director of health finance, ehealth and ... · web viewfurther information about the scottish...

FURTHER INFORMATION SENIOR CIVIL SERVICE HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE DIRECTOR OF HEALTH FINANCE, EHEALTH AND ANALYTICS EDINBURGH Please also refer to the information available for applicants on the Work for Scotland website and information in the job advert. Note that this information is provided for guidance only and does not form part of the conditions of employment. Further information about the Scottish Government, including who we are and what we do, can be found at The Scottish Government has developed a website to provide information for people considering living and working in Scotland which provides 1

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Please also refer to the information available for applicants on the Work for Scotland website and information in the job advert. Note that this information is provided for guidance only and does not form part of the conditions of employment. Further information about the Scottish Government, including who we are and what we do, can be found at

The Scottish Government has developed a website to provide information for people considering living and working in Scotland which provides information on the variety of lifestyles on offer and an insight into why you should consider moving to Scotland.


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Applications are invited for this Senior Civil Service post as Director of Health Finance, eHealth and Analytics in the Scottish Government Health & Social Care Directorate in Edinburgh. Your application should give a full but concise account of the nature, extent and level of responsibility you have held and include key outcomes and successes. Evidence of the skills, experience and expertise which you believe you would bring to this appointment should be provided.

The Scottish Government - Scotland's Civil Service

The Scottish Government is the executive arm of Scotland’s devolved Government, with functions established under the Scotland Act of 1998. Scotland’s Civil Service also operates under the title of The Scottish Government. It remains part of the UK-wide Civil Service, but with accountability to Scottish Ministers and the Scottish Parliament.

The Scottish Government lies at the centre of Scotland’s network of public services and public institutions. It supports Scottish Ministers to exercise the full range of devolved powers and duties provided by the Scotland Act – allocating a budget of approximately £37 billion in 2015-16.

In its five-year term, the Scottish Government will tackle fundamental issues: new powers for the Parliament, measures to boost sustainable economic growth and employment, and new models of public service provision and community empowerment. The Government’s programme will directly touch the lives of people across Scotland and will address major challenges including sectarianism, housing supply and renewable energy.

Senior Management Structure

Within the Scottish Government, the outcomes-focus has led to the removal of departmental boundaries – and a greater level of organisational integration.

Directors General, provide leadership for this networked model, with strategic responsibilities for Communities; Enterprise, Environment & Innovation; Finance; Health & Social Care; Learning & Justice and Strategy & External Affairs.

The Executive Team is responsible for the day to day running of the Scottish Government. It is made up of the Permanent Secretary and the six Directors General. The Executive Team oversees the delivery of Ministerial priorities and it has responsibility for the Scottish Government’s Business Strategy, which guides the organisational development of the Civil Service in Scotland. The Strategic Board oversees the delivery of the Scottish Government's Purpose. Its role is to ensure the proper stewardship of public money; the continued development of organisational capability; and the appropriate management of risk. The Strategic Board is chaired by the Permanent Secretary. Its membership is the six Directors General; the Crown Agent; the Chief Economic Adviser, the Chief Social Policy Adviser and three Non-Executive Directors.


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For further information about the Scottish Government, see

CONTEXTThe Scottish Government’s Purpose

The Scottish Government’s Purpose1 is to focus government and public services on creating a more successful country with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish, through increasing sustainable economic growth. This is supported by 16 National Outcomes2, which describe in more detail what the Scottish Government wants to achieve over the coming years.

The Scottish Government’s Concordat with Scottish local government, agreed with COSLA in November 2007, and its National Performance Framework, signalled a new relationship between national and local government and a fundamental shift to focus the whole of government on an outcomes focused approach to performance. The Government has set the direction and indicated the outcomes that need to be delivered for Scotland’s people. It is for each local authority and its partners, including those in the third sector, to deliver these through Single Outcome Agreements, based on the national outcomes and agreed with the Government which reflect local needs and priorities.NHS Finance

NHS Boards are accountable for ensure best use of their resources in accordance with the overall framework of policies and priorities set by the Scottish Government. In doing so, the Scottish Government through the Health and Social Care Directorates (operating as the headquarters of NHS Scotland) sets the strategic direction and the performance management arrangements within which NHS Boards must operate to provide the necessary assurances to Scottish Ministers that statutory responsibilities are being discharged appropriately and that financial decision making is rigorous and robust to ensure services are safe, effective and person centred. The Director of Health Finance, eHealth and Analytics provides the strategic and professional leadership within the Health and Social Care Directorates and the NHS in Scotland to ensure the finance profession makes a significant contribution in the design and delivery of high quality health and social care services.


