disciples ii servants of the dark faq (legions

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s e r v a n t s

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============================================================================== The aim of this file is to provide you with general information on Disciples 2 : Servants of the Dark in a clear and readable format. I hope it serves you well !! - Mister Sinister ============================================================================== Dedicated to my dear Friend Miguel, Prince of the Nosferat. Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Introduction and Overview of the Game Basic Controls The Two Races Tact & Diplomacy Types of Items Undead Hordes Saga Walkthrough Legions of the Damned Saga Walkthrough Stats for Units Rulers and Leaders Comments on Units and Suggested Upgrade Routes Tips and Tricks Credits

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= SECTION ONE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=OVERVIEW Disciples 2 : Servants of the Dark is a turn-based strategy game where the player picks one of two major races and battles across either a pre-defined sequence of levels (the Sagas), one of a number of set individual missions (the Quests), plays in a Custom Saga, or with other human in multi-player mode. Servants of the Dark is an official Expansion Pack for the Disciples 2 title. It is a swords and sorcery type game, with a reasonably simple interface and gentle learning curve, but which boasts hours and hours of gameplay, and is quite honestly ? HELLISHLY addictive ... I heartily recommend it. I have written individual in-depth walkthroughs for the Sagas for the two main races in this expansion pack - the Undead Hordes and the Legions of the Damned, and both of those can be found at http://www.gamefaqs.com.

Helpful comments and so on are always welcome, and I can be reached at [email protected] - Mister Sinister, 2004 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= SECTION TWO =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=BASIC CONTROLS As with any strategy game, troop management skills are FUNDAMENTAL to your success. In order to become a good Servants of the Dark player, you will need to learn which units function well together, which units complement each other, and which units should definitely NEVER be placed together. For example, sending nothing but Undead Troops to battle Undead Troops doesn't SOUND unreasonable until you consider that MOST undead troops are immune to death magic, so if YOUR set of troops comprises nothing but Undead Spellcasters they will do practically NO good whatsoever. I have sub-divided this section of my FAQ into three parts :A) B) C) The World Map Combat City Management

=============================== THE WORLD MAP ================================ The World Map is where (not surprisingly) you move all your troops about. Each unit is led by one of the creatures in it, and this creature represents the entire unit's icon on the map. For example, a unit led by a werewolf will be depicted as a werewolf on the map. Each unit has a different number of movement points, and these are reduced at different speeds depending on which type of terrain you are crossing ... for example, you will travel MUCH slower by water than you will through forests ... ... some units can fly, and this helps get about the map a fair bit quicker ... but if you put flying units with non-flying units, you are once again (by and large - there ARE a couple of exceptions) slowing down your troop movement as the unit must move together, as one. Combat is initiated by moving to a square adjacent to a rival or enemy unit on the map, and combat is dealt with in a separate screen. The world map begins by being totally covered in a fog of war, which disperses as you move your units about ... certain terrain cannot be traversed, and you will have to find ways around it ... examples include waterfalls, whirlpools and mountain ranges. Obviously not all of the creatures you encounter on the world map will be hostile - some will give you sub-quests which you can complete to gain prizes should you wish ... others will be territorial, and will either attack you on sight or pursue you until you leave their area of the map. You will encounter cities belonging to other players, as well as neutral cities, and various other structures dotted about the map, ALL of which can be explored and/or conquered.

BEAR IN MIND AT ALL TIMES that this is a TURN-BASED strategy game. Therefore, whilst you have the luxury of time to think your moves through, as you would in a chess game, poor troop movement can lead to units becoming isolated at the end of a turn, and easy pickings for roaming creatures ... ... always watch your back ... Each unit on the map can comprise up to SIX individual characters. So, taking our earlier example of the unit being led by the Werewolf, this unit can comprise the Werewolf that leads them, and up to FIVE other characters ... if the leader dies, the unit will still be able to move, but will do so at a MUCH slower rate, and the unit's icon on the map will change. It will still be the Werewolf, but you will see that the leader has died because a little skull shield will be displayed at the foot of the icon. This allows you at a glance to see units which have had their leaders slain. Provided at least ONE character in the unit is still alive, it is possible to heal and/or resurrect those characters in the unit which have died. You can either do this via magic, CHEATING (tut tut), at any of your Cities (provided you have constructed a Temple in your Capital City), or using potions. Your Capital City (each major race has one) is your seat of Power on the level BUT, unlike many OTHER turn-based strategy games where there is a REAL risk of losing your Capital, and thus losing the level, in Disciples 2 each player's Capital City is occupied by (not only a maximum of 11 "normal" troops but also) an INCREDIBLY powerful Guardian, who CANNOT leave and who's SOLE purpose is to protect the Capital. Sounds like you might still be vulnerable ? In all practical reality you won't be - the Guardians are WELL powerful, and it is EXCEEDINGLY unlikely that you will ever lose your Capital ;) You will ALSO find shops on the world map ... there are several merchants in the game who have set up shop on the various levels, and with whom you can trade ... even if you can see no use for something you have picked up on a level, you can always sell it at a shop to gain extra gold ;) The currencies of the game are five-fold. You have gold (obviously), which you use to buy upgrades for your cities, to recruit new troops, to bribe the other players, and so on. Then there are the four types of mana. There is Death Mana, Runestone Mana, Life Mana and Infernal Mana. Both gold AND mana are generated at resources on the map, and these resources can be bled off to give (effectively) unlimited resources to your race - I say *effectively* unlimited as, whilst there is only a certain amount of each type of energy that will be generated by each resource per turn, the supply from which this is drawn is infinite - i.e. you will never deplete a gold or mana resource on the map (which is KEWL !!) One last thing. When you look at the map you will be able to see the terrain that belongs to your race by looking at the ground. Each turn, your race's terrain expands from every city in every direction, and whenever it touches an unclaimed resource, it seizes it for your race. Since it would take an eternity to gain control over the ENTIRE map this way,

