disposal of chemical waste

Issue Date : June 1, 1998 Disposal of Chemical Waste Important Phone Numbers & Fax Number Reporting ALL Campus Emergency, Security Control Centre 8999 or 6565 Enquiry of General Safety Matters 6512 Enquiry of Chemical Waste Disposal Environmental Engineer 6510 Assistant Health and Safety Officer 6456 Fax Number 2335 1253 Chemical Waste Collection 6456 Page 1 of 26 Procedure for Disposal of Chemical Waste 8/30/2007 http://www.ab.ust.hk/sepo/chem_disp.htm

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Page 1: Disposal of Chemical Waste

Issue Date : June 1, 1998

Disposal of Chemical Waste

Important Phone Numbers & Fax Number

Reporting ALL Campus Emergency, Security Control Centre 8999 or 6565

Enquiry of General Safety Matters 6512

Enquiry of Chemical Waste Disposal

Environmental Engineer 6510

Assistant Health and Safety Officer 6456

Fax Number 2335 1253

Chemical Waste Collection 6456

Page 1 of 26Procedure for Disposal of Chemical Waste


Page 2: Disposal of Chemical Waste

This pamphlet is extracted from Chapter 16 of the HKUST Safety & Environmental Protection Manual. Content was updated according to new information provided by Enviropace Limited.













Introduction ………………………………………………………………………

Service Scope …………..………………………………………………………

Chemical Waste Container & Waste Type …………………………………..

Chemical Waste Streams ……………………………………………..……….

Safety Precaution ………………………………………………...……...……..

Handling of Spent Chemical Mixture ..………………………...………….…..

Compatibility Test Procedures …………………………….……….………….

Chemical Waste Log Sheet …………………………..………………..………





Introduction ………………………………………………………………………

Waste Categories …………………………………………….…………………

Handling of Labpack Waste …………………………………………..……….

Disposal Procedures ………………………………………………….………..




Metal or Metal Salts …………………………….………………………………

Solid Adsorbents …………………………………………………………...…...

Gloves …………………………………………………………...……………….

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Page 3: Disposal of Chemical Waste

A. Procedures for Disposal of General Chemical Waste

1. Introduction

With the implementation of the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation, the disposal of chemical waste in Hong Kong is strictly controlled. Any unwanted substances that contain materials listed in Schedule I of the above regulation (refer to Appendix A) are regarded as chemical waste. A major difficulty in the handling of chemical waste in a tertiary institute such as HKUST is the relatively small quantities but large diversity in composition.

For enquiry about the disposal of chemical waste, please contact SEPO Environmental Engineer (ext. 6510) or Assistant Health and Safety Officer (ext. 6456) or fax to 2335 1253.

2. Service Scope



Tissue Paper and Towels …………………………………………..………….

Large Amounts of Hazardous Solid Waste ……………………..……………

Appendix D

Appendix E

Appendix F

Appendix G

Appendix H

Appendix I

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

Explosives ..…………………………………………………….…

Water Reactive Substances .……………………..…………….

Chemical Waste Log Sheet .…………………..………………..

Example in Filling of Chemical Waste Log Sheet …………….

Labpack Waste Identity Sheet ………………………………….

Labpack (Unwanted Expired Chemical) Form ..………………

Labpack (Incompatible Waste) Form ………………………….

Substances and Chemicals Listed in Schedule I of the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation ...…

Hazardous Waste Disposal Flow-Chart No. 1 ..…………..…..Hazardous Waste Disposal Flow-Chart No. 2 .…………….…Hazardous Waste Disposal Flow-Chart No. 3 .……………….Hazardous Waste Disposal Flow-Chart No. 4 .……………….

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2.1. Spent chemical mixtures resulting from experiments and chemical analysis, surplus chemicals, and expired chemicals are collected under this scheme provided that 1) they meet the regulatory definition of "Chemical Waste" 2) they are in a liquid state or convertable to liquid form and 3) they can be treated by Enviropace Ltd., the Chemical Waste Treatment Plant at Tsing Yi Island.

2.2. According to the Waste Disposal Regulation and guidelines of Environmental Protection Department, the following, as examples are not chemical wastes:

a. Solutions of neutralised salts that do not contain compounds listed in Appendix A. b. Apparatus rinsing water and wiping tissue with low chemical contents. c. Elemental metals not listed in Appendix A (e.g. copper, iron, tin, zinc). d. Household chemicals used in laboratories for cleaning (e.g. soap, detergents). e. Dilute acids and alkalis with concentration below those stipulated in Appendix A.

