dicovering of tut


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Post on 20-Jul-2015




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History of Egypt

• Unification of north and south kingdom which are under Pharaohs Manes (c.3150-c.2686 BC)

• Elaborate mastaba tombs, pyramids, ritual burial practices.

• The first king of 18th dyansty was Ahmose I (1549-1524 BC).

• In 1353 BC the pharaoh Amenhotep IV succeeded to the throne and changes his name to Akhenaten (living sprit of Aten) to reflect his belief in a single god.

• The queen Nefertiti also changed her name to Neferneferuaten. She is the mother of Tutankhamun (tut) and the wife of AmenhotepIV.

Early Life Of Tut

• Tutankhaten was born on c.1341 BC. At that time when

Egypt was going through great social and political


• His father was favoring for monotheism belief on Aten, the

sun disk.

• But his father failed to convert the ancient Egyptians, and

he probably forced to surrender.

Boy King In Power

• Tut came into power when he was 9 years old.

• In 1332 BC he got married to Ankhesenamum, his half sister.

• The first years of his ruling are controlled by an elder know as Ay

with the help of Horemheb who was the military commander.

• Ay and Horemheb put back the same old polytheistic beliefs; and

so tut changed his name to Tutankhamun (living image of Amun).

• He restored the relations with ancient Egypt's neighbors and also

the old orders.

• He repaired the holy sites which has been destroyed by his father



The tomb of Tut aka Tutankhamun was discovered by

Howard Carter in 1922. It was underneath the remains

of workmen’s hut. This site is identified as KV62.

Hence, carter become the first person to enter the tomb

after 3000 years.

Inside The Tomb

• In one of the chamber the murals were painted on the walls which told

Tut’s journey afterlife.

• There are artifacts of his journey like oils, perfumes, toys, precious jewellery


• The stone sarcophagus containing three coffins, one inside the another was

also discovered.

• In first coffin there was shroud and garland of different flowers.

• In last coffin means the third one king Tut’s mummy was revealed.

• With mummy they found other artifacts including bracelets, rings and


King Tut mummy was the first body which is

observed under CT scan.

Death myths

King tut died when he was in his teenage. Well there are manytheories on how did he died.

• He must have suffered some kind of massive trauma.

• A speeding chariot could have been run over king Tut.

• Even a hippopotamus would killed him, as pharaoh used tohunt them.

• He must be murdered by his closest man called Ay for thesake of throne.

6 Secrets Of King Tut

• There is no curse of King Tut.

• King Tut’s untimely death was probably accidental.

• Tutankhamen reversed the radicalism of his father, reinstating

traditional religious beliefs.

• Tutankhamen was likely the child of one of his sister.

• King Tut wasn’t buried alone.

• Three millennia after his death, the once-obscure Tutankhamen

became all the rage.

The mystery never ends

it continues. And lastly

we get on a conclusion,

which can be true

or may not be, but for

the humans satisfaction

permanent solution

of every matter is
