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Dictators. I. Adolf Hitler. Took power in 1933, ending democracy in Germany. By 1935, Germany was a totalitarian state. The government controlled the press, schools, religion, etc. Totalitarian Government. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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I. Adolf HitlerA.Took power in 1933,

ending democracy in Germany.

B.By 1935, Germany was a totalitarian state.

C.The government controlled the press, schools, religion, etc.

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Totalitarian Government• A political system where the government

does not have limits to its authority and tries to control every aspect of public and private life.• Citizens have to obey the government

without question.

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Picture 11. What is going on in this picture?2. Why is it important?

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Check Predictions1.This is a photo of

German boys practicing the “Heil Hitler” salute.

2.This picture is an example of totalitarianism in Nazi Germany. All German citizens were required to greet each other with this salute.

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II. Benito Mussolini (Italy)A.Outlawed political

parties (except his own), controlled the press, and banned criticism of his government.

B.Created the fascist movement.

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Fascism• A political philosophy that puts the

nation above the individual. It is a totalitarian government, headed by a dictator. Advocates using violence to stop opposition.• Extreme form of nationalism.

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Picture 21. What is going on in this picture?2. Why is it important?

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Check Predictions1.These little boys are

members of an Italian fascist youth group called “Sons of the Wolf.” They are participating in a parade in 1938.

2. A Fascist or totalitarian government wants everybody to think the same. One way they can stop opposition is to train children.

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III. Emperor Hirohito (Japan)A.The head of state in

Japan’s constitutional monarchy.

B.His position was hereditary. He was born to the ruling family.

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Constitutional Monarchy• A form of government with a monarch as

head ruler. A monarch rules for life and usually comes into power through birth.

• The monarch’s power is limited by a constitution, so they do not have absolute power.

• Authority usually lies in a constitution and a Parliament, a body of lawmakers.

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Picture 31. What is going on in this picture?2. Why is it important?

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Check Predictions

1.Emperor Hirohito is performing military inspections.

2.The emperor is elevated, showing he is supreme. The military official bows to him in a show of respect and submission.

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IV. Hideki Tojo (Japan)A.He was a military general

and the Prime Minister of Japan (head of the government) during WWII.

B.Took over much of the power of the government and imposed a militaristic rule.


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Picture 41. What is going on in this picture?2. Why is it important?

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Check Predictions1. General Hideki Tojo

recovers from a suicide attempt in a U.S. hospital. He was arrested and found guilty of war crimes, resulting in his execution.

2. Suicide was viewed as less humiliating than capture or execution. The nationalist Japanese government encouraged soldiers and citizens to commit suicide rather than be taken by Allied forces.

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V. What Happened?A. 1931: Japan invades and conquers Manchuria, an

area in northern China.1.Wanted to expand territory and take natural

resources.2.Proved the League of Nations was too weak and

powerless to protect other countries.

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B. 1935: Mussolini invades Ethiopia.

1. Wanted resources and land.2. Ethiopians did not have modern

weapons and did not stand a chance.

3. Ethiopia asked the League of Nations for help, but the League took little action.

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C. Hitler expands east.1. 1938: German

annexation of Austria.

2. March 1939: Hitler invades Czechoslovakia.

3. September 1939: Hitler invades Poland.

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Closure1. What would it be like to live under a

totalitarian government? Explain why you think this.

2. These dictators were extremes nationalists. In your own words, explain what an extreme nationalist is.

3. How did the League of Nations react to the dictators we learned about today? Why do you think the League responded this way?