2.3. Highly reactive chemicals, solid chemical wastes, radioactive materials, gaseous materials, asbestos, and spent chemical mixtures that pose an explosion hazard are not covered by this scheme. These are covered in the Labpack Disposal Scheme (Section B).

2.4. Standard chemical waste containers are provided by the contractor Enviropace. If chemical waste is produced, contact SEPO staff on ext. 6456 to request chemical waste container(s). Enviropace only accepts waste which is collected in their standard containers.

2.5. Standard waste containers are delivered by SEPO to the waste producer upon request. The following information is required to initiate the delivery: name (students and research assistance should also provide the name of their supervisor), department, waste type, number of containers needed, location of delivery and contact telephone number.

2.6. When the container is three quarters full, dial ext. 6456 and contact SEPO staff for removal of the waste container.

2.7. SEPO currently collects and delivers chemical waste containers every Tuesday. If Tuesday is not a working day, the service will be automatically deferred to the next working day.

2.8. To allow sufficient time for preparation of requests to be handled on Tuesday, the requests should be made on Monday before 5:15 pm.

2.9. If a container(s) is(are) to be delivered to an unattended room, please make appointment with SEPO staff first so that the room will be accessible.

3. Chemical Waste Container & Waste Type

3.1. Enviropace provides chemical waste containers in 2 sizes, 20 & 200L. The materials for the containers are plastic, carbon steel, & metal with plastic lining.

3.2. On the body of each 20 L container, there is a label showing the waste identity and hazard(s). Users should help to ensure that this label does not peel off from the container.

3.3. A plastic folder with a chemical waste log sheet inside is attached to the container by SEPO.

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3.4. At the present time, Enviropace provides containers for 13 types of chemical waste. There are containers for spent halogenated solvents, spent non-halogenated solvents, spent inorganic acids, spent alkalies, spent lube oils, spent photographic fixers, spent photographic developers, spent metal solutions, spent organic acids, spent hydrofluoric acid, spent cyanides, spent chrome (VI) solution, and gel waste.

4. Chemical Waste Streams

4.1. "Halogenated Solvents"

Organic solvents with halogens (e.g. trichloromethane, trichloroethylene, and dichloromethane) should be collected in this container and other liquid organic compounds with halogens.

4.2. "Non-halogenated Solvents"

This stream is for organic solvents and other organic compounds without halogens (e.g. acetone, hexane, and petroleum ethers).

4.3. "Inorganic Acids"

This container is for mineral acids. Organic acids should go to "Spent Organic acid" container.

4.4. "Alkalies"

Sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, and ammonia solution should go to this container. Metal solutions can be also collected in this container.

4.5. "Lube Oils"

Pump oil, lubricating oil, liquid paraffins, mineral oil and etc. should go to this container.

4.6. "Photographic Fixers"

This container is for fixing agents used in film and photo processing.

4.7. "Photographic Developers"

This container is for developing agents used in film and photo processing.

4.8. "Metal Solutions"

Aqueous solutions containing metallic ions or precipitates (except chromium (VI) and boron) should be disposed of in this container. Waste containing chromium(VI) and boron should be collected separately. Small quantity of acid or alkali can also be disposed of in this container.

4.9. "Organic Acids"

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Collect spent organic acids in this container. If the waste generation rate is low (e.g. <4L/month), the organic acids can be disposed of in containers for "spent non-halogenated solvents" or "spent halogenated solvents", respectively, according to halogen content.

4.10. "Hydrofluoric Acid"

If a container for this waste stream is not available and the amount of hydrofluoric acid is small, (less than 30% of total inorganic acids waste) the acid can be disposed of in "spent inorganic acids".

4.11. "Cyanides"

The pH of contents within this container must be kept strongly alkaline to prevent the evolution of a lethal gas - hydrogen cyanide.

4.12. "Chrome (VI) or Boron" Solution

Solutions that contain any chromium (VI) or Boron should be placed in the specific container for this(these) waste(s).

4.13. "Gel Waste"

This container is for gel waste such as polyacrylamide gel, and gels contaminated with toxic chemicals, such as ethidium bromide.

