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Training Dictionary


Training Dictionary

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Training Dictionary


AAccelerated LearningA broad, eclectic concept of learning that incorporates the physical, social, andpsychological environments. It includes methods that are fun for the learner and promoteparticipation and involvement.

AcquisitionThe process of learning and practicing new skills and knowledge.

AcronymA word formed from the first letters of other words, e.g. UNICEF.

Action MazeA variation of the case study in which trainees solve a problem or case by makingdecisions. Their decisions determine what they will see next. The consequences of theirdecisions provide trainees with insight and feedback.

Action PlanA blueprint of the specific actions that a learner will take on the job as a result of a trainingexperience.

Active ListeningA group facilitation skill where the listener responds through non-verbal behavior andattempts to understand not only the message but the feelings behind the content.

Adult Learning PrinciplesIdeas and methods which can be built into training programs that give incentive to adultsto learn, and ensures that activities are based on learners' needs and interests.

Advance OrganizerPre-course material containing the key concepts and ideas to be presented during training,given in order to prepare the learner.

Affective LearningTraining related to changes in emotions, feelings, values, and attitudes.

AlgorithmA step-by-step procedure used for problem-solving or while performing a task.

AndragogyThe discipline of teaching adults; how adults learn and use new skill and knowledge.

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AnimationThe movement of text, graphics, or characters on a computer screen in the context ofcomputer-based training.

ApplicationThe second phase of instruction which gives the learner the opportunity to practice, apply,or respond to the course content. Application can only be done by the learnersthemselves.

Artificial IntelligenceAdvanced computer technology which simulates human reasoning.

Assessment CenterA method of evaluating supervisory and managerial potential against performancestandards.

Attending BehaviorsActive listening skills which assist people in exploring their thoughts. These skillsreinforce participation and make learners feel comfortable and accepted. These techniquesalso assist the course leader in listening carefully.

Attention SpanThe limit to peoples' concentration on an activity. Usually limited to 20 minutes.

Attitude StatementA description of the desired perspective that a learner should possess regarding an issue ortask.

Audio-Visual AidsA category of various audio or visual mediums which supplement and enhance thepresentation of a course.

Authoring LanguageThe coding used by computer programmers to "write" a computer-based trainingprogram.

Authoring SystemA computer software package that is used to "write" a computer-based training program.The system manipulates the authoring language through commands by the author.

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Training Dictionary


BBehaviorAn observable and measurable work-related action.

Behavior Description IndexA questionnaire used to evaluate whether the knowledge and skill received in training hasbeen implemented back on the job.

Behavior ModelingA technique in which desirable behavior is shown to the trainees. The behavior is thenanalyzed and studied. An opportunity follows for trainees to practice the behavior,receiving guidance and feedback. Used commonly in interpersonal skills andcommunication training.

Behavior ModificationThe theory that a person will change their behavior when given a reward for performance,i.e. positive or negative reinforcement.

Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)An evaluation tool that measures an individual's behavior against a statement that bestdescribes the behavior.

BehaviorismA theory of human behavior. It states that a person will behave in a certain way becausethey will receive either positive or negative consequences for that behavior.

Block-BustingA technique of anticipating and dealing with barriers to the implementation of new skillsand knowledge back on the job.

BrainstormingA freewheeling technique to generate ideas. Phase one requires a creative, spontaneousflow of suggestions without any judgment or evaluation of the suggestions. Phase twoinvolves more careful analysis to explore the ideas and evaluate their usefulness.

Branching ProgramInstruction based on individual needs designed so that different learners see differentcontent.

Buddy SystemTwo trainees paired together on the job who assist and support each other inimplementing the new skills and knowledge acquired in training.

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Buzz GroupA large group is subdivided into smaller groups for a quick discussion. All groups meetsimultaneously for 5-10 minutes to react to a topic, generate ideas or questions, discuss anissue, etc.

CCapacityThe mental or physical ability to perform a task.

Card PostingA technique for generating ideas and writing them on index cards or post-it notes. Thenotes are posted on a wall where they can then be prioritized, sorted, or revised.

Case StudyA written or oral account of a situation is given to the trainees. Either individually or ingroups, the trainees are asked to analyze the case and present recommendations.

ChainingA way of sequencing course content so that skills and knowledge build on subsequentcontent so that a "chain" is built, going from the known to unknown, simple to complex,concrete to abstract.

Checklist QuestionsA question that lists a number of possible responses from which the respondent mustselect and check off.

Circular WhipA technique used to encourage participation in a group where the trainer "whips" aroundthe room, seeking to generate ideas and discussion.

ClientThe organization, group, or individual who sponsors training.

ClimateThe atmosphere in the training situation, either positive or negative, which will affect thelearning of the trainees.

ClinicTrainees meet to analyze and treat a specific problem or react to a problem they haveencountered.

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Closed QuestionAlso called a two-way question, where the respondent is given only two choices, usuallyyes or no.

CoachingA one-on-one process in which intensive learning occurs via demonstration and practicefollowed by guidance and feedback. Usually takes place on the job.

Cognitive Learning TheoriesRefers to the way an individual learns to change "mental behaviors" such ascomprehensive, analysis, evaluation.

Cognitive ModelingModeling mental behaviors in order to affect change in others. Mental behaviors are madeobservable and procedural in order to model them.

Cognitive StyleThe way in which individuals learn, think, process information, feel, and react in learningsituations.

CohesivenessThe outcome of a small group working together in a positive manner towards an agreedupon objective or goal.

ColloquyA modified version of a panel involving 4-8 people. Half the panel represents the trainees;the other half are resource people or experts. The trainee representatives ask questions,raise issues, and make comments for the experts to respond to.

CommitteeA smaller group drawn from a large group of trainees to handle a project or assignmentthat can't be handled efficiently by the large group. There may be more than onecommittee working at the same time. Each committee reports back to the larger group fordirection and feedback.

CompetenciesThe skills and knowledge required by an individual to perform a task, job, or role.

Competency ModelingAn instructional technique that role-plays the skill and knowledge required for a specifictask, job, or role to learners so that they may model the behavior.

Competency-Based TrainingThe teaching of specific skills and knowledge required to perform a task, job, or role.

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Computer CoursewareThe actual instruction provided to the learner via the computer; the training program asdelivered in computer-based training.

Computer LiteracyThe relative experience, knowledge, and skill a learner possesses regarding computers. Akey factor in learner analysis for computer-oriented instructional events.

Computer-Based TrainingThe trainee receives instruction, makes responses, and receives feedback via interactionwith a computer.

Computer-Managed Instruction (CMI)The overall management of individual training plans by computers.

