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Ferry Operations Service Plan 2015/16

Ferry Operations Service2015-16 Service Plan

Supporting Infrastructure Department’s vision:

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Ferry Operations Service Plan 2015/16

“Securing the Best for Shetland”

ContentsIntroduction...........................................................................................................................................................3Vision Statement...................................................................................................................................................3Drivers for Change................................................................................................................................................4About Us................................................................................................................................................................4

Who We Are..................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Organisational Chart....................................................................................................................................................................... 5

Locations......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

Governance...................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

Regulation and Compliance........................................................................................................................................................... 6

What We Do...................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

Our Customers................................................................................................................................................................................ 6

Our Costs and Income.................................................................................................................................................................... 7

Funding and resources................................................................................................................................................................... 7

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Aims and Objectives.............................................................................................................................................8Detailed Actions/Plan for Change........................................................................................................................9

Previous Actions Completed in 2014/15........................................................................................................................................9

Ongoing Actions/Projects Started prior to 2015/16......................................................................................................................9

New Planned Actions Due to Start in 2015/16..................................................................................................10Risks to Delivery.................................................................................................................................................11Performance Indicators......................................................................................................................................11

Performance Indicators from Council Wide Performance Measures.......................................................................................11

Key Directorate Indicators............................................................................................................................................................ 12

Directorate Performance Indicators from the Local Government Benchmarking Framework...............................................12

Directorate Performance Measures from the Shetland Single Outcome Agreement..............................................................13

Other Performance indicators......................................................................................................................................................14

Contact Details....................................................................................................................................................14

IntroductionEvery year, each Service within the Council is required to produce a Service Plan for the following year. This Service Plan provides an overview of the Ferry Operations Service for 2015/16, the Ferry Operations Service is in the Infrastructure Directorate. This plan contains information on major activities, aims, objectives, actions, targets, performance indicators and risks.

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Ferry Operations Service Plan 2015/16

Service plans are approved and “signed off” at Director Level as part of the Executive Manager’s Employee Review and Development process.

Vision StatementThe Ferry Operations Service is committed to supporting the Infrastructure Directorate’s Vision of “Securing the Best for Shetland”.

Drivers for ChangeThe Ferry Service drivers are consistent with the Infrastructure Directorate’s priorities are for our services to be:

reliably delivering our day to day statutory services; maintaining our existing assets; placing our customers’ needs at the forefront of our decision making whilst providing best value for the public funds invested in our

services and infrastructure; developing long term plans for safe and sustainable transport solutions; reducing the environmental impact of our activities and making longer term plans to adapt to climate change.

The key aims for 2015/16 are:

We will deliver our objectives to ensure Shetland Islands Council’s Corporate Plan commitments are met. We will deliver the best possible service we can which balances needs and resources. We will provide clear and consistent communication to all staff, customers and partners in order to achieve the Directorate’s priorities. We will be proactive in working with partners in order to secure better outcomes. We will ensure staff feel valued and supported particularly through periods of challenge and change.

The most immediate pressures on the Ferry Service and the Infrastructure Directorate are changes in our workforce; we need to develop service workforce plans that are flexible enough to respond to the current market in particular:

- loss to private sector

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- recruitment issues- age demographic- sex demographic- reduced motivation and wellbeing of staff due to new and additional work pressures- market forces and higher industry standard wages- local housing issues causing recruitment problems- perceived lack of career progression- reduced opportunities for training and development- perceived loss of job security

About UsThe Ferry Operations Service was created as a result of the Council Organisation and Management Restructure in 2011. The Service operates ferries and ferry services to a specification agreed with the Transport Planning Service in the Development Directorate.

Who We AreThis Service sits within the Infrastructure Department is lead by the Director of Infrastructure (Maggie Sandison) the following Services are also in the Infrastructure Department: (Environmental Services, Harbour Master & Port Operations, Roads and Estate Operations)

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Organisational Chart

LocationsThe Ferry Operations Service main office is located at Sella Ness (9 staff). The ferry crew (105 staff) are based on the vessels and the maintenance team (10 staff) works where required from Sella Ness. The Booking Office (3 staff) is located at the Ulsta ferry terminal on Yell.