the game designers have very kindly provided each race with one type of unit that can be recruited who's sole purposes is to "plant rods". Planting a rod is a very simple process which allows you to stake a claim to a very small parcel of land which is not already yours. ... I hope that makes sense ... I'll try to explain ... Say this is the world, and you own the left-hand side of it. :=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= YOUR MY LAND LAND ====== GOLD ====== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= If you want to take control over the GOLD resource I have labelled in MY land, you would either have to expand your terrain on a turn by turn basis until the Gold Resource was yours, OR you could send your "rod-planter" (the name for the character varies with each race) TO the Gold Resource, and then stake it. If you plant a rod at the Gold Resource, and thereby stake it as being yours, the terrain around the resource changes to become yours. Rods CAN, however, be destroyed by other rod-planters, and this dispute over resources forms a VERY important part of the game, naturally ... ... right ! I've bored you with that - now we can go onwards to the combat aspect of the game !! =================================== COMBAT =================================== As I stated in the previous section, combat occurs when one of your units enters a square on the map that is adjacent to a non-friendly unit (or, conversely, when a non-friendly unit enters a square that is adjacent to one of YOUR troops). When this happens, the action switches to a 3-dimensional view of the square in question, and combat takes place. Combat in attacking presently the mouse and click Disciples 2 is a VERY very simple affair. The unit that is is highlighted at its feet in yellow, and the units you are opting to attack is highlighted at its feet in red ... just point at the unit you want to attack (or help, depending on your race), !

HOW EASY IS THAT BY THE WAY !?!?! Combat is, however, not as DULL as that sounds.

You recall I mentioned earlier that a unit can comprise a maximum of SIX characters ?? Well, each unit is broken up into two RANKS as well. THIS IS VITALLY IMPORTANT. Combat basically looks like this :YOUR UNITS THEIR UNITS

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BACK ROW FRONT ROW FRONT ROW BACK ROW 1 1 1 1 ============================================================================== BACK ROW FRONT ROW FRONT ROW BACK ROW 2 2 2 2 ============================================================================== BACK ROW FRONT ROW FRONT ROW BACK ROW 3 3 3 3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=... geez ... I hope I haven't made that look more complicated than it needed to be. BASICALLY your six units are on the left, and THEIR six units are on the right. Melee units should be placed in the FRONT row, as they can only attack adjacent units ... spellcasters, who are generally weaker, should be placed in the BACK row, as they can attack at range ... ... hope that makes sense :"> You will see from the Stats section that each character has its own method of attacking. With VERY rare exceptions, each character only has ONE way of attacking, so it really is just a very simple point-and-click routine ... but the variety comes in the sheer NUMBER of different creatures you can command and control, and the fun-factor and beauty of their attack animations :"> The order in which characters attack in the combat screen is determined by their initiative roll - each character has an initiative modifier, which swings initiative in their favour, but there are occasional upsets - as in, where a character with a higher initiative is pipped to the post by a character with a lower initiative ... There are a number of different combat OPTIONS ... these include allowing the Computer to take over combat for you (although certainly on the easier difficulties it doesn't always attack the units you probably would). There is also the option to end combat immediately (i.e. automatically resolve who wins and who loses) - good for those "AAAAAAAAAAARGH I can't be @rsed to

fight you - let's just see who WINS" moments (which you WILL have). Further options include retreat, where you really wanna get out with your life (but all attacking units get a free hit on units that are running away, so if you DO run you'd better do it en masse), and Defend - an instruction to a particular character to brace itself for an incoming attack. The variety of options on the combat screen, coupled with the variety of units and attacks they have IN TOTAL, makes for a lot of strategy in the combat screen AS YOU WILL SEE ;) Combat ends when either all six characters in your opponents unit are dead or have fled. ... there ... we've pretty much exhausted that section ... ONWARD !! =D ============================== CITY MANAGEMENT =============================== This is VITAL to your success in Disciples 2. Basically, when a creature levels up, it GENERALLY (although not always) changes its appearance to become tougher ... harder ... MORE kick@ss ... What your creature becomes when it levels up will depend on the buildings you have erected in your Capital City. For example, if you are playing the Undead Hordes, your bog-standard melee fighter is the "Fighter" character. In your Capital you can build one of two different buildings that will alter the Fighter's Upgrade Route. If you construct Unholy Ground, your Fighter will become a Zombie when he levels up ... if you choose instead to construct an Evil Monastery, your Fighter will become a Templar. Both routes are mutually exclusive - this means that you cannot allow some of your Fighters to become Zombies, and some to become Templars - it's all or nothing ... Fortunately, however, once you have completed a level, all the buildings in your Capital City are wiped out, so on the start of the NEXT level you can change the upgrade paths and, consequently, your units, should you wish. Certain buildings do not affect the upgrade path of units ... these are the Mage Tower (which is necessary in order for you to research spells), the Thieves' Guild (which is required before you can recruit thieves, who can spy on enemy players to reveal the characters garrisoned in Cities, etc.), and the Temple (which you need before you can heal and/or resurrect creatures). You can also conduct spell research in your capital, provided you have enough mana to learn the spell in question, and it is picked from your list of available spells. PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU CAN ONLY RESEARCH ONE SPELL, AND BUILD ONE BUILDING PER TURN. You will also take over other cities, naturally ... these cities are NOT your capital, however, and whilst the majority of the rules apply, there are certain changes. FOR EXAMPLE, you cannot build buildings in your other cities - this is because you only NEED one set, and for ease of administration those are all located in the Capital. For example, once a Temple has been built in

