature of FDI is that it involves not only the

    transfer of resources but also the acquisition of control. Sdersten and

    Reed further point out that FDI is in essence a bundle of capital,

    technology and management skills transmitted by multinational

    enterprises (MNEs) or transnational corporations (TNCs) (Sdersten and

    Reed 1994: p.489).

    Unlike conventional definitions of FDI, the official Chinese

    counterpart incorporates three forms of direct foreign-invested enterprises

    1(sanzi qiye). They are equity joint venture (EJV) (hezi jingying qiye),

    contractual joint venture (CJV) (hezuo jingying qiye) and wholly

    foreign-owned venture (WFOE) (waishang duzi jingying qiye) (Huang

    1 They are usually established through 1) mergers and acquisitions with another company; 2) a direct subsidiary(greenfield FDI); 3) an EJV; and 4) buying a controlling stake of the public listed company.

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    In case of India, the earlier definition of FDI differed from that of the

    IMF, as well as that of the World Investment Report compiled by the

    United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)2.

    Since 2003, with the establishment of the Technical Monitoring Group on

    Foreign Direct Investment, a new method of compilation of the FDI

    statistics has been adopted in India, which makes the data internationally

    comparable. The new system includes equity capital, reinvested earnings

    and other capital, which are mainly intra-company loans (Tamuli 2006:


    Much of the discussion on FDI in former years, particularly in the

    extractive industries, MNCs were perceived as exploitative terms (Dos

    Santos 1969: p.21; Cohen 1973), and indeed were seen to be the cause of

    much of host economies problems (Caves 1982). In India, the takeover

    by the British East India Company of control over the whole India had

    created the East India Company syndrome (Gupta, Dahiya et al. 2005:

    p.149). The ideological change came about during 1990s, when FDI

    inflows had become the most important component of total capital flows

    to developing countries, notably in East and South East Asia. FDI not

    only adds to external financial resources for development, but is also

    more stable than other types of flows. Kawai and Urata demonstrate how

    2 IMFs definition includes external commercial borrowings, reinvested earnings and subordinated debt, while theWorld Investment Report excludes external commercial borrowings.

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    FDI upgrades the technological capability of the recipient economies

    (Urata and Kawai 2000) and Urata further notes the importance of FDI

    for promoting trade (Urata 2001). OECD, Yusuf, Nabeshima and Altaf

    identify the role of FDI in fostering recipients participation in global

    production networks (OECD 2002; Nabeshima, Yusuf et al. 2004; Yusuf,

    Altaf et al. 2004). Moran has done a research covering 183 projects

    across 30 countries in 15 years and point out that FDI has a positive

    impact on the national income of the host economy in the majority of

    projects (Moran and Institute for International Economics (U.S.) 1999).

    2.2 Main Theories of FDI

    There have been a prolific number of empirical studies on the

    determinants and motives of FDI. Some studies have concentrated upon

    the ownership specific advantages of the foreign firms which are

    necessary to outweigh the disadvantage of being foreign. These studies

    have tried to find out the significance of various ownership advantages

    arising due to propriety knowledge, financial assets, product

    differentiation, plant economic of scale, size of the firm and multi-plant

    operations etc. We hereby categorizes such theories as external

    (supply-side) approaches. Other studies have focused on the locational

    specific advantages as low cost of labor, reduced tariffs, fiscal incentives,

    market size and characteristics of the host economy, favorable FDI

    policies of the host government, political stability and other locational

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    factors. Here this study categorizes such theories as internal (demand-side)

    approaches. In sum, the external factors include economic conditions

    outside the host country, while internal factors include the economic

    conditions of the host country.

    Traditionally, most empirical papers have focused on the role of the

    external factors in determining FDI flows into developing countries.

    These theories so far mainly stress on the ownership specific advantages

    of the firms and three of them are examined as follows.

    2.2.1 Industrial Organization Theory

    Hymer and Kindleberger argue that the ownership advantages

    (including inventory, cost, financial or marketing advantages) motivate

    them to establish subsidiaries in the host countries (Kindleberger 1969;

    Hymer 1976). These advantages which they assume to be exclusive to the

    firm owing them explain why American-type FDI is predominant in a

    particular sector of industry but it may be unable to portray a general

    pattern of FDI.

    Another industrial organization approach, developed by Caves, is

    based on models of oligopolistic competition. He treats a MNC as a

    creature of market imperfections that lead a firm to possess specific

    advantages over local firms in the host country (Caves 1982).

    In fact, some Japanese scholars refute its limitation to explain

    Japanese-type FDI, which is based on location factors rather than

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    technological superiority, economic scale and management skills (Ozawa

    1979; Kojima 1996).

    2.2.2 Internalization Theory

    The internationalization theory, created by Buckley and Casson, and

    developed by Rugman and Hennart, is primarily concerned with the

    transactions cost approach (Rugman 1981; Hennart 1982; Casson and

    Buckley 1983). The basic hypothesis of this theory is that MNEs emerge

    when it is more beneficial to internalize the use of such intermediate

    goods as technology than externalize them through the market. The core

    prediction of the theory is that, given a particular distribution of factor

    endowments, MNE activity will be positively related to the costs of

    organizing cross-border markets in intermediate products.

    2.2.3 Product Life-cycle Theory

    In a classic article published in 1966, Vernon was the first to investigate

    the relationship between FDI and technology. He uses a microeconomic

    concept, the product cycle, to explain a macroeconomic phenomenon,

    which is the foreign activities of US MNCs in the postwar period (Vernon


    He argues that the product life-cycle can be divided into three stages as

    new product stage, matured product stage and standardized product stage.

    In the early new product stage, firms place factories in the home country

    since the demand for a new product is too small elsewhere. As the

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    expansion of production in the home country becomes too expensive, the

    mature oligopolist invests in a host country with high income elasticity of

    demand and similar consumption patterns to the home country. Therefore

    it develops into the second stage of matured product. As the product turns

    into increasingly standardized and its competition is based on price, the

    product is manufactured in less developed countries (LDCs) for export.

    Although this theory considers changes in technology and implicitly

    assumes that the MNCs would acquire the manufacturing plants in the

    countries with abundant low-cost workers, it is not a dynamic theory for

    the rate of change and the time-lag between product stages are not

    considered. Chen rebuts that it is also unable to explain FDI in

    non-standardized products and special products for overseas markets

    (Chen 1983: pp.28-9).

    The theories explained above mention only the home country

    macro-economic, industry specific and firm specific external (supply-side)

    factors. But it is necessary to bear in mind that the host country must

    possess certain locational advantages to attract FDI. The O-L-I paradigm

    developed by Dunning seeks to offer a comprehensive framework by

    combining the company comparative advantages and host country

    location endowments.

