diplomas awarded at commencement exercises of various ... 14/brooklyn ny standard union... ·...

U^JJt+M'AM^IFtl- I 'J'.V T A ' , ^ 12 THE BROOKLYN STANDARD UNION: TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1924. Diplomas Awarded at Commencement Exercises of Various Public Schools NEW UTRECHT HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES CLASS OF 74 BOYS Highest Honors Are Won by Hyman Zimel, Who Carries Off Three Medals—Dr. Potter, In Reviewing History of School, Says Registration for Fall Term Will Reach 2,500—Other Commencement Exercises. The commencement exercises of New Utrecht High School were held last night in the auditorium of the Bay Ridge High School, Sixty-seventh street and Fourth avenue, a class of seventy-four boys receiving diplomas. The outstanding luminary of thee- class was Hyman Zimel, associate editor of "The Comet," the school magazine. He was called to tho platform three times, first to recite his essay on "What Is History," for which he was presented a prize of Sio by Rudolph L. Weissman, of the class of 1917; next to receive the medal for proficiency in French, and finally to receive the New York Classical Club medal for highest at- tainment in the study of the classics. Prizes also were received by El- liott J. Sachs, for "school citizen- ship,* and Irving Fuller for the highest marks -in the elective art course. Dr. Harry A. Potter, principal of New Utrecht High, gave a resume of the history of the school. New Building to House 4,000. "I am happy to state," he said, "that this is the last commence- ment New Utrecht will hold in bor- rowed quarters. We expect our new building to be opened by the „^JDLd\& of next* October. In 1917 the total number of pupils in New Ut- recht was something like 500 boys. For next term I have already re- ceived 653 applications for adims- slon and the minimum number of boys we will have In the school in the fall will be 2,500. When our lesteln, Joseph Finkelstein, Vincent Fornace, Isaac Goldstein, Samuel Gotthelf, William Oreidinger, Joseph Qreiss, Sidney Heller, Abraham Hy- mowitz, Abraham Kaplan, Arthur Klein, Issac Koleman, John Kruchek, Sigmund Kulykosky, Abraham Lem- pert, Julius Llttman, Daniel Mlrin, Samuel Nachbar, Abraham Nalaboff, Solomon Packyck, Hymen Paikoff, Edward Pulaski, Milton Rogovin, John Ruzieckl Aaron Schwarz, Alex- ander Schnurmacher, Milton Sher- man, Isidore Stern. Max Trugman, Samuel Virtochik, Solomon Wolosky. Harry Albert, Michael Balho, Isidore BHttner, Moses Bombach, Bernard Brill, Lester Cantor, Moses Chernoff, Louis Cohen, James Cutmor s Frank Fogel, Joseph Gatti, "Wil- liam Johnson, John Kenny, Irving Klein, Samuel Klein, Samuel Klein, Isidore Lampert, Isaac Levy, Samuel Nedoff, Abraham Mittler, Otto Mir- owitz. Max Posner, Ralph Rakowsky, Jacob Rosenthal, Stanley Ruthowskl, Samuel Samilow, Judah Schneider, Jacob Schulman, Alfred Seigel, Harry Solomon, Frank Spector, Sydney Stein, George Tannenbaum, Aaron Tuchlnsky, Rutherford Waage. Harry Weiss, Aaron Welssberg, Louis Ze- mel. Evelyn Adler, Marlon Bagg, Yetta Bienstock, Lillian Bitterman, Frieda Gebiner, Estelle Goldberg, Hilda Hendel. Sarah Klein, Ruth Launer, Fannie Lichtenzerg, Ida Mundebaum, Alice new building opens its doors we will iMazucci. Ida MUsteln. Ida Relff, Fan be able to admit 1,500 girls to the „le Richman, Eleanor Schachner. school making a total registration Mollie Schneider, Pauline Schuitz. of 4,000 pupils possible. "Despite our handicaps in the past," he continued, "we have made fine records In both academic and athletic ehdeavor. The January re- gents' examinations show that the New Utrecht students are at the top of the list with the Boys' and the Ms* High (schools. Out of 19.0Si who t,ook the regents tests this June I a m glad to be able to announce that fully 93 per cent, passed. In football, baseball, basketball and on the track, the remarkable records made by the New Utrecht boys are still being talked about." - Dr. Edward C. Zabriske, princi- pal of Washington Irving High School Manhattan, also delivered an address in which he spoke of the op. Minnie Sheptuck, Adele Sherman Annie Spitzberg, Dorothy Wengrover Louis Berkowltz, Louis Brown, Isi- dore Bronstein, Jacob Dessner, David Drucker, Sam Farber, Harold Good- man, Harry Hertz, Nathan Kaplan, Max Librot, Paul Levy, Benjamin Lenoff, Nathan Loesberg, Jacob Nieenbaum, Bernard Silfin, Percy 8plvack, Harry Wasserspring, Ellsha Zack. Lillian Aronwltz, Estelle Berliner, Anna Bernhang, Etta Bernstein, Ruth Blnenbaum, Rose Braverman, Anna Cohen, Ida Cohen, Mollie Co- |hen, Norma Cohen, Ruth Eisen, Rose Ellenbogen, Helen Flschman, Sara Frank, Flora Gartsteln, Sara Goldberg, Madeline Goodman, Sophie .Greenberg, Sylvia Hurewitz. Jane ! Jacobs, Bertha Katzman, Sadie _Mel portunities the times are opening up jjeV" Frieda Novak, Henrletta_ Ochs to wide-awake young men. iRachei" Olshansky. Leah _pshrln, Howard T. Steffensen, of the senior I Helen Porter, Yetta Prince, Rebecca Class, delivered an oration on "Looking Backward" and Samson Eichler spoke on "Our Debt of Honor." The school orchestra played several selections and the ex- ercises ended with the singing of the school song. List of Graduates Academic Course—Jesse B. Aron- eon, Milton B. Barnett, Herbert K. Baskln, David Besdine, Jacob Brim- berg, Herman Buckwald, Herbert A. Chernicowsky, Frank E. Cianclmlno, Sidney El Cohn, Sidney U. Cohn, Louis Corrado, Manuel R. Cueto, Foster J. Datrl, Solomon Elchen- baum, Samson Eichler, Max Eisner, William N. Etkin, David Ewen, Usher L. Finkelstein, Arnold S. Fleishnick, Nathan Foldman, Philip F. Foss, Joseph J. Gaudino, Harry I. Gavron, Sidney Ginsberg, Robert Glassberg, Joseph B. Goldensohn, Jacob Goldman, Nicholas T. Grace, Solomon Gurshman, Leonard H Hall, George Harris. Wesley B. Har- rte, Harry Haskel, Robert R. Hem- bacger, Jacob W. Kalina, Joseph Kfntrowltz. Harry Kaplan, Milson S. KcH-ner, Aaron Kramer, Isidore Kr**mer, Harold G. Lang. Jacob I. Lafigberg. Ellas Lelkind, George Levin, Robert Lewis, Samuel M. LI pp. Harold H. Lipsich. Abraham M. Luban, Lawrence MezerlUky. Alexander Muson, Oscar Ostfeld, Louis Perlnmn. Jacob Rlegelhaupt, Daniel Rlfkln, Herman Robin, Alan B. Rothenberg, Elliot J. Sachs, Thomas K. Saltzman, Joseph F. Schuitz. Morris Shanlk, Sydney Swir- eky, Morris Singer, Isaac Sperber, Hownrd T. Steffensen, William Suf- fln, Philip Susman, Henry Umans, William H. Walsh, Louis Weisenberg. Morris Wolsky, Hymen Zimel. Commercial Course—Irving E. Helpern, Sylvester M. Scialla. lyn Satek, Eleanor Anna Schledorn. Helena Charlotte Schulken, Laura May Seeley. Richard William Seeley, Deborah Lola Shannon, Dorothera Elizabetn Siffert'en, Zygmund William Sikorsky, Eleanor Jane' Smith, irala Amelia Smith, Katherlne Splcer, Frieda Stein, Til- lie Stein, Arthur Douglas Stevens, Nathan Terman, Joseph' Henry Toohey, George Frederick Vetter, Grant Edward Woge, Arturo de Ybarrondo, Adam Joseph Zack, Helen Zavadil. Public School 70. One of the features of the pro- gramme at the commencement ex- ercises of P. S. 70, Patchen avenue, between Macjn and McDoaough streets, to-day, was a clog dance •••rformed by members of the grad- uating class. Among those who took part In this number were Reginald Arrington, Raymond Carpenter Marcel Wagner, Rutger Urban and Marrls Kruk. Addresses to the graduates were made by Dr. Benjamin Velt, Dis- trict Superintendent, and the Rev. Edward L. Curran, professor of latin at the Cathedral College, Brooklyn, "lhe valedictory address was made by Mary Norkin. William H. Eaton, chairman of the Board of the Thirty-second Dis- trict, presented diplomas to the fol- lowing boys und girls : Mary E. Andrews, Mabel Beach, Anna R. Bonelll, Martha E. Brown, Florence M. Condon, Anna M. Cooney, Kathleen V. Gardner, Pearl M. Gilbert. -Emma E. Hauser,, Mary C. Loproto, Marjorie J. McCartney, 'i hascia C. Morse, Frances Paulin, Anna Roedel, Anna L. Simon, Helen fctahl, Sadie L. Weinhardt. Helen Blair, Gertrude Bleam, Lillian Bloom, Isabel Burns, Ruth Craw- ford, Helen Darvas, Genevieve Duf- fy, Rose Eisenberg. Florence Fuller. Helen Hussman, Florence Miles, Mary Norkin, Frances Schwab, Theresa Viola, Beatrice Young. Louis Cassldy. Allan S. Dargle, Jr., Clayton E. Helmberg, Walter VC. Moh, Bernard E. Hotanz, Harold Kennedy,. Frank E. Leist, John J. McNerney, William Nevins, Richard K. Phillips, Herman Schweikert, Ed- ward H. Stollberg, George L. Suther- land, De Witt C. Tintle, Jr., Rutger Urbahn, J. Norwood Warde, James R. Wilson, Reginald Arrington, Sam- uel Berg, Raymond Carpenter, Rob- ert Cook. Gaetano Cottone, James Dwyer, John Guise, John Howard, David Jackson, Jacob Jackson, Mor- rie Kruk. William Michelfielder. Charles McComb, Leroy Noren, Ed- ward Owen, Bertram Pennington, Frank Piralno, Edward Rais, George Stadlman, Marcel Wagner. George U. Cleland, Harrison W. Cole, Robert ev Delaplere. David Clark, George U. Clelan*. Harrison W. Cole, Robert A. Deiaplere, David L. Dllday, Dudley C. Dunphe, Joseph | A. Feary, Stewart L. Gates, David T. Johnston, Stanley Kramer, George Lawrence. Gertrude Mackler, Ruth O. Mar- fing. Leslie Moore, Mary L. Murray, Genevieve C. Neumann, Dorothy E. Nodine, Blanche M. Opp, Helen E. Parker, Marjorie Pike, Lucia A. Pink, Dorothy Pitt. Minnie M. Schechter, Lillian M. Schuster, Sara J. Schwarz- schlld, Ella W. Slmonson, Edith Sperling, Marjorie H. Stone, Eleanor Swallow, Marlon Thompson, Evelyn R, Walsh, Aibertha Youker, Rich- mond Livingston, Raymond C. Long, Ellsworth W. Martin, Ralph J. Nie- bel, Wilford B. Penny, Bruce Rat- tray, Frederick D. Ray, Jr.; Irving W. Reynolds, George F. Richards, Berrien E. Riley, Kenneth B. Rivers, Louis G. Rocco, Stanley S. Rudstick. Howard P. Sharetts, John C. Shields, Moris T. Sltkoff. Wlilard H. Somers, Nathaniel W. Whelpley, Frank M. Weir. Public School 50. At the commencement exercises of P. S. 60, to be held to-morrow In the auditorium of the Eastern District High School, Marcy avenue and Rod- ney street, diplomas will be awarded to the following graduates: Albert Dlrzutaitis, Isidore Ksco- wlteh, Joseph Feinberg, Aaron Fink- The Real Beauty Hint MO PLATES k REQUIREC It isn't your frock. It isn't your hair. To crown your glory you need white and glistening teeth. If you haven't them it's your fault. Try our SPECIAL SERVICE and see what a transformation a day brings. Unsightly teeth removed and new and natural ones substituted in a few hours. Pain allayed, too, with our own anaesthetic Boon, • to •. Snn<1»? •. closed DR. S. C. HART, 446 Fulton Street Cornet H»rt Street, sweefclre Have Good Hair And Clean Scalp Cuticura 'Soap and Ointment Work Wonders Radin, Edna Ress, Pearl Sanders Ruth Saul, Vivien Schechter, Pauline Schlffman, Anna Schneider, Minnie Schneider, Hilda Schwartz, Mollie Seltzer, .'