diocesan timeline 1770 to 1929 - amazon web services · 2020-02-11 · 1831 election of mauro...

DIOCESAN TIMELINE 1770 to 1929 Date Event Reference 11.02.2020 1770 Captain James Cook landed in Botany Bay on 29.04.1770 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition. 1770 On 03.06.1770, Captain James Cook in the “Endeavour” sailed through a narrow waterway between the Whitsunday Islands and the mainland. He named this narrow stretch the “Whitsunday Passage”. From Cook to Convicts By John Darkin Pages 52/53 1770 On 06.06.1770, Captain Cook was puzzled by a “Magnetical Isle” (as he called it) discovered off the coast of Townsville, about which he complained, “the compass would not traverse well when near it”. From Cook to Convicts By John Darkin Pages 52/53 1770 On 08.06.1770, a small party went ashore from the “Endeavour” at an island to collect coconuts. However, the trees seen by botanist Joseph Banks from the deck of the ship turned out to be Cabbage Palms. Cook named the island “Palm Island”. From Cook to Convicts By John Darkin Pages 52/53 1775 Election of Pope Pius VI (15.02.1775 to August 1799) Encyclopaedia Britannica 1776 On 04.07.1776, Americans adopted their “Declaration of Independence”. England’s American colonies had rebelled against British Rule in the War of Independence and would no longer accept the overflow of prisoners from English gaols. From Cook to Convicts By John Darkin Pages 89 1787 The First Fleet commanded by Arthur Phillip sailed from Portsmouth on 13.05.1787 and arrived at Botany Bay on 18.01.1788. Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition 1788 On 26.01.1788, the eleven ships of the First Fleet commanded by Captain Arthur Phillip arrived in Sydney Cove, with 1373 settlers, including 732 convicts and their children. Captain Phillip became the first Governor of the new colony. (1788 to 1792) Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition 1789 Beginning of the French Revolution. (05.05.1789 - 09.11.1799) French Revolution - History 1790 On 28.06.1790, the Second Fleet arrived at Sydney Cove carrying convicts and the first detachment of 100 men of the NSW Corps. Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition 1793 The first church, probably called St. Phillips, was constructed in Sydney. Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition 1798 The Irish Rebellion - 24.01.1798 23.09.1798. Encyclopaedia Britannica 1800 Election of Barnaba Chiaramonti as Pope Pius VII (1800 to 1823) All Roads Lead to Rome. 1802 Edmund Ignatius Rice set up a free school in New Street, Waterford, for boys living in poverty. Edmund Rice Education Australia 1803 Mass was forbidden in the new colony for the first fifteen years until Governor Philip King on 24.04.1803, granted Fr. James Dixon, an emancipated convict, permission to act as Chaplain. Townsville Catholic News, Apr. 1953 & May 1975. Catholic Enquiry Centre.

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Date Event Reference


1770 Captain James Cook landed in Botany Bay on 29.04.1770 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition.

1770 On 03.06.1770, Captain James Cook in the “Endeavour” sailed through a

narrow waterway between the Whitsunday Islands and the mainland.

He named this narrow stretch the “Whitsunday Passage”.

From Cook to Convicts

By John Darkin

Pages 52/53

1770 On 06.06.1770, Captain Cook was puzzled by a “Magnetical Isle” (as he

called it) discovered off the coast of Townsville, about which he

complained, “the compass would not traverse well when near it”.

From Cook to Convicts

By John Darkin

Pages 52/53

1770 On 08.06.1770, a small party went ashore from the “Endeavour” at an island

to collect coconuts. However, the trees seen by botanist Joseph Banks from

the deck of the ship turned out to be Cabbage Palms.

Cook named the island “Palm Island”.

From Cook to Convicts

By John Darkin

Pages 52/53

1775 Election of Pope Pius VI (15.02.1775 to August 1799) Encyclopaedia Britannica

1776 On 04.07.1776, Americans adopted their “Declaration of Independence”.

England’s American colonies had rebelled against British Rule in the War

of Independence and would no longer accept the overflow of prisoners from

English gaols.

From Cook to Convicts

By John Darkin

Pages 89

1787 The First Fleet commanded by Arthur Phillip sailed from Portsmouth on

13.05.1787 and arrived at Botany Bay on 18.01.1788.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1788 On 26.01.1788, the eleven ships of the First Fleet commanded by Captain

Arthur Phillip arrived in Sydney Cove, with 1373 settlers, including 732

convicts and their children. Captain Phillip became the first Governor of

the new colony. (1788 to 1792)

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1789 Beginning of the French Revolution. (05.05.1789 - 09.11.1799) French Revolution - History

1790 On 28.06.1790, the Second Fleet arrived at Sydney Cove carrying convicts

and the first detachment of 100 men of the NSW Corps.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1793 The first church, probably called St. Phillips, was constructed in Sydney. Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1798 The Irish Rebellion - 24.01.1798 – 23.09.1798. Encyclopaedia Britannica

1800 Election of Barnaba Chiaramonti as Pope Pius VII (1800 to 1823) All Roads Lead to Rome.

1802 Edmund Ignatius Rice set up a free school in New Street, Waterford, for

boys living in poverty.

Edmund Rice Education Australia

1803 Mass was forbidden in the new colony for the first fifteen years until

Governor Philip King on 24.04.1803, granted Fr. James Dixon, an

emancipated convict, permission to act as Chaplain.

Townsville Catholic News,

Apr. 1953 & May 1975.

Catholic Enquiry Centre.

Page 2: DIOCESAN TIMELINE 1770 to 1929 - Amazon Web Services · 2020-02-11 · 1831 Election of Mauro Alberto Cappeliari as Pope Gregory XVI. (1831 – 1846) All Roads Lead to Rome. 1831

The first Mass was celebrated on 15.05.1803. The Gov. revoked permission

in 1804 after the Castle Hill revolt on 14.03.1804.

1808 Men were drawn to Edmund Rice and his work in Waterford for justice for

the poor youth of the city and lived in community with him.

In 1808, along with Edmund, they were professed as Christian Brothers.

Edmund Rice Education Australia

1814 Matthew Flinders’ book “A Voyage to Terra Australis”, published on the

day of his death, 17.06.1814, recommended use of the name Australia

instead of New Holland.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1814 Death of Arthur Phillip, the first Governor of NSW, at his home in Bath,

England on 31.08.1814. (Born 11.10.1738) Buried at Bathampton.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1817 Marist Brothers (F.M.S.) founded by Blessed Marcellin Champagnat at

Lavalla, France.

Wake Up The World!

2015 Year of Consecrated Life

1820 Death of George III (1760 – 1820) (29.01.1820) Encyclopaedia Britannica

1820 Coronation of George IV (1820 – 1830) Encyclopaedia Britannica

1821 Napoleon Bonaparte died in exile on the island of St. Helena on 05.05.1821. Encyclopaedia Britannica

1823 Death of Pope Pius VII on 20.07.1823. (1800 – 1823) All Roads Lead to Rome.

1823 Election of Annibale delle Genga as Pope Leo XII (1823 – 1829) All Roads Lead to Rome.

1823 Oxley discovered the Brisbane River 02.12.1823. Brisbane History Timeline 1823 - 1959

1824 On 10.09.1824, a penal settlement was established at Redcliffe on Moreton

Bay, then still part of New South Wales.

The following February it was moved to the Brisbane River where the city

of Brisbane now stands (1825 to 1842).

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1826 In 1826, Queensland’s first school was conducted in the Moreton Bay

settlement of NSW by Mrs Esther Roberts, a soldier’s wife. Her school was

actually administered by the Anglican Church because in those days it was

generally believed that it was the duty of the Church to conduct schools.

Queensland Governmen


A brief history

1828 The first official census shows a European population of 36,595 in NSW. Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1828 Death of Pope Leo XII on 10.02.1829 (1823 – 1829) All Roads Lead to Rome.

1829 The British anti-Catholic Penal Laws in Ireland preventing Catholics from

entering the professions, attending Mass in public and receiving an

education were eventually dropped in 1829.

Edmund Rice Education Australia

1829 Election of Francesco Xaverio Castiglioni as Pope Pius VIII (1829 – 1830) All Roads Lead to Rome.

1830 Death of Pope Pius VIII on 30.11.1930. (1829 – 1830) All Roads Lead to Rome.

1830 Death of King George IV (1820 – 1830) Encyclopaedia Britannica

1830 Birth of John Melton Black in Edinburgh. (Founder of Townsville in 1864) Encyclopaedia Britannica

1830 Coronation of King William IV (1830 – 1837) Encyclopaedia Britannica

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1831 Election of Mauro Alberto Cappeliari as Pope Gregory XVI. (1831 – 1846) All Roads Lead to Rome.

1831 The Sisters of Mercy (RSM) were founded by Catherine McAuley in

Dublin, Ireland 12.12.1831.

Townsville Bulletin - Catholic News

Supplement, 24.09.2015, page 6

1832 Birth of Julian Tenison Woods on 15.11.1832. Baptised in Southwark,

England on 01.02.1833. Co-founder of the Sisters of St. Joseph in 1866.

Josephite 2009 Calendar

1833 On 23.05.1833, Frederick Ozanam and five other men, graduates of the

Sorbonne University in Paris, founded a conference of charity, which later

became the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

St. Vincent de Paul was chosen by the first Conference as Patron Saint,

because he was a model of Christian Charity, humility and love.

St Francis Conference

Sacred heart Parish, Ayr, 1938 – 1988,

page 11,

Mrs Evelyn Newman

1834 On 12.05.1834, the Vicariate Apostolic of New Holland was erected and Dr.

John Bede Polding, an English Benedictine monk who would arrive in

Sydney on 13.09.1835, was appointed Vicar Apostolic with jurisdiction

over what is now the Commonwealth of Australia.

Catholic Enquiry Centre.

1835 Halley’s Comet reappeared. (1835 – 1910 – 1985) A Brief History of Halley’s Comet

Revised extracts by Ian Redpath

1835 On 13.09 1835, Australia’s first Catholic Bishop, John Bede Polding,

arrived in Sydney.

Australian Directory of Biography

Polding, John Bede by Bede Nairn

1836 The first public holiday ever marked in Australia was announced for

January 26, Empire Day. In 1911, Cardinal Moran, the Archbishop of

Sydney, suggested Australia Day as an alternative to Empire Day.



1836 Australia’s first Anglican Bishop, William Grant Broughton, was

consecrated as Bishop of Australia on 14.02.1836 in Lambeth Palace

Chapel, London. Enthroned at St. James, Sydney, 03.06.1836.

Australian Directory of Biography

Broughton, William Grant

By K. J. Cable

1837 Death of King William IV on 20.06.1837. (1830 – 1837) Royal Family History

1838 Australia’s first nurses arrived in Sydney from Ireland with three assistants.

The nurses were two nuns who had been trained in Paris.

The group spent the next ten years working among the prisoners of the

women’s gaol in Parramatta.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1838 Coronation of Queen Victoria on 28.06.1838. (1837 – 1901) Royal Family History

1839 Prickly Pear was introduced into Australia as a decorative pot plant at Scone

in the central west of New South Wales. By 1916, it was estimated to be

increasing at the rate of a million acres a year. The Cactoblastis moth was

introduced from Argentina to combat the pear in 1925.

This Fabulous Century

Peter Luck

1840 The mouth of the Burdekin (Wickham) River was discovered by Captain

Wickham during a survey voyage of the H.M.S. Beagle.

(For years, the river was called the Wickham until Dr. L. Leichhardt

Clare Centenary

The first years 1882 – 1982, page 6

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renamed it the Burdekin, while on a Northern Expedition, after Thomas

Burdekin of Sydney, who was a benefactor of the Leichhardt Expedition).

Planting the True Vine (Parish of Ayr)

1912 – 1987. Br. Ken Rae FMS, p. 8

1840 Wedding of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert on 10.02.1840. Royal Family History

1840 Bishop Polding popularised the name “Australia” when he declared as early

as 1840 that the people in Australia were no longer English, Irish, Scottish

etc. but Australians.

Catholic Enquiry Centre.

1840 Death of Marcellen Benedict Champagnat, founder of the Marist Brothers,

on 06.06.1840.

Townsville Catholic News,

Aug. 1970

1841 On 04.04.1841, the 9th President of the USA, William Henry Harrison, died

of pneumonia, 38 days after taking office. He was the last President born as

a British subject and the first President to die in office.

Bio. – William Henry Harrison

1841 On 03.04.1841, The British government declared New Zealand a separate

Colony from New South Wales, effective from 01.07.1841.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1841 On 24.05.1841, gas was introduced to Sydney for lighting purposes. Townsville Daily Bulletin, 14.11.1946, p.4

1842 On 15.01.1842, Mary Mackillop was born in Fitzroy, Melbourne, to

Scottish parents - baptised on 28.02.1842.

(Co-founder of Sisters of St. Joseph).

Townsville Bulletin - Catholic News

Supplement, 17.09.2009,

page 5.

1842 On 27.04.1842, Fr. William Mason Walsh was born in Ardfinnan, Co.

Tipperary, Ireland. He was ordained in 1864 and became Townsville’s

second Parish Priest in 1878.

Townsville Catholic News, Jul. 1966

Photo in TCN Jul. 1966

1842 On 20.07 1842, Sydney was declared a city. Townsville Daily Bulletin, 14.11.1946, p.4

1842 All Hallows College was founded in Dublin, Ireland, by Fr. John Hand, to

provide priests for foreign missions. (1842 – 2016)

Centenary of the Catholic Diocese of

Rockhampton Page 90

1843 On 13.12.1843, Frs. John Kavanagh and James Hanley arrived in Brisbane. Foundation of the Catholic Church in Qld.

1844 On 11.10.1844, Dr. Ludwig Leichardt set out from Jimbour Station, near

Dalby on the Darling Downs (Qld.) with 8 men and 2 natives for Port

Essington (N.T.). He discovered the Mackenzie, Isaacs and Suttor Rivers.

He then discovered the Burdekin (Wickham) River and followed it to its

source in the Main Divide.

Townsville Daily Bulletin,

Thursday 14.11.1946,

Page 4

Clare Centenary

The first years 1882 – 1982, page 6

1845 On 08.03.1845, Fr. Duncan McNab was ordained to the priesthood in


Australian Dictionary of Biography

McNab, Duncan by H. J. Gibbney

1845 German explorer Dr. Ludwig Leichardt named the Burdekin River on

02.04.1845 during his journey from the Darling Downs through Queensland

and across the Gulf Country to Port Essington in the present day Northern


Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

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1845 Beginning of the Great Potato Famine in Ireland. (1845 – 1849) Encyclopaedia Britannica

1846 Led by Mother Ursula Frayne, the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) came to Perth in

Western Australia in 1846.

Townsville Bulletin - Catholic News

Supplement, 20.03.2003, page 5

1846 On 08.03.1846, the barque “Peruvian”, on route from Sydney to China, was

wrecked on the Barrier Reef, and the survivors, 7 out of 22, were washed

ashore on Cape Cleveland (near the future settlement of Townsville) after

having been 44 days on a raft.

Although being well treated by the natives, they all died except a man

named James Morrill who lived with them for 18 years.

The Catholic Press

Thursday 18 September 1913, page 37

The Canberra Times

Tuesday, December 31, 1929

Page 4

1846 Death of Pope Gregory XVI on 01.06.1846. (1831 – 1846) All Roads Lead to Rome.

1846 Election of Giovanni Maria Mastai- Ferretti as Pope Pius IX (1846 – 78) All Roads Lead to Rome.

1846 The colony of North Australia was Gazetted on 09.11.1846. A settlement

on Port Curtis was established as the capitol of the Colony of North

Australia. (Both the settlement and the plans for a Colony of North

Australia were abandoned in May 1847. On 15.04.1847, the colony was

revoked and reincorporated into New South Wales).

(In 1854, the township of Gladstone was established on this site).

The Sydney Morning Herald

Saturday, November 14, 1846

Territorial Evolution of Australia

Friend Park, Barney Point

1846 23.09.1846 - Discovery of planet Neptune, the eight and farthest known

planet from the Sun in the Solar System.

It is the fourth largest planet by diameter in the Solar System.

Cool Cosmos

World Universe Missions Gallery


1847 On 30.03.1847, Fr. McGinty arrived in Australia. Foundation of the Catholic Church in Qld.

1848 The first two Austrian Jesuits set foot in Adelaide in 1848, the first two Irish

in Melbourne 1865, and three more Austrians along with one of the first

native born Australians to become a Jesuit landed in Darwin in 1882.

(In 1901, the three groups were merged to form the Australian Mission).

A History of the Jesuits in Australia

1848 Explorer Edmund Kennedy was speared by Aboriginals near Port Albany,

Cape York, in Dec. 1848. He died in the arms of his devoted friend, Jackey

Jackey who alone reached the supply ship waiting at Albany Passage.

Australian Dictionary of Biography

1848 A Native Mounted Police Force was recruited in the Moreton Bay

Settlement for the protection of herds, flocks, property and lives.

The Queensland Native Mounted Police

By Sergeant A. Whittington

1848 The California Gold Rush was touched off when James Marshall, an

American carpenter and sawmill operator reported the finding of gold at

Coloma on the American River in California on 24.01.1848.

Legends of America

1848 In March 1848, explorer Dr. Ludwig Leichardt left Moreton Bay on his

second attempt to cross Australia from east to west but disappeared in

Central Australia around April 1850.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

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1850 Victoria, Van Dieman’s Land, West Australia and South Australia became

separate colonies.

Colonies and their governments

1851 Settled in 1847 and known as “Wide Bay Village”, Maryborough was not

declared a township until 1851.

Maryborough – History and Culture

1851 The first payable gold deposits were found by Edward Hargraves at Ophir,

near Bathurst, NSW on 12.02.1851. Further discoveries were made near

Ballarat in central Victoria, on 08.09.1851.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1852 Fr. McGinty arrived in Brisbane on 22.08.1852. Foundation of the Catholic Church in Qld.

1852 On 11.10.1852, Sydney University was inaugurated and became Australia’s

first university. The University of Sydney Act was passed on 24.09.1850

and was assented by Sir Charles Fitzroy on 01.10.1852.

History of Australian Universities

1854 The township of Gladstone was established on the site of the former capitol

of the Colony of North Australia at Port Curtis, which was abandoned in

December 1847.

Territorial Evolution of Australia

Friend Park, Barney Point

1854 On 03.12.1854 at the Eureka Stockade in Ballarat, Vic., a battle between

government troops and gold miners led by Peter Lalor claimed the lives of 6

soldiers and 22 miners.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1854 On 08.12.1854, the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception was proclaimed

as infallible by Pope Pius IX in the formal proclamation, “Ineffabilis Deus”.

Catholic Encyclopedia

Immaculate Conception

1855 Julian Tenison Woods arrived in Australia on 30.01.1855.

He was ordained in 1857. (Co-founder of the Sisters of St. Joseph.)

Josephite 2009 Calendar

1855 The first railway in New South Wales was constructed between Sydney and


Townsville Daily Bulletin,

Thursday 14.11.1946, page 4

1855 John Melton Black migrated from Scotland to New South Wales arriving at

Sydney in September 1855.

Australian Dictionary of Biography

Black, John (1817 – 1879)

1856 Extract from the Herald, 1 May 1856

The stonemasons have succeeded, at least in all the building trades in

enforcing the eight hour day without effort. The employers have found it

necessary and politic to give in, and without struggle; agreeing, we believe,

to pay the same amount of wages as formerly for ten hours’ labour.

ERGO Research Resources

Winning the 8-hour day

1856 First building erected on future site of the City of Rockhampton. (1858) Centenary of the Cath. Dio. of Rock.

1857 Ordination of Julian Tenison Woods in Adelaide on 04.01.1857.

Co-founder of Sisters of St. Joseph.

Josephite 2009 Calendar

1857 Outbreak of the Indian Mutiny. (10.05.1857 to 08.07.1858) Encyclopaedia Britannica

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1857 The Congregation of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan of the Order of Saint

Benedict was the first congregation of religious sisters founded in Australia.

Archbishop John Bede Polding, an English Benedictine monk and

Australia’s first bishop, founded the congregation in Pitt Street in July 1857.

Townsville Catholic News, Oct. 1957.

Townsville Bulletin-Catholic News

Supplement, 16.08.2007, page 5.

1858 Our Lady appeared for the first time to Bernadette Soubirous, a peasant girl,

at Lourdes in France on Thursday 12.02.1858.

Townsville Catholic News,

Apr. 1958

1858 By March 1858, stonemasons led by James Spence and Henry Cox had

formed the first trade union in the Brisbane region and had succeeded in

gaining their objective of a 48 hour week.

A History of Queensland

By Raymond Evans

Page 68

1858 Our Lady appeared to Bernadette Soubirous for the final time on Thursday

16.07.1858, the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

Townsville Catholic News,

Apr. 1958

1858 The first game of Victorian Rules football was played on 07.08.1858

between students of Scotch College and Melbourne Grammar. Thomas

Wills and Henry Harrison drafted the first official rules the following year.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1858 Rockhampton was proclaimed a town and the Port of Rockhampton was


Centenary of the Catholic Diocese of


1858 Gold discovered at Canoona – 35 miles from Rockhampton in July 1858. Qld. Frontier – G. Pike

1859 On April 12, 1859, Pope Pius IX erected a new diocese with its seat in

Brisbane, in the territory of Moreton Bay in Australia, a suffragan of the

Archdiocese of Sydney.

Two days later, on April 14, 1859, Fr. James Quinn, priest of the

Archdiocese of Dublin, was preconised Bishop of Brisbane by the Pope.

(1859 – 1881) His consecration took place in Dublin on 29.06.1859.

(He changed his name to O’Quinn in 1875)

Foundation of the Catholic Church

in Queensland

The Catholic Leader

12.04.2009, page 13

(Easter Sunday 2009)

1859 On 06.06.1859, the colony of Queensland was separated from New South

Wales. Brisbane, with a population of 6000, was made the capital.

(Sir George Ferguson Bowen was appointed as the new colony’s first

Governor on 10.12.1859.

Sir Robert Wyndham was selected to serve as Colonial Secretary to lead an

interim government until elections for the first parliament were held.).

Penal Colony and Early Settlement History

Queensland Parliament

1859 Captain Henry Daniel Sinclair in his nine ton schooner, the “Santa

Barbara”, discovered Port Denison (the future town of Bowen) on

16.10.1859. He was assisted by James Gordon, Benjamin Poole and W. H.

Thomas as mate.

A Souvenir of the Silver Jubilee 1911 –

1936 of St. Mary’s Church, Bowen

compiled by Brian McWilliams.

1859 Domesticated rabbits were kept since the arrival of the first fleet, but in

1859, a small shipment of wild rabbits was imported on the clipper

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

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“Lightning”. They were released from Thomas Austin’s property near

Geelong in Victoria on 25.12.1859 to provide hunting for the gentleman

farmer. Controls were not commenced until 1950.

1859 Charles Robert Darwin, naturalist, published “On the Origin of Species by

Means of Natural Selection”.

Australian Dictionary of Biography

Darwin, Charles Robert by K. A. Townley

1860 Queensland’s first elections occurred between 27.04. 1860 and 11.05.1860.

The inaugural meeting of Queensland’s first parliament occurred on


Queensland Parliament

1860 On 05.12.1960, the Right Rev. James O’Quinn, first Bishop of Brisbane,

accompanied by five priests (including Fr. Cani, the first Bishop of the

Rockhampton Diocese) and six Sisters of Mercy from the Mother House in

Baggott Street, Dublin (including Mother Vincent Whitty and Mother

Bridget) left Liverpool on the sailing ship, “Donald McKay” bound for


Catholic Leader,


Page 7.

1861 On 10.04.1861, George Elphinstone Dalrymple, explorer, squatter and

Commissioner for Crown Lands in the Kennedy District of North

Queensland led a party of squatters and Native Police on to the beach at

Port Denison.


John P. Maguire

Page 9.

1861 The event that triggered the American Civil War came at Fort Sumter in

Charleston Bay on 12.04.1861when the Confederate Army opened fire on

the federal garrison and forced it to lower the American flag in surrender.

Civil War Trust

A Brief Overview of the American Civil

War (1861 – 1865)

1861 After arrival in Melbourne where they were quarantined at Port Nepean for

a time, Bishop O’Quinn with his five priests and six Sisters of Mercy led by

Mother Vincent Whitty, sailed for Sydney on the coastal steamer “Yarra

Yarra” and later sailed for Brisbane where they arrived on 10.05.1861 on

another steamer, the “Wonga Wonga”. Bishop O’Quinn found that his

Diocese comprised the whole of Queensland in the care of only two priests,

Dean Rigney of Brisbane and Fr. McGinty of Ipswich.

Catholic Leader, 10.12.1931, page 7.

Catholic Education in Queensland Vol. 1

Page 5, Susan Mary Tobin

Townsville Catholic News,

Aug. 1936, page 5, Sep. 1964.

1861 The first sale of land for the future township of Bowen was held in Brisbane

in 1861. Bowen was named in honour of the first Governor of Queensland,

Sir George Ferguson Bowen.

A Souv. of the Silver Jubilee 1911 – 1936 of

St. Mary’s Church, (Brian McWilliams.)

1861 Death of explorers Burke and Wills at Cooper’s Creek in June 1861. “Australia Through Time” 2005 Edition.

1861 Gold discovered at Sandy Creek, Clermont. Qld. Frontier – G. Pike

1861 Archer won the first Melbourne Cup on 07.11.1861 The Sun 18.12.1989

1861 Death of Prince Albert, Queen Victoria’s Consort (1840 – 1861), on

14.12.1861, caused by a virulent bout of typhoid fever.

Historyextra: The death that rocked the


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1862 The first white men to pass through the Richmond Shire were William

Landsborough and his expedition, who in February 1862, while searching

for the lost explorers Burke and Wills, followed the Flinders River and

named O’Connell Creek, near the present town of Richmond.

Later in 1862, Bundock and Hays took up a run which they named

Richmond Downs.

It was from this run that the town of Richmond derived its name.

Richmond Shire Council

Townsville Catholic Archives

Ref. 775/5

1862 On Friday 17.03.1862, St. Patrick’s Day, William Landsborough and his

search party camped on the present day site of Hughenden.

Memorabilia of Hughenden and District

Townsville Catholic Archives, Ref. 775/5

1862 The first land sale in Bowen was held in 1862 when a block was purchased

in the names of James Quinn (First Bishop in Queensland) and William

McGinty for a parish centre.

(Townsville Catholic News, Aug. 36, page 5, Dec. 54, page 7, & Dec. 63)

A Souvenir of the Silver Jubilee 1911 –

1936 of St. Mary’s Church, Bowen

compiled by Brian McWilliams.

1862 The City of Mackay was settled in 1862, named after Captain John Mackay

who discovered the valley of the Pioneer River.


Mackay City – Qld Australia

1862 On 07.04.1862, a treaty between the United States and Great Britain for the

Suppression of the Slave Trade was concluded in Washington. Ratifications

were exchanged at London on 25.05.1862 and the treaty was proclaimed by

the President of the United States on 07.06.1862.

Yale Law School

The Avalon Project

British-American Diplomacy

1862 The first Mass in Rockhampton was celebrated in the Courthouse, by

visiting priests, Frs. J. Scully and P. Duhig on 03.05.1862

Petra Jan. 1923

1862 A series of droughts occurred around Queensland between 1862 and 1869,

with a severe drought lasting from 1867 to 1869.

Economic Development in Qld during the

Nineteenth Century-UQ eSpace, page 62

1862 James Morrill, survivor of the 1846 wreck of the “Peruvian”, came across a

shepherd’s hut on Jarvisfield Station (Lower Burdekin) and returned to

civilisation in Dec. 1862 after having lived with the natives for 17 years.

Planting the True Vine (A history of the

Catholic School & Parish of Ayr.)

1912 – 1987 (Br. Ken Rae F.M.S.)

1863 Settlement of the Lower Burdekin District commenced with the occupation

of Inkerman and Jarvisfield Stations.

Plantation Creek was used as a landing place.

Silver Jubilee of the Sacred Heart Church,

Ayr 1912-37

Planting the True Vine, page 10.

1863 Robert Towns acquired from the banks, Fanning Downs, Woodstock and

other pastoral properties between the Burdekin River and Cleveland Bay.

John Melton Black, the pioneer of Fanning Downs, was appointed General

Manager of the northern branch of Robert Towns and Coy.

Townsville Daily Bulletin,

Thursday 14.11.1946, page 4

1863 Rockhampton’s first church, St. Patrick’s, was blessed and opened by Fr.

Moynahan on 04.01.1863.

Petra Jan. 1923

1863 On 24.11.1863, Ernest Henry set out from Mt. McConnell to seek new 100 Years of Development in Hughenden

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country. On the Flinders River, he took up land, which he named

Hughenden Station after Hughenden Manor, his mother’s childhood home

in England. The township was laid out in the same area in 1876.

and District 1863 – 1963

Townsville Catholic Archives

Ref. 775/5

1863 First recorded use of electric light in Australia, at the Sydney Observatory.

The Power was supplied by batteries.

It commemorated the wedding of the Prince of Wales.

Electrical & Electronic &

Telecommunications History Milestones in

Australia – Revised: Jan 2007

1863 In May 1863, Queensland businessman Robert Towns imported the first

Kanaka Labourers to work on the Queensland Sugar plantations.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1863 Fr. Charles Murlay, a powerful raw-boned Frenchman, became the first

known priest to visit the future Diocese of Townsville when he arrived at

the outpost of Bowen on board the “S.S. Eagle” on 01.08.1863 and

remained until 09.09.1863.

(He was well supported in Bowen; a very aged colonial Protestant resident

has placed his name down for £10 in aid of a Roman Catholic Church for


He then proceeded to the Burdekin area and returned overland to

Rockhampton to become its first resident priest in Nov. 1863.

Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton)1863

Prologue, John P. Maguire, page 9.

Petra Jan. 1923

The North Australian

Saturday 10 October 1863

Page 3

1864 On 22.01.1864, George Elphinstone Dalrymple with his partner Arthur

Jervois Scott and 18 other souls landed from the schooner “Policeman” on

the shores of Port Hinchinbrook (Cardwell) in Rockingham Bay.

On 26.01.1864 they moved their camp to a site which became the township

of Cardwell and the port for the Valley of Lagoons Station and other

pastoral holdings on the headwaters of the Burdekin and Herbert Rivers

The Brisbane Courier

Wednesday 17 August 1864

Page 6

1864 Birth of Andrew Barton (Banjo) Patterson poet, solicitor, war journalist and

soldier on 17.02.1864 at Narrambla near Orange, NSW. (1864 – 1941)

Australian Dictionary of Biography

1864 Newspaper item

Among the passengers for Rockhampton, by the Queensland, we notice the

names of the Rev. Wm. McGinty.

We understand his destination is Port Denison.

Queensland Times,

4th February 1864.

Port Denison Times,

5th March 1864.

1864 Extract from the Gazette

Rev. William McGinty, minister of the Roman Catholic Church, formerly

registered as a minister of religion for the celebration of marriages in the

Colony of Queensland, is now registered as residing at Bowen.

The Courier (Brisbane)

Monday 8th February 1864,

Page 2.

1864 The first parish in North Queensland (1864 to 1871) was established at


Fr. William McGinty, late of St. Paul’s, Ipswich, (credited as being the

“Founding Father” of the Church in North Queensland) officiated for the

Queensland Times, 04.02.1864.

The Courier, (Brisbane) 08.02.1864 p. 2

The Foundation of the Catholic Church in

Queensland By Denis W. Martin page 175

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first time as pastor of the new parish on 16.4.1864.

(The parish was re-established for the second time in 1893)

T’ville Catholic News, Aug. 36 & Sep. 64

Prologue, John P. Maguire, page 9.

1864 The Abergowrie District was discovered by explorer George Elphinstone

Dalrymple on 24.04.1864.

Walks, Tracks & Trails

Wet Tropics Great Walk

1864 Port Denison (Bowen)

We have a church finished which will, I understand, be opened for divine

worship on Sunday week; the building, a substantial wooden structure 50 by

25, is rather out of the present part of the town but will eventually be in the

centre. It is little more than three months since the Rev. Mr McGinty, the

Roman Catholic Clergyman, arrived in the town etc.

Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and

General Advertiser

Thursday 7 July 1864.

(From the Correspondent of the Northern

Argus – Bowen, June 17)

1864 William Mason Walsh was ordained in Ireland for the Diocese of Brisbane.

He was to become Townsville’s second parish priest in 1878, succeeding Fr.

Connolly. Fr. Walsh was responsible for the building of Townsville’s

Sacred Heart Church in which he was laid to rest in 1908. (This church

became the Cathedral when Townsville became a Diocese in 1930).

Townsville Catholic News,

Jul. 1966

Photo in TCN Jul. 1966

1864 John Melton Black (northern manager for Robert Towns and Co. in 1864)

had selected grazing land at Fanning River, Woodstock and a 120 km strip

of coastal country between Bowling Green Bay and Halifax Bay.

The distance from Bowen to Woodstock Station was 100 miles whereas the

coast at Cleveland Bay could be reached in a quarter of that distance.

Black desired a port nearer than Bowen and on the north side of the

Burdekin River.

In June, acting on instructions from Black, Andrew Ball accompanied by

Mark Reid travelled to Cleveland Bay. They came around the northern side

of Castle Hill and then back down the beach where they discovered the

mouth of Ross Creek and made their permanent Camp.

The Catholic Press

Thursday 18 September 1913

Page 37

Townsville Daily Bulletin

Wednesday 10.10.1945, page 3

Thursday 14.11.1946, page 4

Sun Community Newspapers,


Page 5

1864 When John Melton Black arrived at the campsite in Cleveland Bay, he set

about establishing the settlement of “Castletown” which was laid out by

Clarendon Stuart in July 1864. By November, a jetty had been constructed

and a storage shed erected. The first settlers arrived at Castletown

(Townsville) to establish a port on 05.11.1864. The settlement was

included in the charge of the Pastor of Bowen from 1864 to 1867.

A Souvenir of the Silver Jubilee 1911-36

of St. Mary’s Church, Bowen

Compiled by Brian McWilliams.

(alias of Rev. Dr. Kevin Kelly)

1864 A police camp was established at the southern extent of George

Dalrymple’s pastoral land, the future location of a township (Dalrymple).

The township became a crossing of the Burdekin River for travellers headed

west from Townsville. (In 1868, it was formally named “Dalrymple”).


Dalrymple, Queensland.

1864 The Port of Wickham on Rita Island at the mouth of the Burdekin River was

destroyed by a flood.

Planting the True Vine (Parish of Ayr)

1912 – 1987. Br. Ken Rae FMS, p. 8

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1865 Bushranger Dan “Mad Dog” Morgan was shot during a siege in Victoria on

11.04.1865 and Bushranger Ben Hall was ambushed and shot by police on

the Lachlan Plain near Forbes, NSW, on 06.05.1865.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1865 The American Civil War (1861-1865) finally ended when General Grant

accepted General Robert E. Lee’s surrender at Appomattox Court House on

09.04.1865 and General Sherman received General Johnson’s surrender at

Durham Station, North Carolina on 26.04,1865.

President Lincoln was assassinated by Confederate sympathizer John

Wilkes Booth at Ford’s Theatre in Washington on 14.04.1865, five days

after the surrender of Lee.


American Civil War

1865 Henry Stone, an Englishman who established the Vale of Herbert Station, a

halfway point between Port Hinchinbrook (Cardwell) and the Valley of

Lagoons Station in 1865, was recognised as the first settler of the Herbert

River District.

Portrait of a Parish – A History of St.

Patrick’s Church and Parish 1864-1996

Bianka Vidonja Balanzategui,

page xxxiv

1865 Pierre Marie Bucas was ordained to the priesthood in Auckland, New


Central Queensland Herald, Thu. 30.10.30.

1865 Port Denison (Bowen)

We have a Roman Catholic clergyman, who continues to receive a stipend

from the New South Wales Government, and has a passable church wherein

to hold divine service.

The Brisbane Courier

Monday 12 June 1865

Page 1

1865 Report by a Bowen correspondent for the Brisbane Courier

On Sunday morning, July 23, the people of Bowen heard, for the first time,

the glad sound of a church bell; it was that of the Roman Catholic Church –

the first resident minister being the Rev. William McGinty, late of St. Paul’s,

Ipswich, Queensland.

The Brisbane Courier,


Page 4 of a supplement.

1865 The first Queensland railway opened in July 1865, from Ipswich to


Triumph of Narrow Gauge, John Kerr

A History of Qld. Railway

1865 Andrew Ball, who really discovered the present site of Townsville, was

anxious to name the township “Castletown” as it reminded him of his native

district near Dublin. However, after the first land sale of allotments took

place in Bowen on 31.07.1865, the Surveyor General of Queensland, Sir A.

C. Gregory proclaimed that the settlement, which had been known as

Cleveland Bay, was to be named Townsville, in honour of the Hon. Robert

Towns. John Melton Black had already begun erecting buildings on town

allotments as he considered he would be protected because his company

held large pastoral leases and he wanted to push the development of

Cleveland Bay as a port.

Cummins and Campbell

Monthly Magazine Feb. 1942

Townsville Daily Bulletin

Wednesday 10.10.1945, page 3

Thursday 14.11.1946, page 4

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1865 Bushranger James MacPherson (The Wild Scotsman) held up the

Codrington Hotel, a shanty pub on the Houghton River, south of


Sunday Mail Magazine 17.12.1989

1865 Newspaper Wedding notice

On the 26th August, at the Catholic Church, Bowen, Port Denison, by the

Rev. W. McGinty, Mr. Patrick Ahern, to Miss Mary Anne Wilson, both late

of Ipswich, in the Colony of Queensland and now of Bowen in the same


Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald

& General Advertiser,

Saturday 9th September 1865,

Page 2.

1865 The first recorded birth in Townsville was William Townsville Boyes, on


Townsville - An Early History

1865 Townsville was officially named and Cleveland Bay declared a “Port of

Entry” on 10.10.1865.

Townsville - An Early History

1865 Death of James Morrill in Bowen aged 41 years, on 30.10.1865.

He was buried in the local cemetery.

Australian Dictionary of Biography

Morrill, James (1824 – 1865)

1865 Joseph Lister (1827 – 1912) carried out germ free surgery in England using

Carbolic Acid as an antiseptic.

Lister first used his new antiseptic surgical technique in March 1865.

Medical Discoveries

Lister, Joseph

1865 Gold discovered in Keelbottom Creek.

The Star goldfield stretched from Keelbottom Creek to Running River,

north of Charters Towers and west of Townsville and the Paluma Range.

A Short History of Thuringowa

Project of the City of Thuringowa

Pages 25 & 26

1865 In 1865, pioneer settler, Charles Saville built the Eureka Hotel in

Thornton’s Gap atop Hervey’s Range on the old Georgetown Road.

This was the main road from the port of Townsville to the gold fields and

pastoral areas to the west and north.

History of Hervey’s Range

Heritage Tea Rooms

1865 The 13th Amendment adopted on 18.12.1865, officially abolished slavery in

the United States of America

Slavery in America

1866 On Thursday 15.02.1866, the A.S.N. Rangatira arrived on its first visit to

Cleveland Bay. On board were Fr. William McGinty, Rev. C. Searle the

Anglican minister from Bowen and Robert Towns who was making his first

and only visit to the new settlement.

On Friday 16.02.1866, Townsville was proclaimed a municipality with John

Melton Black elected as its first Mayor.

On the following Sunday (18.02.1866), in the little Court and Customs

House on Melton Hill, (the first municipal building), Fr. McGinty

celebrated the first Divine Service held by a minister of the Gospel in

Cleveland Bay.

Townsville Catholic News,

Mar. 42, Jan. 64, Jun. 66, page 7 & Nov. 72

Townsville Daily Bulletin

Wednesday 10.10.1945, page 3

Thursday 14.11.1946, page 4

Prologue, John P. Maguire, page 12

Catholicism in Queensland – fifty years of

progress, Victor L. Gray 1910

1866 Townsville’s first bank, The Australian Joint Stock Bank, was opened on Townsville - An Early History

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Friday 16.02.1866. P. & A. Lawson

1866 On St. Joseph’s Day, 19.03.1866, Mary MacKillop and her two sisters,

Lexie and Annie, established the first St Joseph’s School in a stable at

Penola, South Australia.

Mary wore a black dress and signed off as “Mary, Sister of St Joseph”.

(1866 to 1871 – Mary excommunicated – reopened 1877)

Mary MacKillop Memorial - History

Townsville Bulletin - Catholic News

Supplement, 17.09.2009, page 5

Catholic Education in Queensland

Vol. 1 Susan Mary Tobin

1866 On 18.06 1866, Fr. William McGinty performed the first official Catholic

Baptism in Townsville of one Michael Galvin, son of William and Margaret


Prologue, John P. Maguire

Page 12

1866 From 1866 to 1872, Fr. James P. M. Connolly from Brisbane and Dean

Morley from Rockhampton visited the remote settlement of Townsville.

Townsville Catholic News,

Nov. 1972

1866 Townsville’s first newspaper, The Cleveland Bay Herald and Northern

Pioneer, appeared on Saturday 03.03.1866.

Townsville - An Early History

P. & A. Lawson

1866 Townsville’s first mayor, John Melton Black, was elected on 26.04.1866.

1866 Fr William McGinty purchased four allotments at a land sale in Bowen on


Port Denison Times, 30.06.1866

1866 Kanaka labour was introduced to Townsville on a sugar and cotton

plantation established on Ross Island by Robert Towns and Co.

Townsville Daily Bulletin

Wednesday 10.10.1945, page 3

1866 The Flinders and Burdekin Race Club held their first race meeting at

Townsville’s Cleveland Park in the Garbutt area on 15.08.1866.

A History of the Townsville Turf Club

Townsville - An Early History

1866 The Telegraph reached Bowen from Brisbane on 20.10.1866.

Bowen became the Northern Telegraph Centre, connected to New South

Wales, Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia.

Cardwell Shire Story P.133

Clare Centenary

The first years 1882 – 1982, page 16

1866 A coal seam outcrop was discovered on Pelican Creek, near Collinsville by

Richard Daintree.

MIMAG 3 / 88

1866 By December 1866, Townsville had already become a thriving seaport with

considerable trade, two banks and several hotels and stores, as well as a


Townsville Daily Bulletin

Wednesday 10.10.1945,

Page 3

1866 During 1866, the Rev. James Hassall (Anglican) visited the Hughenden

District. He was the first Christian Minister of Religion to visit these parts.

Memorabilia of Hughenden and District

Townsville Catholic Archives, Ref. 775/5

1867 On 2/3.03.1867, a cyclone destroyed nearly every building in Townsville

during a 12 hour battering. Many displaced citizens crowded into the

courthouse and police lockup for safety. At this time, the settlement lacked

a hospital, ambulance, fire brigade or church of any kind.

Later in the year, a makeshift two room cottage on the Strand was opened as

Townsville’s first hospital.

(This was replaced a year later by a four ward building on Ross Island).

The Cleveland Bay Express

The Catholic Press, 18.09.1913, p.37

Townsville Book – Doherty

Townsville Bulletin Special Publication

Moments in Time – Part 9, page 5

March 2015

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1867 Alfred Nobel, (1833 to 1896) a Swedish scientist, invented dynamite. Life & Career of Alfred Nobel

1867 Fr. Julian Tenison Woods drew up the first Rule for the Sisters of St. Joseph

of the Sacred Heart on 11.05.1867.

Josephite 2009 Calendar

1867 On 20.05.1867, Ernest Henry discovered the rich outcrop of copper ore on

the Cloncurry river, which was later known as the Great Australian Copper


Australian Dictionary of Biography

Henry, Ernest

by Clem Jack

1867 Gold discovery on the Upper Cape River, 250 km southwest of Townsville,

announced on 12.06.1867.

Cardwell Shire Story

page 136

1867 On 30.03.1867, the United States reached an agreement to purchase Alaska

from Russia for a price of $7.2 million.

The Library of Congress

Primary Documents in American History

1867 On 29.07.1867, Fr. Duncan McNab arrived at Melbourne in the clipper ship,

“Chariot of Fame”.

Australian Dictionary of Biography

McNab, Duncan by H. J. Gibbney

1867 Mary MacKillop was professed and took her first vows on 15.08.1867. Josephite 2009 Calendar

1867 Fr. Pierre Marie Bucas arrived in Sydney from New Zealand in August

1867 and was sent to Brisbane to minister to the aboriginals in the Brisbane

district. He left Sydney for Brisbane on the “Lady Young” on 18.08.1867.

The Central Queensland Herald,

Thursday 30.10.1930.

Brisbane Courier Monday 19.08.1867.

1867 Fr. William McGinty purchased another allotment of ground in Bowen. Port Denison Times, 25.9.1867

1867 The first presbytery in Bowen was believed to have been erected by Fr.

William McGinty in this year.

Archives File 56 / 917

1867 Gold discovered at Gympie by James Nash on 16.10.1867. Australian Dictionary of Biography

Nash, James, by June Stoodley

1867 Six Irish priests, including James Connolly and William Mason Walsh, left

the Queensland Diocese for Buenos Ayres, the Capital of Argentina,

because of Bishop Quinn’s harsh regime.

Fr. Walsh was attached to the mission staff for a time. He returned to

Brisbane in 1874 and was appointed to the charge of Fortitude Valley

Parish. (Query date of their departure?)

The Emergence of an Aust. Catholic

Priesthood 1835–1915 Page 62

Townsville Catholic News,

Oct. 1950.

Photo in TCN Oct. 50.

1868 Australia’s population 1,540,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1868 Colonel Samuel Wensley Blackall was appointed as Queensland’s second

Governor. (1868 – 02.01.1871)

Australian Dictionary of Biography

Blackall, Samuel Wensley by A. A.


1868 On 10.01.1868, the Sailing ship Hougomont arrived in Fremantle, West

Australia, bringing the last 279 convicts to be deported from England.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1868 50 year old Capt. H. D. Sinclair, Master of the schooner “Santa Barbara”,

and discoverer of Port Denison in 1859, drowned in Cleveland Bay during a

yacht race on 17.03.1868.

He was buried in the old West End cemetery in Townsville.

Townsville Daily Bulletin

Wednesday 10.10.1945, page 3

North Queensland Herald 05.04.1989

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1868 Bishop Quinn acquired two adjoining parcels of land in Townsville on the

corner of Fryer Street and the Strand.

Certificates of Title

10136120 and 10136121

1868 October 1868 - Gold was discovered at Ravenswood Station. The Discovery of the Ravenswood

Goldfields by Mr. H. H. C. Hurle

1868 On 17.12.1868, Adelaide Bishop Lawrence Bonaventure Shiel OFM (1866-

1872) approved the 1867 Rule drawn up by Fr. Julian Tenison Woods for

the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart.

Fr. Julian Tenison Woods:

The Penola Years and beyond

By Sr. Margaret Press RSJ

1868 During the year, Townsville’s second hospital, a 4 ward building, was

established in Townsville on Ross Island. (This was superseded in 1881 by

a two storey establishment in North Ward).

Townsville Bulletin Special Publication

Moments in Time – Part 9, page 5

March 2015

1868 The Congregation of Christian Brothers (C.F.C.) was brought to Australia

by Archbishop Goold and Br. Patrick Ambrose Tracey.

Four Brothers from Ireland arrived in Melbourne on 19.11.1868.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

Townsville Catholic News, Jun. 1968.

1869 Australia’s population 1,592,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1869 James Comerford entered the Seminary of Thurles in the Diocese of Cashel

to study for the priesthood.

Townsville Catholic News,


1869 Bishop Quinn visited Townsville landing there from Brisbane on his way to

the Cape River goldfields.

He also made the first of his two visits to Bowen. (1869 and 1872)

Catholic Education in Queensland

Vol. 1 Susan Mary Tobin

The Catholic Leader, 20.08. 1959

1869 Gold discoveries which affected the Townsville settlement:

1869 – Gilbert River - The first diggers arrived on the new field in March.

1872 – Ravenswood and Charters Towers.

1873 – Palmer River, north of Maytown & southwest of Cooktown.

1875 – Hodgkinson River.

The Rich Goldfields of Queensland

1869 Townsville’s first official school, Central State School, was established on

11.03.1869. It is now located on the site of Townsville’s first gaol

constructed in 1878. The gaol was relocated to Stuart Creek in 1891.

History –Townsville Central State School

1869 The Telegraph reached Townsville from Bowen on 15.03.1869. Cardwell Shire Story Page 133

1869 Fr. Pierre Marie Bucas was sent from Brisbane to Mackay, which was then

nine years old.

He left for the north on Sunday 16.07.1869 aboard the “Clarence”.

The Rock. & Central Qld. Advertiser,


Bulletin, 16.03.1921.

1869 A petition was circulated asking Bishop Quinn to reconsider his decision to

transfer Fr. William McGinty from Bowen.

T’ville Catholic News, Sep. & Nov. 1964.

The Port Denison Times, 17.04.1869.

1869 Fr. William McGinty retired to Port Denison just outside Bowen. He died

there on 27.11.1871 aged 52 years and was buried in the Bowen cemetery.

The Foundation of the Catholic Church in

Queensland. By Denis W.

1869 After Fr. McGinty’s retirement, Bowen seems to have become the

responsibility of Dean Murlay from Rockhampton.

Prologue, page 13

John P. Maguire

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1869 Etheridge River gold discovery announced in Oct. 1869. Cardwell Shire Story Page 137

1869 Suez Canal opened on 17.11.1869 cutting sailing time from Europe to


Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1869 The Telegraph reaches Cardwell from Townsville on 29.12.1869. The Northern Territory Overland Telegraph

1869 On 31.12.1869, six members of the Congregation of the Sisters of St.

Joseph of the Sacred Heart arrived in Brisbane from Adelaide at the

invitation of Bishop James Quinn to staff parish schools.

Catholic Education in Queensland

Vol. 1 Susan Mary Tobin

1870 Australia’s population 1,648,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1870 On 03.01.1870, school fees in Queensland were abolished.

The colony was the first in Australia to introduce such a measure.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1870 Townsville was devastated by a cyclone on 30.01.1870. A small vessel, the

“Black Prince” was driven aground and destroyed near Kissing Point.

( Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition)

Cummins & Campbell’s

Monthly Magazine Dec.1939

Cleveland Bay Express 26.02.1870

1870 Bowen was severely damaged by a cyclone on 26.02.1870. The Sydney Morning Herald

Thu 03.03.1870 page 5

1870 Charles Bradley became the first bona-fide settler in what is known today as

the Proserpine Shire. He selected land around the Gregory River on the

Bowen side of Mt. Dryander.

A Town Called Proserpine

By Mavis I. Mc Clements

Page 66

1870 Dalrymple township was built in 1864 on the western bank of the Burdekin

River. It was the first inland settlement to be surveyed in northern Australia.

In 1870, Dalrymple suffered a major setback when it was largely destroyed

by floods. In the years that followed it was abandoned due to the

exhaustion of the nearby Cape River goldfields in 1869 and the discovery of

gold in nearby Ravenswood and Charters Towers.

By 1901, the site was entirely abandoned.

Dalrymple National Park

Nature, culture and history

1870 The “Cleveland Bay Express” was wound up. Cummins & Campbell’s magazine Dec.39

Port Denison Times 04.06.1870

1870 Bushranger Captain Thunderbolt (Frederick Ward) shot dead by a young

police constable just outside Uralla in north west NSW on 26.05.1870.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1870 British troops finally left NSW on 23.08.1870 as the British government

had decided that they could no longer meet the cost of maintaining the


Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1870 The first discovery of silver in Australia was at Ravenswood.

