discover math and science now - about mrs. day€¦ · web view(single celled organisms belonging...

Biology 11 Name: _____________ Date: __________ Microbiology is the study of ___________ and/or microscopic particles a. It includes : i. Viruses (_______-living infectious particles) ii. Bacteria (ALL single celled prokaryotes belonging to both Domain ________/ Kingdom Archaebacteria and Domain Bacteria/Kingdom _______________) iii. Yeasts (single celled organisms belonging to Domain _____________, Kingdom Fungi) iv. Protists (mostly single celled organisms belonging to Domain Eukarya, Kingdom __________) BACTERIA – The Prokaryotes Kingdom Archaebacteria AND Kingdom Eubacteria Unifying (Common Characteristics) 1. By far, the most successful organisms on this planet – in terms of: Longevity, Reproductive Ability, Adaptability, ____________ Found_____________!! In water, On land and ____________ ON the surface & INSIDE living _______, _________ & humans 2. They are important and BENEFICIAL in: genetic engineering processes e.g. bacteria can _______________________ waste e.g. bacteria can be used to make insulin (for diabetics) as decomposers breakdown dead matter to _______________ into the ecosystem symbiotic relationships e.g. bacteria in our intestines - _________________________ ________________________________________________ help to make our food

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Page 1: Discover Math and Science Now - About Mrs. Day€¦ · Web view(single celled organisms belonging to Domain _____, Kingdom Fungi) Protists (mostly single celled organisms belonging

Biology 11 Name: _____________ Date: __________

Microbiology is the study of ___________ and/or microscopic particles

a. It includes :i. Viruses (_______-living infectious particles)ii. Bacteria (ALL single celled prokaryotes belonging to both Domain

________/ Kingdom Archaebacteria and Domain Bacteria/Kingdom _______________)

iii. Yeasts (single celled organisms belonging to Domain _____________, Kingdom Fungi)

iv. Protists (mostly single celled organisms belonging to Domain Eukarya, Kingdom __________)

BACTERIA – The Prokaryotes

Kingdom Archaebacteria AND Kingdom Eubacteria

Unifying (Common Characteristics)1. By far, the most successful organisms on this planet – in terms of:

Longevity, Reproductive Ability, Adaptability, ____________ Found_____________!!

In water, On land and ____________ ON the surface & INSIDE living _______, _________ & humans

2. They are important and BENEFICIAL in: genetic engineering processes

e.g. bacteria can _______________________ waste e.g. bacteria can be used to make insulin (for diabetics)

as decomposers breakdown dead matter to _______________ into the ecosystem

symbiotic relationships e.g. bacteria in our intestines - _________________________

________________________________________________ help to make our food

3. NOTE: most bacteria are good/useful, only a few are harmful: And can cause human diseases like _________________________ and food poisoning _____________________________________

Bacteria characteristics and Basic Structure

ALL bacteria (Archeabacteria and Eubacteria) have/are: 1. all are ____________ (meaning ________________________)2. all are _______________ - cells that __________ nucleus3. they have NO nucleus and NO ________________ organelles 4. they have a cell wall (but NOT like a plant cell wall, it doesn’t

contain ____________)

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5. very small in size (about ___________in size)

Basic Structure

Label the diagram with the items listed in the chart below AND provide a FUNCTION for each structural part (see text, page 472, 173, 177 and diagram 19.2 )

STRUCTURAL PART FUNCTIONA) Pilus (sing) // pilli (pl)

B) Ribosome

C) nucleoid // DNA

G) plasmid (circular DNA)

D) Flagellum (sing) // flagella (pl) *** not all bacteria have these

E) cell wall

F) cell or plasma membrane

G) Cytoplasm


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Classification (Taxonomy) of Bacteria

Divided into 2 domains: (1) Archae and (2) Bacteria

(1)Domain Archae, Kingdom Archaebacteria Have about 5 phyla (phylum sing) associated with this kingdom