--ina Weintraub, Elsie Wish- nick, Tillie Yanoff, Gertrude Glass- berg, Solomon Cohen. Frieda Blltzer, Naomi Brandt, So- phie Brody, Frieda Cohen. Sylvia Edison, Esther Feller, Millie Forgosh, Yetta Goltzman, Pauline Grlesner, Beatrice Gronowltz, Genevieve Hayes, Mildred Huyara, Gussie Jacobson, Clara Jaspen, Sadie Kirschner, Flor- ence Krletzberg, Mary Kula, LUlle Lederman, Cyrilla Lewis, Lillie Mar- guiles. Anna Lemcke, Llllle Michaels, Lillie Mone, Frances Nosenchuk, Yetta Oliver, Dora Podberesky, So- phie Rabinowltz, Anna Rauert, Es- ther Schwartz, Sadie Schwartz, Ame- lia Thlr, Adele Walaltis, Gertrude Weinberg, Cella Weinstock, Bessie Welsmer, Rose Wlssoker, Esther Woldrcan. Lillie Zemel. Lillie Zim- merman, David Alperln, Isidore Bar- nett, John Beckmann, Julius Berman, Max Blumenrelch. Isidore Bram, Joseph Davidson, Anthony Da Marco. Public School 58, At the graduation exercises of P. S. 58, Ninety-seventh avenue and Ninety-fourth street, Woodhaven, to-day, diplomas were awarded to 104 boys and girls. The first num- ber on the programme was a piano solo, "La Gondole." played by Frances Sadofsky. Invocation was asked by the Rev. G. Baechler. pas- tor of thOj« Woodhaven French Evangelical Church. Included Among the recitations given by the graduates wore Patri's "Courage," by Robert Mul- ler; Guest's 'A Regular Man," by Irving Friedman, and Taylor's "The Boy Engineer," by Lucien Brigan- dct. Charles B. Jameson, principal of the school, presented diplomas to the following: Fred August Abendroth, Irwin Robert Abrams, Alice Amanda Al- brecht, Dominic Banzanto, Lilly Marie Bengston, Harry Gordon Ben- nett, Paequale Benquell. Willard Benz, Susan Elizabeth Blondl, Jen- nie Genevieve Blunden. Virginia Boghaslan, Emma Borstelman, Jo- seph Brazil, Klmer Lueien Brl^an- det, Stanley Herbert Brostoff, Rob- ert Albert Burns, Charles Ubortus Chleca, Nicholas Carupella. Peter Chiellot, Otto Edwin Clarke. KJith Louise Conover, Florence Evelyn Cooke, Eleanor Anna Davey, Grace May Dlttmar. Emily Caroline Orawert, Norma Epstein, Daniel Ervollna, Charlotte Ashton Fltz- glbbon, Constance Marie Fogle, Irving Matthew Friedman, Benedict John Gerund!. Rose Gold, Ruth Anna Gordon, Pasquale Fred Gulg- liano. Edward Stephen Gutleber, Wllllnm Warren Haas, John Forbes Had- dock, David Honor Halper, Lillian Hiindelman, Ruth Catherine llaue- chlld, Fannie Helen Hendrlckson. Marjorie Holm, Sadie LIllHn Hah- man. John Bernard Hurley. Herm.iT, Jncobowttz, Evelyn Violet Katrftth. Frieda Clara Katneanetsky, Jennie Karlinskl, Eugene Karpowciz. Franklin Wilford Knezek, Robert Louie Krenzburg, Anthony Joseph Kozlnrz, Russell Kupfer, Frank Philip Lamonlca, Paul Anthony Le*. Martha Therese Marine. William Kingston Martin, Joseph Matnzlnskl. Harriet Marlon Mauri. Francis Xavler Mccormick, Joseph Edward Mcrtfrmott. Anna Merbjmm, Bertha Catherine Miller. Frank Vtncent Mitchell Robert Otto Mailer, Ben- jamin Honor Neuman, Peter Pal- ermo charts Robert Payne. . David I.ticien Pmnmin, Monten Poole Ignatius Rlcca, Alfred Jo- seph niclinrd. Milton Arnold Rich- ards MUdred Henrietta Riley, Wet- ma Lillian Ronenthal, Bernard Ru- bin, Anna Viola Ruere, Marlon Ar- tint Rumbold, Bruno Antonio Rus- •o, Frances Sadofsky. Theresa Ere- Public School 81. A play, "a Little Pilgrim's Prog- will be one of the features of the programme at the commencement exercises of P S. 81, Cypress avenue and Ralph street. Queens, to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. Among those who will take part In this dramatic offering are Gladys Grosskritz, as Dame Decision: Ger- trude Unser, as the Pilgrim; Miriam Bath, as Steadfast, and Ethel Leh- man, as Falsepride. A second sketch, a dramatization of "Sleepy Hollow," also will be present- ed by the graduates. In this playlet the part of Ichabod Crane will be taken by John Lindmer. Edward Baumach will play Paltus Van Tas- sel, and tht! character of Brom Bones will be protrayed by William Fried- mann. The address to the graduates will be made Albert C. Benninger, Com- missioner of Parks of Borough of Queens. Mrs. Theresa Haber, mem- ber of tilt local school board, will present th<s diplomas. The graduates, Mildred E. Anderson, Helen Birn,* Dorothy E. Dixon, president, Cath- erine Frische, Mary Gollatz, Gladys E. Grosskritz*. Olive L. Greulich, Elsie C. Hausman, Agnes Hoffman, Lillian Kahn, Dorothy Knights,* Eleanor M. Knoegel, Veronica Kolyer, Florence E. Morlock, Louise Nichoff, Miriam Hulda Rath, Grace Sarvla, Ida Schiller, Katherlne E. Schlumpf, Margaret Schmidt, C. Marie Seiden- splnner, Reglna M. Smith,* Elizabeth C Spies, Gertrude E. Unser, Emma Wuest, Sophia Wtrth, Eva Yaeger, Edward Baunach, Sidney Bolles, Daniel Esters. Valentine Farny, William Fried- man,* Joseph Gruber, Henry Hahn, J. Henry Humann,* Robert Herraendlng, Herbert G. Kehl, Edward Kohhleln, John A. Linder, Paul Loewe.nberg, Charles Minarclk. Richard Nlrren- garten,* Anthony Schmlt. Howard A. Schoeffer, Walter E. Vogt, Elizabeth Abrams, Evelyn V. Anderson, Audrey L. Bory, Gladys A. Dierlam, Mabel F. Dooley, Anne M. Flotow. Marie B Heilman, Ruth M. Howell, Lillian E. llusam, Ruth H. Jund, Florence Klueg, Helen A. Kraft, Florence 9. Meyer, Frieda F. Mielmetson, Emily L. Nauman, Paulino A. Thomas, Bertha C, Tielemnns, Edna M, WJI- pert. George J. Gorman, Alford V. Public Scl.„jl 154. An unusually Interesting pro- gramme featured the graduation ex- ercises of P. S. 154, which were held this morning at 10 o'clock. There were readings from the mod- ern poets, both American and Euro- pean, numbers by the school glee club, including Mendelssohn's "Fairy Song," Hoist's "Happy Birds'* and Braga's "Artel's Serenade," and a vocal aolo, Rubensteln's "The Wan- derer's Night Song." Prizes were presented to the pu- pils by Mrs. Jacob Runsdorf. The address to the graduates was made by ex-United States Senator William H. Calder, Margaret Lalng, principal of the school, awarded diplomas to the following boys and girls: Anna Margaret Bcddow, Gertrude R. Benigsohn, Mary R. Blcchlnella, Anna M. Conway, Margaret V. De Fllllppo, Rita E. Fleming, Pearl M. Gallagher, Marjorie M. Gewecke, Esther Gold, Lillian Gould, Anna E. Ouerraslo, Fayette. E. Hanshaft, Eleanor R. Johnson, Isabel V. Kone- man, Florence E. Larkey, Gladys E. Leman, Ethel B. Lenobel, Regina G. McGarlgal, Alice E. McKibbin, Anna P. Morreale, Frances A. Murphy, Anna A. Musgrif, Madeline M. Nee, Eleanor M. Nelson, Celia A. Pynn, Beryl G. Ritchie. Grace K. Ross, Isobel E. Saunders, Lillian M. Schwie- bert, Grace L Seel, Elizabeth M. Stassl, Zelma A, Suber, Svlvla Tara- koff, Mary G. Valento, Virginia L Whittall, Fred C. Abdelnour, Ed- ward A. Anderson, John T. Bell, David J. Batchelor, George H. Bernt- sen, Benjamin B. Blsset, Louis Boz- zella, Edward J. Fish. Mortimer J. Fitzslmmons, Robert E. Glen, Abra- ham D. Goldstein, Elias N. Homsy, Charles F. Howard, Joseph A. Llef- sen, George B. Littles, Edward T. Lyons, Samuel J. Lucido, James A. McGrath, John .1. McManus, Milton Mezey, Xavier F. Olivo, John Oster- Dewey Graduates to Hear Address by Judge Haskell Diplomas \yill Be Distributed To-morrow Night at the Bay Ridge High School. The commencement exercises of the Dewey Junior High School, Fourth avenue and Fortieth street, will be held to-mor- row night, at 8 o'clock, in the auditorium of the Bay Ridge High School, Fourth avenue and Sixty-seventh street. The Introductory address will be delivered by Warr.n M. Van Name, principal of the school. County Judge Reuben L. Haskell will make the address to the graduates. Diplo- mas will be presented by Assistant Principal Julia C. Detfefson. The list of graduates follows: Orlando Abate, Armas Abraham- son, Joseph Arone, Frances Bateman, Herman Bateman, Nicola Caparro, Vincent Dc Martini, David Dlnter, William Edwards, Alfred Farinaccio, Joseph Fratangelo, Thomas Fuccillo, Paul Gomll, Milton Herzman, Ben- jamin Levine, Joseph Mallozzl, Dom- ton Marcus, Max Kulakoff, Sanford A. Menczer, Albert Moriarty, Leon- ard Saunders, Thomas E. Nunnally, Francis L. Schweers, Elihu Solomon, Ralph Windrum, Mildred L. Brooks, Frances Geary, Dorothy Hainer, Dorothy Johnson, Margaret Johnson, Mildred Levey, A. Marie McGovern, Ethel Olsen, Gertrude O'Malley, Mila S. Rossi, Amanda M. Quilice, Marie T. Ryan. Joseph Alexinas, James Barone, James D'Amato, John J. Dl Tirro, William E. Faust, William G. Hag- lund, George C. Jorgensen, Patsy Maraia, Vaino Pietila, Robert Ray, Gunnar Sandnes, Walter Seppala, Thomas Shepard, Raymond Tyrrell, Helen Axnes, Eleanor Behncke, Agnes Benson, Lucille Bjorne, Nora llnd, George W. Potts, Frederick J. Rls, Sam- ' J. Rothschild, Mattluw Simpson Richard T. Sleight, Leo Tenne, Lester M. Tornlund, Nicholas Volpe, William Wallace, Jr., and Adolph G. Westerlund. inick Natale, Edward O'Reilly, Salva- \ Christoffersen,' Catherine Collins, tore Pipitone, Richard Singer, Rocco Siracuse, John Waters, Felicia Agog- lia, Inez Borgstrom, Marion Boyce, Mary Moijtie, Barbara Orrico, Mary Paladino, Gertrude Paterson, Dora Schllef^r, Angelina Varall. George Ashkar, John Bendick, 3, Bonczkowskl, Louis Bastone, John Bjorness, Alfred Driscoll, Bernard Friedman, Morris Frledland, Donald Gessner, • Mandel Gollinger, Hugo Honkonen, Anthony Kornysel, John Lewis, William McClellan, L. Merilo. Isidore Pagoda, John Paladino, Karl Paulso/., Charles Pelotjuin, Dominlck Rlso, Michael Rose, Edwin Rothstein, Philip Santulli, David Schwartz, H. Schwartz, Louis oTzzi, Henry Wol- ters, Wliko Wunniktil, Seigfried Wyeroski, Harold Wolpert, Gaynor Young, Frances Assaro, Flora D'Adamlo, Gertrude Finkelstein, A. Lazaroff. Jane Nankowoki, Eleanor Olsen, Grace Olsen, Annie Rlvinson, Catherine Scanlon, Margaret Walsh, Bella Weaver. Dominic J. Alaimo, Ernest A. An- derson, Robert W. Buck, Arne Chris- Anna Fursa, Mollie Fantine, Jennie Gennuso, Elizabeth Hansen, Emilia J. Jastrzembski, Emma Karber, Edna