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Placement Brochure, Disaster Management, Batch 2009-11, TISS.


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M.DMMasters of Disaster Management





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In pursuance of its vision and guiding principles, the TataInstitute of Social Sciences organises teachingprogrammes to facilitate the development of competentand committed professionals for practice, research andteaching; undertakes research; developsand disseminatesknowledge; and reaches out to the larger communitythrough extension, at the local, national, regional andinternational levels.


JTCDM’s initiativesOrissa Super Cyclone 1999

Mumbai Riots1992-93Latur Earthquake 1993

Gujarat Earthquake 2001Tsunami 2004

Kashmir Earthquake 2005Mumbai Floods 2005-06

Bihar Floods 2008Mumbai Terror Attacks 2008

Cyclone Aila 2009

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Message from the Director...........02Message from the Chairperson...03About Tata Institute of Social Sciences................................................04About Jamsetji Tata Centre for Disaster Management.....................05Course Curriculum..........................06Beyond the Books..............................07Seminars & Workshops..................08Faculty...................................................09Internships...........................................10Past Recruiters....................................11Distinguished Alumni.....................12Batch Profile........................................13Students’ Profile.................................14


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Tata Institute of Social Sciences was established in 1936 as Sir Dorabji Tata Graduate Schoolof Social Work and is a deemed university since 1964. It is fully funded by University GrantsCommission, Government of India. Presently academic programme in TISS is organizedaround six schools and four independent centers imparting teaching and research in inter-disciplinary areas of Social Sciences.

Jamsetji Tata Centre for Disaster Management (JTCDM) was established in May 2006. TheJTCDM has collaboration with National Institute of Disaster Management, Government ofIndia, Disaster Research Centre, University of Delaware, and several other universities andinstitutions across the world. The JTCDM offers a master’s degree programme in DisasterManagement, and a number of diploma and certificate level programmes. This centre has anactive research programme in critical areas of Disaster Risk Reduction, disseminates its workthrough working papers, research articles and books. A number of scholars are workingtowards their M. Phil. and doctoral degree in DRR.

The M.A/M.Sc. in Disaster Management is a unique cutting-edge inter-disciplinaryprogramme that blends theory with practice. The practice component involves regular fieldwork and internships on different areas of disaster prevention, preparedness and mitigation.The students are exposed to working in different social, economic and institutional contexts.This programme involves capacity building in application of GIS in disaster prevention,preparedness and mitigation efforts.

The students have an opportunity to choose from a basket of concentrations: Public Health,GIS Applications in Disaster Management, Supply Chain Management, Conflict Resolution,and Governance in DRR. They also do a dissertation or a field practicum.

The 2009-11 batch hail from multi disciplinary backgrounds with excellent credentials. Theseare students with strong theoretical, analytical and field skills and are capable of makingsignificant contributions to DRR at the national and international level through institutions /organisations in the public and the private sector.

The 2009-11 batch will graduate in early May 2011, and we are proud to present graduatesfor placement in your organisation.

Dr. S. ParasuramanDirector

Tata Institute of Social Sciences


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Tata Institute of Social Science (TISS) has been involved in Disaster response in all possiblecapacities since its inception. The involvement of institute ranges from supporting thegovernment to establish and manage control room, policy and plan making, capacity building,documentation, NGO coordination, relief camp management and so on. TISS was also apioneer to introduce Disaster Management as a taught course since ‘80s.

The Master’s programme in Disaster Management is offered by the Centre since 2007 andaims at enhancing knowledge, skills and perspectives on disasters and their management.While enabling an understanding of disasters from the vantage point of science andtechnology in prediction, mitigation and response, the programme also fosters a critical andreflective appreciation of current debates in disaster management within the framework ofsocial and environmental justice, state and civil society dynamics, development, conflict andglobalization. The students receive a multidisciplinary theoretical perspective on disastermanagement through classroom teaching, public lectures, training programmes, workshopsand invited lectures by national and international academicians, researchers and practioners.The students’ theoretical understanding is consolidated through experiential learning in theform of field visits and internships, which also provide international exposure through selectorganizations and universities engaged in disaster research and response. Apart from thegeneric courses the student also opts for concentrations in various fields of practice like PublicHealth and Disaster Management, Governance in Disaster Management, Conflicts, Peace andDevelopment, Logistics Management and Service Delivery Systems and GeographicalInformation Systems in Disaster Management. Apart from the theoretical and experientialcomponents, the course offers a strong research base to students in the form of researchdissertation and term paper. The students work across three semesters on an independentlychosen individual research topic under the guidance of a faculty member. Students’ researchskills are also pruned through various special inputs in the form of workshops, presentationsand attending, organizing and making presentations in conferences. By the end of two yearsthey are groomed professional with the right knowledge, attitude and aptitude for disasterresearch and management.

It is a matter of great pride to me to present the prospective graduates of the 2009-11 batchfor their career placement. I wish them the very best opportunities to put their richmultidisciplinary knowledge, skills and perspectives into practice and constructivelycontribute to this emerging field.