your Capital, you can heal and resurrect characters in ALL your cities. Each NON-CAPITAL city can "grow" as well ... there are five levels of growth, and these affect the number of characters that can be housed in a city, the rate at which your terrain sprouts forth from the city, the speed with which characters that are in the city recover their Hit Points, and so on. Each city can only grow ONCE per turn. Finally, each city can house troops and hold items. On the party screen, you will see two units of troops. On the left is a list of troops that are just healing, etc., in the city. To the right is a list of the troops which are garrisoned in the city ... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= SECTION THREE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=THE TWO RACES The two races you can pick from are as follows :1) The Undead Hordes 2) The Legions of the Damned THE UNDEAD HORDES, guided by their Dark Goddess Mortis, comprise Zombies, Skeleton Warriors, Liches, Wyverns, Vampires, Wraiths and loads of other nasty beasties ... the main thing that the Undead Hordes have going for them is their ability to paralyse their foes ... they have three units whose only attacks are to paralyse, and this can REALLY knock the stuffing out of an otherwise healthy unit of opponents ... we lurve the Undead Hordes :"> - and finally THE LEGIONS OF THE DAMNED, under the control of their God Bethrezen, comprise NOT surprisingly Devils, Demons, Succubus', Incubus', basically anything winged and horny (pardon the pun). They are OBSESSED with fire, and boast the most heavy-hitters in the game ... they have several Giant-type units (moreso than the Mountain Clans I believe), and are quick and strong. There are, of course, other "mini" races in the game, but you cannot play as these ... they include the Marshdwellers, the Greenskins, the Barbarian Tribes and the Occultists. They help add variety and spice to the game, and to generally keep it interesting =) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= SECTION FOUR =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=TACT & DIPLOMACY Although not of PARAMOUNT importance - at least not on the easier difficulty settings, is the notion of tact and diplomacy. You play against other races ... those races have rulers ... those rulers can be spoken to, and negotiated with ... The Disciples 2 Diplomacy interface is kinda limited ... but it's very much a secondary aspect of the game anyway, so it doesn't really DETRACT from it or anything ... basically you have options for Diplomacy ... you can offer gold

to another player, you can offer to sell them a magic spell, you can propose an alliance with them, or you can even break an existing alliance with them and go to war with them ... You will find that, as you attack another player's enemies, your popularity with that player will naturally increase and, over time, the other players may well offer to ally with you. Alliances are NOT set in stone, however, so always make sure to watch your back at all times ;) When you are allied with another race you cannot attack their troops or cities, or steal their resources unless the treaty is broken ... the treaty can be broken at any time, but whilst it is in place, you too can feel reasonably safe from attacks by that race ... Similarly, you will find that your allies will, from time to time, attempt to sell YOU spells and other niceities, and they will frown upon you if you do not take them ... even though 99.9% of the time they inflate the price ;) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= SECTION FIVE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=TYPES OF ITEMS There are LOADS of different types of items that you can pick up ... these include :POTIONS SCROLLS ORBS TALISMANS STAFFS ARTIFACTS BANNERS Only good once, and can only affect one character for one turn. Can only be used once, and only by a Magic User, but any spell can wind up being picked up as a scroll, so they are QUITE useful ;) Only useable in combat, and only by a magic user - can only be used once and then they disappear. Can be used several times before they wear out, but only once per combat session, and only in combat. Can be used like spells, and do not wear out ... no use in combat, however. Can be equipped by leaders (if they have the corresponding skill), and can bolster their power or give them new powers - VERY USEFUL !! Only one can be carried by your leader at a time (and even then only if your leader has the corresponding skill), but with effects like "Increase the damage of all characters in your unit by 20%" they are NOT to be sneezed at. With VERY rare exception, tomes are exclusively used as wards. You can only use one at a time but, whilst holding it, you are warded against that type of attack - e.g. Tome of Air = Air Ward Boots, basically ... they augment your movement points and/or skills - e.g. Boots of the Elements mean that you suffer no movement penalty whilst travelling over water - WHICH IS GREAT !! =D (I am sure there are more, but you can take these as a smattering)



=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= SECTION SIX =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-======== == == === === === ==== ==== === === ====== === == == == ===== === === ==== ==== === === ======== ==== ==== ======== ======= ==== \ \ \ \ \ \ \ === === =======\ \ ==== ==== / =======/ ====== === == == == ====== ====== === == === == ======

(Dedicated to Mark Beecroft, qui me fait toujours sourire) THE UNDEAD HORDES "SERVANTS OF THE DARK" SAGA WALKTHROUGH ============================================================================== This walkthrough is copyrighted to Mister Sinister (2004) I don't mind it being lifted in its entirity, but if you do so, please make sure you give credit to the author (me) and DON'T pass it off as your own. Thanks ! ============================================================================== THE THREE MISSIONS OF THE UNDEAD HORDES SAGA IN THIS EXPANSION PACK :1) 2) 3) Boons on Black Tongues A Voice Silenced The Fulcrum

