diseases caused by protista

Diseases caused by protista Malaria / Dysentery

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Post on 05-Apr-2017



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Page 1: Diseases caused by protista

Diseases caused by protista

Malaria / Dysentery

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Malaria• Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite called plasmodium , a sporotozoan (animal like protist).

It was a major case of deaths during all human existence but took the state a full scale epidemic during the XX century.

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InfectionOnly anopheles mosquitoesare the know vectors for transmissingmalaria .But for the mosquito must have ben infected form a previous bloodmeal taken on a infected human.

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Life cycleWhen a plasmodium enters a human system it travels to the liver cells through the blood vessels .There they transform intomerozoites that after develop into gametocytes which are the precursors of gametes . When another mosquito bites this human new spores migrate .

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Contagious or not ?Until now the only way known for the transmission of malaria is by one kind mosquito.So we can’t call it contagious or infectious .

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Where does malaria occur

Malaria commonly occurs in Africa ,Asia ,South America ,Central America ,Southern Mexico and Caribbean .But the most occurrences happen in Sub-Saharan Africa .These countries have a big amount of plasmodium falciparum which is the most dangerous of the four species.

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SymptomsSymptoms of malaria may include fever ,chills ,vomiting ,couch ,stomach pain , muscle aches ,weakness .

If infected with the most severe form of malaria and if left untreated it can cause serious illnesses like seizures ,mental confusion ,kidney failure ,coma and death .

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Malaria is treated with a class of drugscalled anti malarial.antimalarial drugs are designed toattack the parasites that cause malaria,preventing them from spreading whilealso killing them off so they can’t continue causing infection .

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Dysentery Dysentery is caused by Entamoeba histolytica which is a parasitic protozoan .Its main targets are humansand other primates.

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InfectionDysentery can only and only enter in the human system throughoral input . It can be rendered possible when aperson drinks turbid water.Also people who consume infected feces but that’s a very rare case and the persons in words had mental disorders .

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Life cycle

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Symptoms Symptoms of amoebic dysentery include:• abdominal pain• fever and chills• nausea and vomiting• watery diarrhea, which can contain blood, mucus or pus• painful passing of stools• fatigue• intermittent constipation.

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What does it cause ?

Entamoeba histolytica that, among other things, can cause severe diarrhea with blood. But it may cause milder chronic symptoms of: frequent loose stools , abdominal pain

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TreatmentTreatments for dysentery

Rehydration therapy

Antibiotics and amoebicidal drugs

Antirheumatic drug Ridaura

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• Thank you for your attention .

Punoi:Oresti Leka

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