Mahesh KambleChairpersonJamsetji Tata Center for Disaster Management


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The Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) was established in 1936, as the Sir Dorabji TataGraduate School of Social Work, which was the result of the decision of the Trustees of the SirDorabji Tata Trust to accept Dr. Clifford Manshardt’s vision of a post-graduate school of socialwork of national stature that would engage in a continuous study of Indian social issues andproblems, and impart education in social work to meet the emerging need for trained humanresources. In 1944, the Sir Dorabji Tata Graduate School of Social Work was renamed as theTata Institute of Social Sciences.

The year 1964 was an important landmark in the history of the Institute, when it wasrecognised as a Deemed University by the Government of India (GoI). Since then TISS has beenexpanding continuously in terms of educational programmes and infrastructure. Whileresponding to the changing needs of the social and educational system in the country, theInstitute has gone far beyond the initial concern of social work education.

TISS envision to be an institution of excellence in higher education that continually responds tothe changing social realities through the development and application of knowledge, towardscreating a people centered and ecologically sustainable society that promotes and protects thedignity, equality, social justice and human rights for all, with special emphasis on marginalizedand vulnerable groups. The Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) has always reached out tosupport people affected by natural and human-made crisis. Way back in 1947, the Institutesent a faculty and student team to Kurukshetra to work with refugees who came from Pakistan.TISS has responded to various crises such as floods, riots, cyclones, earthquakes and industrialdisasters in different parts of the country.

The Institute's work is centred around relief management; psychosocial support to women,children and other vulnerable groups; assessment of loss and impact to lives, property,livelihoods, environment and infrastructure; rehabilitation and development needs;mobilisation of human resources for relief and rehabilitation work; facilitating communityparticipation in the reconstruction and rehabilitation process; policy and programmedevelopment support to government and non-governmental organisations (NGOs);coordination of civil society participation; training and capacity building of personnel engagedin relief and rehabilitation work; publication and documentation; and conflict resolution andpeace building initiatives. TISS currently has five schools and four Independent centres, one ofthem being the Jamsetji Tata Centre For Disaster Management. These institutions have madesignificant progress over the years in conducting high quality teaching programmes, researchwork, field interventions, training and advocacy.

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Jamsetji Tata Centre for Disaster Management

Jamsetji Tata Centre for Disaster Management (JTCDM) consolidates nearly 60 years of workin disaster, was established with a vision of enhancing disaster studies in India and workingtowards a holistic, accountable and participatory system of disaster response and mitigation.It was inaugurated by Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh on the 6th of May 2006.

The JTCDM integrates expertise and experiences from a range of disciplines and collaborateswith diverse institutions to achieve the following objectives:

• Building professional, institutional and voluntary capacities for disaster prevention,preparedness and response.

• Research on disasters, human security and development.

• Networking for knowledge development, direct intervention and policy advocacy.

• Establishing a Disaster Resource Centre.

• Long term intervention for ecological and human security.

M.A / M.Sc in Disaster Management

The Master’s programme in Disaster Management is offered by the centre since 2007 andaims at enhancing knowledge, skills and perspectives on disaster. The applicants for thecourse are from diverse backgrounds with degrees in engineering, journalism, architecture,sociology, political sciences, business studies and globalization. The first batch of studentspassed out in May 2009. The Masters course offers a multi-level exit and entry option.

Jamsetji Tata Centre for Disaster Management (JTCDM) consolidates nearly 60 years of workin disaster, was established with a vision of enhancing disaster studies in India and workingtowards a holistic, accountable and participatory system of disaster response and mitigation.It was inaugurated by Prime Minister, Dr.Manmohan Singh on the 6th of May 2006.

Educational and Training ProgrammesThe multifaceted challenges posed by disasters and the contexts in which they occurtherefore the centre offers a wide variety of educational and training programs, engages inresearch, publication and policy work.

M.Phil / Ph.D Scholars: The Centre has several doctoral students pursuing research in fieldsrelated to disaster management providing opportunities for independent and cutting edgeresearch. A centralized admission procedure is followed and applicants are required todevelop and submit a research proposal.


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The CurriculumThe programme includes thematic and issue-based courses, such as the relationship betweenenvironment, livelihood and disasters; hazards, risks and vulnerability; institutions,governance and disaster-preparedness and response and knowledge systems and disastermanagement, offering a strong multi-disciplinary knowledge base that will enhance criticalskills essential for intervention in disasters and their prevention. It also has workshops,practical, field exposure, internship and research which is compulsory.

• Understanding Society• Introduction to Basic Economics• Development Experience, State, Social Conflict and Change• Introduction to Hazards and Disaster Management• Technology, Environment and Disasters• Introduction to Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System (GIS) Techniques• Research Methodology 1• Public Health and Disasters• Study Visits and Tutorials

• Project management in Disaster Context• Introduction to Disaster Financing• Logistics Management in Disaster Situations• Research Dissertation• Fieldwork – Internship II








• Human Development, Identity, Culture and Media• Disasters and Development: Bridge Foundation Course• Disaster Risk Reduction an Development Planning• Approaches and Planning for Response – Standards in Humanitarian Aid, Relief, Rehabilitation and Development• Research Methodology II• Governance, Law and Policy in Disaster Management• Seminar Course in Disasters• Fieldwork – Internship I