4.14. Waste mixtures will be classified in accordance with the major components in the waste except:

a. Waste containing cyanide should always go to the cyanide waste container.

b. If metal solutions or precipitates are generated, they can be put into inorganic acid or alkali containers, depending on the pH. If the pH of the waste is neutral, it should go to "spent alkalies".

c. If the total generation rate of spent fixer and developer is less than 5L/week, the spent fixer & developer can both be disposed of to a "spent developers" container.

d. Mixtures that contain halogenated chemicals should be put into the "halogenated solvents" container (even if the halogenated part is the minority component).

5. Safety precaution

5.1. Always wear splash proof goggles, gloves and a laboratory coat when handling chemical waste.

5.2. For waste that evolves fumes and vapor, the transferring of waste should be done inside a fume cupboard.

5.3. A new waste should be poured to its corresponding container only after it has passed the compatibility test.

5.4. The compatibility test should only be performed in a fume cupboard.

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5.5. To prevent escape of fumes and vapors, close the container tightly each time after the transfer of waste is completed.

5.6. Highly reactive compounds, water reactive compounds, concentrated strong oxidizing or reducing agents should never be mixed with other chemical waste. These chemicals should be bottled separately and will be taken care of under a different scheme. Lists of explosive and water reactive substances are listed in Appendix C and D respectively for reference. Due to the vast number of chemicals available in Hong Kong, these lists should not be considered as exhaustive.

5.7. If chemical waste is handled outside a fume cupboard, the waste handler may need to wear a respirator equipped with the appropriate cartridge. Contact SEPO for information regarding respirator selection and size fitting (ext. 6507).

6. Handling of spent chemical mixture

6.1. Spent chemicals which contain highly reactive compounds, water reactive compounds, concentrated strong oxidizing or reducing agents should never be mixed with other chemical waste. This type of waste should be kept separately in sealed bottles which are made of materials compatible to the waste.

6.2. Perform the compatibility test between the waste ready to be poured to the container and the waste in the container (refer to Item 7 for the procedures of the compatibility test) in section A before transferring.

6.3. Add new chemical waste into the corresponding container only if it has passed the compatibility test.

6.4. To prevent possible overflow, always check the liquid level in a waste container before new waste is added. The container should only be filled to 70 to 80 % of its full capacity before removal by SEPO.

6.5. Use a funnel and catch tray for spill prevention and control.

6.6. Whenever waste is added to a container, immediately enter the information of the new waste to the chemical waste log sheet attached to the container.

7. Compatibility Test Procedures

7.1. This test should be performed inside a fume cupboard by an experienced person.

7.2. Make sure that the air flow of the fume cupboard is "safe" and the sash is lowered to at least shoulder level.

7.3. Draw 50 ml sample from the target waste container into a beaker.

7.4. Insert a thermometer into the beaker.

7.5. Slowly mix in a portion of the new chemical waste that is to be added to the container. The volumetric ratio of the wastes should be similar to that between the original container content and the new waste.

7.6. If bubbling, fuming or a noticeable temperature rise (10 degree C or more) occurs during mixing or within 5 minutes, stop the mixing, at once. These signs show that the wastes are incompatible. Store the new waste separately in another container and fill in a new individual chemical

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waste log sheet.

7.7. If no adverse reaction occurs within 5 minutes, the new waste can be added to the corresponding container.

8. Chemical Waste Log Sheet

8.1. A chemical waste log sheet is essential due to the following reasons:

a. To comply with the chemical waste handling procedures (procedure 4.3) issued by Enviropace, it states that "every waste entering into a chemical waste container must be properly logged. The filled log sheet must accompany the container at the time of collection by Enviropace. Enviropace will refuse collection of containers that do not carry a legible log sheet. "

b. To comply with the "Code of Practice on the packing, labeling and storage of chemical wastes" issued by the Environmental Protection Department of Hong Kong.

c. To provide clues for the compatibility of chemical wastes in the container.

d. To provide information for Enviropace on the treatment of waste.

8.2. Appendix E is a sample of the chemical waste log sheet.

8.3. Fill in all the columns neatly by a pen with dark-colored permanent (water proof) ink. Pencil, fountain pen, and felt pen with water-based ink are bad examples of writing tools. If labels are not complete or entries are smeared due to use of incorrect marker, the container will not be collected.