Bjelke, Beatrice Kazlow, Alice Lund, Mary Manbleri, rrRose Melapionl, Grace Monahan, i Miriam Nadler, Frances D. Nelson, Mary Presseda, Augusta Siegel, Edna Smith, Dorothy Weiss. Lester Bebarfall, Mayer Chayat, Albert Cohen, Isador Cohen, Arnold Davis, Percy . Delia Croce, Daniel Furey, Samuel Goldberg, Arthur Goldstein, Louis Harris, Edwin H. Lindberg, Howard F. Lindberg, Ed- ward Montgomery, Elliott Pearl. Mil- ton Rogovin, Martin Rubin, Harold Schuitz, Louis Stein, Frederick Stimus, Bessie Baris, Gladys Dorman, Cecilia Finker, Vida Free, Anna Helfst, Vivien Hertzwig Helen Iver- sen, Blanche Kallenberg, Naomi Katcher, Charlotte Kovins, Lillian Levine, Mary Pocaro, Lee Relchers, Fernanda Rossi, Miriam Sachs, Bertha Salzman, Anna Schuchman, Muriel B. Smith. Robert Batterman, William A. Bo- quist, Arthur E. Busch, Leon Cohen P. S. 15« Graudatcs Nearly 200 students were gradu- ated from the Waverly School, P. S. 166, at commencement exercises in the school, Sutton avenue and Graf- ton street, yesterday. The graudates were addressed by District Superin- tendent Benjamin Velt. Twenty-four students were given medals for excellence In various sub- jects. Those who won first prizes are S. Saltz, N. Rotwein, N. Cohen, H. Brandman, G. Bender, R. Melsers. S. Llfschltz, L. Belfer, B. Ebersman. E. Glassberg and A. Cohen, Those who took second prize are: H. Fried- lander, R. Sklar, D. Wilder, A. Men- dow, S. Welnstein, M. Welner, J. Bai- bash, P. Sohlman, S. Feldman, M. Lifschitz, P, Kaplan and J. Silver. The graduates: David Aaronwltz, Samuel Beck, Israel Belfer, George Bonder, Frank Bershenko, Harry Cohen, Solomon Dislck, Sidney Entman, Morris Fox, Hyman Ginsberg, Isidore Goldberg, Isidore Heller, Abraham Langsam, Jacob Lienitz, Louis Lifstltz, Norman Ltfshitz. Solomon Lifshitz. Sydney Remen, Morris Rhodes, Philip Rich- man, Louis Rosen, Arthur Selver- stone, Isidore Slobodsky, Charles Turchln, Leo Wagner. Frieda Cohen, Helene Eisenstadt, Lillian Fisher, Bertha Glassberg, Pauline Golden, Hannah Gutterman, Bessie Heller, Beulah Hoffman, Mollie Kantrowltz, Rebecca Melsers, Sadie Newman, Yetta dinger, Ida Pesson, Jennie Sand, Fannie Stricks, Beatrice Weiner, Sylvia Welnstein. Max Birnbaum, Abraham Cantor, Elmer Cherlnsky, Nathan Cohen, Samuel Feldman, Abraham Fogelhut, William Guttschmidt, Benjamin Hy- man, Charles Jaffe, Isidore Kravitz, Solomon Lenkowsky, Gustav Lovitch, Max Markowitz, Alexander Sachsj Herbert Schatzberg, Joseph Silver, Jacob Sprinzen, Milton Stuchner, Hy- man Shmunis, Louis Susskind, David Weinger, Morris Weinger, Max Tar- tasky, Pauline Applebaum, Shirley Berman, Mary Bloom, Mollie Bot- winick. Ruth Brandman, Frieda Dia- mond, Fannie Goldfine, Bessie Ka- tofsky, Edna Margolis, Bessie Mill- stein, Bessie Obshatke, Rose Rabino- witz, Sophie Rubin, Mollie Shargoro- totsky, Lillian Slotnick, Celia Stat- land, Sadie Sussman, Slyvia Talin, Sarah Webman and Deborah Wilder. Ely Adler. Harry Berkowitz, Solo- mon Boroff, Charles Bass, Morris Davidoff, Benjamin Davis, Isidore Drimmer, Meyer Feldman, Jacob Fishman, Harold Hochtman, Isidore Kaplan, Irving Lipman, Moses Lip- shitz, David Milder, Harry Moses, Sam. Saltz, Morris Simon, Harry Starr, Herman Stolinsky, i_.ouis Junior High School Issues Diplomas to 69 Graduate John Ericsson Students Attend Exercises in Auditoriunc at Meserole Avenue and Lorimer Street. ST. MATTHEW'S GIVES 16 CL Diplomas were awarded to sixty-nine graduates of the Johi Ericsson Junior High School, Meserole avenue and Lorime street, at the commencement exercises in the school auditoriun at 10:30 A. M. Following the processional and sa- lute to the flag "The "Star Spangled Banner" will be sung. J. A. Hanl- phy will sing two solos. At the con- clusion of the address to the gradu- ates diplomas will be awarded to the following: Louis Dl Russo, Robert Germann, William Reilly. John Tlce, Louts Addressed by the Rev. William J Costello, rector of St. Matthew's R. C. Church, seventy-nine boys and girls were graduated from St, Mat- thew's school, Lincoln piace and Utica avenue. The ;ommencement exercises were held in the church on Eastern Parkway and Utica avenue Sunday riight. The church altar, where the graduates received their diplomas, was beautifully decorated with ferns and palms and banked with carnations and roses. The graduates represented the completion of the eight-year ele- mentary course «nd religion. A large number of the graduates have made application for entrance into St. Francis' and St. John's prepara- tory schools. Father Costello in his address ad- vised the young men and women to continue the training that they re- ceived at St. Matthew's School. He advised them to adopt a democratic feeling as they go out Into the busi- ness world. He told them to choose fit companions for themselves and I not to associate with persons of ill- repute. "Keep away from the des- picable, low motion picture show," said Father Costello. In concluding his address Tomashefsky, Eleanor Knecht, Jo phlne Onorato, Anna Permut, Till ltosher. Catherine Smith. James Knecht, Arthur Kunlt Charles Michl, Stanislaus Sywinsk Joseph Gunlenik, Charlotte Chlzlcl Irene DombroslU, Dora Erlbaun Reglna Fields, Eva Glatzer, Ida Lev er.book, Violet. McKee, Helen Oet trich, Frieda Shafrick, Lillian Szab. Alice Tlce, Ruth Yarrow. Patrick Dawson, Michael Leon. William Lund, George Meisenheime John Meyer, James Norris, Andre Olenick, Andrew Stepieji, Williai Swallow, Conrad Wexell, Evely Goodman, Minnie Halpern, Hele Kopitsch, Rebecca Permut, Grai Quinn. Florence Reidel, Emil Schneider. Michael Carr, Stanley Dereszev ski, Nathan Frank, Joseph Garla Milton Gottdiener William Horei Edward Munkacsi, Abraham Rat uer, Anthony Romano, Edward Ta: lcr, Herbert Vor< Borstel, Hills Kaulsir,. Helen Blenkowska, Adeln Canale, Marie Catelmi, Josephii Falco, Genevieve Fields, Julia He rrett, Fannie Horshkowitz, Dorotl Jones, Kassia Koszalka, Mamie Pi koska, Helen Wieman, Flora Wi shusen. Corns Father Costello asked the crowded assemblage to get down ^ on their knees and offer up a pray Schottenfeld, Isidore Tannenbaum. j f or the welfare of the graduates © B A B 1»: tensen, Francis J. Davis, Joseph S. I Samuel Emovitz, Morris Fogel, Julius Di Meglio, Penny Eisenberg, Amerigo Y, Graff, Henry F. Gardsteln, An- Fcola, Arthur M. Hansen, Harold S. | drew W. Halpin, Aaron Hyman, Ed- Helsing, Richard L. Heyne, Ellsworth I ward Isklyan, Adrian Jacobs. Charles A. Johnson. George E. Kestier. R. S. Kucharskl, Irving Lubing, Walter Kraitz, Edmund J. Kelly, Benjamin F Macke, Joseph W. Matlse, Abra- Naness, John J. O'Neill, Jacob Buben, J | lfim Marcnus, Joseph F. Panebianco, Carl Saarie, Carmela Albano. Mabel i George Schneider, Benjamin M. Sher- Benson, E. Mona Bernstein, Lucy a. man, Douglas L Thorn. Anna R. Cassone, Margaret Cavalier, Frances Eragin, Marion R. Cain, Sylvia Con- Clark. Alice Davidson, Florence M Dunbar, Beatrice Frledeberg, Stella Guhin. Edith F. Hlnkel, Lena La Preta, Angelina Matllo, Olga Musse- wir. Anelo G. Panclla, Olglne M. Peterson, Elisa M. Pole, Alice Pras- enskl. Laura E. Pukki, R. M. Puleo, Catherine A. Taylor, Lillian Wilson. Joseph M. Amaro, Isador Cooper- man, Alfred J. De Vita, Dominick j D'elia. James Fischer. Raymond • Fitzpatrtck. Anthony J. Gallagher, A. I Glsllo. William Kelly, Harold Lynch, Felix Leplnskl. Nicholas J. Miglino nor, Gladys E. De Groff, Nellie A. De Wick, Mollie M. Furman. Anna- belle Gertner, Marion E. Goldflseher, Dorothy E. Herbert, Anna Lefer, An- nette E. Magenheim, Helem C. Mur- ray, Mary A. Powers, Amy Radus, Ruth Relter. Pearl Sagoa, Edith Salinger. Constance E. Saward, Ver- onica K. Schmidt. Otto Bcnsen, Sylvan Bloomfleld, Nicholas Bonasera, Nicholas Caviola, Milton Ellnon, Arthur Greenhut, Sol- omon Hymowltz, Thomas Mulhearn. Nelson Sher, Joseph Sleplan, Emit Smith, William Sparago, Albert Helman, John R. Koesrner. Charles j Thomas Morrish, Harry Mott. Rob _ r ^.,_ ;r ___ r ^ C Mun^s Theodore J Oechaner. ! ert Muns. Walter McEJrath. Lewis I StrnsburKer, Isador Wax. Svea Bor- Dominick' A Pernisl Anthony J. i McKce, Fred Montelln, Daniel T. ] K eson, Sophie Deutscher, Marion R at ,K j Nelsen. James J. Oliver, Joseph B. Hlckey. Minnie lata, Lillian Kamen- Lloyd G Reislnrrer Andrew F. Roy, j Ventimeglia, George A. Wllund, Lucy s ky, Helen Kromholz, Geraldlne President John fia'uor Charles H.' Agovlno. Donats V. Albnnese, Carrie | Kelser, Bertha Lovine, Lillian Malsel, Schatch- William R. Schmidt. Charles M. Boggiano, Angelina M. CalacanK ( Hanna Mnrgulls. Edna ModjeRka. E ^chn'itzieln Frederick C. Schroed-1 Mlchelina Ciarlante, Theresa D. | violet Modjeska, Dorothy Murray. Lottie C. | Mny Pugllesi, Mildred Ryan. Sylvia •""'— m ' Slmonowltz, Josephine. Slrchla, Fell- cltas Seeth, Estelle Wein, Rose Lanowttz. Manfred, Anderson, Charles Brau A er, Wlllwni E. Schumann. George J Suesole, John F. Wange. Michael Welsser, Henry S. Wldrnayer. Jero- llma -R. Alagna, Mario Corvenka, Marianna S. Fleishman, Ethel J. Leh- mann. Anna E. Mater, Alvina Mich- aels, Marie G. Stelzer. Elizabeth C. Werfetman, Christian Banner, Her- bert J, Boggs, Eugene Brownworth, George W Casey, Fred. Donzelser, William F. Celler. John J, Gorden. John L. Hoffman. Edward F. J. Kaiser, William Krciling. Walter J. J. Langer, Joseph J. Masones, William J Meyer, Franklin Mil's. President. Charles W. Motzee, Oscar W. Mueller, Ferdinand F. Papavcne, William E. Sabbo, Christian P. Sanger, Harold E. Sherman, Fwnk Straub, Guido Tibaldl, William J. White. •Honor Pupils. Public Solirt '. 130. At the graduation exercises of P. 8. 