digestive system food for the family


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Post on 22-Aug-2015




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  2. 2. Video of the Project (Powtoon) What we are going to do? Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  3. 3. What do you want to know about it? Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  4. 4. Brain storming Do you know if its important the digestive system for us? And the excretor system? How many food do you know? Can the food be strutured? Can the food split in other categories? Can we change the way we eat? This can affects us? Do you have any food or dish that you like a lot? How many meals do you do? Do you eat a lot? Do you eat candies or other stuff like this? Do you do physical activity when you finish at school? What happen when people dont do physical activity? How do you say? Do you know any illness about these systems? Do you know if we can prevent these illnesses? Do you know how to live in a healthy way? Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  5. 5. Evaluation criteria 60% final exam 20% cooperative work 10% personal work. Homework 10% participation in the class, asking (atittude) Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  6. 6. Activities: 1. Work in groups. Searching for different parts of the digestive system 2. Game. Food groups. Video 3. 1,2,3 answer to me. Related with the content we have already done. 4. Food pyramid 5. Balance diet and healthy menu 6. Video of the digestive system process 7. Searching for family digestive or excretory system ilnesses Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  7. 7. Index Food Food groups Type of food Pyramid Healthy food Digestive System Mouth - teeth Salivary glands, saliva Esophagus Stomach Liver Pancreas Small intestine Large intestine Anus Excretory System Kidneys Sweat glands - sweat Problems illnesses about these systems Healthy Habits Exercise - balance Benefits of a healthy food and exercise Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  8. 8. Food group Type of food Pyramid healthy food
  9. 9. Food food groups Food is structure in 5 parts + water: Grains Vegetables Proteins Fruits Oils Water Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  10. 10. We need water Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  11. 11. Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  12. 12. Video food groups Video Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  13. 13. Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  14. 14. Activity Activity food Variety of food (vocabulary) Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  15. 15. Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  16. 16. Number of meals? Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School breakfast Breakfast lunch Dinner lunch Dinner Do you do this number of meals or change a little bit? How many meals you do?
  17. 17. How can we cook or eat the food? Grilled Fried Roasted Steamed Raw Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  18. 18. Breakfast with energy Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  19. 19. Energy or not. Thats the question Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  20. 20. Or you try. Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  21. 21. Draw the 5 four group foods Write down 4-5 Examples of each one Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  22. 22. Activity My plate. Food groups Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  23. 23. Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  24. 24. Vocabulary food groups Whole Grains: corn, wheat, pasta, rice (white rice, brown rice). Limit refined grains (bimbo, muffins, pancakes, bollycao..) Healthy proteins: fish, beef, pork, poultry (chicken, turkey), legumes (lentils, chickpeas, beans), dry beans, cold cuts or processed meats, nuts (peanuts, chestnuts, walnuts, almonds, pipes, pistachios, cashew nuts,..), eggs. Limit red meat Vegetables: cauliflower, spinaches, lombard, cabbage, peas, green beans, lettuce, potatoes, sweet potatoes... Fruits: peach, blackberries, strawberries, grapes, raisins . Water: tea, coffee, milk (whole milk, skimmed milk, semi skimmed milk), juice. Avoid sugary drinks Healthy oils: olive oil. Limit butter Sugar, oil, gravy, mayonnaise, pastry, pies, margarine, butter are extra food and add calories, flavor to our food but have little nutritional value. Limit or eat them in moderation Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  25. 25. Activity Activity diary food (Homework) Activity Planning a menu (individual task reinforced activity) Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  26. 26. Bodys composition Muscles Water (we need water) Fat Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  27. 27. Type of food Carbohydrates Proteins Fats Minerals Vitamins Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School Proteins: proteins, fats Grains: rich in carbohydrates Vegetables: rich in carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals Fruits: rich in carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals Milk: rich in carbohydrates, fats and minerals
  28. 28. Type of food: Carbohydrates What is it? Principal energy source. Functions: Provides immediately energy to our body Regulatory. Intestinal transit Types: Quick Carb (bad). honey, sugar, milk, desserts.. Candies Slow Carb (good). Green vegetables, Cereals, potatoes Examples: rice, wheat, corn, croissant, milk, beans, potatoes, honey Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  29. 29. Labeling of products Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School Now Before
  30. 30. Sugar in food Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  31. 31. Type of food: Proteins Function: Growth kids, pregnant, elder people Build and repair muscle Provides energy (the last) Transport hemoglobin Defense our body from weird things (bacteries) Types: Animal origin Vegetal origin Examples: eggs, fish, milk, poultry, lentils, spinaches, nuts Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  32. 32. Type of food: Fat Function: Provides energy (the second) Lubricate joints Protect vital organs Types: Good Bad Examples: meat, fish, fries chips, oil, ice cream Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  33. 33. Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  34. 34. Type of food: Minerals & Vitamins Minerals Function: lots of functions Build strong bones, teeth Prevent deficiencies of the body Support the immune system Examples: Calcium (milk, green vegetables, red pepper) Magnesium (muscles) Iron (meat, spinaches, sardines) Zinc (pumpkin seeds, black chocolate) Sodium (salt) Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School Vitamins Function: there are a bunch of functions and it depends on the vitamin Examples: A B C D E
  35. 35. Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  36. 36. Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  37. 37. Video Balance diet Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  38. 38. Food can help us Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  39. 39. Healthy eating Pyramid Guess how will it be the pyramid. At the bottom? At the top? In the middle? HOW MANY MEALS WE DO? WHAT WE EAT? AND EACH DAY? EACH 2-3 DAYS OR ONCE A WEEK? Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  40. 40. Healthy food pyramid Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  41. 41. England Typical menu English breakfast Eggs, bacon, sausages, fried bread, mushrooms, baked beans Black pudding English Lunch Toad-in-the-Hole (sausages covered in batter and roasted.). Main dish or starter. Similar to Yorkshire Pudding but with sausages placed in the batter before cooking. Fish (cod, haddock, huss, plaice) deep fried in flour batter with chips (fried potatoes) dressed in malt vinegar. This is England's traditional take-away food. Cottage Pie. Made with minced beef and vegetables topped with mashed potato. Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  42. 42. Differences between to countries Time to have lunch Time to have dinner Schedule of work How are the meals? SPAIN ENGLAND Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  43. 43. Planning a menu Activity in pairs (reinforced activity) From the menu I give you, you have to select the healthier menu as possible. There can be more than one healthy option. Then youll use the structures to talk about the menu. Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School
  44. 44. Eduard Sabat - Science - ngels Garriga School