1870 A new road was blazed from Ravenswood to Townsville by Mark Watt

Reid, manager of Woodstock Station.

1870 The “Ravenswood Miner” was established by James Smith Reid in Nov.

1870. It was published weekly for approximately 50 Years.

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1870 Townsville’s first Church of England Minister arrived.

He was the Rev. J. Adams.

1870 Bananas were grown in Queensland for the first time. Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1871 Australia’s population 1,701,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1871 CATHOLIC CHURCH – The Courier supplies the following:

The arrival of several Roman Catholic priests by the ‘Storm King’ ship from

London has necessitated considerable alterations in the arrangements of

the Diocese. Amongst the Brisbane priests, Fathers Connolly and Horan

have, as a consequence, been removed from their present sphere of labour.

Fr. Connolly proceeds in a few days to take charge of the large district at

Cleveland Bay; and Father Horan left on Wednesday evening last, per

steamer ‘Queensland” for Maryborough, to replace the Rev. Paul Tissot at

that place.

Rockhampton Bulletin and

Central Queensland Advertiser

21 March 1871

Page 2

1871 Excerpt from the Queenslander

A tea party was given in St. James’ Roman Catholic School, Fortitude

Valley, on March 20 to allow the friends of the Rev. Father Connolly an

opportunity of expressing their regard for him previous to his departure for


The Queenslander

25th March 1871

Page 2

1871 Excerpt from the Rockhampton Bulletin and Central Queensland Advertiser

Townsville, March 21.

The Rev. Dean Murlay arrived here by last “Tinon” and has held the

services of his church in the Municipal Council Chambers. A building

committee has been formed, who have canvassed the town for subscriptions

for a church, for the cost of which tenders have been called.

Rockhampton Bulletin and Central

Queensland Advertiser

Thu 6 April 1871

Page 2

1871 On 27.03.1871, the first Baptism recorded in the Townsville register was

celebrated by Fr. James Connolly. The child was Sarah Jane Campbell

whose parents were shown as residents of Bowen.

However, the first Baptism in Townsville may have been of baby Michael

Galvin on 18.02.1866. This Baptism celebrated by Fr. William McGinty

was recorded in the Bowen Baptism Register, but the parents were shown as

residents of Townsville.

St Joseph’s Baptism Register 1871-1883

Bowen Baptism Register 1864 - 1874

Townsville Catholic News, Nov. 1972

Prologue, John P. Maguire, page 12

1871 On 27.03.1871, Fr. Duncan McNab baptised Daniel Denis Sullivan in the

first Court House in the “Lower Herbert” at Palm Creek (or Sligo) as

Ingham was then called.

(Palm Creek underwent a name change in 1878 when residents elected to

name the township in memory of William Bairstow Ingham.

The name “Ingham” was not recorded in parish registers until the baptism

Townsville Catholic News,

Dec. 1959

Townsville Baptism Register.

Portrait of a Parish – A History of St.

Patrick’s Church and Parish 1864-1996

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of Mary Jane Deignan on 14.02.1884). Bianka Vidonja Balanzategui, page 4

1871 Foundations for the original St James Anglican Church in Townsville were

commenced on 24.05.1871

Townsville 100 Page 105

1871 Excerpt from the Rockhampton Bulletin and Central Queensland Advertiser

Townsville, Thu.1 June 1871

Carpenters and builders are up to their eyes in work just now. Besides

smaller private houses the following buildings are in course of erection:-

Additions to Lockup and Courthouse; Catholic church and house for the

priest; building for a Church of England, the first pile of which was placed

in position today, and Parsonage, which will be commenced very soon.

Rockhampton Bulletin and Central

Queensland Advertiser

Thu 1 June 1871

Page 2

1871 The History of a Goldfield

(From a Correspondent) Ravenswood, June 14

In religious matters, the Roman Catholic portion of our community have

undeniably taken the lead. A good round sum towards the erection of a

place of worship has already been collected, and as soon as the building is

completed, a clergyman of that denomination is to take up his permanent

abode amongst us. Hitherto but two visits have been paid to the goldfield

by the Very Rev. Dean Murlay of Rockhampton.

The Queenslander

Saturday, 8 July 1871

Page 8

1871 The first mass at Ravenswood was celebrated by Fr James Connolly who

came from Bowen to Townsville and then on to the Kirk Diggings, where

gold was first discovered. While in Ravenswood, he laid the foundation

stone for a new Roman Catholic Chapel.

(The Church upon the Hill – TCN Sep. 1967)

Port Denison Times 17.08.1871

Townsville Catholic News, Jan. 1963

Townsville Catholic News,

Sep.1968, page 3

Photo in TCN Nov. 1972

1871 Excerpt from the Cleveland Bay Express

The building (St. Joseph’s Church in Townsville) is very neat and

unpretending, of Gothic structure, having six windows on each side, and a

porch with large folding doors at the main entrance. - - - - - - It is capable

of accommodating 400 persons comfortably.

Maryborough Chronicle

Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser

Tuesday 22 August 1871

1871 Fr. Connolly had St Joseph’s Church erected on the Strand in. It was the

first church of any denomination to be erected in Townsville.

A small cottage was erected beside the church as a presbytery. (Photos in

TCN Jan. 42, Feb. 63, Feb., Mar., Apr., Sep. & Dec. 64, Jun. 66 & Nov.


Townsville Catholic News,

Jan. 42, Mar. 64,

1871 James Duhig (Bishop of Rockhampton 1905-1912 coadjutor archbishop

Brisbane 1912-1917 and Archbishop of Brisbane 1917-1965) was born at

Killia, Limerick, Ireland, on 02.09.1871.

Australian Dictionary of Biography

Duhig, Sir James

by T. P. Boland

1871 Mother Mary Mackillop, founder of the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Sacred

Heart, was excommunicated on 22.09.1871 for refusing to disband the

Josephite 2009 Calendar

Australia Through Time 2005 Edition

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1871 The first church (Chapel) at Ravenswood was blessed and opened by Fr

James Connolly on 15.10.1871.

School was taught in the church by a lady who remains unidentified.

This church was destroyed by a storm in 1883.

Ravenswood Miner, 21.10.1871

(The Church upon the Hill – TCN Sep.

1967) Cath. Ed. In Qld. Vol. 1, p.42,

S. M. Tobin.

1871 Australia received its first telegraph message from the world on 21.11.1871,

when electricians laying cable between Java and Palmerston sent through a

message confirming the cable was completed.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1871 Death of Fr William McGinty at Port Denison (Bowen) on 27.11.1871 aged

52 years. (Photos in TCN Dec. 63 & Sep. 64)

Townsville Catholic News,

Dec. 54, Dec. 63, Sep. & Nov. 64

1871 After the death of Fr. McGinty, Bowen became part of a larger parish

extending from south of Townsville to north of Maryborough (1871- 1892).

This extended parish was placed under the charge of Dean Murlay. During

this time, it was also attended by Frs. Mouton, Clementoni, McDonagh

(McDonough), Hanley, Flood, Hackett, Tynan, Weare, Murray and Mulhall.

A Souvenir of the Silver Jubilee 1911 – 36

of St. Mary’s Church, Bowen

Compiled by Brian McWilliams.

Townsville Catholic News,

Nov. 1964

1871 The first Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Australia

(R.S.P.C.A.) was formed in Melbourne, Victoria in 1871.

Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1871 Foxes were released in Victoria near Ballarat by Dr. King and at Point Cook

by Thomas Chirnside.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1871 Gold was discovered in Charters Towers by Hugh Mossman and Jupiter on

24.12.1871 but it was not until the 02.01.1972 that the fact was reported to

the Gold Commissioner then stationed at Ravenswood.

Charters Towers and its Stock Exchange.

Townsville Catholic News, Jan 1946

Charters Towers 1872 to July 1950, p. 2

1871 Song of the year: - “Silent Night, Holy Night”. Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1872 Australia’s population 1,743,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1872 The Charters Towers gold field was proclaimed on 26.01.1872. Charters Towers and its Stock Exchange.

1872 The first Catholic marriages recorded in Townsville were in St. Joseph’s

Church Register. They were George Lee, 23, Hotel - keeper, Ravenswood

to Annie Cavanagh, 17, Hotel - keeper Ravenswood and Patrick Pyne, 30,

Miner, Ravenswood to Mary Byrne 22 Farmer’s daughter. Both marriages

were celebrated on 11.02.1872.

Register of Marriages

1872 - 1877

1872 Government Gazette: The Marriage Act:

The Rev. Nazareno Clementoni, and the Rev. Robert Fitzwilliam Dunham,

Roman Catholic ministers, at Bowen and Rockhampton respectively, are

registered as authorised to celebrate marriages.

The Brisbane Courier

Monday 12 February 1872


1872 The excommunication ban on Mary Mackillop was removed by Bishop

Lawrence B. Shiel of Adelaide on 23.02.1872.

Josephite 2009 Calendar

1872 Townsville Parish was established in 1872 with Fr. James P. M. Connolly Townsville Catholic News,

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as the first parish priest. He filled this position until August 1878.

At this time, there was no West Townsville and part of Flinders Street was a


Feb. & Mar. 1964 & Nov. 1972

Photo in TCN Nov. 72.

1872 James Burns of “Burns, Philip and Co. Ltd.” opened his first store in


The Sun 17.10..1989

1872 In October 1872, Alexander Fraser erected the first church in the Charters

Towers district. St. Phillip’s Church of England, was erected at Millchester,

eight kilometres to the east of the Towers.

History – Charters Towers Regional


1872 Four members of the Marist Brothers teaching order arrived in Sydney on


Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1872 On 31.05.1872, the Queensland government announced the annexation of

Thursday Island and others in the Torres Straits.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1872 The “Northern Miner” was first published in August 1872 by James Smith

Reid just eight months after the discovery of gold in Charters Towers.

Northern Miner / News Corp Australia

1872 Charters Towers was established as a parish in 1872 with Fr. Francis A.

Dunham as the first parish priest.

Fr. Dunham remained only a few months.

He performed the first five Baptisms on 18.08.1872. (Died 02.03.1905).

The Nth. Qld. Herald,


Townsville Catholic News,

Aug., Sep., & Oct. 1972

1872 Explorer Hann and party discover gold on the Palmer River in August 1872.

1872 The telegraph cable between Adelaide and Port Darwin was completed on


Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1872 A settlement known as “The Burdekin Crossing” or “Hamilton’s Crossing”,

some 30 miles [48 kilometres] from the mouth of the Burdekin River, was

named “Mulgrave” in the August 1872 Government.

(The township was surveyed by Surveyor Wilson on 31st March 1877 and

then on 20th July 1882 renamed Clare).

Clare Centenary

The first years 1882 – 1982

Page 3

1872 The Shipping lists in the Brisbane Courier show Bishop Quinn departing

Brisbane on the James Paterson, A.S.N. for Northern ports on 30.08.1872.

The Brisbane Courier

Monday 5 August 1872, page 2

Saturday 31 August 1872, page 4

1872 Fr. F. A. Dunham officiated at the first marriage in St. Mary’s Chapel,

Charters Towers, on 01.10.1872.

Prologue, John P. Maguire, 1985

note 61 page 347

1872 The dray road from Herbert River (Ingham) to Cardwell through Victoria

Pass (Cardwell Gap) was completed in Oct. 1872.

Australian E-Heritage – History included in

“Stone Bridge, Dalrymple Gap Track

1872 Surveyor Fred Warner, a member of William Hann’s expedition, discovered

gold in the Palmer River Valley on 21.11.1872.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1872 Bishop Quinn visited Charters Towers in November 1872 and approved the

erection of a church in Millchester where the first settlement was made.

(See December 1873) He also addressed an angry mob thus preventing the

Cath. Education in Qld. Vol. 1, page 43.

Susan Mary Tobin

Baptism Register.

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lynching of a local butcher. Rockhampton Bulletin, 26.11.1872, page 2

1872 News item in the Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General


From the local paper of the 23rd of November (Saturday), we learn that

Bishop Quinn left Charters Towers for Ravenswood on the previous

Monday (18 Nov.).

Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and

General Advertiser, 24.12.1872,

Page 6

1872 Bishop Quinn arrived in Ravenswood on Thursday 21st November and

departed on Monday 25th November.

Rockhampton Bulletin

Saturday 21. 12 1872, page 5

1872 During 1872, Dean Murlay built a Convent in Bowen on the corner of

Sinclair and Powell Streets. However, the Convent was not occupied until

two Sisters of St. Joseph arrived in September 1873 to nurse Fr. Tenison

Woods who had fallen ill with a fever.

Memorandum IV

Sisters in Bowen

Archives Ref. 689/3

1872 During Bishop Quinn’s visits to Townsville in November/December 1872,

St. Joseph’s Church Register shows that he performed 18 Baptisms.

Townsville Baptism Register 1871 / 83

Townsville Catholic News, Dec. 1964.

1872 “The North Queensland Herald” April 6, 1898

Almost coincidently with the opening of the Charters Towers goldfield in

1872, the Catholic body, usually the first to move in church matters, erected

temporary places of worship at Charters Towers, Queenton and

Millchester, and the Rev. F. A. Dunham was stationed in Charters Towers

to do duty to the three small townships of those early days. That rev.

gentleman remained, however, only a few months, and for some three years

following, the pastoral duties of the district were performed by the Rev. Fr.

Connolly, of Townsville, who visited the goldfield irregularly, monthly or

bi-monthly, as opportunity offered. These uncertain visits being supplanted

by fitful ministrations of some itinerant Italian priests, who very rarely

remained longer than a few weeks or a month. This very unsatisfactory

state of affairs was at length terminated by the advent of the Rev. Denis

Fouhy, who arrived on the 6th January 1876.

The North Queensland Herald


1873 Australia’s population 1,795,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1873 For some three years after Fr. Dunham’s departure from Charters Towers,

Fr. Connolly of Townsville visited the goldfield irregularly, monthly of bi-

monthly as opportunity offered.

Fr. Felix Andrew Bergeretti succeeded Fr. F. A. Dunham in Charters

Towers in 1873, but stayed for only ten months.

Letter of O’ Quinn to Vaughan, 11.3.1874,

The Nth. Qld. Herald, 06.04.1898

San Francisco Call

Vol. 106, Number 104, 12 Sept. 1909

ASMS Queensland file.

Prologue, page 14, John P. Maguire

1873 On 22nd February, Sister of St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart, Sr. M. Madelene

arrived in Townsville with two other Sisters, Gertrude and de Sales, at the

Catholic Education in Queensland, Vol. 1

Page 41, Susan Mary Tobin

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invitation of Fr. James Connolly to find no convent provided for them.

They lived in two back rooms of the presbytery until they were able to

move into a new unpainted, unlined, unsealed cottage in 1873.

In March, the Sisters opened Townsville’s first convent school on the site

now occupied by St. Patrick’s College on the Strand, with an enrolment of

36 children. The Sisters also established an orphanage.

(After five years, the sisters were recalled from Townsville).

The Sisters of Mercy (RSM) reopened the school in 1879

Townsville Catholic News, Dec. 1965.

Prologue, pages 16 & 17, & 348, note 75

John P. Maguire

The News, Dec. 1991

1873 A news item from the Brisbane Courier Correspondent in Townsville.

The Sisters of the Order of St. Joseph have opened a school here of their co-

religionists. They have met with great encouragement, as I understand that

they have nearly one hundred scholars. It is the intention I believe to form

a convent there of the Order.

The Brisbane Courier

Saturday 29.03.1873, page 5

The Queenslander

Saturday 29.03. 1873, page 10

1873 On 11.04.1873, Robert Towns died at Cranbrook, his home at Rose Bay,

Sydney, age 79 years.

The Sydney Herald


1873 Extract from the Queenslander

On 28.04.1873, Fr. Connolly arrived in Charters Towers on 28th April, in

company with the representatives of the Queensland National Bank.

A large meeting of Roman Catholics has been held for the purpose of

raising subscriptions in aid of the erection of a church at the Towers.

The manager of the Queensland National Bank was unanimously elected


The Queenslander

Saturday 10 May 1873

Page 2

1873 During 1873, a bell tower was added to the front St Joseph’s Church, The

Strand, in Townsville.

(Photos in TCN Jan. 42, Feb.63, Mar. 64, & Nov. 68.)

Townsville Catholic News,

Jan. 42, Feb.63, Mar. 64 & Nov. 68.

1873 In the elections of 1873, Mr. Macrossan became Townsville’s first

representative in Government. He formed and led a wing of the McIlwaith

party, called the Northern Party.

Aided by Mr. Robert Philp, they were pioneers of the separation movement.

The Catholic Press

1873 On 01.06.1873, Mary Mackillop had an audience with Pope Pius IX in

Rome, but the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart were not approved as

a Congregation until 1888.

Josephite 2009 Calendar

1873 The first ordination ceremony in Queensland took place in St. Stephen’s

Cathedral, Brisbane on Sunday 08.06.1873. Bishop Quinn ordained

Deacons Thomas O’Brien and Michael Murray.

Fr. Murray came from Clonliffe in 1871. After ordination, he was stationed

at Ravenswood, Bowen and Charters Towers.

He died on 10.04.1876 at his parent’s home in Ireland.

The Foundation of the Catholic Church in


By Denis W. Martin

Pages 165 and 184 Reference 17.

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1873 A news item from the Brisbane Courier Correspondent in Townsville.

14.06.1873. The town and suburbs are improving every day; houses are

going up in all directions, and so scarce are empty houses that new arrivals

can hardly find where to lay their heads. The Post-office progresses very

slowly, owing to the scarcity of labour. The bonded store is getting on

famously, and the Convent for the Sisters of Mercy has arrived at the

shingling era of its existence.

(Townsville was served by the Srs. of St. Joseph from Mar. 1873 to 1878).

The Brisbane Courier,

Saturday 28.06.1873,

Page 5.

1873 A four room convent was finally provided in Townsville for the Sisters of

St. Joseph.

Prologue, page 17, John P. Maguire

1873 On 21.07.1873, explorer William C. Gosse, while leading an expedition

through Central Australia discovered a great mass of rock (Uluru) 1000 feet

high and 3.2 kilometres (2 miles) long near the Alice Springs telegraph

Station. He named it Ayre’s rock after the South Australian Premier.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1873 On 23.07.1873, Mother Vincent Whitty founded a Convent of Mercy in

Kent Street, Rockhampton. Sr. M. de Sales Gorry, the first Australian to

enter the Congregation in Brisbane was appointed as Superior.

The convent was established at the request of Dean Murlay for a few sisters

for his schools. Five Sisters took up residence.

Sr. Kate Reordan was also sent in January 1874.

Petra January 1923

Catholic Leader, 10.12.1931, page 15.

Catholic Leader, 27.10.1960, page 7.

Townsville Catholic News, Nov. 1968

Townsville Catholic Archives

HDMS 674/4

1873 Remington invented the typewriter.

1873 The Palmer River gold rush resulted from a notice displayed in Georgetown

on 03.09.1873. As result of the gold rush, Cooktown was founded.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1873 In September 1873, Fr. Tenison Woods, co-founder of the Josephite Sisters,

visited Bowen and fell ill with a fever.

Sisters M. Gertrude and M. de Sales, of the Sisters of St. Joseph, were

summoned from Townsville to nurse him.

They took up residence in the vacant convent built by Dean Murlay in 1872

and stayed on to open a school. Sr. M. Gertrude was in charge of the

Bowen Convent from 1873 to 1879.

Prologue, page 348 note 75,

John P. Maguire

Julian Tenison Woods: “Father Founder”

Page 155. Margaret M. Press RSJ

Catholic Ed. in Qld. Vol. 1, page 40

Susan M. Tobin

1873 Extract from the Government Gazette (Saturday 20.09.1873)

Marriage Act

The Rev. F. R. Dunham, R.C.P., has removed from Charters Towers to


The Brisbane Courier

Monday 22 September 1873

Page 3

1873 On 25.12.1873, a hurricane hit the settlement of Millchester (Charters

Towers). The Catholic church (St. Columbcille’s), which was under

construction on the site of the “Just in Time” mining lease in Queenton, was

completely destroyed.

Rockhampton Bulletin

Tuesday 30 December 1873, page 2

Catholic Education in Queensland, Vol. 1,

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(The church was probably completed in early 1874). Susan Mary Tobin, page 44.

1874 Australia’s population 1,849,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1874 Because of Bishop Quinn’s forbidding reputation and the incompatibility of

Italian priests with the largely Irish lay population, Fr. Andrew Bergeretti

(Charters Towers) with Fr. John Baptist Balangero left by steamer out of

Townsville without permission.

Fr. Bergeretti was a native of Turin, Italy. He had served in Australia for

three years (where else in Australia is unknown).

Fr. Bergeretti subsequently worked in Ceylon, Palestine, Venezuela and

Oakland, California where he died in 1909.

Letter of O’ Quinn to Vaughan

11 March 1874,

ASMS Queensland file.

Prologue, page 14

John P. Maguire

1874 Extract from the Queenslander

- - - The poor foreign priests sent here have languished on “short

commons,” and no wonder they have left Ravenswood and Charters Towers

for more genial society. - - - - - - - -

The Queenslander

Saturday 4 April 1874

Page 10

1874 On Fr. Bergeretti’s departure from Charters Towers after serving for ten

months, Fr. James P. Connolly began servicing the goldfield from

Townsville on an irregular monthly or bi-monthly basis as opportunity

offered. (1874 to 1875)

The North Queensland Herald,


Townsville Catholic News, Oct. 1972

1874 Bishop James Quinn recalled Fr. William Walsh to Brisbane.

Fr. Walsh was at this time working in the Falklands.

He became a member of the staff of St. Stephen’s Cathedral

Brisbane Catholic Historical Society

November 2000

Page 64

1874 Fr. Nazareno Clementoni was appointed as Curate to Fr. Connolly in

Townsville and assisted with the servicing of the Charters Towers


Townsville Catholic News,

Oct. 1972

1874 Two cottages were purchased in Bowen so that the Sisters of St Joseph of

the Sacred Heart could care for boarders, mainly Irish immigrants and



Page 348 note 75

John P. Maguire

1874 Thomas Francis Bourke (the third Parish Priest of Townsville) was born in

Toowoomba on 17.08.1874.

The Catholic Press, 23 12 1926, page 16

Townsville Catholic News, Oct.1966

1874 The Flinders and Burdekin Race Club (established 1866) became the

Townsville Turf Club.

1874 The pearl shell beds in the Torres Straits became accessible with the

development of the compressed air diving suit.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1874 On Saturday 5th September, the Millchester National School was formally

handed over by the contractor, Mr. Alexander Fraser, to the School

Standing Committee. The opening was planned for 21st September after the

school furnishing had been completed.

The Northern Miner

Saturday, 05.09.1874, pages 2 & 3.

Saturday, 12.09.1874, page 2

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(Early teachers were Mr. and Mrs. Gibson and Mr. T. McNamee.) Bishop Faulkner’s photo album.

1874 Louis Brennan of Melbourne invented the self propelled torpedo.

Patented 05.09.1877.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1874 The first Christian Brother, Br. Barrett, arrived in Brisbane, Queensland, on

24.12.1874, to investigate the possibility of opening a school in


Townsville Catholic News,

09.03.1975 & 13.04.1975

1875 Australia’s population 1,898,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1875 A Queensland Government 1875 Act set primary school admission at not

less than 6 years of age. A Regulation of the time indicated that no children

under 5 years should be admitted to normal primary schools and no children

under 4 years to infant schools, which provided an extra preparatory year.

An additional year (Class 6) was added in 1892.

Queensland Government

Department of Education

1875 On 24.02.1875, the SS Gothenburg, sailing from Darwin to Adelaide, was

wrecked on the Barrier Reef between Cooktown and Townsville with the

loss of 102 men, women and children.

Rescue vessels found 22 survivors who were taken to Bowen.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1875 On 04.04.1975, a Congregational Church was opened in Townsville by Rev.

William Gray.

The Queenslander (Bris. : 1866-1939)

Saturday 16.03. 1895, page 503.

1875 In July 1875, Christian Brothers Nugent and Noonan arrived in Brisbane.

Bishop James O’Quinn directed them to open a school in Brisbane instead

of going to Maryborough.

They commenced teaching in St. Stephen’s Church.

Townsville Catholic News,


1875 Bishop Quinn changed his name to O’Quinn as a sign of his solidarity with

the sentiment evoked in Ireland by the O’Connell Centenary.

Prologue, pages 20 & 328

John P. Maguire

1875 Mother Mary MacKillop came to Townsville for the first time to oversee

the Sisters of St. Joseph’s running of the North’s first Catholic School.

Townsville Bulletin - Catholic News

Supplement, 17.09.2009, page 5

1875 Mother Mary MacKillop made the first of two visits to her Josephite Sisters

in Bowen. (1875 and 1879)

Prologue, page 348 note 75,

John P. Maguire

1875 Russia abolished Religious Orders on 10.05.1875.

1875 Australia’s first typewriter, a Remington – 1873, was imported from the

USA for the NSW Telegraph Dept.

1875 The Queensland Education Act abolished State Aid to Catholic Schools.

A concession allowed continuation for five more years.

The Maitland Mercury & Hunter River

Advertiser, Sat. 2 Oct. 1875, page 6.

1875 News item in “The Northern Miner”

27 October 1875

There is great activity displayed by the various religious bodies here.

The Presbyterians have already built and opened a church in a very short

The Northern Miner

Wednesday 27 October 1875, page 2

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time. The Church of England people propose the removal of St. Phillip’s

Church from Millchester to Charters Towers.

There is some talk too of removing (St. Columbkill’s) the Roman Catholic

Church from its present out-of-the-way site to Charters Towers. We are

confident that a fund could be easily raised for the removal of the church to

the Towers and for renting a temporary church in Millchester.

Wednesday 12 January 1876, page 2

Wednesday 19 April 1876, page 2

1875 T. S. Mort and E. D. Nicolle developed commercially viable refrigeration

systems for domestic trade. They included slaughtering and chilling works,

a cold store, milk depots, and refrigerated railway vans for meat and milk.

Australian Dictionary of Biography

Mort, Thomas Sutcliffe

By Alan Barnard

1876 Australia’s population 1,959,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1876 On 01.01.1876, The State Education Act came into force in Queensland

requiring all children to attend primary school and providing tuition free of


Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1876 On 06.01.1876, Fr. Denis Fouhy arrived in Charters Towers where he

ministered for four years. His arrival relieved Fr. Connolly of Townsville

who had been visiting the goldfield irregularly monthly or bi-monthly as

opportunity offered. (Fr. Fouhy left the Towers on 20.01.80 to take charge

of St. Stephen’s in Brisbane).

The Northern Miner, 12.01.1876, page 2

The North Qld. Herald, 06.04.1898.

Townsville Catholic News, Oct. 1972

Baptism Register.

1876 Extract from the Northern Miner

Rev. Mr. Fouhy has, we (Northern Advocate) are informed, been appointed

parish priest to the Roman Catholic congregation of Charters Towers - - - -

- - - - -There is a great field here for evangelical work, and Rev. Mr. Fouhy

has his cut out for him. He gave three services on Sunday at St.

Columbkill’s, at which large congregations assisted.

The next thing to be done is to move the church up here. The present site is

altogether unsuited for the changed circumstances of the field. The

population is here now, and its convenience must be considered.

The Northern Miner

Wednesday 12 January 1876

Page 2

1876 Fr. Denis Fouhy established St. Patrick’s School in St. Columbcille’s

Church on the site of the Just-In-Time mining lease at Queenton, Charters

Towers, with forty-eight pupils under the control of Miss Quirk, a local


Cath. Ed. in Qld. Vol. 1, page 43

& Vol. VI page 79

Susan Mary Tobin

1876 Bowen was severely damaged by a cyclone on the night of the 16.02.1876. Evening News (Syd, NSW: 1869 – 1931)

Tuesday 29 February 1876, page 3

1876 Townsville was hit by a violent gale on 17.02.1876. Much damaged was

done to buildings. There was heavy weather along the coast generally.

Townsville Daily Bulletin

Saturday 19.02.1927, page 13

1876 On 21.03.1876, a heavy gale struck Townsville. The S.S. Banshee was

wrecked with the loss of 17 persons.

Townsville Daily Bulletin

Saturday 19.02.1927, page 13

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1876 On 21.02 1876, the leaders of New Zealand and NSW sent the first

messages across the submarine cable that now linked the two colonies.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1876 On 07.03.1876, Alexander Graham Bell was awarded his patent for the

telephone by the U.S. Patent Office.

ShoreTel – Alexander Graham Bell and the

History of the Telephone

1876 Expansion on the “Just in Time” lease in Queenton necessitated the removal

of St. Columbcille’s Church to Gill Street, Charters Towers.

The removal of St. Columbkill’s Church in Queenton to its new site in

Charters Towers commenced on Tuesday 18.04.1876.

The contract for the work was awarded to Mr. H. Ross.

The building was renamed St. Columba’s Church/ School and was staffed

originally by two Miss Haines then by two Miss Collins.

The Northern Miner

Wednesday 19 April 1876, page 2

The North Qld. Herald, 06.04.1898

Catholic Education in Queensland

Vol. 1, page 44 Susan Mary Tobin

Diocesan News, Feb. 1998.

1876 In April 1876, a 5 cwt. bell from the foundry of Messrs. Walker and Co.,

Maryborough, arrived for erection at St. Columbcille’s Church in

Millchester (Charters Towers). The bell was a gift from Mr. F. H. Stubley.

(Replaced by new bell at St. Columba’s Charters Towers in 1897).

Northern Miner,

Saturday 26.04.1876.

1876 The plans of the Townsville Harbour were completed and about 130 feet of

the stone portion of the pier from Magazine outwards was finished.

The Brisbane Courier

Wednesday 15 Nov. 1876, page 5

1876 The first Townsville Show was held on land adjacent to the Botanical

Gardens and Queen’s Park.

(Cummins and Campbell’s Monthly Magazine Jul.1941).

Cleveland Bay Express


1876 James Comerford was ordained in St. Patrick’s Church, Thurles, Ireland for

the Diocese of Brisbane.

Townsville Catholic News, Jun.1969

1876 Tenders were called for the construction of a school in Fryer Street, at the

rear of the first St. Joseph’s Church on the Strand in Townsville.

Townsville Diocesan Archive

1876 Battle of the “Little Bighorn River” was fought on 25.06.1876.

Chief Crazy Horse destroyed General Custer and the 7th Cavalry.

America’s Story from America’s Library

Custer’s Last Stand, 25.06.1876

1876 The Roman Catholic Church in Charters Towers was being enlarged.

(A worker on the project was injured when he fell from the roof).

Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and

Burnett Advertiser, Tue. 26.09.1876, page 4

1876 The settlement of Cairns was founded on 06.10.1876. Cummins & Campbell’s Magazine Oct. 34

1876 Townsville’s first Methodist Church was erected – a small wooden building

in Stokes Street.

Townsville 100 p. 107

1876 The first permanent Wesleyan minister, the Rev. William Benson Mather,

arrived in Townsville and at once, a small wooden church was erected in

Stokes Street.

The Queenslander (Bris. : 1866-1939)

Saturday 16.03. 1895, page 503.

Townsville 100, page 107

1876 The Port in Trinity Bay, which led into new goldfields on the Hodgkinson

River, was proclaimed a port of entry on 02.11.1876 and named after the

colony’s Governor, Sir William Wellington Cairns.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1876 On 03.11.1876, Sr. M. Gertrude RSJ wrote to Mother Mary Mackillop from Memorandum IV

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Bowen and told her that they had forty two children on the school roll and

mentioned Sr. M. Patrick as being a member of the community.

Sisters in Bowen

Archives Ref. 689/3

1876 Legislation was enacted on 27.11.1876 to establish a public fire brigade in

Queensland, which previously relied on volunteers and private services.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1876 In 1876, Mr. Bob Allen opened a hotel and store at the junction of three

great western stations, Vindex, Elderslie and Bladensburg and named the

site Winton. He became the first settler and postmaster. The area was

previously known as Pelican Waterhole or Wallace’s Camp.

Townsville Catholic News,

Jun. 1939

Townsville Catholic Archives

Ref. 775/1

1876 The Cloncurry settlement was surveyed in 1976 and named after the river.

(The settlement was proclaimed as a town site on 10.03.1877 and in 1884

was proclaimed as a Town).

Cloncurry Shire Council

Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1877 Australia’s population 2,031,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1877 Fr. James Comerford arrived in Australia. From 1877 to 1890, he wandered

in Central Queensland through Emerald, Clermont and Muttaburra.

In 1890, he was appointed to Charters Towers.

Townsville Catholic News,


1877 Between 4 am 5 o’clock on the morning of 01.02.1877, Bowen suffered a

destructive fire resulting in the total destruction of six buildings in Herbert

Street. The buildings destroyed were Feld’s stationary, Lott’s fruiterer,

Ramsay’s Commercial Hotel, Hampe’s furniture store and Currell’s bakery

Mackay Mercury & South Kennedy Adviser

Saturday 3 February 1877

Page 2 & 3

1877 Tenders were called for the relocation of the Sisters of St. Joseph convent

on the Strand and its enlargement.

Townsville Herald


1877 The first cricket “Test” between Australia and England was played from

15.03.1877 to 19.03.1877. Australia won by 45 runs.

(The first Ashes Test was in 1882)

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1877 A settlement known as “The Burdekin Crossing” or “Hamilton’s Crossing”

but named “Mulgrave” in the August 1872 Government, was surveyed by

Surveyor Wilson on 31st March 1877.

(In the Government of 20th July 1882 the township was renamed Clare).

Clare Centenary

The first years 1882 – 1982

Page 3

1877 Extract in the Queenslander – taken from The Northern Miner

The house of the Rev. D. Fouhy, Roman Catholic priest (in Charters

Towers) was burglariously entered between seven and eight o’clock on

Sunday night (15.07.1877), during the absence of the inmates at church.

The robbers took a tin box containing papers, a silver pix, and about ₤30 in


The Queenslander

Saturday 21 July 1877

Page 29

1877 Thomas Edison invented his tin-foil phonograph, which played recorded

sounds from round cylinders.

History of the Gramophone.

1877 On 06.08.1877, after a long absence, Fr. Pierre Marie Bucas paid a visit to The Queenslander,

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his flock in Bowen. 18.08.1877.

1877 The township of Hughenden was surveyed on a reserve proclaimed on


Australian Dictionary of Biography

1877 On 28.08.1877, all the east coast colonies were reported to be experiencing

severe drought throughout most of this year.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1877 On 29.09.1877, fire destroyed almost an entire Townsville city block,

including the Queensland National Bank.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1877 The Sisters of St. Joseph convent building in Townsville was relocated on

the site and enlarged to eight rooms providing living and working space for

five sisters and twenty boarders.

Catholic Education in Queensland Vol. 1

Susan Mary Tobin

1877 The Sisters of St. Joseph’s school in Townsville was inspected by Fr.

Stephen H. McDonough in November and received a favourable report.

Catholic Education in Queensland Vol. 1

Susan Mary Tobin

1877 The Commercial Hotel was the first brick building erected in the Herbert

Valley (Ingham)


John P. Maguire

1877 The Cooktown District was formed into a Vicariate, separate from the

Diocese of Brisbane.

Centenary of the Catholic Diocese of


1877 The Anglican Diocese of North Queensland was established. Townsville 100 p.105

1877 Fr. Pierre Marie celebrated Mass in St. Patrick’s Church, Mackay on

Christmas Day, 1877.

The Queenslander,


1878 Australia’s population 2,092,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1878 The colony’s first telephone was successfully tested over a ten mile circuit

between La Perouse and Sydney.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1878 Death of Pope Pius IX on 02.02.1878. (1846 – 1878) All Roads Lead to Rome.

1878 Election of Gioacchino Vincenzo Raffaele Pecci as Pope on 20.02.1878.

He was crowned Pope Leo XIII on 03.03.1878. (1878 – 1903)

Australasian Catholic Directory, 1899.

All Roads Lead to Rome.

1878 Townsville was hit by a cyclone in March 1878.

1878 After Fr. Connolly publicly attacked the Sisters of St. Joseph from the

pulpit, Mother Mary MacKillop recalled the Sisters from Townsville to the

South Brisbane convent and orphanage.

All five sisters under the charge of Sister Mary Baptist left on the steamer

“Elamang” on 18.03.1878 taking 15 orphans with them.

Two years later the whole Josephite mission in Queensland ended and the

sisters were recalled to Sydney.

The Brisbane Courier,

Monday 25.03.1878

Townsville Catholic News, Dec. 1965.

Prologue, page 17,

John P. Maguire

Townsville Catholic Archives

HDMS 674/4

1878 A news item from the Brisbane Courier Correspondent in Townsville.

(Mon 25 Mar 1878)

A branch of the Order of the Sisters of St. Joseph was some time ago formed

at Townsville, and the sisters attached thereto, as is their custom, a refuge

The Brisbane Courier

Monday 25 March 1878

Page 2

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for orphan children. It has lately for certain reasons, been found necessary

to break up the establishment at Townsville. The five sisters stationed there

under the charge of Sister Mary Baptist, returned to Brisbane by the

“Elamang” a few days ago, bringing with them 15 children who with the

assistance of charitable people in Townsville, they had clothed, fed and

educated and who have all since joined the convent and orphanage at South

Brisbane. The good deeds of these ladies and the wants of the children

becoming the subject of conversation on board the “Elamang”, the

sympathy of the passengers took a practical shape, and £10 was subscribed

and presented to them.

The Queenslander

Sat 30 Mar 1878

Page 5

The Townsville Daily Bulletin,

Saturday, 23.04.1977,

Page 3.

1878 The first Anglican Bishop of North Queensland, Dr. G. H. Stanton, was

consecrated in St. Paul’s Cathedral, London on 24.06.1878.

He arrived in Townsville in 1879 and remained in the North until the end of

1890. In January 1891, he was transferred to Newcastle, N.S.W.

Stanton Hill was named after Bishop Stanton.

Townsville Catholic News,

Jan. 1963

Townsville 100 p.105

1978 On 09.07.1978, Sr. M. Gertrude RSJ wrote to Mother Mary Mackillop from

Bowen and mentioned Sr. M. Benigna as the infant’s teacher.

Memorandum IV - Sisters in Bowen

Archives Ref. 689/3

1878 The cottage convent in Bowen was rebuilt.

(Probably because of damage sustained in the severe 1876 cyclone).

Prologue, page 348 note 75,

J. P. Maguire

1878 Townsville’s first prison was erected in North Ward with its administration

block now used by the Central State School.

Sun Community Newspapers,

16.01.2013, page 5

1878 A major fire damaged the town council office in Flinders Street, Townsville

with a large number of council records lost.

Sun Community Newspapers,

16.01.2013, page 5

1878 A government backed voluntary fire brigade was established in Townsville. Townsville Bulletin Special Publication

Moments in Time – Part 9, page 7

1878 Fr James Connolly was transferred to Sandgate in June 1878.

He performed his last Baptism in Townsville on 05.08.1878.

Fr. William Mason Walsh succeeded Fr. Connolly.

He arrived in August to become Townsville’s second parish priest, fulfilling

this appointment until 1908.

During this time, he established St. Patrick’s College on the Strand and had

the Sacred Heart Church (Cathedral) constructed.

The Queenslander,

Saturday 16 March 1895, page 503.

Townsville Catholic News,

Aug. 35, Jun.63, Jul. 66 & Nov. 68

Photo in “The News” Jul. 1990.

1878 Extract from the Brisbane Courier

Townsville (From our own correspondent) August 15

It is rumoured that the long talked about bazaar, in aid of the Convent, will

shortly take place, and that four Sisters of Mercy are to arrive at an early

date. The bazaar should have been held some months ago, but, owing to the

The Brisbane Courier,

Monday, 26.08.1878,

Page 5.

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departure of the then resident sisters, it was indefinitely postponed.

1878 Fr. William Mason Walsh requested Sisters of Mercy (RSM) from All

Hallows in Brisbane to reopen the primary school on the Strand.

Prior to their arrival, Fr. Walsh arranged for the existing convent house to

be renovated and repainted and a shed was built to house the school.

On 13.11.1878, Bishop James Quinn was present in Townsville for the

founding of St. Patrick’s Convent.

The Sisters from All Hallows’, led by Mother Brigid Conlon included

Mother Columba Griffin (then a novice), Sr. Conleth Behan and two

postulants, Sr. Rose Birmingham and Sr. Anne Scannell.

Mother Brigid and Sr. Columba remained only a short time.

(They returned to Brisbane leaving Mother M. Benigna Desmond, who had

come from Rockhampton in 1879, in charge of the little community until

her death in 1921 aged 84 years).

Townsville Herald

9 November 1878

Catholic Education in Queensland

Vol. 1 page 42 Susan Mary Tobin

Townsville Catholic News, Aug. 58,

Nov. 63, Nov. & Dec. 68, Apr. & Sep 75.


Catholic Leader, 02.01.1930 pages 10-11

Catholic Leader, 27.10.1960 page 7.

Catholic Leader, 28.11.1968 page 4.

Catholic Leader, 20.08.1978 page 4-5.

1878 Bishop Quinn travelled from Townsville by mail coach to visit the Charters

Towers Goldfield. The parish priest was Fr. Denis Fouhy.

Townsville Catholic News,

Nov. 1964 & Jun. 1969.

1878 Peter Dodds McCormick’s song “Advance Australia Fair” was first

performed at a St. Andrew’s Day ceremony in Sydney on 30.11.1878.

(Proclaimed Australia’s National Anthem on 19.04.1984).

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1878 A report on 16.12.1878 announced the first discovery of artesian water.

A sea of good water was tapped 150 feet beneath Kallara Station near

Bourke in north western NSW.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1878 Ingham township was surveyed and named.

(Name not recorded in Townsville Registers until 14.02.1884).

Cardwell Shire Story

Page 218

1878 The Great Artesian Basin was discovered ABC Landline TV program

1879 Australia’s population 2,162,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1879 The Sisters of Mercy with Sr. M. Benigna Desmond in charge re-opened St.

Joseph’s School on the Strand in Townsville.

The Townsville Daily Bulletin,

Saturday, 23.04.1977, page 3.

1879 The Burdekin Delta Sugar Company was formed by Macmillan and


Silver Jubilee of the Sacred Heart Church,

Ayr 1912-37

1879 In a letter written by Bishop James Quinn during 1879, he stated,

“There was already one very efficient Mercy establishment in Townsville,

the capital of the proposed new Diocese. There is a good little Convent of

the Sisters of St. Joseph at Port Denison. (Bowen). There is a community,

which should include an efficient staff, urgently wanted at Charters Towers

– Father Fouhy complains of his teachers and there is no way of remedying

the situation except by a Community of Nuns”.

Catholic Leader,


Page 7.

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(Fr. Denis Fouhy was having difficulties with lay teachers in Charters

Towers. A community of Sisters of Mercy were sent from All Hallows in

1882 and arrived in February 1883).

Catholic Education in Queensland,

Vol. 1, page 44

Susan Mary Tobin

1879 While Fr. James Comerford was based in Emerald, he visited Winton from

1879 to 1888.

Information supplied by Sr. Paul Mary.

1879 Death of Bernadette Soubirous on 16.04.1879. (Lourdes) Townsville Catholic News, Apr. 1958

1879 The first Anglican Bishop of North Queensland, Dr. G. H. Stanton, arrived

in Townsville in 1879 and was enthroned on 21.05.1879. He remained in

the North until the end of 1890. In January 1891, he was transferred to

Newcastle, N.S.W. Stanton Hill was named after Bishop Stanton.

Townsville Catholic News, Jan. 1963

Townsville 100 p.105

The Queenslander, (Bris. Qld.: 1866-1939)

Saturday 16.03.1895, page 503.

1879 Queensland extended its boundaries to include Torres Straight Islands

beyond the previous sixty mile limit.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1879 The Division of Thuringowa was created in 1879 exclusive of the

Municipality of Townsville. The border stretched 170 km along the coast

from the Burdekin to Crystal Creek and inland to the ranges.

The territory followed the Burdekin River, encompassing Ayr and Millaroo,

stretching north-west to the Leichardt Range.

Sun Community Newspapers

The Spirit of Thuringowa


Pages 1 to 7

1879 A government backed orphanage for children under 12 was opened in


Townsville Bulletin Special Publication

Moments in Time – Part 9, page 7

1879 The Order of Friars Minor (OFM) (Franciscans) was introduced to Australia

in Sydney.

1879 Fr William Mason Walsh added an enclosed veranda on each side of St

Joseph’s Church on the Strand in Townsville. The extension doubled the

size of the church. (Photos included in TCN Jan. 42, Feb. 63 & Mar. 64).

Townsville Catholic News,

Jan. 1942 & Feb. 1963.


(From our own Correspondent – August 15)

On Tuesday last (12th) the Right Rev. Dr. O’Quinn, Roman Catholic Bishop

of Brisbane, accompanied by the Rev, Fathers Henneberry, Flood and

Hacket, arrived here, having been met some six or seven miles from town by

a large number of the members of their church, headed by the resident

clergyman, the Rev. D. Fouhy, and accorded a very hardy welcome.

The children of the Roman Catholic School, under the charge of the Misses

Collins, went as far as the Queen Reef to meet the procession.

The Brisbane Courier

Sat 30 Aug 1879

Page 6

1879 Bishop James Quinn visited Charters Towers in August 1879.

During the Bishop’s visit, a Mission was held in St Columba’s Church in

Gill Street, (formerly St. Columbcille’s on the “Just in Time” lease in

Queenton), by Fr. Henneberry, a famous temperance lecturer.

The Mission terminated on Wednesday morning (27.08.1879).

Towers Herald, 13.08.1879

Australian, 6 Oct. 1879

The North Queensland Herald,


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That same evening a violent storm arose and the church was destroyed.

(Rebuilt in 1880)

1879 On 15.10.1879, the first sale of allotments in Ingham (surveyed in 1878)

took place.

Cardwell Shire Story

page 218

1879 At Cleveland Bay, the Queensland Meat Export Company established a

meatworks south of Townsville on Alligator Creek in 1879.

(It was short lived but restarted in 1889 by the NQMEC, initially for boiling

down and preserving, and later utilising freezing equipment).

Queensland Places

Alligator Creek (near Townsville)

1879 An experimental cargo of Australian frozen meat on board the

“Strathleven”, shipped on 28.10.1879, arrived at Gravesend on 02.02.1880,

still perfectly chilled and suitable for consumption.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1879 On 11.11.1879, the Hinchinbrook Divisional Board was proclaimed.

The 326 inhabitants of the Herbert River Valley (Ingham) now had local

governing authority.

Portrait of a Parish – A History of St.

Patrick’s Church and Parish 1864-1996

Bianka Vidonja Balanzategui, page 4

1879 In November 1879, an advertisement was run in the Townsville Herald for

St. Patrick’s Convent School on a “beautiful and salubrious site with tuition

of 30 guineas per annum”.

Townsville Bulletin-

Catholic News Supplement,

19.06.2003, page 4

1879 Mother Mary MacKillop made her second and final visit to the Sisters of

St. Joseph in Bowen. (1875 and 1879)

Sr. M. Gertrude was still in charge of the Convent. Other Sisters in Bowen

at that time were Ignatius, Angela and Eulalia. They now accommodated

12 girl boarders who lived in a cottage near the Convent.

Prologue, page 348 note 75,

John P. Maguire

Memorandum IV

Sisters in Bowen

Archives Ref. 689/3

1879 In November, due to conflict with Bishop Quinn, the Sisters of St. Joseph

withdrew from Brisbane and Queensland to their Mother House in


Freeman’s Journal, Sat. 25.10.1897, p. 17

Brisbane Courier

Thursday 30, 10. 1897, page 3


(From our own Correspondent – November 28)

The Rev. J. E. Tenison-Woods delivered a lecture here last week on the

geological features of the Charters Towers goldfield.

The Brisbane Courier

Sat 13 Dec 1879

Page 6

1880 Australia’s population 2,232,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1880 On 20.01.1880, Fr. Denis Fouhy left Charters Towers to take charge of St.

Stephen’s in Brisbane. (06.01.1876 to 20.01.1880).

He was succeeded in the Towers by Fr. Stephen H. McDonough, (Apostle

of the Palmer goldfields); who’s administration for a period of three or four

years, “was not eminently satisfactory”, as during his time a large debt was


The Brisbane Courier, 14.02.1880. p. 6

The North Queensland Herald,


Townsville Catholic News,

Oct. 1972

1880 “The North Queensland Herald” April 6, 1898 The North Queensland Herald

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(Charters Towers)

During Fr. Fouhy’s pastorate (06.01.1876 to 20.01 1880) the church lands

situated in Gill and Church Streets, and on which now stand the church,

schools, and presbytery, bell tower, etc., were purchased at the public land

sale. The convent grounds were selected and a temporary presbytery built


6 April 1898

1880 The Provincial of the Sisters of St. Joseph, Sr. M. Josephine, visited Bowen

in January 1880. After she left, Sr. Josephine wrote to the sisters in Bowen

advising them of their pending departure date.

On 26.01.1880, the Sisters of St. Joseph departed Bowen on the Alexandra.

A severe gale lashed the whole Queensland coast, accompanied by heavy

rains for several days.

Townsville Daily Bulletin

Saturday 19.02.1927,

Page 13

Memorandum IV

Sisters in Bowen

Archives Ref. 689/3

1880 After the Sisters of St. Joseph departed from Bowen, their convent was sold.

The women of Bowen staged a “sit in” to prevent demolition of the convent.

The Parish Priest, Fr. Stephen H. McDonagh (McDonough), was obliged to

buy back the building.

Townsville Catholic News,

Sep. 1964 & Dec. 1965.

1880 Bishop Quinn and Fr. Tenison Woods tried unsuccessfully to form a new

diocesan congregation, “The Holy Family” from those Sisters of St Joseph

(Sr. M. Gertrude and Sr. M. Stanislaus) who remained in Bowen and

Bundaberg when the others departed. These Sisters staffed St. Mary’s

School in Bowen until 1885 when the Sisters of Mercy arrived to take over.

This small community never got off the ground and the survivors left to join

the similar breakaway group in Bathurst.

James Quinn

First Catholic Bishop of Brisbane

Anne McLay R.S.M.

Pages 216 &217

Memorandum IV

Sisters in Bowen

Archives Ref. 689/3

1880 In January 1880, Fr. Pierre Marie Bucas travelled to Brisbane aboard the

“Alexandra”. He left Brisbane again aboard the “Yaralla” for Rockhampton

accompanying four Sisters of Mercy and a servant on 13.02.1880.

The Queenslander, Saturday 24.01.1880.

The Capricornian, Saturday 21.02.1880.

1880 The future Sister Clare McCarthy entered All Hallows Convent in Brisbane.

The following year, she received the religious habit in Rockhampton and

was professed there in 1883. (1883 to 1937)

Catholic Leader,


Page 15.

1880 Fr. Pierre Marie returned to Mackay aboard the “Yaralla” and resumed

charge of his parish and the orphanage at Shoal Point

The Morning Bulletin,


1880 The St. Joseph’s Branch of the H.A.C.B. (Hibernian Australasian Catholic

Benefit Society) was established in Townsville in a small hall built on the

site of the present St. Joseph’s School on the Strand.

(Golden Jubilee celebrated on 28.10.1930)

Townsville Catholic News,

Aug. 1935

The News, Jul. 1990

(T’ville Daily Bulletin 24.05.1930, p. 11)

1880 Extract from the Brisbane Courier 14.02.1880

The new Roman Catholic church (in Charters Towers) is in course of

erection and looks to be a large and imposing building. Tenders were

The Brisbane Courier,

Saturday 14 February 1880

Page 6.