    2.2.4 Eclectic Theory of International Production

    The eclectic paradigm of international production, which postulates that

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    FDI is determined by three sets of factors, namely ownership

    (firm-specific) advantage, internalization advantage and location

    (country-specific) advantage, is developed by Dunning and modified by

    his associate Narula (Dunning 1981; Dunning 1988; Dunning and Narula

    1995; Narula 1996).

    According to Dunning, the rationales of FDI can be well-defined by

    O-L-I paradigm:

    Ownership (O) advantages: economies of scale, exclusive productionand technical expertise, managerial and marketing skills. These are

    the prerequisite to ensure or enable the MNCs to recover the costs of

    investing abroad. Itaki further argues that these O advantages largely

    take the form of privileged possession of intangible assets and the use

    made of them are assumed to increase the wealth-creating capacity of

    a MNC, and hence the value of its assets (Itaki 1991).

    Location (L) factors: low labor costs, potential foreign market,favorable investment incentives. These pull factors of host country

    contribute to the MNCs decision to employ ownership advantages to

    produce aboard.

    Internalization (I) factors: Comparing with licensing and exporting,by using greater organizational efficiency or ability to exercise

    monopoly power over the assets under the governance, an internal

    market is created between parent-company and affiliates to control

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    key resources of competitiveness or to reduce the risk of selling them

    as well as the right of use of them, to foreign firms.

    Compared with the above theories, which were founded on ownership

    advantages in the form of technology and finance, transaction costs and

    differential factor endowments, the unique feature of Dunnings O-L-I

    paradigm is to unify and summarize the various theories, although it is

    still a frame which synthesizes most FDI theories rather than a new

    theory per se. It signified the ownership, locational and internalization

    advantages of the firm and, by extension, the ownership and

    internalization advantages of the home country, and locational advantages

    of the host country of FDI, which Dunning stipulates that O-L-I is

    applicable to home country and host country FDI (Dunning 1981).

    According to this theory, FDI is chosen as a market entry strategy so that

    a firm can exploit its ownership advantages through internalizing

    transaction costs in a specific location, which possess locational


    2.3 Summary

    To conclude, the relative significance of the motives and determinants as

    contained in the above theories differs not only between firms and

    regions but also from time to time for a particular firm or region. It is

    very difficult to generalize about the determinants of FDI and it is true

    that most firms are influenced in their behavior by more than one

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    objective and sometimes different values are placed on the same


    The difference in the strength of the determinants is most marked

    between China and India which differ radically with regard to economic

    structure, development characteristics and socio-economic profiles.

    Nevertheless, the above theories provide us with a rich collection of

    motives and determinants that can support and guide the following study

    of the explanatory variables of FDI flows into China and India.

    3. FDI in China and India: an overview

    This chapter examines and discusses the trends and patterns of FDI

    inflows into China from year 1991 to 2005 and India from August 1991to

    2005. Based on published official data, it provides a clear picture about

    the longitudinal and latitudinal analysis of FDI inflows, the country of

    origin, sectoral composition as well as regional distribution of FDI in

    both countries.

    3.1 Trends and Patterns of FDI


    During the period 1979-2005, China has approved a total number of

    552,942 foreign-invested companies with a cumulative foreign capital

    investment (contract value) of US $1285.7 billion, of which US $622.4

    billion was effectively invested.

    Table 3.1 FDI Inflows in China 1979-2005 (US $billions)

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    Year Contracted FDI3 Paid-in FDI


    1979-1991 52.669 13.018

    1992 58.124 11.008

    1993 111.36 27.515

    1994 82.680 33.7671995 91.282 37.521

    1996 73.276 41.726

    1997 51.003 45.257

    1998 52.102 45.462

    1999 41.223 40.318

    2000 62.380 40.715

    2001 69.192 46.878

    2002 82.768 52.7

    2003 115.07 53.5052004 153.479 60.63

    2005 189.065 72.406

    Total 1285.673 622.426

    Sources: Bureau of Foreign Capital, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic

    Cooperation (the Ministry of Commerce since March, 2003)

    Analyzing Table 3.1 reveals the FDI development in China can be

    divided into three stages: 1979 to 1991, 1992 to 2001, and 2002, the year

    after the Chinas entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) to


    From late 1978, China cast off its self-reliance policy and adopted the

    policy of reform and open-up. FDI in China grew rapidly during the first

    half of the 1980s. Entering the second half of the 1980s, the growth rate

    in China leveled off and turned negative in the aftermath of the

    Tiananmen massacre (Chai and Roy 2006: p.133). According to Chen, the

    annually growth rate reached 20 percent at that period. Moreover, the

    paid-in FDI soared to US $4.36 billion in 1991, making it the largest FDI

    3 Contracted FDI based on signed contracts, but not always actual inflow. Its better for gauging the intention toinvest.4 Paid-in FDI was actually invested in host country. Its a better measure of the actual size of the investment flow.

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    recipient among developing countries. (Chen 2002).

    In 1992, after Deng Xiaopings tour in the Southern provinces, Chinas

    reform and opening up policy was further intensified. Besides 11 open

    coastal provinces, part of the interior regions was open up for FDI.

    Furthermore, two new investment categories were created, namely, the

    export-oriented and technology-advanced projects, which were entitled to

    additional incentives regardless of their location. From US $4.3 billion

    (paid-in FDI) and US $11.97 billion (contracted FDI) respectively in

    1991, the FDI volume increased dramatically to US $11 billion and US

    $58.1 billion, a jump of more than 150% and 380%. Only since the

    outbreak of the Asian financial crisis in 1997, the growth momentum has

    slowed down (Zhang 2006).

    The WTO accession in November 2001 provided another impetus to

    FDI and China received US $52.7 billion in 2002, which made China the

    Asias and the developing worlds largest recipient of FDI. As noted in

    World Investment Report 2003, in year 2002, for the first time, China

    surpassed the United States to become the largest global recipient of FDI,

    accounting for 9.88 percent of the global flows of FDI (Wu 1999).


    In accordance with the requirements of the economic development in

    different phases, the Indian governments policy toward FDI has evolved

    over time (Kumar 1998). In the 1950s, soon after the independence, the

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    anti-FDI environment in India was largely based on two factors. The first

    was the strong nationalistic sentiments in the wake of independence.

    Second, whatever narrow industrial base the country had at that time, an

    overwhelming part of it, almost three-fourths, was British-owned.

    Political and business leaders wished for the day when such a large

    foreign ownership of industries could be contained and Indian industry

    and market became a place for Indian entrepreneurs (Das 2006).

    Therefore, FDI was discouraged by a) imposing severe limits on equity

    holdings by foreign investors and b) restricting FDI to the production of

    only a few reserved items (Gakhar 2006).

    In the 1980s the attitude toward FDI began to change, adopting the

    policies of liberalization of industrial approval rules, a host of incentives

    and exemption from foreign equity restriction. In the middle of 1991, a

    package of economic reforms was introduced by the government, which

    had greatly affected the magnitude and pattern of FDI inflows received

    by India (Gupta, Dahiya et al. 2005).

