discriminative multiple target tracking

Discriminative Multiple Target Tracking Xiaoyu Wang 1 Gang Hua 2 and Tony X.Han 3 1 University of Missouri [email protected] 2 Nokia Research Center [email protected] 3 University of Missouri [email protected] In this chapter, we introduce a metric learning framework to learn a single dis- criminative appearance model for robust visual tracking of multiple targets. The single appearance model effectively captures the discriminative visual in- formation among the different visual targets as well as the background. The appearance modeling and the tracking of the multiple targets are all cast in a discriminative metric learning framework. We manifest that an implicit exclusive principle is naturally reinforced in the proposed framework, which renders the tracker to be robust to cross occlusions among the multiple tar- gets. We demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed multiple target tracker on benchmark visual tracking sequences, and real-world video sequences as well. 1 Introduction Visual tracking of multiple targets has been very active research in the past years [29, 7, 28, 18, 22, 21], largely due to its essentiality in video surveillance, and more emerging applications such as internet video annotation. To robustly track the multiple objects, firstly we need to model the visual targets, either based on contour shape or visual appearances. Then a matching algorithm match the image observation data with the models of the multiple targets. Appearance based modeling has induced a lot of attention due to its richness in representation. For visual appearance modeling of the multiple visual targets, one may model the different visual target separately, e.g., either a generative model is built for each visual target to capture the visual variation [10, 15, 20, 27, 22, 21], or a discriminative model is built for each target to discriminate it from the background [3, 8, 4, 5]. Typical generative model for modeling visual target include appearance based subspace model [10, 15, 20] obtained using embedding methods such as principal component analysis [10, 20], or Gram- Schmidt decomposition [15], as well as Gaussian mixture model [17] learned from the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm [11].

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Page 1: Discriminative Multiple Target Tracking

Discriminative Multiple Target Tracking

Xiaoyu Wang1 Gang Hua2 and Tony X.Han3

1 University of Missouri [email protected] Nokia Research Center [email protected] University of Missouri [email protected]

In this chapter, we introduce a metric learning framework to learn a single dis-criminative appearance model for robust visual tracking of multiple targets.The single appearance model effectively captures the discriminative visual in-formation among the different visual targets as well as the background. Theappearance modeling and the tracking of the multiple targets are all castin a discriminative metric learning framework. We manifest that an implicitexclusive principle is naturally reinforced in the proposed framework, whichrenders the tracker to be robust to cross occlusions among the multiple tar-gets. We demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed multiple target tracker onbenchmark visual tracking sequences, and real-world video sequences as well.

1 Introduction

Visual tracking of multiple targets has been very active research in the pastyears [29, 7, 28, 18, 22, 21], largely due to its essentiality in video surveillance,and more emerging applications such as internet video annotation. To robustlytrack the multiple objects, firstly we need to model the visual targets, eitherbased on contour shape or visual appearances. Then a matching algorithmmatch the image observation data with the models of the multiple targets.Appearance based modeling has induced a lot of attention due to its richnessin representation.

For visual appearance modeling of the multiple visual targets, one maymodel the different visual target separately, e.g., either a generative modelis built for each visual target to capture the visual variation [10, 15, 20, 27,22, 21], or a discriminative model is built for each target to discriminate itfrom the background [3, 8, 4, 5]. Typical generative model for modeling visualtarget include appearance based subspace model [10, 15, 20] obtained usingembedding methods such as principal component analysis [10, 20], or Gram-Schmidt decomposition [15], as well as Gaussian mixture model [17] learnedfrom the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm [11].

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2 Xiaoyu Wang Gang Hua and Tony X.Han

On the other hand, discriminative appearance models leveraged supervisedlearning algorithms to training a classification function to differentiate the ap-pearances of the visual targets from the background. For example, supportvector machine (SVM) and Boosting cascade classifier is adopted in [3] and[7], respectively, for training discriminative visual models, an ensemble classi-fier based on Boosting is leveraged in [4], a linear discriminative classifier isemployed by [8], and a multiple instance Boosting classifier is utilized in [5].A set of positive examples representing the target object and a set of negativeexamples representing the background are needed to train the discriminativemodel.