============================================================================== BRIEF NOTES BEFORE WE GET STARTED This is a very quick key to some of the terms I'll use in this FAQ :In areas where I am talking about troops in cities, any troops mentioned in [squared brackets] are within the city proper (an obvious example would be Ashgan, who would be shown as [Ashgan] as he is IN the city and, in his case, cannot leave - all troops NOT in squared brackets are just waiting in the city (as in, healing there, etc.) Map directions are as follows. North on the map is up and right. South is down and left. West is up and left, and East is down and right. One other thing ... if when mentioning any troops I refer to them like this :Phantom Warrior (10) or 2 Dwarves (10/12), then the numbers in brackets refer to their level/s of experience ... so BE WARNED !! ;) Obviously the very nature of this game makes doing an FAQ quite a tricky task, as you can go anywhere, do anything (within reason) and your opponents will pretty much respond to the way you play ... so this is an account of what I would suggest and expect, pointers I have learned, things I would pick up basically anything and everything which I could think of which might help you

play as the Undead Hordes in their Saga ... I have tried to keep this FAQ both light-hearted, and informative. Similarly, with troops garrisoned in cities, whilst my FAQ is accurate as at MY playing the game, these may change - ESPECIALLY in cities owned by other players (as you are doubtless aware if you've ever played this game, your computer opponents are FOREVER changing the troops that they garrison in their cities). Comments are always welcome - you can reach me at [email protected]. Thanks for reading this !! ============================================================================== 1) Boons on Black Tongues

BRIEFING AND COMMENTS After a triumphant campaign in Disciples 2, and having succeeded in the resurrection of her beloved husband Gallean, Mortis had expected ... at the VERY least ... a thank you card ... but she didn't get one. No roses, no cards, not even a little box of choccies ... Gallean, having watched her sew chaos and despair upon the world in her quest to revive him, scorned her for what she had done, and what she had become, and left without even saying Goodbye. How RUDE !!!!!! Time to teach that punk a lesson methinks !! I didn't just fight that BIATCH Queen Taladrielle just to have Gallean shove it in my face ! Thus spurned, Mortis conceives a plan to strike back at her ungrateful mate. Since Queen Taladrielle's death at the hands of the hordes, the remaining Elves had been scattered about the lands ... Mortis could have sent her ever-increasing horde of undead warriors across Nevendaar in a scourge to simply wipe them out, but she had something FAR more sinister in mind ... ... and so we begin ... The aim of this first level is to "seek allies to use against the Elves". It would appear that Mortis is not satisfied to merely cleanse Nevendaar of their presence - she wants to enlist the support of others in this little crusade. ============================================================================== NOTE: Your Capital City is located in the south-eastern corner of the map. ============================================================================== Our old friend Wraith Prusheen kicks off by saying that he has not heard from Mortis in a long time, and that he is getting concerned because he fears that she may have abandoned the hordes. His concerns are answered by the vampire Virimos - an impudent young upstart - who tells him that Mortis has, in fact, started speaking to HIM instead of Wraith Prusheen, calling for the blood of Gallean's children - the Elves. Prusheen voices his concerns, saying that whilst the hordes are getting progressively stronger, they would still have great difficulty in assailing the entire Elven population of Nevendaar, to which Virimos tells him to have faith; that one day Mortis may again choose to speak to Prusheen directly again as she did in the past, but until that day comes, Wraith Prusheen -

that FANTABULOUS leader from our former Saga - is to obey the commands of the Vampire Virimos. ... the ... NERVE !!!!!!! Before a bitch-fight can ensue, a Fighter interrupts them to advise that their Capital city is under siege by the Barbarian Tribes. Virimos directs everyone to the gates to ready for battle. ... and we're off !! =) You will start off on the first level with a reasonable amount of gold and death mana, which gets CONSIDERABLY less if you're playing on the higher difficulty settings, PLUS all your level one spells have already been learned. You will have, on all three of the Undead Levels in this Expansion Pack, unfettered access to your entire spellbook for learning purposes, and the ability to construct ALL your buildings on EVERY level. Woohoo !!!!! :) I would therefore suggest that you start off by building up a respectable army to accompany the leader you will have had to import from your previous saga. ============================================================================== IMPORTANT NOTE UNIT LEVELS AND LEVELLING-UP ============================================================================== You will see that there is a picture of a sword with a coloured blade above your leader's portrait on the party screen. This is a new addition to the Disciples 2 Expansion Packs, and serves to give you a rough guideline as to the approximate level of the units in an enemy's pack ... and your own ;) A A A A unit unit unit unit WITHOUT a sword with a BLUE-bladed sword with an ORANGE-bladed sword witha RED-bladed sword is is is is Level Level Level Level 1 5 10 15 - 4 - 9 - 14 or higher

I would HOPE for your sakes that you have imported a leader with a RED-bladed sword, as your leader WILL NOT GAIN ANY EXPERIENCE during the ENTIRE campaign. That's right !! Your leader will NEVER level up again, so BE WARNED. ============================================================================== Once you are ready, and note that I would strongly suggest constructing a building so as to level up some of your units ASAP before going out of the capital ? Leave your capital city. You will find the following units in close proximity to your capital :1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Spirit Wolf Wolf, Barbarian Chieftain, Barbarian Warrior Charfang (Barbarian Chieftain), Spirit Wolf Threescar (Barbarian Chieftain), Spirit Wolf 2 x Wolves (one of which is Level 10, so WATCH OUT !!) Greypaw (Barbarian Chieftain), Barbarian Warrior, Wolf Spirit Wolf, 2 x Wolves

Before you are able to attack them, however, Greypaw speaks up and says with shock, "It's true! They've built a city upon our cemetery! Forward brothers!

