diseases and health problems

Diseases and Health Problems How to Prevent Them

Upload: chris-haller

Post on 02-Jul-2015




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Diseases and Health Problems

How to Prevent Them

Medicine overdose

• READ THE INSTRUCTIONS on any medicine you take. Taking too much can be very dangerous.

Taking too much paracetamol can damage your liver, or even kill you.


What is cancer?

Cells do not die when they should, and new cells are made that are not needed.

Cancer statistics

• Cancer is the second leading cause of death in America.

• The most common cancers are skin, lung, breast, colorectal, prostate and stomach.

Tumors: benign or malignant?

How to Prevent Cancer

• Eat lots of vegetables and healthy foods.

• Healthy foods have antioxidants, which can help prevent cancer.

A cure for cancer?

Scientists have found a bacteria that can shrink cancer cells.

Men should have a prostate exam around age 45.

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men.

Don’t eat burned food

Don’t eat food with pesticides

Don’t eat food with formaldehyde or formalin

Diabetes โรคเบาหวาน

• If your body cannot control it’s blood sugar, you may have diabetes.

The liver and the pancreas control blood sugar.

Almost 10% of Americans have diabetes!

Type one diabetes: Insulin shots

And about 20 percent of Americans have “pre-diabetes”. This means their blood sugar level is not good.

How to Prevent Diabetes

Heart and arterial disease



Can see things that are close clearly, but far away things are not clear.

Up to 90% of asianschoolchildren are nearsighted!

Your eyes need sunlight.

The human eye


Some people can see far away things clearly, but things that are close are not clear. Reading is difficult.

Most older people are somewhat farsighted.

The human ear

Hearing loss


Babies in their first year of life need vaccines to protect them from diseases like tuberculosis and measles.

You can help babies in your family get vaccinated.

rabiesRabies is a virus that effects the brain, and will kill if not treated.

If you are bit by an animal, especially one that seems sick, you should go to the doctor.

In America, bats often have rabies.

Rabies makes you fear water.


They come out at night and drink your blood. They are vampires!You can kill them by heating your mattress.

“Good night, sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite.”


An inhalerAbout 300 million people in the world have asthma. It is becoming more common. It kills many people.

What causes an asthma attack?

• Perfume

• Stress

• Allergies

• Exercise

• Smoke

• Air pollution


Allergies are usually caused by pollen เรณู in the air.

Your body thinks the pollen is harmful, even if it is not, so your immune system does things to fight it.

Hives อาการ โรค ลมพิษ

Hives are a rash ผ่ืนคนัon the skin.

It can be caused by allergies, infections, sun, stress, or pressure on the body from sitting.

Common food allergies

• Peanuts

• Tree nuts

• Milk

• Egg

• Wheat

• Soy

• Fish

• shellfish

Lactose intoleranceAbout 90% of asian adults have trouble digesting dairy products.

Symptoms:Bloating อลึง่ฉึ่งCramps การ ปวด ช่องท้องDiarrheaPainful gasNausea ความเกลียดชงั

Dengue fever

Dengue is common in Thailand. It is not usually fatal. We can help prevent it by not leaving water standing for mosquitoes to lay eggs in.


• They are now developing a vaccine for malaria, but it is difficult to make.

The Ebola Virus

10,000 people have gotten ebola this year.

Quarantine การกกัด่าน

A quarantine area or person is separated from other areas or people to stop a disease from spreading.

Infection of a wound

If you don’t clean a wound, it can get infected and be dangerous.

Pus (the green stuff)


• When your body temperature drops below 38.6 degrees, you are in danger.

Heat exhaustion

Don’t leave your baby or pet in a hot car!

They could get heat stroke and die.

You could go to jail.


Skin peeling off

Constipation: When you can’t poop.

Pooping is good for you!

Fruits and vegetables and fiber will help you.

Drink a lot of water.

When you need to poop, don’t hold back!

You may get constipated when you travel.


Diarrhea often happens when people travel.

It can happen because of a food intolerance.

It could be inflammatory bowel disease.

Refrigerate your food!

Food will get rotten if you don’t refrigerate it.

Rotten ham


Depression is when you feel sad for a long time.

Depression can be caused by many things.

Depressed people need help.

Common cold vs. the flu

Flu vaccine

A flu vaccine may make you feel a little sick, but you will not get the flu.


Autism is a mental illness.

Autistic children have trouble communicating and understanding other people’s feelings.

Down syndrome

1 out of 1000 babies have this.

It is a genetic disorder.

People with down syndrome have a low IQ.


Deaf people usually know sign language.

Some can be helped by a hearing aid.

Protect your hearing- Wear earplugs


Many blind people have a seeing eye dog and a cane. Blind people read

braille with their fingers.


Everyone gets headaches. They have many causes.

Migraine headaches are the worst kind.

You can take aspirin or a pain reliever to help.


A bruise happens when blood vessels break and leak blood into the skin.


Scoliosis is when the spine is crooked.

Alzheimers disease

• Alzheimers destroys the brain, and especially the memory.

• There is no cure.