    The average for 1985-90 was less than US $2 million per annum. To

    put the lack of significant FDI in the Indian economy in perspective, one

    should take note of the two following statistics. First, the stock of the FDI

    in 1990 was less than US $2 billion, while the inflow was US $100

    million (Kapur and S.Athreye 2001: p.130). These statistics are enough to

    bring home that India was a minor player in global FDI flows before

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    After the macroeconomic reform process began in 1991, the economy

    was gradually opened up to FDI and policy endeavors were made to

    attract it. This becomes clear from Table 3.2 that India is fast emerging as

    an attractive destination of foreign investors.

    Table 3.2 FDI Inflows in India, August 1991-2005 (US $millions)

    Financial Year (April-March) Amount of Paid-in FDI5

    August 1991-March 2000 15,483

    2000-2001 4,029

    2001-2002 6,130

    2002-2003 5,035

    2003-2004 4,673

    2004-2005 5,535

    2005-2006(up to Dec.2005) 4,719

    Total 45,604

    Sources: Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Ministry of Commerce &

    Industry, India

    The above table presents the first high point of FDI inflows was

    reached in 2001, when it topped at US $4 billion. In 2004, with a total

    amount of US $4.6 billion FDI inflows, India was the fifth largest

    recipient of FDI in the developing world. China, Hong Kong SAR,

    Singapore and Korea were larger recipients than India.

    Compared to China, India appears to remain an underperformer in the

    global competition for FDI. However, conclusions based solely on those

    figures in Table 3.1 and 3.2 need to be interpreted carefully, as the above

    indexes have used FDI data provided by official sources in each country

    5 The Indian data on inflows do not cover the approval amount of FDI. It is estimated that on an average just35.8% of approved amount has flown in India from 1991-2000.

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    whose definition and measurement methods vary significantly. The

    following Table 3.3, using the data from World Investment Report,

    elucidates a relatively accurate comparison based on international


    Table 3.3 Comparison of FDI inflows to China and India

    (Amount in US $millions)


    (annual average)

    2002 2003 2004 2005

    China 30104 52743 53505 60630 72406

    India 1705 5627 4585 5474 6598



    134670 163583 175138 275032 334285

    World 495391 617732 557869 710755 916277

    Source: UNCTAD, World Investment Report 2006(www.unctad.org/wir)

    Indias share of global flows to developing countries appears to be very

    small, especially compared with those received by China. The reported

    inflows of US $6.6 billion in 2005 represented a mere 1.9 percent of total

    inflows to developing economies, in contrast to US $72.4 billion inflows

    to china with a share of 21 percent (Ray 2005).

    However, as noted by Pfefferman, an IMF 2002 paper asked whether

    something was wrong with Indias FDI numbers. The IMF found out that

    the Indias FDI statistics exclude reinvested earnings, subordinated debt

    and overseas commercial borrowing, which are included in FDI of other

    countries (Pfeffermann 2002). On the other hand, the Chinese statistics

    are believed to be overestimating the real FDI flows in view of

    round-tripping of Chinese capital to take advantage of more favorable tax

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    treatment of FDI. According to the World Bank, round tripping accounts

    for 20%-30% of FDI in China (World Bank. 2002). This argument is

    supported by Songs research, which shows that the Mainlands inward

    FDI from Hong Kong is overstated by the amount of non-Hong-Kong

    (Mainland, Taiwanese and others) capital channeled via Hong Kong, as

    Hong Kongs investment in the Mainland appears to be too larger for the

    size of the Hong Kong economy (Song 2005: p.30)

    In summary, China and India have pursued radically different FDI

    development strategies. So far the absolute amount of FDI going to China

    is still much larger than India, but the gap in growth rates is narrowing.

    3.2 Source-country Composition


    Since 1979, more than 200 countries and regions have invested in China.

    In the past, most of Chinas FDI came from Hong Kong or Macau,

    following by those from USA and Japan. More recently, with

    normalization of political and economic relation between China, South

    Korea and Taiwan, the latter two regions have become important sources

    of FDI in China.

    Table 3.4 Top ten source countries (regions) of FDI in China, 1979-2005

    (Amount in US $billions)

    Rank Sector Paid-in FDI %age of total china


    1 Hong Kong 288.948 46.62%2 Taiwan 62.119 9.98%

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    3 United States 54.385 8.74%

    4 Japan 53.445 8.59%

    5 South Korea 31.318 5.03%

    6 Singapore 28.956 4.65%

    7 United Kingdom 13.287 2.13%8 Germany 11.517 1.85%

    9 France 7.47 1.2%

    10 Netherlands 6.967 1.12%

    Sources: China Foreign Investment Report 2006, Ministry of Commerce

    As Table 3.4 shows, Newly Industrializing Economies (NIEs),

    including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and South Korea, have been the

    major investors in China, accounting for 66.28% of the total accumulated

    FDI inflows. They represent mainly small and medium-sized businesses

    that are export-oriented and involved in assembly and processing

    operation. Among them, Hong Kong is keeping as the most important

    player. However, its share has dropped from 70% in 1992 to 46.6% in

    2005. It is estimated, with the Chinas success in industrial upgrading and

    greater openness to the outside world, the role of Hong Kong in providing

    and intermediating FDI inflows into China will be further reduced in the

    future. It should also be stressed here that published FDI figures of Hong

    Kong are overstated for the large proportion of round tripping capital,

    although no reliable estimates of such part are available.

    The USA and Japan have been by far the largest foreign investors

    among developed countries investing in China, representing 17.33% of

    the total China FDI. The United Kingdom, Germany, France and the

    Netherlands constitute the main sources of European Union (EU) in

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    China, as together they account for 6.3%, which was quite weak.


    Table 3.5 Top ten source countries (regions) of FDI in India, Aug.


    (Amount in US $millions)

    Rank Sector Paid-in FDI %age of total India


    1 Mauritius 11,115.47 37.25%

    2 United States 4,912.75 15.8%

    3 Japan 2,059.33 6.79%

    4 Netherlands 1,987.18 6.65%

    5 United Kingdom. 1,911.77 6.26%

    6 Germany 1,338.88 4.27%

    7 Singapore 962.41 3.14%

    8 France 772.99 2.55%

    9 South Korea 748.98 2.28%

    10 Switzerland 613.58 1.98%

    Sources: Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Ministry of Commerce &

    Industry, India. Foreign Direct Investment Policy, April 2006

    Table 3.5 gives percentage share of major country sources in the actual

    inflow of FDI in India during 1991-2005. Mauritius, as the top-place

    contributor, account for 37.25% of total FDI inflows. It is estimated that

    Double Tax Avoidance Treaty entered into with Mauritius, exempting

    capital gains from Indian Income Tax, 1961 and benefiting foreign

    investors, could be only one of the reasons of spurt in FDI inflows from

    Mauritius (Chopra 2003: p.158). Hence, investors from other countries,

    principally the United States, route their investments through Mauritius to

    take advantage of the tax treaty.