The ‘2020 eHealth Vision’ seeks to ensure that everyone’s health and wellbeing can be better supported through greater use of digital technology. eHealth is the key to how we access, use and share information within and across NHS Boards and with partner organisations in order to deliver integrated health and social care; how we support patients and their carers to make informed decisions to manage their health and wellbeing; and how we use health data appropriately to improve the effectiveness of services and treatment and make significant advances in areas such as medical research.

The Scottish Government and NHS Scotland have had a national eHealth Strategy in place for many years to support key health policy aims such as improving the quality of care, enabling shared decision-making with patients and integrating health and social



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care. eHealth plays a pivotal role in evolving the way in which care is delivered in Scotland, empowering both citizens and professionals through better digital services and information. This will directly improve the outcomes of professional care, and at the same time provide essential support for effective self-care and health improvement by people in Scotland. The vision for 2017 and beyond is ambitious and person-centred and builds on the significant progress we have made with the implementation of eHealth in Scotland so far. Further information is available from:

The postholder will have a unique opportunity to be at the forefront of policy and strategy developments which harness emerging digital technologies to improve and enhance the health of the population and the design and delivery of health and social care services.


This is an exceptional opportunity in the Scottish Government for a strategic and dynamic finance professional who will proactively contribute to the implementation of an ambitious programme of health services reform.

The successful candidate will be an inspiring individual with a high level of interpersonal, strategic and technical skills and a visible leadership style, able to earn the confidence and respect necessary to bring about real and sustainable change.

The successful candidate will become a member of the Health and Social Care Directorate Management Team led by the Director General of Health and Social Care working closely with other Directors.

The Key Responsibilities Lead the development and implementation of a finance vision and strategy for

NHS Scotland that is integrated with other organisational strategies and that highlights future financial challenges, risks and opportunities

On behalf of the Chief Executive NHSScotland set the strategic direction and the performance management arrangements within which NHS Boards must operate to provide the necessary assurances to Scottish Ministers that statutory responsibilities are being discharged appropriately and that financial decision making is rigorous and robust to ensure services are safe, effective and person centred

Support the Director General and fellow Directors in delivering finance and corporate change programmes within Scottish Government, ensuring that activities deliver financial targets and are aligned to National Outcomes and Public Service Reform priorities

Lead the provision of robust and reliable financial systems, monitoring and reporting processes, including production of annual accounts and budget material for the Scottish Parliament, to meet business and legislative requirements

Lead on governance arrangements for the Health and Social Care Directorate including acting as Prime contact between Health and Social Care Directorate and Audit Scotland on financial and performance audits and providing support to the - Health and Social Care Audit and Risk Committee decisions


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Lead on financial management in line with the agreed delegated authority arrangements

Promote the development of digital health services (eHealth) through the Innovation Centre, through links with Social Care and in partnership with Europe

Provide general strategic oversight and support cross public sector linkages in eHealth

Ensure that the structure of the Finance Directorate is such that it effectively supports the functioning of Health and Social Care Directorate and NHSScotland

Through the effective functioning of the capital/property team, support the development of policy and the delivery of specified projects within agreed financial budget

Provide effective support to National Services Scotland (NSS) in the role as Executive sponsor

Provide a pro-active, effective and professional lead for the NHSScotland Finance Community

Supports the delivery of corporate objectives for Health and Social Care Directorate through the effectiveness and efficiency of the service provided by eHealth and Analytics Divisions

Lead the Risk Management process for Health and Social Care Directorate As a senior leader and role model make a visible commitment to the delivery of the

Scottish Government’s People Strategy and wider corporate activity (Annex A)


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Essential Qualifications

You must be educated to degree level or equivalent, registered with a recognised CCAB chartered professional body, CIMA or overseas equivalent.