Computer-Supported Learning ResourcesAlso known as Electronic Performance Support Systems (EPSS), the accessing ofrequired information via a computer in the workplace that allows an employee toimmediately gain the support required to perform a task.

ConditionsThe resources required by the employee in order to perform a task, e.g. tools, equipment,time, support.

ConferenceA number of different presentations are available for the learners to choose from.Generally the people at each session share a common problem or need.

ConsumerThe organization, group, or individual who attend or use training.

Content AnalysisDetermining the subject matter, teaching points, and learning that make up the knowledgeand skill to perform a task. See also, "Task Analysis."

ContractingThe agreement between the instructor and learners as to the content to be covered in acourse and the depth to which it will be covered.

Control GroupWhen seeking information or data from a target population, a control group must also besolicited in order to determine if there are any differences between the two.

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Copy ItemA CBT design flaw in which the learner is given the response to a question in the conceptor idea previously presented.

Corporate CultureThe learned behavior patterns of an organization which are expected of its employees.

Correspondence CourseA self-instructional course using prepared materials that are sent to the trainee. Thetrainee does assignments and returns them to an instructor who reviews them. Thecorrespondence is usually done through the mail.

Cost-Benefit AnalysisThe identification of costs and benefits associated with training in order to determine areturn on investment for each dollar spent on training.

Course ManualThe content of a course provided to the participants in a paper format.

Course MapThe outline of a training program, usually presented in a graphic format.

Course StructureThe pattern in which a training course is put together and presented, following thestructure of a job-duty: task, sub-task, steps.

Co-TrainingAlso "Team Training." Two or more trainers together responsible for instructing acourse.

Creativity TrainingInstruction designed to promote creative behavior through the use of the right side of thebrain. Examples are problem solving and decision-making.

CriteriaThe standard of measurement for evaluating an individual's performance.

Criterion TestA major exercise or test that will be used to assess if the learner has achieved theobjective. The trainee's success on this test is the "criterion" for deciding if the trainee canperform the task in the workplace.

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Critical IncidentA variation of the case study in which trainees are given incomplete data. By analyzingthe case and asking the right questions, they are given additional data needed to solve thecase.

Critical PathAn integral part of project planning which attempts to identify the longest amount of timerequired to complete the project; in other words, a worst-case scenario for the time factor.

Critical TasksThe process of rating a task listing in order to determine those critical tasks to be includedin the training program. Ratings include frequency, importance, learning difficulty, andentering behavior.

CritiqueTrainees analyze the strengths and weaknesses of a subject, system, approach, proposal,etc. They then make suggestions for improvements.

Crossfire QuestionsA questioning technique used by the instructor who refers a participant question to one ormore learners in order to receive an answer.

CueA hint or signal that serves to recall information from memory.

CustomerThe organization, group, or individual who identify training needs and authorize anindividual to attend training.

DDebateTwo trainees or teams of trainees defend opposite sides of an issue. Trainees alternate inpresenting their arguments. The purpose is to explore all aspects of an issue and alsoemphasizes winning.

Decision AidThe use of a model, formula, or checklist which aids in the mental process of making adecision.

Decision TableA type of decision aid which lists both the decisions to be made and the criteria whichaffect those decisions.

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Delivery MethodsThe various techniques and media used in training to deliver content to learners.

Delphi TechniqueA consensus-seeking technique where individual preferences are solicited and then rankedor analyzed.

DemonstrationTrainees observe the performance of a task or procedures. The demonstration may be liveor pre-recorded.

Demonstration Role-PlayA role-play designed to demonstrate a problem or situation which is then critiqued by therest of the group.

Design DocumentAn outline of the training program as it will be presented to the learners. The outline iswritten after decisions have been made as to content, objectives, exercises, methods, andsequence.

Desk ReviewA critical evaluation of a training program done before the validation process by theauthor in order to make improvements.

DevelopmentThe process of providing employees with skill and/or knowledge which will prepare themfor employment positions in the long term future.

Developmental TestingThe process of validating course materials and content at key points throughout the designof computer-based training in order to identify weaknesses and make improvements to thecourse design.

DialogueTwo individuals hold a conversation while the trainees observe. The individuals indialogue may be resource people or selected trainees. They may either present opposingviews or simply discuss the issue in an informed manner.

DiariesA means of reinforcing the significance of new learning and increasing the likelihood ofapplication back on the job.

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Didactic MethodThe traditional approach to teaching based on leader-led instruction as opposed to learner-centered or discovery learning.

Direct QuestionA question asked to a specific learner.

Discovery LearningThe learner-centered approach to training where trainees are encouraged to discover newskill and knowledge and manage their own learning.

Discrete TasksTasks which are composed of a number of separate and distinct elements; for example,operating a computer.

DiscriminationA training technique that teaches by having learners discriminate or find differencesbetween items.

DiscussionAn exchange of ideas on a topic of mutual concern. The discussion can be leaderless ormoderated by a leader. It can be totally unstructured and spontaneous or it can be highlystructured.

DrillA session of repetitive practice designed to increase efficiency, improve the quality ofperformance, or aid retention.

DutyThe broad areas or divisions of responsibility of the job.

DyadTwo participants working together as a pair in a training situation.

EEditorsSpecialized computer software programs used to manipulate text, graphics, etc. Parts ofauthoring systems for developing computer-based training.

EducationA field in Human Resource Development that provides employees with knowledge and/orskill for employment positions in the medium term future.

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Embedded TrainingComputer software applications training that is built into the actual software that is usedon the job.

Empty Chair TechniqueA role-play technique characterized by one person conducting a dialogue with animaginary person in the empty chair. The person then occupies the empty chair and takesthe other point of view.

Entering BehaviorA determination of the knowledge and skill a learner brings with them in performing a taskon the job. This is done during the task listing.

Entry Level TrainingTraining designed for the new employee including orientation and basic skills andknowledge for initial job performance.

Environmental StressorsConditions such as noise, heat, or other stressors that may impede training on the job.

Essay QuestionA non-performance test in which the learner is expected to produce a text of writtenmaterial which would demonstrate understanding of a concept or issue.

EvaluationThe four-part analysis of whether the course met the training needs as identified.

Evaluation InstrumentsMethods used in course evaluation such as rating scales, questionnaires, and interviews.

Executive DevelopmentTraining focused on middle and upper management levels and potential managers toimprove and give new knowledge and skill.

Executive SummaryA short, concise, conceptual review of a course.

ExercisesPlanned opportunities that allow learners to practice and apply the knowledge and skillduring training.

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Expanded PanelThis is a panel with a vacant chair. Trainees can temporarily take the vacant chair in orderto participate briefly in the panel discussion. When they have had their say, they vacatethe chair so another trainee can occupy it.