8.4. Write the chemical names of the reactant/product/waste in full and in block letters. Abbreviation and short form are not acceptable. Molecular formula of the chemical is helpful.

8.5. Write down the volume or weight of the waste being poured into the container.

8.6. A log sheet is not necessary for spent Lube oil, spent fixers & spent developers. A log sheet will not be attached to containers for these waste types.

8.7. Two examples in filling of chemical waste log sheet are given in Appendix F.

B. Procedures for "Labpack" waste disposal

1. Introduction

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"Labpack" is another chemical waste disposal service provided by Enviropace, the chemical waste treatment contractor of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government. It is the packaging, handling, transport and treatment of small containerized waste chemicals.

2. Waste categories

2.1. The following items are collected by this scheme :

a. Highly reactive chemicals.

b. Water reactive chemicals.

c. Waste that cannot pass the compatibility test (refer to Item 7.6 of Section A "Procedures for disposal of general chemical waste").

d. Unwanted raw chemicals.

e. Expired chemicals.

2.2. The Labpack service collects chemical wastes in liquid, solid and sludge forms.

2.3. The following items are NOT acceptable by Labpack:

a. Radioactive materials.

b. Explosive materials.

c. Shock sensitive materials.

d. Sealed metal articles or containers.

e. Pressurized containers.

f. Any asbestos bearing material and articles contaminated with asbestos.

3. Handling of Labpack Waste

3.1. For items 2.1a,b,d & e, keep the chemicals in their original containers as much as possible. If the original container is not in good condition and presents a risk of leakage, wrap and seal the container in a plastic bag or other overpack of compatible nature.

3.2. Fill in and attach a "Labpack waste identity sheet" to each container which contains waste to be collected by the Labpack service. Enviropace does not collect any items without this sheet.

3.3. Appendix G is a sample form of Labpack waste identity sheet.

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3.4. Fill in the identity sheet by a pen with dark-colored-permanent ink. Pencil, fountain pen, and felt pen with water-based ink are bad examples of writing tools.

4. Disposal Procedures

4.1. Fill in a "Labpack (unwanted/expired chemical) form" for the disposal of

a. unwanted raw chemical,

b. expired chemical.

4.2. Appendix H is a sample of Labpack (unwanted/expired chemical) form.

4.3. Fill in a "Labpack (incompatible waste) form" for waste that

a. failed in the compatibility test,

b. waste mixture contains water reactive and highly reactive chemicals.

4.4. Appendix I is a sample of Labpack (incompatible waste) form.

4.5. Send the completed form by

a. fax to 2335 1253

b. internal mail to Environmental Section of SEPO.

4.6. SEPO will send your information to Enviropace. Since the disposal cost for Labpack waste is very much higher than the liquid waste collected by the 20 L chemical waste containers, each disposal request will be assessed by EPD on individual basis. As a general guideline, waste that can be safely disposed by using the appropriate waste containers listed in section 4 of "Procedures for disposal of general chemical waste" should not be disposed of through the Labpack service.

4.7. After the request is approved by EPD, Enviropace will collect the waste for disposal.

4.8. All forms are obtainable through your Departmental Safety Officer or his/her delegate or at the Appendix of chapter 16, Hazardous Waste Management, of the HKUST Safety and Environmental Protection Manual.

For enquiry about the disposal of chemical waste, please contact SEPO Environmental Engineer (ext. 6510), Assistant Health and Safety Officer (ext. 6456) or fax to 2335 1253.

C. Procedures for Disposal of Hazardous Solid Waste

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1. Small amounts of metals or metal salts can be disposed of in the "Spent metal solution" container if (1) the salts or solid metal can be dissolved or put into solution, and (2) the resulting solution is compatible with the mixture already in the container (see Item 7 Compatibility test procedures of Section A "Procedures for Disposal of General Chemical Waste").

2. Solid adsorbents such as alumina or silica gel which have been used for purification or chromatographic purposes can be disposed in the municipal waste if (1) the solvents have first been evaporated, and (2) they are properly contained such as in a rigid bottle or double wrapped in plastic bags.

3. Gloves which have been exposed to chemicals should be rinsed with water or detergent and water, wrapped in plastic bags, and disposed into the municipal waste.