Knowledge, Skills and Experience

A significant, successful track record of financial management and planning within a large, complex, service-led organisation

A strong commitment to change in public services, in particular the promotion of digital health services, with a demonstrable track record in leading change and business improvement at a senior level and an understanding of the public sector efficiency and value for money agendas

Ability to produce innovative policy and strategy developments which harness emerging digital technologies to improve and enhance the health of the population and the design and delivery of health and social care services

Translating broad strategic ambitions into clear performance objectives and working with others to deliver operational effectiveness

Strong personal and professional credibility with the ability to lead and inspire teams and manage a large staff complement and budget

Sound judgement and financial skills with the ability to quickly gain an understanding of the workings of the Scottish Government and the wider political context and develop an approach to financial management that reflects the needs of the organisation

Outstanding communication, negotiation and influencing skills, with the ability to represent the Scottish Government at a national level as well as to build and maintain relationships with a range of external stakeholders


You will be required to demonstrate and evidence a high level of competence and effectiveness in:

Leadership – setting a vision, providing direction, delivering results, building on relationships and capability. Motivating and inspiring staff at time of change and challenge;

Relationship-management – forming effective relationships in a political environment and in an operational setting, including external stakeholders;

Strategic development and coordination – advising, supporting and setting direction in a complex environment;

Teamwork – contributing positively in collegiate settings and creating a culture of high performance and effective people management, developing skills, capacity and capability;

Delivering results – translating broad strategic ambitions into clear performance objectives and working with others to improve operational effectiveness and achieve transformational change;


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Communications – highly developed communication, negotiation and interpersonal skills in order to command the confidence of Ministers, peers, and external stakeholders;

Financial Management – driving quality, efficiency and value for money in the management of budgets.

Personal resilience – the determination and stamina to sustain effectiveness at a senior level in a political and operational environment with integrity, honesty, objectivity and impartiality.

Scottish Government Skills for Success

Skills for Success is the Competency Framework that underpins career planning and development in the Scottish Government. It identifies a set of core skills that everyone should have and be able to demonstrate whatever job they do.

Managing and Leading People Management Leading Change Strategic Thinking

Delivering Outcomes Communications and Engagement Improving Performance Analysis and Use of Evidence Financial Management

Further information about the skills required is attached at Annex B.

Further Information about the Role

For a discussion about the post, please contact Paul Gray, Director General Health & Social Care (Tel 0131 244 2790). Alternatively please contact Carolyn Murdoch, Senior Staff Team (Tel 0131 244 3969).


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This appointment to the Senior Civil Service will be made on the basis of an indefinite contract on standard Civil Service terms. If applicable, secondment from your existing employer would also be considered. The post will be based in Edinburgh although some travel may be required.

Senior Civil Service

The Senior Civil Service (SCS) in the Scottish Government totals around 220 people made up of Deputy Directors, Directors and Directors General (see Annex C). The most senior civil servant in the Scottish Government is the Permanent Secretary. The SCS is the corporate arm of the Home Civil Service and all departments across the UK operate similar pay and performance management schemes for SCS staff. As a member of the SCS, you may have opportunities to move to other SCS posts within the Scottish Government and elsewhere, including Whitehall, in addition to those available through open competition.


You can apply for any job in the Scottish Government as long as you are a UK national or have dual nationality with one part being British. In addition, Scottish Government posts are open to Commonwealth citizens and nationals of any of the member states of the European Economic Area (EEA). Further information about Civil Service nationality requirements is available on the Civil Service Website

Pre-employment Enquiries

If you are successful, and are not currently a serving member of the Civil Service, we will carry out enquiries into your nationality, health and other matters, to ensure that you are qualified for appointment.

As of 1 January 2008 the Scottish Government introduced a new baseline personnel security standard which provides a more consistent and rigorous pre-employment screening process for prospective Scottish Government staff. If you are successful in obtaining a job with the Scottish Government you will be subject to these additional security checks.