Drive these disgusting worms back into the ground!" (FLATTERY young man, will get you absolutely NO-where.) A Banshee by the name of Eledrene responds to him ... BASICALLY inviting him for a bit of nookie (it would appear these two know each other) ;) Threescar shouts out that it's a trick, and that "these are not your loved ones", urging his troops to fight. Threescar's troop (number 4 on my list) then rushes in to attack you. IF you followed my advice and constructed a building before you left the capital ? Then by all rights you SHOULD find that after Threescar and his Spirit Wolf have been slain, some of your units level up. RESULT !! :) ALSO note that as your leader will get no xp for any battles in this expansion pack ? This will ALSO help your units to level up faster ;) Once Threescar's unit has been slain, the Spirit Wolf speaks to you, saying "You've seen ..." and then polymorphing into a Barbarian Chieftain and continuing "... nothing ...". Prusheen remarks that these "Spirit Wolves" are actually NOT wolves at all they are illusions ! Virimos takes one for interrogation, and authorises you to dispose of the rest. LIKE we needed to be told eh !!!!! *sigh* In the chest just to the east of your Capital City is a Potion of Speed ;) Next turn, a Barbarian Chieftain is being tortured by Virimos for information. He begs for mercy, but Virimos hurts him a little more before allowing him to speak. Ok ok so maybe I was a bit hard on Virimos ... I'm kinda starting to like him! The Barbarian Chieftain confirms that they wield talismans that grant them the power to change their shape into Spirit Wolves. The Barbarian Chieftain tells Virimos that in exchange for the information he wishes to return home. FAT CHANCE !!!!!!!! Needless to say Virimos tortures him to death. Next turn, Virimos tells Prusheen that he has a task for him ... one which Mortis herself has called for. Prusheen is to lead an expedition to the north to deceive the Mountain Clans. They are to disguise themselves as representatives of Wotan, and to tell the dwarves that Wotan bids them enter battle against the Elves. Naturally poor Prusheen is a little confused. I mean ... how is he ... a walking corpse ... supposed to make himself look like a stunted little Mountain Clan goody-two-shoes resource stealing Dwarf ???? Virimos responds by giving him a verbal smack-down, and telling him that they will use the Barbarian's Talismans to disguise themselves as Spirit Wolves.

FURTHERMORE, Virimos says that he will send his OWN party there to attack the Dwarves, but that Prusheen will intercede (with his band of Spirit Wolves) and drive them away before delivering their message to the Dwarves ... Virimos believes that this will be sufficient to trick the Dwarves into believing that Wotan's message is real. ============================================================================== NEW OBJECTIVE : Lead Prusheen's pack of wolves to meet with the Clans. ============================================================================== You are given control over three Spirit Wolves outside your capital city. ONE is the polymorphed Wraith Prusheen, the other two are (presumably) two of his aides. Your new objective is to lead Pup Prusheen and the Woof-pack north-west of your capital city, to meet with the Mountain Clans. BE WARNED that Spirit Wolves are NOT excessively powerful. They have a sonic bark that can hit 6 units, but they are still pups compared to the nasty things that lurk around. When you're given control over the pack, all three Spirit Wolves are in the front - I would suggest moving Prusheen to the BACK so that if the going gets tough, he can always retreat. If Prusheen dies, you fail the level, so MY technique was to hold him back and clear a path for him with my stronger units - then just let him waltz on through, sniffing flowers and cocking his leg against trees, until he meets with the Clans. As you continue slaying the Barbarians, Lich Queen Sheggrah pops up to remark that you've never encountered Barbarians that are this brave (read: stupid) before ... it's as if they can predict your intentions !! There is a Highfather's Potion in the very south-east of the map, in the water just in front of the Sea Serpent. If you conquer Sissathell, the Medusa squeals out in pain after your victory ... it's rather refreshing actually :) If you take the City of Uslenore, an Initiate reports back to Lord Virimos (LORD ?? In all the time our poor little mate Prusheen was kickin @rse he was just "Wraith" !! The CHEEK !!!!) to say that whilst you have taken the city, you have only been able to slay a LESSER Chieftain in the Barbarian Order, and that your sources have revealed that Chief Yorjagg is their Leader (although you do not know where he resides). Virimos is all "Yes yes WHATEVER ... now GET ON WITH YOUR MISSION" Uslenore contains a Healing Ointment and 2 Life Potions ;) ============================================================================== BE WARNED that Barbarian Chieftains spawn periodically just outside the city of Uslenore, and they WILL try and retake the city, so if you want to hold it ? You'd better heavily fortify it ;) ============================================================================== The Undead Spy Nith pops up periodically as you venture around the map - most often when you're venturing near shops. If you approach "The Mill" (a merchant's shop to the west of your capital city), he pops up to tell you that if you're looking for the outpost, there is an impassable mountainous wall north of your present location, that has been sealed by Dwarven magic. Nith