Distinguishing / Key Characteristics:

o live in ______________________________ environments. o Some are anaerobic (don’t require oxygen) o Live in chemicals e.g. sulphur or in salty conditions o Other live in hot places -- temp are so hot that they would kill any other organismso Areas with very high or low pH (basic or acidic)

o They Do NOT have peptidoglycan in their cell wallso Instead, have unique membrane lipids (which allows them to survive in harsh


o DNA sequences are similar to eukaryotic cells

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(2)Domain Bacteria, Kingdom Eubacteria

Distinguishing / Key Characteristics:

Eubacteria (Latin meaning “true” bacteria) What scientists normally think of when we say the word bacteria They are very diverse!!! Mobile – some species have 1 or more flagella Some live in soil, inside hosts of parasites, others are photosynthetic and can make their

own food

There are about 30 phyla (phylum = sing) that are associated with the Eubacteria Kingdom – we’ll look at 2

Phylum Cyanobacteria (also called “blue green bacteria”) Only few are really blue-green in colour. These bacteria are_______________________, BUT They Don’t have ___________________ like plants, but embed their pigments on

membranes (capture the light for photosynthesis) IMPORTANT because they produce__________________________. Often the 1st species

to recolonize the site of a natural disaster (volcanic eruption) Are found throughout the world Found in __________ or ________________environments

Phylum Prochlorobacteria (also called prochlorophyta – phyta = plants) A few newly discovered species of photosynthetic bacteria that are similar to cyanobacteria

but contain both chloroplasts a and chlorophyll b

Found in aquatic environments, with nonoplankton

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Classification mainly relies on – traditional methods such as: anatomical features, staining characteristics, metabolic properties and newer approaches such as genetic analysis

You are expected to know the following 6 ways that bacteria can be identified:

1. Anatomical Feature: Cell shape 3 basic shapes:

o Bacilli are ____________________(singular = bacillus, plural = bacilli)

o Cocci are ____________(singular = coccus; plural = cocci)

o Spirilla are _________________(singular = spirillum; o plural = spirilla) Ex. Spirochette

Individual cocci bacteria can arrange themselves in different ways: Common ones:

2 cocci bacteria – called _________.

Long chains – called ___________ & ____________.

Clumps or clusters – called __________________

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2. Anatomical and Staining Characteristics: Cell Wall

Another way of telling bacteria apart is by comparing the chemical makeup of the cell wall. A method called gram staining tells them apart. Gram-positive bacteria have ____________________________________________

________________________peptidoglycan. Gram-negative bacteria _________________________________inside an outer lipid layer.

How are bacteria gram stained?





Gram-positive: These bacteria have a THICK layer of peptidoglycan in their cell walls. When stained, violet stains the peptidoglycan and the alcohol DOES NOT wash away the violet stain and the cell walls stay violet. These bacteria look purple under magnification.

Gram-negative: These bacteria have 2 THIN cell walls with a very thin layer of peptidoglycan in between. The violet cannot penetrate, so the peptidoglycan doesn’t stain. The alcohol step washes away the violet stain. These bacteria absorb the red stain and look red under magnification.

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Knowledge check: What is the structural difference between Gram-positive and Gram negative bacteria? What colour does each type of bacteria absorb and why? What does the colour tell you about their cell wall?

3. Anatomical: Movement

Bacteria can be identified by the way they move Some move by _____________________________ Some snake or sprial forward by ________________ Other glide over a layer of ____________________ Some don’t move at all

4. Metabolic Properties: How Bacteria OBTAIN/get Energy (through Nutrition/food!)

How obtain energy DescriptionPhoto-Autotroph





An Autotroph is:

A Heterotroph is:

Use page 473 – 474 in your textbook to define these two terms here and to fill in the empty chart in your notes

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5. Metabolic Property: How bacteria RELEASE energy (a.k.a.Cellular Respiration)

Cellular respiration refers to the chemical reactions that all cells use to release energy from organic molecules. Bacteria are:o Obligate aerobes –

o Obligate anaerobes –

o Facultative anaerobes –

6. Growth and Reproduction – see separate handout

Bacterial diseases