Compared to generative models, discriminative models aim directly on dif-ferentiating the visual target from the background clutter, hence they may bemore desirable for robust visual tracking. However, separating the discrimi-native appearance modeling efforts for the multiple targets is problematic be-cause each model is only focusing on differentiating the associated target withthe background where the target presented. The discriminative informationamong the different visual targets themselves are totally ignored. Effectivelycapturing the discriminative information among the different visual targetsmay be vital in dealing with cross occlusions incurred among the multipletargets.

In this chapter, we present a discriminative formulation to learn an jointdiscriminative appearance model for discriminating the multiple visual targetsfrom the background, as well as discriminating the multiple targets them-selves. This formulation is cast under a discriminative metric learning frame-work proposed by Globerson and Roweis [12]. A nice property of this dis-criminative formulation is that the learning of the joint model only needs tooptimize a convex function using gradient descent, where the optimal solutionis guaranteed. Moreover, in our formulation, the visual matching process totrack the multiple targets is also optimizing the same objective function aswhat we used to learn the visual model.

The visual matching process in our tracking algorithm can also be effi-ciently performed by gradient based optimization using any modern nonlinearoptimization packages, such as the one proposed in [31]. This put our multipletarget tracking algorithm into the literature of gradient based visual track-ing algorithms [13, 9, 30, 14, 26]. Gradient based tracking algorithms directlymatch the visual model with the image observations based on the gradientof the objective function w.r.t. the motion parameters. It does not make anyadditional assumptions of the motion and observation models, which may of-ten required in visual tracking algorithms based on hypothesis generation andobservation verification, such as Kalman filter (KF) [19], probabilistic dataassociation filter (PDAF) [6], and particle filter [16].

Due to the mutual discrimination of the appearance models of the differentvisual targets reinforced in the learning process, and the joint optimizationof multiple motions, our tracking algorithm reinforces an implicit exclusive

principle [21]. Exclusive principle, which is firstly defined by MacCormick and

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Blake [21] states that no two visual targets shall account for the same imageobservation, which is vital to handle and being robust to occlusions whendealing with multiple objects tracking. Notice that our proposed formulationfor discriminative visual modeling of multiple visual appearances may not beutilized for tracking multiple identical objects in a visual scene. Nevertheless,exact identical multiple objects are scarce in real-world videos. Therefore, thislimitation may not hinder the general applicability of the proposed multipletarget tracking algorithm.

When compared with previous methods for multiple target tracking algo-rithms, the proposed modeling and matching framework presents three ad-vantages. Firstly, it presents a discriminative formulation to simultaneouslymodel the appearances of multiple objects, which not only discriminates thevisual target from the background, but also seeks for mutual discriminationamong the different visual targets. Secondly, in our formulation, an exclusiveprinciple is naturally reinforced, which renders it robust to handle cross oc-clusions among the different visual target. Thirdly, our proposed framework iseasily adapted for online model updating, which is supported by a principledcriterion derived from the objective function to select the optimal set of visualexamples for online modeling and matching.

2 Appearance and motion model of multiple targets

2.1 Metric learning framework

We cast our discriminative appearance and motion model of mutliple tar-gets by leveraging a metric learning framework similar to Globerson andRoweis [12]. Suppose we have a set of labeled training examples X = {xi,j ∈R

N , oij}ni

j=1, where oij = 0 indicates background, and oij = 1, . . . , K indicatesthe visual samples of each of the K visual targets we are intending to track.N is the dimension of examples. Let S0 = {(x0j , o0j = 0)}n0

j=0, and also let

Si = {(xij , oij = i)}ni

j=0 for any i = 1, . . . , K, such that n =∑K

i=0(ni + 1) and

X =⋃K

i=0 Si. xij means the jth example for tracking target i(i = 0 impliesbackground). In our experiments, each xij is usually a w×h image patch andN = w × h.

