diaporama angleterre

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Post on 19-May-2015




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  • 1. L'eurotunnel

2. The arrival in LondonAt 7 o'clock 3. Buckingham palace 4. 5. The Mall 6. A view of St James Park 7. BUCKINGHAM PALACE 8. Behind The Houses ofParliament 9. A double decker in London 10. Westminster abbey London eye view 11. London from the London Eye 12. Buckingham palaceLondon eye view 13. A P U B 14. Trafalgar Square 15. St Thomas Hospital, the London Eye and Big Ben 16. SAINT PAUL'S CATHEDRAL 17. TOWERBRIDGE 18. Tower Bridge and the HMS Belfast 19. The Roman Bath 20. Inside Bath Abbey 21. 22. Work in Bath 23. BATH ABBEY 24. THE ROMAN BATH 25. 26. 27. The Royal Crescent 28. 29. The monsters 30. THE DARTMOOR 31. HAVING A CREAM TEA 32. GROUP PHOTO ON THE WAY BACK 33. MME TUSSAUD'S 34. Photos with stars Robert Pattinson Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) Georges Clooney Zac Efron 35. X FACTOR 36. Again... photos with stars 37. 38. Sherlock Holmes 39. 40. HIS OFFICE 41. The end.. .