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called some time ago for the erection of a brick church, but I see now the

Catholics have, and I think wisely, fallen back on a wooden church.

The Rev. Denis Fouhy, who has been for the last four years in charge of the

Roman Catholic mission on Charters Towers, left here for Brisbane last

week. - - - - - - the Rev. Mr. McDonogh (McDonough), of Ravenswood has

taken his place.

1880 St Columba’s Church was rebuilt (consecrated by Bishop O’Quinn on

Sunday 05.12.1880) and served Charters Towers until 1973 when it was

demolished to make way for a new church.

(The original church was destroyed by a storm in 1879).

Brisbane Courier, 8 May 1880,

The Northern Miner, 07.12.1880, page 2

Townsville Catholic News,

Photo incl. in Oct. 72.

1880 State Aid was withdrawn from non-government schools under the

Education Act 1875

The History of the Sacred Heart Parish,

Ayr, 1912 – 2012, page 6

1880 Townsville’s first Railway workshops were erected. Triumph of Narrow Gauge, John Kerr

A History of Qld. Railway

1880 The Young Women’s Christian Association (Y.W.C.A.) was formed in


Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1880 On Monday 26.04.1880, after nearly ten years in the district, Fr. Pierre

Marie Bucas left Mackay for the Cooktown district aboard the “Alexandra”

where he undertook the duties of a missionary priest.

The Morning Bulletin, Friday 07.05.1880.

The Central Queensland. Herald,

Thursday 30.10.1930.


(From our own Correspondent – May 12)

The new Roman Catholic Church, which was commenced in January last, is

just completed, and was formally opened on the first Sunday of this month.

It stands on the site of the old building, which was blown down by a storm

in August last.

The Brisbane Courier

Sat 29 May 1880

Page 6

1880 Fr. Pierre Marie Bucas travelled from Port Douglas to the Gulf of


The Queenslander, Saturday 12.06.1880.

1880 On Friday 02.07.1880, Fr. Pierre Marie Bucas, having recovered from fever

moved from Port Douglas to Cooktown.

The Queenslander,

Saturday 17.07.1880.

1880 On Saturday 03.07.1880, Fr. O’Keefe left Port Douglas (Cooktown district)

and was succeeded by Fr. Pierre Marie Bucas who for some time was

stationed at Mackay.

The Brisbane Courier,

Thursday 01.07.1880

Page 3

1880 A telephone exchange was opened in Melbourne on 10.05.1880.

Australia’s first telephone directory, listing 44 names was issued in

Melbourne on 01.08.1880.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1880 Bushranger Ned Kelly was captured at Glenrowan Station on 28.06.1880.

The rest of his gang were killed.

(Kelly was hanged in Melbourne on 11.11.1880).

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

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1880 The Salvation Army, a breakaway from the Methodist Church, held its first

meeting in Australia in Adelaide’s Botanic Gardens on 05.09.1880.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1880 On 20.12.1880, the railway to the west from Townsville reached Reid River

via small sidings at Stuart, Antill Plains, Toonpan, Woodstock and Calcium.

Triumph of Narrow Gauge, John Kerr

A History of Qld. Railway, page 43

1880 Bishop Quinn, accompanied by Mr. Macrossan, travelled by railway trolley

to Reid River on a visit Charters Towers in December 1880 before the line

was open for general traffic. (The line opened to Macrossan on 24.07.1882

and reached Charters Towers on 04.11.1882 – opened 04.12.1882.)

Northern Miner, 07.12.1880

Catholic Leader, 10.12.1931, page 13.

Triumph of Narrow Gauge, John Kerr

A History of Qld. Railway, pages 43 & 44.

1880 On Sunday 05.12.1880, Bishop O’Quinn, accompanied by Fr. McDonough

and Fr. Flood, consecrated St. Columba’s Church in Charters Towers.

He then selected a site for a convent for the Sisters of Mercy on the northern

slope of the ridge below Church Street.

At 4 o’clock on Tuesday morning 07.12.1880, Bishop O’Quinn left the

Towers to travel to Ravenswood.

The Northern Miner

Tuesday 7 December 1880,

Page 2

1880 Extract from the Northern Miner (Tuesday 7 December 1880, page 2)

A new school has been built from the debris of the old church, at which 170

children are daily taught by three competent teachers.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A separate building for St. Columba’s School was erected in Charters

Towers using material from the ruined church. It was run by an Irish lady

from County Carlow until she married in 1881.

Mrs Faithful died at home in Picnic Bay aged 84 years.

(An article in TCN Feb. 1941 states that the school was originally

conducted by two Miss Haines, succeeded by two Miss Collins).

(Two Sisters of Mercy (RSM) from the parent convent of All Hallows

replaced the lay staff in 1883).

Townsville Catholic News

Feb. 1941 page 10

Apr. 1942

1880 Townsville’s first railway station was constructed in Flinders Street West in

1880 near the junction of Jones Street.

It was described in the plans as a “portable, temporary station” and it took

the builder, Mr. Edward Jones, four weeks to complete.

Northern Miner,

Tuesday 09.11.1880.

Townsville Sun,

Wednesday 04.12.2013, page 13.

1881 Australia’s population 2,250,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1881 On 27.01.1881, The NSW Premier announced an offer from an English

company to build a bridge across Sydney Harbour.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1881 The church in Millchester was destroyed in a storm in February 1881. Northern Miner, 10.02.1881

1881 Townsville hit by a cyclone in March 1881.

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1881 TOWNSVILLE 13th April

The hospital patients are now domiciled in their new home, a handsome

two-storied building overlooking the bay, and certainly for salubrity of

position could not be rivalled by any other site.

The Queenslander

Saturday 30 April 1881,

page 551

1881 The Divisional Board established a toll gate across what is now Flinders

Street West in Townsville.

The toll keeper commenced duty on 15.06.1881.

Past and Present

Page 13

Diane Vance with Gai Copeman

1881 Extract from the Northern Miner 7 May 1881

The Roman Catholic Church in Millchester will be re-opened tomorrow.

(Sunday 08.05.1881). Since the church was blown down nearly one-fourth

of the material was carried off by the natives. It reflects great credit on Fr.

McDonough that he has not only rebuilt the Charters Towers Church,

erected new schools and improved the whole reserve, but has now

succeeded, after many difficulties, in opening a church again in Millchester.

The Northern Miner

Saturday 7 May 1881

Page 2

1881 The Cobb and Co. Coach service arrived in Hughenden.

1881 The first Australian Conference of St. Vincent de Paul Society was erected

in Sydney.

Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1881 On 02.07.1881, the 20th President of the USA, James Garfield was shot in a

Washington railway station. He died from an infection on 19.09.1881.

Biographical Directory of the United States

Congress, Garfield, James Abram 1831-81

1881 On 17.07.1881, it was announced that women would be allowed to study at

the University of Sydney for the first time.

They could attend all classes with male students except medicine.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1881 Fire destroys eleven businesses in Denham Street, Townsville, on


1881 Death of Bishop O’Quinn in Brisbane on 18.08.1881. (1859 – 1881) Catholic Leader, 10.12.1931, page 16.

1881 Birth of Terence Bernard McGuire (first Bishop of Townsville) in Moree on


1881 First issue of the “Townsville Bulletin” published on 05.09.1881. Townsville 100 p.103

1881 On 21.09.1881, parliament approved an extension of the railway from

Ravenswood Junction to Hughenden (opened 09.10.1887) including the last

stretch into Charters Towers (officially opened 04.12.1882).

Triumph of Narrow Gauge, John Kerr

A History of Qld. Railway, page 44

1881 On Lizard Island, Queensland, Mary Watson, her baby and a servant put to

sea in a water tank to escape Aborigines on 03.10.1881.

She kept a diary up to date until she perished from exposure.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1881 Fr. Julien Tenison Woods baptised Maud Josephine Martin from Wyandotte

in the Valley of Lagoons, in Townsville on 23.10.1881.

(The child was born on 18.10.1880).

Entry in the Baptism Register from St.

Joseph’s Church, the Strand, Townsville.

1881 The railway from Townsville reached Ravenswood Junction on 09.11.1881. Triumph of Narrow Gauge, John Kerr

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(The line to Ravenswood was closed in November 1930, and the name of

the siding was changed from Ravenswood Junction to Mingela in 1931).

A History of Qld. Railway, page 43

1881 Major drought affected Queensland from 1881 to 1886.

1881 Ayr township was laid out by Surveyor Mr. C. Lymburner.

It was formerly declared a town site on 23.10.1883.

(The name of Ayr comes from the birthplace in Scotland of the then,

Premier of Queensland, Sir Thomas McIllwraith).

Cummins & Campbell’s Mag. Feb. 1942

Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

Planting the True Vine (Parish of Ayr)

1912 – 1987. Br. Ken Rae FMS, p. 8

1881 During 1881, Townsville’s third hospital, a two storey building catering for

70 patients, was established in North Ward.

This replaced the four ward building on Ross Island.

Townsville Bulletin Special Publication

Moments in Time – Part 9, page 5

March 2015

1881 Townsville Gas, Coal and Coke Company formed.

1882 Australia’s population 2,388,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1882 The Sellheim district was established. The Triangle 1882 – 1891

1882 In 1882, Joseph Hargreaves surveyed sections 1 – 10 of the town of


Richmond Shire Council

Townsville Catholic Archives, Ref. 775/5

1882 Fr. Peter Mary Bucas was the first priest to visit Richmond. He came in the

early eighties. (Photos in TCN Jun.1961 and Dec. 1965)

Townsville Catholic News,

Mar. 36, Jun. 61 & Nov.62. (Senex)

1882 On Tuesday 02.05.1882, a concert was given by the young girls under the

tuition of the Sisters of Mercy, at St. Joseph’s Hall in Townsville. The

concert lasted three hours and forty children took part in the performance.

The Brisbane Courier,

Saturday 06.05.1882,

Page 2.

1882 The Townsville Pastoral, Agricultural and Industrial Association (TPA&IA)

acquired 30 acres (12.15 hectares) of land at Townsville’s West End for use

as a Showgrounds.

(The first official “show” was held in 1880 on two separated sites).

See also:

(1887, An area was set aside in West Townsville for a “Show Ground”).

(Townsville’s first show was held in the Queens Park area in 1876).

Sun Community Newspapers


Cummins & Campbell’s Magazine,

July 1941.

1882 A Regular Fire Brigade was established in Townsville.

1882 On 21.05.1882, the Diocese of Rockhampton was established.

The boundaries extended from Port Curtis in the south to Hinchinbrook

(Cardwell) in the north and westwards to the Northern Territory and

included Townsville. Rev. John Cani, an Italian, and Administrator of the

Brisbane Diocese was consecrated the first Bishop of Rockhampton by

Archbishop Vaughan in St. Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney, on 21.05.1882.

He took possession of his see on Sunday 11.06.82. (1882 – 1898)

The establishment of the new Diocese also enabled the Sisters of Mercy in

Rockhampton to become a self-governing branch house.

Centenary of the Catholic Diocese of

Rockhampton, page 12.

Townsville Catholic News,

Aug. 1935 & May 1962 (Senex)

The News, Jul.1990

Catholic Education in Queensland

Written by Susan Mary Tobin

Volume 1, page 36

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1882 The first allotments of land were sold in Brandon. Cummins & Campbell’s Mag. Feb. 1942

1882 Thuringowa’s population steadily increased during the latter years of the

nineteenth century in spite of boundary changes, which reduced its size.

In 1882, Ross Island, which incorporated the modern day suburbs of South

Townsville and Railway Estate, was transferred to Townsville.

Thuringowa Past and Present

Page 13

Diane Vance with Gai Copeman

1882 The Redemptorist Fathers (CSsR) were introduced into Australia in

Maitland, NSW, by Fr. Edmund Vaughan CSsR.

1882 In the Government Gazette of 20th July 1882, the township of Mulgrave was

renamed “Clare” by W. Alcott Tully, who named Clare after a member of

his family. The small town of Clare was some 48 kilometres from the

mouth of the Burdekin River.

Clare Centenary

The first years 1882 – 1982

Page 3

1882 The railway from Townsville reached the western side of the Burdekin

River (Macrossan) on 24.07.1882. (To save expense, the road bridge was

reconstructed to carry trains. Temporary rails were laid on the upstream

side of the bridge while the downstream side was rebuilt).

Triumph of Narrow Gauge, John Kerr

A History of Qld. Railway, page 43

1882 Australia defeated England two tests to nil.

A British journalist dubbed this the death of English cricket.

The cricket “Ashes” tests were instituted on 29.08.1882.

Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

(The first Test had been held in 1877)

1882 On Wednesday 27.09.1882, children educated by the Sisters of Mercy at St.

Joseph’s Convent School in Townsville performed in a concert held at the


The Brisbane Courier,

Friday 29.09.1882, page 6.

1882 Kalamia and Pioneer Plantations were established in the Ayr region.

(Kalamia, Pioneer and Airdmillan sugar mills commenced crushing in


Silver Jubilee of the Sacred Heart Church,

Ayr 1912-37

1812 Extract from the Brisbane Courier

(Townsville – from our own correspondent - October 23)

A new dormitory has just been added by Rooney Bros., contractors, to St.

Patrick’s convent. It contains eighteen beds, and besides giving much

required accommodation for the increasing number of boarders, gives the

convent building a very much improved appearance.

Brisbane Courier

Monday 30 October 1882

Page 3

1882 The new Bishop of Rockhampton, Dr. John Cani, arrived in Townsville

early on Wednesday 18.10.1882. On Sunday 22.10.1882, Mass was

celebrated by Fr. Pierre Marie Bucas of Cooktown after which Bishop Cani

confirmed nearly 50 young people and one adult.

The Courier Mail,


Brisbane Courier,

Monday 30.10.1882, page 3.

1882 Dr. John Cani made his first visit to Charters Towers as Bishop.

CHARTERS TOWERS (From our own Correspondent. November 3.)

The Roman Catholic Bishop of Rockhampton, the Right Rev. Dr. Cani,

The Brisbane Courier,

Saturday 11 November 1882

Page 6

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arrived here on Saturday last (28.10.1882). He had the distinction of being

the first through passenger by rail from Townsville, Messrs. Bashford and

Co. having kindly placed their engine at his services, and conveyed him

from the temporary station at the Burdekin right on to the terminus at the

Queen. - - - - - He leaves tomorrow (Monday 04.11.1882) to visit other

portions of his diocese.

On Monday last (30.10.1882) a public meeting - - - was held in the Court

House, for the purpose of urging on the Government the necessity of

opening the line forthwith. A telegram from Mr Ghermann, stationmaster,

Townsville, was read, which was to the effect that goods would be

forwarded as far as Millchester Creek, owners taking all responsibility. - - -

- - - - There is therefore little hope of the line being opened for traffic before

the beginning of the new year. The goods shed at the terminus has been

commenced. The contractors, Messrs. T. Kelly and Co. state that they will

have it ready by Christmas.

1882 In November 1882, Fr. Pierre Marie Bucas was appointed pastor of Charters

Towers. (Nov. 1882 to 1885) He succeeded Fr. S. H. McDonough.

The Central Queensland Herald,

Thursday 30.10.1930.

1882 The Government Gazette officially notified the change of residence of Rev.

Peter Bucas and Rev. Michael Hackett from Port Douglas in the registry

district of Cook to Charters Towers.

The Brisbane Courier, Saturday


Queenslander, Saturday 18.11.1882.

1882 On 02.12.1882, Julian Plormel landed at Rockhampton having left his

seminary in France on 06.10. 1882.

He spent two months with his uncle, Fr. Pierre Marie Bucas in Charters

Towers and then left for South Australia, where he concluded his

theological studies under the Jesuit Fathers at Seven Hills.

Morning Bulletin,


1882 Goods trains from Townsville began running to Charters Towers via

Sellheim on 04.11.1882. The line was formally opened by the Premier on

04.12.1882 despite the station building being incomplete.

Cummins & Campbell’s Magazine 1939

Triumph of Narrow Gauge, John Kerr

A History of Qld. Railway, pages 43 & 44.

1882 During 1882, the Townsville Water Authority was established to provide

reticulated water to residents within the Townsville City area.

Thuringowa Library Heritage Services

Information sheet number 6

1883 Australia’s population 2,506,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1883 Gold was found at Princhester, near Rockhampton on 04.01.1883. Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1883 The Government annexed Ross Island to the municipality of Townsville. The Brisbane Courier, Saturday


1883 On 17.01.1883, Dr. Cani, Bishop of Rockhampton, arrived in Townsville on

‘Quiraing’, the Wednesday steamer for the purpose of laying the foundation

stone for a new two story convent on the Strand for the sisters of Mercy.

The Brisbane Courier,

Saturday 27.01.1883,

Page 6.

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He also admitted four ladies to the sisterhood and initiated four novices who

wished to take the veil. The postulants were Sr. M. Rose (Birmingham) of

Rockhampton, Sr. M. Vincent (Brady) of Ipswich, Sr. M. Teresa

(Bridgeman) of Brisbane and Sr. M. Anne (Scannell). The novices were

Miss Murray (Sr. M. Xavier), Miss Philomena Brady (Sr. M. Aloysius),

Miss O’Connell (Sr. M. Frances) and Miss O’Dowd (Sr. M. Martha).

1883 Aborigines killed five policemen at Cloncurry on 24.01.1883, sparking

interracial violence in the district.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1883 Sr. M. Clare McCarthy was professed in Rockhampton in1883.

Sr. Clare entered All Hallows Convent in Brisbane in 1880.

(Mother M. Clare died in Townsville in 1937 aged 77 years).

Townsville Catholic News, Oct. 1937

Catholic Leader,

16.09.1937, page 15.

1883 On Thursday 16.02.1883, two Sisters of Mercy, Agnes White and a

companion, arrived in Charters Towers from the parent convent of All

Hallows. They travelled by sea from Brisbane to Townsville and then by

train to the Towers. The arrival of the train was as much a novelty as the

arrival of the sisters. The service was little more than two months in

operation. They replaced the lay staff at St Columba’s School.

Catholic Education in Qld. Vol. 1 page 44.

Susan Mary Tobin

Townsville Catholic News,

Aug. 1944, Feb., Mar. & May 1964,

Jun. 1969 & Aug. 1972

1883 Extract from article in the Brisbane Courier


(From our own correspondent)

20th February

On Thursday evening last, four of the Sisters of Mercy from the parent

convent of All Hallows arrived here. They are about to take charge of the

Roman Catholic School. They are gladly welcomed by the members of the

Roman Catholic Church, and indeed by all other denominations.

The Brisbane Courier,

Saturday 11 March 1883,

Page 6.

1883 The Ayr Post Office was erected. Planting The True Vine – Br. Ken Rae


1883 It was announced on 30.04.1883 that James Burns and Robert Philip had

come together to form Burns, Philip and Co. Ltd. operating from


This was brought about by the amalgamation of the Queensland Steam

Shipping Co. Ltd. in Townsville and the Australian Steam Navigation Co.

The Sun 17.10.1883

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1883 The first land office in Townsville was established. Sun Community Newspapers,

16.01.2013, page 5

1883 Townsville’s first secondary school – The Grammar School – opened in

temporary premises in Flinders Street.

Sun Community Newspapers,

16.01.2013, page 5

1883 The North Queensland Brewery opened in Flinders Street West. Sun Community Newspapers,

16.01.2013, page 5

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1883 Sydney and Melbourne were linked by rail on 14.06.1883.

However, passengers and cargo still had to change trains at the Albury-

Wodonga junction.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1883 The St. Johns Ambulance Association was established in Melbourne on


1883 On 21.07.1883, in the Supreme Court of Queensland, Margaret Daly, a

Sister of Mercy residing at Charters Towers, named under the religious

order Sister Mary Emelian, was granted Probate of the Will of Patrick

Burke, Miner, deceased.

The Brisbane Courier,

Saturday 28.07.1883

Page 7.

1883 Fr. William Mason Walsh paid visits to Herbert River (Ingham) during

1883 and once in 1884 celebrating Mass in the Lower Herbert Courthouse.

Townsville Catholic News,

Dec. 1959

1883 A volcano on the Island of Krakatoa exploded on 26/27.08.1883.

A tidal wave drowned an estimated 36,000 people.

1883 On Monday 10.09.1883, Charles Rasp, a boundary rider from Mount Gipps

station, found deposits of silver and lead on a hill in the Barrier Ranges700

miles inland from Sydney. He and six other men staked out a claim on an

outcrop which explorer Charles Sturt called a “broken hill” when he passed

through there 40 years ago.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1883 In October 1883, the B.I.S.N. Steamship, “Nadia”, brought a party of

Maltese to Townsville to work in the sugar plantations of the Lower

Burdekin. With the immigrants was their chaplain, Fr. James Ambrose

Cassar O.S.F. (O.F.M. Cap) aged 34 rears, who travelled extensively on

horseback and by buggy in North Queensland to administer the sacraments

and bring comfort to the dispersed people of the North.

A Pioneer Priest 1849 – 1927

Fr. Publius Cassar OFM Cap.

Townsville Catholic News, Sep. 1954

(TCN May & Jun. 1962 – Senex)

The History of the Sacred Heart Parish, Ayr

1912 – 2012, page 4

1883 Ayr, Queensland, was formally declared a town site on 23.10.1883.

The town site was laid out by Surveyor Mr. C. Lymburner in 1881.

Cummins & Campbell’s Magazine Feb. 42

Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1883 Mary MacKillop, founder of the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart,

was deposed by Bishop Reynolds on 17.11.1883 and ordered to leave


Josephite 2009 Calendar.

1883 The Church at Ravenswood was destroyed by a storm. The Church upon the Hill – TCN Sep. 1967

1883 During 1883, the Indian myna bird was introduced to the north to control

grasshoppers and cane beetles.

It established itself in practically inaccessible mangrove areas and became a

scavenger of streets, parks and rubbish dumps.

Sun Community Newspapers,


Page 12.

1883 During 1883, a Church of England was built in Hughenden and consecrated

by Bishop Staunton. The Pastor was R. Ramm.

Memorabilia of Hughenden and District

Townsville Catholic Archives, Ref. 775/5

1884 Australia’s population 2,606,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

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1884 Cyclone “Simla” destroyed the town of Bowen and its fleet on Wednesday

30.01.1884. Every building in town was damaged including the church and

convent / school. Two Sisters of St. Joseph (Sr. M. Gertrude and Sr. M.

Stanislaus) sheltered with the townspeople in the Court House.

After the cyclone, school was re-established in the old Masonic Hall.

These Sisters may have come from a small group of former Josephites who

under the guidance of Fr. Rossolini had formed a small community in

Bundaberg and functioned there from 1882 until 1896 when it was

disbanded by Archbishop Robert Dunn.

The church and convent were eventually re-erected. Sometime later, the

church building was moved to Queen’s Beach as a private dwelling.

Port Denison Times

Prologue, page 349, note 93,

John P. Maguire

A Souvenir of the Silver Jubilee

1911 – 1936 of St. Mary’s Church, Bowen

(Brian McWilliams.)

Townsville Herald, 5 Feb. 1884.

1884 The Pioneer Sugar Mill began crushing. Cummins & Campbell’s Magazine Feb. 42

1884 On 11.02.1884, the railway from Charters Towers reached Homestead via

sidings at Southern Cross, Powlathanga, Balfe’s Creek, Mungunburra and


Triumph of Narrow Gauge, John Kerr

A History of Qld. Railway, page 44

Great Northern Railway (Mt Isa Line)

1884 The name “Ingham” was recorded for the first time in the Townsville

Baptism Register when Mary Jane Deignan was baptised on 14.02.1884 and

was recorded as coming from Ingham rather than Lower Herbert.

Portrait of a Parish – A History of St.

Patrick’s Church and Parish 1864-1996

Bianka Vidonja Balanzategui, page 4

1884 A new northern state was proposed at a conference on 09.04 1885.

President of the Separation Conference was Townsville Mayor, Mr.


Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1884 Mary Help of Christians was declared the Patroness of Australia.

1884 Kalamia, Pioneer and Airdmillan Sugar Mills commenced crushing.

(Kalamia and Pioneer Plantations were established in 1882).

Silver Jubilee of the Sacred Heart Church,

Ayr 1912-37

1884 A sect called the Seventh-Day Adventists arrived in Melbourne on

28.06.1885. The sect was established in America from the combination of

the Seventh-Day Baptists and Adventists in 1844.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1884 Death of Sr. Anne Scannell RSM on 30.08.1884 aged 57. Born 1827. Headstone in West End Cemetery

1884 White and native police launched a punitive attack against the Kalkadoon

tribe at Prospectors Creek near Cloncurry, in September, killing most of the


Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1884 Fr William Mason Walsh acquired a site on Castle Hill facing the sea for a

future church.

1884 NSW, SA, Queensland and Victoria suffer severe drought. Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1884 On 06.10.1884, the railway from Charters Towers reached Pentland via

Kimburra and Cape River.

Triumph of Narrow Gauge, John Kerr

A History of Qld. Railway, page 44

1884 Extract from the Northern Miner


The Northern Miner

Wednesday evening, Oct. 15, 1884

Page 45: DIOCESAN TIMELINE 1770 to 1929 - Amazon Web Services · 2020-02-11 · 1831 Election of Mauro Alberto Cappeliari as Pope Gregory XVI. (1831 – 1846) All Roads Lead to Rome. 1831

The new Catholic Church, Ravenswood, will be opened on Sunday next.

(19.10.1884) Bishop Cani is expected to arrive here tomorrow.

Page 2

1884 The Foundation Stone was laid for Townsville’s first Presbyterian Church

on 01.11.1884. It was located on the corner of Wills and Stokes Streets.

The first Presbyterian minister was the Rev. J. I. Riddle.

Townsville 100

The Queenslander (Bris. : 1866-1939)

Saturday 16.03. 1895, page 503.

1884 Germany annexed New Britain on 03.11.1884 changing the island’s name

to Neu Pommern. On 17.11.1884, it was announced that Germany had

proclaimed a protectorate over the northern shores of New Guinea and the

Bismarck Archipelago.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1885 Australia’s population 2,695,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1885 Mother Mary MacKillop was deposed as Superior General for her non-

conformist ideas but was overwhelmingly re-elected by the Sisters of St.


Townsville Bulletin - Catholic News

Supplement, 17.09.2009, page 5

1885 In 1885, August Anderssen, a blacksmith and a prominent ‘small’ settler

and farmer, offered unused portions of his land for subdivision and sale as

town blocks and the town of Halifax was born.

Fr. James Cassar O.F.M. Cap. paid five visits to the Herbert River District

(Ingham – Halifax) during 1885 and 1886 celebrating Mass in private

homes and at hotels and at the public or Divisional Board Hall.

The first marriage according to Roman Catholic Rites was celebrated by

him in 1885. Mass was celebrated at the Court House in Halifax

A Pioneer Priest 1849 – 1927

Fr. Publius Cassar OFM Cap.

Portrait of a Parish – A History of St.

Patrick’s Church and Parish 1864-1996

Bianka Vidonja Balanzategui,

Pages 4 & 11

1885 Three Sisters of Mercy (RSM) arrived in Bowen from Rockhampton to take

over teaching in St. Mary’s Church from the Sisters of the Holy Family.

Sr. M. Modwena (Maud Taylor) was appointed Superior and her

companions were Sr. M. Stanislaus Kostka (Harding) and Sr. M. Winifred

(Duggan). They were met by Fr. Weare and accommodated in a private

residence in Bowen as the convent / school was not yet fully rebuilt after

being destroyed by Cyclone “Simla” in 1884.

At a later stage, Sr. Modwena and Sr. Winifred returned to Rockhampton

and Sr. Stanislaus went to Townsville when the Convent there became a

Mother House (1901). A Mrs. Ramsay remembered other early Sisters –

Imelda, Philomena, de Pazzi, Bega Dympna and Laurentia.

Memorandum IV

Sisters in Bowen

Archives Ref. 689/3

Townsville Catholic News,

Nov. 52, Nov. 60, Nov, 61

& Feb. 62

1885 On 03.03.1885, a contingent of more than 700 troops with 200 horses left

NSW on the “Australasian” and the “Iberia” troopships to join the British

fighting in the Sudan. Having missed the larger part of the action, they

returned to Australia on 25.06.1885.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1885 The Queensland navy was established on 28.03.1885, with the arrival of the Australia Through Time,

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HMQS “Gayundah” and HMQS “Paluma”, the first two gunboats from


2005 Edition

1885 Bishop Cani visited Charters Towers and fell out with the parish priest, Fr.

P. M. Bucas., over the large debt (which had been incurred by the previous

parish priest, Fr. S. H. McDonough). This resulted in Fr. Bucas leaving the

Towers and returning to Mackay. (Nov 1982 to 1885)

Prologue p. 34 John P. Maguire, 1985,

T’ville Cath. News, Jun.61 & Dec. 65.

Central Queensland Herald,

Thursday 30.10.1930.

1885 Government Gazette: The Marriage Act:

The following removals are notified: - Rev. Peter Bucas, Roman Catholic,

from Charters Towers to Cloncurry.

The Queenslander,

Saturday 9 May 1885

Page 736, 737.

1885 Germany annexed northern New Guinea and the Bismarck Archipelago on


1885 Horse drawn trams commenced operating in Brisbane on 18.05.1885.

1885 John Cani, Bishop of Rockhampton, erected Hughenden as an independent

Parish, separated from the Charters Towers parish.

At this time, it claimed to be the biggest Catholic Parish in the world as it

extended from Torrens Creek in the East to the Northern Territory border

(nearly 600 miles) and south to Boulia.

Fr Henry Mouton, a young French priest, was appointed as the first Parish

Priest, although he did not take up residence in Hughenden until 1887.

He was Parish Priest from 1885 until his death in 1890.

Prior to 1885, Hughenden was attended to by priests from Charters Towers

and possibly priests coming in from Longreach.

Townsville Catholic News,

Aug. 45, Dec, 63, Dec.65,

Feb. 68 & Apr. 75

The Leader


Memorabilia of Hughenden and District

Townsville Catholic Archives, Ref. 775/5

1885 On Saturday 18th July, a lengthy article appeared in the “Queensland Figaro

and Punch” concerning “Oppressed Roman Catholics” in which Bishop

Cani was accused of harshness in removing Fr. Hanley from Bowen and

attaching Bowen to Mackay for servicing.

Since November 1884, Bowen had received no priestly ministrations except

one unauthorised visit from Fr. Hanley.

Queensland Figaro and Punch,

Saturday 18 July 1885

Page 29

1885 Fr. Garland replaced Fr. P. M. Bucas as parish priest of Charters Towers.

He suffered poor health during his time in the Towers (1885 to mid 1890).

During his term, he was responsible for the construction of a presbytery and

a schoolroom.

The North Queensland Herald,


1885 The township of Pentland was surveyed.

1885 On Saturday 08.08.1885, the announcement was made at St. Mary’s

Cathedral, that the Most Reverend Dr. Patrick Francis Moran, Archbishop

of Sydney, had been elevated to the Cardinate, thus becoming the first

cardinal in the colonies.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1885 Gottlieb Diamler invented the motorcycle.

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1885 During 1885, Fr. William Mason Walsh acquired a 50 acre (20.23 ha) site at

Stewart’s Creek (later Stuart) but St. Brigid’s Church was not erected on the

land until 1904. The land was donated by Mr. Wyatt, a non-Catholic, who

was proprietor of the Court House Hotel.

History of St. Brigid’s Church, Stuart,


1885 On 05.10.1885, the railway from Charters Towers reached Torrens Creek

via Warrigal and Burra.

Triumph of Narrow Gauge, John Kerr

A History of Qld. Railway, page 44

1885 Fr. James Flood purchased a house in Ravenswood for conversion into a

convent. For sixty years, it served as a residence for the Sisters of Mercy

(RSM) during their stay in Ravenswood. Closed in 1948, it rotted away and

became overgrown with vines. (The Brisbane Courier of 20.02.1889

reported the convent school being opened in 1889).

Townsville Catholic News,

Feb. 1966 & Sep.1968

1885 The foundation stone for Manly College was laid in Sydney in Nov. 1885.

Blessed & opened in 1889.

Centenary of the Catholic Diocese

of Rockhampton, page 91.

1885 As Townsville grew, a large supply of water was needed.

Hubert’s Well was constructed near what is now the corner of Ross River

Road and West Street in Aitkenvale.

This water works supplied the city with 400,000 gallons a day.

Thuringowa Library Heritage Services

Information Sheet Number 6

City Libraries Townsville Local History


1886 Australia’s population 2,788,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1886 On 29.01.1886, German mechanical engineer, Karl Benz received the first

patent for a gas fuelled car, which he designed and built in 1885.

About.com Inventors

Karl Benz (Carl Benz)

1886 On 17.03.1886, Julian Plormel returned to Rockhampton from South

Australia and went on to Charters Towers where he spent some months with

his uncle, Fr. P. M. Bucas.

Morning Bulletin,

Wednesday 16.03.1921.

1886 Ordination of Fr. Jules Bucas and Fr. Thomas A. Weare by Bishop John

Cani in St. Joseph’s Cathedral, Rockhampton by Bishop John Cani on

Sunday 26.09.1886.

Morning Bulletin, Monday 27.09.1886.

Townsville Catholic News, Jul. 1969.

(Senex – TCN Feb. 2962).

1886 The “Statue of Liberty” was dedicated in New York Harbour on


Sunday Sun 28.10.1990.

1886 The Trade Unions Act was passed on 03.12.1886 legalising Trade Unions in


Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1887 Australia’s population 2,881,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1887 On 03.01.1887, the railway from Charters Towers through Torrens Creek

reached Prairie via Wareah and Karoon.

Triumph of Narrow Gauge, John Kerr

A History of Qld. Railway, page 44

1887 Fr. Julian Plormel was ordained in Rockhampton in February 1887. Morning Bulletin, Wed. 16.03.1921.

1887 Fr. Mouton visited Boulia and was welcomed by Mrs. Nora Howard,

Proprietress of the “Australia” Hotel. The church in Boulia was partly built

Townsville Catholic News,

Jun. 38, Dec. 63 & Dec. 65.

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by her children in her memory. She was known as “The Queen of the

West.” Fr. Mouton was the first priest ever to go into this locality.

1887 Fr. Mouton, having been appointed as the first parish priest of Hughenden

in 1885, finally took up residence in 1887. He celebrated Mass in the old

Court House and at the Shamrock Hotel until the end of 1888 when the first

church was built and dedicated to Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

Townsville Catholic News,

Aug. 45, Dec. 63, Dec. 65. & Feb. 68.

Memorabilia of Hughenden and District

Townsville Catholic Archives, Ref. 775/5

1887 Queensland Government meteorologist, Clement Wragge, started naming

cyclones to encourage interest in the weather.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1887 The first stage of the Townsville Post Office was completed.

1887 Birth of Leonard McLaughlin in Rockhampton – First Vicar General of the

future Townsville Diocese. (1887 to 1963).

Townsville Catholic News,

May & Jun. 1963.

1887 Alfred Blake Dick invented the mimeo stencil and marketed the first

commercial mimeograph (copying) machine.

A History of the Mimeograph

By Megan Santosus

1887 On 21.06.1887, the first Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of North

Queensland, Bishop Stanton, dedicated the site of St. James Anglican

Cathedral on Melton Hill.

(The dedication of the completed portion of the building – about one third

of the original design – took place on 27.10.1892).

Lawson & Lawson – Townsville.

The Queenslander

(Brisbane, Qld.: 1866-1939)

Saturday 16.03 1895, page 503.

1887 Government Gazette: The Marriage Act:

Rev. J. Bucas, Roman Catholic clergyman, Charters Towers, was

authorised to celebrate marriage.

The Brisbane Courier,

Saturday 04.06.1887.

1887 John Boyd Dunlop, a British veterinary surgeon, constructed a pneumatic

rubber tyre for his son’s tricycle. Patented the following year, the tyre went

into commercial production in 1890.

Encyclopaedia Britannica

1887 Fr William Mason Walsh purchased three allotments on Flinders Street

West on 30.09.1887.

Deeds to West End properties.

1887 An area was set aside in West Townsville for a “Show Ground”.

(Townsville’s first show was held in the Queens Park area in 1876).

(See also: 1882, The Townsville Pastoral, Agricultural and Industrial

Association (TPA&IA) acquired 30 acres (12.15 hectares) of land at

Townsville’s West End for use as a Showgrounds.

(The first official “show” was held in 1880 on two separated sites).

Cummins & Campbell’s Magazine

July 1941

Sun Community Newspapers,


1887 On 09.10.1887, the railway from Charters Towers through Torrens Creek

and Prairie reached Hughenden via Tindo, Jardine Valley and Poorooga


Triumph of Narrow Gauge, John Kerr

A History of Qld. Railway, page 44

Great Northern Railway (Mt. Isa Line)

1887 When travelling overland from Bowen to Townsville, Fr. William Mason

Walsh celebrated the first Mass in the Burdekin District on 23rd October

Clare Centenary

The first years 1882 – 1982, page 24

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1887 when he stopped over at Inkerman Station.

He then continued on by coach or horseback through such places as

Brandon, Clare, Ravenswood and Charters Towers.

Townsville Catholic News, Jul. 1957

Planting the True Vine (Parish of Ayr)

1912 – 1987 Br. Ken Rae FMS, page 13

1887 Between the years 1887 and 1893, Baptism Registers show that trips to Ayr

were made by Frs. Walsh, Flood, Mulhall, McNab, Tynan and Hackett.

During that time Mass was celebrated by Fr. Weare in the dining room of

Lynch’s Hotel, Ayr (1891), at Lewis Hoey’s home at Pioneer Mill, at

Robert Newman’s home in Ayr and at Sgt McBride’s house in Ayr (1891)

and the State school and Burke’s Pioneer Hotel (1891) at Brandon.

The priests travelled from Ravenswood and Bowen about four times a year.

Silver Jubilee of the Parish of Ayr, 1937

Planting the True Vine (Parish of Ayr)

1912 – 1987. Br. Ken Rae FMS, p. 14

An undated article submitted by

Mrs Lilla McCabe & Mrs Cheryl Dennis

The History of the Sacred Heart Parish,

Ayr, 1912 -2012, page 4

1887 St. Patrick’s Boarding School, the Strand, Townsville, was enlarged by

adding a second story.

Townsville Herald,


1887 Sr. M. Bega Ross-Lonregan came from Ireland and entered the Convent of

Mercy in Townsville. (Died 1946).

Townsville Catholic News,

Jul. 1946

1887 Sr. M. Brendan Whelan entered St. Brigid’s Convent of Mercy in

Rockhampton, in September 1887. She stayed with the Townsville Convent

when it was separated from Rockhampton and was professed on

22.03.1892. (Sr. Brendan died in 1949).

Townsville Catholic News,

Oct. 1949

1887 Baptist services were initiated, the first minister being the Rev. W. Price. The Queenslander, 16.03.1895, p. 503.

1888 Australia’s population 2,982,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1888 On 05.01.1888, land (55 Morehead Street) was purchased in Ingham by

“John Cani, William Mason Walsh and John Clemment Brosnan” as

Trustees of the Roman Catholic Church in an auction of town lots.

(A church was eventually built on this land in 1893).

Portrait of a Parish – A History of St.

Patrick’s Church and Parish 1864-1996

Bianka Vidonja Balanzategui

Pages 5 & 233

1888 Fr. Henry Mouton visited the Richmond district and Winton at times from

1888 until his death in 1890.

Townsville Catholic News,

Mar. 1936 & Dec. 1965.

1888 Australians celebrated our first century of white settlement. Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1888 In 1888, land belonging to the Thuringowa Divisional Board south of the

Houghton River incorporated in the Ayr Divisional Board.

Thuringowa Past and Present, page 13,

Diane Vance with Gai Copeman

1888 The railway from Brisbane to Sydney was opened.

1888 The Kodak “Box” camera was invented in America (Roll film camera –

George Eastman)

1888 The Townsville Grammar (Secondary) School opened its doors on 16 April


Townsville Grammar School

125 Anniversary – History and Archives

1888 Birth of Hugh Edward Ryan, second Bishop of Townsville Diocese, in

Kyabram, Victoria, on 25.04.1888. (1888 – 1916 – 1938 – 1967 - 1977)

Townsville Catholic News,

Jun. 1963, page 4

1888 Government Gazette: The Marriage Act: The Brisbane Courier,

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Official notification of removal of Rev. J. Bucas from Charters Towers to


Saturday 12.05.1888.

1888 The Church of St. Mary’s in West Townsville was designed by Ardel

Rooney of Rooney Brothers and built by Messrs Cowell and Holt.

On 28.06.1888, when in the initial stages of construction, the brick piers

supporting the building collapsed and the whole structure collapsed.

The brick piers were replaced by concrete.

Townsville Herald, 30.06.1988.

T’ville Bulletin Cath. News Sup.


History sheet prepared for

125th Anniversary Fete on 19.05.2013.

1888 On 15.07.1888, the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart was made a

canonical congregation receiving the official blessing of the Pope and the

Holy See. This was 33 years after Mother Mary MacKillop first took her


The North West Star,

29.07.1982, page 10

Townsville Catholic Archives,

Ref. 775/2

1888 Britain formally annexed the Protectorate of New Guinea as a British

Crown Colony on 04.09.1888.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1888 On Rosary Sunday 07.10.1888, the Church in West Townsville dedicated to

St. Mary of the Rosary, re-erected by building contractors Cowell and Holt

after its collapse in June, was blessed and opened by Right Rev. John Cani,

Catholic Bishop of North Queensland, assisted by Fr. Walsh and Fr.


The first altar, made of wood, came from St. Joseph’s on the Strand.

(This altar was replaced in 1923 by an altar made of white marble).

Shortly afterwards, the Sisters of Mercy began teaching in the church and in

a room under the church. In 1900, a separate building was erected for St.

Mary’s School and classes commenced there in 1901.

Members of the foundation staff were Mother M. Bernadine Nugent, Srs.

M. Bega and Ross-Longeran, and Miss Maria O’Dwyer.

The sisters made the journey from the Strand convent to St. Mary’s each

day until 1917, when a convent was provided for them beside the school.

Townsville Herald


Townsville Catholic News,

Aug. 1935

Photo in The News, Jul. 1990.

Catholic Leader, 20.08.1978 page 4-5.

Catholic Leader, 22.10.1978 page 5.

Photos included.

Townsville Bulletin - Catholic News

Supplement 28.03.2013

1888 On 08.12.1888, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, St. Mary’s Church

in Hughenden, was blessed and opened.

The church was built under the direction of Fr. Henry Mouton on land

donated by Mr. Tom Penny and was dedicated to Our Lady of Mt Carmel.

(Photo in TCN Oct. 1945).

Townsville Catholic News,

Aug. 45, Dec. 63 & Feb. 68

Photo in The Catholic Weekly, 16.07.2000

Townsville Catholic Archives

Ref. 775/1 & 775/5

1888 Winton was visited by a French priest, Fr. Julian Blormel. Townsville Catholic News, Mar. 1971

1888 A church dedicated to St. Patrick was erected in Winton on the corner of

Cork and Oondooroo Streets, facing Cork St. in 1888 and opened in 1889.

(In 1903, the building was altered and also turned to face Oondooroo Street.

In 1938, it was moved to a new site in Oondooroo Street near the Convent

Townsville Catholic News,

Jun. 1939

The Winton Herald,

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School and in 1939 was replaced by a new church).

(The old building was demolished in 1957).

April 1938.

1888 A Stock Exchange Building and Arcade was erected in Charters Towers. It

began trading in 1890 and continued operations until 1916, when it had to

be shut down due to the rapidly diminishing returns from the gold mines.

National Trust

1888 On Monday17th December, a Bazaar was opened by Isidor Lissner Esq.,

M.L.A., in the Charters Towers School of Arts to gain funds to build a

convent for the Sisters of Mercy.

The present convent was not fit for habitation.

It was small and dilapidated. Recent rains had flooded the floors and

destroyed what little furniture there was.

The Northern Miner,

Thursday, 20 December 1888,

Page 2.

1889 Australia’s population 3,026,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1889 Three Sisters of Mercy (RSM) from Rockhampton arrived in Ravenswood

to establish a convent and St John’s School.

They were Srs. M. Stanislaus, M. Muredach and M. Anne.

Instruction of sixty five children was conducted in St Patrick’s Church until

a separate building was erected.

A short note in the Northern Miner dated 18.02.1889

A Convent school run by the Sisters of Mercy was to be opened in St.

Joseph’s Hall, Ravenswood, last Monday.

Northern Miner, 18.02.1889

The Brisbane Courier,

Wednesday 20.02.1889, page 3.

Petra, 05.08.1923

Photo in TCN Aug.1966. .

1889 On 11.01.1889, Hughenden’s first presbytery, built under the direction of Fr

Henry Mouton, was opened in Flinders Street.

The church bell was also purchased and erected in 1889.

Townsville Catholic News, Aug. 1945

Townsville Catholic Archives

Ref. 775/1 & 775/5


The highest temperature ever measured 127.58 degrees Fahrenheit;

(53.1 degrees Centigrade) was recorded at Cloncurry on 16.01.1889.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1889 On 17.03.1889, St Patrick’s Day, twenty-four pounds was subscribed at

Hughenden for the purchase and erection of a church bell.

Memorabilia of Hughenden and District

Townsville Catholic Archives, Ref. 775/5

1889 Explorer William Hann suffered cramps in the Townsville baths and

drowned on 05.04.1889. He was buried in the West End Cemetery.

Headstone in the West End Cemetery

1889 St. Patrick’s College at Manly was officially opened by Cardinal Moran on


Townsville Catholic News,

Aug. 1945, page 1.

1889 A Mission was conducted in Charters Towers by the Passionist Fathers.

1889 On 02.07.1889, Townsville’s Victoria Bridge spanning Ross Creek was

opened to traffic providing a link between the city centre and South

Townsville (then known as Ross Island).

It was one of only six swing bridges built in Australia and operated in that

capacity until 1925 when the swing mechanism was closed.

North Queensland History

City Update, August 2015

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The bridge remained open to vehicular traffic until 1975.

1889 The Tower was separated from St. Joseph’s Church on the strand, and re-

erected adjacent the church to hold a new bell.

(It was demolished in 1958 to make way for a new Convent Chapel).

A new ornamental front was added to the front of the church with a tower

rising from the roof.

A second story was also added to the presbytery, which was later enlarged

twice and eventually became St. Rita’s Hostel, providing accommodation

for young women from country areas working in Townsville.

Townsville Catholic News,

Jan. 1942 Photo included.

Nov. 1963 Photo included.

Mar. & Apr. 1964 Photo included.

1889 Winton Parish was erected for the first time (1889 to 1891) with the French

priest, Fr. Julian Plormel as the first parish priest. (Re-erected in 1899)

(St. Patrick’s Church was erected in Winton in 1888 and opened in 1889).

Townsville Catholic News,

Jun. 1939

1889 Death of Fr. Julian Tenison Woods in Sydney on 07.10.1889. Fr. Woods

was co-founder of the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart.

Josephite 2009 Calendar

1890 Australia’s population 3,151,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1890 Death of Sr. M. Evangelist (O’Hare) RSM in Charters Towers aged 40

years on 01.01.1890. Sister Evangelist was buried in the old Charters

Towers Cemetery. She entered All Hallows Convent on 05.02.1882 for the

Rockhampton Mission.

Townsville Catholic News,

Feb. & Mar. 1964 & Jun. 1969.

1890 On 24.03.1890, a hurricane hit Townsville.

On 29.03.1890, a terrific cyclone struck the Herbert (Ingham).

Townsville Daily Bulletin

Saturday 19.02.1927, page 13

1890 A. B. (Banjo) Patterson first published “The Man from Snowy River” on

26.04.1890 in “The Bulletin”.

1890 Records show that Fr. James Flood made one visit to Ingham.

Fr. Gerard (Chester) a Passionist Missionary, visited his brother, the

Manager of the Queensland National Bank in Ingham in 1890.

Another visitor was Fr. McCarthy (a Vincentian).

Townsville Catholic News,

Dec. 1959

Page 14

1890 Stuart Prison (Stewart’s Creek) was established in Townsville.

1890 Queensland introduced its first tax on companies.

(Individuals first taxed in 1902)

1890 Death of Fr. Henry Mouton, Parish Priest of Hughenden from pneumonia

on 10.08.1890 aged 32 years. Fr. Mouton studied and was ordained in

Propaganda, Rome. He was buried in Hughenden

Townsville Catholic News,

Mar. 36, Aug. 45 & Dec. 63

Townsville Catholic Archives, Ref. 775/1

1890 Fr. James Cassar, a native of Malta and a Capuchin, succeeded Fr. Henry

Mouton as Parish Priest of Hughenden. (Aug. 1890 to 1901). There are

records of marriages that he celebrated at the “Star and Garter Hotel”,

Richmond, and at the “North Star Hotel”, Flinders River (Now Maxwelton).

Townsville Catholic News,

Aug. 1945 & Feb. 68.

Townsville Catholic Archives

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Fr. Cassar was assisted for short periods during his eleven years service by

Frs. Comerford and D. O’Shea.

Ref. 775/1 & 775/5

1890 Queensland Labour Party was founded at Blackall in September 1890.

1890 The Northern Supreme Court was transferred from Bowen to Townsville. Townsville Book – Doherty p.125

1890 In November 1890, Fr. James Comerford succeeded Fr. Garland in Charters

Towers. He remained for twenty years.

The North Queensland Herald, 06.04.1898.

T’ville Catholic News, Oct. 72 & Jun. 69.

1890 In the years 1890 – 1891, the schools in Charters Towers were enlarged to

double their capacity and entirely renovated under the direction of Fr. James


The North Queensland Herald,


Townsville Catholic News, Jun.1969

1890 The Salvation Army made its first appearance on the streets of Townsville

on 29.11.1890.

Everyday History – Townsville Bulletin

Townsville 1866-2016, page 11

1891 Australia’s population 3,178,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1891 St. Mary’s branch of the H.A.C.B. (Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit

Society) was established in West End, Townsville on 05.01.1891.

History in Townsville Daily Bulletin

Saturday 24.05.1930, page 11

1891 During the years 1891 to 1901, Fr. James Cassar OFM Cap often visited


(Photo in TCN Jan. 65)

Townsville Catholic News,

Mar. 1936 & Jul 1945

1891 First record of spiritual ministration in Hilton (Julia Creek), a staging stop

for Cobb & Co. coaches and part of the Hughenden Parish, was the Baptism

of a child of travellers John Creed and Lizzie (an Aboriginal) performed by

Fr. James Cassar OFM Cap around October 1891.

Townsville Catholic News, Aug. 1967

Hughenden Baptism Register

17.09.1891 to 30.12.1900.

1891 A gold extraction process involving cyanide was first used in Ravenswood. Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1891 On Thursday 25th June, 416 children and from the Charters Towers Convent

School travelled by train from the railway station to Sellheim for a picnic.

Many visitors were present from Ravenswood and stations east of Sellheim.

The event resulted from a suggestion by Fr. Comerford.

The Northern Mining Register,

(Charters Towers, Qld. 1891 – 1892)

Saturday, 27 June 1891

Page 8.

1891 In June 1891, Fr. Bucas celebrated a Mass in the Burdekin District at

Sergeant McBride’s home.

There six or seven adults present and about twice as many children.

Six months later, Fr. Weare came from Ravenswood on a visit and

celebrated Mass in the front room of Lynch’s Hotel at Ayr and Burke’s

Pioneer Hotel at Brandon.