We further denote ∀i > 0, xi0 = I(mi) indicates each of the K visualtargets we want to track in the current frame where mi ∈ R

L is the motionparameters we want to recover. I(mi) is a mapping which maps the motionparameters, affine transformation parameters for example, to image patch.Obviously, the label oi0 of I(mi) is i, since it represents the ith visual target.For convenience, we will either use xi0 or I(mi) in our presentation dependingon if we are learning for the appearance model or performing the visual match-ing for tracking of the multiple target. Following Globerson and Roweis [12],we propose to learn a Mahalanobis form metric, i.e.,

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dA(xij ,xkl) = (xij − xkl)T A(xij − xkl). (1)

to achieve our unified formulation, where A is a positive semi-definite matrixwe need to learn from data. Define, for each xij ∈ X , a conditional probability

pA(xkl|xij) =1


e−dA(xij,xkl) =e−dA(xij,xkl)

p6=i∨q 6=j e−dA(xij,xpq). (2)

The ideal distribution of the optimal A shall collapse samples from the sameclass to be a single point. Specifically, the ideal distribution shall take thefollowing form,

p0(xkl|xij) =



oij = okl = c

0 oij 6= okl. (3)

where c ∈ {0, 1, . . . , K}. Recall that xi0 = I(mi). Denote M = {m1,m2, . . . ,mK},we define

f(A,M) =n


KL (p0(xkl|xij)||pA(xkl|xij))

= C +




j 6=k=1



(dA(xij ,xik) + log Zij) . (4)

where C =∑


nclog 1

ncis a constant. To have pA(xkl|xij) to be as

close to p0(xkl|xij) as possible, we only need to proceed to minimize f(A,M).More formally, we formulate the following optimization problem,

min f(A,M) (5)

s.t. ∀a ∈ RN ,aTAa ≥ 0. (6)

where the constraint in Eq. 6 confines A to be a positive semi-definite matrix(PSD). Solving the above optimization problem would allow us to jointlyobtain the optimal discriminative appearance models for all of the multiplevisual targets defined by A, and track the motions of the all of them as well,which is defined by m. We solve both by efficient gradient based search, aswe shall detail in the following sub-sections.

2.2 Joint appearance model estimation

In formulation, discriminative appearance modeling refers to identifying theoptimal A to define the discriminative metric between visual samples. Assumethat the motion parameter m is fixed, following [12], it is easy to figure outthat f(A,m) is a convex function of A. Taking the derivative of f(A,M)with respect to A, we have











ωij(kl)(xkl − xij)(xkl − xij)T (7)

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whereωij(kl) = p0(xkl|xij) − pA(xkl|xij). (8)

Similar to [12], we take a gradient projection algorithm [23] to obtain theoptimal A. Specifically the following two steps are performed:

1. Gradient Descent:A = A − ǫ∂f(A,m)∂A

, where ǫ determines the steplength for gradient descent.

2. PSD Projection: Compute the eigen-value decomposition of A, i.e.,{λk,uk}N

k=1 such that A =∑N

k=1 λkukuTk , set A =

∑Nk=1 max(λk, 0)uku

Tk .

The first step above performs gradient descent, and the second step reinforcesthe constraint to make A to be a positive semi-definite matrix. These twosteps are iterated until convergence. Since f(A,M) is a convex function of A

fixing M, the iteration of these two steps is guaranteed to find the optimalsolution of A.

2.3 Motion parameter optimization

In this subsection, we fix the discriminative appearance model A, and developthe gradient descent search for the motion parameters M. Not losing anygenerality, we assume that each mi, ∀i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , K} is a linear motionmodel, i.e.,







ai bi

ci di

] [










where [x′i, y


T is the canonical coordinates for the labeled examples, and[xi, yi]

T is the coordinates in the target video frame. This linear motion modelcovers a wide variety of visual motions such as translation, scaling, similarity,as well as full affine motion. We proceed to derive the gradient based searchfor the full affine motion model.

