die bäbi german - hermann roemer (english translation from german)

The Bäbi-Behäi A study about the religion-history of the Islam Inaugural - dissertationn sur Acquisi tion of the doctorate one High philosophical faculty this University at Tübingen submitted HERMA R!MER from "frondorf If "otsdam #$t ad%ourns the &erman 'rient-missiont #

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Page 1: Die Bäbi German - Hermann Roemer (English Translation from German)

8/16/2019 Die Bäbi German - Hermann Roemer (English Translation from German)

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The Bäbi-Behäi

A study about the religion-history of the Islam

Inaugural - dissertationnsur

Acquisition of the doctorateone

High philosophical faculty this

University at Tübingen



from "frondorf If "otsdam #$t ad%ourns the &erman 'rient-missiont #

Page 2: Die Bäbi German - Hermann Roemer (English Translation from German)

8/16/2019 Die Bäbi German - Hermann Roemer (English Translation from German)

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"rinted (ith authori)ation of the *hiloso*hical facultythe university Tübingen

Adviser+ "rofessor ,r .eyboid## May #$##

A**ear in the *ublishing house of the &erman 'rient-mission/ "otsdam/simultaneously

Page 3: Die Bäbi German - Hermann Roemer (English Translation from German)

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My (or1 originated from the *ractical need to counteract the *ro*aganda of the2en34l in &ermany after I sa( the local 2eh34lvereinigung buying in .tuttgart as acity-vicar in the year #$56 At the same time/ the (or1 of the 7hristian mission for

the muhamme-danischen (orld should serve The material essentially is the (or1s of E & 2ro(ne-7ambridge ta1en/ for the *rocessing/ I o(e the best 8 &old)iher-2uda*est Above all ho(ever than1 you I man *rofessor ,r 7hr .eybold-Tübingenfor his9its manifold Unter:;<#=stüt)ung (ith the *resent (or1/ es*ecially after the*hilological side/ (here I (as com*letely de*endent on his9its 1ind allo(ance (ithmy ignorance of the Arabic and "ersian

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>iterature-statement?under refraining of her9it on . <@ named .*eiiaUiterat(

Aobin/ >e 7hiisme et la national *ersane RMM March #$5@ . BC6and follo(ing de2oer/ T 8/ History of the *hiloso*hy in the Iulam ?.tuttgart #$5# 2ro(ne/ 2 D/ A>iter:am*=ry Hiatory of "eraia Folumes ?7ambridge #$5 .ome gradeG on the >iterature and doctrinea of the Hurü .ect 8-R-A #@$@ . # and follo(ing

0urther otes on the >iterature of the Hurüft3 Gnd their 7onnection(ith the 2e1t.shi orders of ,erviahen 8-R-A #$56 7abaton/ A -/ read .i1h de

l4Inde et le .i1hisme RMM/ A*ril #$5@/ ./ @# and follo(ing 7hante*ie/ de la.aussaye/ " ,/ TeJtboo1 of the religion coats

Folumes < An ?0reibarg i 2 #<5B ,armeoteter/ 8/ >e Mahdi de*ais reads %aaqn4l noa %ours originea de l4Islam

?"ariah #@@C,o)y/ R/ Essai aur I4histoire de l4Islamisme ?>eyde-"aris #<6$ ,ussand/ Rene/ histo-Irishman et Religion of the oaairis ?"aris #$55 2the/ MR/ eu*ersische literature/in violinists a Kuhn/ *lan of the Iran

"hilology II . $#$-@6#Fiolinists u Kuhn/ &rundriL of the irsni see *hilology II ?.traob #@$ &old)iher/ 8 -/the religion of the Islam/ cult d &egen( I - de*tsIII/ I ?#$5

. @6#<C —   The Islamic *hiloso*hy/ cult d &egen( I ,e*ts F ?#$5$ . B-65 —  Iilamisme et "arsisme/ Actea you I 7ongres d4Histoire of the Religiona

I "ariah #$5# @ ##$-#B6 ,nnsaud/ histo-Irishman et Religion of the osatria/ discussion in the archive andfollo(ing

Reltg-Niss #$55 o #/ Kit3bN3ni al-nafs 2roo1 of the nature of the soul 0rom one un-named/ *ublished a (ith comment and *erforms digressions ?Abh d Kg\. &ea dKno( in &Ottingen/ *hilic-hiat Kl 0 Folume IP . # and follo(ing 2erlin #$56

eu*lstonische and gnoatiache elements in the Hadith Maga)ine and follo(ingAsayrio-

logie volume . <#6<BB ?#$5$ >ectures about the Islam ?Heidelberg #$#5

&arard/ .t/ 0ragment4s relatifa aQa ,octrine dea Ismaelis ?oticea et egg-traita of the M.. de la 2ibl st Folume PPII= "aris #@6B/ . #66-B@ Hoatsma/ Th/

>eMouvementreligieuJdes Ahmadiyya squanders Anglaisea mean(hile/

RMM/ ,ec #$5/ . << and follo(ing Hn Grt/ 7l teJt4s "ersans relatifs a la .ecte ofthe HouroüLs/ *ubli3s/ tra-duits/ anrotea/ E N &ibb Memorial Fol IP >ondon->eyden #$5$ 8acob/ &/ The

2e1ta2chi%%e in her9its9their relationshi* to relatives a**earances?Abh d Kgl A1 d Kno( Munich I Kl < ,e*ts B Folume/ #$5$

7ontributions to the 1no(ledge of the ,er(iachordens of the 2e1taschia ?Tur1ish2ihliolhe1 2rl IX. 2erlin #$5$

Page 5: Die Bäbi German - Hermann Roemer (English Translation from German)

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Keler/ K -/ Mani/ Manicb3erG in du1eG of Realen things sy1lo*3die S AoFolumePH. #$<-@

 —  Mand3er ibid . #CC#@< —  Mand3ische *roblems for her9its9their religion-historical meaning

?egotiations of the II boarding school Kongsesses and follo(ing &eneral Ed-&esch

2asel#$5C . <@ and follo(ingKremorAT/ History of deG Islam4s ?>ei*)ig #@@ ruling ideas Millers/ Aug/ The Islam inthe morning and Nest Folumes ?2erlin l2@@f ioholaon/ 2 A/ .elected "oemafrom the ,iv3ni .hainsi Tabri) ?7ambr

#$@ A Hiatorical Enquiry concerning the 'rigin and ,evelo*ment of .uLsm 8-R-A #$5 . <5<-<<5-

Olde1e/ Th/'rientaliacher.o)idi2%nus/ ,eutacheRundschau #@6$/@@B andfollo(ing 'ldsnberg/ man/ The 2uddhism and the 7hristian love ?&ermans

Maga)ine *rogram #$5@/ I/ . <@5<

v '**enheim/ M -/ from the Hittelmeer sum "ersian golf/ < volumes ?2erlin #@$$"incott/ 0r/ .i1hiame in Hughes/ dictionaryoalam/ >ondon #@@@/ . C@< and follo(ing"iachel/ R/ >ives and teachings of the 2uddha ?>ei*)ig #$5@ .ight he9it/ 8/ IndianMiaaionsge2cbicbte ?&ütersloh #$5 Mission and Evangelisation in the 'rient ?&ütereioh #$5@/

de .acy/ ./ 'utline de la religion of the ,ru)ea tire dea lires religieuJ deoette aecte ?(ith *relude 2 Folumes ?"aris #@<@ 7ar*enters/ contributions to the

history of the theological movements iml2lamV,M& #@$@

Ro*e/ Ed( GEssaya on Islam ?Madras #$5# .eybold/ 7hr/ The ,ru)e (riting Kit fromttl noqat (alda(3ir/ the boo1 of this

"oint and Kreiae ?Tübinger Univ-"rogr #$5 Tiele/ 7 "/ 7om*endium of thereligion-history Third &erman Au22reslau #$5< Tholuc1/ Ar .aunamus aive Theoao*hia "eraamm *antheistica ?2erlin

#@<# 2iütenaammlung from the morgeül at little slide mysticism ?2erlin #@C

van Floten/ &/ Recherches aur la ,ominatbn arabe/ le 7hiitiame et reads le Ehalifatof the 'mayyadea ?Amsterdam #@$B 7royances messiauiqnes aous

NhinLeld/ E H -/ Masnavi i Ma4navi/ (ith Einl ?>oadon #@@6Veller/ Ed/ The *hiloso*hy of the &ree1s in her9its9their historical Ent:;<#=(ic1lung

B Au ?>ei*)ig #$5<Maga)ines

7hR W 7hurch Revie(=7MI XW 7horch Mi2sionary Intelligencer= 8AW 8ournal Asiatique= 88>A. W 8ournal of the royal Asiatic high society=MRN Y Missionat Revie( of the Norld=RSR W Revne de l4Hietoire of the religion=RMM W Revue there moons Musulmaa=VA W Maga)ine for Aaayriologie=V,M& W Maga)ine the &erman morgecü3ndischen com*any

Page 6: Die Bäbi German - Hermann Roemer (English Translation from German)

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"relude+ ecessity of our eJamination'vervie( over the literature+ E1.  The eJ*loration of the older 23bianius/ &obineau u a2.

 The eJ*loration of the eub3bismu2 of the 2eh34I ?E & 2ro(ne3.  The (or1s of (estern 2eb34ia in 0rance ?icola/ : ;##=,reyfua and the united.taatea/ "hel*s u a

4. 7ontribution of the missionariesC e(er &erman Arbeiten:;##=Ausführung

First part. The reason of the sect of the 2eh3 Allah for the 23bismusI The 23bismus as theological school and religious movement+ $-# The reason dea 2.bismua in the sect of the .cheichi= The .cheichismus in 23bs Erstlingaschrift the teachings of vom:;##=l4 3bi%%at+ Thedogma of the .cheichi of the fourth *illar des:;##=&laubens your descri*tion dea 23bas the voll1ommenen:;##=Menschen the *rocesses in the Islam for these t t and

die:;##=schi4 itische teachings of the ab(3b of the small Ferbergungdes:;##=)(Olften Imani the *roclamation dea 23b of the Mani:;<#=:;##=festation?abür/ the ab(3b and the Im3m Mahdi as 7orrelat:;##=bicJu *re*aration of this*roclamation for the .chule:;##=der shei1 I Qt-

The Mahdians*ruch of the 23b+Immediate a**earance of the same in the commentary to the 8ose*h3ui-e

 —  3berbestimmnng of the teachings of the return ?radach Gal —   The theo2o*hinche "aaiung in the conce*t nu1tGeben:;<#=:;##=einander of the self-names of the 23b as b3b uud nu1t @ -

< The historical *lace of the b3biatiachen theoso*hy+ The aüsch-neu*latonische limitedness ihrea &ottesbegris the relationshi* to the

*hiloso*hical .chnle dea Mulla f%adr3 B The 1abbalistische determination dea 2abismns+ The 1t(mologische meaning of the conce*t nu1ta the *rocess in the HurüLaeitte thedesign of the Kabba:;<#=listischen teachings of the number #$ of the K3b Hy*otheaeover her9its9their origin the use of talismans in the 23bismua B The b3bistiscbeteachings of the *ro*hecy ?#+ the Unteracheidende at the *ro*het/ the occultly faJedins*iration+ The limitation of the signs of the Mahdi on the ins*ired 1no(ledge/ thatcharacteristic of the 2egrifEs 3%.tf GversesG/ relationshi* to the literature deH 23b*rerequisites for the .cbl4itismu2 the constitutive meaning of the magic NiaaensLlms i ladusi

Page 7: Die Bäbi German - Hermann Roemer (English Translation from German)

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The *rocess in the i2m34iliti2chen system The b3biatische teachings of the *ro*hecy ?II+ The naturethe *ro*het in her9its9their Ferh3ltnia to the deity ?matter of incarnation+ The analogy (ith the 1osmologiachen Emanation ggedan1en:;##=and the vie( of theEmanation of the *icture of the light ne( - : ;##=*latoniecher %obs .üLsche

limitedness of the teachings von:;##=der return ?ma43d of the logo as C ste*sach(eis:;##=der neu*latonisch-auachen limitedness of the salvation-teachingsand:;##=des 0rOmmig1eitside as in the 2abismua as a religious2e:;<#=:;##=(egung the relationshi* of the *iety on the 23b als:;##=einea**earance ,eb &Ottlichen *iety and 7hara1ter:;##=des 23b itself the ecstatic in the2abiatiachen 2e:;<#=:;##=(egung the idea of the ins*ired of the >iebe:;##=als thecontent of the divine and her9its9their natural Er:;<#=:;##=scheinung in the *ro*hetic The formal regulation of the *ro*hetic of the Ferh3ltnis:;##=Jur god+ The theory of the )uhür Ala reection ,er:;##= G*rotest against the incarnation/ s*eciLcally in theregulation als:;##=hulül ?Ein(ohnnng the o*inion of the 23b of the.üLsmu2:;##=und the actual agreement (ith the 1lassischen:;##=güLamua

6 The b3biatiscbe teachings of the *ro*hecy ?HI+ The Mission:;##=des *ro*hetsin the history ?the ta4(il W the allegorische:;##=Auslegung+23bs>ebJe of the *ro*hets strings+ same nature of the "ro:;<#=:;##=*heten Ala

nu1ta (ith dierent mission In-friction seiner:;##=selbst as the youngest2eligionsatifters factual VugehOrig:;<#=:;##=1eit of the 23bismua to thei2ma4llitischen ftlahdismue - &no2tiscbe:;##=Her1unft of the leading idea23bs teachings of the inner sense of the gone ahead Re:;<#=ligionen The

iama4iiitiache *rocess the handling of the ta4(ii of the 23b in relationshi* on ?# thecanon/ ? the la( ?the antiritualistische character of his9its legislation in the 2a%an/the matter of Autinomiamns/ Ferh3ltnia to .üLsmus and Ism34i-litentum and ?< thedogma ?Eschatologie+ Hell and *aradise

most recent day signs of the Mahdi/ and the *rocesses sti*ulated neu*latonischdirections in:;##=den in the Islam ?Aristoteli1er/ : ;##=Zü and Ism34iliten@ The *ractical comment of the 23biamus about the religions+

Her9its9their inclusion in the system and the annulment der:;##=ritaeilen im*urity*rocesses in the .üLsmua and the sects - : ;##=geechichte deG of "ersian Ial3ms

$ The *olitical element in the b3bistiechen movement+Meaning of the rebellions+ .elf-defense *roof aua dem:;##=s*3teren 23bismus/ the

abolition ,eb ,achin3d in the 2a%3n/ : ;##=der hearings of the Husein of 2uschrü%a(ith the "remier:;<#=:;##=minister H3ddschi Mir)it Agh3si - Ferh3ltnia to the*olitischen:;##=Element in the lam34llitentum

Page 8: Die Bäbi German - Hermann Roemer (English Translation from German)

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#5 ,iG *roclamation of the 23b from the/ ma, %a)hiruhu4U3b44+Rene(ed "ro%i)ierong of the Mahdl into the future

2e:;<#=stimmung of his9its mission 23bs relationshi* of his9its0rOmmig:;<#=1eit and legislation on him9it in the last *eriod of his9its >ebeng meaning for the further develo*ment of the sect

regulations of the 2a%an but time and signseiner arrival C@#I> the *osition of the 2rüder*aarea [ ubhi E)ei and 2eb3 Allah in the

Urb3bismua ?#@BB#@C. #6# The *osition of the t(o brothers in the 8iinger1reis of the 23b+

.ources origin and *ast life of the 2rüder*aara : ;##=2eh34 sentrances and role in the l:gt=3bintiachen movement : ;##=Ferh3ltnisof the brothers to Etadrat i Kuddüa - .ubhi E)el4s : ;##=2erufung mmsuccessor dea E3 Gb # @$

The *osition of the 2rüder*a:am*=ra in the b3bistiachen Urgemeinde:;##=#@C5 C$+

.ubhi E)el4s su*remacy the outer circumstances of the sect The inner movements+ Accumulation of the ins*ired / $6

Second part. The 23bl under 2eb3 Allah in 2aghdad and Adriano*el?#@C#@@ Forbcm+ Re*resentation of ,34iratn 4#-ma43rif the

sources of the sectI 2eh3 Allah nnd the 23bi1olonie to 2aghdad ?#@C#@B 6<-$5

# The 1uLereo circumstances of the colony+Meaning of the *lace strength of the colony *ublic *osition of her9its9their t(o leaders relationshi* m the authorities The annulment 6<6C

The inner history of the colony+ The *roblem of the *rehistory of the declaration of the 2eh3 The beb3istische re*resentation of T.rich i dschadid,ie:;##=Angaben over declarations 2eh34a in 2aghdad the e)e-Hsche re*resentation of gras* liihiacht result 6C-@#

< The (riting of the 2eh3 Allah at the the 2aghd3der *eriod @#-$5Her9its9their character in the relationshi* to the Z üLamua and 23bismusa) 2e liable v3di b) Kit3b El i1anc) Kalim3t i ma1nüne:;##=2eaDltat

II The 23bi1olonie into Adriano*el ?#@B@ and the eJ*lanationthe 2eh3 Allah in the year #@96 $5#5@# The (al1 of the events of the de*arture ouchG 2aghdad until thebanishment at the Adriano*el after 4A113+.ources Ferbringung after Adriano*el you .ohisma

The arrest N-$6ü The (riting of the 2eh3 of Adriano*el from ?declaration $@-#5@

a) .ürG/ i hai1al/ I/ TeU

 b) Iauh i Pneir

Page 9: Die Bäbi German - Hermann Roemer (English Translation from German)

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o/ .üntn4l mulü1d ?AIiT3T i sal3tin W .üra i hai1al/ II "arta, the missive to Shah Näaireddln aul! Isnlt3n

", the missive to the Sultan #$%dul #$&i& i, the missive to the 'ur(ish minister #$li

"ascha ?lauh i ra4isd.y, the missives at )uropean H*fe+--$nhangt /auh i a(daa and a 0ord at the1russian yard. #5

Third part. The formation of the 2eb3ise1te of 2eh3 Allah in 4A113

?#@<-#@$<Forbem+ Meaning and formation-time dea Kit3b a1das / #5I The Kit3b a1daa and used tracts dea 2eh3 Allah #5$-#<# The Kit3b a1das and his9its legislation+

Editions and character of the codeJA Kaltusgeseti+ 7reed et abh3 the *rayer

 —   The number $ the maschre1u4l nd:gt=3r *oor-taJes : ;##=0asten nnd *arties4*ilgrimage other regulations —  Annulment of the dschih3d and the ritual im*urity+ #5$##4B. Moralgeaet)+ &randgebote 0eindealiebe *oliteness ##472echtageaet)+ The beitu4l 4adQ+ its more *ro*hetic7hara1ter=:;##=seine abandonment= the dogmatic tas1= Lnan)ielle:;##=0nndierungcriminal-right marriage - and Erbrocht : ;##=Handelsrecht ##6-#

,Regulation of manners nnd uses #<QE .*eciLc religion egeset)+ Ko2mo*olitiamus Eiuheits/ : ;##=e*rache and/ strodeF!i1er and ReligionaFerbrüderung : ;##=2egründung in the Mahdismus and relationshi*to the alteren:;##=23bismus dogmatic treatment of the sciences

Relationshi* of the 2eUismus to the older 23biamus ,ie:;##=*olemischen stoc1s substituteof the 2a%3n for this la( ###

The relatives tracts of the 2eh3 Allah+a/ Tir3)3t= b/ Esehr313t= c/ Kalim3t i nrdausi%%a= d/ >auh i liach3r3t your dogmatic

&ebalt e Tadsehall%3t —  f/ >auh i bi1mat+ Kosmologie= Understanding dur:;##=griechischen *hiloso*hyand the b3bistiscben movement —  g/ >aul% i 43lnm/ an a**lication of the Kit3b a1dason "ersia#@-#<=

II 2eb3 Al%3h in 4A113 as head of his9its sect+>iterary activity connection (ith "eraien : ;##=2eseitigung of the E)eli in Gnude -

formation of the sect in"eraien+:;##=2.bibet)en/ s*read/ relationshi* to the missions/.tellung:;##=innerhalb dea .ehi4itiamus/ moral determination/&emeinde:;<#=:;##=leben/ theology belief in 2eh3 Atl3h andundogmancher:;##=2eb3ismus Esoterismus ,eath and (ill of the 2eh3:;##=Alt3b#<B-#BQ

Page 10: Die Bäbi German - Hermann Roemer (English Translation from German)

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0ourth *art   .Hit?#

 The sect of the 2eh3l under 4Abb3s Efendi to(ards 4Abd al 2eh3 ?since #@$IGAbb3a Efendt as sect-head #BB#B@# 4Abd al 2eh3 ?*ro*hetic claimGS 4Abb3s Efendi ?biogra*hy < .chiemi (ith 2luhammed 4AliII4Abb3s Efendi and the s*read of the sect #B@#5#.lide Hisaion of the 2eh34i in the (est #B@#6a)  The 2eb34i in the United .tates b)  The 0rench 2eh3ismus

c - e/ the 2eh34ismuii in England/ ,eutachQand aad of other >andern Euro*eThe sect in the 'rient under 4Abd al 2eha ###5a) Mission in India and 2urma b) .*read in Tur1eya)  The sect in "ereien since #@$<+ 23blmaaaa1res Ihr:;##=Anteil at the"ersian revolution the outer und:;##=innere reason of her9its9their royaQattitude is matters Kredit:;##=der sects in the *resent-day "eri%ien statistics anti- : ;##=beh3istiache literatures in "ersia

III4Abb.3 Efendi and the teachings of the sect #5#6<1...................................... The (riting dea 4Abbaa Efendi #52.  The theology dea 4Abb3s Efendi in her9its9their neu*latouiechen ty*e ###6#

a) &od4s relationshi* to the (orld ?question dea *antheism b)  The nature-teachings \matter of ,es)enden)c)  The teachings of the human being ?body nnd sould)  This *roceeds nngs teaches ?matter of souls hi1e

e)  The deliverance-teachings/ forts ?the salvation-(ay+ The Bneu:;<#=:;##=*latonischen (ays to the salvation the ecstasy,ie:;##=Anschauung dea .chOnen 2eh3G Allah there little Uli mubara1:;##=material 2eatünmung of the beautiful be)( &aten:;##= ?the deity+ >ove love atadevout &esinnung:;##=und action ?abaolnte tolerance the evil,ie:;##=As1ese love and reali)ation

f)  The teachings of the *ro*het ?se(er-regulations of the b3 - : ;##=bistischena**renticeshi*s

g)  The teachings of 7hrist and the 7hristianity<The legislation dea 4Abb3a Efendi #6


 The 2.bismus - 2eh3 Allan - 4Abd al 2eh3,as treibende:;##=Moment in the sectrelationshi* (ith the ,er(isch:;<#=:;##=orden (ith the indiachen theoso*hy#6#66

A**endiJ I The sect of the HurüL 2e1t3schl irG of her9its9their relationshi* (ith the 23bl The Harüae1te the ,er(iachorden of the 2e1t3achi your (if(ini-hnftlieh*eJ*loration 2eschr.nlcnni4 rmf factual

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Relationshi* neJt used this sect-grou* : ;##="un1te of the agreement+ The claim of the 0a]l:;##=Allah descri*tion of the *ro*het of his9its mission/ die:;##=idealereligion )n brings allegorical ,eutung# der:;##=Religionen annulment of the cultAntinomismon : ;##=An1nü*fung at 4Ali the Theo*hanie as ne( revelation - : ;##=Gtnfe teachings Tom Radsch4a o**osition to hulül und:;##=Theorie of the reection of 

the light ErlOsungdehre und:;##=0rOmmig1eit Gideally social Refonn*rograminA**endiJ IIRelatives a**earances in the Indian Islam

# The .i1hismu2>iterature - origin and intent of the sect - origin squanders the .üLsmus &otteslehre

salvation-teachings the guru coitus religion - and socio*olitical *rogram The sect of the Ahmedi%%a

>iterature &hulara Al%med contrast to the 7hristianity Mahdismus he9it se(sbeatimmun the same in analogy (ith the 23bismus to(ards *ractical design.üLscher im*act dierence of the 23bigmni is a**endiJ and his9its activity trac1s of the Knlturbe(egang

Regulation of the succession< The enisl3m of the .e%%id Ahraedi

0actual relationshi* (ith the 2eb.inmus dierence 8unctures in the culture-*rogram

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 The %'ngste Keligionsbildung/ that follo(ed from the schLtiacheu Islam/ thesect the in the year #@$ in 4A113 in .yria of died 23blfübrerg Husein cAli ürlto(ards 2eh3 Allah ?beh3 Allah/ &ottesglan) and his9its son 4Abbas Efendl/to(ards 4Abd al 2eh3 ?farmhand of the 2eh3/ be:;<#=darf of aninterrelated eJamination in the connection at daa of English and 0renchresearchers laid out ready material The 23bismus die is in the easternIslamG ?&old)iher ne(est serious reform-movement the religion of the Islam/a/ namely a 5 . #@/ so/ it belongs to his9its understanding to 1no(/ ashe9it itself since the death of his9its donor/ the 23b ?#@C5 and his9itssu**ression to "ersia ?#@C of further ent:;<#=(ic1elt and to the sect of the2eb3i#/ sha*ed 7omes to it/ daL this sect in the *resent-day 'rient oneaccording to einuLreiche *osition earns/ dag she9it simultaneously theinterest of the *olitician and the missionary *ractically claims The "ersianrevolution gave u* %üngstens for us the question in (hat (ay the 23bl are atun:;<#=beteiligt/ that as bearers of the culture-movement in the 'rient@/ andas is familiar an anticlerical movement at the same time The missions mustclear-become for itself over the 2eh3l and must 1no(/ (hether they have to seeconfederates or com*etitors in them 0inally/ the *ro*aganda does/ thattreiben< the 2eh34l since some time in the Nest^/ an eJamination li1e thevor:;<#=liegende about the immediate need

Ne Lrst give an overvie( in the follo(ing one over the literature as far asshe9it is accessible for us The im*lementation is closed-

l:gt= Fgl &old)iher/ Forl ü d Isl/ . <5< 0ortan can carry the movementintroduced through the 23b no more the name of the originator 'ne lent esauchrightly in ne(er time before/ these more and more sees ver:;<#=breitenden and

his9its rivals to mar1 *ushing shoot of the teachings of the Mir)3 4Ali Mubaramed intothe bac1ground (ith the name 2eh34i%%e/ encloseG this her9it9them ich selb2t Ne understand the 'riental eJcer*t dea so-called by them Norld 'ultnre

Movement/ vgl to it &old)iher/ slide Rel d I2I/ A a 5 . #<#4 Fgl my (riting/ the *ro*aganda for Asian religions in the Nest 2asel #$#5

. B and follo(ing

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only (ith a religion-historical eJamination to secure (aiters her9its9their ground for the23bismus and to describe the history and design of the sect among 2eh3 Allah andhis9its son thereu*on and to a**reciate T(o a**endiJes occu*y themselves (ithrelatives a**earances in the Islam

'vervie( over the literature# The 23bismus until #@C/ (here the assassination of some 23bl led to the

bloody su**ression of the sect in "ersia/ Lrst is et "hiloso*hies ,an l4Asie of 7entraleG in his9its classic (or1 >es Religions from &obineau reads/ "aris #@Caccessible been done &obineau gives cha*ter here # the history of the 23b andhis9its sect after the re*ort of the "ersian yard-histo-Rio-gra*h4s Mlrs3 Ta1l Mustau in thelast bond of the n3si1bu4t-ta(3rl1h ?ne(est (orld-history that the dynasty of theD3dsch3ren treats and a su**lement-bond over the years #@C5#@C .chlie:am*=treads itself 23blsG 23b et in the %ournal Asiatique also a gleich:;<#=)eitige article-seriesof the "ersera Ka)em 2eg at him9it #. at Ho(ever both researchers utili)ed theirminded source resentful the 23bl critically and rest on o(n observations and studies at

the same time The re*resentation of the teachings of the 23b is from *articular value/the &obineau \cha*ter # on reason one of him9it in translation and treatment of attached boo1 of the 23b gives/ (hose title >e Iivre of the *rece*tesG W 1it3bu 4# ah13m?2ro(ne is A _ear a the "ers . <#B= 1it3b i hu113m ?according to &obineau (ouldmean 2uch of the %udgesG It re*resents an eJtremely valuable editing of the sacredla(/ that s*ent the 23b under the name ba%3n ?inter*retation in his9its last *eriod indierent forms 'n the studies of &obineau and Ka)em 2eg/ the re*resentation of the23bisraus rests modern *ro*het of the morning-countryG of his9its Essays andstudiesG (ith Ethe Ein in #@6/ (hile she9it (ith v Kremer/ &eschichte of the rulingideas of the IslamG II cha*ter 6 (ith o(n eJaminations/ that refer *articularly to thedebatable connection (ith the Nahh3bismus and (ere not *ursued by Kremer ?#@@/

interconnected is F3mbery had another contribution into Meine hi1es andeJ*eriences in "ersiaG . @and follo(ing/ 2uda*est #@6 delivered 23bimanus1ri*tefurther (ith 2e:;<#=richten Sber (ent Im*eriale de .t the Academie "etersbourg infront/ (here thorn #@Bf a 2uch of the namesG/ li1e the 23b deceased a history of thelocal 23biaufstandes (ritten in the dialect about M3)ander3n of #@B@ (rote anddescribed and baron roses #@66/ #@@ and #@@$ in the 7ollections .cientiLques del4Institut of the >angues 'rient-ale

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Folume I/ HI/ FI numerous Arabic and "ersian manuscri*ts usually from(riting of the 2eh3 Allah described and bearbeitete# 2egan in "aris Huartsimultaneously/ the studies &obineau4s on reason that of him9it the2ibliotheque ationale of overloads further 23blmanua1ri*te/ to continue/after 0agnan of the same

#@@6 in the revue 7ritique de l4Hist et de >it . $6 and follo(inggenannt:;##=hatte Ho(ever/ his9its (or1s became 8 A P . #<<andfollo(ing/ RHR:;##=PFIII. 6$ and follo(ing and >a religion de 23b #@@$soon from englischer:;##=.eite of *assing

The eJ*lorer of the further develo*ment of the 23bise1te since #@C isEd(ard & 2ro(ne/ "rofessor and follo(ing Arab at the university7ambridge 'vercame shiny *ortrayal of the martyrdom of the sect by&obineau4s in "ersia/ he9it (ent1888 to "ersia/ about after the model of the eJ*loration der:;##=Religion ofthe "arsi/ to ste* ,u*erron iu contact through Anquetil (ith den:;##=23biAfter longer useless eorts gelang:;##=ihm this in Isfah3n/ from (here

ste**ed into intimate relationshi*s from him9it to den:;##=23bi/ that he9itloo1ed after by name in .chlr3)/ Kinn3n and 8e)dHe9it laid do(n the relevant eJ*eriences #@$< in A _ear amongst:;##=the4s"ersiansG/ >ondon/ after immediately he9it the results afterseiner:;##=Rüc11ehr in t(o detailed articles in 8-R-A1889 had LJed+ The 23bis of "ersia I s1it of their history:;##=and *ersonneleJ*eriences amongst them II Their literature and:;##=doctrinesG )it as 2r#@@$ After 2ro(ne in "ersien:;##=erfahren/ da:am*/ had= itself the 23biinto the t(o branches of the E)eli:;##=und of 2eh3 i divided batteu and thet(o sect-heads/ that lived Halb:;<#=:;##=brüder .ubhi E)el ?morning-redness of the eternity and 2eh3 AU3h in:;##=gegenseitiger Ferfeindung

and Tur1ish custody/ he9it found mit:;##=Hilfe of English government-o`cial.ubhi E)el as englischen:;##="ension3r in custody in 0amagusta on 7y*ernand (ent sich:;##=im to him9it s*ring #@$5 since he9it recogni)ed the mostreliable Duelle:;##=für his9its *ur*oses in him9it After he9it had made thenecessary-y rises imd for seinen:;##=.Ohnen (ith him9it/ he9it continuedsofort:;##=nach 4A113 (here 2eh3 AU3h lived since the schism (ith .ubhiE)el:;##=im year #@&@ as Tur1ish state-*risoner and 8ahre:;##=vor his9itsdeath 2ro(ne some audiences granted Here er:;<#=:;##=hielt he9it ofGAbd al 2eb3 on his9its demand one of diesem:;##=selbst verfa:am*=tehistory of the 23bi and 2eh3l under the Titel+:;##=ma13la i schachsi sa%%3h?re*ort of a traveler/ that *ublished er:;##=sofort in the "ersian teJt and

englischer:;##=Sberset)ung after his9its homecoming+ A Travellersarrative (ritten to ülu-1890


>ately/ these (or1s found Ed

in the collection

.endachreiben of the 2eh3

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AllahG aG continuation 6- Roses ?"eter-castle academy

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strate the e*isode of the 23bG 7ambridge #@$# )it Ala T At the same time/ he9itequi**ed the (or1 (ith comments/ in (hich he9it laid do(n ?grade AV his9itsresearches about the most im*ortant discussable historic and theological data of the23bismus/ through (hich the boo1 got basic meaning )it as T &rade &rade Nbrings de*artures from a *arallel history-(or1 of the E)ell/ bihischt ?eight *aradises of 

the #@$ smo1es *ot him9it in Tabri) martyrisierten son-in-la( of the .ubhi E)el shei1Ahmed of Kirm3n/ the at the same time long-(inded/ dar1 and from 2ro(ne not farther*rocessed treatises over the teachings of the 23bl contains He9it had gotten the raremanuscri*t of an E)ell in 7onstantino*le A descri*tion of his9its further ?in the (holeone 6 3bmianus1ri*te left 2ro(ne in 8-R-A #@$ follo(/ in that at the same timehe9it roses over the ver:;<#=(andten teJts of the baron \s o . < re*orted )it as2r #@$ He9it had the most im*ortant (riting of the 2eh3 Allah already in 2r #@@$after form and content discussed and also no(/ he9it gave such o**osite the *referenceof (riting of the 23b and Z ubhi E)el/ that he9it from "ersia or 7y*ern had gotten andthat didn4t invite to the treatment in her9its9their mystic 'bs1urit3t His9its neJt (or1rather (as the translation and critical illumination of another history-boo1 of the

2eh34i/ the t3rlch i dschadld ?ne( history of the Mir)3 Husein of Hamad3n from theyear #@@5+ The T3rl1h-i-8adld or e( History of Mir)3 cAll Muhammad the 23bG/7ambridge #@$< It (as 2ro(ne on the 2ibliotheque ationale under &obineau4smanuscri*ts ?.u**l namely "ers #56# the outstanding Lnding succeeded/ that him9itthe *resentation intentionally eJterminated by the 2eh34i (or1 for this/ that nu1tatu4l 13f ?*oint of the KG vgl u . # A # the #@C martyrisierten 23bi Mir)3 ,ch3nl of K3schan/ into the hands *layed and him9it in stand *laced to sho( the*ost*onement of certain Lndings through the 2eh34i and to save further valuableurb3bistisches material of dogmatic and historic nature ?A** II )it as MR and MR A** II Although the 2eh34i blame her9its9their su*erior friend this trium*h of the science heavily/ 2ro(ne still quite recently handles again editing the "arisian

hand(riting He9it only has seit:;<#=her for himself over the 23bl be)( occasionally2eh34i eJ*ressed/ so in his9its (or1s+ .ome otes on the literature and doctrines of the of Hurüft sectG 8-R-A #@$@/ A literary History of "ersia I and HG #$5Introduction to "hel*s >ife and Teachings of 4Abb3s Efendl ?s u #$5</ %ust as of #$5C#$5$G 7ambridge in his9its youngest (or1 The "ersian revolution #$#5/ .BBand follo(ing >ately/ 2ro(ne in Hastings/ Encyclo*aedia of religion and Ethicsvolume/ has II ?#$5$ under 23b/ 23blsG a too-

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sammenfassung of the results of his9its former researches given and she9it through anovervie( (aiters the develo*ment of the sect since the death of the 2eh3 Allah and are*ort about her9its9their ne(er literature su**lements )it as 2r #$5$

< Also from the circle of the (estern su**orters of the 2eh3 Allah/ contributionsof more or less scientiLc nature have follo(ed over her9its9their sect for one

decade that in ?a 0rance/ it is the Ferlaig of Ernest >eroui/ "aris/ that sho(s his9itsinterest for the movement and has several volumes for her9it9them its 2ibliothequeoriental El)evirienne ge:;<#=(idmet A icola/ the Lrst inter*reter of the 0renchlegation in Teheran and Hi**olyte ,reyfus coo*erates here 'rientalistisch is icolaeducated and is the gründ:;<#=lichste connoisseur of the 23bismus He9it also has#$5 this . from 2ro(ne ?#@@$ $# and follo(ing as best 2revier of the teachings of the 2ab ausge)eich:;<#=nete dal3il translates his9its ba%an i in the Arabic editing/ thatagrees (ith &obineau4s 1it3b i hu113m in the big total/ for sab4a ?seven *roof of the 23band #$5C+ >e livre of the .e*t "reuvesG and >e ey3n ArabeG In the *relude aboutmore Lnal/ he9it teaches further valuable material in a confrontation (ith Huart/ byname over those of that claimed süLsche limitedness of the 23bismus/ from (riting of 

the 23b/ that d4a*res le 23bG RHR volume he9it *rimitive et l4essence divine incontinuation of the debate in a ote sur la volonte CC/ . 5@ and follo(ingsu**lements even further At the same time/ he9it (rote I$5! a Mono:;<#=gra*hieabout the 23b+ .eyyed 4universe Mohammed dit le 23bG 2de/ ,u%arric/ Au/ "aris#$5@ He9it thin1s vgl very lo( of the (or1s of a &obineau and Ka)em 2eg (ithoutbecoming %ust for ho(ever the Lrst of the t(o one?s Huart4s Re)ension in RHR volumeC</ . <@B and follo(ing '(ns icola a rare 1no(ledge of the orthodoJ .chl4itismus ?I. by name 6C#@@/ in most recent time/ he9it acquires merit for himself this/ the untilno( uneJ*lored history and teachings of the .cheichlse1te/ from (hich the 23bhervor:;<#=ging to ma1e accessible 0rom his9its Easai sur of le 7hei1hismeG/ ho(ever/the Lrst volume ?#$#5/ that treats the life of the donor/ a**eared Lrst+ 7hei1h Ahmed

>abah during volume II+ >4histoire of the 7hei1his and volume HI+ >a science de ,ieuin the An:;<#=schlug at a treatise of the .cheichi 4Abd us .amed ibn MuhammedHusein Hamad3nl still in *re*aration is ,rey:;<#=fus has/ su**orts follo(ing (riting of the 2eh3 AU3h Sberset)t from Mlr)3 I8ablb Allah .chlr3)l+ The 1it3b El I13n >e livre de lacertitudeG/ ?#$5B the 1alim3t i ma1nüne f3rsi%%e >es *aroles cachees/ en *ersanG/ in that?#$5C at the same time he9it under the more Lnal (aiter-title some further tracts of the2eh3 ?s u . #@ and follo(ing brought )it as , I and under him9it collective-

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amen >es *rece*tes you 2eha_smeG another ro( of such let ?#$5 follo()it as , II At the same time/ (e have several treatises over the 2eh3ismusfrom him9it/ of (hich >e 23bisme et le 2ehalsmeG and ?#$5C Essai sur le2:lt=.hal$me/ son histo-Irishman et sa *ortee socialeG ?#$5$ cit as ,/Essai little ne( oers/ (hile >es 2ehais et le mouvement actuel en "erseG

?RMM ,ec #$5 and Uno institution develo*s+ >e Mach-reqou4l-A)13r d4s4Achq3b3dG/ in the MelangeG Hart(ig ,erenbourg . B#CB< ?>erouJ #$5$signiLcant s*ecial-studies are 0inally/ he9it has a 0rench Auggabe of teaching-lectures of the 4Abd al 2eh3 at MU 2arney ?s u *rocure+ Abd-oul-2eha/ >ea>econs de .t-8ean-d4Acre ?>erouJ #$5@ The (or1s of icola and ,reyfus are from Huart#/ in RHR volume C5/ .

##and follo(ing= C#/ . #B5and follo(ing= C</ . <@Band follo(ing B@Candfollo(ing and RMM March #$5@/ . B6 been discussed These Re)ensionenoer valuable signs over the religion-historical 2edingt:;<#=heiten of theteachings of the 23b and 2eh3 Allah and the Auseinander:;<#=set)ung (ithicola over her9its9their relationshi* to the .üLsmus and her9its9their

In1amationslehre 'n his9its cause also has MR Ara1elian on the I 7ongresInternationale de l4Hist the Rel #$55 ?fasc / . $< and follo(ing a *a*er?incidentally inferior >e 23bisme en "erseG (ith interesting details given

 The most recent ,ar:;<#=stellung gives the &enevan theologian E Montet/,e l4etat *resent et de l4avenir de l4Islam ?"aris #$##/ Cmo 7onference+

 Tentatives de reforme de l4Islam+ 23bisme et 2ehalsme/ . #5##@?b/ in the United .tates/ 4universe has *en Khan/ su**orts from Ho(ard

Mac uit/ about the same time (ith the 2ahai "ublishing 7oG in 7hicago(riting of the 2eh3 Allah into the English transfers+ #$5B his9its 1it3b El I13nThe 2oo1 of Igh3nG/ #$5 its li1e vadi The seven FalleysG and some of his9its

 Tra1:;<#=tate under the (aiter-title Tablet of Tar3)3tG and has Myron N

"hel*s Lrst valuable enlightenment over the *resent 2eh3ismus brought inhis boo1 introduced by 2ro(ne+ >ife Lnds Teachings of 4Abb3s Efendi Astudy of the religion of the 2abis or 2ehalsG e(-_or1 #$5B The biogra*hyof the 4Abd al 2eb3 contained in it rests on rises (ith his9its sister 2ehiaKh3num/ the until then un1no(n Reli:;<#=gions*hiloso*hie/ about (hich it(as to be done in *articular "hel*s/ on >ehrvortragen of the 4Abd al 2eh3 athim9it/ as she9it *ic1ed u* %üngstens MiL >aura even more systematicallyin an-nüru-#-abh3 L muf3(ad3ti4s 4Abd al 2ab3G and ?the very shiny light of the discussions of the 4Abd al eh3 in English 7liord 2arney

4 Fgl aucb his9its youngest article 23b and 23blG in Houtqma/ encyclo*ediadea Islam #$## . CR C.$ and follo(ing

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 Translation as .ome Duestiona ans(ered frora the "ersian of Abdul 2ahaG/ (ith Kegan"aul/ Trench/ Trübner and 7o/ >ondon #$5@ The mentioned 0rench edition is doneaccording to the "ersian teJt+ >es >econs de .t-8ean-d4AcreG )it as >ei= Thebiogra*hical and to*ogra*hical *art of the boo1 of "hel*s still Lnds some su**lementin the memoirs of American 4A11afahrer/ as she9it the 2aha4is "ubl 7o

)ahl:;<#=reich *ublished >ie us it before A Agne(/ Table talc4s at Acca #$56=7orinne True/ Table Gil1s and otes ta1en at Acca #$56= Thornton 7hase/ In&atilee#$5@ and 8ulia M &rundy/ Ten ,ays in the >ight of Acca/ #$5$ >etters of the 4Abd al2eh3 to the American communities are more im*ortant/ as is available us such ? fromthe year #$5/ as (ell as addresses of his9its Missio:;<#=nars Abu4l 0adl ?Kno(ing &odthrough >ove #$5B The founder4s boo1 of the American communities Kheirall3h 2eh3u48l3h/ The glory of &odG/ 2de 7hic #$55 (e are not accessible unfortunately/ vgl u. #B@ A*ologetische tracts/ li1e (hich The Revelation of 2eh3 u4883uG the celebrateds*ea1er of the community in e(-_or1/ Mi 2ritti ngham/ is fantastic nature A 2revierover the history of the sect of .idney .*rague/ The story of the 2ah3i Movement/ Anuniversal 0aithG (ith Nat1ins/ >ondon #$56/ %oins at 2ro(ne (ithout containing ne(

His9its tract A is 2ah3is _ear (ith the in India and 2urmaG/ >ondon #$5@/ on the otherhand of im*ortance 0inally/ MiL Ethel gives rose-mountain in the *a*er 2ahaism/ itsetbical and social teachings ?in Transactions4s of the third boarding school 7ongr forthe Hist/ of Rel 'Jford #$5@/ I . <#-<C/ a eeting Vu:;<#=sammenstellung the re"rogramms the sect

B A source/ that should not remain unused/ aind the re*orts of the 7hristianmissionaries in "ersia _ou9they (ill be quoted from case to case The most/ theMissionary Revie( of oers the Norld/ Fe(-_or1 A )usammen:;<#=h3ngendeeJamination about the sect doesn4t eJist from this side Nhat Ed(ard .eil . intohis9its Essaya on IslamG/ Madras #$5# B and follo(ing The 23b and the 23blsGoers/ a re*roduction of the studies of 2ro(ne in 2r in the (esent:;<#=lichen is

#@@$ In the collective-(or1/ the ridge Missionary of 7onference on managed of theMoh Norld hero at 7airo #$5+ The Mohammedan Norld of todayG re*orts ?e(-_or1and >ondon , Tisdall in Islam in "ersiaG ?. ##< and follo(ing also over the 2eh34iA &erman rendering is found in the maga)ine from ,r >e*sius-"otsdam Reich 7hristiG#$5@/ . #6@ and follo(ing 0urther material brings of 7ommission IF of the NorldMissionary 7onference ?Edinburgh #$#5 cha*ter to re*ort F/ IslamG/ . # andfollo(ing and A** 2/ . @@ vgl the &erman rendering in Reich 7hristiG #$##/ . ##and follo(ing The 2e-

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direct in &erman mission-maga)ines ?general Miss Veitschr #@$B/ <6 and follo(ing= EvMiss >i1es #@$B/ # and follo(ing to go on English Missions:;<#=berichte bac1 Fglthere also my study ,er 2eh3ismusG ?Ev Miss >i1es #$5@/ $# and follo(ing

C 0rom &erman (or1s ?vgl (hether . other(ise only some s1etches tend/ thatinform 2ro(ne4s of the most im*ortant results of the researches/ before+ 0 7

Andreas/ ,ie 2abis in "ersiaG/ >ei*:;<#=)ig #@$ ?for reason of the sensationalassassination on .cb3h 3air eddin of the same year/ from *astor 0aber se*aratelyheraus:;<#=gegeben and (ith notes of the f missionary EO)le over the 23bl in Urmiaequi*s= 8 8udges/ mission and Evangelisation in the 'rient/ &ütersloh #$5@/ . #B#$= T Man/ discussion of the boo1 of ,reyfus 2arney/ read >econs de .t 8ean ,4Acre?summary and notes about the history of the eJ*loration of the 23bismus in the'rientaliatischen literature-ne(s*a*er #$5$/ . <<L = E Rasmussen/ der 2ah3ismusG inmaga)ine for religion-*sychology volume I #$5@/ . <@<<@$ on grounds of are*resentation in the American maga)ine Mind/ 0ebr #$5C and o(n observations of the2eh34l in "aris# - Lnally is/ because the most signiLcantly/ the s1illed re*resentations of the 23bismus and 2eh3ismus of 8 &old)iher in K d & I de*ts III/ I . #6#<5 and in

his9its Forlesungen over the IslamG #$#5/ . $C<5C mentionedIm*lementation

A re*resentation of the sect of the 2eh34 l has to assume ?*art I her9its9their reason for the 23bismus Thereu*on/ it is necessary to *ursueit as the 23bismus develo*ed historically into the 2eh3ismus Hiebei is to Lrstbe sho(n/ as the 23bl after the eJ*ulsion from "ersia ?#@C in 2aghdad andAdriano*el under 2eb3 Allah of his9its declaration ?#@96 de (as against-led/?*art II and/ to sho( the formation of the sect hereu*on/ that her9its9their2eh3 Allah has ?*art III in 4A113 ?until #@$ ge:;<#=geben 0inally the mostrecent develo*ment of the sect shall under 2eh34s son/ 4Abb3s Efendl/ since

#@$ are *ortrayed ?*art IF

4 After ,r med E Rasrauasen in geiner (riting 8eansG the aJiom *ositionedthat ein Menscb/ that builds his9its life anf of the quic1 idea/ he9it is a divinenature or tools/ under any a form of &eiateg1ran1heit suersG/ he9it calls the 2aband 2eh3 Allah *aranoiacsG ty*ische here ?after increasingG *rocess 4Abd al2eb3 doesn4t consider mo3chat mentally disturbed he9it/ *rovided not he9it itself from standardi)es from for divine eJ*lains/ . <@C <@@

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0irst *art The reason of the sect of the (ith the AU3h in the 2abismns This reason Lrst should come to the treatment in the follo(ing one to her9its9their inner

side/ in that the 23bisrnua school as theo:;<#=logische and as religious movementa**reciated (ird# 0rom the outer side of the historical develo*ment comes in questionthereu*on/ as inserts the 2rüder*aar .ubhi E)el and 2eh3 Allah into the b3bistische

Urgemeinde for itselfI. The Bäblamna as theological peel and religiousMovement.

1.  The 23b is the shei1 from the sectQ hervorge:;<#=gangen/ as the Arabestablished her9it9them .hei1 Ahmed of al-Ahs3 ?#6C#@ and the "ersiancontinued .hei1 K3)im of Rescht ?f #@B< in his9its school of Kerbei3/ in (hich(e meet the 23b ia the last >ebens%ahrea of the Ka)im The sect loo1ed after anenthusiastic cult of the Im3me/ that er1l3rten< she9it in gnostischer manner forinventive *otencies .he9it already *ossessed

The outer course of eventsof the b3bistiachenmovement in "ersia from#@BB to #@C is a from Etbeand Andreas a 5 so eJtensively &obineau been retelled/ daL doesn4t have to be

come bac1 to it The Er3n)nngen and corrections/ that 2ro(ne in the otes T to this bei:;<#=gebracht as1ed/ doesn4t *ost*one the *icture at any essential radio Achronological table Lnds aich 2r #@@$/ . C# and follo(ing

4^ Fgl icola/ 7hei1h Ahmed >aheah/ #$#5 2ro(ne/ T &rade 2 of Kremer/ a a/

5 . 5 and follo(ing &obiueau a a 5 . <5<$ Ka)em 2eg/ 8A #@/ I/ .BC6BB The 23bismus shares the *ayment of #$ Im3men (ith the orthodoJ "ersian church

of the so-called one from the .cheicbise1te consequently V(Olfer - Gchi4itismus in thedierence of him9it only 6 Im3me counting so-called iam3 - 4ilitischen .chi4itismua/that admittedly only lives on isolated/ after he9it *layed an im*ortant role in the Middleages ?cameos/ 03timiden/ Aaaassinen/ ,ru)e At the same time/ the 23bismus movesfrom/ ien .eheichi ago on the line of the h3retischen ghul3t d h SbertreiberG sc theFer:;<#=ehrung of the 4Ali and the remaining Im3me as incarnations of the deity dh not only as *artners at divine attributes and strengths/ through (hich she9it overthe s*here of the Men oh lent is raised vgl to it unt @ $ A # but as manifestations

of the divine nature themselves/ in (hich the cor*orality has only tem*orary/ accidentalmeaningG/ \&oldsiher/ Forl ü d Isl . #$ Into the direction of the ghul3t bia letsitself retrace into the oldest times of the "ersian .chl4itisraus and has her9its9theirblooms ) in numerous T bia today eJisting cham*agnes/ for eJam*le him9it 4universeIl3hi d - h 4Ali-&ott-2e1enner/ driven 'ne is accustomed/ she9it in conteJt of theIndian In1arnationaidee ?avat.ra to beds/ since v Kremer/ (hose inuences isrecogni)able also in the .üLemus vgl ) 2 unt . #C A #

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numerous and einuLreiche

Anb3nger in "ersia and had

collided also already (ith the

orthodoJy/ as she9it loo1ed for

the ne( teacher ?murschid/ for

(hich a crucial meaning came

according to her9its9their

teachings and had not

determined (hich K3)im

*ersonally/ after the death of

her9its9their second master It Lrst (as the .cheichl Mulla Husein of 2uschrü%a in7hor3s3n/ that ac1no(ledged the young merchant .e%%id Mlr)3 4Ali Mu-hammed.chlr3)l as the &od-chosen successor of the K3)im in the summer #@B# and*roclaimed/ after this had eJ*lained itself as b3b to him9it He9it (as at the #Muharram #< MR W March #@# born and consequently # years old His9itsrelationshi*s to the .cheicbischule in Kerbel3 reached bac1 already $ years He9it hadattracted for the sa1e of his9its youth and cris*ness attention there and had become afavorite-student K3)ims/ (hose lectures had introduced him9it into the theoso*hy?tasa((uf to Kerbel3 He9it had the *restige of a master in the school of the .cheichlin the sO2schen secret-(isdom since then at the same time/ he9it had loo1ed after theincreased cult of the Im3me the seventh/ ninth and eleventh at the Im3m)3de of the

Husein in Kerbel3/ the 4universe in ed-boss/ in al K3)imein and the tenth and t(elfthImilm in .3-marr3 in the sense of the school/ increased the embers of his9its mystic*iety at the diggers of the 4universe and Husein as far as to the Mar-tyriumssucht andin a Handbuch for the *ilgrimageG the ?)i%3rat n3me ne( scheichitische *ractice/ toste* through the &rabes-tre until near at the foot of the monument through/ liturgicalarranges+ Nenn you to &od4s ?4Ali friend or one ?andern of the Im3me of the belief (ants to emban1ment-drive/ cleans your body of all Lrst so/ (hich mi:am*=-f3llt yourHer)/ then seven-once cleans you (ith one handful of (ater at the head and *er fourtimes at that of right and left side Then *ositions your best clothes and *erfumes you Then ta1es the Kibla after the Ka4ba/ t(elve-once *laces you and *lease &od yourman about forgiveness Then o*ens you (ith seriousness and dignity and gloriLes &od

?(ith Allftbu afebar/ &od is very big on the (ay/ until you reach the door of the sacredenclosing (all ?b3bu4l-haram .tands still there and t(elve-once gloriLes &od Thenenters to s*ea1 (ithout a (ord and sciireite (orthily along/ until you are only removedseven ste*s from the foot "ositions you there and s*ea1s G/ 2r #@@$/ . @$$andfollo(ing ,aa little boo1 is interesting since it comes from the time before #@BB andmuLte immediately serves Husein of 2uschrü%a as agitation-means for the 23b It issehn:;<#=süchtigen and devoten >mamverehrung *assionately controlled from one Erma1es her9it9them to Aus:;<#=strahlungen of the divine glory/ revelations of &od andadvocates of &od for the sinful man1ind and goes hiemit

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by only the degree over daa in the .cbritismus Sbliche outG/ eb . $55Ho(ever/ the .clieichischule cultivated the Im3mverehrung in gnostiscbermanner and in a *antheistic teaching-together-hillside ,as dierent ao of theteachings of the .hei1 Ahmed (as the idea that the highest nature the (holeuniverse/ that emaniert from him9it/ *enetrates/ and all chosen of &od/ all Im3me

and all %ust the *ersoniLcation of the divine attributes is 0rom there from/ he9it/da:am*/ believed= all t(elve Im3me of the achi4itischen religion of 4universe as faras on the Alabdl the *ersoniLcation of &od4s t(elve highest and most com*leteattributes and da:;<#=her eternal and ubiquitous is/ *rovided they attributeG of &od the shei1 according to the teachingsQ through &od4s (ill itself *er:;<#=soniL)ieren can/ in that they merge themselves (ith the human s*iritand the human soul/ (hich also emaniert from &od Under the t(elve Im3men/4universe ta1es the Lrst *lace= he9it is eJalted over angels and *ro*hets andactually stands higher than Muhammed/ although subordinated him9it ?*rovidedMu-hammed is the eJ*ression of the attribute of the deity/ after (hat der &oddonors of all oeringsG heiLt he9it a**earsG \8 A #@ I . BC$and follo(ing4

At the same time/ the little boo1 is a *roof of the tense Mahdler(artung/ that the23b in the school the shei1Q beseelte+ No are Gthey ?her9its9their Im3me &odhis9its farmhands *romised the days of your return hasQG The &e:;<#=dan1e atthe return of the t(elfth Im3m as Mahdi is from unbro1en liveliness in the.cbLtismus of the *resent He9it is a belief in the invisible *resent at the sametime the until on further in the hidden increase-stand of *ausing Herrn of thetimeG < ?s3hibu-)-)am3n

v Kremer therefore calls the teachings the .hei1 Ai%med eine (ith aü.schenenthusiasms decorated/ is a originally ho(ever on this/ i4i tables &laube,sdotnen of founded Religions*hilogo*hieG a 5 . 56

Fgl &oldailier/ Forl ü d Isl . < and follo(ing+ ,er belief in the

der:;<#=einstige fulLllment of the Mafadihonung has a central dogmatic2edeu:;<#=tung in the achl ihachen Islam He9it is iti2ohen of system the bac1boneof the s1i and com*letely identical (ith the return ?radsch4a of theverbor:;<#=genen Im3ma into the visible (orld/ (hose ne( legislator is he9it/ in(hich he9it resumes the (or1 of the *ro*het/ daa stolen right of his9its familyrestores 'nly he9it is ca*able/ die (orld rightly and/ to Lll %usticeG He9it/ the realForsteher of the time ?1:am*=4im al-)am3nG/ is also during his9its bodilyAb(esen:;<#=heit ?gha%ba/

He9it igt ob%ect eJuberant

Ruhmeshymnen of his9its

trusted/ that gloriLes him9it

ingratiating not only li1e one

ruler (andering under the

living/ but him9it this believes

the Im3m

ents*re:;<#=chenden of

su*erhuman E*itheta donates=

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he9it to(ers above even the

high s*here-intellects at mental

grandeur/ he9it Gah the source

all the 1no(ledgeG

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If no( 4Ali Muhammed of

.chir3) itself on grounds of

an ins*iration/ that he9it at

the C ,schuui3d3-#-ül3 #5 W ## 8une #@BB abenda : am*= ?*ers (antseJ*erienced ha%3n II/ 6 vgl T &rade 7 and Huart/ 223bG in En)y1l d. Isl. .C as the b3b ?door s*ent/ so this statement gets along directly from thedoctrine of the .cheichischule Is suggested already after the *revious/ daLthe eJ*ression the *icture of the door mm Im3m)3de to the AnlaL r thename of a &ottesgemeinschaft mediated mystic through the s*eciLcImamatslehre ta1es/ so this and deLnitely yourselves conLrms nearerfrom the teachings of the .cheichi of the vierten ?belief *il lar?ToteEG at the same time Hiemach are the C &laubens:;<#=*feiler of the scbl4itisciien of smelling/ namely &od4s unit/ &od4s %ustice/ the *ro*hecy/

the Imamat to re*lace the resurrection (ith the B andern+ &od4s unit/ the*ro*hecy/ the Imamat and the 23bi%%at/ in that &otte< and the resurrectionhave the %ustice no s*ecial meaning beside the belief in the *ro*hets ?Mu-hammed/ the 23bi%%at ho(ever an indis*ensable article dea of belief is The23bi%%at/ the teachings of the b3b/ (as the most elegant ob%ect of the lecturesand the numerous (riting of the K3rim of Reaclit ,a% about itself ob%ectively(ith the conce*t of the theoso*bischen master odt:gt=r shei1/ after (hich the(hole sect is called/ covers emerges from the rises/ the 2ro(ne did in Kirm3,/the *resent-day headquarters of the .cheirhT/ in 8une #@@@+ Es muL under the.chLten al(ays a voll1ommenen Menscher/G ?al ins3n al 13mil gives (e callthe voll1ommenen .chLtenG him9it ?sch al 13mil/ that as &nadenmittler

G(3sita-i-fai)% bet(een the ab:;<#=(esenden Im3m and his9its church standsGa a ' . B< This hits after 2ro(ne ?ib eJactly the sense of the claim/ that4universe Muhammed raised under the self-name of b3b/ &leich-nnd the goal of all the longing The schi4itischen *oets He]en 0ce sure conviction/ that suchRuhrugeeichte reach at his9its er:;<#=habenen *erson4s hidden throne Ho(dee*ly he9it believeG at them9her9it active *art-

masters the religious uud *olitical Neltac2ebauung of the .cbi4iten and regulates/and as each institution among schl4itisehen *o*ulations if auol/ only nm of the formouch su`ces muft are subordinated the authority of that nnaichtbaren Mannt/ canhis9its )a about eective/ can become obvious for our time from it/ that ha**ened todea of *arliament a**eal in the ne( .taatsrerfassungaUr1unde *er-aienq (ith the

introduction on die consent and the Ein-veratlndnia dea Im3ms of the timeG ?0urthereJam*les from ne(er manifestos of the ationaliateu and Roy G>iaten in "ersia formlin1s u  . 65 and follo(ing Here/ the Im3mgedan1e has a continuously currentstrength= he9it s(ang himself u* in fnndmn*ntnler of dogmatic meaning and igt oneactive eective/ unerl3Llichea element of the religious and state systemG

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in time/ H3ddschl Muhammed Karim Khan/ (ithout to assume the name of a 23b/a**eared (ith this claim and became in rivalry (ith the 23b of the founders of theMtnoritAtsgemeinde of the .cheichi/ that leads this sect-name until today/ but besidethe 23bi of inferior meaning is And (e see already Ahmed of al-Ahs3

bac1(ards call on itself the same matter under the .elbstbe)eicbnung as.cheichG fOr ?in the s*iritual sense Ala hOchster man/ right-management/si)e of the Islam and the Moslim/ *illars of the a**roved believer/ signs of &od in both (orldsG is he9it the earthly re*resentative the in at loo1ed &od4sIm3m Mahdl ?vgl icola a a 5 . IF It is brought togetheraugenschein:;<#=lich the belief in the deity-li1e character of the theo-so*hischen master *resent in the dervish-decoration actually (ith thechurch dogma by the Imamat here The eJ*ressions alins3n al 13miland b3b also then are not at all ne( in the schi4itischen Islam Theerstere is beyond the .üLsmus into the Rcligions*hiloso*hie of the Arabic"eri*ateti1er )urüc1# He9it comes according to car*enter ?V,M& #@$@/. C$ 7omment < from the *seudoaristotelischen (riting Sber thetheologyG and 1ic1s o*en the "hilo:;<#=so*hie of the Islam a (ith Ibn 4ArabIas name for the ,emiurgen and (ith Averroes for the *hiloso*her/ in (homthe unio mystica ha**ens (ith dem:;<#=selben in the com*lete recogni)ing?&old)iher a 5 . C and follo(ing In the same sense/ the ism34ilischensect-grou*s/ )/ turn him9it 2 the ,ru)e/ on the *ro*hets at asre*resentations the as (orld-reason or original-(ill mar1ed ,emiurgen Thebasic idea/ da:am*/ is every(here= the human s*irit in his9itstheoso*bischen *erfection the divine s*irit to the re*resentation brings andthe human being in this sense of the gOtt:;<#=lichen Foll1ommenheitGor .chOnheitG ?dschem3l harmony/ vgl u. . # #< among allcreatures neJt stands The eJ*ression returns if 2eha Allah calledhimself die of blessed thoroughnessG/ dschem3l i mub3ra1/ and this namefor him9it became the standing one in his9its sect \lee . B 7omment #=2r #$5$/ . <5= $ u . Hl The name b3b as eJ*ression of the samemiddle-idea be:;<#=)ieht of the .chLtismus al(ays on 4universe/ in thathe9it sha*ed the hadlth+ Ich ?Muhammed is the city of the 1no(ledge

Fgl the absoluten human beingG of the ?al in(n al mutla1 Ich(3n alg:am*=f3 and the yevi(q dv:am*=Damoq (ith 0bilo ?a Dold)iher/ Kit3bma43nl al nafs . B< and follo(ing nnd in the .üLamus the names the 4afel asa voll : ;<#=1ommenen *ieces on *ure lightG and : lt=fes theoso*hiochen of 

master Ala al ine3n Al K3mü icholaon ?Aacetiam moh(mnedanG in HaatingsEncycl of Rel and Eth #$5$/ . #<6 com*are the Tatfc3gata dea 2uddhism to it

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Llm/ and 4universe is the gate/ b3b^ to itG/ on (hich also our 23b falls bac1/ ) 2 atthe Lrst interrogation about Tabrl) in the year #@B@/ T &rade M/ . @5 This traditionbetrays her9its9their tbeoso*hische origin (ithout further and actually the eJ*ressiongets along b3b for 4universe in the conteJt of 4Ali4s meaning as the theo-so*hischen

Eiegeten of the *ro*het Muhammed in the Isi3m# In this sense/ (e Lnd him9it (ill@*articularly in the ism34llischen .e1ten:;<#=gru**e/ that drove in the one or andernmanner to the &ottes(esen:;<#=heit or the essential/ inner sense ?b3tin of thehatchet-y (riting of the *ositive religions .*eciLcally the syn1retistische sect of theusairl too1 u* the conce*t in this sense if she9it *uts vgl the *ro*het Muhammed besidethe most u**er deity of the 4universe as ibren amenG and ?ism or .chleierG ?hidscb3bhis9its comrade and leaders of the *ro*aganda/ .al:;<#=mila al-03risi as her9its9theirdoor ?b3b ,ussaud/ histo-Irishman et Religion of the osairls . and follo(ing and&old)ihers discussion of the boo1 in the archive and follo(ing Rel Kno( #$55 o # .@@ ,a:am*= the 23b/ li1e &old-)iher ?ibid boasts/ actually the b3b in thistheoso*hical sense faLte/ the boo1/ (ith (hich he9it *erformed/ sho(s his9itsKommentar to the 8ose*hsüreG (here ?rafslr-i-süra-i-8üsuf he9it develo*s his9its alsodar1 a**renticeshi* as the allegorical sense of the t(elfth .ure of the Koran in ###cha*ters )uB Fersen in dar1/ grammatically monstrous Arabic language/ in that he9ititself as Hasans son gives ins*ired from the t(elfth Im3m/ Muhammed/ (hich after

,ie Z ü borro(ed the teachings from 4itismas the s1i in order to (in a legitimatetraditional

An1nü*fung for her9its9their Esoterismus in Islamic relationshi* that Muhammedentrusted his9its mandatary 4Ali (ith the secret sense of the revelations= these onlyunder the select fort:;<#=ge*an)ten constructs teachings the Kabbalah dea.üLsmua - 4Ali is for them

Isl . #$ and follo(ing Fgl the teachings of this of seeing icbi of GAli a o .U Theent:;<#=s*richt of the theoso*bische t/ t b3b near the [ iif i in the sense of Türe/through (hich one ha**ens/ W means/ that enable dea tra`c (ith the Innern?HuartG/ En)y1l d Ial . C .*eciLcally/ the la( ?schari4a becomes al2 to theNegG üari1a gate/ the theoao*hischen reali)ation mar1s and .ure t/ #@C+ Tretet intothe H3uaer through her9its9their doors one in this sense aus:;<#=gelegt the samemeets us in the 23biaraus ?T occasionally . @

Nith the Iim3 4iliten/ the s*iritual shei1/ (ho initiates the novices to the secrets of the religion/ symbolically b3b/ is called &uyard/ 0r lam . #5 and iüt the seventh*ro*het as a Theu*hanie of the logo ?s u the door )n of the theoao*hischen

&otteser1enntnia ?ibid. << Nith the ,ru)e heiLt this seventh (orld-*ro*het alsoas embodiment of the corrugate-reason ?maul3%a 4a1Q Monaeigneur l4es*ritG/ u aalso 23b/ ,e .acy a a 5 II ?C$ and becomes in identity (ith 4universe/ that as3s?outriggers of the n3tilf ?s*ea1ers Muhammed/ as the door to the (all mar1s dea of la( ?Muhammeds about the city of the Güttlichen science ?ibid R B2C#

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2ro(ne ?ib essentially (ith .cbeich Ahmeds claim/ a medium bet(eenhim9it in the at the i gh34ib ?absent in the at the and coincides the humanbeing to be If &old)iher *oints it out simultaneously/ that they call ?Al-.cha4r3oi/ >a(31ih al-an(3r I/ #C6 south even the sacred &od-It-men ?al

auli%3 Allah ab(3b and no( assume/ in this sense/ the donor of the23bismus (ith diesefe names named himself/ is so to be only clung on thatoccasion/ dag itself for the 23b the religious si)e of the t(elfth Im3m/ ashe9it in the schLtischen church-belief scblie:am*=t/ bet(een him9it/ the(hole one on the Im3me and s*eciLcally on 4universe in itself coveredreligion-*ro*erty and the deity *uts and he9it therefore *roclaimed himself more eJactly as the door to the deity4s Er:;<#=1enntnis to the Im3m Mahdl.o/ they of v lie do(n Kremer a a 5 . 5$ 7omment given *arallels/es*ecially after (hat the Im3mi%%ah name her9its9their s*iritual head of b3bdra(s near/ and * in the tenth century 7hr under the 7ali*h Ar-R3di ?$<B-B5a similar case a**eared At that time/ Abu ,scha4far Muhammed ibnbecame asch-.chalmagh3ni 4universe to(ards Ibn Abi A)31ir because of heretical teachings li1e that of the souls of hi1e and his9its claim/ to be theb3b/ das to the eJ*ected Im3m or to the master of the time ?s o leadG/eJecuted and had Abu4l Kasim al-Husein ibn roughly/ f < MR a school/ thatalso confessed him9it in this sense as one of the ab(3b/ T &rade , andgrade 5 . <5 The here a**earing ma%ority the t t b3b goes bac1 to theschi4itische teachings of the Ferbergung ?gha%bat of the t(elfth Im3m/ T &rade 5/ from (hich the scheichitische and b3bistische teachings of the23bi%%at get along H A** II . <<#and follo(ing= 2r #$5$/ . <55 Thisteachings is the follo(ing one+ The t(elfth Im3m/ Muhammed/ Hasan 4As1arfs son/ is since the year

59@6<9B/ (here he9it follo(ed his9its father in the Imamat/ remained the*ublic hidden At the cor*se-celebration/ that he9it *re*ared for his9its father/he9it a**eared at the same time to the last one-once Oent:;<#=lich He9itlater (as removed ho(ever only 65 years in the year <$ MR to .3marr3.ince then/ die is geschlossen door of the mercy and the reali)ationGcom*letely in G# - It *revails the total dar1ness of the groenFerbergungG/ ?gha%bat i 1ubr3 (hile the *eriod of the 1leinenFerbergungG those 65 years/ ?gha%bat i sughr3 re*resents/ (here thedoor of the revelation (as o*en at least to selected At that time/ thetra`c mediated namely bet(een

4 Understands from here onG sees ). 2. the Fera/ (ith the ,scheUl al-din Rümihis9its teacher .ch3mst ashamed Tabrl) al a Theo*hanie celebrates+ ,erhighest sovereigns ?&od loc1ed the gate ?b3b Lrmly/ he9it came %etist to thegate/ (ra**ed into the dress of the mortality sc at the it to 'nen/ vgl (ithicholson/ ,iv3ni .hamai TabrT) Introd Z B

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the hidden Im3m and his9its *eo*le through four sacred men/ that re*laced(aiter this time *eriod for itself to and (ere called ab(3b ?doors It (asAbu 4Umar 4'thm3n ibn .a4id 4Umarl/ his9its son Abu ,scha4far Muhammed ibn4'thm3n/ that a moment ago er:;<#=(3hnte Abü4l Kasim al Husein ibn Rauhand Lnally Abü4l Hasan 4universe ibn Muhammed .aimari The t(elfth Im3m

itself still had chosen the Lrst that became andern ever from the *redecessorand under the consent of the hidden Im3m decides ,er last refused des*itethe im*loring request of the community to nominate a successor/ (ith thereason+ &ott has become a For:;<#=sat)/ that he9it drove out/ G# .o/ thesevere dar1ness no( lasts until the return of the Im3m Mahdl in the fullness of the times The 23b no( com*ares the message of a 1leinen a**earanceG/ that

?)uhur i sughr3 should introduce the groe a**earanceG of the ?)uhür i1ubr3 Im3m Mahdl/ (ith this teachings After the eJ*lanation/ that 2ro(neof Z ubhi E)el)u of the *lace in the "ersian ba%3n #/##$/ (here the 23bclaims the einge:;<#=tretene return of the four ab(3b of the gha%bat i

sughr3/ itself as1ed has given/ T &rade ,/ the 23b sa( the return of the t(oLrst ab(3b in .hei1 Ahmed of al-Ahs3 and .hei1 K3)im of Rescht That of thefourth seems he9it to have seen in his9its Lrst and most eager su**orter MullaHusein of 2uschrü%a/ that he9it after &obineau . #C immediately the 23btitelSberm3chte/ about even the dignity of the Im3m Mahdl in the to assume/ (ith(hich he9it later became evident under the self-name of the nu1ta ?*oint/nurses Actually/ Huaein of 2uschrü%a too1 the title b3bu # b3b ?door to the23b at and announced the return of the Im3m Mahdl in/ 4Ali Muhammed of .chir3) Hiebei is from crucial 2e:;<#=deutung/ ,ali the *rocess in the year#5 MR/ therefore eJactly #555 years after the disa**earance of the t(elfthIm3m in the year 5 MR on (hat the 23bi themselves *ut em*hasis falls/ if 

they s*ea1 of the 8ahre in 5G The Millenium Lgures in the .cln4itismusadmittedly o`cially only for the em*ire of the Mahdi ?T itself &rade 5 .$@/ but the teachings of the (orld-(ee1 of seven days about #555 years ?at(hich a**earsG one ne(er *ro*het each is in the

4 Fgl &old)iher/ Forl ü d Id/ 7ha*ter F/ #/ comment @ ?. 65 (hereliterary *laces are stated for this uch%4itischen belief and < further

lied (ith the hidden Mahdl

aus)uLschen and orthodoJ

1irch:;<#=lichen circles

communicated aind The (hole teachings of the ghaibat and= uhür seems the stellarAna:;<#=logie iagründe Ja lies According to ism34ilitiacher teachings/ nndalternate revelation a *ast of the imam li1e day and night ?Kremer a ' . #$6/vgl u . B< The V3hlung of 6 *ro*hets and (as Gunder reference - on the 6heavens ?*lanets vgl u . 6 ste* in the 23bismnü gelegent:;<#=licheJ*ressly forth/ 2r A year a the "era . B$

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 To recover Islam al(ays ?vgl u .BB A #= 5= C# #= #@$f and it is in the 7hristianchurch in vie( of a similar high voltage of the Nieder:;<#=1unftshonung in theism34llischen .e1ten:;<#=gru**e to the light of come inclination of the "ersians longago before the year #555 after 7hrist and in vie( of this/ that to establish Religion of the

MahdiG in the above sense/ doesn4t miracle-increase/ dag it to the 23bismus came 7anastonish %ust as little ho(ever/ da:am*= the o`cial theology in her9its9their bearers/ the4Ulem3/ from the beginning rnitraufech (as 2ecause (ie in the 8e(ry the 2erechnerof the endG the ?mechasschebhe Y 1isain heaviest re*rimand met/ also the orthodoJauthorities of the restrained .chl4a have the VeitbestimmerG ?al (a113tün süLscheand schLtische &rübler/ that sought to calculate the time on reason 1abbalistischerVahlen:;<#=1ombinationen/ in (hich the ste**ing for(ard the hidden Im3m (ill ta1e*lace from vorn:;<#=herein as liars denounced and the activity of such &rübeleien insayings of the Im3me ver*Onen leaves The Ent:;<#=t3uschung/ er:;<#=fuhren (hichthe calculations through the facts/ the irritation/ that evo1ed such (ith2estimmt:;<#=heit of occurring *romises ?&old)iherG/ eJ*lains Forl easily ü d Isl .$and follo(ing

'ver the *re*aration of the b3bistischen movement (ithinder.cheichischulesagt,ch3ni \H A** II. <<$+ .cheich Ahmed of al Alisa/ (hosea**earance meant the Kleinen revelationG the beginning in the cycle of the 2a%3n/(as chosen from den .chLten of &od/ around the hearts of the *eo*le für therece*tion of the ne( truth and their s*read/ to lay out vor)ubereiten and the secretsof the teachings of the divine Ein-heit ?taulud Therefore/ he9it came from his9itshome ?in El 2ahrain/ (here al Ahsil (as an old seat of the Ism34lliten nach "ersia/visited the most im*ortant cities and lent them9her9it to him9it von too bul1yteachings above .o/ he9it used (ieder:;<#=holt the turn+ Gso and so/ I have fromthe 2e(eisG ?sc &od W huddschatu 4lQ=ih/ ## for the Im3m MahdQ if he9it belongsG/)ahlreiche (rote (or1s about *hiloso*hy and other sciences/ darunter the scharh i of )i%3rat i dsch3mi4/ but although he9it/ da : am*/ 1ne(= he9it the TüreG to the Im3mMahdi/ (hose return (as in store for nunmehr/ is/ he9it didn4t eJ*lain this *ublicly sincethe Veit (as not yet ri*e to it and not yet vor:;<#=bereitet the *eo*le He9it collectedmany students about himself/ in the 4Iraq alone angeblich #55555 vgl v Kremer a a. 56/ it (as been hostile to by the Un(iedergeborenen severely and nominatedH3ddschi .e%%id K3)im of loo1 at to his9its successor and .tellvertreter ?n.ib beforehis9its Tode This/ that )(eitG doorG/ the (or1 begun by seinem *redecessorcontinued/ argued (ith the ortho-Romans/ that ,ibl-2ebi4i

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doJen Elerus to 2aghd3d/ ans(ered the questions/ (hich see1ers aus directed allclasses to him9it and (rote numerous (or1s/ darunter the scharh i 1aslda/ in (hichhe9it announced the teachings von of the TürschaftG im*licit and ?b3bi%%at thehuddschat i ab:am*=ligha ?crucial factor *roof/ in (hat bandelt he9it from the

signs/ an those the re*resentative or re*resentatives of the Im3mrecogni)ed (erden shall signs ?fugt ,seh3nl to it/ that d only her9its9theirFer(ir1-lichung in

der sun/ that rose in the country 03rsG h in 4Ali Muhammad of .cbir3) (ould LndHe9it *ointed out the youth of his9its successor also in a fe( seiner *oem/ ) 2 in demverse+ Vart on years/ young to the body/ hardly the mother4s mil1 ent(OhntG _es/ he9itcalled 4universe Muhammed even more eJactly den of eJ*ected 2e(eisG ?Mahdi= ao 'ne of his9its students/ der quite credible is/ told follo(ing+ 'ne day of fragte oneof us the deceased .e%%id K3in the over the Art der 'enbarung after him9it He9itans(ered+ After my death (ird a schism among my su**orters enters/ but &od4s

.ache (ill be clear li1e the rising sun He9it sho(ed 4Ali Muhammed over the thresholdda-bei after the door/ through (hich a sunbeam fell in and entered into demselbenmoment Ho(ever/ Nir didn4t understand the sense ?this *rediction until .eine (asgeoenbart holiness ?the 23b Another student K3)ims told+ 'ne day/ I ste**ed in the.e%%ids4s K3)im Vimmer and sa( his9its holiness/ the 0ol of the universe/ s u . #5# A# this generally 1no(n is sit)en groe door of &odG very much on ?b3bu4ll3hi 8l a4)amthe honor-*lace under the name die/ maintaining the .e%%id of the shado( of his9itsholiness of Sberschattet became and him9it on his9its question+ Told Hast you thematter der man1indG ans(ered humbly and deferentially+ 8a/ I informed (hat youordered and (ritten darüber treatisesG ,scb3ni 1no(s even more such stories fromsecret indications of the K3)im to the later 23b as die door of the Im3mG= the t3rich idschadid *ic1ed u* only the (aiters his9its last *rediction on the 23b before his9its death? MR . <# and follo(ing/ this him9it as die soon giving u* sun of the truth/ that (illilluminate all rece*tive hearts (ith the divine mercy/ celebrates According togro:am*=en value *ut the ur-b3bistiscbe community at least on her9its9their connection(ith the donors of the .cheichise1te

The crucial idea is the belief at the return of the Im3m Mahdi and the eJ*ansion of the Nieder1unftglaubens on the ab(3b of the schiitischen Theo:;<#=logie in the23bismus consequently/ that after *ers ba%3n ##/B in the sense of the .cheichilehre of the fourth belief-*illar beside the Im3me and the *ro*het as middle bet(een &od andthe man1ind ?T ste*s &rade ,

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In fact/ the claim of the 4Ali Muhammed of .chlr3) o(s to be the b3b of the Im3mMahdl/ already in his9its commentary to the 8ose*hsüre ?e o . # (ith the

andern )u:;<#=sammen/ the in the at the Mahdl even to sein# .ay he9ithere+ Nahrlich &od (ill let none of your actions/ besides bei him9it/ thatarrive through the door/ be (orth by adoring through the 23b &ott theEternal and being recommended by the 23b ?2r #@@$/ . $56/ andintroduce already ohile turning on of the Im3m Mahdl for itself he9it (ith it asmiddle bet(een &od and the *eo*le/ so he9it *asses on his9its *resent boo1from the boo1 of the t(elfth Im3m from and *uts it together (ith this at itbelievers in contrast to the Koran and the Fol1 of the DuranG+ Nahrlich &odhat the food of the *eo*le of the Duran legally done for das *eo*le of this?available boo1 and really (e has die legally done for sie ?this MuslimG foodof the *eo*le of this boo1 He9it insists so very much on his9its Arabic/ the

language of the revelation/ that fA%aml he9it itself beside "ersians/ and .chlr3)ivirtually 4Arabl names+ ,ieser li1ed young Arabs/ in (hose hand &od *ut theem*ire of the heaven and the earth/ der son of the Arab 4universe and the03timeG/ (ith (hat frei:;<#=lich in-*lays his9its character as .e%%id He9it notonly says/ ho(ever/ daL he9it of the #B suns of the *urity d i Muhammed/03time and the # Ira3men/ the so-called one?s # .*otless/ descends butthat they come bac1 in and (ith him9it/ the Im3m Mahdl 2ecause li1e diesmall FerbergungG of the B ab(3b (ith the Nieder:;<#=1unft of the t(elfthIm3m returns/ according to also the sha*es of the groen revelationG Thisteachings of the return ?radsch4a vgl o . ## 7omment it becomes in the#$ *aragra*hs of the Lrst cha*ter of the *ers ba%3n ? eJ*orted MR A** II

. <<B and don4t include the *eo*le alone or better roles of the ahead-going*ro*hetic cycle but also at his9its historic events and *laces .o/ the 23balready calls itself the man of Mecca and Medma as (ell as the martyr of the4Iraq in the commentary about the 8ose*hsure here \Kerbel3/ d i Huseia/ andis not only the designation of the leaders in the 23bismus after the Im3men/ asshe9it (as *erformed at the rebellion in al TabarsI ?&obineau . #$# f/ but alsothe corres*onding designation of the *laces ?) 2 instead of al TabarsIKerbel3= vgl MR . <<6 in this Vu:;<#=sammenhang/ to understand Ittherefore actually is not the .eelen:;<#=(anderungsglaube/ that is availablehere/ although he9it the 23bl/ li1e

M ,a of the 3b itself/ after his9its movement of beginning of ao carries amahdistiachen character/

only in the year #@B$ from Tgchihri1 on the itself o*enly m/ a Mahdl eJ*lained/ the23bl anf daa

lead bac1 Kngname tires of the Ferat3nd-ninei of the *eo*le for him9it/ MR .B#= T N.