Pioneering Days

Townsville Diocesan Archives

Ref. 761/1

1891 The first Shearer’s Strike occurred in Hughenden. (The second in 1894)

Assistance of military forces from Townsville was obtained to preserve


Cummins & Campbell’s Mag. Dec. 1940

Memorabilia of Hughenden and District

Townsville Catholic Archives, Ref. 775/5

1891 Charters Towers was the venue for Queensland’s first hot air balloon flight. Sunday Mail Magazine 23.04.1989

1891 On 24.10.1891, the “Jumna” sailed from Genoa, Italy, with each Italian on The History of the Sacred Heart Parish,

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board holding a work contract on a sugar plantation in Queensland.

On arrival in Townsville, 153 people were taken to Plantation and Barratta

Creeks in the Lower Burdekin, the remainder going to the Herbert River and

Bundaberg. This was the beginning of a “chain migration” of families and

friends from Italy. The Italians were encouraged to migrate to North

Queensland to replace the Kanakas on Northern sugar plantations.

Ayr, 1912 – 2012

Pages 4 & 5

Pioneering Days

Townsville Diocesan Archives

Ref. 761/1

1891 In Charters Towers, a portion of land for St Mary’s Boarding School was

leased from the Brilliant Extended Block Mining Coy for 1000 years on


1891 Fr. Comerford set about building a boarding school for girls in Charters

Towers. In November 1891, the foundation stone was laid.

It was marked “Sisters of Mercy 1891. Boarding School of St. Mary’s”.

The building was constructed by O’Meara Bros., Building Contractors.

They also built St. Patrick’s Convent in Townsville. The designs are


Bishop Faulkner’s photo album.

Townsville Catholic News,

Mar. 1964 & Jun. 1969.

1891 The Winton Parish was shut down. (1889 to 1891)

It was re-erected in 1899. Several priests served Winton during this time.

Fr. S. H. McDonough (Apostle of the Palmer goldfields) (1891 to 1900)

Fr. William Hanley, “King of the West” and “Apostle of the Western

Plains”, (1891 to 1900)

Fr. James Ambrose Cassar OFM Cap. (1891 to 1901)

Fr. Thomas Jones (1901 to 1903)

Townsville Catholic News,

Jun. 1939, Jul.1961, & Jan. 1963

Photo of Fr. Hanley in TCN

Jul. 61 & Dec. 65.

1892 Australia’s population 3,306,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1892 Advertisements in the Townsville Herald and The North Queensland

Register recorded that a second storey had been added to St. Patrick’s

boarding school on the Strand, conducted by the Sisters of Mercy, to make

provision for a university class for girls, which opened on 18.01.1892.

Townsville Herald (date ?)

North Queensland Register,

Wednesday 28 December 1892, page 38

T’ville Bull. – CNS 19.06.2003, page 4

1892 On 22nd, 23rd and 24th January 1892, heavy rains caused severe flooding and

considerable damage throughout the Townsville region.

Bridges and roads were destroyed and a lighter name the “Florence Elliott”

was driven by a strong wind on to the beach near the Seaview Hotel.

Early on Monday 25th, it was discovered that St. Joseph’s Church on the

Strand was totally wrecked. A strong flow of water from the open drain in

Mitchell Street had forced its way through the Convent grounds and into

what appeared to be an old watercourse beneath the church.

The torrent scooped out an immense chasm into which the church collapsed.

Willing hands got into the building and removed the altar, crucifix, chalices,

St Joseph’s Baptism Register 1872-1892.

The Northern Miner

Tuesday 26 January 1892, page 3

Wednesday 27 January 1892, page 3

The Northern Mining Register,

Wednesday 27 January 1892

Page 12.

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etc. The new belfry, which had only been erected about a fortnight, was

resting at an angle of about 45 degrees, the half-ton bell recently imported

from Manchester being safe.

(Mass was then celebrated in St Joseph’s primary school until the Sacred

Heart Church was opened in November 1902).

One in the Spirit

The Story of Holy Spirit Parish

Cranbrook, Townsville

1965 – 2010

Page 9

1892 On Friday 5th February, a serious fire occurred in Cloncurry at 3 o’clock in

the morning. An entire block of buildings was destroyed.

It contained McGillivray’s bulk and general store, Cobb and Co’s office, the

Last Call office, Anderson’s saddler’s shop and dwelling house and an

empty store. There was no water or hose.

The Northern Miner,

Saturday 6 February 1892


1892 Sr. M. Brendan Whelan was professed in Townsville on 22.03.92.

(1892 to 1849).

Townsville Catholic News,

Oct. 1949

1892 Start of four years depression in Australian. (1892 to 1895) Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1892 St. Mary’s High School for girls was opened in Charters Towers in April

1892 for the Sisters of Mercy under the supervision of Fr. Comerford.

Scholarships could be taken there by Catholic and non-Catholic girls.

The architects were Messrs. W. G. Smith and Son of Charters Towers and

Townsville and the contractors were Messrs. O’Meara Bros. of Charters

Towers. Although planned for September, the building was not completed

until November 1892.

The North Queensland Herald,


1892 On 28.06.1892, the Ross River Meatworks in Townsville began operations

on the site John Melton Black’s original boiling down works.

(Closed in February 1995 and with the exception of the chimney and an

office building, all other buildings and structures on the site were

demolished in 1997).

North Queensland Register


21.07.2013, 01.08.2013 & 08. 08.2013

1892 While the new convent in Charters Towers was under construction, the

ground at the lower end of the site was cleared of granite boulders and

trenched under the supervision of Fr. Comerford to provide a playground,

tennis court and flower garden, etc.

The Northern Miner,

Saturday 6 August 1892

Page 1.

(Sketch and full details of the building)

1892 On 12.09.1892, the Queensland Ambulance Service was established with

the formation of the City Ambulance Transport Brigade in Brisbane

Queensland Government

Queensland Ambulance Service

1892 The Townsville Jetty Railway was completed in October 1892. Cummins & Campbell’s Magazine

Oct. 1934

1892 On 27.10.1892, the ceremony of the consecration of the completed portion

of St. James Anglican Cathedral on Melton Hill – about one third of the

original design – was performed by Bishop Barlow, who succeeded Bishop

Stanton when he was transferred to Newcastle, N.S.W. in January 1891.

The Queenslander,

(Brisbane, Qld.: 1866 – 1939),

Saturday 16.03.1895,

Page 503

1892 The Congregation of Christian Brothers (CFC) arrived in Queensland. Catholic Education in Queensland Vol. 1

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Susan Mary Tobin

1892 Fr James Comerford extended St Columba’s Church in Charters Towers.

He doubled the size of the church to create 1000 seats.

Northern Miner, 06.08.1892.

The North Queensland Herald, 06.04.1898.

1892 Fr. Brosnan paid regular visits to Ingham from 1892 to 1899 during which

he celebrated baptisms and marriages. He was also responsible, under Fr.

Walsh’s direction, for the erection of the first church in 1893.

Townsville Catholic News,

Dec. 1959

1892 Gold discovered at Coolgardie, Western Australia. Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1892 On Sunday 4th December, St. Mary’s two storey Convent and Boarding

School, built for the Sisters of Mercy in Charters Towers, was blessed and

opened by the Right Rev. Dr. Cani, Bishop of Rockhampton.

Messrs. W. G. Smith and Son were the architects and Messrs. O’Meara

Bros. the contractors.

The Northern Miner,

28.11.1892 & Mon. 5.12.1892, p.3.

The North Queensland Register,

Wednesday 21 Dec. 1892, page 16.

1893 Australia’s population 3,362,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1893 Townsville Grammar School becomes co-educational despite much local


Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1893 Work was commenced on a new St. Joseph’s Church / School in

Townsville. The first was destroyed in 1892.

1893 The future Sr. M. de Pazzi entered the Convent of Mercy in Rockhampton.

Sister died in December 1954 at the Convent of Mercy, The Strand,


Catholic Leader,

03.02.1955, page 15.

1893 The future Mother M. Josephine Condon was professed in the Convent of

Mercy in Rockhampton in February 1893. She died in 1952.

Townsville Catholic News,

Jun. 1952

1893 Bowen was re-established as a parish with Fr Jules (James A.) Bucas

(1893 to1901) as the 2nd Parish Priest.

His charge extended along the coast from Cardwell to Mackay, except the

Parish of Townsville, and included the Brandon / Ayr District (removed

from the Townsville Parish), Ingham (returned to the Townsville parish in

1908), Halifax (parish founded in 1929), Home Hill (township founded in

1913), Bowen and Proserpine.

Bowen was first established as a parish from 16.04.1864 to1871.

A Souvenir of the Silver Jubilee 1911 –

1936 of St. Mary’s Church, Bowen

Compiled by Brian McWilliams.

Townsville Catholic News,

Aug. 1936 & Nov. 1964.

Silver Jubilee of the Sacred Heart Church,

Ayr 1912-37

1893 From 1893, Mass in Brandon was celebrated at the State School until St.

Patrick’s Church was built in 1897.

Previous to 1893, Mass was celebrated at Hoey’s quarters in the Pioneer

Mill. The visiting priests always stayed at Burke’s Hotel in Brandon until

1894 when the Family moved to “Eunomia” on Rita Island.

Subsequent to that date, until the Parish was formed in 1912, they stayed

with Mr. P. J. Closkey at Brandon.

Excerpt from diary in old exercise book.

Author Dr. K. J. H. Kelly.

Silver Jubilee of the Parish of Ayr, 1937

Planting the True Vine, (Parish of Ayr)

1912 – 1987, Br. Ken Rae F.M.S. Page 14.

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1893 From 1893 to 1907, the Ayr district was visited fairly regularly by Fathers

Bucas, James Cassar OFM Cap, Patrick Rouillac S.M., Mullhall,

McDonagh and Lanzon. They used to stay at Burke’s Hotel in Brandon

until 1894 and after this they stayed with Mr. P. J. Closkey at Brandon.

Silver Jubilee of the Parish of Ayr, 1937

Pioneering Days

Townsville Diocesan Archives

Ref. 761/1

1893 The Queensland Coat of Arms is the oldest in Australia and was granted by

Queen Victoria on 29.04.1893.

Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1893 Gold discovered at Kalgoorlie, West. Australia by Paddy Hannon on


Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1893 In 1893, Woodstock, Haughton, Major Creek and the Giru area were

transferred from the Thuringowa Divisional Board to the Ayr Divisional


Thuringowa Past and Present, page 13,

Diane Vance with Gai Copeman

1893 The first Redemptorist mission was preached in Townsville from

18.06.1893 to 19.07.1893 at St. Joseph’s, The Strand by Fr. James Hegarty

and Fr. Eugene O’Neill. The Redemptorist Superior, Fr. Edmund Vaughan,

in the weeks previous to this, conducted a retreat for the Mercy Sisters and

later for the five priests of the Townsville area.

Talk given by Fr. Hickey CSsR on


Archives Ref. A 321/2 & 850/5

1893 From July 1893, ‘no new pupil under 6 years of age’ to be admitted to any

school. Preparatory classes dis continued.

Classes 1 and 6 spanned 2 years. Each other classes spanned 1.5 years each.

Queensland Government

Department of Education

1893 Death of Sr. Mary Xavier Murray RSM on 07.07.1893, aged 30 years. Headstone in West End Cemetery

1893 The Burdekin Meatworks was constructed between Sellheim and Macrossan

on the bank of the Burdekin River.

1893 In Ingham, a wooden church, St Patrick’s, was constructed at 55 Morehead

Street, one block back from the Townsville Road and three streets from

Ingham’s main thoroughfare.

The church, built by Messers Rooney of Townsville, was blessed and

opened by Bishop Cani from Rockhampton on 18.09.1893.

An organ had been loaned for the occasion by the Rev. Mr. Cairns and the

members of the Wesleyan Church.

Fr. Brosnan was responsible for the erection of the Church under the

direction of Fr. Walsh.

(The building was moved in December 1900 to Abbott Street and the land

in Morehead Street was disposed of on 12.10.1906).

(In 1923, it was moved again, this time to Bemerside where it became firstly

“St. Bartholomew’s” and then after the great flood of 1927, it was renamed

“St. Anthony’s”. It was demolished and burnt when a new brick church was

built in 1982.)

Portrait of a Parish – A History of St.

Patrick’s Church and Parish 1864-1996

Pages 5, 233, 235, 279 & 280

Bianka Vidonja Balanzategui

The Ingham Planter, “A Pioneer Priest”,

Townsville Catholic News,

Sept. & Dec. 1959, Nov. 1973

Photo in TCN Jul. 64 & Nov. 73

Update information

from Fr. Damian McGrath 18.11.2014

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1894 Australia’s population 3,427,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1894 At Bishop Cani’s invitation, the Christian Brothers came to Rockhampton

in 1894 and took over a Catholic Boys’ School, which had operated for the

previous twenty years.

Townsville Catholic News,


1894 The first St. Vincent de Paul Queensland Conference was established in the

Parish of Red Hill, Brisbane on 18.02.1894.

Townsville Catholic Archives

Ref. 781/2

1894 Tenders Accepted

The Department of Public Works have accepted the following tenders:-

The offer of Jules Bucas of ₤45 for the material of the Immigration

buildings at Bowen has been accepted. The buildings in question were built

of wood and iron eight years ago, and of late years have been unoccupied.

The erections, four in number, were going to decay, being infested with

white ants, and it was therefore decided to pull down the buildings.

The Brisbane Courier,

Friday 23 Feb. 1894

Page 4.

1894 Official Notifications from the Government Gazette –Tenders Accepted

The undermentioned tenders have been accepted by the Department of

Public Works:-

Purchase and removal of Immigration Barracks, Bowen, Rev. J. Bucas, ₤45.

The Brisbane Courier,

Monday 26 Feb. 1894

Page 7.

1894 A shearers’ strike began again in June when pastoralists tried to introduce a

new working agreement, which included pay cuts.

On 05.07.1894, armed shearers rounded up a group of strike breakers

working on the Ayrshire Downs Station, 30 miles from Winton, and then

burnt down the woolshed. On Sunday, 02.09.1894, during a gun battle at

Dagworth Station, 70 miles northwest of Winton, a unionist was killed and

the woolshed was burnt down. (1891 & 1894)

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1894 Country Mails – Bowen – From Our Own Correspondent

A great deal of complaint is made, and it appears to be well grounded, by

the members of the congregation of the Roman Catholic Church, whose

priest, the Rev. Father Bucas, has been absent from his pastorship for some

months. The congregation here is an important charge, additional

buildings having only recently been built for Sunday School and convent

school accommodation. The Roman Catholic community here are

unfortunately subject to the periodical absence of their pastor, but until the

preset time such absences have been kept within reasonable limits.

The Brisbane Courier,

Saturday 4 August 1894,

Page 7.

1894 Queensland – From Our Own Correspondent

Hughenden September 1st. – Dr. Cani, Roman Catholic Bishop of

Rockhampton, held a Confirmation service here yesterday, and left today

for Charters Towers.

The Brisbane Courier,

Monday 3 Sept. 1894

Page 5.

1894 Government Gazette: The Marriage Act: The Brisbane Courier,

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The removal of the Rev. J. Bucas, Roman Catholic Denomination, from

Bowen to Mackay, is notified.

Monday 3 Sept. 1894

Page 6.

1894 Government Gazette: The Marriage Act:

The Rev J. Bucas, Roman Catholic denomination, has removed from

Mackay to Bowen.

The Northern Miner,

Wednesday 7 November 1894

Page 4.

1895 Australia’s population 3,492,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1895 The old Immigration Depot building in Bowen, which was purchased by Fr.

Jules Bucas, Parish Priest, in 1894, was re-erected for use as a school on the

corner of Sinclair and Powell Streets.

It was later moved to Gordon Street and used as a dormitory (1927).

It was moved again to become the music room and laundry and then as a

Vincent de Paul shop. In 1983 when the new St. Mary’s School was built,

the old building was moved to a temporary location behind the presbytery.

It was later sold and became a farm shed.

Townsville Catholic News, Aug. 1936

Letter from Claud Pilcher to Mons Rush

Dated 07.09.1990

Ref. A150/16

1895 Beginning of an eight year drought in Eastern Australia. (1895 – 1903)

Heavy losses of stock and crops were experienced in the Burdekin District.

Silver Jubilee of the Parish of Ayr, 1937

Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1895 By early 1895, the Lumiere brothers had invented a device combining

camera with printer and projector and called it the Cinematographe.

The first screening occurred on 22.03.1895 in Paris.

They applied for an English Patent on 18.04.1895.

Early Cinema.com


1895 Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen, Professor of Physics in Worzburg, Bavaria,

discovered the possibility of using electromagnetic radiation to create what

we now know as the x-ray.

British Library – Learning History

1895 Queensland – From Our Own Correspondent

The ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the Roman Catholic

Cathedral was performed yesterday afternoon by Bishop Cani in the

Presence of 3,000 people. (St. Patrick’s Day, 17.03.1895)

The Brisbane Courier,

Tuesday 19 March 1895, page 5.

Centenary of the Catholic Diocese of

Rockhampton. Page 13.

1895 Australian poet Banjo Patterson’s verse Waltzing Matilda was first sung

publicly at the North Gregory Hotel in Winton on 06.04.1895.

Waltzing Matilda – The Famous North

Gregory Hotel

1895 During 1895, the Government of the day erected a central sugar mill in the

township of Proserpine.

The Catholic Press

Thursday 2 August 1906, page 20

1896 Australia’s population 3,553,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1896 Townsville was hit by cyclone “Sigma” during 26 / 27.01.1896 resulting in

30in [762 millimetres] of rain in three days. Eighteen people were killed.

Townsville Daily Bulletin

Saturday 19.02.1927, page 13

1896 First meeting of the Townsville Harbour Board on 26.03.1896. Port of Townsville - Nexus Nth. Qld.

1896 On 24.05.1896, a few pioneers met at the home of Asma Banks and decided “The News”, Jun. 1996

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to build a Presbyterian house of prayer, the first church in Proserpine.

1896 Bore water was struck in Winton at a depth of 4,010 feet. Townsville Catholic News, Jun. 1939

1896 Death of Fr. Duncan McNab in the suburb of Richmond in Victoria on


Australian Dictionary of Biography

McNab, Duncan by H. J. Gibbney

1896 Ordination of James Duhig in the Lateran Basilica by Cardinal Cassetta on


James Duhig, page 49

T. P. Boland

1896 In the late 80’s, priests used to come by boat to Lucinda Point and then

travel to Ingham through Halifax. Barges travelled between Halifax and the

mouth of the Herbert River (Dungeness).

When the river began to silt up, a jetty was erected at Lucinda Point and a

tramway built from the jetty to link up with the Victoria Mill network at

Halifax. The tramway was opened in September 1896.

The name Lucinda was taken from the Government steamer “Lucinda”.

Herbert River Express


Portrait of a Parish – A History of St.

Patrick’s Church and Parish 1864-1996

Bianka Vidonja Balanzategui, page 4

1896 Archimandrite Dorotheus, Australia’s first Greek Orthodox priest arrived

from Samos.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1897 Australia’s population 3,618,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1897 Minimum age of entry was reduced and the recommended duration of class

6 was reduced to 1.5 years. This pattern applied to 1930 when major

syllabus revision was accompanied by changes to class structure in schools.

Queensland Government

Department of Education

1897 A home named “Woodlands”, was built on a 14 acre estate in Hyde Park,

Townsville by R.A. Goldring.

(In 1935, the house became St. Philomena’s Convent for the Good

Samaritan Sisters and served until a new convent was built in 1969.

“Woodlands” was then demolished).

Townsville Catholic News,

Feb. 1981

1897 Queensland – From Our Own Correspondent

The Right Rev. Dr. John Cani, Bishop of Rockhampton, has invited

Cardinal Moran to open the new Cathedral at Rockhampton on Sunday 20th

June. Archbishop Carr of Melbourne has also been requested to be present.

The Cardinal suggests an earlier date, as he is engaged, and in all

probability, his wish will be complied with.

The Brisbane Courier,

Monday 10 May 1897,

Page 4.

1897 In 1897, the Thuringowa Divisional Board established the Thuringowa

Water Board.

Water was pumped from the mining shafts of the defunct Caledonian and

Kiama Companies at Stuart and there was a well near the corner bounded

today by Mundingburra State School and the Jubilee Bowling Club.

Thuringowa Past and Present,

Page 14

Diane Vance with Gai Copeman

1897 The first church in the Lower Burdekin, “St. Patrick’s”, was erected in

Brandon on a site at the back of the State School, under the supervision of

Silver Jubilee of the Sacred Heart Church,

Ayr 1912-37

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Fr. Jules (James A.) Bucas, Parish Priest of Bowen.

The land on which the church was built belonged to Mr Arthur Carey who

bought the block from Alexander Masterton on 07.06.1897.

St Patrick’s was erected as part of the large Bowen parish.

Townsville Catholic News, Jul. 1957

Pioneering Days

Townsville Diocesan Archives

Ref. 761/1

1897 Extract from Northern Miner 17th July 1897

St Columba’s Church has replaced the bell bestowed upon it by Mr. F

Stubley, many years ago (1876), and which had become decidedly cracked,

by a new one, about 30 cwt; which, with its appointments is so heavy as to

demand a fresh belfry. The heavy structure, resembling poppet legs, which

has gone up in the churchyard, receives the bell today. The bell, which is

known as “E. Philharmonic”, was made by Goslin, of London. The belfry,

which has been erected under the supervision of Mr. C W Smith, is a most

substantial structure.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Extract from The North Queensland Herald 6th April 1898

Fr. James Comerford purchased a bell for St. Columba’s Church in

Charters Towers from Burns and Oates of London. The bell tower was

placed in position by Mr Bartholomew Condon of Gympie.

(Photo included in TCN Oct. 72).

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Extract from The Townsville Catholic News

In 1897, he (Fr. James Comerford) set himself the task of securing a church

bell. This he purchased from Burns and Oates of London. He then erected

a hugh belfry, the girders of which appear as though they were originally

intended for mining shafts.

Northern Miner

17th July 1987

Page 4

The North Queensland Register

6th April 1898

The Townsville Catholic News

July 1969

Page 8

1897 Nathaniel Dawes established the Church of England Bush Brotherhood on

14.09.1897 to provide church contact to the outback.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1897 Queensland Government defined Aboriginal Reserves. Queensland Historical Atlas

Missions & Reserves by Trish Bernard

1897 In 1897, pioneer pastoralist Alexander Kennedy, discovered a green ore

body jutting out of the ground 90 km southeast of Mount Isa.

(A mine named “Duchess” was established and copper mining began in

1907. A township also called “Duchess” grew up around the mine).

Duchess – Mining Link

1898 Australia’s population 3,665,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1898 Cloncurry Parish was established by Bishop Cani with Fr. William Hanley Souvenir of Hughenden, page 39

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(King of the West) as the first parish priest. Fr. Hanley travelled through

Boulia, Winton, Cloncurry and Longreach in his buckboard. (He was

withdrawn in September 1902 and Cloncurry was administered by Fr.

Edward O’Keefe, P.P. of Hughenden, until it was re-established in 1907).

Townsville Catholic News,

Apr. 45, Aug. 45,

Jul. 61, Dec. 65 & Dec 66.

Photo in TCN Jul.61. & Dec. 65.

1898 Death of Dr. John Cani, Bishop of the Rockhampton Diocese (including

Townsville) on 03.03.1898. (1882 to 1898)

Fr. William Mason Walsh was appointed Administrator of the Diocese.

Townsville Catholic News,

Jul. 1966

1898 Government Gazette: The Marriage Act:

The Rev. J. Bucas, a minister of the Roman Catholic Denomination, has

removed from Ravenswood to Bowen.

The Brisbane Courier,

Monday 17 April 1898

Page 6.

1898 Joseph Shiel (Fourth Bishop of Rockhampton, 1913 – 1931) was ordained

to the priesthood in Maynooth.

Centenary of the Catholic Diocese of

Rockhampton. page 22

1898 Edward O’Keefe was ordained in Ireland on 28.12 1898.

1898 St Columba’s Church, Charters Towers was extended.

The extension was used as a classroom.

Townsville Catholic News, Oct. 1972

Photo included

1898 Radium was discovered by Pierre and Marie Curie.

1898 St Joseph’s Church was erected in Millchester, Charters Towers.

(Opened as a school and became St. Patrick’s in 1901).

The North Queensland Herald, 06.04.1898.

Only Love Survives, SGS

Townsville Catholic News, Jul. 69.

1899 Australia’s population 3,715,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1899 Fr. W. M. Walsh had two curates, Fr. Michael Nugent and Fr. J. P.


The latter is recorded as having visited Ingham in May 1899.

Townsville Catholic News,

Oct. 56 & Dec. 59

(Article on page 11 – T’ville Revisited).

1899 Fr. James Ambrose Cassar, O.F.M. Cap., signed a contract for the

extension of St. Mary’s Church, Hughenden on 01.01.1899.

During the period 1898 to 1899, Fr. Cassar also serviced Cloncurry,

Ravenswood and Winton.

Photo in The Catholic Weekly, 16.07.2000

A Pioneer Priest 1849 – 1927

Fr. Publius Cassar OFM Cap.

1899 The Winton Parish was re-erected with Fr. John Brosnan (1899 to 1902) as

the second parish priest. The parish was first erected from 1889 to 1891.

Townsville Catholic News,

Jun. 1939 & Mar. 1971

1899 Fr. J. P. Prendegast visited the Ingham district in May 1899. Portrait of a Parish, Ingham 1864-1996

Bianka Vidonja Balanzategui

1899 Joseph Higgins was consecrated as the second Bishop of Rockhampton

(incl. Townsville) on 24.06.1899. (1899 to 1905).

Centenary of the Catholic Diocese of

Rockhampton, page 13

1899 The Railway from Hughenden to Winton was completed in three sections:

via Watten, Alba and Warianna sidings to Stamford on 13.12.1897:

via Chinbi, Whitewood and Tarvano to Corfield (previously Manuka) on

15.10.1898: and via sidings at Olia, Lana, Prubi, Oondooroo and

Great Northern Railway

(Mt. Isa Line)

Memorabilia of Hughenden and District

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Rangelands to Winton on 05 07.1899. Townsville Catholic Archives, Ref. 775/5

1899 Outbreak of the Boer War in South Africa on 11.10.1899 when negotiations

between the British Government and the South African Republic broke

down. (1899 to 1902)

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1899 St. Joseph’s Cathedral in Rockhampton was blessed by Bishop Joseph

Higgins on Saturday 14.10.1899 and opened by Cardinal Patrick Francis

Moran, Archbishop of Sydney, on Sunday 15.10.1899.

Centenary of the Catholic Diocese of

Rockhampton, page 14.

1899 The first Labour Government in the world came to power in Queensland on


The party was forced to resign after just five days in power when the new

Premier’s motion for an adjournment was defeated in Parliament.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1899 Fr. Jules (James A.) Bucas, Parish Priest, built the second Bowen presbytery

in 1899. (It was rented to a Mr. H. E. Jones by Fr. Patrick (Peter) Rouillac

S.M. in 1905 and eventually sold by Fr. Edward O’Keefe).

A Souvenir of the Silver Jubilee 1911 –

1936 of St. Mary’s Church, Bowen

compiled by Brian McWilliams.

1899 Joseph Higgins, Bishop of the Rockhampton Diocese, visited Bowen,

Townsville and Charters Towers

Prologue, John P. Maguire, 1985

1899 Extract from the Northern Miner VISIT OF BISHOP HIGGINS

On Friday morning, the Right Reverend Dr. Higgins, the newly appointed

Roman Catholic Bishop of Rockhampton, arrived in Charters Towers on his

first official visit.

The Northern Miner

Saturday 11 November 1899

Page 7

1899 On Wednesday evening, 15.11.1899, the Sisters of Mercy connected with

the High School in Charters Towers held a concert in the Theatre Royal in

honour of the visit of His Lordship Dr. Higgins.

The Northern Miner,

Thursday 16 November 1899,

Page 3

1899 On Thursday evening, 16.11.1899, a Conversazione to welcome His

Lordship Dr. Higgins was given by the ladies of the Reception Committee

in the Charters Towers Theatre Royal.

The Northern Miner,

Friday 17 November 1899,

Page 3


When Bishop Higgins visited the Charters Towers in 1899, he found that

the senior primary school (St. Columba’s) had closed and the infants’

school with 321 pupils was in charge of one Sister of Mercy and some lay

teachers, and that 387 pupils from the primary school had passed over to the

State School.

Bishop Higgins arranged for the Good Samaritan Sisters to come to the


(The Sisters of Mercy left in December 1899, having been told by the parish

priest, Fr. James Comerford, not to return after the Christmas break).

Catholic Education in Qld. Vol. 1

Susan Mary Tobin

Townsville Catholic News,

Mar., May & Jun. 64, Jul. 69.

1899 During 1899, it was proposed to build a new more substantial building in

Townsville to replace the original railway station erected in 1880.

Townsville Daily Bulletin,

Tuesday 23.12.1913.

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However, construction work did not commence until 1910 and took three

years to complete.

Sun Community Newspapers,

16.01.2013, page 5, 04.12.2013, page 13.

1899 In 1899, the first railway bridge over the Burdekin River on the Mt. Isa

Line, which was the converted road bridge, was replaced by the “Burdekin

River Rail Bridge”. (This was replaced by a third bridge in 1964).

Great Northern Railway

(Mt Isa Line)

1900 Australia’s population 3,760,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1900 On Thursday 25.01.1900, the intercolonial conference of state Labour

parties voted unanimously for the establishment of a Federal Labour Party.

The inaugural meeting of the new Federal Parliamentary Labour Party was

held in Parliament House, Melbourne, on Wednesday 08.05.1901.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1900 On Tuesday, 27.01.1900, twelve Good Samaritan Sisters left Sydney by the

A.U.S.N. Company’s boat “Aramac” for North Queensland.

They were met at Kepple Bay, Rockhampton, by Bishop Higgins, who

proceeded with them to Charters Towers, arriving on 31.01.1900 to

establish their first convent in Queensland.

On 01.02.1900, 700 children enrolled at St. Columba’s Primary School and

at this time, the Sisters became responsible for a flourishing Boarding

School at St. Mary’s.

Townsville Catholic News,

Mar. & May 64 & Aug. 72.

Bishop Higgins letter dated 02.12.1999.

Souvenir of the Silver Jubilee of the Sisters

of the Good Samaritan, Charters Towers

Sisters of the Good Samaritan

Charters Towers 1900 - 2017

1900 On 28.01.1900, having obtained agreement from the Mother General of the

Good Samaritans to send Sisters to Hughenden when accommodation was

available, Parish Priest, Fr. James Cassar, O.F.M. Cap., called a meeting of

parishioners at which he was empowered to build a convent to house four

Sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Penny donated land in Flinders Street for the


Townsville Catholic News,

Aug. 45, Mar. 54 & Sep. 1968

1900 The Sisters of St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart returned to Clermont and take

over a Catholic school run by a Miss Daly. They had previously taught in

Copperfield, five kilometres from Clermont, from 1873 to 1877.

Catholic Education in Queensland

Vol. 1

Susan Mary Tobin

1900 “The Age” newspaper reported that the Sisters of Mercy in Townsville, at

the last State school examination, sent in thirteen pupil teachers.

The paper also reported that the Sisters were now able to take postulants.

The Age,


Page 4.

1900 In June 1900, Julia Farrell (the future Sr. M. Genevieve) entered St.

Patrick’s Mercy Convent on the Strand in Townsville.

(She was professed on 17.01.1903).

Townsville Catholic News, Feb. 1963

Catholic Leader, 14.02 1963, page3.

1900 On Friday 14.09.1900, 4000 people arrived at Melbourne Town Hall to

witness the premiere of Australia’s first feature film, “Soldiers of the

Cross”, which was produced by the Salvation Army.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1900 Death of Fr. Patrick Mulligan, aged 25 years, a native of Co. Longford only Townsville Catholic News,

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recently arrived from Ireland, who drowned, while learning to swim in the

Townsville baths, on 22.09.1900.

Fr. Patrick had been appointed as a curate assisting Fr. W. M. Walsh.

He was buried in the West End Cemetery, Townsville.

Sep. 1935 & Nov. 1968.

Headstone in West End Cemetery

1900 On the 07.10.1900, the Bishop of Rockhampton, Joseph Higgins, laid the

foundation stone for the Sacred Heart Church (future Cathedral) on the

slopes of Castle Hill in Townsville, assisted by Dr. Redwood S.M., the

Archbishop of New Zealand. It had been stipulated that the designs were to

be for a church that would eventually become a Cathedral.

Townsville Catholic News,

Sep. 35, Dec. 62 & Jun. 63

Photo on cover of TCN Oct. 1942

Diocesan News, Dec. 2000 (Photo incl.)

1900 St Francis Convent in Hughenden was erected on the corner of Flinders and

Mowbray Streets, on ground donated by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas penny.

The contractor was Mr. T. Johnson of Charters Towers.

It was completed in October 1900 in time for the arrival of six Good

Samaritan Sisters on Friday 19.10.1900.

(Two sisters would return to Sydney). The Sisters were Mother Editha

McKeon, Berchmans, Bertrand, Genevieve, Hildegrade and Seraphim.

They arrived to a welcome by Joseph Higgins, Bishop of Rockhampton, and

commenced teaching 120 pupils in St. Mary’s Church, in the presbytery

kitchen and under a bower shed on 22.10.1900. The first pupil enrolled was

Thomas Sweeney, who in later years became a priest.

(A list of sisters who served in Hughenden from 1900 to 1984 can be found

the Townsville Catholic Archives Ref. 775/5 file - Sacred Heart Parish


The Catholic Press, 10.11.1900, page 6

A Pioneer Priest 1849 – 1927

Fr. Publius Cassar OFM Cap.

Catholic Education in Queensland Vol. 1

Susan Mary Tobin

Townsville Catholic News, Aug. 45, Feb. &

Sep. 68 and Apr. 75.

Photo in The Catholic Weekly, 16.07.2000

Memorabilia of Hughenden and District

Townsville Catholic Archives, Ref. 775/5

1900 WINTON, October 29

Bishop Higgins held a confirmation service yesterday, there being between

forty and fifty candidates, including both adults and children.

A conversazione in honour of the visit of the Bishop was held tonight.

Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton)

Tuesday 30 October

Page 5

1900 Bishop Joseph Higgins made his first visit to the Burdekin district.

A cavalcade of horsemen and buggies escorted the distinguished visitor

from the railhead near Lochinvar (located in the vicinity of East Barratta

Creek) to Brandon. At Brandon the Bishop had 28 for Confirmation and 92

for Holy Communion and was entertained at a public banquet at which all

the leading Protestants of the district were present.

Silver Jubilee of the Sacred Heart Church,

Ayr 1912-37

The History of the Sacred Heart Parish,

Ayr, 1912 – 2012, page 5

Pioneering Days

Townsville Catholic Archives Ref. 761/1

1900 A Parish mission was conducted the Vincentian Fathers in Winton by Fr.

McCarthy C.M. and in Hughenden by Fr. Henry C.M.

The Catholic Press, 10.11.1900, page 6

Townsville Catholic Archives, Ref. 775/5

1900 St. Patrick’s Church in Ingham was moved in December 1900 from its site

on Morehead Street near the Townsville Road to Abbott Street, though the

property was not registered to the ownership of William Mason Walsh,

Portrait of a Parish – A History of St.

Patrick’s Church and Parish 1864-1996

Bianka Vidonja Balanzategui

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Joseph Higgins and Charles Leverson Chester until 28.08.1904.

(The Morehead Street land was disposed of on 12.10.1906).

(In 1923, the building was later moved again this time to Bemerside where

it became firstly “St. Bartholomew’s” and then after the great flood of 1927,

it was renamed “St. Anthony’s”. The building was demolished and burnt

when a new brick church was built in 1982.)

Pages 5, 233 & 235

Townsville Catholic News,

Dec. 1959.

Photo in TCN Jul. 1964.

1900 The 1000 seat Theatre Royal was erected in Flinders Street, Townsville.

It was demolished in 1973 to make way for the 20 storey Townsville

International Hotel (Holiday Inn – Sugar Shaker).

Sun Community Newspapers,


1900 Townsville’s first motorcar arrived – a De Dion brought from America.

1901 Australia’s population 3,774,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1901 The Commonwealth of Australia was born on 01.01.1901 when the Federal

Constitution was proclaimed in a public ceremony conducted by the new

Governor-General, Lord Hopetoun in Sydney’s Centennial Park.

Edmund Barton was our first Prime Minister.

The colonies were federated and became states.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1901 Death of Queen Victoria in January 1901 (1837 – 1901)

1901 With the approval and under the authority of Bishop Higgins, then Bishop

of Rockhampton, the Sisters of Mercy established a Mother House in

Townsville independent from Rockhampton with Bowen and Ravenswood

as Branch Convents. Mother M. Benigna Desmond was canonically

appointed the first Mother Superior.

They also established the Sacred Heart Novitiate in the former presbytery

on The Strand. Julia Farrell (the future Sr. M. Genevieve) who entered St.

Patrick’s Convent in June 1900, was the first to make her novitiate here and

was professed in January 1903. The novitiate was moved to another

building on the site in 1926 due to an influx of postulants from Ireland.

Catholic Education in Queensland

Vol. 1 p. 42 Susan Mary Tobin

Townsville Catholic News,

Feb. 1963 & Nov. 1968.

Catholic Leader,


Pages 4-5.

1901 St. Mary’s School in West Townsville, run by the Sisters of Mercy, was

moved from the church into a new building with Sr. M. Angela as Superior.

Two sisters were driven out daily in a horse and buggy from the Strand

Convent until a convent was provided at the school in August 1917.

(The Sisters had been teaching in and under the church since 1888).

Townsville Catholic News,

Mar. 1964 & Nov. 1968.

Catholic Leader,

20.08.1978, pages 4 and 5.

1901 Death of operatic composer, Giuseppi Verdi, in Italy on 27.01.1901.

1901 Fr. Jules (James A.) Bucas was in Richmond for a brief visit and Fr.

William Hanley (King of the West) in the course of his many trips included

the town in his itinerary.

Townsville Catholic News,

Mar. 36, Jul. 61 & Jan. 63

1901 Parish Priest Fr James Cassar OFM Cap., (a Maltese Franciscan), was Townsville Catholic News, Aug. 1945.

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moved from Hughenden to become Bowen’s 3rd parish priest. (1901-1905).

Fr. Cassar was succeeded by a Frenchman, Fr. Jules Bucas for 8 months

until 03.10.1901.

Fr. Bucas had been Parish Priest of Bowen From 1893 to 1901)

A Souvenir of the Silver Jubilee

1911 – 1936 of St. Mary’s Church, Bowen

compiled by Brian McWilliams.

(Photo in TCN Jan. 1965.)

1901 In the early part of 1901, Fr. James Cassar OFM Cap., Parish Priest of

Bowen of which Ayr was then a part, backed the efforts of a group of

residents to build a church in Ayr, as the nearest church was St. Patrick’s at


Townsville Catholic News, May 1957

A Pioneer Priest 1849 – 1927

Fr. Publius Cassar OFM Cap.

1901 Annie Collins (the future Sr. M. Joseph Xavier), an experienced State

School teacher, entered the Convent of Mercy in Townsville on 21.02.1901.


Townsville Catholic News,

Mar. & Apr. 1964 & Nov. 1973

1901 Commencement of reign of Edward VII. (1901 – 1910)

1901 The Australian Army came into being on 01.03.1901.

1901 The Ayr Tramway Board (formed in 1899) completed a railway from

Stewart’s Creek (Stuart) to Ayr on 27.03.1901.

This was a joint venture of the Thuringowa Divisional Board, The Ayr

Divisional Board and the Townsville Municipal Council.

(The tramway was sold to the Government on 01.11.1911).

Triumph of Narrow Gauge, John Kerr

A History of Qld. Railway, page 102

Thuringowa Past and Present,

Page 13

Diane Vance with Gai Copeman

1901 On 25.04 1901, the Australian naval contingent returned from the Boxer

Rebellion in China.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1901 The first Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia was opened in

Melbourne on Thursday, 09.05.1901 by the Duke of Cornwall and York.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1901 Ordination of Fr. Thomas Francis Bourke. Fr. Thomas was appointed as a

curate assisting Fr. W. M. Walsh.

He replaced Fr. Patrick Mulligan who had died in September 1900.

Fr. Thomas eventually became the second parish priest of Townsville.

(1908 – 1928)

The Catholic Press

Thursday 23.12.1926, page 16

Townsville Catholic News,

Oct. 1962

1901 Australia’s first wireless transmission was beamed from Queenscliff,

Victoria on 18.05.1901.

1901 St Joseph’s Church, Millchester, was moved to a site in Queenton, a few

kilometres west of Millchester, nearer to Charters Towers,

It was re-opened as St Patrick’s Church.

The Good Samaritan Sisters opened a Primary School in the church

building. Two sisters came out each day from St. Mary’s Convent in

Charters Towers to teach the children until 1914 when the population

dwindled. (When they left the school was staffed by a lay teacher until

1923 when it was closed).

There were 107 students at the school in February 1901.

Townsville Catholic News,

Jul. & Sep.1969 &

Only Love Survives S.G.S.

Sisters of the Good Samaritan

Charters Towers 1900 - 2017

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1901 Death of William McKinley, 25th President of the U.S.A. - two weeks after

being shot by an anarchist.

1901 Fr. James Comerford purchased 24 allotments of land at the entrance to the

Charters Towers racecourse.

He moved swiftly to bring the Christian Brothers to the Towers and donated

this land to them for the establishment of a school.

The Northern Miner (Charters Towers)

Thursday 3 October 1901, page 6

Monday 6 October 1901, page 5

Townsville Catholic News, Jul.1969

1901 Immense work was done on building a school and residence for the

Christian Brothers in Charters Towers from July 1901 to January 1902.

Commemorating 100 years

of Christian Brothers in Charters Towers.

1901 On Wednesday 24.07.1901, a vast crowd gathered in Sydney Town Hall to

celebrate the union of the Presbyterian Churches of Australia.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1901 On 16.09.1901, Townsville’s Town Hall in Flinders Street was officially

opened by Governor General Lord Hopetoun.

He also unfurled a copy of the new Australian Federal Flag commenting

that he had not previously seen any version of the new flag unfurled.

(Chosen in Melbourne 03.09.1901)

Townsville Bulletin

15 February 2015

The Age (Melbourne, Vic.)

Tuesday 3 September 1901, page 5

1901 The future Sr. M. Joseph Xavier (Annie Collins) received the habit of the

Sisters of Mercy in Townsville on 24.09.1901.

Her final vows were made on 14.03.1904. (She died in 1973)

Townsville Catholic News,

Mar. 1964 & Nov. 1973.

1901 The future Sr. M. Mercy (Tarrant) entered the Convent of Mercy on the

Strand, Townsville, in 1901 and was professed there in 1904.

(She died in 1956).

Townsville Catholic News,

Oct. 1956

1901 A branch of the Children of Mary Sodality was established in Hughenden. Prologue, John P. Maguire, 1985

1901 Fr. James Ambrose Cassar OFM Cap celebrated the first Mass in Proserpine

in the lounge of the old Palace Hotel.

Townsville Catholic News,

Apr. 1965

1901 On 03.10.1901, Fr. Edward (Ned) O’Keefe, fresh from his ordination in

Ireland, arrived in Hughenden to succeed Fr. Jules (James A.) Bucas as

parish priest. (Oct. 1901 to Dec 1906).

(He was transferred to Cloncurry in 1907 to re-erect the parish).

T’ville Daily Bulletin, 16.11.1944, page 2

Townsville Catholic News,

Apr. & Aug. 1945

Townsville Catholic Archives, Ref. 775/5

1901 On Sunday 6th October 1901, in Charters Towers, Bishop Higgins

accompanied by Fr. Comerford and Fr. O’Keefe, laid the foundation stone

for a house and school (Mount Carmel) and blessed the site for the Christian


The Northern Miner (Charters Towers)

Monday 7 October 1901

Page 5.

1901 On 12.12.1901, Marconi sent the first wireless transmission across the

Atlantic from Poldhu, England to Newfoundland, Canada.

This Day in History

1901 An ambulance brigade was formally established in Townsville with three

permanent staff and six honorary members.

Townsville Bulletin Special Publication

Moments in Time – Part 9, page 7

March 2015

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1902 Australia’s population 3,875,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1902 On Wednesday 01.01.1902, all Methodist Church sects merged under the

one united denomination.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1902 During a visit to oversee schools in New Zealand, Mother Mary MacKillop

suffered a stroke.

Townsville Bulletin - Catholic News

Supplement, 17.09.2009, page 5

1902 On 13.03 1902, at the convent of the Sisters of Mercy in Townsville, Miss

Fenelon (Sr. M. Ursula) received the white veil and was instructed to

practice the rules and vows during the two years of probation.

Fr. Walsh was deputed by Bishop Higgins of Rockhampton to preside at the


The Age’


Page 8.

1902 The High Court of Australia was established on 18.03.1902. Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1902 1902 marked the Centenary of the foundation of the Congregation of the

Christian Brothers by Edmund Ignatius Rice.

The Christian Brothers Mount Carmel College in Charters Towers was

blessed and opened by Bishop Higgins on Sunday 13.04.1902.

Some 3000 people attended the official opening of the school.

Br. J. C. (“Tiger”) Ryan from Nudgee College was appointed as the first

principal (from 1902 to 1910). Assisting him were Brothers Casimir

Fenwick from Maryborough and Cyril Jones from Brisbane.

Teaching commenced (as a day school until 1916) on Monday 14.04.1902

with 96 boys. It was the first secondary school for boys in the Townsville

Diocese and was owned and operated by the Brothers until the end of 1997.

Carmel, Golden Jubilee 1952

Townsville Catholic News,

Feb. 49, Jul. 62, Jul. 66,

Jul. 69, Aug. 74 & Apr. 75

Mount Carmel College, 75th Anniversary

Building Fund Appeal Booklet

1902 Queensland introduces individual Income Tax. Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1902 On 31.05.1902, a peace treaty was signed in Pretoria marking the end of

hostilities between the British and the Boers. (1899 to 1902)

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1902 Coronation of Edward VII on 09.08.1902. (1901 to 1911) Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1902 Fingerprinting was introduced in Sydney and was known as the Bertillon

system of identification.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1902 On 08.09.1902, a 19 year old Miss Wall from Herberton entered the Strand

Convent of Mercy and was professed there on 17.01.1906.

Sr. M. Veronica died in 1958.

Townsville Catholic News,

Sep. 1958

1902 Fr. William Hanley P.P. was withdrawn from Cloncurry in September 1902.

The parish was then administered from Hughenden by Fr. Edward O’Keefe

P.P., until it was re-established in 1907.

Catholic Leader 12.09.1986

Crowded Years, Duhig

Page 38

1902 The laying of the Pacific cable linking Australia with America was

completed on 01.11.1902.

The Brisbane Courier

Tuesday 04.01.1902. page 4

1902 On 31.10.1902, work was completed on the British Pacific Cable between

Australia and Vancouver Island. The line opened for commercial business

The Journal of Electricity, Power & Gas

January issue 1903

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during the first decade of December 1902. Published in San Francisco

1902 In 1902, following a Royal Commission into Local Government in

Queensland, Divisional Boards became known as Shires and so the

Thuringowa Shire came into existence.

Thuringowa Past and Present,

Page 14

Diane Vance with Gai Copeman

1902 The Church of St. Francis was erected in Ayr by contractor S. Anderson

under the supervision of Fr. James Cassar OFM Cap., parish priest of


Ayr was part of the large parish of Bowen.

The church was blessed and opened by Bishop Joseph Higgins in November


(The building was blown down by cyclone “Leonta” in March 1903 and re-

erected in 1904).

Townsville Catholic News,

May & Jul. 1957

A Souvenir of the Silver Jubilee

1911 – 1936 of St. Mary’s Church, Bowen

compiled by Brian McWilliams.

Planting the True Vine, (Parish of Ayr)

1912 – 1987

Br. Ken Rae F.M.S., page 15.

1902 On 16.11.1902, the Sacred Heart Church (Cathedral) in Townsville was

consecrated by Bishop Joseph Higgins assisted by Fr. James Duhig.

The church was furnished by Mr. Dalton of Sydney.

The High Altar was donated as a memorial to Fr. William Mason Walsh.

(The Stations of the Cross were sculpted originally in the United States and

were restored by a team of local artists in 2006).

(Photo on cover of TCN Oct. 50 & Dec. 62, page 21)

Invitation to the Blessing and Opening.

Townsville Catholic News,

Sep. 35, Dec. 62 & Jun. 63.

Self Guided Tour brochure.

1902 Townsville, Rockhampton and Brisbane were all proclaimed as cities under

the new Local Govt. Act.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1902 Fr William Mason Walsh purchased three allotments behind St. Mary’s

Church in West Townsville.


1902 The first Mass in the Stuart District (Stewart’s Creek) was celebrated at the

Lane residence by Fr. Michael Nugent, a curate to Fr. Walsh.

Townsville Catholic News,

Mar. 1954

1903 Australia’s population 3,917,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1903 On 17.01.1903, Julia Farrell from Kerry, Ireland, (Sr. M. Genevieve) was

professed in Townsville as a Sister of Mercy.

Fr. Walsh received her vows. (1903 to 1966).

Townsville Catholic News,

Feb. 1963 & Nov.1966

Catholic Leader, 14.02.1963, page 3.

1903 Fr. John Robert Fagan arrived in Winton in 1903 to succeed Fr. Brosnan as

parish priest. (1903 to 1911)

From 1903 to 1911, Frs. Edward O’Keefe Parish Priest of Hughenden and

Fr. Clement Cain CP also visited Winton.

Townsville Catholic News,

Mar. 1971 & Jun. 1939

1903 Alterations were carried out to St. Patrick’s Church in Winton.

The building, which was on a corner block, was also turned away from Cork

Street to face Oondooroo Street.

Winton Herald, 1938.

1903 Townsville was hit by Cyclone “Leonta” on 09.03.1903. Ten people were Townsville Catholic News,

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killed, eight in the wreckage of the hospital.

The Grammar School was destroyed and St James Anglican Cathedral was


The Sacred Heart Church (cathedral) lost its roof and the inside suffered

extensive water damage forcing plans to build a chapel and bell tower to be


The convent school buildings on the Strand were severely damaged.

When repairs were carried out, a strong concrete wall surmounted by an

iron fence was built on the face of the hill under the church, around which

an asphalt approach was constructed. The approach was later altered and

made more convenient for vehicles to drive up to the grounds.

Sep. 35, May 57 & Nov. 68.

Grand Bazaar – Ryan

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition.

Townsville Bulletin –

Catholic News Supplement,

06.07.2006, page 2.

Sun Community Newspapers,

16.01.2013, page 5.


St Francis’ Church in Ayr was destroyed by Cyclone Leonta on 09.03.1903.

Fr. James Cassar, O.F.M. Cap., called a meeting and the outcome was a

contract given to Mr. W. Gilliland to collect what remained of the timber

and iron and re-erect the church.

By the end of June 1904, the church was re-opened.

A Pioneer Priest 1849 – 1927

Fr. Publius Cassar OFM Cap.

Townsville Catholic News,

May 1957 page 2

Townsville Catholic Archives Ref. 761/1

1903 St Patrick’s Church in Brandon was also destroyed during Cyclone Leonta

in March 1903 and was not re-erected for some months.

It was re-opened in 1904. In the interim, Mass was celebrated in the home

of Mr. T. Closkey at 67 Drysdale Street, Brandon

Townsville Catholic News, Jul. 1957

The History of the Sacred Heart Parish,

Ayr, 1912 – 2012, page 5

Townsville Catholic Archives,` Ref. 761/1

1903 Newspaper item

The Catholic Church was destroyed during “the storm” in Bowen.