• Field Work/Internship• Research Dissertation• Concentration Courses








• Transnational Governance, Politics & Disasters• Governance and Disaster Risk Management• Empowerment, People – Centered Governance and Disaster Management

Governance in Disaster Management

• Public Health Planning & Management for Disasters I• Public Health Planning & Management for Disasters II• Seminar Course in Emerging Issues in Public Health with regard to Disasters

Public Health & Disaster Management

• Conflicts and Conflict Analysis• Conflicts and Humanitarian Crisis• Conflict Transformation, Peace & Development

Conflicts, Peace & Development

• Dimensions of Disaster Relief Logistics & Supply Chain Management• Logistics & Supply Chain Management Processes• Strategic Planning in Disaster Logistics & Supply Chain Management

Logistics Management & Service Delivery Systems

• Digital Image Processing and GIS Data Management• Application of Remote Sensing in Disaster Management• Application of GeoInformatics in Disaster Studies

Geographical Information Systems in Disaster Management


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International Exchange: The JTCDM has initiatedvarious steps towards collaboration with foreignuniversities and institutes of research and learning.The Centre has entered into a MoU with the DisasterResearch Centre (DRC), University of Delaware in 2007and the Graduate School of Environmental Studies,Kyoto University, Japan.

Seminars and Roundtable: The JTCDM is of the firmbelief that a student’s learning experience is furtherenriched through contact with scholars andpractitioners of various fields’ related to sustainableand equitable development. Fostering a culture ofexchange between students, faculty and othereminent thinkers from the field of disastermanagement the JTCDM organizes an annualRoundtable. The first conference was held in 2008 on“Disaster Research” and in 2009 it was “DisasterManagement: Towards Ecological and HumanSecurity”.

Resources: The Centre has established a GIS cell whichis used to train students and is also networked with theEDU-SAT programme organized collaboratively by theIndian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun withUGC support.

Training Programmes: The Centre conducts short termtraining programmes focusing on Livelihoods,Sustainable Development, standards and best practicesin various aspects of disaster management. Theprogrammes address training needs of communities,NGOs, the corporate sector, volunteers and otheragencies.

University of Innsbruck,is a university with atradition that goes backto the founding 1669. Itaims to shape theknowledge society andensure the quality &excellence in teaching,learning and researchprocesses in regionaland internationalsecurity.

Recently, computer-science researchers of Georgia Tech, Atlanta have developed an innovative wireless system called ‘LifeNet’ for providing instant communications connectivity in post-disaster situations and signed an MOU with JTCDM for field testing the technology in Maharashtra.

Kyoto University is a major national university in Kyoto, Japan. It is thesecond oldest university in Japan, and formerly one of Japan's ImperialUniversities. Kyoto University is acknowledged as one of the top twouniversities in Japan. Kyoto University was ranked 11th worldwide in theGlobal University Ranking and 25th in the world in the 2009 AcademicRanking of World Universities.

University of Delawareis the largest universityin Delaware. TheUniversity of Delaware isranked 68th by US Newsand World Report in thecategory of "BestNational Universities." In2009, UD ranked No. 22in the in-state categoryof Kiplinger's PersonalFinance magazine's listof the 100 Best Values inPublic Colleges.

Beyond the books


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Seminars & WorkshopsSince Jamsetji Tata Center for Disaster Management is the only fully dedicated center at postgraduate level in India which has engaged itself in developing trained professionals, itbecomes imperative for the center to take a lead in developing human resources and equipthem with latest in this field through conducting short term seminar courses and workshops.

• “Management Perspectives on Disaster Risk Reduction and Humanitarian Responses” incollaboration with Safe Citizen- Foundation for Humanitarian Initiatives.

• National Conference on “Medical Response to Mass Casualty Management 2010” organizedby JPN Apex Trauma Centre and National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA)

• Workshop on “Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction” organized by Jamsetji Tata Centerfor Disaster Management

• “National Conference on Geomatics in Disaster Management 2010 (GeoDM)” organized bythe Jamsetji Tata Center for Disaster Management

• “Towards Climate Change Adaptation Roadmap For Mumbai” Organized by United NationsUniversity, Tokyo and JTCDM

• Environment Impact Assessment organized by JTCDM, TISS.

• A work shop cum Training program in ERDAS 10.0 Software, JTCDM.

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The institute takes pride in its exceptional faculty who are authorities in academics, consultancy and industry research. Wehave a healthy mix of well respected academicians and professionals. At TISS, we boast of one of the highest faculty tostudent ratios in the country. The faculty has also published various articles, papers in leading Indian and internationaljournals. Being a pioneering course in the country the faculty also are involved in various disaster management committees atthe state as well as national level. The support staff in JTCDM needs a mention for the smooth working of the variousprocesses with a slight error.