&rade / him9it he9it GI G11omodieren claimed

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already Ibn Abi A)31ir s o . #C subsequently it turned into the re*roach of ge:;<#=macht and the teachings of the radsch4a covers u* easily also (ith theminto those of the tan3su1h/ (ithout da:am*= she9it it ? (ants MR A** II .<<@ Rather/ this return-teachings stands (ith a certain history-o*inion in the

Vu:;<#=sammenhang/ (o:;<#=nach itself the history in a (orld-*ar-ode ?from 6(orld-days ver-schiedenemal the s*eech re*eats and can therefore be from theone *ro*hetic *eriod as the cycle of the return of the andern ?daura-i-rad-sch4a This teachings doesn4t come urs*rüng:;<#=lich from the Islam but from the&ree1-'riental Theo-so*bie ?vgl u . C# 7omment #/ from her9it itself at thesame time the Mahdi-begri of the 23bismus decides/ him9it/ to no( re(rite it/ isvalid Already in the commentary about the 8ose*hsüre/ that maybe itself as theso-called one 2oo1 the 0ahime/ that (ill bring the Mahdl/ gives/ vgl o and u .@$ it becomes clear/ da:am*= the 23b no *olitical one but a theoso*hicalMahdiideal has He9it neither even later *refers t him9it in the 2a%3n here t134im/ although as such he9it (as *roclaimed by his9its su**orters/ *articularlythe ma1ers of the *olitical Auf:;<#=st3nde of them He9it rather band-has thedeity4s theoso*hical names in order to mar1 his9its Mahdl(ürde+ >icht on him9it.inaiG d ?an-nüru L4t TLr h the burning bush li1e he9it to Mose s*o1e+ Ich is&ottlG ?vgl Koran @ ?<5/ #= di1ru 4llLh/ a suLsche 2e:;<#=)eichnung for the logos/that at the same time the deity and as &od4s Lrst creature is 2ey his9its Lrst(orshi**er ?of icola at Av *ro* . and follo(ing= der letter b3 that the (aterof all 2uch:;<#=staben *enetratesG and ?al b3 4us s34iratu m3 4il-hurüf der 4"i*ing frequent self-name of the b3bistiachen *ro*hets/ der .inai b3um4/ is thecarrion-*ressure e n of the *ro*hets it in the .üLsmus

for the theo*hane N as gescinchtlicher 2fschein unssform*, the &od-lent iogos

?4a1l : lt= in that the story of the Duran of the burning thorn-bush of him9it is turned.inai ?.ure @ there that the voice from the bush+ Ich is ll3h/ the master of the(orldsG the .eibat)eugnis of the divine logo re*resents/ as revelatio generaiisthroughout the creation/ as revelatio n*ecialia has been submitted

to daa in the human being and as revelatio s*ecialiasima in the *ro*het/ the s*irit4s1no(n i%üLsche certiLcate ana4#-ha11 ?I am the truth WW &od/ in the ecstasy iseJ*erienced and for (hich

the <5$ MR9$<# j about it eJecuted 2usein ibn al one for al Dall3dach as 1luaischeseJam*le ?vgl is valid &. 2 a . <6 go bac1 to this *lace and in this scheme

valley es*ecially clearly becomes dierence of the .emitic understanding of the

*ro*het/ as the Koran divides it (ith the 2ible/ at this eJam*le+ Mose Lgnriert furtherthan limb in the *ro*het-ro( bet(een Adam becomes and Moh:am*=mmed and s8iodea set-as1ed .inaibaumeaG

loo1ed at in the scheme/ d h not as a reci*ient of the revelation but G#Ga**earances of the divine

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"oint/ that stands at the door of the t(o AlifG/ vgl ?alnu1tatu 4# (31ifahi al3 b3bi 4#-alife%n 2r #@@$/ . $5$ The last of this .elbst:;<#=be)eichnungen of the 23bin the commentary to the 8ose*hsüre *oints/ she9it in this aherbestimmung isso mysteriously/ on (hich out maintaining *referred names nu1ta ?*oint later

from him9it/ the hurüLsche self-name as b3 on the other hand a süLscher t tfor the logos as the devTegog feos beside the alif as 2uchstaben:;<#=)eichenfor the transcendent &od/ it did and that of the 23b as Ur(ille/ maschi%%at i ül3 su . and follo(ing deity mar1ed ent:;<#=s*richt .he9it stands (ith thatof the nu1ta in close conteJt *rovided the *oint of the b3 ?T is meant bynu1ta in the bismill3h as the Lrst letter and (ith it the quintessence of theunmitigated Duran originally The eJ*ression goes bac1 to the Haditb namely+Alles something in the Koran is/ is in the 03tiha ?# .ure/ and everythingsomething in the 03tiha is/ everything something in the 2ismill3h is in the2ismill3h ?her9its9their Lrst (ord and is/ everything something in the b3 is inthe b3 ?his9its Anfangs:;<#=buchstaben and is/ is in the *oint under the b3\.emem smallest *art/ and I ?4Ali am the *oint under the baG If 2ro(ne ?8 RA . #@$@/ . @B after your *rocess of the Hurüse1te ?s u Anh I/ thisHadith also for the 23bismus as starting *oint for him9it t t nu1ta assumesthat so this becomes through the 23bilegende ? MR . < conLrm lo(-(ritten that has 23b already as child immediately in the Lrst *eriod anins*ired inter*retation this Hadith o( call another huniLacb of coloredHadith/ to (hich the 23bismus refers re*eatedly/ the &nosia content of theconce*t nu1ta= ,as 1no(ledge Llms/ one *oint/ that the un1no(ing did inmany dierent (ays/ is he9it meets t so t nu1ta in materialer andfor:;<#=maler sense (ith that of the b3b in agreement/ *rovided also thisfalls bac1 on 4universe as the master of the theoso*hical &nosis/ s o . #<u 0rom there from/ it gets along that from the beginning s the 23b oboth .elbst:;<#=be)eichnungen side by side introduces and still uses*romiscue she9it also in the 2a%3n evertheless/ the conventionalUnter:;<#=scheidung of a former *eriod of his9its career has in (hich he9itacted as the 23b in the scheichitischen sense and a later/ in (hich he9it itself under the name nu1ta as the Im3m MahdQ even

,ieies [ üLsche

 Theologumenon no( meets in the chi4 itischen teachings of

the Im3m simultaneously ,oes it become ,aoha4far al as saying of the Im3nuthere -3d:gt=1 lent tradiert/ ds &od4s *roclamation/ them9her9it through ,onIm.m of the time announces/ the voice &ottea at Mo Ge 1ui resembles the,ornbmoh ?Dolduher Forl L d I Gl . <#6 (ith comment @ an illustration/ asea is rather not raised u**er the character alone a toi god of a**rovedHerrtchermacht iit/ that are inherent in the Im3m/ he9it through su*erhumanqualities the usual humanity ?ibid

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gave/ her9its9their entitlement This becomes es*ecially clear (here ,sch3nieJ*lains the fact/ daL of the 3b his9its a*ostle Muhammed 4All of 23rfurüsch inthe < years #@BB$ as the Mahdi or nu1ta *ut for(ard and has itself again on therole of his9its b3b be:;<#=schr3n1t ? MR . <<and follo(ing/ in that ,sch3m

this (ith it in to sammen1ang brings that name Muhammed into that before 4'U7Hstands/ (hile 4universe in front-stands in 23bs *ro*er names Nith itbe:;<#=deute Muhammed the *ro*hetic function ?the n3ü1/ that raises a ne(religion/ 4universe the eJegetische function ?the as3s/ that arranges her9its9theiresoteric sense 4Ali of the Ab:;<#=h3ngige# is included 0rom here/ it gets alongthat the 23bi in the Unter:;<#=schied of the *ublic/ (here the name of the 23b(as left for her9its9their donor/ him9it after his9its Mabdl(Drde of the later *eriodas I8adrat i nu1ta i ül3/ being holiness the Lrst *oint ?or Ur*un1t or MR i n iba%3n name and his9its gottheit:;<#=lichen character in Hadrat i rabbi Ul-a4I3 ?.MR my very high man/ to the eJ*ression ?vgl brings also u1ta i U3hi%%e/ 2r#@@$/ . $@ The name of the re*resentative be)( remains 23b beside it0orerunner of the Mahdi ?vergl to it u . #C 7omment # and for itself/ the23bi ahl i call ba%3n ?*eo*le of the 2a%3n in contrast to ahl i fur13n ?> d Kor3ni

< Actually/ also the 23bismua then eJ*els the theoso *hischen &ottesbegri/that is alive in the .üLsmus from the eu*latonismus/ on the historic mediationsvgl ) 2 (ith &old)iher/ the isl "hilos a a/ 5 . C# and follo(ing and itself sodecides from the orthodoJ &otteabegri of the lsl3m lifts o There/ 4am3 standsbeside the com*letely transcendent Urgott ?nganov iv W &e:gt= heinmis/ ste* of the Ureinheit/ *lace of the *ure being/ the >ogos:;<#=gottheit of the ,emiurgen/ngoiToyo( iv/ ste* of the unit/ *lace of the attributes ?vgl 2r #@@$/ . $B#7omment He9it re*resents the Ideen(elt@/ and is Gaofern ?this o**ositeher9it9them only relative reality has the creator of the *hysical (orld fa1l i 1ull as(orld-intellect he9it/ the same as (ell as his9its Emanation *laces/ as he9it issedate even by &od/ vgl .üra taulild can 23b (ith icola 2ey Ar . <5 Theselogos (ith the 23b Ur(ille ?maschi%%at

Fgl (hether $ ## GAll becomes in the meaning of the schi4itiacben orthodoJy of the 2nbisniua as s(irls &od 1no(n beside the *ro*het Muhammad/ introduced G*urenigleioh (ith the .üL as sirru in G##Ch ?secret of &od As (ell heiLt then the Mahdiand the 23b Ala his9its organ ?airr al Mahdi vgl Eacem 2eg #2/ IT/ . B@@ m7omment

The 23hismus unteracheidet ?vgl ) 2 >ay @#/ a U/ . #C ebeuao Gu2drüc1lichli1e the Igm34iiitentum/ &uyard a a 5 0ragm FII . <5 and follo(ing three (orlds/ in

that a middle Nelt of the formsG/ d h the ideas/ is distinguished ,ieae about ideafamiliar from the "latooismua masters the [ üLamua and ste*s also in India under theForauslet)ungen of the Reliio,$*hiIoso*hie on

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Dl3 ?genannt# the religious &rOLe is/ that is *ractically alone in consideration/and is usually called tauhld ?unit they/ (ith (hat tauhld be:;<#=)eichnet/ that isfrom the usual Islamic &ottesbe1enntnis grund:;<#=verschieden/ the eJ*ressionthe monotheistic creed reinter*reted into the Theo-monistische li1e in the ZüLsmus instead of+ 1ein &od auger ihm## the sentence+ &ott and nothing besides

him9itG/ vgl 7hant]*ie a a D II . C5= &old)iher/ Forl ü d Psl . i<It is the school of the Mulla .adr3/ that against end of the #6 7entury inIsfaban a renaissance of the so-called one?s aristote:;<#=lischen school led u*/that is neu*latonisch *redominantly in truth/ and that over H3dl of .eb)e(3r/ thatin the Lrst half of the #$ 8ahrh blooming commentator of the Mulla Z adr3 andeinuLreichsten *hiloso*hers of the ne( "ersia/ &obineau a a 5 7a*e B/ the.cheichlse1te and (ith it the 23bis-mus decisively decided It ma1es at this*oint

4 The identity the b.biatischen ür (illingly (ith the a1l of the aeu*la-tonischen*hiloso*hy and

theoso*hy in the lal3m conLrms Efendi aua-drüc1lich 4Abbiis/ lee o C</ vgl to it,ch3m MR < @@+ Er1enntnis is (illG The name of the Ioros Ala (ill singles outthe free Kau2alit3t ?creation in the &ottesbegri and therefore corres*onds more tothe .emitic &ottesgedan1en/ Ala this at the the &ree1-hood of coming name of thelogo as intellect .he9it Lnds itself the ,ru)e ?&nyftJd 0r for itself already beside this(ith the Ism34iliten and a*eneH Ism . <C= de .acy II/ ) 2 3, 3-. B5 C$ "articularQif ho(ever/ she9it *erforms in the relative 8e(ish en*latonia-mm in .*ain/ (here Ibn&ebiroi ?U 8abrh it *uts the Ur(illen bet(een &od and the Ga1i ?vgl &old)iher/1it3b mn43nl al n:am*=fs . BB .lide Muslim logo-teachings of the 4a1l *enetratedeu*lat as far as into the Hadlthe ?&old)iher from the eu*latoniamus ?vovg ugnost Elements in the Radith . <#6and follo(ing+ ,as/ (hich &od created/ Lrst is

the 4a1l/ the intellect &od *rach+ I ta1e and through you/ I give/ I re(ard and IG ?d*unish h my (hole *revailing geschiebt through you The .üLsmus teaches fromhim9it+ ,as Urelement/ that &odG (ith the .ch3*fangibefehl at itG *o(er and (illssquanders the chaotic ocean of the non-being emerged/ a sim*le one (as/ &eist of MohammedG or you lent (riting-tube ?1al:am*=m good stretching/ that the*hiloso*hers Urintelle1tG name/ the big fathers of the theoso*hy It alone hasanmittelbaren access to &od=

&od and arranges alone &od4s

commandl If the breath of his9its *o(er blo(s it/ it tosses thousand *ictures on

the blac1board of the ichtaeienden .o/ the elements (ere created and from themthe nature-rich ?vgl u 3. <G Achl31 i ,scbalili (ith ro*e/ 2ssari : lt=G Islam . $andfollo(ing u @< < The 2e:;<#=schreibung of the logo of Ala >ichtglam also goesbac1 to "lotin Iba &ebiroi says ) 2 from him9it ah the throne of the Kerrlic1eit fnG/he9it beams his9its light emanierte soul ?(orld-soul and individuallyG soul on those of him9it at the/ according to da' she9it of it (iedentrahle and itself after her9its9theirorigin in him9it longs to return ?: am*= a 5 s o= vgl already the lo*oi as/ 8oa (ith"hilo

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until on further the lac1 of a scientiLc eJ*loration as (ell as that *hiloso*her-schoolli1e the .cheichise1te of the


f'hlbar 2ro(ne has in "ersia of the shei1Q has in Kirm3n taught/ dag she9it (ith thatschool the teachings of the 4a1l god of follo(ing *oints ?T shares &rade K+ # Thelogoe/ as tauhld s o don4t rise in the (orld ?FielheitG although he9it also ste*s intoher9its9their into the a**earance It is this the *rotest against the *ure *antheism?ittih3d/ Ineinsset)ung/ that already the classic .uLsmus drove/ s u . <# andfollo(ing Tatsachlich meets the 23bismus (ith the school of the Mulla .adr3 in therene(al of the theistic momentG in the neu:;<#=*latonischen grotto-thought/ o**ositethe de1a:;<#=denten .üLsmus ?vgl/ consequently &obineau . Ulf The a1l i 1ullis the unit of sub%ect and ob%ect d h beside the theism/ the &ree1-Indian3berbestimmung of the same stands li1e a .üLsmus as a Thcomonismus of the s*iritin the sense of the Idendit3ts*hiloso*hie/ vgl ,sch3ni ? MR A** II/ . <@+ ,ie Lrst

1indliness ?W the logos (as the being/ the being is the recogni)ed/ that is recogni)ed/the reali)ation/ the reali)ation is (ill/ the (ill is loveG < The s*irit of the human beingtherefore is an All:;<#=gemeines The individual stands beside it as a Materiales of higher order/ that so-called &eistesleib ?the resurrection vgl u . C5 7omment Ever nearer the .cheichi and 23bl of this "hilo:;<#=so*henschule li1e the classic.tiLsmus stands/ the leiden:;<#=schaftlicher is her9its9their *rotest against both*rovided they ma1e do (ithout the Mah:;<#=dismus ?vgl u . B#/ B@7/ </ #<#/ #6< This *rotest ?for the .cheichi vgl icola/ 2ey Ar . u 7hei1h Ahmed >ahca . IF/often a**ears su`ciently blind and unfair Also he9it has his9its *rocess in theIsm34lu4tentum

B/ Nith the analysis of the *ro*hetic 1no(ledge of the 23bundder b3bistischen*ro*het-ology is to be assumed it/ dag dert t nu1]a the 1abbalistische *hiloso*hyinvol-viert/ as she9it is into the Hellenistic *hiloso*hy ?*articularly theneu*ythagoreische of eingedrimgen from the old 'rient and drove in the 8e(ishand Muslim Kabbala of the Mittclalters ibre blooms Her9its9their *rinci*le is the belief at a mystic corres*ondence of the letters ?al*habet and numbers ?arithmetic (ith thetranscendent reality The letters and numbers among each other on the other hand*laced in corres*ondence in the teachings of the abdschad/ the mystic relationshi* of (ords/ that in addition of the *ay-values of her9its9their letters of agreeing/ ?from the23bismus sincerely handled is intended as the stoicheia of the mental and material(orld Als (ords are she9it the source of all the intellectual/ as .cbrift)eicben they of the matterG/ EthO a a 5 . <B$ after &obineau Her9its9their multi*licity l3gt itself (ith

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Hen letters on the *oint/ (ith the numbers on the one redu:;<#=)ieren be)(develo* from it The *oint or the one become bo to the (orld-*rinci*le that themulti*licity of the Erscheinunga(elt causes and durcbdringt The *ro*het *roves asthe ,emiurg ?s o . 6 his9its creator-strength of the Hervorbringung of a boo1/

(hose letters re*resent a contrary of the transcendent Nir1lich:;<#=1eit/ thatconsequently (ith hel* of the secret one?s/ from the logo themselves geoenbartenletters science erfaüt can become Ent:;<#=(eder (ill then *ass on from her9it MRNriting ?A T be)( Koran/ this science (ithout further raised or an again *ro*heticclaim (ith *erformance of a ne( canon %oins (ith it The latter is the case of the23bismus He9it meets (ith the sect of the I8urü from the H here9#C 8ahrh * 7hrtogether ?Fgl to this Anh I The 1abbalistische theoso*hy becomes from 2ro(ne ?2r#@$/ . @ one of the endemic ideas of the 'rient/ that occur e*idemic (ith&elegen:;<#=heit/ considered The de*endence of the 23b on the .*anish mysticread (ith the "ersian .ü still today is .hei1 Muh%f al-din Ibn 4Arabl# on the otherhand/ ##6 to #B5 k hardly doubtfully/ 2r #@@$/ . $5$ 7omment and . $#$andfollo(ing 2oth (in 2ismi4ll3hi4r-Rahm3ni4r-Rahlmi ?Kor from the V3hlung of the letters of the formula #/#/ the number #$ as the mystic cardinal number of the cosmos thatre*resents the logos/ that eben:;<#=falls is called the b3 ?2 here/ from (hicheverything follo(ed/ or aus-einaiiderlegt# itself the one into them9her9it in her9its9theirdevelo*ment to the cosmos Ho( the 23b on this number #$ builds his9its teaching-system/ Ethe and Andreas from &obineau and 2ro(ne returned in the individual oneHere/ it therefore su`ces to name the < Eichtungen/ in those itself his9its Vahleumyati1moves

4 The *lotinistischen elements in the .üL-.ystem of the Muh%i al-dln ibn 4Arab/Miguel Aun "a1oioi in >a "sicologiG segun4s Mohidin Abenambi ?Actes you PIF

7ongreG internst/ the 'rientalisteg ?Alger #$5CIII/ 6$-#C5/ eJamines= vgl&old)iher/ Forl ü d Isi . #$< The Fbr(er t u n g Di

Oismi ## : am*=h to the

*roduction of the my - tables cardinal number of the universe is found also (ith the2urüL/ 2ro(ne a a 5 #@$@/ @ @#

L/ this it ho(ever aaf #@ letters calculates and she9it in U ?W the (orld and B ?W&od (ars Nith it int the number of the @ 2achitaben dei Arabic al*ha-beta

decisive/ P U W @= 6PB W <@/ that masters the 2uchstabenmy2ti1 in the Islam vgl'old)iher/ Abh d &od &ea d Kno(/ *hilic-hint Kl IP/ #$56/ . L= 2ismill3h inHostings En-cyclo*aedia of 2ei and Etbios Fgl nnt . ##5 A 2eside the 2ismillah/ b*lays Gi the 2urüL/ never (ith the ,ru)e and the Iamg4iliten at all/ also the &liuben%fornielthis role ?de .scy outline de la 2ei the ,roies/ U/ < C5< and the m%teri3ie,2ochetaben and (ords at the to* of some .teen are used them for the furtherAnss*incung of the s*eculation ?2ro(ne ib . @Band follo(ing= Huart RMM 'et#$5$

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a)  The number #$ becomes &od4s *redicates (3hid ?one/ (udschud ?being/ intheological direction through abdachad:;##=aus : ;##=(ahdat i (udschud ?this ofsingle being and ha%% ?the alive : ;##=be)( aha%% ?this this 'U7H enlivening/(hose *ay-value %e:;##= W #$ is/ develo*s and becomes her9it

be:;<#=:;##=dingenden all the being and lives in # ?&od/ the remaining #@as 2uchstaben of the aliveG : ;##= ?hurüf3t-i-ha%% com*ared The idea*revails on that occasion/ : ;##=daL of the logos/ that are intended as (orld-creators and as .chO*fungs:;<#=:;##=(ort &od at the same time/ %ust as a (orditself from 2uchstaben:;##=)usammenset)t and these (ith &od4s attributes/ thatare thought )ugleich:;##=als inventive strengths or Emanations*rin)i*e/ :;##=identisch is 23b 1no(s admittedly also the übliche:;##=.ieben)3hlung ofthese attributes of &od ?strength/ *o(er/ (ill/ action/ : ;##=Herablassung/ glory/revelation vgl beside it &obineau . <##Ho(ever this number is not binding in the Islam and 1ic1s o*en daneben:;##=dieof &od4s $$ names .o/ the 23b of the Attributen:;##=&ottes says in the (idestsense+ Alle famous names belong to him9itG b) In theurgischer direction/ the number #$ of a *ro*he:;<#=:;##=tischen

hierarchy is ta1en as a basis The 23b is as nu1ta die:;##=Eins and has #@comrades (ith itself/ (ith (hich he9it the geoenbarte:;##= EinheitG forms andthat hurüf3t-i-ha%% ?s he9it o nennt# Eine:;##=feste disci*le-list of these #@doesn4t eJist/ ho(ever/ 2r #@@$/ . $<?'ne can remind of it/ da:am*/ here= else(here the V3hlung von:;##=&Otternafter sacred numbers also not the constraint ent:;<#=:;##=halt/ a LJed name-list of tradieren A solche:;##=)(ar develo*ed for the Amescha s*entas/ gives) so 2 der:;##=Rigveda no enumeration of the 6 dityas/ vgl/ Tiele/ 7om* dRel-&esch . 5C Also the boo1 of the *ro*het muL die:;##=Vahl #$ reveals.ince this is the case of the commentary to the 8ose*hsure noch:;##=nicht/although he9it itself the alten:;##=gegenüberstellt ?a already as the ne( Korano . #$ and the 23b Lrst the 2a%3n in seinen:;##=verschiedenen editings on#$ EinheitenG to #$ TürenG each : ;##= ?Z Z aimed/ the introduction of thenumber #$ seems that second

 % this ] 7orrD2*'Dd2DV of a *ro*hetic tlierE>rchie (ith the mystic cardinal numberof the cosmos goes to the Feranschaulicbung of the EmanationssystemG on theutili)ation of the *ythagoreischen *ay-symbolism bac1/ that since the encyclo*ediaof the *urer brothers of 2asra/ < # vgl de 2oer/ history of the *hiloso*hy in theIslam/ .@< and follo(ing the iam3 litischen sects mastered The neJt *arallel seems

to be available (ith the ,ru)e/ (here beside the higher hierarchy of CEmanationsgrOen to the number : am*= s u . @ and of her9its9theircorres*onding Trager ?,ienerG taddscha (Ortl And 1lG A*o2tel ?d4l carrion-sent*roof/ sound of a hierarchy of #B 2uchstaben of the truthfulnessG the ?sid1/ *ay-valueW #B s*eech/ that al 5C-Kim collected G,g in 7airo ?B5@ H (ith his9its revealed/ is/ de.acy I . ##$ A/ II/ $$

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 To constitute *eriod of his9its *roclamation/ that not itself from the Grsten through thenu1/ a-Ans*rucb itself but only through his9its more conscious recording distinguishes/s o . # and follo(ing uad u . B c/ in theo1ratiseher direction/ the number#$ of a &eset):;<#=gebung/ that ma1es the earthly circumstances of the divine

nature and harmony of the invisible (orld concurring/ is ta1en as a basis+ Richtetall things after the number/ the unit/ d i #$ oneG/ &ob . < .o/ animalma1es Vahlen:;<#=(issenschaft to the duty the 2a%3n lie cultivation \IF/ #5 ar band standardi)e the (hole mundane life li1e the religious one at the number #$ as(ell At the be:;<#=deutsamsten/ hiebei is the calendar-reform of the 23b#/ andfrom here the hy*othesis a**ears to Huarts that h the number #$ur:;<#=s*rünglich an addition of this umbers 6 and #/ com*letely(ahrscheinlich#/ re*resents This h umbers 6 uud #/ that mar1 the schism inthe .chlitismus/ s o . $ A / it *lays as (e sa(/ b ' . #5/ already in the)i%3rat n3me a role

4 In that the calendar of the 23b #$ months of 1 #$ days W <# days count and toit on the C old *er invalid s(itch-days falls bac1/ about sunbathing is a year gotten/he9it does the signiLcant ste* to re*lace the muhammedft-nische moon-year (ithdaaalt*ersische sun-year/ in den% also the (ee1 no meaning has The # months andthe <5 days ever are subordinated her9its9their angels there/ so hot here the #$months and (ould lie after certain #$ attributes of &od ?vgl li1e(ise the namesHim9it #@2$/ . $#and follo(ing and further to this T &rade V and >it is/ of " I .#55 and follo(ing 0rom *articular meaning is the ?also old-"ersian e( _ear4s day?nau-rüi/ the s*ring-day and aohtgleiche/ It is the highest holiday ?*ers as &od4sday ba% FI/ the 0est)eremoniea regulates #B/ and is dem 0un1t of the 2a%3n from(hich all (ere created and allG nirüo11ehrenG to him9it/ consecrated Monat of the

*ointG/ about (hich GI turn the #@ Monate of the aliveG/ or Monat of the beh3?shineG/ is called the Lrst month since he9it is the sun */ that is mirrored in theandern #@ months b F ?@ The 23bisra begins (ith the 5 M3re #@G ?T . B

4 RHK volume #@/ . $< Huart re%ects on the 6 and # angel-natures (ith MaJda1  The Ism34ititen have the 6 *lanets and the I. )odiac-*ictures (ith the number of theletters of the &laubenaformel ?a o into the relationshi* *laced de .acy 7PIF u inorder to (in hierarchies II ?5< Each of her9its9their 6 Im3me has #$ com*anions?huddscha s o/ vgl .te* C of the .y:;<#=stems This latter returns (ith 4reductionEfendl under An(endnag on the 6 (orld-*ro*hets/ *ut . @B The 23b as1ed #Im3me and calls Gelbst (ith *reference die itself *erson of the 6 2uchataben4 vgl?4universe Muhammad V 2 ar ba% I/ # and follo(ing= &ob <#$ B$ He9it honors

also the C/ *lanets as sacred number 0rom the "lanetarismus from/ the oddV(iecheMtellung of the usairl gets along bet(een V(Olfer and .iebener2chi4itianras/,nssaud a a ' . B$ f He9it li1es arrange also the DurüL and 23bi the innertransition of the duc1-reindeer to the more Lnal bec( eased 2e(ut doesn4t becomeevident he9it Ho(ever/ the stellar *lays as (ell as in 23bs &otteabegri li1e in

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Nith the 1abbalistischen *hiloso*hy/ the use of talismans hand in hand and theolder 23bismus al(ays goes sho( this in bohem degree The 23b (rote a 2uch of the LguresG ?T &rade . <<$ and in the Arabic .a%3n ?) 2 F/ #5/ dieLgures and circlesG as a &ottesgabe dea *ro*het in this e*och mar1ed 'n thatoccasion is about ancient Lgures+ The fünfgliedrigen star and the circle (ith his9its

center The latter/ from the 2ilb as talisman for the (omen decides/ a symbol of the deity ?*oint/ (ho etches the (orld ?*eri*hery from gich out/ is Thefünfgliedrige star ?for the men goes on the altboilige number of the C *lanets of )urüc1#/ that the 23b cultivated beside the number #$ before tülem in that she9itmatters the *ay-value of b3b ?b W / a W #/ (ith (hat b deii 23b mar1s as,emiurgen and 1ic1s o*en b occasionally also the letter re*resenting the numberC as abbreviation for hu(i%%at ?the *ure being/ &od MR . <<5 According todistant hei:am*=t it a (riting of the 23b tafsiri ah/ inter*retation of the H Thesame letter (as used already the Ism34tliten and ,ru)e for the name of theseventh (orld-*ro*het ?,e .acy a a 5 I . 6B/ (ith those the talismanischenLgures - a s*ecial care ?vgl eJ*erienced .eybold/ the ,ru)e-(riting 1itiib alnoqat

(alda(3ir/ ,as boo1 of the *oints and circlesG/ TübingerUniversit:am*=ts*rogramni #$5 The talisman becomes *erfect through theinscri*tion of &ottes:;<#=namen and sayings Nith the 23b/ the same area**ro*riate in the center and in the Urari of the fünfgliedrigen star (hile thecircular talisman of the (omen is 1om*li:;<#=)ierter ?&obineau in this sensefar/ a a ' . B$@/ 7omment # Mar1ing is/ that the 23b (rote out the 2eba anes*ecially outstanding talisman/ that should have meant a secret nomination of the same to his9its successor+ <5 ,erivata of the trun1/ to (hich the (ord beh3?shine belongs/ da:am*/ so narro(ly in Lnest (riting ge:;<#=schrieben= it li1e astain in .ternenform/ to (hat 2ro(ne notices/ loo1ed had seen daft such he9it(riting-stucco in form of the *entagonal star even in "ersia ?T . B In

similarhis9its teachings of the (orld

legs role ?s u . < C# A # < ##5 A < Nith the arab "eri*ateti1em deLnitely isthe .*h3renhanniraie about it the "laneten:;<#=geister ?&oldiiher the itl "hilos/ aa ' . C$ The sacred numbers of the *lanets of and Vodia1aigestirne *lay a roleand her9its9their meaning in the Indian and Iranian religion also in the mand3iachenand manich3i(ben &nosis becomes : led bac1 am*=of the Eioa of themeso*otamischen Artral-religion

X Tgl the sect of the 0ünfer under the Ultruchl4iten ?&oldriher Rel-d Id G- a 5 @#<C and the incom*arable to the uiairi/ you Gsaud a a ' S. 2 and follo(ing/

this in connection (ith the *lanets and the ## ma4n3/ ism/ blb a**ear

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Nisely/ the 23b loo1ed for the &ottesnamen to eJhaust namesG grammatically in a2uch of this ?<# Er seems to have ge:;<#=glaubt that one s*ecial talismanischeeach *uts strength ?T in every *ossible form of an attribute of &odG &rade R andgrade U 0urther to this vgl u . ##5 Anin tf

C The occult setting of the "ro-*htie is more im*ortant/ asiniibs.elbstbe)eichnungals mi1ta)mammeu-fat she9it itself The single crucial I,card of the "ro*heten#/ the magically intended ins*iration is according to theteachings of the 23b in her9its9their (ritten lFiederschlag This t t 3%3t is for this/ )(hat signs miracle-signs at the same time 2 the Im3m Mahdl/ and revelations/ verses?) 2 the Duran/ means \Nith the ,ru)e heiLen according to the means-natures of theEmanationsreihe As constituting characteristics of the conce*t 3%a are follo(ing for Lve+?# o(ing diction/ ra*id ? conce*t-sound ?< immediate 1no(ledge/ 4ilm i

4 The *rerequisite of the b.biatiachen teachings of the *ro*hecy is she9ite

Im.m of the .chi4iten is dnrch the *et-R!nlichen *lanted by &od into him9it qualities

leaders and teachers of the mommy/ he9it is heritage of the *ro*het-o`ce He9it*revails/ and teaches in &od4s name E2  I.   'T   THE  7HARA7TER  '0   A

RE"RE.ETATIFE '0   THE HERR.UHERMA7HT  A""R'FE,  2_ &', / ,I./ A>'E

did raised over the usual iFi of enschlichlceit/ in fact not bloft because of one became/that didn4t a(ard him9it/ but innate/ auerachaen is/ rather also because of his9itssubstance This A ma1es n ( @@ q b q h t O s to the Imnm of his9its time-elderly him9it in the ou bs t : am*=n) of his9its soul ## of the *raeJiatierenden %fottltcli2n of > t c and gives him9it auLerordentliche com*letely/ the line deahuman/ far outstanding strengths= his9its .eeienaubstan) is movements theusual mortal frei of bOaen *urer than this and decorated not the sin (ith sacred

formsG/ that are Imtime/ accessible/ ,le divineaicberen 1no(ledge/ full infallible-nessit 2esides the religious 1no(ledgeaccessible all the Muslim/ the Im3me *ossess an in her9its9their ro( itself *ro*agating secret 1no(ledge/ an in the sacred family itself a(ay-inheritinga*ocaly*tic tradition/ that includes the truths of the religion and on all theterrestrial events Also they are ins*ired and can announce nicht2 as the truth They are dam nnd as suchG the single and highest %chrautoritat thelegitimate 0ortaet)er of the *ro*het-de*artmentG nr can claim beliefsher9its9their sayings nnd anbedingten decisions .olely the teachings and the(ill oers infallible Im3ms nnd of his9its authori)ed re*resentative the sureassurance of the truth dea nnd dea of rightG/ & o # d i h e r/ Forl 3 d Isl .

#6 and follo(ing B Therefore - In-faltibilit3t in the tri*le sighting of the.ündlo Gness/ de:gt= 'eheim(inens and the unbedingten authority over thecommunity and thisG everything not as a &-nadengabe atl/ but allatarauastattung mar1s the Im3m

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ladunl/ in the dierence of the acquired school-1no(ing/ i Llms 1asbl/ claim ?B\iddi43/ on divine ins*iration ?(ah% and/ C unbedingte *o(er over the natures ?2r#@@$/ . C#C#/ that distinguishes 23b/ in his9its literature even bet(een immediateand indirectly ins*ired *ro*erty vgl ) 2 *ers ba%3n III/ #6+ Alle ste*4s the ufe ]

a ?23b hot ba%3n 2ut the Fersen ?in Arabic language and in the style of theKoran geschriebenG are entitled to this name in Lrst >inie= in second line/ he9itis used by *rayers/ in of third line of commentaries/ in fourth line of (issen:;<#=schaftlichen treatises/ in Lfth line from (riting and Rede in "ersianlanguage 2ut actually the eJ*ression is ba%3n a**licable only to FerseG and fornothing elseG .ubhi E)el eJ*lained 2ro(ne/ dag FerseG in the actual sense thesacred (riting of the ahead-going religions ?A T/ T/ Koran/ must resemble7omes in consideration on that occasion as the crucial characteristic/ that the*ro*het tal1s to divine authority here and &od is introduced (ith *referenceeven as tal1ing sub%ect/ (ith or (ithout the introductory formula+ .agelG Fgl T &rade U 0or the return of the atur(underdie traditional signs of the Mahdi isinter*reted allegorically s u behind the 3%3t ?in the sense of FersenG as thesingle I, card of the *ro*het/ the 23b refers to the former Im3me ?never 2ey Ar. @B and follo(ing and the b3bistische community/ that didn4t ta1e any decency/that 23b to re*eat all 1inds of miracles *articularly ,sch3nl/ but also thebeh3istische over(or1 of his9its boo1/ that t3rlch i dschadid ? MR is tough in itquite u*held this *rinci*le/ ) 2 MR . B This above um:;<#=schriebeneconce*t of the FerseG as I, card of the *ro*het be the schi4itischen Islamcom*letely familiar/ ne( to the single characteristic of the *ro*het only his9itsrise The scbl4itische tradition *lays on that occasion that the *ro*het *roducesB555 lines ?beit ?&obineau . in B hours ?one day and a night B 7omment #/an outstanding 2olle near the 23b He9it himself9itself and his9its An:;<#=hanger?) 2 ,sch3ni/ refers on the ra*id *roduction of his9its verses as a sign (ith(earing Regelm3ig:;<#=1eit her9its9their

.ince the 23b as in the at the Mahdi in the sense of the achi4itischen churcha**eared/ it is not to be eJ*ected dierently/ as daD fnftt he9it on these vie(s andactually they 1ic1 the *rerequisites of his9its teachings of the Manifestationen godGold every(here/ her9its9their atar and her9its9their occu*ation to light Ne becomethe *roof of the individual one at the the eJ*orted >ehrbüdnng of the 4Abb3a Efendi(ins+ vgl unt @ #$and follo(ing

4 The vie(/ that Mu-hammeds is (ides*read Ber highest evidences for the divinity averse dea Koran i2t/ (hose beauty is inimitable/ in the Ial3m and is found 2lüten-

sfttnmlung *articularly in the Z üfUmu2 ?Tholuc1 . < A /

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Ins*iration and his9its unmittelbaren reali)ationG The .3b *oints T at the furthercharacteristic of the revelation/ that sees dea Koran the .chTitismus in the grammaticalcorrectness and style-*urity ?fas3hat and touching language ?bal3gbat/ beside it &rade M . @B bac1 and ta1es it for his9its (riting in elevated li1es in claim After

Ea)em 2eg/ he9it shall ia .chlr3) his9its boo1 ?s already at the arrest o . #$ itcom*ared the Koran under this *oint of vie( ?8 A #@/ I . <B@In1orre1t:;<#=heiten grammatical o**osite the re*roach ma1es seiu literature thedivine norm for the grammar ?never he9it 2ey Ar . $B#/ the discussed criterions of the (ritten revelation are ho(ever only eects of the third/ the unmittelbaren1no(ledgeG Here/ the ttaeo-ao*hische limitedness of the b3bistischen teachings of the *ro*hecy es*ecially clearly a**ears The *ro*het is omniscient by nature anddoesn4t need from any school Nith severe em*hasis/ the 23biamus *oints out the lac1of school-%ust formation (ith the 23b from the beginning Fgl to it (hether . #@ and*ers ba% II/ #+ ein erst B-year old/ devoid of all sciences/ that the andernstudies/ haben/ recites these verses (ithout o(n reection and #555 in C hours(ithout *utting do(n the feather that certainly is from &odG He9it shall after his9itsLrst schoolday (here he9it immediately (rote the Koran gelesea and a treatise overthe 4universe-tradition Arabic about the bismill3h ? MR . </ s o . #/ theschool no more visited Actually mu he9it of course some(here at least Arabic learnedand he9it studied in the .cheichl-schule theology or correct theoso*hy In accordance(ith the theoso*hical &ottesbegri/ after (hich the divine s*irit is the constituens of the*hysical (orld at the same time/ umfa.t the *ro*hetic 1no(ledge of the 23b not alonethe meta*hysical one but also the *hysical reality/ not alone the religious but also themundane The omni*otence comes o him9it= not the Mira1el but the secret-1no(ledgema1es the *ro*hets This teachings meets us already in the system 4Abdallahs/ thedonor4s the Ism34llierse1te ?@ ,egree of the inauguration in o(airi s de .acy a a 5 I. 7PPFHI Already there/ the *o(er of the *ro*het is covered s*iritually and isinter*reted as his9its reh4gionsstiftende *o(er over the natures In this sense/ she9ita**ears again here in the Lfth characteristic of the 3%3t and the 23bismus/aus:;<#=drüc1lich insists on this teaching-*oint ?vgl 2r/ A _ear a the "ers . <5<and follo(ing <6 and follo(ing- The fourth characteristic/ the claim on divine *rogramand ins*iration get along by itself That remains so

Actually/ trac1 ta1e second *lace (ritingG to the *arade authenticity andKorre1t:;<#=heit/ MR .PF#I Dobinean . #B6

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actually constituting at 23bs teachings of the *ro*het the (onderful/ intuitive1no(ledge of all the ,ingen#

The nature of the *ro*het in the relationshi* to &od al(ays is loo1edat by the 23b in the category of the light The *ro*het is the shone sun on

Earth/ the deity the una**roachable invariable sun before and over the (orldAs substantially and ho(ever his9its nature is been able to tell already by theloo1 of the creation of the (orld and her9its9their conservation in the *icture of the Emanation of the light/ (ith (hich the >eucht:;<#=1Or*er/ the sun/doesn4t lose/ radiatesG/ according to also the *ro*het Em*hasis is *ut on thatoccasion in both cases after it/ dag it not the last deity/ the absolute is/ that isreected in the t(o one?s/ but Emanation &od4s Lrst/ the absolute s*irit/ the(orld-intellect/ that Ur(illeG ?s o . #6 and follo(ing Er reects in eachatom of the (orldG and ste*s in the C develo*ment-ste*s of the inorganic?mineral/ the vegetative ?*lant/ the animalistic ?animal/ the mental ?humanbeing and the *ure s*irit ?&od in ver:;<#=schiedener strong to light Themicrocosm of the human being is the transition-ste* bet(een the (orld and&od Ho( the absolute s*irit the named ste*s to retrograde movement thefrom &od emanierten of life from itself forth-drove/ so he9it strives for it/ the?Lfth ste* of the *ure one/ d on the human s*irit4s ste* ?fourth i divines*irit/ that amounts his9its eigent:;<#=liches nature and re*resents *urely/ toascend/ be)( to regain It is this one gel3uüge the "ersian Islam teachings/ thatgot the .üLsmus from the neu*latonischen school of the Arabic "eri*ateti1erlively .he9it determines the neu*latonische *hiloso*hy/ that moves in thedescri*tion of the Hervorbringung of the (orld from the deity and the return of the same to the deity/ for vgl in characteristic manner Veller/ a a 5 . B65/B6@ Her9its9their ideal is the sensible human s*irit4s rising in this

l/ the meaning is (ith it the t t n u 1 t a/ that 1om*endiarische 1no(ledge/reaches/ vgl (hether . - #+ The 4ilm is a nii1tn Fgl 2r #$5$/ . <5

This is the so( of the grieebiacheo *hiloso*hy and s*eciLcally ouchG theeu*iatooinmus ?Veller history of the griech "hilos4 Folume 7omings . CCBdescendant teachings of the muhammedanisehen theoso*hy of the "ersian.üLsrous/ Tgl Tholuc1/ .nuLsmus . #6 (ith comment and . 6 uod icholsoo/,iv3ni .hamsi Tabrü PPPIII The Emanation becomes vorgeitellt *lotiniachea of overo(ing ?olov inEDD't^ in the sense of deG here The school of the gau)eGrfadr3 be-deotet a renaissance of this teachings ?s o . C< and follo(ing Thisbleat em*hasi)ed above all and eternal rest of the ,emiurgeo ?: gt=/ original-

(illsG and &od/ his9its *rimary creator/ again the invariability on that occasion inthe contrast against the For:;<#=stellung of substantial Emanation/ quotationsfrom 23bs (riting s (ith ioolas/ 2ey Ar @ #G@ 0urther over 23bs teachings of &od in the Fer:;<#=h3ltnis Ettr earth s (ith &obmeau . <#B and follo(ing andvgl u . l.lf #< and follo(ing

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ühervernünftigen divine s*irit/ in (hich the contradictory-ness of ob%ect and sub%ectsto*s/ that amounts the unreality of the &od-distant (orld and the &od-estrangedthin1ing The *iety-ideal is the return of the soul or the human s*irit in &od here\ema)Do:lt=*r^= ma43d/ that ira itself ,eaths as the liberation of the matter and

already *reviously in the religious ra*ture ?iJaraott=/ vgl/ the süLsche 4ilm i dau1ivoll:;<#=)ieht The teachings of the return )um]Anfang ?al ma43d il3 4Imabda4/ vgl/v Kremer a a 5 @ ##< beLerrscht li1e(ise ?# the *hiloso*hy of the Arabic"eri*ateti1er ?&old)iher the Islamic *hiloso*hy a a ' . C<and follo(ing/ Cf (ithher9its9their teachings of the individual s*irit4s union (ith the cosmic s*irit/ as ? the.üLsmus (ith his9its teachings from the s*irit4s return to &olt through theaforementioned ste*s ) 2 Mesnevi I/ C/ III ?#6 and ?< the Isni34lhtentum ?a 2&uyard a a ' . #.6/ . <<< and has come o even ?8en orthodoJ .chLtismusbeeinuLt/ in that itself his9its teachings of the sacred s*irit/ that as an immortal/>ichtartiges of the *ro*het on the imam and in direct nonsto* sequence on his9itssuccessors changes/ decides nearer there/ daL rests this al 1uds the Lfth from C ar(3h/of (hich is a(arded the usual believer only B/ also the fourth is during the unbeliever/the rühallm3n ?&eist of the belief/ (ith (hat one believes and *ractices&erechtig:;<#=1eitG &old)iher *uts this schLtische 0ün1eelen-th4 - orie (ith thenamed emanatistischeo system together/ since admittedly also the (orld-soul therenot/ but the gei-tigen "otei )en of the Sber(elt ar(3h ?&otd)iher is called the 1it3bm]3nQ al naf@ a a 5 . <B" These together order conLrms itself from lee Ho. < and] C/ (here 4Abb3s Efendl distinguishes follo(ing C ste*s of the &eistea+ vegetative/aniuiidiscben/ human/ himm:;<#=lischen or s*irit of the belief sacred s*irit or s*irit of &od At this *lace/ it is necessary to a**reciate the 23bismus as religious Er-(ec1ungsbe(egung/ about the correct understanding of his9its vie( from the *ro*hetto ge:gt=vinn:gt=n The ne(-*latonic *iety-ideal/ as it the .üLsmus be:;<#=herrscht#/a**ears the movement as driving here

d22ZüLsmue bei&old)ibar/ Forlrl ü d lal . >üriL+ Ner of the contem*t of allearthly is *enetrated and seige soul Gof daa alone *ermanent/ &Ottlühe directs/can fortify itself überirdische/ divine lives and holding bac1G for this through theEmanstiouslfehre of the " I in 5-

ftthlt he9it the radiation of the R!tt lent strength The ,inge:;##=dieser (orld of binding li1e a .* i leech/ in (hom the divine reects2ooms/ the 2ibl-2ehl4i/ 3

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 The 23bltn3rtyrer are (ith the eJclamation+ Nahrlich comes to come bac1 died from&od and to &od (e (e/ even (omen and children sang this verse/ that es*eciallyLlled Teheran4s streets before the EJe:;<#=1ution of #@C/ &obineau . <5# andfollo(ing The sentence comes from the Koran/ v #C#/ #5 v B/ @ v @C/ vgl

v Kremer a a 5 . ##< and is in the Mesnevl ?Ed NhinLeld . #C$ the mottoof the Annihilation for the absolute >af3 me is not/ becomes/ because daa non-being Ruft me (ith organ-sounds to+ Ne come bac1 Gto him9itG In this süLschensense/ the 23bismus understood this his9its motto-(ord ,sch3ni says about theB55 martyrs/ (hom he9it counts+ Rose Als the sun of the (isdom in them and (asmirrored the divine Foll1ommenheiten in her9its9their souls/ she ascended vomabyss of the doubt and rose u* on the 0lügeln of the renunciation into theheights of this of neighing/ as ge - (rote stands bac1 5 *eace-(hole *syches of #turning to yours

2ut these reections are only a**earance and have only relative reality in so far as

they reect the only real eJistence The human being must o*erate dem:;<#=nachdaa quests/ through inner contem*lation and through

ness and 1indliness of the divine aaf/ to let itself9themselves eect/ nnd throughinternal rise to him9it itself of the a**earance of his9its *orso,liciiD,E:am*=i2t2,Vm/ that attain absor*tion )n its *ersonal-*eg a real divine eJistence into them9her9it/dis*oses The *ersonality4s barrier is the veil/ that covers the divine before the humanbeing Nith some eJaggeration one lets even the *ro*het/ (hom the .üf( re*resentas the herald of her9its9their theories/ said+ G_our eJistence is a sin/ (ith (hich anothersin cannot be com*ared 'ne understands the activity leg by it he9it eJistence/ that a-be%ahung/ as inde*endent individual/ life Through tranquil .elbatver-aen1en/ throughandac8itsinnige *ractices/ through ascetic castigations/ (hich/

the *ersonality/ the Ich-.ein/ the duality o**osite the &Ott--

Dualities ?sifat/ that are evo1ed by the individual4s A`)iertsein of the im*ressions of the outside (orld/ the negation of all eects of the (ill and feeling/ the innerconstitution/ that )n he9it in the contrast the la1e dierentiated through emotionsQeQmar1ed ?concentration/ the Indian sam3dhi en)ustand (ith the (ord dschamG/ the .üLunderstands under the *icture of the drun1enness He9it is intoJicated from thenarcotic drin1 of the beauty of the &otteslichtes/ that einetrablt into his9its soul  The high-goal of the .ülebeus+ daa of rising of the individual into the single reality of the divine being becomes also under the *icture of the love ?mahabba of anfgefat &ottesliebe therefore is the formula for daa4s concentrated endeavor of the soul to let the *ersonal eJistence the a**earance rise into the truth of the divine/ universal beingG

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sehr *leased and very much *leasing manG ?Kor @$ v @ and follo(ing .o (entout she9it on ste**ing all terrestrial considerations under her9its9their 0OLe and(ithout fear and restraint the Mani:;<#=festation of &od4s truth ?d i the 23b asthe Mahdl/ to ver1ündigen And *rovided they loo1ed only als im*ediment at

her9its9their earthly cottages ?bodies/ daa she9it of the union (ith the&egenstand her9its9their ho*es and her9its9their longing 1e*t bac1/ (urden she9ithungry after it/ itself of the coat her9its9their *hysical 0orm/ to undress/ and*ushed %ach the martyrdom *ermanently/ bis she9it/ for (hich they loo1ed/ Lnalattained 2ecause (hoever see1s/ the Lndet surelyG ? MR . <# The 23ba**ears on that occasion as the divine friend/ on (hich sees/ the longing directs/after he9it lit her9it9them/ *rovided he9it is the divine/ absolute s*irit4sdemonstration This becomes es*ecially clear at the be:;<#=rühmtesten/ becausecruelest martyrdom of the year #@C/ that the .uleym3n Khan ?vgl F3mbery/hi1es etc . $$= MR . @and follo(ing= T &rade T . <<<and follo(ing^Under the most terrifying tortures/ he9it got into intense= süLsche ecstasy andsang+ Ich hin)urüc1ge1ehrtl I came bac1Q I am fdes of man on the (ay comefrom .chlr3) I came (ith (inning >üften and stimulation That is the cra)inessof the >iebendenG And under dancing/ he9it continued+ In of the one hand theNeinbecher/ in (hich andern the friend4s curls the 1no(n süLsche *oet-(ord of the H3L) .olch a dance in the middle on the Mar1t*lat) is my desireG Ne havethe *roLcient süLsche ecstasy here/ as ) she9it 2 the Mesnevi of the ,schel3laldin Ruml li1e(ise (ith the 1ey(ord of the return in &od in conteJt ?vgl *laces Tholuc1/ bloom-collection from the morgenl3odischen mysticism . B andfollo(ing . #<+ 4Ali to his9its murderers+ TOtet me and 1no(s+ in the death myeternally lives is Nürd4 im grave not deliverance me grants/ the Koran *robablys*o1e+ )u him9it bac1 you turnsG >ife *erlhell gushes out of the Untergang forme I already am long homeless/ li1e longQ >i1e this

Admittedly erhielten thisaLschen conce*ts of Indian EinuO4s some increase"articularly ho(ever/ hin:;<#=aus/ to (hich she9it9they is entitled (ithin theeu*latonismua/ goes be the *antbei Gtables idea it the idea of the *ersonality4sabsor*tion/ that moves on the height of the Ptman-2egries/ over the setting if notcom*letely also heran:;<#=reicht she9it at him9it The .üLa call fans?Vugrundegehen mah( ?annihilate istiU31 ?annihilation the condition of theabsor*tion ,:am*=s individual being rises com*letely in the deity4s universe-being+neither Eaum nor time/ also not the modalities of the eJistence restricts the inLnity=the human being

2eing/ (hose conce*t beyond all recogni)ingG/ Iiegt That is the goal of the süLschentaubid/ the reali)es of the unitG ?Ibid . #<and follo(ing

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0remdling home moves/ from the multi*licity ao the s*irit to the Einheit eesG The dierence only is even/ that ungsbe(egu connects this sLLsche Er:;<#=(ec1

ng itself to the historical &rO:am*=e of the Im3nt Mahdl/ from (hich she9it claims/he9it a**eared in the 23b ,sch3nl *ortrays her9its9their beginning+ &ebildete

?theo-logisch and eager truth-see1ers/ that hi1ed des .uchens on the *ath ama)ed/vgl the s(eet-little ste*s of the *ilgrim-tri* s u . @if/ (as *ulled irresolutely after.chlr3) through the attraction of the (ahren lover and dran1 *er nach of her9its9theirmental ca*acity of the (ine of the belief and the Neisheit/ vergasaen all gangs andim*ediments/ there yes even her9its9their eigenes being/ the veils of the name ?dtossed h the indivi:;<#=duelle .em/ the fame and terrestrial .tellui g from/ ihr Hera of the deLlement of the idea cleaned and made/ entschlossen the ob%ect of her9its9theirlonging nach)u%agen ia verschiedenen directions on/ around the glad message of theManifestation/ )utiür s o . # and her9its9their signs/ that s FerseG des E3b o toeJtend and to bring all And in the >iebe and the eagerness/ that beseelten she9it/they didn4t (atch the 0eindselig1eit of the moroseG ? MR . B5 And Muhammed4universe of 23rfurüsuh has %ust such sounds to(ards ,schenab i Kuddüs *osted he9itbefore the rebellion in M3)auder3n in order to teach the 23lü-13m*fern the necessary Todesfreudig1eit lovers ? *reached for them from the death as the liberation of theearth and the *rison of the body and the ascent in the ro( of the true being and the*resent d*a MR . 66 _ou9they (ent under the motto+ Nünscht you the death Gif youare sincereG Kor v @@ and under the Lght-shouting+ _es s3hibu ))am3n ?s  o . ##for her9its9their Mahdlgotl in the death/ MR . b $ The 23b even (as certain?&od from this longing for the death and the &eliebtenG At the grave of 4universeand Huseina/ the urge came (aiters him9it to the martyrdom and already in his9itscommentary to the 8use*hsüre ?s o . #B (rite he9it+ 5 Rest gods ?ba1l%%at Allah WIm3m Mahdl/ I am hingeo*fert com*letely for you/ I am content (ith the curses on,einem (ays/ I don4t as1 for anything than to become in your love of hin:;<#=geschlachtet ?TG . < and follo(ing .o/ his9its Mar a**ears tyrium in theyear #.C5 as no coincidence= it is dee* in 23bs religion-ideal (ell-founded and oneindis*ensable *iece of his9its *ro*hetic mission Here he9it reminds of 8esus of a)areththat the religious bearings (ith both is so entirely dierently At the same time/ the*assiveness/ that retained the 23b (ithin the movement unleashed by him9it untilhis9its death/ declares itself from it //It is as I hear one yelling in my soul+ this

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Nohlgef3lligste of all things/ da:am*/ is= you a ransom for dem (ays of &odbecomes/ as it ? became HuseinG MR . <C It (as this *atience and Todesfreudig1eit of the 23b on grounds of his9its devotion at the deity (hichdragged on the Theo-so*hen to him9it Gthat sie from love gave u* her9its9theirlife to his9its über:;<#=(3ltigenden beauty and from longing of the union (ith

ihm instantaneouslyG after ,sch3nl so MR . <C=Actually/ the 23b (as a consummate saint the *ur*ose of the .üLsmusHis9its im*eccable character/ his9its dee* *iety and high manners-*urity/ the(inning youthful a**earance and the attractions of his9its fascinating eloquencein s*iritual things gave the bac1ground/ on (hich his9its *ro*hetic claim couldbecome interconnected generally acce*ted (ith the süLschen surrender of &od(ith such success/ to vgl &obincau . #BC/ Ka)em 2eg 8 A #@/ II . <@ Alsohis9its o**onents didn4t mis%udge diea Ho( the b3bistische 2e:;<#=(egungreferred to his9its *erson as an ecstatic one/ is from the re*orts beyondindividual and mass-ecstasies/ that his9its a**earance evo1ed/ forth+ Keinercould loo1 at the 23b so far as ibeh3l radiated Macht and shine from him9it In

 Tsrhihri1/ sich thre( do(n the %ailers before him9it/ yes even 7hristen and .unnite=so very much/ she9it attracted his9its love and his9its Hoheit The Indian believerfell und crying 1no(n before him9it do(n+ ,ies is .irG ?Kor v 6 and startedafter der union (ith him9it to call+ Ich is vgl des of hidden MahdiG andimmediately Mansür ?Hall3dsch the revelation (hether . 5 A #+ Ich is theNahrhcitl ?W &oit/ ana4l ha11GG MR . B# Another 23bl turned out itself foranLer so over the reading the (riting of the 23b before %oy/ da:am*=mu:am*=te cry he9it/ so often he9it only 2abs names ? named MR . $< andfollo(ing#- ,a it itself about a religious e*idemic dealt/ emerges from it/ daLmost su**orters/ among them outstanding members of the narro(est circle of the #$/ that 23b never had seen *ersonally His9its de*ortation of Isfab3u after

M31ü and from Tschihrl1 after Tabri) resembled a trium*hal march/ his9its sight(as so sought-afterQ The Lrst re*ort about the 23bismus/ that reached theoriental studies s*ecialists from the American missionaries Nright and "er1ins/V,M& #@C# . <@B and follo(ing/ is their An ugen)eugen berieht from Urmia/ asthe local mass-ecstasy increased (ith the draft of the 23b as far as to Tr3nenausbrilchen after Tabri) as1ed/ from (hat also T . #$ be:;<#=richtet

The most eloquent (itnesses for the Anstauung dei &Ottlichen in them23b and standardi)es them9her9it lighting Mangür-E12tase at him9it the songs are althe cure-advice a%n= Tests r #@@$/ . $<and follo(ing a T &rade D

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,iG s*irits/ that eJ*erienced the süOschc ecstasy under 23bs EinuL/ (ereautonomous in the &ruude ,uring the short career of the 2üb/ this came *rintless (ith his9its outstanding validity to the Aus-#/ after his9its death against itdrobte one the more severe anarchy/ to eJ*lode the sect+ Es 1ic1ed auf many

demonstrations of (hich each FerseG revealed and aus(ir1teG ?,scliiiuimysterious strengths MR . <.B ,aa se(er over it s u . 65and follo(ingNe see men after all ho(ever 1ic1ing o*en also already to ilba lifetimes/ that(ith the M at hü r - ecstasy the claim connected/ that to be Im3m Mabdl 2esidethe above-mentioned indischenG &l3ubigenG/ a ,scheaüb i 2aslr heigenanntendervish from India ? MR . <@@and follo(ing/ this only after 2bs deathmore strongly ste**ed for(ard/ it (as above all the most ambitious under theUra*osteln of the 2Lb/ Muhammed 4Ali of 03rfurüscn/ to(ards Hadrat i Kuddüs?being highness the saint/ that after ,sch3ni MR . :am*=./ in the year#@B ?the third of the 23b of the 2iib itself the dignity of the 134im and nu1taeJited got/ until he9it fell in the rebellion in MiUander3n/ on (hat the 23b too1that dignity Lrst Oent-lieh for itself even in claim/ < years later Actually/ it (asnot the 23b itself in the Lrst years but his9its a*ostles/ that announced him9it asthe Matidl and gathered/ itself the same after the Ferbringung of the bleats atthe remote *arty M31ü about Hadrat i Kuddüs 0urther to it s u . \S. <andfollo(ing Also another a*ostle/ Mulla Muhammed 4universe of Vendsch3n/ thatquoted the Vendschan-Aufstand in the 8ahro #@B$/ a**eared asErsat):;<#=mann for the 3b/ Ka)em 2og a a 5 II . 5$and follo(ing Theone li1ed Lll (ith enthusiasm this &od and Mahdis of *olitical vor:;<#=gehen/as the andern/ above all as the 23b itself they all shared the theo-so*hisdieidea of the *ro*hetic as an Er:;<#=scheinung of the reali)ation and love-strength more mysterious divine and from the divine Ala of a *otency Thedeity of the Ur(illens is described as love and the Einsscin of reali)ation andrecogni)ed ? MR A** II/ . <@ _ou9they s*iegelt itselfG in this her9its9theirnature in the *ro*het and his9its gene-oases/ that s #@/ to (hich the erste unitGof the #$ amounts (ith him9it o . and from these further in the believeraccording to her9its9their mental ca*acity for the divine one2e:;<#=strahlung That divine reali)ation and love-strength transfers

#4 'he di5erence of the prophets of the 6ott%egeisterten of the 7ana8r9)( 9 :tase0orde 2ro0ne is up ;uestioning rants descri%ed the 2i%i in <e&d there= 'he 6od>lled 0ith enthusiasm comes there, forgets daa he?it itself and (no0s no more he?it hi(es through, the deity#s @#älatn i läh8t4 0orld. The *ro*het is the throne/ on

(hich &od sits/ after Kor 6/ C+ / Er sat do(n on the throneG ?vgl dam (hether. #@ A # and . 66= 2r A _ear G the "ere . B55

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itself (ith it in natural manner in the mystic 2eein:;<#=ussung of the soul throughan andern/ that besit)t# these strengths ,ierent strength-degrees are *ossible onthat occasion/ that more strongly *uts on the (ea1er loaded and over*o(ers him9it,sch3ni quotes several eJam*les so/ MR . <@Band follo(ing and boasts as the

three characteristics of the s*iritual attraction of the su*erior in the &od-enthusiasm+bigger reali)ation of the teachings of the unit ?d h at Lrst &od/ then d%ber das4Eine/ thevictory in the contest of the love-magic/ the su*erior *atience-strength ? MR . <$#As the crucial factor/ the Inne:;<#=(erden of the süLschen thought of &od4s alone-ness/ in (hich all the duality/ *lurality and individuality sin1/ al(ays a**ears to hiebei.o/ ,schani *ortrays ) 2 ho( a young sugar-ba1er/ by the name of ,ablh/ (ho*erformed as nu1ta at 23bs *lace/ that eJ*erienced Mansür-E1stase/ in the year #@C#He9it fell in love nothing more (ith .ubhi E)el/ that had ha**ened in his9its rolealready under 23b and sees/ for itself at him9it soon (ithout recogni)ing the deity4sma%esty in it and sets &od glich com*letely him9it And (hile he9it admires him9it+ _ou come &ottl the reali)ation about him9it+ I be &ottl ,as one and the same thought/*rovided not &od on that occasion as the Indi-viduelle but as the general/ universe-one intended is Also the eJ*ressions are the süLschen= Er *assed one gul* of von tothe (ine of the annihilation ?fan3 me in the loverG ach- dem the heat of his9itsradiation the fog of my self-ness ?Ichheit eJ*elled/ I had the secret of his9its2e-freiung from the condition of the duality and gras* his9its com*lete ,ienstes ?loveand mirrored his9its eternal deity in for itself meG MR . <@Cand follo(ing 'r in anandern case+ Er grabbed ihn by body and soul (ith the EinnuL of his9its love/ dencleaned mirrors of his9its being of any s*ot of the non-being ?d i des individual2e(uMseins/ the devotion to the Materielle and old daraua of originating fromim*erfection in Er1ennen and actions/ the *icture of his9its er-habenen beauty tossedafter it thereu*on/ according to daL the relevant one his9its divine Herrlich1eit (ith&od4s eye recogni)edG ? MR . <$5 These material regulation of the religious of the2abismus is the *rerequisite for an a**ro*riate understanding of his9its for:;<#=malenregulation of the *ro*hetic and the religious chief as a more or less com*lete.*iege:;<#=lung of the divine The most detailed 3her-besümmu,g gives the2abismus of (ithout eJce*tion mastering For:;<#=stellung icola to this (riting from23bs/ *articularly in 2HR 2d C . 5@and follo(ing

X A quoted eJam*le so and but the *rocess in them

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Hienach became the 23b/ indem he9it his9its heart more and more reinigte/ thechosen of &od/ to (hom he9it (as certain/ that voll1ommen smooth mirrors/ thatconnect the sun of the Ur(ülens (idergibt and itself so (ith her/ until one canher9it9them no more unterscheiden It therefore is the Ur(ille/ that s*ea1s through

his9its MundG 0urthermore+ ,er mirrors of the heart of the 23b/ in dem itself theUr(ille reects/ *ro%ects this reeJ into the Her)en of the eighteen/ that together (ithhim9it/ the letters der unitG ?s o bilden# 0inally+ 8eder of these nineteen ree1tiertitself further in #$ andern mirrors each etc and so die is (orld .*iegeln/ that allreect the deity/ a sum of more or less auassungtrf3higen The believers are aufrechtstanding/ the incredulous slanted or done com*letely um-gedreht standing mirrorsG This descri*tion of the *ro*hetic as the Urbildlichen in the area of the religion is

connected (ith the 1osmologiscben idea of the (orld as an Ausstrah:;<#=lung of thisin the category of the light4s introduced deity The *ro*het fat her9its9their rays li1ethe 2rennglas or the .*e1:;<#=trum/ to re*resent about her9it9them in her9its9theirqualities ?attributes/ and/ to tell He9it is the focus of the religion so to s*ea1 In thissense hei:am*=t of the 23b the center dea universe ? MR . #@/ vgl (hether .#@/ unt . #5# A #/ a human being gleicii li1e youG/ Kor < v <B/ this ho(ever in allessential Hinsichten the gOttliche nature &ottes ? reects and sho(sG the namesand attributes MR . 6 He9it calls the .*iegel for itself/ der reects/ on Earth (hat inthe heavens and and bet(een beiden is (hat became in the highest boo1geoenbart ?Ar 2a% F/ # &ob . B$@ and be called him9it in this quality/ in (hichitself the &egen(art dea masterG ?Kor #< v ? d h

G _ou9they is called in the 2a%3u ?&ob . B6B mir3tu4ll.h ?mirrors of &od -the 23b even had announced a creed/ that says to the scbi4itiachen&lauhensEormel in an addition/ at his9its *ublic a**earance after the return

from Mecca+ 4Ali Mu*amnied ?from .cblriü iat of the .*iegel dea of breath-breath ?W logos of &odG ?R2R volume C< . <@6 To be com*ared/anch is an Auaa*ruch of the donorsG of the urüse1te/ 0a:lt=8l Allah/here+ Mein body iat of the mirrors of the #@ 555 (orlds/ I am SotteiiG?8RA@ the form #@$@/ . 65 Also he9it names &od4sG *ro*hets .*iegel?Huart of test

> 5 . G2

a)n (hether . < A Aucli this vie(-<-form of this light- o < A ui this Anscuung<for >ic

g enr 2e)eich (ell ,g of the unfab:am*=ren relationshi* of the createsgoes bac1 on "lotin vgl (hether . <# A # after i(ischen the ideasand a**earances the relationshi* from the original -= it/ and image?UnvoU1ommenheit had assumed


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diG meeting (ith &od in the Mahdl on the youngest day ?*ers carries out 2a% IIIv #6/ ever a a 5 . #5 Already the information of the donors of the.cheichlse1te regarding the forthcoming Imam MahdQ move in these eJ*ressions? MR . < and follo(ing

 The teachings of dor reection becomes from the @3b and the 2abismus (itheJ*ress *rotest against the idea of the Ein(obnung ?bulul &od4s be( the logoin the "ro:;<#=*heten/ in the &ottbegeisterten and in d (orld headvorge:;<#=tragen ot only the in the Islam as the 7hristian notorious/ *urelyanthro*omor*hous incarnation/ tadschslm it is re%ected ) 2 s8ralu tauhid= .AieBhristians have 6od 0ith a third9rush compares .&u sought and %elieved at theincarnation of the sign of the .6ottheit in a restricted matter and made .&um /*gner 6od so.  _ou9they are "olytbeisten/ because they made Messiah den to the&ottessohn/ that ho(ever only one *ro*het (ar li1e his9its *redecessors ?Kor Cv B$G Kic RHR a a 5 . l' but every substantial union of the divine (ith thehuman being and the (orld ot only the last deity herself but also the fogoa?Ur(iiie ist over every connection (ith the creature outG/ ?ibid erhaben isover eJits ?descent and entrancesG Nenn a mirror says/ iu is the .onne for me/so this sun *robably 1no(s/ dag she9it only one reected .onuc is If one shattersthe mirror/ so f**ra doesn4t *erish anything of the .onne srlhst a% Entrance Reiof there big s*read of the idea of the hulül in ear east/ as Gshe9it al(ays (as ?theidolatry of the lro3me of the orthodoJ .chi4itismus (ith her9its9their *rotuberancesin the UltraschLtismus/ in the Is-ma4llitentum and in the ] üsmus alive in "ersiauuil in the "ersian Islam from India ?iivat3ra/ is not by chance dor nnd *rotest of the 23bismus da:;<#=gegen (ithout/ meaning The formulated belief in the hulülconstituiert in the .clu4itismua the heresy The .üLsmus vulgaris only *ayshomage to this belief to easy and the 23b lays the blame this (ithout further onhim9it and also (ants boil here from the school of the Mul83 [ of adr3 ?of icola distinguishes >e 23b et le Ar souLsme 2ey Av *ro* . < and follo(ing+ Ta1en .ie haben the radiation of the . Gin the ?&od over the ?created Nesen forthe substantial being even Therefore lOgen she9it/ if they/ that the NadrfaeiLen?the (anre Nirh lich1eit of the idea-(orld (t-senhaft ?in &utt LJes/ say seionand und Gs*ea1 substance and her9its9their remar1s of einer relationshi*bet(een ma%or attributes and the unit bet(een creators and creature Thatsim*ly is FielgOtterei ?schir1 2ecause &od (as (issend before the eJistence of allthings and his9its 1no(ing doesn4t have die necessary eJistence of an ob%ect of the 1no(ledge/ Nahrlieh das ?*ure being ?&od %oins (ith nothing and the cause

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der of accidental (orld/ the (ill ?&od W logos/ is a ?court .chO*fung god ?in the tract2is3le sah3bi%%eG The the fact/ da:am*/ is more im*ortant= the classic .üsmus thetheistic interest/ that *uts for(ard the 23b eaergisch here so/ in den:;<#=selben vie(-forms/ as he9it/ to true sought as1ed/ as this quite also corres*onds to his9itsneu*latoniachen total-character According to sagtal&ha)3ll ?v Kremer a a 5 .6/

Husein ibn Mansüral Hall3dsch didn4t teach the blas*hemous teachings of the hulul andfaLt his9its süLache ecstasy at the same sense li1e the 23bismus+ ,as secret of thehumanely heart-ace is a gOtt%iebea of hanging and a lighton above/ because sichmirrors the eternal Nabrheit ?lia1i1a in it d h &od/ com*letely from/ <5 2da it the(hole (orld in itself faLt and encloses ?microcosm Es mirrors this in it for itself 'U7Hagain His9its Glight then beams in never there shine/ because it a**ears to aUea in itthat (as eJists/ %ust li1e ea is o( direct his9its 2lic1 the human being is u*illuminated heart from &od/ so ibn blinds the Sbermall of the beauty and 8eicbtesca*ed his9its tongue of the Ausruf+ I no( advance further &ottl Nenn he9it in/ he9itsto*s the reali)ation/ so he9it becomes addicted in error to oEt/ and g : lt=<ht to&ruude lveü he9it/ in (hich standardi)es/ the unearthly again-shines/ itself for Gin the and

the same (ith that holds .o/ man holds the color the in the .*iegel geseheneu of *icture for the color des of mirror themselvesG ?Ih%3 III B$C and follo(ing The&uischan i r3) of the Mahmud .chabistari/ one of the most *o*ular teJtboo1s of the.oLa-mits/ #<#6 ü 7hr/ deny as (ell yourself ausdrüc1:;<#=lich against the teachingsof the hulül/ for eJam*le/ as against the *ure *antheism ?ittihad%/ in that it the2e(n2tseins*h3nomen of the .üL+ Ich also is dea as a reection &odG absolute certain?Tholuc1 2liltensammlung etc/ . 5$ In this sense/ the .üLsuius is valid also in theachl4itischen orthodoJy and is the 23bisuiua to understand as a reaction of the orthodoJ.üLsmus against the overgro(ing the h3retischen

6 The teachings dea 23b vnm *ro*het .8 of a demonstration of the logo or theabsolute s*irit the 23bismus eJecutes the 2e:;<#=)eichnung ma)har for the *ro*hets

Sberall/ vgl u . #5$ A # i2Folviert as (ell li1e in the .üLsmus/ da:am*= the *ro*hetsof the Islamic 0ro*hetenreihe+ Adam/ oah/ Abraham/ Mose/ 7hrist/ Muhammedcom*letely/ in this scheme aufgefa:am*=t and as identical si)es/ in (hich the samedeity a**eared to dierent times as the same eternal truth and has only the dierentEnt(ic1:;<#=lungsstufen of the man1ind in her9its9their "assungs1raft ange-*aLt foritself/ is gras*ed This evolutionistischO a**roach of the Rcti-gionsgeschichtecorres*onds to the develo*ment-teachings in the area

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the nature-history ?s o . < In the religious intellectual life ent:;<#=(ic1elt itself the absolute s*irit and drives out a ne( ste* from itself on the (ay of his9its return fromtime to time through the ste*s of his9its Emanation The 1not-*oints are re*resented bythe religion-donating *ro*hets This teachings stands in the bac1ground of the 1no(n

süLschen annulment of the Unter:;<#=schieds of the historical religions in theabsolute religion ?vgl ) 2 Mesnevl I . BC/ (ith Tholuc1 a 5 . 6and follo(ing-.he9it (as *ic1ed u* by the 23bio of the same manner as (e meet her9it9them already inthe Isma4llitentum He9it teaches the *ro*hets and her9its9their religions understands asthe sun vgl (hether . # A = 6 l u that al(ays rises as the same sun ondierent days/ ho(ever/ 2r #@@$/ . $#B/ in her9its9their nature identically/ dierentlyonly= n her9its9their historical *lace and her9its9their mission ?2r/ A _ear amongst the"ersians . <$$/ &obineau . <B and follo(ing/ the man1ind educating li1e dsrteachers the child ?eb4- 2,ie religion of &od is one although the Tbeo*hanien ?deceased MR . ?<< Ein ne( *ro*het is only sent if the human race4s develo*mentma1es it for not:;<#=(endig A revelation became obsolete if she9it doesn4tcorres*ond longer to the needs each follo(ing one is more com*lete than theahead-going one ?2r/ A _ear etc . <5< The in the at the Mali of dl the millenniumof his9its religion is the seventh *ro*het in the ro( and closes in (ith the 23b He9itstands as nu1ta li1e the religio,sstiftenden *ro*hets and is her9its9their return/radsch4a s o . #$ and follo(ing As return of the Muhammed ? MR . << andfollo(ing/ (ith him9it he9it can say+ icli is the *ro*hets/ I am Adam/ oah/ Abraham/Mose/ 8esus and MuhammedG \tradition-(ord/ abrogiert he9it the Isl3oi and donates ane( religion/ the religion of the Mali dl This become the one die all Reli:;<#=gioneneiosmachen after the traditions of the scbt4itischen church/ according to da:am*= it onlyone eimige church for diG man1ind (ill give \ ). . <Cand follo(ing The *oint is here (here the 23bismus meets in oen:;<#=1undiger manner

(ith the Ism34llitentum Ho( itself this relationshi* not only over the teachings butuntil stretches into the terminology and the organi)ation/ so ho(ever historicconnection doesn4t entrance a 3u:am*=erer auf:;<#=ge(iesen ?2r becomes I@.$/ .@@#/ come the 3bismus from the V(OlferschTitismus ?s o . $ A < It is &old)iher/

Fgl cHesellL vie( b Gi the , r t:gt= s e n/ since a .acy a ' I . < This t tif mnrabbi ?teachers is and becomes from the Ur(illen ] Ioros/ aus:;<#=gesagt2r #@@$/ . $B .uhon the Ioh(3n al saf3 assess b8b ,urchgangs*tiaaen the*oai-tiven religions/ *edagogic means-degrees for the ab-snlut religion?'old)ilier , ial "hil a a 5 . B

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this before some years Lrst the 23bismus under this &esichts:;<#=*un1t into thesect-history of the Islam classiLed/ the Rel the Isl a a ' . #F and follo(ing/ VA PPU . <<$ He9it calls eine 0ortent(ic18ung of the Mahdlglaubens him9it in theiam34l-litischen sense here and describes this Mahdiglauben#/ there+ ,ie divine

revelation is not ge:;<#=gebenen *oints chronologically com*leted the (orld-history at one The Mabdl bat not merely the occu*ation/ to *roduce the lost lifein the sense of this 'enbarung 'he )manation of the Ceilgeistes penetrates.8%er the prophet @7uhammDd4 out and comes in the 7ahdl .&u of rene0ed activeappearance 9.  The Mahdi is not *ro*hets des the organ/ he9it is rather even*ro*het/ bearers of the same Emanation/ that got the a**earance in his9its*redecessors His9its &eist is com*letely identically/ the same/ (ith the her onethat (andert since Adam/ the (orld-s*irit4s Lrst Emanation/ through the history/about itself in every age of his9its advanced R4 - ife in accordance (ith 1und closes The Mahdtgedanfee of the Is-m34 i8iten as1ed the Islam the element of theevolutionistischen Erfassung of the religious thought su**lied It is be-greiicbeasily/ daü itself the neu*latonischen *hiloso*hers of the Ial3ms dieser theorygladly assumed Gs The here available For:;<#=stellung of the *ro*het as him9itto dierent times into the historical one he9itcheinung ste**ing Urgeist is an old'riental Religionsgut< incidentally

l/ It is about the fourth .tnfe of the initiation into the system of the GAbdallah IbnMaimün/ admiring of the in m 3 lli t en about the in the eighth 8ahrb a. 7hr/ on the 8u>threvon the 6 rliiono-stiftenden (orld-*ro*hets ?n.ti1 W s*ea1ers/ nit1 W (ordlogos ?vgl is recited o(airi near de/ .acysa' .7IIIf/ &uyard aa' . #@@ andfollo(ing The Mahdl/ the master of the last *eriod of the (orld in the *resent cycle/is *er seventh Already o(airi notices to it/ da:am*= so that the Islam/ that

Muhammed as the .i:gt=g gives the *ro*hets/ is lifted 2esides Muhammed Ism34ilsson ?ier siehta Im3m/ some still a**ear in the Ism34llilentuin and his9its a liatedcham*agnes in this Ei%en-icha according to Raschlduddin ?f ##$< in .yria ?&uy0ragm I/ and 4'beidal-#Ch El-Mahdi/ the founder of the 0]midendynastie ?/ 8/ $<B/ vgl de .acy I . < nm=. 6B/ %ust as his9its great-grandson a Mo i)) ?Ed . $ and follo(ing/ (hile his9itsgrandson al 23bim/ that ott of the ,ru)e/ the isro34ilitincbe idea raised ?- f #5#clumsier claims and is re*resented by I8ain)a/ de .ac% I u II Also 0adl All3u 2arüL/belongs into this ro( ?s Anh I

G 'ver the >auteren of 2ariG ?Ich(3n alQaf3/ #5  8ahrb n 7hr .vgl. in thisrelationship *o=#d&i%er, Eie Islamic 1hifos. a 2 5 . CB 'ver the 2eoenaaog Ich(3n

ftlaf3G @ &oldiiher in 2ec1er4 ,er IslamG I ?#$#5 .4 In the Ial3m ericheint the teachings of the NesenaidentitSt Mu%iammeds (ith allhim9it antecedent demonstrations of the divine s*irit already l m older IT : am*= d 8 t h/Pbn .a d i/ i &y, F'.4  unil tr]tt the ITarc2ie d].