The North Queensland Register,

Monday 16 March 1903, page 43.

1903 In March 1903, Mother Benigna Desmond and Mother Bernadine Nugent

set sail for Ireland in the S. S. Oroya to obtain recruits for the Mercy

Foundation in Townsville. They landed there early in May and returned to

Townsville with nine young ladies who entered the Mercy Novitiate.

Townsville Catholic News,

Oct. 56, Nov. 63 & Nov. 68.

Catholic Leader,

20.08.1978 page4-5.

1903 It was declared on 27.03.1903, that the “great drought”, which had plagued

Australian farmers in parts of the country for some eight years, seemed to

be easing. (1895 to 1903)

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1903 Townsville’s first Eisteddfod was held on Easter Saturday. Sun Community Newspapers,

16.01.2013, page 5

1903 Two men were killed and several injured in a mining accident in Charters

Towers on 27.05 1903.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1903 Fr. Myles Joseph Lyons was born at Charters Towers on 31.05.1903.

He was ordained in St. John’s Lateran Basilica, Rome on 02.06.1928 and

died in the Charters Towers Hospital on 31.05.1972.

Townsville Catholic News, Jul. 1972

Townsville Catholic Archives

Ref. 775/1

1903 The altar and furnishings for the Christian Brothers chapel in Mt Carmel

College arrived. The altar remained in position until it was transferred into

Carmel, Golden Jubilee 1952

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a new chapel in 1922.

1903 The first Commonwealth stamp was issued by the Postmaster General on


Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1903 On 20.07.1903, Hannah Mary Collins, (the future Sr. M. Vincent Collins), a

trained and experienced teacher, entered the Convent of Mercy, Townsville.

(1903 to 1972)

Townsville Catholic News, Apr. 1972.

Catholic Leader,

19.03.1972, page 6.

1903 Death of Pope Leo XIII on 20.07.1903 (1878 – 1903) All Roads Lead to Rome.

1903 Election of Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto as Pope St. Pius X on 04.08.1903.

(1903 – 1914)

Townsville Catholic News, Sep. 1941.

All Roads Lead to Rome.

1903 Ingham Parish was established for the first time in August 1903 with Fr

Alfredus Lanzon, a Maltese, as the first parish priest.

(August 1903 to April 1906)

He was responsible for the erection of the first presbytery.

(Blessed and opened by Bishop Duhig on 28.07.1907)

Fr. Lanzon’s name appears in Baptism Registers in Townsville, Charters

Towers, Bowen, Cloncurry and Proserpine.

He apparently stayed some time at Ewan in 1903. (Died 06.11.1931)

(The Ingham Parish was re-established twice more in Nov. 1906 and 1914).

Souvenir of the Blessing and Opening

of St. Patrick’s Church on 12.03.1961.

A Pioneer Priest 1849 – 1927

Fr. Publius Cassar OFM Cap.

Townsville Catholic News,

Dec. 1959, page 14

1903 A branch of the H.A.C.B. (Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society)

was formed in Ingham.

Portrait of a Parish, 1864-1996, page 6

Bianka Vidonja Balanzategui

1903 On 11.09.1903, ten young Irish postulants left their homeland on the S.S.

Oroya to journey to Townsville with Mother Benigna Desmond, the

Superior of St. Patrick’s Convent.

They arrived in Sydney on Monday 21.10.1903 and in Townsville on the

coastal boat “Innamuka” on 30.10.1903.

Townsville Catholic News,

Oct. 56, Nov. 63 & Nov. 68.

1903 Mary O’Donovan (Sr. M. Laurentia) came to Australia with nine other Irish

girls to join the Sisters of Mercy.

She was professed in 1906 and died in 1958.

Townsville Catholic News,

Mar. 1958

1903 The future Mother M. Michael (Spillane) entered St. Patrick’s Convent in

1903. She was professed in 1906 and died in 1960.

Townsville Catholic News,

Feb. 1960

1903 The future Mother M. Benedicta (Cahill) entered St. Patrick’s Convent in

1903. She was professed in 1907 and died in 1960.

Townsville Catholic News,

Feb. 1960

1903 The future Mother M. Agnes (Kate Goggin) entered St. Patrick’s Convent

of Mercy in1903.

Kate was a classified teacher of the Queensland Department. She was

professed in 1906 and died in 1975.

Townsville Catholic News, Feb. 1975.

Catholic Leader, 10.04.1969, page 6.

Catholic Leader, 02.02.1975, page 3.

Catholic Leader, 29.10.1978, page 4.

1903 Mary Hearne (Sr. M. Brigid) came to Australia with nine other Irish girls.

They entered the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy on 30.11.1903.

Townsville Catholic News,

Mar. & Nov. 1968

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Mary made her first and final profession on 31.07.1907.

1903 Mother M. Philomena Higgins, who died in 1949, entered the Congregation

of the Sisters of Mercy in Townsville during 1903.

Townsville Catholic News,

Oct. 1949

1903 The section of the Mt Isa Railway line from Hughenden to Richmond was

completed as far as Marathon on 15.12.1903.

Great Northern Railway

(Mt. Isa Line)

1903 Women vote for the first time in a Federal Election on 16.12.1903. Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1903 Orville Wright achieves the first powered flight at Kitty Hawk on


Smithsonian National Air and Space

Museum – Inventing a Flying Machine

1904 Australia’s population 3,974,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1904 On 14.03.1904, Mercy Sisters M. Joseph Xavier (Collins), M. Mercy

(Tarrant) and M. Ursula made their professions in Townsville before Fr.

Walsh in the absence of Bishop Higgins.

Fr. James Duhig also attended the ceremony.

Townsville Catholic News,

Mar. & Apr. 1964

Dec. 1968

1904 At the request of many influential citizens, St Patrick’s High School and

Boarding School for Girls desiring secondary education was established in

the convent on the Strand in Townsville, by the Sisters of Mercy.

There were only two Sisters teaching the classes.

The foundation principal was Mother Benigna Desmond and the first

secondary teacher was Sr. M. Agnes Goggin who taught the whole of the

Junior class. The girls remained in the convent until 1911 when a college

building was opened.

St Patrick’s College Magazine,

May 1968.

Catholic Leader, 10.04.1969, page 6.

Catholic Leader, 02.02.1975, page 3.

Townsville Catholic News,

Nov. 63, Nov. & Dec. 68,

Feb., Apr. & Sep 75.

1904 On Friday 22.01.1904, a preliminary meeting of persons interested in the

erection of a church at Stewart’s Creek (Stuart) was held at the Ayr Junction


Fr. Michael Nugent was elected Chairman and Mr. Denis Lane, a Senior

Warden of the Stewart’s Creek Gaol, was elected Vice Chairman.

Townsville Catholic News,

Dec. 46, Sep. 52 & Mar. 54.

1904 Fr. Terence McGuire (the future first bishop of Townsville) was ordained

on 19.03.1904 in Rome in the Lateran Basilica

Fanning Family History

1904 The section of the Mt Isa Railway line from Hughenden to Richmond was

completed on 01.06.1904.

Great Northern Railway

(Mt. Isa Line)

1904 St Francis’ Church in Ayr was rebuilt by Mr. W. Gilliland after being

destroyed by Cyclone Leonta in 1903.

It was re-opened in June 1904.

T’ville Catholic News, May & Jul. 1957

Freeman’s Journal (Syd. NSW 1850-1932)

Saturday 13.08.1904, page 38

1904 News item in “The Brisbane Courier”.

The township (Bowen) is now very lively, business being brisk.

A number of new buildings, including the Post Office and the Catholic

Chapel, are in the course of erection.

The Brisbane Courier,

Tuesday 12 July 1904,

Page 6.

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1904 Proserpine’s first Catholic Church, St. Catherine’s of Alexandria, was built

on land donated by Joseph and Charles Busuttin, who were lifelong friends

of Bowen parish priest, Maltese Franciscan Fr. James Cassar OFM Cap.

The contractor was Mr. Thos. Heron from Bowen.

Formerly, Mass had been celebrated in the lounge of the Palace Hotel.

(The church was blessed and opened in early 1905 by Bishop Higgins).

A Pioneer Priest 1849 – 1927

Fr. Publius Cassar OFM Cap.

The News, Mar. 1991.

Freeman’s Journal (Syd. NSW 1850-1932)

Saturday 13.08.1904, page 38

1904 Joseph Higgins, Bishop of Rockhampton, visited Richmond and conferred

Confirmation on 19.07.1904.

Townsville Catholic News, July 1945

1904 Fr. Lane, assistant priest at Hughenden (1902-03), was responsible for the

building of St. Brigid’s Church in Richmond in 1904.

Joseph Higgins, Bishop of Rockhampton, blessed and opened the church on

Sunday 24.07.1904. At this time, Richmond was part of the Parish of

Hughenden. (The church was replaced with a new building in 1951)

Freeman’s Journal (Syd. NSW 1850-1932)

Saturday 13.08.1904, page 38.

Townsville Catholic News,

Mar. 36, Nov. 48 & Oct. 65.

Photos in TCN Feb.61 & Oct. 65.

1904 On Sunday 31.07.1904, Joseph Higgins, Bishop of Rockhampton, visited

Stewart’s Creek (Stuart) to lay the “foundation block” for St. Brigid’s

Church. The land had been donated nearly 20 years previously.

On 12.08 1904, the building committee accepted the tender of Messrs. Doig

and Ritchie for the erection of the church.

Freeman’s Journal (Syd. NSW 1850-1932)

Saturday 13.08.1904, page 38

Townsville Catholic News,

Nov. 35, Dec. 46, Sep. 52,

Mar. & Nov. 54, Oct. & Nov. 64.

The Catholic Leader, 31.10.2004.

1904 Fr. James Cassar, O.F.M. Cap., built a small church in Merinda, near

Bowen, dedicated to St. Lawrence O’Toole. It was only 24 feet by 16 feet.

The contractors were Charlie Walsh and Jim McCoy.

Later it was enlarged and in 1934 was fenced and repaired by Fr. John

Hegarty (TCN Oct. 1962).

A Souvenir of the Silver Jubilee

1911 – 1936 of St. Mary’s Church, Bowen

Compiled by Brian McWilliams.

Freeman’s Journal (Syd. NSW 1850-1932)

Saturday 13.08.1904, page 38

1904 On Sunday 09.10.1904, St. Brigid’s Church at Stewart’s Creek (Stuart) was

blessed and opened by Bishop James Murray OSA, Vicar Apostolic of

Cooktown. At that time, the church was under the administration of St.

Joseph’s the Strand, which still lay within the Diocese of Rockhampton.

(Later it came under the jurisdiction of the parishes of West End and then

Mundingburra and then became a separate parish in 1945).

The builders, Doig and Ritchie, also supplied eight timber pews.

Rooney and Co. of Townsville (builders saw millers and joiners) supplied

the pine altar and other fittings.

Townsville Catholic News,

Nov. 35, Dec. 46, Sep. 52,

Mar. & Nov. 54, Oct. & Nov. 64

History of St. Brigid’s Church

Stuart, Townsville

1904 A prefabricated church was purchased from England by Fr. William Hanley

around 1902, to be erected at Cloncurry. The building sections arrived in

Townsville but Fr. Hanley had been transferred from Cloncurry and the

parish discontinued. The building sections remained untouched on the

wharf until the purchase and forgotten duties were paid by Fr. William

Townsville Catholic News,

Sep. 35, Dec. 67 & Oct. 70.

The News,

Dec. 1990.

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Mason Walsh. It was redirected to South Townsville (Ross Island) where it

was erected in Allen Street as the original St. Patrick’s Church / School.

The building was destroyed by Cyclone Althea in 1970. A concrete church

was built in 1930. (The school was closed at the end of 1970.)

1904 The third Mercy School in the Diocese was established at South Townsville.

Mother M. Bernadine and three sisters commenced teaching in St. Patrick’s

Church building.

The school continued on the South Townsville site until the end of 1970.

Townsville Catholic News,

Dec. 67, Dec. 68 & Oct.70.


St Patrick’s Church in Brandon (erected in 1897), was re-erected in 1904

after having been damaged by cyclone “Leonta” in March 1903.

Mass was celebrated in the home of Mr. P. J. Closkey until the church was


Silver Jubilee of the Sacred Heart Church,

Ayr 1912-37. Photo in TCN Sep. 1962.

Freeman’s Journal (Syd. NSW 1850-1932)

Saturday 13.08.1904, page 38

1905 Australia’s population 4,033,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1905 Death of Fr. William Hanley, (known as King of the West), in Lismore on

04.01.1905. Fr. Hanley had been the first parish priest of Cloncurry

(1898 to Sept. 1902).

He was said to have caught some fatal fever during his travels in the west

through drinking water from creeks and water holes.

Calender of Deceased Priests in Australia

1788 – 2009 W. T. Southerwood

Townsville Catholic News,

Jul. 61 & Dec. 66.

1905 Fr. Peter Mary Rouillac S.M., as assistant priest at Hughenden, also visited


During 1905, he was appointed as the fourth Parish Priest of Bowen (1905

to 1912), succeeding Fr. James Cassar O.F.M. Cap.

Townsville Catholic News,

Jul. 1936, Jul. 1945 & Nov. 1964

17.12.2015, page 6

1905 The St. Patrick’s Branch of the Hibernian Australasian Benefit Society was

established in Brandon and was registered on 21.12.1905 with 16 members.

The History of the Sacred Heart Parish,

Ayr, 1912 – 2012, page 5

1905 In early 1905, St Catherine’s Church in Proserpine was blessed and opened

by Bishop Joseph Higgins.

The building was erected by Bowen contractor, Mr. Thos. Heron on land

donated by Joseph and Charles Busuttin in 1904.

The church was named St. Catherine’s of Alexandria after the patron saint

of the Busuttin family’s village in Malta.

Townsville Catholic News, Apr. 1965

(Photo in TCN Apr. 65)

The News,

Mar. 1991.

1905 St Francis’ Convent in Hughenden provided boarding facilities, firstly for

girls and later for boys. At first he open back verandah was enclosed and a

back outer staircase built. When the boys came, an extra room was created

on the verandah. Two cells were converted into small dormitories and the

number of boarders increased to 16.

The Boarding School continued until 1968

The Catholic Church in Hughenden

1885 – 1985, information supplied by

Mary Sladden & Mary Westcott

Townsville Catholic Archives,

Ref. 775/5

1905 Bishop Higgins was translated to Ballarat on 03.03.1905. (1899 – 1905) Townsville Catholic News,

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Once again, Fr. William Mason Walsh was appointed Administrator of the

Rockhampton Diocese.

Jul. 1966

1905 Death of Fr. Michael Nugent on 10.03 1905. A Prayer-Calendar of Deceased Priests

in Australia. 1788 - 2009

1905 Death of Sr. Mary Augustine Hardiman RSM, aged 69 years, on 9th May


Damaged Headstone in Ravenswood


1905 Empire Day is inaugurated on the 24.05 1905, the late Queen Victoria’s


Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition


A new buggy was presented to the Brothers at Mt. Carmel College in

Charters Towers in July 1905, to enable them to attend Mass in town.

Carmel, Golden Jubilee


1905 On Sunday 23.07.1905, four young ladies were clothed with the habit of the

order of Mercy in the Sacred Heart Church in Townsville.

They were Miss Marion Cahill of Tipperary, Ireland (Sr. M. Benedicta);

Miss Louisa Hockruder of Rockhampton (Sr. M. Gertrude); Miss Annie

Carroll of Townsville (Sr. M. Antony) and Miss Mary Fitzgerald of

Townsville (Sr. M. Catherine). Fr. Walsh presided.

Annie was the first Townsville born girl to enter the convent there.

Townsville “Daily Bulletin”


The Age,


Page 5.

1905 On Sunday 01.10.1905, the new St. Mary’s Convent in Bowen, built by the

Rev. Fr. Peter Rouillac S.M., was blessed and opened by the Very Rev. Fr.

W. M. Walsh, Administrator of the Diocese of Rockhampton.

The Catholic Press,

Thursday28 September 1905, page 38

Thursday 19 October 1905, page 5

1905 Fr. Peter Mary Rouillac S.M. rented the Bowen presbytery (1899 to 1905)

to Mr. H. Jones.

A Souvenir of the Silver Jubilee 1911 –

1936 of St. Mary’s Church, Bowen

compiled by Brian McWilliams.

1905 James Duhig D.D. was named Bishop of Rockhampton by Pope Pius X on

16.09.1905 and was consecrated the third Bishop of the Diocese of

Rockhampton (including Townsville) on 10.12.1905. (1905 to 1912).

The Official Directory of the Catholic

Church in Australia.

Townsville Catholic News, Apr. 1958

1905 Bishop Duhig appointed Fr. William Mason Walsh as Vicar General of the

Rockhampton Diocese.

Townsville Catholic News,

Jul. 1966

1905 Einstein (1879 – 1955) conceived his “Theory of Relativity”. Albert Einstein & the Theory of Relativity

1905 In 1900, Australian women received the federal vote as part of federation.

In 1905, Queensland became the second last Australian State to grant

women the right to vote in state elections.

(They exercised their right for the first time on 18.05.1907).

Queensland Government

Women’s right to vote in Queensland

1905 Mr August Anderssen, one of the early settlers in Halifax, donated a piece

of land in 1905 for a nominal fee of 10 shillings, to build a Catholic church.

Herbert River Express


1906 Australia’s population 4,091,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1906 Bishop Duhig left Rockhampton on the SS Arawatta for his first visit to James Duhig

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Townsville and points west on 14.01.1906. page 90 & 91 by T.P. Boland

1906 Bishop Duhig met the Townsville clergy and visited Stuart Creek Jail in

January 1906.

James Duhig

page 91 by T.P. Boland

1906 On 17.01.1906, at St. Patrick’s Convent, The Strand, three Sisters of Mercy

were professed before Bishop Duhig assisted by Fr. Shiel.

They were the future Mother M. Agnes (Goggins), Sr. M. Vincent Collins

(Hannah Collins) and Sr. M. Veronica (Wall).

The Catholic Press, 14.06.1906, page 6

Townsville Catholic News,

Nov. & Dec. 1968, Feb. 1975

1906 Bishop Duhig moved on to Charters Towers to meet Fr. Comerford and

other religious and then left for the west on 21.01.1906.

While in the Towers, the Bishop also visited Mount Carmel College.

He was joined in Homestead by Fr. Edward O’Keefe, P.P. of Hughenden.

James Duhig

page 92 by T.P. Boland

Carmel, Golden Jubilee 1952

1906 It was feared that the Good Samaritan Sisters would leave Hughenden, as,

owing to the absence of the priest attending to various portions of his

immense district, they were often deprived of Mass on Sunday.

During Bishop Duhig’s visit, the Mayor of the town, on behalf of the

Catholics and non-Catholics of the place, begged his Lordship to make such

arrangements that would retain to the community the presence of the

Sisters. The Bishop promised to comply with their request, and sent an

additional priest to the district. Improvements were made to the convent

and the school roll, which was much depleted during the drought, was again

increasing. An additional Sister arrived from Sydney.

The Catholic Press,

Thursday, 14.06.1906,

Page 6.

1906 Final deportation of South Sea Islanders. Diary Dr. K. J. H.

1906 Fr. John Fagan built a convent in Winton and invited the Sisters of Mercy

(RSM) to come and teach the children.

On 22.01.1906, Bishop Duhig arrived in Winton at 3.25 a.m. and blessed

the new Convent dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus at 4.30 am.

He was accompanied by Fr. Comerford and Sisters M. Stanislaus Harding

(the Superior), M. Baptist Hockruder, M. de Pazzi Egan, M. Brendan

Whelan and M. Vincent Collins. They were situated further west than any

other religious community in Queensland.

The sisters established St. Patrick’s Primary School in the church.

(Before the arrival of the Sisters, Catechism was taught to the children by

Mrs. Riley who died on 30.04.1942).

New school buildings were constructed in 1911 and1961.

The school motto was “For God And Country”.

(An article in the Catholic Leader, 20.08.1978, page 5, states that a small

boarding school was opened).

The Catholic Press,

Thursday, 14.06.1906, page 6.

James Duhig, by T. P. Boland

Page 92.

Townsville Catholic News

Jun. 1939, Jul. 1942 and Dec. 1968.

Catholic Leader

20.08.1979, page 5.

Townsville Bulletin- Catholic News

Supplement, 20.05.2005, page 4

Townsville Catholic Archives

Ref. No. 551/6

1906 On 11th and 12th February 1906, Bishop Duhig celebrated two Baptisms in Bowen Baptism Register

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Bowen and one in Merinda. !893 - 1010

1906 Fr. Clement Cain CP, assistant priest in Hughenden, was placed in charge of

Charters Towers during the absence of the local priests at the annual retreat

in Rockhampton. He also visited Richmond in 1906 and in June conducted

a mission at Cloncurry.

The Catholic Press,

Thursday, 14.06.1906, page 6.

Townsville Catholic News,

Jul. 1945

1906 On 06.04.1906, Cardinal Patrick Moran set up the first Catholic Seafarers’

Society in Australia as part of the work of the St Vincent de Paul Society.

Townsville Catholic News,

Jul. 1957

1906 Ingham Parish lapsed in April 1906.

(The parish was re-established for the second time in November 1906).

Souv. of the Blessing and Opening of St

Patrick’s Church, Ingham, 12.03.1961.

1906 Fr. James Comerford of Charters Towers had St. Mary’s Church erected at

Sellheim. (This church was shifted to Pentland in 1964).

Townsville Catholic News,

Dec. 1964 & Jul. 1969.

1906 Mass was being celebrated in Halifax in the Court House. Prologue, John P. Maguire, 1985

1906 Approximately 700 people perished in the San Francisco earthquake on


The Sun 18.04.1989

1906 News items in “The Queenslander”

Townsville April 23

Dr. Duhig, Roman Catholic Bishop of Rockhampton, arrived by the

“Marloo” on Friday (20th April), and left on Saturday (21st April) for

Ravenswood. He will return on Wednesday (25th April) and proceed to the

lower Burdekin on Thursday (26th April).

The Premier, the Hon. W. Kidston, arrived by the “Bingara” last night

(Sunday 22nd April).

He intends leaving for Ravenswood tomorrow (24th April).

The Queenslander

Saturday 5 May 1906

Page 14

1906 During Bishop Duhig’s visit to Ravenswood in April, he held a mission in

the little church.

His visit synchronised with the visit of Premier Kidston and the Home

Secretary, Mr. Airey, who paid a visit to the convent school where they

were welcomed by the Bishop on behalf of the Sisters and pupils.

During the Bishop’s stay, he was the guest of Fr. Weare at the presbytery.

The Catholic Press

Thursday 14 June 1906

Page 6

1906 When a Japanese naval squadron stopped over in Cleveland Bay, Japanese

officers visited schools showing deep interest in the work of the children

and in the method of teaching, and asked permission to take away samples

of the lesson and copy books.

The Catholic Press

Thursday 14.06.1906,

Page 6

1906 Fr. Thomas Bourke was transferred from his position of assistant to Fr. W.

M. Walsh in Townsville to care for the newly constituted parish of

Walkerston, near Mackay.

(He was appointed parish priest of Townsville in 1908)

Fr. Bourke’s place was filled by Fr. Patrick Healy who became assistant

The Catholic Press

Thursday 14.06.1906, page 6

Thursday 23.12.1926, page 16

St. Joseph’s Marriage Register.

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priest at St. Joseph’s Church in Townsville from December 1906 to

November 1911. (With time at Hughenden from June 1909 to May 1910)

Townsville Catholic News, Aug. 1945.

1906 St. John’s Convent School, Ravenswood, placed an advertisement

describing the school in “The Ravenswood Mining Journal” issue of

Saturday 14.07.1906.

Townsville Catholic News, May 1960

“The News”, Jun. 1995

1906 From Sunday 15th July to Sunday 29th July, Frs. Murray, Barry and

McGrath, of the Redemptorist Congregation at Waratah, conducted a

mission in St Columba’s Parish Church in Charters Towers.

During the following week, a mission was held in the church at Millchester

(? Queenton)

The Catholic Press

Thursday 2 August 1906

Page 20

1906 Late in July, during his first visitation of the (Rockhampton) diocese,

Bishop Duhig conducted a short mission in St. Catherine’s Church in

Proserpine and also administered the Sacrament of Confirmation.

On 22nd and 23rd July, he celebrated three Baptisms in Proserpine.

The Parish of Ingham By Rt. Rev. K. H. Kelly, D.D. V.F.

During Bishop Duhig’s first visitation of the diocese, he appointed Father

Lanzon as the first Parish Priest of Proserpine. This was in October 1906.

(Fr. Lanzon had been Parish Priest of Ingham from August 1903 until April

1906. However, there is evidence that he did not remain there constantly as

his name figures in the baptism registers in Townsville, Charters Towers,

Bowen and Proserpine. He apparently stayed some time in Ewan in 1903).

The Catholic Press

Thursday 2 August 1906, page 20

Bowen Baptism Register

1893 - 1910

Townsville Catholic News

1st December 1959,

Page 14

Townsville Catholic News

1st December 1959,

Page 14

1906 Bishop Duhig professed six Sisters of Mercy (RSM) in Townsville on

31.07.1906 and then made his first Episcopal visit to Hughenden in August.

Townsville Catholic News,

Jul. 1945

1906 Sr. M. Laurentia O’Donovan and Mother M. Michael Spillane were

professed in St. Patrick’s Convent on the Strand in 1906.

Sr. Laurentia died in 1958 and Mother Michael in 1960.

Townsville Catholic News,

Oct. 56, Mar. 58 & Feb. 60.

1906 News item in The Catholic Press

Rev. Father Connihan ( Conaghan ?) has almost completely recovered from

his recent illness and the Catholics of the town (Bowen) are delighted that

he has decided to continue his work among them.

The Catholic Press

Thursday 2 August 1906

Page 20

1906 On Wednesday 8th August, James Duhig, Bishop of Rockhampton, arrived

by train in Charters Towers.

On Sunday 12th August, he administered the Sacrament of Confirmation to

students at Mount Carmel College and also in St. Columba’s Church.

On this day, he also blessed and opened the new church at Sellheim.

The Catholic Press

Thursday 2 August 1906, page 20

Carmel, Golden Jubilee, 1952

Townsville Catholic News,

Jul. 1945

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The Bishop also visited Richmond and conferred Confirmation on


1906 Fr. John Conaghan was curate to Fr. Patrick Rouillac S.M. in Bowen for a

period in 1906.

His name appears in the Bowen Baptism Register on 18th August 1906.

Bowen Baptism Register

1906 The first Australian drivers licence was issued to W.A. Hargreaves in

Adelaide on 30.08.1906.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1906 In October 1906, A Conference of St. Vincent de Paul Society was

established in Townsville by Fr. William Mason Walsh.

Prologue, John P. Maguire, 1985

Townsville Catholic News, May 55.

1906 The light bulb was invented.

1906 On 12.10.1906, the land in Ingham on which St. Patrick’s Church was

originally erected was sold.

The church building had been moved to Abbott Street in

Portrait of a Parish – A History of St.

Patrick’s Church and Parish 1864-1996

Bianka Vidonja Balanzategui

1906 Ingham Parish was re-established for the second time in November 1906

with Fr James O’Hart transferred from assistant at Charters Towers to

become parish priest.

Ingham was first erected as a parish in 1903. (14.06.1903 to April 1906)

Souvenir of the Blessing and Opening

of St Patrick’s Church, Ingham, 12.03.61.

T’ville Catholic News, Dec. 59 & Sep. 61.

1906 The first Commonwealth referendum took place regarding senators’ term of


Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1906 During the year, Mount Carmel College in Charters Towers was visited by

the Governor, Lord Chelmsford.

Carmel, Golden Jubilee


1906 Fr. Patrick Healy was assistant priest at St. Joseph’s Church in Townsville

from December 1906 to November 1911.

(With time at Hughenden from June 1909 to May 1910)

St. Joseph’s Marriage Register.

Townsville Catholic News,

Aug. 1945.

1907 Australia’s population 4,162,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1907 Introduction of voluntary kindergarten schools for pre-primary children by

the ‘Crèche and Kindergarten Association’.

Queensland Government

Department of Education

1907 Fr. John Walsh was curate to Fr. Patrick Rouillac S.M. in Bowen for a

period in 1907. His name appears frequently in the Bowen Baptism

Register from 6th January to 15th September.

Bowen Baptism Register

1893 - 1910

1907 In England on the 24.01.1907, Sir Robert Baden-Powell organised the first

Boy Scout Troop.

1907 In February 1907, the Brandon and Ayr districts were transferred from the

Bowen parish to the Ingham Parish. Ingham was in the charge of Fr. James

O’Hart who spent half his time each month in each district. Bowen was in

the charge of it’s 4th parish priest, Fr. P. M. Rouillac S.M. (1905 to 1912)

(Silver Jubilee of the Sacred Heart Church, Ayr 1912-37)

A Souvenir of the Silver Jubilee

1911 – 1936 of St. Mary’s Church,


Compiled by Brian McWilliams

(Nom de plume for Mons. Kevin Kelly)

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1907 Fr. Julian Plormel succeeded Fr. O’Keefe as Parish Priest of Hughenden in

1907 but did not remain long. He also visited Richmond.

Fr. Arthur J. Wright was then appointed parish priest of Hughenden from

1907 to 1910. His visits to Richmond were more frequent.

Townsville Catholic News,

Jul. & Aug. 1945

Townsville Catholic Archives,

Ref. 775/5

1907 Sister Mary Catherine Fitzgerald was professed in the congregation of


Catholic Leader, 01.08.1940, page 3.

1907 Women voted for the first time in a Queensland state election on

18.05.1907. They were granted the right to vote in 1905.

Queensland Government

Women’s right to vote in Queensland

1907 In 1907, the Mt. Isa Railway Line reached Julia Creek. The first train

arrived in June 1907 but the official opening was not held until 29.02.1908.

Great Northern Railway

(Mt. Isa Line)

1907 The settlement of “Hilton” which started in 1890 was surveyed in July 1907

and renamed Julia Creek.

Construction began on the Julia Creek town site. It was formerly a staging

stop for Cobb & Co. coaches which ran from Hughenden, where the railway

line had ended, to Cloncurry and then through to Camooweal.

Townsville Catholic News,

Aug. 1967

1907 Death of Fr. James P. M. Connolly at Sandgate on 23.09.1907 aged 73

years. Fr. Connolly was the first parish priest of Townsville. (1872 – 1878)

Townsville Catholic News,

Aug. 1935

1907 A branch of the H.A.C.B. Society was opened in Proserpine during 1907.

Every centre in the Bowen parish now had a Hibernian Society, thanks to

the efforts of the French priest, Fr. Patrick Rouillac S.M.

The Catholic Press

Thursday 29 August 1907

Page 22

1907 A Conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society was established in St.

Columba’s, Charters Towers.

A Century Not Out

St. Vincent de Paul Society folder.

1907 On Wednesday 24.07.1907, Norman Brookes and A. F. Wilding defeated

England to win the Davis Cup (Tennis) for Australasia for the first time.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1907 On Sunday 21st July, Bishop Duhig left Townsville and drove to Ingham

where on the 28th July 1907, assisted by Fr. O’Hart, he blessed and opened

the new presbytery built by Fr. Lanzon in 1906.

(Prior to the erection of the presbytery, visiting clergy would stay with

William and Sarah Ingham at their home in Lannercost Street).

On Monday 29th July, the Bishop left Ingham for Townsville accompanied

by Fr. O’Hart. The journey both ways was made overland by buggy. It

covered a distance of 160 miles.

The Catholic Press

Thursday 29 August 1907, page 22

Freeman’s Journal

10 October 1907, page 41

Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School

100 Years 1915 – 2015

Portrait of a Parish, 1864-1996, page 9

Bianka Vidonja Balanzategui

1907 On Wednesday 31.07.1907, in St. Patrick’s Convent Chapel, Townsville,

his Lordship Dr. Duhig officiated at the solemn profession of six novices.

Three were Australians; the other three were born in Ireland.

At this time there was but one profession for Religious – their First

Profession was also their Final Profession.

The names of the newly professed, with the titles by which they would

The Catholic Press

Thursday 29 August 1907

Page 22

Townsville Catholic News,

Sep. 1967 & Mar. 1968.

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henceforth be known were:

Mary Hearne, Carrick-on-Suir, Tipperary, Sr. M. Brigid;

Annie Moloney, Dungarven, Waterford, Sr. M. Celestine;

Mary Clogheen, Tipperary, Sr. M. Benedicta;

Louisa Hochruder, Rockhampton, Sr. M. Gertrude;

Annie Carroll, Townsville, Sr. M. Anthony;

Mary Fitzgerald, Rockhampton, Sr. M. Catherine

(Sr. M. Berchmans made her profession on her deathbed). (18.10.1907?)

1907 Fr. Bannon O.P. of Adelaide conducted Missions during July and August in

Townsville, Charters Towers and Ravenswood.

The Catholic Press

Thursday 29 August 1907, page 22


Cloncurry Parish was re-established due to a copper boom.

The parish had existed previously from 1898 to Sept 1902.

Fr. Edward O’Keefe was transferred from Hughenden to be the parish


The Catholic Press, 29.08.1907,

Page 22

Catholic Leader 12.09.1986

Crowded Years, Duhig Page 38

1907 From Townsville, James Duhig, Bishop of Rockhampton, and Fr. Edward

O’Keefe proceeded to Hughenden and then by rail to Julia Creek, the

terminus of the Cloncurry line.

They then travelled by coach to Gilliat and then over 100 miles by buggy to

Cloncurry arriving on 9th August.

On the night before their arrival, they had stayed at a railway camp at

Fisher’s Creek. They had almost become lost, as their black boy guide could

not keep on the track. They did not find the camp until 11 pm.

Next morning they drew the buggy under a tree and celebrated Mass on the

back of it for the men who knelt around in their working clothes.

The Catholic Press

Thursday 29 August 1907

Page 22

Freeman’s Journal

10 October 1907

(Sydney, NSW: 1850-1932)

Page 41.

1907 On 17th August in Cloncurry, James Duhig, Bishop of Rockhampton, laid

the foundation stone for St Colman’s Church (Photo in TCN Dec. 1966) and

received a present in the form of a 7lb (3.17 kilograms) copper hammer

suitably engraved.

A block of land was also donated by Mr. and Mrs. Williams for the erection

of a convent.

While in Cloncurry, Bishop Duhig was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Faithful of

the Queensland National Bank.

Leaving Cloncurry, he returned by way of Richmond to Hughenden and

Winton where he arrived on 27th August.

The following Sunday, Bishop Duhig journeyed to Charters Towers, where

he spent a week, and then to Townsville arriving on 9th September.

Townsville Catholic News,

Jun. 60.

Crowded Years.

Duhig page 35.

Freeman’s Journal

10 October 1907

(Sydney, NSW: 1850-1932)

Page 41.

1907 The Good Samaritan Sisters expanded their school in Hughenden to take

boarders. The first resident pupil arrived in August from far away

The Catholic Press

Thursday 29 August 1907, page 22

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1907 On 15th September, Bishop Duhig departed Townsville for Brandon and

Ayr. He then drove by buggy to Bobawaba, where he took train for Bowen

and then Rockhampton, arriving on Wednesday 25th September.

Freeman’s Journal

10 October 1907

Page 41.

1907 Death of Sr. Mary Berchmans Madigan RSM, on 18.10.1907 aged 22 years. Headstone in West End Cemetery

1907 On Friday 08.11.1907, Justice Higgins, as president of the Commonwealth

Court of Conciliation and Arbitration, handed down a minimum wage

decision for the first time, of seven shillings per day for unskilled workers.

Australian Dictionary of Biography

Higgins, Henry Bournes (1851 – 1929)

By John Rickard

1907 On Sunday 17.11.1907, St Colman’s Church in Cloncurry was blessed and

opened by Fr John Robert Fagan, parish priest of Winton.

Townsville Catholic News, Jun. 60.

and Crowded Years, Duhig page 35

1907 Owing to illness, Fr. John Robert Fagan, parish priest of Winton, was

transferred to Mount Morgan.

Fr. Albert Wright was appointed relief priest in late 1907 and then Fr.

Edward J. Walsh, on leave from Ireland, was appointed in temporary charge

of Winton until Fr. Fagan returned twelve months later.

Townsville Catholic News,

Jun. 1939

1907 In 1907, the Mt. Isa Railway Line reached Cloncurry. The first train arrived

14.12.1907 but the official opening was not held until 13.12.1908.

Great Northern Railway

(Mt. Isa Line)

1908 Australia’s population 4,232,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1908 By 1908, there were 38 Sisters in the Townsville Mercy Congregation,

which had its own novitiate and branch houses in Winton, Ravenswood and


Townsville Bulletin - Catholic News

Supplement, 20.03.2003.

1908 Death of Fr. William Mason Walsh, Vicar General of the Diocese of

Rockhampton and Parish Priest of Townsville, at the home of his sister,

Mrs. T. Dalton, in North Sydney on Sunday 16.02.1908.

His remains were returned to Townsville on the S.S. Wodonga on Tuesday

25.02.1908. He was buried in the Sacred Heart Church (Cathedral).

The Townsville Star, 26.02.1908

Townsville Catholic News,

Sep. 35, Aug. 54, Jun. 63 & Jul. 66.

Photo in TCN Jul. 66.

1908 The rail line to Julia Creek was opened on 29.02.1908. Richmond Shire Council

1908 On the death of Fr. Walsh, Fr. Thomas Francis Bourke was transferred from

Walkerston to Townsville as parish priest.

Fr. O’Hart was transferred from Ingham to Walkerston.

The Catholic Press

Thursday 23 Dec. 1926, page 16

Townsville Catholic News, Dec. 1959

1908 On 08.07.1908, Bishop Duhig left Townsville for another visit to Ingham.

He appointed Fr. Thierry, a Frenchman, to succeed Fr. O’Hart in Ingham as

the third Parish Priest but as Dean Murlay at Gladstone became ill at that

time, Fr. Thierry went to Gladstone instead.

In August, Ingham and the lower Burdekin district were placed under the

care of Townsville. Curates under Fr. T. F. Bourke visited those districts

until 1914. These Curates were Frs. L. F. McLaughlin (SENEX), J. P.

Townsville Catholic News,

Dec. 1959 & Sep.1961.

Photo of Mons. James Murtagh in

TCN Apr. 1961,

also short reference to Mons P. Bannan

Herbert River Express

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Murtagh (Ingham), W. McElhinney (Ingham & Brandon), James Joseph

Rowan, P. M. Bannan and P. Healy

Tuesday 14.03.1961, page 1

1908 Bishop Duhig once again visited Mount Carmel College in Charters

Towers, this time accompanied by Bishop Murray of Cooktown.

Carmel, Golden Jubilee 1952

1908 The Australian Institute of Tropical Medicine was established in


Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1908 The T-Model Ford was developed.

1908 The Commonwealth Invalid and Age Pensions Act 1908 received Royal

Assent on 10.06.1908. The first fortnightly payment of a maximum of

twenty shillings was paid by the Department of the Treasury to senior

Australians on 01.07.1909.

News for Seniors

Winter 2009 Issue 78 page20

1908 The NSW district of Yass-Canberra was selected as the home of the

nation’s Federal Capital after a marathon ballot in the House of

Representatives on Sun. 09.08.08.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1908 Sir Donald Bradman (cricket) was born on 27.08.1908.

1908 Death of Fr. Bernard McGrillan, born Ballinaminch, Co. Down, Ireland.

Died at Hughenden on 27.10.1908, aged 27 years.

T’ville Catholic News, Apr. 62 & Dec. 63

Headstone in Hughenden.

1908 The Q.A.T.B. replaced pony drawn sulkies with its first motor Ambulances.

1908 In 1908, the process of damming Ross River began. Gleeson’s Weir, the

first of a series of weirs, was constructed downstream from Gleeson’s farm.

Thuringowa Library Heritage Services

Information sheet number 6

1908 On 30.11.1908, James Patrick Murtagh was ordained by Cardinal Moran in

St. Mary’s, Sydney for the Diocese of Rockhampton.

The Review, June 1965

Pages 12 & 13

1908 A train from Townsville arrived at Cloncurry for the first time on


Cummins & Campbell Monthly Magazine


1908 Sr. M. Brigid’s first appointment was to Ravenswood where the priest at the

time was Fr. Thomas A. Weare SJ. (Sr. Brigid pointed out at her 60th

anniversary, that many priests and nuns were born in Ravenswood.)

Townsville Catholic News,

Sep. 1967

1908 The Children of Mary Sodality was established in Ravenswood. Prologue, John P. Maguire, 1985

1908 During 1908, a Presbyterian Church opened.

The first permanent Minister was Mr. Hutson

Memorabilia of Hughenden and District

Townsville Catholic Archives, Ref. 775/5

1909 Australia’s population 4,324,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1909 Fr. Edward Walsh was assistant priest at Hughenden from 1909 to1910. Townsville Catholic News, Jul. 1945

1909 Charters Towers girl, “Sr. M. Zita”, joined the Good Samaritan Order in

1909. She taught in Queensland schools for over 40 years and died in 1968.

Townsville Catholic News,

Mar. 1968

1909 In February, Fr. James Joseph Rowan was transferred from Townsville to

administer the parish of Mt. Morgan.

His place in Townsville as assistant to Fr. T. F. Bourke was filled by Fr.

The Catholic Press

Thursday 25 February 1909, page 18

The Review

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James Murtagh who was ordained at Manly in 1908. Fr. James served here

for 18 months and during this time made visits to Ingham.

June 1965, pages 12 & 13

1909 On 06.03.1909, the members of St. Patrick’s Tennis Club in South

Townsville held a social and dance in the School of Arts.

This enabled them to complete the wire netting fence.

Catholic Press, Sydney

25.03.1909, page 24

1909 Death of Sr. Mary Lawrence (Elizabeth McDermott) SGS in Charters

Towers on 03.04.1909 aged 21 years and in the fourth year of her religious

life. Sister Lawrence died from an infection after having a tooth extracted.

She was buried in the old Charters Towers Cemetery.

Townsville Bulletin

Catholic News Supplement


1909 Bishop Duhig and Fr. Edward O’Keefe visited Mother Mary MacKillop in

Sydney to request a foundation of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred

Heart at Cloncurry. (Her death in August released about half a dozen nuns

so four sisters were able to be sent to Cloncurry in October).

Crowded Years, Duhig, p.41

Townsville Catholic News, Jun. 1960.

T’ville Bulletin – Catholic News Supp.

17.09.2009, page 7.

1909 Fr. P. Healy was appointed as assistant priest in Hughenden from June 1909

to May 1910.

(Reported to be in California, U.S.A. in 1945 – TCN Aug, 1945 page 1).

Townsville Catholic News,

Aug. 1945.

1909 On 22.06.1909, land was purchased by Bishop James Duhig and Fr.

Thomas Bourke of Townsville, in Drysdale Street, Brandon, from George

Russell Drysdale.

An undated article submitted by

Mrs Lilla McCabe & Mrs Cheryl Dennis

1909 The first known visit by a priest to the district of St. Helens (the future

Parish of Kolijo) was made by Fr. Peter Rouillac S.M. about the year 1909.

He was travelling by horse and sulky from Bowen to Mackay where he was

stationed and spent the night at the residence of McDermott family close to

the banks of St. Helen’s Creek.

There is no record of any further visit to Kolijo by any priest until 1920.

Townsville Catholic News,

Sep. 1953

1909 From 01.07.1909, The Department of the Treasury paid senior Australians

the first of a maximum fortnightly payment of twenty shillings as an Age

Pension, replacing schemes already operating in New South Wales, Victoria

and Queensland.

News for Seniors

Winter 2009

Issue 78 page20

1909 James Duhig, Bishop of Rockhampton, visited Richmond to confer

Confirmation on 05.07.1909. The Pastor was Fr. H. O’Reilly.

Townsville Catholic News,

Jul. 1945

1909 Death of Mother Mary MacKillop after a long illness, aged 67 years, in the

Mother House, Mount Street, North Sydney, on 08.08.1909.

(Co-foundress of the Sisters of St. Joseph)

The News, Dec. 1994.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1909 Death of Fr. Felix Andrew Bergeretti in California.

Fr. Bergeretti was a native of Turin, Italy. He served in Australia for three

years (where else in Australia is unknown). He had succeeded Fr. F. A.

Dunham in Charters Towers in 1873, but stayed for only ten months.

Townsville Catholic News, Oct. 1972

San Francisco Call

Vol. 106, Number 104, 12 Sept. 1909

Letter of O’ Quinn to Vaughan

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Due to problems with Bishop Quinn, Fr. Bergeretti with Fr. John Baptist

Balangero left by steamer out of Townsville without permission.

Fr. Bergeretti subsequently worked in Ceylon, Palestine, and Venezuela.

At the time of his death, he was pastor of St. Joseph’s Portuguese Church in

Oakland, USA.

11 March 1874,

ASMS Queensland file.

Prologue, page 14

John P. Maguire

1909 Halley’s Comet returned in September 75 years after its last sighting. Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1909 At the instigation of Fr. Edward O’Keefe P.P., a convent was built in St.

Colman’s Parish, Cloncurry, on land donated by Mr. and Mrs. Williams in

1907. The convent was designed by Mr. C. D. Lynch of Townsville and

constructed by Mr. Bill Hinkle.

Father O’Keefe lived in a bough shed until the sisters arrived and set him up

in the sacristy of the church.

(A presbytery was built in late 1909 by Bill Hinkel).

Cloncurry 100

Townsville Catholic News, Jun. 60.

Photo on cover of TCN Jun. 60.

Freeman’s Journal

10 October 1907, page 41

Townsville Catholic Archives

Ref. 851/1

1909 On Thursday 28.10.1909, four Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart

arrived by train in Cloncurry at midnight. Sisters Berchmans, Cecelia,

Rosarii and Audrey soon set up St. Joseph’s School in St. Colman’s Church,

in a bough shed and under the Convent.

(A school building was not erected until 1912).

This was the last community to be appointed personally by Mother Mary

MacKillop before her death. Boarders were accepted, but were forced to

withdraw at the end of 1913 due to lack of water.

Statement of Cost, Parish file in Archives

Also, Crowded Years – Duhig

Townsville Catholic News,

Jun. 1960, Dec. 1965 & Dec. 1966.

1909 Fr. William Mason Walsh and Bishop James Duhig purchased the

abandoned Robert Logan Jack mining museum on Stanton Hill.

Extract from The Catholic Press - 4 November 1909

Great progress is being with the Christian Brothers’ School. The land is

nearly all levelled, and the buildings are well in hand. Within the next

month, the crest of Stanton Hill will present a different appearance.

(Opened 22.01.1911)

The Catholic Press

4 November 1909, page 44

The News Oct. 1990

Catholic Leader, 25.09.2001

1909 On Sunday 28.11.1909, a new church at Brandon was dedicated to St.

Patrick by Bishop Murray, O.S.A., of Cooktown.

This church replaced the original 1897 building (opposite the State School)

which was destroyed by “Leonta” in 1903 and re-erected in 1904.

The architect was Mr. C. D. Lynch.

The Catholic Press

Thursday 2 December 1909

Page 35

1909 Ordination of Fr. Leonard F. McLaughlin by Cardinal Moran in St. Mary’s

Cathedral, Sydney, on 30.11.1909.

His first appointment was to Rockhampton and then he was appointed to

Charters Towers for a short time as Curate to Fr. James Comerford.

Townsville Catholic News,

Oct. & Nov. 59 & Jul. 63

(Photos in TCN Oct. & Nov. 59)

1909 On Thursday evening, 16th December, Mount Carmel College, Charters The Northern Miner,

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Towers held their annual concert.

On Saturday morning, 18th December, the annual breaking up of the school

was held in a large room at the school where College Principal Br. J. C.

“Tiger” Ryan, presented his eight annual report and prizes were distributed.

Monday 20 December 1909

Page 3.

1909 During 1909, Fr. Thomas Francis Bourke, parish priest of Townsville was

created a Dean.

The Catholic Press

Thursday 23 December 1926, page 16

1910 Australia’s population 4,425,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1910 Frs. Patrick (Peter) Rouillac S.M., Clement Cane, Plormel and Wright all

visited Richmond at different Times up to 1910.

Townsville Catholic News,

Mar. 1936

1910 Fr. Henry O’Reilly succeeded Fr. Wright as parish priest of Hughenden

from 1910 to 1916.

Townsville Catholic News,

Mar.1936 & Aug. 1945

1910 St Patrick’s School in Winton was blessed and opened.

The Sisters of Mercy (RSM) had been teaching in the church since 1906.

Townsville Catholic Archives

Ref. No. 551/6

1910 Construction commenced on a new building in Townsville to replace the

original railway station built in 1880.

Vincent Price, an architectural draftsman in the Railway Department,

prepared the drawings. The station became operational on 22.12.1913,

although it was not yet complete.

Townsville Daily Bulletin,

Tuesday 23.12.1913.

Sun Community Newspapers,

16.01.2013, page 5, 04.12.2013, page 13.

1910 Australia issues its own currency.

It was struck in London and arrived in Sydney on 01.03.1910.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1910 In March 1910, Sr. Berchmans left Cloncurry to attend a General Chapter of

the Order in Sydney. She did not return as she was appointed to be Mistress

of Novices in South Australia.

Her place as Superior in Cloncurry was taken by Sr. M. Pauline. (1910-12)

Townsville Catholic News,


1910 Death of Edward VII on 06.05.1910. (1901 – 1910)

1910 Death of Sr. Mary Raphael Hogan SGS in Charters Towers on 14.06.1910

aged 24 years.

Buried in old Charters Towers Cemetery.

1910 Ordination of Fr. Henry Jones. Townsville Catholic News, Feb. 60 page 11.

1910 Halley’s Comet reappears. (1835 – 1910 – 1985)

1910 Australia’s first nationwide penny postage was issued on 23.07.1910.

1910 Fr. James Comerford, parish priest of Charters Towers since 1890, returned

to Ireland at the beginning of August 1910 after a serious disagreement with

Bishop Duhig.

His Curate, Fr. L. F. McLaughlin, was transferred to Townsville as Curate

to Dean Thomas Bourke.

Fr. Edward O’Keefe arrived from Cloncurry on Monday 1st August as Fr.

Comerford’s successor. (01.08.1910 to Dec. 1913)

The Northern Miner

Friday 29.07.1910, page 3

Friday 01.08.1910, page 4

Friday 05.08.1919, page 3

James Duhig, page 90, T. P. Boland

Townsville Catholic News,

Apr. 45, Oct. 59, Jul.69 & Oct. 72

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1910 Pope Pius X issued the Decree “Quam singulari Christus amor” on

08.08.1910 enabling children to receive Holy Communion about the age of


Townsville Catholic News,

Sep. 1935

1910 Parliament authorised the issue of an Australian paper currency in the form

of notes on Tuesday 09.08.1910.

1910 Death of Sr. Mary Baptist Hochruder RSM in Townsville on 23.09.1910

aged 43 years.

Headstone in West End Cemetery

1910 Australia’s first medical research institute was established in Townsville as

The Institute of Tropical Medicine.

1910 On Monday 26th November, Bishop Duhig was stranded in Proserpine by

heavy rain, which had flooded a portion of the line and prevented the train

from running.

He negotiated the 16 mile journey back to Bowen on a railway trolley in

drizzling rain to enable him to commence a mission that night.

On Sunday 2nd October, after the Bishop had confirmed 48 children, a

meeting of parishioners was held in the schoolroom and it was decided to

erect a new church.