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Chief ExecutiveMark Boden

Infrastructure DirectorateMaggie Sandison

Environmental Services Harbour Master & Port Operations

Ferry OperationsKen Duerden130.15 FTE

Marine OperationsKevin Main86.42 FTE

Marine EngineeringLee Coutts33.74 FTE

ResourcesColin Manson


Roads Estate Management

Ferry Operations Service Plan 2015/16

GovernanceThe Ferry Operations Service is part of the Infrastructure Directorate and reports to the Environment and Transport Committee.The Service’s performance is reported to the Directorate Management Team monthly and 4 PIs from this plan are reported to the Environment and Transport Committee 4 times per year as part of the Department’s quarterly performance report.

The 4 PIs are:

Ferry Availability Lost sailing by cause Contracts delivered in house / Private sector Number and value of contracts issued and %age compliance with Standing Orders.

Regulation and ComplianceAs an operator of passenger & cargo vessels, Shetland Islands Council is required to exercise strict control over its operation by use of a management system complying with the requirements of the IMO’s International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention (International Safety Management (ISM) Code), resolution A.741 (18) as amended.

The Safety Management Policy is designed to ensure safety at sea, prevention of human injury or loss of life, and avoidance of damage to the environment, in particular, to the marine environment, and to property.

The Safety Management System should; Comply with mandatory rules & regulations Take into account applicable codes, guidelines and standards recommended by the IMO, MCA, UK Government, Classification

Societies and the maritime industry

Shetland Islands Council recognises that in order to achieve the above aims, the commitment for good safety management must come from the highest levels. In this respect it will strive to ensure that the commitment, attitude and motivation to safety and environmental issues are consistently encouraged in all employees of Ferry Services, at all levels.

What We DoEngineering - maintenance and repair of ferries, and linkspans.

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Resources Team, responsible for:

ticketing, booking, revenue security, customer information, crewing and rostering;

Marine Team, responsible for ensuring the vessels are

manned, equipped and operated safely

Engineering Team, responsible for the maintenance and repair of

ferries and linkspans.

Our Customers

The direct customers of the Ferry Service are the travelling public which can be summarised as:

Car drivers

Commercial vehicle and bus / coach drivers

Passengers in vehicles

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Foot passengers

The users can be divided into:


Passengers travelling on business

Attending health care appointments

Island residents

Tourists / occasional leisure travellers

Our Costs and IncomeThe Service has [around] 130.15 full time equivalent staff and annual net revenue expenditure of £11,469,888 [and a capital budget of £600,000], as detailed below:

ServiceNumber of Staff (FTE)

Gross Expenditure

Income Net Budget Capital Budget

Bressay ferry service 18.99 1,515,578 (479,764) 1,035,723 60,000

Fair Isle ferry service 4.7 294,743 (17,972) 276,724

Unst & Fetlar ferry service 24.43 2,361,661 (258,468) 2,103,066 110,000

Papa Stour ferry service 5.43 347,621 (13,566) 334,014 55,000

Skerries ferry service 6.37 906,184 (79,751) 826,359 55,000

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Whalsay ferry service 31.88 3,058,049 (558,705) 2,499,253 210,000

Yell ferry service 34.27 5,311,893 (1,010,863) 4,300,939 110,000

Ferry Booking Service 4.08 93,248 0 93,248

 Ferry Service Total 130.15 13,888,977 (2,419,089) 11,469,888 600,000

Funding and resourcesThe infrastructure Directorate has made savings of £6.3 million since 2012/13 (Ferry Service £3.1 million) including the £320k required for 2015/16. The reduction in savings requirement for 2015/16 was due to the substantial service reviews undertaken in previous years already having delivered the majority of the savings required to achieve the target operating budget set out in the Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan. Infrastructure Services accounts for 20% of the overall Council General Fund budget (and the Ferry Service accounts for 48% of the Infrastructure budget).

Aims and ObjectivesDirectorate Plan Aims Action

The Transport services we need the most Explore opportunities for community run transport solutions including the Skerries Ferry

Project manage the M.V.”Fivla” life extension.