Core Faculty Visiting FacultyDr. S Parsuraman, Director, TISSM.Sc.(Pune), C.P.S.(IIPS), D.P.D.(ISS,The Hague), Ph.D. (Mumbai)

Dr. Jacquleen Joseph (PHD)Chairperson, JTCDM | [email protected]

Dr. Janki Andharia (PHD)Professor | [email protected]

Dr. Samrat SinhaAssistant Professor | [email protected]

Dr. Balamurugan GuruAssistant Professor | [email protected]

Mr. Mahesh KambleAssistant Professor | [email protected]

Ms. Parama BhattacharyyaAssistant Professor | [email protected]

Dr. Ashish Kumar SinghAssociate Professor | [email protected]

Dr. Mohammed IrshadAssistant Professor | [email protected]

Dr. Shibu Mani Assistant Professor | [email protected]

Dr. ChitralekhaAssistant Professor | [email protected]

Dr. Nobojit RoyMD,MPH,BARC Hospital | Visiting faculty

Dr. Sunil D. SanthaAssistant Professor & Chair SCMS,Cochin | Visiting faculty

Dr. Bino Paul D.G.Associate Professor | M.A. (Calicut), M.Phil, Ph.D. (IIT, Mumbai)

Shri. Radheshyam MopalwarIAS Officer

Mr. Praveen SrivastavaJoint Secretary, Relief and Rehabilitation Cell, GoM

Dr. Ravi ChopraDirector, People’s Science Institute, Dehradun

Dr. Rahul PanditConsultant and Programme Coordinator UN

Mr. N. Hari KrishnaAdvisor and consultant World Bank Institute

Ms. Parnasri Ray ChodhuryConsultant and programme coordinator UNICEF, UNDP, WHO

Dr. P.R. KumaraswamyChairperson, Centre for West Asian Studies, JNU

Mr. B. LoitongbamExecutive Director Human Right Alert, Imphal

Dr. Tanaji SenExecutive Director& Country Head RedR, India

Mr. Prasad MenonMD Tata Power

Mr. V. ThiruppugazhCommissioner of Information & Additional CEOGujarat State Disaster Management Authority (GSDMA)

Mr. Subhash C. MohantySpecial Envoy R&R cell Maharashtra Government

Mr. Jayant DwivedyPresident Global Supply Chain, Piramal Health Care Ltd

Prof. William A. ToscanoProfessor & Division Head, Division of Environmental Health Sciences, University of Minnesota School of Public Health, UK

Dr. Hemant ShahM.S.(SURGERY), PGDHHM, M.Sc. (PHDC- LONDON), DLSHTM, LLBDeputy Director Bhansali Trust

Dr. Bharati KulkarniScientist, National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad

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InternshipsWith a view to provide an environment for application and development of practical skills, theJamsetji Tata Centre of Disaster Management invests considerable resources in ensuring thatall students undergo a minimum of two field internships during their course of study. Thefollowing are some of the organizations at which the master’s students of this year as well asthe previous years were placed for field internships:

• ADPC, Bangkok

• Practical Action South Asia, Colombo

• Disaster Research Centre, University of Delaware, USA

• National Institute of Disaster Management, New Delhi

• MSF India

• Tata Power Ltd, Mumbai

• TATA DIESL, Mumbai

• Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority (GSDMA), Gujarat

• West Bengal State Disaster Management Authority (WBSDMA), West Bengal

• Relief & Rehabilitation Department, Govt. of Maharashtra.

• Sustainable Environment & Ecological Development Society

(SEEDS, India), New Delhi

• Aid Matrix India

• Action Aid India

• RedR India

• Building and Enabling Disaster Resilience of Coastal Communities (BEDROC), Chennai

• GDS, Sitamarhi, Bihar

• Jamsetji Tata Center for Disaster Management (JTCDM), Mumbai

• Rural Volunteers Center (RVC), ASSAM

• Human Rights Alerts, Manipur

• UNNATI, Ahmedabad.

• Save The Hills

• Seva Mandir, Rajasthan

• CEHAT, Mumbai


• Sphere India

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Past Recruiters


In past, the students have been offered a position with reputed organizations fromHumanitarian Development, Public sector banks, Consulting firms and Non GovernmentOrganizations. To list a few of the organizations who where the students are associatedwith/received an offer from are the following:

• GFDRR World Bank

• Bank of India

• UNDP India


• MSF India

• Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority

• Maharashtra State Disaster Management Authority

• Rajasthan State Institute of Public Administration

• Delhi Disaster Management Authority

• Kerala State Disaster Management Authority

• Care India.



• Grameen Devlopment Services



• RedR India

• Knowledge Links


• AquaPlus

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Distinguished AlumniMr. Ralph Connery, Head, South-South Cooperation Program, GFDRR, World Bank

Mr. Ranit Chatterjee, United Nations Development Programme India

Mr. Kanchan Kumar, Sr Manager (Disaster Management), Bank of India.