139, CortPlyou road, between Rughy and Argyle roads, to-day at 10 A. M, diplomas were awarded o eighty graduates. The principal address was made by Louis H. Pink. The exercises were opener with a reading from t'.te Scriptures by the principal, John J. McDonald. A number of vocal and Instrumental selections were given. Following li a list of th# gradu- ates: Marie F. Banljran, Sylvia Benen- fleld, Marlon C. Rergtjeld, Llljlan J. Bevsen.ua, Jcannette W. Brown, Grace R. Caravella, Marlon E. Duck- worth. Hazel C, Field, Ruth M. Fleury. ChrlMtna E Frortch Anna Goodman. Bertha M Hall Emily N, Hnrgsnn, Henrietta C, hendrlckson, Devota B Himsel, Helen M. Horn- bostel. Id. E Johnston, Tillie Kouf- man, Msry Weils Letter, Gertrude A. Undenbftum, Estelle Levinson, Harold W- Abrnmson, Richard Ayva«- Ian. Joseph Barhera. Joseph M. Baum. Jr.. Ralph E. Baxter, Bernard B. Brownsteln, Alfred C. Bunn, Jr.; Leon C. Chemkalls, David Clark, Lillian Donlck, Clarke Grnenrer, Rose Inconlgllos, Ellen E. Johnson. Elolse C. Junsch, Margaret M. Lalnff. Alfonslna Messono. Elsie M. Mrthlie. Ftllth C. Most. Madeline R. Murphy, Ruth E. Malmgren, R. R. Newman. Elizabeth R. Nulty, A. M, Sanscrveno. John L. Basillseo, John P. Coccl- mlgllo, George CraifT. Edward J. i nine. AnVer J, Johnson. Alfred K. Knudsen, John Lynch. Dennis C. Murphy, Edward C. Nelson, Sidney Newman, Charles A. Nylund, J, J- Searlone. Arthur K. Sober*. Gosta F. Swanson. John 3. Tedeschl, Ar- thn" B. Tergerson, Henry M. Thomp- son, Jnm««s Thompson. Carlo H. Todice, John H. Walsh. Clara M. Bellman, Lillian K. Bohllnir, Jennie A. Cornell, Columbia A, Deslderlo. Petronella M. Blgiatmo, Vlncensa J. Gentile. Dorothy M. Hansen. Violet E, Hansen. Genevieve Nagrowskl. Siene o, ni*u»n. Angelina Paladino. lennl C. Puterio. Florence M. Rich. Hnnnnh Shirk, fndlf Skomollnekv. Hnzel M Sorenson. Josephine M. Volenti. Adeline L Volpe. Helen M. Wildner. Henry J, Anderson, James D. An- derson, George Arents, Victor Bono, James Burgraff. Francis D'Alessan- dro, Julius GIsrgentl. Meyer Gllln- son. Walter J. Gralskskl. Gilbert Hahn. Harry Host, Aaron Kats. Morris Kava. Ellis Knutson. Lauri Lalse, George Llnd, Leo Mosko. Victor G. Paulv. Allm Pines. Samuel Behneher, John 3, Sweeney, Krlstmn M. Tsneen. Julia A. Anderson. Mil- dred Berestltskv, Gertrude M. AB Angelo D'Ella, John Elson. John I Karklln, Hnrrv Kuhnemund. Charles Levin. Clifford Mitchell. Frank Mai- rone, Edward Monson. Meyer Regen- bogan. Frederick Schuelke. Sidney Sokoloff. Snntangelo Spadaro, Jlarry Thoelen, Carl Waltry, Einar Wlstl, Tsidore^ Wladovsky. Leila Abousslo- Herman Tottenbauth, Esther Alpert Anna Cohen, Lilly Ehrich, Laura Faine, Fanny Feinstein. Sarah Fred- erick, Anna Friedlander, Bertha Gendler, Esther Goldman, *Bertha Greenbaum, Anne Greenhause, Roith Lippman, Dora Mokofnky, Ida Nadel, Helen Portney, Dora Schloss, Lena Siegel, Fannie Silverman. Rose Sklar, Anna Winkelstein. Kate Epstein, Hannah Greenberg, Julia Levine, Mary Romaine, Rbse Schutter, Mary Schwartz, Pearl Sedletsky, Alice Sdaron, Sarah Seskin, Celia Siegel, Ethel Thames, Hyman Blachlnsky, Abe Cohen, David Drutman, Max Fishman, Samuel Franzel, Abe Goldfine, Irv- ing Jacobson,- Henry Lewis, Abe Mendow, Meyer Miljtein, Joseph Oken, Jacob Wein. Llbble Ackerman, Rose Berkowitz, Lillian Braunstein, Rose Dubinsky, Bella Flshstein, Bessie Fordln, Anna Flneberg, Fannie Goldstein, Pauline Kaplan, Rose G. Krugman, Jeanette Lockln, Martha Morris. Tillie Postel, Yetta Postel, Rose Resnikoff, Anna Ross, Minnie Schleifman, Hannah Topol, Fannie Welnstein, Sylvia Win- nikoff, Pauline Zohlman, Morris Balm, Jacob Barbash, David Berger, Samuel Bunin, Nathan Cohen. Ben- jamin Ebersman, Michael Flnkln. Harold Friedlander, Sidney Gurton, Meyer Kaplan, Henry A. Lovitch, William Portnoy, Herbert Posner, Harold Rosen, Mortimer Rosenfeld, Jacob Rosenfeld, Noah Rotwein, Ja- cob Schrlebman, Jesse Wolfson, Abraham Zionsky. Public School 189. The graduation exercises of P, S. 1S9, East New York avenue and East Nlr.ety-sixth street, will be held to- morrow morning at 10 o'clock. The pupils will perform a minuet and recite a Negro spiritual, "Deep River." They will also present a sketch depicting the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. A freehand and ward drill will be ex- ecuted under the direction of Miss Dreeben. Diplomas will be awarded to the following graduates: Nathan Bagen, Benjamin Block, Herbert Carlin, Alex Feldman, Nath- an Feldman, Charles Greensberg, Nathan Klaristenfeld, Howard Klevlns, Jacob Mendelowltz, Paul Meyer, Milton Michael. Israel Mu|s. Benjamin Pessln, Bernard Rosen, Norman Rosenthal, Morris Slonlm- sky. Louts Yanoff, Ethel Abramson, Bessie Baar, Marlon Capitman.' Teosie Epstein, Ruth Eskenazl, Sarah Feldman, Elsie Gerstenzang. Frances Goldstein, Sylvia Haskes, Anna Kopanowltz, Helen Lussy, Lil- lian Mooer. Florence Potashnlk, Esther Rcpatsky, Beatrice Rosen, Fay Schulner, Sylvia Schwartz. Millie Shenker Florence Singer, Minerva Suderov, EiJIth Venoker, Ethel Yr>enter. Louts* Yomtov, Lawrence Berson. Aaron Cohen, Leon DouRlns, Alex. Gersh, Arthur Blue=jay Don't risk blood poisoning by paring j corn. Apply Blue-jay, the scientific cor ender. The pain will vanish instantl; ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i Then the corn loosens and conies Father Costello pronounced the ; Q e t Blue-jay today at your drill benediction of the Most Blessed Sac- j _ rament, Award of diplomas were made at the foot of the altar by Father Cos- | tello. The church was crowded to capac- I itu, by friends and relatives of the j graduates. Many were forced to} Q . Q stand outside of the church during j O n e OSyS. the exercises. Several awards were' made to graduates who received the highest percentages in their subjects for the term. The awards were: Holy Name Medal—gold medals, for highest general average, donated by the Holy Name Society of the church, to Alfred Walter Hill, Clem- ent Francis Lucke, Francis John Flaherty, Robert William Schmidt. Catechism gold medals, for highest avernge in catechism training, do- nated by the pastor, awarded to Lil- lian Veronica Randolph and Howard Hamilton Gladwish. ' Tho graudates were 1 Am Thin" J Her Friend Says: "She Is Skinny If she only knew that she coq put on at least 5 pounds of goj i healthy flesh in 30 days she wouldi Boys—Martin Joseph Extitus, Ed- i t, 0 worryins about her peaked fs ; ward Joseph Gouldsbury Jcseph Reilly, Clement Thomas Francis I man;phllomena" A." Ambrosfno."c7th. i H lnd * n - .Max Katz. Leopold Klein, ertne Basler, Frances O. Ammlratn, Sylvia Berlin, Ruth Cohen, Bentrtce Composto. Elizabeth Dl Mlno. Kath- dyn V. Edwards, Angelina E. Enrico. Grace L. Flanagan, Pauline Flecker. Rose Frost. Katherlne V. Gregorio. Emily Holtz, Elizabeth Jensen, Qui- sle Knmlnsky. Mildred K. McCarthy, Margherlta M Santare, Lulu M. Sllpo. Mildred Silverman, Tillie Rett. Alessnndro Berllnglerl. Milton L. chodoah. Samuel H. Chreln, Francte J. Daly. Frank Devlin, Sidney Feler- rteln. Alex Huhert. Bernard E. Livin. Jo-epfi A. Mnrlno. Herbert I. Miller, Frank Mollnnrl. William .T. Summers. Violet AhbaEta. Edith O. Alexanderson, Ethel A. Everts, Syl- via Goldner. Ruth E. Good, Mnrv E. Griffin. Anni Kaplan. Margaret Krn- wiec. Nettle Lehrmsn, Mary A, Mc- Govern, Mary G. Molnar. Elva E. Oeize. Ethel D, Paulsen, Edna M. Peterson. Anns Reiser, Gunhlld E. Shelln. Beatrice Sellgman, Gertrude E. Btsehetakl. Else. A. Thelen. Re- becca Wasserman. Pearl Wells, thony Jennie (1. Di Olnlmo. Jennie! A. Guewa. SKrne A Johnson, ileatrlce ( CONTINUATION SCHOOL T *i,h nel ., now B Messina. Ruth Ruth Plf'o. Mnl'-'m E. Relrrer nirhmavn. Manet A Roda Prharf, Harry Anderson, David Campbell. William Oartaen. Thomas A. Demp- sey, Wolf Duberstetn, John J. Fen- non, Norman Fletcher, Armas K. Hanaon. Theodore J. Hanwick, Man- Kor N. Jensen, John B, Karlson, Mil- EXERCISES TO-NIGHT The commencement exercises of ih# Brooklyn Continuation School will be held to-night at the Girls' High School. Nostrand avenue and Halsey street, at • o'clock. Nathan Levine. Martin Levy. Julius Lewis, Nathan Llsh, Sidney Rlfkln, Ralp Rosenhaus, Alvln Tlrman, Vera Albaum, Dorothy Braverman. Eva Cohen, Angelina Cantelma, Florence Dumanls. Dorothy Felnbloom. Sarah Fein- man, Minnie Fishback, Lillian Free- man] May Gorlnsky, Irene Gruber. Isnbelle Harris. Rose Kitograd, Ger- trude Krcx, Ethel Llttenbers;. Lillian Mazer, Dorothy Orlansky, Lucy Plot- kin. Mollie Pnmerantz. Rose Boucher, Dorothy Safren, Nettle Simnowltz', Blanche Simon, Ross Welner, Clara Wolwoff. BROOKLYN FORD AGENTS GATHER AT DINNER The annual dinner of Ford agents of Brooklyn was held lest night in Bracebrldge Restaurant, 41e Ocean avenue. Max Lasky. chairman of the Ford dealers presided. The dinner was marked by the absence of speeches Two officers of the Ford Agency of New York were present, A. H. Dalrymple and E. J, Mc- Donnell, i i * •— A color filter for use with ultra- violet light to test pearls for genuine- ness ha* been patented,. Imitation gems m i earing black when it is used gad real ones glowing like phoe- Luckc, William Joseph McCluskey Joseph Vincent Tyne, Thomas Ed- ward Columbo, James William Cleary. John Joseph McCormick, Gerard Michael Kelly, Arthur Francis Fal- lon, Alfred Walter Hill, Andrew Jo- seph Burns, John James Burke, Ed- win Aioysius Ward, Francis Nicholas Conran, Thomas Edward Conran. William Joseph Fulton, John Joseph' Rice, Robert Joseph Lovel. Christian Joseph Merz, Joseph Thomas Conway, Patrick Joseph McVeigh, William John Glenn, John Raymond Reed. Lambert Joseph La- Flamboise, William John David, Herbert Collins Flaherty, William Joseph McCabe. Thomas Joseph Mc- Nlchols, John Peter Mulligan, Rob- ert William Schmidt, William An- drew Harrington, Howard Hamilton Gladwish, Francis Patrick McLaugh- lin. Joseph Francis McDermott, John Stephen Hoffman. Girls — Marie Elizabeth Coady, Margaret Mary Connaughton, Jose- phine Elizabeth Condon, Margaret Mary Connolly, Helen Gertrude Dachtera, Veronica Elizabeth Dolan Rose Agnes Donohue, Mary Ethel Doran, Cathe - ino Veronica Dowllng, Anna Marie i'iresch, Margaret Anna Extitus, Catherine Mary Fives, Mar- garet Mary Fletcher, Dorothy Ce- cilia Flood, Dorothy Agnes Forker, Ethel Catherine Ganley, Rose| Ver- onica Gelshenen, Kathleen Veronica Gilmartln. Anna Marie Hare, Anna Margaret Hennessy, Madeline Catherine Hoh- mann, Agnes Elizabeth Kelleher, Alice Margaret Kelly, Alice Rita Klrkpatrlck, Margaret Veronica Lloyd. Mary Alice McCabe, Margaret Dolores McCarthy, Anna Elizabeth MeLoughlln, Helen Aprgnes Moyles. Vivian Anna Mullen, Mary Dorothy Muller, Margaret Eliznbeth Murphy, Margaret Agnes Myles. Llttlnn Ver- onica Randolph. Harriette Lorett.n Rose, Muriel Helen Starke,, Mary Margaret Sullivan, May Louise Sul- livan, Dorothy Regina Thomas, Eleanor Elizabeth Tiexeirla. and run-down looks. 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Page 1: Diplomas Awarded at Commencement Exercises of Various ... 14/Brooklyn NY Standard Union... · Weinberg, Cella Weinstock, Bessie Welsmer, Rose Wlssoker, Esther Woldrcan. Lillie Zemel

