digital boutique - expérience, expertise, portfolio


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Post on 16-May-2015




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we introduce ourselves as experts in PR, marketing and communication campaigns in Russia. Digital Boutique is famous as unique research agency for psychological portrait of target audience. Please contact us for better knowledge of your target audience.


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We create memorable events for our clients

We have experience in organizing events and meetings at yacht clubs, seminars for financiers’, special events for example an event at the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Singapore or even special celebrations and anniversaries for businesses. Recently we have organized test-drives of new and exotic cars with professional instructors, presentations of our clients’ new products or services, fashion events and open days.

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Special events for press:• Holding press-conferences• Organization of press-breakfasts including targeted briefings with journalistsWe can support press-conferences anywhere you desire from Moscow to Ekaterinburg, Saint-Petersburg to Nizhny Novgorod and Kiev to Krasnodar.

Each conference is tailored to the right audience and is designed to emphasize the key messages our clients want to get to the market

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With over 30 years of cumulative experience in journalism, media, PR and advertising, we know how to make any event a success. We have a proven track record of being able to invite relevant top celebrities to PR events as well as developing unique and memorable occasions.

When supporting events we pay close attention to the business communities that our clients cater to, the business objectives for the event and the tone that management wants to set. We spend time coaching our client management in how to communicate effectively with media and support them in getting the message across.

Major assets of our Boutique are our close relationships with journalists whether they are from the printed press, the internet, radio or TV. More recently we have helped our clients to enhance events through the use of new media including cooperation with famous bloggers and carefully tailored social media campaigns.

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Сегодня уже стало хорошим тоном улучшать успешные модели автомобилей, не изводя рынок шумными премьерами. В конце концов, мы привязываемся если не к машине как таковой, то к линейке.

Ford Galaxy и вместе с Mondeo и S-MAX занимает почетное место на вершине европейского модельного ряда Ford, поэтому он был первым кандидатом для внедрения новаторских техно-логий в 2010 году. В их число вошли новая система мониторинга «слепых» зон, повышающая безопасность и комфорт водителя и пассажиров, аудиосистема Premium Sound. Под капотом тоже много что усилили и улучшили: и Galaxy, и модернизирован-ный S-MAX оснащены бензиновыми двигателями EcoBoost с непосредственным впрыском и турбиной. Такие двигатели эко-номичны, обладают повышенной мощностью и улучшенными динамическими характеристиками при более низком рабочем объеме. И что сейчас ценится в мире и особенно в Европе, меньше загрязняют окружающую среду. S-MAX и Galaxy выпу-скаются и с 2,0-литровым дизельным двигателем Duratorq TDCi, отвечающим требованиям Евро 5. Для Galaxy предусмотрены бензиновый двигатель Ford EcoBoost 2.0 л, с автоматической трансмиссией Ford PowerShift или бензиновый двигатель 2.3 л.

Что касается экстерьера, то полноразмерный 7-местный Galaxy приобрел более динамичные черты, и это его только украсило.

В Музее техники Вадима Задорожного праздновали 14-летие «Ауди Центра Таганка», первого официального дилера марки Audi в Москве. Гости праздника перенеслись в атмос-феру начала XX века, когда каждая техническая новинка производила колоссальный эффект.Приятным сюрпризом стал розыгрыш призов от «Ауди Цен-тра Таганка»: сертификатов на обучение вождению в экстре-мальных условиях на автомобилях Audi с системой полного привода Quattro. Не обошлось без торта с логотипом Audi для гостей мероприятия.

В 2012 году Московский международный автосалон стал крупнейшим и самым впечатляющим за всю историю проекта в России: его площадь превысила 100 000 кв. м, участниками стали более 100 компаний, а общее количество посетителей превысило 1 000 000 человек. Московский международный автомобильный салон – 2012 продемонстрировал небывалое количество премьер: 23 мировые, 21 европейская и 85 российских премьер.



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Sales effectiveness largely depends on customers’ mood, expectations, preferences and lifestyle. Psychological and social-demographic features of our client’s target audience are also help to build an effective marketing campaign.

Research works help our clients to build long-term relationships with customers and to find a way to their hearts. We help our clients how to become friends with their target audience.

Marketing campaigns effect based on psychological research data. It confirms the effectiveness of our approach:

Clients sales growth more than 30%

Brand awareness increases by over 50%

Number of new clients changed up to 20%

Loyalty of already existing clients increases by 40%

Negative comments practically disappear, some dissatisfied clients become

«brand advocates»

30% 50% 20% 40%


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BOUTIQUE?One stop shop: Our team can support you as professional PR managers, event managers, digital marketing specialists. We offer a number of flexible ways to work with us, starting as advisors to your existing team to co-sourcing or even full outsourcing of your business needs. We can grow with you, helping you have the right sized team with access to the right resources when you need them.

Low risk: Our highly qualified and experienced team guarantees a high quality result. We are responsive to client needs and constantly monitor the business environment to enable us to help you react quickly to emerging trends and issues.

A fresh pair of eyes: we regularly receive feedback from our clients that one of the most valuable aspects of bringing in Digital Boutique and been to have a fresh pair of eyes look at the approach to PR, events and going to market. Event the largest organizations struggle to keep up with new trends and all of the things that are changing in our business. Our unique perspective allows us to work with your existing teams to help them to look over the parapet and ensure that they continue to offer the right solutions for the business.

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EKATERINA GOULD DigitalBoutique CEO & Founder.

EDUCATION:Higher education in Architecture, Pedagogy, Management.

COURSES:• TV management School;• Direct sales. 1 year of traineeship in Oeld (Germany); • Direct sales. Advance Group (USA)

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE:25 years in journalism, member of the Journalists Union10 years in event industry12 years in direct sales12 years in digital media (RBC), created projects from scratch to pre-sale –, 17 years on Public relations – creating and implementation of PR campaigns, organization of press conferences and targeted PR campaigns8 years on TV as news program moderator and thematic TV programs, a producer of TV programs for women and youth (NNTV). A reporter of TV program «News» (TV channel «Dialog»), the creative producer a series of programs about IT «A step to the future» (RBC-TV), «Business-Style» (RBC-TV).

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+7 (495) 669-68-22+7 (495) [email protected]/digitique@DigitBoutique(instagram) digitalboutique