ExpectancyAn awareness on the part of the learner of the outcome or objective of training.

Experiential LearningSynonymous with discovery learning where the trainees learn from their instructional orpersonal experiences.

FFacilitationThe skill of assisting participants to take responsibility for their own learning. A facilitatorguides or manages the learning as opposed to instructing or teaching in the traditionalsense.

Facing ChairsA technique designed to allow participants to "see" the other side of an issue by allowingthem to argue the opposite point of view to which they subscribe.

FantasyAn application technique whereby the participant imagines or fantasizes about a non-specific idea or topic. Used to prepare participants for a real life situation. See also,"Mental Imagery."

Faults AnalysisThe process of analyzing potential performance problems and how their performance"faults" can be prevented. A proactive approach to training.

FeedbackThe third phase of instruction which occurs simultaneously to the learner performing orapplying the knowledge and skill acquired during instruction. Feedback is the positive orconstructive acknowledgment that the learner is performing correctly or incorrectly.

Field DependenceAn impediment to on-the-job training by environmental factors that influence the trainee'sability to learn.

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Field TripTrainees are taken to the environment where the task is performed. The trip is carefullyplanned for learning through observation and analysis of what is observed (this is not just acasual tour).

Field TryoutAlso known as validation or pilot program, the testing of a training program before finalrevision and implementation. The program is tested on a group representative of thetarget population.

Fill-in-the-Blank TestA non-performance test in which the learner produces words or phrases which must befilled in the appropriate blank spaces.

FishbowlA modification of the discussion in which a large group is divided into two smaller groups.The "inner" circle discusses an issue or does an exercise while the "outer" circle observesand then offers observations or feedback.

Five-M (5M) AnalysisA technique of problem-solving focusing on manpower, machinery, methods, materials,and money.

FlashingAn alteration of dark and light displays for emphasis on a computer screen.

Flip ChartA visual aid in a classroom which consists of an easel and pad of paper.

FlowchartPlotting the relationship of one screen to another in order to determine the overall flowand sequence of screens as seen by the learner in the CBT program.

Focused AnalysisA format of case studies that requires the trainees to focus their analysis on a specificissue.

Fog IndexA formula applied to a passage of text to calculate its readability. The calculationproduces a figure which indicates how many years of schooling are required to read thetext.

Follow-Up QuestionAn additional question asked to obtain more information.

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Follow-Up TrainingAdditional training given to the employees after leaving the course in order to reinforcethe formal instruction.

Force Field AnalysisAnticipating obstacles and helpful forces that may influence a future course of action; forexample, the application of new skills back on the job.

Forced-Choice TechniqueAn assessment instrument that requires a trainee to choose between two statements. Thepattern of choices will reveal a characteristic of the learner.

Forgetting CurveThe rate at which a trainee forgets material that has been learned. Forgetfulness occurs ata marked degree in the short-term but continues to a slower degree over time.

Formative EvaluationAlso known as validation, field tryout, or pilot program. The testing of course materialsbefore implementation with the purpose of making revisions and improvements. Testingcan be done using a small group one-on-one trial or large group typical of the targetpopulation.

ForumFollowing a formal presentation, trainees discuss and ask questions about the topic. Theymay ask questions of the speaker or discuss among themselves. For larger groups, amoderator may be needed.

FrameAn instructional unit in computer-based training which contains presentation, application,and feedback. A frame relates to a portion of course content, usually a teaching point.

Frame GameAn instructional game where the framework or format has been previously established andthe trainer is only required to add the content.

Frequency of TasksA determination of how frequently a task is performed on the job. This is done duringtask listing.

Front-End AnalysisAn analysis of performance problems as to their cause and solutions and determiningwhether training is required for those problems caused by a lack of knowledge and skill.See also, "Performance Analysis" and "Needs Analysis."

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GGameAn exercise in which competition or cooperation (or both) are used to practice principleslearned previously. It is usually intended to be fun.

Goal StatementA description of the desired outcome from the completion of a task.

Goal-Focused EvaluationAn assessment of the impact of training on the achievement of organizational goals.

Goal-Free EvaluationAn assessment of the impact of training based on goals or criteria different from theinstructional objectives.

Group DynamicsThe interaction of individuals in a group situation.

Group InterviewsThe collection of information from a group on a face-to-face basis.

Group Needs AssessmentThe identification of training needs of specific groups in an organization based on jobs orcategories of employees.

Guessing ItemA CBT design flaw in which the learner is presented with an incomplete concept or ideaand must guess at the required response to a question.

Guided ImageryAn application technique where the participants imagine a specific picture or scenario andare verbally guided through the imagination by the trainer.

HHard DataInformation regarding the measurement of observable tasks in the workplace.

Hawthorne EffectFrom the Elton Mayo experiments at Western Electric's Hawthorne plants, refers to theinitial changes in productivity following a change in the workplace.

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HeaderThe functional area at the top of a screen used to display information about the program,usually title, page number, etc.

Hierarchical Task AnalysisThe process of identifying the duties, tasks, sub-tasks, and steps that make up a job. Theprocess is hierarchical in nature because it follows the organizational structure of the job.

HintA clue in a CBT lesson to assist the learner in giving a correct response. Used after thelearner has already answered incorrectly and is being given a second attempt at answering.

Huddle GroupA small group (4-5) of participants brought together to focus their attention on a specificidea or topic.

Human Resource DevelopmentThe term coined by Leonard Nadler refers to the "organized learning experiences in adefinitive time period to measure the possibility of improving job performance or growth."HRD is accomplished through training, education, and development.

IIcebreakerA content-free activity at the beginning of a course used to help participants relax and getto know each other.

Idea Reinforcement TeamA problem-solving technique in which each team member listens to the ideas of the otherteam members in order to develop a solution to the problem.

Idea WritingA brainstorming technique of recording and commenting on ideas in small groups.

Identical Elements TheoryA theory regarding the transfer of training from the training situation to the worksituation. For transfer to occur, identical stimulus and response elements from the jobmust exist in the training.

IncentivesThe rewards or satisfiers that employers provide to employees for job performance.

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Incident MethodA problem-solving exercise in which only the incident is given to the trainees, who thenmust request additional information and eventually solve the problem.

Individual ExerciseA practice session done independently by the learner.

IndividualizationThe design of an independent study training program.

Inductive MethodA problem-solving exercise that must be solved through the inductive reasoning of thelearner.

Information-Processing Model (Gagne-Briggs Model)A learning model which states that learning occurs on a step-by-step process.

InstituteA meeting of experts on a given subject where audience participation is limited. See also,"Conference," "Symposium," and "Panel."