U^JJt+M'AM^IFtl-I 'J'.V T A ' , ^


Diplomas Awarded at Commencement Exercises of Various Public Schools NEW UTRECHT HIGH SCHOOL

GRADUATES CLASS OF 74 BOYS Highest Honors Are Won by Hyman Zimel, Who Carries Off

Three Medals—Dr. Potter, In Reviewing History of School,

Says Registration for Fall Term Will Reach 2,500—Other

Commencement Exercises.

The commencement exercises of New Utrecht High School were held last night in the auditorium of the Bay Ridge High School, Sixty-seventh street and Fourth avenue, a class of seventy-four boys receiving diplomas.

The outstanding luminary of thee-class was Hyman Zimel, associate editor of "The Comet," the school magazine. He was called to tho platform three times, first to recite his essay on "What Is History," for which he was presented a prize of Sio by Rudolph L. Weissman, of the class of 1917; next to receive the medal for proficiency in French, and finally to receive the N e w York Classical Club medal for highest at­ta inment in the study of the classics.

Prizes also were received by El ­liott J. Sachs, for "school citizen­ship,* and Irving Fuller for the highest marks -in the elective art course.

Dr. Harry A. Potter, principal of N e w Utrecht High, gave a resume of the history of the school.

New Building to House 4,000. "I a m happy to state," he said,

"that this is the last commence­ment New Utrecht will hold in bor­rowed quarters. W e expect our new building to be opened by the

„^JDLd\& of next* October. In 1917 the total number of pupils in New Ut­recht was someth ing like 500 boys. F o r next term I have already re­ceived 653 applications for adims-slon and the minimum number of boys we will have In the school in the fall will be 2,500. When our

lesteln, Joseph Finkelstein, Vincent Fornace, Isaac Goldstein, Samuel Gotthelf, William Oreidinger, Joseph Qreiss, Sidney Heller, Abraham H y -mowitz, Abraham Kaplan, Arthur Klein, Issac Koleman, John Kruchek, Sigmund Kulykosky, Abraham L e m -pert, Julius Llttman, Daniel Mlrin, Samuel Nachbar, Abraham Nalaboff, Solomon Packyck, H y m e n Paikoff, Edward Pulaski, Milton Rogovin, John Ruzieckl Aaron Schwarz, Alex­ander Schnurmacher, Milton Sher­man, Isidore Stern. Max Trugman, Samuel Virtochik, Solomon Wolosky. Harry Albert, Michael Balho, Isidore BHttner, Moses Bombach, Bernard Brill, Lester Cantor, Moses Chernoff, Louis Cohen, James Cutmor s

Frank Fogel, Joseph Gatti, "Wil­l iam Johnson, John Kenny, Irving Klein, Samuel Klein, Samuel Klein, Isidore Lampert, Isaac Levy, Samuel Nedoff, Abraham Mittler, Otto Mir-owitz. Max Posner, Ralph Rakowsky, Jacob Rosenthal, Stanley Ruthowskl , Samuel Samilow, Judah Schneider, Jacob Schulman, Alfred Seigel, Harry Solomon, Frank Spector, Sydney Stein, George Tannenbaum, Aaron Tuchlnsky, Rutherford Waage. Harry Weiss, Aaron Welssberg, Louis Ze-mel. Evelyn Adler, Marlon Bagg, Yetta Bienstock, Lill ian Bi t terman, Frieda Gebiner, Este l le Goldberg, Hi lda Hendel.

Sarah Klein, R u t h Launer, Fannie Lichtenzerg, Ida Mundebaum, Alice

new building opens its doors we will iMazucci. Ida MUsteln. Ida Relff, F a n be able to admit 1,500 girls to the „le Richman, Eleanor Schachner. school making a total registration Mollie Schneider, Paul ine Schuitz. of 4,000 pupils possible.

"Despite our handicaps in the past," he continued, "we have made fine records In both academic and athlet ic ehdeavor. The January re­gents' examinations show that the N e w Utrecht students are a t the top of the list with the Boys' and the

M s * High (schools. Out of 19.0Si who t,ook the regents tests this June I a m glad to be able to announce that fully 93 per cent, passed. I n football, baseball, basketball and on the track, the remarkable records m a d e by the N e w Utrecht boys are still being talked about." -

Dr. Edward C. Zabriske, princi­pal of Washington Irving High School Manhattan, also delivered an address in which he spoke of the op.

Minnie Sheptuck, Adele Sherman Annie Spitzberg, Dorothy Wengrover Louis Berkowltz, Louis Brown, Isi­dore Bronstein, Jacob Dessner, David Drucker, Sam Farber, Harold Good­man, Harry Hertz, Nathan Kaplan, Max Librot, Paul Levy, Benjamin Lenoff, Nathan Loesberg, Jacob Nieenbaum, Bernard Silfin, Percy 8plvack, Harry Wasserspring, El l sha Zack.

Lillian Aronwltz, Estelle Berliner, Anna Bernhang, Etta Bernstein, Ruth Blnenbaum, Rose Braverman, Anna Cohen, Ida Cohen, Mollie Co-

|hen, Norma Cohen, R u t h Eisen, Rose Ellenbogen, He len Flschman, Sara Frank, Flora Gartsteln, Sara Goldberg, Madeline Goodman, Sophie

.Greenberg, Sylvia Hurewitz. Jane ! Jacobs, Bertha Katzman, Sadie _Mel

portunities t h e t i m e s are opening up jjeV" Frieda Novak, Henrletta_ Ochs to wide-awake young men. iRachei" Olshansky. Leah _pshrln,

Howard T. Steffensen, of the senior I He len Porter, Yet ta Prince, Rebecca Class, delivered an oration on "Looking Backward" and Samson Eichler spoke on "Our Debt of Honor." The school orchestra played several selections and the ex­ercises ended wi th the s inging of the school song.

List o f Graduates Academic Course—Jesse B. Aron-

eon, Milton B. Barnett, Herbert K. Baskln, David Besdine, Jacob Brim-berg, Herman Buckwald, Herbert A. Chernicowsky, Frank E. Cianclmlno, Sidney El Cohn, Sidney U. Cohn, Louis Corrado, Manuel R. Cueto, Foster J. Datrl, Solomon E lchen-baum, Samson Eichler, Max Eisner, Wil l iam N. Etkin, David Ewen , Usher L. Finkelstein, Arnold S. Fleishnick, Nathan Foldman, Phil ip F . Foss, Joseph J. Gaudino, Harry I. Gavron, Sidney Ginsberg, Robert Glassberg, Joseph B. Goldensohn, Jacob Goldman, Nicholas T. Grace, Solomon Gurshman, Leonard H Hall , George Harris. Wesley B. Har-rte, Harry Haskel , Robert R. Hem-bacger, Jacob W. Kalina, Joseph Kfntrowltz . Harry Kaplan, Milson S. KcH-ner, Aaron Kramer, Isidore Kr**mer, Harold G. Lang. Jacob I. Lafigberg. El las Lelkind, George Levin, Robert Lewis, Samuel M. LI pp. Harold H. Lipsich. Abraham M. Luban, Lawrence MezerlUky. Alexander Muson, Oscar Ostfeld, Louis Perlnmn. Jacob Rlegelhaupt, Daniel Rlfkln, Herman Robin, Alan B. Rothenberg, Elliot J. Sachs, T h o m a s K. Saltzman, Joseph F. Schuitz. Morris Shanlk, Sydney Swir-eky, Morris Singer, Isaac Sperber, Hownrd T. Steffensen, William Suf-fln, Philip Susman, Henry Umans, Wil l iam H. Walsh , Louis Weisenberg. Morris Wolsky, Hymen Zimel.

Commercial Course—Irving E . Helpern, Sylvester M. Scialla.

lyn Satek, Eleanor A n n a Schledorn. Helena Charlotte Schulken, Laura May Seeley. Richard William Seeley, Deborah Lola Shannon, Dorothera El izabetn Siffert'en, Zygmund Will iam Sikorsky, Eleanor J a n e ' Smith, irala Amel ia Smith, Katherlne Splcer, Fr ieda Stein, Til-lie Stein, Arthur Douglas Stevens, Nathan Terman, J o s e p h ' Henry Toohey, George Frederick Vetter, Grant Edward Woge, Arturo de Ybarrondo, A d a m Joseph Zack, Helen Zavadil.

Publ ic School 70. One of the features of the pro­

gramme at the c o m m e n c e m e n t ex­ercises of P. S. 70, P a tchen avenue, between Macjn and McDoaough streets, to-day, w a s a c log dance •••rformed by m e m b e r s of the grad­uating class. A m o n g those w h o took part In this number were Reginald Arrington, R a y m o n d Carpenter Marcel Wagner , R u t g e r Urban and Marrls Kruk.

Addresses to the graduates were made by Dr. Benjamin Velt, Dis ­trict Superintendent, and the Rev. Edward L. Curran, professor of l a t i n at the Cathedral College, Brooklyn, "lhe valedictory address was made by Mary Norkin.

Wil l iam H. Eaton, chairman of the Board of the Thirty-second Dis ­trict, presented diplomas to the fol­lowing boys und g ir l s :

Mary E. Andrews , Mabel Beach, Anna R. Bonelll , Martha E. Brown, Florence M. Condon, Anna M. Cooney, Kathleen V. Gardner, Pearl M. Gilbert. - E m m a E . Hauser,, Mary C. Loproto, Marjorie J . McCartney, 'i hascia C. Morse, Frances Paulin, Anna Roedel, Anna L. Simon, Helen fctahl, Sadie L. Weinhardt . Helen Blair, Gertrude Bleam, Lillian Bloom, Isabel Burns , R u t h Craw­ford, Helen Darvas, Genevieve Duf­fy, Rose Eisenberg. Florence Fuller. Helen Hussman, Florence Miles, Mary Norkin, Frances Schwab, Theresa Viola, Beatr ice Young.

Louis Cassldy. Allan S. Dargle, Jr., Clayton E. Helmberg, Walter VC. Moh, Bernard E. Hotanz, Harold Kennedy, . Frank E . Leist, John J. McNerney, Wi l l iam Nevins, Richard K. Phill ips, Herman Schweikert, Ed­ward H. Stollberg, George L. Suther­land, De Witt C. Tintle, Jr., Rutger Urbahn, J. Norwood Warde, James R. Wilson, Reginald Arrington, Sam­uel Berg, Raymond Carpenter, Rob­ert Cook. Gaetano Cottone, James Dwyer, John Guise, John Howard, David Jackson, Jacob Jackson, Mor-rie Kruk. Wi l l iam Michelfielder. Charles McComb, Leroy Noren, Ed­ward Owen, Bertram Pennington, Frank Piralno, Edward Rais, George Stadlman, Marcel Wagner.

George U. Cleland, Harrison W. Cole, Robert ev Delaplere. David Clark, George U. Clelan*. Harrison W. Cole, Robert A. Deiaplere, David L. Dllday, Dudley C. Dunphe, Joseph

| A. Feary, Stewart L. Gates, David T. Johnston, Stanley Kramer, George Lawrence.

Gertrude Mackler, R u t h O. Mar-fing. Leslie Moore, Mary L. Murray, Genevieve C. Neumann, Dorothy E. Nodine, Blanche M. Opp, Helen E. Parker, Marjorie Pike, Lucia A. Pink, Dorothy Pitt. Minnie M. Schechter, Lillian M. Schuster, Sara J. Schwarz-schlld, El la W. Slmonson, Edith Sperling, Marjorie H. Stone, Eleanor Swallow, Marlon Thompson, Evelyn R, Walsh, Aibertha Youker, Rich­mond Livingston, Raymond C. Long, El lsworth W. Martin, Ralph J. Nie-bel, Wilford B. Penny, Bruce Rat ­tray, Frederick D. Ray, Jr.; Irving W. Reynolds, George F. Richards, Berrien E. Riley, Kenneth B. Rivers, Louis G. Rocco, Stanley S. Rudstick. Howard P . Sharetts, John C. Shields, Moris T. Sltkoff. Wlilard H. Somers, Nathaniel W. Whelpley, Frank M. Weir.

Publ i c School 50. At the commencement exercises of

P. S. 60, to be he ld to-morrow In the auditorium of the Eastern District H i g h School, Marcy avenue and Rod­ney street, d ip lomas will be awarded to the fol lowing graduates:

Albert Dlrzutaitis, Isidore Ksco-wlteh , Joseph Feinberg, Aaron F ink-

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Radin, Edna Ress , Pearl Sanders Ruth Saul, Vivien Schechter, Pauline Schlffman, Anna Schneider, Minnie Schneider, Hilda Schwartz, Mollie Seltzer, .'--ina Weintraub, Els ie Wish-nick, Tillie Yanoff, Gertrude Glass­berg, Solomon Cohen.

Frieda Blltzer, Naomi Brandt, So­phie Brody, Frieda Cohen. Sylvia Edison, Esther Feller, Millie Forgosh, Yetta Goltzman, Paul ine Grlesner, Beatr ice Gronowltz, Genevieve Hayes, Mildred Huyara, Gussie Jacobson, Clara Jaspen, Sadie Kirschner, Flor­ence Krletzberg, Mary Kula, LUlle Lederman, Cyrilla Lewis , Lillie Mar-guiles. Anna Lemcke, Lll l le Michaels, Lill ie Mone, Frances Nosenchuk, Yet ta Oliver, Dora Podberesky, So­phie Rabinowltz, Anna Rauert , Es­ther Schwartz, Sadie Schwartz, Ame­lia Thlr, Adele Walalt is , Gertrude Weinberg, Cella Weinstock, Bessie Welsmer, Rose Wlssoker, Esther Woldrcan. Lillie Zemel. Lillie Zim­merman, David Alperln, Isidore Bar­nett, John Beckmann, Julius Berman, Max Blumenrelch. Isidore Bram, Joseph Davidson, Anthony Da Marco.