Secure Scottish Government funding for internal ferry service and achieve commitment of Scottish Government Capital Expenditure for Ferry Replacement

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Directorate Plan Aims Action

Programme and/or Fixed Links.

Develop a Ferry Replacement Programme

Build a Healthy Economy

Deliver the modern marine apprenticeships if external funding is secured and local delivery mechanism established

Workforce planning to succession plan for future vacancies and skill gaps

Protect Vulnerable and disadvantaged people Secure external funding to deliver the accessibility improvements to ferry terminals

Service Aims/Priorities Objectives/Actions (Details below)

Deliver compliant, efficient and sustainable ferry service.

Operate service to agreed specification as efficiently as possible.

Deliver ferry service based on the needs of the local community.

Operate service to agreed specification as efficiently as possible.

Deliver service within agreed budget. Manage and monitor expenditure to ensure service delivered within +1/1% of

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Service Aims/Priorities Objectives/Actions (Details below)

approved budget.

On Completion Of Ferry Fares review roll out new fares to vessels and establish processes to demonstrate improved revenue security

Address Recruitment and retention challenges identified in workforce planning exercise.

Establish Modern Marine Apprenticeship programme.

Employ Engineering Cadets

Responding to the new legislative requirements for training of seafarers

Implement STCW revalidation training. Establish local delivery mechanism for training at Scalloway Marine college.

Deliver our services safely and reliably

Carry out design work for “Linga”conversion

Carry out phase 1 of “Fivla” life extension

Being a properly led and well managed Council

Carry out 100% ERDs.

Comply with EU and Council Standing Orders for procurement.

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Service Aims/Priorities Objectives/Actions (Details below)

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Detailed Actions/Plan for Change

[Similar to the “what we did last year” section in last year’s Service Plans]

Previous Actions Completed in 2014/15

Description Delivered Early/on-time/late

Achieved original intention?

Bigga Main Engine Renewal Overran by 1 Month

More able to keep to time-table, less breakdown time, more reliable service, await to see on fuel consumption

Re-Fendering of Terminals On timeMore reliable service-Vessels docking without damage in high winds

Yell Engine Monitoring system On time More reliable service. Upgrade of system

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Ongoing Actions/Projects Started prior April 2015

Title/Heading Team Start End Output Expected Outcome/Supported Aims/Objectives

Ferry Ticketing System Project YesStarted in June 2014 currently on-time to finish in April 2015

More reliable service ,better revenue security so this will support the Council’s Aim of “Being a properly led and well managed Council”. It should also result in an improvement in the Performance Indicator below “Number of complaints received”.

Terminal Life Extensions YesOngoing Repairs as and when

required.To keep the terminals to a safe operating standard to maintain reliable service.

Sale of M.V.Thora In ProgressYearly saving of keeping vessel up to standard assisting in delivering the budget savings required of the service.

Linga ConversionThis will most likely start into year 15/16 now. To reduce breakdowns and enhance the reliability of the service

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New Planned Actions Due to Start in 2015/16

Title/Heading Team Start End Output Expected Outcome/Supported Aims/Objectives

Terminal Disabled Access15/16

15/16This will improve access for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged in our community.

Terminal Hut Security15/16

15/16Protection of equipment in huts to ensure assets are maintained to ensure services are reliable

Bigga Life Extension2014

15/16Spare Engine parts & propeller blades

This will complete Bigga’s life extension started in 2014 to improve the reliability of the service.

Fivla Life Extension15/16

16/173 x generators and Nav equipment

Spread over 15/16 and 16/17 to improve the reliability of the service.

The Directorate level actions or most strategically significant operational actions to be delivered are set out in the Directorate Plan and will be monitored each quarter by the Directorate Management Team and Committee Members as part of the quarterly reviews. The key actions for this service are set out in this operational Service plans.