Instructional AnalysisThe process of analyzing the program objective in order to determine the skills andknowledge required to meet the objective.

Instructional DesignThe overall process of designing training programs beginning with the identification oftraining needs through to the evaluation of the training program.

Instructional EventA step taken by an instructor that promotes learning on the part of a learner.

Instructional MethodThe basic approach to instruction that is the most effective and efficient way of obtainingthe objective, e.g. lecture or demonstration.

Instructional StrategyThe sequencing of instructional events to ensure that the learner meets the instructionalobjectives.

Instructional Style AssessmentA questionnaire used by instructors to assess their leadership style based on a combinationof 5 roles (expert, counselor, catalyst, model, missionary).

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Instructional System Development (ISD)A five-phase approach to the design of training programs: Planning, Analysis, Design,Development, and Evaluation.

Instructional TechniqueA means of complementing a method of instruction, e.g. questioning or audio-visual aids.

Instructor's GuideSee also, "Lesson Plan." The notes and documentation to guide the instructor through thecontent and activities of the training program to be presented.

InstrumentsTrainees fill out questionnaires, checklists, etc., either to gain insight about themselves orexplore a topic.

InteractionThe two-way dialogue between the learner and the computer in a CBT lesson consists ofresponses by the learner to questions and feedback from the computer based on theanswers.

Interactive VideoThe integration of videotape and computers in computer-based training.

InterviewTrainees are given an opportunity to interview and question a resource person.Sometimes the interview is conducted by someone else and the learners simply observe.

InterviewingA data collection method whereby respondents are questioned face-to-face. Interviewscan be highly structured, moderately structured, or unstructured.

IntrospectionSee also, "Reflection." Trainees are given time to individually review and think aboutwhat has been learned, their beliefs, attitudes, or perceptions.

In-BasketPrepared items are given to the trainees as if arriving in their in-baskets. Trainees mustprioritize, make decisions, handle any difficulties, respond to time deadlines and pressure,etc., in order to get the workload completed.

Irrelevant ItemA CBT design flaw in which the learner is asked a question that has little or no relevanceto the concept or idea presented.

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I-StatementA technique for resolving situations in which learner behavior is creating a problem for theleader or for other learners. The statement describes the effect that the behavior is havingon the leader.

JJob AnalysisThe process of identifying the duties, tasks, sub-tasks, and steps that together compose ajob. The process goes from the broadest perspective (job) to the narrowest (step). Seealso, "Task Analysis" and "Instructional Analysis."

Job Instruction TrainingAlso known as the four-step learning process to train one employee to do one job. "Tell,show, do and review" is the short form for the lecture, demonstration, practice, andcritique phases.

Job Performance EvaluationThe third phase of training evaluation which measures whether the knowledge and skillreceived in training has been implemented back on the job.

Job AidsMany forms of aids can be given to trainees to assist them in doing their jobs. Theseinclude worksheets, checklists, samples, flowcharts, procedural guides, glossaries,diagrams, decision tables, manuals, etc.

Johari WindowA communications process through which individuals give and receive feedback.

JournalUsually a written record or diary of one's feelings and perceptions while undergoing atraining experience in order to give insight into behavior.

KKnowledgeThe required information that a learner should posses in order to perform a task.

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LLaboratoryA training site is set up which allows experimentation and testing by trainees. This can bedone for technical and scientific training but also for human relations and complexbehavioral programs.

Lateral ThinkingA creative thinking process that looks at problems from different perspectives and utilizescharacteristics of the right hemisphere of the brain.

Leader-Centered TrainingThe dissemination of facts and knowledge by the instructor with little or no opportunityfor the learners to assume responsibility for their own learning. See also, "DidacticMethod."

Lean DesignThe minimalist approach to training design. Only the minimal amount of content requiredfor the learner to do the task is built into the program.

LearnerRefers to the person achieving the instructional objectives. Synonymous with student,trainee, or participant.

Learner AnalysisDefining the characteristics of a target population in the instructional design process sothat the course can meet the needs of that target group.

Learner Controlled InstructionMany resources are made available to the trainee who must identify the objectives, selectresources, set up a program, and work through the program. A resource person is usuallyavailable as a guide.

Learner-Centered TrainingInstruction that gives the participants responsibility for their own learning based on theirneeds.

Learning DifficultyA determination of how difficult it is to perform a task on the job. This is done during thetask listing.

Learning EnvironmentThe climate, conditions, and rapport that are evident in the physical location wheretraining occurs.

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Learning EvaluationThe second phase of training evaluation which measures the participants' acquisition ofknowledge and skill during instruction.

Learning PacketThe materials that are provided to participants that are required for learning; for example,course manuals, workbooks, etc.

Learning PointsThe specific skills and knowledge disseminated to the learners. Learning points emanatefrom the steps of the task analysis.

Learning StyleThe ways in which individuals prefer to learn can be categorized into:

• Dependent or leader centered.• Independent or learner centered.• Collaborative where leaders and learners work together.

LectureA prepared oral presentation by a qualified speaker.

Lecture ItemsA CBT design flaw in which excessive information is presented to the learner in order toillustrate a concept or idea.

LecturetteA very brief oral presentation usually requiring only a few minutes — an attempt toovercome some of the weaknesses of formal lectures. These are usually interspersedthrough a course.

Lesson DocumentationSee "Instructor's Guide" and "Lesson Plan."

Lesson PlanA structured job-aid for an instructor outlining the content to be delivered during trainingas well as the activities to be performed by the learners and instructor.

Line ReviewThe review by operational personnel of the acceptability, relevance, and accuracy ofcourse content.

Linear Program

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Instruction designed so that all learners receive the same content in the same sequence.

Listening TeamA group of trainees assigned to listen to a speaker, take notes, prepare questions, thensummarize a session. They may also be allowed to question the speaker. Several listeningteams can each focus on a different aspect of the session and report their observations andconclusions.

Live CaseA case study presented by a manager based on a "live" or current situation.

LogisticsThe details of an activity with regards to materials, equipment, and personnel required tocomplete the activity.

Long-Term MemoryThe recall of detail over the long-term as defined as three to four weeks after training.Keeping skill and knowledge in the long-term memory of participants is a primaryobjective of training.

Looping FlowThe repetition of instruction in CBT that occurs when a learner responds incorrectly to aquestion or series of questions. It continues for a pre-determined number of times or untilthe desired response is given.

MMagic Wand TechniqueAn instructional method similar to fantasy which allows the participant total control overthe situation about which is being imagined.

Maintenance TasksJob tasks which are unique to mechanics, technicians, and repair personnel who operateand maintain equipment or systems.

Management by ObjectiveOrganizational process by which objectives are mutually discussed and agreed upon bymanagers and employees.