(Foundation Stone 30.04.1911 – Blessed and Opened 24.11.1911)

The Catholic Press

Thursday 13 October 1910

Page 33

1910 James Duhig Bishop of Rockhampton, visited Cloncurry to confer

Confirmation on 10.10.1910.

The parish was now vacant due to the transfer of Fr. O’Keefe to Charters


Cloncurry Confirmation Register


The Catholic Press

Thursday 13 October 1910, page 41

1910 Our Lady of the Rosary Church was constructed in Kynuna, southeast of

Cloncurry, and dedicated on 16.10.1910.

The church was the first wooden building in a town of galvanised iron.

At this time, Kynuna, Boulia and Caufield were attached to Winton.

Prologue, John P. Maguire,

1985, page 56.

Information received from

the Rockhampton Archives.

1910 The electric washing machine was invented.

1910 At the end of October 1910, Fr. James P. Murtagh was appointed by Bishop

Duhig as Pro-Administrator of Cloncurry (1910 to 1917) to succeed Fr.

Edward O’Keefe who had been transferred to Charters Towers.

Fr. Murtagh was a public figure. He was a Race Club Judge, refereed all

boxing bouts, was pace bowler and opening bat for the town side and a

Shire Councillor.

Curates during his tenure were Fathers Lanzon (Mar. 1912 to June 1915),

Lynch (Dec.1915 to Mar. 1916) and Denis Lawrence Murtagh.

Other priests to work in the parish were Fathers Reginald Lummer C.P.

(Aug./Nov.1911) and William J. Cagney CSSR (Jul. /Aug. 1915).

Townsville Catholic News,

May 61 (Senex) & Apr. 45

Photo of Mons. James Murtagh, in

TCN Apr. 1961.

The Review

June 1965 pages 12 & 13

Townsville Catholic Archives

Ref. 851/1

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1911 Australia’s population 4,455,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1911 Fr. Patrick Quealy succeeded Fr. John Fagan as parish priest of Winton for

one year from 1911 to 1912.

Townsville Catholic News,

Jun. 1939 & Mar. 1971

1911 The Sisters of Mercy (RSM), who had established St. Patrick’s Day School

in Winton in 1906, now opened a boarding school.

Townsville Catholic News,

Mar. 1971

1911 Sr. M. Dympna Cahill was professed as a Sister of Mercy in 1911.

She had arrived from Tipperary in 1908.

She was the first Sister of Mercy to attend the Brisbane University and

obtain a Bachelor of Arts Degree. Sister died in 1969.

Catholic Leader,

24.08.1969, page 4.

1911 The Christian Brothers established Our Lady’s Mount College, “The Hill”,

in a former museum building on Stanton Hill, in Townsville.

Three classrooms were added to an old hall, which faced Castle Hill.

Brothers P. Nolan (Principal), E. Stonton and C. Mahony commenced

teaching on 23.01.1911, after the Bishop of Rockhampton, James Duhig,

blessed and opened the building as a school on 22.01.1911. (1911 to 1969)

Townsville Catholic News,

Oct. 35, Nov. & Dec. 53

Feb., Mar. & Jun. 54,

Sep. 60 & Sep.61.

TCN 09.03.1975 & 13.04.1975

1911 Following his blessing at the opening of Our Lady’s Mount College on

Stanton Hill, Townsville, Bishop Duhig announced that the Parish Priest,

Fr. T. Bourke, had been elevated to Dean Bourke. (? See 1909)

Townsville Catholic News,


1911 Bishop Duhig visited Ingham accompanied by Fr. Henry Jones. Townsville Catholic News, Feb. 1960, p. 11

1911 Br. P. Joyce succeeded Br. J. C. (“Tiger”) Ryan as Principal of Mount

Carmel College in Charters Towers from 1911 to 1913.

Carmel, Golden Jubilee


1911 Proserpine Parish was established for the second time with Fr. Alfred

Lanzon as parish priest. (First established in 1906 with Fr. Lanzon as

Parish Priest). The parish lapsed again after 10 months and Proserpine was

again joined to Bowen for the next thirteen years.

Fr. Lanzon became the relief priest in Winton in 1912 until Fr. Henry Jones

was appointed parish priest in 1913

A Souvenir of the Silver Jubilee

1911 – 1936 of St. Mary’s Church, Bowen

compiled by Brian McWilliams.

The Parish of Ingham By Rt. Rev. K. H. Kelly, D.D. V.F.

1911 The new presbytery at Hughenden was purchased by Fr. Henry O’Reilly

from Ballendallock Station. (1911 – 1967) The building was originally

erected as shearers' quarters. The old presbytery (1889 – 1911) was bought

by a butcher and moved to the other side of the road in 1912.

Townsville Catholic News,

Aug. 1945 & Apr. 1969.

1911 Mr. C. T. H. Cheffins of Bowen built a small presbytery of ferro-concrete to

convince Fr. Peter Mary Rouillac S.M. that this was the building material of

the future.

The small building was later used as the kitchen in a larger presbytery.

Townsville Catholic News,


1911 Sister M. De Sales Hayes was professed in the Townsville Convent of

Mercy. She died in 1964.

Townsville Catholic News, May 1964

Catholic Leader, 21.05.1964, page 6.

1911 Mollie Graham (Sr. M. Berchmans) entered the Sisters of Mercy in 1911. Townsville Catholic News,

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She was professed in 1915 and died in 1970. Aug. 1970

1911 On Thursday, 23.03.1911, the S.S. “Yongala” was lost on her 99th voyage in

a cyclone off Cape Bowling Green (between Townsville and Bowen).

The Adelaide steamer carried 122 passengers and crew.

The wreck was located by the survey vessel HMAS “Lachlan” in 1947 but

not identified. In 1958, by Bob Kirkpatrick dived the wreck who sent

details of a steel safe to its makers in London. A reply came back in 1961

identifying the wreck as the Yongala.

Townsville Daily Bulletin

Saturday 19.02.1927, page 13

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

Wikipedia – SS Yongala

1911 The first Australian census since the Commonwealth assumed responsibility

of Australian statistics was conducted on Monday 03.04.1911.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1911 On Sunday, April 30, the foundation stone for the new church of St. Mary’s

in Bowen was blessed by Dean Bourke (Townsville) assisted by Rev. Frs.

O’Hart and Patrick (Peter) Rouillac S.M.

When Bishop Duhig had last visited Bowen, he remarked that when coming

into the harbour he could see houses but no church.

He suggested the erection of a new building and donated an allotment on

top of a small hill facing the harbour for that purpose.

(The church was blessed and opened on 24.11.1912).

The Catholic Press

Thursday 11 May 1911

Page 41.

The Catholic Press

Thursday 5 October 1911

Page 39


A news item from the Catholic Press Special Correspondent in Townsville.

(11 May 1911)

There was shipped to Townsville by the S.S. Buteshire a very handsome

altar for Dean Bourke’s church. The design was executed and designed by

Mr. Edmund Sharp, the eminent Irish sculptor in Ireland.

(There followed an extensive description of the altar)

The Catholic Press

Thursday 11 May 1911

Page 28

1911 Fr. Thomas Grogan was ordained at All Hallows College in Ireland on

25.06.1911. He arrived in Queensland in the same year.

Townsville Catholic News,


1911 Coronation of George V on 22.06.1911.

1911 On 27.06.1911, the Royal Military Academy was opened at a property by

the name of “Duntroon”, within the capital territory site.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1911 A nationwide drought affected Queensland from 1911 to 1916. Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1911 Verandas were added to the church in Ayr to allow it to be used as a school

when the sisters arrived in Brandon in September 1912.


page 56

1911 Enrolment on National Electoral Rolls becomes compulsory on 01.10.1911.

1911 Sister of Mercy, Mother M. Bernadine Nugent drew up plans for St.

Patrick’s first college building which was erected on the Strand in

Townsville by Rooney Bros.

Catholic Leader, 21.05.1936 page 19.

Townsville Catholic News, Dec.1968

Townsville Bulletin, 15.10.2005, page 48.

1911 The existence of the Australian Navy was formally advised on Thursday

05.10.1911, when the newly formed Naval Board issued an historic order

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

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promulgating the designation “Royal Australian Navy”.

1911 Death of Sr. Mary Anthony Carroll RSM in Ravenswood on 11.10.1911

aged 28 years.

Townsville Catholic News,


1911 St. Patrick’s College for Girls was dedicated by Bishop James Duhig on

15.10.1911. The college on the Strand in Townsville replaced the High

School established in 1904.

The boarders moved from the convent to a large wooden boarding school.

The College motto was “Honour Is More Precious Than Gold”.

While in Townsville, Bishop Duhig also unveiled and blessed the massive

altar recently imported from Dublin, and erected in memory of the late Fr.

William Mason Walsh in the Sacred Heart Church (later Cathedral).

Townsville Catholic News,

Oct. 1935 & Nov. 1963

Photo in 1963.

The Catholic Press

Thursday 30 November 1911

Page 43

1911 The Ayr Tramway Board sold their line from Stewart’s Creek (Stuart) to the

Government on 01.11.1911. (The line was completed on 27.03.1901).

Triumph of Narrow Gauge, John Kerr

A History of Qld. Railway, page 102.

1911 The telephone line between Bowen and Proserpine came into operation on


Proserpine Guardian

1911 The old Bowen church had verandas added and became the school.

The old Immigration Depot which had been used as the school was made

into an extension of the convent for the accommodation of boarders.

This work was completed in 1912. (1895 – 1911 – 1960)

A Souvenir of the Silver Jubilee

1911 – 1936 of St. Mary’s Church, Bowen

compiled by Brian McWilliams

Townsville Catholic News, Aug. 1936

1911 The Catholic Church Property Insurance Co. was established in1911 when

the Catholic Bishops of Australia decided to create an insurance company to

provide fire insurance for Church properties.

Townsville Bulletin-

Catholic News Supplement,

15.12.2011, page 10.

1912 Australia’s population 4,747,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1912 The compulsory attendance age at school was raised to 14 years. Queensland Government

Department of Education

1912 By 1912, the production of gold was becoming uneconomical at


The population gradually moved away to more prosperous areas.

Clare Centenary

The first years 1882 – 1982,

Page 20

1912 A building for St. Joseph’s School in Cloncurry was finally erected under

the supervision of Fr. James P. Murtagh, Parish Priest.

Classes had been conducted by the Sisters of St Joseph since October 1909

in the church, under a bough shed and under the convent.

Cloncurry 100

Townsville Catholic News,

Jun. 1960 & Dec. 1965

1912 Douglas Mawson established a base at Commonwealth Bay on 08.01.1912. Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1912 Archbishop Louis Andre Navarre MSC was travelling by ship from Yule

Island to the south for medical treatment. Out from Townsville, his

condition deteriorated and he was taken ashore. He died in Townsville on

MSC Archives

West End Cemetery Register.

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16.01.1912 and was buried in the old West End Cemetery on 18.01.1912.

His body was exhumed from the West End cemetery in 1925 and returned

to his Diocese at Yule Island where he was re-interred on 22.09.1925.

1912 Death of Fr. Stephen H. McDonough on 21.01 1912.

(Apostle of the Palmer Gold Rush).

A Prayer-Calendar of Deceased Priests in


1912 Queensland opened its first state high schools in six country towns on


Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition.

1912 Extract from the Catholic Press


It is intended to build a new convent at Brandon, on the Lower Burdekin,

which was visited by Bishop Duhig on his last tour of the northern portion

of his diocese. Plans for the building have been prepared by Messrs. Lynch

and Hart, architects, Townsville, and have been forwarded for approval to

the Mother-General of the Good Samaritan Sisters, Sydney, who is sending

a community of nuns to this progressive centre. The nuns will conduct

schools both at Brandon and Ayr, and the district will most likely be formed

into a separate parish. The next place to receive attention in the matter of a

Catholic school will be Ingham.

The Catholic Press

Thursday 15 February 1912

Page 38

1912 On 18.02.1912, the Anglican Church of the Holy Redeemer in Prairie was

dedicated by the Rev. Wilson. (The final service in this church was held on

Friday 18.11.1983, Bishop John Lewis presiding).

Townsville Catholic Archives, Ref. 775/5

A Brief History of Holy Redeemer Church

Prairie 1912 - 1983

1912 Bishop Duhig was translated to Brisbane on 26.02.1912 as Titular

Archbishop of Amida and coadjutor to Dunne (whom he succeeded as

archbishop in 1919).

Australian Dictionary of Biography

Duhig, Sir James (1871 – 1965)

By T. P. Boland

1912 On 17.03.1912, St. Patrick’s Day, the Brandon/Ayr Parish was established

by Bishop Duhig as his last official act in the Diocese before he moved to


Fr. Jules (James A.) Bucas arrived on 29.03.1912, one week after Easter, as

the first Parish Priest. He took up residence in the sacristy of St Patrick’s

Church in Brandon and set about building a convent, which was expected to

be completed by the beginning of September.

Silver Jubilee of the Sacred Heart Church,

Ayr 1912-37

Townsville Catholic News

Nov. 37, page 4, Jul. 57 & Apr. 62.

Planting the True Vine, page 16

The History of the Sacred Heart Parish,

Ayr, 1912 – 2012, page 6

1912 St Mary’s College (SGS) in Charters Towers was registered to take

secondary students. Classes were held in the Convent from 1912 to 1937.

1912 The S.S. Titanic hit an iceberg and sank with the loss of 1500 lives on

15.04.1912. (see 1985)

About education

Discovery of the Titanic Shipwreck

1912 Fr. Denis Ryan was born in Doon, County Limerick, Ireland on 07.05.1912.

Ordained in Thurles, Ireland, on 13.06.1937.

Died in London, England on 23.06.1983.

St Colman’ Parish, Home Hill

Diamond Jubilee 1926 to 1986

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1912 Australia’s first automated telephone exchange started working on

06.07.1912 and was officially opened at Geelong on Wed. 31.07.1912.

Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1912 The Commonwealth Savings Bank opened its doors to customers for the

first time on Monday 15.07.1912.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1912 Sister Mary Henrica replaced Sister Mary Pauline as Superior of St.

Colman’s Convent in Cloncurry.

Townsville Catholic News,


1912 On 19.08.1912, Joseph Shiel was appointed as the fourth bishop of

Rockhampton (including Townsville). He was consecrated on 26.01.1913

and enthroned in May 1913. (1913 to 1931)

Petra 01.07.1923

1912 The old 1897 church building in Brandon was moved in 1912 from its site

near the State School to a new site on the Ayr / Brandon road.

With the addition of verandas, it became St. Patrick’s Convent School.

(Years 1 – 7 Co-Ed.)

The Sisters of the Good Samaritan Order (SGS) arrived in September 1912

and began teaching almost immediately.

The Superior of this first community was Mother M. Berchmanns Rohan

and the members of her community were Srs. Cordelia Ahearn, Cuthbert

Cullinane and Catherine Mulholland. (The school closed in 1923).

The Sisters also commenced teaching in St. Francis Xavier Primary School

in Ayr with Sr. Catherine Mulholland as the first Principal. (1912 – 1920)

Mary O’Kane was the lay teacher.

Silver Jubilee of the Sacred Heart Church,

Ayr 1912-37

Townsville Catholic News, Jul.1957.

Prologue, page 56.

Also information from 150th Anniversary

Mass booklet.

Planting the True Vine, (Parish of Ayr)

1912 – 1987, page 17.

Br. Ken Rae F.M.S.

1912 As a result of a report by The Rev John Flynn, the Presbyterian General

Assembly founded an Inland Mission on Thursday 26.09.1912.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1912 The Republic of China was founded in 1912, after the Qing dynasty, the last

imperial dynasty, was overthrown in the Xinhai Revolution.

The Republic’s first president was Sun Yat-sen who served only briefly.

Republic of China

(1912 – 1949)

1912 In 1912, Duchess was linked by railway to Cloncurry, enabling fuel to be

brought in for the Duchess smelter. The first train arrived in October.


Queensland Places

1912 With the 1912 term drawing to a close, and on the eve of the Christmas

vacation, pupils attending St. Patrick’s High School in Townsville

conducted a concert in the convent. In recognition of the excellent work

done at the school, the State Executive Council approved of the school as

one at which winners of State Scholarships and Bursaries could attend.

Catholic Advocate,

11.01.1913, page 34.

1912 On Sunday 1st December, the new church of St. Mary’s in Bowen was

blessed and opened by Rt. Rev. Dr. Murray OSA, Vicar Apostolic of

Cooktown, in the absence of Archbishop Duhig.

It was designed by architect Mr. Hennessy of Sydney and built by Mr. C. T.

H. Cheffins for Fr. Patrick (Peter) Rouillac S.M. and was the first major

The Catholic Press

Thursday 26 December 1912, page 19

The Brisbane Courier, 22.03.1913, p. 12

Proserpine Guardian

Townsville Catholic News,

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ferro-concrete building in North Queensland. (Photo in TCN Jan. 1963). Oct. 1936 & Nov. 1964, page 3

1912 During 1912, a small wooden church was Blessed and Opened in Prairie

and was named St. Brigid’s. (It was last used in 1987. Since then, Mass

has been celebrated in a home in Prairie and at Torrens Creek.

The building was sold for removal in July 1990).

Report on status of building by Fr. Dave

Lancini to Trust Secretary, Fr. John


1913 Australia’s population 4,894,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1913 The boarders withdrew from St. Joseph’s Boarding School in Cloncurry

because of a shortage of water.

The school accepted boarders once again from 1919 to 1922.

Townsville Catholic News,


1913 Fr. Henry William Jones succeeded Fr. Patrick Quealy as parish priest of

Winton and remained until he enlisted as a Chaplain in the war in 1917.

Townsville Catholic News,

Jun. 1939 & Mar.1971

1913 On 26.01.1913, Joseph Shiel was consecrated as the fourth bishop of

Rockhampton by Archbishop Mannix at Maynooth College in Ireland and

was later enthroned in Rockhampton in May 1913. (1913 – 1931).

Australasian Catholic Directory,

For 1919.

1913 Fr. T. S. Collins (TCN Oct. 1962) became the 5th parish priest of Bowen but

remained only a few months.

(He was succeeded by Fr. P. J. O’Keefe in January 1914).

A Souvenir of the Silver Jubilee

1911 – 1936 of St. Mary’s Church, Bowen.

Brian McWilliams.

1913 In 1913, the township of Home Hill was established near the Inkerman

Sugar Mill on land chosen in 1911.

St Colman’ Parish, Home Hill

Diamond Jubilee 1926 to 1986

1913 The foundation stone for Australia’s future federal capital, to be named

Canberra was laid on Wednesday 12.03.1913.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1913 23.03.1913 Easter Sunday

1913 The 11th annual meeting of the North Queensland District of the Hibernian

Australasian Catholic Benefit Society was held in Bowen this year. It was

opened on 22nd April and remained in session until the evening of the 25th.

The Catholic Press

Thursday 8 May 1913

Page 29

1913 Australia’s first banknotes were issued at a special ceremony at the King’s

Warehouse in Flinders Street, Melbourne, on Thursday 01.05.1913

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1913 Yarralumla was purchased by the Commonwealth on 05.05.1913 as the

official residence of the Governor-General in Canberra.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1913 Plans were formulated to turn Mount Carmel into a boarding school for

boys. More land was added to the acreage and further residential buildings

were planned. On 29.05.1913, the foundation stone for the new style school

was laid by the Parish Priest, Fr. P. J. O’Keefe.

(The boarding school commenced in early 1916).

Townsville Catholic News,

Aug. 1974

1913 Fr. J. P. Murtagh, parish priest of Cloncurry, erected a church in Hampden

(Selwyn), 71 miles southwest from Cloncurry.

(Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception)

The Catholic Press

Thursday 30 July 1914, page 29

Cloncurry Confirmation Register

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1913 In July 1913, Australia’s first squash courts opened in the Melbourne Club,

converted from a disused Racquets court to two Squash courts.

Squash Collection

Australian Squash

1913 Bishop Shiel’s First Pastoral Tour – July / September 1913

On 08.07.1913, Bishop Shiel arrived in Bowen for a three day stay after

travelling from Port Alma on the S.S. Kanowna.

He was met by Fr. P. M. Roulliac and entertained in the convent school

conducted by the Sisters of Mercy.

The Bishop was particularly pleased with the new ferro -concrete church.

On 11.07.1913, he arrived at Home Hill, the terminus of the train line from

Bowen to be met by Fr. Jules Bucas and a reception committee.

He travelled by car to Ayr where he visited the convent school run by the

Good Samaritan Sisters. He then travelled by car to Brandon where in the

evening he was given a public welcome in Closkey’s Hall.

On 16.07.1913, Bishop Shiel moved to Townsville where he was met by

Dean Bourke. He was welcomed with a “conversazione” in the School of

Arts. During his stay, he visited the four Catholic schools in charge of the

Sisters of Mercy and one run by the Christian Brothers.

He also confirmed 450 candidates in the Sacred Heart Church.

On 22.07.1913, he journeyed to Ravenswood where Fr. T. A. Weare was

the parish priest and was welcomed in the School of Arts.

Forty seven candidates were confirmed.

On 24.07.1913, Bishop Shiel reached Charters Towers and was received at

the station by Frs. O’Keefe and Thomas O’Connor, the Mayor and aldermen

and a large number of citizens. He was given a public welcome in the

School of Arts on Monday 28.07.1913.

He visited the three Catholic schools; two conducted by the Good

Samaritans and one by the Christian Brothers and also visited Sellheim.

On 31.07.1913, Bishop Shiel arrived in Hughenden and on 03.08.1913 to be

met by Fr. H. O’Reilly, the Mayor, and a number of prominent


He visited the convent school, which was under the management of the

Good Samaritans and also confirmed 23 candidates. On 04.08.1913, he was

The History of the Sacred Heart Parish,

Ayr, 1912 – 2012, page 7

Petra 01.07.1923

Townsville Catholic News,

Jul. 1945

Cloncurry Confirmation Register

1910 to 1969

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entertained at a “conversazione” in the Hughenden Shire Hall. - - - - - - - - -

On 05.08.1913, the Bishop accompanied by the parish priest, Fr. James P.

Murtagh, reached Cloncurry at 8 pm.

On the following evening, he was publicly entertained in the Shire Hall and

on 10.08.1913, he conferred Confirmation.

The Bishop visited Winton where he was entertained in the convent school

run by the Sisters of Mercy.

He left Winton for Townsville on the 17.08.1913

On 18.08.1013, Bishop Shiel arrived back in Townsville where he remained

until the close of a mission on 24.08.1913, preached by Fr. Slattery C.M.,

when he bestowed a pastoral blessing on a very large congregation.

The Bishop departed Townsville for Bowen on 26.08.13.

On 28.08.1913, Bishop Shiel confirmed 30 candidates in Bowen.

On Friday 29.08.1913, Bishop Shiel arrived at the anchorage in Mackay and

was met by Fr. Mulcahy, the parish priest. He came ashore in a launch

early on Sunday morning and attended a procession of the Blessed

Sacrament which brought to a close their 40 hours adoration. He then

opened the school, which had been raised on high blocks and enlarged.

He also attended the annual Hibernian communion breakfast.

On Monday 01.09.1913, he attended a public welcome at the Druid’s Hall,

the Mayor and Frs. Mulcahy, Quinn and Cashman and Canon being among

those present. On Tuesday 02.09.1913, the Bishop left Mackay for

Rockhampton on the steamer “Wyreema”.

During his tour, the Bishop was unable to visit Selwyn and Friesland (later

renamed Kuridala) due to the reduced train service and the little time at his


- The Catholic Press

Thursday 18 September 1913

Page 37

1913 On Wednesday evening 29.10.1913, in accordance with the old custom of

the trade, a flag was hoisted on the new police barracks and offices in

Stanley Street. This denoted that the rafters for the roof had been placed in


Townsville Daily Bulletin


1913 Townsville received its first visit by an aeroplane. It landed on the Cluden


Sun Community Newspapers,

16.01.2013, page 5

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1913 On Monday 22nd December, Townsville’s red brick Great Northern Railway

Station, although not completed, was opened for its first day at the

intersection of Flinders and Blackwood streets, a few blocks closer to the

town area than the first station (1880).

The building had taken three years to construct.

Townsville Daily Bulletin,

Tuesday 23.12.1913.

Sun Community Newspapers,

16.01.2013, page 5, 04.12.2013, page 13.

1913 A wireless telegraph station was erected in Victoria Park, South Townsville. Sun Community Newspapers,

16.01.2013, page 5

1913 Townsville celebrated its 50 year jubilee. Sun Community Newspapers,

16.01.2013, page 5

1913 The first RAN ships arrived from England on 04.10.1913 to form the

Australian fleet.

1913 The electric refrigerator was invented but was not imported from the USA

until 1926.

Australian food history timeline

1913 During his service in Charters Towers (August 1910 to December 1913), Fr.

P. J. O’Keefe purchased the large residence of the late Frederick Pfeiffer, a

German Lutheran, (Died 11.03.1903) where he intended to establish a

Catholic hospital. ( ? )

He entered into negotiations with the Little Company of Mary in Sydney to

staff this hospital.

When the Sisters lost interest in his proposal, he sold the building.

The Townsville Catholic News

July 1969

Page 8

(The North Queensland Register)

(Monday 16 March 1903)

1913 At 11.54 pm on 18.12.1913, an earthquake measuring 5.7 on the Richter

Scale, rocked Charters Towers and Ravenswood.

Geoscience Australia Earthquakes

1914 Australia’s population 4,972,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1914 Fr. P. J. O’Keefe (later Dean O’Keefe) became Bowen’s 6th parish priest

from January 1914 to September 1918.

A Souv. of the Silver Jub. 1911 – 1936 of

St. Mary’s Church, Bowen, (McWilliams).

1914 By 1914, the railway from Townsville to Ingham had reached Kurukan on

Leichardt Creek.

Thuringowa Past and Present, page 14

Diane Vance with Gai Copeman

1914 Fr. James Bray was assistant priest at Hughenden from 1914 to 1916. Townsville Catholic News, Jul. 1945

1914 Mary MacKillop’s body was transferred from Gore Hill Cemetery to the

Memorial Chapel, North Sydney on 29.01.1914.

(Co-founder of the Sisters of St. Joseph)

Josephite 2009 Calendar

1914 Br. F. A. Kelly succeeded Br. P. Joyce as Principal of Mount Carmel

College in Charters Towers. He was the third and last Principal of Mount

Carmel as a day school. (1914 to 1916).

Townsville Catholic News,


1914 On 13.06.1914, Ingham Parish was re-established (1903-1906-1914) for the

third time. Fr. Thomas O’Connor (March 1914 to 1920) was appointed as

the fourth parish priest.

Townsville Catholic News,

Dec. 1959 & Jul. 1964

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1914 During several weeks in the north western portion of the extensive diocese

of Rockhampton, Bishop Shiel visited Cloncurry where he opened a new

school for the Sisters of St. Joseph. The church, presbytery, convent and

school occupy one large block. The parish priest was Fr. J. P. Murtagh.

The Bishop now visited Selwyn, 71 miles south west from Cloncurry.

Selwyn possessed a church (Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception),

which Fr. Murtagh had erected in 1913.

Next on the tour was Friezeland, (later renamed Kuridala), between

Cloncurry - and Selwyn. Here, on 17.06.1914, the Bishop conferred the

Sacrament of Confirmation in St Winifred’s Church.

From Friezeland, the Bishop motored to Prairie, 28 miles away and east

from - Hughenden. Here he blessed the new church of St. Joseph on land

donated by Mr. Jim Savage. The parish priest in this district was Fr. H.

O’Reilly of Hughenden. (The church was later renamed St. Brigid’s).

On Sunday 28th June, Bishop Shiel was back in Charters Towers where he

confirmed 300 candidates – 180 girls and 120 boys.

His Lordship journeyed to Townsville where he spent a few days.

Bishop Shiel then visited Ingham where Fr. Thomas O’Connor was now the

parish priest. Here he administered Confirmation to 32 Candidates.

Afterwards, the Bishop travelled 14 miles to Halifax in an electric motor

loco, kindly placed at his disposal by the sugar milling company, and there

blessed the foundation stone for Halifax’s first church, St. Peter’s, which

was built on low stumps and completed later in the year.

The statues were donated by Mr. and Mrs. Prandolini Snr.

A small organ was given by the contractor, a Mr. Moyle.

David Reitano was recorded as the first Baptism on 14.10.1914. - - - - - - - -

(The old building was demolished in January 1969).

After returning to Townsville, his Lordship visited Brandon and Ayr on 12th

July, confirming 37 candidates at the former and 54 at the latter town.

The Catholic Press

Thursday 30 July 1914

Page 29

- Cloncurry Confirmation Register

1910 to 1969

- Townsville Catholic News,

Aug. 1945

Portrait of a Parish – A History of St.

Patrick’s Church and Parish 1864-1996

Bianka Vidonja Balanzategui,

Pages 11 and 12

- Townsville Catholic News,

Mar.1969 and Baptism Register.

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On the following day, his Lordship journeyed to Bowen.

He visited Proserpine, confirming 25 candidates, and then returned to

Bowen where he boarded the steamer “Wyandra” for Port Alma, thence

travelling to Rockhampton by train.

1914 The Charters Towers mining boom collapsed. The Good Samaritan Sisters

were withdrawn from St. Patrick’s School (SGS) in Queenton.

The church/school continued to function with one lay teacher until 1923.

(The building was sold and taken to Mount Carmel College for use as a

science room).

The Northern Miner,

Friday 7 July 1944, page 4

Townsville Catholic News,


1914 The Inkerman Sugar Mill in Home Hill commenced crushing for the first

time. (The construction of the mill commenced in 1911)

Silver Jubilee of the Sacred Heart Church,

Ayr 1912-37

1914 World War I erupted when, as a result of Germany’s invasion of Belgium,

Britain declared war on Germany on 04.08.1914. This declaration involved

Australia and all other Commonwealth nations until Germany’s surrender

on 11.11.1918. 416,809 men enlisted to fight for Australia.

Of these men, over 60,000 were killed and 152,000 were injured.

This Fabulous Century, by Peter Luck

ABC News

1914 When the First World War broke out, Fr. Julian Plormel became a

permanent chaplain with the Australian Expeditionary Forces in France for

about three years, returning after the cessation of hostilities.

Morning Bulletin,

Wednesday 16.03.1921.

1914 On Tuesday 11.08.1914, the Australian branch of the Red Cross Society

was established in Melbourne by the wife of the Governor General, Lady

Helen Munro Ferguson.

Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

The Express Oct. 2010

1914 Death of Fr. Clement Cain CP. (Place and exact date not given).

Fr. Cain served as assistant in Hughenden and also worked in Winton,

Cloncurry and Charters Towers.

A Prayer Calendar of Deceased Priests in

Australia (1788-1991) page 158

1914 Death of Pope St. Pius X on 20.08.1914. (1903 – 1914) All Roads Lead to Rome.

1914 Election of Francesco Giacomo della Chiesa as Pope Benedict XV on

03.09.1914 (1914 – 1922)

All Roads Lead to Rome.

1914 An Aboriginal Mission was established at Hull River near Hinchinbrook

(Cardwell) by the State Government.

(Destroyed by cyclone 10th March 1918)

Aboriginal Settlements, Qld.

J. Long, 1976, page 115

1914 On Sunday 01.11.1914, 38 troop ships and 3 cruisers sailed from Albany

harbour in West Australia carrying thousands of Australian and New

Zealand soldiers to war in Europe. These were the original ANZACS.


National Anzac Centre

1914 HMAS Sydney destroyed the German cruiser Emden off the Cocos Island in

the Pacific on 09.11.1914.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1914 On Sunday 15.11.1914, Frank Cassady, Chairman of the Hinchinbrook

Shire Council, laid the foundation stone for the Convent of Our Lady of

Cairns Post, Tuesday 24 Nov. 1914, page 4

T’ville Cath. News Dec. 1964, page 13

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Lourdes for the Sisters of Mercy in Ingham.

The foundation stone was blessed by Fr. Thomas O’Connor P.P.

T’ville Cath. News Dec. 1968, page 4

T’ville Bulletin – Cath. News Supp.

18.12.2014, page 34

1914 Mother Clare Ambrose was elected Rev. Mother of the Sisters of Mercy,

Townsville, succeeding Mother Benigna Desmond who was for 12 years

Superioress of this new foundation after its separation from the parent Order

in Rockhampton in 1901.

The Catholic Press

Thursday 30 July 1914

Page 29

1914 The first compulsory voting in the world was introduced in Queensland by

the Elections Acts Amendment Act on Wednesday 23.12.1914.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1914 During 1914, St. Mary’s Tennis Club was established in Hughenden.

The parishioners credited themselves with having the best tennis court in


The Catholic Church in Hughenden

1885 – 1985, information supplied by

Mary Sladden & Mary Westcott

1915 Australia’s population 4,969,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1915 In 1915, Br. T. B. Carroll joined the Secondary Department of Mount

Carmel College in Charters Towers.

(He was senior master for 14 years and died in 1929 at the early age of 49).

Mount Carmel College, Diamond Jubilee

Celebrations Booklet 1st to 4th June 1962

1915 The future Mother M. Alphonsus Bell joined the Congregation of the

Sisters of Mercy in 1915. (She was professed in 1918 and died in 1962).

Townsville Catholic News,

Apr. 1962

1915 Sr. Mary Patricia O’Reilly was professed in St. Patrick’s Convent of Mercy,

the Strand, on 21.01.1915. She died at the age of 80 on 31.12.1971.

Townsville Catholic News,

Mar. 1972

1915 Sr. M. Berchmans (Mollie Graham) was professed in 1915.

Mollie had entered the Sisters of Mercy in 1911. She died in 1970.

Townsville Catholic News,

Aug. 1970

1915 09.02.1915, Cyclone with heavy rain off the coast south from Bowen.

Considerable damage at Bowen.

Townsville Daily Bulletin

Saturday 19.02.1927, page 13

1915 The former Sabina O’Donohue who was educated at the convent school in

Ravenswood was professed as Sr. M. Teresa in the Order of the Sisters of

Mercy. In the 1930’s, Sr. Teresa set up the Montessori system of child

education in Bowen and later at “Rosario” on the Strand in Townsville.

Catholic Leader,


Page 6.

1915 The new Convent of Our Lady of Lourdes in Ingham was blessed and

opened by Bishop Heavey of Cairns. The Convent was designed by Messrs.

Lynch and Hunt of Townsville and the building was contracted to Mr.

Joseph Thompson, an ex-Mayor of Townsville.

(The Convent building, which originally consisted of a single story, was

extended in 1926 and had a second story added in 1950.)

Two Irish and two Australian Sisters of Mercy (RSM) made up the first

Community. Mother M. Aloysius (Nugent - classroom teacher) was the

first Superior (1915 – 1921) and the Sisters were M. Winifred (Oberthur –

Cairns Post

Tuesday 24 November 1914, page 4

Townsville Catholic News,

Aug. 50, Dec. 59,

Jul. & Dec. 64, & Dec. 68

Catholic Education in Queensland

Vol. VI

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music teacher), M. Teresa (O’Donohue – classroom teacher) and M.

Veronica (Wall – cook and laundress).

They travelled from Townsville by steamboat to Lucinda Point and then by

small loco train, arriving in Ingham on 21.03.1915.

The sisters set up Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School in the former

presbytery (built around 1903) and under trees on the church grounds.


The presbytery eventually became known as the “Little” or “Infant” school.

About the same time, they also established a boarding school.

Fr. Thomas O’Connor P.P. moved into the church sacristy.

Susan Mary Tobin

Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School

100 Years 1915 – 2015

Portrait of a Parish – A History of St.

Patrick’s Church and Parish 1864-1996

Bianka Vidonja Balanzategui

Page 18

1915 Death of Sr. M. Eulalia Scanlon SGS, in Charters Towers on 26.03.1915. Buried in Charters Towers Cemetery

1915 Anzac forces land on Gallipoli at dawn on Sunday 25.04.1915. After eight

months on Gallipoli, a deadlock had been reached and the ANZACs began

evacuating on 20.12.1915.

The Australians had suffered 25,000 casualties including 8.700 deaths.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1915 The British liner Lusitania was torpedoed by a German submarine off the

Irish Coast with the loss of over 1100 lives on 07.05.1915.

1915 John Simpson Kirkpatrick, “the man with the donkey”, was killed while

carrying a wounded soldier to safety at Gallipoli on 19.05.1915.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1915 In 1915, the railway from Townsville to Ingham reached Armidale (now

Rollingstone). Until the railway reached Rollingstone, a trip to Townsville

over the rough track took four days.

Thuringowa Past and Present,

Page 14

Diane Vance with Gai Copeman

1915 Bishop Shiel travelled from Rockhampton in May 1915 to bless and open St

Joseph’s Convent in Richmond for a community of Sisters of St. Joseph

from North Sydney. Fr. Bray was responsible for having the convent built.

The Sisters of St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart established a school in the

church and under the convent until 1923 when Fr. Bannan, Parish Priest,

had a school building erected.

The first community consisted of Sr. M. Geraldine (Superior), Sr. Cecilia,

Sr. Elizabeth and Sr. Edwardina (who in 1938 returned to Richmond as

Superior). A room in the convent was set aside as a temporary chapel.

(Their temporary Chapel served until 1962).

The Catholic Press (NSW: 1895-1942)

Thursday, 20 May 1915, page 36.

Townsville Catholic News,

Mar. 36, Jul. 45, Nov. 48, Oct. & Dec. 65

Townsville Bull. - Cath. News Sup.

25.06.2015, page 11

Townsville Catholic Archives

Ref. 775/1 & 775/5

1915 After visiting Charters Towers, Townsville and Brandon, Bishop Shiel

journeyed to Bowen, where he blessed and opened a new presbytery in the

church grounds (Bowen’s third). The construction of the building was

supervised by Fr. P. J. O’Keefe Parish Priest of Bowen.

The old presbytery, which was inconveniently situated, was sold.

The Catholic Press (NSW: 1895-1942)

Thursday 20.05 1915, page 38.

A Souvenir of the Silver Jubilee

1911 – 1936 of St. Mary’s Church, Bowen.


1915 Twenty more acres of land were added to Mt. Carmel College in Charters Carmel,

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Towers to enable it to expand and become a boarding college.

The foundation stone for further buildings was laid on 29.05.1915 by the

Parish Priest, Fr. Edward O’Keefe.

Golden Jubilee


1915 The pain killer ‘ASPRO,’ a high-grade aspirin product, was first produced

in 1915 by a Melbourne pharmacist George Nicholas and an industrial

experimenter, Henry Woolf Smith. Although competing with aspirin

(produced by the German firm Bayer) Aspro later took over a substantial

part of the international market.

From Moulds to Colds

100 years of Australian Biotechnology


1915 Bishop Joseph Shiel visited Kuridala, (formerly known as Friezeland), to

confer Confirmation in St. Winifred’s Church on 08.08.1915.

Cloncurry Confirmation Register

1910 to 1969

1915 Bishop Joseph Shiel visited Camooweal to confer Confirmation on


Cloncurry Confirmation Register

1910 to 1969

1915 The Commonwealth imposed Australia’s first Income Tax as a wartime

measure on 13.09.1915.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1915 Extract from the Brisbane Courier

Townsville, September 16

About 3 o’clock this morning the old Town Hall, a big wooden building

(built around 1897) within 10ft of the Post and Telegraph Office was

discovered to be in flames and it was entirely destroyed. - - - - - - The old

building, which was a two storied structure, was a great eyesore. It was

leased to Mrs. Tideman, who sublet it as offices to various tenants.

The Brisbane Courier

Friday 17 September 1915,

Page 8

1915 Death of Mother M. Margaret O’Brien RSM on 04.11.1915, aged 63 years. Headstone in West End Cemetery

1915 Death Sister Mary Celestine Moloney RSM on 17.12.1915, aged 27 years. Headstone in West End Cemetery

1915 The future Sr. M. Patrick Collins came to Australia during World War I and

entered St. Patrick’s Convent of Mercy on the Strand on 17.12.1915.

Sister was professed on 02.08.1918 and died in 1969.

Townsville Catholic News,

Jun. 1969

1915 The future Mother M. Aidan Stephens entered the Convent of Mercy on the

Strand on 17.12.1915. She was born in Tuam, Ireland, and having taught

for a time in Ireland, she braved the U-boat menace of World War I and

came to Australia in December 1914.

She was professed as a Sister of Mercy on 02.08.1918 and died in 1959.

Townsville Catholic News,

Sep. 1959

Catholic Leader,


Page 8.

1915 With the decline of gold production came a decrease in the numbers

attending Mount Carmel College as a day school in Charters Towers.

It was decided to close the school down at the end of 1915. (1902 to 1915)

Dean Edward O’Keefe pressed successfully for the addition of a Boarding

School, which opened in 1916.

Townsville Catholic News,

Dec. 1949 & Jul. 1966


1915 Evacuation of Gallipoli completed on 20.12.1915. (Apr. 1915 – Dec.1915)

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1916 Australia’s population 4,918,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1916 Miss Charlotte Bourke entered the Convent of Mercy. As Sr. M. Dominic,

she became superior of Winton during the war years (1941 – 1945) and first

superior at the Townsville Hospital on its opening in 1945. (1945 – 1951).

Catholic Leader,


Page 18.

1916 Mount Carmel’s new Boarding College in Charters Towers was blessed and

opened by Dr. Shiel, Bishop of Rockhampton, assisted by Rt. Rev. Dr.

Heavey, O.S.A. of Cairns on 06.02.1916. There were 83 boarders in

residence for the first year. The staff of five consisted of the new Principal

Br. J. F. O’Brien (1916 – 1921) (who succeeded the third Principal Br. A.

Kelly), and Brothers T. B. Carroll, Dwyer, Mogg and O’Connor.

Carmel, Golden Jubilee 1952

Townsville Catholic News,

Dec. 49, Jul. 62, Jul. 66 & Apr. 75

Souvenir-Charters Towers

1872 to July 1950, page 75

1916 A wooden church dedicated to the Good Shepherd was erected in Duchess

for Fr. James P. Murtagh, Parish Priest of Cloncurry in 1916 by Mr. Alan

McGregor. The church was officially opened by Bishop Joseph Shiel of

Rockhampton on 22.04.1917. (It was moved to Mt. Isa in 1929).

Townsville Catholic News,

Dec. 1966 & Feb. 1981

1916 An Easter Rebellion in Ireland to make a stand for Home Rule, brought

warfare to the streets of Dublin

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1916 At 2:20 a.m. on 15.04.1912, the British ocean liner “TITANIC” sank in the

North Atlantic Ocean two and a half hours after striking an iceberg.

This Day in History: APR 15

1916 In 1916, the Stock Exchange in Charters Towers shut down.

Built in 1880, the Exchange began trading in 1890 and continued operating

until rapidly diminishing returns from the gold mines and decreased

population forced it to close.

National Trust

Stock Exchange Building and Arcade

Charters Towers

1916 Ordination of the Rev. Hugh Edward Ryan in the Lateran Basilica in Rome

by Cardinal Pompifi on 17.06.1916.

Fr. Ryan became Townsville’s 2nd Bishop. (1938-1967). Died 13.11.1977.

Townsville Catholic News,

Jun. 1963, page 4, May & June 1966

Memorial card.

1916 The Battle of Fromelles was fought between Australian and German troops

in Northern France from 6 pm on 19.07.1916 to 8 am the next morning.

The Australians suffered 5,533 casulties in one night, the worst 24 hours in

Australia’s military history.

Fromelles: Disaster at Fromelles

Australian War Memorial, London

1916 With an eye to the future development of the Hughenden parish, Fr. Henry

O’Reilly commenced a fund for the erection of a church at Torrens Creek,

on land donated for the purpose by Mrs. Deardon. (St. Teresa’s Church was

eventually blessed and opened by Bishop McGuire on 22.08.1935).

Townsville Catholic News, Aug. 1945

The Catholic Church in Hughenden

1885 – 1985, information supplied by

Mary Sladden & Mary Westcott

1916 During 1916, several priests were in charge of the Hughenden district

including Frs. Wogan, J. P. Murtagh and M. T. Quinn.

Fr. Quinn was appointed Pastor but did not remain for long.

Fr. Bray returned as Pastor and remained until October 1922.

Townsville Catholic News,

Jul. & Aug. 1945

Townsville Catholic Archives,

Ref. 775/5

1916 Birth of Francis Roberts Rush in Townsville on 11.09.1916. Townsville Catholic News,

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Ordained priest for the Townsville Diocese on 18.03. 1939.

Consecrated Bishop of Rockhampton on 08.02.1961, Archbishop of

Brisbane on 05.03.1973. Died 21.07 2001.

Dec. 1960

Memorial card.

1916 Queensland’s Golden Casket was established.

1917 Australia’s population 4,982,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1917 Fr. John Walsh was appointed by Bishop Shiel to succeed Fr. James P.

Murtagh as Parish Priest of Cloncurry. (1917 to 1919).

Curates during his tenure were Fathers Lynch, Thomas Sweeney, Hilton

and Andrew Smith. (Fr. Murtagh was transferred to North Rockhampton as

Parish Priest. - TCN May 1961).

Townsville Catholic News,

Apr. 1945

The Review, June 1965

Pages 12 &13

1917 On 01.01.1917, the worst floods in Hughenden’s history occurred when the

river rose 20 feet above all previous records. Six people were drowned.

Fortunately, all the sisters were away in Charters Towers.

The Catholic Church in Hughenden

1885 – 1985, information supplied by

Mary Sladden & Mary Westcott

1917 On Sunday 4th February, Bishop Shiel blessed and opened additions to St.

Mary’s School in West End, Townsville. The additions comprise of a new

schoolroom with wide verandahs on all sides. Between the old and the new

schoolrooms, a folding partition was provided to allow the two rooms to be

opened into one large room. The additions were erected by Contractor

Ardell Rooney from designs and under the supervision of Messrs. C. D.

Lynch and Walter Hunt, architects of Townsville. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

On 23.03.1917, a residence beside the church in West End, belonging to

Gustave Anderson, was purchased by Mother Clare for use as a convent for

the Sisters of Mercy

St. Mary’s Convent was blessed and opened by Bishop Joseph Shiel in

August 1917. Sisters M. Mercy, M. Michael, M. Benedicta and M. Brigid

took up residence there immediately.

(A new convent was blessed in 1924. The vacant original convent building

was destroyed by fire on Friday 20th December 2013).

The Catholic Press

Thursday 15 February 1917

Page 39

- - -

Title Deeds

Townsville Catholic News,

Nov. 1967 & Dec. 1968.

1917 Bishop Joseph Shiel conferred Confirmation in Cloncurry on 20.04.1917

and then moved on to Duchess where he officially opened the Church of the

Good Shepherd on 22.04.1917 and conferred Confirmation.

Cloncurry Confirmation Register

1910 to 1969

1917 The Russian Revolution took place.

1917 On 13.05.1917, Our Lady made her first appearance to Lucia dos Santos

(10) and her cousins Francisco (9) and Jacinta (7) at Fatima.

The apparitions continued once a month until October 1917.

Lucia became a Carmelite Sister and died in 2005. Her cousins died as

children and were beatified in 2000 by Pope John Paul II.

Townsville Catholic News,

May 1958 & Nov. 1967

The Catholic Leader,


Page 6.

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1917 Ordinations of Frs. Kevin J. H. Kelly (1917 - 1964) and Joseph A. Morley

(1917 - 1964) in the Basilica of St. John Lateran, Rome on 02.06.1917.

Townsville Catholic News,

Jun. 1942 & Apr. 1968

1917 Fr. William H. Bisset Carrie, a convert from Protestantism, replaced Fr.

Jones as parish priest of Winton. (1917 to 1926)

Townsville Catholic News,

Jun. 1939

1917 Ordination of Fr. Thomas Sweeney in Dublin on 24.06,1917.

(Photo on cover of TCN Oct. 1948)

Townsville Catholic News,

Jun. 1942

1917 Bishop Joseph Shiel visited Hughenden in July and re-visited Cloncurry on


Townsville Catholic News,

Jul. 1945

1917 On 21.07.1917, St. Anne’s Church of England Girls’ School was officially

dedicated and opened by Anglican Bishop John Oliver Feetham on the

corner of Wills and Stokes Street, in Townsville.

It was staffed by Sisters of the Society of the Sacred Advent (SSA).

(They staffed the school until they were withdrawn at the end of 1978).

Guide to Sources for North Queensland

History – Private Schools – Townsville

The Cathedral School of St Anne & St

James, Townsville, Celebrating 100 Years.

Page 3

1917 A tennis court was laid at Our Lady’s Mount Christian Brother’s College on

Stanton Hill in Townsville.

1917 The Transcontinental Railway linking east with west was opened on

Monday 22.10.1917 when the first train left Port Augusta for Kalgoorlie.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1917 Townsville West was established as the first suburban parish on 28.10.1917

with Fr. James Joseph Rowan as the first parish priest.

He served from 1917 to 1928.

Townsville Catholic News,

Jul. 1963 & Nov. 1967

Catholic Leader, 22.10.1978

1917 Fr. T. Grogan was appointed as the second parish priest of Ayr and

Brandon, (1917-1930). He succeeded Fr. Jules Bucas who was transferred

to Emerald. Fr. Grogan arrived in the district in October 1917 and took a

house in Wilmington Street, Brandon, as his first presbytery.

Townsville Catholic News,

Jul. 57 & Aug. 61 (photo),

Jul. 63 & Mar. 65.

1917 On Wednesday 12.12.1917, Prime Minister, William Hughes, ordered the

formation of a Commonwealth Police Force following his outrage over the

inaction of the Queensland Police, when he was struck by an egg during his

visit there.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1918 Australia’s population 5,081,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1918 In January, Fr. Grogan obtained another house on Brandon Road, which had

been intended as a Presbyterian Manse.

(In January 1919, it was shifted by Mr. D. Guy to a new site near the church

and the “Manse” became the first Catholic presbytery in Ayr).

Townsville Catholic News,

Jul. 57 & Aug. 61 (photo),

Jul. 63 & Mar. 65.

1918 A cyclone hit a large part of the Queensland coast on 10.03.1918 and areas

around Townsville were badly damaged by storms and rain.

The Government Aboriginal settlement at Hull River (Mission Beach) was

destroyed and was closed. Subsequently, the Government relocated the

Aboriginal Settlements Qld.

J. Long, 1976,

Page 115

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settlement to Great Palm, (now commonly known as Palm Island)

approximately fifty miles from Townsville, where a small tribe numbering

about a hundred had taken up abode.

History of St. Anne’s Mission on Palm

Island from July 1930 to December 1966

1918 After his arrival in the Diocese of Rockhampton from Rome, the newly

ordained Fr. Joseph A. Morley was appointed as assistant priest to Fr. P. J.

O’Keefe in Bowen.

(Baptism Register shows entries from 2nd June 1918 to 25th Dec. 1922).

Townsville Catholic News,

Apr. 1968

Bowen Baptism Register

1911 to 1941

1918 The future Mother M. Alphonsus Bell was professed in 1918.

(She died in St. Patrick’s Convent of Mercy on the Strand in 1962).

Townsville Catholic News,

Apr. 1962

1918 A secular master was added to the staff of Mount Carmel College in

Charters in 1918.

Carmel, Golden Jubilee


1918 The hall from Ravenswood was erected at Homebush (Mackay) as St.

Anne’s Church.

1918 Between the two World Wars Thuringowa Shire unwillingly surrendered

most of its suburban areas to Townsville City.

In 1918, after a ballot lost by the Thuringowa Shire, the suburbs of Hermit

Park, Pimlico Mundingburra, Aitkenvale and Garbutt were transferred to

Townsville. Townsville City was extended to 55 sq. miles.