    The United States occupies the second position with a share of 15.8%

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    and Japan stands at the third rank having a share of 6.79%. The share of

    major EU source countries, including the United Kingdom, Germany,

    France, Switzerland and the Netherlands, is approximately 21.7%.

    In reviewing the source countries of FDI inflows to China and India,

    two conclusions can be drawn. First, in China there is a clear pattern of

    concentration of FDI inflows. A large part of Chinese FDI comes from

    Chinese-owned or overseas Chinese owned companies located in Hong

    Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and other NIEs. This proportion to a certain

    extent forms the basis for the economic integration of the region, which is

    sometimes referred to as Greater China. The plausible explanation here is

    that the relative geographical and cultural proximity of China and other

    East Asian countries with major sources of capital such as Japan and

    Singapore may have put India a disadvantage. However, projects from

    such countries are mainly in labor-intensive ones, small in scale, with a

    low level of capitalization and little technology transfer. By contrast,

    source-country composition in India is more diversified. Kumar studied

    the changing sources of FDI in India and indicated that the European

    countries were the major sources of FDI inflows to India until 1990.

    However, they had declined steadily from 66% in 1990 to 31% by 1997,

    while US emerged as the biggest player over this period with a share of

    13.75% in 1997 (Kumar 2003).

    Second, India boasts a relatively larger share of FDI from developed

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    countries (including US, Japan and EU), which accounts for 44.3%. In

    comparison, China only holds a share of 23.63%. Although the EU

    constitutes the worlds largest home base for FDI, it is relatively

    underrepresented in the Chinese FDI, at least as compared to its overall

    FDI position in the global economy. As Bulcke and Zhang point out, the

    weak FDI position of the European Union in China has directly affected

    the competitiveness of the EU companies in the Asian emerging markets

    (Bulcke, Zhang et al. 2003: p.3).

    3.3 Sectoral Composition


    Table 3.6 Sector-wise FDI inflows in China, 2000-2005

    (Amount in US $millions)

    2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

    National total 4071481 4687759 5274286 5350467 6062998 6032469

    Agriculture 67594 89873 102764 100084 111434 71826

    Mining and

    quarrying58328 81102 58106 33635 53800 35495

    Manufacturing 2584417 3090747 3679998 3693570 4301724 4245291

    Electric Power, gas

    and water

    production and


    224212 227276 137508 129538 113624 139437

    Construction 90542 80670 70877 61176 77158 49020


    storage, postal, and



    101188 90890 91346 86737 127285 181230

    Wholesale and

    retail trade and

    catering services

    85781 116877 93264 111604 158053 159871

    Banking andinsurance

    7629 3527 10665 23199 25248 21969

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    Real estate 465751 513655 566277 523560 595015 541807

    Other sectors 386039 393142 463481 587364 499657 586523

    Sources: China Foreign Investment Report 2006, Ministry of Commerce; China

    Statistical Yearbook, National Bureau of Statistics

    Table 3.6 examines the distribution of FDI inflows by industry from 2000

    through 2005. It shows that nearly 65-70 percent concentrated primarily

    in the manufacturing sector. The next highest share, approximately 9-11

    percent, is in real estate. Beyond those two sectors, FDI in China is

    scattered across various sectors with single-digit or lower percentage

    shares. On the whole, the industry concentration of FDI in China is not

    very high compared with the industry concentration in other countries

    (IMF 2002).

    Regarding manufacturing sector, it is observed that FDI has been

    concentrated in the various fields, in particular the electric and electronic

    equipment sector, the textile sector, and the chemical and pharmaceutical

    sector. However, a shift of FDI away from manufacturing towards

    services sector is forecasted because the significant liberalization

    following Chinas membership in the WTO. The greatest liberalization

    will be in financial services, telecommunications, and distribution. These

    sub-sectors in the service sector are expected to see rapid increase in FDI.


    The sectoral distribution of FDI in India between August 1991 and

    December 2005 is given in the following Table 3.7.

    Table 3.7 Sector-wise FDI inflows in India, Aug. 1991-2005

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    (Amount in US $millions)

    Rank Sector Amount of FDI


    %age of total India


    1 Electrical Equipment6

    4,885.88 16.5%2 Transportation Industry 3,143.09 10.34%

    3 Service Sector 2,971.66 9.64%

    4 Telecommunications 2,890.12 9.58%

    5 Fuels7 2,521.49 8.41%

    6 Chemicals (Other than


    1,899.51 5.86%

    7 Food Processing Industry 1,173.18 3.67%

    8 Drugs and Pharmaceuticals 948.54 3.18%

    9 Cement and GypsumProducts 746.79 2.54%

    10 Metallurgical Industries 627.32 2.12%

    11 Consultancy Services 444.48 1.59%

    12 Miscellaneous Mechanical

    & Engineering

    435.45 1.51%

    13 Textiles 430.07 1.32%

    14 Trading 374.23 1.16%

    15 Paper and Pulp 363.46 1.1%

    Sources: Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Ministry of Commerce &

    Industry, India. Foreign Direct Investment Policy, April 2006

    The table 3.7 shows the electrical equipment is the largest beneficiary

    of FDI inflows, which represents one of the most spectacular

    achievements for the Indian economy. Transportation, service sector and

    telecommunications, which can be categorized as the tertiary industry,

    emerge as significant recipients with a share of 30 percent. Compared

    with the old pattern of FDI stock before liberalization, the relative

    importance of manufacturing sector has declined with the opening up of

    infrastructure and service sectors. Furthermore, within the manufacturing

    itself, the preference pattern of FDI is shifting away from heavy

    6 Computer software and electronics are included7 Power and oil refinery are included

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    industries to light industries.

    To sum up the foregoing discussion on sectoral distribution of FDI in

    China and India, we note that both countries witness that the opening up

    of new industries has led to increased investments in service sector, thus

    bringing down the share received by manufacturing. Within the

    manufacturing sector, both countries saw a steady upgrading of FDI

    inflows from labor intensive industries to capital and technological

    intensive industries and from traditional manufacturing industries to

    information technology (IT) related industries. Therefore, in the coming

    years, China and India will still present a David and Goliath image in

    attracting FDI inflows.

    3.4 Regional Distribution


    The geographical distribution of FDI in China is highly uneven and

    reflects the history of liberalization, deregulation and government policy,

    as noted in section 3.1. In the early period of reform and opening up, the

    reformers targeted Chinas coastal areas as the leading regions for the

    economic development and established four Special Economic Zones8

    (SEZs) in Guangdong and Fujian Province. The analysis of Table 3.8

    reveals that the coastal areas, particularly Guangdong and Jiangsu, are the

    major locations for FDI inflows. The other main locations for FDI were

    8 The four SEZs are located in Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shantou and Xiamen.

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    Shanghai, Shandong and Fujian.

