digital phogoraphy for children- introduction

Children’s Photography Lesson 1

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Post on 16-Jan-2015



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Page 1: Digital Phogoraphy for Children- Introduction

Children’s Photography

Lesson 1

Page 2: Digital Phogoraphy for Children- Introduction

What does the word Photography mean?



---- Light

---- Draw or paint

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What does the word Photography mean?

To paint with light

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When were the first photographs taken?

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When were these photographs taken?


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Md. Allan Pinkerton, President Lincoln,

Maj. Gen. John A. McClernand



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First successful Permanent Photograph“View from the Window at La Gras”

by the French inventor, Joseph Nicéphore Niépce.

It was produced on a polished pewter plate in 1826. Niépce captured the photo with a camera obscura focused onto a sheet of 20 × 25 cm oil-treated bitumen. As a result of the 8-hour exposure, sunlight illuminates the buildings on both sides.


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When you draw, you use pencils or crayons.

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When you paint ,you use watercolors, oils or acrylics.

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When you take a photograph your paint with light.

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Digital PhotographyIn a film camera , light exposes the picture on film.In a digital camera light exposes the picture on the

image sensor.

Without light there is no picture.

Without light thereIs not picture.

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Natural Light

If it is available,natural light is the best

light to use.

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Bright Midday Sun

The bright midday sun Is sometimes too harsh causingsquinting and “blownout” Pictures.

Find a shady spot for your subject if possible.

White is easy to “blow out”

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Bright Midday Sun

It can also cause harsh shadows.

The higher the sun is in the sky,the harsher the shadows will be.


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Best Photographic Time of Day

Golden Hours•An hour after sunrise•An hour before sunset

Soft Shadows and

warm skin tones

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An Overcast Day

•Light is soft and even•Color is brighter•Harsh shadows are eliminated

The sky serves as a giant lightbox similar to those used in studio lighting

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An Overcast Day

Light is soft and evenHarsh shadows are eliminated

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Experiment with light

Take photographs in these lighting conditions:

•Natural light• Bright sunlight•Golden Hours•Overcast sky

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