Ms. Maria Speckbacher, MSF

Ms. Aneesha Modi, RIPA

Ms. Rubal Saroha , DDMA

Dr. Sheila Longkumer, GoI, World Health Organization

Ms. Yeeshu Shukla, Echo- Care Consultant

Ms. Sonu Poddar, Care India

Ms. Sneha Krishnan, RedR India

Mr. Shreedutt Kamat, DDC Konkan Division

Ms. Neeti Mishra, United Nations Development Programme India

Mr. Tushar Pradhan DDMO, Hingoli, Maharashtra

Ms. Yavnika Tanwar, CEHAT

Mr. Harshan T.P., KSDMA

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Batch Profile


The Post Graduate degree in Disaster Management at JTCDM, TISS is a unique course and one its kind currently running in the country. Disaster management as a field requires an inter-disciplinary approach so as to integrate the experiences and learning of people from diverse backgrounds. As the course offers specialization in five area, Conflict, Governance, Supply chain and Logistic systems, Public Health and Geographic Information System and remote sensing, owing to diverse nature of the course, the participants come from diverse background such as Medicine, Engineering, Sociology, Geography, Commerce, Management, Computer/IT, Agriculture and many more.

The pie chart below gives the details of the diverse nature of the academic background the students belong to:








11%7% 4%

Students Background

Agriculture Medicine

Life Sciences Management, Economics and Commerce

IT and Computers Geography

Sociology Political Sciences

History English Literature

Home Sciences

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Students’ ProfilesBachelor of Arts, Geography (Hon.) Miranda House College, Delhi University, 2009

Ms. Aahna Srikanth, 22

Post Graduate SpecializationsGeographical Information System and Remote SensingPublic HealthConflict and DevelopmentInternshipActionaid International, AssamReport on indigenous knowledge & technology of people in flood affected areas of Nalbari.Research AreaMapping Road Traffic Accidents-A case study of Navi Mumbai using GIS.Area of InterestConflict related issues, Rehabilitation and Mitigation processes.

Bachelor of Arts, Geography (Hon.) Kamla Nehru College, Delhi University, 2009

Ms. Aditi Madan, 22

Post Graduate SpecializationGeographical Information System and Remote SensingPublic HealthInternshipActionaid International, Assam Map making & assigning symbols for Social Vulnerability mappingWorked on incorporating children in DRR (Disaster Risk Reduction)Research AreaLand use/land covers change detection due to urbanization: Using Remote Sensing and GIS techniques for Yamuna River, New DelhiArea of InterestDRR (Disaster Risk Reduction), and Environmental Issues.

Bachelor of Business Administration, M. Com.Loyola College, Chennai

Mr. Aditya K., 25

Post Graduate SpecializationsLogistic and Supply Chain ManagementPublic Health and Disaster ManagementInternshipBEDROC, Nagapattinam, Tamil NaduComparison of the perceptional change of farmers & fishing communities towards climate change before & after the tsunami in villages of Nagapattinam in Tamil Nadu.Research AreaImpact of Swine flu in Mumbai, with regard to the role of health workers, victims and key informants.Area of InterestSupply chain and logistics management, Public Health, Governance,Disaster Risk Reduction, Business Continuity Planning, Environment Impact Assessment

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Students’ Profiles


Bachelor of Technology, Metallurgical Engg. National Institute of Technology (NIT), Jaipur

Mr. Amit Prakash, 28

Past Work Experience: 35 Months, Software Eng. (Satyam Computer Services Ltd., Bangalore); Software Development in supply chain domain ; Worked on BCP for the project.Post Graduate SpecializationsSupply Chain Management & Logistics System, GIS and Remote Sensing, Public HealthInternship: Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority, Gandhinagar (Gujarat)Prepared Village Disaster Management Plan, conducted mock sessions and training.Worked on BCP of emergency operation Center and its incident reporting System.Research Area: Supply Chain Management Concepts with reference to Humanitarian Supply chain & Disaster Logistics- An exploratory case study of R&R Cell, Government of Maharashtra.Area of Interests: Supply chain and logistics management, BCP, Risk Assessment

Bachelor of Arts, Home Science (Hon.) Benaras Hindu University, Varanasi

Ms. Akansha Pandey, 20

Post Graduate SpecializationsGovernance in Disaster ManagementConflict, Peace and DevelopmentSupply Chain Management and Logistics SystemInternshipActionaid International, Assam Field based study of feasibility of DRR through Aganwadi centers in Nalbari, Assam.Analysis of the impact of repeated flood years on women and children in Nalbari.Research AreaEquity and Sustainability of Grain Banks (A Case Study in Palamu, Jharkhand)Area of InterestDRR & Mitigation, International Humanitarian Action, Communalism & Secularism.

Bachelor of Science, Agriculture University of Agricultural Sciences, Karnataka

Mr. Anil Kumar, 25

Post Graduate SpecializationsSupply Chain Management & Logistics System GIS & Remote Sensing in Disaster ManagementGovernance in Disaster ManagementPublic Health and Disaster ManagementInternship: BEDROC, Nagapattinam, Tamil NaduImpact of climate change on agricultural production in Nagapattinam, a comparative study before & after tsunami.Research AreaMangrove Destruction: Social Impact on fishing community of Mumbai - Remote Sensing and GIS Approach.Area of InterestSupply Chain and Logistics Management, BCP, Risk Assessment & DRR, CSR.