    Table 3.8 Province-wise FDI inflows in China, 1979-2005

    (Amount in US $billions)

    Rank Province Amount of FDI


    %age of total

    India FDI

    1 Guangdong 151.657 24.36%

    2 Jiangsu 89.848 14.44%

    3 Shanghai 55.394 8.90%

    4 Shandong 52.932 8.50%

    5 Fujian 47.851 7.68%

    Sources: China Foreign Investment Report 2006, Ministry of Commerce

    Using Chinas provincial and municipal data, Hsiao and Shen found

    out that the development of cities and infrastructure and easy access to

    markets are two of the primary factors often determining MNCs choice

    of where to invest (Hsiao and Shen 2003). Another point is that the close

    geographical proximity and tight cultural and linguistic links between

    southern China and the overseas Chinese communities in Hong Kong,

    Taiwan and Macau have also contributed to the observed geographical

    pattern of FDI inflows in China.


    The major portion of the FDI in India is found to be flowing into the

    economically richer states. The five richer Indian states, Maharashtra,

    Delhi, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh accounted for more

    than 66.65% of the FDI inflows into India. This trend in FDI inflows

    shows the economic inequality that already exists among the Indian states.

    Tamuli asserted that FDI inflows to these states seemed to respond to

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    infrastructure availability, business managers perception of investment

    climate, educational qualification of manufacturing workers and

    productivity level of manufacturing industries (Tamuli 2006).

    Table 3.9 Region-wise FDI Equity inflows9 in India, 2000-2006

    (Amount in US $millions)

    Rank Regional office State covered Amount of

    FDI inflows

    %age of

    total India


    1 Mumbai

    Maharashtra, Darda

    &Nagar Haveli, Daman &


    7,486.6 24.91%

    2 New DelhiDelhi, Part of Up and

    Haryana7,045 23.42%

    3 Chennai Tamil Nadu, Pondicheery 2,295 7.64%

    4 Bangalore Karnataka 2,052 6.82%

    5 Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh 1,157 3.86%

    6 Ahmedabad Gujarat 970 3.26%

    Sources: Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Ministry of Commerce &

    Industry, India. Fact Sheet on FDI, from Aug.1991-Dec.2006

    To summarize, locational benefits appear to be a prime consideration

    for foreign investors contemplating participation in any FDI projects both

    in China and India. Especially in China, the selective economic policy

    creates uneven regional economic development, which strongly affects

    the inflow and location of FDI. The study also finds out that the forces of

    convergence are very weak in two countries and the provinces (states) are

    showing a tendency of divergence rather than convergence. The

    geographical distribution of FDI in two countries today also is the result

    of local governments efforts to create a favorable investment, especially

    9 Includes equity capital components only

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    in fostering industrial clusters in their jurisdictions. The Indian economist

    Kurian notes that the better-off states are able to attract considerable

    amounts of private investment, both domestic and foreign, to improve

    their development potential because of the existing favorable investment

    climate including better socio-economic infrastructure(Kurian 2000:

    p.12). It seems both China and India express the concern that a growing

    polarization of the country can have an extremely damaging effect on

    national unity and harmony. A wider geographic spread of capital across

    the country are actively pursued by each country. In China, to narrow the

    gap, it introduced The West Development Strategy in 1998. In contrast,

    the Indias 10th five-year plan explicitly addresses the need to ensure

    equity and social justice and particular attention must be paid to the

    importance of ensuring a balanced development for all States (India.

    Planning Commission. 2003: p.8).

    4. Determinants of FDI

    Following the analysis and literature review on determinants of FDI in

    Chapter 2 and the discussion on trends and patterns of FDI inflows to

    China and India in Chapter 3, this chapter in turn examines the various

    determinants of FDI and to see how far these determinants can be applied

    in both countries. Since the external (supply-side) factors explain the

    outward investment by different countries while the internal

    (demand-side) factors explain the uneven distribution of FDI among the

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    recipient countries. Therefore the focus of this chapter will be on internal

    (demand-side) factors, although the separation of the two kinds of factors

    sometimes is impossible. It will present the PESTEL (political, economic,

    social, technological, environmental and legal) analysis of variables that

    have directly or indirectly determined the FDI inflows to both countries.

    4.1 Political Environment and FDI policy regime

    China is still regarded as a communist regime and one of the most

    important characteristics of Chinese political system is the one party rule,

    while India is the worlds largest democracy. Therefore, the simplest

    language to describe the difference between the two countries is the

    worlds largest democracy versus the worlds largest autocracy.

    Although this metaphor indeed reflects some truth, the reality is much

    more complex. Both countries, despite enjoying different political

    systems, have actually come from the same place Soviet style planned

    economies and massive state-owned enterprises. Both countries

    undertook significant reforms in the 1980s and 1990s. As China

    modernizes, it increasingly encourages free trade and capitalist-based

    economic model which allows more democracy; whilst as India

    modernizes, its getting its democracy under control for the good of


    The first reason for the FDI gap between two countries is that India is

    at least twelve years behind China in terms of launching reforms. As

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    discussed in Chapter 3, China opened its doors to FDI in 1979 and has

    been progressively liberalizing its policy regime, while the reforms in

    India were introduced in June 1991, which aimed at reducing the extent

    of government controls over various aspects of domestic economy,

    increasing the role of the private sector, redirecting scarce public sector

    resources to areas where the private sector is unlikely to enter, and

    opening up the economy to trade and foreign investment (Cassen and

    Joshi 1995: P.13).

    In addition to the late start, Franda asserts that failure to effect

    far-reaching economic reform in the 1990s could be attributed as an

    immediate cause to the enormous factionalism characterizing Indian

    political life. For example, the BJP-led coalition formed in 1999 consisted

    of almost two dozen political parties with widely divergent platforms and

    interests (Franda 2002: pp24-27). Vardarajan also declares that India is

    perhaps the only democracy where businessmen dont become politicians

    and political system is dominated by political leaders who base their

    appeal on castemanship, regional factionalism and personal cults

    (Cable and Royal institute of international affairs. International

    economics programme. 1995). Therefore, a major consequence of the

    fragmentation of Indian political party life is the near-impossibility of

    conducting meaningful national FDI promotion campaigns. In this

    atmosphere, it is little wonder that FDI volume in India was only

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    one-tenth of China from 2000 through 2005 (see above table 3.1 and 3.2).

    Additionally, during a debate in the Rajya Sabha on 20 August 2001, the

    then planning minister, Arun Shourie, was asked why India had received

    only $17 billion in FDI in a decade when China had attracted $323 billion.

    Shourie stated that the reason was that the Chinese government is market

    savvy, quick in decision-making and better still in executing decisions

    (The Statesman, 21 August 2001).