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 The factual relationshi* of the 23bismus (ith the Ismalliten-tum *roves itself ana/ inthe t(o ge:;<#=meinsamen theory of the allegorical sense of the ahead-gonereligions/ from her9its9their leading thought of the .elbstver-_olUommnung of thedivine revelation/ (ith (hose hel* dea Im3m Mahdi autlOsen she9it the same into the

absolute religion The allegorical .cbriftaua8egU,g fta4(ii/ the constitutive characteristicof the Ism34ilierseliten/ that therefore gets the VuNmen 23tini%%a ?*eo*le of the innersense/ virtually is haben# As in the %adischen and chriat-the "ro*betie ,ichQ 7uhatameil is >nished 0ith, already %efore the Ismä 9 #ilitenon. Already al : am*=I u 1# a n n a4 *roclaimed itself itself/ re*etitive incarnationbe)(/ as the *eriodiai=li ,emonstration 'otten Fgl &oldsiher/ eu-*lat ugnost Elements in the I8adlth a a 5 . <<6 and follo(ing Ibid-self *oints

78 n o s t b in Hi u b4s h:am*=tT (here H o m i the *2eucIoslemetiti,lsch]n # i e n'@ #</ the n]chauunii re*resent GIDH2 &. IM7.R '>_ , .. R . : AM"= I T I. I 27: &T=I. NAHRA "R'"HET/  THAT &E.E2A00AE/ NITH  THE .AIT/ 0R'M &',

(ith iEm names the sha*es (eoha*lnd/ through üie *eriods of the Nelt-lauU/ iJova1ova Jqsiei goes/ Ina he9it in the 0olse of the ibm be-timnitea Veit]o/ because of the (or1/ that genonimean he9it on itself (ith/ 8-otfes E]I:gt=a]]le, g]aalbt/ onimmar to the silence : gt= dvanavaigt gelangiG 0 - 7hr u u r/ Eircfaenceschblite of the Lrst three centuriesG . ..BI Erinoert dieae

&iner rtiliiL',.4"2cbicbtlieben/ e)u%%nabme there @uff iusui gives itself : am*=l>boeu lt)teD and voQ lttt8mminsten ti]r ?iesauilten irott&s/ (tliibo after ao4t/G

2uddha in dsa country India/ Varduauht into the >nnd "erniea and 8esus Mm

the &]]*n(rt dn-ch itiinh/ lin 8t3nr in : lt=1a country Hshylo28enG/ ftl3Ol in the

.cblmra13a n]cb 2lriiui H6 vl - Kessler/ Mani/ Ma,ich3er Gan aü . 5t Theunastiauhe Uotteali-hre of the M3uH>icht1Onig3lehreG/ daiu oers the sameForauaaet)uni= li1e the again *latonic and Kessler *ursues him9it/ iedan1sa :lt=*oo of the forau "i-o*hetie in Iu13rnalion Gn dea4s &sisteG dea h!chsien of &odfound M]nich3iamus üb]r Gthe o]t*aladtibcna>bob-el1eaaiti]obcn Iileen-1reia of the 7lenn:lt=ntinen/ from the %uf/ in front

W Flrtrauter ?ei@ Kno(ledge ?yra:gt=cis dm of Lrst >fbena/ that la of theRelistita .oha (ith the forefather is and m a series of >irhteniauat 8onen?Lrst

nimg Till/ (ith Maniu1 nln him9it in ?h*nao*hisch*n Kfti"HLrier/ Keilauhti:gt=n .obns

of the Ea ?W mai3 rablm de *1.r3/ the grnOG s*irit of the Srrrlii]1eit/ that MUUerbet(een light and dar1ness 7reators and 2rI!aer iv - u 'er Ti3mm/ identiLes?Kessler Mand3er a a 5 . #< and follo(ing

4 It reads in the ism34iIitUchea .*tam 4A times refreshes : lt=a ' - @ #BA # ma1e the - @ l u f e for actions dea value deG religlosea/ aftercathedral &eaots deG lal3m3 from the 1no(ledge of the teachings of theIm3m Ma3dl de*endent/ that they

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A8eJandrinismus lent/ the handling of the allegorical method stands also in the Islamin the conteJt of the s*iritualistic "latouismus &leich(ie the again *latonicteachings the Abstreifung der of *hysical cover and the contem*lation in theheavenly home of der Neltseeie strives for/ according to mu. \after ism34liitischer

vie(/ der shre(d disi *hysical covers of the la( through Er-bebiig )ü of everhigher and *urer reali)ation moves a(ay und to the (orld of the *ure s*irituality?&old)iher Rel raiseG d Isl a a 5 . # In the .üLsmug/ die< *rinci*le has aneect in his9its vie( of the symbolic character of the *ositive in the historicalreligions/ his9its contem*t dea ,ogmen-glaubens and in the inclination to theAntinomismus and to the Unfcirchlich-1eit ?dervish-decorations Is as (ell to beheeded/ da:am*= even the orthodoJ .chLtismus in his9its Traditlomsammlungenloo1s after vgl at least the ideal of a future Keligion of the Mahdl/ that is internallyrelative for this direction MR . <Cand follo(ing The ta4(il stretches in the 23bismus li1e in the Ism34iliten-tum as (ell as ?# on

the (riting-teJt/ as ? on the institutions and ?< the dogmas of the Isl3m<?ad #/ that 1ic1ed 23b/ (ith a commentary to the # .ure of the Duran on/ as

(hose secret-sense his9its teachings develo*ed he9it/ and the sensation/ that he9itdid (ith this art/ accom*anied him9it until his9its death His9its commentariesabout dierent .uren belong to this at the most discussed one/ *roductions of FersenG ?vgl miracle-are liable ) 2 MR . 5$ the test of .ure #5< beforethe governor of Isfah3n In his9its (riting dal3il i sab4a ?sifter evidenceG/ in (hichhe9it has füi the truth of his9its religion of )uaammengefat the *roof in M31ü/ he9itrefers to the tradition/ after (hich Mühammed of the Koran says

hat he9it the Nisnenschaft of the inner/ mystic sense of the things raised and from

him9it eJclusively must assume their eJ*lanation ?ba%ün oneen Him9it mnL allGNalt 0olgea and standardi)es subordinatesG 'n ste* C (iril thisAu!2ung of the Duran/ that 1no(s Trsdition and the la(4s ius allegorical (iththe Vah len/ (ell ehaft combines .te* fübrt to the 2io)elheiten of thisd i sso lut ion one/ br ings s te* 6-$ the h igher *h iloso*h ica l *ar t o f thesystem on (hat / a f ter ta1en ia t on the &ree1s ?" luto and Ar i s tot le /ho( never dt %r I s lü ia s im*ly 1no(s o f cover ing The symbolismbecomes in ,itra2cbi4itischem sense on that occasion on 4Ali from the ai.s?outriggers of the oip Mu1ammed led bac1 ,oes 4air can dana near ien %Fu soairf as her9its9their &od under the name mft4n. ?secret-ion ?,msund a**earHiJt et Rel de Gosum . BL Nith the ,ru)e/ al 2i1im a**ears in this quality as

the deity/ de .acy I . 55 Also the Hurü belong together named in thisrelationshi* (ith the i2rn34llitischen cham*agnes/ 8RA@ #@$@/ . 65 andfollo(ing

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each verse has 2edeutungen (ithin his9its meaningsG and on those of the Im3me+Nir intend 6# dierent 2e:;<#=deutungenG and says/ the 1ey to this/ all the *ro*hetge:;<#=meinsamen/ mystic language is given in her9its9their sacred (riting itself/ 2r#@@$/ . $#C Also the 2G becomes from here ,ra(ing of his9its o(n sacred

literature as ba%3n d h Inter*retation/ to understand eJ*lanation/ is/ that as (ellitself (ith 4Abdallah and the .yrian Ism34llier*ro*heten Raschlduddin ?s o . BBA # Lnd and there any(ay in the sense of the Foll:;<#=endung of the religionthrough revelation of her9its9their secret-sense/ &uyard a a ' . 6C TheeJ*ression schlie:am*=t itself so uniformly (ith those of the b3b and tm1ta vglnu1ta i ba%3n s o . )u:;<#=sammen/ that/ as (e sa(/ also have one on thetheoso*hical mind driving absolute as the secret one one and the secret-sense inall the viel:;<#=faltigen a**earance

?ad / that 23b has/ the religion-la( of the Islam against the 2a%3n through ane( erset)t# The *ublic cult/ that al(ays is handled much more laJly in "ersia4sschLtischen church because of the theoso*hical inuences/ a**ears s in it u .#B# lifted and numerous regulations of the muhammedanischen right and custombecome ta1e abge:;<#=3ndert/ (hose desideria of the annulment of the im*urityof the unbeliever/ ritual the trade er:;<#=sch(erenden/ eJhausts until do(n to theEin:;<#=führung of 1nife and for1 virtually/ into account in favor of the culture-movement ,etails vgl unt . #5$and follo(ing .ince this essentially runs outon the elimination of the church and social hardness of the Islam of la( of the23b in "ersia subsequently and the 23b this his9its *rogram against bigcourage and under active 2ei:;<#=fall the "rogressive li1e grim Haf3 thisreactionary until in the death *ursued/ the *o*ularly-science is in the habit of seeing here driving of the b3bistischen movement V(eifel:;<#=los has theculture-movement the outer AnlaL for the on-

4 'ver the & e ie ## gebung of the 23b in her9its9their details vgl &obineau .<<C<= 2r #@@G/ . $@= Ethe nnd Andreas a a 5= and unt . #5G .

G If on this occasion the 23b the religious tolerance and the recovery of the femaleseJQ ?(orthier Ehegeset)-gebung/ 0reigebnng of the veil/ girl-schools/ *uts in front/ aois to be heeded/ daL 1ic1s o*en such demands as they go bac1 to christ:;<#=licheinuences more or less already in the Ism34tlitentttm and (ith the [ urüL/ de .ac% - I. ##@ II/ . $ and follo(ing 8acob/ the 2e1taschi%%e #$5$/ . <6 Religioustolerance and *hilanthro*y stand already (ith the *urer brothers of 2agra as a demandin the conteJt of her9its9their "antheismns/ de 2oer a a 5 . @@ Actually/ also theIsm34lliten (ere more tolerant than her9its9their re*utation ?vgl ,assaod a a ' .


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comes given the 23bismus and forms an indis*ensable factor in ibm/ but the23bismus is vgl a religious movement/ that has driving motive her9it9them in deruinterest in the Im3m Mabdl and his9its theoso*iiischen teachings/ eJactly in thedierence of her 2r #$5$/ . <5 In the &esetagebunu of the 23b/ the anti-

ritualism and Antinoniisraus of the 23tini live after her9its9their teJtual side on andin Hadrat i Kuddus consequently this tendency of the 23bismua of omitted trium*hscelebrated in contact (ith the tradition/ has daL of the Mahdi claim on all thingsand is allo(ed this his9its al1-a ? MR . <C#T

2ut the communism and this incidentally only from o**osing sinceG claimedNeibergemNnschaft this before the rebellion in M3)ander3n about Hadrat i Kuddüsgegeharten 23tti/ that led to her9its9their eJ*ulsion from her9its9their o`ce from thecity 2adascht and to the Rüc1ganG of numerous 23lii/ that AnstyL too1 li1e ,scbünia a 5 re*orts even an e*isode/ that doesn4t earn the generali)ation of theo**osing yard-histo-Rio-gra*hs/ is their Olde1e on reason to com*rehend the23bismus as a 7ommunist movement after *rocess of the ma)da1itischen see1s/&erman maga)ine *rogram volume #@ . .B As (ell/ the *rogrammaticAntinomismus of a Muhammed 4Ali of Vendschü,/ that is the b3bistischen*rinci*le of alles/ is gfgen *urelyG the (ine-*rohibition of the Islam turned K  2ega a ' II . #$$ <pand follo(ing/ not arisen against the 23b/ that *rohibitednot only the G(ine but also o*ium and tobacco The *osition of the 23b iscontrolled from the *ositive *rinci*le+ ihr mü:am*=t you and your actions of mirrors does/ dimit her9it9them in these mirrors only the sun/ that loves forher9it9themG/ sees icola 2ry ar @/ #<</ and seem to meet (ith there the classic [of uLsmus/ that as a nomistischer# a hbertinistisclien Ausbeutimg of his9its*rinci*le of the divinity all the EJi:;<#=stierenden and the UuNir1lich1eit of theevil/ ho( (e can observe her9it9them in ge:;<#=(issen ,er(ischordeu/ thearistotelischen *rinci*le of this ] eoou% ?M3big1cit/ entgfgenset)t/ &rundn of theIran 0hlol II . $5 vgl 8 A #. II . <$6  $.4. Any(ay/ the Antinomismus of the23b a**ears/ as he9it in his9its Abstreifung of the institutional as the material inthe religion (ith hel* of the allegorical method in *rinci*le is available/ throughdin fact of his9its o(n legislation and religion-foundation *araly)es Here/ he9itdiers be(uuterraa:am*=en from the [ ütüsmus for itself As the Im3m Mabdl hasa historical mission in fact he9it they of the reason in the sense of the .chLtismus/s*eciLcally the ism34ilitischen

'ver the dierentiation aG nomiitiiichen and one tnomi Gtables Gi im Gi vol'old(her Forl ü d I Gl . #G6 and follo(ing

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a ne( historical religion/ that can be thought not (ithout her9its9their boo1 and la(And here the 23b tat:;<#=s3chlich stands more conservatively and churchthan dag Ism34iliten-tum 2rought in the Mahdi Muhammed ibn Ism34il thesystem of the 4Abdallah only as one Lgure for the esoteric belief/ (aiters

raises him9it an esoteric religion-*hiloso*hy/ that dra(s her9its9theirconsequences in the contrast against the &ottesglauben of the Islam ?ste* 6-$/ itself de .acy I . 7PFIII The 23b against it loo1s for eJactly this&ottesglauben/ that seems culture-bliss at all to him9it in his9its church and inthe modern (orld in Kleri1alismua/ süLschem *antheism and diesseitiger tosin1 to save and to enliven He9it trades himself so very much over the?&ree1 origin of his9its theoso*hy/ da:am*= he9it the &ottes:;<#=glauben of the Islam and to announce that of the 8e(ry and 7hristianity (ith it at thesame time believes and to restore strives He9it is enough Muhammedaner inorder to understand his9its *ro*hetic mission in the scheme of Muhammeds andthe a*ostle of the theism gives his9its ne( Koran as code for his9itscommunity/ das Tol1 of the 2a%3nG 7haracteristically/ he9it refuses to toleratehimself his9its allegorical inter*retation ?ar ba% II ?< The allegorical method isgood for him9it to the dissolution of the ahead-going religions/ his9its o(none?s should be ta1en literally in order to be the historical religion until onfurther/ that the former absorb as the absolute one at the same time

?ad < The allegorical dissolution of the muhammedanischen dogma essentiallyrefers to the Eschato-logie in the 23bismus and (ith it once on the tradition-dogmas of the Veichen of the MahdQG and thereu*on on the Urdogmen of thehereafter Here/ it is missing on the other hand doesn4t number-hand*rocesses in that of the eu*latonismus of caused directions of the "ersianIslam/ s*eciLcally the Ism34llitentum/ and the .*iritualisierung has to do againhere (ith the neu*latonischen aversion from the Mate:;<#=riellen andagainst the meta*hysical dualism In this system/ the bodily resurrectiondoesn4t have any *lace and is coming only from the immortality of this as rayfrom &od and into the deity of coming bac1 soul the s*eech/ (ith (hat not eventhese as individual but as the general s*irit/ that one ?absolute intended ist#

 This Monismus of the s*irit seesG 0or the Ism3Mliten vgl/ ) 2 &uyard/ Tragm FII/ . <<+ Nisse that doesn4t

in*ut the rational soul into the body and also therefore lOat itself in the death fromhim9it ?as an individual not but that she9it illuminates him9it a (all li1e the sun

 The (all *ic1s u* light through the Auutrahlung of the sun .o/ the soul a(ards

him9it ?body/ that she9it/ lives and beauty/ eJ*oses/ G 0or the arab Aristotel i1ervgl V - 2 Averroea/ from the &old)iher ?the (l "hil a a 5 . C say+Ro*mer The H3bl-2chri B

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conditions only mental in *aradise and hell and relations/ n3m:;<#=lich the &ottesferneand &ottesn3he the from &od emanierten and to him9it Eurüc1strebenden s*irit/ aboveall on the ste* of the human 2e(utsems This is in contrast to the Islam/ vgl ho(everalready the allegorical eJ*lanation of the mythological elements of the Eschatologie of the

Mu4ta)ilifccn/ that Eschatologie of the Arabic "eri*ateti1er imd of the .üLsmua andher9it9them eracheint already (ith the Ism.4lliten Ho(ever/ the contrast against themuhammedanische dogma is (ithheld for good reasons (ith them/ (hat involves the*oint of the bodily Auf:;<#=erstehung/ and also in her9its9their eJ*ress .*iritualisiertiugof *aradise and hell4/ not *ole:;<#=misch current done in the same *ositive or*han (esee the 2abismus recite these teachings/ after ho(ever the .cheicbiae1te (ith had*recedence an ausdrc1lichn *olemic against the leib:;<#=liche resurrection (ar# The .*iritualisierung of the *aradise and the hell is the 23b in the dierence of theIslam and the even older religions a 0undamental:;<#=arti1el of his9its religion _ou9they claimed the *eo*le li1e the children (ith the candies of the *aradise and thescare of the hell lures and frightens/ no( against it/ the man1ind arose and ri*e for the

s*iritual understanding of these si)es ?*ers ba% 2r #@@$/ . $B The *aradise is thes*iritual *erfection of the human being/ that in one in the loo1ing at the Tlieo*hanie of the logo in the *ro*het-

His9its teachings eJits on that ee doesn4t give any individual In:;<#=telle1t=it is the same s*irit/ that sieves in all individuals/ revealed 0or the Z ü4s f is/ m is s u in &od this >ehra the *rerequisite of his9its teachings of the s*irit4sreturn ?G- o . << and follo(ing/ this itself in the unio myutica of the soul(ith &od carries out/ to (hich the teachings of the Averroes of thecon%unetio intellectus ?G a 5 com*aring is

G4 Hor 3+gt lamä#iliten vgl.  the @ .te* of the system GAbdullahs to de

.acy I/ . 7PPIP/ &u%ard 0rngra FII/ . <C and follo(ing/ PFIII/ . B55andfollo(ing= for the arab Ariitoteii1er Ibn Arabi ?V,M& #@$@/ . C<= forthe Z üL-mna &rundr d Iran "hilo> II/ . 6$- @$ The matter Lnds/ GIs*are nnd Guch in old mu4ta)üiti2chen schools ?since .ac% I/ P>IF (ithaolchen cham*agnes li1e the 2unin ?8-R-A #@$@/ . 65and follo(ingand the usturi/ ,uaaaud a a 5 . 6 In the *resent-day "ersia/ she9it isre*resented by the Achb3ri *reference-li1e/ Dobintau a a  ' . .' andfollo(ing/ voa those the .cheichi ao liberalism and "o*nlaritat unequallyübertroLen becomes

4 The teachings gets along air .cheichi of the resurrection of the body bet(een thechurch dogma and of his9its absolute >eugnang (ith the Achb3ri ?&ob @- <5 and

follo(ing^ .he9it distinguishes a heavenly or inner body ?dschasad i b3tinifrom the material body/ that sin1s the auf:;<#=ersteht in the sense of theteachings of the rudsch4a ?vgl (hether . #$ and follo(ing/ vgl 2r #@@$/. - $$/ T &rade E . < .hei1 Ahmed El Ahs3i became ) over it fromthe echl4itischen clergy in Kas(in attac1ed and denounced as a heretic?Fgl to it (hether ./ #@ m

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ste* and live sound him9it/ the hell is &ob the Un(issenheitG of those/ that don4t 1no(anything of the human and divine s*irit4s unio mystica ar ba% Ilia Uli/ theeJ*ressions are (idened there+ %edes thing has his9its *aradise/ namely his9itsthoroughness or maturities/ and determines his9its hell/ his9its immaturity or

Unvoll1omtnenheit/ of &od for be1ommen#4 ?*ers ba% IJn, 2r. #@@$/ . $<5A second radioes is the .*iritua]sieruüg of the escha-tologischen drama/

that the 2ab in the ## 7ha*ters of the *ers Ea%3n (ith his9its a**earance as theadvent of a ne( *ro*he:;<#=tischen demonstration and Religiobsgrttndungequates+ the Toten:;<#=auferstehung ?1i%3mat is the s*iritual da(n of the souls/that from the diggers of the ignorance on the youngest day/ the day of the ascentof the Nahrheitesonoe ?23b s o . # f/ through the trum*et of his9its messageand the angels/ his9its a*ostles aufge:;<#=(ec1t become The court ha**ens for itself in the comment about him9it/ that is she9it brea1 of the court froms(ord-shar*ness MR A** II/ . <<B Either for this/ *rocess doesn4t lac1 they inthe Ism34ilitentum ?@ .te* to the system dea 4Abdallah/ de .acy I . 7PPIP% .o/Raschlduddia ?s has o . BB A,I, -4 6uyard calls the seventh 0orld9prophet a.,0ith 0hom the day of the dead person9resurrection da0ned  a 5 . #56 andunderstands the victory of her9its9their religion (aiter the ,ru)e all andern under it2E:;<#=.TEHE REMAI. 'ATH A2A7H>U0I '0  THE N'R>,-HI.T'R_ 2E.I,E  IT It is this thelast of the youngest days (here he9it came *ro *h Gteo)y1lus to end and)urüc1:;<#=1ehrt in &od the (orld/ in that everything sin1s in him9it/ vgl for theincredulous death/ for (hich faithful 2eseligung mean/ (hat &obi-neau . <<B(ith &ob ar ba% FIII ?< The ismü4llitische An:;<#=schauung of the (orld-*eriods (or1s itself aus# here Incidentally/ it goes from the a**eal of the23biamus on schLtische tradition-

The eighth ste* to the .%item the 4A b d a ## C h ?n o teach+ T< a l3ngstecourt and the end of the (orld/ as the Koran teaches it/ bedeutet niohti other than therevolutions of the heavenly bodies and the UniveriumG/ that GI follo( intermittently+ theHfrvorbringuna and VerttOrang of Gall things gem3 of the nature and com*osition of the elements after the >ehre of the *hiloso*hersG The 6 *eriods of the 6 (orld-*ro*hets constitute a Neitay1luf ?vgl from . - #= 5= BB #/ this )  2 afterdmaischer teachings (ith C Gma Alf the Ruhe*on1tG in dearly seibat ?de .s'y 8comes bac1 . B< nm ,e(elbe re*eatedly sieves as (ell/ irie his9its einelnen*eriods The teachings/ that a the (orld-dramatic bac1ground for those of the Guiich4ao . #$ and follo(ing mean/ itammt at the " lotinG a**renticeshi* of the *erio-

noJaJaoJaois/ that 1ic1s o*en aneh (ith the stoics/ vgl Ninch bound/ eacb the

"hiloG4 . #C5 5< Her9its9their stellar character re%ects n the 'rient sound there onthe other hand ,ab of the 23bümut actually this 'eiohichtabetrach-

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(ords there imams/ li1e (hich that the arrival of the Mahdl equates (ith the Thco*hanie Allah even to the Endgericht and that/ (here the tal1 is about #555Adamen (ith ever C5 555 years of ga*/ Kit3b El I13n vgl u . @< and follo(ing Ed 4All *en Kb3n . #5#/ ##$/ forth/ that the Hadithe themselves didn4t remain

untouched by such An:;<#=schauungen The third *oint is the .*iritualisierung of the Veichen of the MahdlG in the

narro(er sense The claim of the 23b/ that to be Im3m Mahdl/ vgl led to it/that the schLtisclie clergy so sensitive in this *oint as1ed about this inher9its9their church of *assed on signs of the Mahdl/ by itself ) 2 theFer:;<#=hOr to Tabrt) after T . C and follo(ing 2ro(ne has them9her9it re>ehr:;<#=*un1te of the orthodoJ .chl4itismus in T &rade 5 from 4A13id-u-sch-.chi4a com*osed - the 23b immediately has/ ho(ever/ only the (onderful*roduction of saying-tal1s those of the Duran ?vgl from these signs o . $andfollo(ing lets be valid and inter*reted all remaining allegorically in ,al3il isab4a+ the sun-dar1ness is the de*arture of the .onneG ?vgl o . B<Muhammed in favor of the 23b/ that .ternenfall the de*arture of the theologiansand ministers of the IslamG/ (hich re*resents even the heaven/ that d no( s*lith auf:;<#=gehoben ?vgl becomes Kor @# u @#^ The division of the moonthrough the Mahdl means the annulment of the religion of the Islam/ bringingtogether of east and (est through a Mira1el of the MahdQ the *eacefulFOl1erver1ebr/ the conquest of cities the conquest of the hearts ?vgl 2r #@@$/. $#C= T . @= MR A** I . << The last of the quoted *laces/ thatbelongs already the s*ateren 23bismus and brings a religion-conversationbet(een a 23bi and a Mullü/ sho(s the im*act of the culture-movement at thesame time if the 23bi leads a(ay the su*erstition of the Mulla (ith viciousmoc1ery from the (estern scienceG At the same time/ the *oint is here/ (herethe 23btung shares/ gives from the corres*onding im*lementations of the 4Abb3a Efendi in>econs o B# forth He9it meets gathers (ith the HurüL here/ vgl Husrt/ MM 'ct#$5$/ . B and follo(ing To the Ruhe*un1tG vgl &oldaiher VA volume PPII/ @<B5

4 As (ell the Ism34iliten vgl &u%ard/ a a ' . #@@+ The reli-gionsstiftende *ro*het?nati1 is the sun/ his9its outrigger ?aa3n the moon The logo-deity/ (hom he9itre*resents/ as (ell as the heaven is called his9its religion/ that he9it establishes= tothe earth/ the NissenschaftG of this Re:;<#=ligion corres*onds/ that the light asrevelation and as HeiUgnt (ith the rain ver:;<#=glichen becomes

4 The allegorical inter*retation of the t(o 1no(nest Mira1el Muhammeds/ thedivision of the moon and the (onderful night-tri* roof 8erusalem in rationalistischemsense has h i already near the . c h e i c her9its9their *lace ?&o-bineau <  <5 Fgldam the A*ologeti1 the sight standardi)es i Kerim Khan s a ./ @@

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muL quarrel He9it ta1es the allegorical method ?< from her9its9their o(n"ro1lamierung o . <and follo(ing the right/ to turn these against her9it9them evenand to be able to master her9it9them as the Mahdi in this manner/ vgl T . @End:;<#=lich ta1es the 23b the entitlement for his9its allegorical dissolution of the

Mahdi from the religion-historical Er(ügung here/ dag 7hrist the 8e(ish Messiah-*redictions and Muhammad the signs of the return 7hristi after the gos*els notliterally Llled/ although they admittedly (ere the &e:;<#=sandten god If his9itso**onents no( insist on the literal fulLllment of the signs of the Mahdi in the Islam/so they equate themselves to the 8e(s and 7hristians des*ised by them/ the 7hristbe)( Muhammed discarded for similar reasons ?2r #@@$/ . $#

@ Ne get also the )oroastrischen the comment of the 23b about theauLerislamitischen religions/ eJcellently the 7hristianity and 8e(ry/ (ith it on theside _ou9they come on a line (ith the Islam as former 'enbarungsstntn of theUr(illens/ that no( also to such a hcrabsin1fc to stand Moses and 7hrist on the sidealso Voroaster vgl 2r #@@$/ . C5# becomes in analogy (ith 23b li1e Muhammed asnu1ta aufgefaLt/ they had only a more modest mission \s o . B< Her9its9theirac1no(ledgment is li1e the Muhammeds and the Islam for the 23bi *ichtm3Lig The2ible has to be revelation-document li1e the Koran for him9it 2ut only %ust in that of the youngest revelation-bearer/ that 23b/ given allegorical inter*retation 2ecause allesanctify/ boo1s are (ritten in a mystic language/ that demands inter*retationG/ and?,a%3il i sab4a the 23b is das secret of the .yrian gos*el/ in the Hebre( "entateuch andin the Koran MuhammedsG ?Kom ) 8ose*hsüre 2r #@$$/ . $5$ The original/ further-gras*ing form of the scbLtischeo discussed (ith the nu1ta-2egriif tradition/ da:am*= the*oint of the b3 of the (hole Koran is contained in/ s o . # if n3m:;<#=lich is+ Allesecrets of &od are in the sacred 2üchem ent:;<#=halten/ these are contained in theKoran/ dieaer in the *oint under the b3G ?so ) 2 (ith the Hurü and a vorhurüLschen(riting vgl 8acob/ the 2e1taschi%%e . B@ The .üLsmus al(ays has the Koran and theIndschll ?gos*el T in an inner unit seen There/ 8esus is the Urbild süLscher &ottesliebeand self-renunciation/ com*letely li1e it the 23b intended The süLsche (orld of thoughtand devout language is fully from %ohanneischem and *aulinischem *ro*erty ?vglNhinLeld/ Mathnavi #@@6/ Introd . PFI and follo(ing .o/ even a Ka)em 2eg could at it/that has 23b/ his9its self-name thin1s these from Ev 8oh #5 borro(/ 8 A #@ FII . <B<and the question can really be/ (hether the .chLtismus/ from him9it

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him9it there t t o(ed/ s o . #< and follo(ing this not at that time did The23b even doesn4t a**ear further trusted (ith the ne( (ill and doesn4t giveitself a(ay (ith his9its inter*retation in the individual one Nhether he9it (astouched by the u*s(ing/ that the 1no(ledge of the syrischen gos*elG

through ?n "ersia through the aufseheuer-regende and from .chlr3)/ thehome of the 23b gone out modern translation of the ne( (ill into the"ersische# the 1no(n Henry Martyn of the year #@##9# the 4Ali ,3hl *ayhim9it under her9its9their *ro*hets I MRN #$5@/ . 6 eJ*erienced/esca*es the observation There never has been a lac1 of cham*agnes/ thatsho( one christ:;<#=lichen im*act and loo1ed verderbten gnostisch for7hristianity more or less contact (ith one/ in the fore 'rient 2eside theusairl and Ky)ylbasch/ the HurüL are the neJt *arallel here on the otherhand 0adl Allah has on the logos in the Ev 8ob 7ha*ter # 7oncerning ta1enand served itself absicht:;<#=lich of 7hristian eJ*ressions ?8-2-A #@$@/ .@ The 23bi share the gnostische interest/ 2ible and Koran (ith her9its9theirteachings (ith him9it and/ to favor the (ay of the allegory in unison ?vglamong each other the letter of a 23bi of .molens1 to Ka)em 2eg a a 5 H .B6B The *ractical annulment of the ritual im*urity corres*onds to him9its*eciLcally in the tra`c (ith dissenters ?ar ba% F ?T/ s over (hat in theindividual one u . ##C In the dierence of the .üamus/ that the religionshe9it s*ea1s of the mon1/ from the mosque/ the synagogue and the Lre-tem*le into his9its absolute religion of the mysticism dissolves/ (ithout theseeven to a ne( historical religion to er:;<#=heben/ she9it see1s the 23bismusli1e once the Ism34Sitentum into a ne( eJtensive religion-community of theMahdf )usammen-)uscb8ieLen/ that is introduced *redictions as the fulLllmentof all of her9its9their dierent messi-anischen .o/ s*ater 2eh3 Allah/ theMessiah of the 8e(s/ claimed the come bac1 7hrist of the 7hristians/ thatMahdl of the Muhammedaner/ that d to be .aoschyant of the Voroastrier b/the *erson/ in (hom all these religions Lnd her9its9their higher unit .o/ alsothe ism34üitische system teaches/ that on the $ &rade the d34i ?missionary toLt the named religions/ de .acy I ./ for itself in this manner instructs 7PUPNhile ho(ever/ the strength of the movement bro1e through the esotericreligious s1e*ticism here and raiLbraucht became for *olitical/ more eJactlydynastic *ur*oses on the other hand/ the Lrst doesn4t hit (ith the 23bismusand the second only quite tem*orarily to He9it meets (ith the ,ru)e-hoodhere/ that li1e(ise

0act is any(ay/ daL the 23bi al(ays this in the "ersian aber-retate T reads/ 8A#@G II/ @ B55 and good in it information 1no(s 2r A year a the "ersiu( . @#and # #+ her9its9their *reference `r this of ailment-coat 8esus

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It left s1e*ticism and *olitics after al H31ims death behind itself and the a religion of the Mahdl/ to also raise (ithout the sacred (ar among the 7hristians/ sought \vgl de.acy II . #C5= 2eh3 Eddlns eort/ the 7hristians to (aiter-(itnesses/ da:am*= inHam)a the signs of the return of 7hristi is Llled and . C<# his9its .end:;<#=schreiben

about this at the 2y)antine yard= . C#C his9its Ab:;<#=schaung the h Nar and .@# his9its *rinci*le of the Religions:;<#=freiheit interconnected (ith his9its order/ toeJtend the teachings in the east and (est

$ The *olitical in the b3bistisehen movement/ as it in the rebellions of the 2abtin the years after the death of the .hah Muhammed ?B .e*s #@B@ ste*s to light/ isas a more or less accidental namely to be understood in the 2abismus More than self-defense/ because as attac1/ these rebellions (ere *laced in scene by the over)ealousa*ostles of the 23b caught in M31ü under his9its admission/ about the *eo*le-movement for the 23b against the clergy and them9her9it of her beeinuLte and to theRüc1:;<#=sichtnahme on her9it9them damned government/ to create air,as:;<#=selbe interest led some 23bl to the assassination of the life of the .hah 3sirEddm of the #C Aug #@C/ this to the scary eJecution of the 23bl from the #C .e*s#@C and led her9its9their g3n)lichen Unter:;<#=drüc1ung in "ersia 'ne cannot letoneself lead the dynasty of the D3dsch3ren to mine/ that have 2abismus/ through thesefacts falls and the Mahdl (ants to *lace at her9its9their *lace/ so close to the thought(ithin the .chLtiamus/ that the Lght is innate for the Thronrecbt of his9its Im3me/ liesone follo(ed too much the re*resentation of &obineau4s until no(/ this old Lght is u*again-lived in the 23bismus ?. 6C and follo(ing and roofed too little/ da:am*= he9itshe9it from bübrfeindlichen sources/ that had an interest in it/ to dra( the 23bl as ahigh-traitor/ scoo*ed The certain insurances of the 23bismus against later time ?vgl )2 2eh3 AU3h4s letter to the .hah 3sir Eddin of the year #@@9$/ s u . #5/ the 23band his9its sect didn4t tend any *olitical ace-*irate-ions and didn4t *artici*ate o`cially atthose acts of the self-defense/ gets rubige attitude a bac1ground com*letely throughhis9its o(n one?s since #@C The assassination/ that announced eJ*ressly asaberration of some 23bl here/ (ird:gt= declare yourself as revenge-act the eJecutionof the 23b and the b3bifeindliche *olitics of the shah actually su`ciently/ that bloc1edthe 2e:;<#=(egung the (ay/ on (hich she9it in 23lde not only in "ersia but to (in farin addition ho*ed The 23b/ from (hich also &obineau ac1no(ledges/ dag he9it no*olitical ones fromG sights but only a religious reform *ursues and the Re:;<#=gierungac1no(ledged in the Lght against the clergy of the country as the given authority ?.6</ demand in his9its 2a%3n

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\ar ba% &ob F ?#$ loyalty to the >andesfüraten/ from (hich he9it eJ*ects theconfession and the *rotection of the true Reli:;<#=gion at the same time Ho(ever/he9it distinguishes eJ*ressly bet(een babistischen and incredulous 1ings ?_II/ $ The*olitical ideal of the culture-movement ste*s in the later 23bis-mus/ that s-u

1onstitu:;<#=tionelle monarchy nach English *atternG/ more deLnitely to light .##$#<B#CBand follo(ing The rebellions become from the later 23bismus ?T . <CeJ*lains so+ ,as *eo*le of the 23bl didn4t have yet genug 1no(ledge of thefundamental and secret teachings/ des 23b and she9it recogni)ed nicht her9its9theirduty ?the *assive resistance Her9its9their conce*ts and vie(s still (ere from thefrüheren ty*e and according to also her9its9their action Moreover the (ay to the 23b(as loc1ed and had *recedence auf the government and the *o*ulation cause of thegefeiertsten Mudschtahid (ith murder and Totschlag/ robbery and looting againsther9it9them .o/ they got u* in cities/ (here they (ere numerous/ to the self-defensein accordance (ith her9its9their früheren beliefG And actually the 23bismus already inthe 2a%3n diers i fundamentally in the *rohibition of the religion-(ar ?dschih3d foritself from the Islam+ niemand should be 1illed (egen of lac1 of faith/ because it is the*al*itation of a andern against &od4s religion and (ho orders/ nicht of the 2a%3n is osin can be bigger than theseG ?vgl ar ba% FII/ = 2r #@@$/ . $6 and follo(ing Theregulation that in a country/ (here became the 23bismus *eo*le and state-religion/ theunbeliever the royal *rotection (ithdre(/ announced she9it the la(lessness and shouldbecome a ca*itation of auf:;<#=erlegt ?ar for them ba% FII/ # vgl &ob . <<@ andfollo(ing/ need in no (ay as to be laid out in the sense of the actual dschih3dha**ens from &obineau The inconsistency (ould be too big Also the (ish of the 23b/thin1s "ersia4s C inner *rovinces after the victory of the 3bismus/ that he9it assertedhimself as a mental victory in very neJt time/ to reserve from Un:;<#=gl3ubigen?ibid FI ?</ gets along after the *attern of the Islam in Arabia also (ithout aid of thethought of atrocity That he9it didn4t ste* vigorously the revolts into the (ay under theleadershi* of his9its be:;<#=deutendsten a*ostles/ gets along but deals l3Lt &od Therebellions testify to the im*atience of the begeistertsten a*ostles of the 23b to see his9itsmatter trium*hing Also they *robably have hold u* the *olitical Mahdiideal/ ho(ever/this is not even in the above *lace

4 The Abrogation of the dachih3d is found ebemo for itself (ith the ,ru)e/ de .(ya a 5 H/ . - C#C nnd the 88urü o Anh I/ Tgl also the Abmedi%%a ant Anbang II

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?T . <C by the *eo*le testiLed The movement (as a theo-so*hische/ no*olitical one?s The Mahdi/ that a Husein of 2uschrü%a *roclaimed in his9itshome 7hor3s3n and Muhammed 4universe of 23rfurüsch in M3)ander3n/ (asa theoso*hist/ no commander The latter/ that itself as a such one ouch

his9its *lace/ to (ant to *lace/ seemed/ the leading s*irit (as in the rebellionin M3)ander3n ?autumn #@B@ until summers #@B$/ died on that occasionho(ever too early in order to certainly as *olitical Mahdl*r3tendentfest:;<#=gestellt be able to become and his9its ac1no(ledgment of sides of the 23b ?s o . $ much more dagegen# s*ea1s 0rom Husein of 2uschrü%a/ho(ever/ it is 1no(n that he9it reached only for the arms after he9it hadeJerted everything in vain to (in the government against the su*eriorKleri1ahsmus for the 23bismus as her9its9their natural confederate or tointerest at least H3ddschl Mlr)3 Agb3sl/ the *rime minister of the Muhammed.chab/ to characteri)e the &obineau eJcellently/ (eiL ?. ## and follo(ing/if no friend (as the clergy and therefore encouraged the 23bismus initiallymore than *ressed As ho(ever/ he9it (as threatened by the movement togro( over the head and the clergy/ in (hose o(n ro(s she9it had to recordthe most im*ortant successes/ armed to the self-defense/ he9it allo(ed toleave *rogress it and muote hel*s the clergy against his9its convictionagainst the 23br To dee*ly/ the inuence of the muhammedanischen clergy isin the (ide layers of the "ersian *eo*le rooted as you 1no( and only an easyu**er class became addicted to the religious nihilism under the EinuL of (estern culture and science Therefore (as to her belonged Mir)3 Agli3sl andthe religious revivalism of the 23b a man li1e him9it internally foreign= itconnected her9it9them actually only the common interest in the religioustolerance and 1ultu:;<#=rellen recovery of the country &obineau ?.*ortrays #B and follo(ing/ ho( Husein of 2uschrü%a sought to convince theminister in Teheran/ daü the reactionary 2igotterie of the schLtischen churchthe disaster of the country is/ in that she9it com*letes it against the (est andthe blessings of the (estern culture/ during (hich 23bis:;<#=mus cancelsthe ritual im*urity of the dissenter/ for soon-form in the sense of the NestLghts/ and a religion announces/ in (hich the religions of the east and theNestensi of the Islam/ the 8e(ry and the 7hristianity to one single rereinigt(ould become 0or this/ the 23b can4t any more inferior For:;<#=g3ngerthan the Em*eror A1bar/ the i%iefe(iden Ism34ll and him9it

4 The *ossibility iat after all given/ since n the .chl4iten the Mahdi until today a

Gihib al se%f/ Mann names dea of s(ordG 'old)iher Forl ü d Isl . <#B

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Em*erors nadir shah current does Ea therefore is a visible interest of the .taatsraison tosu**ort him9it The minister failed/ the shah died no miracle/ daO these *ro*hets tothe self-hel* for her9its9their matter gras*ed/ admittedly only to her9its9their damageHo( glo(ing her9its9their belief in the matter of the 23b (as/ the remar1 sho(sHuseins of 2uschrü%a in the castle al Tabarsi/ m one year (ill be ac1no(ledged the

Mahdi in the (hole (orld/ because that of &obineau . becomes so < (orld-conquestof indicated statement/ forcible in the sense/ of analogy of the sermons the cure-adviceal4a%n in the cam* to 2adascht . #@# understanding is .o/ it therefore dra(s near lies/the 23bismus in consideration of its arms-(al1 and misleads his9its remainingrelationshi* (ith the Ism34ilitentum to understand after analogy of the *oliticalmovements of this direction in the early Middle ages so/ radioed is the com*arison atthis 2ro(ne gained the insight vice-versa over the study of the 23bismus/ (as not dagthe *olitical motive also in the Ism34Sitentum the Lrst once and im*ro*erly (aseJaggerated/ A >it Hist of "ere I . B56/ also li1e de .acy I . ## his9its a**eal forthe national-"ersian Em*:;<#=Lnden only as the secondary been loo1ed at The*rimary (as Sber:;<#=all teachings the mental *leasure at the content of the recited

theo-so*hischen#5 'ne last *oint in the teachings of the 23b became for the movement evo1ed byhim9it from crucial meaning and re*resents an original into her9its9their at the sametime It is the *roclamation of the man %u)hiruhu4ll3h## ?W this/ that &od (ill leta**ear/ vgl )uhür/ a o . # B as the grO:am*=eren *ro*het/ (ho (ill come afterhim9it .he9it *erforms only in the 2a%3n and means no more and no less than a rene(ed"ro%ettion of the Mahdlgesta8fc into the future Nhether gro(n not the 23b itself his9itstas1 sa( or (as decided by moving of the eJ*ected victory of his9its matter to it/is not to be said Actually/ the idea itself reminds and the tension/ into (hich the sect(as *ut by it/ at the messianic "arusieer(artung of the 7hristian Urgemeinde Alsothere (ar the vie( decisive/ in 8esus/ the Messiah a**eared/ but in glory and to the

erection of his9its em*ire on Earth must come still Lrst a )(eitesmal he9it It no(further-be fact/ da:am*= the 23b itself on the 7hristian "arusieer(artung in the form/as the Islam utili)ed her9it9them for itself/ loo1s at bac1 .ince igt Muhammedher9its9their Er:;<#=füllung in form of the "ara1leten and he9it *ic1ed u* her9it9them inthe *romise of the Mahdi on the ne( one at the same time In that the 23b no( acts asthe Mahdi/ also he9it insists on it/ his9its "aruaie to verheiLen/ because everydemonstration of the Ur(illens terminates them9her9it

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neJt already at/ after dal3ü i sab4a/ 2r #@@$/ ./ $#<f According to the teachingsof the return ?radsch4a/ the *ro*hets al(ays only are the same man and so the23b can as (ell as says+ Nas in the *ro*hets of the *ast s*o1e/ no( s*ea1s inmir and (ill s*ea1 after me in the one %u)hiruhu4ll3h/ because it gibt no

termination of these demonstrationsG ?ibid= vgl to the last (hether . C#7omment # as also+ Alle/ that (as before me/ haben my day eJ*ects and if Ibecome he9it %u)hirubu4ll3h sein one/ I (ill create her9its9their religion for them The solution h3ngt at him9it m % A and you become (erdenG ?&ob throughhim9it lit ar ba% II ?# The debatable si)e is thought the *ro*hets of the 23b asthe neJt in the ro( consequently Nhether as the last one in this (orld-cycle/remains debatable/ he9it (ould be any(ay if the iai*34llitische (orld-(ee1 of 6days to #55 years each should remain dierently maintained/ not/ as the 23ba**arently means it/ ho(ever/ as an eighth religion-donor conceivably4 TheUn:;<#=bestimmtheit of the statement of the 23b at this *lace later seemedominous/ s u . 5 'b%ectively/ the 23b describes the Lgure com*letely inanalogy (ith his9its o(n Mahdlans*ruch+ He9it is the Mahdi ?s3hibu-)-)am3n/ thateverything in the heaven and is handed over on Earth from &od/ (ho brings aboutthe youngest day of the 2e:;<#=gegnung (ith &od/ \&ob ar ba% P/ B/ thisitself ho(ever li1e(ise only through FerseG/ not through nature-miracles and(elt:;<#=liche reign ?*ere eJ*els ba% FI/ @ vgl 2r #@@$/ . $C As Mahdi inthe theoso*hiscben sense/ he9it is &ob the nu1ta/ through (hich all natures (erecreated ar ba% FI ?#5 and that manages her9its9their return in &od/ ibid P/ B andfollo(ing/ in that he9it clear-*uts the &e:;<#=heimnisse/ *u))les and hints of thereligion of the 23b and his9its true nature/ d h the allegorical sense of the23bismus ahead-going him9it 1no(s and teaches/ quotation from 23bs (riting in T . CC/ He9it becomes *ers the 2a%3n/ that still no( is in the stage of the seed/in (hich sha1es the fruit/ in this sense ba% II ?6 and (ill be reading of a verse of him9it more (orth than the l'''malige of reading through of the 2a%3n ?F/ @He9it *rimarily (ill therefore bring a ne( boo1/ s over it unt . $ The signiLcant no( is that the 23b this si)e in his9its last *eriod to M31ü to the

relationshi*-*oint of his9its religion/ as (ell as made his9its *ersonal *iety li1ehis9its religious legislation and (ith it according to the matter to his9itsur:;<#=s*rünglichen function as b3b of the hidden one/ but before-

4 Fgl the formula out-ste**ing in the later 23biamm of 2eh3 Allah alu of thea**earance &od-fatherG seibat in her9its9their relationshi* (ith the drusischen formula?s n . #56 7omment and his9its a**eal against the sehi4itische tradition/ daL on

the Ta*e Allah4s end itself Ala Mahdi (ill a**ear

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standing Tm3m MahdQ came bac1 .o/ T says . CC from him9it to M31ü and Tschihri1 caught sedentary 23b+ ,ie Hau*tsache and the main-*ur*ose of his9its(riting (as und the rühmende descri*tion of that &rO:am*=e/ that (ill a**ear soon/they its one/ and everything/ his9its darling and his9its (hole .ehnsucht/ (as He9it(anted aufsteigen only in the de*endence of the love of ihr of the highest degree of 

the thoroughness and divine fullness and (as so full to the love of her/ da:am*= theEr:;<#=innerung at her9it9them the beaming light of the dar1 nights auf M31ü and Tschihri1 (asG And he9it even says about his literature falling into that time+ ,as (hole2a%3n and (ho him9it an-gehOrt/ moves about the *roclamation the one %u)hiruhu4ll3h.ie long for him9it as lovers after the lover4 ?*ers ba% III/ < vgl T &rade F Ho(he9it sha*ed the *iety of his9its community very much in the sense of such a suLschen&ottessehnsucht in he)ug on this si)e/ his9its rules sho( to carry a Riag to the constantmemory of her9it9them to free a chair in ilireri meetings for her9it9them ?&ob ar ba% FI/#5/ >P ?# u dgl Here/ the tense Mahdler(artung the orthodoJ sim*ly a**ears toschLtiacheu church vgl (hether . ## A until the high voltage increased It cannotbe eJ*orted in the individual one here as the regulations of the 2a%3E ta1e concerning

every(here on this %u)hirubu4ll3h one 0rom beson:;<#=derer meaning/ the connection*artici*ates/ in (hich he9it is *laced (ith the culture-movement and the corres*ondingReformforderangen dea 2a%3n+ Nays and means of trans*ortation shall after the*attern of the 0rau1eulan the is sha*ed/ so that the tidings of his9its a**earance*enetrates in Lnished through telegra*h and *ress country at that time/ and thechildren should be treated humanely in the schools/ ?abolition of the beating-*enaltybecause sees can decide he9it under them ?2r #@@$/ . $6

,aL of the 23b it o*enly left/ (hether this bigger *ro*het (ill immediately or onlya**ear to corres*onding distance after him9it in one of the remaining *ro*het-ro(/ theschism ha**ened in the year #@66 *roves in that 2eh3 Ali3h *ut for(ard the erstereAus:;<#=legung of the 2a%3n for itself and the trusted of the .ubhi E)el the latter ?2r

defended #@@$/ . CH The more Lnal could refer to the consistency of the system/ after(hat t(o *ro*hetic cycles doesn4t follo( sien so quic1ly/ but each Re:;<#=ligiondevelo* historically Lrst/ until she9it is re*laced from the n3chst:;<#=hOheren/ so theactual nature of the *roclamation of the 23b )ustatten/ that unleashed the theoso*hicalMahdismus at the same time and stretched/ came the 2eh3 Allah vice-versa Also the23b might a**oint the E)eli on (hat for itself as u**er time-borders to thea**earance the m i A #C## and

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55#_ears ?*ay-values for his9its mystic e*ithets ghi%3th W hel* and mustagh3thW (ith him9it one hel* see1s ?*ers boast ba% II/ #6 vgl 2r #@$/ . $$ andfollo(ing/ in <5/ he9it o**oses itself )u:;<#=gleich a lo( time-restriction in*rinci*le .ince of course rehnen ma:am*=ie/ da:am*/ he9it (ith it= immediately

claimants (ill get u* vgl the *arallel Ev Matth B/ < bat he9it his9itscommunity Ferhaltungsmaregeln hiefOr/ that testiLes %ust as-very much to his9itsun(orldliness/ given his9its *iety honor as she9it does+ Nie of the time Muhammedsuntil today/ for #65 years/ nis-mand ca*able (as/ sayings ?3%3t immediatelyhis9its ?in the Koran hervor)ubringen/ so it becomes after the do(nfall of this sun?the 23b is until the a**earance the m % A It is ausge:;<#=schlossen/ daLsomebody besides him9it m % A 7laim hereu*on er-hebt If somebody toots it andbrings u* sayings/ so niemand can o**ose him9it so that sorro( over thisNahr-heitssoone doesn4t come Either he9it is he9it m % A and ea is tats3chlichim*ossibly/ : lt=%a:am*= it another is/ because he9it reveals seine sayingss*ontaneously (hy then the truth ?ha11 vgl (hether . 5 A # negates/ thisone day and night eJ*ected 'der (hat is actually im*ossibly is not ea he9it/ thenüberla : am*=t him9it itselfQ Ea is not matter of the creatures/ him9it )u directs=the res*ect before the name of the lover *rohibits esG ?*ers ba% _T/ @ vgl 2r#@@$/ . $C Nas door and gate o*ened the claimants (ith it and actually is2eh3 Allah niclit the single one but only the last of the same/ (hom (ith itsucceeded alone/ to become generally acce*ted The 23b even seems after thedeath of the Muhammed 4universe of 23rfurüsch/ that he9it Lrst *ut for(ard/ of .abhi E)el to have aaserse1en for this dignity    DE7  'HIS  N ? ID$)$, 'H)  D'H)D

A)J)/E17)N'  E  'H) + $71IS7S 'I)S.

II The *osition of the 2rLder*aaros .obhi E)el and 2eh3

Allah in the rrb3bi2mns ?#@BB-#@C<# _ou9they *osition of the t(o brothers in 8Unfer1reis of the 23b The ne(s about the beginnings of the s*ateren leaders of this

23bismus/ .ubhi E)el and 2eh3 Allah/ come us besides fromher9its9their o(n cam* on E)ellaeite from him9it gras* bihischt and

vocal and (ritten communications .ubhi E)els at 2ro(nevgl T &rade N/ o # u <= 2r #@@$/ . $$B and follo(ing/ on 2eh3iseita

from her9its9their dierent &eschicutsdarstellungen ?G MR= T/ G=(ith "hel*a/ vgl (hether . < and follo(ing u . 6 from the nu1tatu4l-

fe3f#/ the ,sch3nt of K3ach3n to/ (hose Lrst-class sources-

The title is %ust as dar1 as a *ersonality introduced in the boo1 Gla ,scben3b i

oufetG i 13 among the leaders after 23bG death KCf ?K W Kasch3o tgl MR <<$# (ith comment

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7haracter (e/ (hether . B eJ*lained= vgl MR A** II o ## #< .ince,sch3ni4s re*ort is very uncomfortable for the 2eh3l eJactly at this *oint/ he9it is inher9its9their revision ? MR unter:;<#=drüc1t 'ne of the 2eh3G is on the other handQMir)3 Muhammed Ron Varand to(ards abil ?same *ay-value as Muhammed

inI$.tan)en brought chronology of the most im*ortant events of the life of the 2eh3 Allahvgl 2r #@@$/ . $@<and follo(ing the teJt (ith translation credible/ vgl 2r #@$/ .<5Band follo(ing The 2rüder*aar/ about (hich it is/ belonged to the glad-Estonians to su**orters of 

the 23b and *layed already the leading role in his9its t(o last years of life in the sectIt doesn4t come from the circles of the clergy/ as most of the remaining a*ostles of the23b/ still from the commercial middle class li1e the 23b itself but from the aristocracyof the country and a family/ that *utting the country high *ublic servants (asaccustomed .he9it comes from only in M3)ander3n/ a small *lace in the valleys forthe .outh-edge of the Kas*ischen sea/ that siud the *o*ular (inter-stay of the yardand the "ersian aristocracy The family therefore in only lived in the (inter/ in thesummer in Teheran The father Mir)3 4Abb3s ?better 1no(n as the title Mir)3 2u)urglived at beginning of the century at the "ersian yard (here his9its brother later (asone of the secretary of state 3sir Eddlns and a cousin 13 Khan from only in the year#@C# his9its minister became These and other high relatives too1 against the 23bismus*lace and *ressed him9it the more/ *er ent:;<#=rüsteter she9it over the conversion ands*iritual career of the t(o brothers/ (ith (hat the mahdistische character of the2e:;<#=(egung (as im*ortant/ (as The father died ?#@<6 young His9its sonsbecome ste*brothers and the .ubhi E)el younger by #< years from child on educatedthe mother of the 2eh3 AU3b in the house after the o(n mother4s death and taughtfrom this 2eh3 Allah is 4universe under the name Uusein at the # ov #@#6 in Teheran born/ .ubhi E)el under the name 8ah%3 ?W 8ohannes in the year #@<5 _ou9they(ere at the a**earance of the 23b in the year #@BB 6 and #B years old consequentlyand .ubhi E)el another of his9its brother4s school hardly Lrst outgro(ing boy This saidaccording to a note/ that is found (ith ,sch3ni/ (ith reference to that time of him9it thathe9it has 0ersisch (ell/ but badly Arabic learned and has itself as a *olite one/ butturned boy turned the mystic life and the study of this into the teachings of the divineunit com*letely quiet in himself insiders already at that time= Ich (uLte ho(ever at thattime not yet/ da he9it such a high ste* to it er:;<#=langen ? becomesG MR . <6CAlso Husein 4AH even had not turned the fatherly o`cial career but

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lived the study of the *hiloso*hy and theoso*hy and (ithout an o`cial Theologicstudium already sensation done through his9its talent as a religious thin1erand s*ea1ers His9its high descent contributed nature-li1e to the increase of his9itsHeüigenrufes Ho(ever/ he9it didn4t carry himself as minister or scholar ?turban but aslayman ?hat of lambs1in/ 1ulüh and long main-hair/ gives and (as therefore not

regarded as a theologian ?T (ith the masters and the *eo*le . C6 and follo(ing The b3bistische movement immediately moved both brothers into her9its9their s*ell.till they (ere (on for the 23b by I8usein of 2uschrü%a of his9its stay in Teheran in theyear #@BB maintaining and became his9its eager a*ostles (ithout a *ersonal meeting(ith the master in the ca*ital/ (hether already at that time or Lrst 2eh3 Allah laterfrom the 23b in the ro( of the Acht:;<#=)ehn ?s o . it (as *ic1ed u* in (hich infront-stood for him9it admittedly late .ubhi E)el/ to amount/ is not 8ust as little li1e and(hen 2eh3# he9it to the 23blnamen ,schen3b i/ came/ that on the one hand on the&ottes:;<#=begri intended in stellar categories ?s o . 6 A and u . ##5 A / onthe other hand on the s*e:;<#=)iLschen Mahdlgedan1en (ithin the scheichitischenteachings of the b3bi%%at re%ects AH abh3 ?the very shiny one is valid already in the

Urb3binius ouch dec grOfcte name of &odG and All3hu abh3 vrar at the same time his9its(ar-shouting and his9its salutation ?s u . ##5 7omment The E)eli thereforecom*lain about the mystic name 2eh3 Al83h for .ubhi E)el \2r #@$/ . $C 7omment</ him9it him9it according to the 23b MR 2 s*o1e li1e(ise under numerous othere*itheta ornantia ?T . <C< In the Lrst years of the 23b/ 2eh3 Allah didn4t becomeevident further If he9it might really advertise for the 23b ?T in Teheran and only mitof severe eloquence in com*anies and *ublic Gmeetings/ in host-*ubs and inmosquesG . C$/ the actual 2e:;<#=(egung (as done by Husein of 2uschrü%a in7hor3s3n and in 03rs and came as this in the years before the death of the .hahMuhammed ?#@B@ to Teheran/ about (ith her9it

4 W .eine Hohheit of the >icblglaii)G sc &od4s vgl (hether . < 7omment # The?8e(ish 2eh34i gras* eJ*ressly on mnria bac1 vgl unt . 14#.

