digital graphics evaluation pro forma

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Post on 11-Aug-2015




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Graphic Narrative Evaluation

+Does your final product reflect your original intentions? My planning does not really look like the end story. The original idea I had was too

make Hercules do the twelve labours and make them all very detailed and have all the characters too be people ect.

However this did not go to plan I spent around two parts of my production time making characters that were not very good.

So I changed everything I made the characters animals as I knew one of my strengths is to draw animals. I enjoyed the fact I was able to get back on my feet and on track to get my book done.

+Does your final product reflect your original intentions?

My planning does not really look like the end story.

This is the difference between what I had planned (the left image) and what I actually made (the right image) . I changed the story as all the characters who were humans were animals. I also didn’t put a lot of detail in the real and final image as there was not enough time and I knew I would fall behind if I did. I also changed the twelve labors he did to just six this made it easier for me but also not as long and tedious for the people to read.

My original Hercules on the left is how I wanted to make him this was going to be how hewas going to look in my head. I made this and realized that it was going to take too much of My time up and I didn’t want that.So by changing Hercules the man to Hercules the dog I saved my time and I could focus on other characters and settings more.

+How well have you constructed your images?

I think I constructed my images very well. I constructed my images using Photoshop with the techniques rotoscope and also shape warping. I used rotoscope for a lot of the characters just for the outlines and the facial features. And for the warping I did the back grounds as they are just shapes. I did colouring and other things to make the block colours needed for the backgrounds.

The books is a bright book with lots of shapes and this is appealing to the audience I chose also. I think the appearance of the book is nice there are a few things I maybe should have done to make it look more professional and I know people will not be as fond of it if it does not look up to the standard.

I have not put a lot of detail in the way there is shading ect because I have not however there is enough detail to make it look clean and composed.

These characters are rotoscoped

This character is shape warped.

+How well have you used text to anchor your imagesI think that my work was good and all worked together nicely, my text was

serif so this meant it had an older more classical kind of look, as opposed sans serif text that does not and looks very modern. This would not work well with my type of book as it is historical book, not a modern day book.

The images match my text but they don’t in the way that my text is not simple as it is a serif font but my images don’t really have a lot too them they are just plain and coloured very simple.

I did chose to keep the writing itself very child friendly making sure the princess was just the princess and not over complicating giving each individual character their own name.

HerculesThis is a Hercules book that is with all the labors but also it has a lot more detail.

The writing is sans serif. My writing is serif

shading on the images. Mine Does not have any shading and mine Is also blocky.

+Is your product suitable for your audience?

Reference your proposal

Give an audience profile and describe suitability in reference to content

I believe that my book is suitable for the age that I chose as it has the colours and it has all of the things that children will fun and interesting.

The character being a dog will mean that the younger members will enjoy his and also that the older aged members will enjoy the fact it has some animals in it but it still has all the facts and it is not just about the illustrations.

Also the block colours will be good as children like to have different colours and detail but not a lot or they will become uninterested in the book and more concentrating on the pictures.

Hercules: Superhero

This book is aimed for a audience of the ages 6 to 8 this book does have detail but nothing to heavily. The colours are bright and used in blocks more than single little things like shading. There are details like birds and things which when buying a book small details like birds make people buy the book for their children as it looks like there has been a lot of effort gone into it.

My book is aimed for the same age group, however my book has a lot less detail on it and is not very eye catching. This would maybe effect the size of my audience and this would effect how many I would make ect. If I was to go ahead with this and have it published I think There would have to be some thinking about who this is aimed for and how it would attract them.

+What do you like/dislike about the techniques you have used?

Personally I do not believe that my strong point is Photoshop the whole thing throws me and I get a little bit frustrated with the tools and I think they may have brought down some of my performance.

I did use many things of Photoshop for example the lasso tool, this was so I could get a different shape.

I did not like things like the magnetic tool as it was to sharp, it was good for things like backgrounds to make them even and al one type of colour but they it was useless for doing the characters as they were all rounded.

I used the colour tool to make the things have different colours and so it wasn’t all in black and white.

These are the tools I used when doing production.

+What do you like/dislike about how your final product looks?

Now the book is done I am happy with the outcome, I think it looks good and it is consistent through it. I think I would have been happier if the book had gone to the plan as I wanted it too be all people and be able to do all the labours and draw them all out.

Although I do like how it turned out because I liked the way I changed the characters to be animals this meant it was easier and quicker too do. Its more child friendly with the animals and with making them animals its better for the audience.

I do not like that some parts of the book are a different look and style compared to other pages. Some pages have full pages of colour where as other one have half colour and other half have no colour.

The front cover is very plane however I think I didn’t have enough time to make something that was massive and eye catching.

+Why did you include the content you used?

Images: To make a book I had to make images to make this a child friendly book.

Colour: I have used bright colours to make my book look attractive, bright, happy and interesting for children.

The dog is a light brown as that is what people relate. dogs to be as he is a very bright dog which means people will like him and associate him with being a good character.

He usually has a bright background behind him this is too make him stand out the only time there is not a bright back ground is when he is in the cave.

Fonts: the font is a serif font and it looks classic not modern this is so it has flicks at the end. I have used simple words to make the book more child friendly. This makes it look good and also make it be more interesting for the children.

+What signs, symbols or codes have your used in your work?

I have made the nice scenes bright and colourful where when I have done the scary scenes I have made them dark. This is to add effect and make the reader know that it is a scary and not nice place.

Making things bright makes it more attractive, I have a lot of different colours in my book on the pages that symbolise happiness.

The last page where they get married the page is all light blue this means peace and tranquillity.

+What representations can be found in your work?

There is nothing that I think would be a ethical issue. There is a few things about how male dogs and the female dog are shown.

The princess has a pink collar, and she is a light brown. The male dog is dark brown and has no collar.

There is noting I think that’s a religious issue as this is a children's book.

+What style have you employed in your products?

I have kind of gone for the the Greek look that I saw in other Greek history books.

With the spirals and the reds and gold I have gone for the typical Greek theme. That is unmistakable and very unique to that time.

+What were the strengths and weaknesses of the pre-production and planning I think my planning went well I did a lot of research I

wanted my book to be perfect and I know it wasn’t but I think what I have done has got a lot of things in it that are good.

I think my pre production was good as I used photoshop this was quite easy for me in some things but I had to change a lot of things to make it work. This was also so I was ready for the deadline as I didn’t think I would have been if I had done it to the specifics.

+Historical and cultural context

Its not the same as anything that same before as Hercules has been a dog.

I do not think that any other book or film existed.