direct transit analysis

Direct Transit Analysis Prepared by: Dinesh Fernando

Upload: chrishan42

Post on 13-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Direct Transit Analysis

Direct Transit Analysis

Prepared by: Dinesh Fernando

Page 2: Direct Transit Analysis


The objective of this analysis is to identify the SJSU students who are living within a half a mile buffer of VTA routes and Light Rail stations.

Once we identify such students, we send personalize e-mails indicating the services offered at the Transportation Solutions Department, which they can utilize to commute to SJSU for FREE.

Page 3: Direct Transit Analysis

Software and Data Used for the Analysis

ArcView 9.2 California base map California highway map VTA bus routes and Light Rail stations map SJSU Spring 2011 student data

Page 4: Direct Transit Analysis

• dfdsf

Add VTA bus routes map with a half a mile buffer

VTA bus routes with a half a mile buffer

Step 1

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Add California highways map

Step 2

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Geocode the SJSU population1 dot = 1 student

Step 3

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Identify the students living within the buffer

= Students living within the buffer

Step 4

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Isolate the students living within the buffer

Step 5

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Step 6

Send an e-mail to students living within the buffer indicating the closest bus stop/Light Rail station to their

residence that will take them directly to SJSU.

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• dfdsf