4 Fgl ,sch3ai+ It seems to Manchmal/ duet of the nu1ta ?a *ro:;<#=*hetischencycle in his9its radiation sto*s and this Ausstrah:;<#=lung in his9its TüreG into ?b3bthe a**earance ? ste*sG MR . <<G To the together-order of the ray of light (ithago door/ through (hich he9it colla*ses/ vgl this . #@ m angeführta.cheichier)3hlung of the 3b The theoao*bisch thought/ Mahdi is vgl an illuminating&ottenlicht/ &od4s Lrst 2manation (hether.2 Fgl also MR . <@+ 5 gods/ I as1you for your &lan ?beh3/ (hose door s the H (hether . .. is/ in (hich all your&Un) isG

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 To negotiate government ?$ 5 . C6/ already the (ind (as so unfavorable here/da:am*= mu:am*=te abstain he9it on a *ublic *ro*aganda in the ca*ital To it/da:am*/ comes= the 23b even of the second year of his9its a**earance at(egen of the man1ind4sG fragility deductions did/ his9its commentary about

the 8ose*hsüre (ithdre( and the movement/ that re*resented a more massiveMahdismus under Husein of 2uschrü%a and Muhammed 4universe of 23rfurüsch/as his9its nature (as situated/ itself left ?vgl ,sch3nl MR . <<5 _es/ he9itrecogni)ed the more Lnal of the t(o one?s/ to(ards/ already in the year #@BHadrat i Kuddüs as the Mahdl or nu1ta at and beschran1te itself again on the 2olleof his9its b3b ?s o . <@/ vgl ,sch3ni MR . << ,sch3nr/ that is a blindsu**orter of the Muhammed 4Ah/ therefore al(ays calls only ,i1ru4U3h#/accordingly his9its then self-name/ the 23b although he9it 1no(s that the 23bentered into strength ?eb as nu1ta after the death of the Muhammed 4universe?#@B$ once again >ogically (e therefore recover eh3 Allah in the circle of the2ablfuhrer/ that gathered about Muhammed Guniverse in M3)aoder3n/ after thedeath of the .hah Muhammed ?C had ta1en *lace 'ct #@B@ Ne Lnd cure-advice al him9it as a *artici*ant about the famous Kon)il of 2adasch tG/ the (ar-advice/ that Husein of 2uscbrü%a ?from 7bor3s3n here-hurried/ (here alreadyunrests occurred in Mescbhed and the celebrated Mrs Varrin T3dscli named/ -4a%n ?eye-solace vgl . @ A #= from Ka)(ln/ (here her9its9their *ublica**earance had led to her9its9their uncle4s assassination and Main-o**onentHaddschi Mulla Muhammed bar of some 23bl/ still esca*ed (ith Muhammed4universe in the late-night-autumn of this year maintained and that became the*relude to the rebellion in M3)auder3n The conference is ge:;<#=(orden famousal the cure-advice through the aming s*eeches - 4a%n ,sch3nt develo*s the>ebren of the 23bismus (ith this occasion and through the eJtravagances/ thatonly connected to that of Muhammed 4universe (ith energy of raisedMahdlans*ruch

,i1ru4U3h/ *roclamation of &od - in the Koran frequently bites #5 the teachings of the Islam the 23b echon calls eut 8ose*h-re for itself in the commentary in theGüf%echen sense of &od4s logo ?a (hether . 5 As also later than name you the23b ?vgl (ith ,ach3nl tteht of the Auldruc1 (ith the 2eh34i ) 2 2r #@$/ . <5<and meets dea 2Cb (ith the *referred name there ah the evangelist ?2adrat imubasachir vgl ) 2 T

23b ?vgl meant the letter of the 2eh3 to the *o*e s nnt . #5 and follo(ing/ itinformed the &od the arrival of 8esus4 logo/ so (ith relationshi* on Kor </ <B 2eh3 inthe 1it3b El I1in Ed , . < and follo(ing 8oh is (ith the Iim34iliten d T the lastImim before 8esusG/ li1e Ism34il before Muhammed ibn Iam34il It is (ith the ,ru)e a # T e m of f m f/ b unt . #56 A #

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has/ s o . B@and follo(ing vgl MR A** II o = abu/ *unch < and 2r #@@$/ .< This (as a vain and egoistic braggart/ (ho stood dee*ly under the character-fullHusein/ and him9it still after his9its death *ublicly/ in order to come only seibat (ithintact s1in from it ?/ denied MR . <<and follo(ing/ nach:;<#=dem the situation

of this under her9its9their leadershi* in the castle al TabarsT eingescblosaenen 23bl afterHuseins deaths ?# 0ebr #@B$ unhalt:;<#=bar became and he9it had to surrender tothe leader of the royal troo*s/ the *rince Mahdl Kuli Mlr)3/ one half year later This lethim9it courted/ ho(ever/ Ab:;<#=)ugs cruelly des*ite the Vuaicherung eJecutes/ to23rfurüsch/ Aug #@B$ 2eh3 Allah as1ed the defense of the fort of the 23bl ta1en not*art/ he9it became hel* to achieve/ ho(ever/ (ith an attem*t/ there durch)ubrecben/about his9its harassed Mahdl/ interce*ted ?abil .t B and is to (ant to be tossed u*an inde*endent ag under the sus*icion/ longer time that se(er is un1no(n in Teheran behind *alace and bolts ? been held MR . <@5= Mean(hile/ his9its youthfulbrother outdistanced him9it

.ubhi E)el (as ac1no(ledged as his9its standby in the dignity of the Mahdi after thedeath of the Muhammed 4universe of 23rfurüsch of the 23b namely He9it (as vgl,sch3nis re*ort MR A** II o ## early through his9its brother on the 23b a(arebecome and told/ he9it aei through the dee* and frequent &ebets:;<#=anrede fa43h ughil3hl ?o/ o my &od in his9its (riting/ that he9it heard his9its brother reading/ to the mysticlove of him9it a(a1ens and through the further study of 23bs inter*retations of the Hadlthand the tidings of his9its signs/ that s FersenG o . $and follo(ing to the &e(iLheitGd h been led the total belief at him9it as the Mahdl .ince the Lfteen-year old boy hadbelonged from it/ da:am*= the 23b the *ublishing of the heavy(eight of his9itsmovement/ as she9it led Husein of 2uschrü%a/ after (hich 'sl*rovin) 7hor3s3n (ishes/he9it set out secretly there/ (as gotten bac1/ ho(ever/ from the family In the follo(ingsummer/ he9it did from only from the same attem*t and no( (as ta1en into thedierent *rovinces by his9its brother on his9its tours to the leaders .o/ he9it came in7hor3s3n/ Teheran and M3)ander3n on the .chau:;<#=*l3t)e of the movement Nithadvice and Fat and *articularly also (ith her9its9their fortune/ the brothers enteredHe9it entered al 4a%n into an es*ecially close relationshi* to the cure-advice and afterthe conference of 2adascht on the (ay to the rebellion in 23rfurüsch and al Tabarsl athim9it he9it incidentally as little as his9its brother *artici*ated= he9it accom*anied him9itdurch)udriogen on the attem*t there/ ho(ever not into his9its ca*tivity to Muhammed4universe even Er became ge:;<#=(ürdigt/ into the *resent of the Hadrat i Kuddüsadmitted toHoemer The H3bi-Heh.4i n

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becomes/ vgl to it u . #<& Hardly this had seen him9it/ he9it got so into high %oy/ too1 the ,cben3b i E)el aside/ er(ies him9it all the friendliness and love ands*o1e him9it in süen sounds (ith the s*irit/ that so ins*i-rierte/ da:am*/ 8esus4breath once= he9it dead *ersons of the life could rea(a1en .o/ Hadrat i Kuddüs

so(ed/ the seed of the love/ that is the *aradise ?W the Foll:;<#=endung of theteachings of the divine unit/ into his9its heart/ (rote auf his9its s*irit4s blac1boardthe *icture of the surrender and 2e-freiung vgl to it o . << A # attractedhim9it and bound him9it (ith dem breath of his9its outer one and innereu inuenceand intoJicated ihn (ith the (ine of magic strengths/ that made him9it sos*lendid Er Llled süLschen verse him9it (ith the ma%esty of the light inaccordance (ith dem until above+ GIt doesn4t need a *ure substance/ in order to*ic1 u* the >icht/ each stone and dum*ling/ a *earl can/ and coral becomesG and the eye of his9its sacred heart became ray4s the geheiaueo radiation of theHadrat through them9her9it/ i Kuddüs so illuminates that voii became that daysieht-bar at the signs of the .chOnheit and ma%esty at his9its eJalted attitude so/dag all believers it verstanden#G .ubhi E)el of no( (as on vice-versa and thecure-advice strengthens 4a%n the Iladrat i Kuddüs al )ugetan-(as through theEinu1 in mystic love *articularly at his9its eigtnen ca*ture ?s o and (ith thedeath of the Hadrat i Kuddüs to light ste**ed He9it left himself everything fallenand ging only in Arabic *rayers and "ersian ] üLversen alongG Hadrat i Kuddüa(rote even Arabic &e:;<#=bete and (riting in the style of the E3bgeoenbartG/ the Z ubhi E)el by heart learned= Manuscri*ts so mentioned 2r#@$/ . B@< ?(ith some tests from it und so burning (as ich in thecommunity and Anehung of my lover/ da:am*= ich the bondage through theenemy not in the least mich of the _ol1 ?in mul (atched and curses *atiently/(ith stones he-(erfen and aos*eien (ould runG He9it could *ortray H3ddscbl of K3sch3n heim:;<#=1ehren and his9its com*anion after it ho(ever soon/ as aahieltand many be-einugte his9its mental condition over the (hole time He9it began to(rite even FerseG and *rayers (ithout raising another Mahdians*ruch Thisimmediately became dierently %e:;<#=doch after the shortly after ta1en *lacedeath of the Muhammed 4universe Als he9it the message of it got/ he9it fell inthree/ days-long into a vehement fever/ that sieves/ from the burning Hit)e deaof 0euers of the Trennung4herschrieb and after the three Tagen a**eared thesigns of holiness ?3th3r i at him9it

Fgl to it (hether . - $f - the 1laasiache *rocess for such mutual inuence of ins*ired/ iat in the [ ünsmns the Ferh3ltcia of the ,sohelal al di, Rütni iu .chimai TtbrO/

vgl icbotson/ ,iv3ni .hamsi Tabrl)Introd Z C

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1udsi/ in his9its ?the Hadrat i Euddüs blessed form ?d h dessen strengths andoerings (ent (aiter on him9it in the scheme of the Nieder1ehr/ radsch4a s o .#$#^ and the secret of the Nieder1ehr became a**arent at ihm# The geschabin the Lfth 8ahr of the demonstration of the truth ?the 23b= IUp aodaL

,schen3b i E)el the blessed earth of the surrender and Hadrat i di1ru48l3h ?the23b of the heavens the original/ (illingly/ d h the Mahdl/ becameGevertheless/ having gotten his9its name Morgenglan) of the eternityG Tom 23bonly at that time seems .übhi E)el/ that on 23bs4s mystic inter*retation a 4 All-hadlth+ Nas is the truthG ?ha11 W &od/ goes bac1 that inter*rets their Lvesentences on the decisive events of the Lve Lrst years of the 23b ?#@BB to#@B$ and deodorant Lfth+ &ott is .ubhi E)ela a lightG shining from themorning of the eternity ago at the emergence He9it seems to be until then*ersonally un1no(n the 23b been/ because it is mentioned no(here/ dag he9itat the 2egeg:;<#=nung/ the 2eh3 Allah in the s*ring #@B6 in the village Kh3nli1bet(een K3scfa3n and Teneran (ith the 23b on his9its (ay of M31ü ? had MR. #6= from the *resent-day 2eh3iamua in agreement/ vgl/ been *ut ,/ Es$ .<6/ it (as involved evertheless/ the 23b immediately ac1no(ledged*resumably him9it as the return of the Muhammed 4Ali and him9it/ that shouldmarch in into the dignity of the nu1ta after him9it itself/ essentially also theyouthfulness of the sensational saint determined him9it on that occasion.ubhi E)el no( (as #$ years old #$ if 23bs is sacred number and he9it evenreferred on his9its youthfulness as a sign of the Mahdi from the .cbeicblschulefrom/ s o . #@ .he9it comes Fer(andt:;<#=schaft of the t(o natures innerto it After the failed arms-(al1s of the so quite dierent gearteten MahdlMuhammed 4universe might be u* the 23b again the more itself o(n tranquilMahdl-ideal )urü1ge(iesen sees/ and to one him9it in it so relative nature li1e.ubhi E)e moved feels Ne see him9it .ubhi E)el (ith enthusiasm as his9itssuccessor namely/ if not

X It is this eia eJam*le for it/ da the return not blot in the frame(or1 of the returnof a *ro*hetic cycle (as thought/ as i she9it 2 in the eJ*lanation of theMohammed 4Ah )n 2adaucht/ he9it therefore is Muhamraed2 2eibat the returnalso his9its titleuddüs/ vgl MR . <C$/ (hile other(ise usually only the return ]useins in claim ge:;<#=nommen Grscheiut ratsge ste*s Ea (as rielmehr eiu of deuleaders of reared b3bistischer *eo*le-belief that the martyrs of this .scbe after B5

 Taeen GierNItnhren ?&ohineftn . #$< and of B5 days also is the 2ede here/ MRMR . <@5 .o/ der doesn4t consist of nor *ointG itself itself but auob the

accom*anied sta of the eighteen _'n of the Lrst )nr a(eiten unitG ?vgl &ob .3SK 9 Inm $osdmc(, s. if . ste**ed @ A -.C

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even as him9it one %u)hirahuil3h greets/ in that he9it himself9itself had to eJ*ectalready his9its sure death

.ince the further develo*ment ties here and the 2eh3l the re*orts of the,sch3ol/ (ith (hich bihiacht ?T the E)elibericht of the gras*s &rade N o# agree/ falsiLed here above all and ra*ed them9her9it action-Aachen/ s u. .6Cand follo(ing/ muL here the urs*rüng:;<#=liche o*inion 3ei things (ith the23b and his9its community ein:;<#=gehender is returned According to this.ubhi L)el so:;<#=gleich turned to the 23b in the village Ta1ur (ith his9its inonly ta1en *lace ins*iration (ith letters and (elcomed him9it thisun:;<#=mittelbar under grosen 0reude,be)eugungeo as the ersehntenAufgang of the myself-shining lightG as (ell and ac1no(ledged/ daL of thelogos/ 1aücia i d3tl eingeborenes thro(= 4a1l i tri natür : ;<#=liche reasonsGd h the cosmic reason as natural 2e:;<#=sit) in the dierence of theacquired one ?vgl u . #$= heiliger &leistG/ in him9it into the a**earanceste**ed and his9its 1no(ledge therefore an immediate one ?laduni vgl o .$and follo(ing his9its un(ill1ür : ;<#=lichen versesG ?3%3t i Ltri vgl A . <5Ins*iration ?(ah%/ 'en:;<#=barung ?tan)ll and ins*iration ?fard3b are The23b immediately sent to the sect at the leaders from M31ü .ubhi E)elsFerseG (ith this certiLcate and a(arded him9it numerous Ehren:;<#=namen/among them *articularly him9it the EinenG ?(atüd same *ay-value @ (ith.ubhi E)el4s *ro*er names 8ah%3 and at the same time name of the nu1ta of the unit of the #$ s o . / the )(eiten *oint4sG # ?nu1ta i t3nl/ and thefruit of the 2a%3n ?Tamara i ba%3n Under the Lrst of these names/ he9it set2r him9it in a solemn letter/ that got 2ro(ne of .ubhi E)el even in the co*y#@@$/ . $$6/ do his9its successor one+ ,ies is a letter of &od to &od .aga+everything originates &od from aus .aga+ everything comes bac1 to &od This is 4universe Muhammed von a letter/ from .chlr3) d i the 23b/ thedi1ru4ll3h an the (orlds/ at (hich/ (hose names (ith the name the agleich(ertig is/ the di1ru-ll3h at the (orlds .aga+ all the ent:;<#=s*ringt of the *oint of the 2a%3n ' name of the one/ (as in the 2a%3n geoenbartclings and (as ordered Really/ du is a *o(er-y (ay of the truthG ,sch3ni? no( ta1es from further Fer:;<#=fügungen of the 23b MR . <@# / daLhe9it on (hat actually the designation fruit of the 2a%3n/ that %u)hiruhu4U3h asone/ ho(ever/ the eJ*ress name lac1s/ leads in .ubhi E)el him9it after his9itsdeath as his9its Nieder:;<#=1ehr and as Mahdl in strength ste**ing one %u)hiruhu4U3h sees

The eJ*ression )(eiter "io1tG i Gt in analogy mm ersteo *ointG formed/ that onthe other hand analogy Ala mm ersten (illsG/ ?Ur(ülen therefore emanaüaüsoh inunderstands iat ?b (hether . # and follo(ing

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have that (as a**ointed to 23ba lifetimes to this role only as one latent one since anabsurdity is t(o nu1ta side by side/ could not suer either &od4s mercy and therevelation of his9its religion any interru*tion/ ho(ever Here/ .ubhi E)el is thereforeconsidered the actual *ro*het of the ne( Religionsgründuug only da(ned (ith

the 23b ,sch3nl refers transmission of his9its ?#$ *ersonal securities besides onthe named letter for itself on 23bs at .ubhi E)el ?vgl üe/ to do usual coat-conferral/ and his9its orders from him9it/ other(ise/ at Lrst/ (aa he9it about rules/ assoon as ho(ever/ one a**ears %u)niruhu4ll3h to her9it to (or1 o the religion of the2a%3n and to su**lement the still outstanding eight cha*ters of the 2a%3n .inceno( the 23b ouch andern *laces ?ar ba% Entrance and )  2 II/ </ vgl &ob << thet(o last Ma:;<#=regeln him9it m % A has reservations/ ,sch3tl4s .chluL is rightNhether is also the *rerequisite/ the mentioned orders/ historically/ (ill leaveitself certainly never amount ,sch3m4s re*ort certainly *roves that this o*inion(as the ruling one at the moment about 23bs death As (ell the remar1 is to beunderstood bihischt in gras*/ the literature of the 23b during his9its t(o last 8abreonly had on .ubhi E)el concerning ?T / . <CB The *osition of the 2rttder*au-es In of the bab # Gtables Urgemelnde #@C5 bia#@ü/ from 23ba TN until the eJ*ulsion of the sect no( "srsieu%,sch3nl4s re*ort stretches over these t(o years and according to no doubt as (ell

eJists that actually .ubhi E)el after the death of the 23b ?@ 8uly #@C5/ ia his9its*lace marched in and leader (as ac1no(ledged by the sect as ihrunbestrittener/as it bihischt r this gras* the entire time u* to the ste**ing for(ard the schism(ith 2eh3 Allah in the siJties claims/ vgl   T / grade N/ o #/ and also &obineaucould only observe beside it/ dag some 23bl the s*irit of the 23b on them9her9itcure-advice al - 4a%n s1i**ed his9its lie:am*=en ?&ob . <$

Nhat es*ecially Lrst involves the 3u:am*=eren circumstances of the sect andthe t(o brothers/ so the rebellions only still ranted ia Vendschün/ 8e)d and lri)for itself after the Hin:;<#=richtung of the 23b from and oats iiu the blood of the celebrated 6 martyrsG resemble summers to Teheran In the follo(ing year?#@C#/ it remained quiet and Lrst the 2abfattentat on the shah of the #August gave Anlas again to an action against the sect/ that she9it 1noc1ed do(nin "ersia (ith a hit/ in #@ after this Ma:am*=regel (ith the eJecution of the23b didn4t reach the goal ?vgl the details T otes 2/ H/ T in su**lement to&obineau The brothers (ent out on 1ee*ing bac1 the sect from theNider:;<#=stand against the eJecutive and therefore don4t become evident.ubhi E)el/ that under the 2abi as Ismul E)el

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or Israu4I Nahid ?vgl (ent &ob . 66/ lived according to his9its o(n statement ?T &rade N/ o < com*letely li1e *reviously in the summer in Teheran/ in the (inter inonly/ the *ro*aganda of the b3bistischen teachings He9it had lingered over theeJecution of the 23b in a villageG near Teheran and came in danger of life Lrst/ as

his9its cousin Mlr)3 13 Kb3n of only Lrst minister became end of #@C#/ s o .  This only ?5 houses left the *lace after the assassination of the shah (here .ubhiE)el (as at that time %ust/ but had esca*ed still in time in the disguise of a dervish/lifts and a *rice of #555 tümans on his9its head *laces/ eJ*lains da he9it itself forthe Im3m Mahdi and a**roJimately #555 su**orters collectedG about itself a *roof/that he9it (as regarded as the leader of the sect also (ith the government He9itesca*ed over Haruadfm and Kirm3nsch3h after 2aghd3d 2eh3 Alliih also en%oyed anim*ortant *restige according to ,sch3nt4s re*ort in the sect/ that he9it not only his9itsnear relationshi* (ith .ubhi E)el/ (hose interests he9it more energetic/ as this itself tomaintain and to ver:;<#=treten sought but also his9its o(n hohen ste*G to the&otteser1enntnis and re*resentation of the deity in the sense of the 23bismus ?< o .<@ and follo(ing o(ed Ne Lnd him9it vou at the court over the sect of the year #@C ina detention B months/ from (hich he9it succeeded (ith getting free in the dierence of reno(ned other leaders (ith hel* of the Russian legation It is very much for thedierence of the t(o natures mar1s/ that .ubhi E)el cra(led a(ay/ 2eh3 Allah ho(evero*enly on his9its right eJisted/ his9its absolution *ushed through and (as escorted overthe border after 2aghdüd in honors (here he9it arrived (ith t(o andern of his9itsbrothers and several believer already some days before .ubhi E)el As and (hen he9itgot free from his9its Lrst &efangen:;<#=schaft in the year #@B$/ is not 1no(n on theother hand

Ausfuhrlicher are (e informed about the *artici*ation the brother by ,sch3nl at theinternal movements of the sect after the death of the 23b/ vgl MR A** U o #<0rom it/ that the claims of &ott:;<#=begeisterten occurred increasingly often on thedignity of the *ro*het after 23bs death in a (ay/ emerges that .ubhi E)el 1ne( tohel* only heavily He9it himself9itself (as inclined to understand this ManifestationenGas an increase of his9its o(n 2e:;<#=deutung and to leave a(are and ,sch3nl quiteagrees (ith him9it here _ou9they sa( in it/ in the conteJt of the teachings of the 23b of this the nu1ts of accom*anying #@ 2uch : ;<#=staben of the aliveG or der unitG/ einOn*roof of the &eistesmacht and si)e of the ne( religion/ that they held out to the Islam(ith &enug:;<#=tuung+ Nir love *eo*le/ (ho ?*ro-*oetische sha1e claims/ if they areonly sincere/ and der *roof of the sincerity is that/ not (ho the nu1ta/

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sondern only a letter of the alive is/ aich tinter the 8och of the nu1ta bendsG Alsothe case seems in general to be been ,iig In a KablKedicht from lieser time heiLtit+ Alle &od ?d h &ottbegoisterlen/ (al1ed around in ver:;<#=)üc1ter s*eech+ _es/ 8a#Q _ou are the 1ing of the &od in GC/ Foll:;<#=ends had to become the

Mansür ecstasy unrecogni)ed (here she9it al(ays *erformed and .ubhi E)eldenied this consequence of the system in no (ay His9its instruction restricteditself only that s the su*erior in the ste*s of the deity4s re*resentation o . <$by him9it actually also ac1no(ledged him9it underdogs as his9its man and is loved There (as not of dierences and collisions a lac1 namely ,sch3ni mentionsbe:;<#=sonders the dis*ute bet(een ,schenab i 4A)im/ that the door to the 23b/as (ell as to be to .ubhi E)el claimed and from them as such recogni)ed (as and,scbenib i 2aaic ?s o . ../ that confronted him9it (ith the same claim anda**eared high-handedly even o**osite the t(o brothers 2eh3 Allah got done (ithhim9it by Lrst being to be done roughly him9it and dauu erschlo him9it his9itssu*erior deity/ (hile .ubhi E)el his9its claim/ the return I8useina/ dea Im3co/ tobe/ (ith the (ords honored+ Nir choseG you among the *eo*le ?to this Thecommunity over got annoyed over his9its rising Einuü/ since he9it/ as his9its _erehrer ,sch3nt itself ac1no(ledges o*enly/ in (ords and actions didG (ronglymuch and ?eine door/ the in:;<#=(endig mercy/ by heart ho(ever *ain isG Ididn4t understand it that not .ubhi E)el/ (ith (hich she9it com*lained about him9it/ein:;<#=schritt At this *lace/ it becomes visible as very both *arts (aited for the*roof of &od4s *o(er in favor of the Mahdi and not the same (ithout the victory of his9its matter in the *ublic

,an 8a/ %alG as at t (ord an u t di e question So tt ea at the souls= 2in I not yourmanG Kor L y. #6# igt this sting (ord of the 2.biamus as a religious

Er(ea1ungiba(egung/ vgl the second this of 2ro(ne T &rade D quoted *oems thecure-advice al 4a%a The tradition/ that this dialogue of &od (ith the sea->eo of the*eo*le or this/ 8l3ubifen GD her9its9their creation Gallo(ed a discount of/ al(ays (asalive in the %ütischen "oetie/ vgl 2r #@$/ . $#6 7omment

&obineau has them9her9it 1onttitniert not even from dieaen blooms of theMenachen-verg.tt(ung according to a 1lami(ihen (ord Nellhauaeas already dG*eculiarity of the 2cbi4itieohen *iety ge(nt/ as he9it chastised ?@ - <<6 dea"olythoismu2 doi unitansehen 23bisMeG His9its su**osition has on the other hand/ d Gsees the sha*es in the sense of the altonent liscben Dnoaia (ith the time ofGH%thologitche vetuchtiRen or (ould condense/ not a**roved diel ho(ever/ aaoh nearan al Mn1anna4/ an al H31itn/ an insi*id thingsQ Allah and similar Lgures at the

.chi4itismna doesn4t ha**en 'ver the ,eiL)iermig dea *ir in the ] ün2itms vglicholson/ ,lT3ni .hamai Tahrii/ Introd/ Z B

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for full too1 2ecause the community acted (ith .ubhi E)el4a information/ it isin this time of evident unconsciousness/ (here com*letely still nicbt the sunof the demonstration from the small dar1ness ?s o . # ste**ed for(ard/)u)u(arten/ (hich of the claimants is in the right and (hich not/ vgl to it

above . #/ on the length not contentedly and gras*ed to the self-hel* ?su . @5 The success of the )u(artenden attitude of .ublii E)el4s (as same/daf1 itself the claims until the g3n)lichen anarchy increased If the youthfulsugar-ba1er still had revealed ,abth the ro( as a sensational andAn:;<#=hang of collecting &ottbegeisterter in the year #@C# merely \s o. <$/ so/ the com*etitors (ere in the dignity of the 23b and returnedHusein so ) for him9it 2 also the #@C eJecuted Husein of 1ite follo(ed andafter the re*ort of gras* bibischt ?T &rade N/ o direct rivals Lnallybecame .ubhi E)el4s evident (ith the claim/ that %u)hiruhu4ll3h/ the fruit of the 2a%3n/ one to be the 1ing of the 1ings of the 2a%3n According to Mlr)34Abdullah to(ards &haugh3 ?W dis*ute/ .e%%id Husein of Isfah3n to(ards&urnl ?&ob . 6@/ had the B5 su**orters and still *ursued the brothers in2aghd3d (ith letters/ abil of Varand/ the later chronicler of the 2eh3/ s o. and li1ed 23bidichter and Mlr)3 Asadull3h of Tabri) to(ards ,e%%3n?%udges/ over (hich re*orting even further (ill be Ho(ever/ it is not obviousto (hat eJtent these claimants reach bac1 into the time before the summer#@C and in (hat (ay they gave *roblems only in 2aghd3d to the brothersIt (as here (here 2eh3 Allah succeeded under heavy Lghts to Lrst managein the name of his9its brother4s order and itself then l3ngsam/ but/ tocertainly *ush even at his9its *lace

.econd *art

 The 23bi under 2eh3 Allah in 2aghd3d and driano*ei?#@C#@@

A short re*ort about this *eriod and at the same time the single re*ort of third side tends in the article 3bismusG in 2utrus al 2ist3nl4s of Arabicencyclo*edia ,34iratu l-ma43rif ?2eirut #@@# F/ @ before/ 2r #@@$/ .C5 A u . $Band follo(ing^ He9it is the Sbersicht:;<#=lich1eit because of *receding+   This man ?the 23b no( had indicated in einigen of his9its(riting that to(ards he9it/ that should follo( for him9it after his9its Tode/namens 8ah%3 a young Maoa among his9its students .ubhi E)el is And as the*rosecutions of the .chAh closed in over her9it9them and she9it at all *laces

bloody lo(-

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ii*den/ many ed rants for them in GTur1ish area after 2aghd3d #@C Andunder those/ that "ersia left/ irar 8ah%3 .ubhi E)el and aein older brother Mlr)3Husein 4Ali gen 2eh3 And .ub]i E)el hid auf for itself command of his9its brotherand his9its brother before the *ublic *retended/ Z ubhi E)el sei *resently under the

*eo*le/ but invisible/ since her9its9their eyes are nicht s1illfully/ him9it aaa8%fc8irieaU, 8 A 8&  IT  THERE  7AME/ ,A&  THE  TURKI.H  'E  A,  THE  "ER.IA  .TATE  A&REE,  T'  2AI.H

HER9IT9 THEM 0R'M 2A&H,, ##@B A,  THE &'FERMET AIE  T' A,RIATI7/ -'E> ."ET/.TE""E,  0'RNAR,  .II22I  EVE>  A,  .H'NE,  .EE.  THE  !00ET>I7HKEIT/ I  THAT  HE9IT  0R'MHI.9IT. AUTH'RIT_ A. A RE"RE.ETATIFE ? THE ,E U.E ,I, A,  THE "E'">E  T'  THE RE>I&I'U.UIUE.  MEI.TER&/  THE  .E88I,  4AH  ?MUHAMME,/  THE  T.2 IFITE, And his9its 2ruderbecame %ealous of him9it/ discarded him9it and claimed/ er is the Antichrist so rscame s*lit to one-one schism bet(een ihnen and her9its9their su**orters in a(ei*arties/ that E)el/ the other the 2tsu3/ that tsrsteren heal/ E)ell/ the more Lnal2eh34i/ one folgte .ubhi during 23bi a common arae für both is And Goh a (hilenoticed the Tur1ish Re:;<#=gierung ühle sto* hey them and discovered disasterunder ihnen and banished dahet .ufahi don1eys on the island 7y*ero/ (here erdied Iirium8 and 2eu3 after 4A113/ (here he9it is nuuh/ together (ith einer numberof his9its su**orters #@@OG The re*ort is right (ith the rises/ that 2ro(ne (ith the 23bl in "ersia/ on 7y%%ern

and in 4A113 did The statements of the E)dT and 2ebü4l about the details aredirected on the other hand/ on (hich ho(ever (e us until on further/ alonede*endent aenen and also after o*ening of o`cial sources in the - essentialan:;<#=ge(iesen (ould remain/ frequently a*art At (ritten Duden ftoinmt of side of the eoft4r the mafc3ia i schachsi sa%%üh ?T the 4Abb3a Etendl ?s o .<t/ and his9its sister4s 2ebia Kh3num re*ort at "hel*s ?s o < / from side of theE)eli this gras* bihischt of the .hei1 Ahmed of Kir-man ?s o . B inconsideration Above all ho(ever/ the (riting of the 2eh3 Allah are to be testedeven

I 2eha Allah nnd the 2:am*=bi1olonie m Rughd3d ?#@C#@7B # The outercircumstances and events of the t(elve years/ that the decisive grou* of the 23bls*ent in Eaghd3d/ are little 1no(n Nhile another troo* of 23bl (ent Tur1estan intothe Ferbacauug over the eastern border after 4Asch13b3d in Russian and develo*edinto a blooming/ but isolated colony ?vgl there ,reyfus/ Une institution behaleetc/ if the 23bi1olonie in 2agbd3d (as of outstanding im*ortance for the (holesect/ once/ she9it had .ubhi E)b/ the head of this

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(hole sects and 2eha Allah/ his9its energetic brother and &e:;<#=hilfen under itself and re*resented the headquarters consequently/ that the management of the sect(as entitled in "ersiea/ as far as a such one (as *ossible (ith the staat:;<#=lichensu**ression and the inner anarchy of the 23bi $nd thereupon, she?it stood in the

middle of the stream of the 1ersian Schritismus in aghdäd, that %et0een 1ersiaand the places of pilgrimage lain in the #Ira; #$ra% @s.4 o . #5 oods bac1 andforth These lie ) T do *roJimity of 2aghd3d uud (areii already the centers of the.cheichibe(egung n3clister 2aghd3d itself has under #C5555 Miriiammedanern ?Eiu(in the (hole one 55555/ a ma%ority of $5555 .hiite and eJactly recently a strongVu:;<#=)ug of such is to be observed The number of the "ersian *rotection-ordered/ thatsub%ects Tur1ish are li1e the numerous Arabs and strangers from all (ide here/ amounts in2aghd3d einschl this in al K3)imein resident at least #5555 ?v   '**enheim/ from theMittclmeer to the "ersian golf II . <$ Also the home of the theoso*hical brotherhood of the K3diri%%e is beside the 7hristians and 8e(s here/ (ho are numerous in 2aghd3d/ thatno(adays to hundred-thousand over the fore 'rient/ s*e) .yria and orth-Africa anduntil her9its9their s*iritual 'bariau*t locali)es at the &rab:;<#=moschee of her9its9their.tiers shei1 4Abd El K3dir El ,schll3ni to 2agbd3d is s*read after India and as1ed (hoseblessing the goal of her9its9their *ilgrimages is ibid . B and follo(ing .o/ there couldbe no more favorable *lace of her9its9their shelter and her9its9their *ro*aganda than2aghd3d for the 2abi at the same time Actually/ 2eh3 Allah also succeeded from here/the sect )usammen)u:;<#=halten and you/ to o*en a (idened Leld of vision and a ne((orld-(ide occu*ation at the same time His9its high descent and his9itstheoso*hical virtuosity brought him9it (ith dea authorities and the 4Ulem3 of bothconfessions of the Islam as (ell/ as (ith the relatives cham*agnes and foreignEeligions-be1ennern/ (ith (hich immediately he9it amicably ran/ too resolutely*restige/ that beneLtted his9its colony and (hole sect on the other hand/ (hile.ubhi E)el retreated fully/ about the more the *restige a/ to en%oy saints/ lifted The strength of the 23bi1olonie in 2aghd3d is not to be investigated The number of 

the 23bi/ that (as s*ent aeit #@B over 7onstantino*le after Adria:;<#=no*el/ amountedafter "hel*s ?. <# on 6C Is ho(ever to be assumed/ da:am*= this only the solid 1ernelof the EJulanten:;<#=gemeinde of 2aghd3d - (as .ince .ubhi E)el retreated anJiouslyfrom the *ublic ?vgl (hether . 65#/ if aliea hung at 2eh3/ that no( under thecontradiction of an o**osing side/ but under coverage .ubhi E)el4s against the generalanarchy in the sect battled and only as he9it became her9its9their masters/ in the2e(uLt--4i-G cNr r]ieh(iftn and his9its fetG Nreien *osition in iron

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Antagonism (ith his9its brother ste**ed The &eschiebte says nothing eJactly aboutthose Lghts of the 2eh3/ (e see only the successes A distracted otis ?T . @andfollo(ing is instructive after all+ 2eh3 Allah (ants all *ossible ones in 2aghd3d/ notnearer &e:;<#=heimbünde mar1ed/ sought (hich contact (ith the banished sect and

afcaatagef3hrlicbe re*resented intents/ yes even a cons*iracy against the shah/ to (hichhim9it some limbs of the "ersian KOnigs:;<#=familie themselves and 2eamte of foreigngovernments in the IraqG of ge:;<#=(innen (anted/ re%ected Actually the sect behavedquite loyally under his9its management and on his9its eJ*ress An:;<#=(eisung andbecame not even about annulment of the eJile (ith the .hah Forstellig ?vgl 2eh34sletter to the .hah Tom 8ahre #@@/ T . ##5 The "ersian emissary in 2aghd3d had*re*ared the government4s (orry so near in Teheran/ that 23bi could/ a ne( u*set-movement over the border and (ith the big schLtischen Nallfahrts:;<#=orten/ al(aysbesch(ich-tigen can and 2eh3 even leads the transfer from 2aghd3d on *ersonalchicaneries in the year #@i the him9it used successor %eoes &esandten/ 2u)urg Kb3n of Ka)(in/ bac1 and these again on her9its9their rivalry in a (omen-matter The ne(emissary Lrst made the .cheichl mobile to the dschib3d against the 23bi and this*revented as the Tur1ish government and a .ehcicbihau*t raised ob%ection evenagainst it/ he9it assessed the high clergy of Kerbel3 and ed-boss to become (ith thescra*es against the rising inuence of the 23bi vorstellig/ on (hat the communication(ith the gate too1 *lace/ to remove her9it9them from the hub of the "ersian border asfar as *ossible/ T N. S. Mti.4, and this 0as eOecuted in one for the ä%i schuuendenmanner.

The eJamination of the inner history of the 23bl1olonie in 2aghd3d/ that agrees(ith the question of the develo*ment of the claims and the consciousness of the 2eh3Allah of his9its o(n *ro*hetic mission/ (or1s out even more di cult The o(nstatements (ithin the *arty of the 2ebal sho( uctuations here/ in that sooncom*letely she9it soon ?#$9#@C9< the ste**ing for(ard the Reh3 into thebeginning of the 2aghd3der menstruation/ das year $G/ on her9its9their end andtransfers soon at all only after Adriano*el The latter is Lrst-reindeer a statements thegeneral tradition/ for (hich abu *unch is the sim*lest recei*t in #5/ also beside thisu . $ It is valid to eJamines en to thin1 (hat of those other statements is The b3bistische &eschichtschreibung of the 2eh34l of the eighties a(a1ens Ron a

strong MiLtrauen against the statements of a declaration of the 2eh3 Allah in2aghd3d from the start since her9its9their history-construction is *roved gloriam of the 2eh3 to maiorem ad The t3rlch i dschadid ?: am*= . B mer)t

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from ,scl3ül4s history of the 23b ,icht only the animosities of the Urb3bismus againstall ichtb3bl and against the state from but also his9its belief in the 7halifat of the.ubhi E)el and the ne(s over the confused in der-Urgemeinde and schlie:am*=t (iththe assassination from #@C5 and an o*en condemnation des:;<#=selben The

mab3la i schachsi sa%%3h ?s o . < bebandelt in his9its (ittleren *art ?. 6#5#/ thelife of the eb3 of his9its youth until the arrest in Adriano*el in the manner/ daL it 2eh3s*ro*hetic dignity until in the days of the 23b .ubhi E)el bac1dates and *ushescom*letely at side Hienach has the 2eh3 the 23b ring and (riting-utensils as insigniaof the successors shaft ?vgl hands over (hether . $ (ritten together (ith atalisman of <5 ,erivata of the trun1 bch3 in the *entagonal star ?T . B= 2eh3 *utfor(ard in the a**roval (ith the 23b and the community .ubhi E)el as his9its front manin order to distract the attention of the o**onents from itself and the 23b= .ubhi E)el4sletters to the 3b (ere his9its dictation and its FerseG chief= shortly .ubhi E)el (as only2eh34s .chleierG ?T . and follo(ing= vgl (hether . #B ,aon further+ inaghd3d of unveiled 2eh3 immediately in the year #$ ?$G or also sim*ly $G/ on(hich the 23b %u)hiruhu4ll3h him9it one *romised/ ar ba% FI/ #C &ob . C56/ his9itsbecame and machte the hidden secret of meado(s (ithin and outside the sect 1undG?T . < _es the eJ*lanation of Adriano*el is (ithheld at all and is only mentioned/2eh3 had to remind .ubhi E)el of his9its role as his9its front man there and had to *usho itself since he9it out-strove over it ?T . $<and follo(ing 2ro(ne notices . tothis ?#@$ <5+ ,er author t4Abb3s Efendi/ (rote under 2eh3s un:;<#=mittelbarersanction and had all means to the hand/ that Tat-.achen to be certain/ the Manifestationof the 2eh3 therefore must have bac1dated 1no(ingly and *ur*oselyG Incidentally/ thisaudacious attem*t/ the original *riority of the .ubhi E)el and the declaration of the2eh3 seem to be u* again given by the 2eh3l to reinter*ret in Adriano*el and to falsifythe (hole history of the sect on *ur*ose icola ) 2 if aus:;<#=drüc1lich gives thehonor to the truth and (ant deny Z ubht E)el4s historicallyG *riority sees/ 2ey Ar . CA B

.ince ho(ever/ 2eh3 Allah no( declares das as date of his9its demonstration year$G even occasionally/ ) 2 , II . B</ according to mu:am*= is considered ho(ever/(hether ho(ever/ the *eriod doesn4t have to 2aghd3d a ty*e of declaration of the 2ehage:;<#=standen under any from the beginning or (hether dierently that statement tounderstandsG such an early declaration actually no( be im*ossible through the Kit3b ElI13n/ (here 2eh3 by the year #6B9#@C69@ ?s u tr(lSrt + lted. #$ll co0 KhDn S.#6$+ Ho.en (e that the *eo*le

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des 2a%3n (ill recogni)e him9it maintaining under all the andern 2ut )ur is time asmell of the %ealousy (ides*read/ li1e since An:;<#=fang of the (orld not Itas1ed a grou* unrolled ver-sch(oren and the banner of the dis*ute for itself against me vgl unt . @5 Ich stands in a true ball-rain although I have not yet

risen gerühmt above somebodyG 2ro(ne translates the last crucial (ords .according to his9its teJt ?#@$ <5C+ I never sougbt *recedence over any one inany (ea1G Vu:;<#=gleich no( gives the l13n ground for daa4s correctunderstanding of the statement of a demonstration of the year $ at the hand If 2eh3 s*ea1s herald der 23b deren of a >euchte godG here (as and that remindsyou on a matter/ that visibly ist in the secret under the shado( of the light in theIraqG ?Ed 4All *en Khan #5C/ Ed , #5 uiid (ith the *ro*hets distinguishesbet(een her9its9their obviously become Messiah-dignity/ the .tand of the throneGand the latency of the same/ that .tand of &od4sG cover/ ?Ed - 4universe *en Khan# so he9it seems to indicate that he9it is a(are already his9its mission she9itho(ever still geheim:;<#=h3lt into the same direction *oints his9its call to thecommunity/ itself to the forthcoming revelation the one/ to rectify %u)hirubu4ll3h/and his9its s*eech of a Antichristen/ of (hich one already sees/ that the *eo*lehold him9it for very devout/ and having to obey thin1s for him9it/ Ed 4All Kuii Khan#6@/ Ed , 5< Nhether he9it *re*ares already the schism (ith .ubhi E)el (ith it That dierentiation of a secret one and a *ublic Messias:;<#=(ürde involviertho(ever not even the eJistence of a messianic consciousness for the erstere Itcan also be only about the *otential or unconsciously latent *ro*hetic dignity/that attributes the *ro*het to the 23bismus from eternity and from her9its9theirchildhood on/ s u . #$4 In this sense/ it names ) 2 also abll the birth orthe Lrst

4 If 2eh3 calls and an ins*iration the transition of the *otential one to the currentstand of the *ro*het a da(n/ so in the lauh i sult3n T . #56 and in his9its Arabic*relude T -oteP= vgl u < #5 a clear *arallel to the 2uddhism/ (here 2uddha of the a(a1ening or illuminated is/ so declared GAbb3s Efendl this *lace eJ*ressly there/dag the da(n of &od4s demonstrations ?.t . 7hristi at the 8ordan-ba*tism/ onlymeans/ daO she9it of the silence mm tal1s is a**ointed/ lee <@ Fgl to it theism34ilitische Unter:;<#=scheidung of the religionsatiftenden *ro*het as ,atife?s*ea1ers of his9its ?6 successors/ the hel*ers as the s3mit ?.ch(eigern/ de .aey a a' 7III and this of the 2eb34i itself to o(n done idea of the [ uL from her9its9theirsaints as stillsch(eigender demonstrations in the V(ischen:;<#=r3umen4 sc)(isohen the a**earance of religion-donating *ro*hets ?r A Tear a the "ers .


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Herantreten of the 2eh3 in the circles the 23bismus4s a demonstration of the man andsays from his9its a**earance in 2adascht+ ,ie (orld became shining from the shinesof his9its faceG .o/ o(n statement about the year $ may eJ*lain itself also to 2eb34sas a Lgure of s*eech from his9its later meaning from/ if ) he9it 2 in the .üra i hai1al

?s u/ says+ Als the heaven-light of the heaven of the 4Iraq ?d h in 2aghd3d/ roseG/ 2r#@$/ . <5B Admittedly is more li1ely/ daL 2eh3 itself either later or really at certain*redictions of the 23b/ that associated the demonstration of the *ro*het of the Lnaldays (ith the mystic numbers $ and #$/ connected Ne sa(/ daL the year $G also?#@C other(ise numerous claimants of this NDrde on the *lan *ut as1ed and on theother hand the 2eh3i ?and 2eh3 even set her9it9them year 5G this after dem also inthe year #@5/#@<9B ?das year @5G as the #$te year mar1s ?#59#@BB 23bs ste*s/ a2Manifestation of the 2eh3 in Re) (3nG/ ?garden the estate/ on (hich the caravangathered before the Ab:;<#=reise from 2aghd3d/ lauh i 43lam Ed 4Ali *en Khan . @=,/ Essai . B$and follo(ing= "hel*s . <5 The 2eh3l thin1 of secret eJ*lanations of the 2eh3 Allah of his9its neJt conLdantes on that occasion/ as (e she9it in Matth # in 8esus4 o*ening have at his9its disci*les The silence-order is the same here and there Inthe individual one/ the tradition uctuates gravely Nhile 2ehia Kh3num only from onesecret eJ*lanation at GAbb3s Efendl uud B further conLdantes in Re)(3n ?therefore#@<9B and from no former (ei:am*= / "hel*s . <5 if ,reyfus ?Essai . *uts B thissecret eJ*lanation of the beginning of the 2aghd3d he9it *eriod and ma1es theeJ*lanation in 2e)(3n to a *ublic one/ that he9it 1no(s aus)u:;<#=malen in glo(ingcolors He9it s*ins the *rogram-s*eech at the EJulanten/ that he9it *uts 2eh3 on thatoccasion into the mouth/ from a *lace in the Kit3b a1das ?Ed 2ombay . @+ &ott(ithdre( the order of the im*urity of all things und of the foreign *eo*le Into the sea of the Reinbeit/ each thing (as di**ed at the ersten a**earance of Re)(3n/ (herehaben transLgures us (e before all the (orldG .ince re)(3n is an eJ*ression for*aradise at the same time and on the other hand this a name of the *ro*het/ so thesentence could also be understood than geogra*hical sense in other 2ut there is thefact that annually the 2eh34I a re)(3n-0est of #t3giger lengths to the memory onthose # days before the de*arture/ from 2aghd3d ?lee celebrates . 7omment7M8 #@$@/ . B@ &oes from it admittedly only forth that the de*arture indem:;<#=selben senses/ as ent:;<#=s*rechende "assafest Israel4s (al1out on Egy*tand this him9it/ in his9its historic meaning for the ne( revelation/ (ithout (hich he9itconnected (ith a declaration of the 2el%3/ is a**reciated (ould have to be thought Asuch one is after all

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*ossible beside also that of Adriano*el/ since in fact .ubhi E)el4g ?s she9it itself onlyat the EJulanten itself in absence o (ould direct V(eifel:;<#=haft is left ho( thedeviant re*ort of the 2ebia Kh3num can be *ut strongly on the other hand into theNagschale Any(ay ho(ever/ ,reyfus stands alone until on further (ith his9its secret

eJ*lanation of the 2eh3 of the year #@C Under this Um:;<#=st3nden/ it must berec1oned (ith it/ da:am*= the t(o/ more or less secret eJ*lanations of the 2Lb in theyear $ and in the year #$/ therefore at the beginning and end of the 2aghd3dermenstruation/ artiLcial constructions is The main-question/ (hether be(uLt ran out on the re*ression of .ubhi E)el4s of 2eh3

Allah in 2aghd3d from the beginning and the 2eibungen in the sect of hiedurch (ascaused or not/ ohnebin can certainly not be decided Ne are aus:;<#=schlielichho(ever de*ended on our E)eliquelle Hascht of bihischt/ (hose communicationsrefutes/ here (ould have to become/ before one denies them the belief/ that givesthem 2ro(ne He9it has her9it9them in T &rade N/ . <CB in the translation given2ienacb (as .ubhi E)el for ten years the recogni)ed head of the sect after the deathof the 23b This (ould *oint at the second half of the 2aghd3d*eriode as the timeconsequently (here 2eh3 started ?#@5 to ma1e this *osition debatable for him9itVu:;<#=gleich is said that he9it is ge:;<#=(esen resolved to this from thebeginning+ Als no( Mir)3 Husein 4universe this disorder in the sect sah ?s u/ he9itdecided to *ut for(ard the same claim/ li1e (hich . 6 Mentioned/ in the thought/ daLhe9it of the hervorragenden *osition/ that he9it occu*ied for a long time as atats3ch-licher leader of the things/ from better sifted out as has the andern claimantsHere/ 13 ,scb3n of K3sch3n ?the later secretary of the 2eh3 Allah encourageshim9it strongly ach and after too1 certain form at und his9its decision he9it handledit ho( harmlessly he9it could do the 23bl/ that (ould go u* vor:;<#=aussichtlich tohim9it Um this time if the 23bl (ere quoted to 7onstantino*le the re*ortG/ thematter gives even further details u**er ,a .ubhi E)el itself into an accessibleAb:;<#=geschlossenheit select only for little (ithdre( vgl to it ibid . <CC+ 2eh3 andthe andern 23bl in 2aghd3d collected very mighty >icht about this for itself/ that afterinstructions/ that it had gotten ?the 23b from the Hadrat i u1ta of i 2a%3n/ behindthe Forh3ngen of the isolation of the believers and other )ubrachteG his9its days andnights/ his9its older brother Mir)3 Husein 4AU sa( the eigentliche management of thethings in his9its hands He9it no( (as ein man/ that from youth on (ith *eo*le from allclasses/ ver1ehrt and itself through it a certain (ideness of the fundamental attitude

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?(us4at i mascbrab and religious *liability ?r:am*=ch3(at i madhab/ (hich*eo*le of same fundamental attitude/ had acquired denen a certain relaJation of the strict la( of the 2a%3n nicht un(elcome (as/ to him9it moved As to(ards no(MuU3 Radschab 4Ali a fe( school of the 23bi/ aged from der/ as MullaMuhammed ,scha4far of ir31 Kahir/ H3ddachl.e%%id Muhammed von Isf3han/ s

u . $and follo(ing/ H3ddschl .e%%id ,sch3v3d of Kerbel3/ I83ddschl Mlr)ü Ahmedto(ards K3tib/ the (aiter-su*ervisor over the hl ,ig von Kum/ Huddschi Mfr)3Muhammed Ri)3 and others/ this Ab-sichten on innovation and Er(eichung noticed/sie o**osed Mlr)3 Husein 4Ali so decidedly/ left daL 2aghd3d he9it in the Gfury and(ent after .uteiman%e in Kurdistan/ #@C<9BCC9 vgl Ho(ever/ abil/ *unch / until.ubhi E)el (rote him9it/ li1es )urüc11ehren he9itG ?. <C and follo(ing Hereschiief1t no( this a moment ago er:;<#=(3hnte *assages at/ in (hich thedisorder in the community/ that made 2eb34a Ruc11ehr to the necessity/ (ith(hich anarchy becomes gleich:;<#=geset)t/ that through the rivalry of numerousclaimants of the u**ermost authority in the community/ as (e met her9it9themalready in ,scbani4s re*ort/ originated and that the Entschluo )eitigte in 2eh3 to

counter her (ith the same claim at that time/ if he9it restored the order Lrst2ro(ne alerts to the incongruity/ daf the re*ort among the da:;<#=maligenclaimants of the dignity the one %u)hiruhu4ll3h also Husein of 1ite/ (ho travels/ isnamed a victim of the eJecution of the #C in the year #@C It became .e*tember?. <C6 7omment < The re*ort (as allo(ed to a*art from this/ daL it the"ort:;<#=dauern of this "Lngsfcbe(egung in the 23bismus/ through (hat 2eh3became necessary in 2aghd3d at the same time and came highly/ (as belief (ithhis9its inner li1elihood earns It (as that of the 23b the [ ubhi E)el to thesecretary beigegebeoe Mlr)a Asa-du4ll3h from Tabn) to(ards ,e%%3n ?%udgesor 8udas Ischariot of the *eo*le of the 2a%3nG/ that the sect (ith that claim aboutthis time ?#@C<9B at the most shoc1ed He9it became after &obineau ?. 66and

follo(ing in 4Arabist3n ?W 7hü)istan/ (here he9it (anted to collect a *arty foritself/ from 2ablhand sei)ed and in the shades al - 4Arab dro(ns 2eer no( isre*orted/ it (as 2eh3 Allah/ (ho gave to his9its servant Mir)3 Muhammed of M3)ander3n order after emotional confrontation (ith him9it/ to 1ill him9it ?. <C6 The movement a**ears touched Lrst at her9its9their climaJ here+ Es generallycame/ daL everyone in the da(n in the early morning his9its body (ith this claimadorned / . <@ Also 2eh3 even says i13n ?, in the 1it3b El 56/ 4All *en Khan#@#/ da:am*= the years after her9it him9it of .ubhi E)el of ordered return fromKurdistan/ 8ahre gro:am*=en of dis*uteG (ere/ in (hich com*letely aloneGGotttndfn s* he9it hL)( still stands

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It is not to amount in vie( of this s1im*y material as dea 23bismus becameintert(ine into 2aghd3d 2eh34s4s organi)ational Lghts (ith the Lght for a more liberalformation Ne only see/ da:am*= he9it it in the course of these t(elve yearsthere brought that he9it the ne( crisis after the de*arture from 2aghd3d/

that (ith the over*ass of the headquarters of the sect into the far-distantAdriano*el over the 23bismus herein:;<#=brach/ (ith success to it/ to ste*(ith an inde*endent mission at his9its to*/ could use and in the *ro*erty of the controversial authority the one %u)hiruhu4ll3h/ to lead the sect into ne(trac1s

< The (riting of the 2eb3 Allah from the 2aghd3der gives us AufschiuL.ubhi E)el4s *eriod over his9its Fer1Dndigung under the su*remacy andbefore the a**earance in o(n authority Ea essentially is .üLsmus (hathe9it *reaches/ but every(here (ith that eJ*ress antagonism of the *ositiveof a ge:;<#=schichtlichen religion against the ahistorical of the mysticism/as (e had to establish him9it (ith the Urb3bismus and ibn 2eh3 laterformulated as 1eenly as *ossible in the Kit3b a1das+ Es gibt *eo*le/ (ho1no( the inner and most inner secret of itself from )u/ claims .aga+ 5 liarsQNith &ottl something you hast/ only hus1s are/ that (e leave you/ li1ebones/ that one l3:am*=tG ?2r den dogs #@@$/ . @@<# The 23bisrausa**ears (ith the claim (ith 2eh3/ the *erson the a &nadenmittlers or Im3mMahdl/ to bring/ (ithout (hich d no &ottesgemeinscbaft i &otteser1enntnis or/&e(iLheitG *ossible ?i13n is Already/ also 2eb3 announces even beside the23b in this Eigen:;<#=schaft/ even if still Lrst in *assing

a This custody v3dr/ 6 valleys= , I . U= English+ 4'U7H *en Khan/7hicago #$5/ is the one (riting 2eh34s/ that the most clearly sho(s the*ure .üLsmus .he9it comes from 2aghd3d and turns to(ards his9its letter atthe .üL shei1 4Abduf Rahm3n as ans(er 4 2eh3 as1s him9it to su**ort him9it inhis9its des*erate situation and to stand by him9it The (riting follo(s v3di of the 0artd-uddin the classical conLnement unequivocally for itself/ thatEinleitung)u the GFOgelges*r3chenG of this süLseben classic of the #7entury Ho( there/ vgl Fiolinists and Kuhn/ &rund-ri:am*= the Iranian*hilology II . @C it is the 6 stations of the continual .uchensG after theinLnite the allea mind of consuming >iebeG/ the mystic Er1enntnisG/ the.elbstgenügsam1eitG in the detachment of both (orlds/ this

Fgl to it 2r/ A _ear s tbe "eraians . <C+ The 23bi unter:;<#=scheidenthe güLachen classics And of her9its9their o(n ins*iring ? o . <@ 7omment #

as stille demonstrationsG of the *ro*het of Reiche ty*e/ that one (ell received?iddi43 according to becomes l3:am*=t and Fgl *uts for(ard to it o . <5 u u .#6

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 The EinheitG ?tauhid @ reali)e o . <= <</ that the .elbst-be(uLtsein of lifting2et3ubungG and Lnally the &ottes:;<#=bedürftig1eit and the g3n)liche of resigning inthe absolute or the .elbstFernichtungG ?fan3 they are *raised as the salvation-(ay/ inthat only the self-su`ciency behind/ instead of to stand in front of the main-station of the unit/ comes It doesn4t need a discussion of these stations here The s*ecial of the

(riting is on the other hand to be heeded 2eh3 doesn4t s*ea1 of the 23b (ithamennennu,g/ but from the a**eared revelation of the Im3m MahdQ and la:am*=tno doubt/ da:am*= he9it (ith it itself as such thin1s A**ears here to be the claim/ aFoll1ommenerG and a 2aum of the truthG/ as each süLsche *ir raises him9it/ as a*articular+ 'bgleich the 1indliness of the Einen ?W the logod s o . @ radiatescontinuously/ so ho(ever )uge:;<#=dacht is each Veitalter a certain MaC and a certainoering It rains only in the s*ring/ other seasons are im*ossible from dieser mercy-oering Ho( marvelously/ daü of the &e:;<#=liebte/ the truthful-y one one/ a**arentbecame und no veils of binding li1e the sun at his9its beauty/ as only the light \@ o .< _es only is he9it cloa1ed through the strength of the >ichterscbeinung andhidden through the heat of the radiationG 'nly schade/ dag he9it in a city of blind

*ersons came/ 4universe *en Khan . B$and follo(ing/ (hy he9it still 1ee*s the full truthuntil on further for itself ?. <6and follo(ing < 2eh3 ma1es claim for the *ro*heticins*iration the 4him9it i laduni ?a o. . <5 and follo(ing/ this he9it in contrast againstthe süLsche school-1no(ledge/ from (hich he9it gives tests/ in order to sho(/ *uts daüit im*lied in that is : lt=. <B The *relude equates the logos (ith the Mahdi and callsthis the tradition under calling in+ Er1enntnis is a radioes s/ that the un1no(ing did inmany dierent (ays o . # the u1ta ?. < He9it indicates/ dag he9it as suchcom*etent/ to lead bac1 the multi*licity into the unit ?./ is and follo(ing/ to freethe .trahl hel*lessly im*lied in the human-hearts from &odG ?. <#= <6/ and/ to *ut the(orld into the divine unit of the absolute so This eJecution of the Rüc11ehrG of thesense of this+ Nahrlich/ (e are ourselves from &od and to him9it turns bac1G is thought

as annulment of the illusion of the reality of the area-tem*oral (orld of the multi*licitybeside the absolute as the single Nir1:;<#=lichen and as the s*eciLc tas1 of the*ro*hets be:;<#=schrieben The *ractical side of the matter/ that later turned to 2eh3*articularly/ clearly already ste*s out on that occasion here+ In the .tand of the unitG/there is not any more dis*ute/ that is found viel:;<#=mehr only in that of themulti*licity The love of the absolute holds together everything here/ because one caneven recogni)e here every(here+ n - io - Rn]i-H luirt rlie Fersdiiedenheit and thedis*ute of this

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Religions on= the absolute religion of the absolute is found again in each religionand goes through her9its9their historical dierentiations through/ . Keines:;<#=(egs is given u* the *ositive character of the o(n religion beside it/ho(ever+ 2ei cannot deviate all these tri*s breit from the la( ?schart4at/ (hichis der the secret *ilgrim-tri* ?tari1at under leadershi* of a com*lete/ that has

die truth in itself/ the *ilgrim by a hair breadth even if the fruit of the tree (illattain der truth ?ha1l1at ?. C# d h the Religions:;<#=geset) remains cut-o in validity/ that is Aatinomismua of a Hadrai i Kuddüs/ also on the highest of thethree ste*s of the .üLsmua (ith it and maintained the 23bismus his9its meaningas statute-Aryan religion At the same time/ 2eh3s indierence diers against thedierences of the historical religions of der:;<#=selben a**earance in the .üLsmusso If 2eh3 boasts in a later letter to the shah ?#@@/ he9it interactedimmediately fraternally (ith *eo*le in 2aghd3d from all religions and thiscorres*onds to his9its later *rogram for the sect/ so da:;<#=bei is not tooforgotten/ da:am*= 2eb3 never an a*ostle of the so-called one?snatür:;<#=lichen religion (as but al(ays the b3bistische religion-la(/ that begins

(ith the confession to the ne( *ro*het/ vgl u . #5$ and follo(ing/ held u*b/ the Kit3b El i1an ?boo1 of the &e(i:am*=heit= , #$5B/ 4'U7H *en Khan#$5B vgl o . C u = the more Lnal translation is the more trusted/ Mahdl (antsthe süLsche &e(i:am*=heit# on the same (ay of the belief in theer:;<#=schienenen Im3m/ %ustiLes (ith 7hristians li1e (ith Muhammeda,ern infact %ust as (ell/ in:;<#=dem it the allegorical understanding of the messianicVu1unfts:;<#=(eissagungen of these religions and their fulLllment of the 23bteaches Here/ it is s the 23b ?Hadrat i a4l3G every(here namely o . / he9itas Mahdl in the theoso*hical sense announces and be:;<#=(iesen becomes 2eh3Allah is su**osed to have (ritten the boo1 after the tradition of the sect in anight/ about the numerous questioners from 7hristians/ Tur1s and

Muhammedanern to ge:;<#=nügen and s*eciLcally an uncle of the 23b/H3ddschi Mir)3 .e%%id Muhammed of .chlr3)/ to (illfahren 2ro(ne ?#@@$ . $BBand follo(ing glorify the *o(erful style and tell/ dag it besides a small "ersiantract over civili)ation ?muduni%%at the single boo1 of the 23bi/ that she9it given in*ressure and *ublished/ is It is in India (ithout being reached into the boo1 tradeho(ever

4 The Z ü distinguishes them9her9it through the *ro*hets and %ustiLed thecorres*onding teaching-tradition/ the no more aoi lies the (ay of the %üL2chen.elbstcr)iehuntf 7&oiilriher/ Forl/ theoao*hische &e(iaheit ?4about G# 8 Gl*n of theintuitively acquired &e(i:am*=heit ?Ga%n al % GFin and the allerhOchsten ste*/ hilc G# %alLn ?truth this neighed ü d M S. --P4.

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if been lithogra*hed and also in the manuscri*t strongly (ides*read 0ast of each 23bl/that *ossesses boo1s at all/ has a co*y and mostly they borro( her9its9their argumentsfrom this boo1 ?ibidG As date of the (riting/ Khan of ,reyfus and from 4universe cult isdeclared the year #@ mista1enly/ maintaining it itself after the remar1 of the author?, 56/ he9it came bac1 from Kurdistan years ago/ on the year #@C69@ ?2r decides

#@$ . B<C and #$5$/ . <56 *lace #BB MR erroneously (ith #@@ ] , li1e Tgl Huartin RHK volume C5 . ## The other remar1 of the author/ it is since Muhammedsa**earance ?bis3t #6@ ?4universe *en Khan # or #@5 ?, #B5 A**lied years/ is leftby 2ro(ne and Huart unheeded and seems (ith the dogma of a demonstration of the2eb3 of the #$ To be connected year after #5 ?< o . 6@ f/ in that soon the same on#@C ?after the 2is3t-7hro-noiogie/ is calculated soon on #@ ?roof of the Hi4dschra-7nronologie .o/ *en Khan eJ*lains the incorrect ,atierung near ,reyfus and 4universeto itself at the same time ,a:am*= the (hole statement a later dog:;<#=matischerentry is/ lies do(n the more dra(s near/ as fDr this the .chlu:am*=sat)+ &eoenbart/mun)al d i do(n-sent/ from the 2 and the HG 2 W Ur(ille or logos/ H W a hu(i%%at/ the*ure being vgl o . @= Allusion to 2eh3 by 2ro(ne (ith determination ?2r is

assumed #@@$/ . $B6/ since the boo1 lies even before the declaration of the 2eb3 so/(e (ould have a su**ort for our su**osition/ da:am*/ here= the Mani:;<#=festationenof the 2eb3 to 2aghd3d im year $G and #$G nach:;<#=tr3gliche dogmatic constructionsis/ s o . 6$/ The 1it3b El i1an disintegrates into three main-*arts The Lrst brings an allegorical

inter*retation of Ev Matth B v $<#/ the second the allegorical inter*retation of themuhammedaniscben Eschafcologie/ the third *roof of the 23b as him9it according tover:;<#=standenen Mahdi

.hare I ?, #666 The inter*retation of the neutestament-liehen return-statements gives the allegorical sense of the so-called one?s Veichen of thehuman-sonG li1e FerLnsterung of sun and moon/ .ternenfall/ cloud-arrival/ court-

trombone The inter*retation ha**ens after the ism34llitischen scheme/ if re*resenting*ro*hets/ moon and stars the sun she9it (ith the deity ?logos and him9it (ith his9itsre*resentative and his9its nearest su**orters/ that FerLnsterung of the heavenly bodiesbe)( the division of the heaven and the .ternenfall (ith the Abrogation of the eJistingreligion of the *ro*het of the ne( cycle/ the transformation of the old one?s into a ne(earth (ith the Auf:;<#=1ommen of the ne( religion/ that omen of the return (ith theforerunners of the *ro*hets/ the clouds (ith the la(s of the ne( religion and the angels(ith this you accessible devout

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.ouls are equated The return 7hristi even is equated (ith the ha**ening a ne(*ro*hetic cycle/ in that the 23b is *ut as a ne( demonstration of the Ur(illens beside7hrist/ Muhammed and the older sha*es of the "ro*heten:;<#=reihe ?vgl o . C# uC In this Vusammen:;<#=hang/ the estimate of the ne( (ill becomes a *ositive

one The teachings of the Islam/ the real T have driven heavens (ith 7hrist to(ardsand (ith him9it in the fourth heaven hidden/ vergl the relative vie( of the .chLtismus of the boo1 of the 03time about hands of the hidden Im3m MahdQ s u . @$ and thevor:;<#=liegende T be a forgery of the 7hristians/ becomes under2e)ug:;<#=nahme on the estimate of the T in the Koran ?vgl re%ected o . C<t/ho( at all the Sber:;<#=legenheit of the Duran about the traditions and his9its meaningis re*resented in reformatory sense as norma of orman ?, 6C #< This estimateand utili)ation of the T if 2eh3s is o(n action/ in that the older 23bismus *robably(ent out on bringing together Islam and 7hristianity/ Koran and 2ible/ but no(here anactivity of the T betrays/ s o . C<and follo(ing 2eh3 Allah (ent in 2aghd3d at itconsequently/ that to bring lying tendency to the eect in the 23bismus oncommunication (ith the 7hristianity 7om*ared (ith the same eort of the4Abb3sfendl ?s u . #65 and follo(ing if he9it still sto*s only at the formal side/ inthat not he9it only the "arusieer(artu,g/ ho(ever also the 7hristian teachings itself allegorically utili)es The II "art ?, 6@#66/ the allegorical inter*retation of the schi4itischen

"arusieer(artung/ that refers to the t(elfth Im3m/ the Im3m Mahdl/ gives Here theclassic *lace is in the ism34llitiscben sense for the beh3istische Umdeutung of theMahdlideais as she9it is constitutive in the 23bismus and (ith the 23b vgl in his9its(riting dal3il i sab4a/ 6 *roof 2r #@@$/ . $#<and follo(ing be available/ s o . B<andfollo(ing/ C< The 1it3b El I13n is only one further-im*lementation of this (riting of the23b here Here li1e there/ the Islam is brought to the account/ da:am*/ for it= he9itthe Mahdl ver:;<#=(erfe a**eared in the 23b/ because not literally the same theyof the Im3mtraditionen of *ositioned signs of the Malidl and the youngest day on(ise/ ) 2 the division of the moon/ the don1ey of the Antichrists u 3 He9it falls (ith itunder the same %udgment/ that he9it *asses on the 7hristians and 8e(s Also they(ould have as1ed for the literal fulLllment of her9its9their messianic *romises andbecause of her9its9their Aus:;<#=bleibens (ould have discarded 7hrist4s 8e(s andthe 7hristians Muhammed It is necessary to therefore do seriousness (ith thereali)ation that h the signs of the Messiah in this Nriting and traditions s*irituallyunderstood his9its (ants Alle h 2oo1s are (ritten in a mystischen language/ thatdemands an inter*retation .o

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sagt the *ro*het of the Koran/ daL each Fera 2edeutungen inner - has his9itsmeanings Ghalf and said the Im3me+ Nir tal1 to a language/ but (e mean sab4a2r 6# dierent 2edeutungenG 4,ai3il i #@@$/ . $#C 8ede reali)ation hat 65meanings/ about (hich the *eo*le 1no( only one/ but (enn of the K34imcomes/ he9it becomes verbreitenG the remaining among the *eo*le the

corres*onding Im3mtradition is/ that once again (ieder:;<#=holt the 1it3b Eli13n in solemn manner to the beat/ 4AH *en Khan #@< , #5 The Mahdi isthere/ and his9its boo1/ the most recent and most com*lete rendering of theheavenly original-boo1 ?umm al 1it3b s u . -33 7omment #^ his9its single/but also convincing sign is/ that .tadt of the &e(ifcheif/ 4AH *en Kbun #B ,#/ vgl o . #< u= # u .he9it rene(s herself every #555 years 0ollo(s sothe "entateuch stands/ the EvangeFmm/ the Koran/ the 2a%3u and the boo1 deGone %u)hirubu4llüh Nhether already 2eh3 (ith the 1it3b ah >13n the last of these (ants to give/ is not amounted/ is to be read bet(een the lines/ho(ever 8eden:;<#=falls cover his9its su**orters on the I13n for itself in thissense (ith *reference bac1/ ) 2 an im*lementation of the t3rich i dschadid

Dber the ridiculousness of the Nunderglaubens of the schLtiachen clergy (ithreference to the signs of the Mahdi MR . <<and follo(ing .he9it (or1s(ith the I13n and es*ecially clearly sho(s the Vusammen:;<#=bang of thematter in its *retentious %ob (ith the (estern science (ith the 'riental culture-movement 2eb34s inter*retation of the individual *ieces of the Eschatologieof theG Islam needs not to be returned in the individual one here It/ to seesu`ce/ ho( she9it becomes nonsto* s*iritualisiert The most recent day is thea**earance of the ne( religion-donating *ro*het/ the dead *erson-resurrection the s*iritual Er:;<#=(ec1ung of the souls through him9it/ in(hich itself the 2egegnung (ith &odG the Koran calls bo the future lifealready voll:;<#=)ieht/ according to daü hell and *aradise in the *revention

of the *ro*het be)( in the 1noc1ed against at him9it is eJ*erienced 0rom*articular 2e:;<#=deutung/ the eJ*ress .*iritualiaierung of the sha*e of theMahdi is included itself The detail/ (ith (hich 2eh3 lingers on that occasion/to sho(/ daf% of the K34im no earthly one?s but a s*iritual reign means/ 4AliKulr Khan 6B-$C= ü  MQ9/, a proof of it, da+amp, is this point 2ehä particularly at the heart lay. He9it also does seriousness *ractically theoreticallyshared in the dierence in the Ismü4llitentum and from the Urb3bismus (ithher9it from those reali)ation Everything *olitical is re%ected at the Mahdi (ith2estimmt:;<#=heit

4 Fgl the entrance deG of boo1+ Heute iJt of the Ttg of the Ertüüaag de *roofG/ that 'LenNung of the (ord uüd of the a**earance the secret-

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 The Mahd becomes soQQ consistently as a limb in the ro( of the religion-donating*ro*hets gras*ed/ so the 1ey(ord must be reinter*reted/ (ith (hich the Islam acts asthe absolute religion+ Muhammed only is das seals of the *ro*hetsG *rovided he9itconLrms his9its *redecessors/ but (ithout successors in the demonstration dea/ to

eJclude logos/ 4Ali *en Kb3n ##Cf , #<57 In these conteJts/ the b3bistischea**renticeshi* of the *ro*het as an Art V(einaturenlehre/ 4Ali *en Khan #56/ no( isdevelo*ed , #Band follo(ing The divine nature of the *ro*het/ that .tand of thegrandeur and deityG or the &Ottlich1eit and Herr:;<#=schaftG ?ulühi%%at verubübi%%at/ by virtue of (hose he9it can say (ahrlich I is &odG ?vgl the ana4l ha11of the .üfT/ 2eh3 names the .tand of the equalityG *rovided the *ro*hets are identicalby virtue of this nature as demonstrations of the Ur(i8lens and everyone is only thereturn of the andern a teachings/ from (hich 2eh3 eJ*lains/ it still has nobody be)(she9it until on him9it it understood the 23b although she9it is the clear sense of theDuran/ 4air *en Khan #56 , #< The human nature of the *ro*het/ that .tand of his9its lo(ness and humanityG/ by virtue of (hose he9it says/ ich is a servant of &odand a human being under youG ?Kor B# v C if 2eh3 names the .tand of thedierenceG *rovided the *ro*hets are in the time of-historically conditional The equalityof her9its9their religions/ for (hich the traditions are quoted/ after (hat Muhammed said/corres*onds to the equality of all *ro*hets+ ich is all *ro*hetsG 2eha calls him9it the*oint of the Duran here/ and the Im3rae said+ Nir have only one commandG d h thereis only one religion In this sense/ &od is called in the entrance of the I13n ,ermasters of all religionsG The .üLsmus is ho(ever also fought eJ*ressly here since he9itdes*ises the *ro*hetic &ottesoenbarung beside the natural one?s .ie 1no(/ nothing(as only the general shineG of the ?beh3 da besides &odG and is the Ich he9itG or butthis re*roach doesn4t meet the classic Z üLsmus vgl any(ay (hether . B they claimto recogni)e &od ho( he9it is ?erster shineG/ heiligster ErguliG actually and ?)(eitershineG/ sacred gushG in the *ro*het into the a**earance ste*s The agreement of thisterminology (ith 2eh34s names seems a hidden indication of his9its o(n *ro*hetic dignity

 The III "art ?, #66 #/ drives the *roof of the *erson of the 23b/ that he9it is a*ro*het and the Malidi/ in (hich itself 

X That dierentiation of a**arent attributes of &od ?mercy and latent attributes of &od ?omni*otence occurs on that occasion in the *ro*het as she9it shares dogmatism"rotestant (ith the Islam the old

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the religions of the former *ro*hets to a ne( higher unit accom*lish 2eside thematerialen *roof/ the formal *roof ste*s out of (riting and tradition Material is *utfor(ard+ The 23b has a boo1/ yes a lot of boo1s geoenbart/ he9it has numerous and(on einuLreiche *eo*le to su**orters ?among them a**roJimately B55 4Ulem3 of (hich a**roJimately one do)en by name is *resented , #@/ 4Ali *en Khan #5/ he9it

re*resented his9its matter (ith the stand-custody-ness of a Husein and the *atience of aHiob until into the death and the martyrdoms of his9its su**orters are un*recedented inthe &eschiebte .te*s beside the main-*roof of a *ro*het so/ that geoenbarte (riting?FerseG vgl (hether . $and follo(ing/ the *roof of his9its Macht of the naturesG inthe sense of the success in his9its quality as Religioosstifter d h beside his9its(under:;<#=bares 1no(ledge his9its (onderful *o(er The Koran but from the tradition-collections ge:;<#=führt don4t turn into the (riting-*roof At this *lace/ it becomesclear that she9it has um:;<#=gedeutete Mahdüdee of the Ism34llitentums course-valuetheoso*hical also in the orthodoJ .chl4itismus and it is less than his9its theologicaldesign and the claim of his9its geschicht:;<#=lichen reali)ation the *rinci*le/ thatdistinguishes the t(o churches The relevant traditions become .3dih on the

gemein:;<#=samen of siJth Im3m ,scha4far al namely+ led bac1 that the entire.chl4itismus celebrates as his9its common church-father _ou9they testify from theMahdl that he9it (ill bring a ne( boo1 and a ne( la( and the reali)ation/ that is in the6 2uch:;<#=staben of the al*habet/ of (hich the *ro*hets o*ened u* only untilno( He9it is *ortrayed H3schim as a young man d from the seJ h a young .e%%idEven the year of the a**earance of the 23b/ das year 5G becomes ?#5 H the inone 0ound Im3m attributed tradition ?, 5@ Also here/ it is a hidden indication of thene( light of the bigger *ro*het *romised by the 23b after him9it/ (ith (hich the author*robably doesn4t mean .ubhi E)el but itself themselves/ if the (riting-*roof for2aghd3d from Kor #5 v. ?Allah invites to the a*artment of the *eaceG/ is led 0inally/a cancellation still is Kerlm Khan/ the head of the .cheichl/ s against 23bs com*etitors o

. #< C A to mention/ that don4t inter*ret the signs of the Mahdl allegorically/ butto com*rehend (ith hel* of the ?5 occult Nissen:;<#=schaften see1s/ , #C# Theremar1/ da:am*= this at that time also in the 4Iraq taught and *ro*aganda did/ acontribution to the illumination of the situation of the 23bl is in 2aghd3d In the fault of these sciences/ 2eh3 can a**ro*riate itself 23bs fault of all the study in that of the2a%3n (ithout further/ that he9it after other side/ namely the so-called one (estern1no(ledge of the culture-movement/ in the Kit3b a1das eJ*ressly lifts

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c/ the Kalim3t i ma1nüne ?hidden one (ords= , I . @6and follo(ing &ermani)eEnglish after her9it Translation of the 4aura fertili)er Khan/ .elbst:;<#=verlag of the2eh3l-Fereinigung .tuttgart #$5$/ belongs *resumably also to the (riting of the 2eh3in 2aghd3d It is a sünschea .*ruciibuch/ that he9it has verfa:am*=t in t(o dierenteditings/ an Arabic ?6 sayings one and a "ersian ?@< sayings one The English-

&erman translation contains both/ that 0rench only the latter It is the be:;<#=liebtesteediLcation-boo1 of the 2eh34i in the "ersian editing/ es*ecially since ge:;<#=(ordenin "ersia itself The emotion/ (ith (hich it is recited in her9its9their meetings on 0ridayand .unday/ vgl , "reface/ is (ith der:;<#=selben a**earance (ith the Re)itationenof the "ersians at the Todestag Huseins/ the aog Gschür3fest at the #5 Muharram?Huart used RHR volume C . #B/ only that the %oyful trium*h at the *lace of theho*eless mourning over the a**earance of the Im3m Mahdl ste* The title of the littleboo1 *oints at these bac1 at the same time namely The same (as eJ*lained by 2eh34s.olm 2adf Allah on 2ro(nes inquiry in a letter to these of 4A113 from o`cially there to/ T . #< 7omment/ da:am*= ea the ver : ;<#=borgene boo1s of the 03timaG (ants tobe/ that after schLtischem beliefs (ith the Im3m Mahdl is and at his9its return of him9it is

unveiled It is a boo1/ in (hich 4universe recorded the (ords/ (ith (hich &abrielcomforted the 03tima Muhammeds after the death/ meant by it 2adf Allah adds+ Fonthis boo1 is 1no(n nothing but the name and this ist actually a name of form/ a title of reality Und being highness of the fd h 2eh3 Allah/ (as (illing/ die a**earance of theK34im faint and verliüllt 1no(n )u does= therefore she9it became so mentioned in (iseintent as er had her9it9themG This character of the (riting suggests the su**osition/daL she9it from the time comes/ (here 2eh3 (as already be(u:am*=t for itself his9itsmission/ she9it ho(ever still you 1e*t secret and cleared the (ay only through hints Inthe later (riting Kalim3t i Lrdausi%%a/ "aradieses(orte s u . #$ say he9ithimself9itself/ he9it no( tal1s o*enly out after he9it testiLed to himself only in hintsearlier and something (as hidden in his9its heart earlier/ a**arently no( becomes

through his9its feather/ 4universe *en Khan/ collected tracts . @f The term ad quem isthe year #@@/ since 2eh3 itself in the letter to the shah from this year ?s u . #5on the (riting covers/ under the title+ ,as hidden boo1 of the 03tima ?that is familiar(ordsG as GFer:;<#=borgene todayG and some sayings from it communicates ,aLalso the 1it3b El T13n one of the same ?, contains #@6/ a *roof of her9its9their formerformation admittedly is not necessary After all/ the su**osition can be *ronounced that2eh3

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already #@C ?the 8ahre $G became evident (ith the boo1/ since he9it his9its disli1eto come bac1 from Kurdistan/ in the T1Ln/ ?, 56 already (ith it motivated+ ich hadonly the a (ish/ not der ob%ect of the discussions of the believer and the cause/ to bedes of disorder of the students ?the 23b or also only any 2etrübnisse This (as my

single thought/ might say man and (hat one (anted might thin1G Then/ a certainbac1ground (ould be for the construction of a former Mani:;<#=festation dea 2eh3 ?shere o eJisting The "ersian tas1 ent:;<#=h3lt at the .chluL ?saying @< such a hint2eh34a on itself+ Ich attests/ daL &od4s ?the logos 1indliness voll:;<#=1ommen andthe *roof ?sc &od W the Mahdl/ geoenbart is ,ie bride of the inner meaning/ thatdea Nortes ?sc behind the veil &od in the religions and h 2oo1s of the former"ro*heten/ vgl arab Ausg .aying #/ hidden (as/ er-schienen immediately is loversdea the beaming shine ?beh3G The sayings even oer sunsche ideals/ the bliss of themystic &ottesliebe and the duty of the se*aration of the (orld of the multi*licity andthe Icbheifc 'nly the last numbers of the "ersian edition bring the call as ne(element to the (or1 to it Here/ the culture-movement *rotests against theunnerving Duietismus of the sütischen mysticism The eJamination of the (riting of the 2eh3 in 2aghdnd sho(s/ da2 he9it the

b3bistische teachings unchanged *ic1ed u* and (or1ed only on his9its *erson4s.ubstituierung at *lace of the 23b

11. The B%tbl&olonie in 'di-ianopel (1!$4.1!$!) and the e*planation o% theBebs 'llah in the +abre 1!$$,".

1. The al& o% the events o% the departure Baghdäd until the banishment%rom 'drianopel %rom '&&ä. The re*orts of the 2ehü4f about the *rocesses of this *eriod are little reliable on the

other hand A*art from it/ that they are entgegen:;<#=geset)t diametrically those of 

the E)ell at the crucial *oints/ they deviate also among each other there and there2eside the re*ort of the Abbas Efendi in ma13la i schachsi sai%3h ?T / . @6#5/ at(hich in general ,reyfus ?Essai . itself #6/ connects/ that of his9its sister ?"hel*s .stands recently 66# 2ro(ne has the E)ellbericht of the gras*s of bihischt in T &rade N taught and su**lemented through vocal Mit:;<#=teilungen .ubhi E)el4s ?vglalso T . $$ 7omment 2ro(ne is inclined to give him9it the *reference since theusur*ation of rare is the 2ch34I and her9its9their historiogra*hy com*romised itself atother *laces \s o . 6

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Naiter the di*lomatic negotiations/ that led to the distance of the 23bl from2aghd3d/ 1no(s ,reyfus ?Essai . B6 and follo(ing To re*ort details/ that not(ithout further (ith the re*ort of the 4Abb3s Efendi ?$ o . 6C be correctHere/ the initiative of the big Mudschtahid goes out in Kerbela H3ddgctu

Mir)3 ,schev3d He9it determines the "ersian emissary in 2aghd3d to *rovidethe distance of the 23bl from the 4Iraq The shah even (ished the delivery of the 23bi to the governor of the neighboring "ersian *rovince Kirm3nsch3h inorder to be able to *ut an end to them In the year #@#9 f#/ (as negotiatedby the t(o o`cials long about it Ho(ever/ the gate didn4t deliver the 23blsince she9it had an interest in it/ that to hold "ersia and the .chi4ifciamuadangerous movement .o/ she9it informed her9it9them to 7onstantino*le Thet(o re*orts agree in the ehren:;<#=vollen treatment of the EJulanten onthe *art of Tur1ey as (ell as in 2aghd3d li1e on the (ay and in7onstantino*le thereu*on Here ho(ever (eiL it 2ehla Kh3num again somedierent one?s ?"hel*s . <and follo(ing+ In 7onstantino*leange:;<#=1ommen/ (e (ere li1e &efangenoG Any(ay the desiredcommunication (ith the sultan didn4t come )u:;<#=stande according toher9its9their re*ort/ eh3 (as to *roud to becoming vorstellig (ith him9it andthe sultan on the other hand (as *re%udiced against the 23bl by clerical sideEven meetings too1 *lace against her9it9them/ T . $# .ince theyimmediately did *ro*aganda in the ca*ital/ the .hei1 U4l Islam assessedher9its9their further dis*atch after Adriano*el ?Edirne in Rumelien after fe(months (here they (ere loo1ed after very badly on the other hand and*ushed through the instruction of decent a*artments in the city (ith theauthority only after an agoni)ing (inter The Veitan:;<#=gaben for these*rocesses uctuate 'ne solid *oint still seems the arrival in Adriano*el thebest after neunt3giger tri* in sno( and cold in ,ecember #@B ?Radschab#@# MR vgl 2r #@@$/ . C#B to be The statement is on the other hand/lasted daa the stay in the ca*ital B months ?T <C@= ,/ It . C$ o**ositethe statement of the 2ebia Kh3num ?"h . <B/ he9it lasted months/ andhardly they had been free)ing bitterly already (ith her9its9their An:;<#=1unftin .tambul to hold The duration of the tri* of 2aghd3d over Mosul and.amsun after .tambul declares her9it9them on B months/ . <7onsequently/ the de*arture in 2aghd3d (ould fall only in the early-summerof the year #@B ?#@5 H The statement against ,reyfus ?. #/ ea aresome hundred 23bl ge:;<#=(esen/ that shared this (ide eJile of her9its9their0uhrer/ corrected

4 ,aL the negotiations generally goes bac1/ becomes dea of racial consulate inAdriano*el squanders the statements vgl conLrms 2r #@$</ . <5 and follo(ing

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itself also on 6C ?s o . 6B u/ of those ## on the narro(er family of the 2eh3 Allahfalls .ubhi E)el follo(ed undecided he9it until Lnally thought of going to India and indisguise/ ho(ever/ ehren:;<#=voll (as treated as head of the sect every(here

Adriano*el became the arena of the schism/ that the t(o enemy brother in his9itsfurther consequence to the arrest/ her9its9their se*aration and (eiteren dis*atch from

0amaguata and 4A113 fahrte The relevant Lnn3n is dated from the 8uly #@@/ CRabful-1bir #@C MR ?T . <6$ 7omment .o/ it gets alongQ the stay in Adriano*elusually on gegeo4s C yearsG/ #@5#@C MR calculates/ although he9it actually only<#G 9 years lasted The *rocesses/ that *erfectly did the schism/ are re*resented by thet(o *arties very dierently The starting *oint is biebei the best (ith the date of the*ublic eJ*lanation of the 2eh3 All3h)u ta1es/ rfas sicn naca iFabL *unch #5 at the 8afar#@/ 6/ #@< MR  *ut+ Als the (onderful man C5 years old (as/ he9it *ulled the.chleier from his9its face/ s*ar1s felled dea "aradieses into the soul and into those of the devil t3ghüt eig Idol/ ge:;<#=meint is .ubhi E)el/ the sun bro1e her:;<#=vorG 2rfrom the clouds #@@$/ . $@B In allusion to this event names Adriano*el das countrydea of secretG/ 2r ?ar)-isirr/ same *ay-value (ith Edirne/ the 2eh3t #@@$/ . C#C T