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Students’ ProfilesBachelor of Arts, Geography (Hon.) Kirori Mal College, Delhi University

Mr. Animesh Prakash, 25

Post Graduate SpecializationsGIS & Remote Sensing in Disaster Management; Public Health & Disaster ManagementConflict and Peace and DevelopmentInternship: SEEDS INDIA, New DelhiPrepared social map of the area, Vulnerability Index of the community and Hazard Map.Assessed reconstruction and restoration requirement in the flood affected region.Research AreaDistribution Network Designs in Relief Chain Management: Government’s response to Kosi Floods 2008.Area of InterestDisaster Risk Reduction, Emergency Response, Relief Chain Management & Logistics, Business Continuity Management.

Bachelor of Arts, Pol. Sciences & Economics Lucknow University

Mr. Ankit Jaiswal, 23

Post Graduate SpecializationsSupply Chain Management and Logistics SystemGIS and Remote Sensing In Disaster Management.InternshipSEEDS INDIA, New DelhiPrepared social map of the area, Vulnerability Index of the community and Hazard Map.Assessed reconstruction and restoration requirement in the flood affected regionResearch AreaMapping different types of Armed Conflict in Manipur using GIS applicationsArea of InterestProject Management, Supply Chain Management and Logistics, Public Health, Environmental issues, Conflict Peace and Development & Human Rights related areas.

Bachelor of Arts, HistoryIGNOU

Mr. Dalthanglien Gangte, 24

Post Graduate SpecializationsSupply Chain Management & Logistics System; Conflicts, Peace & DevelopmentGovernance in Disaster ManagementInternship: Grameen Development Services, Sitamarhi, Bihar.Micro- planning in the village level for Disaster Risk reductionOrganized a Training program and conducted PRA and formed Women Based Disaster Management Group.Term PaperTowards better Management of Natural Disasters: Enhancing Disaster Management framework in Manipur.Area of InterestBusiness continuity planning, Risk Assessment and Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction, Conflict Resolution, Peace building and Governance in disaster management.

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Students’ Profiles


B. Tech., Biotechnology S. V. Patel Univ. of Agri. & Technology, Meerut

Ms. Deepshikha Purwar, 24

Post Graduate SpecializationsGIS and Remote sensing in Disaster managementPublic Health and Disaster ManagementSupply Chain Management And Logistics SystemInternshipActionaid International, North East region, AssamNational Rural Health Mission In Morigaon District of Assam: A Critical Analysis ( 2010)Research AreaTo assess the challenges posed by Ground Water Pollution on Public Health using GIS Approach in Kanpur, U.P.Area of InterestGIS and remote sensing use in disaster affected area, Public health, DRR.

Bachelor of Science, Computer Science Delhi University

Mr. Deepak Yadav, 22

Post Graduate SpecializationsSupply Chain Management & Logistics System; GIS and Remote SensingPublic Health GovernanceInternship: Jamsetji Tata Centre For Disaster Management, TISSConducted Social Impact Assessment (SIA) of Jaitapur Nuclear Power Project coming up in Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra Term PaperVulnerability assessment focused on demographic vulnerability and economic vulnerability of Naharpur Village (Delhi) towards Earthquake.Area of InterestGIS, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Supply Chain and Logistics Management, Business Continuity Planning.

Bachelor of Science, Agriculture Benaras Hindu University, Varanasi

Ms. Dipty Nisha, 25

Post Graduate SpecializationsGIS and Remote sensing in Disaster managementPublic Health and Disaster Management; Supply Chain Management & Logistics SystemInternship: Actionaid International, Assam.Assessment of Socio-Economic Impacts of Flood using PRA technique in Morigaondistrict of Assam.Critical analysis of impacts of flood on crop yield, soil health and livelihood.Research AreaDetection of change and alternative methods in Agriculture pattern after 2008 KosiRiver flood, in parts of Madhepura region, using Remote sensing and GIS techniques.Area of InterestGIS and Public Health, Risk Assessment and Disaster Risk Reduction and Agriculture sustainability & Environmental Risk Assessments.

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Students’ ProfilesBachelor of Arts, Sociology Fergusson College, Pune

Ms. Karishma Makeshwar, 22

Post Graduate SpecializationsPublic Health and Disaster ManagementConflict, Peace and ManagementInternship: Rural Volunteers Center,Dhemaji, AssamEffect of Climate Change on womenWorked in the GoI-UNICEF CBDRR Programme and Community Health Volunteers in MajuliTerm PaperRole of Governance in Disaster Risk Reduction in Melghat, Maharashtra.Area of InterestWomen and children, Environmental issues, Public health in disasters, Disaster Risk Reduction, Livelihood issues, Governance in disaster management.

Bachelor of Arts, Sociology (Hons.) St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai University

Ms. Ketaki Hate, 22

Post Graduate SpecializationsConflict, Peace and DevelopmentPublic Health and Disaster ManagementInternshipBEDROC, Nagapattinam, Tamil NaduStudy to assess the Perception of Climate Change among the Agricultural Community in Sembiyan Mahadevi, Nagapattinam.Term PaperImpact of Disasters on Armed Conflict: The LTTE and the Indian Ocean Tsunami, 2004.Area of InterestConflict, Public Health, Governance Psycho-Social Interventions and Gender dynamics in Disaster inflicted Areas.

