discipline specific tutorial training complete

Student Learning Unit: Xena Cupido * Welcome

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Student Learning Unit: Xena Cupido

* Welcome



Lecturer Expectation/Fears

Teaching Assistant Expectation/Fears


Research project conducted by Dr. Lorraine Hassan - recommendations:

* Post -training support for tutors needed

* Training should be conducted for lecturers on how to plan tutorials and how to utilize tutors in the running of tutorials.

* There should be a balance between generic training and discipline specific training, for example customised training in departments to promote contextualized learning.

* Co-ordinators should receive continuous professional development in the area of tutor training. Conceptualization of the TTP should go beyond the contents of the guide for student tutors.


*To conduct a situational analyses of the current tutorial practices in Engineering

* To conceptualise tutorials: Addressing the cognitive domain

*Outline the tutorial and material requirements\

*Focus on the role of lecturer, TA/Retention Officer and Tutor

* How are Tutorials Organised at



Business Faculty:



*Communication Skills

Applied Sciences


*Food Technology


Informatics and Design

*History and Theory of Design

*Public Relations


Health and Wellness

*Emergency Medical Care

Faculty of Education

*Education: FET



* Tourism:

voluntary, venues and time allocated on timetable

* Communication Skills:

remedial support,

voluntary, not timetabled

* Finance

Voluntary, remedial

support, not timetable


*Weekly, monthly meetings, to discuss work covered.

* Administrative support, tutors give feedback on progress and planning sessions are held only when tutors request a meeting

* Monthly meetings, attendance register handed in, discussions about sessions


*Tutor training centrally based – generic tutor


*Administrative support - Tutors are supported

administratively with claim forms and payments

*Meetings take place between lecturers and tutors,

no explicit subject specific tutor training,

discussions take place in most departments

* Important Question: What is the nature of the meeting?

*TLU: Embedded in the Faculty of Business and


Tutor Training:

*3hr training

*Observation and Feedback of Teaching Practice

*Follow up session in 6th or 7th week

*Tutors evaluate training


*ADU lecturer establishes support/ mentorship to lecturer in


*Provides generic tutor training, support to lecturer and tutors

*Engagement and interaction between ADU lecturer and

tutorial coordinator

*Tutorial coordinator/ Discipline specific lecturer provides

subject specific training


*General teaching and learning principles training with Staff:

in collaboration with ADU, active participation, awareness of

the teaching contexts. (4 sessions)

*School or departmental specific training: in the form of

seminars hosted by experienced and academics who received

awards for their teaching and learning

*Course level instruction: Lead Tutors act as mentors to new

tutors, *Tutor web page, tutor coordinator, tutor office hours


*Lecturers are trained as tutor trainers by ADU . Smith and Bath (2003)

* Academic staff form the Tutor Training Network within Faculties

*Training, Observation, Feedback and Follow –up occurs within Faculties

*Academic staff located in department in turn train tutors in departments where discipline specific training takes place


Xena Cupido

* Constructive alignment



• Students construct meaning through relevant learning activities.

• Meaning is not transmitted by lecturer - students create for themselves


• A link between Intended learning Outcomes (ILO), Teaching Learning Activities(TLA) and assessment

• Teaching methods and assessments are aligned to teaching activities – level of understanding to be achieved by student



T & L activities

Intended outcomes


*Level 1 – Knowledge:

Possible verbs: define, distinguish, identify, list, recognize, describe, draw

*Level 2 -- ComprehensionPossible verbs: translate, transform, illustrate, express in your own words, represent, change, rephrase, restate, explain, interpret; sort, rearrange, differentiate, distinguish, demonstrate; estimate, infer, conclude, predict, fill in, extend, determine, interpolate, extrapolate

*Level 2 -- ApplicationPossible verbs: apply, generalize, relate, choose, develop, organize, use, employ, transfer, classify


*Level 4 -- AnalysisPossible verbs: Analyze, distinguish, detect, deduce, classify, discriminate, recognize, categorize, compare

*Level 5 -- Synthesis Possible verbs: write, relate, produce, construct, draw, originate, modify, document, design, plan, specify, derive, combine, synthesize, develop

*Level 6 -- EvaluationPossible verbs: Judge, argue, validate, evaluate, assess, decide, select, compare, appraise, discuss



*Learning issue:

*Bloom’s taxonomy

*Anderson and Krathwohl taxonomy.


*Declarative knowledge (DK): knowledge of discipline, content.

*Procedural knowledge: skills necessary to apply DK).

*Conditional knowledge: an awareness of the circumstance in which to apply the rest.

*Functioning knowledge: extends DK into a specific context and can include integration of several domains of knowledge.


*Biggs, J.B. 2003. teaching for quality leanring at

university. Buckingham: Open University Press/Society

for Research into Higher Education (2nd).

*Walsh, A. 2007. An exploration of Bigg’s constructive

alignment in the context of work-based learning.

Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 32 (1):





*Outline the content with a description of the learning outcomes

*Verbs used to develop learning outcomes, e.g.