(Extended again in 1936 – 1938 – 1958 and 1974)

Thuringowa Past and Present,

Page 14

Diane Vance with Gai Copeman

1918 A major national drought affected Queensland from 1918 to 1920. Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1918 Death of Fr. James Comerford in the village of Mullinahone, Ireland on

Low Sunday, 28.03.1918.

Fr. Comerford had been parish priest of Charters Towers from 1890 to 1910

when he retired to Ireland. On 19.04.1914, he was appointed Chaplain to

Dumdrum Convent, Co. Tipperary. He died in the convent and was buried

in the parish burial ground in Mullinahone, Co. Tipperary.

Rockhampton Diocese

Centenary Magazine

Townsville Catholic News,

Jul. 1969 & Mar. 1971

1918 A building was brought from Ravenswood by Fr. P. J. O’Keefe (Fr. Paddy

– Parish Priest of Bowen) and set up as St Colman’s Church, in Home Hill.

The church was blessed and opened by Bishop Shiel in July 1918.

It served until December 1958 when a new church was completed.

The old building became the Parish Hall until 1990 when a new hall was

constructed. The old building was then demolished.

St. Colman’s Parish, Home Hill Diamond

Jubilee 1926 – 1986

Mons. Kelly, Press Cuttings Book, No.1.

The News, Jul. 1990.

The Catholic Press, (NSW: 1895 – 1942),

Thursday 15.08.1918, page 42.

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1918 The Brandon Convent became a Boarding School for a short period but this

was not a success.

In anticipation of a favourable response to a request by the Mother General

of the Good Samaritans to move into Ayr, a house owned by the Emery

family, near the church in Ayr, was purchased in July 1918 as a temporary

convent for the Sisters. Furniture was purchased in December.

The convent was blessed and opened by Bishop Shiel in November 1919.

There was now a convent at Brandon and one in Ayr.

The sisters had travelled from Brandon to Ayr to teach in St. Francis’

Church / School since 1912. The sisters with Mother Mary Borromeo

Carlton as their Superior continued teaching in St. Francis’ Church / School

and now travelled from Ayr to Brandon for three years to teach at St.

Patrick’s in Brandon, until it closed in 1923.

The Brandon Convent had become a Boarding School for a short period in

1918 but this was not a success.

The convent building was moved to Ayr by Mr. D. Guy in June 1920.

While the convent building was being moved, Fr. Grogan gave his

presbytery for the use of the nuns and their children.

The first Ayr convent (the former Emery house) was sold in 1921

In 1921, Sr. Mary Agnes Sweeney SGS succeeded Sr. Mary Catherine

Mulholland as Principal of St. Francis School in Ayr. (1921 – 1925)

Planting The True Vine

Br. Ken Rae F.M.S.

Townsville Catholic News,

May & Jul.1957, Jun. 1969

Photo in TCN Sep. 1962.

The Catholic Press, (NSW: 1895 – 1942),

Thursday 15.08.1918, page 42

The Greatest Gift

100 Years

Page 18

The History of the Sacred Heart Parish,

Ayr, 1912 – 2012, page 8

1918 In July, Townsville architects, Lynch and Hunt called tenders for the

removal of a building from a site in Fryer Street, North Ward, Townsville,

and for the extensions of the school.

The Upper Primary School building at St Joseph’s Church/School was

moved to Railway Estate to be used as a Church/School.

The removal of the primary school building made way for the construction

of the third St. Joseph’s Church, which opened in1921.

Townsville Daily Bulletin

July 1918


Townsville Catholic News,

Oct. 1935 & Nov. 1968

1918 On 02.08.1918, four Sisters of Mercy were professed by Bishop Shiel in the

Convent of Mercy, Townsville.

They were Sr. M. Aidan Stephens (Ireland), Sr. M. Bernard (Ingham), Sr.

M. Patrick Collins (Proserpine) and Sr. M. Augustine.

Townsville Catholic News, Sep. 1943

Catholic Leader, 16.09.1943, page 8.

The Catholic Press, (NSW: 1895 – 1942),

Thursday 15.08.1918, page 42.

1918 Bishop Shiel blessed the foundation stone for the new Sacred Heart Church

in Hughenden in August 1918.

The church was declared black during its construction. Apparently, the

hotel where the men stayed came under a black ban and it included the

church where they worked. (It was blessed and opened on 10.08.1919).

T.C.News, Aug. 45, Oct. 67 & Feb. 68.

The Catholic Press, (NSW: 1895 – 1942),

Thursday 15.08.1918, page 42

Memories, page 15

By Fr. Tom O’Dwyer

1918 Fr. Thomas Lynch administered Bowen for ten months until July 1919, after A Souv. of the Silver Jubilee 1911 – 1936

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the departure of Fr. P. J. O’Keefe P.P. for a holiday in Ireland in September


of St. Mary’s Church, Bowen


1918 Marconi sent the first direct wireless message from England to Australia on


1918 Mons. T. F. Bourke began preparations for the building of a new St.

Joseph’s Church on the Strand in Townsville to replace the church swept

into the sea during a storm in 1892.

The church was blessed and opened in 1921.

Townsville Catholic News,

Feb. 1963 & Oct.1966

The News, Oct. 1990.

1918 Following a series of shattering offensives against their strongholds in the

Middle East, Turkey surrendered and on Wednesday, 30.10.1918, signed an

armistice with the Allies.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1918 At 11am on Monday 11.11.1918, the First World War ended when the

Germans and the Allies signed an armistice declaring Germany’s surrender.

59,330 Australians died. (1914 – 1918)

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1918 Fr. Goldspeak served as assistant priest in Hughenden during 1918. Townsville Catholic News, Jul. 1945

1918 Townsville meatworkers strike. (1918 – 1919).

Violence broke out and 50 extra police were brought from Brisbane.


John P. Maguire, 1985

1918 A cyclonic storm on 04.12.1918 swept away the roof and damaged the

gable of the unfinished Sacred Heart Church in Hughenden.

The church was unroofed a second time in 1939.

Townsville Catholic News,

Aug. 1945 & Oct. 1967

1918 Fr. James Joseph Rowan, parish priest of St. Mary’s, West Townsville,

purchased two acres of land in Norris Street, Mundingburra, for a future

church (1923) and school.

(Blessed Oliver Plunkett’s Church/ St. Joseph’s Primary School)

Townsville Catholic News,

Oct. 1935 & Oct. 1970.

1918 During 1918. Hayles Bros. constructed a wharf at Arcadia on Magnetic

Island. This enabled ferry passengers to disembark safely, sparing them

from the usual hazardous launch transfer.

Sun Community Newspapers,


Page 16.

1919 Australia’s population 5,304,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1919 In January 1919, the Presbyterian manse purchased by Fr. Grogan in 1918

was shifted by Mr. D. Guy to a new site near the Catholic church and the

“Manse” became the first Catholic presbytery in Ayr.

This building served until 1934 when a new presbytery was erected.

Townsville Catholic News,

Jul. 57 & Aug. 61 (photo),

Jul. 63 & Mar. 65.

1919 The Spanish influenza hit Mount Carmel College in Charters Towers. Half

the boys and all the brothers but one, were infected.

Carmel, Golden Jubilee


1919 St. Joseph’s School (RSJ) in Richmond began to take in boarders.

(Probably in the Convent as there was no school building until 1923).

The boarding school operated from 1919 to 1920.

Townsville Catholic Archives

Ref. 775/1 & 775/5

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1919 The Infants School at St. Joseph’s North Ward was raised onto high blocks

and a spacious veranda included all round. The boys and girls were now in

separate classrooms upstairs (which was also being used as the church) and

the Infants School (up to Grade 3) was downstairs. This building remained

until the late 1950’s when a concrete building was erected.

Townsville Catholic News,

Oct. 1935 & Nov. 1968

The Townsville Daily Bulletin,

Saturday, 23.04.1977, page 3.

1919 In January 1919, Bishop Joseph Shiel blessed and laid the foundation stone

for the new St Joseph’s Church on the Strand in Townsville.

Townsville Catholic News, Oct. 1935

The News, Oct 1990.

1919 The Sisters of St. Joseph in Cloncurry lived in a private residence (Cusack’s

house) while the convent was enlarged and built under in order to take

boarders. The boarders were again withdrawn in 1922.

Townsville Catholic News,


1919 A Mission was preached in Ayr by Marist Fathers Taylor and Herring.


Silver Jubilee of the Sacred Heart Church,

Ayr 1912-37

1919 In March 1919, the Commercial and Professional Men’s Association was

established at the Catholic Club in Sydney to protect catholic employment.

In July 1919, the name Knights of the Southern Cross was adopted.

Branches were formed in Brisbane in October 1921,

Rockhampton in April 1923, Townsville in May 1925,

Charters Towers in October 1926,

Richmond/Hughenden/Winton in July 1927,

Home Hill/Ingham in June 1929, Ayr in June 1929,

Mt. Isa in November 1931, Bowen in October 1933,

Cloncurry/Proserpine in November 1949,

Winton re-formed in November 1955,

Hughenden re-formed in February 1961, Julia Creek in October 1966,

Lower Burdekin in February 1982, Townsville West in June 1982.

A Quest for a Fair Go

A History of the Knights of the Southern

Cross Queensland

Dr Neville Buch and Mrs Beryl Roberts

Pages 7, 269 to 272

1919 Clergy Changes in the Diocese of Rockhampton at the end of May

Fr. J. A. Walsh was transferred from Cloncurry to Bowen.

Fr. P. J. O’Keefe was transferred from Bowen to of Mount Morgan.

Fr. E. J. Bourke was transferred from Townsville to Cloncurry.

Fr. T. F. Hogan was appointed Assistant priest at Townsville.

The Catholic Press

(NSW: 1895-1942)

Thursday 05.06.1919,

Page 31.

1919 Fr. J. A. Walsh arrived in Bowen on 13.07.1919 as the 7th parish priest

relieving Fr. T. Lynch, and three months later departed for twelve months

holiday in Ireland leaving Fr. H. W. Jones as Administrator.

Fr. J. A. Walsh retained charge of the parish until he left for Ireland in 1933.

He died in the Red Sea in 1935 on his way back to Australia.

A Souvenir of the Silver Jubilee 1911 –

1936 of St. Mary’s Church, Bowen

Compiled by Brian McWilliams

Townsville Catholic News, Aug. 1936

1919 At the end of May 1919, Fr. E. J. Bourke was appointed by Bishop Shiel to

succeed Fr. J. Walsh as parish priest of Cloncurry. (1919 to 1925).

Assistant priests during his tenure were Fathers A. Smith, J. P. McCoy and

The Catholic Press (NSW: 1895-1942)

Thursday 05.06.1919, page 31.

Townsville Catholic News,

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T. F. Hogan. Apr. & Jul. 1945


Death in Townsville on 28.07 1919 of Fr. James Taylor, a New Zealand

Marist Missionary, aged 44 years.

Buried in West End Cemetery

1919 On 10.08.1919, the new Sacred Heart Church in Hughenden on the corner

of Flinders and Moran Streets, was blessed and opened by Bishop Joseph

Shiel. The construction of the church was organised by Fr. Bray.

The church was designed and built by Mr. N. May.

(The church remained in use until 1965 when it was declared unsafe and

demolished). The former St. Mary’s Church was converted to full time use

as St. Francis’ School. (SGS)

Townsville Catholic News,

Aug. 45, Oct. 1967 & Feb. 68.

Petra, Jan. 1923

The Catholic Church in Hughenden

1885 – 1985, information supplied by

Mary Sladden & Mary Westcott

Townsville Catholic Archives, Ref. 775/5

1919 Bishop Joseph Shiel conferred Confirmation in St. Winifred’s Church,

Kuridala on 15.08.1919 and in Cloncurry on 16.08.1919.

Cloncurry Confirmation Register

1910 to 1969

1919 In November, a new convent was officially opened in Ayr by Bishop Joseph

Shiel for the Good Samaritan Sisters in Ayr.

The Greatest Gift

Celebrating 100 Years, page 5

1919 The final section of the railway line between Townsville to Ingham was

opened on 01.12.1919.

(Bambaroo and Toobanna were linked on 21.07.1919).

Portrait of a Parish –1864 to 1996

Bianka Vidonja Balanzategui,

page 23

1919 Ross and Keith Smith landed in Darwin on Wednesday 10.12.1919,

completing the first flight from England to Australia and the longest flight

in history.

This Fabulous Century

by Peter Luck

1919 Tennis clubs reformed at St. Mary’s, West End, Townsville and St. Francis’

Railway Estate and the parishioners of South Townsville were about to form

another club. Arrangements were being made for laying down a court in the

grounds of St. Patrick’s School

Catholic Press, Sydney

Thursday 11.12.1919

Page 41

1919 James Patrick McCoy was ordained by Bishop Shiel on 21.12.1919 in St.

Joseph’s Cathedral, Rockhampton. (1919 to 1970)

Townsville Catholic News,

Jul. 1970. Photo included.

1919 Mining of coal commenced in Collinsville. MIMAG 3 / 88

1919 Albert Einstein presents his “Theory of Relativity”.

1919 Death in London of John Melton Black, founder of Townsville in 1864.

(1830 – 1919)

1920 Australia’s population 5,411,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1920 At a meeting held on Friday 02.01.1920, in Melbourne, members of the

House of Representatives formed a new political party: the Australian

Country Party. It became The National Country Party on 09.03.1974 and

The National Party on 16.10.1982.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1920 On 16.01.1920, the League of Nations which was inaugurated. Australia

was a founding member.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

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1920 On 17.01.1920, Prohibition – a ban which prevented alcohol from being

made, transported or sold – was established across the United State of

America. It remained in force for 13 years.

History Extra

The official website for BBC History


1920 The future Sr. M. Teresita Steggall entered St. Patrick’s Convent of Mercy

on the Strand in Townsville. Sister was born in London.

Catholic Leader,

26.01.1967, page 10.

1920 The administration of Boulia was transferred from Winton to Cloncurry. Townsville Catholic News, Mar. 1971

1920 On 07.02.1929, Ronald Ridley entered the Christian Brothers Training in

Strathfield N.S.W.

Townsville Catholic News,

Mar. 1970

1920 All Souls’ Anglican School for boys was established in Charters Towers by

the Bush Brotherhood of St. Barnabus in 1920 as a memorial school to the

fallen of the First World War.

All Souls St. Gabriel’s School


1920 With the success of Mount Carmel’s new Boarding College in Charters

Towers, extensions became necessary and St. Margaret’s Hospital in

Hackett Terrace was purchased and placed at the rear of the College to

accommodate the matron and her staff.

At the same time, an extra dormitory was built.

Carmel, Golden Jubilee 1952

Townsville Catholic News,

Dec. 49, Jul. 62, Jul. 66 & Apr. 75

1920 Fr. James Patrick McCoy served as a curate in Hughenden in 1920.

During this year, he often said Mass at Quarrell, a railway siding 16 miles

east of Julia Creek.

Townsville Catholic News,

Jul. 45, Aug. 67 & Jul. 70.

1920 On 03.03.1920, Fr. Kevin J. H. Kelly was appointed the fifth parish priest

of Ingham (1920 to 1930) succeeding Fr. Thomas O’Connor who returned

to his native Ireland due to ill health. Fr. Kelly arrived on 10.03.1920.

He celebrated Mass at Ingham and Halifax on three Sundays of the month

and at Seymour on Ripple Creek and Macknade on the fourth Sunday.

His transport was horse and sulky. The parish consisted of the later parishes

of Ingham, East Ingham, Abergowrie, Palm and Fantome Islands.

Portrait of a Parish – 1864 to 1996

Bianka Vidonja Balanzategui, page 12

Townsville Catholic News,

Dec. 59, Dec. 64, Jan. & Feb. 65

Herbert River Express


1920 The Parish of Ayr was no longer able to support a convent in both Brandon

and Ayr. As St. Patrick’s School in Brandon no longer catered for boarders

it was decided to move the convent to Ayr. Mr. D. Guy carried out this

move, which was completed by June 1920. To reconcile the people of

Brandon, the sisters continued the school in Brandon by travelling out from

Ayr each day.

Excerpt from diary in old exercise book.

Author Dr. K. J. H. Kelly

Letter from Bishop J. Shiel to the Good

Samaritan Mother General

1920 Fr. P. Breen served as assistant priest in Hughenden in 1921. Townsville Catholic News, Jul. 1945

1920 The Baha’i faith was established in Sydney on 18.04.1920. Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1920 The first Orthodox Lebanese Church was consecrated in Sydney on


Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1920 Fr. (later Monsignor) Mulcahy visited the district of St. Helen’s (the

future Parish of Kolijo) by horse and sulky and said Mass at the Railway

Townsville Catholic News,

Sep. 1953.

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Construction Camp at Mt. Pelion, three miles (4.8 kilometres) south of St.

Helen’s Creek. This was the first recorded visit to the area by a priest since

1909. He made at least on more visit during the year.

1920 The Australian Socialist Party and the Victorian Socialist Party merged on

30.10.1920 to form the Communist Party.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1920 An estimated 10,000 people demonstrated in Melbourne on 07.11.1920

against the British ban on Archbishop Mannix visiting Ireland.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1920 The Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Service Ltd. coy.

(QANTAS) was formed on Tuesday 16.11.1920 in the small Queensland

town of Winton.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1920 On Monday 23.12.1920, the League of Nations formally adopted

Australia’s mandate over New Guinea as contained in the Covenant of the

League of Nations of May 1919.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1920 Radio broadcasting commenced.

1921 In January, St. Francis’ Primary School in Ayr was moved across the road. Diary Dr. K. J. H. Kelly

1921 In January 1921, Edith Garvey (the future Sr. M. Camillus) entered St.

Patrick’s Convent in Townsville.

She was professed as a Religious on 18.07.1923.

Edith had been educated by the Sisters of St. Joseph in Cloncurry.

Townsville Catholic News,

Aug. 1973

1921 Sr. M Vincent succeeded Mother Mary Aloysius as Principal of Our Lady

of Lourdes Primary School in Ingham. (1922 – 1924)

Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School

100 Years 1915 – 2015

1921 Mother M. Agnes Goggin was elected Mother Superior of the Townsville

Sisters of Mercy, a position she held for 47 years.

Townsville Catholic News, Feb. 1975.

Catholic Leader, 02.02.1975, page 3.

Catholic Leader, 10.04.1969, page 6.

1921 St. Gabriel’s Anglican School for Girls was established in Charters Towers

by the Sisters of the Sacred Advent in 1921.

All Souls St. Gabriel’s School


1921 The Good Samaritan Sisters’ original convent in Ayr, formerly the

residence of the Emery family, was sold.

Silver Jubilee of the Sacred Heart Church,

Ayr 1912-37

1921 On 14.03.1921, Mrs. Edith Cowen, MLA, became the first woman to be

elected to Parliament.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1921 Death of Fr. Julian Plormel at the Rockhampton Mater Hospital on Tuesday

15.03.1921. Fr. Jules Bucas of Emerald was at Fr. Julian’s death bed but

the elderly Fr. Pierre Marie Bucas who was resident in Barcaldine was

unable to travel to Rockhampton.

Morning Bulletin,


1921 On 17.03.1921, for the first time in its history, the little town of Winton

celebrated St. Patrick’s Day. The H.A.C.B. Society, under the patronage of

Fr. W. H. B. Carrie, P.P. arranged the day’s programme.

The Catholic Press

Thursday 21st April 1921.

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1921 Permanent military forces were established in Australia under federal

legislation on 01.05.1921.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1921 R. S. Falkiner patented a sugarcane harvester that cut and topped the stalks

in a continuous operation.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1921 The first Parliament of Northern Ireland was opened on 06.06.1921.

1921 Death in Townsville of Sr. M. Osnat O’Reilly R.S.J., a Josephite Sister from

Richmond, Queensland, on 09.06 1921. Sr. Osnat, who belonged to the

Richmond convent, took ill and was taken to Townsville but died there after

a few days. She was buried in the West End Cemetery in Townsville.

Headstone in West End Cemetery

Townsville Diocesan Archives

Ref. 775/1

1921 Bishop Joseph Shiel conferred Confirmation in Cloncurry on 19.06.1921

and 21.06.1921.

Cloncurry Confirmation Register

1910 to 1969

1921 A Conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society was established in St.

Mary’s, West Townsville.

A Century Not Out

St. Vincent de Paul Society folder.

1921 The new Church at Railway Estate, Townsville, formerly, the St Joseph’s

Church/School building on The Strand, was blessed and opened by Mons.

Bourke in July 1921, on the same day as the new St Joseph’s Church on The


Townsville Catholic News,

Oct. 1935 & Oct. 1966

1921 The new St. Joseph’s Church on the Strand in Townsville was blessed and

opened in July 1921. (Photo of area in TCN Dec. 1966).

Townsville Catholic News,

Oct. 35, Feb. 63 & Oct. 66.

1921 On 12.07 1921, Br. Ronald Austin Ridley began his Teacher Training at

Our Lady’s Mount C.B.C. in Townsville.

Townsville Catholic News, Mar. 1970

Archives Ref. 708/2

1921 Bishop Shiel visited various Catholic schools on his first visit since his

return from Rome. On Friday 22nd, he visited St. Joseph’s School in

company with His Grace Archbishop Duhig of Brisbane.

His next visit was to St. Patrick’s School, South Townsville accompanied

by the Right Rev. Monsignor Bourke, V.G., and Fr. T. F. Hogan.

Catholic Press, Sydney

Thursday 28.07.1921

Page 2

1921 Influenza hit Mount Carmel College in Charters Towers. Sixty boys and

all the brothers were infected.


Golden Jubilee 1952

1921 Archbishop Mannix visited Townsville briefly during his return from a

1920 / 1921 trip to Europe.


John P. Maguire, 1985

1921 The Legion of Mary was founded in Dublin on 07.09.1921 by Frs. Duff and

Toher and 15 ladies.

Townsville Catholic News, Mar. 1941

1921 Dorothea Loth, formerly of Ravenswood, entered the Sisters of Mercy

(RSM) on 24.09.1921 at the age of 26 years.

Three years later, she was professed in St. Patrick’s Convent, Townsville.

Townsville Catholic News,

Oct. 49 & Feb. 71

1921 Death of Sister Mary Kevin RSM on 18.10.1921. Headstone in West End Cemetery

1921 On 20.10.1921, Fr. K. J. H. Kelly held the first meeting to arrange the

erection of a new church in Ingham. (Opened in 1923).

Townsville Catholic News,

Dec. 1959

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1921 The Royal Australian Air Force was formed on Wednesday 09.11.1921.

The RAAF was the successor of the Australian Flying Corps (AFC).

Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1921 Death of Mother Mary Benigna Desmond RSM on 24.11.1921, aged 84

years. She was buried in the West End Cemetery.

Townsville Catholic News, Aug. 58, Nov.

63, Nov. & Dec. 68, Apr. & Sep 75.

1921 The United Evangelical Lutheran Church of Australia was founded. Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1921 A telephone service is established from coast to coast.

1922 Drought affected Queensland again from 1922 to 1929. Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1922 First sales of bottled milk – Camden Vale Milk – N.S.W.

1922 Death of Pope Benedict XV on 22.01.1922. (1914 – 1922) All Roads Lead to Rome.

1922 On 05.01.1922. Elsie White (the future Sr. M. Rita) requested to be

admitted as a postulant in the Sisters of Mercy.

She made her vows in 1925 and died in 1975

Townsville Catholic News, May 1975

Catholic Leader, 25.05.1975, page 20.

1922 Fr. James Patrick McCoy was appointed assistant priest at Charters Towers

and Chaplain to Mount Carmel College.

Townsville Catholic News,

Jul. 1970

1922 On 28.01.1922, A small house was purchased next to the church property in

Ingham from Mrs Heard, a retired mid-wife of the early days. With the

necessary alterations and repairs, it became St. Kevin’s Presbytery.

Townsville Catholic News,

Dec. 1959

1922 Election of Cardinal Achille Ratti as Pope Pius XI on 06.02.1922.

Photo in TCN May 1938. (1922 – 1939)

Diocesan News, Dec. 2000

All Roads Lead to Rome.

1922 Fr. Pierre Marie Bucas came to the Mater Hospital in Rockhampton and

remained there until his death in 1930.

The Central Queensland Herald,


1922 The Upper House in the Queensland Parliament (the Legislative Council)

was abolished on Thursday 23.03.1922.

Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1922 Advert in ‘The Northern Miner” regarding the Estate of Frederick Pfeiffer,

deceased. (Died 11.03.1903) Auction Sale at Day Dawn House, on Day

Dawn Ridge and Rutherford House in Rutherford Street on Tuesday,

Wednesday and Thursday, 4th, 5th and 6th April 1922.

(During his service in Charters Towers (August 1910 to December 1913),

Fr. P. J. O’Keefe purchased the large residence of the late Frederick

Pfeiffer, a German Lutheran, (Died 11.03.1903) where he intended to

establish a Catholic hospital).

The Northern Miner,

Wednesday 29 March 1922, page 6

(The North Queensland Register)

(Monday 16 March 1903)

The Townsville Catholic News

July 1969, page 8

1922 The Country Women’s’ Association of NSW was formed on Friday


Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1922 On 27.04.1922, a deposit was paid on a Charters Towers Anglican Church

building. It was moved to Norris Street, in the Hermit Park suburb of St.

Mary’s Parish, (later Mundingburra) at a total cost of £1,908.

The Church of Blessed Oliver Plunket was blessed and opened on

Townsville West, Parish Ledger page 17

The Catholic Press

Thursday 19 Oct. 1922, page 40

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24.09.1922 and was administered from Townsville West until 14.04.1923.

The first Baptism recorded in the Church Register took place on


Oliver Plunket (01.11.1625 – 01.07.1681) was the Catholic Archbishop of

Armagh and Primate of all Ireland.

He was the last Catholic matyr to die in England. Oliver Plunkett was

beatified on 23.05.1920 and canonised on 12.10.1975.

Townsville Catholic News,

Dec. 65, May 66 & Oct. 70.

1922 St. Kevin’s presbytery next to the church property in Ingham was officially

opened on 28.05 1922.

Portrait of a Parish –1864 to 1996

Bianka Vidonja Balanzategui, page 13

1922 The Hubert’s Well Power Station became operational in Townsville in

1922. It was situated on a 9 acre (3.3.645 hectares) site bordered by Ross

River Road, West Street, Rogers Street and Wareham Street in Aitkenvale.

This was formally the site of the well, which supplied water for the city.

(The station was last used to generate power in 1953, when it was replaced

by a new station in South Townsville.

The building was demolished in March 1969 to make way for a residential

subdivision). Townsville’s first electric street lighting was officially

“turned on” by Mayor W. H. Green on 01.06.1922.

City Libraries Townsville Local History


Townsville Bulletin


1922 Hugh O’Twomey was ordained in County Cork, Ireland, on the Feast of

Corpus Christi 15.06.1922. Six months later, he was on a boat to Australia,

to become an assistant priest at Bowen. (1923 – 1925)

Townsville Catholic News,

Jul. 47, Jul. 62 & May 72

Townsville Catholic Archives, Ref.775/2

1922 The first railing of coal from Collinsville to Bowen took place.

Coal was discovered in 1866 – mining commenced in 1919.

MIMAG 3 / 88

1922 A permanent chapel, large enough to accommodate the boarders, was

constructed at Mount Carmel College in Charters Towers in 1922.

The altar from the brother’s private chapel, purchased in 1903, was

transferred into the new chapel.

Carmel, Golden Jubilee


1922 The Diocesan clergy make their annual retreat at Mount Carmel College

every year from 1922 on until the opening of Abergowrie in 1934.

Carmel, Golden Jubilee


1922 Fr. John Hagarty of the Vincentian Order lived for a short time in

Richmond. Although Richmond was not erected as a parish until January

1923, the first baptism entered in the Baptism Register was shown as

celebrated by Fr. John on 24.06.1922.

The first wedding entered in the Marriage Register was celebrated by the

first Parish Priest, Fr. Patrick Bannan, on 09.02.1923.

The first Funeral recorded in St. Brigid’s Register occurred on 30.01.1923.

Townsville Catholic News, Mar. 1936

Townsville Catholic Archives

Ref. 775/1

1922 Death of Henry Lawson, poet and short story writer aged 55 years at

Abbotsford, NSW, on Saturday 02.09.1922.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

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1922 Townsville’s first Power Station was constructed at Hubert Wells.


1922 At Brandon, Lower Burdekin, Miss Gallagher, postmistress, who was

retiring from the Postal Department to be married and Mrs J. King, who had

been organist for the Brandon Church for many years, were both farewelled

at a function in the convent school.

The Catholic Press

Thursday 19 October 1922

Page 40

1922 The foundation stone for the second St. Patrick’s Church at Ingham was

blessed and laid by Bishop Shiel. (? 01.10.1922) The Architect was Joe

Rooney of Townsville and the Contractor, Tom Mullins of Ingham.

(The church was blessed and opened on 27.05.1923)

“Petra”, 01.07.1923

Pages 33, 330 and 334.

The News, Apr. 1989

Photo included.

1922 On 16th September, Bishop Shiel, having returned from Ingham and district,

was celebrant at a wedding at St Joseph’s Church, The Strand, Townsville.

The Catholic Press

Thursday 19 October 1922, page 40

1922 In October 1922, Fr. Bray left Hughenden for North Rockhampton.

He was succeeded by Fr. Denis Lawrence Murtagh.

(Fr. Denis was transferred to the new parish of Marian in February 1923).

Townsville Catholic News,

Jul. 1945 & Feb. 68.

Morning Bulletin, (Rockhampton)

15.10.1953, page 3

1922 Death of Fr. Peter Mary Rouillac S.M., former parish priest of Bowen

(1906 – 1912) on 21.10.1922 at Mittagong, N.S.W. Fr. Rouillac was the

builder of the Catholic Church, the first ferro-concrete building in Australia,

Petra, Jan.1923

Townsville Catholic News,

Sep. 1967

1922 The first regular passenger air service established by QANTAS commenced

with flights between Charleville and Cloncurry on Thursday 02.11.1922.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1922 Ordination of Thomas Alfonsus Kelly and Foster Carew by Dr. J. Shiel,

Bishop of Rockhampton, in St. Joseph’s Cathedral, on Sunday 03.12.1922.

Petra, Jan.1923

Townsville Catholic News,

Dec. 47, Sep. 67 & Nov. 72

1922 On 26.12.1922, 1922, Fr. Hugh O’Twomey arrived in Rockhampton from


Townsville Catholic News, Jul. 1947

Townsville Catholic Archives, Ref. 775/2

1922 On Friday 15.12.1922, Queensland became the first state in Australia to

abolish the death penalty.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1922 In December 1922, Fr. P. M. Bannan returned from a picnic with the

children of the Ravenswood Convent School to discover that his presbytery

had been burnt to the ground and that all parochial papers and records of

Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths had been destroyed.

Note in new Ravenswood Register.

Townsville Catholic News,

Aug. 1966 & Sep. 1968.

1922 A sacred concert was presented in St. Patrick’s Schoolroom, Townsville, by

the Sacred Heart Church choir.

Catholic Press, Sydney

Thursday 21.12.1922

1922 A new tennis court was laid and enclosed on church land at Winton and

further land was purchased behind the convent to provide more privacy.


Feb. 1923

1922 On 30.12.1922, 40 children in a home for the underprivileged were treated Australia Through Time,

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to a Christmas party by five Sydney businessmen.

Each of the men named himself as Mr. Smith in order to remain

anonymous. The group became known as the Smith Family.

2005 Edition

1922 During 1922, the Past Brothers Football Club was formed.

Christian Brother T. F. Hogan organized and convened the meeting, which

brought the Club into existence. He also became the first Patron.

The Club started off in a quiet way with a Minor-Junior side.


1922 – 1985

Page 1 of the booklet

1923 St. Patrick’s Parish, South Townsville (including Railway Estate) was

established with Fr. Rudolph Rickerby as the first parish priest. (1923-25)

At a meeting of parishioners held in the schoolroom at St. Patrick’s newly

constituted parish of South Townsville, it was decided to take immediate

steps towards the erection of a presbytery for their first parish priest.

Townsville Catholic News, Dec. 1967.

The News, Dec. 1990.

Catholic Press, Sydney


1923 New Parishes and Changes of Clergy in the Diocese of Rockhampton

As the outcome or a January meeting at the Episcopal residence,

Rockhampton, presided over by Bishop Shiel, four new parishes were

erected, namely, South Townsville, Marian, Richmond and Sarina


Fr. R. Rickerby from St. Joseph’s Cathedral staff was appointed parish

priest of the newly erected parish of South Townsville in which there were

two churches and two convents.

Fr. McElhinney (from North Rockhampton) replaced Fr. Bray as parish

priest of Hughenden in Feb 1923. (He only remained until August 1924,

but during his stay, he painted the presbytery). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Fr. P. Bannon (from Ravenswood) was appointed to take charge of the

newly erected parish of Richmond, Fr. J. Hegarty C.M. taking his place

temporarily at Ravenswood.

Fr. H. O’Reilly (from Mackay) was appointed to Brandon and Ayr during

the absence of Fr. T. Grogan, formerly of Rockhampton, who was

proposing to visit Ireland at the end of April.

Fr. Denis L. Murtagh (from temporary priest of Hughenden) to take charge

of the newly made parish of Marian (Rockhampton Diocese) - - - - - - - - -

Fr. Joseph Morley (from assistant priest at Bowen) was transferred to

The Catholic Press

(NSW: 1895-1942)

Thursday 11 January 1923, page 29.

- T.C.N. Jul.1945 & Feb. 1968

Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton)

- 15.10.1953, page 3

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Ingham as Fr. K. J. H. Kelly’s first Curate. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(1923 to 1926 – the first Curate in Ingham)

Fr. T. Kelly, recently ordained, appointed assistant priest at West End.

Fr. H. Toomey, recently arrived from Ireland, appointed assistant priest at


- T.C.N. Dec.1950 & Apr. 1968

1923 Vol.1, No. 1 of the Catholic Magazine “Petra” was published in Jan. 1923

by Fr. T. Lynch (Chancellor of the Diocese) for the Diocese of


The Catholic Press (NSW: 1895-1942)

Thursday 11.01.1923, page 29.

T’ville Catholic News, Jun. 65 & Sep. 68.

1923 Br. H. B. Wynne taught at Mount Carmel College in Charters Towers

during the years 1923 to 1925.

Townsville Catholic News,

Aug. 1974

1923 On 18.01.1923, Richmond Parish was established on with Father Patrick

Maurice Bannan as the first parish priest. (1923 – 1925)

Richmond was formerly part of the Hughenden Parish.

Fr. Bannan took up residence in the “Tin Castle”, a galvanised iron room

erected at the back of the church. (Photo Jun.1965).

Fr. Bannan immediately organised the building of St. Joseph’s Primary

School by contractor Herbert Hall. Sisters of St. Joseph serving in

Richmond at this time were:- Sr. Cecilia Bowen (Superior), Sr. Marina

Higgins, Sr. John Berchmans Burnett and Sr. Silverius Gillooly.

The architect was Joseph Rooney of Townsville.

The school building was blessed and opened by Bishop J. Shiel on

07.10.1923. (Closed at the end of 1972)

During his visit, the people of the Richmond district celebrated the Silver

Jubilee of Bishop Shiel’s sacerdotal ordination.

Townsville Catholic News,

Mar. 36, Jul. 45, Nov. 48,

Jun. Sep. & Oct. 65

Notes in Richmond Marriage Register

1923 to 1945

Townsville Catholic Archives

Ref. 775/1 & 775/5

“Petra”, Nov. 1923

Photo in TCN Jun. 1965

Historical Plaque on Richmond footpath

1923 In the early 1920’s, Fr. P. M. Bannan, parish priest of Richmond, visited

Julia Creek every three months to celebrate Mass in the School of Arts.

(When Fr. Hugh O’Twomey followed Fr. Bannan as parish priest of

Richmond in the late 1920’s, he also visited Julia Creek).

The Catholic Leader


1923 Vegemite is first prepared by Fred Walker in Melbourne in February 1923. Famous Australians.

1923 On 18.02.1923, John Campbell Miles discovered one of the world’s richest

deposits of copper, silver and zinc during his 1923 expedition into the

Northern Territory. He named his new claim Mt. Isa.

Mt. Isa - History

1923 The township of Mt Isa was founded and the new town came under the care

of priests from the Cloncurry Parish for some years. Some of these were

Frs. Keane, Breen and Gibbs. Mass was said in the Dance Hall in West

Street, Burn’s Café in West Street, Smith’s Hall in Marion Street (behind

Townsville Catholic News,

Dec. 1955

“A History of Mt. Isa Catholic Parish

1930 – 1976” by Fr. Peter Kerwick

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the Star Theatre) and in the Staff Mess (site of the Open Cut).

1923 The Sisters of Mercy (RSM) established a junior boarding school for boys

at Ravenswood. The school continued until 1948 even though the priest

was withdrawn in 1929.

1923 On Sunday 08.04.1923, St Joseph’s Church in Giru was blessed and opened

by the Bishop of Rockhampton, Dr. Shiel, on land donated by the Donaghue

family. The building of the church was supervised by Fr. T. Grogan, Parish

Priest of Ayr. (Bishop Faulkner’s photo album).

Townsville Catholic News, Oct. & Nov.

44, Jun. 45, Oct. 57, Aug. 61, (photo) Jun.

63, Sep. 67 and Sep. 75

Petra, Jan. 23. “The News”, Jun 91.

1923 At the end of April, Fr. T. Grogan, Parish Priest of Ayr, left for a 12 month

vacation in Ireland. He returned to Ayr in May 1924.

Excerpt from diary in old exercise book.

Author Dr. K. J. H. Kelly

1923 Mundingburra was erected as a separate parish by excision from St.

Mary’s, West Townsville on 14.04.1923 with Fr. Thomas A. Simmington as

the first parish priest. (1923 to 1924)

The Parish extended from Roberts Street in Hermit Park, to Manton on the

Charters Towers line, and southwards to Margaret’s Creek, near Cromarty.

At first, there was no presbytery and Fr. Simmington boarded with a private

family for a time. He also lived for some months at the West End

presbytery. Mundingburra took over the administration of St. Brigid’s

Church in Stewart’s Creek until 1945. (Stuart)

75th Jubilee – St. Joseph’s Mundingburra

1924 – 1999 Compiled by Louise Burke

Townsville Catholic News

Nov. 1935 & May 1966

(Simmington – TCN May 1962 – Senex)

The News, Dec. 1990.

HDMS Ref 674/4

1923 Wedding of the Duke of York (George VI) and Lady Elizabeth Bowes-

Lyon on 26.04.1923.

1923 Construction of the Sydney Harbour Bridge began with the ceremonial

turning of the first sod at North Sydney on Saturday 28.04.1923.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1923 Mount Carmel College in Charters Towers commenced the construction of

a swimming pool. It was not completed until 1925.


1980 and 1982.

1923 On 24.05.1923, Bishop Joseph Shiel and the Apostolic Delegate,

Archbishop Cattaneo, participated in a procession in Townsville in honour

of Our Lady Help of Christians.

They later attended a concert at St. Patrick’s College.

“Petra”, 01.07.1923

Pages 33, 330 & 334.

The News, Apr. 1989

1923 In 1923, the former St. Patrick’s Church building in Ingham was moved

again, this time from Abbott Street to Bemerside where it became firstly

“St. Bartholomew’s” and then after the great flood of 1927, it was renamed

“St. Anthony’s”. (The building was demolished and burnt when a new

brick church was built in 1982.)

Portrait of a Parish – A History of St.

Patrick’s Church and Parish 1864-1996

Pages 5, 233 & 235

Bianka Vidonja Balanzategui

1923 On 25.05.1923, Bishop Shiel and Archbishop Cattaneo travelled to Ingham

where on 27.05.1923 the Apostolic Delegate, assisted by Bishop Shiel,

blessed and opened the new St. Patrick’s Church and on the same day

blessed and opened St Bartholomew’s Church at Seymour on Ripple Creek.

“Petra”, 01.07.1923

Pages 33, 329, 330 & 334.

Townsville Catholic News, Dec. 1959

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They then travelled back to Townsville. The new St. Patrick’s was

designed by Joe Rooney and erected by Tom Mullins.

(St. Bartholomew’s was the old St. Patrick’s building which had been

relocated to Seymour and renamed. After the 1927 flood, it was renamed

the church of St. Anthony de Padua.)

Herbert R. Exp. 29.12.1979

The News, Apr. 1989

Information updated

by Fr. Damian McGrath on 18.11.2014

1923 On 30.05.1923, Bishop Shiel and Archbishop Cattaneo attended a concert at

Our Lady’s Mount Christian Brothers College on Stanton Hill, in honour of

the Delegate’s Sacerdotal Jubilee.

“Petra”, 01.07.1923

Pages 33, 330 & 334.

The News, Apr. 1989

1923 Bowen’s second convent was moved to a new site.

After extensions and repairs, it became Bowen’s third convent

A Souv. of the Silver Jub. 1911 – 1936 of

St. Mary’s Church, Bowen (McWilliams)

1923 Fr. T. F. Hogan acted as locum tenens in Cloncurry while Fr. Burke P.P.

was absent through illness.

Petra, Jan. 1923

Townsville Catholic News, Sep. 1967

1923 Ordination of Fr. John Dillon in St. Mary’s Cathedral, Kilkenny, on


Townsville Catholic News, Aug. 1970

1923 Bishop Joseph Shiel left Rockhampton for Townsville via Mackay on

26.06.1923. On 02.07.1923, he attended a conference of priests in Charters

Towers and then visited Cloncurry from 05.07.1923 to 09.07.1923

conferring Confirmation.

The Bishop then conferred Confirmation in Selwyn on 09.07.23, returned to

Charters Towers on 12.07.1923 and remained until 16.07.1923.

1923 On 18.07.1923, Sr. M. Camillus Garvey and Sr. M. Teresita Steggall were

professed as Sisters of Mercy.

Townsville Catholic News,

Aug. 1973

1923 In 1923, no less than 400 Italian migrants came to the Herbert River district

following in the footsteps of those who had already arrived in the 1890s.

At the request of the Papal Delegate, Archbishop Cattaneo, Fr. Severino

Mambrini O.F.M. was sent from Sydney to North Queensland by his

Superior Fr. McNamara, to visit the Italians and carry out a census. He

arrived in Ingham on the 8th August 1923 (via Brisbane and Rockhampton).

The parish priest, Fr. K. J. H. Kelly, gave him as a guide and a companion,

his curate, Fr. Morley. The census took about two months to complete.

Report of a two months’ visit to the Italian

settlement on the Herbert River by the Very

Rev. Father Mambrini, O.F.M.

Portrait of a Parish – A History of St.

Patrick’s Church and Parish 1864-1996

Bianka Vidonja Balanzategui, page 13

Townsville Catholic News,

Dec. 1959 & Nov. 1973.

1923 Death of Sir James Burns in Parramatta, NSW, aged 77 years, on


Sir James founded Burns, Philip and Co. Ltd. in Townsville in 1883.

Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

The Sun 17.10.1989

1923 Construction began on a temporary parliament house, below Camp Hill in


Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1923 On 07.10.1923, St Joseph’s Primary School in Richmond was blessed and

opened by Bishop J. Shield.

Fr. Bannan organised the building of the school by contractor Herbert Hall.

Townsville Catholic Archives, Ref. 775/1

Notes in Richmond Marriage Register

1923 to 1945.

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The architect was Joseph Rooney of Townsville.

(Closed at the end of 1972)

“Petra”, Nov. 1923

Historical Plaque on Richmond footpath

1923 In October 1923, Fr. Hugh O’Twomey was transferred from Rockhampton

to Bowen as assistant priest to Fr. John Walsh.

Townsville Catholic News, Jul. 1947

Photo in TCN Jul. 1947.

1923 The new telephone trunk line between Sydney and Brisbane was officially

opened on Wednesday 10.10.1923.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1923 Cairns in north Queensland, was proclaimed a city on 12.10.1923. Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1923 On Friday 23.11.1923, Station 2SB broadcast the first Australian wireless

program from a room in the Smith’s Weekly building in Sydney.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1923 The sanctuary of St. Mary’s Church in West End, Townsville, was enlarged

and transepts were added in 1923. Also, a new marble altar and stations of

the cross were installed by Fr. James Joseph Rowan P.P. The additions and

improvements were blessed on 02.12.1923 by Bishop Shiel.

Petra, 1 July 1923, p. 330

Townsville Catholic News,

Sep. 1967

1923 During the year, Fr. Henry O’Reilly had repairs and painting carried out on

the convent at Ayr.

Silver Jubilee of the Sacred Heart Church,

Ayr 1912-37

1923 The residence of a local doctor, next to the school in Richmond, was

acquired late in 1923 to replace the “Tin Castle” (Photo Jun. 1965) as a

residence for the priest.

“Petra”, November 1923

Historical Plaque on Richmond footpath

Townsville Catholic Archives, Ref. 775/1

1923 St Patrick’s Primary School, (SGS) Brandon was closed.

(The school building was moved to Jarvisfield in 1936 where it became the

Church of St. Francis Xavier).

Silver Jubilee of the Sacred Heart Church,

Ayr 1912-37

Townsville Catholic News, Jul. 1957

1923 St Patrick’s Church/School at Millchester (? Queenton), which was now

staffed by a lay teacher, was closed due to dwindling a population.

Brother Mogg purchased the building in 1924 for use as a science room at

Mount Carmel College.

The Northern Miner, Fri. 07.07.1944

Page 4

Carmel, 1980 page 54

1923 Ordination of Norman Thomas Gilroy in Rome on 24.12.1923. Australian Dictionary of Biography

1923 Ordination of Fr. John J. Hegarty by Bishop Fogarty at the Abbey of Mt. St.

Joseph, Rescrea, Ireland on 10.12.1923. (1923 – 1952)

Townsville Catholic News,

May 1952

1923 The first commercially available, Australian made domestic refrigerator to

operate without ice was produced by Edward Hallstrom in 1923.

It used kerosene as a power source.

The first domestic electric refrigerator was sold in America in 1913.

By 1926, American made Kelvinator refrigerators were being imported into

Australia but were very expensive.

In 1935, Hallstrom introduced the ‘Silent Night’, which ran on electricity or


Australian food history timeline

1924 Australia’s population 5 882 000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

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1924 Fire destroyed 20 buildings in the business districts of Laidley and Winton,

Queensland, on 16.01.1924.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1924 On 19 01.1924, Mount Isa Mines Ltd. was established.

The Cloncurry Parish continued to care for the spiritual needs of the

growing community for some years. Mass was celebrated in Boyd’s Dance

Hall, Burn’s Café, Smith’s Hall and in the staff hall at the mine.

The Catholic Church in Mount Isa &


Townsville Catholic Archives Ref. 851/1

1924 Petrograd was renamed Leningrad on 24.01.1924, in honour of Vladimir

Lenin, the founder of the Soviet Union.

Encyclopedia. Com

Saint Petersburg Russia

1924 The Sisters of St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart returned to Townsville 46

years after having been withdrawn.

They established St. Joseph’s Primary School in the Blessed Oliver Plunket

Church in Norris Street, Mundingburra, and commenced teaching on

28.01.1924. They were cared for by the Sisters of Mercy until their

unfinished convent became habitable.

The convent, built at a cost of £900, was blessed and opened by Bishop

Heavy of Cooktown on 01.02.1924. (1924 – 1936)

When it was completed, classes were relocated under the Convent.

The Townsville Bulletin, Saturday


Townsville Catholic News, Nov. 1935

75th Jubilee – St. Joseph’s 1924 – 1999

Compiled by Louise Burke

The News, Dec. 1990 & Dec. 1991.

1924 A new convent was provided in Townsville West for the Sisters of Mercy

(RSM). The old convent was a former private residence. (1917 – 1924)


In March 1924, Fr. Charles J. Keane was appointed by Bishop Shiel to

succeed Fr. E. J. Bourke as parish priest of Cloncurry. (1924 to 1928)

The Review, May 1977

Townsville Catholic News, Apr. 1945

1924 Fr. Henry O’Reilly took over from Fr. Thomas A. Simmington as parish

priest of Mundingburra in May 1924. (May 1924 to July 1930)

He had the sacristy prepared as temporary living quarters and so became the

first priest to actually reside in the parish. Fr. Simmington was transferred

to Mt. Morgan. (Simmington – TCN May 1962 – Senex)

The Catholic Press

Thursday 2 October 1924, page 42.

Townsville Catholic News Nov. 1935.

The News, Dec. 1990.

1924 The Convent of St. Benignus was blessed and opened by His Lordship, the

Bishop of Rockhampton, Bishop Shiel in South Townsville, for the Sisters

of Mercy (RSM) on 09.05.1924.

This building served previously as the National Bank in Ravenswood.

(St. Patrick’s School in South Townsville was closed at the end of 1970.)

Townsville Daily Bulletin

Monday, 09.06.1924, page 5

Townsville Catholic News,

Dec. 67, Dec. 68 & Oct.70

Catholic Leader, 02.02.1975, page 3.

1924 In May, Fr. T. Grogan, Parish Priest of Ayr, returned from a 12 month

vacation in Ireland and began the work of building the Sacred Heart Church

at Ayr.

Excerpt from diary in old exercise book.

Author Dr. K. J. H. Kelly

100 Years of Grace 1912 – 2012, page 8

1924 Fr. Denis L. Murtagh, who was attached to the Parish of Marian, came to

Kolijo by car and said Mass at the residence on the McDermott family.

Townsville Catholic News,

Sep. 1953.

1924 Fr. William O’Regan was ordained to the priesthood in St. Mary’s

Cathedral, Kilkenny, on 08.06.1924 (Pentecost Sunday) for the

Souvenir Ordination Card

Townsville Catholic News,

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Rockhampton Diocese by Archbishop J. Downey, D.D. Coadjutor Bishop

of Ossory.

Feb. & Mar. 1967.

1924 The Greek Orthodox Holy Metropolis of Australia and New Zealand was

established with the arrival of the first Metropolitan (Bishop) Christophoros

Knetes on 08.07.1924.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1924 The Government introduced compulsory voting in Federal Elections on

25.07.24. The impact was immediate. Voting turnout increased from less

than 60% at the 1922 elections to 91% at the 1925 elections.

Australian Electoral Commission

Compulsory Voting in Australia

1924 Fr. J. P. McCoy was appointed to Mt. Morgan and in the same year, he was

made Parish Priest of Neerkol.

He remained there for only a few months and in August replaced Fr. W.

McElhinney as Parish Priest of Hughenden. (1924 – Feb. 1929).

Townsville Catholic News,

Aug. 45, Feb. 68 and Jul. 70

Townsville Catholic Archives

Ref. 775/5

1924 The last Cobb and Co. horse drawn coach service was run in Queensland’s

Surat area on 14.08.1924.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1924 A branch of the H.A.C.B. (Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society)

was established in Home Hill on 16.08.1924.

St Colman’ Parish, Home Hill

Diamond Jubilee 1926 to 1986

1924 On 17.08.1924, Richmond’s new presbytery, (the local doctor’s residence,

purchased from him in late 1923) was blessed by Fr. Duggan CSSR.

It replaced the “Tin Castle” (Photo in TCN June 1965) as a residence for the

priest. (The building was sold in the late 1970’s, as there was no longer a

resident priest in Richmond).

Townsville Catholic News

Jul. 1945, Nov. 1948.