This means that as a minimum you will be required to provide:

o Your original birth certificateo Photographic ID, usually a passport. Please note that student cards and library

cards are not acceptable.o A bill or financial statement for your current address, preferably a utility bill. Please

note that mobile phone bills are not acceptable


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o Basic Disclosure certificate – available from Disclosure Scotland, PO Box 250, Glasgow, G51 1YU, telephone: 0870 609 6006, Fax: 0870 609 6996, E-Mail:[email protected] . Please note that there is a cost for the certificate. Current charges and other information on Disclosure certificates can be found at the Disclosure Bureau's website

If you do not have appropriate photo ID, you should provide a passport sized photograph of yourself endorsed on the back with the signature of a person of some standing in your community (e.g. a Justice of the Peace, medical practitioner, officer of the armed forces, teacher, lecturer, lawyer, bank manager, civil servant etc). This should be accompanied by a signed statement, completed by the same person, stating their name in full, the period of time that you have been known to them (minimum 3 years) and their contact details. The signatory will be contacted to confirm that he or she did, in fact, complete the statement.


When completing the application process you will be asked to include details of referees to cover a 3 year period. If you have been in employment, please include details of all employers over this 3 year period and your reason for leaving. If you have not been in employment for all or part of the 3 year period and have been in education, you can give the name(s) of the academic staff best acquainted with your work and conduct over the 3 year period. If you have not been in employment or education over the 3 year period and are unable to provide references, we will contact you about carrying out other checks to verify your history over the 3 year period. Details of referees for a personal reference may also be requested.

You will wish to be aware that for appointments to the Senior Civil Service we will usually approach your referees before interview or assessment centre. However, we recognise that there may be occasions where you have concerns about us contacting a previous employer for a reference, for example, they may know you under a different name. We have a secure and confidential process for seeking references under such circumstances, which are referred to our Diversity Advisor. If you wish to use this service please let us know when you receive your letter of invitation to interview or assessment centre. The assessment or interview panel will not know about any requests made to HR about the reference process.

Please note that we will request factual information from your referees such as dates employed, last position held, reason for leaving and details of work performance ratings, sick absence records and extant disciplinary records (if any). Academic referees will be asked to provide details of your course work, result achieved or expected, and the referee's impression of your ability in relation to your course work and future career potential. By submitting your application you are giving consent for us to obtain the information as outlined above.

Health Standard

As part of our pre-employment enquiries you will be asked to complete a health declaration and, if necessary, to attend a medical examination.


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Completion of Pre-employment Enquiries

When the pre-employment enquiries are satisfactorily completed to our standard, including any further security checks that may be required for the certain senior roles, we will then make you a formal offer of appointment and you will be expected to take up appointment as soon as possible.

If you have any questions about our pre-employment checks please do not hesitate to get in touch.

How to Apply

Applications are invited using the on-line application form at where you will also be asked to register your details, invited to complete a diversity monitoring form and download a separate supporting statement form.

1. Supporting StatementThis should be no more than 2 sides of A4 and should explain how your qualifications, skills and experience meet the key essential criteria for the role. Please provide details of the specific professional qualification you hold that is required for this role. You may be asked to provide evidence of at a later date.

If you feel that one example is sufficient to demonstrate the level of your competency in more than one of the essential criteria you do not have to provide additional examples.

2. CVPlease also send us your CV should provide details of your qualifications and career history with dates and reasons for leaving.

Please e-mail both documents to [email protected] quoting reference IRC24629. The closing date for applications is Wednesday 28 October 2015.


We use a competency based approach to recruitment. This means that at all stages of the recruitment process you will be assessed against the competencies we consider necessary to do the job. This approach starts from the application stage so it is important that you complete your application as fully, but concisely, as possible to demonstrate how you meet the requirements of the post. It is therefore important that you study the selection criteria carefully. Your CV should include dates of employment.


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We will invite for further assessment those candidates who from their application seem best suited to the appointment. An assessment centre is expected to be held in early November. Please note that participation in the assessment process is likely to be at short notice and dates will not be optional. Please indicate dates when you are not available, although we cannot promise to avoid these.

The interviews will be held in Edinburgh in late November. As part of the interview, candidates will be asked to give a short presentation on a specific subject.

Interview Expenses

Travel and subsistence expenses incurred during the selection process are the responsibility of the applicant.

Diversity Monitoring Form

Information given on the diversity monitoring form will be treated in strictest confidence and will be retained by HR for monitoring purposes. It will not be made available to those involved in the selection decision. Guidance on the Diversity Monitoring Form and why we ask you to complete it is available on our website


We are participants in the Jobcentre Plus “Positive about Disabled People” scheme. Under the terms of the scheme we shall invite to interview (or further assessment) disabled applicants who claim a guaranteed interview and who meet the essential criteria for appointment.