    Another essential reason for Chinas unparallel success is its strategy of

    creating Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and coastal economic zones,

    which has been discussed in section 3.4. Decision-makers in the public

    policy community proactively create an enabling environment for the

    inflows of FDI in the domestic economy, which are essentially located in

    the coastal areas of the eastern and the southern provinces of China (Das

    2005). Therefore, the ability of China to attract FDI inflows is largely the

    result of special economic zones that give foreign enterprises better and

    specialized infrastructure and flexibility in domestic regulations.

    Compared with China, Indias SEZs scheme was launched in 2000, again

    15 years later than China (Gakhar 2006: p.85). Furthermore, unlike China,

    India has not employed fiscal incentives such as tax concessions to attract

    FDI. Only in December 2004, the Indian government initiated the reform

    of the Foreign Investment Promotion Board, and has established the

    Indian Investment Commission to enhance and facilitate FDI in India,

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    which acts as a one-stop shop between the investor and the bureaucracy.

    The one bright spot for India in its FDI competition with China has

    been the ability to invite more foreign software investors. The most

    telling demonstration of Indias superiority in software technology is in

    FDI inflows and trade statistics (see table 4.1).

    Table 4.1 Comparison of software industry in China and India (Year


    (Amount in US $millions)

    Software industry FDI


    Software industry


    China 932 3590

    India 1451 10000

    Source: China Foreign Investment Report 2006, Ministry of Commerce;

    NASSCOM, India10

    Software development in China is at the opposite end of the spectrum

    from that in India. Beijings effort to build sophisticated software

    production capabilities did not get started until the mid-1990s and the

    Chinese government provided little state support to this effort until the

    late 1990s. While Indias lead in software technology can be traced to

    1984, when Rajiv Gandhi began to adopt the first liberal economic

    policies designed to develop this sector (McManus, Li et al. 2007).

    Compared to the above reform and FDI policies, it is worth noting that

    the government need to understand how their policies and behaviors

    shape the opportunities and incentives facing firms(WorldBank 2005:

    10 NASSCOM is the apex software industry body in India. Useful information on the Indian software industry aswell as doing business in India is available at its website, http://www.nasscom.in

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    p.12). In brief, the government policies can play an important role in

    attracting FDI inflows. It is desirable to give some specific policy

    direction to foreign investors, as the cases of Chinas SEZ success and

    Indias software development demonstrate.

    4.2 Economic Development

    Chinese gross domestic product (GDP), adjusted for purchasing power

    parity, ranked number 2 after USA, whereas Indian adjusted GDP ranked

    number 4 after Japan. Over the past two decades, Chinas average annual

    growth rate was above 9 percent, and the average annual inflation rate

    was kept below 3 percent. The Chinese economy continues its robust

    development, total growth in 2005 exceeded expectations at nearly 10

    percent. In contrast, the Indian rate also jumped from about 3 percent a

    year during 1950-79 to between 5-6 percent a year during 1980-2004

    (Chai and Roy 2006). According to the research on the contribution of

    GDP growth to FDI by Hsiao and Shen, the elasticity of a 1 percent

    increase in GDP raises FDI by 2.117 percent (Hsiao and Shen 2003).

    Therefore, if both countries could sustain their present growth in the

    future, they are likely to attract more FDI.

    Table 4.2 compares the current stage of Chinas macroeconomic

    performance and economic structure with that of India in terms of some

    key economic indicators.

    Table 4.2 Comparison of selected economic indicators: China and India

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    Indicator Unit Year China IndiaChina/India


    GDP per capita at PPP US $ 2002 4580 2670 1.71

    Gross national income

    (per capita)

    US $ 2003 1,100 540 2.0

    Rank 2003 134th 159th

    Share of manufactured

    products in exportsPercent 2002 90 75 1.2

    Share of high-tech

    products in exportsPercent 2002 23 5 4.6

    Electricity production Billion kwh 2002 1,640 597 2.7

    Share in multilateral

    tradePercent 2004 8.9 1.1

    Rank 2004 3rd 20th

    Position in the WTO

    league table of exporters2004 3rd 30th

    Position in the WTO

    league table of importers2004 3rd 37th

    Foreign exchange

    reservesUS $ billion 2005 711 144 4.97

    Rate of poverty Percent 2002 17 35 0.5

    Adult literacy rate Percent 2002 91 61 1.49

    Researchers in R&DPer million

    people2002 584 157 3.71

    Share of IT industry in

    GDPPercent 2002 3 NA

    Sources: (1) World Development Indicators 2005, (2) International Trade Statistics

    2005, (3) China Statistical Yearbook, National Bureau of Statistics

    The comprehensive comparison of the above economic indicators

    reveals that India currently is at the level that China had reached in the

    early 1990s. Hence, there is roughly a ten-year gap between Chinas and

    Indians economic development. These again prove that Chinas

    economic reforms, including those related to attracting FDI, were

    initiated so much earlier than Indias and proceeded at such a faster pace

    over the past three decades. However, in certain field, such as IT industry,

    India is ahead of China.

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    To sum up, on the basic economic determinants, China does better than

    India. Chinas total and per capita GDP are higher, making it more

    attractive for market-seeking FDI. Its higher literacy and education rates

    suggest that its labor is more skilled, making it more attractive to

    efficiency-seeking investors.

    4.3 Society

    The Dunnings O-L-I framework and other mainstream FDI theories

    discussed in the Chapter 2 do not take social factors explicitly into

    consideration. Undeniably, social factors are considered by MNCs and

    they have a tremendous impact on the causes and effects of FDI inflows.

    Firstly, the FDI gap between two countries is partly a tale of two

    Diasporas. China has a large and wealthy Diaspora that has long invested

    its money. During the 1990s, more than half of Chinas FDI came from

    overseas Chinese sources (Friedman and Gilley 2005). Yeung revealed

    that a large proportion of foreign investment in Dongguan, Guangdong

    Province was stemmed from overseas Chinese entrepreneurs (including

    the overseas-based subsidiaries of enterprises originating in China). The

    competitive advantage for overseas Chinese-funded enterprises in

    Dongguan was their ethnic or close relationship with local government

    officials (Yeung 2001). The discussions at section 3.1 and 3.2 also

    support Hong Kong and Taiwans ethnic relationship with China is a

    unique advantage, which enables investors to conduct negotiations and

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    operations much easier.

    By contrast, the Indian diaspora was, at least until recently, resented for

    its success and much less willing to invest back home. Until now, the

    Indian diaspora has accounted for less than 10 percent of the foreign

    capital flowing to India. Recently, the Indian government has noticed this

    problem and organizations, such as The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE) , were

    established to provide platforms for formation of social networks

    (McManus, Li et al. 2007: p.48).