knows that there was once a key to bypass the seal, that was given to the Elder Barbarian Tribes to open trade ... Hmmmmmmmmmm. THANKS Nith :) He's a helpful little chappy. Nith confirms that he will continue to scout out for the key, but that he would SUPPOSE that Yorjagg - the Barbarian High Chief - would be guarding it. For future reference, Nith may be helpful ? But he's also a BIG time MOANER :( ============================================================================== NOTE : Barbarian High Chief Yorjagg resides in the City of Crawyk, in the south-westernmost corner of the map ============================================================================== If you approach the City of Crawyk, Yorjagg calls out to mock you as you approach. Hahahahahaha little does he know it'll be US laughing when his head is on a spike outside the soon-to-be UNDEAD City of Crawyk. ONWARD !! =) [Be warned before you enter the City of Crawyk, that Yorjagg is not only a Level 12 Barbarian Chieftain, he is also warded -v- Mind Attacks ;)] For your convenience, here are his stats :============================================================================== HP AR IMM WARD ATT % HIT DAM SRC INIT REA TAR Yorjagg 992 20+20 - Mind Great Claws 89 242 Wea 48 Adj 1 ============================================================================== Yorjagg was holding a set of Skull Bracers, and once he is slain, Virimos pops up to congratulate you, saying that without their Figurehead, the Barbarians will be in a state of comparative shock, and unlikely to pose a further threat to the Hordes. UNFORTUNATELY, however, the location of the key is still unknown. One of the Barbarian Warriors in the city is questioned, but he does not know anything about it. Virimos threatens to have him fed to the Zombies for his stupidity, whereupon he suddenly loses his amnesia, and recalls that they DID have a key, but that it is inaccessible as Dragons have nested in the city where it resides, and that they will not let it go. He ALSO tells you that the Tribes are no longer in trade with the Dwarves, so it's actually of precious little use to you any way. Virimos STILL has him fed to the Zombies. GOD this Virimos guy is MEAN !! :) You will still have to stage another assault on the City of Crawyk if you want to take it, as there are already units in the city ... and if you DO take the City you will find a Life Potion, a Potion of Healing and a Potion of Restoration sitting in it. As you approach the Crippled Dome, Lich Queen warn you that whatever is INSIDE the Dome has away, so you should be prepared before you go inside ;) The Dragons are guarding the Runic Sheggrah pops up again to been able to keep the Barbarians in ... there are 2 Green Dragons Key ;)

Once taken, the Runic Key opens up a path through the Mountain Range that occupies a vertical area to the north of your capital city, in between the towers of Crossen and Omtus. Virimos urges you to make haste ... If you slay the small band of goblins outside the city of Bintonbrall,

the Ogre in the area sees you, screams at you and charges you !! HIS unit comprises :Ogre (5), 2 Orc Champions (5/5), 2 Goblin Archers (8/8) Despatch these IMBECILES and move on. If you take the City of Bintonbrall, an Orc Champion confirms (with his dying breath I hope) that you are too ... strong ... *death sounds*. BLESS !! Bintonbrall contains 2 Life Potions and a Gold Ring. The City of Tesqil about half-way up the map on the far western edge, is owned by Count Crowley's Army, and is very well guarded by the Archmage Wermyn and his cohorts ... Wermyn appears suitably shocked at your putting his army to their deaths, and in the city you will find an Emerald and 2 Life Potions. If you approach the Glinn Market, Nith will appear to tell you that it seems odd to him that Demons are so close to the Empire ... he asks what you think. He says he wouldn't stick around here too long, as he doesn't know what's going on, but whatever it is, he doesn't like it (and then he disappears) If you ransack Guttelbryk, Lich Queen Sheggrah pops up AGAIN to tell you that she also thinks that it is strange that the Legions' Cohorts are not attacking the Empire ... velly stllange ... =./ If you approach the City of Pickstall, the Wizard Tirumn calls out to you begging you to stay away, saying that he has a curse to bear, and that any interruption could unleash chaos ... ... well ... shall we leave him then ?? I ... think ... not !! Once vanquished, Tirumn condemns you, saying that he can no longer control "them", and that you are FOOLS ... Buuuuuuuut he's dead, so who cares !! :) "Them" are a bunch of Giant Black Spiders in the area that WILL go on a lil' rampage after Tirumn dies, so we MIGHT have just made a rod for our own backs but HELLO ?? We're the Undead !! WE CAN HANDLE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) The City of Pickstall contains a Healing Potion, a Life Potion and a Potion of Restoration. If you approach up again to say has requested. and although it scouting point, Swallow's Nest (the Merchants), our little friend Nith pops that he's been waiting for you with the information Virimos He says that there is a small Clans outpost in the north, is close to the Dwarven Capital, it is nothing more than a with negligible defences. THEN he starts to moan again.

Oh woe is meeeeeeee ... I'm deeeeeeeead ... and I smeeeeeeeell ... bla bla bla. He does also intimate that you might able to bump into him at other places of trade ... but you'd probably already noticed THAT little trend by now ?? Once you have stormed the Loriette, Lich Queen Sheggrah pipes up to ask why it is that the undead warriors you have just encountered have seen fit to

disobey the will of Mortis ... this is all VERY strange =./ Of course, one MIGHT also ask why a corpse has the power to walk and talk, but hey ! Some things ya just accept, non ?? ;) The City of Foreneth is ALSO owned by Count Crowley's Army. It is protected not only by the residents, but by a group of units that reside OUTSIDE the city as well. To conquer it you will have to fight through :1) Defender of the Faith (1), 2 Man at Arms (12/12), Imperial Assassin (10) 2) Defrym (Ranger - 14), Grand Inquisitor (10), 2 Inquisitors (3/3), Imperial Assassin (10) Once it has fallen, Defrym calls out to you saying that he will die knowing that he fought on the side of righteousness, and that Crowley will deal with you soon enough. Yeah ... right ......... WHATEVER !!!!!!! BRING HIM ON is all I can say ... The City of Foreneth contains a Life Potion and a Potion of Restoration. The City of Wrenshire contains a Potion of Restoration and a Life Potion. The City of Mullusbren (which you WILL be able to investigate after despatching the LOSER Hollings and his followers) contains a Potion of Restoration, a Potion of Protection and a Life Potion. Unuo (the Level 12 Ranger) and his troops, who are just north-west of the City of Mullusbren, are guarding a Diamond. Juthrum (the Level 12 Archmage) and HIS troops, who are just to the north of the City of Mullusbren, are guarding a Healing Ointment. The City of Anubreyl (which you will find in the north-easternmost corner of the map), contains a Healing Ointment, a Life Potion and a Fog of Death Scroll. ... Flicking across to the WEST of the map now ... As you approach Fomdorr's Farm, Nith appears again to say that you are now VERY close to your objective. He tells you that you will travel through a dense forest to the west, and then you will see the outpost. He says that it is a Tower, seated amidst the rubble of Mendros Mine. Then he uses the moment as ANOTHER opportunity to whine and bitch about himself ... poor lad. As you begin to enter the Dwarven territory through the woods to the west of Fomdorr's Farm, Virimos calls to you to hold back, saying that ONLY Prusheen's Pack of Spirit Wolves must approach, or the plan will not succeed. And ONCE AGAIN he tells you to get your finger out and hurry up ! He's a bit ... impatient, isn't he !! If you DON'T listen to him, and move a unit OTHER than Prusheen's Pack into Dwarven turf ? You will IMMEDIATELY lose the mission. So ! Taking Prusheen's Pack ;) into the Dwarven Lands sparks off the following little conversation :Prusheen's Pack Outpost Scout Prusheen's Pack *pees on a bush and watches whilst the snow melts* "OI! Doggies a'comin !! To yer stations boys" "Oops ! Sorry 'bout that ... I'm not properly housetrained yet ... but I bring a message !! Your ... err ...