We will also ensure that we consider and implement any reasonable adjustments you may require to attend for interview or during the course of your employment, should you be successful in securing a post.

To find out more about disability in the Civil Service, you can access our Disability Fact Sheet at

Starting Salary

The advertised starting salary for this appointment is circa £90,000 for an exceptional candidate whose skills, knowledge and/or experience are considered to be particularly relevant and are evident in the selection process. Salary arrangements for the Senior Civil Service are determined on the basis of the advice of the Senior Salaries Review Body. Below Permanent Secretary level there are 4 main pay bands (1, 1A, 2 & 3) covering the Senior Civil Service and this appointment is placed in Pay Band 2. Pay


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increment beyond starting pay is determined annually (from 1 April) by a Scottish Government Pay Committee in line with the UK Cabinet Office Senior Civil Service pay framework. Pay increases are based on performance and achievement of objectives, including those relating to corporate and personal development. Salary is paid monthly by credit transfer.

If you are already a serving Civil Servant, you should check with your Human Resources contact regarding salary arrangements.

Inter-Service Abatement

Candidates from the public sector will wish to be aware that inter –service abatement may apply where an individual has retired early (i.e. before normal retirement age ) from one public service and is re-employed in the public service in a post covered by a different public service pension scheme. Government policy requires that pensions, or re-employed pay, should be abated in certain circumstances where public servants are re-employed. This is to ensure that the payment of pension in addition to pay from the new post does not exceed the level of pre-retirement pay. If you would like to discuss this further please contact Phyllis Dixon, Senior Staff HR Team ([email protected]; tel 0131 244 3853).


Unless you choose otherwise we offer you the opportunity to join the Civil Service pension arrangements, which include a valuable range of benefits. We will make substantial employer contributions towards your Civil Service pension.


Relocation expenses of around £6,000 may be available if you have to move house to take up this appointment. Further details will be provided to the successful candidate but you should not in any event commit yourself to any expenditure without prior discussion with the Scottish Government.

Working Pattern

As a member of the Senior Civil Service you will be required to attend for such hours as may be necessary. However the standard working week is a 5 day week of 37 hours, net of lunch breaks. You may have the scope to participate in the Scottish Government's flexible working hours scheme. Consideration will be given to candidates interested in part-time or other non-standard working patterns and in-line with best practice, the Scottish Government has extended to all staff the right to request a flexible working pattern. All requests will be seriously considered.

Annual Leave (pro rata for part-time)


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The current annual leave allowance for members of the SCS is 6 weeks. In addition, the Scottish Government currently observes 11½ days public and privilege holidays, dates of which are set annually.

Travel and Subsistence

Subsistence allowances and travelling expenses on official duty are paid. The cost of normal daily travel between home and office is not reimbursable.

Sick Absence

You are expected to attend for work. However, we do recognise that 100% attendance may not be possible on occasions when you are unwell. We have an attendance management policy in place that makes it clear the level of attendance that the Scottish Government expects and what may happen if this cannot be achieved. The policy outlines the support offered to staff during periods of illness and the assistance available to help them back to work.

Outside Activities & Conflict of Interest

As a civil servant, you may not take part in any activity which would in any way impair your usefulness to the Service, or engage in any occupation which may conflict with the interests of the Scottish Government or be inconsistent with your official position. Subject to these conditions, work of a minor or short-term nature (for example, vacation work or work after hours) is normally allowed, provided you seek prior permission.

Senior Civil Servants are obliged to register all interests – including all gifts and hospitality received – on our internal e-HR self referral system. If you have any interests which you think have the potential to create a conflict of interest you should declare them on your application form. Once in post any such interests should be declared to your line manager or HR as soon as possible as well as being recorded on the e-HR system.

You will also be subject to certain restrictions, depending on your grade and the nature of your work, on national and local political activities. These include standing as a candidate in parliamentary or local authority elections, or canvassing on behalf of candidates; and expressing views on matters of political controversy in public speeches or publications.

The Selection Panel will assess all candidates on merit and you will not be treated more or less advantageously because of your previous or current activities, affiliations, or the employment of your friends, partner or family members. All appointees to the Civil Service must be able to comply with the Civil Service Code requirements of honesty, integrity, objectivity and impartiality (see below). Where a candidate has previously engaged in political activity, the Selection Panel must satisfy itself that the candidate understands the requirement to operate objectively and impartially if appointed and it will record how this has been done.