Public School 58, At the graduation exercises of P.

S. 58, Ninety-seventh avenue and Ninety-fourth street, Woodhaven, to-day, diplomas were awarded to 104 boys and girls. The first num­ber on the programme w a s a piano solo, "La Gondole." played by Frances Sadofsky. Invocation was asked by the Rev. G. Baechler . pas­tor of thOj« Woodhaven French Evangelical Church.

Included Among the recitations given by the graduates wore Patri's "Courage," by Robert Mul-ler; Guest's 'A Regular Man," by Irving Friedman, and Taylor's "The Boy Engineer," by Lucien Brigan-dct. Charles B. Jameson, principal of the school, presented diplomas to the following:

Fred August Abendroth, Irwin Robert Abrams, Alice Amanda Al-brecht, Dominic Banzanto, Lilly Marie Bengston, Harry Gordon Ben­nett, Paequale Benquell. Willard Benz, Susan Elizabeth Blondl, Jen­nie Genevieve Blunden. Virginia Boghaslan, E m m a Borstelman, Jo­seph Brazil, Klmer Lueien Brl^an-det, Stanley Herbert Brostoff, Rob­ert Albert Burns, Charles Ubortus Chleca, Nicholas Carupella. Peter Chiellot, Otto Edwin Clarke. KJith Louise Conover, Florence Evelyn Cooke, Eleanor Anna Davey, Grace May Dlttmar. Emily Caroline Orawert, Norma Epstein, Daniel Ervollna, Charlotte Ashton Fltz-glbbon, Constance Marie Fogle, Irving Matthew Friedman, Benedict John Gerund!. Rose Gold, Ruth Anna Gordon, Pasquale Fred Gulg-liano.

Edward Stephen Gutleber, Wllllnm Warren Haas, J o h n Forbes Had­dock, David Honor Halper, Lillian Hiindelman, Ruth Catherine llaue-chlld, Fannie Helen Hendrlckson. Marjorie Holm, Sadie LIllHn Hah-man. John Bernard Hurley. Herm.iT, Jncobowttz, Evelyn Violet Katrftth. Frieda Clara Katneanetsky, Jennie Karlinskl, Eugene Karpowciz. Franklin Wilford Knezek, Robert Louie Krenzburg, Anthony Joseph Kozlnrz, Russell Kupfer, Frank Philip Lamonlca, Paul Anthony Le*. Martha Therese Marine. William Kingston Martin, Joseph Matnzlnskl. Harriet Marlon Mauri. Francis Xavler Mccormick, Joseph Edward Mcrtfrmott. Anna Merbjmm, Bertha Catherine Miller. Frank Vtncent Mitchell Robert Otto Mailer, Ben­jamin Honor Neuman, Peter Pal­ermo c h a r t s Robert Payne .

. David I.ticien P m n m i n , Monten Poole Ignatius Rlcca, Alfred Jo­seph niclinrd. Milton Arnold Rich­ards MUdred Henrietta Riley, Wet-ma Lillian Ronenthal, Bernard Ru­bin, Anna Viola Ruere , Marlon Ar-t int Rumbold, Bruno Antonio Rus-• o , Frances Sadofsky. Theresa Ere-

Publ ic School 81 . A play, "a Litt le Pilgrim's Prog-

will be one of the features of the programme at the commencement exercises of P S. 81, Cypress avenue and Ralph street. Queens, to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock.

Among those w h o will take part In this dramatic offering are Gladys Grosskritz, as Dame Decision: Ger­trude Unser, as the Pilgrim; Miriam Bath, as Steadfast , and Ethel Leh­man, a s Falsepride.

A second sketch, a dramatization of "Sleepy Hollow," a lso will be present­ed by the graduates. In th i s playlet the part of Ichabod Crane will be taken by John Lindmer. Edward Baumach will play Paltus Van Tas­sel, and tht! character of Brom Bones will be protrayed by William Fried-mann.

The address to the graduates will be made Albert C. Benninger, Com­missioner of Parks of Borough of Queens. Mrs. Theresa Haber, mem­ber of t i l t local school board, will present th<s diplomas. The graduates,

Mildred E. Anderson, Helen Birn,* Dorothy E. Dixon, president, Cath­erine Frische, Mary Gollatz, Gladys E. Grosskritz*. Olive L. Greulich, Elsie C. Hausman, Agnes Hoffman, Lillian Kahn, Dorothy Knights,* Eleanor M. Knoegel , Veronica Kolyer, Florence E. Morlock, Louise Nichoff, Miriam Hulda Rath, Grace Sarvla, Ida Schiller, Katherlne E. Schlumpf, Margaret Schmidt, C. Marie Seiden-splnner, Reglna M. Smith,* Elizabeth C Spies, Gertrude E. Unser, Emma Wuest, Sophia Wtrth, Eva Yaeger, Edward Baunach, Sidney Bolles, Daniel Esters.

Valentine Farny, William Fried­man,* Joseph Gruber, Henry Hahn, J. Henry Humann,* Robert Herraendlng, Herbert G. Kehl, Edward Kohhleln, John • A. Linder, Paul Loewe.nberg, Charles Minarclk. Richard Nlrren-garten,* Anthony Schmlt. Howard A. Schoeffer, Walter E. Vogt, Elizabeth Abrams, Evelyn V. Anderson, Audrey L. Bory, Gladys A. Dierlam, Mabel F. Dooley, Anne M. Flotow. Marie B Heilman, Ruth M. Howell, Lillian E. l lusam, Ruth H. Jund, Florence Klueg, Helen A. Kraft, Florence 9. Meyer, Frieda F. Mielmetson, Emily L. Nauman, Paulino A. Thomas, Bertha C, Tielemnns, Edna M, W J I -pert. George J. Gorman, Alford V.

Publ ic Scl .„j l 154. An unusually Interesting pro­

gramme featured the graduation ex­ercises of P. S. 154, which were held this morning at 10 o'clock.

There were readings from the mod­ern poets, both American and Euro­pean, numbers by the school glee club, including Mendelssohn's "Fairy Song," Hoist's "Happy Birds'* and

Braga's "Arte l ' s Serenade," and a vocal aolo, Rubensteln's "The Wan­derer's Night Song."

Prizes were presented to the pu­pils by Mrs. Jacob Runsdorf. The address to the graduates w a s made by ex-United States Senator Will iam H. Calder, Margaret Lalng, principal of the school, awarded diplomas to the following boys and girls: Anna Margaret Bcddow, Gertrude R. Benigsohn, Mary R. Blcchlnella, Anna M. Conway, Margaret V. D e Fllllppo, Rita E. Fleming, Pearl M. Gallagher, Marjorie M. Gewecke, Esther Gold, Lillian Gould, Anna E. Ouerraslo, Fayette. E. Hanshaft , Eleanor R. Johnson, Isabel V. Kone-man, Florence E. Larkey, Gladys E. Leman, Ethel B. Lenobel, Regina G. McGarlgal, Alice E. McKibbin, Anna P. Morreale, Frances A. Murphy, Anna A. Musgrif, Madeline M. Nee, Eleanor M. Nelson, Celia A. Pynn, Beryl G. Ritchie. Grace K. Ross, Isobel E. Saunders, Lillian M. Schwie-bert, Grace L Seel, Elizabeth M. Stassl, Zelma A, Suber, Svlvla Tara-koff, Mary G. Valento, Virginia L Whittall , Fred C. Abdelnour, E d ­ward A. Anderson, John T. Bell , David J. Batchelor, George H. Bernt-sen, Benjamin B. Blsset, Louis Boz-zella, Edward J. Fish. Mortimer J. Fitzslmmons, Robert E. Glen, Abra­h a m D. Goldstein, Elias N. Homsy, Charles F. Howard, Joseph A. Llef-sen, George B. Littles, Edward T. Lyons, Samuel J. Lucido, James A. McGrath, John .1. McManus, Milton Mezey, X a v i e r F. Olivo, John Oster-

Dewey Graduates to Hear Address by Judge Haskell

Diplomas \yill Be Distributed To-morrow Night at the Bay Ridge High School.

The commencement exercises of the Dewey Junior High School, Fourth avenue and Fortieth street, will be held to-mor­row night, at 8 o'clock, in the auditorium of the Bay Ridge High School, Fourth avenue and Sixty-seventh street.

The Introductory address wil l be delivered by W a r r . n M. Van Name, principal of the school. County Judge Reuben L. Haskel l wil l m a k e the address to the graduates. Diplo­m a s will be presented by Assistant Principal Julia C. Detfefson.

The list of graduates fo l lows: Orlando Abate, Armas Abraham-

son, Joseph Arone, Frances Bateman, Herman Bateman, Nicola Caparro, Vincent D c Martini, David Dlnter, William Edwards, Alfred Farinaccio, Joseph Fratangelo, Thomas Fuccillo, Paul Gomll, Milton Herzman, Ben­jamin Levine, Joseph Mallozzl, Dom-

ton Marcus, Max Kulakoff, Sanford A. Menczer, Albert Moriarty, Leon­ard Saunders, Thomas E. Nunnally, Francis L. Schweers, Elihu Solomon, Ralph Windrum, Mildred L. Brooks, Frances Geary, Dorothy Hainer, Dorothy Johnson, Margaret Johnson, Mildred Levey , A. Marie McGovern, Ethel Olsen, Gertrude O'Malley, Mila S. Rossi, Amanda M. Quilice, Marie T. Ryan.

Joseph Alexinas, James Barone, James D'Amato, John J. Dl Tirro, Will iam E. Faust , William G. H a g -lund, George C. Jorgensen, P a t s y Maraia, Vaino Pietila, Robert Ray, Gunnar Sandnes, Walter Seppala, Thomas Shepard, Raymond Tyrrell, Helen Axnes , Eleanor Behncke, Agnes Benson, Lucille Bjorne, N o r a

llnd, George W. Potts , Frederick J. Rls , S a m - ' J. Rothschild, Matt luw Simpson Richard T. Sleight, Leo Tenne, Lester M. Tornlund, Nicholas Volpe, William Wallace, Jr., and Adolph G. Westerlund.

inick Natale , Edward O'Reilly, Salva- \ Christoffersen,' Catherine Collins, tore Pipitone, Richard Singer, Rocco Siracuse, John Waters, Fel ic ia Agog-lia, Inez Borgstrom, Marion Boyce, Mary Moijtie, Barbara Orrico, Mary Paladino, Gertrude Paterson, Dora Schllef^r, Angelina Varall .

George Ashkar, John Bendick, 3, Bonczkowskl, Louis Bastone, John Bjorness, Alfred Driscoll, Bernard Friedman, Morris Frledland, Donald Gessner, • Mandel Gollinger, Hugo Honkonen, Anthony Kornysel, John Lewis, William McClellan, L. Merilo. Isidore Pagoda, John Paladino, Karl Paulso/., Charles Pelotjuin, Dominlck Rlso, Michael Rose, Edwin Rothstein, Philip Santulli, David Schwartz, H. Schwartz, Louis oTzzi, Henry Wol-ters, Wliko Wunniktil, Seigfried Wyeroski, Harold Wolpert, Gaynor Young, Frances Assaro, Flora D'Adamlo, Gertrude Finkelstein, A. Lazaroff. Jane Nankowoki, Eleanor Olsen, Grace Olsen, Annie Rlvinson, Catherine Scanlon, Margaret Walsh, Bella Weaver.

Dominic J. Alaimo, Ernest A. An­derson, Robert W. Buck, Arne Chris-

Anna Fursa, Mollie Fantine, Jennie Gennuso, El izabeth Hansen, Emi l ia J. Jastrzembski, Emma Karber, Edna Bjelke, Beatrice Kazlow, Alice Lund, Mary Manbleri, rrRose Melapionl, Grace Monahan, i Miriam Nadler, Frances D. Nelson, Mary Presseda, Augusta Siegel, Edna Smith, Dorothy Weiss.

Lester Bebarfall , Mayer Chayat, Albert Cohen, Isador Cohen, Arnold Davis , Percy . Del ia Croce, Daniel Furey, Samuel Goldberg, Arthur Goldstein, Louis Harris, Edwin H. Lindberg, Howard F. Lindberg, Ed­ward Montgomery, Elliott Pearl. Mil­ton Rogovin, Martin Rubin, Harold Schuitz, Louis Stein, Frederick Stimus, Bess ie Baris, Gladys Dorman, Cecilia Finker, Vida Free, Anna Helfst, Vivien Hertzwig Helen Iver -sen, Blanche Kallenberg, Naomi Katcher, Charlotte Kovins, Lillian Levine, Mary Pocaro, Lee Relchers, Fernanda Rossi , Miriam Sachs, Bertha Salzman, Anna Schuchman, Muriel B. Smith.