Bachelor of Arts, English LiteraturePeople’s College, Nanded

Mr. Krantideep Kamble, 23

Post Graduate Education M.A, English, Institute of Advanced Studies in English, PunePost Graduate SpecializationsGovernance in Disaster ManagementPublic Health and Disaster ManagementConflict, Peace and DevelopmentInternshipGramin Development Services, Sitamadhi Branch, BiharPRA; Problem Assessment of community during floodTerm PaperAnalysis of Drought Policy of MaharashtraArea of InterestDevelopment Issues, Disaster Risk Reduction and Governance in Disaster Management.

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Students’ Profiles


Bachelor of Arts, Pol. Science Zakir Hussain College, Delhi University

Mr. Nishant Buragohain, 24

Post Graduate Diploma: Tourism & Travel Management, Jamia Millia Islamia, New DelhiPost Graduate Specializations: Governance in Disaster Management; Conflict, Peace & Development; GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster ManagementInternship: Rural Volunteers Centre (RVC), AssamWorked in the Government of India- UNICEF CBDRR Programme in Majuli.Conducted a session for a CBDRR Training Program and did case studies on effect of climate change on paddy cultivation.Research Area: Sustainability of Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction (CBDRR) Program: The case of Duryug Pratirodh Samiti (DPS) in Dhemaji District of Assam.Area of InterestEnvironmental Issues, Conflicts, Governance in Disaster Management, DRR, Development Issues.

Bachelor of Commerce Awadh Girls Degree College, Lucknow University

Ms. Lynette Phillips, 23

Post Graduate SpecializationsGovernance in Disaster ManagementConflict, Peace and DevelopmentSupply Chain Management and Logistics System.Internship: ActionAid, Bangalore, KarnatakaStudying government’s reconstruction plans and provisions, identifying if the community’s needs were in sync with what the government provided them.Term PaperFunding Flows in NGOs during Natural Disasters.Area of InterestCSR, BCP, Governance, conflict analysis and resolution, DRR, humanitarian logistics

B.A, Sociology & EconomicsSt. Joseph’s College of Arts & Science, Bangalore

Mr. Paul George, 22

Post Graduate SpecializationConflict, Peace and Development; Public Health and Disaster Management Internship: Rural Volunteers Centre(RVC), Dhemaji, AssamWorked with the GoI – UNICEF CBDRR Programme in the Majuli river islandEvaluated two award winning DRR models created by RVC on public health andlivelihood generation. Assisted in conducting a DRR workshop for village level DisasterManagement Committees.Research AreaComparative Study of Alternate & Traditional Based Livelihood Interventions (Post Tsunami) Among Women from Fishing Communities in Nagapattinam District.Area of Interest Peace and Conflict, Public Health in Disasters, Monitoring & Evaluation, Livelihoods

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Students’ ProfilesBachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & SurgeryR. A. Podar Medical College, Mumbai

Dr. Rakeshkumar K. Nagose, 26

Post Graduate SpecializationsPublic health and disaster managementGIS and Remote Sensing in disaster managementInternship: Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority, Gandhinagar (Gujarat)Performed gap analysis of the Incident reporting system and suggested change in theexisting one. Prepared comprehensive Village Disaster Management Plan besidesconducting training program and mock drills.Research Area A study on impact of poverty on the nutritional status of the children (1-5 yrs) in the tribal region of Thane district.Area of InterestPublic health, GIS and Remote Sensing

Bachelor of Business Administration, MarketingKolkata University

Mr. Saswata Sanyal, 23

Certificate Course: Foreign Trade Practices and ManagementPost Graduate Specializations: Supply Chain Management & Logistics; Public HealthInternship: West Bengal State Disaster Management Authority, Sundarbans (W.B.).Assessment of the condition of the people in the block after 9 months of the disaster and their employment ability options. Prepared comprehensive list vulnerabilities in the major schools of the block.Research AreaTo Examine the relief and response logistics of the various actors during Cyclone Aila and understanding the innovations they took in the process.Area of InterestSupply Chain Management and Logistics, Business Continuity Management, Public Health, Mass Gathering Management

Bachelor of Arts, English (Hons.)Hansraj College, Delhi University

Ms. Shivani Gupta, 22

Post graduation SpecializationGovernance in Disaster ManagementConflicts, Peace and DevelopmentSupply Chain Management and Logistics SystemPublic Health and Disaster ManagementInternship: BEDROC, Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu, IndiaLooking at the impact of climate change on local agricultural production in Nagapattinam district- A comparative study before and after tsunami.Research Area: Urban Vulnerability: Exploring the impact on livelihoods in Bhalswa JJ and Resettlement Colony, Delhi.Area of Interest: Public Policy & analysis, conflict analysis & resolution, development issues, risk assessment & reduction, humanitarian logistics.