The Civil Service Commission


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The Department’s recruitment processes are underpinned by the principle of selection for appointment on merit on the basis of fair and open competition as outlined in the Civil Service Commission’s Recruitment Principles which can be found at If you feel your application has not been treated in accordance with the Code and you wish to make a complaint, you should contact Fiona Neep, Senior Staff Team, E1 Spur, Saughton House, Broomhouse Drive, Edinburgh, EH11 3XD in the first instance. If you are not satisfied with the response you receive from the Department, you can contact the Office of the Civil Service Commission.

A Civil Service Commissioner will chair the selection process. The Commissioners have two key functions.

The first is to maintain the principle of selection for appointment to the Civil Service on merit on the basis of fair and open competition. For the most senior posts in the Civil Service, the Commissioners discharge their responsibilities directly by overseeing the recruitment process and chairing the final selection panel.

The second is to promote an understanding of the Civil Service Code which sets out the constitutional framework in which all civil servants work and the values they are expected to uphold, and to hear and determine appeals made under it.

Civil Service Values

As a civil servant, you are appointed on merit on the basis of fair and open competition and are expected to carry out your role with dedication and a commitment to the Civil Service and its core values: integrity, honesty, objectivity and impartiality.

‘integrity’ is putting the obligations of public service above your own personal interests;

‘honesty’ is being truthful and open;

‘objectivity’ is basing your advice and decisions on rigorous analysis of the evidence; and

‘impartiality’ is acting solely according to the merits of the case and serving equally well Governments of different political persuasions.

The Civil Service Code is available on the Scottish Government website at


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Managing and Leading Delivering Outcomes

People Management Leading Change Strategic Thinking Communications and Engagement

Improving Performance

Analysis and Use of Evidence Financial Management

Shapes the Directorate Plan to engage and align staff, manage workloads & ensure capacity to deliver.

Communicates a clear vision which supports action and engages others.

Understands, influences and translates strategy into outcome focused solutions.

Understands, influences and translates the wider communications agenda.

Provides a frame-work to embed continuous improvement, including skills development.

Identifies evidence and analysis requirements for short and long term decision making.

Plans and monitors targets. Identifies & implements ways to improve resource & assets efficiency.

Credible with staff, creating conditions to build confident and effective teams that empower, value, recognise, inspire and motivate people.

Sets a standard by taking responsibility for delivery. Managing risk and resources to drive continuous improvement.

Reframes issues & problems to create opportunities for creative thinking to deliver new ways of working.

Develops clear and creative communications objectives and measurement criteria.

Uses Portfolio, Programme & Project Management effectively and proportionately, including rigorous evaluation of effectiveness.

Works with a wide range of analytical experts to achieve outcomes and goals.

Interprets a wide range of financial information & options to underpin sound decisions, sharing implications for public expenditure with the wider system.

Raises performance using constructive challenge, feedback and coaching skills, using advice from HR when needed.

Leads a way through complex issues and conflicting perspectives.

Accountable for developing and delivering strategic Directorate Plans that continuously raise expectations.

Uses customer insight to deliver policy, identifying appropriate communication channels to target audience needs.

Uses skills and resources effectively to meet changing circumstances and expectations.

Links evidence with specific outputs and outcomes to challenge norms, and identify new ways of working.

Uses a variety of tools and techniques and knows when to seek advice from audit, risk, procurement and finance specialists.

A resilient and self aware role model. Recognises impact on others, creating an environment which supports diversity & equality, health & wellbeing.

Leads & manages the authorising environment, making connections across boundaries to build strong networks and partnerships.

Works collaboratively in the wider system to improve outcomes and deliver high quality public services.

Works with specialists to devise communications strategies and shares experience across the wider system.

Oversees risks to strategic objectives, influencing others to enhance outcomes and aid continuous improvement.

Ensures knowledge and processes are captured and shared across the wider system through wide range of networks.

Assures the highest standards of value for money, internal controls and public sector governance as outlined in the Scottish Public Finance Manual.


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Branch Head

Permanent Secretary

Director General


Deputy Director

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