    Besides the ethnic networks, the personal relationship (Guanxi)

    cultivated with local officials is also considered by foreign investors,

    especially those from Hong Kong and Taiwan. As Yeung indicates that

    some open-minded local government officials have established

    communication channels exclusively for foreign investors (Yeung 2001:

    p.131). It is regarded as an internalization advantage for foreign investors

    as it reduces the information costs for clarifying and understanding new

    policies. In contrast, feedbacks received from potential foreign investors

    indicate that Indias vast market-place and skilled workforce do not

    compensate for poor infrastructure and a corrupt bureaucracy (Fortune

    India 31 December 2003: p.8). The American congressman, Frank Pallow

    once complained that India is not a difficult place to invest, but India has

    to contend with the reality that its bureaucratic maze makes it more

    difficult to handle than the stringent bur clearer norms of more autocratic

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    countries like China (Gakhar 2006: p.118). Hence, the FDI

    decision-makers are now acutely conscious of Indias corrupt and

    inefficient bureaucracy, which could turn into a veritable and bothersome


    4.4 Technology development

    Much has been made of the implications over China and Indias

    political systems, economic reforms and social relations, which maintain

    the accepted truth that China is 12 years ahead of India. While this may

    be true of the infrastructure development of China, it is not true for

    another important determinant of FDI, which India is ahead. With better

    English language skills, India may have an advantage in technical

    manpower, particular in information technology.

    Some of the differences in competitive advantage of the two countries

    are illustrated by the sectoral composition of their FDI inflows, which has

    been explained in section 3.3. For example, in information and

    communication technology, China has become a key center for hardware

    design and manufacturing while India specializes in IT services, call

    centers, business back-office operations and R&D (Winters and Yusuf

    2007). Therefore, foreign investors perceive China and India as distinctly

    different markets. While China is well regarded by them as the leading

    global manufacturer and the fastest growing consumer market, India is

    viewed as a world-class services provider in business processes and

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    ICT-enabled services. Therefore, the Times of India claims that India is

    the most preferred outsourcing destination in the world (Times of India

    Online. 15 February 2005). There is awareness in the global investment

    community that Indias service-oriented development over the last two

    decades has made it possible for it to bypass some of its glaring economic

    weaknesses, like a poor quality physical infrastructure.

    Moreover, as we have discussed at the above section 4.3, although with

    the help of its diaspora, China has won the race to be worlds factory.

    India could become the worlds office with the help of its diaspora on

    technological field. The development of Indian software industry

    discussed at section 4.1 shows the fact that Indias soft skill and

    technology are creating a tortoise that will ultimately overturn the hard

    Chinese hare (Smith 2007: p.176). Kiran Karnik, president of Nasscom

    comments that China has great potential but is far from being a serious

    competitor and lags three to five years behind Indias software industry,

    quoted by FT reporter (Yee 2007).

    4.5 Business Environment

    As discussed at section 4.1, liberalization of FDI policy is a necessary

    variable for FDI, especially in the kick-off stage, but its not sufficient for

    expanding FDI inflows. The overall business environment continues to

    exercise a major influence on the magnitude of FDI inflows, for it signals

    to potential investors the growth prospects of host country. Hence, paying

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    attention to the overall business climate and creating a stable and

    environment will crowd-in FDI.

    A survey of global executives was conducted by the Global Business

    Policy Council (GBPC) 11 in 2005 and published as FDI Confidence

    Index. Both China (2.19) and India (1.95) are at the center of the FDI

    radar screen for they are considered as the 1st and 2nd most attractive FDI

    locations globally. This is the forth year in a row that China held the top

    spot and India rose from 3rd to 2nd place, surpassing the United States

    (GBPC 2005). In Year 2004, this extensive opinion-survey put China at

    the top with a score of 2.03 for having the best investment environment,

    the US second with a score of 1.45 followed by India with a score of 1.40

    (GBPC 2004). A noteworthy observation here is that the gap in the value

    of the confidence index between China and India is getting tiny.

    The result of the GBPC opinion survey coincided with that of a 2005

    opinion survey conducted by the World Investment Report team of the

    UNCTAD. This team conducted a larger sample survey of the global

    investing community, MNCs, FDI experts and investment promotion

    agencies (IPAs). Their results revealed that those who were surveyed

    regarded China as the most attractive location with 55% of the CEO

    surveyed were willing to invest the most in China, followed by India

    11 This survey has a wide coverage in terms of sample size. It covers top decision-makers in the 1,000 largestMNCs of the world on their opinions of various FDI destinations and their investment intentions. These 1,000

    MNCs contribute over 70% of total FDI flows and represent all major regions and sectors. The survey tracks theimpact of political, economic and regulatory changes in the host economies by the global investing community andpreferences of decision-makers in these MNCs. The confidence index ranges between zero and three.

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    (36%). Again, both countries are considered as the most favored

    investment destination (United Nations Conference on Trade and

    Development. 2005).

    The World Development Report 2005 emphasizes that for

    governments at all levels, a top priority should be to improve the

    investment climates of their societies. To do so, they need to understand

    how their policies and behaviors shape the opportunities and incentives

    facing firms(WorldBank 2005: p.12). From the above surveys, we can

    see that a virtual sea change has taken place in the business environment

    of India and it is catching up China very quickly. Therefore, in terms of

    overall business environment, India does not rank much below China.

    4.6 Legal System

    Although the FDI literature focuses essentially on political and economic

    development, business environment and technology, to some extent, the

    legal system and barriers need to be taken into account as well for a

    comprehensive analysis.

    The lack of a well-structured and transparent legal system in China

    poses serious problems for foreign investors. A clear and strict

    hierarchical system of norms does not really exist yet. Moreover, different

    ministries and departments of the central and local governments have

    issued many diverse regulations, which result in the failure of the foreign

    companies to find out which regulations exactly apply to them. In

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    contrast, India enjoys a strong British-based legal and accounting system,

    which helps it to attract more capital from Western countries. Therefore,

    the absence of reliable legal and secure property rights and vast

    differences in culture help to explain Chinas below par performance in

    attracting FDI from Western countries, compared with the performance of

    India which has been demonstrated in section 3.2. Meanwhile, Indias

    long history of private property, democracy and similar law system with

    Western countries should prove attractive for potential foreign investors.

    In other words, even if economic policy is great and politics stable, if

    there are no property rights and contract enforcement in a country, there's

    no way anyone can do business.

    One of the key issues on legal affairs is the protection of intellectual

    property rights (IPR). The most significant change in the Chinese

    business regulations for foreign-invested companies was the introduction

    and improvement of IPR during the 1990s. The introduction of patent law

    has removed a major obstacle to lure FDI in high-tech industries.

    However, the full implementation of IPR protection regulations remains

    weak in China. For example, according to the Software Piracy Study of

    Business Software Alliance12, China has a very high software piracy rate

    with 82 percent in 2006. In contrast, Indias rate is a littler lower than

    China, which stands at 71% (BSA 2006). Additionally, the Patent Law in

    12 The Business Software Alliance (www.bsa.org) is the organization dedicated to promoting a safe and legaldigital world. An important mission of BSAs research portfolio is the BSA/IDC Global Software Piracy Study,which tracks the state of software piracy across more than 100 countries.