Recall that xi0 = I(mi) is the only term that involves the motion param-eter mi, ∀i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , K}, according to chain rule, we have







. (10)

With some mathematical manipulations, it can be shown that







A(xi0 − xij) − 2K




βi0(kl)A(xi0 − xkl). (11)

whereβi0(kl) = pA(xkl|xi0) + pA(xi0|xkl) (12)

For any parameter ξi ∈ mi, again, applying chain rule, we have













, (13)

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6 Xiaoyu Wang Gang Hua and Tony X.Han

where ∂I(mi)xi

and ∂I(mi)yi

represents the image gradient in the target frame inhorizontal and vertical directions, respectively. For ease of notation, we denotethem as Ixi

and Iyirespectively. Following Eq. 13, we have, ∀i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , K}



= Ixix′


∂bi= Ixi

y′i (14)



= Iyix′


∂di= Iyi

y′i (15)



= Ixi


∂fi= Iyi


Therefore, we may easily calculate the gradient of f(A,M) with respect tomi by applying Eq. 10 to Eq. 16. Then we can take a gradient descent stepto recover the optimal motion parameter mi, ∀i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , K}, i.e.,

mi = mi − η∂f(A,mi)



where the step length η could be estimated, for example, by a quasi-Newtonmethod such as L-BFGS [31].

3 Online matching and updating multiple models

Another challenge in appearance model based multiple target tracking is torobustly adapt the model to the visual environment. This adaptation maybe indispensable for robust tracking since the target objects may go throughdrastic visual changes from environmental conditions such as extreme lighting,occlusions, casting shadows, and pose and view changes. The metric learningformulation we proposed in Eq. 5 enables us to naturally fulfill this task. Weproceed to present it in a more formal way.

Extended from the notation of Sec. 2, let X (t) =⋃

S(t)i be the set of

n labeled examples we maintain at time instance t. We also let At be the

current discriminative appearance model, and Mt = {m(t)i }K

i=1 be the motion

parameters we need to recover. Hence we have x(t)i0 = I(t)(m

(t)i ). At each

time instant t, given X (t) and At, we run the gradient descent optimization

algorithm outlined in Sec. 2.3 to obtain the optimal motion parameters m̂(t)i ,

∀i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , K}. This fulfills our visual matching and tracking task. Then we

perturb each m̂(t)i in turn to generate a set of α background samples S(t+1)

to replace the oldest α samples subset S(t)0α in X (t). In practice, we sample

examples around the current tracked target with a relative bigger distance toreplace old background examples. This results in the new labeled examplesX (t+1), i.e.,

X (t+1) = (X (t) \ S(t)0α ) ∪ S(t+1)

0α . (18)

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Discriminative Multiple Target Tracking 7

Since m(t)i has been recovered, for ease of presentation, we abuse the nota-

tion to temporally define x(t+1)i0 = It(m

(t)i ), ∀i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , K}. With X (t+1)

We can then run the gradient projection optimization algorithms outlined inSec. 2.2 to obtain the optimal At+1. To proceed with the next matching step

to identify the optimal It+1(m(t+1)i ), ∀i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , K}, we need to retire one

example for each visual target in the current X (t+1) to update the example set,we propose a least consistent criterion based on the contribution of each of thetarget examples to the unified cost function f(At+1,Mt). Indeed, fixing At+1

and Mt, f(At+1,Mt) is a function of X (t+1), i.e., f(At+1,Mt) = g(X (t+1)).We can similarly define a g(·) function for any subset of X (t+1) based on Eq. 4.Therefore, for each xij ∈ X (t+1), a consistent criterion can be defined as

c(xij) = g(

X (t+1))

− g(

X (t+1) \ {xij})

. (19)

It is easy to understand that the larger c(xij) is, the more contribution xij

has made to f(At+1,mt). If the label o(xij) = i, a larger c(xij) indicates thatxij is not very compatible to the rest of the visual samples of target i, andhence should be retired from the sample set. More formally, we select

x⋆i = arg max

x∈X (t+1),o(x)=ic(x) (20)

to retire from X (t+1), for each i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , K}. In real operation, we only

need to change the numbering of x(t+1)i0 = It(mt) to the numbering of x⋆

i ,

then we reset x(t+1)i0 = It+1(m

(t)i ), ∀i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , K}, which are initialized to

kick off the matching process to recover the optimal motion parameter Mt+1.The above steps will be iterated from time instant t to time instant t + 1.

Therefore we track the multiple visual targets and estimate the joint dis-criminative visual appearance model in an online fashion, which are all basedon efficient gradient based optimization. Most previous approaches resort toheuristics or the oldness of visual samples to select the optimal set of onlinetraining examples. While our proposed selection criterion for positive exam-ples in Eq. 20 is derived directly from the objective function of the proposedformulation in a principled fashion. It manifests another benefit of our pro-posed metric learning framework for discriminative appearance modeling andmatching of multiple visual objects.