4. Tissue paper and towels which have been used in experiments should be dried of residual solvent, wrapped in plastic bags, and disposed into the municipal waste.

5. Large amounts of hazardous solid waste can be disposed of by co-disposal at landfill. Please make arrangements through SEPO. For enquiry about the disposal of chemical waste, please contact SEPO Environmental Engineer (ext. 6510), Assistant Health and Safety Officer (ext. 6456) or fax to 2335 1253.

Appendix A


Part A

Any substance to which the Antibiotics Ordinance (Cap. 137) applies


Dangerous drugs (as defined in the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (Cap. 134))

Dangerous goods, category 2, NES

Dangerous goods, category 6, NES

Dangerous goods, category 9, NES



Pesticides (as defined in the register referred to in section 4(b) of the Pesticides Ordinance (Cap. 133))

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Poisons (Part I) (as defined in the Pharmacy and Poisons

Ordinance (Cap. 138))

Polychlorinated biphenyls

Part B

Antimony and its compounds

Arsenic compounds

Barium compounds

Beryllium and its compounds

Boron compounds

Cadmium and its compounds

Chromium and its compounds, NES

Chromium bearing solid tannery waste

Cobalt and its compounds

Copper compounds


Dangerous goods, category 3, NES

Dangerous goods, category 4, NES

Dangerous goods, category 5, NES

Dangerous goods, category 7, NES

Dangerous goods, category 8, NES

Dangerous goods, category 10, NES

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Halogenated organic solvents and compounds

Lead and its compounds

Manganese and its compounds

Mercury and its compounds

Mineral oils employed for engine lubrication

Mineral oils, NES

Nickel and its compounds

Non-halogenated organic solvents and compounds

Organo lead compounds

Organo mercury compounds

Organo tin compounds


Pesticides (as defined in the register referred to in section 4(a) of the Pesticides Ordinance (Cap. 133))

Pharmaceutical products and medicines, NES

Phosphorus compounds excluding phosphates

Selenium compounds

Silver compounds


Thallium and its compounds

Tin compounds

Vanadium compounds

Zinc compounds

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Acids, alkalis and corrosive compounds

Acetic acid above 10% acetic acid by weight

Acids or acidic solutions, NES with acidity equivalent to above 5% nitric acid by weight

Ammonia solution above 10% ammonia by weight

Bases or alkaline solutions, NES with alkalinity equivalent to above 1% sodium hydroxide by weight

