digipak research


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Post on 30-Nov-2014




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Page 1: Digipak Research
Page 2: Digipak Research

What is a DVD digipak?

• Digipak is a patented style of compact disc or DVD packaging, and is a registered trademark of AGI Media.

• It contains of a ‘gatefold’ template and is usually made from paperboard or card stock

• The style of packaging is often used for special editions or compilations as the material (paperboard/card) is not as hard wearing as the traditional jewel case.

• - ‘Licensed digipak manufacturers such as domestic U.S. printer and disc replicator ‘Oasis Disc Manufacturing’ recommend coating the raw printed paper with a protective UV coating, thus ensuring greater longevity. ’

Page 3: Digipak Research

The appearance of the artists has been portrayed as being at a club as if he were performing/Disk Jockeying and so David Guetta is dressed very casually, as if he were at a club. Furthermore, he has his arms in the air as if he were getting the audience involved. This looks as if he is performing to us now and that we’re involved in his performance.

The typography used for this album cover has been used in a similar way to the font used for the typography found in Deadmau5’s album cover. The font is bright and colourful, typical colours found at a club or disco which goes well with David Guetta’s genre of music. Furthermore, the font used for the artists name is the font used for all his album covers as if it were his logo.

David Guetta’s name of his album and the font of his name on his album cover are set in a kind of neon light style font, this writing is placed on the night sky part of his album which makes it stick out and seem to shine brightly in the night sky, this emphasises the house genre of music that this artist produces as it is associated once again with night life and the audience and fans of David Guetta will find this album cover eye catching as they can relate to the night life and clubbing atmosphere that David Guette seems to emit from his album cover and may buy it as they can relate to the lifestyle that his album cover seems to suggest.

David Guetta’s

Page 4: Digipak Research

Chris Brown - FameChris Brown – Fame As shown to the right, the artist, Chris Brown is shown to cover most of the album cover whereas the album name only covers 1/5 of the album. In addition, the artist is shown to be looking forward, directly at the audience. This shows direct contact and interaction with the audience which shows the artist to have confidence and there for establishes a relationship with the audience and artist. By seeing the artist in loads of different shots behind the main shot of the artist facing the audience, this tells us that we are focusing mainly on the artist rather than the music. In addition, the artist, Chris Brown is seen without any musicale n strumpets, telling us that his act is most likely just using his voice.

As you can see above, the typography used for the album name, “F.A.M.E” follows a graffiti styled font as well as the background behind. Lots of variations of colours are used to make the album cover stand out. The bright images of Chris Brown help him establish himself as an artist for the audience.

Page 5: Digipak Research

This CD cover was a type Swedish House Mafia style. The font is their unique font with the background colour being old and tatty due to that being a link to the old times of when the mafia were around. The 3 black circles are always uniquely in the middle of page which can be seen from other CD covers they have done.

Swedish House Mafia

Page 6: Digipak Research

The ScriptThe title of the band features centrally and at the top of the page which is effective in grabbing the attention of the audience. The title of the album also features below the title of the band although the text is in a smaller font which shows it is less important. The title of the album ‘Science and Faith’ is also the name of a track of the album which is common throughout general cd covers.

The central image to the cd cover, “Science and Faith”, features an image of two hands clenched together. The fact that the fists together are presented in ‘blood brothers’ style, could relate back to the title of the album. The hands clenched together could represent unity within the band and audience and relates back to the word ‘faith’. The hands are also of different races which can also be used to represent the unity of others and could represent the ‘science’ in the title of the album. The hands also seem as if on is a mans and the other a female hand. This could also work to represent love/unity of two and relate back to the title, “Science and Faith”.

The back of the cd also relates to the front of the album as the hands are again together although the hand are in a different position. The back of the cd features all tracks on the album but at the top right to the album. The band website and information on the product and distribution of the company also feature on the back cover but are placed in a small font and out of the way so that the audiences eye is not taken away from the main image and tracks on the album.

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