MarathonTrainees stay in the learning environment continually for an extended time. Usually donein a secluded spot to minimize distractions and allow intense concentration on theobjectives of the session. Usually reserved for interpersonal skills, personal learning, andself-assessment.

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Market AnalysisThe defining of the customers, both inside and outside the organization, for the productsand services of the Human Resources Department.

Mastering LearningA personalized style of instruction that requires a participant to master a unit of materialbefore proceeding further in the program.

Matching QuestionsA type of non-performance, multiple choice test in which the items in two lists arematched by the learner.

MatheticsA method of self-paced instruction which consists of three phases: presentation ofmaterial, prompting the learner in application, and releasing the learner to achieve theobjective without assistance.

MeasurementThe objective quantification of performance in relation to the standards.

Media SelectionThe choosing of the appropriate means for transmitting instruction to the learners.

MeditationEngaging in contemplative thought regarding a subject.

Mental ImageryA process of relaxing and imagining yourself performing a task properly. Repeated mentalrehearsal is a supplement or replacement for actual practice.

MentoringAn experienced, knowledgeable colleague teaching, providing assistance, and advice tothe inexperienced and less knowledgeable employee. A one-on-one process.

MenuIn CBT, a list of items from which the learner may select menus which allow greaterlearner control and ease of use of the program.

MetacognitionThinking about the process used by individuals when learning.

MetaphorA figure of speech in which an object is likened to another to suggest a resemblance.

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Mind MappingA technique used to aid in creative thinking where notes are taken in a random, non-linearfashion based on the way the mind thinks. Also called a thinking tree.

Mini-CaseA modification of the case study in which a brief situation is described to the trainees whodiscuss how the case should be handled. Characterized by only key facts being presentedand by brevity in discussion. Often used to give examples of situations and procedures.

Mirror TechniqueA type of role-play in which another player stands behind the role player and acts as analter ego to expand upon or reveal feelings not expressed by the player. Also known asdoubling.

Mission StatementA description of the product, target audience, and function of a department ororganization.

ModelA representation of a system or body of information in a simplified, easy-to-understandway, e.g. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

Modern SymposiaA series of short presentations or lecturettes, each delivered by a variety of subject-matterexperts.

Modularized ProgramA training program divided into parts or modules. Trainees are able to complete eachmodule independently of the other.

MonologueA form of case study in which the exercise is presented as a soliloquy.

MotivationThe internal desire that urges an individual to achieve based on an incentive or reward.

Multiple Choice TestA non-performance test in which the learner chooses the answer from a list of alternatives.

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NNeedThe difference between required performance and actual performance that indicates aperformance deficiency.

Negative ReinforcementThe removal of negative consequences for desired behavior. In other words, the rewardfor behaving in the required manner is that the person will not be punished.

Neighbor DiscussionsA quick method to create participation and activity by trainees. They are asked to speakto the person beside them for a few minutes to discuss an issue, answer a question, orgenerate questions to ask.

NetworkAn instructional technique involving assigning readings and questions to individuals whothen cluster into teams for discussion. Each team then makes a presentation to the largegroup.

NetworkingThe way in which participants of a training program maintain contact with each other forvarious purposes after the program ends.

Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)A field that focuses on sensory preferences and the creation of optimal physiological statesin order to create a positive learning climate.

No Response ItemA CBT design flaw in which the learner is presented with an idea or concept; however,learner understanding is not verified.

Nominal Group TechniqueA small group method of learners generating course content themselves. It involvesindividuals generating ideas which are then discussed and ranked by the small group.

Non-Performance ObjectiveThe outcome expected of a participant after a training program that is related only toknowledge and not the application of the knowledge.

Non-Performance TestA test that does not require a job-like simulation. It may measure knowledge rather thanperformance.

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NormsThe common behavior of individuals in a group or organization.

Norm-Referenced EvaluationThe comparison of trainee behavior to the common behavior of other individuals in agroup or organization.

OObjectiveA description of what the job incumbent must do on the job when performing the task. Itdescribes the end result the instruction is intended to produce.

Objective TestsTests or exercises whose items are graded against objective criteria. Well definedresponses are required which will either be correct or incorrect.

ObservationA data collection technique where employee behavior is observed on the job in order todetermine and compare actual performance against required performance.

Observer GuideA set of criteria used to evaluate the performance of groups or individuals.

Off-Line MaterialsInstructional materials used in computer-based training which are not part of the softwareprogram; for example, workbooks, manuals, and audio-visuals.

Off-the-Shelf Training MaterialsTraining programs or materials purchased from vendors outside the organization.

On-Line InstructionTraining that is built into the computer applications that are being used on-the-job.

On-the-Job TrainingAlso called job instruction training. This consists of a formal step-by-step procedure forconducting training in the workplace.

Open ForumsAn unstructured, open discussion by a group on a given topic or subject.

Open-Ended QuestionA question that requires more than a "yes" or "no" answer.

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Organization DevelopmentThe study of how organizations achieve objectives, deal with change, use processes andsystems, and manage change.

Overhead ProjectorA visual aid in a classroom which projects the material contained on a transparency onto ascreen.

Overhead QuestionA question asked to the learners; in general, anyone who is able and willing may answer.

Overprompting ItemA CBT design flaw in which excessive hints are given to the learner in order to aid inresponding to a question.

PPanelA discussion among a group of experts takes place while trainees observe. Sometimestrainees ask questions after the panel has spoken. Often requires a moderator to direct theflow.

ParaphrasingAn accurate repetition, in your own words, of the content of a learner's statement.

Pareto DiagramA graphical representation of a major problem or causes of a problem using bar charts.

Pareto's AnalysisThe 19th century Italian economist who defined the 20/80 rule in separating the criticalfew and the trivial many.

Participatory MethodsPresentation and application methods that encourage participation and involvement bytrainees, e.g. learner-centered as opposed to leader-centered methods.

Passive SessionAn instructional method where the learners are primarily inactive and focus on listeningrather than active involvement.

PausingThe timed delay between the appearance of words, graphics, or displays on a computerscreen.

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Pay for KnowledgeA financial incentive for self-improvement. Employees are paid on the basis of the extentof knowledge and skill they possess.

Peer ReviewAn examination of the proposed training program by other instructional designers with theobjective of identifying areas for improvement before the program is field tested.

Peer-Assisted LearningTrainees help each other learn under the guidance of a group leader. They may doexercises together and give each other feedback. Also used to give advanced trainees anopportunity to help their less advanced peers.

PerformanceThe activity of applying skills and knowledge.

Performance AnalysisThe process of defining the cause and solution to job performance problems.