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Students’ Profiles


Bachelor of Arts, Geography (Hons.)Kirori Mal College, Delhi University

Ms. Soma Sinha, 21

Post Graduate Specializations: Governance in Disaster Management; Public Health and Disaster management; Conflict, Peace and DevelopmentInternship: Rural Volunteers Centre, Dhemaji AssamWorked in the GoI-UNICEF CBDRR Programme in MajuliAssisted in a DRR workshop of the Duryug Pratirodh Samiti members from different villages; Case Studies on Effect of Climate Change on Mustard Cultivation. Worked on Community Health Volunteers Term PaperStudy the Interface between Disaster Response Disaster Risk Reduction and Disaster Risk Management post Kosi Flood 2008 focusing on Madhepura District of Bihar.Area of InterestUrban Risk, Environment, Public Health, Disaster Risk Reduction, BCP

Bachelor of Arts, Geography (Hons.)Dyal Singh College, Delhi University

Ms. Snehil Rathore, 22

Post Graduation specialization: Governance in Disaster Management; GIS & Remote Sensing; Public Health & Disaster ManagementInternship: Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority, Gandhinagar (Gujarat)Prepared comprehensive Village Disaster Management Plan; Performed gap analysis ofthe Incident Reporting System and suggested modifications; Prepared a ResourceAllocation Plan.Term PaperDistrict Administration Response to Emergency, Case Study of Bahraich (UP) Floods 2009. Area of InterestGovernance, Relief logistics, Public Health in disasters, Risk & Need Assessment, Indigenous knowledge for DRR.

Bachelor of Arts, Sociology (Hons.)Utkal University, Bhubaneswar

Ms. Suchismita Swain, 21

Post Graduate Specializations: Conflict, Peace & Development;Governance in Disaster Management; Public Health and Disaster ManagementInternship: SEEDS (Sustainable Environment and Ecological Development Society) Documented the infrastructural planning of the slum pockets and Conducted community workshops for participatory planning.Assisted in making of draft white paper for revised Master Plan of Delhi.Research AreaSpatial transition and risk- vulnerabilities associated: inclusive of case study of three pockets of M-ward of Mumbai.Area of InterestDisaster risk reduction, Urban policy & plan analysis, Disaster insurance

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Students’ ProfilesBachelor of Science, MicrobiologyPSG college of Arts and Science, Tamil Nadu

Ms. Suguna Nair, 26

Post Graduate Education: M. Sc., Environment Science, Bharati Vidyapeeth, PunePost Graduate SpecializationsPublic Health and Disaster ManagementSupply Chain Management and Logistics SystemInternship: ActionAid, ChennaiPrepared training manual for Women’s rights in Disasters and Violence against Women.Conducted participatory vulnerability assessment of Mugatwarakuppam Village (coastal village, Chennai)Term PaperImpact on public health due to the conflict in Manipur.Area of InterestPublic Health, Transnational Governance in Disaster management, EIA, CSR

Bachelor of Arts, History (Hons.) St. Stephen’s College, Delhi University

Mr. Vikramjit Lama, 22

Post Graduate Specialization: Conflict, Peace and Development;Public Health & Disaster Management; Governance in Disaster Management.Internship: West Bengal State Disaster Management Authority (WBSDMA)Damage Assessment of Cyclone Aila on the Block’s infrastructure.Vulnerability Assessment and Preparedness Measures of the schools in the Block.Analysis of impacts of Cyclone Aila on crop yield, soil health and livelihood.Term PaperThe Introduction of the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) programme in Conflict situations. Feasibility, Challenges and the Way Ahead.Area of InterestConflict Analysis, Transnational Governance and International Disaster response, DRR, Human Rights in Disasters, Public Health.

Master of Arts, HistoryDr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra

Mr. Vishal Vaswani, 29

Past Work Experience: 36 months, Contributor, Competition Wizard MagazineWriting articles on Indian history and bilateral relations.Post Graduate SpecializationsPublic Health & Disaster Management; Supply Chain Management & Logistics SystemGovernance in Disaster Management; GIS and Remote sensing in Disaster ManagementInternship: Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority, Gandhinagar (Gujarat)Prepared comprehensive Village Disaster Management Plan; Performed gap analysis of the Incident reporting system and suggested change in the existing one.Research Area: Solid waste management Agra City: Analyzing the efficiency of cycle and Exploring health issues of workers involved.Area of Interest: Policy making, Developmental issues, EIA, Logistics, Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Need Assessment in disaster and Health issues in disaster.

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Placement GuidelinesOnce an organization confirms their participation, the information provided by

them is made available to students. This is followed by a process of slotting

organizations, which is done to ensure that the process goes on smoothly and

with minimal logistical inconvenience. Once the slots are decided, the same

will be communicated to the organizations and the date of placement process

will be fixed. Organizations are required to follow the following rules:

The Placement process will comprise of:

• Pre-placement talk

• Collection and handing over CVs of interested candidates

• Selection process by the recruiter and

• Handing over the list of selected candidates for Placement

During the Pre-Placement talk, the recruiter will make a presentation about the

Organization, the job profile and responds to the queries of students. No one-

to-one interaction by the recruiter is allowed with the candidates before the

final selection. TISS must receive the confirmation of the appointments from the

recruiting organization within three days of leaving the campus.

Address Placement team Students


Tata Institute of Social Sciences,

Malti- Naoroji Campus,

Deonar, V.N.Purav Marg,


Tele:+91 996 716 3477

Email: [email protected]





Dr. A.K. Singh

[email protected]

Amit Prakash


Anil Kumar


Snehil Rathore


Vishal Vasvani


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