. <t The re*ort of the 2ehla Khnum ?"hel*a . is right (ith it <@and follo(ing/ thisthe outbrea1 of the schism as (ell as this the same introductory Fer:;<#=feindung of the t(o brothers in the second year of her9its9their stay in Adriano*el *laces .he9itmentions on that occasion that 2eh3 has a Tafer ?lauh to this (ritten l3nger formeras Lnished and from big Kraft the *eo*le of aullen trembled as they readge:;<#=dichtet at the 23bi in general and his9its eJ*lanation ent-haltend He9itordered/ dag of each 23bi she9it to face gets solleG ?. BB Ne no( *ossess a (ritingfrom (ith the Allah/ from (hich 2ro(ne ?#@$ . <#< assumes any(ay/ she9itre*resents his9its manifesto his9its eJ*lanation of the 8alire #@:am*=6 at the 23bl1ircheoccasionally/ his9its so-called one?s süra-i-hai1al ?s u .ince this (riting no( leadsalready over animosities of the .ubhi E)el com*laint ?T . <Cand follo(ing bring

the btr Nrite as (ell over the/ is so as good as secured/ da3 these not only after 2eh34seJ*lanation startedIf one combines the dierent re*orts of the 2eh34Tseite/ so follo(ing *icture yields+

2eb3 Allah has the sect in Adriano*el until on quite fe( trusted of the .ubhi E)el m of the hand and stands (ith schouem success in the conce*t/ she9it of the ne( ground asuccessful future entgegen:;<#=)ufahren There/ H3ddschl .e%%id Muhammed of Isfah3n does

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?s o . @5 .ubhi E)el stiy _ou9they *ut do(n everything at saving the lost*osition of the .ubhi E)el and *roceed aggressively for the Lrst time Afterdierences bet(een the t(o brothers and her9its9their families occurredalready in 2aghd3d/ ho(ever/ the same (ere enclosed again ha**ily and

.ubhi E)el because of the defective su**ly through his9its (ives is correct s(ith his9its o(n statement T . $$ 7omment even a Kost:;<#=g3nger of the andern family became/ he9it suddenly ma1es t(o going (rongassassinations for his9its brother4s ?2e:;<#=stechung of the barber and*oisoning-attem*t life and a**eals so:;<#=dann to the 23bTgemeinde in thecity/ at (hich he9it along-ste*s (ith a salary-demand at the same time 2eh3Allah/ (ho had not intervened from 0riedens:;<#=liebe/ but had bro1en onlythe tra`c (ith him9it/ veranlaLt no( Lnds itself/ the secret eJ*lanation/ thathe9it had made his9its son 4Abb3s Efendi and B andern familiar at thede*arture from 2aghd3d and that had remained secretly tats3ch:;<#=lichuntil no(/ \if seemed to have gotten already .ubhi E)el (ind/ before theentire 23bigemeinde in the city and outside/ to bring He9it even delivers.ubhi E)el her9it9them at Lrst As this contradiction raised and on grounds of a vision the same claim on the dignity the one %u)hiruhull3h current did/ 2eh3Allah too1 care even of it/ that this (as informed of all the 23bi as addendumto his9its o(n (ritten eJ*lanation He9it himself9itself retreated B months-longfrom the *ublic for itself over the time of the decision The result (as his9itsvirtually general ac1no(ledgment of the 23bi in "ersia/ .yria/ Egy*t andother countries In also Adriano*el even/ only C bis 23bi held on to .ubhiE)el This re*ort needs at a *lace of the correction any(ay .ubhi E)el is not/as 2ehla Khanum ?"h . BCand follo(ing boasts/ (ith 2eh3 in com*etitionabout the dignity the ste**ed %u)hiruhu4II3h one but did current (ith his9its*arty/ daü everyone such claim at all ver:;<#=früht is/ so right , -/ Essai .< and follo(ing 2y this *oint turns the disagreement of the 2eh34I andE)ell ?2r for itself #@@$/ . C#Band follo(ingi The 2eli34l are su**orted bythe *laces of the 2a%3u ?*ers/ (here the 23b from the one %u)hiruhu4II3hsays/ &od is day and *lace of his9its arrival alone familiar ?FII/ ##/ ?IF/ Cho(ever he9it (ill suddenly come ?FII/ $ and is recogni)ed by his9its o(nnature and his9its o(n FersenG/ could not be measured at the 2a%3nconsequently Also the argumentation of the 2ehi3 Allah goes bac1 to this*rinci*le of the 2a%3n even in the .üra i hai1al The tension and at the sametime the hel*lessness/ into them9her9it

M the fe( 23bi/ that became neither E)ell nor 2eh1 Gl/ call Kulin-nchn% Gi ?2r foritself #$5$/ . <56 naoh this h umber of the 23b <# ?#$ P #$ this/ numberof all ,indeG vgl ?1ullu acba% W <Ll 2r - #@@/ . $$#

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the same the 23bl had to *lace/ already is above/ s . 5and follo(ingge:;<#=schildert become and actually (as not to be therefore *revailed against 2eh3Allah on the ground of the 2a%3n The E)ell could only *laces li1e II/ #6 *remieres/ (herethe 3b as term equates quem the *ay-values of certain secret-names of *romising

?ghi%3th/ hel* W #C## and mustagh3th/ (ith (hich one loo1s for hel*/ W 55# (ithyears in not binding manner ad+ (enn he9it ho(ever not before the years this bothnames comes/ he9it (ill certainlyG come/ 2r #@$/ . $$# The interest/ that she9itre*resented/ (as the tem*orary modesty of the 23b and his9its religion _ou9they (antedto see for him9it as a *ro*het li1e the andern donors of cycles of the religion a validity forat least #555 years of )u:;<#=gebilligt If this is undoubtedly the consistentG things(ithin the h3bistischen system/ so the 23b itself shoc1ed the system through his9its highvoltage of the "sniaieer(artung after all

It is reverse misleads/ if bihischt ?T the E)ellbericht of the gras*s <C@ andfollo(ing Em*hasis on it *uts/ 2eh3 Allah doesn4t have %u)hiruhu4ll3h for himself inAdriano*el alone as one but as an incarnation of the deity self-confessed Tats3ch-liehnever ma1es this dierence he9it and quite meets his9its descri*tion of the o(n dignityin agreement (ith the b3bistiachen conce*t of the *ro*het The same re*ort no( stateseJactly the same In-triguen/ that state the 2eh3lberichte of .ubhi E)el/ from 2eh3 AllahHere/ it/ that oered the barber of the .ubhi E)el be:;<#=stochen and him9it the*oisoned rice/ is he9it ,a this contrary of the accusations immediately a**eared/ thementioned *lace of the .ura i bai1al *roves (here 2eh3 says+ Als he9it ?.ubhi E)elmer1te/ daf1 the matter had come out/ he9it reached untruthfulness for the feather of der and (rote to the *eo*le ?the 2a%3n and (hat he9it had done (rote alles/ myunvergleiüHüchen and niiL-handelten beauty ?W me toG/ T . <$ It doesn4t leaveitself actually no( decide until on further/ on (hich side die is feather of theuntruthfulnessG and 2ro(ne must itself after all eorts/ is content the truth to come onthe trac1/ the t(o re*orts/ to com*are each other ?T 8P &rade N8 Vu:;<#=gleichinforms biliischt about Hascht T . <C$ from atrocities/ (ith (hich 2eh3 Allah of his9its declaration *rocured em*hasis+ Alle %utting out su**orters of the .uhhiE)el/ (hoo**osed seinem claim itself/ became aul ge:;<#=set)t the dead *erson-list and in2aghd3d/ Mulla Radschab 4Ali gen fell one after the other Kahir one this . @5mentioned o**onents 2eh34s and sein brother H3ddschl Mirs3 A8med as (ell asH3ddschl Mlr)3 Mu-hammed Ri)3 also . @5 mention and several other durch thedagger or the ball of the murdererG In Adriano*el even/ it seems to such eJcesses tonone to be come

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 The same not auf)u1l3rende contrary of accusations of the t(o *arties against eachother no( *revails also over the *rocesses/ that led to the arrest of the t(o brothersand the further banishment The 2eh3lbericbte 1no( to say only aboutdenunciations of the .ubhi E)el of the RcgierU,g in 7onstantino*le/ the 4Abbaa

Efendi/ ?T on that occasion . $6and follo(ing at the &chaltsforderungen thesame and activities of the Muhammed of Isfabao ties (ithout illuminatingher9it9them further (hile 2ehia Kh3num boasts more eJactly/ "hel*s . B/ he9itaccused 2eh3 Allah of the betrayal of the Islam/ in that he9it informed/ he9it*reaches the annulment of the Ramadan/ the veil/ the *olygamy u dgl/ and,reyfus ?Essai . B say/ .ubhi E)el accused 2eh3 (ith the sultan to *ursuestate-dangerous *olitical *lans Actually 2eh3 Allah (as arrested as a high-traitorand sends *risoner 4A113 als-*olitischer into the *enal-colony 2ehla Kh3num?"iiel*s . shares the RegierungserlaL (ith/ that them in this sense after thearrival in 4A11n/ (as o*ened and drove bac1 the measurement-regulation onslanders of the o**onents li1e(ise there (ithout naming ho(ever .ubhi E)el4anames Fice-versa/ gras*s ma1es eJact statements about such,enun)ia:;<#=tionen for bihischt on the *art of the 2eh3 A8l3li ?T . <5+ Esbecame von 13 ,schLn/ the secretary of the 2eh3 s 5- . 6$/ NrittenMusch1in Kalam/ 4Abbas Efendi and andern su**orters des Mlr)3 Husein4universe letters to dierent hand(riting at mehrere türbische statesmen ando`cials/ the Inhalts+ GAgainst <5555 of us 23bl holds in standardi)es indisguise and hidden around 7onstantino*le and (e become for ourselves(ithin Gshort erhObon/ NTir become : am*=uerst KoDst:am*=ntit>o*elcmndioieD und if doesn4t %oin the .ultan 4Abdul4A)l) and his9its ministers of our Religion/ (e (ill dro* her9it9them o and (ill release Und our 1ing isMlr)3 8ah%3 .ubhi E)elG These letters (urden (ith night in the sultan4s "at-branch and the houses of the verschiedenen ministers through Musch1iu Kalamand others in Konstantino*el - resident su**orters of the Mlr)3 I8usein 4universe6U re-calm and the andern day the "ersian emissary vorgelegt and no( (asdecided in a common session of Tur1ish und "ersian o`cial to banish the leaders of the 23bl to einer4s too1 a(ay island or a coast-fortressG It is re*orted furtherthereu*on/ t(o E)ell in Konstantino*al/ that angesehene *hiloso*herG H3ddschl.e%%id Muhammed of 8sfah3n ?s o . $ u+ 2ac1er [ ubh> E)el4s/ and 13 ,sch3n2ey/ oin higher o`cer ?134im-ma13m in the Tur1ish army/ cleared u* the Tur1ishgovernment over the true .achverhalt and the brother-dis*ute/ ho(ever only theone reaches/ daü she9it after dierent bursting (as sent "resumably/ she9it has

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&ate such mutual denunciations on *olitical Um:;<#=triebe/ if they (ere really broughtu*/ li1ed to ta1e to the occasion/ itself the sect of the 23bl/ uncanny after her9its9their*rehistory in "ersia after all/ to dis*ose/ and to this hOchst(ahrschein:;<#=lich*ersuaded her9it9them to "ersia/ that they entertained/ the active *ro*aganda and therelationshi* This is at least the >es:;<#=art of the .ubhi E)el ?T itself . $$

7omment If he9it boasts/ 2eh3 Allah has after arrest t(o of his9its&eheim1ol*orteure/ d34I s o through the "ascha of Adriano*el in the o*inion/ they(ere betrayed by the E)ell/ accuses the a moment ago mentioned '`cer 13,sch3n 2ey the same secret Kol*ortage (ith the government/ so hiebei is im*liedthat the "ro*a:;<#=ganda are driven mu:am*=te secretly and (as unla(ful 13,sch3n 2ey shall soda-un honestly 1no(n has and has been ta1en no direct heresythem into long custody/ until the .hei1 U4l Islam admittedly declares the (ritingdelivered by him9it very sus*iciously/ ho(ever/ could *rove The Lles on 7y*ern say onthe occasion of the local state-*risoner of the 23bl+ .ie sought to invent a ne(religion/ ed from "ersia after ihrer su**ression and left itself nieder in Tur1ey Aftersome time/ they tried on the other hand to eJecute her9its9their ver-schrobene idea

and (ere therefore sentencedG to lifelong *rison ?T by the Tur1ish Regierung .<66 .o it is the movement/ that (as caused into the 23blse1te by 2eh34seJ*lanation/ Lnally even (hich led to her9its9their annulment in Adriano*el/ and isthe initiative of the .ubhi E)el secondarily any(ay The government4s rule came the 23bl in Adriano*el un:;<#=er(artet ?"h . B@

.he9it decreed the arrest of the t(o brothers and the dis*atch of the .ubhi E)el on7y*ern after 0amagusta ?M3ghüsa/ that the 2eh3 Allah after 4A113 at the .yriancoast/ a health-dangerous *enal-colony for *olitical criminals The re*rimand of the2eh3 Allah a**arently is the stricter as the actual troublema1er Nhether the mutualfamilies and su**orters (ould have been s*ent in Adriano*el belassen or intoher9its9their "ersian home/ is not er:;<#=sichtlich ?T . #5# 7omment Actually

they *ushed through in )(ei:;<#=maligem attem*t (ith the government ?underquotation of the 4Abb3s Efendl that they (ere allo(ed to accom*any her9its9theirleaders in the banishment .till it (as decreed in Adriano*el that each of the same isu**orters could ta1e/ the same ho(ever ever the o**osing side belongs müüten .oone had a chea* Aufsichts:;<#=*ersonal at the same time and could hold both *arts of chess mutually &ras*s gives the names of the B 2eh3l/ that accom*anied .ubbi E)el/ tobihischt in agreement (ith the government-acts on 7y*ern

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at/ T . <# u <@# ,ied t(o of those shortly after/ Mlr)3 4universe .a%%3h #@6#/and Muhammed 231ir ?f #@6= a third/ from Abu ,scha4far/ already #@65 esca*ed after4A113 and (ent there after 2eyrut after a cold rece*tion/ da:;<#=gegen is the mostdeclared one of this 2eh3l on 7y*ern/ that above er:;<#=(3hnte Musch1i,-Kalam/ a

famous calligra*her/ only #@@/ nach:;<#=dem the island already @ years English (as/after 4A113 been released/ (here 2ro(ne #@$5 found him9it He9it *erformed his9its tas1of doing E)ell*ilger from "ersia of .ubhi E)el abs*enstig/ da:am*= this tatsachlich as(ell as fully cut-o from the community (as/ 2r #@@$/ . C# 0rom the B after 4A113 of determined E)ell came along only < ?"h . 6</ namely the many times mentioned.e%%id Muhammed of Is0ah3n/ the a moment ago mentioned '`cer 13 ,sch3n 2eyand Ri)3 *en of Tabri) : lt=H . <#/ (hile the fourth should still have been*oisoned bihischt ?ibid after gras* in Adriano*el of 2eb3 It (as 13 Mir)3 asru4ll3h/the brother of the last-mentioned one The families of the hostile brothers as (ell asher9its9their su**orters received the *ermission to accom*any this EJulanten Lrst/nach:;<#=dem of the 2eh3t H3ddschl Muhammed ,scha4far had done from Tabri)4seineo religious attem*ted suicide+ (enn I of my Herrn should be se*arated/ so I (ant)urüc1:;<#=1ehrenG ?"h same to &od . C5 T . #55 2r #@@$/ . C# a case/that from the 2eh3#Q until today as *roof for 2eh3s4s *ro*hetic Macht over the naturesG?s o . <5 current made and immediately (as utili)ed by him9it so/ in the lauh i ra4is/s u . #5B This stormily ertrot)te *ermission (as (ithdra(n once again before theembar1ation in &alli*oli and in the last moment only under refusal the costs andres*onsibility again er:;<#=teilt ?"h . C# Ho( alone .ubhi E)el actually no( stood/*roves/ da:am*= he9it (as accom*anied only by his9its family/ andein:;<#=schlielich of those B 2eh3t only #B heads in 7y*ern ? landed .e*s #@@vgl T . <@# <.B and follo(ing/ (hile in 4A113 66 "er-sonen ?"h . C# T <#under big de*rivations ?over AleJandria at the <# August d 8 arrived/ abil . ###C 2r#@@$/ . $@C

The (riting/ in (hich sieves/ 2eh3 Allah from Adria-no*el from as that of the 23bFerheiene man %u)hiruhu4ll3h4# er:;<#=1l3rte/ is not available together (ith-li1eumerous letters/ that all as blac1boardsG from ?al(3h his9its hOchsten feather?1alam of the 2e:;<#=fehlsG ?vgl to this . < A # u #<< A on the magicIn:;<#=s*iration/ 3%3t s o . $and follo(ing 7laim raises/ (ent in order to bringher9it9them under his9its obedience through his9its secret agents ?d3I at the 23bl in"ersia and in Tur1ey Ho(ever/ the be:;<#=deutsamsten (riting are available under thename süra i hai1al

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.he9it is regarded as the classic manifesto in the sect of the 2eh34l as (ell as 7ollectionof manifestos A ne(sletter at the 23blse1te ?s o . $ is (ith a collection of missivesat 'riental and Euro*ean yards here/ that so-called al(3h i sal3tm ?missives to the*rinces uniLed 0or both/ relatives (riting of the 2eh3 lie us from der:;<#=selben atthe same time/ if not even some(hat former time bet(een the Er:;<#=1l3rung and

banishment before/ the lauh i aslr at a 23bi of this name and the süratu4l mulü1 at the7hristian 1ings ?mulü1u4l maschl%e in general/ the shah and the envoy 0rance and "ersiain 2aghd3d

a/ the ne(sletter at the 23bi/ that amounts the Lrst *art of the süra i hai1al today2r #@$/ . $ and follo(ing the same re*resents in her9its9their origin-li1e unit andcontains the necessary reason of the odd title He9it derives from the mystic.elbstbe)eichaung/ (ith (hich 2eh3 almost eJ*lains his9its *ro*hetic became toaus:;<#=schlielich here+ hai1al W form/ body/ tem*les His9its *erson is meant asthe historical *lace of a ne( Theo*hanie of the logo ?vgl o . @6 and theAus:;<#=druc1 a**ears eJcellently in addressing &od at the *ro*hets A mystic gamea**ears (ith the letters of the (ord hai1al and the *arts of the body/ s*eciLcally face/

of the "ro:;<#=*heten/ that remind of the huruache vie(/ that sees a *articularrevelation of the deity in sharing of the face/ on that occasion The .ure brings of 2eh34s FerseG as the valid I, card of his9its *ro*hetic dignity beside the indicationand the communications about the Machinationen of the .ubhi E)el \s o a2e:;<#=rufungsvision/ in (hich 4Ali ?vgl as the come bac1 Im3m Husein ibn itself 2eh3Allah (hether . 6 A #= 6#/ gives (hose martyrdom recurs in the heavy contestations/to (hich he9it (as eJ*osed in the >ei:;<#=tung of the sect from the beginning and hadreached them9her9it her9its9their climaJ %ust/ heard ,a I the .timme &od the most(onderful things and the s(eetly over my Hau*t and as I my face turned/ I sa( the Hurithe angel the adulation of my man4s name of the >uft ies/ and she9it re%oiced ands*o1e (ith heart-(inning .timme And everyone my (ounds re%oiced over the

0reuden:;<#=botschaft and &od4s servants/ %oy and she9it became (ies (ithher9its9their Lnger fully on my head and s*o1e to all in the Himmel and on Earth+ Nith&od/ this is the lover of the beiden (orlds/ but you don4t understand it Really/ this is inyour middle the .chOnheit god ?dsehem3lu4U3h and his9its Herr-schaft under youReally/ this is &od4sG secret and ?sirru4ll3h his9its treasure-house and &od4s commandand his9its Herrlich1eit ?beh3 for everyone/ that in the em*ire of the commandunsicht-

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bare (orld of the logo and the creation lo( (orld is/ only (ants to understand ihrit so This is he9it in truth/ that all 2e(ohner the rich of the eternity ouch meets (ishesto the sog Meeting of &od s o . @/ and you turn a(ay from seiner beauty "eo*leof the 2a%3nl if you don4t hel* him9it/ hel* (ird &od him9it He9it becomes through

his9its (ill the logos a creation s*iritual W religion/ raises from (hich niemand1no(s as he9it And her9it9them (ants to discard him9it/ from the ein hair before&od4s face more dear than all inhabitants is Himmels and the earthQG The se(er-regulation of the Mahdl as a Theo*hanie of the logo is the same li1e the b3-bistischeof the nu1ta+ Alle forms of the unit ?dea logos and the .chO*fung are in this form?hai1alG= (ir have this form gemacht to the source of the under the ne(creatureG= unter the shado( of everyone letters of the letters of this 0orm becomes(e a creation ?s o raises (hose number niemand 1no(s as &odG He9it is/ createdGvon &od from the light of his9its beauty/ that ,emiurg ?vgl o . < A # 2eeverything in the heaven and on Earth/ he9it has do the *ro*hetic Foll:;<#=macht of the Er (hat he9it ?vgl (antsG to it *ut o BC+ n' form/ strec1e your hand from(aiter everything in the heaven and on Earth und sei)es the reins of the command (iththe gri* of your (ill Nahrlich/ (e *ut the reign over all things into your rechte hand/you do something (ants and furchte you not vor the Un1no(ingG

It immediately becomes from the *ro*hetic authority/ daa to annul eJisting religion-la(and to *ut do(n a ne( one at the *lace/ use done+ Nir have fd to 1ill the order h the hNar ?dschih3d from your middle removed= if no 2lut s*ills/ the s(ord of the (ord rathermoves from the vagina des 2a%3nG This annulment of the dschih3d is material in thedeclaration of the 2eh3 Allah the single one .he9it is the cancellation of the *oliticalMahdiideal of the Islam Her9its9their signiLcance and her9its9their connection (ith theculture-movement a**ear *articularly through Ginen com*arison (ith the samea**earance in the sect of the Ahmedi%%a in the Indian Islam/ s A**endiJ II 'nly/ thematter is not ne( in the 23bismus ?s o . C

,aL the .ure in the middle from the Lrst Lght comes/ the *assion sho(s/ (ith (hichshe9it the re*roach of the E)eli/ 2eb34s verses are (i)ardry/ re%ects/ in that she9itma1es auf:;<#=mer1sam for it/ that the o**onents of the 23b and Mohammed4sden:;<#=selben raised re*roach ?Kor C/ #5 u ##

b/ the foliage i aslr : lt=2r #@@$/ . $B$and follo(ing/ T . $ 7omment seem a(riting 2eh34s because of his9its communication/ that the ma%ority of the 23bt standsagainst his9its claim in o**osition/ from

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the very Lrst time/ to be after the declaration/ since this became auf:;<#=fallendquic1ly dierently/ if such a situation ever eJists head outside the man4s brainas1ed/ (hat (ith his9its actually ina**ro*riate and a ty*e of Fer-fo8gungs(ahnsinnof betraying remar1s of a total alone-*utting in the Lght around his9its *osition ?s

o . @5 unt a near-lying thought ist# 0rom interest/ the (riting is m3li1 i sif3tbecause of the self-name W master of the attributes ?vgl o . = @6 #/ the2eh3 here gives and o**oses .ubhi E)el This means ein daL name this manunder my names/ that I created through a Nort and gave him9it I lives (ith abreathG/ in order to denounce the monstrous to a**ear against ibo dares 2eh3 iscalled even (ith names ?bei me/ the 2ehatG here and boasts/ daL he9it alreadyfor 5 years/ since #@BB $ o . < on the *lan stands He9it even a**lies)u:;<#=gleich the >ebre already develo*ed by him9it in the Kit3b El I13n of theequality of all *ro*hets of the *ro*het-ro( in the manner to himself here/ daLhe9it itself as the 23b redevivus gives+ Im 2a%3n erm3hnte I all in the languageof the *o(er/ hung until her9it9them my herrlichen body and mein s*irit to thehighest friend ?vgl *ierced (ith balls and came bac1G to it o . C@and follo(ingc/ the süratu48 mu%O1 ?2r #@$/ . @-@/ an o*en letter to the christlichen1ingsG is/ that .cb3h from "ersia and some o`cials ?(u1al3/ that/ (ithout*articular concerns voran:;<#=bringen/ that calls KOnige of the earthG for thebelief in the ne( &ottes:;<#=oenbarung in 2eh3 Allah .he9it is the Lrst ad of his9its declaration of the *o(ers The governments/ that he9it canvor:;<#=stellen only as monarchies from his9its tneo1ratischen thought from/are the com*etent authorities according to his9its o*inion/ the theocracy of thene( religion/ that all *eo*le and 2e1ennt:;<#=nisse should encom*ass/ toraise It is the Mahdlgedan1e/ that eects 2eb3 itself reminds in a similar missive/that lauh i raEs ?s u at Muhammeds *rocess and his9its letter at the.ag3niden1Onig 7hosrau II "arve) ,a this Lrst

Nas according to the re*ort of the 23bi in .chir3) ?2r after all A _ear 2 tbe "enC < the numerical MiFerh3ltnis bet(een the t(o *arties initially far not ho groL/

tonic and "ersian yard d h at Em*eror Hera18iuG and 7hoarau II so:;<#=(ie at the2y)antine *refects from Egy*t and the &has23niden-herrscher Crith FII/ (ith theinvitation/ to leave the &Ot)en:;<#=dienst/ directed and itself the emissary All.hs m?millers sub%ugates I . the Islam #B@ In the Isma4llitentum/ the ,ru)e 2eh3 Eddin didsimilar/ in that sho(n the Em*eror Konstantin FIII of 2ymn) them9her9it he9it buy of theMessiah in ara)a ahG/ de .acy a a ' II . C<#

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7all for the yards time(ise (ith the eJ*lanation at the 23blse1te ?#@86coincides/ can be closed from it/ da:am*= 2eh3 also here from 5 years/ thathe9it gets along already in the Lre/ s*ea1s s o- The self-name/ under (hichhe9it *erforms here/ is der .inai-treeG d the süLsche/ that (e found already

(ith the 23b h the logos/ as he9it tal1ed to Mose from the burning bush/ vglo . 5 7omment #

As content of the mission of the 2eh3/ the erection a**ears to dea of Reiches of the %ustice/ the Neltfriedens and the general (elfare/ that bring theMahdl according to the teachings of the Islam The Aus:;<#=schaltung of thedsehih3d/ (ithout (hich this erection is not *ossible in the Islam/ also standsagainst it here and also 1ic1s the (ord at seioe *lace here/ (ith (hich 2eb3at the big of the earth/ to (hich *o(ers of the east and the (est turn/ itself after already the 23b the Konige#/ as ge:;<#=nommen ?vgl has the naturalmissionaries of the Mahdl in claim o . C and der.cbf itismus of his9itssovereign orthodoJy and (orry for the conservation and s*read of the religiondemands The *rogram/ for the 2eh3 in the name of his9its *ro*hetic missionobedience of the *rinces of this (orld heischt/ is not yet eJecuted in theindividual one here As isolated *oints is named for the time being+ Restrictionof the military armaments and the taJes+ Nir 1no(/ (ie your editions dailygro(s and as she9it *uts on her9it9them on the .chultern of your sub%ects Itgoes be a big in%ustice over her9its9their strengths of undG The *rotestagainst the modern taJation declares itself from his9its *resent-day heavydisgraces in "ersia/ (here created an economic *light the (aste of the yardand the Miregierung of the country

l/ the 1ings are introduced by li1e already the 23b as re*resentatives of the deity in

this .ure of 2eh3 on Earth In them er-acheint the divine attribute of the *o(er/never/ anoh therefore shall this of the &e:;<#=rechtig1eit/ as (ell as this of themercy of (iders*iegeln4 This reminds of the alt*eraische (orshi* of the 1ings asthe deity4s earthly a**earance The *icture of the sun and the globe of the *oleof the earth-aJis has see get in this conteJt until on the *resent day and ageand eected on the idea of the Im3m Mahdi/ ,armesteter/ >e Mahdi/ #@@CAbecha . .ince at the same time 1utb ?*ole the eJ*ression (ith the Z uL andlam34iliten for the highest ste* of the holiness/ that *ro*hetic/ occurs/ vgl alsoviolinists and Kuhn/ *lan of the Iran "hilol II/ . 6$/ is li1ely/ da:am*= he9it (iththe hurüLschen eJ*ression nu1tG/ that a**ears actually also in the sense of centerof the (orld/ relative is a (hether . <@ and from Haart/ volume H''R. #@ .

@< it is eJ*lained *redominantly so Kutb stands on the 23b in a**lication MR. <B# ?s (hether . #@ m B5 In the 2obi4itischen/ dogmatism is called head of the hierarchy of the transcendent (orld 1utb ?vgl daa T &rade 5 o C= vgl to itunt @ #5$ A #

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has that became the cause of the revolution Already the 23b turned his9its attentionto this *oint and required a system of voluntary taJes Nir/ da:am*/ sees become= thelocal Reformdesiderien "ersia still in the *rogram of the 2eh3 a**ears 'neremembers on that occasion/ daL he9it from staats-m3nnischen circles comes The

antimilitarism enters the 23bismus as ne( element here and has to do narro(ly (iththe annulment of the dschih3d >i1e these/ he9it is in the süLschen *iety-ideal in theend/ nobody a sorro(/ be:;<#=gründet/ to do

d/ the al(3h-i-sal3tln ?2r #@@$/ . $C<6= #@$/ . <5@/ that the second *art of thesüra i hai1al/ as today vor:;<#=liegt she9it/ forms the com*osition is vgl secondarily 2r#@$/ . 6#/ <#< re*resent a collection of missives at ?B 7hristian *o(ers and ?<'riental rulers Her9its9their (riting and co*y s*reads out on the last *eriod intoAdriano*el and the Lrst in 4A113 The most im*ortant of the letters/ that at the .cb3h3Zireddin/ is/ as he9it boasts himself/ T #B/ 2r #@$/ . @/ still in Adriano*elverfaLt/ after the Lrm3n of the 8uly #@@ already (as *assed out The de*arturetoo1 *lace at the #5 August ?abll .t ## 2eh3 Allah too1 the letter after 4A113 andhandled it Lrst there/ s u 7om*laints about the MaLregeln of the gate and the badtreatment in 4A113 are a letter to the .ultan 4Abdul 4A)l) as (ell as a such one at his9itsminister 4All "ascha/ therefore falls into the Lrst time of 4A113 The same is valid fromthe letters to the Euro*ean yards in that they s*ea1 of his9its man4s arrival/ (ith (hichthe country .yria (as honored d h the Nieder:;<#=1unft of the Messiah in "alestine/vgl the eJ*ression syrisches Evan:;<#=geliumG for the T ?s o . CBevertheless/ these letters shall/ (hose solidarity at the same time in the outertogether-order (ith the e*istle at the shah and the süra i hai1al in the narro(ersense to the eJ*ression comes/ in her9its9their Eigen:;<#=schaft as documents of the solemn eJ*lanation of the 2eh3 Allah immediately here to the treatment1ommen#

@a, the missive to the Shah Näsir9eddin @-MM to -MR4, this suc(ed 9 lauh i sultän@r4. #@@$/ . $CB$5/ T #5. until #C#/ grade H/ consists of an eJtensive Arabic*relude ?T &rade H/ and a main-*art in "ersian language/ the 4Abb3s Efendl (ithsome shortenings in his9its history-(or1 auf:;<#=genommen ?T as1ed #5@#C#/ inthat he9it declares the Absiebt of the .end:;<#=schreibens ?. #5 2eb3 laid darthe &rundsat)e of the sect/ did her9its9their ethical teachings and her9its9their moralattitude

4 The 2eb34l even never bac1date after Adriano*el/ ,/ Essai/ . C5/ .*ragae a:am*= 5 . #5

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deutlich/ the *olitical side treated in detail and *roduced verschiedene *roof of ilire reliability He9it assured the .cb3h of her9its9their loyalty and benignity He9it(rote some &ebete/ usually Arabic/ to it Then/ he9it *ac1ed everythingG Theintent of the .chreibeus (as consequently/ the shah in the conteJt over the

teachings and over the un*olitical character of the 23b(e1te auf:;<#=)u1l3ren/in order to *revent him9it to an intervening in her9its9their favor to be:;<#=(egenor roof/ that the re*rimand reacts also on the 23bl in "ersia on the *art of the Tur1s This situation only too (ell eJ*lains it/ da:am*= the sound of this letterrestrained is/ as that a former/ that seems (ith the eüratu4l mulü1)usammen:;<#=)ufallen/ 2r #@@$/ . $CB / #@$/ . - @ Admittedly/ com*laintabout the Ungerecbtigeit is still led also no( that the sect the assassination of #@C/that/ ho( long ago *roved is/ on bill of some cra)y 23bi comes and (ithout *rior1no(ledge of the remaining ha**ened/ must *ay so a(fully 2ut (hile the shah is*erformed *ersonally as "ro*hetent7ter and bliad(ütiger *ersecutors of anactually innocent sect on the shar*est there/ 2eh3 assigns the main-blame to theMinistem and the clergy here and as1s the shah vgl for a *ublic Religinns-ges*r3chfor the *ur*ose of acquisition of the religion-freedom/ a really "ersian *rocedure7hante*ie a a 5 II . @ Either here/ ho(ever/ auf)ugeben# doesn4t lac1 theruling *ro*het-(ord at all at the 1ing and the yard/ the luJury and the (orld to*rovide the s*iritual salvation and to turn to the Mahdi a**eared in him9it Theun*olitical character of the same becomes *articularly and under 2üc1ver(eisungon the 1it3b El i13n ?s o . @ u be:;<#=tont and from the im*eccable attitudeof the sect since her9its9their banishment from "ersia ?#C yearsG/#$9#@C<#@B9#@@@/ sought merit in itself ,immt this for the 2eh3 in claim to*rove He9it claims that bei 2eh3 Allah is she9it (hale-Irishman 1no(ledge of theboo1 ?TG . #<@ d h the secret sense of the Duran and all h 2oo1s/ theUrbuchG/ s o . @ As Mahdi in the geist:;<#=lichen/ theoso*hischea sensedevelo*s the shah his9its >ehien he9it

4 V . #BB _ou (ant Nie long to - nnd herreiaen bet(een highland and lo(land?d h .ummers - nnd (inter-residence Z o . I Gt eti no( not at the time forthe believers/ to become humble and to direct her9its9their thoughts to(ard &od _es/ *robably him9it/ that says+ G_es/ man/ the time is ri*e/ divorces -G G the a**licationon the Hemcherthrone gets along . #B@ The *enance-re*utation has only su*erLcialFer-(u:gt=dtschft (ith the old hebr3iaohen *ro*hecy/ rather the Ty*us daa eJ*elshis9its earthly oneQ Richly from itself tossing and the (orld-renunciation itself of er:;<#=gebenden sovereign/ (hom the ascetic literature of the Muhainmedaner loo1s

after raichlicb very muchG/ on 2uddhist inuences bac1/ &old)iher Forl L d I2I . #

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over &od and the (orld/ (hom he9it gives as the teachings of the 23bi-nette at thesame time

Ea is not missing at the direct tele*hone call about the *rotection of the shah+ Hilf me/so that all see/ dag (ith 2eh3 Allah the true 1no(ledge of the 2uchea isG/ s o The

shah su`ciently clearly ans(ered/ in that he9it the bearer of the letter/ the courageous23bl%ungling 2adl in 8uly #@$ on cruel manner ?details T had eJecuted . #5andfollo(ing u &rade H

@", the missive to the 'ur(ish Sultan #$%dul #$&i& @"r4. #@@$/ . $CB= #@$/ . <#Bandfollo(ing Arabic iat a shar*-ground com*laint about the im*risonment and the ty*e of her9its9their transaction (ith a(1(ard re*orts over the Un:;<#=bilden of the last months?autumn #@@/ (hose lucidity guarantees her9its9their credibility at the same time Theletter is in the translation through ,reyfus ?, U . B5/ accessible/ the teJt (ith roses?a a 5 2eside &od4s curse/ that 2eh3 do(n-s(ears on the head of the sultan/ aforceful a**eal stands es*ecially im*ressively to turn to the minister from theearthly/ that is sha*ed by the detailed communication of a Kindh eitserinnerung2eb34s at a marionette-theater/ that *layed a *arade before the shah and broughthim9it on the vanity of earthly glory to the consciousness

@y, in simultaneous letter to the 'ur(ish 7i+3-nister #universe 1ascha, that therules had introduced against the ä%i, that also $ra%ic 0ritten lauh i ra#ls@Send+3-schrei%en at the colonels4 r. #@@$/ . $5and follo(ing if contains thesame com*laints/ *ro*hesies not only the *ersonal Unter:;<#=gang but at the sametime the (aste RumeHeus of the gate for him9it/ ho(ever In the Kit3b a1das/ even thedo(nfall of her9its9their Hau*t:;<#=stadt ?der *oint of the coast of t(o seasG is*ro*hesied Tur1ey/ this her9its9their end at all equals/ r #@@$ . $66 As admittedly4Ali "ascha not/ but is at the 23bieJil of *artici*ants Kol:;<#=lege 0u3d "ascha at the# 0ebr #@$ in ice died/ 2eh3 (rote a ,ithyrambus ?2r #@$/ . 6# ote(orthyis/ dag 2eh3 in the lauh i ra Gia the solid eJ*ectation auss*rieht/ it becomes any acro(ned head for itself his9its and his9its matter assumes The beh3istische tradition 1no(s about a .end:;<#=schreiben of the 2eh3 furthermore

*laced at Ism34ll "ascha/ the Khediven from Egy*t/ (hose bearers caught/ and later from&ordon/ (as freed/ 2rittingham/ The revelation of 2eh3 o4llah/ &erman . $and follo(ingvgl to it the mention of a 3bleJu-lanten in Khartum ?2r #@@$/ . B@$ and his9itsre*ort/ A _ear a the "ers . <<# The missives at the Euro*ean yards are ouch the queen in >ondonG/ the ?Fi1toria

G1ing of "arisG/ a*o-

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leon H>/ the *o*e/ "iua IP and the c)ar ?AleJander II directed and meansEin)elan(eudung and further-im*lementation of the a**eal of the süratu4i mulü1at the mula1u4l maschi%e ?s o.. 2ro(ne communicates her9it9them in thede*arture/ 2r #@@$/ . $<and follo(ing+

TdU the )nglish ;ueen d.  h the 2ritish one Em*ire from his9its globaldevelo*ment and his9its Macht:;<#=stellung in the 'rient 2eb3 Allah and 4Abb3sEfendi a %ust as high conce*t has/ as vgl from his9its liberal constitution T .#<and follo(ing uunt. #<B#CCand follo(ing -if 2eb3 shares Allah his9itsa**earance 7hristi in .yria as the return/ her9its9their man and 1ing (ith and as1sher9it9them to the belief in him9it and to the *rayer to &od+ Ich as1s you (ith yourvery s*lendid name ?bismi1al abb3 to hel* me/ daL your servants success your>3nder have and bloomG He9it re*eats the demand of the restriction of the luJuryfor the yard and the taJes/ in that sim*ly transfers his message very a**ro*riatein the 'rient on the (est he9it also the invitation here to become converted to theminister from the (orld-sense/ is found at the 'riental sovereigns li1e in the2riefeu here as (ell The *oor-(elfare is made to the *articular duty 2y the (ay/England is regarded as *attern-state The annulment of the little maggot andslave-trade be aus:;<#=gegangen and his9its constitutional constitution fromhim9it for the (hole (orld eJem*lary In the Kit3b a1das/ aie 2eh3 Allah ma1esthe &e:;<#=set) of his9its religion and in the lauh i a4l3m/ he9it reminds his9itsFater:;<#=land eJ*ressly of England4s model ?s u It (on4t be coincidencefurthermore/ if eJactly he9it his9its ideal of the union of all *eo*le and Religionecunder his9its religion ?amr here and this cure unique even as daa for thedamages of the *eo*le in of this eraG vgl to it (hether . B< *raises

@e, ehä than(s the c&ar for the intervention of the Dussian emissary, to 0hichhe?it o0ed aeine e+3-freiung in the year -MQ2 from the custody in 'eheran,in a short missive. Also he9it is admonished/ itself him9it eye-vie( of &od of 4A113?(a%hu4ll3h#/ 4A113 heiLt therefore madlnatu4sch-schuhüd 2r #@$/ . $B)u)u:;<#=(enden The beb3istiscliO tradition leads the stimulation 9 um *eace-*rogram of the c)ar and the court of arbitration-yard at Hague on 2eb3 Allah/ over(hom the c)ar made letters nearer inquiries on this at *lace and *lace to/ bac12rit-tingbam a a 5 . $ Ho(ever/ the idea of an u**ermost beitu-l4adl ?houseof the %ustice ste*s in the 2eb3tsmus s u in

,ieae . El bs t be)eich no( g 2eh34ü is Allah to understand after analogy of themore usual d2ohem3l+ Ich is &od4s beauty//deanon countenance ?everything bet(een the heavens and the

earths i l luminatedli1e the *recious ground *earl ?Roaen/ .endachreiben of the 2eh3 AU3h I/ $Bnotes BG

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the same sense on/ ,/ Essai . ##5/ but if a borro(ing too1 *lace at all/ so she9it is u*on the *art of 2eh34s The international *eace-congresses go bac1 until by the year#@B@ ?I in 2russels

?/ the 0rench em*eror/ a*oleon III/ *ro*hesy 2eh3 the &eriebt+ ,ie circumstances

in your em*ire becomes shall sli*G 3ndern and the em*eror-cro(n out of itself you asaying/ (hose fulLllment in the 8abre #@65/ t(o years after 2eh34s letters/ until settlesfrom the 2eh3l as *roof for 2eh34s4s *ro*hetic oering quoted (ird# 7onditionally/ he9itis *ronounced incidentally/ li1e such sayings (ith the Israelite *ro*hets+ (enn you you/to su**ort this religion/ doesn4t raiseG 0rance4s *rotectorate-relationshi* to the 'rient isincluded the *rerequisite 2eh3 ma1es the re*roach for the em*eror/ he9it *ractices itonly in the o(n interest and thirsts for (ar In order to test the genuineness of his9itseagerness/ he9it sent him9it his9its boo1 it is *resumably about the süratu4l mulu1/ho(ever/ he9it has it (eg:;<#=ge(orfen 0or it this curse Ho(ever 2eh3 doesn4t yetabandon the ho*e and shares under re*eated command s to *ut on his9its country thene( religion and to *roclaim her9it9them also in the 'rient/ already his9its ne(abstinence and *arty-legislation u (ith 2eh3 demands the shutdo(n of the 7hristianchurches and cloisters/ the annulment of not only the MOnchtunis but also the clergy inthe Nest Here/ the "roteat of the 23bismus becomes on the (est of transferring againstthe sü:am*=scbe Monchtum and the schLtischen clericalism The Ktt3b a1das turns o the clergy com*letely about the same time from the religion/ s u 2eh3 1no(s the7hristian church essentially only as they 7atholic Roman He9it also 1no(s that he9itmust *ut these demands for the Kurie in Rome

?I8/  THE MI..IFE  T'  THE "'"E  I. RE>ATIFE  I  THE ATI:;<#=K>ERIKA>E ,EMA,. 0'R HIM9ITAT A"'>E'/ I NHI7H "R':;<#=K>AMATI' '0  THE RETUR 7HRI.TI  I 2EH HIM9IT AT  THEDUEE FI7T'RIA/ I  THE "R'TE.T A&AI.T  THE >UPUR_ '0  THE FATI7A  TH'.E AT  THE 'RIETA>.'FEREI&. ote(orthy is in *articular here that the statement/ he9it is the returned7hrist ?rühu4ll3b or the loyo [ ;eov in Ev 8oh # so declared already the donor of the Hurüse1te/ 0adl Allah of itself vgl (hether . CB u Anh I . #@< by the other isoutbidden/ the father even a**eared in him9it+ 5 countries of the sonQ Ne Lrst have 8ohannes

The .cbi4ite believes from Guniverse that he9it not only the secret .inn

(ill occur in the time of itself Every revolution (as 1no(n to him9it/ he9it s(irled(hoever become her9its9their leaders and causes no/ 8a41ubi/ Historiae/ Ed Eoutsma IIC<C/ vgl &old)iher/ Forl ü/ d/ Ial/ . .B Fgl to it unt . #@< u

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/ the T3ufer-23b g o . B A # to you/ that call 2a%3n in the Nildnis dea/ sent+ acreation of the man1ind/ your Augen ma1es clear that the day of the meeting here-came near GAnd no(/ the father/ about (hom 8esa%a says/ is there and the comforter?"ara1let #/ that the s*irit ?7hrist *romisedG

 The statement understands/ the 23bllehre squanders for itself/ means daL each 'an-barang a higher o**osite the antecedent ones and is not in the Islam ?s*eciLcally in theIsm34ilitentum (ithout *rocess The side by side of the claim 2eh34s/ the come bac17hrist and a ge:;<#=(isse insecurity manages in the sect a Tbeo*banie &od-father to beas (e observed her9it9them (ith the &erman 2eh3t ourselves and her9it is testiLed to .also for "eraien ?7M8 #@$@ !Bf Fgl to it 2r/ A _ear a the "ers . <## and follo(ing

arro(ness relative (ith the missive at the *o*e is an o*en letter of the 2eh3 to the7hristianity/ das *eo*le dea of sonG/ the so-called one/ lauh i a1das/ to confuse rieht/(ith the Kit3b a1das s u He9it has been submitted to us in English-&ermantranslation/ cfr , 8/ . B5= vgl also 2r #@$/ C 65/ is gras*ed com*letely its ,atierung'es letter from 2agbd3d out of the air and stands (ith .yria4s mention as *lace of theauthor in light Nider:;<#=s*ruch 'ne (ill be allo(ed to also *ut the (riting togethertime(ise (ith the letter to the *o*e/ although found not bai1al rece*tion it into thesüra i as1ed

4 AlG the "ar:am*=1leten ?Ev 8oh #B/ #/ as1ed itself s*ent already beforeMuhamnied M3ni and h Gt the advance of the revelation iihsr you7hristen:;<#=tum out at this set forum of 7hristian "aruaieer(artungange:;<#=1nü*ft ?Ggl KeMer/ M Gni a a ' . .'.

4 Hey the , races I8sm)G of the come bac1 7hristian and al H31im is theincarnation of &od of the father under relationshi* on Ev Matth / $nnd Ev 8oh / <@ ?the ne( communion ia of the fatherG Heich and the

occu*ation 7hriati/ dea father4s (ills of tnn/ de .ao% a a '/ II. .2 2.l tuoli here ilt Oie 0ignr of the 8ohannts 5bh T3utn inI(nft4il Him9it Mnhammed Temimi dimit inter(ove The Incarnation&ott:;<#=vaters also a**ears to al here the *erfection of the religion+,ie 2e1enner of all religions are united over it/ da at the Enda Her far/after (hich Auf:;<#=erstehung/ the creator of even a**arent (erdestandardi)es ?The same Idae iat one of the AnngiEgs*an1tH of theManich3i2mu2 ?vgl Ke:am*=ler/ ManiG a 0. 5 . #5 The *eriods of thela(s are dea of letter and (ith it consummate/ I . ##6 and follo(ing/ theinner sense of the former religions/ her9its9their 0rucht / become Gr ?I .oenb nnd . 5/ the 2inheit2reli]ion and released true Religioau (ith it

hey t ?I . ##@ u O Also 0a:lt=il All3b/ the donor of the 2forüL/ namesbesides the boa sieves also the father/ (ho brings them9her9it in itself one all andern tnf-hebende religion/ and moistens the father deodorant of (ord (ith the nature ?&eheimmnn ma4n3/ &od same/ o**osite the letter/that the logoiteJt4s HouroiiL2 . brings in the n3tlfc ?Iluart B# .C$ Nith theKy)ylbssch4Ali a**ears to nnd ugairi as the father in the 7hristian Trinit3t ?N 8acob/the 2eitastii88ie @/ <B

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If d still An the beh3istische tradition the 1ings of America and the heads of there*ublicG from another missive h the United .tates (eiü \vgl also &old)iher/ Forl ! dIal . <55/ so/ it is not found in the süra i hai1al ?2r any(ay #@$/ . @< Therelationshi*s of the sect to America are a later date ?s u The missive at the &erman

yard of the 1ing ?Nilhelm of "russia is %ust as un1no(n/ that after ,reyfus ?Essai . 5the collection should be contained in &ermany rather gets Gt nuuh he9it the ,eutsch-0ran)Osischea (ar and in the Kit3b a1das his9its ,en1:;<#=)ettel ?2r #@@$/ . $66+ The 1ing of "russia has .yria be:;<#=treten the "alestine-tri* of the 7ro(n *rince0riedrich Nilhelm Anl3:am*=lich of the inauguration of the .ue)-canal in the autumn#@$ is *robably meant/ (ithout from Haifa from his9its come bac1 man and/ toa**reciate 7hrist Therefore the curse+ 5 shores of the Rheines/ (e sa( you blood fully/because der the s(ords revenge one notices the 0rench 1ey(ord against euch (as*ulled out It really should go ?as #@6596# you # dierently this time/ (e (ailed thecity 2erlin and schreien hear/ obachon settles her9it9them in fresh fame one/ da:am*/shinesG in # com*rehends= the 2eb3i ?as they said us in .tuttgart this saying of the2eh3 not for reif to the FerOent:;<#=lichungG holds

 Third *art

 The formation= the 2eh34ise1te under 2eh3 Allah in 4A113 ?#@@-#@$rom the 2 years, that %eta still lived $<<äh in #$((ä, the >rst are from particular 

meaning since they %rought the Kodi>(ation of the ne0 religion to yard in the Kitä%a(das at them?her?it after disposal of the missives.  After muhamme-danischenconce*ts/ the boo1 ma1es at Lrst his9its mission in fact for the *ro*hets and accordingto muLte 2eh3 Allah Lrst the religious code in this sense Llls Ho( he9it begun (ith italready in Adriano*el far and (hen he9it com*leted the Kit3b a1das/ is not obvious/ho(ever his9its o(n statement becomes eschr313t ?s in the tract u , II . C@/ itcomes ) from the Lrst time after the arrival in 4A113 2 also through the saying over&ermany ?s o conLrm 'ne (ill be allo(ed to assume the Lrst of the seventies asformation-time

In the follo(ing one/ religion-code of the 2eh3 Allah and some com*lementary tractsLrst no( should be informed about this before the further develo*ment of the sect is*ortrayed in this *eriod-

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I. The /itäb a&das and used.0 Tracts o% the Beh%t llSh in '&&ä.# ,asKit3b a1das ?sacred boo1= .ummary 2r #@@$/ . $6$@#/ is #@$$ from A MR

 Tumans1y edits and is accom*anied (ith Russian translation/ Memoires de Academieim* de .t "etersbourg FHI series/ vol III o and be available also in a teJt-edition*rinted in 2ombay A "racht:;<#=eJem*lar is in the 2ibliotheque ationale ?one Ar

o <$6 0rom the t(o more Lnal teJts/ ,reyfus in his9its Essai does occasionalcommunications Translations in (est:;<#=liche languages are missing since they areforbidden from 4A113 from in that the 2en4s All3> la( doesn4t yet stand o`cially invalidity/ so:;<#=lange him9it the *ossibility of the transaction is (ithdra(n The si)e of the boo1 gives from 2ro()e4s descri*tion of his9its t(o Oberein-stimmenden manuscri*tsforth+ #B sides (ith ## lines each It is (ritten in Arabic language/ the sacred languageof the "ro*netie ?vgl '/ . #$ 7om*ared (ith the 2a%3n of the 23b/ it distinguishesitself through his9its intelligibility The Mystisch-Kabbalistische resigns/ even thetheologisebn teachings ma1es "lati for a mainly *ractically oriented legislation here>eaves on the other hand to also (ish the ,is*onierung here In colorful chaos/ 1ultischefollo( themselves and organi)ational/ moral and )ivilgesetaliche rules and is interru*ted

connection in (ill:;<#=1ürlicher manner by *ersonal Ne *ut Essai in the follo(ing onefrom 2ro(ne4s summary and )er:;<#=streuten quotations (ith him9it/ ,reyfus/ and aa 5 and &old-)iher ?Forl 8.# d Ial . $$ and follo(ing the ob%ectively matchingtogether $, the cult9la0. The la( of the Islam is regarded as com*letely out-of-date and is

conLrmed the b3bistischen forms for cult and rite Ne Lnd in the individual one?#/ the C cornerstones of the Islam in the Kit3b a1das ia of follo(ing manner

modiLes+?a/ the creed Nithin the monotheism/ the teachings of the EinheitG/ that ?&od is

understood/ ho(ever/ as Theomonismus in the mystic sense/ s o . </ if the belief in2eh3 Allah is demanded as intact-necessary The Kit3b a1das begins+ Nahrlich theLrst thing/ that oered Remen Knechten ?the human being &od/ is the 1no(ledgeof the Erscheinungsorts#/ his9its revelation and his9its command/

The here lining u* .elbstbe)eichnnng dei 2efa3 all raah:am*=r WEr:;<#=scheinungsort vgl %nhür ?s (hether . # B and the eJ*ression one %ufhiraha II3h ?s (hether - . C@ he9it is t from the .cheichi t the 23bi for him9it

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der so much is as seibat he9it in the (orld of the command and the dercreation ?W u**er and lo( (orld Nhoever attains this/ hat everything goodattains and (ho his is robbed/ (ahJ-lich belongs to the *eo*le of the error/ evenif he9it accom*lishes all ?good Hand:;<#=lungen and if you reached this very

s*lendid ?abh3 .tand/ everyone is entitled to obeying that/ (hat is orderedihm/ from sides of the ?highest matter because these )(ei ?things belongtogether and 1eius (ithout the other to haben ist#G The formula/ that eJ*ressesthe belief in 2eh3 Allah the most shortly/ is abh3 %a beh3 u4l ,reyfus namesher9it9them ?lee . CB 7omment the creed of the 2eh3i A stereoty*edconfession-*rayer of the 2eh3 Q is+ Ich confesses before &ott/ da:am*= you methe sun of the truth geoenbart has= I be)euge/ da8i gives it no other truth ?ha11W no andern &ott as he9it/ that you have geoenbart/ 2eh3 I confess/ danobody you still *raises machen for itself an idea of you can 5 my &od/ doesn4t*ush bac1 him9it/ that itself (ith aller of his9its ho*e ouch your 2usea clinchesG/Ara1elian a a 5 . #5< ,asKetm3n ?ta1l%a is tolerated evils ?vgl asnot:;<#=(endiges eJ*ressly u . #B#More la)ily the *ro*hetic revelation be)( the a**earance of a ne( "ro:;<#=*heten/his9its ins*iration and Ga declaration= vgl 2r #@@$/ . 55 The eJ*ression reminds#t/ 'rtG sc/ of the ism34llitischen &od4s a**earance/ &uyard a a 5 . <B$andfollo(ing= de .acy a a 5 I ?.#6C$ for the Manifesta:;<#=tion of the logo in the*ro*het/ (ho also is as >ichteman:am*=tion vor:;<#=gestellt here 4A113 iscalled der *oint ?W *ole/ about (hich the highest meeting turned/ vgl here to it(hether . #5# A #

4 2elief and (or1s ste* already (ith the 23b as the t(o intact-necessary things sideby side/ Tgl the regulation of the 2a%3n/ da:am*= the dead *erson his9its belief in the

G*oint and the 2uchstaben of the aliveG and his9its love of them/ as (ell as his9itsgood actions ?2r should be certiLed #@$/ . B< Also the 23b has relationshi* of thet(o si)es bestimnit+n,ie daa in favor of the beliefsG/ actions of a human being arenothing at all (orth/ if d he9it the command of &od4s (ill in the e*och not/ in (hich he9itlives h the *ro*het be)( Im3m of Ga time/ obeyed ?icola 2ey Ar . @5 Already (iththe Arabic Aristoteli1ern/ the actions of the human being don4t have any meaning forhis9its union (ith the divine/ that rather sti*ulates itself aus:;<#=schlielich throughthe thoroughness of the reali)ation ?&old)iher/ &od Abh #$56 a a 5 . B/ thishere in the *ro*het concreti)es a**ears The later neu*latonische doctrine in the Islam*laces side by side Tgl ?ibid the acquisition of right reali)ation and devout actions to itunt . # and follo(ing

4E# Abh3 ?the very shiny one is vgl the grOte name of &odG/ in (hich hasgeoenbart for itself &od and in (hich one a**roaches him9it/ (ith the 2eh34ithere constant occurrences of the name of the *rayers of the 2eb3t/ ) 2 in the"rayer boo1G of the American 2e1euner As such/ he9it goes bac1 already to the older23bismus and the 2a%3n The 23bi *laced

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regulated b/ that becomes sal3t ?*rayer-*ractice/ in ne( manner+ at *lace of the Lve *rayer-times/ the three urs*rOnglichen ?8e(ish ste* in the morning/midday and evening (ith < "rostrationen each/ all the the hatchet-y number $/that *ushes the Vabl #$ into the bac1ground ?to erreichen# (ith 2eh3 The

Kibla follo(s Mecca but li1e the 23b ?&ob no more had intended . << afterhim9it one %u)hiruhu4ll3a d i after 2eh3 ?4A113 .he9it shall sieve (ith him9itturns/ too1 until him9it solid stay some(here and Lnally is LJed only after his9itsdeath h if (as certain/ (here his9its grave is The clothingthe scbi4iti2chen confession-eJclamation+ yes Allah/ yes 4Ali/ yes a3hibu4) )am3n thene( (ar-re*utation contrary to+ yes g3bibu4) )am3n/ All3hu Abh3/ 8 A #@/ II .C5= MR . #BBand follo(ing and also the *resent-day 2eh34igru All3hu abh3Ggoes bac1 to the Urb3bismus/ 2r #@@$ . B$@ In his9its Erl3uterunge, mm 2a%ftnnotices &obineau ?. B< Anm/ da:am*= if the name standardi)es bie into theKeilinachritten/ l3tt and the *latonic a**lication of the scheme retrace .chOnheitG on

?dschem3l the deity (ith it in conteJt stands The stellar origin of the 2egriaechemHsste*s on the ne( her:;<#=aus/ vgl/ in the 23bismus @ # A = . 6 ,as2a%3n ?arabFII/ #6 &ob . C#B vgl 2r #@$/ @ $$ im*ose the ftlt*ereische 2egrünung of the sunon mornings (ith the formula on 0riday+ ,er &l3n) ?beh3 of your sight comes alonefrom &od/ o of rising sunQ and attest to (hat &od testiLes even from himself/namely/ da no &od is lived besides him9it/ the s*lendidG Also 2eh3 *uts .onne of thetruth the self-names/ from (hich side by side the '.enbarang aus:;<#=strahltG/and der biggest name/ (hose reali)ation arranges little the &otteser1enntnis mlG/tadscball%3t/ entrance/ , II/ < C He9it calls the yards of the (est this &ottesnamen+bismi1a Allahi Gl-2ehr%%il-Abh3 and itself itself the sehr of shining names of &odG?isnmn4l-abb3 2r #@@$/ . $6and follo(ing= s (hether < @< The E)eli claim

him9it for2r *ortrays ubhi E)el and a *lace in the gras*s of bihischt the1abbalistischen use/ that the 2eh34i ma1e in 4A113 of the biggest name 2eh3 Gu Gl-Abh3 #2$/ . s The name/ his9its 1no(ledge and his9its *ro*erty are regarded asaction-*o(erful &od4s4 *ro*het ?n3ti1 ame is called also (ith the Ism34iliten andher9its9their relative and ?ism he9it becomes der alo &odG of be-gri.e,/ thatmeans the action-most *o(erful magic/ big name In *articular/ the ,ru)e Moghlra*ut for(ard his9its claim in this direction/ ,ussaud a a 5 . $and follo(ing/ de.acy a a ' P>FIT= &uyard a a 5 . $@ The magic is called also in the Iei3m diescience of &od4sG names and sets u* the 1no(n sentence here+ ,er Koran has $$names/ that hundredth becomes/ him9it/ that discovers him9it/ all the *o(er lendsG -the 2iamill3h magiach ?vgi (as utili)ed at the same time (hether to . C and

,ussaud a a 5 . @5 0rom here/ a connection (ith the huraLsehen use of the2ismill3h in the 23bismus and the eJ*ression emerges nu1ta ?Tgl for itself (hether .@ The number $ she9it a**ears in the Indo-&ermanic religion-area of the Avesta?7hante*ie II/ .#/ in India ?8acob/ as sacred number 2e1taschi%%e . B6 (ith theancient &ermans and &ree1s ?ROscher/ that in 6 - and $-*ays in the cult and myth of the &ree1s heiOt in the KitCb a1das die number of the 2eb3 d h she9it re*resentsthe *ay-value of the (ord beh3/ Tgl , Essai . #55 _ou9they

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freigegeben# becomes eJ*ressly (ith the *rayer More im*ortant is/ that 2eh3 theordinance of the 2a%3a ?arab ba% IP/ $ &ob . C<5 be:;<#=1r3ftigt/ that cancels the*ublic grou*-*rayer (ith liturgical forms ?sal3t al dscham34a Each individual one*rays in *ersonal loneliness ?furad3 This in the 2a%3a intended and also here

re*eated eJce*tion of the common >eichen:;<#=gebets gives the eJ*lanation of thisrule Nith this more Lnal/ no minister is after schLtischer *ractice as (ants Forbetervon-nOten and the 23bismus/ da:am*= the s*iritual stand as such is gotten rid of otonly the mue))in and the Forbeter but also the sermon ?chutba falls (ith the *ubliccult+ Es is *rescribed you to *ray alone for you and das order of gathering isabolishedG and 2es

a**ear to the sect as mystic emblem (ith *reference at the to* of her9its9theirFerOentlichungen Together (ith the number C as the *ay-(ord for b3b u (hether. @ iet settles her9it9them the central si)e in the b3bistischen *ay-s*eculation/ inthat $ P C W BC the voll1ommene numberG is called d h the number this one gets/ if 

one adds all numbers from # to $ and this number BC the ne( man1ind means/ thatat the the union the 2eh3 Allah as the Adam ?*ay-value BC and the 23b as the Eva?*ay-value #C/ the voll1ommene numberG of C (hat dis 2eb3moschee in 4Aachlf3b3deJ*resses in her9its9their grain-drill emerges+ a eunec1 (ith C entrances/ vgl,reyfus/ üne institution behaie a a 5 @ B#6 The number #$ a**ears (ith 2eh3 asgood as resigned/ 2r #$5$/ @ <5/ turn ge, besides in the retention of the23bi1alenders/ ho(ever/ immune also in individual 2eat/ li1e (hich that any 2eb34i49n leg of fortune as unique contribution to the beituT 4adl ?s unt contributing has/,/ Essai . ## again ,an the number #$ ho(ever through the number $ at meaningis ousted/ goes *articularly at the the dis*osal forth that )usammen)u-eeUen itself thebeita4l Gadl hit from $ members If 2eh3 incidentally the infringement thisG VtM ?,

releases/ Essai . #55/ so/ he9it seems not to have any so *rinci*al meaning of beige-meseeu for her9it9them/ li1e the 23b the #$ 2uchstaben of the >ebend8geuGIncidentally/ @ turn into the number $ as (ell #/ Vahleu(ort of 2eh3 is / vgl/ strictlys*ea1ing 2r #@$/ . $6B (on/ as the number #$ from #@ ?letters deG 2ismili3h - f - #?&od W A/ vgl (hether . .ia a**ears already in the 2a%3n/ that ) 2 him9it bringu* the quotients $ and C )ngrnnde ?arab *uts ba% P/ <= &obioeau @ C<<= vgl luchdas year $U ?o (hether . 6. ? A meta*hy:;<#=sische meaning doesn4t a**eareJ*ressly bei:;<#=gelegt to the number $ in the 2eb3ismns Nith the Ich(an al saf3/it is the $ Eraanationsgr!en/ the eben:;<#=falls from @ # is reached/ n (hether. A #

4 Already the 23b as1ed the *rohibition of the Islam/ (ith the *rayer sil1en clothes

eq carries/ into the o**osite runs and the (ide sil1 be:;<#=vor)ugt ?Grab ba% FT/ $=&ob . C5B NeiL is 2ro(ne the color of the theoeo*hischen sects in 0eraien/ thatbecame famous through the Assassinen/ from the Ich(an al saf3 A >iterary Histor% of "ersia I/ . <#< Ho(ever/ the 2eb34i carry her9it9them (ith the same *reference li1ethe old 23bl ?a int. #B 0urther/ to the (hite color ant . H

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ist you *rohibited/ the *ul*its too 2eate-y Nho seines man you d verses hNriting of the 2eh3/ (ants to read/ auf sets itself the daven*ort and does abehale &od of his9its Mr Er-(3haung ?di1rG ?(ith ,reyfus Une institution fromthere a ' . B5f/ E therefore 1ic1s *roclamation/ that can be no trade as such/

the charismatic saying at the *lace of the com*etent teaching *rofession It is*rescribed/ that each believer should drive a terrestrial occu*ation ,iO mosqueremains under the name mascli-re1u4l-ad13r ?(Ortl Aufgangaort of the *rayers?# The *rivate and *ublic devotional-house is distinguished on that occasion/ ibid. B#@ f+gt. The 2eh34I call maschre1u4I each house/ in (hich they gather m of common ediLcation/ - ad13r and can refer on the Kit3b a1das for it Ho(ever/2ehit (ishes real mosques here at the same time+ 2auet &od4s houses and his9itscitiesG/ beitu4l Gadl s u "ictures are *rohibited in it in the interest of the *ureMono:;<#=theismus/ the architectural forms ?s tal1 on the other hand o andmystic name-trains from the numbers and 2uch:;<#=staben(issenschaft@ Inaccordance (ith the outstanding role/ that this

.ystem of the .%8üDaiuuH the meaning the 2üc11ehr deodorant &eiatea from d e r4sN e ## d r E m qd b ## q q in dto of the AbsolutüD l]. to it (hether/ . . .<f -/ r(ith (hat the *rocess Hea mi ad in the scheme the Ii i c h t e s and thereforethe *rayer as a too moves strives the divine &eistesstrahl < the soul into theabsolute anKescbaut ?vgl becomes (hether . < u (it . #B 4on there(n - %et-ateht itself the role/ that *lays the 3i1r in the güLachen Islam/ indeaaen .iün ?ias 2a%3n beHtunnit one aolle/ 3glich <# ?W #@ P #$^ oncethe name &ottee names/ as (ell as the reference of the 23bismus to thesun ?$ (hether . B5 A .8uad. ##5 A/ $ Eine oers *arallel the Maai-chiiimüi lotereasante/ (oderKultue li1e(ise in the &ebetaübung ?Q Debcts-

)eiten/ rises Also there/ the Hingelangen of the *rayer into the >icht-regian AuEiteigenG and hetet is called standing after the sun the faithfulGthings before the ?l3maliKen "rostcatioa under turn/ (ith (hat also tferthere a It is called $ Tbeo*hanie understood *ro*het F% i themaoieh3ische &ebet of the Heilaver1ündigera##+ &esegnet aei unaerdrivers/ the "ara1let/ the emissary of the >ictits  8U H'70>&E"E.&ER  ' UU>EU'TTEUERI  A>]]I  'UR  "IIR'4#  _'U  R''T  '0  THE  I."IRATI'/ 2RA7H  '0  THERE."E7TA2I>IT_/  _'U 2I&  TREE/  THAT 7'M">ETE>_ 2IATG ?NI&.  _'U 7URE MAI . $&/vgl Kessler/ Mani/ M Gnich3er a a 5 . #$ The *redicates/ that areenclosed M3oi in this order/ have an obvious relationshi* (ith thecorres*onding ones in the 23biamu2 Also you 2sma-0eat of the MsnirMer to

the memory of his9its martyr4s death *oints into this EichtunK - It (as erecteda >ehrstuh8 ?yfta on that occasion (ith rising ste*s/ about 3ie counter(as tec teacher M3oi dea of the visibility to indicate removes

The 2eh34imoschee in 4Aac hQf 3b3d ?i (hether . 6<= ,reyfus/ a a5 if the 8Uinnret retained Ala bloOun %e(elry/ against it neither sine nichefor the Forbeter ?a mil%r3b another *ul*it for the 0reitaga-gotte$dienst ?deminbnr As (ell/ the (ells are missing sacred to them9her9it

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 There is in the Isl.m *lays/ the theoso*hy of the 23bTse1te essentially al(aysmoves etsrha*sodien ?mun3dsch3t for itself in *raJi in give Her9its9their (ritingamounts the main-*iece already (ith the 23b and (ith Hadrat i Kuddus inher9its9their *roduction of FersenG and ?3%3t the *rayers/ that 2eh3 Allah and

4Abd al 2ei the (rites/ is for her9its9their sect from canonical meaning Alsoconfessional-*rayers are found it under it/ (hile as (ell as from the 2a%3n ?ar the*ublic confession as a bul(ar1 of the clericalism of the Kit3b a1das FII ?#B iscanceled

Nhat the ritual cleaning involves/ ao are released the ablutions li1e (ith the23b/ but recommended as religious matter ho(ever and done baths in theinterest of the cleanliness to the duty/ s u sub ,

c/ that becomes )a13t ?alms-be enough/ in the sense of theKultur:;<#=be(egung alters The rubbish becomes verboten#/ and done (or1 ina certain occu*ation to the duty ?vgl to it ,/ Essai . #6 Mon1-hood and*riesthood ?vgl o is removed also under this *oint of vie( as a source of socialneed ,a:;<#=für is *raised money-acquisition and a sensibleArmen:;<#=fürsorge and charity demands The *oor-taJes amount to Lt of thefortune as unique contribution for the beitu4l adl ?s uf ablutions/ since the ritual im*urity is

canceled ,a:am*= the old forms V/ T (ithout her9its9their meaning is retained/ the (ells/that 4Abb3s Efendi (ishes for the 2eh34imoschee in 7hicago/ sho( a unt . #B$ .incelay on the care around the *lace of (orshi* at the same time from tree on is*enetrated/ alt*eraische seem to continue to have an eect inuences Nells andtrees of binding Re:;<#=quisite of the Lre-tem*le/ 7hante*ie a a 5 II ?5

4 ,er &ottverhateste of all *eo*le is ,eb Eigentums Ghalte Lrmly he9it/ that sitsand begs/ the ro*e and trusts &od/ the giver of all &aben4/ (ith 2r #@@$/ . $6C Isfound dea 2ettah as a sin already in the 2a%3n the *rohibition and becomes alsofrom &obineau ?< there <6B to (estern inuence attributed Also there/ theacquisition is made to the duty The *rotest against you 2ettelmOnthtum meets the.üLsmus ?vgl &old)iher/ Forl ü d Isl . #@

G In his9its Kul t of o f re gras*s a d ness/ that ma1es him9it )a a bearer of themodern culture-movement for ira 'rient/ u already &obinean the 23bisronG over the ZüLamn2 so/ (hose unnerving Ei,!u stands the young 'rient in the2e(u:am*=tsein on the *ublic life a 5 . #B5 and follo(ing/ on theur:;<#=s*rüngliche realistic ty*e of the IslamG bac1 vgl his9its *rotest against daamon1-hood and the celibacy until )a the haditb+ He9it receives 0ür every mouthful/that the orthodoJ does into his9its mouth/ divine re(ard / vgl &old)iher/ Forl ü dIsl . #Band follo(ing - and farther bac1 on the ave-I tables religion/ (here Kulturnot only about the (or1 and the Lght/ hindering for the sa1e of also the (ealth4s nndof the *ro*erty *raised/ at all the *ro*erty a value folding into the eyes enclosed and*overty is held 7hante*ic for a disgrace/ if she9it is evo1ed by la)iness/ a a 5 IT/ ..I.