Performance ChecklistThe criterion against which a learner's performance is judged. The checklist is the steps tobe completed while performing a task, i.e. the task analysis.

Performance ManagementThe ongoing activity of planning, managing, and evaluating employee performance.

Performance StandardThe criteria against which employee performance is evaluated.

Performance TestA test that requires the learner to perform an exercise that is a close simulation of the taskas it would be performed on the job.

Performance TryoutThe opportunity to practice a new skill as part of job instruction training.

Personal ShieldAn icebreaker which requires participants to respond in writing to six self-revealingquestions that appear on the shield.

PixelThe smallest point on a computer screen representing a letter or character. A computerscreen is measured by the number of pixels it contains.

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Point-of-View TeamA group which must listen or view from a particular frame of reference, e.g. managementpoint-of-view or clerical point-of-view.

Positive ReinforcementThe praise or reward given to a learner in order to recognize and instill positive feelingsabout what the learner has accomplished.

Post Hoc FallacyA common error in performance evaluation which assumes job performance willautomatically improve because an employee received training.

Post Mortem MeetingA meeting of participants at the end of instruction to evaluate the program.

Post TestA test given at the end of a training program used to evaluate whether the programobjectives were met.

Potential for Improving PerformanceA calculation used to determine whether job performance can be improved enough tojustify the cost of a training program.

Practice ExerciseTrainees are given an assignment to practice performing a task. Can be used for any typeof task.

PrerequisiteThe previous knowledge and/or skill that must be possessed before a learner can embarkupon learning new material.

PresentationThe first phase of instruction which is used to deliver content to the learner. Thepresentation can be done by the learners themselves, by a course leader, or by preparedmaterials.

Pre-TestA test used at the beginning of a course to check learner knowledge and skill before theinstruction is given.

Pre-WorkAssignments given to participants before the training program in order to prepare them forthe instruction.

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PriorityA determination of the priority a task will have in the design of the course. This is doneduring the task listing.

Problem CensusA problem-solving technique used by a group to identify performance problems.

Problem-Centered AnalysisA reactive approach to training in which attention is only focused on those aspects ofperformance which are below standard.

Procedural AnalysisThe design of instruction based on the steps in performing a task.

Programmed InstructionA self-instruction method in which trainees work through materials at their own pace,making responses and receiving feedback on their work. Can be done in many formatsand media.

Project ManagerAn individual who manages the overall design project as well as those other individualswho are responsible for the pieces of the project.

Project PlanPart of the initial phase of course design where the designer attempts to determineconstraints and time lines to completion.

Project TechniqueA self-revealing technique that allows participants to project their feelings, attitudes, andbeliefs into a picture or scenario provided by the instructor.

PromptA clue given in a CBT lesson to assist the learner in giving a correct response. Usedbefore the learner responds, the prompt is built in as part of the original instruction.Another meaning of the word prompt is the symbol or cursor that appears on the screen tolet the learner know the computer is prepared to receive an input.

PropsPhysical objects used by a trainer to emphasize, highlight, or otherwise embellish a point.

Psychomotor SkillsSkills that require hand-eye coordination and physical demonstration.

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Pulse TakingAn evaluation by the participants of a session or day of training in order to makeadjustments to the training program as may be required.

Pygmalion EffectThe affect on human performance that results when a person is being observed whileperforming a task. Performance tends to be that which is expected by the observer, i.e. aself-fulfilling prophecy.

P.E.P.S.An acronym for Productivity Environmental Preference Survey. A self-assessmentinstrument designed to identify and analyze the conditions that encourage an individual'sbest performance in the cognitive domain.

P.E.R.T.An acronym for Project Evaluation and Review Technique. A graphic diagram used tomanage large-scale projects involving multiple tasks taking place simultaneously.

P.L.A.T.O.An example of computer-assisted instruction developed by the University of Illinois. Anacronym for Programmed Logic for Automated Teaching Operations, P.L.A.T.O. is anextensive computer network.

P.S.I.An acronym for Personalized System of Instruction. An individualized learning programin which objectives are clearly stated and rewards for achievement of objectives are given.

QQuality CircleA participative management technique involving small groups of employees who identifyproblem areas and recommend solutions to management.

Question and AnswerA method in which the leader covers course content by asking a series of questions. Alsoreversed in which the trainees are asked to generate and ask questions in order to learnabout the subject.

Question SheetA list of questions given in advance to trainees in order to facilitate comprehension of theprogram content.

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QuizA method of assessing learning or giving practice by filling out a questionnaire or test.Can also be oral.

RRandom Word PlayA problem-solving technique which randomly selects words from the dictionary in order togenerate ideas which may indicate a solution to the problem.

Ranking QuestionsA question that presents a list of items which respondents must rank according to aspecified criterion.

Rates of ReturnThe number of questionnaires that must be returned in order to receive statistically validresults.

Reaction EvaluationThe first phase of training evaluation which measures the participants' satisfaction andreaction to the instruction.

Reaction TeamA group of 2-5 trainees is selected to react to a speaker's presentation by asking questionsor making comments. They may be allowed to interrupt to seek immediate clarification.

ReadingTrainees are assigned materials to read in order to cover course content or prepare for agroup session.

Reality TestA small group discussion about an individual's action plan for transferring what waslearned in training to back on the job.

RecallThe repetition of graphics or text that previously appeared on a computer screen. Oftenused to repeat questions that the learner answered incorrectly in a CBT lesson.

RecastingSaying or restating something in different words. Used when the learner has answeredincorrectly and is being prepared to try again in a CBT lesson.


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An individual who records and summarizes the deliberations of a small group.

Redirected QuestionA question that the instructor has been asked and decides not to answer himself/herself.The instructor asks the group or an individual to answer the question instead.

ReflectionTrainees are given time alone to review and think about what has been learned, assess itsapplicability, or think about how to make it work in their setting.

ReinforcementRewards for behavior, whether positive or negative, which encourage the recurrence ofbehavior. Also, added training that aids in comprehension by the learner.

Relay QuestionA question asked by a learner where the instructor requests another participant for theresponse.

ReliabilityIn evaluation or data collection, the quality of the instrument in providing accurate andconsistent information.

Remedial TrainingInstruction designed to correct performance deficiencies on the part of employees whohave been previously trained.

Resource PersonA skilled or experienced individual who can provide expertise or content to the trainingprogram. See also, "Subject-Matter Expert."

ResponseThe activity of a learner answering a question about content, concepts, or ideas in a CBTlesson.

Response EconomyRefers to the time and effort the learners must make to give a response in a CBT lesson.An economical response is quick and easy to make even though it may require a great dealof thought.

Response JudgingAn evaluation of the learner response by a CBT lesson before meaningful feedback can begiven.