Robert Batterman, William A. B o -quist, Arthur E. Busch, Leon Cohen

P . S. 15« Graudatcs Nearly 200 students were gradu­

a ted from the Waverly School, P. S. 166, a t commencement exercises in the school, Sutton avenue and Graf­ton street, yesterday. The graudates were addressed by District Superin­t e n d e n t Benjamin Velt.

Twenty-four s tudents were given m e d a l s for excellence In var ious sub­jects . Those who won first prizes are S. Saltz, N. Rotwein, N. Cohen, H. Brandman, G. Bender, R. Melsers. S. Llfschltz, L. Belfer, B. Ebersman. E. Glassberg and A. Cohen, Those w h o took second prize are: H. Fr ied-lander, R. Sklar, D. Wilder, A. Men-dow, S. Welnstein, M. Welner, J. Bai-bash, P. Sohlman, S. Fe ldman, M. Lifschitz, P, Kaplan and J. Silver.

T h e graduates: Dav id Aaronwltz, Samuel Beck,

Israel Belfer, George Bonder, Frank Bershenko, Harry Cohen, Solomon Dis lck, Sidney Entman, Morris Fox, H y m a n Ginsberg, Isidore Goldberg, Is idore Heller, Abraham Langsam, J a c o b Lienitz, Louis Lifstltz, Norman Ltfshitz. Solomon Lifshitz. Sydney R e m e n , Morris Rhodes , Phi l ip Rich-m a n , Louis Rosen, Arthur Selver-s tone , Isidore Slobodsky, Charles Turchln , Leo Wagner. Fr ieda Cohen, H e l e n e Eisenstadt, Lil l ian Fisher, B e r t h a Glassberg, Paul ine Golden, H a n n a h Gutterman, Bess ie Heller, B e u l a h Hoffman, Mollie Kantrowltz , R e b e c c a Melsers, Sadie N e w m a n , Y e t t a d i n g e r , Ida Pesson, Jennie Sand, Fannie Stricks, Beatrice Weiner , Sylvia Welnste in .

M a x Birnbaum, Abraham Cantor, E l m e r Cherlnsky, N a t h a n Cohen, Samuel Feldman, Abraham Fogelhut, Wi l l iam Guttschmidt, Benjamin H y ­man, Charles Jaffe, Isidore Kravitz, Solomon Lenkowsky, Gustav Lovitch, Max Markowitz, Alexander Sachsj Herbert Schatzberg, Joseph Silver, Jacob Sprinzen, Milton Stuchner, H y ­m a n Shmunis, Louis Susskind, David Weinger, Morris Weinger, Max Tar-tasky , Pauline Applebaum, Shirley Berman, Mary Bloom, Mollie Bot-winick. Ruth Brandman, Frieda D ia ­mond, Fannie Goldfine, Bess ie K a -tofsky, Edna Margolis, Bess ie Mill-ste in, Bessie Obshatke, Rose Rabino-witz, Sophie Rubin, Mollie Shargoro-totsky, Lillian Slotnick, Celia Stat-land, Sadie Sussman, Slyvia Talin, Sarah Webman and Deborah Wilder.

E l y Adler. Harry Berkowitz , Solo­mon Boroff, Charles Bass , Morris Davidoff, Benjamin Davis , Isidore Drimmer, Meyer Fe ldman, Jacob Fishman, Harold Hochtman, Isidore Kaplan, Irving Lipman, Moses Lip-shitz , David Milder, Harry Moses, Sam. Saltz, Morris Simon, Harry Starr, Herman S t o l i n s k y , i_.ouis

Junior High School Issues Diplomas to 69 Graduate

John Ericsson Students Attend Exercises in Auditoriunc at Meserole Avenue and Lorimer Street.


Diplomas were awarded to sixty-nine graduates of the Johi Ericsson Junior High School, Meserole avenue and Lorime street, at the commencement exercises in the school auditoriun at 10:30 A. M.

Fol lowing the processional and sa­lute to the f lag "The "Star Spangled Banner" will be sung. J. A. Hanl -phy will s ing two solos. At the con­clusion of the address to the gradu­ates diplomas will be awarded to the fol lowing:

Louis Dl Russo, Robert Germann, Will iam Reilly. John Tlce, Louts

Addressed by the Rev. Wil l iam J Costello, rector of St. Matthew's R. C. Church, seventy-nine boys and girls were graduated from St, Mat­thew's school , Lincoln piace and Utica avenue. The ;ommencement exercises were held in the church on Eastern Parkway and Utica avenue Sunday riight. The church altar, w h e r e the graduates received their diplomas, w a s beautifully decorated with ferns and palms and banked w i t h carnat ions and roses.

The graduates represented the complet ion of the e ight-year e l e ­mentary course «nd religion. A large number of the graduates h a v e made application for entrance into St. Francis ' and St. John's prepara­tory schools .

Father Costello in his address a d ­vised the young men and w o m e n to continue the training that they re­ceived at St. Matthew's School. H e advised them to adopt a democratic fee l ing as t h e y go out Into the busi ­ness world. H e told t h e m to choose fit companions for themse lves and I no t to associate with persons of i l l -repute. "Keep away from the des ­picable, low motion picture show," said Father Costello. In concluding his address

Tomashefsky, Eleanor Knecht, Jo phlne Onorato, Anna Permut, Till ltosher. Catherine Smith.

James Knecht, Arthur Kunlt Charles Michl, Stanislaus Sywinsk Joseph Gunlenik, Charlotte Chlzlcl Irene DombroslU, Dora Erlbaun Reglna Fields, Eva Glatzer, Ida Lev er.book, Violet. McKee, Helen Oet trich, Frieda Shafrick, Lill ian Szab. Alice Tlce, Ruth Yarrow.

Patrick Dawson, Michael Leon. Wil l iam Lund, George Meisenheime John Meyer, James Norris, Andre Olenick, Andrew Stepieji, Williai Swallow, Conrad Wexell , Evely Goodman, Minnie Halpern, Hele Kopitsch, Rebecca Permut, Grai Quinn. Florence Reidel, Emil Schneider.

Michael Carr, Stanley Dereszev ski, Nathan Frank, Joseph Garla Milton Gottdiener Wil l iam Horei Edward Munkacsi, Abraham Rat uer, Anthony Romano, Edward Ta: lcr, Herbert Vor< Borstel , Hi l l s Kaulsir,. Helen Blenkowska, Adeln Canale, Marie Catelmi, Josephii Falco, Genevieve Fields, Julia He rrett, Fannie Horshkowitz, Dorotl Jones, Kassia Koszalka, Mamie Pi koska, Helen Wieman, Flora Wi shusen.


Father Costello a sked the crowded assemblage to get down

^ on their knees and offer up a pray Schottenfeld, Isidore Tannenbaum. j f o r the welfare of the graduates

© B A B 1»:

tensen, Francis J. Davis, Joseph S. I Samuel Emovitz, Morris Fogel, Julius Di Meglio, Penny Eisenberg, Amerigo Y, Graff, Henry F. Gardsteln, An-Fcola, Arthur M. Hansen, Harold S. | drew W. Halpin, Aaron Hyman, E d -Helsing, Richard L. Heyne, Ellsworth I ward Isklyan, Adrian Jacobs. Charles A. Johnson. George E. Kestier. R. S. Kucharskl, Irving Lubing, Walter Kraitz, Edmund J. Kelly, Benjamin F Macke, Joseph W. Matlse, Abra-Naness, John J. O'Neill, Jacob Buben, J | l f i m Marcnus, Joseph F. Panebianco, Carl Saarie, Carmela Albano. Mabel i George Schneider, Benjamin M. Sher-Benson, E. Mona Bernstein, Lucy a . man, Douglas L Thorn. Anna R. Cassone, Margaret Cavalier, Frances Eragin, Marion R. Cain, Sylvia Con-Clark. Alice Davidson, Florence M Dunbar, Beatrice Frledeberg, Stella Guhin. Edith F. Hlnkel, Lena La Preta, Angelina Matllo, Olga Musse-wir. Anelo G. Panclla, Olglne M. Peterson, Elisa M. Pole, Alice Pras-enskl. Laura E. Pukki, R. M. Puleo, Catherine A. Taylor, Lillian Wilson. Joseph M. Amaro, Isador Cooper-man, Alfred J. De Vita, Dominick

j D'elia. James Fischer. Raymond • Fitzpatrtck. Anthony J. Gallagher, A. I Glsllo. William Kelly, Harold Lynch,

Felix Leplnskl. Nicholas J. Miglino

nor, Gladys E. De Groff, Nell ie A. De Wick, Mollie M. Furman. Anna-belle Gertner, Marion E. Goldflseher, Dorothy E. Herbert, Anna Lefer, A n ­nette E. Magenheim, Helem C. Mur­ray, Mary A. Powers, Amy Radus , Ruth Relter. Pearl Sagoa, Edith Salinger. Constance E. Saward, Ver­onica K. Schmidt.

Otto Bcnsen, Sylvan Bloomfleld, Nicholas Bonasera, Nicholas Caviola, Milton Ellnon, Arthur Greenhut, Sol­omon Hymowltz , Thomas Mulhearn. Nelson Sher, Joseph Sleplan, Emit Smith, Wil l iam Sparago, Albert Helman, John R. Koesrner. Charles j Thomas Morrish, Harry Mott. Rob _ r ^ . ,_ ; r ___ r ^

C Mun s Theodore J Oechaner. ! ert Muns. Walter McEJrath. Lewis I StrnsburKer, Isador Wax. Svea Bor-Dominick' A Pernisl Anthony J. i McKce, Fred Montelln, Daniel T. ] Keson, Sophie Deutscher, Marion R a t ,K j Nelsen. James J. Oliver, Joseph B. Hlckey. Minnie lata, Lillian K a m e n -

Lloyd G Reislnrrer Andrew F. Roy, j Ventimeglia, George A. Wllund, Lucy sky, Helen Kromholz, Geraldlne President John fia'uor Charles H . ' Agovlno. Donats V. Albnnese, Carrie | Kelser, Bertha Lovine, Lillian Malsel, Schatch- William R. Schmidt. Charles M. Boggiano, Angelina M. CalacanK ( Hanna Mnrgulls. Edna ModjeRka. E ^chn'itzieln Frederick C. Schroed-1 Mlchelina Ciarlante, Theresa D. | v io le t Modjeska, Dorothy Murray.

Lottie C. | Mny Pugllesi , Mildred Ryan. Sy lv ia •""'— m ' Slmonowltz, Josephine. Slrchla, Fel l -

cltas Seeth, Estelle Wein, Rose Lanowttz.

Manfred, Anderson, Charles Brau


er, Wlllwni E. Schumann. George J Suesole, John F. Wange. Michael Welsser, Henry S. Wldrnayer. Jero-llma -R. Alagna, Mario Corvenka, Marianna S. Fleishman, Ethel J. Leh-mann. Anna E. Mater, Alvina Mich­aels, Marie G. Stelzer. Elizabeth C. Werfetman, Christian Banner, Her­bert J, Boggs, Eugene Brownworth, George W Casey, Fred. Donzelser, William F. Celler. John J, Gorden. John L. Hoffman. Edward F. J. Kaiser, William Krciling. Walter J. J. Langer, Joseph J. Masones, William J Meyer, Franklin Mil's. President. Charles W. Motzee, Oscar W. Mueller, Ferdinand F. Papavcne, William E. Sabbo, Christian P. Sanger, Harold E. Sherman, F w n k Straub, Guido Tibaldl, William J. White.

•Honor Pupils.

Public Solirt '. 130. At the graduation exercises of P. 8.

139, CortPlyou road, between Rughy and Argyle roads, to-day at 10 A. M, diplomas were awarded o eighty graduates. The principal address was made by Louis H. Pink.

The exercises were opener with a reading from t'.te Scriptures by the principal, John J. McDonald. A number of vocal and Instrumental selections were given.

Fol lowing l i a list of th# gradu­ates:

Marie F. Banljran, Sylvia Benen-fleld, Marlon C. Rergtjeld, Llljlan J. Bevsen.ua, Jcannette W. Brown, Grace R. Caravella, Marlon E. Duck­worth. Hazel C, Field, Ruth M. Fleury. ChrlMtna E Frortch Anna Goodman. Bertha M Hall Emily N, Hnrgsnn, Henrietta C, hendrlckson, Devota B Himsel, Helen M. Horn-bostel. Id . E Johnston, Tillie Kouf-man, Msry Weils Letter, Gertrude A. Undenbftum, Estelle Levinson, Harold W- Abrnmson, Richard Ayva«-Ian. Joseph Barhera. Joseph M. Baum. Jr.. Ralph E. Baxter, Bernard B. Brownsteln, Alfred C. Bunn, Jr.; Leon C. Chemkalls, David Clark,

Lillian Donlck, Clarke Grnenrer, Rose Inconlgllos, Ellen E. Johnson. Elolse C. Junsch, Margaret M. Lalnff. Alfonslna Messono. Elsie M. Mrthlie. Ftllth C. Most. Madeline R. Murphy, Ruth E. Malmgren, R. R. Newman. Elizabeth R. Nulty, A. M, Sanscrveno.