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it is incumbent on him9it the Armenfursorge .he9it becomes li1e in the2a%3n/ there v vgl icola/ 2 ar . #@@ (ith fortune-increase in accordance(ith er:;<#=g3n)t

d The abstinence becomes on the let)ten:;## from the month of Ramadan=/#$ Month of the 23bl1alenders ?month of the GAla vgl o . 6 A #ver:;<#=:;##=legt/ as this *rescribes already the 23b as1ed/ ar ba% FIII/ #@/&ob. CC/ in that at the same time he9it it children at erl3:am*=t until ##years and den:;##=lteren of B years/ never 2 ar . #5< In frontgehen:;##=dem abstinence-month the C s(itch-days ?s o . 6 A #/ thisthe &ast:;<#=:;##=freundschaft and .*eisung this arms ?vgl is dedicatedA:;##=year a the "era . <# The e( _ear4s day ?naurü) is as Tagthereu*on : ;##=des 2eh3G the highest holiday ?s o . 6 A #= the <Als:;##=Tag of the )uhür of the 23b is celebrated May 'ver the Re)(3nfests o . 6@

e The *ilgrimage ?haddsch 2r #@@$/ . $6B+ Nallfahrten : ;##= )ubecomes ?beit Gthe houseG those/ that they can underta1e/ : ;##=verordnet/ (omen are eJcused Under Gthe houseG ver:;<#=:;##=standenmost 23br/ that I as1ed/ the house of the 23b in:;##= .chlr3) in the&lasbl3serstrage ?1itchen i schlschegar3nG Auch:;##=hier are the rulesof the 2a%3n the best eJ*lanation ,ort:;##=heiLt it ?ar ba% IF/ ##$ s&ob . $B#and follo(ing+ &ebt die:;##= Heiligtümer of the earth Meccaand the schl4itischen Im3m)3de/ : ;##= auf and 'bertragt (hat they have/her9its9their meaning/ auf:;##= den Ein)igen the unit of the "un1tesG andthe #@ boo1 - : ;##= staben of the alive be)( her9its9their Im3m)adeNenn her9its9their .chut):;##= suchet at these sanctuaries asylum right/according to müLt her9it9them of den:;##= Menschen is s*aredGFerherrlicht these sanctuaries : ;##= so (ell ibr only canG Kommt to myhome The ist:;##= das house/ that &od created .iehe of my livingFer1auft:;##= es not/ still (hat belongs to it The more you reach to the*o(er/ : ;##= desto more gloriLes itQG Nahrlich the sacred houseist:;##= das/ in (hich I (ill generate him9it %u)hiruhu4ll3h one/sein:;##= &eburtshausG Reminders follo(/ (ith (hoseErscheinen:;##=nicht to stic1 at the 23b and his9its house butdurch:;##=den one/ to be integrated %u)hiruhu4ll3h into &od4s house/ thesich:;##=dann really (ill o*en/ under reference on the theosc - :

;##=*hischen rates+ 2etretet the houses through her9its9their doorsG ?T . @ vgl o . #B 7omment # .toet the door of the house auf:;##=/vgl o . #5/ denn the *ilgrimage serves the *ur*ose/ you (ithdem:;##= Herrn of the house/ to *ublici)e .he9it teaches you inder:;##= inneren science of the inside his that is available in the.icht:;<#=:;##=nbarenG Thereu*on/ dis*osals of the tem*les follo( - :;##=.teuern and the *artici*ation of the (omen/ that on the one hand)urüc1:;<#=:;##=geset)t not/ should not be strained on the other hand F/# (ieder:;<#=:;##=holt then once again+ An the *lace/ (here I am born/sollt:;##= ihr *ossibly a EinheitG of ?#$ tem*les erectsG

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2eb3All3h acheint through \erection of an Im3m)3de of the 23b#/ that he9it made his9itsson Abb3s Efendl to the Lrst tas1 after his9its death that to have re*laced &eburtsat3tte(ith the &rabesst3tte/ as also his9its o(n shrine is the goal of the *ilgrimages of the2eh3l in 4A113 today "ilgrimages to the &eburtast3tten of the 23b and 2eh3 ?in

 Teheran are ) V eJcluded of course Ho(ever/ it is note(orthy/ da:am*= 2eh3 in theKit3b a1das Teheran as his9its birth-city blesses/ in that he9it *romises her9it9them/ she9it(ill become the seat of a *arliament in "ersia/ 2r/ #@@$/ . $6@ If he9it releases the*ilgrimage here consequently/ vgl u . #<5/ so/ ho(ever/ aie is not lifted/ and theenthusiastic Fethei:am*=ung of the 2a%3n ?a a 5+ _ou (ill ascend In of that time tomy home in larger number/ as clearly ever stands the 2eh3iamus in former religionsGin the consciousness ?s u . #<C and follo(ing/ #B@ and follo(ing 'therregulations As 2eh3 Allah conLrms the radical ,urchbrechung of the 1ultischen basicorder of the Islam in the 2a%3n/ so he9it cancels all limitations of the Islam (ith thesentence+ Ihr may do everything/ (hich doesn4t conict (ith the healthyMenschen:;<#=verstandG/ insists in the contrast against the Anti-nomisten in theUrb3bismus (ith the level-headedness of the legislation of the 23b ?vgl/ ho(ever o. B@+ Neintrin1en and o*ium-smo1ing remain *rohibited des*ite actually freer *ractice=on the other hand/ 2e:;<#=schneidung and cover-u*/ although lifted in the *rinci*le/ arenot *rohibited but is recommended in the sense of the Ketm3n to ada*t itself9themselvesat the regional-custom in this Adia*hora The b3bistische ritually the dead *erson-burialin 2elassung of the confession-ring/ Karneolring (ith the &ottesnamen li1e usuallyunder Muhammedanera/ here ho(ever (ith 2eh34a names vgl A _ear a the "ers . <#6=(hite stone vgl 8 A #@/ U. B$6/ ablution (ith rose-(ater / in-clothing for sil1/*reference the thins

4 The Sberreotedes 23b brought 2eh3 Allah in the conteJt of his9its declaration in

the year #@6 in his9its *ro*erty after they (ere eit #@C5 in the Im3m)3de i Ma4i%ümsecure bet(een Teheran and Rib3t Karira/ T . B 7omment ,an Mamoleum/ the4Abb3s Efendl nah 2eh34a death ?#@$< by the slo*e of the Karroel over Caif3 for the23b ouch erects started/ and no( is virtually consummate 7hase contains t(o side-areas/ that are dedicated ?23b and the #@ for the memory of the ersten unitG/ besidethe main-area a a 5 . #B and follo(ing m 0ig e(comerG loo1s for 4Abb3a Efendiof the &erman colonists io Haifa to acquire the necessary *ro*erties in order to*resent a marble free-stair(ay ?Miti OG "astor Veller in 8aa

The Nertlegen dea 2a%3n and the Kit3b alfdaG on "arftimierang has Ga *rocess inthe günnmiui/ (here " d ace a r f ü m as a 'enbarung of the beauty and glory of &odG ?Tholuc1 is (orth bloom-collection < CC 7omment/ o(ie incidentally already in

the original Islam ?Dold)iher Forl ü d Isl @- l Gand follo(ingA-

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Kristallaargea/ is memori)ed again/ 2r #@@$/ . $6$ vgl $@## At all only theregulation of the 2a%3n becomes at the Veremonial/ the sacred boo1s/ to co*y every5 years again/ ausdrüc1:;<#=lich lifted Nhat her9its9their a**lication involves in thechurch service/ the Re)itatiton from it should ta1e *lace regularly/ but shortly The 23bhad required #$ 2a%3nverse *er day

< The annulment the b It is eJecuted (ar and the legal Un:;<#=reinheit consistentlyin the Kit3b a1das after she9it is available already in the 2a%3n/ but not yet according tounbedingt#/ and from 2eb3 Allah already at his9its declaration as his9its(esent:;<#=liche mission ?vgl (as mar1ed o . 6@/ $$

2 The morals-la( contains blac1board the decalogue der:;##=)(eiten theelementary *rohibitions The 0eindesliebe sim*ly is found - : ;##=falls already in the2a%3, and comes from the [ üLsmus/ the dies:;##=christliche commandment in thesense of absolute *assiveness and 0riedfertig1eit:;##=deutet Also already the 2a%3nconnects des:;##=*ersOnlichen of life / the *ositive order of the *oliteness ?&ob/ (iththe *rotection. <BB/ the 2eb3 Allah *articularly em*hasi)es and the ebeofalls sü - : ;##=Lsch isG

7 The constitutional la(-li1e regulations/ that at the same time ingut:;##=islamischer manner

To the dschih3d near the 23b vgl (hether . C His9its annulment of the ritualim*urity/ the strongest bul(ar1 of the Islam ?s*eciLcally the schi4itischen of the old"ersian religion ago ?&old)iher Islamiame et"arsisme ct A/ 5 - @/ N., %äiert onthe principal annulment der+3-sel%en @s.4 (hether . B6/ C6 Ar b G% P/ # n / FI/ft n #6/ ho(ever heRchr3n1t of the 23b his9its Vu1unftaataat for the time being onthe C inner *rovinces ?FI/ < and ?F/ 6 and a**roves only the tradesman free tra`c(ith all the (orld

The 23b lengthens his9its *rinci*le+ niemand can do nnch to force an andern his9itsneJt hLtriiben / never/ 2 ar . #@ vgl cb .! *robably under the EinuL of theculture-movement on güLscheH of feeling until sur abolition not only the death *enaltybut also the body-*enalties from Even the student is allo(ed to C before consummate _ears of life are not beaten and even then no more from C hits/ and these only underAuf:;<#=legung of a blan1et gets/ ib . #C<

X Fgl the (ord of the Avicenna+ der recogni)ing ?al G3rifu iat freund:;<#=lich/*olitely/ binding As he9it also should dierently/ since smoothly sichaa he9it and allthings *leasesG 'ldenberg/ the 2uddhism u d christl >ove a ft 5 illustrate the2uddhist ethics (ith this quotation at the same time= to it Tgl "ischel ?a a 5 .@5+ >ove/ *ity/ friendly *artici*atedG nnd ma1es equanimity a life in &od ouchG= theyare the Gfour Unerme-lictaenG or/ as the northern 2uddhism names her9it9them/ that

Gfour vitalities in &odGG= and a quotation li1e= icht through enmity comes in this(orld *er enmity to the silence= through not-enmity/ she9it comes to rest ,aa is theeternal la(G ?. @<

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?#/ that re*resents church-right/ 2r concentrate around the babistische institution of the beitu4l 4adl ?house of the %ustice/ that a**ears as the administrative authority of the b3bistischen future-state already in the "ersian 2a%3n #@@$/ . $@ and here no(from 2eh3 at the same time after the church one li1e the 1om:;<#=munalen side

develo*ed a**ears &ott has each city befohlen to start a beitu4l 4adlG 'ver themembershi* ?$ or more s o . ### A # This sta should follo( from the election of the community/ but is valid as a &od-li1e authority at the same time+ .ie are in of the visible (orld and his9its re*resentatives auf the re*resentative god earths for the*eo*le _ou9they stand in &od4s *resent and see the UnsichtbareG ?(ith ,/ Essai .#55 .ie are ins*ired through einen4s invisible breath of &od Each muft them obeys,ie *olitical questions are decided by them (ith the same Unfehl-bar1eit/ li1e thereligious ones of the boo1/ that &od has geoenbartG/ tract eschr313t s u , II . C$in eJ*ress su**lement of the Kit3b a1das The beitu4l 4adl is the authority consequently/that corres*onds to the infallible Ira3m/ that also is Ala continuation of the *ro*heticrevelation as (ell as iu religious absolute authority li1e *olitical things ,a:am*= ea asta follo(ed from the (ill of the community is/ it *uts the idschm34/ that ?consensusecclesiae occu*ies the *lace of the Im3m in the .unnite church/ at dio side TheVu:;<#=st3ndig1eit in the mundane as (ell as in the religious goes bac1 on themuhammedanische vie( of the unit of both >ebens:;<#=gebiete/ that a**ears in theb3bistischen conce*t of the *ro*hetic aus:;<#=drüc1lich+ The *ro*het masters asthe Foll1ommene by virtue of his9its gnostischen intuition/ 4ilm i laduni s o theentire reality and is/ since the religion as (ell as the logos/ das band of all thingsG is/ )2 >ee . 5/ a**oints/ on all the >ebens:;<#=gebieten by virtue of his9itsNissenschaftG clearing u* and/ to seem legislative The beitu4l 4adl no( re*resentsthe re*resentative of the *ro*het after his9its death The Kit3b a1das has/ daL thesuccession admittedly Lrst at 2eh34s4s oldest son/ 4Abb3s Efendl/ from him9it ho(everon the beitu4l 4adl should change The inter*retation of the teachings and the la( of the (ith is entitled him9it the Allah/ as (ell as his9its infallible su**lement to individualand ne( needs and questions ?1alim3t i ürdausi%%a , H . B The most u**er beitu4lof 4adl is based on the election of the community li1e the local Kol:;<#=legien/ thatthe same infallibility and authority are suitable/ and is gedacht# as *eo*le-*arliament/

Fgl GAbb3i E.endi in >eg . B#+ Nenn a matter in the broo1 of nicht daa beitu4l4adl is mentioned and also decides her9it9them through unanimous oder only throughMa%orit3tsbeschluD/ is this decision and this so

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ho( daa 4adl as Konimii,albehOrde8 local beitu4l There should be the (ater theKOnig:;<#=tum to it The Kit3b a1das announces the teachings of the constitutionalmonarchy Nhile the radical (ing the *olitical Mahdlideal/ as it lies in the schLtischenIm3matsidee/ in the older 23biamus gave in and rose/ re*eatedly 2eh3 Allah here

his9its cancellation to this ideal/ as he9it %ustiLed already in the I13n and had *ubliclyfamiliar in the letter to the shah+ Ich s(ears an oath/ doesn4t (ant to have daL Sber I1ingdoms but came to reign over Her)en It/ on (hich it foresees 2eh3G/ are really thehearts (ith ,/ It . @6 Admittedly the 1ing should admit the true religion and shouldlend her9it9them his9its arm/ s o . #5# .o/ 2eh3 Allah therefore combines theKalifat (ith the beitul 4adl The 23bismus a**ears as the religious Fer:;<#=arbeitungof the modern state-ideal here ho( the Islam absorbs it through the culture-movement / as a constitutional Mahdismus The tas1s/ that 2eh3 Allah attributes to the beitu4l 4adl in the Kit3b a1das in the

individual one/ stretch over the entire state life+ there are the la(s/ ithand:;<#=habt administration and %urisdiction/ >ohn and *enalty is thecornerstones of the (orldG/ tract eschr313t/ ,/ II . Cand follo(ing/ (here becomesin the sense of the young-'riental reform-movement on the necessity of a reliableo`cial-stand of the Lngers of ge:;<#=legt at the same time/ and it anJiously themental (elfare of the *eo*le ,aa Hereinragen of the culture-movement becomeses*ecially visible in it that the school system and the (elfare-care are accentuated andare made the beitu4l 4adl com*letely *articularly to the tas1 in the contrast of the*revious administration Es is 8edem sti*ulated father/ his9its son or daughter in theNissenschaften and all/ (hich in the TafelnG ?s u . #<C ver-

Fol1es emergedt Mean(hile/ members don4t have ro*e individually die/natürliche gets along thoroughnessG but ?the *ro*het the body of des

beitu4l 4adl under him9it mar1s*erson and &od4s *rotection ?bc beforeIrrtum/ (hat one verliehene thoroughnessG ?vgl unt . #B nameG

 %Eung in "ersia is unmista1able4 To this vgl that of the revolution in "ersia of ground local re*resentations/

that andachnman ?vgl the same matter of the hmedi%%a s u . #$4 As you 1no(/ the muhammed3nische clergy have brea1 etn Trailer of the

constitutional 'od:am*=n1ens* (e he9it GI far-to in the fore 'rient in therevolutions in Tur1ey and distances trac1 _ou9they verse-eight him9it fromKor B$/ to %ustify <B< as Mohammed4s original intent ?RMM ,ec #!5/ .$

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ordnet becomes to educate Nhoever misses it shall/ if richly ist he9it/ fromthe beitu4l 4adl (ith the for this necessary-y sum is *rosecuted Andernfallsfells the costs on the beitu4l 4adl/ because (e have aiu an asylum for theAnnen es and unha**y doneG/ (ith ,/ Kssai . #5< and+ Nir recommend the

members of the beitu4 l 4adl and demand ibnen to *rotect the servants of &od?*eo*le/ ihre (omen and children and to (atch every(here over theOent:;<#=lichen interests Heal the Edeln/ the one &e:;<#=gangenen (iththe hand ta1es/ the rich things/ that for the Annen sorgt/ the %ust/ thatdefends the re*ressed one/ against den 2edrüc1erG ?tract 1alim3t iLrdausi%%a/ ,/ II . B$# Already the 23b has einschl in the "ersian 2a%3nelementary-school &irl-education demands and intends the stateArmen:;<#=fürsorge of the beitu4l 4adl ?2r #@@$/ . $@ Ho(ever/ thedogmatic tas1 of the beitu4l 4adl *redominates every(here+ ,ie members of the beitu4l 4adl must 1ee* an eye on alles day and night/ (hat at ins*irationof the ascent of the heaven of the hOchsten feather 1alam 2eta3 Allah asthis ins*ired and ins*irierende Ur(ille W logos s u . #<< A comes thesouls and defense of the honorG ?Eschr313t , to the Er-)iehung of the*eo*le/ to the Auferbauung of the communities/ to the 2e-.ch3t)ung II .C< .*eciLcally in the school/ the religion class shall be in the habit of in theteachings of the 2eh3 and the children the sense of this/ inner from 2eh3geoeubarte/ h 2oo1s of the verscliiedenen Re:;<#=ligionen ?1alim3t iLrdausi%%a are taught , II . B The Lnancial 0undierung of the beitu4l 4adlbecomes in the Kit3b a1das ?s (ith ,/ Essai . ### regulated there that tothe unique ca*ital-taJes of the )a13t ?s o . ##B all inheritances/ for (hichthe relevant heir is missing/ come s u/ %ust as free foundations and *ossibleLnes 'n this (ay/ the *eriodic state-taJes should be avoided Already the23b came to(ards the oriental4s aversion from the taJation in that he9it(anted to 1no( the state force on the moral redu:;<#=)iert ?&ob . <Band that 2eh3 All3u *ursued this *oint further/ (e sa( in the missives at theyards/ s o . #5# #5C Also he9it (ants to see his9its taJes on the beitu4l 4adlonly morally done The members of the same dienen the *eo*le from love to&odG d h be)ieben still (ould be no &e:;<#=halt It in the individual one toraise/ in (hat (ay the 2e-

4 To a com*lete beitn4l : am*= d # belongs after 4A b b : am*= s Efendl a mosque?maichre1n-#-ad13r s (hether . ##</ this at the same time as to(n hallserves/ and Lve *ublic facilities+ an or*han-school/ a college/ a hos*ital/ a

*harmacy/ a Hoa*i) ?,reyf/ T8ne inrtitution b.baie e  a 5 . # 'ne isreminded of the 7hristian Missionn-atationen in the 'rient s*ontaneously/ thiss*eciLcally this ,e*enden)en anf(*iaen

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Moods of the Kit3b a1das of the earnings ?(a1f of the beitu4l4 Gdl/ the 2ro(ne/#@@$ . $6C only briey er(ftbot/ (ith (hich the 2a%3n ?&ob . <B5andfollo(ing agrees/ vgl (hether . ##C The dis*osal of the 23b/ daL this one %u)hiruhu4ll3h over it to be:;<#=stimmen has/ e,ts*ricbt the rule of the Kit3b a1das

da:am*= 2eh3 Allah the treasury of the ne( religion she9it administers and shouldbecome the *ro*erty so:;<#=dann of his9its sons and of there on the beitu4l 4adl The rule of the 2a%3n ?F / from all the best him9it m % A to give/ is liftedeJ*ressly(2)  The criminal-right is also regulated in er%gem Anschlu:;##=an daa4s

2a%3n The Lne/ that had *roclaimed the 23b as the ein:;<#=:;##=)ige *enal-ty*e/ remains heavy forgiving li1e adultery (ith the sentence of #$mith13l:;##=für/ that of the 23b:;##=abgelehnte *enalty is intended for themurder on the other hand beside that of the lifelong &ef3ng:;<#=:;##=nisses&ef3ngnis:;##=vorgesehen is for theft/ (ith the second re*etition-casestigmati)ation an:;##=der .tirne(3)  The family-right a**ears li1e the des:;##=23b s*eciLcally in the direction

of the marriage-right and Erbrechts aus:;<#=:;##=gebaut on the other handIn the marriage-right/ both ?2r give #@@$/ . $6= &obineau:;##=. <BC andfollo(ing= from it from that she9it the marriage for everyone to the"icht:;##=machen#^/ the *olygamy (ith the one eJce*tion/ that a second(oman/ ver(erfen:;##=und the marriage-divorce/ (ho is the cancer-evil of the'rient (ith the ease/ (ith (hich she9it becomes dort:;##=gehandhabt/ can beta1en (ith Un:;<#=:;##=fruchtbar1eit/ admittedly not ver:;<#=:;##=bieten/ butim*edes ho(ever/ in that they as1 for a 8ahr:;##=2eden1)eit (ith marriage-discords before the divorce and the reuniLcation (ith the&e:;<#=:;##=schiedenen/ as long as this didn4t enter any ne( marriage/ in thestraight &egen:;<#=:;##=sat) to the custom of the Islam allo(s2eh34s dis*osal seems to be ne( that (omen/ (ho (ere *arted fromihren:;##=M3nnern (ithout message $ months/ an andere:;##=Ehe can enter/ho(ever 2eh3 urges the *atience Also die:;##=2estimmung that nOtig:;##=istthe girl4s consent to the marriage/ is found already (ith the 23b/ 2eh3 adds thoseof the beiderseitigen:;##=Eltern Fisibly/ .tLc1 recovery of the(eib:;<#=:;##=lichen seJ ?vgl hangs this o . B6 A (ith theKulturbe(egung:;##=)usammen It is one of the characteristics/ by (hich the2eh34T im:;##='rient are recogni)ed Also in the (oman4s right toEigentum:;##=bringt 2eh3 the (oman4s equality to the eJ*ression,ie:;##=Mitgift is regulated again This becomes brings u* li1e from the 23b

4 Fgl the same regulation against the Aveata and in the old Islam/Ehelosig:;<#=1eit is alu for Gunn:am*=(idrig/ vgl Oold)iher/ Forl S d Ial . #BC#@6 The 23b intends themselves the (ido(ed uoter Anaet)ung of Lnes a date forthe Ntederverheiratu,g/ $5 be)( $C ,ay The Heicatsalter is LJed on the eleventhyear

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?ar ba% P ?< regulated+ After de*arture of the burial-costs/ the childrenget 9G G/ the s*ouse 49G/ the father FG/ the mother 9/ the brother FG/ the sister 9/ the teacher 49 ? gl to it Ara1eliaa a a - 5 . #5# Nhile ho(ever aulfttthe 23b agency after heads/ 2eb3/ da:am*/ has= (ith the cancellation of a

heir 49/ at the children and 49 at the beitu4l 4adl falls?-^ 0rom the commercial la( is mentioned/ daL already the 23b the

absolute freedom of the trade ucd of the contracts/ as (ell as the rise of interest on merchandise/ that is sold under *ayment-date/ ac1no(ledges/)ul3Lt ?never 2 Ar . #CC

, As the Hadltta regulates und:;##=beim 2ib the Eeform of numerous'riental .itten:;##=nach the custom the *attern of the (estern custom andafter ge:;<#=:;##=(issen *oints of vie( of his9its religion iron *art of his9its&eset):;<#=:;##=gebung in the Islam at the same time amounts/ so this is thecase also of the Kit3b a1das

2eh3 re*eats dierent here/ the comfort and the Rein:;<#=:;##=lich1eit ofinvolving rules of the 23b ?vgl &obineau . <C</:;##=(ie shaving of thebeard/ use of the bath ?(arning - before den:;##=als4s im*ure-li1ere*resented bath-institutions of the "ersians # oder:;##=(ie seats on chairs/use voa 1nives and for1 and dglHo(ever/ certain 'riental uses li1e the Tragen:;##=langer main-hair/ thetrimming/ become und:;##=dgl the cover-u* teüa aua conviction/ *artlymaintained from A11omodationAlso the culture/ as far as she9it is %e(elry of the life/ shallge*egt:;##=(erden and becomes aufgeheben the *rohibition of the Islamon carrying .chmüc1:;##=und on the care of the music .o/ also

schon:;##=im (ere a%3n im*osed on gesellschaftlicher:;##=2ildung ?2rthe care of the arts and acquisition #@@$/ . $@ and the>uJusverbote:;##=des Islam re A**liances of noble-metal and carrying of.eide:;##=aufgehoben ?never . #

E The to* of the legislation of the Kitb alfdas/ : ;##=(orin she9it at thesame time the most deLnitely (aiters this of the 2a%3n hinaus:;<#=:;##=fuhrt/the *roclamation of the equality of all *eo*le is und:;##=die obligation on theKosmo*olitismus+ ,ie herrlichste:;##= ?abh3 that erhabene:;## is the fruitsat the tree of the (isdom= Nort+ you are all fruits of a tree and leavesEines:;##= V(eiges 2eb3 or *redicative+ &lory/ is not for him9it/ : ;##=der his9its fatherland lifts but for him9it/ that the (hole Nelt:;##= HebtG

In this conteJt/ it a**ears the Fer*Onung:;##=des (arfare ?nurimemergency is allo(ed use of the arms : ;##=und the strict *rohibition ofthe slavery ?o #B <@C '(n - : ;##=romlich and *articularly mar1ingfor 2eb34s legislation ist:;##=die further ordinance of the creation of anEinheitss*rach:;##=und unit-(riting/ der both sign there maturities of theNell2/

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in that is left o*enly/ (hether raised one of the living languages to it or be)( an art-language -achrift should be created 2eh3 mar1s Ala the to* of the (holeKit3b a1das ?tract Eschr313t , even this ordinance II . C6+ ,iese (ritingund language shall in the schools of the (orld thereu*on und are taught one

single fatherland the (orld so becomesG At the same time/ it becomescosmo*olitan &esinni(g and brotherly tra`c bet(een the members of thedissimilar Fol1er/ religions and races to the main-order The Menseben shouldreach to the religion-fraterni)ation/ that should have an eect FOl1erfriedenin general/ through the religion of the 2eh3 The ideal is 4adl/ that *rovidesthe creation of the (orld-language and conservation of the Neltfriedens/ aninternational beitu4i s o . #5 These demands and ideals hangen clearly(ith the Mahdismus in fact (ith the theoso*hical setting/ to (hich he9it hasbeen submitted in the 23bismus/ together The Mahdl brings theReli:;<#=gion of the unit This conce*t has (aiter-universe a double bearings/a theological ?tauhld one and a sociological one/ ittih3d and ittif31 vgl on thatoccasion Ara1elian a a ' . $B The unveiling of the deity/ (ho meansthe inneren senseG of the religions/ means the union of all religions at thesame time and her9its9their 2e1enner ,ag this thought already the older23bis:;<#=mus masters/ emerges from his9its same setting of the Mahdi-Ideals and becomes visible at it/ da:am*= lifted already the 23b thedschih3d and released the tra`c (ith the 2e1ennem of the other religions/ so . C and follo(ing 'nly this universalist *rinci*le of his9its religionresigned (ith him9it and the older 23bismus in *rasi behind her9its9their locallimitedness (ithout unfolding so as (e see it (ith 2eh3 here After all/ the(riting li1es/ that invented the 23b/ originated from the ?(ithout to havereceived a**roval in his9its sect (ith it incidentally same interest/ li1e (hichfrom 2eh3 of demanded Einheits:;<#=schrift If femer 2eh3 of learning of the modern languages does to the duty/ about until the *roduction of theunit-language of the Vu1unft#/ the se*aration of the *eo*le on this (ay afterstrengths

4 The obvious assum*tion/ da:am*= the (estern endeavors eected the (ay of theKultorbe(egong in this direction ?Fola*ü1/ Es*eranto/ *oint of the Neltfriedens ?s isli1e (ith him9it here eases (hether . #5 and follo(ing *referably behind thereason )urüc1sustellen/ that baben these ideas in the 'rient itself/ (here she9itsince ancient time ?vgl ) 2 IM'2 ## and 8es $ in the conteJt of the religiousthin1ing a**ear .*eciLcally (ith the 23biamas/ the su**osition suggests itself/

daft the idea of the unit as*rache and - strode (ell-founded in his9its 2urüLsmua/that squanders the multi*licity in the (orld/ &attes lies the unit as a develo*mentof the letters and attendants squander the logoa derives ?G (hether . B andfollo(ing

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to overcomeG/ so the contrast bet(een 23b and 2eh3/ the 2a%3n and the Kit3ba1das can also not be s*anned radioed at this 2eh3 lifts only the *rohibition of the 2a%3n to learn dead languages/ on The Erlernung of the living languageshave *rohibit the 23b that he9it has bevor:;<#=)ugt the "ersian gelbst Also inthe *osition to the formation head is both not so dierently/ as one should thin1

after &obineau/ Huart and 2ro(ne Also the 23b recommends the study of allNissen:;<#=schaften and eJcludes only her9its9their study in the s*eciLc-churchsetting of the muhammedanischen theology/ *hiloso*hy/.*rach:;<#=(issenschaft and %uris*rudence/ *ers ba% IF #5/ s icola 2ey Ar Av-*ro* . <B and follo(ing He9it assumes it that the *ro*het 1no(s all sciencesand )ngleich rene(s/ the atur(issen:;<#=schaften as (ell as the&eistea(issenschaften The teJtboo1s of this Nissenschalten/ as the Islam hasher9it9them/ therefore became obsolete and/ to re*lace ?ibid (ith ne(b3bistische 2eh3 Allah ?also li1e 4Abb3s Efendl/ s/ u . #6 if this o*inion of the*ro*hecy quite shares 'nly he9it stands against the Islam of the scnntiscbenclergy less more in front in "ersia/ da rather receives streaming in (estern

1no(ledge in the culture-movement in itself to give therefore science asbeh3istische again from itself The test is that he9it also the ideas of theNeltfriedens and the (orld-language eJclusively for his9its religion inAn:;<#=s*ruch ta1es Actually the same dogmatic eJclusivity/ that ste*s onlymore o*enly to light (ith the 23b/ *revails (ith 2eh3 and as soon as the2eh3ismus (ill be only moderately in the situation to it/ he9it (ill come bac1 to therule of the 23b/ da:am*= all Nissen:;<#=schaften can be studied only from boo1sof the o(n sect/ icola a a 5 . <6and follo(ing s 2eh3 is su**osed to have(ritten vgl already even such teJtboo1s ?su(ar i4ümi%%e 2r/ A _ear etc . <#B

4 ,amit of the languages (ell-informed &od4s matter to the east and (est of the(orld lets reach and she9it nnter the states and nations ver:;<#=1ündige in a

manner/ that the natures of the *eo*le are attractedG ,ies is daa means of theagreement and the highest cause of the Ferst3ndi:;<#=gung and civili)ationG ?Kit3ba1das o # 6G B@

 8 r%ie ] usdehnung of the revelation on all ( i o s e n Y s(itches reason has iits innerG at the Oeheim(i2sen deG *ro*het (hether . ##@/ although she9it*erforms überalt (here the religion still has durchgehends command of the culture-life After all it is a *articular if a so eJtensive sacred literature a**ears .o the Islamdoesn4t have any canonical literature on all the >ebenigebieten ?right and science/ rois su**osed to have included the ave2tinche literature all Nissens chatten/ 7hante*iea a 5 II/ . #6< nod according to besch3ftigen itself the Indian "ur3nas not only(ith the Eeligionslehre but (ith all sub%ects of the scienceG/ Tiele a :. 5 . BC

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.o the legislation of the Kit3b a1das admittedly is no o(n creation beside the2a%3n of the 23b/ ho(ever/ ho(ever/ a ne( bearings of the 23bismusre*resents 2eh3 tossed all 2eschran1ungen both the Islam and the old 23bismusof itself In the relationshi* to more Lnal/ he9it *robably didn4t free his9its *roclamation

from all the mystic s*eculation/ 2uch:;<#=staben and Vahlen1ünstelei/ that had theoriginal 23bltum an:;<#=gehaftet Ho(ever his9its *redominant interest is directionalat the eJtension of the ethical and social moments ?&old)iber Forl O d Isl . <55 Inso far as durchdringt his9its teachings a quite dierent s*irit as the old 23bülehreHis9its religion is more *ractical/ his9its teachings less mystically and meta*hysicallyorien:;<#=tiertG ?2r #$5$/ . <5< The Hervor1ehrung of the Universalismus comesto it+ .eine religion (i*es all the narro( Konfessio:;<#=nalismus/ &old)iher ibid seincall is for all the human beingG ?2r ibid 2ro(ne ?ibid *lace the relationshi* of 23bismus and eub3bismus or 2eh3ismus to him9it the 8e(-7hristian Urgemeinde andthe *aulinischen Heidenchristeütums in *arallel subsequently ?after the *rocess of theformer English emissary in Teheran/ 7ecil .*ring Rice and illustrate the schismbet(een . ubhi E)el and 2eh3 Allah at the Auseinander:;<#=set)ung bet(een "eter as(ell as _a1-trolley-bus and "aulus on the so-called one A*ostle-convention ?A* &esch#C The *arallel a**lies in this res*ect as 2eh3 Allah actually *ut for(ard the 23bismusonly in one ne( direction and only lifted him9it formally in the 2eh3ismus Ho(ever/eJactly the *ro*hetic An:;<#=s*ruch of the 2eh3 Allah lifts/ (ith (hich he9it the 23babrogierte#/ the *arallel to this direction again on/ in that "aulus *ursued anent:;<#=gegengeset)tes interest/ if he9it itself as an a*ostle Knecht of 8esus 7hristiGnennt#4 This then comes to the eJ*ression/ da:am*/ above all= 2eh3 and the 2eh34l of thename 2=adrat i ufeta for 4Ali Mubammed of .chir3) to that of the 23b come bac1

bind ?vgl (hether . #5and follo(ing and unt . #BBand follo(ing The 0f:am*=]. is (ith it/ o o the *rinci*al .ntfernung

be available/ in the erateren sense ans(ers .ince obscurity *revails about thisho(ever many times and the 2eh34l gelbst don4t ta1e Anla of course tobrighten her9it9them to Ungunsten of the 2eh3 it met eJ*ressly a Miver-st3ndni2 here/ to (hich &o>d)ihers ?Forl the remar1 ü - d Is . $$ Nasto be done could give+ N3hrend the 23b o*enly baning essentiallyge:;<#=nommen only one form of the Islam means/ 2eh3 *roceededFer:;<#=brüderung a religious individual to the (ide Kon:;<#=)e*tion of a(orld-religion and through the same on(ard He9it tossed all limitationsboth the Islam and the aged 23bismua of aichG Actually bandelt it itself 

(ith 2ehi only about the Ana)iehung of the Eonsequen)en of the23bismus/ as she9it brought along the Er:;<#=(eiterung of the visualLeld/ and is the original 23-

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 The *ersonal cancellations/ that interru*t the connection of the Kit3b a1das atsome *laces/ (ill aim au:am*=er at some rulers ?s for itself o . #5# #5@against the E)ell and the 4Ulem3 of the Islam .tibht E)el is s(orn to 313 sagainst end of the boo1/ itself to his9its master u . #BC to confess/ this al(aysins*ired him9it/ as he9it *robably 1no(s His9its seducer ?Mohammed von Isfab3n

s o . $ u do have been 1illed from &od/ s u . #<6% and he9it/ forgivenesstherefore oers him9it ?Fgl to it the re*ort of the abll ?*unch #B (here the yearof the life/ that oers 2eh3 to the .chismati1ern/ is named the second year in4A113/ in (hich abil (rites It (as the contrast against the E)elt/ the 2eb3 no(forced/ his9its >ebre and community of not only the millat al-fur13n ?thecommunity of the Duran but also the millat al-ba%3n unequivocallygegen:;<#=über)ustellen The *rotest against the 4Ulem3 is led %ust as 1eenly as(ith the 23b _ou9they t(ist &od4s (ills and harden against the truth 2eb3 li1e the23b (ith it sim*ly ta1es care of her9its9their theological Ein:;<#=(3nde/ daghis9its in:;<#=s*iriertes of 1no(ing Llms i laduni/ o**osite her9its9their school-1no(ledge ?4about i 1asbl an incommensurable is He9it cuts o all the criticism

(ith it and as1s the o**onents to beat him9it in his9its area/ in that they *roducea better la( ?religion Also the instruction/ the ,is/ belongs in this conteJt-

bi Gmna/ so certainly he9it ea run3chst only (ith the Islam of )a does has/ only schein-bir a reform of the Islam/ in truth ho(ever a ne( religion (ith o(n&laubenlehre/ o(n dogmas nnd of o(n society-orderG Huart 23bü in En)%1l/ d lal .C/ this also already from the train in the Univenale (as reigned/ as already theconce*t of the Mahdi brings ea (ith itself ?vgl by itself (hether . B< and follo(ing/and i(ar in the s*eciLc form süLscher religion fraterni)ation ?vgl (hether . C< It acts consequently in the

one the mentioned religionsgeachichtlichen com*arison/ that *laces 2eh3 (ith "aulus

in *arallel/ to bac1(ards *rolongs and his9its ob%ective relationshi* mm 23b (ith themeaning of the a*ostle "aulus beside 8esus as the donor of the 7hristianitycom*aresn If the relationshi* even is many times umatritten here/ bo is obscured by2eh3s4s *ro*hetic claim for it in our case even further evertheless/ this is the caseonly on the Lrst ga)e/ and it iat (hen more eJact (atching in our case even obviousthat not already the donor and Lrst his9its a*ostle the *rinci*al distance of the old onebet(een a ne( universal religion and church means The action of the 2eh3 Allahremains on that occasion in her9its9their full meaning and ma1es all Ebre for him9itIt o(es the 2abismus/ that he9it didn4t suocate/ to his9its vision and his9its energybut (as led from his9its o(n beyond itself/ as the 23b *ut it even in outloo1

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*utieren (ith the religiOaen o**onents to unterlassen# Also therefore here the samemethod of the A*ologeti1/ as (ith the 23b 2eb3 *ro:;<#=testiert again here li1e(iseagainst the ecstatic 1no(ledge Llms i dau1l/ as i Llms 1as against the natürlicb-geoenbarte 1no(ledge of the *hiloso*hers/ the %uice as a s*iritual usur*ation the

reali)ation is (ith the *ro*het alone and the *eriod of a *ro*het lasts #555 years 8eder/that calls on a ne( revelation before course of #555 8ahren/ is a liar ,ieser verse isnot allo(ed to allegorically is inter*reted/ Sber:;<#=hau*t *rohibits 2eh3 Allah theallegorical inter*retation of his9its la( in the Kit3b a1das ho( this already did also the23b in the 2a%3n ?ar ba% II ?< If they *re*are the death for the formerRe:;<#=ligionen (ith it/ so they resist sees against the a**lication of this *rocedureagainst her9it9them understandably even

.o/ the Kit3b a1das (ants to be a *ositive religion-la(/ that heischt validity/ evenif it is not yet *racticable for the time being/ before the ne( religion becamegenerally acce*ted some(here It (on4t ma1e any distinction bet(een esoteric andesoteric religion/ daa la( is for all binds The Antinomismus is im*ossible/ as (ell as inmore ethically li1e in dogmatic relationshi* The ne( religion-la( of the 2eh3 Allah isafter analogy of the islamitischen/ that (ants to re*lace it/ of ge:;<#=bildet Is vie(edas a *rovisional arrangement this him9it narro(ly relative la( of the 23b/ daa 2a%3n/and is re*laced as such and is su**lemented 'nly the 23b4s o(n instruction ha**ensto it He9it decided/ dag this one %u)hiruhu4ll3h the @ outstanding from the #$ cha*tersof the 2a%3o should reveal/ s o . $ 2eh3 Allah therefore had to accom*lish the la(of the 23b (ith his9its claim on this dignity at the same time and in that he9it didn4t do itin slavish-one 1noc1ed against at 23bs Ferbeiung but an inde*endent code (rote(ithout daa4s mystic division-*rinci*le of the number #$/ 2eh3 Allah *ut a *ro*heticauthenticity at least formally on the day The 2a%3n only hears the 2eh3 Gl to theovercome religion-ste*s li1e the Koran/ the Evan:;<#=gelium and the "entateuch ?so . @ and form a ty*e of elderly of (ill/ , G2abiame ./ for her9it9them together (iththese since then C Nithout doing the (riting of the 23b into the ban someho(/2eh3 Allah too1 care of it/ da:am*/ through his9its overbid of the same= she9it soonhardly more (as 1no(n/ after already she9it before-

G 2eh3 meets (ith it in the sense of the Kolturbe(egung ?tolerance of the "ersian4s*rofoundly dee*-rooted inclination to the religious and *hiloso*hical arguing ?vgl atthe same time 7hante*ie a ' II/ @2 Andreas a ft 5 . < In this direction/ legslies DDDh further instruction/ all the fanaticism about her9it.*read of the teachings of 1u avoids and legs (hole conscious *revention of thes*eculative of the *ractical side the religious things

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admittedl2 li&e talismans admires3 but also alread2 her,its,theirunver4516ständlichen o% m2stic content because o% hardl2 -as read37. MR PPFII 2eb34s literature dra(s aua in the dierence from it through his9itsimmediate intelligibility The re*roach of the E)ell/ da:am*= he9it the (riting of 

the 23b by force eJterminated/ little su**ort ? has MR a a 5 They the Kit3b a1das used tracts of the 2eb3 Allah that canonical

meaning has er:;<#=langt in his9its sect li1e(ise and in the dierence of thecode itself/ ge:;<#=(issermaen are translated also in (estern languages ashis9its tem*orary substitute the English translation of the 4Ali slave Khan ?so . the more eJact also is beside the 0rench one?s here from MR ,reyfusunder the title+ If *rece*tes reads 2ehalame ?, you II= s o . / (here thedogmatic and *olemic *arts of unter:;<#=schlagen are/ belongs more or lessalso according to her9its9their formation-time (ith the Kit3b a1das constrictstogether Ne *resent her9it9them after her9its9their legislative content at Lrst inorder to s1etch thereu*on her9its9their dogmatic-*olemic character in theconteJt They lac1 chronological LJation and is to be reached only com*letelyisolated also from the content itself

?a/ the tir3)3t ?, II < If 'rnements reads= 4'U7H *en Khan . # andfollo(ing ornaments of virtues ?(oitl *reach .aumstic1ereienG+ .elf-1no(ledge?the süüsche method of the &otteser1enntnis/ friendly tra`c (ith dissenters/ %ustice/ res*ectability/ formation of the contact and care of the 1no(ledge ?thesciences s o . #B He9it tract *uts a 2re:;<#=vier of life-ideals for thefaithful dar# consequently It becomes on the &od-com*lacency of the (ealthat the same time and (ith it the (or1 in the acquirement-life as (ell as onthe modern *ress as a divine institute to the trans*ortation of the union andFer-

The tracts eind Ala classic eJam*les of ethical literature of the 23bis-mua oacbthe *rocess of the reicheo/ (ound ethical literature-ty*e in "eraien ?vgl Fiolinistsand Kuhn a a 5 . <B and follo(ing to (ür:;<#=digen ,eals ) so 2 the #< k(rote and #@6 k again be:;<#=arbeitete school boo1 Achl31 i 3airl in three*arts of the 7hara1terbil:;<#=dung/ the family-life and the *ublic life The moralsare treated anAriatotoIes as virtue-ethics in the connection here The "eraer is atabeen based on it already by the Ave ago This head he9it 27heinungaforraen is theethical fundamental *rinci*le *eaceableness/ humility/ Ldelity/ diligence/ (ith theMa)daiamus fact/ %ustice 7harityG= die ethics the "ersian has a strictly formalcharacter/ she9it ach3t)t in the life of the individual truth/ self-denial and activity/ in

the social life &erechtig:;<#=1eit/ order and harmony highestG/ 7hante*ie a a 5 II/. #B Also the estimate of the cultural assets and - resigned has her9its9their*rocess there/ as he9it in this eJ*ressly ness not at the &reece can be derived Fgl(hether @ ##B A

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reminded standigung of all *eo*le together An)u:;<#=s*ielen ?term seemshe9it tract at the Rusgiscb-Tür1ischen (ar of the year #@6@ *ost quem(b)  The eschr313t ?, II . 2l If .*lendeurs reads/

unter:;##=ausdrüc1licher *ut %er1-relationshi* the rules of the ne(

Religion:;##=für together the Oeatliche life on the Kit3b a1das asteil(eise:;##=Erg3n)ung of the same and are a 2revierdes:;##=beh3istischen .taateideals The sun of the "ro*betie in2eh3:;##=Allah sends out $ >ichtstrahlenG here He9it demands/Oentliche:;##="ege of the religion/ erection of the FOl1erfriedens/ isder:;##=.taatebürger/ *ublic morals on religious basis/ loyaltydurch:;##=Erlernen of the languages it )uver:;<#=:;##=l3ssigen o`cial-stand/ communication of the *eo*le/ or through creation of an unit-language/: ;##="ege of the school system state-administration of thebeh3istisch:;##=ins*irierten stas of the beitu4l 4adl fraterni)ation of theMensch:;<#=:;##=heit on grounds of the ne( unit-religion In factual2e:;<#=:;##=)iehung/ he9it belongs together tract (ith the *olitical

 Tra1taten:;##=der young-Tur1s and 8uog*erser(c)  The 1alim3t i Lrdausi%%a ?, II . <$and follo(ing If *aroles reads

du:;##=*aradis= 'U7H *en Khan . B# and follo(ing to *ic1 of the"aradiesesbaum:;##= ?2eh3 ## leaves/ on (hich ever a (ord/ a rule&ottes:;##=steht It essentially is the rules of the beiden:;##=genanntentracts/ that also itself here/ only in bunterem:;##=Nechsel follo(s In theindividual-ethics/ the süLsche Tugend:;##=der humility is envolved/ in thesocial-ethics the antimilitarismAlso here ste*s *er and ever suddenly a demand of theKultur:;<#=:;##=be(egung in the conteJt one of the sections one/according to der:;##="rotest against 2igotterie or against inhumane2ehandlung:;##=von Untergebene and children or the *raise of modernEr:;<#=:;##=Lndungen li1e the electro-technology(d)  The lauh i biscb3r3t \4AUKuli Khan .@<&lad Tidings=:;##=ed Roses a

a #@$= 2r #@$/ . 6/ that is Tafel of the frohen:;##=2otschaftenG thegeschlossenste com*osition der:;##=von 2eh3 as divine order for the (hole(orld of required oder:;##=geoenbarten reforms To have *ut her9it9themhis9its demand for 2ro(ne:;##=auf together seems 2eb3 Allah and ?bet(eendessen:;##=2esuch in 4A113 #@$5 and his9its o(n death #@$das:;##=2egleitschreiben of his9its son 2adf Allah at 2ro(ne ?a a/ 5

if she9it calls divine rules and command die/ that früher:;##= in of deceasedmissives/ in the Kit3b a1das/ in eschr313t und:;##= tir3)3t geoenbartbecameG/ and says/ they no( (ere *ut together all the (orld asEvan:;<#=:;##=gelium für here It (erden:;##=#C *oint from the Kit3ba1das mentions/ this a**arently besondere:;##=Nichtig1eit has+ # odschih3d/ Interdenominational Fer:;<#=:;##=1ehr/ < >anguage-studybe)( Unit-language/ B >oyalty against

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the authorities ?the 1ing/ if aie of the ?ne( religion grants at least tolerance/ C >oyaltyto regional-la(s and - use FOl1erfrieden/ 6 0reedom in hair and clothes-o`cial dress/@ o mon1-hood/ $ o confession ?d h no clergy/ #5 Annulment of the rules of the23b Sber Fernichlung more foreign and circular regeneration of the o(n 2Ocher of the

sect/ ## Activity of art and science/ # 'ccu*ation-(or1/ #< Equi*ment of the beitu4l4adlT #B 0reedom in the *ilgrimage/ #C the constitutional monarchy The dogmatic *arts of these tracts/ that occu*y itself (ith 2eh34s4s *ersonal claim

and .ubhi E)el4s contradiction to it/ lively by ,reyfus belong together on thenarro(est (ith this as revelation itself giving content and really sho( it that the ne(culture-*rogram 2eb34s really occurs 2eh3 All3li as *ositive religion-foundation (ithdogmatic relationshi* at the donor/ aus:;<#=drüc1licher develo*s here as in his9itsuntil no( discussed declaration-(riting his9its claim/ that *romised from the 23b oneto be %u)hiru-hu4ll3h/ in that he9it re*eats after it/ that has 23b/ re%ects/ this as thebigger Theo*hanie mar1s and ge:;<#=sagt+ Ich is the Lrst/ that adores him9itG/ andis (orth daL the sentence from him9it+ (ahrlich I be &od and everything mycreationG ?ar besides me ba% 'neQ/ s &ob . B$G

?e/ in one also from ,reyfus Sberset)ten ?II . <and follo(ing Tract tadscballi%3t?revelations= 4Ali *en Khan . 6# and follo(ing/ ran1ed her9it in the sect (ith the abovetracts/ 2eh. develo*s the dogma of his9its *erson in the conteJt He9it tract names Brevelations/ that are radiated/ of the sun of the truth in the biggest nameG/ to thegrOten nameG s o . ##5 7omment #+ # &od4s he9it 1no(ledge sc in 2eb3 as a Theo*hanie= &e(iLheit/ I13n s o sc in 2eh3 as the Ini3m MahdT/ < the sciences scin 2eh3 as the nu1ta ?s o/ B ,eity and reign ?vgl o . @6 sc the 2eb3 as the Mahdi(ith absolute authority/ the Herrn of the ageG/ s o . ## 2eh3 calls itself the .inai-tree ?s in these tracts o . 5 A #/ the Urbuch ?s o . @ and his9its a**earancethe s*ringtime ?s o . @ or also the meal *re*ared in &od4s em*ire The *olemic against .ubhi E)el and the attem*t to (in him9it for itself *roceeds li1e

in the Kit3b a1daa= after all the schism seems to be incurably ge:;<#=(orden at leastin the Kalim3t i Lrdausi%%a in that 2eh3 refers to it/ da:am*/ here= the 23b him9it one %u)hiruhu4ll3h the right/ also him9it/ s*o1e

To the name of his9its su*eriority over the 23b/ 2eb3 Allah forms in these (ritingthe formula+ 23b (as the K34im ?eig the arises/ 2eh3 is the Ka%%Lm ?theconstant/

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2iggest/ to damn in the (orld/ and .ubhi E)el since the se*aration of him9it no FerseG?s o to *roduce more ver:;<#=mOge He9it tract is a 2eh34s a*ostle incidentally/Haider 4Ali of Isfah3u/ about die friends in Isfah3n and TeheranG/ that a**arently stilluctuated bet(een him9it and .ubhi E)el/ dedicated/ )urecht:;<#=)ubringen and this

tract is Tir3)3t dedicated even an E)ell by the name of H3di/ on (hose over*ass 2eh3Allah *ut *articular (eight Also the *olemic against the .üLsmus and the *hiloso*her-school of the Mulla .adr3 and the Mulla H3di of .eb)e(3r become even more eJ*ressthan in the Kit3b a1das ge:;<#=führt ?s*eciLcally in the Kalim3t i Lrdausi%%a hereHis9its sin1ing becomes the .üLsmus einer:gt into lethargy and sterile asceticism=seits/ into the *olytheism on the other hand accused The latter is %ustiLed ?anal ha11(ith the &Ott:;<#=lichen by his9its &leicbset)ung of the human The school of theMulla .adr3 is credited (ith inconsistency/ da:am*= she9it of the revelatio gene-ralisnot to the ac1no(ledgment of the revelatio s*ecialis in 2eh3 Allah/ the true .inai-tree/?vgl continues '/ . 5 A #

?f/ in more *hiloso*hically tract of the 2eb3 Allah/ that comes vermut:;<#=lich fromthe same time after #@@/ immediately is angefugt/ the lauh i hi1mat/ here u**er the(isdom blac1board+ , I . <@< ?.ur la sagesse at abu ?W Muhammed/ one of his9its &laubigen/ that he9it/ as he9it says/ already in 2aghd3d into the theoso*hyintroduced the martyrdom of the youthful bearer of the .end:;<#=schreibens at theshah ?s o . @ still stand in fresh Er:;<#=innerung ?#@$ He9it tract is an essayabout the Fer:;<#=h3ltnis god in the style of the aristotelischen "hilo:;<#=so*hieto the (orld in the Islam/ he9it loo1s sacred for the eternity of the (orld (ith the.chO*fungs:;<#=gedan1en der to balance (ritingG ,ie question nach the origin of the (orld is deceased ans(eredG according to the educational level of der Menseben/, I . 6 &oing out from the gnostisch-süLschen formula for the (orld-creation+ &otts*o1e+ I (as a hidden treasure and desired/ recogni)ed to (erden/ therefore I createdthe creationG according to already the Ur-b3bismus/ vgl MR A** II . <@ 2eh3gives the teachings of the 23b and the .üLsmus again/ vgl 2r #@@$/ . $#B u 2r A _ear a the "ers . #<6/ she9it the creatio continua teaches and (ith hoof of thearistotelischen *hiloso*hy of the school of the Avicenna ?,e 2oer &esch d "hil/ in theIslam . #<# reconciling the Emanationsgedan1en (ith the creation-thought through itsee1s/ dag the )eit:;<#=liche "r3eJistea) god before the (orld on the logical one of theKausal-verh3ltnissea is led bac1 - end of a creatio eJ nihilo becomes to a.elbstentau:am*=erung god the creation in the sense of the design so &od4s inventivecommand-(ord turns into the natural means-limb of the Emanation as ,emiurg/ thatho(ever

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*referably little natural introduced (ants to gra)e+ it (as made the logos through a s*ar1from &od but through &od4s life-breath He9it is the *otential creation Nahrlich ea is/ nodierence bet(een the (ord is &od4s und of the (orld the same his9its highest/overo(ing vgl the neu*latonische vueqqoti 1indliness and being against a88em/

(hat is and he9it (as (or1s sifts out in the nature-li1e strengths of the attraction andre*ulsion in the atoms/ from (hich creation and conservation of the (orld declarethemselves 2eh3 returns only the süLsche teachings of the dschadb ?attraction (ithit/ vgl &. 2 .chamsi Tabrl) (ith ro*e/ essays at Islam . 'n this theology/ et ?.thin1s $/ all shre(d ones and formed could some for itself .he9it is the sense of allformer revelations at the same time The religious bearings is accentuated (ith it of be:;<#=sonders The Monismus should not be understood materialistically but religiously?as Theomonismus ,a:am*= it &ree1 *hiloso*hy/ that lives on in his9its teachings/ is(hite 2eh3 Allah He9it therefore calculates these into the *ro*het-ro(/ tied atMose/ vgl >ee o C/ as already (ith "hilo/ one+ Nahrlich/ (e ?the logos have a futurefor each country/ für every revelation ?ba%3n a time/ intended a Nort for everymoment Thin1 of &reeceQ Really/ (e made it for 8ahr-hunderte to the seat of the(isdom/ but als/ *ractices time of his9its end came/ fogs (ra**ed a und fell silent his9itstongue his9its throne .o (e give and *ull )urüc1 (eG ,ie manners of the antiquity hadher9its9their 1no(ledge of the "ro*heten/ the demonstrations of the divine secretsG Inthe individual one/ 2eh3/ natural the many times adventurous *icture/ shares/ that themuhammedanische theology of the history of the &ree1 *hiloso*hy ma1es .o1rates hasge:;<#=lebt in a cave/ done miracle "linius ?miJ-u* (ith A*ollonius of Tyana/ and theHermes ?the *o*ular occult eu*lato-ni1er in Egy*t laid out The big *hiloso*hers&riechen:;<#=lands ?the most im*ortant are *resented (ere hienach theoso*hists(ith alive &ottesglauben and (onderful Er:;<#=1enntnis of the secrets of &od and thenature together (ith-li1e The modern science and her9its9their inventions (ere alreadybe:;<#=1annt for them o(/ the (onderful revelation of this divine science revivedagain in 2eh3 Allah The Tra1tatauf falls bac1 the Urb3bismus on that occasion (here the big

&eistesausgieung too1 her9its9their beginning At this *lace er:;<#=fahren (e no( also/as her:;<#=stellt itself her9its9their religious revivalism4s connection (ith the modern'riental culture-movement in the 2e(uLtsein of the 23bi itself+ Als the *eo*le in the'rient/ the reliefs of this/ started

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abendl3ndischen civili)ation ?muduni%%at vgl the same-named 23bltra1tat s o .@< to (ide eJtent to verschmec1en/ sie hung themselves on the eects of thiscivili)ation and neglected ihren last reason and origin &odG/ . 6< .iedenied &ott and sacriLced itself to the nature/ (isdom and Nissenschaft is

missing them/ her9its9their eyes are loc1ed and V(ietracht *revails under themGA rene(al of the religion/ that the 'rient can thin1 only as ne( religion-foundation/ (as necessary The ne( *ro*het came in the 23b as the forerunnerand in the 2eh3 Allah as the accom*lisher+ .agt the *eo*le die solution of allsocial questions/ (ith (hich be:;<#=sch3ftigt her9it9them you/ lies a (ord inhim9it 2eha under the divine Norten *ro*hets/ and this is des of mighty andincom*arable (ord of &odG ?. geoenbart through the *o(er @# d h theEinheitG \in him9it (hether . #< mentioned ambiguity of &od andFOl1erverbrüderung/ became a**arent in 2eh3 Allah .he9it as1ed in the (orld tono( have an eect from only him9it from The east and the (est becomesde*lete the hand in the sign of this ne( &ottesoenbarung and a ne( culturebe:;<#=gründen+ Nir re%oice Sber the manners/ that im*roved the lot of theFOl1er/ and are distant from it/ the sciences )u des*ise Rather strainyourselves to develo* her9it9them and alles/ (hat the situation of young and alto?. im*rovesG @# The *rerequisite to this ho(ever al(ays is the rene(al of the'en:;<#=barung of the science of &od and the (orld in 2eb3 Allah ,ie creationrene(ed itselfG Nhoever believes in him9it to see them9her9it/ belonged tothose/ understands from this highest outloo1 fromG # ?man)ar u48 a1bar Then+ ,as 1no(ledge of your Mr Um-faLt Himmel and earthG ?. 6$ He9it is themaster of the creation by virtue of his9its theoso*hical thoroughness/ that humanbeing of become logos Nithout having studied/ he9it rather *ossesses theunmittel:;<#=bare of 1no(ing/ i Llms laduni+ Ich loo1s everything at ablac1board/ on der (ith mysterious feather / the science of all/ (hich ist/(ritten stands and that cannot lay out any other tongueG

onear frequently Lnds GI ah .eibatbe)eichnung the 2eh3 beside maoar ?b(hether @ @ A #

0eder- tf%alam/ heiLt in deG Islam4s theoso*hy until in into the Haditbiiteratur of thelogos ?a (hether . << A # . #<5 .*eciLcally in the ism34ili-tischen system/ he9itis called ao vgl beside the eternal (orld or the decretnm divinam as &od4s freecreator-(ill as the blac1board ?lauh .te* 6 to de .acy 7PPI 'ther(ise/ iauh is theUrbach the liedG in the heaven ?after Kor @C/ .o/ al(3h ?s call itself 2eh3I%alam and his9its (riting (hether . $@ Kessler leads an omniscient middle-&od4s

semitiech-*ereiache logo-sha*e on the altbab%loniache Lgure of the &elehrten nndscribe (ith divine in1/ the connoisseur of the divine &eheim:;<#=nisse of .i**arGbac1/ ,ie Mand3erG ft a 5 . C5and follo(ing

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?. 6$4 The *ro*hetic occu*ation corres*onds to the *ro*hetic 1no(ing toteach the (orld in all life-areas as the former *ro*hets ever did it in the ro( of Adam until Muharamed for her9its9their time and the duration of her9its9theirreligion

?g/ the test of a *articular a**lication of the Kit3b a1daa of his9its "ersianhome gives lauh i 43lam ?4universe *en Khan . the *olitical tract # andfollo(ing+ Tablet of the Norld/ that is directional in "ersia at t(o of his9itsa*ostles and after his9its reference to a fresh 23bihet)e in 8e)d from the year#@$# and to come from the time shortly before his9its death consequentlyseems In his9its demands of the relief of the .teuer:;<#=lasten throughrestriction of the Müit3r1osten/ the creation of a regional-la( and a*arliament as the to this suitable authority under hint on the English *attern/the recovery of the *olitical economy/ s*eciLcally the agriculture and the*eo*le-formation through reorgani)ation of the ?until no( *urely clericalschool system/ he9it meets tract (ith similar *olitical tracts of the young-"ersian movement together and only the antimilitarism and thesimultaneous demand of cosmo*olitan fundamental attitude (ith eJ*ressturn against the Kationalismus ?ho(ever (ithout o*en *olemic against the0remdenhaO of the nationalistic *arty in "ersia his9its reform-*rogramdistinguishes from those The the dierence is more cons*icuous in formalsense 2eb3 tal1s to categorical claim on com*liance of 2eines of &od-li1ela(/ that is available in the Kit3b a1das/ as a *ro*het The beitu4l 4adl is the*arliament and the local-administration/ for (hich he9it as1s At the sametime/ the *ro*het *unishes (ahrend already most of the *eo*le of the earthon this demonstration his9its fatherland/ in (hich he9it is not (orth anything/her9its9their Anhanger hear and served as a *eace-mediator even already atforeign yards "ersia/ the >and/ from (hich the light of the religion of theunit and the love/ that .' s in the year/ #@< o . 6@ rose/ comesG/ hasitself obdurately on the other hand and doesn4t come along to theer:;<#=sehnten of national renaissance The main-blame also becomes here/vgl o . #5< the aristocracy and the clergy in "ersia to (ritten/ that theblood of the 23br s*ills

II 2eh3 Allah in 4A11L as head of his9its sectAfter the la(/ that 2eh3 Allah gave in the years after the arrival in 4A113 of 

his9its sect/ as (ell as some further one?s Fgl to it (hether . #5 # Is eJam*le further/ as 2eh3 beani*ruoht/ s/

for eine4s (ritten rallies divine origin (ith gold-sooner/ Forl ii d lal .$$+ ,ieseblac1board itself a his9its missives Ut a hidden (riting/ that (as stored among thetreasures of the gOtt:;<#=lichen immunity by eternally/ and their sign (ith theLngers of the ?divine *o(er is (ritten/ if li1esG her9its9their (ia Gen

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classically become (riting of him9it from this last *eriod of his9its >ebena to there*resentation came/ iat no( still his9its eectiveness for the 23biamusmaintaining the B years u* to be-one death in 4A113 eu s1etches

His9its literary activity stretches in:;<#=sofern for itself over this (hole

*eriod to as he9it never has sto**ed to lead his9its sect through letters andtracts/ that all as al(3h ?blac1boards revelation-*restige claims andgenie:am*=en Alle letter/ that originates from Reh3/ (as for revelations?tan)il als his9its su**orters and becomes auf-be(ahrt carefully from themand du*licates .uch a letter/ if also nur contains some lines to receive/ isregarded as highest honor= der ha**ilyG reci*ients *ossibly sho(s )u thetreasure um ued his9its friends and &laubensgenossen/ that 1iss it and touch(ith the .tirne/ to read it eagerly thereu*on itself a transcri*tion secures Thenumber of the al(3h is unlimited _ou9they contain meist only some (ordsfrom the encouragement and Ermabnung ?1butab ohne statement of theaddressee and the date 7ollections derselben frequently are found in23blhandschriften : lt=) 2 in the brit MusG 2r #@@$/ . $B$l:gt= 2ro(nesa( a secret-messenger ?d34i ordered by 2eh3 in "ersia/ that the tra`cbet(een 4A113/ and the 23bf in .üd*eraien arranged/ A _ear a the "ersians. B@# and follo(ing u O and the gleich:;<#=benannten missionary of the oldIsn%34llitt%ntuma (iederer1eunt in (hich 2ro(ne/ A >it Hist of "ersia I . B#5 This *ersonal4= 7onnection (ith the believers in "ersia *laced itself 

through their "ilger:;<#=fahrten4/ after 4A113/ farther from thebeginning 0irst/ they lac1ed every tidings of the fate of her9its9theirleaders in Adriano*el and only through an accidental and secret mediationof a 23bi resident in 4A113 and the *rison-doctor succeeded (ith ea/ that toinform friends in "ersia 7ustody strict during the t(o Lrst years/ 2eh3 coulda**ear the *ilgrims only secretly from the (indo( After t(o years/ at leasthis9its com*anions got eJit-freedom and could earn itself in the cityansludigen Uuter-halt 2ecause of the rule of the Kitab a1das/ after (hateach believer has to drive an occu*ation/ they bloomed to an economicallyinde*endent colony soon \,/ Essai . 6 @@ 2ehä itself got the samefreedom only after K years @-MLL4 and covered a pretty estate %efore thecity, 0here he?it they 

4 ,a:am*= this literature nothing eneG to the discussed (riting of the 2eh3hi,)ubriugt bd eJcellently she9it she9it illustrates goes ouchG the collection vRosen4s .endschreiben of the 2eb3 AllahG ?/ G (hether < < A # forth

4 This t t the 2eb34i for the *ilgrimage from GA113 iat )i%3mt4s i Half1G W &odGcauses ?2r/ A yesr a the "ers . GI

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Nander (orthily could receive Either here/ ho(ever/ he9it didn4t a**ear in the *ublic2ro(ne ?#<@$ *ortrays . C#$ an audience/ as she9it described him9it an eye(itness in"ersia+ the *ilgrims of A13 ,scb3n of K3sch3n became in grou*s from to # to(ards,scben3b i Khadimu4lf3b ?being highness of &od4s servants/ the secretary and body-

servant dea 2eh3 ?s o . 6$ introduced A (riter receives all the (ord 2eh34s literallyand distributes her9it9them to the &e(ürdigtenG in transcri*tions/ ?muscharraf thatusually only shortly/ but to re*eated times is let go Lrst Also his9its sons (ere in thehabit of being *resent The "rou1ynesis (as the rule to demur *o*ular 2eh3/ ho(everAfter the hand-im*osition/ he9it (as in the habit of saying/ for eJam*le+ 23ra1a 4ll3hu4alei1umQ Ihr is reicligesegnet/ daL (as a**reciated my sight for her9it9them/ denn itself *ro*hets as1edG burning for it vgl-da)u Ev Matth #< v #6 Nürden ho(ever all *eo*levoll-1ommen li1e IQG vgl u . #and follo(ing It (as *robably served to tea thenand loo1ed after another of his9its TafelnG 2eh3 to ver:;<#=lesen/ before schlo3 he9itthe audience In the s*ring #@$5/ 2ro(ne had some such audiences (ith 2eh3 Allahitself+ Es (urde a curtain (ithdra(n and in the corner of a daven*ort sah I him9itsuddenly sits/ a (onderful/ venerable sha*e mit of a headgear after ty*e of the t3dschof the ,er(iscborden/ nur of uncommon height and style/ roof belo( (ith einem4snarro( (ei:am*=en turban concludingG Thereu*on/ 2ro(ne of fully sincere admiration*ortrays the im*osing a**earance/ the intent ga)e/ the ma%estic .tirne/ the blac1 hairand the dee*-do(n-s(irling beard/ a trac1 of the high age only in dea *leats in the face The *rogram/ that develo*ed 2eh3 the (estern scholar in these audiences as his9its*ro*hetic message/ (as the FOl1erfriede and the religion-freedom That also is a needof the (est at the same time and+ (ir (ant only the (elfare of the (orld and the luc1 of all *eo*leG The sections/ that 2eh3 from his9its al(3h hiebei ver:;<#=(ertete/ is foundin T at the same time . 65 and follo(ing The schism (ith .ubhi E)el and his9its trusted ver:;<#=mochte 2eh3 Allah des*ite

all of his9its eorts for life not from the (orld to schaen# As (e see from abilschronicle/ he9it gave a try in the Lrst time 1indliness ?s to 4A113 o . #andfollo(ing/ he9it/ in (hich ins*ired historiogra*hy of the sect falsiLes from him9it fromthe eighties 8abren/ lures in the Kit3b a1das and the tracts and threatens he9it ?s o .C$/ everything uselessQ .ince the Sber:;<#=(indung of the contradicting a *o(er-*roof of the *ro*het

G The number of the Eselliat/ not to loo1/ - (hile she9it 2ro(ne T . <B$considerable names/ he9it no( holds her9it9them/ 2r #$5$/ . <5< u <56 for sees lo(Her9its9their Hau*t:am*=it) iat Kirm3n/ (here aie 2ro(ne loo1ed for #@$5

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still b3bistischer teachings is and since the schism actually did the b3-bistischenmovement entry in "ersia in Kalim3t i .rdau-si%%a4s 2l ## mean 2eh3/ (ithout theschism/ "ersia (ould have become in years of b3bistisch/ so it is understandable thatthe contrast didn4t lose his9its shar* and 2eh3 AU3h (as little choosy in the election of 

his9its means This ?. $B mentioned/ treacherous murders in 2aghd3d foundher9its9their su**lement in the elimination of the B E)ell sent after 4A113/ of (hich theLrst fell already before the de*arture/ s o . $6/ (hile the < andern/ among them.e%%id Muhammed of Isfah3n soon after annulment of the strict custody from the (ay(as managed After 2ebla Kh3num ?"hel*s . 6< and follo(ing if it ha**ened (ithout2eh3s *rior 1no(ledge through some 2eb3l for (hich malicious slanders 2eh34s loo1edto do an end on the *art of this E)eli (ith the authorities The murderers should havebeen eJcluded by 2eh3/ and he9it is su**osed to have *rotested against the religiousmurder in a TafelG The ,arstelluog of the gras*s seems bihischt ?T to,emgegen:;<#=über EJcrement NT . <65/ daL 2eh3 itself the murder assessednot to corres*ond to the facts After all/ he9it *ut for(ard the elimination of theMuhammed of Isfah3n/ ho(ever/ in the Eit3b a1das as a &ottesgericht/ a o . #and a murder-command of been informed gras* bihischt in the (ording of an E)eli inKonstan:;<#=tino*el \ibid . << *robably is not gras*ed out of the air 'ut of thematerial carefully collected by 2ro(ne ?T &rade N/ one (ins the im*ression/ daL 2eh3Allah a contradictory *osition in this sense earned In *rinci*le/ he9it al(ays re*resenteds the b3bistischen *rinci*le/ niemand of his9its belief because of tot)uschlagenG o .C/ actually ho(ever he9it oered his9its &e:;<#=treuen Lrst sto* to rage against theE)eli after his9its *osition (as secured and the elimination of numerous E)eli is not *uton his9its account (ith in%ustice 'ne remembers hiebei of the Assassinats in the oldIsm34llitentum for oneself 2ro(ne *oints it out/ da:am*= the religious murder in the'rient not unusually and through the eJam*le is Muhammeds itself san1:;<#=tioniert 2ei Allah/ a religion/ that brought you to it/ is a s*lendid thingQG?Ibn Hisch3m Ed ,esert-Leld . CC< and follo(ing The Mesnevl of the ,schel3l al-din2ümi/ that 2ibel of the "ersiansG/ the *oisoning of the goldsmith *oints as Lrst historythrough the saint/ from Kor #@/ v B and follo(ing on 2ro(ne itself got theinformation in .chir3) from the 23bi+ Ein "ro-*hct/ that is the demonstration of the(orld-reason/ muL %ust as (ell einen/ in (hich he9it recogni)es an enemy of thereligion and a danger for die man1ind/ removes/ as the doctor a gangrenous &liedG?a a 5 . <6 That is not anything in the area of the .üLsmus standing out(here der master is &od4s re*resentative/ his9its

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Handlungen &od4s actions His9its Immoralit3tea/ yes even seine crimes is not eJcusedalone but ver:;<#=herrlichtG ?icholson ,fv3ni .hamsi Tabrl) . PPI That ho(ever/ anatrocity can be found beside it also a belief-obstacle on rarely dea *ro*hets/ I13n seibatfollo(s from the 1it3b El/ (here 2eh3 ?Ed , . B reminds/ that Mose 1illed the Egy*tian

and a murderer (as consequently/ (hile &od in this demonstration auf:;<#=erlege thebeliever no such belief-test Also here/ ho(ever/ the murder-action of the *ro*het isclassiLed as (ill of the deity If the action of the 2eh3 Allah is religion-*sychologicallycom*rehensible consequently/ so this a**lies to elevated eJtent of that of his9itsAnhanger/ that io the b3bistischen &rund:;<#=sat)/ force and bloodshed to lift mattersof the religion/ faced even more strangely and (as mastered rather eJclusively by theecstatic love of 2eh3 Allah as her9its9their &od .o/ it eJ*lains/ the atrocity even stilleJaggerated itself/ that a 2eh3P of this sa( the *er*etrators in 4A113/ and 2ro(ne of 6to # E)ell said that they fell in A113 to the victim ?2r #@@$/ . C#6= T . <65Mean(hile/ the tendency is 2eh34s itself to hush u* the occurrences and to deny/ in theo`cial 2eh3ismus the ruling one become/ li1e Lnally the re*ort of the 2ehla Kh3num ?so sho(/ the "hel*s (ith an An:;<#=mer1ung against the mentioned im*lementations2ro(ne4a accom*anies 'ver the formation of the sect in "ersia is su`ciently little1no(n also during this time *eriod .hah 3sir eddin/ (ho survived Uüsern *ro*hetsby some years/ remained ?f #@$ relentless Than1s to the strict instructions of 2eh34s/the Kry*tob3bismus behaved so quiet and loyal that it only to quite isolated23blhet)en1am/ that originated from the clergy and (as suocated by the reticence andquiet surrender of the concerned in the germ/ in that 2eh3 of his9its sect *reachedunremittingly not to do any resistance in *rosecutions The higher loo1ing at (on themartyrdom s in the sect/ according to that of the 2adi# of the year #@$ o . #5B/ thet(o .e%%ide in Isfah3n of the year #@@5 (ith the 23bi 1no(n as the honor-name.tilt3nu4sch-.chuhad3 and Malibubu4sch-.cbühad3/ 1ing as (ell as &e:;<#=liebteramong the martyrs and a similar one ibid in 'ctober #@@@ ?A13 MIr)3 Aschraf of b3da/a more eJtensive of 6@ 2eh3l in .idih and a%af3b3d (ith Isfah3n in the summer #<@$/(here a formal dschib3d occurred against the 23bi and they ta1e refuge muLten ?T inoc1s for itself &rade _ o < o(/ the government too1 action against thetroublema1ers in the clergy for the Lrst time and banished the guilty Mudschtahid 13edscheL to Kerbel3 It made little im*ression and at the >@ May #@$# came it in <e)dtoo ne( riots against them9her9it

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2eh3l/ @ 1ill/ that ungeaühnt remained again 2eb3 still had the satisfaction/da:am*/ on the other hand in .e*tember #@@$= the Russian court-martial t(omurderers of a res*ectable 2abi from I]ah3o/ the H3ddscbi Muhammed Ri)a/(hich the local clergy him9it after 4Asch13bid in RuHaisch-Tur1estan ?a o . 6<

had for(arded/ Lrst to the death and thereu*on to lehe,*l3ng/ irher com*ulsorylabor sentenced/ *robably on stimulation the at that time there stationed 23bi-forschers/ Hau*tmatin Tumans1y/ (hose re*ort a roses a ' Folume FI . B6 andfollo(ing *ublished There/ the teJt Lnds t(o missives of the 2eh3 Allah abouthis9its community/ in (hich he9it celebrated this event/ the Lrst constitutional la(-li1e *unishment of a 23blhet)e for their &e:;<#=schichte virtually C5-year old atthat time already/ and a(arded the enthusiasm of the sect for Ru:am*=landAus:;<#=druc1/ fast the single 23bfdo1umente/ for itself at the same time in(hich igtG us everything directly mind-li1e 2ro(ne has the details about thisFer:;<#=folgungen in T  ecessaryG _ collected  Vou?they sho0 that daäIsfahän and <e0l centers of the secret9sect are. The s*read of the 2eh3l (aiter "ersien in this *eriod avoids the nearer

observation Ho( they last Lt mu strictly for itself in the secret/ 2ro(ne only too(ell as1ed eJ*erienced on his9its "ersian tri* in the 8alrre #@@@/ s o . 34..tatistics *rotect ea in &iven "eraien any(ay never >ord 7ur)on ?"ersia # .B$$ her9its9their number estimated on virtually one million in "ersieo in the year#@$/ therefore eJactly in the Todes%ahre of the 2eb3 Allah/ and referred hiofür tohis9its consultation (ith eJ*ert/ (hich the at that time usual estimate attachedim*ortance for too lo( to half a Mi8lion If these eJ*ert (ere even 23bi/ so ea nearher9its9their Ueigung is to be eJaggerated the number of her9its9their su**orters/a U/ . #C@and follo(ing ho(ever more advisably/ (ith a half one million stands toconsecrations This number of ued still be be quite ama)ingly big the actual trun1of the communities so strongly any(ay After all/ di2 claims beh3isdschehistoriogra*hy of the eighties/ that have 23blse1te/ sieves/ under 2eh3 Allah sinceher9its9their su**ression in "ereien ?#@C dabui doubles and actually hadbe:;<#=sessen the 23bismus of the 23b (ide Kreiae ge-aogen and already di.cheichise1te a magniLcent a**endiJ (hile alive Nith the insecurity of the*resent-day number of the 23bi itself in "ersia ?s u . #C.f if fOr can only betold our *eriod/ that the sect still is su**osed to have gro(n under 2eh3/ and sincethe same of the 5 years is (orth deaths since 2eh34s/ 2ro(ne near "hel*s . P/ andcalling on a**roJimately one of the ten million "ersians for the movementno(adays is/ s u/ si:gt= mu, it at our above estimate leg of being content has The further remar1 dee >ord 7urcon/ daL itself admittedly in all layers of the2evttl1etung 23bf/ the mutamtnedanische/ Lnds

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7lergy ho(ever es*ecially notably under them is re*resented/ is correct (ith &obineau4sstatements about the older 23bismus ?a a 5 . <5@ and 2eh34s of o(n statement inthe 1it3b El i13n ?s o . @@ 2eside the theologians/ it al(ays (as re*resented thetrade and tradesman 2Lrgerstand (ell under the 23bi Nhat the *ro*aganda involves

under the ichtmuhammedanera in "ersia/ so already &obineau *oints out thenumerous %oining of 8e(s/ a a ' and has 2eb3 Allah through one of his9itsher:;<#=vorragendsten a*ostles from the older 23bismus/ AbuQ 0adl of &ul*3yag3n/that at the (riting of the t3rlch i dschadld ?s o . B very (ell involved (as\Introduction/ . PPPII and follo(ing/ on the 8e(s ?a**roJimately 5555 in "ersia/*articularly in the metro*olises and under this in Hamad3n eected This tract of theAbu4i 0adl istidl3li%%aG \*roof/ #@@6^ see1s 2eb3 as the Messiah of the 8e(s aus)u(eiaen?2c #@$/ . 65#9C Chere only any in the $. T from the &l3n)e of yearG the 2ede is/the a**earance of the Nelt:;<#=erlOsers 2eh3 Allah ?&old)iher is Forl meant ü d Isl. <5B vgl (hether . < A # Under this by name in 8e)d and Kirm3a of residentVoroastriern against it found the 2eh34i no s*read des*ite her9its9their eorts and

contrary to her9its9their claims but only Gine certain sym*athy/ *rovided they *ic1 u*Voroaster into the *ro*het-ro( ?2r #@@$/ . 5#= to it vgl (hether . BB A < u . CB The in *rinci*le friendly *osition to the 7hristianity brought together the 23bi to 3b andhis9its sect in "ersiaG of A under 2eh3 Allah *articularly also (ith the 7hristian missionsin "ersia/ through (hich the (est Lrst (as done alertly on the 23b MR Nright in Urmia/V,M& #@C#/ . <@Band follo(ing and (hich do harm itself the ho*e of ge:;<#=hegt/ in(hich sect clears/ decades of a transition of the Islam to the 7hristianity In this sense hasitself *articularly beside the American and English missionaries *astor KO)le loo1s forthe &ermans in Urmia/ by name the *ioneer of the &erman 'rient:;<#=mission/ (iththe 23bi em*loys The latter (as eJ*elled from "ersia together (ith a colleaguebecause of these relationshi*s to the 23bi in the year #@$C after <-year old (or1/Andreas a a ' . @ Mean(hile/ the 7hristian missions recogni)ed in "ersia thatthe 23bismus no ground(or1 but/ means a com*etition for her9it9them and itself (ithhis9its allegorical eJ*lanation of the 2ible of every 7hristian over*ass ?A frees M V#$5< . B After all/ isolated Sbertritte from 23bi occurred to the 7hristianity/ ro*e aa ' . $6 7omment/ maintaining the 23bismus (ith the old 7hristian churches of the'rient no inuence (on and itself (ith the lac1 at 7hristian Missionsgemeindeo in"ersia at most at the missionaries even could turn The 23bi

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it then did this also (ith *reference as they loo1ed also for 2ro(ne toüber:;<#=)eugen

Nithin the .chT4itismus/ it (as made easy from 2eh3 Allah for the 23bT not toattract attention/ in that he9it them the Ketm3n this this shei1Q already quite safely

handled ?icola/ 7hei1h Ahmed >ahcab/ "relace/ nolens volens again)u:;<#=gestand ?s o . ##5/ and from the transaction of his9its Religions-geset)eainsofar refrained/ as it (ould have led to conicts He9it rather made the observance of the regional-custom directly to the For:;<#=schrift After all the freedom of the 23bf of the 2igotterie could never hide and is *articularly the handling of the marriageher9its9their identiLcation Her9its9their emanci*ation of the cult and clergy attractsattention ho(ever less as Aubio/ a/ (ould be to be sus*ected/ since the cult is alsoneglected other(ise strongly in "ersia a 5 . B65 and the .üLsmus and the sectsal(ays (ere tolerated The more the 23bi urged for granting of the religion-freedomunder 2eh3/ ho(ever in vain The mora:;<#=lische attitude of the 23bi (as fortiLedunder 2eh3 2rüderliche love/ friendliness to(ards children/ *oliteness and ruhigedignity/ sociableness/ hos*itality/ freedom of Forurteilen/ free tra`c (ith 7hristians thatis "ersia #@$ . her9its9their &runds3t)eG ?7ur)on C5 The missionaries testify to thesame/ The 2eh3is are far au*erior in morality to the measured Moslems of in "ersiaG=, Tisdall in Moh (orld of to day . ##6 KO)le left a note about the community-life of the 2eh34I/ (ith Andreas a a 5 . 6/ this (ith 2ro(ne4a observations agrees Thegeneral meeting-day (ith admission of the (omen iat hienach the last day in the month?3 #$ days It is read from the Kit3b a1das/ s o . ##6:gt= and brotherly eJchangemaintained over it "articular value is attached to the .chul:;<#=(esen includingMadchenschulen The theology remained as 2ro(ne4s in "ersia ?#@@@ follo(s from therises/ the same li1e in the Urb3bismus ?vgl A _ear amongat the "ersians Hiebei is tobe 1e*t an eye above all on the degree and the sco*e of the (orshi* of the 2eh3Allah 2ecause bierin gras*s the dee*est common interest of the sect)u:;<#=sammen for itself Here/ her9its9their heart-*oint lies

