digital marketing audit sbus 450

Digital Marketing of Chivas de Guadalajara

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Post on 21-Jan-2017




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Digital Marketing of Chivas de Guadalajara

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Twitter • Twitter is a great source pre-game updates, live game

updates, and postgame interviews with players and coaches. This platform is most utilized by the team when it is game day.

• Twitter is the platform the team uses for providing live information about the game so that fans are never disconnected from the team.

• A part from their game day tweeting, Chivas provides their Twitter followers with:• Monthly and weekly schedules of the team• Score updates from their sister teams• Fan experiences and pictures

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Facebook• The Chivas Facebook page has many

features that make the Chivas fan experience more engaging. The page includes:• Score updates• Behind the scene looks• Article links • Team schedules• Game highlights and info• Fan pictures

• The Facebook platform is a hub for fan engagement. They are allowed to impute their opinion and interact with other fans within the platform.

• Their Facebook page is utilized to summarize their other marketing platforms. The message they portray on this page aligns with the rest of the platforms. The type of media that the platform promotes is broad and unpredictable .

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Instagram • Instagram is the platform where the team displays the fan experience and their fan’s loyalty. They convey this message by displaying photos of:• Fans at the venue• In game action • The teams rich history• Team’s community outreach• State of the art stadium

• The Intagram platform is one of the strongest in Chivas arsenal of platforms. It shows the popularity of the team in the country. This is a great form to display the loyalty fans and drive the avidity of fans. The captions contain words like love, pride, united, fight, together, etc. which allow them to portray the message they are promoting, the loyalty to the team.

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• The Chivas official website contains a lot of information and links to the teams other platforms that users can utilize. The specific things that a user can find on the website are:• News articles • Ticket purchases • Team information and statistics • History of the franchise • Links to other platforms • Promotions • Stadium information

• The website, even though it seems cluttered and overwhelming , is the place where the team sets a call to action. They want fans to:• Purchase jerseys • Purchase tickets• Enter sweepstakes• Visit their sponsor’s sites

• The website contains excess amounts of information and links . This can seem a little overwhelming at times. With so many moving parts and information a user is bound to find the content they are looking for, but it can take some time.

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Mobile Application• The mobile app is a good source for news and

purchasing tickets, however, the ticket feature is not fully functional, making the application crash every time the ticket feature was refreshed.

• The app was simple to navigate but it did not contain a settings feature. This does not allow users to change the language settings. Spanish was the only option.

• A major feature on the home screen of the application was fan poll questions which are incorporated to keep fans engaged while using the platform. The app is a good way to keep fans engaged and informed about the team.

• The mobile app is a great way to receive team news and stay engaged with the team by answering poll questions. The negative aspects of this platform is not fully functional and it does not offer language settings.

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Team Store Site• The Chivas team store is a good source to

purchase game day apparel, however, a fan cannot purchase or create an account within the team site if they find themselves outside of Mexico.

• The team store is a website that has its own site from the team’s main site. It is difficult to navigate to the team store if a user is not familiar with their website.

• A convenient feature that the team store has if a fan is able to buy a jersey, is their ability to pay for a product with a payment plan. This makes it convenient for fans to purchase products with out paying the full price at point of purchase.

• The team store not only carries team products, but it also carries various other Adidas items. This makes the site seem less authentic and clustered when the team is pushing to sell two different kinds of products.

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YouTube Channel

• The teams YouTube Channel is an excellent source for the behind the scenes perspective and game recaps. This platform does an excellent job in organizing playlists for the fans to make videos easily accessible.

• The content in this platform is unique and differentiated from the other platforms and that is what makes this platform positively unique.

• The message this platform is perceiving is consistent to the other platform, however it does it with different non-repetitive media.

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Digital Marketing Objective: Drive Avidity and Increase loyalty

With the teams history being so rich and positive, the team has had the same marketing objective since the beginning of their existence. They only acquire Mexican born players, which Mexicans take pride in. Fans of this team are usually born into a family which is already a fan of this team, meaning that marketers have to keep the loyalty and increase interest of these fans. Their marketing strategy will eventually lead to increase revenue, more purchase of apparel, and increase of TV viewership. They will do this by implementing their objective in their marketing platforms.

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How the Platforms Interact with Each OtherMost of the platforms that were presented interact with each other. They all have the same message and a majority of the time it is the same content in most of the platforms. During game day the team posts a banner with two players, the venue of the game, and the team they will be facing that game. The picture gets distributed to most of the team’s platforms except for the team store site and the YouTube channel. Besides the YouTube Channel an the team store, the rest of the platforms post a majority of the same content. The team should work on publishing a variety of content they publish in the different platforms. The more variety they publish in the different platforms, the more engaged the fans will become and more page visits by fans.

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Improvements• The Chivas digital marketing efforts fall in the middle

lower tier of the market. Soccer clubs within Mexico like Santos Laguna and Aguilas del America contain better features on their platform that put them ahead of the Chivas.

• The improvements that need to be made to their platforms are:– Technology updates on platforms.– Reducing clutter on their website.– Making sure their application is fully functional.– Reducing the Frequency of their tweets during

game day.– The availability of their products to

international markets .• The ultimate goal of he team is to increase avidity

and revenue for the team. If the improvements that are stated above are made the team will experience increase in:– International jersey sales – International website memberships– Ticket sales – Total revenue – Fan loyalty

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Platform Letter Grade Platform Grade

Twitter C+Facebook A-Instagram AWebsite C-Mobile app CTeam Store Site CYouTube Channel AOverall Grade C+

• Chivas provides very inconsistent quality across all of their platforms.

• They do a really poor job in updating the technology across their platforms to be up to par with the competition.

• The experience I had across the platforms was not pleasant in most of the platforms. Some were great and others were frustrating.

• The message that the team was trying to get across was consistent and different through out the platforms. The message was the same and it was never displayed in the same way. This keeps fans engaged.

• Overall the team has a lot of work to do in its marketing platforms in order for the platforms to reach their full potential. The more they invest in technology and features, the better the platforms can be in the future. For now their lack of technology earns the team a C+.