discussion why did the cartoonist portray the u.s. senate in such a negative way? the u.s. senate...


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Page 1: Discussion  Why did the cartoonist portray the U.S. Senate in such a negative way? The U.S. Senate voted against ratifying the Treaty of Versailles
Page 2: Discussion  Why did the cartoonist portray the U.S. Senate in such a negative way? The U.S. Senate voted against ratifying the Treaty of Versailles


Why did the cartoonist portray the U.S. Senate in such a negative way?

The U.S. Senate voted against ratifying the Treaty of Versailles. The cartoonist believed that the Senate's action was inhumane and harmful.

Page 3: Discussion  Why did the cartoonist portray the U.S. Senate in such a negative way? The U.S. Senate voted against ratifying the Treaty of Versailles
Page 4: Discussion  Why did the cartoonist portray the U.S. Senate in such a negative way? The U.S. Senate voted against ratifying the Treaty of Versailles
Page 5: Discussion  Why did the cartoonist portray the U.S. Senate in such a negative way? The U.S. Senate voted against ratifying the Treaty of Versailles
Page 6: Discussion  Why did the cartoonist portray the U.S. Senate in such a negative way? The U.S. Senate voted against ratifying the Treaty of Versailles
Page 7: Discussion  Why did the cartoonist portray the U.S. Senate in such a negative way? The U.S. Senate voted against ratifying the Treaty of Versailles

Paris Peace Conference

Wilson's proposals for just and lasting peace: Woodrow Wilson favored open peace agreements rather than secret diplomacy to achieve a lasting peace. He also favored self-determination. Wilson maintained liberty could be assured only by creating democratic governments and a "general association of nations" that would prevent small states from becoming the victim of larger states.

Deliberations complicated by national interests: Great Britain and France both wanted to make Germany pay for the war. France also desired security against future German attacks.

Peace settlement achieved through compromise: Because of the Allies' competing goals, compromise was needed to reach an agreement. Wilson's proposal for a League of Nations was accepted, and in return he compromised on territorial agreements. The French accepted a defensive alliance with Great Britain and the United States in exchange for a separate Rhineland.

Page 8: Discussion  Why did the cartoonist portray the U.S. Senate in such a negative way? The U.S. Senate voted against ratifying the Treaty of Versailles
Page 9: Discussion  Why did the cartoonist portray the U.S. Senate in such a negative way? The U.S. Senate voted against ratifying the Treaty of Versailles


Why was Wilson in favor of self determination?

Many of the problems in eastern European countries were due to the presence of many ethnic groups with different goals in the same country. Self-determination would give each group its own independent nation under its own rule. This would eliminate ethnic conflicts within countries.

Page 10: Discussion  Why did the cartoonist portray the U.S. Senate in such a negative way? The U.S. Senate voted against ratifying the Treaty of Versailles


the Treaty of Versailles punished Germany, established new nations, and created a League of Nations to solve international problems 

Page 11: Discussion  Why did the cartoonist portray the U.S. Senate in such a negative way? The U.S. Senate voted against ratifying the Treaty of Versailles
Page 12: Discussion  Why did the cartoonist portray the U.S. Senate in such a negative way? The U.S. Senate voted against ratifying the Treaty of Versailles

Provisions of Treaty of Versailles with Germany

Requirement of Germany to pay monetary reparations: Of the five treaties that ended the war, the Treaty of Versailles with Germany was the most important. The War Guilt Clause called for Germany and Austria to pay for all damages incurred by Allied countries as a result of the war.

Reduction of German territory and military power: Germany had to reduce its military forces, return Alsace and Lorraine to France, cede land to a new Polish state, and demilitarize its land along the Rhine River. Germans considered the terms of the Treaty of Versailles to be overly harsh, but their government accepted the treaty.

Page 13: Discussion  Why did the cartoonist portray the U.S. Senate in such a negative way? The U.S. Senate voted against ratifying the Treaty of Versailles
Page 14: Discussion  Why did the cartoonist portray the U.S. Senate in such a negative way? The U.S. Senate voted against ratifying the Treaty of Versailles
Page 15: Discussion  Why did the cartoonist portray the U.S. Senate in such a negative way? The U.S. Senate voted against ratifying the Treaty of Versailles


Which clause in the Treaty of Versailles particularly angered the Germans?

Article 231, the War Guilt Clause, which declared Germany (and Austria) responsible for starting World War I.

Page 16: Discussion  Why did the cartoonist portray the U.S. Senate in such a negative way? The U.S. Senate voted against ratifying the Treaty of Versailles


Do you think it was reasonable for Wilson to expect the European nations to share his views and approach to peace?

Wilson's expectations may have been unreasonable since the United States entered the war late and no battles were fought on United States soil.

Page 17: Discussion  Why did the cartoonist portray the U.S. Senate in such a negative way? The U.S. Senate voted against ratifying the Treaty of Versailles

Legacies of World War I

New nation-states in Eastern Europe: Under the principle of self-determination, many new nation-states were created in eastern Europe, although various compromises prevented them from being created along strict ethnic lines. Almost every European country had an ethnic minority, which would lead to friction later.

Dissolution of Ottoman Empire: The Ottoman Empire was dissolved. Although the Allies had promised to recognize the independence of Arab states after the war, some were taken over by France and Britain as mandates. The mandates included Syria, Iraq, and Palestine.

A painful realization: The war shattered the notion of a rational society. Millions of deaths and the destruction of huge areas of land led people to question the whole idea of human progress.

Increase in power of governments: Because the war effort led to complete mobilization of countries' resources and people, the role of government in the lives of citizens increased. People learned that freedom of speech could be limited in the name of national security.

Page 18: Discussion  Why did the cartoonist portray the U.S. Senate in such a negative way? The U.S. Senate voted against ratifying the Treaty of Versailles


How do you think the idea of progress prevalent during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was affected by World War I? 

People who had been involved in the struggle needed to regain some sense of normality, so progress had to wait until they got back to where they had been before the war.

Page 19: Discussion  Why did the cartoonist portray the U.S. Senate in such a negative way? The U.S. Senate voted against ratifying the Treaty of Versailles


World War I officially ended on September 28, 2010, when Germany paid the last of the reparations imposed at the end of the war. The final payment of about 95 million dollars ended the debt that was the Germany's price for World War I and laid the foundations for World War II. The initial war damages in 1919 were set at 226 billion Reichsmarks, later reduced to 132 billion. In 1919, the principal representative of the British treasury protested the high figure, warning that Germany would not be able to "formulate correct policy" if it could not finance itself. His warning proved true in the early 1930s when the Nazis came to power after the German republic sank into debt. During his reign, Adolf Hitler refused to pay anything toward reparations.

Page 20: Discussion  Why did the cartoonist portray the U.S. Senate in such a negative way? The U.S. Senate voted against ratifying the Treaty of Versailles


Should Germany have been held responsible for the cost of the war? Why or why not?

It should have been, although perhaps through means other than monetary payments, or that conditions should have been established so that Germany could have repaid the debt in a reasonable time.