I mean OUR old boy Wotan has sent us here to ..." [Enter Virimos, with train] Virimos Prusheen's Pack "Ahahahaaaaar, you one-cal Dwarves will make a tasty snack, Yarrrrrrrrr ..." "Fear not, NOBLE Dwarves ... for we shall kick this cretan's blubber butt for ye"

============================================================================== NEW OBJECTIVE : DEFEAT VIRIMOS AND HIS UNITS ============================================================================== Now ... Virimos (who's ass I'm sure you've been just ITCHING to kick since he took the place of our mate Prusheen and had him demoted to a DOG !!) and his little pack is kinda a bit TOUGH for the poor pooches to tackle on their own. Therefore I would suggest using spells to soften him up before you land the killer blow ... or just use OTHER units to slay Virimos ;) For your information, Virimos travels with 2 Initiates (1/1) and 2 Zombies (2/2), and Virimos' Stats are as follows :============================================================================== HP AR IMM WARD ATT % HIT DAM SRC INIT REA TAR Virimos (8) 325 0 Death - Drain Life 87 85 Dea 40 Any 6 ============================================================================== ALSO please bear in mind that once you slay Virimos ? The level ends. So IF you wanted to explore any further ? You'll need to STAY running Virimos through for now ;) However ... PLEASE BE CAREFUL !!! Even though you can walk units into Dwarven Lands once you have received your new objective ? Depending on which squares they walk you CAN still lose the mission AND, given that there REALLY isn't anything worth nabbing in the Dwarven area ? I'd just kill Virimos and be done with it ;) Once Virimos has been slain, he blubs that he thought he was Mortis' chosen warrior. Then the WHOOP-ASS Prusheen (still wearing his doggy costume) says ... you were her chosen one ! Chosen to DIE like a little biatch ... BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAR ... woof woof woof ... bow wow wow ... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ! Virimos tries, with his dying breath, to warn the Dwarves that they are being tricked, but Prusheen drop-kicks him in the nuts and he's out for the count. Back to the conversation ;) Outpost Captain Prusheen's Pack "Good lord ! It's true ! The spirits of Wotan are here !" "YUP ! Zat's us matey !! That PUNK Gallean and his elves are musclin' in on yo' turf. Wotan wanted that loser put daaaaaaaaaan, but Mortis brought his butt back to life !! Now it's PAYBACK time baby YEAH !!"

** Prusheen's Pack clears its throat and checks their paws **

Outpost Captain Prusheen's Pack

"Goddammit !! Well if that's what Wotan wants ? That's what Wotan's gonna git !!" "Now listen very carefully, I shall say zees only once ..."

Congratulations, you've just completed the first level !! =) ============================================================================== OPPONENTS CITIES NEUTRAL CITIES Name Uslenore Crawyk Bintonbrall Tesqil Pickstall Wrenshire Mullusbren Anubreyl Inhabitants Tribe Leader (Barbarian Chieftain), 2 Barbarian Warriors, Wolf, [2 Barbarian Warriors (1/5)] Primitive Giant (10), Yorjagg (Barbarian Chieftain (12)), Barbarian Chieftain (10), Barbarian Warrior (8), Spirit Wolf (1), [2 Wolves, Barbarian Warrior (10)] Orc Champion (10), Troll (7), Ogre (7), [2 Orc Champions (6/5), Orc (6)] Wermyn (Archmage (12)), White Wizard (10), Wizard (3), 2 Grand Inquisitors (4/4), Inquisitor (3), [2 Defenders of the Faith (5/5), Imperial Priest (3)] Tirumn (Wizard (1)), Giant Black Spider (1), [Giant Black Spider (4)] Barbarian Chieftain, 2 Barbarian Warriors [2 Barbarian Warriors] Hollings (Pegasus Knight (12)), 2 Holy Avengers (12/12), Imperial Assassin (12), [2 Witch Hunters (2/2), Marksman (2)] White Wizard (12), 3 Paladins (4/4/4), [Knight (2), Defender of the Faith (5)] The Mountain Clans, Count Crowley's Forces

MOUNTAIN CLAN CITIES Name Triumous Weschek BUILDINGS Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it ? 430 Gp, Banner of Resistance. 320 Gp, Lizard Man Talisman 224 Gp, Call to Arms Scroll 499 Gp, Runic Key 270 194 347 345 Gp, Gp, Gp, Gp, Tome of Sorcery Boots of Speed Staff of Paralyzing Runic Blade Inhabitants [Dwarf, Tenderfoot, Axe Thrower, Mountaineer (3)] [Hill Giant]