To initialize the tracking algorithm, we can either run an object detectorif it applies, such as a face detector [24] or a human detector [25], if we aretracking a number of faces or persons, or request the users to manually spec-ify the tracking rectangles for the multiple visual target. Then the initializedtracking rectangles are perturbed to form the initial set of labeled examplesX (1). More specifically, perturbed rectangles with sufficient overlap with theinitial rectangles are regarded as the visual samples of the corresponding tar-gets, while those perturbed rectangles which are deviated too much from theinitial rectangles are deemed as visual samples of the background. This boot-straps learning for the optimal discriminative appearance model A2, which

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8 Xiaoyu Wang Gang Hua and Tony X.Han

is then adopted to obtain the optimal motion parameter M2. This processeswill be repeated as described above.

Last but not least, when maintaining the labeled example set X (t), wefix a small set of β background and β visual examples extracted from theinitialization frame for each of the visual target in the working set, i.e., wenever replace them with new examples. This treatment is very important tokeep our discriminative appearance model stable and avoid it to be driftedtoo drastically in the visual tracking process.

4 Discriminant exclusive principle

We argue that the proposed joint formulation for multiple object trackingnaturally incorporates an exclusive principle [22] in the matching process.Therefore it is robust to handle occlusions among the different visual objects.The exclusive principle states that no two visual tracker shall occupy the sameimage observation. Our proposed algorithm naturally achieved it because ofthe joint discriminative appearance model A, which reinforces the mutualdiscrimination of the appearances between two visual targets I(mi) and I(mj).To see this more clearly, given an optimal A, if I(mi) and I(mj) occupysimilar image regions (a.k.a, mj

.= mi), and thus have very similar visual

appearances, the mutual discriminative information encoded in A would incura large value for f(A,M). Therefore, mj = mi is not an optimal solution toM. In other words, the optimal motion parameter M is more likely to occurwhen ∀1 ≤ i < j ≤ K, mj 6= mi. Therefore, the exclusive principle amongthe different visual targets are naturally reinforced, which makes our proposedframework for multiple target tracking to be more robust to cross occlusionsamong the different visual targets.

5 Experiments

5.1 Visualization of learned appearance model

The appearance model A defines an discriminative embedding to differen-tiate the multiple visual objects from the background. Each eigenvector ofA is corresponding to one basis vector of the embedding. To have a betterunderstanding on how the appearance model A functions, in Fig. 1, we visu-alize the top 12 eigenvectors of an optimal A estimated at frame 512 whentracking three persons in the CAVIAR sequence. As clearly observed, theyencode the contour and shape information of the target objects. It is quitesensible because A is used in our discriminative framework for discriminatingthe multiple objects from the background,and also reinforce the mutual dis-criminations among the different objects. The shape information is probablythe most reliable one for the achieving that.

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5.2 Multiple target tracking for different video sequences

We evaluate the tracker on two datasets: the CAVIAR [1] videos and the ETHMobile Scence(ETHMS) [2]. For each single object, we randomly extract 20positive examples to form a positive set tightly around the initial bounding boxof the object. The number of negative examples around a single object is alsoset to be 20. We will have 20∗N negative examples for each object, supposingthat we have N objects to be tracked. A confliction solving procedure isemployed to avoid extracting a positive example from one object as a negativeof another. After obtaining the matched patch in the current frame, negativeexamples would be generated by randomly selecting patches with a minimumand maximum distance toward the positive. The motion parameters (affineparameters) are kept the same in this step. Half of the positive and negativeexamples would be kept without updating to help the tracker recover frombig changes and occlusions. The normalized pixel intensity is used as thefeature. We downsample the image patches to 20 × 20, regardless of theiroriginal dimensions(The feature dimension for each object must be the sameto fit into the metric framework). This procedure is implemented by solvinga warping equation instead of directly sampling the image patch, which willprovide a smoother objective function for the gradient descent optimizationin the second step of the iteration.