Chromic acid above 1% chromic acid by weight

Fluoboric acid above 5% fluoboric acid by weight

Formic acid above 10% formic acid by weight

Hydrochloric acid above 5% hydrochloric acid by weight

Hydrofluoric acid above 0.1% hydrofluoric acid by weight

Hydrogen peroxide solution above 8% hydrogen peroxide by weight

Nitric acid above 5% nitric acid by weight

Perchloric acid above 5% perchloric acid by weight

Phosphoric acid above 5% phosphoric acid by weight

Potassium hydroxide solution above 1% potassium hydroxide by weight

Potassium hypochlorite solution above 5% active chlorine

Sodium hydroxide solution above 1% sodium hydroxide by weight

Sodium hypochlorite solution above 5% active chlorine

Sulphuric acid above 5% sulphuric acid by weight

NES - Not elsewhere specified

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Appendix B

Hazardous Waste Disposal Flow-Chart No. 1

Hazardous Waste Disposal Flow-Chart No. 2

Hazardous Waste Disposal Flow-Chart No. 3

Hazardous Waste Disposal Flow-Chart No. 4

Appendix C


Acetyl azide Acetyl nitrate

Ammonium azide Ammonium chlorate

Ammonium hexanitrocobaltate Ammonium nitrate

Ammonium nitrite Ammonium periodate

Ammonium permanganate Ammonium picrate

Ammonium tetraperoxychromate Azidocarbonyl guanidine

Barium azide Benzene diazonium chloride

Benzotriazole Benzoyl peroxide

Bismuth nitride Boron triazide

Bromine azide Butanetriol trinitrate

t-Butyl hypochlorite Cadmium azide

Cadmium hexamine chlorate Cadmium hexamine perchlorate

Cadmium nitrate Cadmium nitride

Cadmium trihydrazine chlorate Calcium nitrate

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Cesium azide Chlorine azide

Chlorine dioxide Chlorine fluoroxide

Chlorine trioxide Chloroacetylene

Choropicrin Copper acetylide

Cyanuric triazide Diazidoethane

Diazodinitrophenol Diethylene glycol dinitrate

Dipentaerithritol hexanitrate Dipicryl amine

Disulfur dinitride Ethyl nitrate

Ethyl nitrite Fluorine azide

Glycol dinitrate Glycol monolactate trinitrate

Gold fulminate Guanyl nitrosaminoguanylidene hydrazine

HMX Hydrazine azide

Hydrazoic acid Lead azide

Lead dinitroresorcinate Lead mononitroresorcinate

Lead styphnate Mannitol hexanitrate

Mercuric oxycyanide Mercury fulminate

Nitrocarbonitrate Nitrocellulose

Nitroglycerin Nitrosoguanidine

Nitrostarch Pentaerythritol tetranitrate

Picamide Picric acid

Polyvinyl nitrate Potassium dinitrobenzfuroxan

Potassium nitrate RDX

Silver acetylide Silver azide

Silver nitride Silver styphnate

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Appendix D


Silver tetrazine Smokeless powder

Sodium picamate Tetranitro methane

Tetraselenium tetranitride Tetrasulfur tetranitride

Tstrazene Thallium nitride

Trilead dinitride Trimercury dinitride

trinitrobenzene Trinitrobenzoic acid

trinitronaphthalene Trinitroresorcinol

trinitrotoluene Urea nitrate

Vinyl azide Zinc peroxide

Acetlc anhyride Acetyl bromide

Acetyl chloride Alkyl aluminum chlorlde

Allyl trichlorosilane Aluminum aminoborohydride

Aluminum borohydride Aluminum bromide

Aluminum chloride Aluminum fluoride

Aluminum hypophosphide Aluminum phsophide

Aluminum tetrahydroborate Amyl trichlorosilane

Anisoyl chloride Antimony tribromide

Antimony trichloride Antimony trifluoride

Antimony triiodide Antimony trivinyl

Arsenic tribromide Arsenic trichloride

Arsenic triiodide Barium

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Barium carbide Barium oxide

Barium sulfide Benzene phosphorus dichloride

Benzoyl chloride Benzyl silane

Benzyl sodium Beryllium hydride

Beryllium tetrahydroborate Bismuth pentaflouride

Borane Boron bromodiiodide

Boron dibromoiodide Boron phosphide

Boron tribromide Boron trichloride

Boron triiodide Bromine monofluoride

Bromine pentafluoride Bromine trifluoride

Bromo diethylaluminum n-Butyl lithium

n-butyl trichlorosilane Cadmium acetylide

Cadmium amide Calcium

Calcium carbide Calcium hydride

Calcium oxide Calcium phosophide

Cesium amide Cesium hydide

Cesium phosphide Chlorine dioxide

Chlorine monofluoride Chlorine pentafluoride

Chlorine trifluoride Chloroacetyl chloride

Chlorodiisobutyl aluminum Chlorophenyl isocyanate

Chromyl chloride Copper acetylide

Cyclohexenyl trichlorosilane Cyclohexyl trichlorosilane

Decaborane Diborane

Diethyl aluminum chloride Diethyl dichlorosilane

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Diethyl zinc Diisopropyl beryllium

Dimethyl dichlorosilane Dimethylmethane diisocyanate

Disulfury chloride Dodecyl trichlorosilane

Ethyl dichloroarsine Ethyl dichlorosilane

Ethyl trichlorosilane Fluorine

Fluorine monoxide Fluorosulfonic acid

Gold acetylide Hexadecyl trichlorosilane

Hexyl trichlorosilane Hydrobromic acid

lodine monochloride Lithium

Lithium aluminium hydride Lithium amide

Lithium ferrosilicon Lithium hydride

Lithium peroxide Lithium silicon

Methyl aluminum sesquibromide Methyl aluminum sesquichloride

Methyl dichlorosilane Methylene diisocyanate

Methyl isocyanate Methyl trichlorosilane

Methyl magnesium bromide Methyl magnesium chloride

Methyl magnesium iodide Nickel antimonide

Nonyl trichlorosilane Octadecyl trichlorosilane

Octyl trichlorosilane Phenyl trichlorosilane

Phosphonium iodide Phosphoric anhydride

Phosphorus oxychloride Phosphorus pentasulfide

Phosphorus trisulfide Phosphorus (amorphous red)