Fact objectives:

*Define, List, Recall, Name

*Understanding or comprehension:

*Discuss, Identify, Describe, Explain



*demonstrate, illustrate, practice Apply


*compare and contrast, analyse, differentiate, distinguish


*design, propose, summarize


*A learning outcome is a statement of what a student is expected to

know, understand, or be able to do as a result of a learning process.

* Is a statement of those ideas, concepts, or information you expect a

student to have mastered by the end of the course.








*Comparing and Contrasting


The tutorial will focus on writing summaries. The tutorial will focus on

critical reading.

The tutorial will focus on identifying key words, ordering and




*One thing about… each person is going to have to say one new or

different thing about the topic on which the tutorial is based.



*Mock exam



*Basic – students are seated in a circle, ask a question, select students

to respond


Stimulus Material:

*Something to read, touch, listen to and experience

Interpretation of a Task:

*Each participant must make sense of the material by discussing,

describing, interpreting, proposing etc.

Airing and Sharing:

*Students must talk about their own constructions of meaning or



*Through discussion tutors must give students feedback


*To enable students to explore their understanding, to ask questions, to

test ideas, to practice the language and identity of the discipline.

*Tutorials must be planned and integrated into the course.

*By linking the lectures of the previous week to tutorials by focusing on

themes, concepts, theories or leading theorists.

*For practical application of content taught in lectures

*To present students with the opportunity to engage with theories that

challenge what was taught during lectures


*Tutorials as a place where tutors help students to develop an

understanding of concepts

*Tutorials as a place where students see how to approach their discipline

*Tutorials as a place where evidence is critically discussed

*Tutorials as a place where new positions on the topic are developed and




This workshop will focus on the implementation

and management of tutorials in departments.


*Developing Learning Materials


*Learning is a highly individualized process - everyone learns differently

*Learning styles are often broken down into three categories: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.

*Students may be strongly oriented towards one approach or a combination of these styles.

*Determine each student’s preference and work accordingly.

*The importance of understanding learning styles

Complete the Learning Style Activity?What’s it all about?

Coffield, F., Moseley, D., Hall, E., & Ecclestone, K. (2004). Learning styles and pedagogy in post-16 learning: A systematic and critical review.

www.LSRC.ac.uk: Learning and Skills Research Centre. Retrieved January, 15, 2008: http://www.lsda.org.uk/files/PDF/1543.pdf

Honey, P. & Mumford, A. (2000). The learning styles helper's guide. Maidenhead: Peter Honey Publications Ltd.


*Reflector - Prefers to learn from activities that allow them to watch, think, and review (time to think things over) what has happened. Likes to use journals and brainstorming. Lectures are helpful if they provide expert explanations and analysis.

*Theorist - Prefer to think problems through in a step-by-step manner. Likes lectures, analogies, systems, case studies, models, and readings. Talking with experts is normally not helpful.

*Pragmatist - Prefers to apply new learnings to actual practice to see if they work. Likes laboratories, field work, and observations. Likes feedback, coaching, and obvious links between the task-on-hand and a problem.

*Activist - Prefers the challenges of new experiences, involvement with others, assimilation and role-playing. Likes anything new, problem solving, and small group discussions.




This workshop will focus on the implementation

and management of tutorials in departments.


*Understand your role and how to support tutors

*Effectively Manage Tutors


* To assist and support a lecturer/senior lecturer/head of programme/head of department

*A Teaching Assistant works under the guidance of a lecturer/senior lecturer/head of programme/head of department to assist and support the lecturer to implement programmes and classes for that could include those requiring detailed and specialist knowledge in particular areas;

*the Teaching Assistant assists in the whole planning cycle and the management/ preparation of teaching and learning;

*the TA may lecturer or facilitate classes as appropriate


Sense of Connection

*Meeting people and making friends

* Establishing positive working relationships with staff

*Having a sense of valued identity and belonging

Sense of Purpose

* Affirming their vocational direction and motivation

* Appreciating the links between their degree and future career

*Understanding the structure & rationale of degree program

Sense of Capability

* Clarifying new expectations of the university student role

* Building confidence for academic challenges

* Establishing an organised and strategic approach to study

Sense of Resourcefulness

* Learning how to navigate the system

* Knowing where to get help

*Managing study-work-life balance


*Each tutor team will meet on a monthly basis as a group with the Lecturer in your department or faculty.

*The monthly meetings form part of the ongoing training programme.

*They also provide an opportunity for sharing of information and ideas among tutors.

*At the meeting you provide a verbal account of your tutoring activities. If you do not attend meetings you will have to submit a written report.


* It is essential that you establish a good working relationship with your supervising lecturer.

*Refer to the checklist of questions to ask your supervising lecturer at the first meeting.

*Determine a system of regular communication and ensure that ongoing feedback is taking place. It is your responsibility to keep in contact with your lecturer.

You could start a twitter account

You could start a facebook page

You could post videos

Tutor Programme included on to Black board.

85%Of students have a facebook account


Blackboard / E-Tutoring