Figure 2 shows the tracking results for a video from CAVIAR in whichthree persons walk on the corridor with big scale changes and occlusions. Theobjects encounter big occlusion by a crossing person from key frame 816. Wepresent the sample results obtained by our tracker, the ILT [20] tracker andthe Meanshift [9]. Our tracker shows quite robust responses.The ILT trackerloses the target when it’s occluded by a person crossing the corridor. TheMeanshift tracker shifts because it cannot deal with big scale change.

Fig. 1. The top 12 eigenvectors (with the descent order from top left to bottomright) for the discriminative matrix A.

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In order to give quantitative performance comparison with these twoworks, we employ a criterion called Average Tracking Precision(ATP) to dothe evaluation, enlighted by the PASCAL grand challenge. More formally, foreach tracking task, a ground truth mask for the object of interest is labeled ineach frame j. The mask is represented as a point set Gj which is a collectionof all points in the ground truth bounding box. The tracking result is repre-sented as a point set Tj at frame j. (xi, yi) ∈ Gj or Tj indicates that the pixelat (xi, yi) is associated with the target. For an ideal tracker, ∀j, Gj = Tj .

For each frame j, the tracking precision rj is defined as: rj = |Gj∩Tj |/|Gj∪Tj |. Noticing that rj ∈ [0, 1], the ATP for a tracker of an object in a videoclip is defined as:

ATP =1




rj =1




|Gj ∩ Tj |

|Gj ∪ Tj |, (21)

where N is the running length of the video clips in frame number. For an idealtracker, ATP ≡ 1. We use it as the exclusive quantitative measure to comparethe performance of the TUDAMM with other state-of-the-art trackers.

Because neither of the other two algorithms support multiple object track-ing, we track the objects independently to obtain results from the two trackers.Figure 3 shows the ATP curve. The TUDAMM tracker gives the best per-formance, with an ATP above 0.7. Recall that in PASCAL grand challenge, adetection with an overlap bigger than 0.5 with ground truth would be treatedas a true detection. The ATP value 0.7 implies perfect tracking performance.

Fig. 2. Sampled multiple object tracking results on the Caviar dataset. Key frameNO.:513,809,817,828. The first row: our tracking results; the second row: trackingresults of ILT; the third row: tracking results of Meanshift.

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Figure 4 presents sampled key frames from the result of tracking threepersons on a street [2]. The person with red coat is occluded by a tree duringthe tracking. Figure 5 presents sampled tracking results for a video from

500 600 700 800 900 1000 11000.4







Frame number



ATP performance for mutltiple object tracking


Fig. 3. Tracking performance comparison using ATP. Red curve: TUDAMM;Bluecurve: ILT; Black curve: Meanshift

Fig. 4. Multiple Tracking result on the ETH dataset

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12 Xiaoyu Wang Gang Hua and Tony X.Han

CAVIAR dataset [1].

Fig. 5. Multiple Tracking result on the Caviar dataset

Figure 6 shows the tracking result for a horse racing video in which crossocclusion happens frequently. Our tracker show excellent performance. TheILT tracker cannot locate the object very well and the fifth(left to right)horse is completely lost during the tracking process. The Meanshift tracker isnot good at solving cross occlusions and the bounding box shifts drastically.

Fig. 6. Multiple Tracking results for a horse racing video. Key frame No: 3026,3143,3202,3341. The first row:TUDAMM tracker;the second row:the Meanshift tracker;the third row: the ILT tracker.

As we can clearly observe, our discriminative multiple targets trackerpresent very robust tracking results under drastic visual variations inducedby illumination changes, scale changes, pose articulations, as well as mutualocclusions.

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6 Discussions, Conclusion and Future Work

We proposes a discriminative metric learning framework for robust trackingof multiple targets. It not only seeks for appearance models to discriminatethe multiple foreground targets from the background, but also try to recoversubtle discriminations between two different visual targets. Our experimentson a set of challenging real-world video sequences demonstrated the robustnessof the proposed tracking algorithms in dealing with large visual variations andcross-occlusions.

Future work may include further exploration of different type of filters forfurther improving the robustness of the tracker under the same formulation.Meanwhile, as discussed above, this framework may encounter problem if ob-jects are nearly identical. We will further investigate this issue and exploremeans of mitigate this issue. It may be addressed by posing strong dynamicmodels learned online, we will defer all this to our future work.


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