Phosphorus oxybromide Phosphorus sesquisulfide

Phosphorus pentachloride Phosphorus trichloride

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Phosphorus tribromide Potassium

Polyphenyl polymethyl isocyanate Potassium oxide

Postassium hydride Propyl trichloride

Postassium peroxide Silicon tetrachloride

Pyrosulfuryl chloride Sodium

Silver acetylide Sodium amide

Sodium aluminum hydride Sodium methylate

Sodium hydride Sodium peroxide

Sodium oxide Stannic chloride

Sodium-potassium alloy Sulfuric acid (>70%)

Sulfonyl fluoride Sulfur pentafluoride

Sulfur chloride Sulfuryl chloride

Sulfur trioxide Thionyl chloride

Thiocarbonyl chloride Titanium tetrachloride

Thiophosphoryl chloride Trichlorosilane

Toluene diisocyanate Triisobutyl aluminum

Triethyl aluminum Tri-n-butyl aluminum

Trimethyl aluminum Tricotyl aluminum

Tri-n-butyl borane Triethyl arsine

Trichloroborane Trimethyl arsine

Triethyl stibine Tripropyl stibine

Trimethyl stibine Trivinyl stibine

Trisilyl arsine Vinyl trichlorosilane

Vanadium trichloride Zinc phosphide

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Appendix E

The H.K. University Of Science & Technology

Chemical Waste Log Sheet

C.W.P.Reg. No.: ____________________________ SEPO NO.: ______________

Waste Type: _______________________________ CWTF-ID: _______________

Department: _______ Room No.: _______ Contact Person: __________Ext. ______


Zinc acetylide

Zinc peroxide



Name of Reactant/ Product/ Waste

(Full Name in Block Letter)

Quantity Producer's Name

Phone No.

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Appendix F

Example in Filling of Chemical Waste Log Sheet

Example 1.

In an esterification reaction, ethanol is mixed with ethanoic acid, the final volume of the reacted mixture is 100 ml.

Example 2.

In the precipitation of silver chloride by mixing 50ml of 1M sodium chloride and 50 ml of 0.2

M silver nitrate.

Appendix G

The H.K. University Of Science & Technology

Labpack Waste Identity Sheet

reagent/Product/Waste : ethanol C2H5OH, ethanoic acid CH3COOH, ethyl ethanoate CH3COOC2H5volume : 100 mlwaste type : non-halogenated organic solvent

reagent/Product/Waste : SODIUM CHLORIDE NaCl, SILVER NITRATE AgNO3,SILVER CHLORIDE AgClvolume : 100 mlwaste types : alkalis or spent metal solutions

Chemical name / reagents used Quantity

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Possible hazardous products of reaction:






Other specific hazards:






Safety precautions:


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Name of waste producer: _____________ Tel: _____________ Rm No. __________

Name of supervisor: _______________ Tel: _____________

Date: ________________

Appendix H

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Labpack (Unwanted Expired Chemical) Form

Name of waste producer: ____________________ Tel: _______________ E-mail:__________________

Name of supervisor (if any): ___________________ Tel: _______________ E-mail:__________________

Waste location: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Item Chemical Chemical Formula

Physical State

Container Size (ml)

Container Type of Quantity (# of

Chemical Weight/


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Appendix I

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Labpack (Incompatible Waste) Form

Name of waste producer: ________________________ Tel: _____________ E-mail:_________________

Name of supervisor (if any): ______________________ Tel: _____________ E-mail:__________________

No. Name (S/M/L) Type (G/P/M)

Lid (G/P/M)

Containers) Volume (Kg/Litre)

Note : Form WPS1 for Unwanted/Expired Raw Chemicals; Form WPS2 for Wastes Produced from Lab Testing

S = Solid M = Sludge L = Liquid; G = Glass P = Plastic M = Metallic

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Page 26: Disposal of Chemical Waste

Waste location: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________





Name of Reaction







Size (ml)




Type of Lid


Quantity (# of


Chemical Wt/ Vol.



Note : Form WPS1 for Unwanted/Expired Raw Chemicals; Form WPS2 for Wastes Produced from Lab Testing

S = Solid M = Sludge L = Liquid; G = Glass P = Plastic M = Metallic

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