Sissathell 3 Lizardmen (4/10/4), Medusa Temple of Crawling Rot 2 Giant Spiders, Giant Black Spider Glear's Crown 2 Giant Spiders (1/5) The Crippled Dome 2 Green Dragons (6/6) Guttelbryk Demon Lord (4), 2 AntiPaladins (3/3), 2 Succubii (4/4) Loriette 3 Ghouls (6/8/6) Fulcrus Ogre (1), Orc (1) Crossen Troll (1), Orc (1) Omtus Hermit (10), 2 Veterans (3),


Flame Caster (10) Peasant (1)

1,415 Gp, Vampire Orb 100 Gp, Talisman of Healing

Notes Your Capital City is surrounded by Barbarians ! DEFEND IT !! After learning that the Barbarians are able to transform into Spirit Wolves through the Talismans they carry, Virimos is directed by Mortis to transform Prusheen into a Spirit Wolf and send him to meet with the Mountain Clans, where he is to convince them that he has been sent from Wotan to lead them against the Elves !! Virimos arrives to set the scene for the Dwarves, and Prusheen beats that bitch daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan =D


ITEMS LYING ON THE GROUND Potion of Speed, 2 x Diamonds, Highfather's Potion, Terror Scroll, Royal Scepter, Potion of Might, 2 x Potion of Restoration, 5 x Life Potion, Potion of Swiftness, Potion of Accuracy, Orb of Restoration, Imperial Crown, Potion of Water Warding, Potion of Healing, Treebark Potion, Summon: Nightmare Scroll, Ancient Relic, Potion of Protection, Healing Ointment, 2 x Rubies, Potion of Invulnerability, Orb of Lycanthropy, 2 x Sapphires, Potion of Striking, Lich Orb, Venerable Warrior Orb, Paraseus Scroll, Potion of Vigor, Quicksilver Potion, Iron Skin Potion. ITEMS RETRIEVED FROM ENEMIES (COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE GROUND ORIGINALLY) 3 x Potion of Restoration, 5 x Potion of Healing, 5 x Life Potion. SHOPS Name The Mill (Merchant) Sells Life Potion x 15, Potion of Restoration x 15, Potion of Striking x 1, Potion of Vigor x 1, Winds of Restoration Scroll x 1, Healing Ointment x 13 Imperial Assassin (Level 10 - 680 Gp), Man at Arms (Level 10 - 95 Gp), Spearman (Level 10 570 Gp) Tome of Fire x 1, Life Potion x 3, Healing Ointment x 1, Potion of Restoration x 3, Potion of Healing x 1, Potion of Accuracy x 1, Forestwalk Scroll x 1, Rust Scroll x 1, Weakness Scroll x 1 Call Decay Dragon (600 Gp), Rot (800 Gp), Damage Ward (1,000 Gp), Menta Potens (600 Gp), Ignis Potens (1,200 Gp), Projicere Terra (800 Gp) Potion of Protection x 1, Potion of Restoration x 19, Highfather's Potion x 1, Life Potion x 8, Zombie Orb x 1, Orc Talisman x 1, Banner of Speed x 1, Healing Ointment x 10 --> Train your Units here !! Train your Units here !! Train your Units here !! Train your Units here !! Train your Units here !! Doppelgangers are SUPAFLY =D R A N G E A T T A C K U N I T S

Spire --> Onyx Spire Marble Gargoyle --> Onyx Gargoyle You don't have a choice on the upgrade path here - there's only one ;) S U P P O R T U N I T S

Unholy Gate --> Torment Chapel --> Unholy Altar --> Slave Dungeon Demon --> Moloch --> Beast --> Tiamath I would opt for the Beast and the Tiamath, because they hit for six and, as stated above, that is something I DEFINITELY look for ;) It can EASILY help turn the tide in battle ... six-hitters are SO COOL !! =D MY BEST LEGIONS OF THE DAMNED UNIT COMPRISES :Arch-Devil, 2 Doppelgangers, 3 Infernal Knights =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= SECTION ELEVEN =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=TIPS AND TRICKS Here are a couple of tricks that I have picked up ... I don't feel the need to give credit to anybody for these, as I honestly came up with them myself !! It MAY be that they are printed elsewhere - I really don't know ... (God how bolschy eh !!) HEAL YOUR TROOPS

If you are playing as the Empire, and you have destroyed all but one unit in your opponent's army ... IF that unit does less damage when it attacks than your healer would do when he/she heals, then have all your units EXCEPT the healer defend, and tend to their wounds during combat ... then slay the remaining unit when all your characters are back to 100% health !! This trick works ESPECIALLY well if you are using a six-hithealer ;) MAKE THE COMPUTER FLUFF UP ITS CHANCE OF HITTING YOU ? Whilst I have been reasonably criticised for mentioning this before, I HONESTLY believe that, if you click the mouse at a certain point during the computer opponent's attacking animation, you can increase their chances of missing you. I might be talking UTTER cack, but I'll settle for that ... if I'm onto something it would be remiss of me not to mention it :"> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= SECTION TWELVE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=CREDITS This FAQ is dedicated entirely to my dear friend Miguel, who made contact with me after reading my first set of Disciples 2 guides, and who has since become one of my closest friends. Special thanks to Banedon for the Gallean's Beast contribution - cheers mate. Cheers also to Setzer Gabbiani for the snippit of information about the Beggar's Banquet !! =) I dedicate this guide to Miguel, PRINCE of the Nosferat, with MUCH respect :) - Mister Sinister, 2005 ============================================================================== Copyright David Booth, 2004-5 ==============================================================================