John L. Basillseo, John P. Coccl-mlgllo, George CraifT. Edward J. i nine. AnVer J, Johnson. Alfred K. Knudsen, John Lynch. Dennis C. Murphy, Edward C. Nelson, Sidney Newman, Charles A. Nylund, J, J-Searlone. Arthur K. Sober*. Gosta F. Swanson. John 3. Tedeschl, Ar-thn" B. Tergerson, Henry M. Thomp­son, Jnm««s Thompson. Carlo H. Todice, John H. Walsh . Clara M. Bellman, Lillian K. Bohllnir, Jennie A. Cornell, Columbia A, Deslderlo. Petronella M. Blgiatmo, Vlncensa J. Gentile. Dorothy M. Hansen. Violet E, Hansen. Genevieve Nagrowskl. Siene o , ni*u»n. Angelina Paladino. lennl C. Puterio. Florence M. Rich. Hnnnnh Shirk, fndlf Skomollnekv. Hnzel M Sorenson. Josephine M. Volenti. Adeline L Volpe. Helen M. Wildner.

Henry J, Anderson, James D. An­derson, George Arents, Victor Bono, James Burgraff. Francis D'Alessan-dro, Julius GIsrgentl. Meyer Gllln-son. Walter J. Gralskskl. Gilbert Hahn. Harry Host, Aaron Kats . Morris Kava. Ellis Knutson. Lauri Lalse, George Llnd, L e o Mosko. Victor G. Paulv. A l l m Pines. Samuel Behneher, John 3, Sweeney, Krlstmn M. Tsneen. Julia A. Anderson. Mil­dred Berestltskv, Gertrude M. AB

Angelo D'Ella, John Elson. John I Karklln, Hnrrv Kuhnemund. Charles

Levin. Clifford Mitchell. Frank Mai -rone, Edward Monson. Meyer Regen-bogan. Frederick Schuelke. Sidney Sokoloff. Snntangelo Spadaro, Jlarry Thoelen, Carl Waltry, Einar Wlstl , Tsidore^ Wladovsky. Leila Abousslo-

H e r m a n Tottenbauth, E s t h e r Alpert A n n a Cohen, Lilly Ehrich, Laura Faine, Fanny Feinstein. Sarah Fred­erick, Anna Friedlander, B e r t h a Gendler, Esther Goldman, *Bertha Greenbaum, Anne Greenhause, Roith Lippman, Dora Mokofnky, Ida Nadel, He len Portney, Dora Schloss, Lena Siegel , Fannie Silverman. Rose Sklar, A n n a Winkelstein.

K a t e Epstein, H a n n a h Greenberg, Jul ia Levine, Mary Romaine , Rbse Schutter, Mary Schwartz, Pearl Sedletsky, Alice Sdaron, Sarah Seskin, Celia Siegel, Ethe l Thames , H y m a n Blachlnsky, Abe Cohen, Dav id Drutman, Max Fishman, Samuel Franzel, Abe Goldfine, Irv­ing Jacobson,- Henry Lewis , Abe Mendow, Meyer Miljtein, Joseph Oken, Jacob Wein.

Llbble Ackerman, Rose Berkowitz, Li l l ian Braunstein, Rose Dubinsky, Be l la Flshstein, Bess ie Fordln, Anna Flneberg, Fannie Goldstein, Paul ine Kaplan, Rose G. Krugman, Jeanette Lockln , Martha Morris. Till ie Postel, Yetta Postel , Rose Resnikoff, Anna Ross , Minnie Schle i fman, Hannah Topol , Fannie Welnstein, Sylvia Win-nikoff, Paul ine Zohlman, Morris Balm, Jacob Barbash, David Berger, Samuel Bunin, Nathan Cohen. Ben­jamin Ebersman, Michael Flnkln. Haro ld Friedlander, Sidney Gurton, Meyer Kaplan, Henry A. Lovitch, Wi l l iam Portnoy, Herbert Posner, Harold Rosen, Mortimer Rosenfeld, J a c o b Rosenfeld, Noah Rotwein , Ja­cob Schrlebman, Jesse Wolfson, Abraham Zionsky.

Public School 189. The graduation exercises of P, S.

1S9, East New York avenue and East Nlr.ety-sixth street, will be held to­morrow morning at 10 o'clock.

The pupils will perform a minuet and recite a Negro spiritual, "Deep River." They will also present a sketch depicting the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. A freehand and ward drill will be ex­ecuted under the direction of Miss Dreeben.

Diplomas will be awarded to the following graduates:

Nathan Bagen, Benjamin Block, Herbert Carlin, Alex Feldman, Nath ­a n Feldman, Charles Greensberg, Nathan Klaristenfeld, Howard Klevlns, Jacob Mendelowltz, Paul Meyer, Milton Michael. Israel Mu|s . Benjamin Pessln, Bernard Rosen, Norman Rosenthal, Morris Slonlm-sky. Louts Yanoff, Ethel Abramson, Bess ie Baar, Marlon Capitman.'

Teosie Epstein, Ruth Eskenazl, Sarah Feldman, Els ie Gerstenzang. Frances Goldstein, Sylv ia Haskes, Anna Kopanowltz, Helen Lussy, Lil­lian Mooer. Florence Potashnlk, Esther Rcpatsky, Beatrice Rosen, F a y Schulner, Sylvia Schwartz. Millie Shenker Florence Singer, Minerva Suderov, EiJIth Venoker, Ethel Yr>enter. Louts* Yomtov,

Lawrence Berson. Aaron Cohen, Leon DouRlns, Alex. Gersh, Arthur


Don't risk blood poisoning by paring j corn. Apply Blue-jay, the scientific cor

ender. The pain will vanish instantl; ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i Then the corn loosens and conies

Father Costello pronounced the ; Qet Blue-jay today at your drill benedict ion of the Most Blessed Sac- j _ rament,

Award of diplomas were m a d e at the foot of the altar by Father Cos- | tello.

The church was crowded to capac- I itu, by friends and relatives of the j graduates. Many were forced t o } Q . Q stand outside of the church during j O n e O S y S . the exercises. Several awards w e r e ' made to graduates who received the h ighest percentages in their subjects for t h e term.

The awards were: Holy N a m e Medal—gold medals,

for highest general average, donated by the Holy Name Society of the church, to Alfred Walter Hill, Clem­ent Francis Lucke, Francis John Flaherty, Robert William Schmidt.

Catechism gold medals, for highest avernge in catechism training, do­nated by the pastor, awarded to Lil­lian Veronica Randolph and Howard Hamilton Gladwish. '

Tho graudates were

1 Am Thin" J Her Friend Says:

"She Is Skinny If she only knew that she c o q

put on at least 5 pounds of g o j i healthy flesh in 30 days she wouldi

Boys—Martin Joseph Ext i tus , E d - i t,0 worryins about her peaked fs ; ward Joseph Gouldsbury Jcseph Reilly, Clement

Thomas Franc i s I

m a n ; p h l l o m e n a " A." Ambrosfno."c7th. i H l n d * n - .Max Katz. Leopold Klein, ertne Basler, Frances O. Ammlratn, Sylvia Berlin, Ruth Cohen, Bentrtce Composto. Elizabeth Dl Mlno. K a t h -dyn V. Edwards, Angelina E. Enrico. Grace L. Flanagan, Pauline Flecker. Rose Frost . Katherlne V. Gregorio. Emily Holtz, Elizabeth Jensen, Q u i ­sle Knmlnsky. Mildred K. McCarthy, Margherlta M Santare, Lulu M. Sllpo. Mildred Silverman, Tillie Rett .

Alessnndro Berllnglerl. Milton L. chodoah. Samuel H. Chreln, Francte J. Daly. Frank Devlin, Sidney Feler-rteln. Alex Huhert. Bernard E. L iv in . Jo-epfi A. Mnrlno. Herbert I. Miller, Frank Mollnnrl. William .T. Summers. Violet AhbaEta. Edith O. Alexanderson, Ethel A. Everts , Syl­via Goldner. Ruth E. Good, Mnrv E. Griffin. Anni Kaplan. Margaret Krn-wiec. Nett le Lehrmsn, Mary A, Mc­Govern, Mary G. Molnar. Elva E. Oeize. Ethel D, Paulsen, Edna M. Peterson. Anns Reiser, Gunhlld E . Shelln. Beatrice Sellgman, Gertrude E. Btsehetakl. Else. A. Thelen. Re­becca Wasserman. Pearl Wells ,

thony Jennie (1. Di Olnlmo. Jennie! A. Guewa. SKrne A Johnson, ileatrlce ( C O N T I N U A T I O N S C H O O L T * i , h n e l . , n o w B Messina.

Ruth Ruth

Plf 'o . Mnl'-'m E. Relrrer nirhmavn. Manet A Roda Prharf,

Harry Anderson, David Campbell. William Oartaen. Thomas A. Demp-sey, Wolf Duberstetn, John J. Fen-non, Norman Fletcher, Armas K. Hanaon. Theodore J. Hanwick, Man-Kor N. Jensen, John B, Karlson, Mil-


The commencement exercises of ih# Brooklyn Continuation School will be held to-night at the Girls' High School . Nostrand avenue and Halsey street, at • o'clock.

Nathan Levine. Martin Levy. Julius Lewis, Nathan Llsh, Sidney Rlfkln, Ralp Rosenhaus, Alvln Tlrman, Vera Albaum, Dorothy Braverman. E v a Cohen, Angelina Cantelma, Florence Dumanls.

Dorothy Felnbloom. Sarah Fe in-man, Minnie Fishback, Lillian Free­man] May Gorlnsky, Irene Gruber. Isnbelle Harris. Rose Kitograd, Ger­trude Krcx, Ethel Llttenbers;. Lillian Mazer, Dorothy Orlansky, Lucy Plot-kin. Mollie Pnmerantz. Rose Boucher, Dorothy Safren, Nett le Simnowltz', Blanche Simon, Ross Welner, Clara Wolwoff.


The annual dinner of Ford agents of Brooklyn was held les t night in Bracebrldge Restaurant, 41e Ocean avenue. Max Lasky. chairman of the Ford dealers presided. The dinner was marked by the absence of speeches Two officers of the Ford Agency of New York were present, A. H. Dalrymple and E. J, Mc­Donnell,

i i * • —

A color filter for use with ultra­violet light to test pearls for genuine­ness ha* been patented,. Imitation gems m i earing black w h e n it i s used gad real ones glowing like phoe-

Luckc, Wil l iam Joseph McCluskey Joseph Vincent Tyne, Thomas E d ­ward Columbo, James Wil l iam Cleary. John Joseph McCormick, Gerard Michael Kelly, Arthur Francis F a l ­lon, Alfred Walter Hill, Andrew J o ­seph Burns, John James Burke, E d ­win Aioysius Ward, Francis Nicholas Conran, Thomas Edward Conran. Will iam Joseph Fulton, John Joseph' Rice, Robert Joseph Lovel.

Christ ian Joseph Merz, Joseph T h o m a s Conway, Patr ick Joseph McVeigh, Wil l iam John Glenn, J o h n Raymond Reed. Lambert Joseph La-Flamboise , Will iam John David, Herbert Collins Flaherty, Wi l l iam Joseph McCabe. T h o m a s Joseph Mc-Nlchols , J o h n Peter Mull igan, R o b ­ert Wil l iam Schmidt, Wi l l iam A n ­drew Harrington, Howard Hami l ton Gladwish, Francis Patrick McLaugh­lin. Joseph Francis McDermott , John Stephen Hoffman.

Girls — Marie El izabeth Coady, Margaret Mary Connaughton, Jose ­phine Elizabeth Condon, Margaret Mary Connolly, He len Gertrude Dachtera, Veronica El izabeth Dolan Rose A g n e s Donohue, Mary Ethe l Doran, Cathe -ino Veronica Dowl lng , Anna Marie i'iresch, Margaret A n n a Extitus, Catherine Mary Fives , Mar­garet Mary Fletcher, Dorothy Ce­cil ia Flood, Dorothy Agnes Forker , Ethel Catherine Ganley, Rose | V e r ­onica Gelshenen, Kath leen Veron ica Gilmartln.

Anna Marie Hare, Anna Margaret Hennessy, Madeline Catherine Hoh-mann, Agnes Elizabeth Kelleher, Alice Margaret Kelly, Alice Ri ta Klrkpatrlck, Margaret Veronica Lloyd. Mary Alice McCabe, Margaret Dolores McCarthy, Anna Elizabeth MeLoughlln, Helen Aprgnes Moyles. Vivian Anna Mullen, Mary Dorothy Muller, Margaret Eliznbeth Murphy, Margaret Agnes Myles. Llttlnn Ver­onica Randolph. Harriette Lorett.n Rose, Muriel Helen Starke,, Mary Margaret Sullivan, May Louise Sul­livan, Dorothy Regina Thomas, Eleanor El izabeth Tiexeirla.

and run-down looks. She has tried Cod Liver Oil, I

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Doctors and good pharmacl i know that Cod Liver Oil is full j

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