Ho( once so no( the mystic love of the 23b as the deity4s demonstration of theMahdi/ the same belief in 2eh3 Allah as a su*erhuman nature under the namesdschem3l imub3ra1 ?a o . #< and ha11ta43l3/ 2ro(ne (hat . in #$5$ <5 &odGomni*otent (ith der ?vgl returns to it above . 5 m 7omment / 6#/ @6 u #<5 ,aLit itself hiebei about the same religious relationshi*-forms li1e in the Urb3biamus deals/the ,ithyramben told by Tumana1y of 23bi *rove on 2eh3 Allah ?vgl

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 TeJts in English Sbera 2r #@$/ . <#@<<C/ in the com*arison (ith the songs the cure-advice al4a%n/ s o . <6 A #8

Is on that occasion to be heeded/ ho(ever/ da:am*= there is/ that the s*eciLc belief ouch 2eh3 doesn4t share/ be it daL she9it him9it doesn4t 1no( or doesn4t ac1no(ledge

Ne hear about a grou* of 2eh3i in Kirm3n ?2r #@$/ . @@and follo(ing/ daL aie asreal .üL the eJclusively dogmatic relationshi* at the *erson can ebu Allah yon re%ectand are told by the loo1 of the neighboring strict 2eh3l therefore in 8e)d An ahnlichen.tand:;<#=*un1t re*resents (ith the 2eh34I in the (est 0hel*s in the contrast againststrict 2eb34I in the United .tates ?a a 5 . #CBand follo(ing and the cleared u*herald of the 2eh3ismus in 0ran1:;<#=reich/ MR ,reyfus/ also sees from the dogmaand the belief-mysticism in favor of the him9it in the 23bismus geoenbarten>ebens:;<#=ideals from/ s u^ As (ell/ the free-directional 2eh34i are to no( bea**reciated in the 'rient/ vgl &old)iher/ Forl ü i Isl . <5<+ Anderer- seits (ra*s2eh3ismus also the conce*t der of religious 0reigeisterei/ the Abstreifung of the*ositive &laubensiahaltes of the Islam/ into the name 8ust li1e formerly the > tVindi1/ der originally Muslim mar1ed/ (hose religious vie( sich *arsischer andmanieb3ischer belief-o*inions be(egte in the *roJimity/ ao li1e late the name0eulasüf ?*hiloso*her recently auch 0armasün ?franc-ma]on # regardless of acertain Art of the disloyalty of the correct Islam in general on

4 As recei*t of the süLschen character of these odes at 2eh3 is here only the Lrstfrom @ stan)as of a such one told/ 2r - #@$</ . <+ Ich 2oche &od= (here is my&od bla)es the coin of my life in my hand holds= (here the freeG things for it?beh3%am= "un (ith 2eh3 I am a stranger in both (ideness only for you Nith dott/(here do I have a friend besides you ' you ?my idolQ do I li1e to become )ieheuyour street/ but (ho gives me the strength to it .ince/ I the *ath of the life of 

bescniitten have/ I feel no fear more in the thought of my annihilation ?istibl31 Tutn(hat/ (hether I die as a martyr for his9its matter Nhere (ill my blood-(age bebesides in my lover .ince I a beggar (erda at your gate/ (hat do I as1 about reign I cleaned andern my Her) house of all (hoever lives d:am*=rin auLgr the lover Idon4t have anything to say as this in e+ This

.ohluft)eile turns ah refrain in all stan)as again:gt= _ou 0reimturerUm are in the islamisoheu 'rient/ aun him9it G/ comes

originally/ (ith the culture-movement more alive than ever become and s*readunder the 8ang*ersern and young-Tur1s and einuLreich The "ersian yard/ that alsosuits near for him9it/ denies it only o`cially/ &obineaa @ @5 The relationshi* of the

bebaistiseben &esellachaftaideale ?(ith tul adl(ith him9it/ a ?even if unbe(uDte borro(ing suggests to the boJ

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 TeJts in English 'bera 2r #@$/ . <#@<<C/ in the com*arison (ith the songs thecure-advice al - 4a%n ?s o . <6 A l ?#

Is on that occasion to be heeded/ ho(ever/ daft it 2eh34I/ that doesn4t share thes*eciLc belief in 2eh3/ gives be it da:am*= doesn4t 1no( she9it him9it or doesn4t

ac1no(ledge Ne hear about a grou* of 2eb3T in Kirm3n ?2r #@$/ . @@andfollo(ing/ re%ects daL she9it as real .u7E the eJclusively dogmatic relationshi*at the *erson of the 2eh3 Allah and is loo1ed at by the neighboring strict 2eh34Itherefore in 8e)d A similar .tand:;<#=*un1t re*resents (ith the 2eh34I in the(est "hel*s in the contrast against strict 2eb34I in the United .tates ?a a 5 @#CB and follo(ing and the cleared u* herald of the 2eh3ismus in0ran1:;<#=reich/ MR ,reyfus/ also sees from the dogma and the&laubens:;<#=mysti1 in favor of the him9it in the 23bismus geoenbarten>ebens-ideala from/ s u As (ell/ the free-directional 2eh3l are to no( bea**reciated in the 'rient/ vgl &old)iher/ Forl ü i Isl . <5<+ Anderer- seits(ra*s 2eh3ismus also the conce*t der of religious 0reigeisterei/ the Abstreifung of the *ositive &laubensinhaltes of the Islam/ into the name 8ust li1e formerly the tt Vindi1/ der originally Muslim mar1ed/ (hose religious vie( sich *arsischerand Manichaean belief-o*inions of be(egte in the *roJimity/ %ust li1e late thename 0ailasüf ?*hiloso*her recently auch 0armasün ?franc-macon # regardlessof a certain Art of the disloyalty of the correct Islam in general on

Ala recei*t of the süLschen character of these odes at 2eh3 is here only the Lrstfrom $ stan)as of a such one told/ 2f #$/ . <+ Ich loo1s for &od= (here is my&od bla)es the coin of my life in my hand holds= (here is the *rice for it ?beh3%am="un (ith 2eh3^ I am need for you in both (orlds a stranger Nith &od/ (here do Ihave a friend auer for you ' you ?thin1 AbgottI gladly (ill *ull your street I/ but

(ho gives me the strength to it .ince deG of life (rite on the *ath I has/ I feel nofear more in the thought of my Feraiohtnn2 ?istihl31 Nhat toots/ (hether I frommartyr Gterbe for Gine matter Nhere does my 2iutlohn become besides in my loverno .ince I become a beggar at your gate/ (hat do I as1 about reign 7leanedhmbe andern I my heart4s house of all (hoever lives in it besides the lover I haveone not to say anything as this+ , he9it

.ohlu:am*=)eile turns ah refrain in all stan)as again >:am*=s 0reemasonry is # amlschen 'rientG it/ (ith (hich Kultorbe(egung

become more alive than *er and/ in the ls from him9it originally comes/ among theyoung-"ersians and young-Tur1s s*reads and einu:am*=reioh The "ersian yard/ that

also suits near for him9it/ denies it only o`cially/ &obineau . <5C The relationshi* of the beh3iatiachen society-ideal ?(ith tul 4adl (ith that of the boJ suggests a ?even if unconscious borro(ing

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den 0reigeistG is covered/ so the designation sim*ly doesn4t testify *resent-day day in G"ersia as 2eh340 to only the VugehOrig:;<#=1eit to this ne(estdevelo*ment of the 23blglaubens but li1e Rev 0 M 8ordan ?The Moh Norld of to-day . #$ beobachtet has many of those/ that become (ith this name

belegt/ are not anything else than Girreligious rationalists indeed G 0rom heremu2 no( furthermore also the fact is a**reciated/ distinguish da 2eh3 and thestrict 2eha4I from Auser(blten an esoteric circle/ those in the *ro*erty of the totaltruth ?&old)iher are Forl ü d Isl . $$ It is not about an Esoterismus ?vglhere to it (hether . #6/ as ) he9it itself 2 (ith the Ism34lliten Lnds/ (herethe Ade*t is initiated only gradually to a secret-teachings The 23bismus is a*ublic *roclamation (ithout secret-teachings every(here and doesn4t lead tothe 0reigeisterei li1e the system of the 4Abdallah of the *ositive belief but rathervice-versa from süLschem rationalism to a *ositive creed ?vgl to it (hether .B$ The Esoterismus is to be rather understood after analogy of the sü&schenhere/ (here is distinguished associations (ith the veiled &eistesauge and him9itbet(een him9it to the intuition of the &Ott:;<#=lichen Er(achten If the23bismus divides even this süLsche contem*lationG and style/ so he9it s*eciLesher9it9them for his *art there/ daü he9it the &ottliche (ith the historical si)e of the23b be)( together-loo1s the 2eh3 ?vgl ) 2 (hether . @# and follo(ingNhoever didn4t Lnd &od ?hoo1 in 2eh3 still stands outdoors consequently To it/da:am*/ comes= this .tufeG or .tationG ho(ever from the 2abi 2eh34I often/ if they don4t Lnd any understanding of da:;<#=für or even smell enmity/ as secret is1e*t bac1 for the tires .o/ 2ro(ne became handled he is of necessary yet ri*eGeven at this crucial *oint of a discussion (ith the 23bl in 8e)d there/ A _ear at thethe "ers . <# and can (rite 2eh3+ Nir (ould not li1e to discuss this ste* tothe ein)elnen/ because the ears of the o**onents are directional on us/ um toer1uschen/ against (hat she9it the truthful-y/ constant &ott ?vgl o . #<5 A #'er contradiction 2ecause they don4t hand heran at the mystery of the 1no(ledgeand the (isdom his/ this

4 The 23bismui is actually %ust as (ell been based on the rationalism as at all timesthe mysticism It is not coincidence that 4al ?reason heit his9its ?cloying deity .o/her9its9their historical revelation/ that bearers of the Theo*hanie oer as theconsummate reason/ can itself .o/ it does ) 2 2efa3 in Kalim3t i Lrdauei%%a4s 2l ?vgl (hether . #$ _ou *raise of the reason/ daa (e here and else(here in the23bismus Lnds/ er:;<#=innert at the *raise of the *ure reason (ith the Mu4tanliten?vgl &old)iher/ Forl ü d N . #5 0rom here onG/ ne( light falls on the Fer-

aeb(isterung (ith the Kdturbe(egnng and (ith modern enlightenment at the sametime

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 To vom ascent-*lace of the shine of the &od-being-ness ?(ith &old)iher/ Forla**eared d Isl . $$ Fgl to it (hether . @ m

2eh3 Allah is at the # May #@$ in the age of 6C years and (ith leaving of < sonsand B daughters in 4A113 ge:;<#=storben and in the garden of his9its estate before the

city buried (orden# There/ his9its mood-full grave is the *lace of *ilgrimage of the2eh3T and the *lace of her9its9their Kibla His9its death the 2eh34I s*ea1 of him9it asAscension day ?sc his9its soul/ in the sense of the ma43d/ vgl 7h M 8 #@$@/ . BC the sect didn4t detain/ after he9it even in the Kit3b a1das in the echo of Ev Matth @ v#@and follo(ing his9its ubiquity and the beginning of a Neltroission after his9its deathin outloo1 *ut and had done let)leres of his9its sect (ith it to the duty/ and in a (ill/ atthe same time that 1it3b i 4ahdi ?boo1 of the association immediately/ #@$ of  Tumans1y (ith Russian translation edit= also 2r gives the main-*assage #$5$/ . <5Bin the (ording his9its oldest son 4Abb3s Efendi had *ut in to his9its successor undereJ*ress return of the second/ Muhammed 4universe

0ourth *art The sect of the 2eh3l under 4Abb3s Efendi to(ards lAbd al-

2eh3/ since in #@$ I. 'bbas 8%en.ii and is ell received.1. .ince 2eh34s death/ his9its oldest *erson is son 4Abb3s Efendi/ to(ards 4Abd al-

2eh3 the head of the sect ac1no(ledged by the severe ma%ority He9it *laced his9itsambition in it to lead the sect in his9its father4s s*irit and to fortify at him9it in thebelief As a successor of the 2eh3 Allah/ he9it has the occu*ation/ that to eJtendfrom that donated religion and aus)u:;<#=legen He9it %ustiLes this doubleoccu*ation even (ith the dierentiation of the t(o ty*es of *ro*hets as she9it*erforms already (ith the 23b and (ith 2eb3 Allah and returns on the Ism34lliten ?vgl MR . << and follo(ing u s o . C A # >ee B<+ The unabh3ngige *ro*hetG isa religion-donor/ brings a ne( boo1 and la( and is a direct demonstration of &od4s logo/the .onneG heiLt/ because she9it has o(n-light .o (as the 23b and 2eh3AU3h,ierently the abh3ngige *ro*hetG He9it is the moon/ that has his9its light of the sun/the branch/ that his9its life from

4 2e found an illustration dea of &rabes of the 2eb3 as (ell as the 0ortraita of the2eh3 Allah nnd of dea 4Abb3s Efendi in the broo1+ Vust3nde in the heu:;<#=tigen"ersia Gas she9it reveals tri*-broo1 Ibrahim 2eyu youG translates from Nalter .chol)?>ei*)ig #$5<

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decreased him9it all 3u:am*=eren businesses and sieves (ith 2eh34s secretary 13,scb3n of K3sch3n into the transcri*t of his9its father4s dictations shared The conferralof the title 313 in Adri ano*el means his9its regulation to the successor/ before she9ittoo1 *lace o`cially in the code and in the (ill 2eh34s and earned him9it a share of the

shy (orshi*/ the 2eli3 en%oyed even (ith the o(n family 'n urgent (ish of the father/he9it married/ got only daughters/ ho(ever/ and made troU for her9it 2eh34s and thecommunity *ersuasion no use of the *ermission of the Kitab a1das to ta1e aconcubine in this case/ since eJecuted the monogamy com*letely he9it (ants to see The Fer:;<#=fügung 2eh34s/ daL the succession of 4Abb3s to the beitu4l radl bnrgelienshall/ eJisted already *reviously incidentally 2ro(ne *ortrays the 4Ahh3s of the year#@$5 as eye(itness in T . PPPFII+ Man hardly becomes a more eloquent/ morequic1-(itted even under the deft and intelligent race/ that listens to er/ and (ith den hNriting of the 8e(s/ 7hristians and Mubammedaner better vertrauten man LndsG .udanu becomes see be broached face (ith the ruling forehead and the tight attitude/ the %e(elry of this until blac1 hair falling on the shoulders and the 1indness of his9its conductin a manner ge:;<#=rühmt/ that o the *ortrayal/ that gives 2ro(ne of 2eh3 Allah ?s .#5C/ don4t ta1e second *lace Also he9it carries the (hite color of the 23bi as she9itLnds itself already (ith the *urer brothers of 2asra and the Assassinen That of ashei1 of dervishes or the muham-medanischen of sanctifying is his9its cost of living andhis9its 2e:;<#=sch3ftigung at all He9it devotes himself to the arms and the *ilgrims by*roviding (elfare her9its9their bodily one and geist:;<#=liches at the same time He9itlends the *eo*le the Koran/ by the (ay he9it is fully em*loyed to teach his9its(eit)erstreutc community and the )ahl:;<#=reichen *ilgrims He9it should em*loyseveral (riters and devotes itself to his9its guests usually only over table He9it s*urnsthe advertisement of the Mira1els and narro(ly itself li1e 2eh3 on this of the *redictionand the secret 1no(ledge

He9it stands in the age of years today The amnesty/ that gave 4Abdul Hamid(ith introduction of the constitution in the year #$5 [/ gave him9it the freedom/ of (hich ho(ever/ he9it doesn4t ma1e any use/ ,/ Essai . 6</ as he9it an intervention atthe gate already #$5/ that him9it American su**orters an:;<#=boten/ re%ected/ "hel*s. @ It is com*rehensible that not 4A11a verlaLt he9it/ go severely the 2eh34i Lrst overthis .traf:;<#=*lat) com*lained The return to "ersia doesn4t stand o*enly Moreim*ortant is/ dag 4A113 the grave of the 2eh3 and the Kibla of his9its sect rescuesthe 2ab in 2eh3 here the glory of the martyrdom directed the *lace does for 4Abb3sEfendlgan)

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a*art from her9its9their ha**y geogra*hical situation fOr his9its *ur*osesindis*ensable Her9its9their situation is because of the VugehOrig:;<#=1eit at"alestine on the one hand/ that immediately the 8e(/ 7hristians andMuhammedanern from meaning sacred country for them9her9it becomes Lrst-reindeer the a*ocaly*tic (riting-*roof for the *lace from Hosea v/ #6 led+ Ich

(ants to ma1e the Tal4A1Or to the gate of the ho*e ?vglG is and - - . on theother hand %ecause of the accessi%ility gleicher+3-0eise of the Eccident li(efrom the Erient.  If 4Abb3a (ould evacuate the Leld/ so end8ich (ould come thisonly sLinem brother and rivals Muhammcd 4universe too (ell

< ,es*ite the unambiguous (ill of the 2eb3 Allah ?s o . #BB ho(ever/ aschism bro1e out shortly among the t(o older sons/ 4Abb3a Efcndi and Mu-hammed 4universe/ that the sect shoc1ed heavily on the other hand andcontinues until today/ after his9its death namely 'n the other hand/ob%e1:;<#=tive lac1s re*orts of third side - (hat/ to raise from the eJtensivedis*ute-literature of both *arties/ is/ 2ro(ne %üngstens ?2r as1ed communicated#$5$/ . <5i+ 'enbar quite short time of 2eha4s Tode bro1e out the old dis*ute

bet(een the stationary one?s and fort-schrittlicben elements on the ne( one4Abb3s Efendi claimed oenbar/ daL the gate of the revelation not yet closed undhe9it hencefor(ard/ her9its9their canal (ith This claim of (iderset)te/ sein sievesbrother Mir)3 Muhammed 4Ali em*hatically and (ith many "arteig3ngern/ under(hich the t(o younger sons 2eh34s Mir)3  2adiFU3h and Mir)3 Vi%34u4ll3h theerstere is #$5< to 4Abb3s s1i**ed/ the more Lnal early died and 2eh34s .e1ret3rMlr)a 13 ,ach3n of K3sch3n together (ith numerous other einu : am*=reichen23bl (as/ that the o*inion= re*resented/ das boo1 der revelation of thisdemonstrationG is geschlossenG and als *roof the *lace of the Kit3b a1daa quoted/daL before Ab-lauf of #555 years is allo(ed to nobody a *ro*hetic authority of usui-*ieren fs o . #6 The dis*ute is obscured through many Nort-ach(all/

but essentially rotates about this Ferfügung 2eb34s on the one hand and abouthis9its (ill on the other hand Nie (ith the former schism also came it )(ischento the conict those here/ that believed/ that there eine Ferbergung fs every dayof the revelation night o . #and follo(ing must follo( and those/ die/ daL thelight/ felt/ in (hich they (andered/ annihilated not (erden can but al(ays onlyincreases at clarity And the conservative *arty (as sub%ect to (ie at that time A(hile scheint a certain balance/ to have *revailed/ but langsam and certainlythat of his9its brother gre( the inuence of the 4Abb3s Efendl and sch(and As aresult/ it came in the year #@$@ vgl >o(er do(n a/ a 5 . $ really to bitterLght/ that sto**ed lange/ and the communities in "ersia/ .yria and Egy*t/

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besonders ho(ever also the American ones *rofoundly shoc1ed Here trat her9its9theirfounder Khairull3h because of o(n observations bei a stay in 4A113 to Muhammed4universe over/ on (hat 4Abb3a the venerable Mir)3 Abul 0adl of &ul*3yag3n ?s o. .#B5 over the sea sent ?#$5#$5B/ about that inuence to begegnen Khairull3h

eJ*ressed at that time that he9it must fear for his9its >ebenGII 4Abbas Efendl nnd the Aasbreitnng of the sect# The mission in the (est is the most remar1able success of the sect under 4Abbas

Efendl ,eut:;<#=lich becomes here above all/ li1e active this man his9its occu*ation/to eJtend the father4s teachings/ drives "roclaimed the universal mission of the23bismus already 2eh3 Allah even and turned (ith it at the (est/ s o . l'' #B7omment #/ #C annotations and the 23bl in "ersia (elcomed 2ro(ne %oyfully onhis9its tri* in the year #@$5 as a Lrst sign/ reachedG die message of theMani:;<#=festation daL the 0ranconian-country ?2r/ A _ear a the "ers . 5 Thene(comer in our *eriod only is consequently that the 2eb3glaube achieves real

mission-successes in the Nest and this increases the self-esteem of the sect andher9its9their An:;<#=sehen in the east understandably?a/ in the United .tates/ the beginnings drove of at the (orld4s fair to 7hicago and

the "arliament interconnected (ith it religionG bac1 ?#@$< Here/ the .yrian Ibrahim&eorge Khairull3h descendant from the >ebanon ste**ed/ the # year had lived in 7airo/as a*ostles of the 2eh3ismus on/ after he9it had started already *reviously to *ro*agatehim9it in (ord and (riting Mau remembers= that Religio,.*arlament at the same timethe ne(-Hindu theoso*hy of the .(3mi Five13nanda the .*rung:;<#=brett forher9its9their *ro*aganda in the Nest handed over Khairull3h remained in America/married an American and raised an American 2eh3tse1te Nashington/ Kenosha/ (erebuilt 2oston communities Itha1a/ 2altimore/ in 7hicago/ e(-_or1/ "hiladel*hia/ (hose

members are com*osed from members of all denominations and religions ?man/'rient >it Time #$## . <C In 7hicago reLned a 2aha4i "ublishing 7o/ this itself the'berset)ung of (riting of the 2eh3 and FerOent:;<#=lichung a*ologetischer (riting tothe tas1 *laced/ vgl 'ver her9its9their literature . L4. The continuation/ that found theReligions:;<#=*arlament in an institute in &reenacre/ became another base Here/Abu4l 0adl s*o1e in the year #$5B In e(-_or1/ regular .unday-meetings ta1e *lace?&old)iher the religion of the Islam a a 5 . #<5 atural/ 4Abbas Efendr loo1s afterthe American communities *articular as (ell

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Eagerness/ since he9it the *romised union dea of east and the (est in them under theunit-religion and the *eaceful things of the 2eh3 Allah initiated sees He9it ma1es a sli*of the tongue even missionary from them for ?magic Agne( a a 5 . / since he9it1no(s about the active 7hristian mission-(or1 of Americans in the 0ar East Through

the *ilgrim-drivers/ (ho a**ear in large numbers (ith ihTn/ he9it remains in alivecontact (ith them as also his9its TafelnG are admired (ith them as (ell and are s*read/as in the 'rient/ and 4Abb3s also (ith these communities in *ersonal corres*ondencestands The construction of a Ventral-beiligtums/ a maschre1u-#-ad13r/ s o . ##<force institutes ?s in 7hicago together (ith all for a beitui 4adl o . #5 7omment # is) V his9its main-concern and he9it (ish/ daL it after his9its statements and is built asnobly as *ossible/ Agne( a a 5 . 5 - About the rules against the schism of theameri:;<#=1anischen communities is re*orted above= the relating to this letters of theyear #$5 ?s . 6 s*ea1 a categorical language .ince #$56/ also .ubhi E)el foundhis9its advocate of .tenstrand/ that advertises for his9its Messiah on grounds of the olderright ?A call of attention to the 2ehaists or 2abists of America established by 2ro(ne asfar as into the &erman national libraries in The 2eb3 Glbe(egung in America has also adeutach-redenden branch ?0anny Knobloch in Nashington/ (hose "ubli:;<#=1ationenlashed out a bridge at &ermany Another branch of her9its9their (or1 is the leadershi* of a 2eh3]schule in Teheran/ that sails under *hilanthro*ic ag and is an im*ortant*ro*aganda-means for the 2eb3ismus in "ersia .he9it is adult in "ersia from thecom*etition (ith the American Missions:;<#=schulen ?MRN #$#5 . 6< The numberof the 2eb34l in America gives 2ro(ne ?2r #$5$/ . <5B on some thousand at/ho(ever they (ant com*rehended in strong gro(th/ so Miss 8 Masson in AmericanRevie( of Revie(s/ 8an #$5$ Her9its9their understanding of the "ersian theoso*hy islo( since 4Abb3s Efendl of itself doesn4t do from anything to introduce her9it9them moredee*ly in it/ in that religious*olitische considerations maintain him9it his9its mysteriousdignity at the same time and let *ut in front the *o(erful social message "hel*s muLtetravel only after 4A113 in order to as1 ?#$5< for his9its theo-so*hisches system Theleaders of the movement in America/ li1e Miss 2rittingham/ s o . 6 dar:;<#=auf limitbe)( themselves dag 2eb34s the come bac1 7hrist to *reach the 2eh3ismus as a ne(revelation of the love and the religion/ in that they follo( according to ty*e4s theAdventist the allegorical-a*ocaly*tic .chriftbe(eia &od-father himself ?vgl is to it ) 2the ,o(iebe(egung 'n dee*er trac1s/ uniting leads (ith the 7hristian .cience ho(everafter all/ (hose (ide Fer-

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breitung in America and their inner relationshi* (ith the 'riental theoso*hy ?vgl) 2 Mra/ Eddy4s (riting The Unity of &oodG vgl u . #@/ that her9its9theircontrast against the dualism of the 7hristian *hiloso*hy into the original 7hristianityof the T in-indicate/ therefore the self-designation 0irst 7hurch of 7hristianG/ atthe the best the successes of the 4Abb3a Efendi in the United .tates eJ*lains Fice-

versa/ he9it himself9itself voiced agreement (ith the 7hristian4s .cienceHeilver:;<#=fahren ?lee 6 In the &e:;<#=horsam against the legislation of the 2eh3/ the American communities do li1e the "ersian ones The Kultische underrefraining of all the clerical 2*ielt also here the Lrst role The G2oo1 of "rayera/sti*ulates 2eh3 o4ll3hG the *rivate *rayer by revealed to the < times of day under1ibla after 4A113 and oers vgl numerous *attern-*rayers ?rha*sodies (hether. ##B

?b The 0rench 2eh3ismus#/ essentially (rites do(n/ : ;##=anderes auras Herethe ne( religion a**ears as the Er:;<#=:;##=füllung of the *ostulate of an u*-to-date Humanitatsreligion/ die:;##=gleich)eitig (ith the science in unisonstands and ans(ers die:;##=so)ialen culture-questions of our time ?,/ Essai

?*relude The rationalistische .eite:;## faces the a*ocaly*tic-theoso*hical stri1e of theameri1anischen:;##=2eh3ismus here= vgl o . IBf in front The er1lart itself from the %üdischen:;##=Her1unft of the 2eh3ismus in 0rance Hi**olyte ,reyfus/a . C^:;##=ist 8e(s and the sances in *ariah ta1e *lace in a rich %adischen:;##=Hause/ vgl Rasmusgen a a/ 5 . <@ and follo(ing It is theAUiance:;##=Israelite Universelle ?since #@5/ "aris/ that through her9its9theirausgedehntes:;##=Hilfe(er1 for the 8e(s in the 'rient ?#$5@+ #B *eels (ithB#555:;##=.chulern= <B a**rentice-schools of boys unO M:am*=dchen/mehrere:;##=Ac1erbauschulen and teacher-seminars= To ha**en for the 8uden:;##=im orient in di*lomatic (ay Fgl Heman/ &eschichte:;##=des of

 8e(ish *eo*le . C5B and follo(ing the bridge for the 2eh3ismus:;##=nach0rance ge(ordeo is/ in that the "ersian 8e(s/ deren:;##=Hau*tsit) Hamad3n is/in (hich sects of the 2eb3I have a 2undes:;<#=:;##=genossen in the Lght forthe tolerance o**osite the Islam of ge:;<#=:;##=funden/ as also the *oliticalreversal (as essentially *romoted by the numerous 8e(s/ (ho (ent throughdie:;##=Allian)schulen/ in the Tür1ei:;##=und in "ersia(c)  8üngstens:;##=.idney .*rague and Mia 2arney ?s have the *ro*aganda of

the 2eh3ise1te in England o . and follo(ing in the (ays led.he9it still stands in the Lrst beginnings/ other(ise 2ro(ne ie:;##=nicht (ouldhave left unmentioned(d) In &ermany/ a 2ehaiver- became in the year #$56 : ;##=einigungG

established/ after a ,entist the ne( theoso*hy4 'U7H most recent (riting from this circle mentions Montet a a ' < #$G A #+ ,r

7hevalier/ 7ommeüt *er GuiG devenn b.hai# ?"aris #$#5

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from America/ beateilt had brought and turned into the a*ostle at his9its *ilgrimagefrom 4A113 of l Abb3s Efendi for &ermany acb his9its communications *uts groLeho*es 4Abb3s Efendi on &ermany= in .chahausen/ one (ants a "ersian a*ostle in@tationieren ,ie.tuttgarter2eh3#Q %oin at the &erman-American branch of the sect

in her9its9their .chriften:;<#=vertrieb/ her9its9their leaders and in her9its9theiro*inion dea 2ehiiismus as a branch ,reyfus (ent on #$5@ from the .(abianorigin of the Tem*ler1olonie (ith a visit in .tuttgart in Haifa ?vgl also ,/ Essai. 6C 7omment #/ their ho*es itself in her9its9their neJt *roJimity in cA113 (ouldhave Llled Actually/ the Tem*ler get along the 2eh3l com*letely distant there?0urther to the business of the 2ehatFereinigung in .tuttgart vgl in my (riting/ that"ro:;<#=*aganda for Asian religions in the Nest . C<=/

?e/ from andern countries of the (est is only mentioned/ da:am*= &old)iher in2uda*est a 2eh34la*ostel ?Forl met S d Isl . <5C 4Abb3s Efendi 1no(s his9itssuccesses eu very s1illfully in the (est utili)es He9it is in the habit thefraterni)ation of the 'rient (ith the 'ccident the Allah of demonstrating evidentin the sign of the (ith by gathering his9its ?if necessary under contact at the7hristian communion and the End)eitverbeiungen of the 2ible *ilgrim-guestsharmoniously from the dierent religions and nations around the same table andsending the most devoted of his9its (estern a*ostles in the 'aten from time totime in order to ma1e similar fraterni)ation-Lles ?vgl *ossible for the localcommunities *articularly the re*orts of .*rague a a 5

Also/ in the 'rient/ the sect is on under 4Abd al 2eh3 It been able to handleUm:;<#=fang and Einuü as ?a counter*art to the s*read Lrst is her9its9theirmission in the Nest mentioned in India and 2urma Here/ her9its9theircommunities are at *laces/ (here the ground (as loosened already forher9it9them/ be it through the "arsismus ?2ombay or the cleared u* Reuislam?Aligarh of vgl Anh II/ or the neuhinduistische theoso*hy of the 2rahmo.am3dach/ Kal:;<#=1utta u < 5/ or the religion-miJture of the internationaltra`c ?2angoon/ vgl .*rague/ A _ear (ith the of 2aha4is in India and 2urma #$5@ The echo is remar1ably/ that the .end:;<#=boten of the 2eh3 Gl (ith the2uddhists in 2urma \Rangoon and Mandalay/ found Here/ icholson (as allo(edto besides the relationshi* of the *iety-ideal bet(een 2uddhism and .uLsmus/ thatare historically conditional at the same time/ A Historical Enquiry coaceming the'rigin and ,evelo*ment of .uLism of 8-K-A lyoti . <5< and follo(ing/ this of this*iety/ to heed es*ecially accessible tem*erament of the 2irmesen ?vgl/ Hac1mann/the southern 2uddhism and the >amais-mus/ #$5C/ is Ho( the 2eh3l1olonien areold in India/ is not obvious After ,f Essai . 6 go end-mash them9her9it-

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hung the 23bismua to India on 2eh34a times under the 23b bac1 and already/ anIndian dervish of the decoration of the ,3ghd3rl *lays under the name ,schen3b i2aslr as der Indian believersG a role ?H A** II . <@@ and follo(ing/ vgl(hether . <@ 6# He9it had been lured by the re*utation of the 23b from his9its

home and acted as a master in the süLschen ecstasy soon The Fer:;<#=bindungof the 23bl (ith India a**ears some of her9its9their (riting also in the Indian*ressures/ vgl . @< and is a ne( Illu:;<#=stration d *lan for the mentalconnection of both >ander/ that (as brought to the 2e(uLt-sein by the "ersian"rince ,3r3 .chi1üh ?f #C$ for the Theoso*bie by the 'berset)ung of theU*anischad on the ne( one Iran "hilol II/ . <CB The ism34llitische sect of the7bodschas *uts dar# a *rocess for %um*ing the 23bismus to India in 2ombay

4 The 7hodschas in 2ombay are the most im*ortant Reat of the ism3 today -4ilitischen ,ias*ora/ that is found in "ersia ?choir 3s at and the remainingIsl3mgebiet 2esides her9its9their mention (ith de .acy a a 5 >PIF vgl thecommunications the "reih v '**enheim/ from the Mediterranean to the "ersian golf2erlin #@$@ I/ . #<< 7omment %ust as &old)iher/ *reQ/ ü d lal . <CB Neer:;<#=(3hnen she9it here/ since at the same time she9it a nener recei*t of theinner Fer(andt:;<#=schaft of the 23biamus (ith the Ism34ilitentum aind _ou9theycall Im3ml Ism34m for itself and give to the Im3m in her9its9their res*ective 7han thedeity4s incarnate Emanation old you leads bac1 itself on an ism34ilitischen d34i by thename of [ adreddin/ that in a boo1 die #5 0lei oh (erdungenG 4Ali as him9it tenthbeside the $ avat3ras of the Fischnu described Her9its9their head leads the title Agha7b3n Her9its9their 7hane had her9its9their residence in former time in Khe1h in0ereien It (ill *ass ibnen of the su**orters (ith Va13tabgaben and *aid homage togifts _ou9they derive genealogical over a branch of the 03timidendynastie ?i)3r of 

Ism34il ,scha4fars son (ithout the sect (ould stic1 ?RMM FIII/ B$# to the.iebenersyitem of the inm34llitisehen Im3mlehre ,er *resent re*resentatives of thisdignity is one over rich means ver:;<#=fügender/ rather terrestrial/ of modernformation-ideas beseelter man/ (ho li1es to use his9its riches for big tri*s It issomething of the *rinci*les of the system hardly more/ that he9it has to re*resent/ athim9it to notice 0rom his9its (ealth/ he9it donates the modern culture-movementgenerously to the su**ort in the Indian Islam 'nly recently/ she9it elected universehim9it India Moslem >eague as her9its9their *resident He9it is a ?&old)iher conLdentsu**orter of the English reign in IndiaG His9its Forgangor Arn 7han is *ortrayed by'**enheim similarly He9it be a .ch(ieger:;<#=sohn of the shah from "ersia andhis9its father and grandfather governors of the *rovince Kirm3n ,ie 7hodschas are

little fanatical and (ithout any *olitical meaning/ against it good merchants and inforeign languages versed Recently/ lie settled in large number in Van)ibsr and in,eut2chostafri1a (here they have ?'**enheim a large *art of the commerce inhandsG In Van)ibar/ they built ?RMM II/ 6< an iam34ili-tUcbes Feraammlnn*hau2recently In 2ombay numbers the sect standardi)es on at least #5 555 souls after'**enheim

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?b In Tur1ey/ the sect is 1no(n *articularly in .yrien:;##=und Egy*t 7airo is aheadquarters \RMM 'ct#$5$ . <<$ Ho(ever/ 2eh3 and 4Abd al 2eh3 have theEhren:;<#=:;##=(ort not to drive any *ublic *ro*aganda into Tur1ey/das:;##=sie after the occurrences in Adriano*el of the gate

geben:;##=mu:am*=ten/ out(ardly geissentlich eingehalteti?c In "ersia/ the sect has under Mu)aer Eddin:;##= ?#@$#$56 the sym*athyof the yard/ to attain4 (ithout ho(ever Reli:;<#=:;##=gionsfreiheit in the country/*leases Mu)aer Eddin got als:;##=Kron*rin) an abhorrence of the23bimassacres und:;##=(3hrend of his9its last stay in "aris of a 2eh3GIde*utation:;##=versichert/ they (ould have a (arm *rotector ?, at him9it/2abisme:;##=. <@ Rasmussenaa'.<@@/ actually theAusschrei:;<#=:;##=tungen sto**ed against the 23bl in "ersia since #@$(here the Ermor:;<#=:;##=dung 3sir Eddins led her9it9them ?vgl toeiner:;##=ungerechten and in the Nest Aufseilen of eJcitingFerfolgung:;##=gegen through the anarchist Muhammed Ri)3 (hether . @

0irst the "ersian Revolution:;##=hat ne( riots against the 23bl ge)eitigt/ sinceclergy und:;##=Fol1 of the a**roval of the 2eh3l (ith the foreign thingsen*oliti1:;##=des shah NuLten and the *ledge of *ublicEinrichtungen:;##=(ie mail and tobacco-direction ouch the foreign countriesunder attitude aus:;<#=:;##=l3ndischer o`cials already in the summer #$5<to the occasion too1/ : ;##=gegen/ to demonstrate the 23bl Aber the shah/that for die:;##= Ideen of the 2eh3l (as (on/ und:;## 1ne( to assertitself9themselves= seine *olitics the freedom and the advance further toverfol:;<#=:;##=genG ?,T 2abisme #$5C . B5 The arenas of theMassacres:;##=(aren on the other hand Tabrl) and 8e)d ?Malcolm/ 0ive _earsin a "ersian:;##=To(n/ >ondon #$5C In the year #$5C/ they recurred

in:;##=grOerem sco*e for itself Also at that time/ most victims ?B55 felledin:;##=8e)d ?7h R #$5$ . C@ The share of the 2eh34I of the "ersian revolution of the summer #$5

and the "ersian civil (ar since #$5@ ?RMM ,ec  #$5/ . #$< and follo(ing/s (hether . it is com*licated nature E & 2ro(ne limits itself of #$5C#$5$G grade ?7ambridge #$#5 in his9its (or1 The "ersian revolution in#+ Attitüde of 2ah3Ts to(ards "ersian "oliticsG on it/ to *lace side by sidethree equally reliable information/ that conicts (ith itself ho(ever onlyschein:;<#=bar+ #/ the motto of the 4Abb3s Efendl/ itself the *olitics/ tocontain com*letely/ / the fact/ that led u* the 23bismus theKultur:;<#=be(egung in "ersia as1ed/ </ the royalist attitude of the 2eh34I

?Ad / actually the constitutional Fer means-4 Mu)aer Eddin enacted three times Edi1te in favor of the religion-freedom/

 %edasmal of this became ge)(angen lint-ace/ ho(ever/ to (ithdra( her9it9them ?TheMoh Norld of to day/ . ##$

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setting/ the "re and club-freedom/ the reorgani)ation of the Rechts:;<#=*ege/ the*olitical economy and the school system/ the recovery of the Fer-1ehrsverb3ltnisse andthe victory of the culture-movement at all/ as he9it sim*ly enters into theseachievements of the revolution into the Erschei:;<#=nung/ at the same time a victory of 

the long-time endeavors of the 2eh3 Gl/ as she9it 2eh3 Allah V 2 in the lauh i 43lam ?$(hether . #<B into the *rogram raised and as 2eh3 she9it the 23bismus afterrüc1:;<#=(3rts ?23b and on(ard f Abd al/ *articular is 2ut there is ?a d # the fact/daL the sect of 4Abb3s Efendi of the *artici*ation ouch is 1e*t bac1 the revolution andeven sat in *rotest to her It tending us in English/ &erman and 0rench translationletters of the 4Abb3s Efendi an the &ottesfreundeG in Teheran before from theLrst 8uly-(ee1 #$5/ therefore directly before outbrea1 of the Revolu:;<#=tion/and < aua the year #$56= 2ro(ne/ The "ers/ divides further such letters Rev .BC and follo(ing in the "ersian teJt and English Sber:;<#=set)ung (ith in (hich he9itma1es them the abstention of the *olitics/ therefore also the revolution/ to the strict duty?vgl also RMM a a 5 . 55 and the missionaries conLrm . the *olitical restraint of the 2eh3l ?MRN #$5$ 66C and follo(ing Ho(ever ?ad < the letters of #$5 ta1e theroyalist side simultaneously+ .eid sincere and obedient sub%ects of the royal Thronesand miJes you into the *olitics in no (ay 2lo(/ doesn4t recogni)e (ehel the "ersiansl'''mal this cro(ned Hau*tes the value and doesn4t leave him9it time/ voluntary andto give %ust la(s from *ure Nillen and to grant the belief and &e:;<#=(issensfreiheitG/RMM a a 5 . 55 ,a:am*= actually even no( cons*ires E Abb3s Efendi (ith theyard against the nationalists/ ho(ever/ and communicates di*lomacy (ith the Russianone and eng:;<#=lischen daL he9it his9its s*o1esmen in Teheran and Tabri) eJ*ressly/to ta1e the *arty of the #$5$ de*osed shah/ instructed dag the 2eh3l in 7airo inher9its9their daily meetings the revolutions and Entthro:;<#=nungen against "ersiaand in Tur1ey laments and the 2eh3t in >urist3n and in the old 23blstadt irl) ?vgl(hether . $ the 2ürger:;<#=1rieg against the "arlamentsstru**en quotes thatclaims everything not only her9its9their o**onents but ) 2 also Muhammed Hasan alK3)(fni/ that (ants faced the 2eh3t neutrally until then/ 7airo/ Moa%%ad of the @ and <Aug #$5$/ vgl RMM 'c> #$5$/ . <<$ He9it even (ants to 1no(/ daL of the leaders of the 2eh3l in Teheran/ Mufacbchar al Mul1/ that nationalists (ith the high clergydenounced to ed-boss as 2eh3l/ only about the Lght of the royalists bac1ed fromhim9it actually against the nation in her9its9their and the *eo*le4s eyes/ to give amoral su**ort 'ne understands face of so reLned o*erations

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a demonstration/ li1e aie the natio:;<#=nalistisch included in Tabri) minded *o*ulationorgani)ed/ in that she9it recited to tithe-end-ends of the roofs the acbLtische creed forhours in order to convince the besiegers/ da:am*= they no 23bi ?MRN 'ct are #$#5/ .6<5 The Richtig:;<#=1eit of those ne(s admittedly (ould be Lrst to be chec1ed/ but if 

at all Abb3s Efeiidi not merely such ne(s but the roya-listische fundamental attitudeof his9its sect as bare Ferd3chti:;<#=gung of the o**onents and s*eciLcally the E)ellhis9its total neutrality ?vgl re%ects and declares the mentioned letters he9it see1s tosolidify this through the b3bifeindlichen *roclamations of some leaders of the reaction/so one should not leave oneself irre:;<#=führen through it 0act is that the E)ell onmore nationalistic/ the 2eh34l against it on royalist side ?vgl stand &old)iher/ Forl üd Isl . <5 The royalist attitude of the 2eh34l has her9its9their outer and inner reasons The

outer reason has her9it9them in the clerical leadershi* and the Jeno*hobia of thenationalists and vice-versa the stranger-*olitics and the anticlericalism of thedynasty of the D3dsch3ren An alliance (ith the yard against the clergy suggestedalready Mulla Husein of 2uschrü%a to the minister 3sir Eddins/ s o . C6 and for itsimultaneously the *ositively common of her9its9their auf:;<#=ge1l3rten stranger-friendliness em*hasi)es 3sir Eddin and his9its minister could not decide on an alliance(ith the 23bi at that time Also ho(ever Mu)aer Eddin should not dare in vie( of thesolid hold/ that the schLtische clergy has in the "ersian *o*ulation/ to enter such analliance o*enly/ ho(ever/ it trans*orted in the secret one Therefore/ 4Abb3s Efendi didn4traise *ublicly s ob%ection against the (aste of the shah either/ that 2eh3 Allah hadcritici)ed (ith 3sir Eddin o . #5# and the Mu)aer Eddiu on the to* drove That (asconnected the luJury of the yard and the Miregierung of the country (ith theconnection of the .c>3hs (ith the (est/ ho(ever/ the measurement did vice-versa theJeno*hobia (ith the clergy full and so eJ*lains itself it/ that this sat do(n at the to* of the revolution .he9it Lrst came Lnd herself to the outbrea1 because of the economicneed/ that had brought the Mi:;<#=regierung of the shah over the country anddirected/ against the foreigners/ to (hom the country of the .cb3b delivered It/ thatthe *eo*le strengthened in his9its Jeno*hobia and quoted and that no( led the nativeculture-movement unintentionally to the victory/ (as the clergy above all Under thesecircumstances/ the *lace of the 23bi (as not on side of the ationa:;<#=listen but theroyalists ,reyfus gives a good illustration of these connections if he9it informs that it#$5 diG in 8uly

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2eh3l (ere in Teheran that the rebels esca*ed on the English &esandt:;<#=schaftdecided after the demonstrative de*arture of the clergy from Eum to tear do(nher9its9their 0orde:;<#=rungen the Jeno*hobic to* at the shah and the deLnite (ish of a constitution and rene(al of the ministry to *ut in front the redevelo*ment of the

country and his9its Lnances in the interest This simultaneously at King Eduard ma1esge:;<#=richtete telegram it ho(ever doubly li1ely/ dag here the 2eh3l a moment theleadershi* of the revolution in the hands had iRMM a a 5 . 5Band follo(ing .o/ itgets along the more easily/ daL the royalists in the clergy/ that the actual tendenciesof the clergy brought again to the (ord soon s*eciLcally the com*any Islamia in Tabrl)/ MRN #$#5/ . 6<5 -the nationalists could denounce as 23bl (ith such success'n the other hand/ the clerical too1 care of it on nationalistic side/ daL the ne(constitution her9its9their interests serves tnu and itself *ressed on that occasions*eciLcally against the religion-freedom Ty*e # decide/ daL the religion of the t(elveIm3me the state-religion/ that the shah has to confess and to eJtend/ is= Ty*e / daLthe national-meeting (ith hel* of the t(elfth Im3m is established and a most u**erauthority of C Mudschtahid in it too a(a1e as1ed that b her9its9their la(s as far as tohis9its Nieder:;<#=1unft against them9her9it not >a(s of the Islam and the Im3mever:;<#=stoen ?MRN #$#5 . 6$= Ty*e </ daL (omen and *eo*le/ (ho are 1no(nfor it/ to have corru*t belief-o*inions this sees directed icola s*eciLcally against the2eh3l and E)ell/ from the right to vote im*ossible is/ RMM ,ec #$5/ . $$ u 5 Thehate and the contem*t/ (ith (hich the clergy *unishes the 2eb3t and E)ell/ die socra)y/ to imagine itself9themselves/ is/ a human being could be &odG/ . comes not onlyon the *ul*it to the eJ*ression ?RMM #$56 <#5/ but also in the *ress ?RMM #$5@ .@B6 and follo(ing There the revolt of the 23b is called in memory and his9its death is*raised as *enalty of the heaven and is driven o+ Und hardly (as he9it dead/ roseinto only t(o brothers so that resembles t(o demons in ihrer of inebriated violenceand Fer:;<#=1Or*erungen of the godlessness and heresy/ that nefariousness andUngerechtig1eit are/ and girt itself to the *rotection of the devil and )um (aste of the *eo*le The one ,ie,er of the devil lives on 7y*ern/ der is other the deceased &odof 4A113/ that o*ened a Kram-laden there/ about the credulous and (ea1 tobe:;<#=trügenG ,aL the leader of the reactionary .hei1 0adl Allah also in only inM3)ander3n loose-beat/ this Er:;<#=innerungen ?Habl ul Matln of the # evo1ed 8an#$5@ The inner reason of the royalistischenHaltung of the 2eh34l is in her9its9their

*rinci*al refusal of the Revolu-

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tion as such/ as (ell as the re*ublican thought of the *articular one Nesa(/ da81 2eh3 Allah (ith gro:am*=em em*hasis not only the *oliticalMahdiideal at all but mar1s every armed resistance as an aberration and theloyalty lifts in *rinci*le and ma1es a *rinci*le of his9its sect against the

government 4Abb3s Efendl continued on this ban He9it as1ed in a boo1 2rief about the *oliticsG/ ris3lei si%3si%e #@$< vgl ,/ Easai . @6 and follo(ingnach:;<#=)u(eisen/ da:am*/ tried= remained behind the develo*ment of the

 Tur1ey and "ersiena only because of the ha*less Kle-rifealismua and his9its*olitical ace-*irate-ions so far behind that of the (est in the last centuries andconcludes the absolute divorce from religion and *olitics and in the conteJt of itfrom it religion-freedom and brea1 in the staats1irchlicheu *rinci*le The same*rogram laLt he9it in T ## and follo(ing decisive .taats:;<#=m3nner in"ersia already to the su**ort of the *lea 2eh34s about tolerance for him9it andhis9its sect in the year #@$ ?s o . #5< at the yard develo* 3sir Eddlns Ashe9it 1ee*s bac1 his9its sect in this sense of the revolution/ (e sa( aboveAnderer:;<#=seits also is the monarchic motto/ that he9it *asses outsimultaneously/ dee*ly %ustiLed in the 2eh3ismus In the missive to the 1ings/2eh3 called her9it9them Re:;<#=*r3sentanten of the deity in the old "ersianmanner on Earth/ s o . #5# A # and he9it committed himself to the ideal of the constitutional monarchy in the Kit3b a1das and in the lauh i 43lam/ s o .##$ #<B and 4Abb3s Efendl follo(s him9it (ith 2e(u:am*=taein here _es the#$5< in 7airo a**earedG history of the 2abismus ?Mift3h b3b al ab(3b of theMir)3 MahdQ Kb3o a *olemic (or1 (ith good In:;<#=formationen/ vgl 2r #$5$/. <5@ it *roves from the Kit3b a1das/ da3 2eb3 Alf3h the absoiute granting of civil 0rei:;<#=heit d h the re*ublic ?RMM 'ct discards #$5$/ . <<$^ Necome ge:;<#=bundenen religion dogmatically u*on the contrast of this to thefree a**earance of her9its9their ideas/ that (e have already in the reluctance of the 23bl at the .üLsmus (ahr:;<#=genommen/ here on the other hand The2eh3# (ere allo(ed to in the last reasonQ the gegen:;<#=(3rtigen revolution in"ersia %ust therefore goes against/ because she9it (as removed her9its9their*ro*het and her9its9their matter over the head Nithout the obedience againstthe Im3tn Mahdl in his9its s*iritual a**earance to 2eh3 Allah/ all the good (or1is useless

4 Kit3b atdaa o @B G+ Nir see/ (ant da some *eo*le the freedom anditself her9its9their gloriLes _ou9they are in a**arent error The freedom drivesconfusion/ (hose 0ener doesn4t go out/ in her9its9their consequences of srar It

is Nisset/ daü origin and a**earance of the freedom in the animal The humanbeing measured under la(s standsG u a/ and follo(ing ?vgl &oitl)iher/ Forl ü dIsl . <5

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and re*rehensibly in fact ever near it clen o(n intentions stands/ the more Thedemocracy is her9its9their nature after a theocracy as she9it (ants the 2eh3ismus/ %ust asantithetically as the gescbichtslose Mysti1# The credit of the 2eh34i in "ersia declined therefore at the moment sooner/ as

climbed In vie( of the distress of the country of sides of the Russians and Englishmen/that al(ays becomes unertr3g:;<#=licher since the agreement of the t(o *o(ers inthe year #$56/ it must Lnd the country a high treason/ if di*lomatically 4Abb3s Efendl(ith the foreign ministries and the agent of these *o(ers ver:;<#=1ehrt ?RMM 'ctthemselves in "ersia from 4A113 from #$5$/ . <B5/ in that he9it holds on to the*hantom to *ersuade aie to the relinquishment of the *o(er-*olitics and to an unselLshsu**ort of the orien:;<#=talischen culture-movement in the sense of thebeh3iatischen religion 'n the other hand/ the victory of the revolution hasdieNeissagung of the 4Abb3s Efendl/ that the .hah Mehmed 4Ali ?#$ 8an #$56 : am*=. *ro*hesied 8uly #$5$/ a long one and glüc1:;<#=liche government ?MRN #$#5 6<5/&e:;<#=straft (ould lie The li1elihood (as allo(ed to so/ *ush through da the 2eh34iitself in "ersia and at the rudder come her9its9their tolerance gegen:;<#=über inintolerance the 7hristianity and 8e(ry against the Muhammedaner/ has turned overso:;<#=(ie s*eciLcally against di2 .Lft/ .eheichl and E)elt/ against the clergy/ actuallymore inferior is/ as she9it ?"hel*s . themselves P/ and as 2ro(ne ?ib . P/ PIP/ 2r#$5$/ . <56/ the Euro*ean di*lomacy ?"hel*s . P/ and the "ersian re*orter of this of  Time ?#@ March #$5$/ vgl 7hR #$5$/ . <#< to assume inclined is _ou9they is all itself united over it/ (ould go daL this not (ithout a bloody religion-(ar before itself and2ro(ne has his9its original o*inion/ daL the victory of the 23bi to the (elfare of "eraiens(ould 1ic1 altered ?"hel*s PIP/ 2r #$5$/ . <56+ It is of necessary certain to the*resent (riter/ that their trium*h over Islam in "ersia (ould ultimately conduce to the(elfare of that diatracted landsG The (hole consideration *resu**oses an overestimationof the Vabl and the inuence4s dei 2eh34i in "ersia Her9its9their number is not to becertainly determined since the *rohibition of the sect in the country still forcesher9it9them imnier to the Ketm3n Ho(ever/ she9it herself9itself has an interest in it toboast as large as *ossible numbers/ since a s(ift and eJtensive s*read of a ne( religionaccording to b3bistischer teachings about the characteristics her9its9their

'f course Gohliet this not ouchG/ daL 4Abb3s Efendi a(ay-drives/ sinceG thereKnlturbe(egnng liberal *rogram of 2eines of father in the sense and/ to re*resent inthe name of the religion An es*ecially clear oneQ EJam*le hie-für is his9its demand of the Fereinifreiheit be)( - invitation to the Asso:;<#=)iation in all areas ?lauh fromthe B 8uly #M2 at rose-mountain a a ' $ @@

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2elongs to truth and the signs of her9its9their *ro*het/ ho( again %üngstens 4Abb3a Efendl?lee she9it $ for 2eh3 current did .ince the 2eh3ismus demands as unit-religion of no formal not going over ?"hel*s . #</ rechneb he9it everyone/ that *ossessesinterest for his9its 2estre:;<#=bungen/ to the his The American "resbyterian-missionary 8ordan in orth-"ersia (rites+ ,ie 2eh3QG has the number of her9its9their su**orters so

eJaggerated/ dafe them nachgesagt becomes/ they calculate everyone as converts/ (hoaddress her9it9them on der street .o/ they have also t(o of our missionariesmitge)3hltG ?Moh (orld of to-day . #<5 _ou9they themselves deem yourself until onthe *o*ulation4s "ersia half one/ that is estimated on < to #5 million in "ersia (ith theabsence of a census Ho(ever/ "hel*s ?. eJ*lains this itself PPPIF comment for aneJaggeration and es*ecially terribly the Kede ameri:;<#=1anischer 2eh3l of a totalnumber of $ million ?Mind is 0ebr #$5C/ vgl Rasmussen a a 5 . <@C .eibather9its9their estimate on F4 the *o*ulation/ < Mill according to rose-mountain a a 5 .<# and Rev Isaac Adam/ becomes from &old)iher ?Forl ü d Isl . <5B as anabsurdity vie(s "ersians estimate the 2eh3t in her9its9their country on l'Fo W # Mill?Time a a 5 and one hears also this Valil about 2eh3l ?Moh itself occasionally

Norld of to-day . ##C American missionaries claim on the other hand that it is only55555 ?W G9o= Moh Norld of to-day . #<5/ during &old:;<#=)iher ?Rel d Isl .#$ estimate+ Ho(ever/ Es are at least 55555 23bl distracted over "ersia and otherIsl3ml3nder As (ell/ the statements about the most im*ortant communities uctuate In Teheran/ there is after ,reyfus ?KMM ,ec #$5t:gt=/ . 5< <5 555 2eh3l/ to 8ordan only#5-#C555/ a a ' . #<5 In Tabn)/ the strongly rising one and several hundredthousand inhabitants of counting city ord(est*ersiens/ he9it counts resident there,r Nilson only <55 23bi of old and ne( 'bservan) together ?MRN #$#5 . 6<5.outh-"ersia is stronger occu*ied at them any(ay/ s o Is after 2ro(ne ?"hel*s .after all P/ note on reason of his9its tra`c (ith the 2eh3t in 7airo in the year #$5</her9its9their number and her9its9their inuence gro(n still again strongly in "ersia

under 4Abd al 2eb3 The facts meet (ith it/ dag her9its9their relationshi* to themissionaries reserved became/ gem3L of an instruction of the 4Abb3s Efendl of the year#$5 vgl Moh Norld of to-day . #<5 and daL she9it recently from the Ulem3s moresincerely than earlier literary is fought 2ro(ne mentions at ne(er *olemic (riting ?2r#$5$/ . <5@ besides him9it already er:;<#=(3hnten Mift3h b3b al ab(3b ?s o .#C6 the ?some Mudschta-hid in Kerbel3 and ed-boss dedicated Minh3dscbu4tt3übüi #Craddi4l b3bi%%a of the Husein slave/ a to gone over 7hristians4 Islam ?#$5= lituogr in2nmbay/ and the Radschnm4sch-srha%tAn L

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rad34ili4l-ba%an ?.teinigimg because of the devil the lac1 of the 2a%3n of the I83ddschl4Abdu4r Rahlm ?a**roJimately simultaneously/ (ithout 'rts:;<#=angabe

III. 'bb%ts 8%end% and the teachings o% the sect.i The (riting of the 4Abb3s Efendl are in "ersian language/ but (ith one the

23bismus of o(n Arabismus in style and vocabulary (ritten _ou9they dra( aua ?T for

itself through a *recision rare in the "ersian literature P>FI Auller the ma13la ischachsi sa%%3h ?s ' - . < u . 6 and the ris3lei si%3sl%e ?s o . #C6 let4s *ossesshis9its muf3-(ad3t ?s since #$5@ o . and follo(ing^/ this itself at the same time(ith the teaching-lectures at "hel*s covers _ou9they give com*lete enlightenment overit ho( very much the theoso*hical system of the 4Abb3s Efendl agrees (ith theurb3bistischen as an ueu*latonischen It therefore is allo(ed to the insurance of the2eh3l/ da:am*= it at the same time the system of the 2eh3 Allah re*resents ?"hel*sP>/ (ithout further beliefs given (erden And if 2eh3 Ai 9 3d the theology in the23bismus carefully behind his9its *ractical ideals *ut bac1/ quite also meets 4Abb3s Efendl(ith him9it here so and is to be considered moreover/ da:am*= him9it these theologicalim*lementations in form of after-dinner s*eeches through his9its (estern friends

ab:;<#=gelauscht/ maintaining his9its s*ontaneous rallies/ became that so-called al(3h/com*letely the line : lt=3er of fatherly TafelnG *ause and itself in liturgical and*ractically oriented im*lementations er:;<#=gehen Immerbin has he9it (ith theartiLcial restraint of the theological *ro*erty of the sect here as she9it (as observed by2eh3 Allah and (as maintained also by him9it since then even/ ge:;<#=brochen/ andthrough "hel*s and MiL 2arney the inside of the 2eh3ismus/ the b3bistische theoso*hy/eJ*lained o*enly After the danger of the sect/ itself in the Religions*hiloso*hischen tover:;<#=lieren/ through 2eh34s4s energetic Hervor1ehrung of her9its9their *racticaltendencies of overcoming is/ this could ha**en (ithout damage 'n the length/ ho(ever/the sect cannot neglect the care of her9its9their original theoso*hical interests if she9it(ants to claim her9its9their *lace in the history dierently The Muf3(ad3t are the

*ointed source to the Eruierung of the teachings of the 23bl-2eh3i consequently Theboo1 sho(s @ teaching-lectures/ that are brought to under C *arts by MiL 2arney+ I The 2olle of the *ro*hets in the man1ind4s develo*ment/ o ##C= II Er:;<#=1l3rung of some 7hristian teaching-*oints/ o #<= III The strengths and the nature of &od4sdemonstrations/ o <BC= IF The human being/ his9its origin/ his9its strengths andhis9its regulation/ o B until 6<= F .undries questions side-issues and *rice-questionsin the system/ o 6B-@<

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The theology of des4Abb3s Efendl needs after our develo*ment of themain-teachings of the 23bismua ?a o 0irst *art/ not to Lnd out any o(ninterrelated re*resentation at itself Ho(ever/ the main *oints should beaccentuated *rovided they (iden our *revious 1no(ledge dea of theoso*hical

system of the 23blse1te and his limitedness (ithout tone *urely süLsch-neu*l?s o . u <and follo(ing conLrm

?a/ &od4s relationshi* to the Nelt#/ a Ferh3ltnia of the Emanation isdescribed on the (hole line Ala in the dierence of that of theManifestationG Under ManifestationG/ the *ure re*resentation of the&ottlichen becomes in this conteJt in the (orld/ be it no( the *ur*ose of thevulgar *antheism/ that intently a hulul ?in-a*artment god in the (orld/ in thehuman being and increased in the *ro*het/ teaches/ or in the sense of theesoteric *antheism/ that on the other hand the (orld and in it eJcellently thehuman soul ?s*irit and the *ro*het into absolute unit ?ittihad (ith &od *lacesAs already the 23b had done it/ this re*roach is made for the .üLsmus ?leeo @#+ 'ver the *antheism/ (hile on that occasion is only about theEr:;<#=neuerung of a *rotest/ that already the classic .uLs-mus raised/ s o .B#and follo(ing The dierence of the Fer:;<#=h3ltnisbestimmung god to the(orld as Emanation ?o becomes C< decides so+ im tree manifests itself thegerm/ his9its Nir1lich:;<#=1eit is integrated in it/ ste*s in it into thea**earanceG There/ a nature-connection and a change therefore are 'verboth/ ho(ever/ &od is eJalted to the (orld in the Ferh3ltnia He9it is beforeher9its9their and (ithout her9it9them there/ com*letely inde*endently from herand even invariable The teachings of the esoteric *antheism that theintelligible (orld eJists in &od as ob%ect of his9its 1no(ledge from eternity andnecessarily oends &od4s holiness ho( they recogni)e the *ro*hets in thedierence of the .ü teaches/ o @? &od is called the unit (ith both/ butthose gras* the same eJclusively/ this in1lusiv/ those in absolutetranscendence/ these as immanence The theism should be maintained TheEmanation is loo1ed at in the *icture of the radiation of the sunlight/ (ith (hatis assumed/ that the sun doesn4t communicate anything of her9its9theirsubstance in it and emanieren l3:am*=t ?o only her9its9their attributes @#Also the analogy of *ersonal a**ear is found beside it+ the (orld/ thatMenschen:;<#=seele/ the *ro*het emaniert from &od/ as the (ord from thes*ea1er/ the (riting from the (riter/ the (or1 from the creator ?o CB Ittherefore is (orth the same from this teachings/ (hich

A *articular one eJists tract/ the 4Abb3s Efendi/ about this a commentary aboutthe hftdith+ Ich (as a hidden treasureG etc ?vgl (hether . #@#/ 2r #@$/ . B<@u A _ear a the "era . 56Romans Here 2.hI-2 Ghi4T ##

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Veller ?&esch d griech "hil 7omings . B@f -/ vgl . C5and follo(ing Tom ne( ittells *latonic system that es is not any Emanationssystem strictly s*ea1ing since onlya dynamic Mit:;<#=teilung of the deity claims it at the Lnal/ that eJcludes sub-staotielle on the other hand in *rinci*leG Ne therefore have also no gnostische

chain of mythological Emanations-gr',en but only a cosmic EmanationsgrOe/ theUr(illen ?o </ vgl (hether . and follo(ing/ on them9her9it the cosmos after thegraduation the nature-rich of the divine/ human/ animal/ vegetable and mineral life andthe she9it every time be:;<#=dingenden s*irit ?o </ vgl (hether . 32t, iscovered. The system is strictly hiebei s*iritualistically Es is the s*irit/ that builds itself the bodyG The more dee*ly it goes in into the material/ the bigger theEmanationsentfernung of &od becomes Man nennt the creation the descending bo(and the Ent(ic1:;<#=lung/ identical (ith the return vgl (hether . << theaufsteigen-den# &oes do(n the descending one until the materiality/ theauf-steigende until the *ure s*irituality u*(ardG/ r @5/ . <@ The ,emiurg is the*ure s*irit .o/ also the classic .üLsmus distinguishes Lrst creature and (orld-creatorsstrictly bet(een dem4s incom*arable creatorsG and seinem/ that Lrst and last s*iritGand teaches (ith em*hasis that not the soul Lrst-reindeer in this but only in the moreLnal ?vgl comes bac1 a ,sch3mfs symbolic Mesnevi .al3m3O and Abs3l/ (ith ro*e/essays on Islam ./ <@ and follo(ing The A1osmismua this Emanations-gedan1ensbecomes deut:;<#=lich in the debasement of the matter at Lrst .he9it is not aninde*endent *rinci*le of the evil= this s*3t:;<#=*ersische dualism/ as he9it hascommand of the Manichaeanism and as seems to have *ic1ed u* him9it 4Abdallah intothe ism34llitische system/ de .acy a a 5 . 7P>IPt/ be available in the 23bismusno(here/ vgl &obineau . <#@ If the t(o (orlds of the intelligibelu and the materialbeing are rather distinguished li1e in the Z üLsmus/ the matter dar1ness and the s*iritlight beiLt/ this &ege,sat) is gras*ed as a relative one as it ha**ens in the &ree1*hiloso*hy/ from (hich this theoso*hy comes The im*erfection of the matter faces thes*irit4s thoroughness .he9it is a cre*i%otf and a *t dv %ust in relationshi* on thehigher mental Each lo( ste* of the Emanations(elt is a nothingness/ until u* to theUr(illen/ o**osite the higher/ that not only for the (orld/ ho(ever/ for &od reality hasIn this relative one - senses is the (orld as a necessary radiation of the Ur(illenseternally/

4 Fgl the eüLscheo t t if i came oniül/ i che(sG fn4ud ?ro*e Ea2ays on I GUri . #<= Hr/A _ear a the *er . #<6/ (here . #<@ the names of this6 Norlds iler Emanatioa a \?teiiihrt lind

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but (ithout reality before &od/ (hat 4Abb3s Efendf distinguished from the ge-(Ohnlichen A1osmismns of the *hiloso*hers (ants to 1no(/ o 6@ u 6$ At *lace of the tem*oral "r3eJisten) of the &ott:;<#=heit in the (orld/ the merely logical one of the factual 2edingt:;<#=heit ?o ste*s 6$/ a dierentiation/ that can on the school/Avicenna declines/ vgl already (hether . #<# Every(here/ the idea of the

>ichtemanation is decisive >i1e to the last deity/ the (orld is not also to the ,eminrgenin the *ro*ortion of the ?hulül and ittih3d causing demonstration but the Emanation/that the cosmic s*irit his9its relative inde*endence o**osite the (orld/ that maintainssoul and the *ro*hetic s*irit _ou9they is all only more or less com*lete reections of the logo ?o C5 The name of the *ro*hets as demonstrations ?ma)har eig is in thissense A**earance-*lace/ vgl (hether . #5$ A # &od4s indignation/ to understand/and from him9it a moment ago be:;<#=s*rochenen conce*t the demonstration of thedierence of Ema:;<#=nation/ to *robably distinguish

?b/ the nature-teachings of the Arabic "eri*ateti1er and *er:;<#=sischen .ü/ asshe9it s*lits the 23bismus/ s o . < (isely 4Abb3s Efendi in s1illful manner (ith the(estern science/ to eJ*lain s*eciLcally the develo*ment-teachings and

,es:;<#=)enden)theorie The (orld is eternal and the earth a *lanet/ on (hich thelife is millions of years old/ (hich at the same time tr the teachings of the*eriodic return of all things the natiirgeschinhtlicbftn bac1ground vgl (hether .C# A # hands over/ o B# The life on the earth (as not there from the beginning andall at once/ but it develo*ed in ste*s The atoms of the elements are her9its9theirnaturgeaetsUcti of ta1ing *lace Vu-sammenordnung does *redis*osed This is the ty*e asthe 1os:;<#=mische s*irit (or1s in them In the mineral/ he9it then (or1s as attractionand Re-*ulsion/ on the neJt ste* as organic life/ as ani:;<#=malisches and Lnally asmental/ that is certain to be risen into the übergeistige Naa itself develo*s/ the *hysicalsubstratum is not/ that rather from the beginning vor:;<#=liegt/ that only ever develo*sinto higher Foll:;<#=1ommenheit (ithin the o(n ty*e/ in his9its dierent s*ecies but the

cosmic s*irit/ as (hose creation is to be thought the formation of the ty*es every timeEa doesn4t give natural transitions from a ty*e to the andern/ o BB$ It retainsitself the observation here as it/ the nature-teachings of the Arabic "eri*ateti1er/ isver:;<#=1ehrt as ) she9it 2 - still (ith the Ich(3ri al safa/ to mar1 as an 'riental,ar(inismus ?vgl/ a**ears de 2oer a a 5 . @and follo(ing 2e:;<#=achtens(ert isthe security/ to (hich 4Abb3s Efendi gives serious thought (ith the ,ar(inismus/ alsoo**osite the 1riti1:;<#=losen Interest/ that him9it the modernism in the Islam at others

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 To *laces ?vgl/ it brings ) 2 RMM #$5$/ noteboo1 #5/ . <<and follo(ing,a:am*= 4Abb3s the ,ar(inismus studied/ his9its eJact 1no(ledge of 2e(eisen of certain Euro*ean *hiloso*hers sho(s for the ,es)enden)theorie?Kr/ B$G/

?it is described c/ the nature and the regulation of the human beingeJactly so/ as &uyard/ a/ (e it (ith the Ism34iliten ?vgl a 5^/ the ArabicAristoteli1em ?vgl &old)iher/ that "hil d I2> A a 5 and the .üL/ icholsonand NhinLeld a a 5 *er Einl as >nds the neuplatonische theory. The humanbeing is a doubles-nature ?o $ His9its material nature/ in (hich the.Lndenfall of the s*irit ?Adam and the soul ?Eva ha**ened into the em*ire of the matter/ is from belo(/ a heritage of Adam/ o <5 His9its e*irituellenature is from above/ a ray from &od and as reeJ of the cosmic s*irit/ *ures*irit (ithout individual Nir1lich1eit#/ ?o #+ ,as relationshi* of s*irit andbody ist li1e this of the sun and the mirror The s*irit is der &üte of thethoroughnessG ?d a ray (. &od4s logo/ the ran der sun of the truth from intothe hearts falls The mensch-licbe s*irit is not in the body/ because he9it isfree and *urely vou allem eJit and entrance/ that the nature of the materialaus:;<#=machtG/ vgl to it (hether . B# and the ism34ilitische *arallel s o. B$ A # As a general vgl the neu*latonische Nelt:;<#=seele/ she9it sievesin *vp i PoyiJt% and t*va(r^ auseinanderiegt/ as she9it *erforms as dsch3n i1ull in the "ersian Islam and *laces itself (ith the Arabic Aristoteli1ero asactive intellect beside the ange:;<#=eigneten intellect the soul arranges thebody/ in (hich she9it doesn4t live/ but only eJ*oses this her9it9them/ his9its lifeand his9its .chOnheitG/ as (ell as in in fact li1e mental and hiebei s*eciLcallymoral and religious sense There are therefore no individual immortality of thesoul but only a general one This in the body as a cage and *rison the deathlongs to return ge:;<#=fangene s*irit according to the cosmic s*irit/ (hoseend-radiation is he9it/ and means his9its liberation ?o R-4, 'he proof of thenster%lich+3-(eit of the soul @No.4 %ecome in this sense 5and follo(ingled

?d/ the deliverance from the individual being into the absolute one is theactual ob%ect of the teachings .he9it determines herself ob%ectively asreturn in &od ?vgl (hether . ?<</ sub%ectively as unio mystica (ith him9itunder Abstreifung of all relations as (ell as the Ne8t as the o(n one I ?self-destruction fan3/ cleaning of the deLlement of the heart through the matter/s*iritual Aufer:;<#=stehung/ ba13 vgl/ (hether . << A # It is the humanbeing of this free to it

At this *oint of falling eiue relationshi* (ith the .3t*1hy G- "hilo:;<#=so*hie intothe loo1s/ voq of the "lotin de*endent is su**osed to have/ vgl Rieh .heaf/

 The .nm1hrn-"bilosv*hie >ei*)ig I.Si/

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Nill/ that is together-thought (ith the (or1ing &od as a merely formal one/ giveno 65 In the &eist of the belief and the thoroughnessG or himmlischen s*iritG/that stand bet(een the human one and the reingüttlichen or sacred s*irit/ o</ carry out the connection (ith the &Ott:;<#=lichen/ that is solution of the

desires and conceits of the material (orld after her9its9their negative side/ foritself Nith the severe ma%ority of *eo*le/ she9it doesn4t come about _ou9they liveand ver:;<#=gehen in the sensual and never becomes for itself a higher &eistig-1eifc be(uLt ?"hel*s . #B And also (ith this to bearers of the&eiatesent(ic1lung 2erufenen gives ste*s it in her9its9their s*irit4s agreement (iththe absolute s*irit The highest ste* is that of the com*lete/ (o a "etsOnlich1eitof fully divine Neis-heit and this all *ervasive dint of the ?cosmic s*irit entsteht/that recogni)es itself even as a *art of the absolute and is hienieden schoneJalted over area and timeG/ "hel*s . #C The human s*irit reaches this ste* inthe *ro*het/ in (hom the cosmic s*irit4s self-develo*ment *uts the s*ecies of thedivine on the ladder of the Emanation in the return Ho(ever/ the *ro*het is as*ecies for itself bet(een that of the ordinary human being and this of &od These < s*ecies ?o / bet(een those a transition im*ossible is and thattouches itself only in her9its9their to*s/ stands (ith the < (orlds of the natural/ theUrbüdlichen in the Ur(illeu ?(orld of the em*ire or the 1indliness and the lastdivine in unison ?o @#/ . <$@/ vgl the same < (orlds near the Ism34iliten and.uL s o . A # The *ro*het is still integrated immediately his9its death intothe deity/ vgl &obineau . <C/ The same is valid from the .eelen#redeemedG through his9its mediation of roll1ommen/ (hile the human2e(utseia/ overshado(ed by the cosmic s*irit or the soul only im*erfectly/admittedly becomes more or less clearly conscious for his9itsUnvoll1ommenbeiten on the lo( ste*s/ doesn4t cast o su`ciently/ ho(ever/she9it and therefore further-eJists in the other(orldly (orld/ until it is *uriLedfully The .eelen:;<#=(anderung is re%ected on that occasion (ith all thedesirable determination ?o @52 ot even on other stars as the earth *laysthis *uriLcation of the souls for itself from but in &od4s %ust as innumerablegeiatlichen (orlds ?. <@@/ only voll:;<#=)ieht she9it itself there no more byvirtue of o(n eort but

The *arallel to the Indian deliverance-teachings ?*arinirv3na/ vg> "ischel/ livesnnd teachings of the 2uddha . 6

G If 4bb3s Efendi re%ects the .eelen(andernng (ith eJ*ress &egen:;<#=sat) againstthe ,ru)e and o22irl/ ao may eJ*lain aaa of the local Kach:;<#=barschaft of these

sects in .yria to this itself Any(ay/ this 2e)ug:;<#=nahme stands on older sects inher9it/ 23blliteratur confessed us alone there

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from mercy-oering/ (ith (hat an EinuL is admitted the intercession and the good(or1s of the survivor and the saint and *ro*hets on the fate of these annen souls/ o and follo(ing

?e/ also the salvation-(ay quite is NhinLeld that of the neu*latonischen schools and

cham*agnes of the Islam/ (here the height-(ay of the system/ the ecstasy ?h3l andra*ture ?dau1 as a h3retischer a**ears only unla(fully and on the side to ge*üegt/ aa ' PPFII/ and as Er:;<#=1enntnis and more devout storyG/ the civil virtue and thedianoetiache virtue/ maintain the usual one the (ay of der is valid .te*s already inthe neu*lato-niachea system of the HUh(eg 3er vie( of the beautiful to it/ (o:;<#=beiunder beauty the screening of the ideal substantially-ness of the s*irit4s sensualmanifestation d h through the matter ?vgl/ it is understood ,ia*er-band/ &eschd "hil . 5< .he9it gets the a**earance ?s after the system *articularly in the*hiloso*her as the Foll1ommenenG o . #< The *ro*het ste*s in the 23bismusat the *lace of the *hiloso*her/ as s that the case is already in the esoteric *artof the ism34ilitischen system o . B$ Therefore/ 2eh3 Allah is called blessedbeautyG or thoroughness ?o (ith 4Abb3a Efendl die $ vgl o . #< #B# As23bismus ?s in the site-reindeer o . ##5 7omment # intact-necessarily also isthe 1no(ledge of the *ro*het and the 1ontem*lative love of him9it here/ thatcontain the absolute obedience against him9it at the same time/ o @< All the1no(ledge and allea is good (or1 (ithout her9it9them (orthless Is referred bac1on the 2e:;<#=stimmung of the 23b *ic1ed u* by 2eh3 as illustration to thisthat the heirs the dead *erson a certiLcate of his9its belief in the nu1ta be)(him9it one %u)hiruhuü:am*=h/ his9its love of him9it/ as (ell as his9its virtuous lifeissues and until on the day of the "arusie ?he9it should store #@@$/ . $$# The vie( of the divine of the *ro*het and the devotion to(ards him9itG^ ishe9it

The relationshi* of the religious devotion/ that the .ünamus &od gives the soulftla of the Mr nd 0reund/ on historical si)es has her9its9their *rocess in the divine*restige/ you the shei1 of the dervish-decoration ge:;<#=niet ?a o . #< 7overedon übergeschichtliche si)es/ she9it has the ent:;<#=scheidenden *rocess in theschi4itiachen Ira3mverehrung - you has her9its9their *arallel Tie1 in India a at thebha1ti ?2hagavad-git3 and other(ise/ that is eJ*lained ?s*eciLcally Krischna asavat3ra of the deity as Ergebenheit against the HertaG a ' 3. /

4 Fgl the idea of the Aveata/ di each believer at leg-in 2e:;<#=1enntnis an angel?0ravaschi/ (ho guards him9it against the demons/ has/ him9it to the bliss hel*s andhim9it beyond ber &srichtabriic1e (ith the (ords comes+ Ich is your o(n confession -

universe has you because of your si)e/ 1indliness and beauty/ your smellG and your.ieger1ruft ge:;<#=liebt/ because you loved me because of my beauty/ &rOa

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Heart-*oint of the system the 4Abb3s4s Efendl sogut li1e the mystic *roclamation of the 23b and this from him9it (ach:;<#=gerufenen of religious movement 4Abbüsoriginates from the necessity of the so understood *ro*hets in his9its For:;<#=tr3genfor the &otteser1enntnia as the secret *o(er over everything/ o < and 2ro(ne

reaches to the result+ ,aa Nesentliche at the Religion of a 23bl or 2eh3QG if aborderless Ergeben-heit is against üie *erson of the demonstration and a dee*belief/ da : am*= she9it divinely and other nature Ala all other natures seiG ?2r #$5$/. <5 &e(iLheit vgl o . @< 7omment # comes according to the teachings of the4Abb3s Efendi ?o @ neither through the senses still through the reason still throughsacred tradition )n stand but only through them9her9it she9it all the conLrmingins*iration of rare of the logo and his9its demonstration He9it arranges the reali)ationby virtue of his9its immediate 1no(ledge (ith the &otteser1enntnis )u-gleich thefar/ der hidden reality of all thingsG ?o @< Here/ the occult element starts/ in thatslide secret science of the *ro*het ?o 6# him9it to the master of all sciences and tothe legislator on all the >ebensge:;<#=bieten ?vgl does o . <##B .ubsequently

there is not any >ebens:;<#=gebiet (here the obedience (ould not be *ro*hets deamost u**er duty against the reali)ations and la(s

As materiales *rinci*le of the deliverance occurs mittelst of the Er-leuchtungdurchden *ro*hets the love >ove \4isch1/ is here/ as in the .üLsmus ?vglNhinLeld/ a a 5 Introd/ as the nature of the *ure s*irit ?"hel*s . ##B#<. ##$ atthe same time the strength/ that holds the (orld in %oints The name of the divine as lovein the cosmic sense masters as (ell/ li1e (hich the light/ all 2e)%ehungsaussagen of thereligion in the 23bismus %ust as li1e in the .üLsmu$/ the logos is described as love ?vgl o. B and the love-magic4 enters into his9its demonstrations/ as out daa s decisivemoment o . <@ The 2eha4l recogni)e by the (inning magic of her9its9their love?raahabbat and

and 1indlinessG/ 7hante*ie b A/ ' II/ #$@/ < aoii the 2a%3n ?icola #@@ as1edthe 2e1enntniaring d:lt=( Toton ?n (hether $ ## the *ur*ose that G(hether thedead *erson doesn4t need for fürchlen in the 'rabe

:lt= Also here iat an inner relationshi* (ith the 2addhiamuG unmista1able The love?maitrl itt there li1e(ise die deliverance deG heartsGG ?cetovimu1ti and alsobecomes 0ischel as dear-egg-magic vorgesteift ?vgl a a ü . 6@ and follo(ing'ldenberg has dea Unter:;<#=schied mainly bet(een her9it in natnrhaften recentlyem*hatically/ categories thought buddhi-atiiehen the 7hristianity be:;<#=tont as theideal love and the moral love/ ,eutuc>u 2undaultau #$5@ I @ <@$ and follo(ing Ho(2uddha tames the ele*hant through the ga)e of the love/ according to the 23b ) 2 a

(ild horse ?icola .eyyid GAli Mohammed dit lo 23b . <B$ and follo(ing

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they are recogni)ed as such ?2r #@@$ . C55 T PPP FIII _ou9they nenoenitself therefore a h b 3 b ?lover cfr 0riendaG/ 2r #@@$/ . $56 7omment Thelove in the sense of an all:;<#=gemeinen nature-love and absolute tolerance is thecentral conce*t of the beh3istischen ethics/ "hel*s C and follo(ing .he9it

determines humanitarianism (ithout *restige of the *erson/ *eaceableness andtolerance com*letely for herself in the individual one in the conventional mannerof the .üL as Nohl:;<#=(ollen against everyone/ *oliteness The sermon of thesevirtues in the a**lication on the modern Kulturbe(e gung yields the *rogram of the 2eh3ismus+ FOl1erfriede and reli:;<#=giOse tolerance Efendl covers the al(3hdes4Abb3s %ust as unremittingly as this of his9its father on it for itself Theneu*latonische 2ediogtheit of the thought goes from it of Lervor that a:am*already the Ich(3n al saf3 in accordance (ith her9its9their &ottesgedan1en of theabsolute 1indliness ?dschem:am*=i/ 3ya-dov under end-s1i= the fury - as (elllee o 6-the absolute religious tolerance demanded/ de 2oer a a 5 . @@ Theevil al(ays is in this system only one .ub%e1:;<#=tives and unreal= really Ut onlythe &ood/ in that the creation has her9its9their being alone in the divine/ o 6B/the iv 3ya:am*=ov/ beside (hich the system of the "lotin 1no(s 3ya:am*=ov onlyone : am*=novma/ vgl ,ia*er-band a a 5 . 5 There the hate d(indles byitself since there is to hate nothing at all The contrast results from the same*rinci*le/ that the good is the single reality/ the evil and thereG evils on the otherhand unreal/ against the asceticism/ that the 2eh3ismus *uts for(ard (ithsu*erior consequence against the .üEsmus Admittedly/ the asceticism emerges inthe neu*lato:;<#=nischen system as neJt consequence every(here/ thatReinigung of the matterG .he9it is missing also in the 23bismus in no (ay/ s(hether . < and follo(ing #5< 2ut in the *rinci*le of *rotruding of theMonismus of the system therefore stands (ith his9its culture-%oyfulness also in theethics and the 23bismus/ demand of the (or1 s (hether . $5 ##</ &enu:am*=the cultural assets s (hether . #@ m A # only *ractically/ not in *rinci*le inthe contradiction to the conventional ethics of the neu*latonischen direction inthe Islam There is not of *rocesses a lac1 on that occasion incidentally Itbecame the necessity of the good action and the right to >ebenagenuL in thebarriers of the aristote:;<#=lischen LeaotT%g him9it from the theologians andeven more

4 Ala 1orrelater &ottesname a**ears already li1e (ith the 23b Khud3/ vgl 2r/ A _ear a the "eru . B5C u "hel*s . #<5

Fgl the drasische teachings/ da:am*= the M:am*=bdi as inner sense brings the

&e:;<#=set)eG the mercy ?de .acy II . BC BB and this sub ,ivorce of the 23bibet(een the religions/ in (hich the attributes of the mercy ?sif3t i dschem3l andsuch/ in (hich the attributes of &od4s rageG ?ifat i dechalil/ nnd enter Islam on theother hand 2r into the a**earance/ 7hristianity and 23biamus on the one hand/ 8e(ry/A _ear a the "ers . B5

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"oets of the classic .üLsmus al(ays ?vgl accentuated &rund-ri d ir "hilolII/ . $5/ Ethe a a 5 . <55 The asceticism remains on that occasion inthe dee*est sense of the relinquishment of the o(n-eJistence and the o(n-right As *rerequisite/ the reali)ation ?ma4rifat therefore stands beside

the guten actionsG .he9it is not intended as discursive thin1ing but asmystic recogni)ing/ that ha**ens only in the &ottesliebe/ that is introducedas an ins*iration of the cosmic s*irit and tied dogmatically to age:;<#=schichtliche Lgure/ the *ro*het/ in the 23bismus in *articularmanner/ a**ears

?f/ the *ro*het in the sense of the 23bismus is a (ell-founded Lgure in theEmanations:;<#=system of the "lotin 8e sheer n3m-lich the contrastbet(een the mental &od and the mate-riellen (orld/ the bigger the distancebet(een the human being and dem ob%ect of his9its religious longing (asthought/ to so more cared itself the need current/ that to mediate sose*arate durch inter-limbs again Theoretically/ deren consisted meaning of it/ the deity4s eect on them9her9it her9its9their fremde/ its undeserving stu conceivably and quite safely )u does/ *ractically they made the sense toserve as the middle bet(een human being and &ott/ (hich the human beingfrom his9its sinnlichen lo(ness through her9its9their hel* to the highestthings of em*or-leiten couldG/ dia*er-band a a ' . #$ EJactly this no(is after 4Abb3s Efendi ?o #< <BC C$ the meaning der universaldemonstrations of &odG d h/ the religion-donating *ro*hets His9its teachingsof her9its9their doubles-nature as Lrst Emana:;<#=tionen of the deity and atthe same time com*lete a**earances of the man1ind is eJactly that of theolder 23bismus and needs not to be therefore re*resented on the ne( one/vgl (hether . B# and follo(ing @6 2esides her9it a moment ago/ . #Cquoted se(er-regulation the .elbst3ndig:;<#=1eit of the s*ecies of the*ro*het/ the teachings becomes in o C@ even more eJactly therebestimmt#/ da:am*= the *ro*het *ossesses besides body and s*irit of ahuman being another *articular divine &eistes:;<#=vermOgen/ the sacreds*irit/ and lent the same not only in his9its ins*iration gets but fromE(ig:;<#=1eit/ o <@= vgl (hether . 66 A # as his9its nature-*rovisions/by virtue of (hose he9it the *eo*le illuminate as myself-shining light/ haso too o(n <$ It is suitable for him9it (ith the un:;<#=mittelbaren1no(ledge ?s (hether . $ and follo(ing the natürlicheFoll:;<#=1ommenheitG/ (hile the believer only the er(orbeneFoll:;<#=1ommenheitG and the himmlischen s*irit of the belief and the&e:;<#=rechtig1eitG has and the abh3ngige *ro*hetG ?s (hether . #BB

 %ust as admittedly the beitui adl the *ro*hetic Infallibilit3t and authority/ In agreement (ith the 2chi4itiHchen teachings of the Im3ra/ vgl (hether .

