digital and interactive quick facts. $193m was spent in the interactive category in 2008 in new...


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Page 1: DIGITAL AND INTERACTIVE QUICK FACTS. $193m was spent in the interactive category in 2008 in New Zealand This is up 43% YOY* The interactive category now


Page 2: DIGITAL AND INTERACTIVE QUICK FACTS. $193m was spent in the interactive category in 2008 in New Zealand This is up 43% YOY* The interactive category now


• $193m was spent in the interactive category in 2008 in New Zealand

• This is up 43% YOY*

• The interactive category now accounts for 8.3% of all spend*

• And now commands a higher share of spend than Cinema, Out of Home and un & addressed mail*

• $65.2b estimated spend worldwide in 2008**

• And it is estimated to be $106 billion by 2011**

• In Canada, online spend has surpassed that of radio, magazines and out of home***

• In the UK online spend in 2008 rose to 19.2% of all spend (from 15.5% in 2007), marginally behind press at 19.2% and TV at 21.9%****

• IAB estimate that in the first half of 2009 Online Ad Spend exceeded TV spend in the UK****

• It is estimated that for every $1 spent online, the internet influenced another $3.45 of store sales****

• In New Zealand, 20% of people say that after researching a product online in the past 4 weeks, they went on to buy it offline*****

*ASA 2008 figures, based on returns from the IAB, **IDC Research, ***, **** PricewaterhouseCoopers /UK Internet Advertising Bureau/WARC,****eMarketer – 26 February 2008, *****Net Ratings, July 2009

Page 3: DIGITAL AND INTERACTIVE QUICK FACTS. $193m was spent in the interactive category in 2008 in New Zealand This is up 43% YOY* The interactive category now



• 88% of people 10+ have access to the internet

• 76% of people 10+ have access to the internet at home

• 78% of people who have access to the internet at home have a broadband connection

• More than 2/3’s of people with access to the internet at home access it daily

• 48% of those with access to the internet have bought a product online in the last year

• In a week, more people have used the internet than have read a daily paper


• 52% of people viewing a pre-roll ad have then taken a form of action*

• 71% of viewers would rather get their video for free in exchange for watching ads**

• In the US, more than half of connected consumers who watch TV watch some type of video on devices other than their TV**

Source: Nielsen Media Q4 08 – Q3 09 *Online Publishers Association – US data, **e-marketer

Source: Nielsen Media Q3 2008 – Q2 2009

Page 4: DIGITAL AND INTERACTIVE QUICK FACTS. $193m was spent in the interactive category in 2008 in New Zealand This is up 43% YOY* The interactive category now QUICK FACTS

• 144,273,922 page impressions in 2009*

• An average of 1,312,833 unique browsers per month in 2009*

• 61% of visitors to TVNZ are female

• 44% of visitors to TVNZ have a household income over $80k

• 67% of visitors to TVNZ own their own home

• 83% of visitors to TVNZ are responsible for some or all of the households shopping

• Over 1 in 5 actively spend at least 20 hours using the internet in a typical week

Source: Net Ratings – Market Intelligence (November 09) *Net Ratings – Site Census (Jan-Dec 09)

Page 5: DIGITAL AND INTERACTIVE QUICK FACTS. $193m was spent in the interactive category in 2008 in New Zealand This is up 43% YOY* The interactive category now


• incorporates best in class News and Entertainment with full episodes of TVNZ’s key television shows

• It is rated NZ’s sixth most popular website

• Visitor numbers grew 81% from December 2008 to December 2009

• Now each day over 85,000 New Zealanders visit, creating just under 400,000 page impressions in a day

• Currently over 313,000 New Zealanders are watching television on each month*

• TVNZ provides advertisers with opportunities to connect with and engage viewers online through static display and video advertising

• Advertisers can choose either mass reach or niche placement

• The TVNZ digital media offering includes campaign management, optimisation and creative development

• Advertising is tracked and the results measured

• Advertising formats are standardised across NZ sites, which can help reduce production costs

Source: Netratings Market Intelligence – based on Nov 09 unless otherwise specified *Netratings Site Census, based on Feb 09 - Nov 09