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Response TypesThe various responses that the learner can be asked to give in a CBT non-performancetest. The choices are constructed response, multiple choice, matching, true-false,simulation, calculations, touch, or resequencing.

Restraining ForcesOrganizational factors or powers that attempt to maintain the status quo.

Results EvaluationThe fourth phase of training evaluation which measures the bottom-line impact that thechange in performance of the employees, as a result of training, has had on theorganization.

RetentionThe ability of a learner to recall skill and knowledge after an extended period of time.

Retention AidsTechniques used in training to increase the likelihood of retention of material by thelearners. Aids consist of using a combination of stimuli, repetition, practice, summaries,and participation.

RetrievalA step in the learning process in which information is recalled by the learner.

Return on InvestmentThe result of a cost-benefit analysis. By dividing the cost of a training program(investment) into the anticipated program benefits (increased productivity), the resultingfigure is the return on investment the organization will receive.

Reverse QuestionA question asked by a learner where the instructor returns the question to the same learnerfor response.

Review TestAn exercise or test that is used to assess if the learner can perform the sub-task orcomponent sections of the course.

Risk AnalysisA problem-solving exercise in which a group determines the risks involved with a solutionand the ways of overcoming those risks.

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Role-PlayTrainees enact a situation in order to try out new skills or apply what has been learned.Usually used for interpersonal and communications skills. It has many variationsincluding:

• Confrontation — in which the trainee is confronted by another person and mustanswer questions, handle problems, provide satisfaction, solve a complaint, etc.

• Consultation — in which the trainee tries to help a client solve a problem.• Court Techniques — in which a situation or person is "tried" as trainees work out the

consequences of a mishandled task.

Rotational Problem-Solving TechniquesAn exercise involving experts, who are at stations, and participants, who interview theexperts at each station. Once the participants have gained insight into the problem, theyreport back to their group.

Round Robin Role-PlayA role-play exercise involving different participants playing different roles. At variousintervals, the participants switch roles so that each has the opportunity to play each role.

SSample SizeThe number of questionnaires that must be distributed in order to receive a statisticallyvalid sample of the target population.

Scaled QuestionsA question that asks respondents to select numbers or words on a scale to express theiropinion.

ScreenThe viewing area of a computer monitor measuring 24 rows x 80 pixels or characters.

ScrollingThe movement of material on a computer screen, either vertically or horizontally, in whichmaterial moves off the screen as new material appears.

Selective PerceptionA step in the learning process by which certain information is entered into short-termmemory and other information is not.

Self-Administered TrainingA training program that a learner completes individually without the help of an instructor

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or administrator, e.g. a correspondence course.

Self-Directed TrainingA training program that a learner completes individually with the assistance of a testerand/or resource person. Learners are also responsible for taking the initiative for learningand choosing material that meets their individual needs.

Self-Paced TrainingA training program that a learner completes at their own pace. May be self-administered,self-directed, or classroom instruction.

SeminarA participatory method in which trainees are expected to have good background in thetopic and work together as equals. Often starts with a leader giving a brief presentationand then acting as a resource person while the trainees are responsible for directing theirown efforts.

Sensitivity TrainingA rather intense interpersonal experience in which trainees interact together to learn abouttheir own behavior and feelings. A highly specialized method that often comes close tobeing a form of mild therapy.

SequenceThe order in which content is learned by course participants.

Session ReactionAn evaluation of the learners' reaction and satisfaction to a session of a training course.

Seven S (7-S) AnalysisA problem-solving technique involving seven factors: structure, strategy, systems,superordinate goals, skill, style, and staff.

Short-Term MemoryThe ability to recall knowledge and skill after a short period of time.

Sign-OffThe approval of the design project or parts of the project by the sponsor indicatingapproval and acceptance of the work completed.

SimulationThe training environment is set up to allow the learners to practice a task under very job-like conditions. May include equipment simulation or situational simulation. Often usedas a blanket term for any realistic, job-like exercise (e.g. role-plays and case studies can becategorized as simulations).

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Simulation GameA training activity which attempts to mirror reality but has the attributes of a game orcompetition.

SkillThe demonstrated performance of a task.

Skill PracticeAn exercise designed to allow the learner to practice the skills previously learned. Seealso, "Performance Tryout," "Exercise," and "Application."

SkitA short, dramatic presentation that is carefully prepared and rehearsed to illustrateprinciples or provide material for analysis and discussion.

Slip WritingA quick method of generating questions from trainees by asking everyone to write theirmain question on paper and pass it to the leader. The leader then reads all the questions tothe group and either answers or refers questions back to the group. Can be used any timea learner wishes to ask a question anonymously.

Small-Group InstructionThe method in which the learners leave the work site to attend a classroom session withother learners sharing the same need.

Social Learning TheoryThe theory that people learn a great deal from observation of others' behavior and theconsequences of that behavior. The key concepts are observation, initiation, andmodeling.

SociogramA diagram of verbal communication patterns that are in a group. Verbal exchanges aremapped in order to determine who speaks the most, least, not at all, to whom, howfrequently, who is dominant, possible conflicts, and whether the communication waspersonal or impersonal.

Socratic MethodThe method of teaching adopted by the philosopher, Socrates, that logically examinesstatements by question and answer in order to arrive at a conclusion.

Soft DataInformation regarding the measurement of covert or unobservable factors that affectperformance in the workplace.

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SoliloquyA role-play technique in which one person speaks about a topic, problem, belief, etc.

Spaced LearningA modularized training program that is spread over a period of time so that the learnersare given the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skill on-the-job before continuingwith the next module.

Split ScreensA technique for showing two separate items at the same time on the screen or twodifferent views or angles on the same object.

SponsorThe individual who has suggested, supported, or initiated a course and is responsible forits design and implementation.

SQ3RA five step method designed to improve study habits.

StandardThe objective criterion of performance required in performing a task.

StepsThe detailed actions to be performed as part of a sub-task. Steps contain a description ofall of the skill and knowledge required to perform a sub-task.

StimulusAn object, event, or signal that compels an individual to respond in some way.

Stop-Film TechniqueA participative method of viewing a video presentation. The video is stopped at variouspoints for discussion and analysis.

StoryboardThe design document used when developing computer-based training. The storyboard isthe paper representation of what the learner will see on each screen.

Strategic PlanningThe process of identifying the mission, objectives, policies, strategies, and plans of thetraining department over a pre-determined time frame.

Stratified SamplingA data collection method designed to obtain information that is representative of a targetpopulation. Samples are taken from each sub-group or part of the organization.

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Study GuideMaterials that provide a map for the trainees to follow in learning a subject. It can includemany types of activities and materials. Can be used individually or in groups.