$ A #

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but the same only as a verliehene thoroughnessG ?o has BC 2y the (ay/the absolute character of the *ro*het eben:;<#=so becomesbe:;<#=schrieben in li1e the 23bismus as omniscience and s*iritualomni*otence \o B5 B The innocent-ness becomes in the sense of the

natural error-lot-ness of the *ro*hets on that occasion against the ob%ection/daL she9it in the sacred (riting occasionally from &od rebu1ed a**ears/claims so/ da:am*= this re*rimand only seemingly them/ she9it (as actuallyho(ever for the *eo*le and brought u* her9its9their o(n sin-confessions onlyas *atterns for the *eo*le ?o BB# The *ro*hetic omni*otence diers in itfrom the divine one/ is not daL she9it eectiveness universe and enters intothe a**earance ?o essentially only as s*iritual authority <C Ho(ever/ themiracle-strength is not im*ossible (ith it/ ) 2 to become under the *roof for2eh3 Allah also the miracles/ that should be re*eated him9it in the 'rient evenby unbelievers/ quoted o $ 'ne o(es the *ro*het himself obedience there(here one doesn4t understand his9its orders ?o CC

?g/ the inter*retation of the 7hristianity originates from the b3bistischen*rinci*le (ith 4Abb3s Efendl/ da:am*= 7hrist4s the nu1ta of his9its cycle?o (as C He9it gras*s hiebei as already 0adI Allah did/ s (hether . CBand Anh I/ on the logos in the Ev 8oh 7ha*ter # bac1 Also the Islam 1no(s

 8esus as the Nort godG and as the Heiligen utensilG as you 1no( His9its life4s(or1 is understood as u*s(ing of the &ottesglaubens/ the morals and theculture in analogy (ith that of the 23b and 2eh3 Allah in Israel as (ell as asFerhei:am*=ung of the FOl1erfriedens ?o The dogma of the&ottessohnschaft becomes s*iritualisiert/ die son-shaft is a nature of the heart7hristiG/ der father is in the son/ d h the sun is visibly in this mirrorG The

 Trinitat is inter*reted as (ell+ Nenn (e says+ (e have/ so three suns arege:;<#=sehen/ one in the heaven and t(o on the earth ?in t(o mirrors/ (etrue/ o 6 The virgin-birth becomes aner:;<#=1annt ?o #6/ theresurrection 7hristi from the science from denied \o </ decided his9its"r3eJisten) ho(ever in the unison (ith the system ?o @ The death7hristiG/ o $ it becomes under contact at # Kor #C v in the sense of the system as

This A*ologeti1 seems assessed through the reali)ation gro(ing under theinuence of the 7hristian mission that Muhammeds vgl the teachings of the Ial3raaof the innocent-ness (hether . $ A #= the 2unnitische Islam ver:;<#=trittshe9it also/ ho(ever in the sense of the lutf ?mercy-oering (ith the statements

of the Duran ?) 2 B@/ / as the oldest Hadtthe/ *enance-*rayers dei *ro*hets s(ith &old)iher/ Forl ii d Isl . .@#/ in the conict is4 The E3bl are on grounds of her9its9their ac1no(ledgment of the authenticity

of dei T ?s (hether . @C in the distinguished from the Huhammedanera of the Kreu)es:;<#=tod 8esus iibereengt ?2r/ A _ear a the "eraiana . #L A #

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the s*irit4s urbildlicbe liberation of the matter assessed Also the sin ?obecomes in this sense <5 s (hether . #@ be:;<#=schrieben and asoriginal sin at the same time denied/ in fact as (ell as in the interest of &od4s

 %ustice as the innocent-ness of the *ro*hets ?o BB The sacraments of the

ba*tism ?o 5 and the communion ?o # obsolete symbols of the&eistesmitteilung/ that the man1ind still needed on that ste*/ only are Thea*ostles ?o B if the comrades are the demonstration of the Ur(illens of 7hrist and/ as not he9it himself9itself/ as incarnations but than to understandins*ired In "aulus/ the (ill*o(er of the ritual legislation of this ha**enedreligion of the Moses ?o for itself on the a*ostle-convention as (ell as in theRoman-letter from 7hrist4s abrogierten 5 vgl to it (hether . #C The*a*acy ?o <B if a foundation is 7hristi/ but at the same time in his9its*o(er-*olitics and his9its refusal of the science a *roof fOr the Unvoll-1ommenheit of the 7hristianity The 7hristian teachings of the sin againsthim9it MR .*irit and the *redestination ?o <# u < is laid out ha**ily andis *laced to the o(n system in relationshi* 0rom him9it all emerges/ da:am*=4Abb3s Efendl an eJtensive 1no(ledge of not only the 7hristian church and

 Theo:;<#=logie but also the T itself the same has and utili)es in s1illful (ayin favor of his9its system He9it s*ends s*ecial diligence on the allegoricalinter*retation of biblical Vusammen:;<#=hange as *redictions on the 23b and2eh3 Allah ?o #5-#< 0rom ,aniel $/ he9it calculates B and #/ ## theyears of her9its9their a**earance/ #5 and #@5 MR# and in ' 8oh7ha*ter llf Lnd the (hole history of the 23bismus and his9its meaning he9it tobring ?the AllerheiligsteG the inter*retation of the secret sense of the formerreligions of the 2uch:;<#=stabens and la( 8esa%all goes (ith his9its *redictionof the manufacture of the FOl1erfriedens through the Messiah/ auf him9it thes*irit of the (isdom and &od-It-reali)ation restsG/ Nort for (ord on 2eh3AllahG ,aL the 2e:;<#=)ugnahme on the 7hristianity and the (riting of thene( Testa:;<#=mentes - (ith 4Abb3s Efendl in the com*arison (ith his9itsfather a %ust as much more active is/ as com*ared (ith this (ith the 23b ?s(hether . @C have to do (ith the increasing tra`c of the sect after the(est and sho( ho( %ust it/ on (hich her9its9their advance moves/ is this line

Here GAbbla Efendi changes 8e(ish theologians and mystics/ (ho boo1 deGMessiah inf reason of the ,aniel over the eJact time of the a**earance mostly/ in thetrac1s of der/ Gcalculations ?Dold)iher em*loyedG Forl ü d Is> . <$= vgl(hether . IT/ and beh3istischen has a *rocess 8ndena*ostels Abu4l 0sdl of 

&ul*ayag3n ?s in the istidl3li%%a deG (hether . #B5/ this the <55 ?8ahresHagein ,an @/ #B/ after (hose course das sanctuary (ill be cleaned/ (ith the 8fthre#@BB * 7hr ?#<5 MR com*letes (eighed/ &old)iher ibid . <5B

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. The legislation or the *ractical side at the teachings of the 4Abb3s of Efen dl/ (ieseine theology/ sho(s a factual Sber:;<#=einstimmung (ithhis9its father4s teachings under still (eiter:;<#=gehender ada*tation to the(estern culture The "ro)efc of the moderni)ation of the teachings of the 23ba**ears led at end here As the &ematrien and 'bs1urit3ten almost

com*letely are (i*ed in the theology/ the b3bistischen oddities enter alsointo the society-teachings of the 4Abb3s as they live on in aufge1l3rterer formalso in 2eh34s code/ as good as com*letely behind the allgemeingiltigenideals and the essential 'rganisations:;<#=ideen of the sect bac1 The Kit3ba1das is not touched and the canon remains/ but on his9its individualregulations is not *assed/ be it because the time is not yet ri*e to it ?vgl(hether . #5$ or because the vie(s of the 2eh3 li1e this of the 23balready became obsolete (ith her9its9their time and the ne( *ro*heterfa:am*=t the ne( time even better .o (e es*ecially clearly see to the.chluL once again as the 'riental Kulturbe(e:;<#=gung and the 2abismusmutually sti*ulate themselves His9its teachings of the advance of the

revelation of agreement (ith the 0ort:;<#=schritt of the (orld-reali)ationand Neltbeherrachung vgl (hether . B< #<< #6# a reeJ of thatculture-movement is .he9it as1ed the 2abismus evo1ed once and fertili)esand *ulled in him9it ever more total into (estern formation and life-formation under 2eh3 and 4Abb3s 4Abb3s doesn4t (ant to mean any ne(e*och on that occasion in the dierence of his9its father and yet thereforedoesn4t have verfaLt any o(n code The literature of his9its TafelnG still is?al(3h in the 0lu:am*= com*rehended and is collected only by hand also inthe circles of his9its Ade*ten A critical treatment of the same is not *ossibleat the moment yet consequently


 The 2abismus be no original creation an uniform a**earance and theKeub3bismus of the 2eh3l As the most recent/ through the culture-movement of our days aus:;<#=geloste and in contact at her9it9themrising (ave the Hellenistic of conditional theoso*hy in the schi4itischenIslam/ from "ersia the fore 'rient oods/ he9it is in analogy (ith theism34ilitischen cham*agnes and her9its9their relative to (ürdigen# Hereand there reviving of old-"ersian religion-*ro*erty / is secondary/ ho(ever/ asym*tom is after all/ li1e dee* the movement

4 The most recent eJ*ression/ that the *hiloso*hy of the neu*latoni-echenEmnnationslehre of cyclic manifestations of the Neltintelle1ta found (ithin that

of Islam ?&old)iher/ V A PPII/ . <<$ Fgl (hether . 6 A #= BB <= #5# #= H' A = ### #= ##< # u =##B = ## #= #@ #= # a -

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gras* 0rom him9it him9it ob%ectively at the neJt standing .üLsmua se*arates the23bismus besides his9its culture-*rogram of the Mahdismus/ that he9it divides (ith theachLtischen church-teachings 0urthermore/ it is the theistic side at theneu*1tonischen &ottesbegri/ on (hich he9it *uts the em*hasis as a mahdistische

movement Ho(ever/ he9it is (rong roof of this direction about the *olemic against the.üLsmus and against the renaissance of the aristotelischen *hiloso*hy for itself in "ersia/(ith (hich he9it actually divides his9its &ottesbegri This *olemic er1lart itself as a*rotest of the 'enbarungsglaubens against the rationalism of the mysticism and the"hiloso*hie# Actually the religious revivalism evo1ed by the 23b quite brings insüLsches stri1e and is correct his9its from the shei1Q coming teachings of the crucial*oints (ith the .üLsmus and the school of the Mulla .adr3 Sberein The 23bismusbecomes evident (ithin "ersia4s orthodoJ church as an ultra-schLtische direction/ that(ith the theoso*hiscben setting of the MahdQ the message of aeiner of actual "arusieconnects/ Lnds no belief in the o cial church/ ho(ever/ and brought by force invehement collision of her to the silence and is eJ*elled ,es*ite his9its huge im*act/ asshe9it a**ears in the famous 23bimartyrien/ the sect seemed anheim:;<#=)ufallen/that *layed a role in the &eachichte once/ to the stylish-eel of the numerousmuhammedaniscben sects after the death of the 23b and the su**ression in "ersiabut to the meaninglessness do(n-san1 The 23b (as dead/ that still orderedsuccessor .ubhi E)el one unbe:;<#=holfenere Lgure from him9it/ as he9it himself9itself (as ea= the (riting of the 23b (ere 1abbalistischer nature and so high she9it (asadmired/ soon as good as unread= .ubhi E)el (rote %ust as incom*rehensibly and thereligious fermentation threatened to eJ*lode the sect The anarchy (as still intensiLedby the fact/ da:am*= the 23b over itself on a bigger *ro*het after him9it had *ointed There/ 2eh3 Allah saved the 23bismu$ Moved formally he9it in the Nider:;<#=s*ruch

against the last (ill of the 23b at the *lace of .ubhi E)el4s and stam*ed him9it to theAntichrist after his9its contradiction 'b%ectively ho(ever/ 2eh3 Allah stands in the

l/ Fgl for the older 23bismun ) 2 the remar1 ,scfa.ni4a/ MR . <<#+Er1enntnis oh admitted a relationshi* of sub%ect and ob%ect and ah is the human4sbeing *ure usur*ation on (ide/ such a ra**ort bet(een him9it nnd/ to (ant to donateOott/ as it the Z üL tan He9it does 2ich of the schir1 (ith it/ allotment so a comradeto &od/ guiltilyG hn:;<#=lich frequently comments 4Albas Efendi in his9its TafeinG foritself Nhile no( ü (ith the same reason the consistent Z on the &otteser1enntnisver:;<#=)ichtet ?vgl &old)iher/ Forl ü d Falley . #B/ *resent yourself the23bismus dr:gt=r Th*nM-i4f as Lntt-m(i4f*iilKiriittT t in the sense

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Unison (ith the original tendencies of the 23bismus and hel*ed them only to theuniversal eect/ on (hich from the beginning hindr3ngten she9it He9it used thefavorable ground of the 4Iraq (here the sect 1e*t the contact (ith the .chf itismus alsoafter her9its9their EJcommuuication/ to it/ to bring her9it9them (ith the remaining (orld

in contact at the same time and that innate uni:;<#=versalen you mission to driveHe9it *ut bac1 the Mystagogische/ that made the 23bismus for outsiders incom*rehensibleand got him9it in his9its o(n ro(s in fermenting unrest *ermanently/ behind the *racticalideas/ that the 23b had develo*ed from the theoso*hical teachings of the substantial&leich:;<#=heit of all religions already in his9its 2s%3n+ the religious tolerance/ as she9ititself in the annulment of the ritual Abschlieung against Anders:;<#=gl3ubige and theviolent force in matters of the Keligion d h has an eect the dschih3d He9it succeeded(ith it under heavy Lghts/ that 23blse1te on this (ay not only to her9its9their survivalbut/ to even hel* the achf itischen church over the borders to get an undreamt-of s*read The ne( relationshi*/ that gave 2eh3 Ali3h to the 23bismus on the 7hristian(orld/ a**ears on that occasion as his9its most im*ortant action .he9it ha**ens in ?fromfruit of his9its eorts in 2aghd3d the Vusammen:;<#=hang (ith semer declarationabout Adriano*el on Euro*ean soil This Mabdi ste*s as the come bac1 7hrist beforethe 7hristianity of the (est at the same time and *roves the corres*onding idea in theteachings dea 23b and the Vusammen:;<#=hang of the b3bistischen Mahdlbe(egung(ith the 'riental culture-movement (ith it from the (est at the same time/ (hosesocially-ethical and reli-gioas *olitical Ide Gu he9it iu of this (idened arena aüt thesame *ro*het-consciousness re*resents/ as the 23b had done it (ithin his9its home-church 0rom 4A113 from/ he9it does his9its mao-distischen claim/ the golden age of theFOl1erfriedens/ the Religionsverbruderung and human-fraterni)ation among a she*herdand a language herauf)uführe,/ systematically and (ith success current ,irectly afterhis9its death/ his .ohne4Abd al Rüh3 started to the successor succeeds (ith it/ hereb3histiache theoso*hy under the name of the 2eh3 Allah in the (est ein)u:;<#=führenIn the *ro*het-triad of the 2eh3t/ the 23b a**ears to 4Abd al 2eh3 as the forerunner/2eh3 All3b as the deity/ ordered cali*h as "oint out the second the Lrst/ so the third(anders on the second trac1s com*letely Actually ho(ever/ the religion-la(/ that 2eh3Allah *assed out in the Kit3b a1das/ essentially is the same li1e this of the 23b theMuf3(ad3t of the Abd al 2eh3 in the 2a%3n and for the identity of the theoso*hicalsystem testiLes Also the *olitical confession of the 2eh3 # is less dierent from the*rinci*al *osition of the old 23bismus/

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as his9its rebellions and her9its9their disavo(al let sus*ected through the2eh3l

'ne allo(ed to stand through the Hervor1ehrung the socially - andreli:;<#=gions*olitischen *rogram against the 2eh3israus %ust as little li1e

ideas such at the a**earance in the ages 2abismus over it/ da:am*/ hastraded= they only at the surface lie/ and driving in the sect rather thetheoso*hical ideas is If the &nosis li1es um:;<#=schlagen the mysticism inthe eub3bismus according to a 1no(n religion-historical la( in religiousrationalism and is *raised by 4Abd al 2eh3 as such= if the allegoricalmeaning may let a**ear the beb3istische Ineins-.et)ung of Islam/ 8e(ryand 7hristianity as the natural religion to the religions in the sense of athan of the manners/ the dogmatic claim of the three donors of the2eh3ismus on the *ro:;<#=*hetische Mahdl(ürde be)( Im3m(ürde giveshim9it his9its 2edingt:;<#=heit as a historical religion (ith dogmaticrelationshi*/ that her9its9their origin from the .chrttismus/ more eJactly fromthe Hellenistic Tbeoso*hie in the "ersian Islam not ver:;<#=leugnen 1ann#Ein Euro*ean li1es/ (ho su**lies 2abismus/ )u thin1 a certain sco*e themodern rationalistischen s*irit des of (est there o mista1e could be bigger The belief an fulLllment of *redictions/ the *reference for a*o1al*ytischeAussagen/ Lnished reading from %udischen/ 7hristian andniuhatnme-daniachen (riting and traditions/ that value/ the theory of thecorres*onding Er:;<#=scheinungen/ illustrates )uge-schriebene thetalismans/ through the mystic teachings of the Ein-heit and her9its9theirdemonstrations of the number #$ be)( $ and the gan)e system of equivalent names established on the Vahlen(erte of the letters reminds on atotally dierent &edan1enfübrung 2ut is in *articular at the 23bl or 2eh3QGthe essential a borderless devotion to the "erson of the demonstration and adee* belief in it/ daü she9it Gdivinely and entirely dierent from all the andernnature isG/ 2r #$5$/ . <5 The sha*e of the Im3m Mahdi understood asnu1ta actually is/ that for the belief of the eub3bi %ust as constitutive as isonce/ the brand/ at (hich he9it remains modernistically theoso*hyver:;<#=1a**te school muhammedamscher as one recogni)ably The sect of the 2eh3l is her9its9their regulation after a dervish-decoration

and only than1s to her9its9their Fersch(isterung (ith her9it

4 The croo1ed o*inion of the 2ehaismu2 as an andogmatischen 2eligion eJ*els alsothe aoeben of a**eared study from Montet ?a a 5 2 (hether . . #@ on/ in

that she9it him9it (ith him9it under a**eal on Harnac1 gben2' understood ]*rimitive/ very sim*le and com*oses each dogmatic &e:;<#=dan1en foreignGgos*el of 8esus and s*ans the contrast even more than to the Libismua 2Ara1eiian s (hether .

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modern culture-movement from ge:;<#=1leidet modern to theunrecogni)ableness/ as her9its9their related by blood older sisters/ of (hom thehurüLsche ?as she9it lives on in the dervish-decoration of the 2e1t3schi%%eresembles her9it9them the most= vgl A**endiJ I

'n the other hand/ the 2eh3ismua can become )u:;<#=sammengestellt asinternational Theo-so*hense1te (ith the theoso*hy coming from India/ asshe9it in the #@6C from Mme 2lavat)1y and Mr 'leott in e( _or1 establishedand today from Mrs 2esant of led international theoso*hical com*any)u:;<#=tage ste*s These MeisterG refer to 2uddha as her9its9theiru**ermost MeisterG bac1 by *reaching an occult "aeudo-buddhismus/ thisitself recently o*enly (ith the eu:;<#=hinduismus as a rene(al of theFed3ntismus in solidarity eJ*lains/ so there is an election-relationshi* alsobet(een the 2eh3ismua and the 2uddhism and Fed3ntismus Ho(ever/ the.üLsmus/ from (hich our sect comes/ is used %ust as (ith the universe-one-teachings of the U*anischaden/ as (ith the ne(-"latonism/ from (hich he9it ishistorically conditional more directly/ and ho(ever/ he9it has veriLable historic2e:;<#=)iehungen to the 2uddhism There is admittedly the dierence/ daL of the .üLsmus the Indian *rerequisite of the reincarnation never reallyan:;<#=genommen and the theism/ the *rerequisite of the Islam/ nevercom*letely announced If these dierences threaten to become blurred easilyin Iran/ so they become again evident eJactly in the 23bismus (ith2e(u:am*=tsein The sO&sche and the Indian Theoso*bie from the sameHol)e# are in the remainder ho(ever 7orres*onds to the theomonistischenteachings the same ErlOaungslehre and die:;<#=selbe ethics here li1e there"rince ,3r3 .chi1üh ?f #C$ , has this Lndings in "ersia by his9its literary(or1s in the light moved and utili)ed in the sense of the Keligionsverbrüderung/s o . #C Ho( this relationshi* is *resent for the 2eb3ismus far/ is1onstatierbar heavily After all/ his9its s*read is to India and his9itsac1no(ledgment of the 2uddhaG/ as a *ro*het/ >e:lt== o B< Action-

4 Ea su`ces instead of dea *roof the memory of 7an1ara4s sentence in theindividual one here that vod of the unit of the soul daa 1no(ledge the .elbstes4sidentical (ith the 2rahma the *ur*ose of all Fed3ntateJteG is That dieae relationshi*even stretches until into the detail of the terminology/ observes ) 2 2ro(ne/ _eara the "ers . #B< and follo(ing in the teachings of the Vu:;<#=sammenset)ung of the human being from dierent bodies be)( .ouls and their stylishly 2ai naoh thedeath

G .o *resumably already 2efa3/ also li1e oneQ already 2uddha into the"ro:;<#=*hetenreihe einbetogen ?trI as1ed (hether . BB A # Actually a Nesens-ver(andtuchaft of the mab3%3nistiseben Theoso*bte (ith the beb3istiaeben eJists if 

 Tiele describes that universe broad the 2nddha as das &eiüt and matter/ for (hichthe highest adored &od is and the com*lete human being at the same timeG

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matter and clearly gets along *articularly the American believers this relationshi*in the 2e(u:am*=tsein ?vgl "hel*s . C5 and follo(ing The *ro*aganda of the2eh3is-mus understands tata3cblich the best by these circumstances for itself inthe (est after analogy of the one that Theoso*bie from India

'ver one/ Indian *arallel to the 2eb3ismus/ the .ifehismu </ ages Anh II Ibidvgl 'ver t(o further relatives a**earances in the *resent-day Indian Islam/ thesects of the AKme-di%%a and the .e%%id Ahmedl/ that is caused/ ho(ever/ from ioconsideration by the other &esichts:;<#=*un1t/ as a(a1ens movements theKulturbe(cgucg mah-distische and rationalistische/ and she9it internally causesa a ' . $<@ The Guf the throne of the Niimem sedentary 2uddha ?bodhi-mai%dLbe)( 2odh(attra ltt li1e the in the at the Mahdi ebenao(ahl bearer über:;<#=natürlichhe9it Daalitüf;n ?Nigseo and Mocbt Ala model ond leaders of the Menacban ?ibid <Nide oneG *arallels vgl (hether . #@ A #= U A @= 66  - --L W. <= lR A #= #26 #

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A**endiJ I

 The sect of the Hnrüf - 2e1t3schi in her9its9their Fer(andt:;<#=schaft (ith the23bi

After re*eatedly us bet(een the 23bi and the Hurü aufgesto.en sind# *oints of 

contact/ should still be follo(ed the same in the conteJt here The 1abbali:;<#=stischeim*act in the 23bismus ma1es the researcher a Fer:;<#=gleichung of the t(o sects tothe duty by itself/ neuer:;<#=dings is *ossible you made through the eJ*loration of the HurüLse1te living on in Tur1ey in the dervish-decoration of the 2e1t3achl/ (hoseUr:;<#=s*rung in the #C 7entury n 7hr and to "ersia goes bac1/ (here her9its9theirdonor 0adl Allah from Astar3b3d in Tabarist3a in the year @5U MR or already 6@@ MR?#<$69@ or #<@96 n 7hr (ith the 2ot:;<#=schaft a**eared to 1no( the secret sense?the nature/ ma4n3 of this ahead-going religions for him9it and as an a**earance of thedeity on Earth the ro( of the *ro*hets and the Im3me/ to com*lete .ince he9it made*ay-mysticism eJtensive use of the 2uchstiben-und and on that occasion s*eciLcally onthe Arabic-"ersian al*habet (ith his9its @ as (ell as < >etters )unic1gri/ he9it got the

e*ithet Huru ?man of the letters Is as little as over him9it even 1no(n over themovement evo1ed by him9it After the re*ort of a HurüL from the year $65 MR if anti-grandma-tables unrests occurred ia of deceased "ersian *rovinces among his9itssu**orters The movement seems been suocated starting in this to be= 0adl Allah evenbecame already after some years any(ay/ @5# MR or already 6$ MR eJecuted in theage of C5 or more years of a son Timürs/ the "rince Mlr3nscb3b/ that he9it had as1ed forthe assum*tion of his9its teachings/ in cruel (ay The *rince Lgures in the sect asAntichrist ?daddsch3l The canon/ that 0adl Allah left and laid do(n iii him9it he9it that&eheimainn of all former religions and her9its9their sacred (riting as the (onderful*reci*itation of his9its *ro*hetic mission/ is the ,sch3vid3n ?n3ma i 1abir/ sc daseternal ?boo1/ that *artly bigG/ in *er:;<#=sischer language/ *artly (ritten from

Astar3b3d in the dialect It is found on dierent libraries/ is until no(/ ho(ever Fgl (hether . @# Band follo(ing= B5 annotations #= BB annotations #= BC Anm#=

5 Anml= C# annotations #= <f= B< annotations #= @@= $@= #56 annotations

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och un*ublished and unLnished remained/ since heavily the seals and abbreviations/through (hich it *rotects his9its secret-character/ are to be dissolved The further develo*ment of the sect ha**ens in the Tur1ish dervish-decoration of the

2e1taschl/ older a**roJimately about a century/ and ties at one of the $ a*ostles and

successors ?chalifa/ that should have scattered after 0adl All3h4s death by allmuhamme-danischen >ander and on (hich the Er:;<#=g3n)ung of the ,sch3vid3nshould decline through Lve further volumes The o`cial-name of this a*ostle isdescernible at a name of the 23b in his9its sect+ Al 4universe al A4l3/ der Hohe/ thatHOchsteG He9it is su**osed to have introduced the secret-teachings of the Hurü in the2e1tiischl-orden in Anatolia (hose ,onor H3ddschl 2e1-t3sch a "ersian also (as ?from7hor3s3n and so at the gate in honor of came/ daL him9it and his9its decoration thegeist:;<#=liche (aiter-dignity in him9it at that time from 7hristian-sons under Tur1ishsovereignty ?Ra4%a of formed 8anitscharen1or*s (as transferred It is not trans*arent(hether his9its decoration (as christeo-freundlich actually so as it is osteutativ he9ittoday/ and in (hich conteJt this train gets along hurüLschen of confession (ith thatorder and (ith his9its assum*tion dea (ith him9it Actually the decoration 1e*t secretthis confession on the strictest and (as betrayed as it in ne(er time in the year#B59#@B9C/ the .ultan Mahmud Khan II &h3)i let the decoration lifted Ho(ever/ he9itlasted under the blan1et of other dervish-decoration/ according to nament:;<#=lichof the a1schbandl/ of (hich her9its9their *ro*erty had become the *ro*erty Today/the ?incidentally little numerous 2e1t3schl essentially are found in Albania _ou9theygebeu itself ofO)iell as (ell 4allgl3ubige .chrtten/ (hile they *ut do(n 0adl Allah inher9its9their esoteric teachings at 4universe4s *lace and call itself friends of the0reimaurertuma (ith *reference _ou9they could dare in the year #@6#/ one of theboo1s of the ,sch3vid3n/ to *ublish the 4Iseb1-n3me ?boo1 of the love of the 0irischte)3de As a result/ they (ere *ut in his9its (or1 K3schifu4l asr3r u d3hG ul aschr3r ?dermore a**arently the secrets and Niderleger of the 2Ose(ichter W hereticsG by the nameof Ish31 Efendl by a 4Ulem3 #@6B9C as hurüLsche heretics at the *illory and through italso the (est 1no(n The scientiLc eJ*loration of the HurüL-2e1-t3schi and also is her9its9their

teachings from E & 2ro(ne been initiated He9it Lrst (rote manuscri*t .ome oteson huruLscher the >iterature and ,octrines of the on reason in 7am:;<#=bridge and"aris Huru .ectG/ 8-R-A #@$@/ . #$B )it as 2r #@$@ and on reason morenumerous further to the 2e1-t3schi acquired manuscri*ts and the mentioned (riting of the Ish31 Efendl the article+ 0urther otes on the >iterature of 

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tho HurüLs and orders the 2e1tashi of ,ervisbes/ 8RA./ their connectbn (ith #$56/. C<<and follo(ing )it from 2r #$56 The (or1s of & are recent to it   8acob and 7lHuart come 8acob as1ed on grounds of the most im*ortant of 2ro(ne #$56 of describedmanuscri*ts/ by name the (riting dea 2e1t3schlb3b3 Flr3ni from the # 8ahrb n

7hr 2eitr3ge to the 1no(ledge dea ,er(isch:;<#=ordens of the 2e1taschla ?volume$ of the Tur1ish library *ublished by him9it/ 2erlin #$5$ and another study+ ,ie2e1t3scbi%%e in her9its9their relationshi* to relatives a**earancesG ?Lg d K 2ayr A1 dKno( I Kl B Folume < ,e*ts Munich #$5$/ delivered Huart has already in 8A .eriesII volume PIF . <@and follo(ing (ith an at that time not yet to recogni)e manuscri*tof dea ,scb3vid3n em*loys and recently a series of TeJtes "er-sans relatifs4s 3 la secteof the HouroüLs/ *ublie4s/ traduits et annoteF ?E 8 N &ibb Memorial Fol IP ?#$5$*ublished and besides an inde*endent *relude ?vgl also RMM 'ct #$5$/ . <@ andfollo(ing (ith a valuable study a ,r Ri)3 TevL1 0adlou4s4 ll3h Ester3badI et la sectedea HouroüLsG ?. #<#</ accom*anies )it T MR The most signiLcant of theseteJts is the Mahrem n3me ?boo1 of the ver:;<#=traulichen communications of the.e%%id Ish31 from the beginning of the #C after Huarta of o(n name ?. - PF 7entury?@@ H -/ therefore fe( decades after 0adI AU3b4a death/ *rovided it grants the bestinsight into the teaching-building of his9its sect

It cannot act therefore in the follo(ing one/ on grounds of these ne(er researches aclosed re*resentation/ to give dea of system and the *ractical formation of theHurütee1te Ea shall sho( the Nesensver(audtschaft (ith the sect of the 23to ratheronly at the characteristics and at individual *oints - becomes/ about the claim of ,reyfus ?II Av *ro* . II and follo(ing to (ea1en/ it haggles Huarts only forober3chliche analogiesG and the remar1 for itself here that s the 23bismus (ithsetner numbers and letter-science/ abdsebad o . B auf the ground of theism34ilitischen sect of the HuruG at home is/ each 2egründung# lac1s^ If simultaneously ,reyfus itself on the remar1 of 2ro(ne ?2r #@$@/ . @C be:;<#=ruft/daL/ to a**ear the most remar1able similarities bet(een "ersian cham*agnes of themost dierent times among each other (ithout veriLable historic/ organic connection/ isin the habit of/ according to also 2r #$56/ . @/ so he9it on the other hand ignoresthat 2ro(ne in such a**earances sees one the s*rechenderen *roof for the tenacity(ith (hich certain ideas and systems assert themselves in the 'rient and as endemic(ith given to be done

4 Ali 2eh34i has ,reyfus an interest in it/ the .ingularit3t of the 23--

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e*idemic a**ears/ ibid and A >iterary History of "ersia I . #55 and follo(ing <## Ittherefore is not us about actually hardly veriLable outer historic connections bet(eenthe t(o cham*agnes but about its same-s*ecies4 ness for itself _ou9they seem to bearisen (ith same inner legality from the same ?essentially Hellenistic fertili)ed ground

It is mar1ing/ da:am*= 0adl Al Uli near Ish3q Etendi as Karin Ate d h as is valid the

ism34Ilitiscben sect-grou* ?T more a`liated K . PIII/ although he9it li1e the 23b at thethe V(iilfer-schLtismts ?ib comes . PFI If 8acob ?2e1t3schi%%e . *uts # and follo(ingthe 2c1t3acbl/ to equate 7hrist because of her9its9their ultraschl4itiscben4Allverehruog/ her9its9their syn1ratiatischen inclination/ (ith 4Ali/ and her9its9theircontem*t of all the outer cult/ (ith the Ky)ylbasch and 4All-Il3hl into a grou* togetherand establishes numerous relationshi*s to the 8)idi/ 23bT and usairi/ from here soRi)3 TevL1 ?T *oints MR . <56 and follo(ing on it/ as the system of the 0adl Allah isquite based on the same *rinci*le of the Tlieo*hanie ?he9it calls e*i*hanie it/ as theism34ilitischen religion-formations and her9its9their relatives/ (ith (hat he9it re%ectss*eciLcally on the ,ru)e Actually/ a Fer(andt:;<#=schaft/ that manifests itself in theteachings of the *ro*hetic revelation and her9its9their story li1e in the teachings of &od

and G(orld and from the human being and his9its deliverance as (ell/ is available hereAt the most clearly ho(ever agrees I8urüL and 23bl in her9its9their diesbe)üg:;<#=lichenteachings The claim of the 0adl Allah (as the same li1e this of the 23b He9it (ants to be a

re*resentation of the ,emiurgen/ that he9it as &od4s logos in the sense of theinventive (ord be:;<#=schreibt The (ord ?arar is so Ri)3 TevL1 describes 0adlAllah4s teachings constitutive *otency of &od/ that ste*s the most com*letely in thehuman being as the microcosm into the a**earance/ heiLt his9its body &od4s form ongrounds of the Manu:;<#=s1ri*te *ublished by Huart and under convincingcom*arison to the logo-teachings of the "lotin the Lrst and for the (orld here/hai1alu4H3h vgl (hether . $@/ and the sacred numbers #/ 6/ @u a becoming in

his9its limbs/ his9its face and his9its teeth recovered .trong as in the 23bismus/ (herethe theory of the immanence of the logo has also been submitted to the creation as thecro(n in the (orld and in the human being/ is em*hasi)ed ,a:am* from 0adl All3b inthe &ottesbegri the deity-li1e character of the human being and the immanence=ho(ever no *rinci*al dierence is available/ the agreement sim*ly sho(s in the"ostulierung and the descri*tion of the *ro*het He9it is the com*lete human being?) 2 T MR . CC/ the master of the .inai ?ib vgl (hether

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. 5 A #= #5#/ that "un1t of the creation/ from (hich all creatures emerge and to(hich they all come bac1G/ 8acob/ 2e1tascbi%%e .<$/ in B$= 2r #@$@/ . @B= vgl(hether - . #and follo(ing <f@ ?# Also here/ the eJ*ression has ebenso(obl a1osmologische li1e a soterio-logische 2e)iehuog nu1ta The letters and daa

al*habet/ that constitute the logos as the *rinci*le of all creating/ develo* from the*oint Ho(ever/ he9it Lnds his9its s*ecial revelation safely in this 2oo1s of the*ro*hets/ Lnally therefore in the Koran Also all letters of these boo1s letthemselves no( lead bac1 by the *oint/ that in the *oint under the b3/ the Lrstletter derersten .ure of the Koran ?2r is recovered #@$@/ . @B= vgl (hether .C @/ The claim of the 0adl All3b no( indicated/ as the a**earance of the nu1ta d/h the ideal logo4s/ to bring all the 2uch:;<#=stabenreligionen o**osite the idealreligion/ the s*irit/ that she9it as her9its9their secret sense ?ma4n3= vgl/ (hether .BC (ith A # be:;<#=lebt In this sense/ he9it calls s3hib i ba%3a for itself in clearanalogy (ith the later 23bismus Hadrat i/ being highness of the masters of theeJ*lanation 2r #@$@/ . 65 6 and hei:am*=t f3tihu #-b3b ?o*eners of the doorib . < and bring them9her9it he9it a religion of the MahdiG EJ*ressly/ the *oliticalMahdiideal into this theo-so*hische is reorgani)ed/ ) Mahrem n3me cha*ter#/ T MR . <and follo(ing+ the Mahdl doesn4t bring the s(ord and dschib3dalthough this still becomes belassen as secondary eect of his9its religionaus:;<#=drüc1lich here but he9it (or1s (ith the feather and seioe inter*retationof the secret-ion of the former Reli:;<#=gionen ins*ired his9its single sign ?3%a isHe9it 1no(s the Urbuch ?umm al 1itab and reveals it According to fai3t ) 2 theAle)anderbuch ?T MR . #C# and follo(ing the humLscbe confession there+ ,as(ord &ottes is leader and Mahdr/ but it is this des 0adl Allah through the s*eechIf you understood this+ 2ei is the Kenntnis of the boo1 G< for him9itQ He9ittestiLes against all on the day of the Ab:;<#=rechnung Everything lies/ (hichhidden in the visible (orld/ durch is the ,scb3vid3n n3me a**arently done ?2r#@$@/ . B Tatsachlich called on the I8urüfr not only the Koran throughalle:;<#=gorische inter*retation for her9its9their ideas s*eciLcally as scri*t for theletter and *ay-mysticism/ but also the A and T and has s*eciLcally the gos*els

4^ The eJ*ression nu1ta for 4AH bei( 0adl Allah ste*s (ith the 2urüL li1e (ith the23b (ith relationshi*/ deG la)es the *oint b in the 2iemill3h on and beside theformula+ ,er Lnds them9her9it for itself Lrst cram of the revelationG Indian here+ ,erLrst *oint of the right-managementG

4 As the An1nü*fung ste*s at this *oint at certain schi4itische Tra:;<#=ditionen2utage/ vgl (hether . @

Fgl to it s*eciLcally 2eh34s resembles claim in the letter to the .chih G  (hether. #5B

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eJamines as a result/ 2r #@$@/ . @ It is not coincidence/ da:am*= 0adl Allah itself (ith it *articularly to Ev 8oh # *ulled felt and itself (ith the local logo ?ib identiLed2eside the allegorical (riting-eJ*lanation for the *ur*ose of the *roof/ da:am*= the ne(religion the fulLllment of all ahead-going one?s is/ the Lght stands against the letter of 

her9its9their la(s and the Auf:;<#=hebung of the cult \2r #@$@/ . 6# 2efore onlysome years still/ the students of the >y)eums have themselves in &alata .enii r4s2e1t3schl er1lart/ has dis*ensed about itself from the fOnf of canonical &eheten tocan/ RMM a a 5 . B5 and the 2e1-t3achl actually then 1no( communion of re*roduced communion besides a confessional-meeting and one ho( she9it Lnds itself similarly also (ith the Ky)ylbasch/ no cult The Fer(andt-achaft (ith the 2abismns iscons*icuous here vgl (hether . ## and follo(ing / so a *arallel to her9it is found anti-grandma-tables movement of the Muhammed 4universe of 23rfu-rüsch ?vgl in theoriginal HurüLsmus itself o . B@ 2ro(ne ?#@$@ divides . 6B and follo(ing follo(ing*lace from the Isti(3 n3ma dea &bi%3th ud din ?vgl to it V,M& Folume C#/ . #i(ith+ ,as *aradise consists of the reali)ation and the hell in of the ignorance vgl(hether . C5 and follo(ing .ince 1ennen and our o(n being and all things (e the <letters/ all things are "aradies for us Esgibt there no *rayer and abstinence more/ noReinheit and no unla(ful things Everything is allo(ed These ,inge are/ there are notobligations and this in the *aradise ,as *aradise is this (orld (ith the 1no(ledge of the Nisssenschaft von the letter and the eJ*lanation ?ba%3n of the 'nbarers/ tell seito his9its amenll Nir salvation/ it are (e in the *aradise and therefore gibt noobligation 2ut &od4s re*resentative ent:;<#=schied there/ da:am*= the &ebetsritenshould be carried outG Therefore seem 0adl Allah the o**ortunist even li1e the donorsof the 23bismus and 2eh3ismus the *rinci*le to have held u* as her9its9their sectsshare also the a**lication of the Ketm3n/ so there (ere Tabri) u according to thisre*orter in the movement evo1ed by 0adl Allah ?s*eciLcally in .chir(3n/ 7hor3s3n/>uristLn a ' Radical that eJ*lained+ den Einge(eihten hears ta1e everything in the(orld and everyone/ so much he9it at itself all the cult can tear IG and here then a**earslifted at the same time 7learly have to do at this *oint of the HurüLsmus (ith theUltraschritisnma and actually 1ic1 Ali in the ietai3o of the sect at the *lace of the 0adlAllah 2r #$56/ . C<@= vgl 8acob/ contributions . <<+ ,er/ that they namedMuhammed/ (as no other than 4universe= there is not another deity/ according tounteracheidet the esoteric teachings of the HurnfT more eJactly three revelation-ste*s+?# this of the religion-donating *ro*hets until Muhammed/ ? that the saint ?vali/ thatbegins (ith 4universe

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and as far as at the t(elfth Im3m is enough/ ?< that the Theo*hanien/ the ste* of thedeity-li1e-ness/ on (hich the second ste* reaches com*letion ?as this itself is the*erfection of the Lrst and that uses as the Lrst Theo*banie (ith 0adl All3b in a ro( of such/ T MR . <B He9it is the return of the former *ro*hets ?ib in this sense at the

same time . < and the full develo*ment of her9its9their gottheitiicnen nature Inmore Lnal sense/ 0adi Allah calls the F ater for itself/ that the nature ?d h the innersense/ the logoa ?ib isG . 6#/ 2r #@$@/ . @#= vgl (hether . #56 m A EJactly li1ethe 23b/ he9it teaches in this conteJt/ da:am*/ furthermore= all *ro*hets the (hole truth*ossessed/ but she9it only in An:;<#=*assung at her9its9their time/ therefore cloa1s/ (asallo(ed to teach and al(ays laughs at as an educator of the maturing human race fromher9its9their time and (as diso(ned/ ib . C@= vgl (hether +amp. B< @ 0ullSber:;<#=einstimmung *revails also in the regulation of the *ro*hetic nature in therelationshi* of the human and divine one bet(een both sect-donors/ in that also the*ro*het heiLt ?ib not an incarnation ?hulül but a mirror of the deity here . = vgl(hether . B# and as the com*lete human being has da$4s immediate 1no(ledge at hisdis*osal/ that also in eJ*ress contrast against this here school 1no(s is *ut/ T JI. . CC=. <6+ the *ro*het muL of home uneducated eein= vgl (hether . <# The HurüLsmos (ith the 23bismuy übercin ?vgl is correct also in the deliverance-

teachings and in the *iety-ideal (hether/ . <6 and follo(ing The Heila)iel is the fan3/the Auf:;<#=gehen in the absolute being ?T/ (ith 0adl Allah and the 2e1t3scbi MR .C#/ daa &ottscbauen ?di-33r and the turn to the unit ?vahdet under de*arture of theFiel:;<#=heit ?1esret/ for (hich is loo1ed s*eciLcally in the ego/ vgl ?selLshness/benli1 8acob/ 2e1taschi%%e . BC Husein ibn Mansür al Hall3dsch is also regarded as theUrbild of the *iety ?T here MR . 6 0rom eslml/ one of the most famous olderHurüLm3rtyrer ?t @5 MR/ t:am*=r1iacher *oets/ vgl 2r #@$@/ . 6and follo(ingbe called it+ achdem he9it (ith gOtt-licher love had been Llled/ he9it Lnally brought0adl Allah/ al HurL his9its (orshi* there and became ever bolder in his9its Rede of thedivine secrets/ the mystic Nein-becher and *roduced (ords/ that eJternallygottesl3ster:;<#=lich/ internally mystic (asG 'n cause of the 4Ulem3 from Ale**o tothe death sentenced/ confessed ah *ublic+ .eit me geholfen is/ *un (ith+ seit IMansür immediately become ha11 bin/ through the truth/ d h &od/ here 0adlAll3b/ ich al(ays says+ I am the truth ?ana4l of haN4 A similar role *lays theMartyriums:;<#=freudig1eit and martyr-(orshi* in the huru&schen 2e:;<#=(egungli1e in the b3bistischen ?vgl 2r #@$@/ . @6 and 8acob/ 2eitr . @ u < and here li1ethere the *iety from the mystic love to the donor is as a Tbeo-

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*hanie determined The death means the Lnal liberation of the soul of the matter andher9its9their return as the deity/ (ith deraie of her9its9their nature after one is/ aftershe9it *re*ares this in the GFerbunden:;<#=heit (ith the Theo*hanie on EartheJ*erienced li1e in the 23bismua the Ergeheinen of the Theo*hanie is therefore

assessed as an act of the mercy and mercy of &od ?T MR . 6< It is taught the soulshi1e %ust as little li1e in the 23bismus= ea also stays on grounds of the s*atgrieebischenteachings of the Eotation dca Nelt:;<#=geschehens ?vgl only (ith the teachings of thereturn of the a**earances here T 8H . # and follo(ing < and follo(ing B$^ Theasceticism (ill re%ect )u:;<#=sammen (ith the cult-la( ?8acob 2e1tascbi%%e . BB andthe antinomisüsche characteristic )eitigt also here a social reform-*rogram/ that theequality of man and farmhand/ from man and (oman ?T *roclaims MR . C andfollo(ing and itself in the admission of the (omen to the meetings/ in (hich 0reigebungof the veil and in the soon-form ?restriction of the divorce and the many-marriage narro(mitdem 23bismus touches/ 8acob/ 2e1taschi%%e/ . <6 This com*arison su`ces in order to sho( of da:am*= itself the 23bis:;<#=mus in the

entire ultraschl4itischen sect-grou* (ith no movement as near as (ith the hurüLschentouches

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A**endiJ II Relatives a**earances in the Indian Islam The sect of the 2eb3f has certain *arallels in India/ (here the Islam in the

together meets (ith the Hinduis:;<#=mus on the one hand/ on the other hand (iththe English culture also at unites radioed over itself even eJited It already is onthis occasion about them9her9it from the #C 8abrh descendant sects of the .i1h in

the "endscb3b/ as (ell as about them9her9it only from the end of the *revious centuryof coming sect-formations of the Ahmed-i%%a and the .e%%id Ahmedi/ also in India4snorth(est These *arallels are instructive in dierent direction

# The .i1histnus scientiLcally o*ened u* or the Holy scri*tures of the The di&ranth .ibhsG/ >ondon #@66/ vgl from Trum** since his9its translation of the canonstored in mritsar Trum**/ the religion of the .i1h/ >ei*)ig #@@#= vgl distant "incott.i1bismG in Hughes/ ,ictionary of Islam #@@@ . C@< and follo(ing/ (here the .i1h-hand(ritings are *rocessed .i1h de l4Inde et read le in the India '`ce >ibrary/ 7abaton/.i1hisme RMM A*ril for the Lrst time #$5@/ . @# and follo(ing/ dag ne( big (or1 of MA Macaulie/ The .i1h religion/ volumes// 'Jford #$#5/ be)( the re*orts about it (ith&old)iher/ lectures about the Islam . <5$ and 8 Finson/ >a religion of the .i1h in RMM

.e* #$#5/ . <#B## - one re*resents synthesis of Islam and Hinduism under the 8ataim"endsch3b eingebür:;<#=gerte The 2ot:;<#=schaft of his9its original donor/ the(eaver Kabir ?ar W the &roG/ *robably einea of born Muhammedaners/ that lived bythe year #C55/ (as+ the same is the Hindu4s &od and the Muhammedaner His9itsteacher R3ni3tanda had %ustiLed already a Fischnu-se1te/ in (hich the *urity-la(s andall the cult (ere annulled That of the .i1h sees in the lighter light of the history Lrst/.i1h W students sanscr ei1shya/ as her9its9their Lrst guru ?sanscr W Teachers/ divinelyadmired disci*les of the Kabir/ ana1/ #B$#C<@ k/ this/ from birth Hindu/ under (hichis from Iran ein:;<#=gedrungenen Muhammedanem in the area of >ahore in the [ üa-mus aufge(aclisen and (as (orth his9its life as Muhammedaner long He9it gone overaoil to the Islam and already the *ilgrimage had to Mecca behind itself/ as he9it

*erformed (ith the message in the age of << years+ Es gives neither Hindu norMuhamme:;<#=danerG He9it came school of the fa1irs to .ultan-trar from the s(eet-little Instead of his9its son/ he9it determined his9its favorite-student

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Angada to the successor in the *ro*hetic o`ce of the guru and this follo(ed @ (idergurus/ until that decided tenth to the Geternal guruG the canon/ in that he9it him9itthrough the 2uch the teethed guruG su**lemented Here/ that of Kabir and 3na1 auf-gehobene tiachib3d is again to the *rinci*le raises/ after the .eFte since her9its9their

*olitical consolidation under the fourth guru Ram ,as ?f lO:am*='/ that the Em*erorA1bar of the donors of an union-religion ?vgl himself .heaf/ Em*eror A1bar/ Tüb Univ"rogr #$#5 the reason and ground had given for the city Amritsar/ in Lght (ith theIslam had gotten "incott has nach:;<#=ge(iesen/ daL the .üLsmus the ,ecisive onein the sect the .i1h and her9its9their teachings is Emerged 3na1 Aug for him9it and theolder guru carried itself as süLsehe fa1irs (ith the Rosen:;<#=1r3n)en for the Hitr/ asold illustrations sho( .ome buddhi:;<#=stischer im*act gets along (ith the old touchof .iiLs-mqg and 2uddhism at India4s north(est-li1e border ?vgl icholson/ The 'riginand develo*ment of .uLisin 8RA. #$5 @ @5@ and follo(ing by itself  The t(o main-dogmas of the .i1h are &od4s unit in the *antheistic sense ?s o . <

and the indis*ensable-ness of an unerring guru Im beginning (as the truthful-y EineNisao+ there are t(o religions ?Islam and Hinduism/ aber only one man He9it createdeverything and everything to it be:;<#=stimmt/ to sin1/ again _ou/ Hari Harihara/ derhighest &ottG/ is an amalgamation of Fischnu in the Fischnuismus and : lt=tva/ Tiele aG 5 . C5= 1ic1s o*en others beside it/ (ith *reference Allah and Khud3 vgl o . #@7omment # 1no(s and dutch-dringst everything Mutter/ soul/ the name Hari/according to sen(inden die sins _ou are I/ and I am you and is no Unter-achied= ao isgold and bracelet/ (ater and (ave Through the voll1ommenen guru/ Haris anie is fastin me/ Hari is mein friend and 1ing Unite (ith the master of the AUs The guru is truehe9it 7reators/ under his9its *rotection of allein/ one comes in Haris house I give u*be:;<#=st3ndig to my guru my life as victims FergeLt everything/ thin1s according tothe Ein)igen and la:am*=t all angry thoughts The Feda and der Kr3a testify to ea+ The King 3na1 becameG a**arent/ end the di &ranth/ s 7abaton a a ' . 6#$ The&ottes-begri. is the süLsche/ ivie a**roaches the Indian one relative he9it is/ es*eciallysince (here the 2rahma mas1ulinisch gefa:am*=t is &od is the Un:;<#=sichtbare/unattainable/ inLnite He9it enters into the a**earance in his9its Lrst Emanation/ the,emiurgen/ that re*resents the in-ness of s*irit and material/ and the cry*tic being of the (orld/ that dece*tion as *hysical (orld ?multi*licity/ m3y3% is Also here/ thedeity (ith *reference becomes under d]r GrtLscho*

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Meta*hor of the light been loo1ed at= as (ell as in 1osmologischer li1e inanthro*ological direction The soul of the human being is a ray of light from &odHer9its9their im*urity comes from the m3y3 As (ell/ the süiische teachings of thes*irit4s develo*ment turns into the deity through the rich of the nature over the *eo*le

and taught the corres*onding salvation-teachings of the Rüc11ehrG in theAb:;<#=solute in the reali)ation of his9its identity (ith him9it 2eside the reali)ation/the virtue-*ractice also gets along unddersüLschen forth-recovery of the *atience (iththe *er:;<#=sischen three-ness of fundamental attitude/ s*eech and action here The guru su**lies both/ reali)ation and virtue com*letely there/ he9it is der

Foll1ommeneG the *ur*ose of the .üLsmus He9it is understood as demonstration of the divine s*irit As such/ he9it *roves in geoenbarter s*eech ?FerseG and thought-harvests He9it is entitled middle to absolute validity and Auto:;<#=rit3t as theimmediate one bet(een &od and the *eo*le In the a**ellate-vision/ &od says to3oa1+ Ner your amen assumes/ should become ha**y through me Really Gichgave you my o(n nameG "incott a a 5 . QMQ4.  The cult gets together fromRe)itationen from the Adi &ranth/ meditations and *rivate *rayer ?(hen rising anddinners as (ell as before the (or1 Ablutions and alms occur as religion-la( already inthe a**ellate-vision of the 3na1 The *ractical to* of the .i1hismus no( is eben:;<#=dieselbe li1e in the

2eh3ismus It is the ?süLsche message of the irrelevance of the dierence of thereligions o**osite a *antheistic mysticism/ the at the same time convenientaftereect is given The equality of all *eo*le before &od (ithout dierence of thedenomination and the race is announced 0rom here/ 3na1 has auf:;<#=gehoben thedschib3d and the Indian caste li1e(ise The Religion of the unitG gets there*resentation ?7abaton . more se*arately also (ith him9it in the table-communityuntil no( 655and follo(ing

The sect the in the year #@@$ in "endsch3b as Mahdl auf-getretenen Mlr)3 &hul3mAhmed of K3di3n vgl RMM ,ec #$5/ . C<<and follo(ing+ Houtsma/ >e mouvementreligieuJ of the Ahma-diyya auJ mean(hile anglaises/ communications of aMuhammedaners from the surroundings of the &hul3m Ahmed at the director of themuhammedanischen college in 7alcutta/ ,enison RoL= MRN 'ct #$56+ .ir3dsch uddln>ahore/ Mlr)3 &hul3m Ahmed/ a lse Messiah of Islam= vgl also Arnold PU 'rienta>Kongr #@$$/ III/ # . #<$and follo(ing= 8udges/ Indian Missionsgescbichte/ . B$f=&old)iher/ Forl ü d lsl . <#<t an interesting *arallel of other side oers to the*roclamation of the 2eha Allah

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and the 23b Here/ the Mabdiideal is alert under veriLable inuence of the culture-movement and reinter*reted into the mental at the same time The only 65-year old Indian Muhammedaner &hu%3m Ahmed resides in his9its home

to(n K3dian as Mahdl in the district &urdas*ur in the "endsch3b and a gifted/

theologically and linguistically educated man from good family is He9it is in this sieves aiger years of the *revious century through the English Missi:;<#=onen in the"endsch3b (ith the 7hristianity 1no(n become and decided against the same afterheavy inner confrontations/ *articularly also (ith the biblical >iterar1riti1 He9it no( *utthe mission of the 7hristianity/ in (hich he9it recogni)ed him9it Antichrist/ themission of the Islam4s ent:;<#=gegen Nhile he9it sought to refute the 7hristiandogmas of the FerhOhnungstod and the resurrection of 7hristi/ in that he9it (rotedar:;<#=über/ that 8esus4 grave is in the Khan ,sch3rstrae to .rinagar ?cashmere and(ith him9it after an other(ise un1no(n sacred 8ü) - saf named grave identically/ that*robably is 2uddhist origin incidentally/ is and da:am*= 8esus consequently after his9itsa**earance-death by Iodien ge:;<#=1ommen and died here/ he9it *roclaimed himself even as the Mahdl simultaneously/ in (hich as (ell as Muhammed came bac1 as 8esus This return is gras*ed eJactly as radsch4a+ Nie 8ohannes is the 2a*tist in his9its s*iritand strength ?Ev des Elias4 return >u1 #/#6/ is 7hristi in s*irit and strength ich of the Mahdl soG Nie itself t(o *eas resemblesG/ the s*iritual character of the oneresembles hiebei the andern ?t t burü)/ arab W A**earance It is taught not.eelen:;<#=(anderung but return of the ty*e Nith it be:;<#=gegnen (e here thesame s*iritual isierung of the Mahdl li1e in the 23bismus The hl becomes (ith severeem*hasis &et ?dschi-b3d re%ected ,ie traditions/ that associate him9it (ith the Mahdrof the Lnal days/ is invented and null gegen:;<#=über of the tradition+ Es becomema1eG an end for the sacred (ars no other Mahdl as the Messiah and he9it/ siJthtradition-collection of the Tirmidl f 6$ MR Also die signs of the MahdlG are to beunderstood s*iritually As the Mahdl *roves in the 23bismus through his9its (onderful1no(ledge here/ this in the *rediction es*ecially groomed by &hul3m Ahmed and inthe familiar Hervorbringung of ins*ired FerseG in voll:;<#=endetem Arabic/ as (ellas through his9its (onderful geist:;<#=liche *o(er as a religion-donor/ a**ears toRMM a a 5 . # Every millennium has his9its religion-donor/ that means *er thereturn of his9its *redecessors and is announced in the messiamschen *redictions of thesame o(/ (e stand in the seventh year-

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thousand/ &hul3m Ahmed is seventh abschlie:;<#=ende (orld-savior as Mahdlthere/ in (hich the Messiaser maintenances of all religions/ as (ell as theMuhammedaner li1e the 7hristians and 8e(s are Llled ?To this vgl o . #/ unt CB Atthe same time/ regard is ta1en on the Hinduism here= &hul3tn Ahmed calls itself the

deity4s youngest Avat3r The ne( universal-religion is faJed as a ne( *ositiverevelation+ ,aa taciturn gate of the revelation o*enedG again/ a a 5 . CB oneclearly at the 23bismus an:;<#=1lingende 2ede(endung The 2ot:;<#=schaft of the &bul3m Ahmed enters also into her9its9their *ractical

design as an Indian *arallel beside the 23bismus It is daa *rinci*le of the religioustolerance that also comes to the ,urchbrtch in the Vusammenbang (ith the culture-movement in the Islam here and/ since it conicts (ith him9it/ to aSber:;<#=greifenden religion-foundation in the frame(or1 of a muhammedaniscbensect leads &hul3m Ahmed unites a as a *ro*het of the tolerance in the&egen:;<#=sat) against the teachings of the dsrhih3d (ith the English government of the country/ that li1es to be su**orted by him9it and (ith (hich he9it even became(ith a tolerance-*ro*osition against the alleged Sber:;<#=grie of the 7hristianmissionaries vorstellig a 5 . C6# The character of the sect in his9itsmuhammedanischen limitedness/ s*eciLcally süLscher direction and in his9itsFer:;<#=(andtschaft (ith the 23bismus gives the most shortly from the #5&e:;<#=boten forth/ the &hul3m Ahmed of his9its sect gave in the sense of the dervish-decorations+ #/ the monotheistic belief (ith *rohibition each schir1s *rohibition of thelie/ the adultery/ the angry desire and the resistance to the eJecutive/ </ the *rayer-times and the di1r/ B/ *rohibition/ someone violently or also only (ith the tongue asorro(/ C/ to do "atience and faith in &od for the ailment ? changes fromMuhammeds For:;<#=bild/ s*eciLcally in denying of the sensual desire ?# ?6humility @ Unbedingte dedication to the Islam under *ossible Vurüc1-set)U,g of *ro*erty/ honor and family/ $% benevolence gegeo all creatures and the (holeman1ind ?#5 Unbedingte Ldelity to(ards the master of the sect on grounds of theloyal-oath ?bai4at 'ne sees ho( tolerance and fanaticism meet here and dag is foughtfor a historical religion here Ho(ever/ the front is another than in the 23bismns Nasdriven N3h:;<#=rend this into the Lght against the Islam and to *laceitself9themselves *ositively to the 7hristianity see1s/ emerged the movement of the Ahmedi%%a from the Lght against the 7hristianity and does be-(u:am*=termaen for the Isl3cn The conLdence/ daL itself her9its9their matter/ thereligion of the Mahdl and the Lnal days in 23lde through-

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(ill *lace/ &hul3oi Ahmed is equally sincerely also had turned not only at the Englishgovernment at *lace and *lace but also at the Dueen Fi1toria even in a missive (ithboth cham*agnes and drives his9its *ro*aganda %ust as vigorously/ li1e 2eb3 Allah

After he9it had become evident in a (riting 2ar3bla-i Ahmedi%%a (ith his9its *rogram

already in the year #@@5/ he9it eJ*lained 2ich at the B March #@@$ o*enly as the Mahdland collected Muslim of his9its action-area an a**endiJ nament:;<#=lich about itself under that of Euro*ean formation of beeinu3ten/ (hose )ahlen:;<#=m3ige outstrong from the same interest li1e in the 23bis-mus/ ho(ever/ and even more naughtilythan there/ vgl (hether . #C@and follo(ing it is eJaggerated ,uring the censuses of the year #$5# for the "endscb3b only ###</ for the 2ombay*r3aidentschaft ##5@6arisen male Ahmedi%%a boasts/ they declare themselves even on <55555 2isher ?#$56is su**osed to have brought it on 65555 souls the community of the ne( Mahdl/&old)iher a a ' . <#C &hul3m Ahmed iat a fertile author In K3di3n/ he9it entertainst(o Veit:;<#=schriften/ (hose a The Revie( of ReligionsG (ill edit English Here alsotherefore a *ro*aganda in the not-'riental (orld In o(n *rinting (or1/ he9it has morethan 5 theological (riting in more Arabic/ more "ersian furthermore and Urdü-s*rache *ublished 0urthermore/ he9it entertains t(o higher schools of the children of his9its su**orters He9it is eJcommunicated since his9its a**earance and (ith is beenfeuding by the Islam more severely than from the 7hristian mission/ that he9it o**osesin religion-conversations and (riting eJcellently The crucialAusein:;<#=anderset)ungen too1 *lace in the years #@@C and #@$< Also here/ (e Lndthe a**lication of *oison and dagger in the service of the *ro*het/ about his9itsFeruchung determined o**onents and the *ro*hecy of her9its9their endnach)uhelfen/ although also this *ro*het is eJ*ressly doomed and striving thefanaticism to a(a1en a culture-friendly s*irit in his9its su**orters

,a:am*= also this movement is evo1ed by the culture-movement/ a**ears u a in it/daL under the signs of Lnal days of the Mahdl besides certain sidereal and tellurischenEr:;<#=scheinungen ?*articular a suns and ecli*se in the Ramadan #@$B/ on (hoseagreement (ith certain traditions laid value grO:am*=erer here a**ears/ as in the23bismus/ the re*ression of the Kara(anenver1ebrs of the railroads and the Sberhand-nehmen of the religion of the cross occur

0inally is still reminded on the agreement/ that consists of the regulation of thesuccession bet(een the cham*agnes of the 2eb3 Allah and the &hul3m Ahmed/ inthat she9it also (ill Lrst become the *ro*erty of one of his9its sons here/ that li1e(ise

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it becomes &od-li1e ins*ired aein/ and after this at a sta/ that so-called sadr-andschuman-i-Ahmedi%%a ?a a 5 . C6 The rite of the bai4at/ that sho(s the sect in thedierence of the 23bismua/ can be done each member

&hul3m Ahmed refers to the .i1hismus/ (ith (hich his9its movement has an inner

relationshi*/ (ith *reference bac1< ,ersog euisl3m of the .e%%id Ahmedi#/ that itself according to the founder of 

the Muslim college of Aligarb ?#@6@/ .ir .e%%id Ahmed 7han ?f #@$@ name and alsoaturl or aitschari ?from the English naturel are named by the o**onents/ the2eb3ismus is relative/ *rovided he9it a synthesis of the Islam (ith the (esternscience/ be:;<#=sonders of the science strives for and the Islam ?under allegeddecline on the Koran in contrast to his9its later develo*ment in the sense of the thice-table schillern:;<#=den neuhinduistischen *antheism under the motto of Islamalso the teachings of the *ro*het be IslamG constructed nature and nature and li1ethe &ottesbegri is in similar manner of alteriert here/ as in the 2eh3ismus and23bismus The miracle is re%ected at him9it that he9it asserts himself internallyHo(ever/ this school goes be:;<#=deutend in the rationali)ation of the Islam furtherthan the 23bismus The ins*iration becomes be gefaLt and the single truth-*roof of a*ro*hetic message her9its9their rationality as mere religious ingenuity here Therationalistische (ing of the 2eb3l ?s is in this res*ect o . #B and follo(ing theeuisl3m in India used 2ut also he9it is unhistorischeo rationalism ?vgl such eJactly inthe dierence of one &old)iher/ the Rel d Isl a a ' . #<# establisheddogmatically on the belief at the ne( *ro*hets of the 23bismus The Indian ne(-Islam can be regarded as a *arallel to the 2rahmo .am3dsch and is used in similarmanner the theoso*hical movement from India li1e the 2eh3ismus ot only the(estern culture but also the 7hristianity is utili)ed *ositively That ha**ens in a the b3-bistischen used social reform-*rogram ?recovery of the female seJ/ reform of theschool system here/ that the Veit:;<#=schrift Mohammedan .ocial servesreformerG This Lnds the eJ*ression in a *ositive a**reciation of the ne( (ill and the*erson of 7hristi 0inally/ (e also Lnd the urge here/ internationally and/ to seeminterdenominational/ ) 2/ on the 2eligions*arlament/ ?that met in 7alcutta in #$5$

4 Tgl &old)iher/ the Rel d lal G a 5 . #<#= Forl ü d Id . @#<= 8 2iohter/ IndiicheMiss Deich . B@and follo(ing= Ro*e/ 7h R #$5$/ . B@5and follo(ing

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I/ Hermann ROmer/ am at the @ 8uly #@@5 to "frondorf at Tübingen in Nürttembergborn as son of Heinrich ROmer/ no( *riests a , in .tuttgart/ and Martha gives.chinc1el I visited #@@#@@@ the grade school in &roLhe**ach near Naib-lingen/

#@@@-#@$< the grammar school of Naiblingen/ #@$<-#@$@ the Karl-high school in.tuttgart/ #@$<#$5 the theological and *hiloso*hical faculties of the universities Tübingen and hall a ./ sub my college lecturers mentions the men "rofessors ,, HoU/bald/ fReischle/ .chlatter/ .eybold I ,r ,r H3ring/ fHegler/ (ith be:;<#=sonderem,au1

After the Lrst theological service-eJamination/ I 1ic1ed #$5 io the(ürttembergischen church-service/ I taught #$5<#$5 as a theological su**ort-teacher at the 2asler mission-seminar/ #$56 to #$#5 as Re*etent at the evang tbeol.eminar in Tübingen In the N-. #$5@9$ and .-. #$5$ I led by the order of the evtheol 0aculty the lo( de*artment of the neutestamentlichen seminar of the universityand read in the N . #$5@9$ over ,ie &eschiebte of the deutseben mission since A MR