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Risks to Delivery[Risk Management will assist with complete this section]

Shetland Islands Council Date: , 26 February, 2015

Ferry Operations Risk Register

Residual Target

Risk & Details Frequency Severity RiskProfile

Residual and Planned Control Measures

Severity Frequency Risk Profile Assigned To

Category Operational

Corporate Plan Not Set

FTF0002 - Poor Quality - Rare 1 Significant 3 Low 3 Quality assessment of supplier

Kevin Main

FTF0006 - Accidental Damage - Rare 1 Minor 2 Low 2 SMS audits, Planned maintenance, Training policy,

Kevin Main

FTF0007 - Asbestos control/removal - Only known source of asbestos removed from Thora. Retain record for unknown sources found in the future.

Rare 1 Insignificant 1 Low 1 Permit to work, Areas of asbestos identified, Use of licensed contractors,

Kevin Main

Corporate Plan 02. The best possible start for every child

FTF0022 - Defective Title/restrictive covenants - Some bits of terminals/ facilities are built on land that might not be owned by the organisation

Possible 3 Minor 2 Medium 6 Regular reviews of procedures with other departmental sections. Check meetings on land acquisition

Minor 2 Rare 1 Low 2 Jim Mouatt

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Corporate Plan 03. The transport services we need most

FTF0001 - Failure of Key supplier - Contractual aggrement, Company Audits, Stock in store, Alternative suppliers,

Jim Mouatt

FTF0004 - Escape of pollutant - Unlikely 2 Minor 2 Low 4 SOPEP, Qualified personnel, Safety Management System in operation, Effective Planned Maintenance System,

Kevin Main

FTF0008 - Damage to vehicles, mobile plant and equipment -

Unlikely 2 Minor 2 Low 4 Full compliance with Safety Management System onboard, adherence to cargo securing manual, adequately trained staff, continued i

Minor 2 Rare 1 Low 2 Kevin Main

FTF0010 - Customer / Citizen - Other - Vehicle / Cargo contact with persons, property. Slips, trips and falls

Possible 3 Minor 2 Medium 6 Full compliance with Safety Management System onboard, adherence to cargo securing manual, adequately trained staff, continued i

Kevin Main

FTF0011 - Plant/Equipment - breakdown/failure disruption - Failure of plant / machinery / equipment that results in Service disruption

Likely 4 Minor 2 Medium 8 Identifying these as critical equipment and inspecting / maintaining accordingly

Kevin Main

FTF0012 - Public/products liabilities to third parties -

Unlikely 2 Minor 2 Low 4 Ship FFE/LSA maintained in full working order, full compliance with Safety Management System emergency procedures, continued eme

Kevin Main

FTF0013 - Failure of Key supplier - Breach of contract, loss of supplier, relocation of supplier, poor quality

Rare 1 Minor 2 Low 2 Alternative suppliers, contractual aggrements, stock held in stores, auditing of suppliers

Kevin Main

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FTF0016 - Escape of pollutant - Oil, fuel or chemicals escaping from vessel or site

Unlikely 2 Significant 3 Medium 6 Full compliance with Safety and Environment policy, implimentation of SMS, aderence to Risk Assessments and bunkering procedure

Kevin Main

FTF0021 - Breach of Legislation - Data Protection, Human Rights, Employment Practice, Health and Safety etc - 1. Documents of compliance essential for ferries, airports and vehicle fleet, plus service provision subcontractor Direct Flight. Services operate within significant compliance requirements, and there are grandfather rights in place for some ferries.

2. EU white paper has a lack of local understanding and of the impact of its actions, e.g. on licensed airstrips.

3. Current staff are dedicated to the service and have developed an efficient and effective service and joint understanding.

Possible 3 Minor 2 Medium 6 Maintain full compliance with requirements of the ISM code at all times.


3 Unlikely 2 Medium 6 Jim Mouatt

Category Strategic

Corporate Plan Not Set

FTF0003 - Central Govt Funding Issues -

Rare 1 Significant 3 Low 3 Continued efficiency Kevin Main

FTF0005 - Professional Errors and Omissions -

Unlikely 2 Minor 2 Low 4 Operational procedures, Use of leagal services, Team meetings,

Kevin Main

Corporate Plan 03. The transport services we need most

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FTF0014 - Staff number/skills shortage - Inadequate training, Illness

Possible 3 Significant 3 Medium 9 Annual training program, Review and Development policy, Ferry Services competency appraisal scheme, Welfare support