Subjective TestsTests or exercises whose items are graded against subjective criteria. Responses requireopen-ended responses by participants.

Subject-Matter ExpertA recognized authority on the content of a job who acts as a resource to the coursedesigner.

Sub-TaskA logical grouping of steps that are performed as part of a task. A number of sub-taskscomprise a task.

SuggestologyA learning method that consists of three main phases: presentation of new material,review, and relaxation.

Summative EvaluationAn assessment of how well the participants achieved the instructional objectives by theend of the program. See also, "Learning Evaluation."

Support StructuresA category of online aids and assistance that the learner has available as part of a CBTprogram; for example, help, reference, diagnosis, comment, and remediation.

SurveyA data collection method that elicits information from a target group by written or oralquestions.

Survey FeedbackThe reporting of survey results back to the group who was surveyed.

Swiss Cheese ItemA CBT design flaw in which the learner response to a question is prompted by a statementcontaining fill-in-the-blank spaces.

SymposiumA series of brief lectures on related topics are presented by resource people. Each speakerpresents only one aspect of the topic. A moderator often summarizes. Sometimestrainees ask questions afterward. A rather structured, formal method.

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SyndicatesTrainees are subdivided into small groups of 3-6 people to perform an assigned task as ateam.

SynergyOriginally a scientific term, most commonly used to mean "the whole is greater than thesum of its parts" or "more is accomplished by cooperation than separate efforts."

Systems Approach to TrainingThe realization that job performance is affected by the total work environment and thatthis environment must be taken into account when determining if performance problemsare training related.

TTarget PopulationThe group to which training is being directed.

TaskA major activity performed on the job resulting in a product or service that has value.

Task AnalysisThe process of identifying the sub-tasks and steps required in performing a task in order todetermine the content of an instructional event.

Task ListingThe process of identifying the major activities performed on the job.

Taxonomy of Educational ObjectivesThe classification of various types of educational objectives.

Team BuildingA strategy of organizational development that attempts to increase the operationaleffectiveness of a work group. One strategy may be through training.

Team TeachingTwo or more instructors together responsible for teaching a course. See also, "Co-Training."

Technical ReviewA review of the course design by technical experts in order to identify any technicalinaccuracies.

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TestsAn evaluation of the skill and/or knowledge acquired by a learner during instruction.Tests can be performance or non-performance, individual tests, or group tests.

Threshold TrainingPrograms designed for new employees that provide basic skills and knowledge for initialjob performance. See also, "Entry-Level Training."

Timed MaterialConsists of either timing the learners and reporting how long they took to perform anactivity or setting a time limit and stopping the learner when time has expired in a CBTlesson.

TrailerThe functional area at the bottom of a computer screen usually reserved for displayingvarious program functions that are available to the user.

Trainee WorkbookCourse material designed for the trainee which contains all the materials required forparticipation. See also, “Course Manual.”

TrainingA field in Human Resource Development that provides employees with the skill andknowledge in order to perform their current jobs.

Training Advisory CommitteeA non-directive group, usually representing a cross-section of the organization, that actsto link organizational goals to training initiatives.

Training AidMaterials or devices used during training to assist the trainee in learning.

Training CycleThe five phases of training design, encompassing planning, analysis, design development,delivery, and evaluation.

Training Needs AnalysisThe process of determining whether training is required to solve job performanceproblems by gathering information, performance analysis, and cost-benefit analysis.

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Transactional AnalysisA theory of human behavior explained in terms of "strokes," "transactions," "games," and"scripts," all of which represent complex patterns of actions that satisfy peoples' needs forrecognition or attention. Central to the theory is the concept of ego in order to explainand understand where other individuals are "coming from."

Transfer of LearningThe learner using the skill and knowledge received in training back on the job.

TransparencyA clear or pre-printed acetate foil which is placed on an overhead projector.

TriadA group of three participants acting as a small group or team.

True-FalseA type of non-performance test in which the learner is given a binary or one of twochoices.

Trust WalkAn icebreaker or sensitivity training exercise designed to build trust among the individualsin a group.

TutorialA one-on-one process in which a skilled person assists an unskilled person to learn viademonstration and practice followed by guidance and feedback. It takes place in a trainingenvironment rather than on the job. The skilled person can either be the leader or anadvanced trainee.

Two-Way QuestionsA question that gives the respondent only two choices of answers, usually yes or no. Alsoknown as a binary choice.

T-GroupAlso known as sensitivity training. An unstructured training experience designed to allowparticipants to learn about the consequences of their behavior by group feedback.


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VValidationThe final step in course design before the presentation of the program. Also known as apilot course, field test, or trial run, validation is a mechanism to receive feedback on thecourse design from a group typical of the target audience.

ValidityIn training needs analysis, testing, or a pilot course, the assurance that accurateinformation is collected.

Value AnalysisA problem-solving technique used by a small group to determine how to reduce the costof a product or service, thereby increasing the value of the product to the organization.

Verbal BehaviorsWhen people work in groups their verbal behavior can be placed in three categories:

• Task-directed — used to carry out the group task.• Group maintenance — used to strengthen the group and keep it in good working

condition.• Self-oriented — which contribute nothing to the group and may actually harm it.

Vestibule TrainingA private place is set aside in the work area to allow training in an off-line but highlyrealistic environment. Designed to bring the trainee up to standard quickly beforeallowing on-line production. This is basically a compromise between classroom and on-the-job training. Usually a form of individualized learning.

Viewing-Listening TeamA small group is given an assignment prior to viewing a video presentation in order tofocus their attention and ensure that the team will watch with seriousness.

WWalk-ThroughAn on-the-job training activity used to evaluate a trainee's acquisition of skill andknowledge.

Warm-Up ActivityAnother term for icebreaker or opening activity in a training course.

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Whole Brain LearningThe left and right hemispheres of the brain perform different functions. Whole brainlearning involves both sides of the brain to produce better learning.

Whole-Part-Whole MethodA technique of sequencing content where the whole picture of the course or task is shownto the learners, each part is examined in turn, then the whole picture is examined again.

WindowA small section of a computer screen that "pops-up" on top of an existing screen to showinformation and which can be subsequently removed from the screen.

Work Plan ChecklistA listing of steps of course design used to assist the designer in determining whatshortcuts can be taken when faced with constraints.

WorkshopA highly participative session that puts greater emphasis on trainee application than onpresentations by the leader. Trainees work to produce a product or solve a problem withguidance from a leader.

Worst-Case ScenarioA form of guided imagery or fantasy designed to have the participants think of the worstthat could happen with a given situation so that possible obstacles and negative feelingscan be overcome.