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    India is being revised in conformity with the required standards of the

    WTO in 2002 (Chopra 2003: p.132).

    Concisely, there is a growing patent culture in both countries. The

    Indian companies are striving to move up the value chain and are

    increasingly approaching their competitive positioning with

    intellectual-property-based differentiation. At the same time, under

    domestic and international pressure, the Chinese government has

    tightened its enforcement of IPR protection and will improve judicial

    performance of contracts and other business codes, including those

    governing IPR and counterfeiting.

    4.7 Summary

    From the above PESTEL analysis, we may find that the FDI favors China

    over India in the following significant areas: pro-business government,

    overall business environment, incentives provided by the host

    government, quality of infrastructure and macroeconomic management.

    All these add up to create a superior investment environment in China

    than in India. The same set of decision-makers has favorable opinions on

    Indias English-speaking workforce, software talents, rule of law, cultural

    affinity and regularity environment. As we have seen, the relative

    attractions are now becoming better balanced. Given a choice, some

    investors have switched to prefer India.

    5 Summary and Conclusions

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    5.1 Findings

    Research on the characteristics and determinants of FDI in China and

    India is still at the developmental stage. The existing literature on FDI is

    appraised in chapter 2. However, most of the traditional studies of FDI

    explain only the company advantages, transaction costs and differential

    factor endowments, while Dunnings O-L-I paradigm unifies the various

    theories. According to this theory, FDI is chosen as a market entry

    strategy so that a firm can exploit its ownership advantages through

    internalizing transaction costs in a specific location, which possesses

    locational advantages for FDI. The third chapter details overall trends and

    patterns of FDI inflows in China and India, including its development

    stages, sources, regional and sectoral distributions, along with the

    governments policy changes towards FDI. Since the host countrys

    internal factors play an important role in influencing the magnitude,

    importance, pattern, form and impact of FDI in the economy, the Chapter

    4 deals with and compares the main determinants by adopting the

    PESTEL analysis format.

    Hence, this research has proved to be a useful experiment in the

    analysis of the FDI development experiences and determinants strategies

    of both countries. The main conclusions of the present study are given


    One important finding is that multiple factors, rather than a single

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    factor, influence the volume and pattern of FDI inflows, which include

    political and social stability, sound macro-economic environment,

    well-developed soft and hard infrastructure, competitive supporting

    industries, the availability of skilled labor, and open trade and FDI

    regimes. Indeed, these factors are considered fundamental; they create

    an environment that enables foreign firms to enter an economy and

    contribute to its growth and development. Through the PESTEL analysis,

    this study finds out that in terms of political and FDI policies, economic

    development, society and business environment, China does better than

    India; whilst India is ahead of China in terms of technology and legal


    A second major conclusion of the study is that changes in a countrys

    FDI policy regime are not enough to ensure the desired inflow of FDI.

    Actually, the policy coherence, consistency, transparency, and effective

    implementation matter. In the forefront of effective implementation of

    FDI policies is the speedy processing and approval of FDI applications.

    This means that both countries shall streamline its bureaucracy, simplify

    approval and remove restrictions on foreign ownership, therefore create a

    climate of certainty and friendly policies towards FDI.

    A third major conclusion of the study is about the question whether the

    recent improvement in the image of India in the global investing

    community will affect FDI flows to China. It can be answered by saying

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    that it will have little impact. This relates only to the part of FDI that

    originates from MNCs, which is a small proportion of total FDI going to

    China. Regional FDI flows that originate from the Chinese Diaspora will

    not change its pattern of FDI. Besides, the sectors that are going to attract

    the global FDI in the immediate future in the two economies are very

    different. Coupled with the economic impact of the 2008 Beijing

    Olympic Games and the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, rising FDI in

    services and high-tech manufacturing might contribute to a new round of

    FDI growth in China. As for India, in spite of the opportunities available

    for attracting FDI, several challenges remain to be met in order for the

    economy to sustain a higher growth path, and enhance competitiveness in

    order to position itself favorably in the global competition for FDI.

    5.2 Policy Implications

    In addition to the general policy implications that have been drawn above,

    studies of determinants of FDI inflows conducted in the framework of an

    extended model of location of foreign production (Kumar 2002) have

    found that a countrys ability to attract FDI is affected by structural

    factors such as market size (income levels and population), extent of

    urbanization, quality of infrastructure, geographical and cultural

    proximity with major sources of capital, and policy factors (namely tax

    rates, investment incentives, performance requirements). Based on the

    above discussions, India is at the verge of an FDI take-off. Whether this

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    potential materializes or not will necessarily depend on how the

    government manages and upgrades its business policy environment in the

    foreseeable future. At the same time, to maintain sustainable growth,

    China needs to improve its ability to attract and use FDI, especially on the

    issues of establishing a rule-of-law society and encouraging human

    capital enrichment. As a guideline to both policymakers, it seems

    reasonable to suggest that the encouragement of FDI should take forms

    that bring long-term benefits to the host countrys economy. These may

    include the upgrading and extension of infrastructure and public

    expenditure on education and training.

    Another important implication for both countries and economic

    analysts is that we shall stop treating India and China as simple,

    one-dimensional entities weighable on a single scale to judge which is the

    success and which the failure. Indeed, each, as revealed above,

    increasingly sees the other better in some ways and worse in others. For

    example, two policies that China can learn from India are: human

    resource development and the development of local supporting industries.

    Human resource development not only ensures an adequate supply of

    skilled labor for foreign investors, but helps a country achieve overall

    economic efficiency and move up the economic development ladder.

    Moreover, the competitive supporting local industries will promote

    technology spillover, one of the positive effects for host country.

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    5.3 Limitation of the Study

    An important limitation of this study is its use of secondary data and

    information which may sometimes be problematic. For example, as noted

    in chapter 3, the FDI inflows in China is reported to be overestimated

    thus the gap between China and India can be exaggerated. Another

    limitation is that we cannot compare the determinants of FDI by different

    investors. FDI from different countries contains different levels of

    technology and would have different motives to invest. However, the

    existing data are very aggregate and this study has to examine the

    determinants of FDI as a whole, whether they come from the United

    States, Europe, Japan and other countries or regions.

    5.4 Future Research Directions

    This research has proved to be a starting point in the comparison of the

    FDI trends, patterns and determinants between China and India. Drawing

    on the PESTEL analysis of the Chinese and Indian FDI inflows presented

    in the preceding chapters, the further research will perform a strengths,

    weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis on both country

    as well as compare and contrast them in relation to each. Furthermore,

    comparative analyses in regard to U.S. foreign investment in China and

    India are needed since it is now the major investor country source to both

    countries. In addition, as China and India continue to utilize FDI as an

    integral part of its economic development strategy, it will be interesting to

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    do increased research on changing provincial or state environment for

    FDI in both countries, particularly with reference to the interior or

    backward provinces (states).

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