“Petra”, November 1923

Historical Plaque on Richmond footpath

Townsville Catholic Archives, Ref. 775/1

1924 Fr. John Dillon arrived in Bowen as assistant priest in September 1924.

Baptism Register shows entries from 10th September 1924 to 28th November


A Souv. of the Silver Jub. 1911 – 1936 of

St. Mary’s Church, Bowen (McWilliams)

Bowen Baptism Register 1911 to 1941

1924 During the year, St. M. Dorothea (Loth) was professed in St. Patrick’s

Convent, Strand. For fourteen years from 1922 to 1936, she taught music in

Home Hill, Winton, Proserpine and Townsville.

Townsville Catholic News,

Oct. 1949 & Feb. 1971.

1924 The old church at Ayr was moved to a new site across the road to make way

for the construction of the Sacred Heart Church on land donated by John

Burke. The old church became the only school building until 1935.

Townsville Catholic News,

May 1957

Photo of S. H. Church in TCN Sep. 62.

1924 During October, Bishop Shiel was due to visit Proserpine for the purpose of

laying the foundation stone of a new convent and school for the Sisters of

Mercy. (St. Catherine’s Convent and School were blessed and opened on


The Catholic Press

02.10.1924, page 42


1924 In November 1924, Bishop Shiel of the Rockhampton Diocese, blessed and

laid the foundation stone for the new Sacred Heart Church in Ayr.

Townsville Catholic News,

Nov. 1946 & Jul. 1957

1924 The Ford Motor Company of Australia, Ltd. was registered on Wednesday


Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

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1924 The first Australian Woolworths store opened on 05.12.1924 in Sydney. Woolworth’s Group – Our History


Br. C.A. Mogg became Principal of Mount Carmel College in Charters

Towers from 1924 to 1926. He had been at Carmel since 1916. Brother

Mogg purchased the Chapel of Ease and the parish school at Millchester,

which was now almost deserted, and had them re-erected at the college.

He also had the Sodality of Our Lady established at Mount Carmel.

The Northern Miner,

Friday 7 July 1944, page 4

Carmel, Golden Jubilee 1952

Townsville Catholic News,

Jul. 1962 & Jul.1969

1924 The Railway link between Brisbane and Cairns was completed on

10.12.1924. (The completion or the railway link brought to an end the

regular coastal steamer runs).

Portrait of a Parish – A History of St.

Patrick’s Church and Parish 1864-1996

Bianka Vidonja Balanzategui, page 23

1924 Marconi establishes short wave communications between England and all

countries of the British Empire.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1924 Fr. Kevin J. H. Kelly celebrated the first Mass on Palm Island in the

government school using a table in a classroom at the school.

There were about 12 Catholics who had previously been visited by priests

who came on the coastal steamers, which also brought the tourists.

The steamers ceased visits when the Cairns – Brisbane railway was

completed in December 1924.

Townsville Catholic News,

Mar. 1940, Sep. 1961 & Feb. 1965.

1925 Australia’s population 6,003,000 Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1925 01.01.1925 – A violent wind storm struck Winton and Longreach. Many

buildings were damaged and trees uprooted. One man was fatally injured.

Townsville Daily Bulletin

Saturday 19.02.1927, page 13

1925 In January 1925, Fr. K. J. H. Kelly, Parish Priest of Ingham, sent Fr.

Mambrini O.F.M. to live in Halifax. As a house could not be financed, he

returned to Ingham at the end of 1925 where he remained permanently.

Townsville Catholic News,

Dec. 1959

1925 Sr. M Brigid succeeded Sr. M. Vincent as Principal of Our Lady of

Lourdes Primary School in Ingham. Sr. Brigid was still in Ingham during

the disastrous 1927 floods. She was succeeded by Sr. M Berchmans (?), Sr.

M Ignatius (?), Sr. M. Michael (?) and in 1930, by Sr. M. Agatha.

Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School

100 Years 1915 – 2015

1925 Sr. Mary Catherine Fitzgerald was appointed Superior of the

Ravenswood Convent.

Catholic Leader,

01.08.1940, page 3.

1925 Bishop Joseph Shield wrote to the Home Secretary requesting permission

for a priest to visit the settlement on Palm Island and also for permission to

open a school. The Home Secretary gave his approval for the first request

but would not allow a school to start.

Sisters of Our Lady Help of Christians

History, H20 Q1560 Ser. 0000065/30

1925 Death of Sr. M. Ursula Fenelon RSM on 07.02.1925 aged 45 years Headstone in West End Cemetery

1925 Sr. M. Rita (Elsie White) made her vows of Chastity, Poverty, Obedience,

and the service of the poor, sick and ignorant, in the Mercy Congregation.

(1922 – 1975)

Townsville Catholic News,

May 1975

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1925 Birth of Raymond Conway Benjamin in Rockhampton on 24.02.1925.

( 4th Bishop of Townsville)

1925 On Sunday 19Th April, St Catherine’s Convent and School in Proserpine

were blessed and opened for the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) by Bishop Shiel

and Fr. Tom Kelly. The school motto was “Strength In Faith” and the first

sisters were M. Mercy, M. Bernard and M. Anthony.

The sisters withdrew from the convent and school at the end of 1996.

The Catholic Press

Thursday 14.05.1925, page 42

Townsville Catholic News,

Dec. 1968.

“The News”, Dec.1996. Photo included.

1925 In May 1925, a branch of the Knights of the Southern Cross (KSC) was

formed in Townsville.

A Quest for a Fair Go

Pages 7, 269 to 272

1925 The Mount Carmel College swimming pool, commenced in 1923, was

completed. (1925 – 1986)


1980 page 54

1925 Ordination of Fr. David John O’Meara in Dublin on 06.06.1925.

Arrived in Australia in 1927. Died in Ireland on 15.06.1987.

(Photo in TCN Jul. 1950)

St. Colman’s Parish, Home Hill

Diamond Jubilee 1926 – 1986

1925 On 14.07.1925, the annual St. Patrick’s Convent Ball at South Townsville

was held in the convent schoolroom.

The Catholic Press

Thursday 06.08.1925, page 50

1925 On Sunday 26.07.1925, the Sacred Heart Church in Edward Street, Ayr was

blessed and opened by Bishop Joseph Shiel.

The parish priest was Fr. T. Grogan.

The large wooden cross above the tabernacle at the front of the church was

donated by Giovanni (John) Menso.

He also donated the two paintings on either side of the cross.

(The old St. Francis Church/School building had been moved over the road

in Jan. 1921 to become the only school building until 1935).

During the afternoon, the Bishop visited Home Hill where he confirmed 34


The Catholic Press

Thursday 13 August 1925, page 41

Photos in TCN Nov. 46 & Sep. 62.

St Colman’ Parish, Home Hill

Diamond Jubilee 1926 to 1986

The History of the Sacred Heart Parish,

Ayr, 1912 – 2012, page 9

1925 Fr. John Walsh C.SS.R arrived in Townsville from Ingham on 03.08.1925

and left for Giru and Ayr where he conducted a mission.

The Catholic Press

Thursday 13 August 1925, page 41

1925 The airship “Shenandoah” crashed in Ohio on 03.09.1925. AIRSHIPS.NET

1925 St. Patrick’s branch of the H.A.C.B. (Hibernian Australasian Catholic

Benefit Society) was established in South Townsville on 09.09.1925.

History in Townsville Daily Bulletin

Saturday 24.05.1930, page 11

1925 The remains of Archbishop Andre Navarre MSC were exhumed from the

West End Cemetery in Townsville and re-interred at Yule Island on

22.09.1925. Archbishop Navarre died in Townsville on 18.01.1912.

MSC Archives and

West End Cemetery records.

1925 Scottish engineer John Logie Baird produced televised objects in outline in

1924, transmitted recognizable human faces on 02.10.1925 and

demonstrated the televising of moving objects in 1926.

John Logie Baird – inventor, Engineer


1925 Death of Monsignor Denis Fouhy on 13.10.1925. Calender of Deceased Priests in Australia

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1788 – 2009 W. T. Southerwood

1925 In a repeat of the 1903 venture, Mother Agnes (Goggin), and Sister Michael

from the Mercy Convent on the Strand, travelled to Ireland in another quest

for vocations. They succeeded in recruiting 35 young ladies and returned in

May 1926. Among those recruited was the future Mother M. Austin

Heffernan, the Mother General from 1956 to 1968.

Townsville Catholic News,

Nov. 1963 & Dec. 1968.

Feb. & May 1975.

Catholic Leader, 10.04.1969, page 6.

Catholic Leader, 02.02.1975, page 3.

1925 Ordination of Fr. James Feeney in Rockhampton on 29.11.1925.

1925 At the end of 1925, Fr. Mambrini O.F.M. returned to Ingham from Halifax

to live permanently as a house could not be financed in Halifax.

Townsville Catholic News,

Dec. 1959

1925 Fr. Henry O’Reilly erected a one room dwelling in Mundingburra facing

Halloran Street, on the corner of Halloran and Sheriff Streets, to act as a

presbytery. It was referred to as the “Hut”.

T’ville Catholic News,

Nov. 35 & Sep. 61

The News, Dec.1990.

1926 Sr. Mary Xavier O’Brien SGS succeeded Sr. Mary Agnes Sweeney SGS as

Principal of St. Francis’ School in Ayr. (1926 – 1928)

The Greatest Gift100 Years, page 18

1926 St Colman’s Parish, Home Hill, was established in January 1926 with Fr.

William O’Regan as the first parish priest. (1926 – 1930) Home Hill

possessed a small wooden church but no presbytery or school.

St Colman’ Parish, Home Hill

Diamond Jubilee 1926 to 1986

Townsville Catholic News, Feb. & Mar. 67.

1926 On 17.01.1926, Fr. P. M. Bannan, Parish Priest of Richmond, (1923 to

1925), was transferred to Winton succeeding Fr. William H. Bisset Carrie as

Parish Priest for a short time. (1926 to 1927).

Townsville Catholic News,

Jun. 39, Jul. 45 & Mar. 71.

1926 On 18.01.1926, Fr. O’Twomey succeeded Fr. Bannan as the second parish

priest of the Richmond Region. (1926 to 1929)

Townsville Catholic News, Mar. 1936

Photo in TCN Jul. 1947

1926 Fr. Joseph Morley was transferred from assistant at Ingham to assistant in

Charters Towers to Dean Edward O’Keefe and then to Fr. L. F.

McLaughlan (SENEX).

1926 On Thursday 28.01.1926, in St. Patrick’s Schoolroom, South Townsville,

parishioners welcomed their new parish priest, Fr. James Bray. (1926-36)

Mr. W. Geaney, the secretary, stated that £253.19s had been collected from

the parishioners and was held at credit to the South Townsville Parish

Motor Car Fund for his use.

On Monday 15.02.1926, the St. Patrick’s Schoolroom was again packed

when parishioners assembled to farewell Fr. Rickerby who had been

transferred to Emerald because of ill health

The Catholic Press, Sydney

Thursday 04.02.1926, page 42

The Catholic Press, Sydney

Thursday 04.03.1926, page 40

1926 Fr. M. McEveney arrived in Bowen as assistant priest in January 1926.

Baptism Register shows entries from 31st January 1926 to 29th June 1928.

A Souv. of the Silver Jub. 1911 – 1936 of

St. Mary’s Church, Bowen (McWilliams)

Bowen Baptism Register 1911 to 1941

1926 After graduating from the Assumption College, Martin Branagan entered The News,

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the Redemptorist Monastery at Ballarat.

(He was ordained a priest on 11.02.1932).

Mar. 1992.

1926 In 1926, Fr. Lanzon had a serious fall from a horse while working in

Mackay. He retired to a banana farm in the Yeppoon district but soon

returned to his native Malta.

Townsville Catholic News

1st December 1959

Page 14

1926 Proserpine parish was re-established by Bishop Joseph Shiel (for the third

time). Fr. Thomas Kelly (a native of Brandon) was transferred from

Townsville to be parish priest. Proserpine was first established as a parish

in 1906 by Bishop Duhig and again in 1911 but had lapsed after 10 months.

Fr. James Feeney, recently ordained, came as a curate to the city parish.

Catholic Leader, 05.12.2004,

Page 17

The Catholic Press

Thursday 11.02.1926,

Page 40

1926 Death of Fr. Thomas F. Hogan on 26.02.1926.

Fr. Thomas had served in Townsville, Cloncurry, Sarina and Mackay, etc.

A Prayer Calendar of Deceased Priests &

Deacons in Australia 1788 – 2009, page 29

1926 Some 30,000 Cactoblastis Cactorum moth eggs were imported from

Buenos Aires in May to control prickly pear, which was introduced in 1839

as a decorative pot plant. The first tests were carried out in a paddock near

Emerald in Queensland on 26.02.1026.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

This Fabulous Century,

Peter Luck

1926 The process for the canonisation of Mother Mary MacKillop began in the

Catholic Church. It was suspended in 1931 and continued in 1951.

Townsville Bulletin - Catholic News

Supplement, 17.09.2009, page 5

1926 In March, Fr. J. Hegarty became the first curate to serve in Ayr.

Fr. Grogan was parish priest.

Excerpt from diary in old exercise book.

Author Dr. K. J. H. Kelly

1926 On Wednesday 17.03.1926, St. Patrick’s Day in Townsville was celebrated

with Mass in all Catholic churches followed by the traditional procession

from the Sacred Heart Church (later Cathedral) along Flinders Street to the

Strand Park where a programme of sports had been arranged for the school


Townsville Daily Bulletin

Thursday, 18.03.1926

Page 5

1926 On 25.03.1926, a group of 17 young Irish girls sailed from Dublin Bay on

the ship “Beltana” to join St. Patrick’s Convent on the Strand. They arrived

in Townsville on 29.05.1926 aboard the coastal boat “Kanowna”. The

novices were chaperoned by Mother Agnes (Goggin) and Sister Michael

Townsville Catholic News,

Aug. 1968

The News, Nov. 1989.

1926 During the year, owing to the influx of postulants from Ireland, another

building on the Strand site had to be used for the small novitiate, which had

been established by the Sisters of Mercy in 1901.

Catholic Leader,


Page 5.

1926 St. Patrick’s Day celebration in Townsville commenced with a Mass in the

Sacred Heart Church followed by a procession through streets packed with

onlookers to the Strand Park. Sports were held for the children and in the

afternoon, a race meeting was held at Cleveland.

The Catholic Press

Thursday, 1 April 1926

Page 28

1926 Princess Elizabeth Alexandra Mary was born on 21.04.1926. (Elizabeth II) New Standard Encyclopaedia, Chicago

1926 The future Sr. M. Oliver (Meagher) entered the Strand Convent, Townsville Townsville Catholic News, Apr. 1959

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in 1926. She was professed in 1929 and died in 1959. Catholic Leader, 26.03.1959, page 13.

1926 The future Mother M. Attracta (Meagher) entered the Strand Convent,

Townsville on 31.05.1926. (1926 to 1957)

Townsville Catholic News,

Dec. 1957

1926 On 31.07.1926, three sisters were among a group of Irish girls who came to

Townsville to join the Sisters of Mercy. They were Catherine (Sr. M.

Finian), Mary (Sr. M. Felicitas) and Elizabeth (Sr. M. Angela) Doyle.

Catherine was professed in 1929 and died in 1974.

Townsville Catholic News,

Sep. 1974

1926 In 1926, the old Clare Hotel was dismantled and rebuilt in Ayr as two


Clare Centenary

The first years 1882 – 1982, page 13

1926 Among the girls who came from Ireland this year were three who would

celebrate their silver jubilees together in 1955. They were the future Sr. M.

Angela Doyle, Sr. M. Peter Leonard and Sr. M. Carthage Phelan.

Catholic Leader,


Page 15.

1926 The future Mother M. Gerard (Wood) entered the Strand Convent,

Townsville in 1926. She received the Holy Habit of Religion on 08.09.26,

was professed on 02.02.1929 and took her final vows as a Sister of Mercy in

1932. (1926 to 59)

Townsville Catholic News,

Mar. & Apr. 1959

Catholic Leader, 26.03.1959, page 13.

1926 Rev. Br. P. W. Nolan became Principal of Mt. Carmel College in Charters

Towers from Sept. 1926 to 1928.

Carmel, Golden Jubilee


1926 In October 1926, St. Patrick’s Parish in South Townsville concluded a fund

raising Queens’ Competition with a concert held in the Waterside Workers’

Hall on the bank of Ross River.

Townsville Daily Bulletin

Friday, 29.10.1926

Page 7

1926 In October 1926, a branch of the Knights of the Southern Cross (KSC) was

formed in Charters Towers.

A Quest for a Fair Go

Pages 7, 269 to 272

1926 On 07.11.1926, Bishop Shiel blessed the foundation stone for a convent for

the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) in Tenth Avenue, Home Hill.

A school was established in the church on 07.02. 1927 but floods delayed

the opening until 07.04.1927. (1927 to 1991)

Townsville Catholic News, Jan. 1953

The News, Jun. 92 & Dec. 95.

Townsville Bulletin- Catholic News

Supplement, 11.07.2002.

1926 On Wednesday10th November, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Shiel (Bishop of

Rockhampton) accompanied by Fr. McEveney of Bowen arrived in

Collinsville where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Walsh,

Magee’s Hotel.

On Thursday night 11th November, Bishop Shiel was accorded a public

welcome in the Star Theatre.

During their stay, a meeting of the Catholic men was held at Magee’s Hotel

to discuss the erection of a church in Collinsville.

Bishop Shiel and Fr. McEveney left for Bowen on Friday morning.

(Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Collinsville was blessed and opened by

Bishop Shiel on 17.07.1927).

The Catholic Press (NSW: 1895 – 1942)

Thursday 02.12.1926, page 42.

Townsville Catholic News, Jan. 1965

Press Cuttings Book, No.1, page 121

T’ville Daily Bulletin, (Qld.: 1885 - 1954)

Saturday 26.03 1927, page 16.

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1926 On Sunday14th November, bishop Shiel blessed the foundations of the new

convent school in Bowen. (Blessed and opened on 30.01.1927)

The Catholic Press (NSW: 1895 – 1942)

Thursday 02.12.1926, page 42.

1926 The Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service was founded by Dr. Lucy Boyce.

1926 The Convent of Our Lady of Lourdes in Ingham was extended with a junior

and senior dormitory added to the side of the building

Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School

100 Years 1915 - 2015

1926 Birth of Leonard Anthony Faulkner, third Bishop of Townsville, at

Booleroo Centre, S.A. on 05.12.1926.

1926 On 08.12.1926, (the Feast of the Immaculate Conception) the people of

Townsville celebrated the 25th anniversary of the ordination to the

priesthood of their Parish Priest, Monsignor Thomas Bourke, P.P.,V.G.

The Catholic Press

Thursday 23 December 1926,

Page 16

1926 On 08.12.1926, Roseanne Heffernan (the future Sr. M. Bonaventure) was

received as a novice in the Sisters of Mercy Order.

She was professed on 02.02.1929 and died on 24.04.1975.

Roseanne was one of the group of young ladies who arrived from Ireland

with Mother Agnes and Sr. Michael in May 1926.

Townsville Catholic News,

May 1975


In 1926 the old Church in Halifax, erected in 1914, was raised on high

blocks and had two verandas added by Mr. Tom Mullins.

(For a time, the church building acted as school, presbytery and church).

Press Cuttings Book No.1, page 69

Townsville Catholic News,

Dec. 52, Dec. 59, Dec. 65, Dec. 68,

Mar. & Oct. 69 Photo in TCN Dec. 65.

1926 Ground was purchased at Belgian Gardens for a church school. See St. Mary’s Parish, West End Ledger

entry 29.12.1926

1927 The Sisters of Mercy (RSM) commenced teaching at St Teresa’s Convent

and Boarding School at Halifax, in January 1927.

The establishment was blessed and opened by Bishop Shiel on 03.07.1927.

It provided day school facilities for boys and girls to scholarship standard

and boarding facilities for 40 boys aged 6 to 12 years old in the large


The founding community of Mercy Sisters included Mother Vincent Collins

(1927 to 1932), Sisters Dorothea Loth, Veronica Wall and Paula Murphy.

Later in 1927, Sister Marcella joined the community as music teacher.

(Owing to the shortage of nuns, the boarding facilities were closed at the

end of 1967).

(The school was replaced by St. Peter’s Catholic Primary School in 1969).

Portrait of a Parish – A History of St.

Patrick’s Church and Parish 1864-1996

Bianka Vidonja Balanzategui, page 24

Press Cuttings Book No.1, page 69

Townsville Catholic News,

Dec. 52, Dec. 59, Dec. 65, Dec. 68,

Mar. & Oct. 69 Photo in TCN Dec. 1965.

Herbert River Express,


1927 Fr. Patrick Burke C.M., who had assisted in Winton for some time,

succeeded Fr. P. M. Bannan as parish priest from 1927 to 1931.

Townsville Catholic News,

Mar. 1971

1927 Dean Edward O’Keefe was transferred to Townsville after 17 years in

Charters Towers. Fr. L. F. McLaughlan replaced him as Parish Priest and

Carmel, Golden Jubilee 1952

Townsville Catholic News,

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served in the Towers until 1930 when he was recalled to Townsville to

prepare affairs for the erection of the new diocese.

Oct. 1959 & Oct. 1972

1927 From 1927 up to and including 1934, the official records of Mount Carmel

College cease. However, the first edition of “Carmel” appeared.

Carmel, Golden Jubilee 1952

1927` The Sisters of Mercy applied to the Sydney Archdiocese to establish a

mission on Palm Island.

Their application was refused by Archbishop Michael Kelly.

Sr. Helen Mary Peters

Townsville, 25.11.2008

1927 The new St. Mary’s School in Bowen, erected by Fr. John Walsh P.P. in

Gordon Street, was blessed and opened on 30.01.1927.

The contractor was Mr Doyle (who also won the tender for the new church

to be erected in Collinsville).

The convent (built in 1905) was moved to a new position between the

church and the school and was enlarged and renovated.

St. Mary’s Tennis Club established two courts on the former site of the old

convent and school.

T.C.N. Nov. 52 & Feb.62

“On History’s Page”, (DVD).

Centenary – Sisters of Mercy in Bowen

1885 – 1985, page 3

T’ville Daily Bulletin, (Qld.: 1885-1954)

Saturday 26.03 1927, page 16.

1927 In January 1927, an electric light scheme was established in Winton. The Longreach Leader, Friday 09.12.1927

1927 The Sisters of Mercy (RSM) established a school in Home Hill, on

07.02.1927. The Church, Convent and school were officially opened and

blessed by Bishop Shiel on 07.04.1927 with Mother Benedicta as the first

Principal of the school. (1927 to 1929) Floods and bad weather had

prevented the opening taking place in February. Teaching was conducted in

St. Colman’s Church and the convent as there was no school building.

The architect for the convent was Mr. J. Rooney and the contractors were

Messers. Brennan, Peterson and Squails.

The sisters ceased to operate in the area in 1992 and the convent building

was sold in May 1995.

St Colman’ Parish, Home Hill

Diamond Jubilee 1926 to 1986

Townsville Catholic News,

Jan 1953 & Dec. 1968

The News, Dec.1995.

Home Hill Observer,

Thursday 20.09.2001, page 7.

1927 The Queensland Government established a home for the sick and infirm in

Charters Towers. On 10.02.1927, the foundation stone of Eventide Home

was placed in position by the then Home Secretary Mr. James Stopford.

The home was opened in 1929.

Charters Towers

1872 to July 1950

Page 58

1927 On Friday 11.02.1927, the Ingham district was inundated by a record flood.

Many lives were lost.

At Bemerside, 5 adults and 6 children, members of 3 families, lost their

lives out of 25 for the entire district. Men, women and children sheltered in

the Convent, where Sr. M. Brigid was Superior, and also in the Church and


Fr. Severino Mambrini OFM came in the early hours of the morning to say

Mass in the Convent Chapel to beg God’s protection on the Convent and

Townsville Catholic News,

Aug. 39, page 3

Dec. 59, Aug. 61 & Mar. 68.

Portrait of a Parish – A History of St.

Patrick’s Church and Parish 1864-1996

Bianka Vidonja Balanzategui

Pages 23, 24, 27 & 28

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those it sheltered.

Believing that St. Anthony had intervened and saved a number of people

from the flood, Mario Melchiori commissioned cabinet maker, Salvatore

Messina to build a chapel honouring St. Anthony in St. Bartholomew’s


Consequently, the first Feast of St. Anthony took place on 13.06.1927.

Following the flood, Fr. Mambrini instigated the formation of a Catholic

Committee to erect a Sacred Heart monument in the old Ingham Cemetery

over the tomb of the victims whose bodies had been found.

The monument was dedicated on 26.11.1927

1927 Fr. David John O’Meara arrived in Australia from Ireland. St Colman’ Parish, Home Hill

Diamond Jubilee 1926 to 1986

1927 A concert was held in the Star Theatre, Collinsville, on the evening of St.

Patrick’s Day, in aid of the proposed new Catholic Church building.

The athletic and horse riding competitions that were to be held on St.

Patrick’s Day for the benefit of the new church were postponed until the

19th for the convenience of the State Mine employees, their pay day being

on the 18th.

Townsville Daily Bulletin.

Saturday 26 March 1927,

Page 16.

1927 Preparations were being made for the erection of a Catholic Chapel in

Stanley Street in the business centre of Collinsville.

Fr. McEveney of Bowen, who visited Collinsville fortnightly, announced

that the ceremony of blessing the foundation blocks for the new church

would take place on the occasion of his next visit.

(Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Collinsville was blessed and opened by

Bishop Shiel on 17.07.1927).

Townsville Daily Bulletin.

Saturday 26 March 1927,

Page 16.

1927 Death of Fr. James Ambrose Cassar, O.F.M. Cap., at Meteor Park

Orphanage (St. Joseph’s Home, Neekol), in North Rockhampton on

07.05.1927, aged 77 years. He was buried at his own request at St. Joseph’s

Home Cemetery, Neerkol. (Photo in TCN Sep. 62 & Jan. 65).

Townsville Catholic News,

May, Jun., Jul. & Sep. 1962 (Senex)

A Pioneer Priest 1849 – 1927

Fr. Publius Cassar OFM Cap.

1927 The Sun, Regent and Plaza picture theatres were opened in Townsville by

Feldt Theatres in 1927.

Townsville Catholic News,

Feb. 1972

1927 On Monday 09.05.1927, the first Federal Parliament House was opened in

Canberra by the Duke and Duchess of York. (Originally named Provisional

Parliament House, the building was intended for a maximum of 50 years).

A Brief History of Parliament House,

Canberra – Culture Trip

1927 The future Sr. M. Perpetua Ridge resigned from the Education Department

and entered the Order of the Sisters of Mercy at St. Patrick’s Convent on the

Strand in Townsville on 24.05.1927. (She died in March 1937).

Catholic Leader,


Page 26.

1927 The first Mission in the district of St. Helen’s (later the Parish of Kolijo) Townsville Catholic News,

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was preached by Fr. Ainsworth S.M. in the old school hall. During this

time, the first discussion on the building of a church took place.

After the Mission, regular quarterly visits were made to Kolijo by Fr. T. A.

Kelly, Parish Priest of Proserpine. Mass was said at first in McGuane’s

railway cottage, then in Mrs Levaring’s Refreshment Rooms at the Kolijo

Railway Station and later in the residence of Mr. and Mrs. McDermott.

Sep. 1935

1927 On 12.06.1927, additions to the Mundingburra church / school were blessed

and opened by His Lordship, Dr. Shiel, Bishop of Rockhampton..

(Blessed Oliver Plunkett’s Church/ St. Joseph’s School)

T’ville Daily Bulletin, 22.05.1928, page 3

Townsville Catholic News, Nov. 1935

The News, Dec. 1990.

1927 Mass stations were established at Bloomsbury and Longford Creek and

were attended from Proserpine (until 1938 ? – the temporary Parish of

Kolijo was set up in August 1939).

1927 The future Mother M. Attracta (Meagher) received the Holy Habit of

Religion on 13.06.1927. (1926 to 1957).

Townsville Catholic News,

Dec. 1957

1927 Bishop Shiel visited Cloncurry on 19.06.1927.

1927 On 19.06.1927, the first annual celebration of the Feast of St. Anthony of

Padua was held at St. Anthony’s Church, Bemerside, (formerly known as

St. Bartholomew’s) by the Italian community.

Mr. Mario Melchiore donated a statue of St. Anthony to the Bemerside

church in thanksgiving for his family being spared during the disastrous

February floods in which 13 people died in the Bemerside area.

The Feast was celebrated with a Procession, Mass and Fete.

Townsville Catholic News,

Aug. 39, Dec. 59, Aug. 61 & Mar. 68.

Herbert River Express


History also supplied by Sarina Grasso

(nee Messina)

1927 In Conversation with Mr. Butler, owner of a guest house on Palm Island

once patronised by tourists, Fr. Severino Mambrini O.F.M. learnt that the

establishment was being closed owing to the cessation of the steamer

coastal service, and that the whole place was for sale.

On 19.06.1927, following information received from Fr. Mambrini O.F.M.

and having received permission from Bishop Shiel who was at Cloncurry,

Fr. Kevin J. H. Kelly purchased the 20 acre property at Butler Vale on

Palm Island, which was the only part of the Island not included in the

government aboriginal reserve.

Sisters of Our Lady Help of Christians

History, H20 Q1560 Ser. 0000065/30

Townsville Catholic News

Mar. 1940 & Mar. 1965

(Photo included)

History of St. Anne’s Mission on Palm

Island from July 1930 to December 1966

1927 In July 1927, Branches of the Knights of the Southern Cross were

established in Richmond, Hughenden and Winton.

A Quest for a Fair Go

Pages 7, 269 to 272

1927 On Sunday 17th July, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Joseph Shiel, Catholic Bishop of

Rockhampton, accompanied by Fr. McEveney of Bowen, solemnly blessed

and opened the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes in Stanley Street,


The church was erected by contractors Doyle and Sons who had also

Townsville Daily Bulletin,

Friday 22 July 1927, page 4.

The Catholic Press, (NSW: 1895-1942),

Thursday, 4 August1927, page 50.

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recently completed the new St. Mary’s School in Bowen.

An excursion by train from Bowen brought 360 excursionists accompanied

by the Bowen town band. Many also came by car.

Townsville Catholic News, Jan. 1965

1927 The first flight of “The Flying Doctor” service took place on 02.08.1927.

1927 Death of Sr. M. Gertrude Hochruder RSM, on 08.09.1927 aged 43 years. Headstone in West End Cemetery

1927 The Federal Police Force was formed for the Australian Capital Territory on


Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1927 Ordination of the Rev. Arthur Basil Foster by the Patriarch of Jerusalem

on 23.10.1927. (1927 to 1962)

Townsville Catholic News,

Jan. 53 & Nov. 62

1927 Death of Sr. M. Augustine Fleming RSM on 28.10.1927 aged 30 years. Headstone in West End Cemetery

1927 On Friday night, 18.11.1927, in Winton, a Coon Can Tournament and dance

was held in the convent school, in aid of St. Patrick’s Tennis Club.

On Tuesday night, 22.11.1927, the Winton Catholic Social Club held its

fortnightly meeting in the convent school.

The matter for debate was “That party government is unsatisfactory.”

Fr. Burke thanked the people for their attendance.

On Friday, 25.11.1927, a fete was held in Elderslie Street, by the ladies of

St. Patrick’s Church, in aid of the parish debt.

The Catholic Press

Thursday 15th December 1927

1927 Vincent Monckton was ordained in St. Joseph’s Cathedral, Rockhampton

by Bishop Heavey, O.S.A., on 04.12.1927. His first appointment was as

assistant priest for a short time in Charters Towers.

Townsville Catholic News,

Jan. 1953 & Oct.1967

1927 In 1927, because of a tendency for high tides to force salt water into the

sands at the wells along Ross River, it was decided to construct a stop weir

at the site of what is now Aplin’s Weir.

Thuringowa Library Heritage Services

Information sheet number 6

1928 Fr. P. Breen was appointed by Bishop Shiel to succeed Fr. Charles Keane

as parish priest of Cloncurry. (1928 to Aug.1929).

No priest was appointed to Cloncurry from August 1929 to March 1930.

The district was visited by Fathers R. Gibbs, J. Dillon and V. Monckton.

Townsville Catholic News,

Apr. 1945

1928 Death of Fr. Thomas A. Weare aged 84 years in Rockhampton Mater

Hospital on Tuesday 21.02.1928.

He laboured in the Rockhampton Diocese for over 40 years. Fr. Weare

served in Townsville, Charters Towers, Mt. Morgan, North Rockhampton

and was parish priest at Ravenswood for 24 years. For the last few months,

he had been at Meteor Park Orphanage where he acted as chaplain.

Townsville Catholic News,

Nov. 61, Feb., Mar. & Apr. 62 (Senex),

Apr. & Sep.1968

Catholic Press, 06.03.1928

1928 The Sisters of St. Joseph in Sydney were prepared to come to Palm Island,

but the government still refused to allow the establishment of a school.

Sisters of Our Lady Help of Christians

History, H20 Q1560 Ser. 0000065/30

1928 The State Government established a “Lock Hospital” on Fantome Island Queensland Heritage Council

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about 65 km northeast of Townsville and 9.6 km west of Palm Island.

The hospital was for Aboriginal, Torres Strait Island and South Sea Island

people suffering from sexually transmitted infections. (1928 to 1945)

1928 The Apostolic Delegate, Archbishop Cattaneo, made his second visit to

assess the plight of the Italian settlers in Ingham.


John P. Maguire, 1985, page 67

1928 Bert Hinkler completes the first solo flight from England to Australia,

landing in Darwin on 22.02.1928.

Hargrave – the Pioneers

Aviation and Aeromodelling

1928 The Sisters of Mercy opened St Francis Xavier’s Church/School in Railway

Estate, Townsville. Sr. M. Alphonsus was appointed as Superior of the

newly formed Convent School.

The building, relocated from St. Joseph’s School in Fryer Street, North

Ward, Townsville in 1918, continued as a school until 1936, when a new

school was constructed one block away on the corner of Ninth Street

opposite Twelfth Avenue.

(The school closed in 1975 and the Sisters left the parish).

Catholic Education in Queensland

By Susan Mary Tobin

Townsville Catholic News,

Apr. 1962.

1928 Australia’s first Flying Doctor Base opened in Cloncurry on 15.05.1928.

The first official flight took place on 17.05.1928 when pilot Arthur Affleck

flew the first flying doctor, Dr. Kenyon St. Vincent Welch, from Cloncurry

to Julia Creek in response to an emergency call.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1928 On Sunday 20.05.1928, His Lordship. Dr. Shiel, Bishop of Rockhampton,

formally blessed and opened St. Columba’s Church / School in Belgian

Gardens, Townsville.

The Christian Brothers at Mount Carmel College, Charters Towers, donated

the altar and Mrs. Anderson provided the vestments.

The building was constructed by Messrs. Brosnan and Ansell, under the

supervision of Mr. J. G. Rooney, Architect.

The Sisters of Mercy (RSM) opened a school in the church on 31.05.1928.

They travelled each day by bus from St. Patrick’s Convent on the Strand to

teach at the school. There was no convent until 1947.

In 1959, Belgian Gardens was separated from the Cathedral Parish and was

erected as Mary Help of Christians Parish.

(The last Mass in the parish was celebrated on 09.03.1997).

Townsville Daily Bulletin

Saturday 19 May 1928, page 8

Tuesday 22 May 1928, page 3

Ledger of St. Mary’s Parish, West End

Page 101

100 Year History of St Mary’s West End

Page 20

Townsville Catholic News,

Dec. 1968 & May 1973.

1928 The Rev. Myles Lyons was ordained in St. John’s Lateran Basilica, Rome

on 02.06.1928.

Townsville Catholic News,

Jul. 1972

1928 Charles Kingsford Smith and Charles Ulm completed the first aerial

crossing of the Pacific from San Francisco to Brisbane on 09.06.1928.

This Fabulous Century

by Peter Luck

1928 A Mission was conducted in the Julia Creek School of Arts by Fr.

Heffernan MSC.

Holy Rosary Parish, Julia Creek

50 Golden Years 1937 - 1987

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1928 Bishop Shiel and Fr. Kevin J. H. Kelly visited Palm Island.

He celebrated mass on 16.07.1928 in Butler Vale (a former guest house),

the church property acquired in June 1927.

Press Cutting Book No.1. page 153

Townsville Catholic News, Mar. 1940 &

Mar 1965. (Photo in TCN Mar 1965)

1928 In 1928, Fr. Hugh O’Twomey P.P. of Richmond organised the erection of

St. Abigail’s Church in Julia Creek.

The church was built by Ernie Murray and his son Glen, who also built the

Church of England of the same vintage. The stumps for the church and

fence posts were cut and erected by Tom Quilty of Euroka Springs.

St. Abigail’s was blessed and opened by Most Rev. Dr. Shiel, Bishop of


A chalice was donated for use in the church by E. Swayne and M. Foran.

Frs. Feeney, T. A. Kelly and Donovan travelled by train or car from

Richmond to celebrate Mass and visit outlaying properties for baptisms.

St. Abigail’s Church served until 1960 when it was removed to McKinlay

some 100 klms away and renamed the church of “Our Lady of the Way”.

Townsville Catholic News,

Mar. 1936, Jul. 1947, Oct.1960,

Aug. 1962 & Aug. 1967.

Holy Rosary Parish, Julia Creek

50 Golden Years 1937 - 1987

Townsville Archives Bay 1 – Shelf 1

The Catholic Leader


The News, Mar. 1993

1928 On 02.08.1918, four Sisters of Mercy were professed by Bishop Shiel in the

Convent of Mercy, Townsville.

They were Sr. M. Aidan Stephens (Ireland), Sr. M. Bernard (Ingham), Sr.

M. Patrick Collins (Proserpine) and Sr. M. Augustine.

(Maria Gilbank and Marcella McMillian, both of Ingham, were professed as

Sisters of Mercy in 1928).

Townsville Catholic News, Sep. 1943

Catholic Leader, 16.09.1943, page 8

The Catholic Press, (NSW: 1895 – 1942)

Thursday 15.08.1918, page 42

Portrait of a Parish –1864 to 1996

Bianka Vidonja Balanzategui, page 275

1928 Death of Monsignor Thomas Francis Bourke, Vicar General of the

Rockhampton Diocese and Parish Priest of Townsville, in the Lewisham

Hospital, Sydney on 03.09.1928. Monsignor Bourke was interred in St.

Joseph’s Church, The Strand, Townsville, on 04.10.1928.

Townsville Catholic News,


Photo included

1928 Charles Kingsford Smith and Charles Ulm with fellow airman, T. H.

McWilliam and H. A. Litchfield, completed the first flight from Australia to

New Zealand on 12.09.1928.

Australia Through Time,

2005 Edition

1928 Aplin’s Weir was constructed across Ross River in Townsville.

(The weir was upgraded in 1956 and again in 2012).

Sun Community Newspapers


1928 A sacristy was added to St Bridget’s Church, Prairie, by Fr. J. P. McCoy.

This church was originally named St Joseph’s in 1914.

Townsville Catholic News,

Aug. 1945

1928 Additions were made to the Winton convent.

1928 Fr. Vincent Monckton relieved in Hughenden. Townsville Catholic News, Oct. 1967

1928 Fr. E. A. Rooney arrived in Bowen as assistant priest in August 1928.

Baptism Register shows entries from 19th August 1928 to 28th January 1929.

A Souv. of the Silver Jub. 1911 – 1936 of

St. Mary’s Church, Bowen (McWilliams)

Bowen Baptism Register 1911 to 1941

1928 Charles Kingsford Smith and Charles Ulm Form Australian National Australia Through Time,

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Airways (ANA) on 12.12.1928. 2005 Edition

1928 Death of Monsignor Patrick Fouhy on 19.12.1928. Calender of Deceased Priests in Australia

1788 – 2009 W. T. Southerwood

1928 During 1928, electric light was switched on in Hughenden. Memorabilia of Hughenden and District

Townsville Catholic Archives, Ref. 775/5

1929 Sr. Mary Joseph Crowshaw SGS succeeded Sr. Mary Xavier O’Brien SGS

as Principal of St. Francis’ School in Ayr.

1929 Fr. J. P. McCoy, Parish Priest of Hughenden, was transferred to Finch

Hatton as Parish Priest.

Townsville Catholic News,

Jul. 1970.

1929 Brother Alyward was succeeded as Superior of Our Lady’s Mount C.B.C.

by Brother L. P. Smyth who served for five years in Townsville.

Townsville Catholic News,

Mar. 1954

1929 Fr. Joseph A. Morley was transferred from assistant at Charters Towers to

West End.

Townsville Catholic News,

Apr. 1968

1929 On 02.02.1929, the future Mother M. Gerard (Wood) was professed. She

had entered the Strand Convent in 1926 and made her final vows in 1932.

(1926 to 1959)

Sr. M. Bonaventure (Heffernan) was also professed on this day. She had

been received as a novice on 08.12.1926. (1926 to 1975)

Townsville Catholic News,

Mar. & Apr. 1959

May 1975

1929 In February, Fr. Vincent Monckton was appointed as the second curate in


Excerpt from diary in old exercise book.

Author Dr. K. J. H. Kelly

1929 On 16.02.1929, Halifax was established as a separate parish with Fr. David

John O’Meara as the first parish priest.

The boundaries of the parish reached from the Cardwell Ranges to the old

stone Gairloch Bridge, to the railway line on Halifax Road and included

Cordelia, Macknade, Bemerside, Ripple Creek, Taylors Beach, Lucinda and

later the Braemeadows area.

Fr. O’Meara used a small corner of the old church as a presbytery and

stayed from 1929 to March 1932.

He also had temporary care of the new Palm Island Mission.

(In 1933, owing to a shortage of priests, the parish reverted to Ingham

where Fr. Thomas Grogan was the Parish Priest.

It was re-established in April 1944).

Townsville Catholic News,

Dec. 52, Dec. 59 & Mar. 65

Herbert River Express

14.03.1961, p.1 & 29.12.1979

Portrait of a Parish – A History of St.

Patrick’s Church and Parish 1864-1996

Bianka Vidonja Balanzategui

Page 28

1929 Fr. John J. Hegarty succeeded Fr. Hegarty as Parish Priest of Hughenden

from Feb. 1929 to May 1933.

Townsville Catholic News, Aug. 1945

Townsville Catholic Archives, Ref. 775/5

1929 A Mass station was established at Kolijo and was attended from Proserpine.

(Kolijo was established as a temporary Parish in August 1939).

Minutes of a Meeting of the

Council of the Diocese of Townsville

07.08.1939, page 31

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1929 A Conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society was established in St.

Patrick’s, South Townsville.

A Century Not Out

St. Vincent de Paul Society folder.

1929 On his return to Australia, Fr. M. J. Lyons (Ordained in Rome on

02.06.1928) worked as an assistant priest in Bowen. (Baptism Register

shows entries from 17th February 1929 to 20th January 1930).

Townsville Catholic News,

Jul. 1972

Bowen Baptism Register 1911 to 1941

1929 The priest was withdrawn from Ravenswood as the population declined.

(A priest was re-established in Ravenswood in 1939).

(The Boarding School continued to operate until 1948).

Minutes of a Meeting of the

Council of the Diocese of Townsville

07.08.1939, pages 31 & 32

1929 The annual St. Patrick’s Day festivities were held on Monday 18th March.

The procession from the Sacred Heart Church was led by the Chief

Marshall wearing a green coat and mounted on a fine chestnut horse.

He was supported by two mounted police and the Townsville Federal Band.

The route of march was by way of Stanley, Sturt, Denham and Flinders

Street to the Show Grounds.

Townsville Daily Bulletin,

Tuesday, 19.03.1929

Page 7

1929 Fr. Monckton relieved in Sarina, Ayr and Cloncurry. Townsville Catholic News, Oct. 1967

1929 On 12.05.29, Fr. Kevin Kelly celebrated the first Sunday Mass at the

Trebonne State School (Ingham).

Townsville Catholic News, Dec. 1959

1929 On 27.05.1929, the Mt. Isa Railway Line finally reached Mt. Isa.

The Government had been reluctant to invest in the line but the Mt. Isa

Mine guaranteed any losses on the line and construction began in 1926.

Great Northern Railway

(Mt. Isa Line)

1929 Around 1929, a two storey building in Flinders Street, Townsville was

purchased from a Miss Burrows for use by the North Queensland District of

the Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society.

It was upgraded in 1961.

Townsville Catholic News,

Feb. 1960

1929 In June 1929, Branches of the Knights of the Southern Cross (KSC) were

established in Home Hill, Ingham and Ayr.

A Quest for a Fair Go

Pages 7, 269 to 272

1929 St Anthony of Padua Church / Hall, in Ireland Street, Oonoonba, was

blessed and opened by Bishop J. Shiel on 23.06.1929 as part of the

Mundingburra parish. It was at this celebration that the establishment of the

Diocese of Townsville was announced.

Townsville Daily Bulletin

Wednesday 19 June 1929, page 4

Townsville Catholic News, Nov. 1935

The News, Dec.1990.

1929 Br. T. B. Carroll from Tipperary died in Charters Towers aged 49 years.

He was a member of the Mount Carmel College staff from1915 to 1929.

Carmel, Golden Jubilee


1929 On Thursday night, 12th July, the annual ball was held in Julia Creek in aid

of the Catholic Church Building Fund.

Townsville Daily Bulletin

Friday 12 July 1929, page 11

1929 In July, a mission was conducted in Ayr by Fr. J. Walsh C.SS.R. Diary Dr. K. J. H. Kelly

1929 On Tuesday 30.07.1929, a plain and fancy dress ball in aid of St Patrick’s

Parish, South Townsville was held in the School of Arts.

Townsville Daily Bulletin

Saturday, 27.07 1929

1929 On 31.07.1929, thirteen young Irish girls made their vows to God in St. The Age,

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Patrick’s Convent Chapel on the Strand in Townsville.

They were clothed in the black veil and given the ring, the outward badge of

their consecration by His Lordship, Right Rev. Dr. Shiel, Bishop of

Rockhampton, who performed the ceremony.

They were:

Sr. M. Finian Doyle, Tullamore, Ireland. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sr. M. Celestine Fallon, Hacketstown, Ireland.

Sr. M. Kieran O’Brien, Athy, Ireland.

Sr. M. Malachy Dunne, Tullamore, Ireland. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sr. M. Oliver Meagher, Limerick, Ireland. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sr. M. Finbar Ahearne, Youghal, Ireland.

Sr. M. Cecelia Flynn, Limerick, Ireland.

Sr. M. Sebastian Liston, Limerick, Ireland.

Sr. M. Madeleine Green, Tullamore, Ireland.

Sr. M. Attracta Meagher, Limerick, Ireland.

Sr. M. Clement Maher, Kilkenny, Ireland.

Sr. M. Rosarii Ferrell, Longwood, Ireland.

Sr. M. Imelda Donegan, Tullamore, Ireland.


Page 36.

- TCN Sep. 74

- TCN Apr. 73

- TCN Apr. 59 & CL 26.03.59 page 13

1929 In 1929, Mt. Isa was cut of from the Parish of Cloncurry.

Burketown and Normanton were transferred to the Cairns Diocese.

Fr. Hugh O’Twomey was appointed to Mt. Isa as the resident priest (1929 to

March 1932) by Most Rev J. Shiel, D.D., Bishop of Rockhampton.

(He became the first Parish Priest when Mt. Isa was created a parish in

February 1930).

Townsville Catholic News,

Dec. 1955 & May 1972

Townsville Catholic Archives,

Ref. 775/2 & 851/1

1929 As Duchess had passed its hey-day and Mt. Isa was the coming place, the

little church of The Good Shepherd Church in Duchess was removed to Mt.

Isa and re-erected in Camooweal Street.

It had been built in 1916 by Mr. Alan McGregor

Townsville Catholic News,

May 65

Dec. 66

Feb. 81

1929 Church buildings in Charters Towers were renovated under the supervision

of Townsville architect J. J. Rooney.

1929 No priest was appointed to Cloncurry from August 1929 to March 1930.

The district was visited by Fathers R. Gibbs, J. Dillon and V. Monckton.

Townsville Catholic News,

Apr. 1945

1929 On the weekend of 3rd and 4th August, Bishop Shiel of Rockhampton visited

Ravenswood to confer Confirmation and to open a new Basket Ball court.

Townsville Daily Bulletin

Tuesday, 6 August 1929, page 4

1929 Giru Notes

During the week a Mission in conjunction with the Roman Catholic Church

has been held, and both at the morning and evening services, there has been

a large gathering of town and country residents.

Extract from

Townsville Daily Bulletin

Wednesday 7 August 1929

Page 15

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1929 The creation of a Catholic Bishopric in Townsville was to be advanced a

further stage when the Catholic hierarchy of Queensland and priests of the

Rockhampton Diocese were to meet for the purpose of nominating

candidates for the election to the new Diocese of Townsville.

Archbishop Duhig was to preside, while Bishop Shiel (Rockhampton) and

Bishop Heavey (Cooktown), and probably the Bishop-elect of Toowoomba

(Monsignor Byrne), were to be present.

After their deliberations, names were to be submitted to Rome for the final

sanction by the Pope.

Morning Bulletin,

(Rockhampton, Qld.: 1878 – 1954)

Wednesday 07.08.1929’

Page 8.

1929 On Tuesday 13.08.1929, a meeting of parish priests was held at the Sacred

Heart Church in Townsville to vote in the election of a “Terna” for


Excerpt from diary in old exercise book.

Author Dr. K. J. H. Kelly

1929 Ayr Notes

During the progress of the Mission at the Roman Catholic Church, thieves

were at work removing rugs, coats and spare tyres from cars and sulkies

outside the church. This is a particularly mean and despicable action, and

it is hoped that the petty thieves will be discovered and brought to book.

Extract from

Townsville Daily Bulletin

Thursday 15 August 1929

Page 5

1929 Mt. Isa Notes

The Roman Catholic Bishop of Rockhampton paid us a visit last week and

whilst here a building committee was formed. It was decided to remove the

church from Duchess to Mt. Isa. Mr. O’Neill was appointed to canvass the

Catholics for funds to defray the cost of transportation.

Extract from

Townsville Daily Bulletin

Monday 19 August 1929

Page 9

1929 As Duchess had passed its hey-day and Mt. Isa was the coming place, the

little church of The Good Shepherd Church in Duchess was removed to Mt.

Isa and re-erected in Camooweal Street.

It had been built in 1916 by Mr. Alan McGregor

Townsville Catholic News,

May 65

Dec. 66

Feb. 81

1929 The Australian Red Cross Blood Service is inaug. in Victoria on


Sun Community Newspapers, 14.10.2009

1929 In the USA, Wall Street crashed and the “Great Depression” began.

(1929 to 1932)

Australia Through Time, 2005 Edition

1929 Fr Henry O’Reilly purchased two acres of land fronting Wotton Street in

Mundingburra as a site for a future parish.

1929 A building opposite St. Joseph’s School on the Strand in Townsville served

as a private hospital. The hospital closed sometime in the 1920s.

The building in 2009 was known as The Yongala Restaurant.

1929 On Sunday15.12.1929, an overdue celebration of the golden jubilee of the

arrival of the Sisters of Mercy in Townsville took place in Townsville’s

Sacred Heart Church. Archbishop James Duhig and Joseph Shiel, Bishop

Townsville Daily Bulletin

Monday 16 December 1929

Page 7

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of Rockhampton, were present in the sanctuary during the Missa Cantata,

which was celebrated by the Rev. Fr. Feeney.

There were 80 nuns present at the Mass.

Catholic Leader,

19.12.1929 page 27.

02.01.1930 page 10-11

1929 Fr. James Joseph Rowan was appointed relief priest for Fr. Patrick Burke

CM in Winton late in 1929.

Information supplied by Sr. Paul Mary