Kevin Main

FTF0015 - Riot, strike & civil commotion - Breach of employee contract,

Possible 3 Significant 3 Medium 9 Effective support / management intervention by regular dialogue with unions,

Kevin Main

FTF0017 - Economic / Financial - Other - Poor finance control, insufficient budget planning, ineffective safeguards, inadequate staffing and skills

Internal financial auditing, regular team meetings, periodic budgetry meetings, adherence to financial procedures, regular monit

Jim Mouatt

FTF0018 - Operations maintenance -additional costs - Insufficient budget planning, Unplanned maintenance, Legislation change, Insurance failure, Unforseen infrastructure failure

Unlikely 2 Minor 2 Low 4 Extended planned maintenance program, regular inspections of key infrastructure, Legal support

Kevin Main

FTF0019 - Intervention by regulatory and statutory bodies - Removal of Document of Compliance as a result of proffesional errors onboard or by Management,

Unlikely 2 Major 4 Medium 8 Maintain full compliance with requirements of ISM Code

Kevin Main

FTF0020 - Stress - Absentism and illness from stress

Acceptable working patterns, shared workloads, Training in stress mediators, Awareness of indicators, awareness of assistance -

Jim Mouatt

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Ferry Operations Service Plan 2015/16

Performance Indicators

Performance Indicators from Council Wide Performance Measures[P&I will establish next year’s “Council Wide” measures; they are likely to include the ones below. P&I will populate the table APART from the Directorate and Service target and the 2 statements, Directorates should complete these. These statements should declare what the Services will do to improve these indicators.]

Indicators / MeasureCouncil Infrastructure

DirectorateFerry Operations Services Service Performance

StatementImprovement Statement2014/15






Sickness Absence Rates

3.9% 3.9% 3.6%

5.2% Low level of sickness across service and below Council average

Maintain focus on managing sickness absence.

Employee Review and Development Meetings held in Policy Period (Mar-May)

26% 100% 100% 100% Management resource to deliver ERDs impacted by industrial action, Manager absence and embedded ferry

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Ferry Operations Service Plan 2015/16

Indicators / MeasureCouncil Infrastructure

DirectorateFerry Operations Services Service Performance

StatementImprovement Statement


Employee Review and Development Meetings held in the previous 12 months (as at Jan 2015)

57% 100% 60% 100% 88% 100%

Return to Work Interviews

N/A 100% 100%

100% Complete 100% of back to work interviews

Systems for tracking and logging return to work interviews established to achieve 100% required.

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Ferry Operations Service Plan 2015/16

Key Service Indicators[As a rule, movement in an indicator should trigger a subsequent action. Caution against using PIs that have "always been measured" or reporting PIs just because they are easy to measure.]

Performance Measure Performance 2012/13

Performance 2013/14

Performance 2014/15

Target 2015/16

Performance Statement

Improvement Statement

Number of Vehicles Carried per month on each route

284,714 271.993Available May 2015

Number of Passengers carried per month on each Route

604.725 592.840Available May 2015

Complaints about serviceNot measured Not measured Not measured

To be measured

Systems to be set up by April 2015 to start recording

To measure 100% of complaints.

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Service Performance Indicators from the Local Government Benchmarking Framework[P&I will complete this table, unfortunately the 13/14 figures aren’t due to be published till November 2014. However, these statements will declare what the Service will do to improve these indicators. ]

IndicatorScotland 2012/13 Shetland Performance

StatementImprovement StatementMin Avg Max Year Value Rank Target

Other Performance indicators[Some work areas have specific indicators, or suits of Performance indicators that don't fit in to the above categories. Services to populate where applicable HEAT/APSE/ARC etc]

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Ferry Operations Service Plan 2015/16

Indicator 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 Target 2015/16 Performance Statement Improvement Statement

Contact DetailsFerry ServicesPort Admin BuildingSella NessSullom Voe

ZE2 [email protected] 244200

Jim Mouatt

Acting Ex Manager

Kevin Main

Marine Superintendent

Lee Coutts

Engineer Superintendent

Colin Manson

Resources Manager

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